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GAS KILLED 22 IN LAKE TUNNEL All Hope Anandoned for Twelve Men Trapped in Cleveland Tubc. RECOVER B0D1ES OF TEN RESCUERS Furthf Scarch Is Stoppcd by Fcars of a Second Fx plosion. -.'.-.-.r^ t* TV? T-IXin* 1 After workinc ? tar keen i in an reach tho twelve men itn ,v waterwarki tunnel .-..ler Lake Erie, the iocump party wa. foreed to-nicht lo ib.ndon ita IV.lrral oaaclala, -r.'cred the ?aarCB abBBdaaatl temporari'.y, becau?? ' the Raa ir. the tun-iel throuRh . | OWC.l that it la hiphly aa i ?? Um *'""> src I h -o.-on.l exploaiaa. K\\ kea* ,hRt' aa* of the twehra m*n ,.gT.4r,; | -r.e turr.el nre aliva has bocn r.fd. Ten bodies. IhOM of mcTi hfi-5 cf ta* Trscue partie* which tried ?(, retch ta>8 .l.'omed men, but thrni aehaa juc-.;rr,bed to the deadlv gras. are ? ri the ir.orpue. The eIg d men. ra al taa raacaa partiea, will reeaver. Four Inve.tijrationfi l'lanncd. faay laveetifatiaaa are irr.prndinr. *a||*| city. C '? and Federal au to place the b'.ame for the diaai ? The lack of Jafety device.e, such ?>? ?aj kelaatta and pulmotors. at th.- erlb anrl shore . nds gf tho lf.,000-foot tun? nel ,-iis.. 4\iii h* lavvstigated. Thi- frantic ctrorta al Gustav C. Vaa Dumb, Suaeriuteudcut of WaUr Worka Coaatructfoa, aad thfl tw* rnaeBfl par* te reach thc m*B irapriaoaea i<> the rxploiion withoul gai helraeta .,i 1 ulnioi..14 reiulti ,1 in tha ? .rh li-t. Thii aftarnoofi a thil I reacue party, eouipp**! arith the aafvty I devlcee, eatered tha tuanel an.i recav i-ii-il the reacuera, ton ?,f whoBl w*r* dead. Van Daien WBI aBiaag tha i iuara wh* w*r* r**ined. Tunnel Ifl lnsrve, tr-d. The ga*. Ihat eaBBfld the blaflt, flrhafl h poeket of th.- exploslvo vapor was u:ii-o\ i-r.-d hy BBfl nf the wovkiurn, anil thal killrd ton af the tirst two par tt*> of roacBars, was raaapad aai of 1 the tunnel during thfl day. The I paaaagfl 4411* fraa for the Ferleral mine cxpcrts aad V0luat**Tfl tfl I'enetrate to 1 thfl ipol wh*r* the o\plosion occurred. Haad*d hj D. J. Parher aad L M. Joaca, of the I'n-.ted States Hurenu of Miaea, wha nrnxeil hen- from Pitts burgh with ihe mine reseur rar, the . party p*aetrat*d 800 l**t lata the arr*ckfld tunnel fron thfl crih end. pand much tmn- th.'n | lavtatigating tha coadition of tha 1bb? aal, 14- they were eoaeeraed with iro' tinjr out the b*dl*a of the KBCUerB, whieh were senttorod along the tunnel. Th,- party had t* itop then heeauae 1 thc ten fon1 tuhp was choked arith nmd aad dehria. There waa aot inalcient ip*Cfl to ilig into it without cars to earry il away. Aad tha B*rre*J gaag* railroad had been tom up for raaay yards norrh <>! thfl tiftvfoot mound of raud arhere the bodiei lay buned. P*rill eaiBfl anew then. Jones nr dercd 11 halt becausa thfl tunnel 44as ilowly tilhng npHin with thfl poisoaoBa 1 ga>-. Tho olcetric light ayataia had I been repaired dunng the moratag, h> for* rh.- experti arrived, nnd while thut at Tirst facilitated resoue work. later ! it h*c*ra? :i neaac*. Fresh F\pli?cion Feared. .Jones and his erew of experts were 1 oquipped with miners' safery lamps. I thc gai erew in volume Jones hurried bach ro ihe ihafl umi aaceaded i 111 tho o..c.' elevator to the crib. h.-r,| ing before him the voluntecr rescucrs livea ho feared would he aaeri* : fteed by aa electrie apark setting o?T I anotht r axplosioa. Prom what thoy cou'.d learn of eoadi ?1 the tunnel, I'arr Hnd .lones de Iclared their belief that the .lo.-.en tun ?rkcrs' hi.dies are entombo,) ln laeven or eight feet of debria, anj rhi.t , ? v : ?? . the erorh of ?r leaat two days them out. WIRE BAIT RISKY, POTTER ADMITS Monsignor Dunn's $100 Offer Over 'Phone Oave Doctor a Chill. NEW COURT TEST ORDERED FOR POLICE Witness Calls Mitehcl and Woods "Sneaky"- Swann to Prcss Counter Charges. In the eaaraa of a cro.s-examination ? Blaaaal tivo hour.. the Rev. Dr. Daniel C. Potter, former Haptist clergy man and codefendant with the Rev. Father Farrell and Mon^ijjnor J. 3. Dunr in the Mayor'. charge. of eon Bpiiacv, testified yeaterday that when Monsipnor Dunn offered to jrive him (Dr. Potter) $100 if he would .Up out of town for a few days he thought it rather "risky." "I huiiR up the reeeiver without say iii: natibjr," .aid Dr. Potter in reply to MiiHin W. l.ittleton's que.tion.. "I heard him chuckle when he flunff out the offer of the money, and I wondered whal he had up hi. sleeve." "Then you didn't regard it as very in tellip.nt buit with which to catch wire tappers, did you?" Mr. Littlataa n.ked. "Wall, I thought it w.r rather risky talk. bul as it afterward turned out I thought it wa. very clever." "A! any rate you didn't relish the tkiagV Potler in Tantde. Dr. Potter then .aid he didn't .ay it aaa risky, but that it wa. "lmble to be misonderataad.N Mr. 1-ittleton a.ked ihe stenojjrapher to turn back to his ?ad n araa .hown that Dr. Potter .! .j UBC the word "risky." "It would have heen risky for any ?maller man tlmn Mon.ifrnor Dunn; 1*11 qaalify ll that way." .houted the arlt* The City of Homes AGAIN Brooklyn Rapid Transi! Car Advertising Syslcm Chosen as the ONLY car advertising to be used in this Nation-wide pub licity campaign for SAWTAY. For Results obtained and for what Brooklyn Rapid Transit Car Advertis? ing can do for you, Mr. Advertiser?Read the following: ^?E^r**r-3 SALOTAY 100% Pure Butter-of-Nuts * f~~~~-j ' \ ForBaltinA flMP?\ Frying rind Shorttwinig. (^^>X4UUa7klaa4ii4g SAUTE PPODUCTS CORPtORATTON VWXXVVORTH TOWLR. NEW YORK Broa?3way Subway and Home Boroughs Car Advertising Company, Inc, 31 Nassau Street, New York. Dear Sirs: CH. H. BAYCR tChV M*??iia July 13, 1916. L Our contract with you presenting Sawtay, 100% pure Butter=of=Nuts for baking, shortening, frying and oandy making, to tbe housewives of Brooklyn, bas already demonstrated to us the effect of oar adver=* tising on tbe Brooklyn Rapid Transit System throughout tbe City of Homes. We have "been most gratified with the results we have obtained, and cannot speak too highly of tho service you have given us. We bave used no other car advertising in the East, baving decided to make t.he test with you, and henoe fe^l that the end has more than justified the means, .?Vssuring you of our appreciatioru, I remain, Sincerely yours, SAUTE PRODUCTS CORPORATION fSigned) Ch. H. Bayer (Copy) General Manager This product, now in universal use in the City of Homes-Brooklyn ?was practically unknown there tw elve months ago. A City of Homes Booklet, concisely telling vou about the big adver? tising field here, will be sent on request. Remember-Bnmkhn Is a City of Homes and a Half Million Families. Remember -Brooklyn Rapid Transit carries close to 2.000,000people daily. Rtmember-Brooklyn Rapid Transit will tap the hackbone of New York up Broadway to 42d Street. Remember?/irooM';/ Rapid Transit Car Advertising brings RESULTS. Broadway Subway and Home Boroughs Car Advertising Co., Inc. Telephone 6311 Cortiandt 31 Nassau Street, New York neas, but Justice, Greenriatim nrdererl th. rrrnaik strirken from thr record. At thf oonrlusion of yestcrdny'l Baariag. Justice (ireenbaum aaid thi iavvattgatiofl had reaeho.l a point whoif ii arai niteaaaary to kava a raally prarlical lest nf the uhilitv of the paliafl wire tappers to tnke down or Jinnrv telephone e*avara*ti*aa bv llstaraiag la on thr wirr. Arrordinirly ho ordered lhat thw tappors br ata tioned alone in his chambers adjoining Ihe roiirtrooni. At tho reriiips* of rounsrl for the liefendanti a trlrphonr tapping test WM hold last week, hut thf policeman aeleete.l tfl takr. thr- mensages com? plained that tho presence of aome of the lawvers at his elbow nnd ton much noise in the room distrneted hii at tion so that hr wai unable to do hii work. Justictc (ireenbaum admitted that thr teit waa not falrly con ducted. Pi.trict Mtonrev Swann said veiter dav lhat he is dotcrmined to present counter chargi's brought by the Catho lu- rlergvmen against Mayor Mitchel. <hnriti*-s Commissioner Kingsbury and others b. fore a magistrate or the grand jurv no mattei what may be the outcoms of tho present m.juirv He said he would also present the wire tappir.g ciinrgos brought bv the Allied I'rinting Tradrs Council, whose t?|? phones wrro tapped ut the rrijueit of employers. It drvrlopod yesterdav that Pr. Potter used "l.ait" to catch his wire tappers, too. Juat before he left his house in Flatbush to go to Philadel l-hia he called up tho II. A- 0 nnd Pennsylvania offlros nnd inquired about trains for Atlantic Citv. "tt'hv did vou do that?" asked Mr. Littleton. "I was giving information for the wiretappers and it worked ns beauti fullv as Monsignor Punn's reference to monev, too." The witness explainod that ho had been "bothered" for davs bv theso men who woro shndowing him nnd ho did it to throw them off his i trail. "Hoth.rod bv whom'"' demanded Mr. Littleton. Pr. Potter leaned forward and re plied: "Sneaking." Declnrrs Potter. "By tho government of N'ew York City John Purroy Mitchel, Commis i sioner Woodl and the whole gang." "Then you know thesi- people were ?eeking you?" "I knew thoy were snonking me." "Put you wero doing some sneaking yoar**li aboat that time, weren't you, Dr. P*tt*rT" "As an Ameriean I had a right to go awav if I wanted to." The wit ness denied that part of the phonogrnm in whieh he was quoted as asVting Kather Farroll whether sorvice of a mbp.rna on Sunday WB8 legal. He said hr had no partirular reason for rhnoa ing Saaday exteni that it w-ns a "good d:iv on whieh to go away." the wilr.P4, mlmittod sending a telo gram to Furher Farrell's hrother-in 1 ;iw Dr. ,l,4hn Ryan, in Pussaie, reading: "Tell Fathor William, Hotel Adelphia." He said he wanted ro Ift Father Far rell know at what hotel he was atay iag. "Thon you were surnnsed when Fathor Farroll joined you in Phila? delphia?" "Vou bot I war; I wonderod what had happened." Pr. Potter said he talked over the long distanre telephone with his son D**fl and with Father Pineen. "Did fOU g*1 any information thnt the aaaoyaacostowaiehyoa were sub jocted before you W*Bt to Philadelphia wore over?" "I came back to N'ew York the next iIdv to go before tlie Strong committee, and I announced that all thfl powers of earth would not prevent me." Catholic Laymen Ready in Charitics Inquiry The Catholic l.aymon's I ommittee took steps yesterday to confer on Fri nay with the Committee of One Hun? dred, organized to support Mayor Mitchel in the charities eontroversy. Adrian Iselin will head the sub-rom mittee, and his assorates will be Will? iam P. Guthrie, a lawyor. in whose *f? tico at 14 Wall Street the meeting was held: ox-Supreme Court Justice Mor? gan J. 0'P.ricn. John IX Crirr.mtns, John ('.. Agar.Jaa4.ei P. Lac, Jaaaph P.Grae*. John tjuinn and .lamrs Hvrne. The organuation of the Catholics ?-. a result of the organization of the Committflfl of One Hundred. I.ast werk ; the Catholics offered to cooperate with : thfl Mayor'* champions to give the pub? lie all the facts in the eontroversy and to correet, where it wa* found B*C*** I aary, conditions unfavorable to thc i arelfai* flf eity warda. WOMEN PLAN GREAT HUGHES AUTO PARADE Will Make lt a Feature of Their CominR Campaign. "I am going to work for Mr. Hughes," said Mrs. Antninette Funk, a former j rnember of the Ongressional Commit ; tor of tho National Ameriean Woman 1 SurTrage Association. yesterday after | noon at the headquartera of the Wom tB'fl Cmmittco of the NationBl Hughei j Alliance, in tho Hotel Astor. At the snme moment, juat on the ! other side of rhe partition, in the Woflaen'l RooarraH I.eag'ie for Hughes, Mrs. Van.lerlip BrOWBfl, one of the di ; rectora af the Ameriean vToraaa i l.eaguo fr.r Self-Pefenco, was making inriuiries as to the purposes and work of the Ieague. Things go like that all day long m tho tWO women's political organt.atmns for Hughea. M.-mbers and money are icoming into both af them unsolicited. The Women's Rooa***H League for ! Hughes ifl to havr as a eampaign toat ure a graal automobile parade the lat? ter parl flf r. Miss Cortrude RobinflOB Smith was appomted rhair man of thfl parade yesterday. Word was reeeived from Gr**awieh a f*w ! hours later that a large delegation of automobilM would bo -rnt from that place to join ihe N'ew York lines. Miss Maud Wetmore has been ap I si-rretnry of the Women's R0084rv*lt I.eague. There are to be !rhnrmen from each borough. Mrs. Charles H. Wmslow has been named chairman of (Jueens; Mrs. James Can field, of Kmgs, and Mrs. Andrew Dick ' son Hunt, of Richmond. STENOGRAPHER GETS $13,391 IN ENO CASE And That Is Mercly Part of His Bill. Surrognte Cohalan yesterday signed ! an order approving the bill of Paul JOBflBi cnirt stenographer, for $13. 391 J',, for minutes in the Eno will | ease. Thil is not the full amount to he paid for the record. The trial lasted forty-two <<-,urt days, and the allowance now made covers only the period from May lr> ro June 30. There will be a further charge for the minutes of tho seaaions from the latter date to the closing of the trial. I'nder an agreement between coun ?fl, eight copies of the minutes were fumished to them every day, four to each side. Surrogate Cohalan rece-.ved another copy, ar.d the two special ruardians for infants at interest had one between them. As is customary, the stenographic fees will be paid out of the estate in dispute. But all the money does not go to Mr. Jones. There were two other stenographers,, who worked in relay? with him, and then there are a!?o the typewriters who tranacnbed thc record. SEES BIG ViaORY FOR HUGHES HERE Colonel Roosevelt's Secre tary Predicts New York Plurality of 138,000. PARKER WILL QUIT TICKET, IS PREDICTED Loeal Moose Base Their Hopcs Largely on the State Fight. John W. McGrath, aeeretnry tn Colo? nel Rooscvelt, has tigured oui to h.s own Hatisfaetinn that Charlea K. Hu.jhes will havr a plurality of 1.78,000 over Woodrow Wilson in thia state. Hero is how he did it yesterday, to quote his own words: "Suppose the anti-Hughcs clement ii correct; suppose thu claims madi' hy them that Wilson will receive 50 per aaat af the Praajraaalva vote in New York Slate thia fall is correct. Just do some figuring. The total Taft aml Raaaavalt 1911 vote in New York State araa aparaxiaaataly 745,000. Jar lat? est accurate line on the way these votes will go thia fall was the 1914 elcrtion. Whitman received 600*000 of these votes. and Davaapor.t 17*000. Thirteen thousand were laat in the shuffle. Rut the 1914 election elearly indicates that all are Kepubhcans now rxr.'pt 47,000, and .r>0 per cent al this 47,000 I'rogresaive voters in this state will give President Wilson just 23.000 votes to add to Glynn'* 1914 vote of 541,000. Girea Wilaon 571.060. That gives Wilson 571,000, as against the 709.000 total Hughes <an ba <?:.? pected to receive, which is made up of the Whitman 1914 vote plus half of the Davenport 1914 vote. "But if the point is rai?ed that Wil? son is stronger thun Glynn, we will take his own 1912 vote and add half of the 1914 I'rogressive vote and you will have a total of 689,000 or 20,000 votes short of the number Mr. Hughes should cer tainly receive. This would make Mr. Hughes's election eertain." So far as the proposed reassembling of the Projrressives at Chicajjo on Au? gust 6 is con.ccrned, there is a wide ulvergence of opinion. The ultra rndirals are bent upon the meettnir, while the more conservative olement i.4 opposed. The latter is of the behef that it would be unwise to t'lll the va eaBCT at the head of the ticket caused hv the resignation of Colonel Roose velt. Think l'arker Should Quif. Slowly they aie veering around ta the conclusioh that John M. Parker .-?huuld withilraw as the nominee for Vice-President, thus leavinit the mem bers of the I'rogressive party ftaa tO vote bs they may see flt on Election Pay. Thi*; it ll "aid. by those in a position to know is the most likely outcome. Those on the inside of the Progrea sive organization in thi-- itatc laid yes? terday that the chief object to be kept in mind was the preservation of the party, and that this could best ba doaa throuph the naming; of a state ticket. John J. O'Connell, chairman of the Progreasive committee of N'ew York County, said that in hi:i belie r' the nom ination for Governor of Judjje Samuel Saabarr by the Rull Moose would m sure to'the party at lrast 100,000 votes, while only 10.000 are needed to keep the pnrtv emblem on the ballot. He was confident that Judtre Seaburv would accept if named in the orimaries, and that. regardless of the aetion of tha Pemocrats. * - REUBEN L. G0LDBERG, CART00NIST, T0 WED Miss Irma Seeman Is the Bride-To-Be. The engapement of Reuhen L. Gnld beru, "The Eveninjr Mail" artist, to i Miss Irma Seeman, of 264 Riverside Drivt, was announced yesterday. The author of "l'm tha Guy" nnd "1 Never Thought of That" first saw Miss See i man in a restaurant. For days he | hnunted the restnurant. trymg to think ! of some way to meet her. They tinally met 1ns' Pecemher at an entertainment for charity at Pelmon - | eo'g, where Mr. Goldberg was oxhibit I iaa some of his pictupes. The wedding j will take place in October, probably at i Sherry's. Mr. (ioldherg ia a native of Snn | Francisco. He came to New York in 1907. His salary is said to he $100,000 l a year. Miss Seeman is the daughter | of Sijrel W. Seeman, a wholesale grocer. TANNER IGNORES THE BULL MOOSE Whitman Campaign Man? agers, Named, Are All from the Old Guard. SAGE OF ALBANY IN BARNES'S PLACE Aldridge, Koenig, Ward. Kracke and Hendricks Also Put On the List. Governor Whitman'* historica! stabilizing committee is going to run his campaign for reelection this fall. ( This fact becam<* known yesterday [ when Fredenck (V Tanner, chairman j of the Republican State Committee, I announced the appointment of nn ex? ecutive committee, composed of prac tically every promincnt Republican leader in the state. William Rarnes way left off the committee by Mr. Tanner, but Senator Sage, of Albany, | the chief political lieutenant of : Harnes, was named. No Progressives wero named by Mr. Tanner, and no reasons were assigne.l . therefor. Had the state chairman de sired there was nothing to prevent i him giving the Bull Moose places orr ' 1 the committee, as of neressity the ex- i : ecutive committee need not be com I posed of members of the Republican ; State Committee. The new eommit- i tee had the approval of Governor' Whitman before being made publie by i i hairman Tanner. ?i'ncle" George Aldridge Named. The most promincnt members of tho | I committee are George W. Aldridge, of ' Rochester; Willium Ward, of Wr4 chaatar, aml Prancia Hendricks, of j I Onondaga. Kach one is the bOS8 af | his particular county. and last winter ] at Albany they had the entree to the 1 executive nffice when all others were j I arred. They also had the disposal of ! most of the Governor's patraaafa. II l xn< bacaaaa of this that they became ] known bs the stubilizing eommit'.?? I The Btabiliaera will be la eomplete 1 charge of thi' Whitman campaign. To laave no doubt of this the committee wil! meet next week and select Sena , tor George F. Arget.singer, of Roch? ester, chairman. He is one of George I W. Aldridge's proteges. The whole committee is eaaapoatd of one mem 1 ber from each of the nine judicial dis !n<ts, and i.s aa follows: Here is the List. Samue] S. Koemg, of this city; F. J. H. Kracke, of Brooklyn; Senator Henry M. Sage, of Albany; Congressman Ber , trand H. Snell. of St. Lawrence; Fran cis H. Hendricks, of Syracuse; J. : .lohnson Rav. <-f Binghamton; lii-oW' W. Aldridge, of Rochester; CaafTtai I man ChatTes M. Hamilton, of Chau tanqaa, and William L Waru, of \U'-t , ehaatar. The unusual activity around Re ?' pabliean headquarters in West Thirty - ninth Street v-stcrday took many well Ktiown party members, who hupp.ned to be ;n the neighborhood, by surprise. Things have been remarkably quiet i there for the last year or so. In i vestigation diaelaaad 'be fact that tha ' committee wa< moving to the Motro I politan Life Building, so aa to be ; nearer to its chairman, Mr. Tanner. -? PASTOR-HUSBAND WENT TO WAR; STAYED THERE Wife, Seckinjj; Divorce, Got Only a Few Postcards. Camden, N. ?!.. July '?!.'>. Pecision was reserved to-day in an app'.ication for a rule of exception in the divorce suit | brought by Mrs. Sarah A. Gilbert against her clcrgymnn hu-band, the Rav. llen-y Staararl Gllbart. ln 1890 Mr. Gilbert was pa?tor of the Baptist (hurch. at Rio Graruie, N. .1. Un the outbrcak of the Spanish War h<? en liated, and aiaca then bia arifa has not seen him. She got word of his reinlrstment in the Philippiae . an I -"me poatal cards later from I'aivo, Fgypt. She has not heard from him in eight years, the says. Her p<Mtion fcr divorce on the ground of desertion having been denied, she asks a rule of exception from the tinding of the master and a rrvrew of her caye by the Viee-Chan cellnr. ! Unusual Values in I Hart Schaffner C& Marx | Blue Serge Suits Blue wrgea have gone up con | siderably prices are much 1 higher than Inst year. | Ours an- not becauae we pre | pared. We bought largely a! | thc "Id fignres and we*ie | selling theni al Ihe old prices. They begin at $18 - as alwaya. Just now we feature | Hart Schaffner Cb\ Marx j Blue Serge Suits | at $22.50 | Pinch Backs, Patch Pocketa, | Varsity Fifty Five and oon | servative models. The mills | are now showing Serges for | next Summer ? goods like | these will cost at least *$28 then. 1 Wallach Bros. L nroadwnv,belowCh,4in-bers Thiril A vr., COC. 12V..I 1 0|BB1 1 Proadway, tor. 29th .St. 24U-.4B We* 12* tb J Evaadflaf*. |,?????i,?iiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiniiiiitiiiiHuuimmiHi.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimuiiiiiim IIIIIU SPANNELL MAY HAVE HEARING IN SECRET Feeling High Against Man Who Killed Two. B Paso, Tex , July 25. A secr^-t ' preliminary trial for Harry J Span- , ?all, in j'ul herr chartfed with killing; I his beautiful wife and l.ietuenant Colo-1 n.l M. C. Butler, 6th Cavalry, at | Alpine, Tex., laat Thursday, ar>peared likely to-day. Feehng over tne kill? ing i? sfiil so bitter in Alpine that Spannell probably will not be taken there ?o morrow, the day tentatively set for the henring. To-night it waa aaid Spannell prob? ably would waive examination. He spends his woking hours in jail al taraataly reading and at the blaah wall of the cell and will say nothing of the double tragedy. TMMANYlALKS WILSON LEADERS With Roger Sullivan It In sists on a Voice in the Campaign. Yanre C McCormick, chairman of the Pemocratic Committee, returned from his week-end trip to Washington yesterday. He did not make publie the names of the mem? bers of the Wilson campaign eommit taa for which Democrs.tic politicians have been looking so anxiously for the last month. Mr. Mcf ormick has vig orously denied that there was any friction over the appointment of the committee. but freveral members of the! party expressed the view that regard- I leaa af what the chairman may call it , then- aaa aiaeb d'.'ference of opinion over the selection of the men. The friction, it la understood. is due priraarily to th.- daaaaaaa of a number of .,rganization Pemocrat.4 that they ' be given places on the committee. New York, a is said, figures Ifl the dispute. Tammany Hall and the upstate organ iaatioaa have laaiatad that Norman E. | Mack represent this state. They say, he i* entitled to this recognition as a| member of the Pemocratic National . Committee and a former national chair- | mnn. Roger Sullivan, of lllinois, has j also made some demands which are i said to hava been loakad upon with | horror by eertain Pemocratic chief tains. Another fiy in the campaign com? mittee ointment is said to be the selec ti..n of praaalnaal Prafiaaalvaa far placea on th.- committee. I'p to date the Republicans have gobbled up most af the Proarressites that are eonatdered worth while, Bava a few who are kick ing tnmgs around aad have not vet got on board 'he Wilaaa baaUl wagon. Mr McCormick said that President Wilson intenc'a to keep out if active politics until Coaarraaa adjourns.which will probably be about August 20. The notitication cererr.onies, he added, will he within one week after that. The Pemocratic national cha:rman seemed ta lika the way the Progressives acted at Syracusc on Saturday. This is what h ? said about it: "The aetion of the Progressive com? mittee of this Btatt, the home of Colo | Raaaavalt, George W. Perkins and the Republican candidate, is to my mind lymptomatia <>f the feelmg of the Progrcasivea threagheat 'be country. The men in the Progreealve tield, so to ?peak. appear to ba far President Wilson to a great extent. and will not be led by the titular head of their organization." BOSTQK Boston's Smartest r .ostelry. Rcflr. ling :n evry pha?e of ita diitmctive tervice your idea of v4 1mI a good hotel ihould be. Coaataaiaal BB everywhere. Slntl* Ri>om with bath?BJ ^0 ut Deiible Riram. ?lt1 ball ?$4 40 up I . C Pr nor. Managing UirtXtOf Di HUGHES MAY SEE EMBALMED SHARK Its Captor Plans to Add It to Firemen's Carnival Attractions. CANDIDATE WILL OPEN SHOW TO NIGHT Another Man-Eating Fish at Bridgehampton Beach Prey of Small Boys. [from a S'af* Crirrmpror)*- t af la* 1 Hndg.-nampton. N". Y..J llgfJ Whrn Charlcs K. Baghflfl BB4BM the Volunteer Firemen's Carnival her.- to-morrow night the opening wus postponed from to-night on account of rain he may havr a view of an embalmf.I shark. Have Hennet, of Sag Harbor. four miles from here. caught the shark thi* morning while fishing in the Sound. He took it 'o Acker'-. garage in an au tomobile and sent to S'a'nmy Thnmp son's undertaking shop. ;n Sag Harbor, for a zinc-lined cofftn and some ice. Then Dave put the shark m the eofrin and covered it with a tarpaulin. whieh n onc-armeij friend of his would raiafl for nnv one who gave him a BfCB*l Dave is now negotiating with tha liremen here to exhibit the shark at the carnival at 10 cents a head. He promises to divide thfl pi*e*fldfl w-ith th.- i.remen. A delegatlo* from thu village who motored to Sag Har see if the shark was all that Da*fl rep I ? -0 be, reportrd 'hat it waa, and more. The Arctara sai.i they would al.ow rhe shark to 1"- exhibited r.rre :f Iiavr has it embalnied. D*** la a*w looking for a ' ' hait eniba.m-r. The ..rem-'i ( 1 :'- rri1' iman-eatin^' ihart f*r nothinsr >f thev had gOBfl tO Bridg*h*BiPtaa Heaeh thil morning. An iharB 4*-ai washed on flhol* close to the home of Hr. ( olm S. Carter, l.rotner-in-law of Mr. Hughes. It had a t*W piece*. torn ?" it. cvidentlv bv another shark that had a grievanre agfl I HBB* dr*dfl viewe.l ir. mcluding Miss Kathr rin? Hughes ;ltid i*v*r*l cirl frienda who were bathing with her thia morn ng. Several ^mall boy* d*8?*Bd*d on thfl shark with an KXfl thlfl noon, fl*-* errd its head and took it behind th. dures, where th.-v ex' IBCt*d the teeth. Mr Hughi s has eompleted arrange ments to go to New a*ork on Thursday and confer with Senator A. H. raU, ot New Mexieo. wh" h.s inveitigated tho Mexiean situation. He al-"> has rnn ferences on with sevrral Progr*88IV*8 and Republicans. \\c will remain in N'ew Vork only six hours, ret-irning here Thursdny night to continue his work on h> ipccch of acceptance. 2.00 2.5ft 7th Avenue, 124th to 125th Sti. BJBBBflBBj BJaVOl K Very Ateaiaibla Pruet Modarala Within a fnr mlnutwa' w.\:k of W T On-ral KallroaJ H'atiun ?ne lila. W froin I. aoil r*iib4w?.. Bnrfaee ran aad Bni llna la all polnta at door. FAM1LT AND TRANSIENT ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS ajntlw roaui wtlh running tl CA waler aad lotnr with .i... .,. fJ.JV 4. fllnilo room wtlh bath Room with bath 'f?r twa pcraone) ... ?. |-.irl,.r be.l room 3 50 UD ....I bialh *-w*? r sl',-.' IAL ll iTEfl ? ''' ( .mlr.t liinlni l(. ln 4r? Vork. I wetflfc Floor. -tilrmii.t nn. nf r?.ii?..,i, ? Hnard llflJB prr wr*U. RrniUrast. 50c; I iin.h. MV, Dinner, *l 00. 1 t.ellrnt (' ui.l I'rrfe.t -.rt-Tlc*. 1.1 nr.n Mi.rnlii| k P i i-t nr.. M.inagrr 14th Street, ntu Foarth Ayeoie. ^^^ROCKING CHAIR MOVIES^ ' Today and July 27, "VIOLA DANA " July 2829, "BLANCHE SWF.F.T." AFTERNOON and* EVENING CONCERTS SURF BATHING r?> STER tW CASINO POPULAR MATINEE TO DAY. $1 *. Jl MMMT3 LOEW'S NEW YORK ["JftiP To day?J W ...riaa* la "Th* Silwt Battl* " Orrh?.tra un Reof. ? ! -? M ' 1< ?a> Loew's imirican Roef t*m M0RA.TTI OPERA CO.. ALLBEATS ...44. '.-'??' H.rrM HE8ERVEU. A \i,..>. Own, * PI**** PUw | aaa, Sit. S0?. Pn r kuths ALACE r KUTHS , Mr. ARNOLO OALV t CO.. N? ,r.'. Daaoara" ?-tth Kmiii* Ua an.l T m l>lr.*> L?in>. rt iva,.-si a. Ha.l "ti-rm. MdOet* II i M. <'a*?r .? Lamanad* Bfrvtd Fr*? t? All. R. . . m- *xt aet Mar.h * RaM llarrnri IALTO n. M.r-iM. r - II aa. A 4.M K laU; Ha.- Orefa K.'..' ?? i_. awatj ? Lair* ?' 4:a.?a " .-____ B08T0CK'8?l'r 80NAVITA B CONEYR *a8 Oth*r Bl| ??atur*?. ? IBll-AP* all Daaelat? Balloaa A?<r*n*!oa*. aataaB II Wm m o*rkto?a r*ui**?*o p*o*i* OANCING C0NTE8T TO-NIGHT. aa.. k ?"" Rlta l*llv?t. "Aa latarna ' ' tl**al Marrlat*." ! 1,i !? M , Bjaa ! 08 A BOB. wa.. Mtnr Plcaiwd. ' UraUit from lloUacl."1 NEW AMSTERDAM * THE 2 C00LE8T SPOTS IN TH? U B. A. MATINEE TO-DAY at 2:15. r K= .. HEAR IHE CREATEST OF *'* ? IRVING BERLIN.S SONGS! HKHi^.l^iTa? ZIEGFEVb'MlDNlGHT FROLIC THE ONLY HOOF BF 1 ASm U '??' E.?nr Er*. 8 ? THE BOOMERANG MATINEES TOMORROW A TUER, 2 30 B >a> 8 41 lallv. & .kHzlhlaJ'.w^ Tb**. H !***? ti 800 000 Sgatta*!* L'iUk^Jl.lM SEATS stLLiK!, 4 WEiKS IN ADVANCE HARRiS 2: o ?.^. OON T BE A tiO'JEL HtSBANO "*??'?, 'N ?: WOMAN WANTS ONE I.IO Iml'.U) ?Jl.a'.VJ.I.I... A JOY TVPMOON IN i eREE/E8. ?IDtR I 1 ?. Ml l \|A * AUOREY Mu*.80N "PURITY" NEW Mal Taala. HOIDINI. Ad*l* Hu.lta*. RRIf.HTON CUrk * v*"" ",*?*B?*ny.,? DMUniUH r,? v?lu*.**r.. Whlt* 4 Cl***)