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U. S. MAY ACT IN INSURANCE CASE Agents Plan to Demand Federal Inquiry Into Company's Affairs. EXPECT 6,000 WILL BE ON STRIKE SOON Women Also Quit Work as the Walkcut Spreads to Middle \\ otern Cities. There aaa far a Petlera he insurance bu aaaon among Bta of the Prudentia. | . nea at Hr;. rday. tayraaei 8 addre.sed tha , Mat of the .gation, reco/nmende d taaeh with the.: n , |a unjnrs ar.d BBfM for Paderal interference. ry Lumpkin, president of tie union, ar.d Petet J- Lang, vice-presi Blraady have plan* under WBJ bnng pressure to bear on the company Ihey .aid yesterday that efforts 8 be rr.ade to bnng tne s.tuation to the attantioa ai Stwratary cf Labor WU and Pranh Wu.?h, former chairr . the Industrial Keiations Comnv.stioii Three Thousand Already Out. About three thousand Prud. agents are already on atrike. BCOOrd ing to officers of the newly form.; union, and it is beheved at their head quartera that there will be about III thousand ant ai *ork as a protest in a day or two. Keports were received yesterday, ac? eording to President Lumpkin, that in Wilmington, Dei.; Pittsburgn and Reading, Penn. ? amden an.i New Jersey towns had gone out. rwe wome; tnkeaa aoo.i .re it was on. iney ra. Nellie Kellehcr, Jersey haa been with the Prudcntial eom aaay ? *nd, . ' ...boken, who hai been an egei two women probably will address tl itrikc: Other Cities Ready. A delegat.on of eifht men, led hy I , 0 Pra' ,-rs- arrived from Phiiadi Iph information that other Pennsy .re jroing out. lt ia also report? ed the Btrike has spread to Detroit, and that some of the other Middle Western cities will join soon. I- wai iaid at union headquarters ve.terdav that the stnkers had re cene.j ?B of gympathy and offer;- of hnancial assistancc from agents of the Johu Hancock Insurance Companv and the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, but that the men had not aaked for any assistancc aaya Ompany Will Vield. George F. Prown, a member of the executive board ar.d one ef the organ uers of tne union, prophesied yester? day that the company wouid acceue to the union demands in a week or two. , The eompany. on the other hand, ihowed i.o ligna of yieidmg yesterday, and stated again the reports of tne; number of men out ar.d of the efTect on the company were untrue. The Prudential Insurance Company is.ued the following r.otice yesterday: "Exaggerated repotis of ageney dia tarbancei n the New Vorh diatriet are causing the company no uneasines. whatever. Many of the agents absent day reported to-day. and no dini calty ia beinBj expenenced in meetin? the ;,. Ne policy intereata have Deen | ?*> and the company is taking ta business without the least tn .-?? PLAYWRIGHT TULLY LET OFF WITH REPRIMAND Magistrate Warns Him to "Keep Head in Future." lichard Walton Tally, who arrote "The Roae of tho Rancho" and "Omar, tnf, Tl called *oroe one an "old duffer" when he and Mrs. Tully were rafaaed udmittance to Women's Kight Court Monday. BecaUM it couldnt bo determined just who the "old duffer" waa he received a bur- , pended sentence when he wa* called to answer a disorderly conduct charge be? fore Bfag Btrata MrQnade yesterday. Court Oflear Mienaal D. Murphy, who ca??. ? ?'. the aathort arraal clared Tully meant Magiatrate Harlow.. Bittirif Tllll>' confes.ed he had raea t was a "duffer, hut itTOl i'.v denied he had referred to ? '? such a BtTOl g term. . " Ma* trata Mc<3 ? a easpended aentenca, with a warning to kttp rour heail in the futurt." "-"-* _ i FIFTY NAVY YARD WORKERS LAID OFF They Fear Other Suspensions Are to Follow. Workmen of the navy yard are won deririf; to-day whether there will be anapi l - on a large seale within the next few day.. Ye.terdav tifty wotk ? rs in the machmerv dlviaiofl were dropped becauae, aa tha oflleara ex jla.r.ed tl BO funds to 40B tiaui thi 1 ere engagtd on. Helpera, machin ta and p.peiutcis are ajBOBg the trade. affected. The officer. of the yard .a:d the .uspen .ion. would be only temporary. The men four that others arill be laid off. was directed against the AdminiK'ration because of it. failure to keep the yard .upplied with money aut ficient to carry on the work. Bavaral time. lately, it wa. learned, head. ot departnn I ts had to make humed call* on Waahington for money. If they hai not ri pjaickly it would hav>' meant that thoutand. of employes would Lave gone for days without pay. WANTS STEAK;ATTACKS WIFE;G0EST0H0SPITAL Neighbors Rally to Aid of 'LonKshoreman's Mate. Fatrick O'Keefe, a jjiant long.hore Dian, returned at 1 o'clock yeaterday morning to hia home, 70 North Klev enth, Williamabarg. con'umed j a 4 a bi II. aci r lered Mrs J ('K<. '? U <?!' bed and prepare ' it for him . i d. he ' dra,.v ? her hair. Hl r ?hbor., i who ha uncon- , sciou The '.* had been locked UP at the police ?ta tion, and had to be removed to the j F-aiteru !>.. triat B | .... WIStt ivmiv HUW4J11 AIWERTISEMHNT. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. KB*tXT1*a**V*r* ? 4 T7&'*??*fm t'st ? - The Standard Oil Company of New York produces only one regular grade of gasoline for motor cars?SOCON Y Motor Gasoline. Some dealers and garage men are selling poor blendsand worthless mixtures under misleading names, trying to make the motorist believe he is getting our well-known product. Ask for SOOONY gasoline you see the RED, WHITE Do not let them deceive you. If you want the genuine, reliable SOCONY Gasoline, look for the RED, WHITE and BLUE SOGONY sign on service stations and garages. This sign is the guarantee of quality, purity and reliability. It insures maximum power and miles per gallon, clean burning and freedom from car bon troubles. bv name and buy onlv where and BLUE SOCOiNY sign. STANDARD OIL ?Q of NEW yORK ??'?'' ? ' .***Mr>*. ,?;-?' -i - , ?-:-,