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ADVERTI9EMF.NT MONEY TO LOAN ON BOND-ndMORTGAGE DIRECT TOBORROWERS LAWYERS MORTGAGE CO. JIICHARD 88. NURD, Pr*?ld*n*. Cpltal.SurplusAPr $9,005,000 ? i*. . -v N I '41 Mo?t*tu* St .Ban. GARDNER ASSAILS MILITIA TURNOUT Xells House Only Twcnty Ivc Statea Obeyed Call to Border. . | l-??U 1 .yjt.. ? from 9n,y had ajoae to the bor ' ' declared in the troduclnra reeolatiOn Mr n had ' ? ' ?:r . the ,p- of the National CaartJ are ? mca ol the :..,.. nth the of June IS, liUfi? i bt itrenftn ? ta the aar f the above "HaVi anj - ' atlona beaa ae -apted ln 1 I tho trenpth? lt .ment i and ? ? in condit-ion t. 0 4 930 BB ? rail ? railro i ?? es. a ' eea told, ? e>e it tn be tho fact, tl kave 'e ?.f ch they fall bed by nt. If the minimum m ,.t re one or .- * HE MUST OBEY WIFE OR TO JAIL HE GOES Court Tells Her to Ring Curfcw for Tuohcy at 11. Tha bbboIbI r ?eeaptiag raraa to Miehael V- cnue. And ? m lot ' ll that ? -trate. each evfri n the aroraa of high And, Anally, she to her : he is trenuoualy when et 10 o'clock as hoar. - ? hoaaea and can t , d by 10 in the ? ? rned the mac that yaa ara home ? when | '.tn you an evening nn a corr ' ,. ner for disorderly ronduct. She teBtified he kept lata and that he exhibited, not Ib ntly, a "morning aiter diepoBi Do Your Part for the U.S.A. "The Reai Fight for a Reai Navy is Just Beginning Write today to your Con pi ssman urglng him tovotc for the Senate Navy BIN. Ifl the only plan presented ior reai preparedness. The Army bill does nothing the Country's present nfety. It nominally author Bd in army of 178,000 men, birt the Appropriation Hill only prtn ides for an increase of i:?.iiini. |.i t us ln lj) reai prejairedness in the navy w'iilc waiting for I rniversal Obligatory Military Train? ing aml Service. roui lettera Uxiay will help your Congressman to know ?*? you stan.l. is iaatxtj by Ihe National Se ";lrity League, 11 Pine Street, New '"rk City. arith branchea every l!<?' Leagw and belp ita arork. uhv i/nu, as a PaUiotk Aaaerican, ahoold lean: yew C(nintrv\ v.-.trtv to others. P^ifl and'u.ns.ird.' APPORTIONMENT ACT SET ASIDE BY HIGH COURT Comiflg Klections Must Be Held Under Old Dis hicting Laws. WHITMAN OPPO4SLD TO EXTRA SHS4SION Statutc ol 1916 Hctnji Vold. Only New Legialatloi Caa Hrin? About Ckaage. Albany. July 28. The renppovtion ment net of thfl IfH Lcfialat ir, \4.< mvHlidntcd l-y the ("ourt of Apponls , tO*day in nn opinion declari: .. legialation "aBcoBfltltBticaal nnd roid " As Q***rn*r Whitaaaa is aaderatood to bc opp.4^i-d t.i ealliag an axtra sion of the LflgialatBI* to flBBCt h re apportionment aet rhat will ataad the I thc coutts, thfl fall Bl*etlona prohably will bc conduct.-d BCCOrding to tho apportionment prcv-.ously in I fore*. The court hold? that thc 1914 renp- , portionment net is unconstitut lonal flO f.,r aa a appliea to tha County .>f New York. but ovcrmlos thc dacislOB >'f tha Appcllarc Div -ion thal th,- establiah ment of Bfty BB8 instead of : fty B*BB* torial diatrleta is pneonBtitutional. "The iatCBtion 4.f thc people," the court say*. "to lifllit by COBOtltntion thi- rumbiT of S*natora t<. flfty is cx- 1 | in langUag*) that cannot b* t04>d, ns foll.-v-?: 'Th.- ScBBtfl shall alwaya b.- eomposcd of flfty mem bcra.' Senate Not I imited Is Flfty. ?Ti.. ? -i is. however, lubject ?o thfl excei reln. lt is provided tl harlng ?..- ,i it the 1 iiBfl o. ln tho 'to an additional Sen . auch additional Sea ?ueh ? ar.d the whole numb. ? , (tent.1 "Wo ,ln not think r) tion 4.4: ? into ilfty-i ? Concc'rnir.K the a':!.-;:, -1 l ?ution in the Sen apportionment in the County ?t" New holds thnt tho ea not meet th* re quiror- enl their I ?? bc included in either to make thi nearly eqaal in number of cluding ? The opinion deelares that by eonsti* tutional pro I am aad block are each made a unit of popalal ., .- ? number of inhabitants in l tricts. ir eitea inataneea in tha New County Senatorial reapportion mt-nt where there are bloeks on the line between Senatorial di-Miots eontalaing numbei of ir.habitant- than onr half of thc >etween the pop ularun of the ad te diatrleta. CaBBtltattOB Mandatory. "It is said," the opinion ll tl these -?? fram inadver and mistnke, and that thi ao slight tr. ild be disregard ed bv the court. Wa are of the opin? ion that rhe eoaal I irional provision is mandatory. The court refuses to set nside the apportionment beeauae of lack of com paetneaa or' thc Senate district ? ion doei ""t pro vidfl onqaalifiedly for eorapaetni ,1 diatrieta," aaya the opin? ion. "were not rcquired to be in the form of geometric flgurefl. Such a pro? vision would be impracticable and im T,(lSSib!e to carry out Ir. is expreasly provided tl I tl tricta sha!. u- praetieable. This permits of a consideration in good ffl exlsting, topogTaphy, raeaaa ai tran-: rt 8tC." Whole >d Si-t A-ide. The opinion says in conclusion: "We do not intend b*, that it is not poaaible for the courts ;,.r any time 1 portionment m parl and to auatain in pat*. Complicationa rhat might i ... ? ? port onment im msidi ration in tho County of New . ,,r in the counti.-- of New yorl and I<ronx and auataining it in f tl greed thar rhe aet must ned or Bel "The order of the Appellat. I' ; should I..- rereraed and the api ? . ; 1916 deelared tiona! and roid. Unle lature i ,ir:,| paBse* 8 B?* I tronment aet the eonduet of tl:.- ap* ? ? . ? |] have to I ? ? laws so far as ? praet li able."_ KANSAS CITY WOULD BE HOST TO AIHSKIP CREW Invites I irst Ocean-Crossintf Zeppclin to Call. If a B*P1 i. ' ' '.''* ..-.??' \: n R. Ha v . , | \ ,. aakmg foi- ti.... -Mr Meyi r? \,ll, orgaaisation wiahej ? ppel.n'a trip -,;.w v,,rk ? ? teity."Mr Haw iart*d y*s< ' '. n?rtv We ?'"l h,m ' ? "? v : tO 'iir'cr II _ y?j}r?? -ft Linen Dresses I I cspccially deigned for Extra Size or Stout Figures lata I ? ?>? j Slylish. wrll lailoied loafl or ahorl waiitrd motlrla; aome 1 rj bined with novrllv 1 f\. labri I 1 I m al, 1**-* j /gne^ryaiit 4*2 25 Weit 38th St. ! M WANT CITY TO DELAY ACTION ON RIVER FRONT Municipal Ownership League to Protcst To-morrow. About tiftv aaaaibara et the laagiia foi Maalelpal Owaerablp aad Opei ?? tion at tba Rafarea Clab reetaraay ap pointed .1 eotamittee ta prepara ? pro ti ; againal aay aetion hy tba eity re garding tin graating of righta t.> the N'rw Vork Central Railroad aleag the Hudaofl River front until Hft<T tba 1 election Ib November Th? proti it will ba im eated al tha raei I m.; at tba fctayor'a ofBea t<> norrow aftei noon. Charlea Prederich Adatna preaided. Neakera were Jallaa Henrj Cohen, ?if the Citisena l'nion, Coraeliua M. Sheehan, of the Ailu-d Boarda of Tradt . Dr, William 11 Allen, direetor ..f tha Inatitate foi Pablic Service, unii Ea pone, .?f the Weat Knd As RAID 6LIND TIGER ATTRAININGCAMP District Attorney and Sher iff Find Barroom for Rookies at Plattsburg. 'i raa a srarr i neafai .irm of Ttir niUaii 1 PlaUsburgi N. Y.. July 25. -lohn Col* Uaa, loeal l>i.strict Attorney. was a rookle himaelf last month. Therefore he h.'is a fellow fcelini: for this mOBth'a claaa, and when the news 4-ame to his ihat there araa a Mind tiger across tha highway from the atndent aoldier camp.-, he eontidered, before .- aetion. the beat way to avoid .- any of the men into tiuuhle. If the "on!" were "placbed" early in the evening a Iol of the aoaa of bi ' families might hc trapped. So Mr. Col? lina did r-ot i.ii.1 the place until Ion* after tapa last night, when tl ? ? luent rookie waa tneked ln1 army eot Then Diatriet Attorney Col? lina. BherilT Moore and aeveral men into a most retpectable looking country BOUae, nnd doWB in tho ? ? . mnd a neal little barraam, with? out a lieea e. No rookie wai preseBt, bat stvcral tlioronghly anmilitary per ? ad. The up came to the loeal law officer. frorn tho ramp oftU'ials. who heard of ?n! (H-i r and scnl a regular iirruy Bergeanl to get a drink and the layoul of eee, for, although it had heen auapeeted for two weeka, the poliee had gone through it without Rnding I intaln of joy in tha eeflar. 1 ... eed to-day that Beai ? re rookie forcea would rt in b parade and revlew. I will ne the grtateet demonatratien of rookie liei i rer held. there being four ?? :" infantry, two troops of eavalry, a battery of artillery and tchmenl of enfineera, a ilgaal . a medieal eorpi ar.d studenta. v thoaaanda of green "' ever ? ?? ? |y amall proportion are rly all - far moro than th. | ln the .'"ne camp, discoui . :? hardships, the num ber of ? ed wai abaut I that when the end came there were 1.100 left of the gallaat 1,400 who itarted. ??.' of tha present. four rep-iments, w'.th the time half goBe, there has been a depreciation, accordmp; to the beat available figures, of about a hundred BO far. Hut the prruellinir week of the yet to or heard from. and that ii a greal eliraii atar ARMY APPR0PRIATI0N TO TOTAL $290,000,000 Bill Increases House Figures by $110,000,000. Waahington, July 26. All efforta to reduee itemi of the Army Appmna 11] below the figun i recommend ed by the Military Committee failed in the Senate to-day, and ind ? ? ? were that the total appropriation would approxitnate 1290,000 .,,,,. j, , , ? cte i ta-marrow. of the appropriatioaa had boea ? upon when adjonrnment was taken to-night As the hill stands lt the House authorization b,' 10,000. ator Lee, of MarylaBd, made an effori ? . ?? an appropriatioB for lie of gaardamen in Federal aerviee, bul his amendmenl '.., ruled out of order. The isaaa will ho raised again on an amendment by ? tte, An amendmenl to eatabliah a Coun eil of National Defeaee for e< etion of induatriea and nsources in the interesl of national Beeurity was . | to, 39 to 18. The eoui c I would ? ? ? ? ? State, vi .?r of SUff of the an offlcei Of th< navy not be ? eaptain, and r.ot more than ' i" InduBtry. FLEETS GUN PRACTICE PROVES DISAPPOINTING Ofiicers Di^pleased with Records df Atlantic Targct Work. "Anything but pleaaing," ia how of ? . ? it thi Brooklyn Nav ktlantic l praetice off Newport, ? I al the yard yaaterday. The summer pi i I ?? I :.., wi ? ci ? dered Many1 hing b il r p;," end il I ad heen haped Ad Mayo would th make a ng which would blot out the memoi es ol t thirty-fiv< ? fleet' at n .... i ff Nea rt for a ? '? rn dr II ? foi ii progi ? v feature ol tei will be t; . e teat 1 I una, mounti the Nevada, P< i ? . ? i in the targ | ' '?? nly on thi Supreme -IN Victor oervice Kl 5 th Av. at nabe 39th s. NEGRO REGMENT RAPMY FILLING 500 Men Have Already Joined Command of Coi. Hayward. FIRST BATTALION IS MUSTERED IN Movo Is Afoot to Get a Per* nianent Armory for the 15th Infantry. The Itth Infantry, N. 0. BJ. Y., ? olon*] William Huyward's B*gr* refji ment. is hrcakinj; n!l rrrords for rapid orgaaixatlea. (>ne battalloB of four rompanies recruited in .Miinhattnn already haa be*n mastaiad lat* eevrtee under the n< w defenco aet, and the two other battaliOBfl whieh will complett, thfl lagimeat arfl under way. Com? pany K. the first of tho aecond bat talion, ninety-tive men atTOBg, took thc l-e.l.ral aatfa Inst nijrht at thfl 2Sd Refri nient armory in Hrooklyn. Company I, the first of the third battalion, will be laifre enough (o swear allBgiaBCfl within a week or two. "Since we. staited four weeks njrn," said ('olonel HavwHrd yoterday, "we have muatarcd in about 600 men, all examined nnd passed in one of the tuost rifjorous axamiaatioBfl ever con ducted. We BXpcCl to have the regi? ment tilled up tO 1,000 bv tha end of Aaguat An.i let raa tell you. triis is nn unhyphenated organixatioa." The third hatralion ifl to bfl recruiteil ln Maahattan aad Th.- Broax. The sec? ond will ba eompoaed raoatly of Hrook? lyn negroaa, TTho organisation ha.s opened only two recruitmg ofllcei *nfl at L'L'17 Seventh Avenue. Mi.niiat tan, tne other ar 114 tfyrtlc Avenue, Brook? lyn and th.- applieatiom for onlist ment have been keeping the reersitag oflieeis. as W*ll as Colonel Hayward nnd Lieutenant Colonel (,>-,.!.'>? P. Hmton, on thfl job day and nij,'ht. i Hayward ala* haa reeeived ap pllcatiom for pi rmi ion to enlial eom* paniea in Yonkera, Janaaica aad ktonnt Veruon. . olonel Hayward ia now aegotlating arlth the rity authoritiea, rhe Armory Board nnd tha real afltata braach ai the Piaance Departmeat for a tem porary aad permanenl armory. Lafay* ette Hall, al I32d Btreel aad Seventh Avenue. where thfl regimeat'fl t.-m porary beadq tarti r ar* lacatad. is n<>t large ai bb| ? ? taodata the oai eompleted battalioa. Many of thfl -,|iiads drillini* nightly and aboul 7,'. per cent of the men turn out for nightly drill have tfl take to thp 'i. to earry bb! tho maaaeovra* of Tha 2d Battalioa will prohably be drilled, temporarily i,t lea-t. in t'he 23d K gimeat Armory, . Bi roklya. Col. Conley Asks New Physical Examination Coloaol Loala D. Conley, formerly eommanding officer of thfl tBth R*gi mi'iii, is determined to fight to th.- laat diteh for l >ll!,- t Btemi nr He applicd yeaterday to Adjutanl General Simpaon, of the I'l-nartiuent of th' Eaat, at GoV , rnor's Isian.l, for another physical ex? amination. The application waa for warded t* the War Departmeat without ?:,:;,, i,- frOBI the offieei I at regu? lar' army headquai Major General Leoaard Wood, who returned to * bu. > day' worh after a ?our of inspe.non at Plattflbarf) there wiis i.o ehaBg* in the Conley mat , far a h.' flraa coaeerned. lle thought improbable any ehaag* in thc thc War Departmeat up* iiolding Colonel C.mley's I ctireni-nt. General Wood remarkea, however, that the mustermjr out of Colonel Conley from the Ke.leral servire did not neces aarily rttir* him from the militia ser vice. COLLEGE MEN WILL BE MUSTERED OUT IN FALL U. S. Will Scck to Reorpanize Them Into Reserve. Waahington, July -"< All National Guard organiaationa eompaaed of col lege atudenta will be muatered out af the Pederal lerviee ia tima f*r them to proeeed arith their work ln the full. lt was announeed at tha War Pepart ment to-daj thal the p of tha ga* erameat would bc t* diaband auch or ganitationi completely as onita of the National Guard and to aeak tha re organixation of th? eollcg* men into bram - "rVt' eorp*. National Guard units. eompa**d af atudenl i who ha boI gona to the : | lugu ' i will nol b* forward, and limilar orgaaii il on th? border arill bc a n Bep t, mber l for rauatering out, aaleaa .-??ui-y anaea. Individual memb*r?ef oegro National Guard organixationa who ean ahow rhe ntention of entering or returning to for I ?? fall i.-rm also will be muatered out on September 1. WILSON STANDS FOR GREAT NAVY Notifies Congress Leaders He Wants Senate Pro? gramme Adopted. BUCHANAN BLOCKS ACTION FOR A DAY Special Rule Will Enable the Measure To Be Forced Into Conference To-morrow. Washington, July 25. Tresiden. Wilson ha. determlned to stand eaaarely behind the increa.ed St-natr \ naval building programme. Word of i his de.ire that the Senate provi.ion. ! be ai-eepted by the House was sent frorn the White House to-day to Admmi.Ura i tion leaders at the Capitol, where con? ferrees will benln con.ideration of the ; naval bill in a few day.. Repre.entative Huchanan. of lllinois, j a member of the Naval Committee, tem ! porarily blocked reference of the I measure to conference in the House I to-day, but leader. will insist on a con? ference. and the Ru!?s Committee will I be ready to force that disposition of the bill when the House meets again on j ' Thursday. Represcntativc Huchanan ! objected to Chairman l'adgctfs reejUCet j for appointment of conferrees under | uaanimoaa conoeat Whether President Wilson's intluenee , i will he laflcieat to put through the b?ff ! ! Senate programme, carrying proviaiea j i for immediate construction of four | I dreadaoughta and four battle eraisera and a tluie-vear continuous building programme, ia aaeertaia. Several Rep ; reeentativea Boaght to-day to hav- the lloiise eoaferreea boand ?n certam emendmente, bat chairman Padgatt la : that they ba left free to smooth out differeacea at their discretion. The plan for forcing reference to coafereaee an Thursday was agreed on by Chairman Padgett, tho Democratic leader, Mr. Kitchin; the Republican leader, Mr. Ifaaa; Acting Harriaon nf the Ralee Committee, and I Democratic a^l RenuMiean maotbara of tbe Naval Committee. Mr. Padgett introdneed a reaolution mnking the iary parllameatary proviaioB for appointment of conferrees M r. Huchanan said his rcason for blockiag eetion to-day was that the bill an ! important to he left to conferrees. Sccrctary Daniols wrote to I harrman Padajett to-day argtng that tho Senn?e amendment stipulating that the pro poeed naval laaoratory be loeated ia thi eapital be striekea out. He trans mi''ed a letter from the Naval i onsult ing Board loggeatiag that the loeation : should be left to the discretion of the Navy Department. ROOSEVELT SEES CAMP BOYS DRILL Smiles Show His Approval of Junior Military Training. [Sl t laaraaa ta Taa Trnmn* ] Camp Washington. Fort Terrv. N. V.. Julv t?\ The 1.200 schoolboys under miiitarv training here reached the seventh heaven of their dreams to day erhen they gayly marched in dress parade before Colonel Theodore Roose velt. It was ofTicially Rooserelt Day at the ! camp, so, of course, it was a gala day. Hundreds of visitors thronged the i borders of the parade grounds to Watch the former President, with 1 Colonel Andrew Hero, jr.. Colonel trVaulk and his staff, walk before and behind the long line of cadets The many happy smiles that flaahed ?o i olonel Booaavalt'a lips showed how greatly he approved of the junior military training being given here this summer. As he walked through the eompaay Itreeta before thp cadets had marched :o the parade ground, he fre quently itopped for a hrief ehat arith some hov he knew, or with the son of some close friend. Ilefore tha revew the Colonel took luncheon with Colonel Hero and his statf in the Ka.-t I'nit. Laat nifht Captain R. C. F.ddy ad dressed 'lie cadets on his experienees on the Sii KieaB border, and Ceneral Chittenden told them of hia travel- in Central America. The second school boy eneampment here is to open on August '-"- and to continue until Sep t. mber '.'. hlest of the eadeta af tne present camp who remain will be BOB eammiasioaed oflcera for the second I camp. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS ll ,rrau I . 4 n m v .- mptftle* , - m How 4 ?? . ,. . * . Hl BBABO i i- ?...,-. i t H a, ! . I ?<-.-. Ml L1IARLE* < ll'AW'in , ,. i -. i, i i.i loi r, Ca*. . \ . -4 ". il.llIM ? - li\VARI> fl BAH.E1 11 . , . .. ? >.? ?' I - ? . s i. ..IU.4IMI r a.. hafi .- i ' ? ?N F. WIX.V 1 - I s I ,| i. k.xM.l'I.KK ? ' I MJ I v i... kuooi) ritlfa I '? ? ? '? > ' ? l,.4M'll I M'MI 11 1 N I. ?IU , a, . araa a ..:?-? ? .,lv. ii HoWAItP I ?;,! v.i. i- >i,ii... - -. hi , M4.KM.I ' ? 4 '"ll\ ll . ... I , \" puil ? ? ,-,'.?'." '.'? ? 1*4 4 IVVI II !? > ?> ' i'l ? v ' . .f ' I llrl, i'av . JOHN < I' BABTHOl JOHN U Ir tn ' MII ' [ will ll. I i: 4 raJDliil ? . air.' ? ? ' - - ' ? aOHtvBT K n M'< ill'"!! ' IIA1II BM i ni . . irxii'H ii ""' iiT4i! 'I ? . . ? ' - . ? ' :. - - IMI i:i. J Ti BXBI 1-1 Mad ' ? ?. 4V \ Ctmt Ji'liv l'" ' ? ' <? A''i 12. i - ill or.Iei I o l ISHBB ar. l W T COXJI [J. OBEBLIX. '.-'?? I. d trmporary duty ? ,. ? p ',;. iii;K |,'arli4.1 N>w n- . ? ? M KBAl'8 V la. ??-' ' ' ? . , ? ? ! - ? . ii 4i i 4\l\u li*. rtrta 4 . . ar> .luly . ABBIVED .- ? - ; ? rt'* i > ,? s . . iu h I- ?bj Bin li . .' v .., . ?? .. ... ,1*1*1 n ii | _ ff. W . 1,4 ? I ll?. IlTltll*. ' ? ?"??:'? ""?1 |i M it ?? ? Laartti - at M*rir I. | ? aa .V?i?.rt BatLSD - - \ , i ? i ' - I 4 . - ? ' V I - Mlrl.ll ' n,? \ | ii Brtvi " - I'.' ? PauUII ? i ' , >J'V VI a 1 '? - ii i for rratti \.^4_^ S'twi ? I i Sa? Ua.<J?a. ATWOOD'S SHOT PROVES FATAL TO DR. HARRIS Boston Physician Dies?Dr. Adams's Death Still Mystery. Roston, July J"> I?r. Wilfred K Harria, who was ah*t laat Taaaajay by Dr. r.'ldndr?<- At-.w,o,l. ii*d lat* today. His wiffl was with him at the end. ?jh,. pollca aan*une*d that thc charge againat Pr Atwcwd \v,.u'd be ehanged fr?n. aaaaalt ta tirst d*g?** murdvr. , , S<> far as known. the police have found no explaaation for th<- death by poiaoning of Dr. C*lla P Adam? rj that giv*? bv Atwoad, who M{d !,,. had l.?t llairis because tlie latt-i had e*mfl b*twe*B the yoiiiic woman aad Atwoo.l, makinif th*ir mar* riagc Im-poaflibla eni rausing, the suind* of Miss Adams. AtWOOd'fl attorney* have intima'ed thnt tlie defenre will he temporary kn**>nity AtW**d has said thnt the death of hi- iweetheart wns the cul minstion of a seriea of incidentB that drove him mad. The police. nre giving much atten tiaa 'o the theory held by .tanch friends of Hr. Harri. that Mis. Adam. eraa murdafoA They have made an I effort to find where the poi.on re ceivcd hy Dr. AdaflaS on th" night Ol her Anal latervlev. afKh Atwead araa purrhasrd. They have als> made B futile attempt to diacover a motiv* for suicide other than that given by Atwood. ? PRIVATE SLEUTH SENTENCED fireenberg '.et. Sii Month. for Al leged l'ickporket Allrmpt. Charlea Oreeabarf, a private fatoe ti.,e emplayed bv an ageney in the Tenderlain aoetioa of Broadway, waa aentenced to aerve six month. in^* workhaaM veeterday Be had been convicted of attemptmg to pick IM .-4 of a atre-tcar pa^cnger. A list of eight previous prison ser.tences alleeed hy the police to be part of Greenberg'a record, was read to Mag iitrate Simms, who imposed lentence. Harry White, of 305 F.ait Eight*entB) Street, pleaded aruilty "> havinir acted in concert with (ireenberg, iie wai sentenced to rerve Bvc montni and twenty days in the workhouie. i Stewards Meet Here August 7. The lBt*f*Btioaal StawaiaV Ai tiop will open its sixtetnth annual convention nt the Waldorf Astoria on Aucust 7, closinj* with a dinner on tho Dg ot Auguat 10. H.'*<en biisi ness aeflflianfl. ,hr d?leg?t*fl will in spect. rnany of .v.>w York's mercantila establishments. ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGIKAr. MALTED MILK Caeap aobatitutes cost Y01J eame pitca. ^} Songs on the Top Wave : Popularity "MIRILLING patriotic roaemblei like [J "Young America?We're Strong For -*- You" and **Wc'll Never Let tlie Old Flag FtH"j hits that are hits, like Al Jolton'i singing of "I Scnt My Wife to the Thousand I.lcs"; and comic andsentimentalsong-succo.-cs like "I've Got a Sweet Tooth Bothering Me" from Lcw Fields* latcst sho\v"Step This Way" and "Songa We Used to Sing in Dixieland," a Remick song-gem that u iweeping the country. Muaic of a very difrerent sort is Casals' mar velotM handling of the 'cello in .Saint-Sacns' " Mlecrro Aopassionato" and Havdn's "Minuct in C Major." Also in the August List Kathteen Parlow'a inspired playing of two brilliant violin compositi<>ns l>y Kieisler and Srendsen, Graveure'a inspired rendering ol two beautiful old time hymni and Rothier's great basso in thc iramortal anthem "La Marsellaise," rank qmte as high in artistic intereat As e.xamplcs of another side of the month's list, here are Four Popular Records You Should Hear A 2025 j HURRY DiCK T3 MY DAMBOO SHACK. Hr rv l!;r:, Tenor io ineh 75'' SAMOA (SoiBfl More; Burr, Tenor Duet. Campbell and A -?0l5lGW,NETO RUN ALL NIGHT. II.C i',.- ,\\ne, ;,j:i: :;;<*. U.injo and orch. are. 1 j ROLL OUT. HEAVE DAT COTTON. li.C.Hrowne.bantone. BaBJO&< rch BCC A 1992 | SWEET IS TIPPERARY. 10ineh 75c. A2019 [75? Mary OR. |MA LITTLE CURLY HLADEDBABY Mary O'Rourk*, S< praao. MY GRANDFATHER'S GIRL. Peerless Ouarterte. lolncb | THROUGH THESE_ WONDERFUL 75C. I GLASSES OF MINE Campbell and lSurr, Tenor Duet. Music of Universal Interest Varied and charming is the balance of the list: eight rhythmic danoes; theTartar Ballet from "Prince Igor", (a veritable orchestral triomph;) vioiin gems, banjosolos, instrumental trios; vocal choruses, quartets and solos; novelties on the harrp, gypsy ttmboJom and Hawaii tn guitar. Two Shakespearean orations add further novelty to this extuisive and entertaining list?a list that you'll enjoy hearing at your dea'.er's. New Columbia records on sale the 20th of every month GRAFONOLAS and DOUBLE-DISC ? 1 BELOW 14TH .ST. '? ? 1 *e Bt ; 1 Cortlandt bl , . . , noua Co.. I 1 thwail t) B 1 ? . : . ? , . Gr.-at. r Ne* Vork Phaa*. Co? , . I -r : ' ? . - ? 1 '?? - , ; Ifl Co., I ? - ? I AVJ, HTil BT. TO 4>D BT : tve, 1 .; - ' '' - , rae. 1 at. i ? ' . 1 ifth a ? ? '' Orai ' Bl*. 43D ST. TO ".TH ST.I ' ;? | Av*. H Sa ? ' -4'iy - A?a. A I I 14 I th Bl Bol. 1.:. ?- - ?'"? Bt. . Third Av 0. W Wnerti Co 151* Third At. i A-,-. ABOVE '"TH ST.: ? l-Ut Hl. FOR SALE BY ABOVE O'.TH ST. (r-ont.)t 1 ? . ;?ay .1 PatW ? I ?? . 9*94 Mroa-lway 2698 Uroa-iway ,, , 148 W. 12518 St. A: Co., l ii W. 125th St. Kiai.i-li I Ba 8, 18 W, 125tk St. i ra. ,v t irpet Co. ,,: : rd Avi i . ? a Uaatei laai Ave. C044: ertbwail a. Baaa, ui-- >r t || 1 n \\ ',, ,. rti Co 2938 Thir,) Ar*. 191 1 iM Ave. Third a,-' K K. fcUliott, lTTtli Bt. 4 8d Ave. Thea, ln- atajro, 748 K. i*JtU bt. .. m Urafoaola shop, 14 1 St. U Ra] i aporl, ? l Ave. A. I,r Bonlanraf* \\, batl ' -'',;?. ??-,.',1 '.. ter i Ti..- Harlem Oratfan la Bhap, I -- Ptftk A-.- (aaai li'th st. 0 W IVaerti l 13?7 St. N .-. i .,? A BBOOKLYN: Atrahim * 8tr* I I Fulton St. Hardmao, Pai k 4 Co? . i ilion Bt p i, fltntth, - 0 PletbueB Ati. Aeolian <'?.. n flavihaai A\e. - Itlf, , :,-. PlatbttiB A re. ... |?Te*?th ATa, li vV. Dlaea A Co . 11 13 Hat'.uah Are., 811 ftfth At,- . PM 1'lat baafe A--. Jamr-a K M-illin. 91 Wi \ ? 1 G V.ani.-r. 1228 ti>,lforr1 Ava. M M Rvani. T'i?> Fl iihina Ara. p Q Hc s 1 . ,' M-oa-lway , l, 1583 liruiJ>4a> BROOKLYN (ront.)l Jafce \. -? kwarta, 4 14 Breadvsar. 1821 Broadway Htar?..- Hi'.-, 8123 l*alt*a ?>'.. Louia Brady. i < K:,i,Wprbof-l(er A. I Jamea Bt. (ftkil uaflf At?. r ral liaa 'i^' ?!.??'? Co., '.-1 lircadwav Jn,. S . . ilran,! St H Hiadi rraan, M>rtU Ave. ti A Behl rr.. r. 7 , Iward At?. \ laace Co., II. h. Hill, I 18 Maahattaa Av**. ...... A j.U l |l< a Affl I , ? ! ? "? - I h ttla ' A**, . ? m, li.i kraa - c .... . Uroa-, Ti Sraith ii.. 1 ifth 4 ith m. C \ Breflwj I 2611 G. k: ?: Co, Av l Neipolitan Ph .,,?-ra;.h Co, .1 i , r: .-:. Sarokm Broa 1117 lCih At?. JEBSEY CITY. Otto Wi.aei-r. In, . 184 Hawark Av Advu Raekiluhl, Bll Cruiral Ave. 4,'i.--.. lio* PhaM "? Co. i .-.' . % . ATa. i fc Moyar, 1441 Jaekaoa Av*. r/.iri anaaa M laifl Cox, , - s ve. Vietoria Itai Bl ap, A 4 I Andrew B ' N'r-irark Ati. . I I aae Sl . Bargaa B*j*at? | .M 7. K 4 aWv^vV' ??