Newspaper Page Text
WILSON WAY PICK POLISH AID BOARD Britain Offers to Admit Food if He Will Name Neutral Commission. HOOVER MENTIONED TO HEAD THE WORK Plan Proposed to Use Oerman Ships Interned Here to Carry Supplies. London, July 26. Great Brit-iin will ? : to the admission of food in the treas occupied by the armies of the Centrnl Powers under the superviaion of a neutral commission appointed by President Wileoa. Thi*. will cause sur? prise in relief circles. which have been flraiUag hard to procure some form of relief for Polar.d, an the belief bad be aa8BM general that the negotiationi be? tween tho EateatS Power* and Ger? many offered no hope of agreement. The full detail* of the Bntiah offer will be sent to Walter Page, the American Ambassador in the form of n letter for transmission to Presidont Wilson. Therefore, they cannot be ducloted until the letter haa been re? ceived in Washington. But the general nature of the plan, aa outlined at the British Foreign Office, will five the Wilson commission a chance to work with the gupport and approval of the Kntente Powers in provisloning the oc? cupied areas, provided the Auetro-Ger irtni take no more native food suppliei from these districts. Commlealon Haa Inre-rtlgated. On account of its cordial relatior.s and scmi-omcial standing in the various bclhgerent countries, it is cor.sidcred here that Premdent Wilson likely will request the Hoover commission to un dertake the work. if the proffered plan1 BOeta with favor in Germany. This commission already hai fully laveflti gated the needs of the civilian popula tions m the areas affected and stands I ready to use its existing machinery forj addltional relief work. Since it is practieally impossible to procure shipping to bring food from America before the harvest becomes nvailabie. it ifl likely the commission will borrow the existing supplies of food from neutral Kuropoan countries, undertaking to replace these with overseas supplies. The commission mav revive the plan to procure in teriicd German shipping for the work. Belgium ib not affected by the British * .4. H.rhert C Hoover, chairman of the Iklgian Relief Commission, now on 4. v te Braeaele, will probably pro cecd le Berlin, and may be able to as la thar negotiations there. Waahlactaa, July M. Officials here fear insistenre on the condition tl. t too* in I oland be not removed will make any agreement between the belligerents ImpOBflihlfl. This waa the chief eaaae foi the failure of recent Mgotiatioas instituted by the State ?rant. dent Wilson last week wrote e] ietters to the rulers of Great Britain, France, Germany and Austria Hungary, urgrt.g that the question be taken uj. anew, but no replies have been riceived. In the previoua negotiations tne Ceatral Powers were willing to guaran toi the food f-urplies from the Uaited - would rrach only i-ivihan popu- j . l.ut smce Poland was under their yovcreignty they held Great Brit-1 |ain bad no right to dicUte the dispoil ! tion of the native food. Berlin. July 2f> t by wireless to Say viliei. Keports published in the United States that Oer-aan** had declitud tfl grvo aasuraru-e i-he would not reqmsi I tion l'or the armv food sent f.-r tho | civilians of Russian Poland are denied by tkfl Ganaaa authorltie-, says the Overseas NflWS Agency. lt ls tajd the , (irrnimi government giiarnntced the importfl would be exclusively reserve 1 1 for the civilians. and that the rrlief action fniled because of Great Brit? ain's attitude. B. R. T. REPORTS BIG NET SURPLUS iFiscal Year Just Ended Best Snice Its Capital Was Increased. ln the f.seal year which er.ded June ?10. lfllfl, the Brooklyn Rapid Tranflit Company earned a net surplus of $1, !44..">M, the largest of any year since ' the capital was increased to $74,4?">.'-.'J 1 --. ', The gross surplus for tho period was i $5.4" 11,832, an equivalent of 7.5.1 per cent on the capital stock. Although frerght revenues for the year fell off $132,600, the passenger ' revenue gained $l,r.J>9,P8, a little more than 6 per eent. The total gross carn ', :ngs were $27,948,772 and operatiag "X peasea $16,1*193,907, an inereaae of $t;i.3, ..J<". over 1915 coats.' The company, in its annual report, issued jreaterday, states that consider? able progress has heen made rn con strurting new lmea; all the new lines ; and improvements which it obligated itself to construct are r.ow either com ! pleted or under contract. Purin-* the current t'iscal year the ! Brooklyn Rapid Transit proposes to place these lines in operation: Broad I way. Manhattan, subway as far north i as I'nion Square and possiBly Thirty fourth Street (including the Canal Street connection); the Jnmaica Ave? nue elevated extension, the Broadway elevated third track from Myrtle Ave 1 nue to Kast New York, remainder of New Ctrerht Avenue line to Coney Island, and third track on Myrtle Ave? nue between Kidgrwood and Broadway. .-?? STEAMBOATS DON'T PAY, WITNESS TELLS I. C. C. Discrimination Favors Railroads. Shipping Man Says. "There is no money in the steam boat business." said Charles C Good rich, vice-president of the New York tnd Hartford Transportation Com- ; pnr.y. now a part of the New Haven Railroad system at the hearing yes? terday before Commissioner Clement* of the Interstate Commerce Commis? sion on the New Ha-.en's applieation for control of the Sound Line steamers Tho hearing, eoadueted m thr ns semblv rooms of the Merchants' As? sociation, in the Woolworth Building. follows the governmental probe ot th? alleged monopoly by the N'ew Hmrn of transportation in New England. "I could r.ot compete with a carrier that worked twelve months a year, as mv carrier could work onlv eight on account of winter," said Mr. Good- ' rich in speaking of the sale, in 1916, of stock of his company to the New Haven. "It was time for me to get eut of busine-s." The futility of competition was brought about. asserted Mr. Goodrich, ly the Interstate Commerce i ommis sron. which threw every line in the I'nited Statea into the hands of the railroads. "Tho mine price to coal dealers la ten een's more a ton if shipped bv tide water." he said. "That is unfair. By sending coal over an all-rail route the ? dealers save ten cents a ton." DANISH INDIES TO GAIN BY SALE Purchase by U.S. Expected to Avert Bankruptcy *nd Social Revolt. St. Thomaa, D. W. L. Jo\y 2?. Katb \ng ia known here offlcially coneerninj: tho probable purehaae of the Danish Waal lndie* by th* Uniteil Statea from j Dcnmark, but the news t)iat ncgoMn ! tiona for the transfer of tha islands hnve vrtunlly heen completed raun-d j no surprise. Persistent rtimora of thi' | probable trrinsfer of the islands have baaa received of lat*. Prohubly daa to th* relurtanc* ofi Danish cupitnlists to inveat more' money for improving ?nd maintainitik' the islands, eonditiona daily have been hecominjj m?.rc unsntisfactory. St. Thomas ia threatened with bankruptry. tha harbor tra.le, ita principal auppnrt. bfliag alasosl dead Bt. Croix ia faemj: a social revolution, following Bgitatloi l.y labaran for higher wagei and bet? ter living conditions. Puhli- sentiment In St Thomai i? divided ovor the question of the trans frr of thc islands, the lower classes of the peonle belag the more desirous for a chance. lt is pointed out that S1 Thomas would only be usoful t<> the Ufllted State*. ns h nnvnl hiise and that it ll probable. should the aale bo effeeted th.- harbor would be eloeed I and tho fow ships which now call for, coal, fuel oil and other suppliei driven i ! Croix atands to beneflt more, than any of the islanda by the sale. j llt ia purely agrrieultural. and the | planters there are very deslroua that ? I it be brought under the Amencan flaK I Thoy expect that under such condition l 1 with improved agriflultural methods .nnd thc BSS of Inrjre tract. of land now uncultivated. there would be u ' lartrcr production of aujrar and rum, j the island's chief produeta. which would oniov a frre and ready market in thc I'nited States. Tho ifllaad of St. John alao expeets fo benefit acriculturally should the sale bc consummated. the jrrrater part Ol the laad thore beink' uncultivated and uninhabited. _t -? JUSTICE DAVIS INDORSED. Lawyera Working to Aaeore Hl? R* nomination. A non partisan committee of lawyers practisin* in the First Judicial District has been formed for the purpose of briBffiag about the renomination and re-eloction of Justice Vernon M. Davifl this fall. The seleetion of Justice Davis as the joint candidate of the political parties has been approved by the Association of the Har of New- *iork, the New York County Lawyers' Asso? ciation and the Bar Association of The B A_BOBf thoae on the eBBBasKtsa are Oeorce Gordon Battle Joseph H. We. Altou IV rark.-r. I.ewis 1 De ? tield Austen G. Fox, Ceorge L. Ingra ? Wiliiam Trav.-rs Jerome, Louis .f_.r_i._r, Delaney Nicoll, <_eor_.e W. K!rii:Ur "tor IW John B. Stanchfield and Herbert 1 ar sons. _,____ Strikes Man in Face. Is Charge. Auguat Anderson. of 1081 S^jH Houlevard, The Bronx. ll said by the pol..e to have walked up to a man at .-isrhtv-nfth Street and Third Avenje Klt alfhl and struck him ln the face. After 8 chase throrgh Eighty-fifth St eet Anderson WM CBBfh and locked up in tho East Eighty-sixth Stree p l\.ee station. The other maniWBS taken to Reception Hoapital, where it WSI said he mipht di?. Our Need of Ships -By John H. Fahey (Former Pre$ident of the Chamber of Commerce of the U. S.) There are three principal ports in South America. They have good harhors and float the largest ves scls. Each month from 40 to (*>0 cargo ships sail from these ports to England alone, and equally large numbers to Italy, Spain, France nnd Portugal. Ten ships flying tlie American flag sail to the I'nited States. Mr. Eahey knows international commercial conditions. Ile knows why goods are shipped from Eu? rope to South America at 2.">rr of the rate chargcd hy American ves M'l-a. Read his astounding article in next SUNDAY'S TRIBUNE. It will tell you just what must he done to get .ond keep a respectable share of the enormously profitahle export field to the south of us. To make tlie most of her oppor tunities, America must think with an international mind. This great series nf articles hy an unques tioned c.xpert will help every Amer? iean business man grasp the South Ameriean situation and determine how he personally can best take advantage of it. Be sure to read Mr. Fahev's story of our need of ships in NEXT SUNDAY'S TRIBUNE. Tell vour newsdealer to-night to save your copy of THK SUNDAY TRIBUNE containing this re? markable article. Sffte ^tmftay ttxibnnc First to Last?the Truth: Sews?Lditorials?Adiertiscments THREE CHARGED WITH HIDING $25,000 ASSETS Bronx Wlne Dealers Fndlcted? Will Plead To-day. Tbe I'nited State- Grnnd Jury ?*?*? tenlay handed up indirtmenta to Jun tlcn Meyer eharging Snmuel Sehomer, I-.idor? Ohringer and Morrli Tamaimei with having ron-.pired *? eo*ic*fll ?? Betn valtied flt I'-tWOOO from Sitcmund Ho.h-tadter, truntee In bankruptcy of thia Bronx Family Wine and Llquor Store*. Ine. They aro eipeeted to to the Indictment-, to-day Ilehind the action of the f-rand Jury U a ntory ot two seemincly proiperoui -.fore*, in The Ilronx, munnRed by the defendants, K?intr >n<0 bankruptcy on May 1 la?.t, when an Rsaignment wns rnnde to Niithan Oppenhnmer for th<* benefit of rreditor-.. An involuntnry petition la bankruptcy followed, ar.d 1(1 cuts on the dsllaf wns offered in ?settlement. When thia wus refused 2h rents WfSfl offered thfl rrcdit'.rs, who appoiatad n eemaiittee t<> laTflitigata. thi*. committee reported to Assistant Difltrid Attorney McDonald thnt the eompany had kept no books, thnt it hnd obtained goods sold below value on falaa fltateaieate of asset* nnd that in March last a motor truc'ic. ohtninr.l for a demonstrntion. wai uied to con vey barrel." of lii-unr from tha stores to Sehomer's residence. Tho indict? ment 5 followed. -? ARMY AITO NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS [Fmra Tbe Tril?un? Pur-an 1 4\a*fiii,ri<?i. Julj ;? AltMT I ? a-JTAR7.ES T MKVUIKR 88 Flelrl Art ?? - r*d .1* IUm k Ulaafl m Ft Slll *ril rri. .rt 1.4 ir I* r*e taa.. tmt_ 1>ei* . Im ?urthei ri-r, l.r Col MKNOHKR aailft.rl .'?th Fleld Ai on r-rairnortnri lo ^>. ("apL HKItllKHT S \*.MIITI.K IratlKdl. r*!!**"*" aa a..4l.r 'ai tepat Q M r;.l!a.1*lphla tn ()"* *m..r'a lalaxid. Aug 1 aa a?>l?t to 4) BL. Eaat Ban R-i1tnatfor.a of S-a-nt ,1 U FRKPEIUCK I' Me AI.AKY id M- Int. an-l Flrat !? ? iEORCE 17. HARI.Y Mfl fV>rr? Mlrh N G a<-r?pt*d Ma;.t SANFOIU. WaMIAMS M*d f'?rr*. trrm flutr >rlth N O aa Inap trj*i . to .lutj In offl-* rhlrf pf Mlllrla Bur-an Wajhlnfton Part SKBRINU C MKJII.l I8tfi ?'?'. to I-arr/ln. Tn , fnr *iamlratl-.n for Irnnttw m roa.t arl Cttf QEOItUK r nAl.T7.FIJ., Mfl tr.f d?tall-d rcmharr (.-.--a] Staff ' <rj.?. rff-ntlw Auf t. *ir* Capt 1 .1 11A\AIU' Si'lllNlil I. (i-'-ral Htaff Ma. RAXION r. KI.T Tth Int., to Eajlo i'ntt. fn fnr ratJBlnttloti fof trana'rr m f.?M art Capt SITVa ICV.iav "Vh Irf . 'n Ka-.* !'a*a. for namlnaflnn for tran.f-r tn fl'M art lyaa- tt *ba*i r* f r l?* rno. ly, gra:.t-'l <'*?* ITItr-. IIKI. TII'F.S lat Inf Capt i.jnlii.l I. h.M' Q M IV from *Ma!l In flMI :?- } | aa>lf:ia"l 9lh IrT . etlei-lie Jnly tt I, ,re ? ttaeaaa paaaat Firat i.t frfpk a riliv.'l:. 5il. Ki*m Ar tlUadktd ont nanttl *..? I FUI.t>K I* KKVNnt.ns M-l Cerpa. nn *-r!,ai Iri V. B, rtptirl hj 1*1 'o mm ten. i"." ' r a.-lfTTma-ht 10 r-mrorarj -lun Flr... .... GI70ROI I. MAS.iN FKANK I' MT.IVK OFOftna n OrUIIAM KAMI'KI. H LXRME MORTIMKR SAVIHRSilN an.l WM.I, IAM A BQtiaCa Otal Hurt* . <j< rt. Sam Houatan tre r?.iipnr.rr .lutr A^t Da-ol s.irc nCUBT V Bl'IJ.. <J> at- fam Houaton fnr tnmpuran rtnir Flr.l Ua JOH.N II IIFJM. nonF.RT F PAT TII'.SO.V tnd IIKRMAN S Itl SH 1'^nt Hurt* ? rer.r*. It |?| tn ,,.m |rn Snajth I'-t" tut v. li .tr.-nt ln tm[>nrar) .| itv that .l^par-nirnl. Ftr?t I.* KIIM-.*<T . ["AI.TON Moi Ur, Cetpa, honorabl) rllwharard '?? vt i aarrto* ..f D R Ma) KAIII.K 1'?*. I'EARCE Ceaai Art. t. Waah Infto f>r naml-.a'ton f..r tranafrf lo K1r I A-' Cantl .".HN II i HIUSTIAN <*. . anl DATID A IIK-.KKS IC'h laf., 10 .. for ?SflflflBH* rl.p. for 'ra'.afcr <n Ceeat Art Cai.' CLARE.NTK II SMITH OaoM Art. an' B-cond I.'" II'iRAi'K II KIIJ.i:R 14th Ct* . i : WnXJAM A TiAFTEBTT l**'h Inf. to I >? - l'a.?. T.i . fo* -tamlr.atlot; fnr tranaf*r tn KI*M Art F1r.r I.t CHABLCS A MF.AI.S tSttr* I*if *rA ?<mr 1 I.t, .lo.SFI'II l> ( rn (J1II.AN FRFt' KKI. K J WII.I.IAMS tnd RK.IFK 11 HAN MM Cnajat A-' It Waahii.r .n Iflfl eitmli.t'lnn for trar.afT ro FlfM Art. V4VT Ra>ar Arlm T F RnGKIlS r*rt V D MAC |...r i.AU. Con W I. IJTTJ.EFtKU' I.t I M KIMN Ir. 1/4 .1 L. . W I IH -n.Klt. (' II WAVt lt I. AHIii.TT T G BERHIEN. II V IMO AN n II Jl S'KIN I. J lU'TII FREHERICK HAI.T/I.T A A MERIUCK C T III I.I. 44II.I.7AM MARE7K i: I. KI....T P 4 RASSOt* A.ala'. Hair** JAMKS WATT W 4*4 l!4?kK M R C C* Bll '? WII.IMM !'l FBIEfl arvl "Ti l'ay I'l^rk II 1 HATTI.E. romml*tl<m*d !? . LEWIS COXfl, to r/trn Natal Int*l . S*pt lt i* i} i. i a ? amn, fldeaaefl; ie .Natal Ara^rmr It .1 i | 11 M I.AMMERS, d?t*rh*d Urcpnranr darll Naa. Dtpt le ail nn tlttt rorc ln eh . | Pa. rfl * rl En. WALKER COCHBAH, rl'tavhed Hopktr.i. to naral hnapltal Mar- I?.an.| frurf H W PI.I'MMKIt, tlHtrhmi Hancorkr te .. 'in- ied *?aJt or.lrra MC4*rB8BI*nL ARRIV"7T> Petl 74 A"?.T a' c.rlnto. Olader tt Kan Dl-t-o: a' I orl n-? A.'?m?. I'ilr.n.s tnil RhM* laland at I'''.a Chlrairn at Ilamp'o,, Rca4? Fai. nlni tt liartlnrr'i Par: lU'.^ork it Timrlco, I>iii!,ltna anl N-ptut.r at Norfott; V.?'.'|ninrr. a', Indian Kra.l Ntnahtn at Sra'tla. Ohio It I'roa I ' Ul a*. 'i'laita/ramo SAlI.F.n Julj 74 Buffalo. Stn IMa?n f"r Mar* bland Arrthuaa. N-?iort ?} ara. Fai.nlnf, Nem ;..*? '??; llar l.r,.r'4 B4>. Hu.r4.a-k. Ttrr.plno hf S.v. .irla.*ri4. Ja>n(. s?n t rar.naa-.. Iut SuiM'to. .. v?t,ta Dotatnfo Cltj for Sttohra, 'H.:?. li ? ? fnr I'rorrr.'.r . 4. taa, **?'-"? Lon-Jon r ? NB?port rlt tJarlirrr'a Bar ,N>|rtur.* wli; tetft NorfoU Aui 1 for Hajtl. Saj.*... [>..n.. 5. <..itrr'?rai..o and eaat mttt of Mpiio<,, Murnlni ". tu <;..?- tuiamo _HELP WANTED._ Male. WANTED: MachiniiU and moulderi, engine lathe handt, vertical boring mill handa, planer handt, tool maltert, marhine tool repair men (all around machin ittt), engine littert and radial drill prets handt, tlotler and thaper handt, machine blaclttmitht and tool drettert, mouldert for both light and heavy work. Bett waget, working condi tiont, high grade work and ateady employment. For particulart inquire No. 212 10th Are., N. Y. City, The Wfstinjhouse Machine Company Fema!*. tYANTTP Brljht tawat womar ta w?ltr-*a for uut of-i mt 1*1 :?? r - 1 * . ll..t*'. Marrr a .\'a. Ifl Ka?* :">rh tt,, 11 t" 1 p ? K--' SITIATIONS WANTED. _ Male. mAl'FFEtTl Ei rnarhtnan; Enilnh; marrl-d. pnral* farrl | r-'ir-r . Pvlaar.l tnd l'*rr.-a? -ara Tlinina* RoaV-abural 4'-.', ?^n '"'. .r DOMESTIC SITIATIONS WANTED. Femnle. . rOI/IHrT" r.?ITI.F. Hu'.rr rv*, rnlV. do ?nUr* ?art ?o.4.| IpraMrtn-j .ai^o.* >.rru.*ja |to. ?i , . . ,,.!,-,..,.,. 41,4, Pitwl'a A-ci..'-/ 30 East , lurrt I : 41 -..'.iu:--; iTiiAMRElUlAin fteablt i atti ? ? ?? 'treaem. tr, tnywhaira. | A,* 1 Kut 4M at . Tr: t M'lUCERi GUVEIWEaa Freech i.ifhTr r*c>m ?n , >.ac?t Mfl. ?H>a 4 4 Ajri.rj. 17 \\ nat 42 1 aV WARtSSaa. laateS Pr t?.ttn* thnr'ti-rrY.j ootnf* ?., BC* ml Ha*?la-BCtt ''rr er rriiitrj Miaa 4r?. . y 17 W-*t. 4J1 tt. LOST, POUND AND REWARDS. LaiST la front ot I MTtM rlr.j. Iioo tmetl I 4 E IHM IIWKHOOhS. I?!T - Tajaat^nnk ?*? . ' CflttM-e' "<*rt-f? Bank 1: . ?.. tllad Aafl HUi. ISle, m . 1 bi la mad*_I l.i 1 - r I.C'k! 1. No "Ifl Ml ,' l'rr Doct S*r1:,?? ? m 1 hari'.f rialma iif^in .aM pr-virt Um .an.* '.- ?!.* baat I ? a... UM aar ! ' ?>k ar1^ bt fll ! ..Ar.-I II ? ? -rt Ul.t la*U*al lo ilru I !>,-- (;. - . N I' '87 of for Barlnia ' - ,h at N-* York l*ayic*ut atoppayl I'!a-a?a ? a _____^_, LOHT Ra ? " 1 'J:.2*3 01* Bt-.k for Str" i..?a. 1*i Ith a? >'.?* *i ^k. rt/BMi.) itofpp?'l r>a*e rrti.iT. r-?la tn hu.k_ :ji<T Rl ' -* N ? ' -4 149 0/ Kank for !-a. : 1: aa. IM 4rh a. N>? Tork. I'trtMnt *tnpt?j j na. ^_ U?8T Uar.4'???'? Nn (14.4M c' 1'ry Daffl Sarl-f. 4 . | . r? lUftae rlilni iip,^ MM . - ? ? 1 I 4 th* taM i.<* wt:\ ki 't? . flthod mm * !.?.? on* ? |^.>T Ha- btafl Na ??? (. , Saa-i-ga i ? ?? ' 4 ? . ok it a-ali*d - *'-t> dtra ,r ?? ? 4... *? RMflM a. i nrw or- ? ? : ' i.?r-f -r_ I...ST I . ? ? . n Mu Kat-rra Bank" al L'antl tt . N T PvnM ft.Ji>p*.l u.d ctn rtLtUso tp.:*?: t<tj T'.ttet ;?*..-.. t4> btal. | Shipping Information and Marine News of the World MINIATIRE AI.MANAC. fTtnltad BlaKa 'fittl *>?*, 0*nt*,rtlr tt'irnm ) a.m rW. . 4 41 I Moon fi*? (1 m I J ' Btin Mla t M Baaa i'U I* ruj. 5 B IIpin WkfkeX Ky( f M Ban-tr Heek ... . f* U_f*rn..r'i lilu.. .? Jl 11-1 IUI* . ? 11 ?'?** mOOMOfO STEAMERS. TO HAT Vfwel From J*-"-1- **, Ua fla Baaar Uaban . Ju.yii riiy r.r s? l .ui. Bafannafe . ?*"" " Miit-eii-'lili Klrkwall . ." ? ' Coion fri.t..mi .feg r, i li iii <?_jtf_t<_i . ."' ,, ! llaiiwun Shlel.U .*" r ',, I .ti.nnia A'.fler. * . ."lr ,' I T.?ifrler ll..r.|emn _**>? . Banta Mim Sn.u Mina .J"1* >> I St. |.h?i... Hillfii .' ' At.fll>? New .)ri.?j_, .."!' 7 A.lrlttlr I/lr.T._?.| . >:i K__ta-Oe_i__laa .laa si raiDAT, row j*. !_?..__? Jark.on-llle .."!".'' , Vlar. Iliill .J" ? ?? ; Etdla I'.rto Hlrv. . J" * j Canal fj?t--?.i*i . [uj* - I UN Trr.|f-ir Oll.riUar .. ..BBT *? HATVIUiAY JI I.T JI. I ______? Laaflaa . !?_____ Aii.?f.t? b***iii? ??..u:' . Valarla Umpnr. . ***** ' 1Mi.f...? (--ir.llfT .?? J"'*" }J j Herfrnr.rjor.1 11. rren .Juljrl. M MIAT. JI'I.Y 31. Mi Tork IJ.erpnol .Juir 22 iKroonlind IJffri"..| . W* H Hhlel.U . ?J"-" J Klrkwill .. .. July 1? \Uataee it***i.* .J{i*> -' monday. jii.y 31 C?BBflaa. liwaeB .*T"'T 5 Iior.l-iui .Julj JI f'arallna fiin Juin . J.ilr ':'. STtlh.i- Bordeaua .July 14 IjiI... nif'lom .July 11 Paaaanlt !__?__? **** -u OITI.OIM. STEAMERS. "Pi DAY. Uetk tteet* Vrt,ri m_ -lee-Mnitloii - ??l *, Hr-*... I. M I'M " I ? PM M?nt?l <;rrr,l.!? I" N AM 1 KaDtranaa Nae-i'i 'i nn AM 13 . rl.i.r'ri. (*rt?trfb?l 11 0 AM '? '"-' I'M Ar?|.*tr"- J*. ksontille 1 "O I'M iv.;. ?*,_ Aaa* N.*r*o.k 2 w I'll rnniAY. nrw :* i Oulana ? Bi.r.a.1 ? II 31AM 2 00 TM Hliaola Bantlafla )?UM l!?'M I baaalla BaaWa? 1* 00 M ; rU-UBDAT. xt-i.Y :? i._/__-ru? ?__*_?? . iimu s *-* rvi Tfni.1-.rr->- Mituii .ll rr) \l 3 rm PM Bt Paul M-errral . 171AM 11 IM Baratofla Hataaa . I oo am II MAM Iflaajfaaa San Juaa . I 3o aM 1. oo m MaflealooaiJ JaaMlea . ? .0 AM i_ 0. M . l*tmu-MWUn? lliftl .... no. AM 3 oo I'M K'Mhano Hl .lofin'i .I-.0-.M 1101AM S'aplM . ? 40 AM _ 00 I'M Alflaa*-? _B_*_*| B_aa4 n * Ui WONDAT, I01.T 31 III, _? Pir.l. llllbio IJ 10 M ohioui M'...ieflt-" 14 00 M Tl BSOAT, Al lllhT 1 1,10 J. ll Bl ll ? M.r.ei.r. ' V <ltr c?7 f'ol'imMi. Baiaonati . ;2 . I'nrai_-.rh. l___aa-_BU?_ - 1 00 I M ariiukd HUmr-e rrln^e (Brl. U PflMlfl J'l'f *k U? P?ul r u-r*.ri a ( r Bai ?? " mj p n.. Mn Inmaa (Br), Bawi J-iiy ll v> Compi-r.i. Ceoarala TranaallaaUaaa, a-Ua r_.!?f. n?r ?t r:i?| l' . S.hcriau?al Ju:, M. la PaaaaM ********** * fi. with 14% p-AUcnf.-n. m?lli Mfl Mfl ?*r ? J< <-ph J CMnrn .Norl Hir?ro4 Ju.r ?J. to at luiti. PmB Co. wBh fralt Bir _.t 2 a m Y lli ->rl? Julj 11. lo Ola H* Co. wtlh *Ua'r ..f MadiM (Brl. Oak-Bla mm UL Ceianlia ? Maaea H?r jana 14. <-H-_ Towr. Jf* uvi st Lutta J".. ?-' "? I' ?">" ;4. 'O N'-i-t-oi.. UIlT * ' ?>? nlth nrl.e llir M s p n- '' ,._. Iltuinorkii I ' Miria'i'i H. ? orilea IJ Pilmai A1IM 15 1'-'-' II ?..t um J'lin l!>. |0 Bull Ii-ulir Uaa, am nnli_. llir ??-? 10 40 p ra Mtltatt. Hill mn Mu.rhe.trr Juir IS, M tVhli* - ir lAtf, *i ??? -adai Bai U I M ? ? _ ? ?l.ilmr'" N'? Orlaana J.U> 70. t*> BwBBini Pi rlfl C -i'i' ti.???' U"" it f 4? i rn Brabant, PW 4 T*1 f ? l BBflfl ?' 1 J.r',-"'...,, Nr.port N>?? ar.'t V'-tulK. to OM ' Pumlnlon H. r<>, wlih pun-i'irn and uirti- Qmr P'l ?'*. Ame Vewport N"?i iti-1 Norfolk, to OM Domltilon Ia Co, ?lth piM*-Mers and i?.l?. Q"" *'{.:,''''\!.i. Prirnrrr Juir lt to J H WM-Bmai A .-.. llir II I ii i m Canada .Itr BaUai Juir ;, wi_h r_H-o__.uti. u. rrsnl la n.k-r ? g n *.-! to J C Urec'T. TrlnlJi'l (Br), -St ir/.t J'i'.? l?. to Quebtc S. Co mtth i.ilir Itir it 7 J"' 1 tn ... i'M 0_Jl_aton July 13. U Kouthem Parlflr Co, wlih "'I** *J"r WSeta. .. _ k wi-i.irr h- 'I..ji. i" Matfoa Juir 12. to runrn. >..l>r a ' a Htr ? < -0 1 in ldaho .\'..ri BhVldl Ju:> 6. to Nor?nn. I.l..y * Oa ll?r II 11 I'" ? tn ... Ptwtvie Philadelphia, i" <'!_rd? *t t-o. wtth ra'Ue Q"?.*,_,'!, Baion i"o.ii- Julj 1". to Stir,.i_l Truii i nnrtnl'T. Co, ?ui. r_r_d? oil Quir it 4 "^ p m M-n.i ,;??.?'. lulj 11 ind Bninawlrk 24. to Mallon Ba Co, altB paaaaaflin aad m,l,e. Quir at ?? 4*. a n. .... Mir,.-hl'.r,-il (Sorl Paal Antonio and ?**?"?*?? Pn Jul] l> ml Klnaataa 7" la I'nltad l-nitt <... ..:- ii nMtiiMgri md fnBl *>*' ?l 'BJ**- . , : M ..._-> l'ort Ar-4-ur lul] ? ? * . fn. *l:h _..*' Su.r!) Ho?k it 7 1'J p m SAIIXll ?JiYi nir.r (Br). Mmr. Bfl w OJomtp; Ver^l i tr?; > Naptaa; Tj ;<r NorfoU utd Mowpon Vh KkrTDM. Sorl, Arrhaniel. Kounk IBUM __!rti_n_?l Eakaionl Brl 4- anaai; WalUr D Ka>M V'n ,1- linrlro Kuth. Norfolk. I .until. No_ ii?te?a Btf-aiaflai (Brl. Bi nudi i lv .._,'._. Si-i;.ml.. Kr-lrrlk VIII IDM), CflflM I RESORTS. The Catskill Mountains a realon of ___ ROM ?.NTIC Sf F.NKBT ALTITl'DK 1000 lo 4O00 ri'FTT ATTK.MTIVK IIOTKI1 AND HOAlUllXi llOLSES .ANV TROFT ivriiKAMS POFII AR \. \IKS AM) DR1VRS yOl.MAIN C1.I.MH1M,-< AMI'I.NO A .. UMH.RI II. 4 IM NTRY Ul '.. II Ht.ijnli CIIARMS THE ULSTER & DELAWARE R.R. ln eonnertlon with West Shore r. R.. nperaieti thr..ufh trains. Inrludlng Pull? man i.-rvl.e Tl.e *"r *, h-lu.e la now in -ffert Three through e.fl'.J f??t express trali.s m ea.-h dlractloa between New York an.l theinoun'alua. Fte.mers of the Hirls.n Ftlver P?y Mn? make direct ronnecilon. at Klnfl ?1 n Polnt, with afternoof iralna for *l\ points in the inouniuim. The annual lll?atraU_l b.'ol< with re \!??d map "f IIM Cataklll Mointaln aec tion an.i eofrectad liai of ovar hotels and boardlnfl arill be aent free on recelpt of _ cents postar*. N. A. S1MS. (Jei.eral l'aa?' nger Ajent. KliiKston. N. Y. ea***************a*>****** ? ? <*> %_J3,?ky 1 ? GOLF INK** FREK t DUTCHER HOUSE&iCOHAGES 5 | PAWLING, N. Y. ? T L W BLAKKIKBHIf (1.e) *} 5 Te|epi-..rn? :i Pawllar. ^ ???B????????????????????? NEW HVGEIA HOTEL ni.ncK i**i..\N.n. r. i. 15 miles at sra. Ai.r sii::Hn.-r temp. 75*. Iia'hina. fishlni.. g .11 tennli -? '. ? t?]_Upmoai Bort/I - and ealalna .-?? perfect aa ran t>o pi < 117 50 ; aah apwarda ? nemenl .., from 7. y Ui : ? . . r f Eaat llth st, N T Tolaj I ? - . Hill lltl. ar by K Y N H S M Rr Ril?entrrd b> A. B. Bennett. H.tfl Antor. N. Y lt B8TBI RY, 1 ONO |s| \M). Most Attractive Inn in America lligheKt 4 ln: ( uisine __ml tflflvlflfl. M-isl. I.v .*?> inph..n> TiMr rfwrwiii.ii> I.i Y\ t--tl.urrtlt , OTT _*? I *t*l Ha Otaaaa leke L i "1 r"'*"P*'"?towfi. N Y. Open . '-\/l. ./I ai tll Ind i-..m lfl III i i-l Slata Roada Al ill Bl ? * satoa, h i n 4 ? l_ Ul I v* I hl? .. n-Non '. r_ THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE VAIIMM.A ' ' N T 4'. rn 13d " -Jaia. .- * ? ' " . ? i - >? OCEAN VIEW ?l..|r_ h.."?l nt BLOCK IflLANO. B. I. HALu I'r-.prieter. ha-*n, fliulll tl8l rl. Tanimn. _*W_fk*J***' R*IU nri I'.ara-o. r.rrtlU-, *?****_<? jy.'fV, . .-, J'.a. . Eor*n* T.amr.*'***'?*'''*" '"' ' ,, iBr Mont*-vt-t*o. Rnt-I.' *I,**T. Z.'.tar. IBr), fl J UtMflta, Haltlraor*. KTKAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. AltRlVEIi iiarr*. ju'y 21 Mflaeaat IM "taa *"?*"*"; "**"'? i^.o."j.;V,'|4V^...u Ai-ehtori dial). N?? ***** Bu.\l"\a J^* DkU .So,). N-m Tor*- rl. i'l'.u.""...* *? -K-anbof. tn***). 8SSfl ? U ?'. Jfjfi 'tT'Hrun-wyk iData*). Hfll Tofat fot ll'tt. f'latr: ., _ . (j.-....*. j..> ii lUUa IBr). x"""*,J"r^ v_ Tort. M.r,-:.. Jnly 14 Kr1*tltr.U*Vrd l**t_ ?*** T**** ? *. :'. Ptnaaan. N?*- ; *r?, 16 l.arm* . Un. Nrw . or*. lulj U CtaU iBr). Valptralao for ??**? July tfl Ftr-mnnt ftttJ*. Nrw Tor* f*r Vladi-tetefe. BAII.KI). Uv-nvx.1. Julj U 'Br) (from Olu-"-**). BtJboa. July ?"? Oirtxa (Br) (fron Nar-? Tork). I lulqtM. ?i-* THE WEATHER REPORT _ Record for Ihe Uat Twenty-four llour-i and Ofllcial Forecaate.'i. leH 88 Ifefl "ara wa?* nontlntiea alont UM -aata-ni .Inp* nf th* Ra.. kj MnainUln*. Itl UM plalr. ar..| UM great r-n.lral raiifja. wltli t*m r?ratiir?a (.?'lar rai.flnj fr.'tn M Ifl 102 drfrr-ai Al lirai.d Harm. Ml. h . th* maxtmnm*rttur* ..- r.4 .l-fr-r* wu *>.* hlfhwt rerroTiio. t-mperaf'jr* tt lhat a'atlon. la tl- OeM and Atlantla aUtM t-"np*rat>ir*t wrr- ......w'.ai lnw?r fhtn In th* lnt-tlor. hit eflfl a rtalna lonfltnrT *?n*pt ln th* ?onth A'.lajillc ...... |. ?;,. r-.,r W?*t lt L? anmrwhat MM Rboaran irtrt f-n-Tal ln th- Atlantl- a/ul rt*' C.nlt .tatri anl 'h* nortJi urp-r .akr r.f.on. ar.l .,.,.. ?, ,. , qult* tonrrtl .l..-irtn. ln UM Batat Mountain rrflon, luh I.laho anl Um t.orth Pa Kltavtwrt ?;.- aaatPat ?aa patattm With th- -*-*>******? nf ?tV?rnr* TTrurrliy ln "*"*? ?hl or Frl'lty ln *a n.rr lak- Ptl'm thr vr-ath-r -UI Ir* ttM IflMJ , . ?, nal nt rh? Mi??i??Im>I Rlr*r. -?lth ? ?>?! IU". la-mp-ratiirr* ..rrr th* ****__*' . .., parauint ln Uta eaetx *?*_ Wind, 'or Th'ir?.liy a-. 1 rfldty .North AUantlc an.l mill- AUtntUr, nv>l*rat* ar.<l nvaa'.y lo'Un. with ibar-trtrt; atatU- AUtntte, nwdawtto loatthrt-t tad lOUtb arl'll -hnwarv ?*-4t G'llf. **_ * *0_ ?rat* uid rarUbl* -Jkowon le ""th __*_ _**. (i.ilf ModtraU IO-3thftl an'l aoaith. g*r.*rtl.f ftlr uppfl'r lak-* paaUa tn ir.-'lirat* *t.t to aoajth-aat prtndl Tt.'.r^-av. fair. non-lnu-.l -arm. ?r'4,t,_* alh.j thnt.rl?r ??'owrra on S'ipaTtor. lowrr IAM% (toUa iMfllni m\*tt* Thurtalur. fUr tnd continued ?a.-ru. Foroot-tl f*r 8p?l-J L-*-Jia-?.-E*?t*-m Nt?? York-rtitlr r!.ya:1j ahow-rt ln mornlni In eajt portlon. Frtdtr f*lr tnd w*rm?r DMfM of wa* Mtrrlti.d-Wtnn*r T',ur.lav, Frldar fair. aotitlnurd ?am fbtlatfl ai 1 DelflkTflfli PanlJ ttoefla *"d wtrm ttat; Fr* !ay Pair. MMtlMMS <**it* N. w J.t..-t l',rvy .-lourlj Thura Ity. wtrtn*r In ? Krliay WMtlat*" warm F.aatorn P*nnajlrtnlt PirtJj damt* Thuraday. tn li '? '?rm ? . _ ? Bouthem N*ai Kngltnd show-ra TTiiirtdtj nrinm t ,, | noarcd ?> ftll rrtdfll ptr'-y dawmj, "armrr ., . ? u., . ii- I. " ?..? _ ? . ? ra Nrw Knclaad flfleeeai Tburtdtj. Fri? day fair __ . 4 I/x-al thun.lw thower* Ttiuradty tnd probi Frlataf __ -_ _, A.iama tnd Mlaalaalppl ?en*r*l;j ftlr Thurt ? ? ' Irllay _ TanncttM KentudtF, tv.?t \lr-1nla. t\-*t-rn mit "?: ll 'ra-.a Fair. r.^iUn.jral ?arm Krllay ?.?..?.-?rt, S't-a V orl ?? . w?ii*m Tn*..?Ftlr Ti.n.ia, tnd Frldtj eostleead "?*rm Arktnaa.. Tbundaj tnd FrldtJ partly >-loudy Ukllhoot i.i EttUn T-I4.4 Ttiurs.ltv tnd i- rt I a ulad L*-*l Official R-eordi. Th* folloaaUif nffla-ltl r*r nr.l fna rh* W-ail-r llnr-tu ahowa th* rhtr.fet ln tho trmpreatur* ta th- l*..t twrntyfoair hour* lr. ,.4 .n with Ih* rnrrr-poi "Inf dato of Iut >*tr I i ? 1J ra. 4 p m. nighr?t t*mp*ratur*. *<1 'ietreee lat 10 ?0 a m ). :n44,rt 7n .<ftr.-4 i.t 13rfl] * ni I . traraf*. 76 d-froet; a-.rrat' * - i -:? ?;???? Slafl tala i*-t >? ii ~,<l .lr-|r-r*; tr.-rag- for . ..rra'apajn.llrif dato Iut thirty tl.rrar yrar-. 74 'l^gr-.-r. llao- "?-. Rraulnt*. T t. ni .30 II 1 p m "0 Or, | p. m 30M Humldlty. 4am 35 ' 1 p m 7? | t p. m... ?*. Loctl FarKHl. Partly rloaidj to- daj. ahowrrt ln mor:iln?, to tnorr./w ftlr tn.l wirm. modrrat* aoutb vl.-. |t, o FIRE RECORD. A M I 17 Rotltton at . laida.r Mrlll'k; trlfllnf. '..V Biytnl ar [llttor* r?trt.l?on. liJ<i ? : >? rt , 4?, ra. ar.t iot. .Ne* Vork llos pi'al. -light. I* M . Stfl W. 114th at. rittry Ftlfer; ?ll?h*_ ; a a. I. Ild .i . J"hn I^..r.1a. ;ll|ht ?' . . ml - t.-rrlnit ? .., Auto at *.7rr. M tnd r.ntral I'ark Wrat. 4. - W ' ?- --.flllif 4 40 Auto irucb froni of . >0 B NUi at . I^ry i imnr i o . $:."" ? H li Kulton il . H A (or.* A i*n : ISflfl RESORTS. Cf)c Ctjgcmrre Edgemere, Long Island Accommodates 300 DlrMtl) nn Ihe n.-?an; prlvat* hafhtn?; teel all etdooi tmnut** fr- rn Wall -? ol P Bl itlon. NOW OPEN MI1RTIMIH BL KrJ.I.Y. Minn-rr. 'Phone Far Rockaway?600 SUNSET PARK INN IUin** Fall*, V V. Aeeom. 270 Roomi with Bitlfl H.iatlnf Orchcatra, Di ih > t J BTRNES. THE IDEAL TOUR -. ? 4- i ? ,- a--' . - -? | Wond*r on tppllrttlon 11.0 N y . r Hotol Elton, WaUrburr, * ? MiNi, IBLAND BEBOBT Mi)4)K i'r -a. ' 7o lluy * 5th I ,\,r Bldfl ?n r savit nj. .n r-c^ipt of | ',-. ? ? Q I' A. l.onK Itland lt. R,i ?Hni? Station N "i _; rooL r.un'zv nnoMS, iui;iir on (V"ean. . ... r:. MM, !u-f- t:ry M-.a optlontL ' LNIVErtSITY HOTEt. .tn Arrnu* FUuldc, ! ...y llra.-;.. N Y 'PfaoM 1811 flfllMMll ,Kai.-. aet .i nenal *>taivda._ ?yt .?er\ h ..*. romfc 116 beauty LAKfrEST FikiJ'IIOCf rlLSHJ m_ IS"PE>*-ja*J Aiii?nr?i4?l?i4 P'-Toik?',i\Hwv FIW Yoarl bOCIMM* nir.zt -i.d TlMtt Bt-t* tawlutt '.. J**rcnt /V->J/lf>/'5 AtlrtOTHmyttr p*E LEAPtNC WCSOWT HO"lLOf TMt VV0?U) XI2atlboroiighB(cnhciiTi ATLANTIC C1TY.N.J. tWMt.1l"" MAMAGCME-tfT. laJOaiAH WMfT? | 3QN*" COMPANY THE LAFAYETTE $Rffi?ji ., ' tl r -... rt ' flunnti ? T ....... .. . , bauiruomi. Bl parl ntt M. H. FKOBT, A8BI 14 \ PARK, >'. J ? :'. rn Amerlee. Rookl** ' Ulrta-tor, 304 "Joardwalk Surf a Mill Hutrr Kuthln(. WATCH HILL HOUSE ? OPEN Wateh rlllL R. I. A. K Illl K. rilillKll I(IK TOUR NEW ENGLAND P-rf.-nt P. tdt' ^laKr.lf.f?nt S'*n*ry' Brac . ? r i I Map ad Iraae wm \i KIMHMI H<- . N I" H t*l Ats'n. Hotel. NairtJiarnpton. Maia EX'TRSIONS j(l A Ifl a M tad l 30. 3 A IJ* V Tal fl Ifl -4V 30 mln*. latar. APVERTISEMEM. AI>VERT18F.MENT. To Boston and New England PoinU Fall River Line Stcamert COMMONWEALTH and PRISCILLA ___,.,. New Tork. Pler 14. *4orth Mrtr. foot of Fnl.ota ?*? . S.SS P. M tHItr nn..T.unfl ti V * a***********. ***** ********* ***** *'?<">?? ?? '? ?? Due New York T.SO A. M. Af tf-rnooa aad Erenlnfl. < onrerta. Providence Line Steamer. PROVIDENCE and PLYMOUTH l^o ***** York. Pler M. North R.-er. foot of ****** kU t*****7*_**a*M ___J__T ?04) f. M. Due llo.ton 7.12 A tt ReO-rnlnfl. \e**e BartM. ""__* l."n. LIt. ****** *********** *" ?' M ?' ?-**? ,OUr,,', ** N'WP? "^ S.l.l I*. M. l>tie tkrw York 7.18 A. U. $1.00 and $2.00 Outside Staterooms. Ifliide Stateroomi ban outside rentilatioB aad are always cool aad comfortable. Ticket., Staterooms and Information st City Ticket Office, 171 Broadway. General Office, Pier 14, North Kttt. The New England Steamship Company THI C0OLIST WAY '?V"..*. "?'"'?' Daily Ser-m*. Krom Pin ra. !. ? r t b ' fo?n lunil St.. UiOO P. M <% Ti4?o P. M, ,' H u n _. a y I J.KJ A. 1/ ?l.rtf) P. Af. _. 9 Oi) P. IS I U IS2B M, half h o a f lai. r. .? Up the Hudson By Daylight Al* ?4erTlre Daily T.xeept Sunday. Dtnet Rail Cooneetlooa la all potnta ln U - ' ***? kllli. Saratofla. the Adlmndirii. thf *Af?i *** North All tbrooffa rail tlcftau bafaaw Ba* > te anil Allfi: I U-f?fled Mu?tr Baataarant. RtMCBer "Waihlngton Irvln." r "H.adrlek Mua .on' ___?*__ Deal* uaaa B . I 40 A M B IM at. I.M A .'( W i_i>th 8... 9 !0 A M Tonlwra ?? * ? A M . landtafl al ?*__. I'.l-.t. Ne?hunh. 1 aaa* keepela Klnnlon Potot CaUktlU Hodaoo and AlBafU ?. > Btl 'Robert fulton' leare. !???! ircam* Bt.. 9 40 A M W IM Bt. !') A M . BJ IMtA St. 10 20 A M : Yonkfta. I? *-0 A M . f"r Itear MMn tain, w-v Poinl Cornwall HawtarflB in.l icuip-, ? eep?le an.l returi'. Inf .rn.Mlon at Hfslirv**-* **' , llrr N Y Tfl 4111 Sprl-i >l>eoial Trl|?? F.yrry Saturday Ti Klnf.ton Polnt MiMen Cataklll, Hudion uil ; Alhany. leinng Deabroaaa. WL. ItM; w IM **?< . 00 W IJ9th Bl 1 2tl Y'or.k-r?. 1 45 J". M A_T_.1l g *?*??| Ifl H I' M Afternoon Boat for P'ir Koaatali wm rtflat Kewt-arflB femk keepale Klnfaton ?_. I ?ij :_u..ltn_-4. leate*. EBa braiaai B. l 4. I* M . Iraal Ud st 7 r B . w..; imh Bl IH I- M ronaora, I M f m Iiallj . v .?;? Sunday T*n? rtea-Def afforda de lljhtful aft.rnoon outlni to BEAR MOUNTAIN or WEST POINT. l-ftumlna OO Sir '-Rebert Fulton." antitiifl ia !?f?_i I n, - ... r M D Hudson -ar River ay JLiine CATSKILL EVENING LINE Uo- Iil.y III10, Sni'.'.a. ' t ? f C__Bt_**lMf Bc. ?>. W l.'.ti. st , tie, . ______ 7 r M tm raiaklll, Hndaon. t'ouarkla Htfamer Clermont rtt] make addBlonal mp S?tur<U.. Ju'y , 1'Mh ..-iu:* 1 rhrtotophar Bt , f.Sfl P M . Waat Ittth Bt I.M P M Tk-keta trtffhan_.ei-.le with ? Tel. 109T Sprli.fl. The FINEST SUMMER CRUISE i On the Atlantic Seab?oard _t. no?elty an.l healthfulneu to a Koro S_ -mi.e. Varitiafl HAl.lFAX. lf**** ktrtt*. tho Bad of Fraaailtat aad BT. JOll.S'S. Nttejkuoiloan* Ihe N .'-fll of, (ta tha ^Red Cross Line ';? f.? luailat uaa?Blpa STBPBANO aad PTuUBi. m. . .* i.-ri. ? and lafati Jcn ? Coal tt trip larludM aiafj aaaantlal itn M 7 ii,, u MM aad I '?"? Mfl Bptei i l ilalne, oiebe__f-_ ifi ,r. ,-'s .-, . ' - iha mtti. :np IU ...rl |t,r~ 'r luperiot Aeennimodatloua durli.f KeM Wrtti today foi Uluttratad booklal 3:' BO.'.RING 4 COMPANY, 17 Battery PI..N.Y. 'MSiSalay ATLANTIC HI6HLANDS ifnm Steamboat (fo \ II \Y ON TIIK OCBAM, Str. "T\l RlV lully 8AM. 1-Im I N 11 ONLY FlM 11.00. CONEY ISLAND. 7r \N ISS B >.H *? M la I II !? M rw I N H II M A. M. tO I *.) V M ROCKAWAY BEACH, fr W. CMh St.. J 40 A M ?I |J 1' M Pler I, N R. M A M . ?_ 1. 1* M Rockaway Beach. * .'I' M ?Tramfcr P?i?Ofi|?n at Coney lilin.. ROvND TRiPS. Adulti Me. Ctilldrea J0?. Full Tin.- TaMM ire _>. INSIOE llK-^ fxrr tt Talepl ? > I-? ? _T?l. Beetor 172 KEANSBURG, N. J. k?*.' Day Tk ia*S a ?l j I.M 1:41 '-? r1 P M *ft ?'>)? aaanaet BANDV IIIMIK KOI TK. TTie Meal *?* la KoMfl Jer?e\ -???>( rfnorta. leare ItSod BU Ml < B "?-' ' ' :*t BBflB Olli IIOMIMOB IIM. Ta ill I'olnli Souift Mfl **?***.. l?ery Maak Di? at laa- I'lat Ifl N _C Tai Ifljfl lia_,a,l__. RXCU_tMinNB ?<-!'l*JM.,H "1 Lake Hopatcong $1 NEXT SUNDAY ^JSRUS Lt. W. ;_,! St., 8.50; Liberty St.. 9 00 a B_ L?. ,'ickion A?e.t J.rtf y C;ly. 1.17 a m. Lt. Bt.__ $*.., Ne*_:k. _ i? _ m. Mauch Chunk $1.50 NEXT SUNDAY I.t. W. m i: ,1 .*:? I .-r-.y Sl.,?.*?. am. Lt. lacklaa A> -., Irn'y f Ity 8 47 a u. Lv. Br^al .1 . N-?.rk, 8.15 a m. HABO COAL - N _> 3MOKC - CONIFOBT vu New Jersey Central B ERMUDA A delightful Ocr.,a ^__rZ*awf oi |.|40 m.!? by (Wbr-r S. S. Co. 4 S.S.-BERMUDIAIT J^*<~^-?f;p-?/ yy.ih four cia>? ofl mW* ^>*Vt"**! : .harming cor?l ittarra-Jfl. T;rka*tJ. including TrAv-rL H trli. Carnage Dn***-, ?[joalin? Irrp. eti . EIGHT DA1 Tin B ^|| S42:?2v.? *4?j Neit tailingt. Aug. 5, v 16, 26; St-f.t. 6. 16. ?*. Dettrlptlva. . !r .'..r. I.rnin ar..; frafl THOS. COOK & SON 245 Rroaalw*-,-,. *<>! llfth ln-nu-, 5*1 nflfc Aa., .'OHI nruinlHJ>. V T.i COHttGKIt GE?-WI?T"AWATIAIT!-*?| wFjcpreaa Postal Service NEW YORK?BOROEAUX?PAMS QUADRUPLE SCREW, NEW Steamer De Lios tLAFAYETTE Satur?Jay.July 29, 3 P. M. ?Rochambcau . Sat, Auf. 5, 3 P M. *S. S. Chicago Sat., Aug. 12,3 P.M. ? Klr*l an.l tetwm* <*l?*" ?<>"?* tkam I ?">??? COMPANY'SOFFICEpirV..* \*\ CUNARD NEW YORK-LIVLRPOOL rARI'ATHIA . TUW.. A ?? I J P JJ ORDt'NA ."iAT. AUO 'J^'** ? TL'SCA.VIA . BAT., Ala. 11 NOOH BAXONIA . SAT. Al'. 7 ' V n CARPATHIA 8 LT BEPT - t * ?To I.lvcrpu"! and 'llttiaKow NEW YORK-FALMOUTH -L0ND0H PANKONl V BAT.. AUO t **? ANDANIA.HAT .Mv P-1 ALAVNIA BAT. AUa I t * II StiatP St., N>a? York. Trl. 3.1'MI llroaA AMERICAN LINE ALL AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American t Iag N. Y?Literpool?Pier 62, N R.Nasi .luly Ifl '<<?? lork 4 1 i WHITE STAR LINE NY.?Liverpool?Pier 60, N.R.NsflS AilrUtla \P_ I I i?|.l-n.l lefl. ?'? tlllrll E. 9 B'WAT. V V tfli 904HJ '(rrW*. ?TIIE BE *"LE.*i"4ED." BOSTON $2.95 PROVIDENCE ',:,:'. $1.8 COLONIAL LINE AI. . OITMHK BTATSKOOM8, }i TO* Wt-W aJajt t ?t g J'i V V fr** Pler *>. N K. ItrOI W rtt 11 .uaWt S Tb.'"*, Snrit.tT 11401 _. Via Boat and Trolley, $2 50 STeeteeflee, fll IS; l*-*->rt4*ftt-?-. .iir-<-i 81* 8TATEROOM8, II.IKl, tl.VI ttnrl 8*** l??il?, in. I.i.llntr l?un.lut. S:SS P 1 Fr m pler : ? i: lt 1 n* ?"<* ii*???*" City Ttekat Ofl - N'' . . ? ? Offlc* B"waj '. 188 *L AMERICAN EXPRESj I II KI I - \ Nil I'll KI An Ir.aail lu-nrj *> JAPAN 3-catt s-? IAPAN ? -. mt* teemxt | ?? | r aa I4ra>.iai44.,4 'Pmama Reetee *** US Wett .41)1 li M , BrflflflSSS* Phoii* l.rr*l*> 4 Mil RED "D" LINE ^Jk^SiB H.J4 I'llltTO K1CO. tlUA'A.i A *. A.*<*1***, lilIXADIXrilU ..'444- *-* II UA 4 ,. . UAAAl Al!'-' ?aul*rr. r A . ...w.. . BLI-i.- UA1 1 1 IT a . u . 47,t"> l'b? u. 6170 HaraotM iiinik ial imi, oi:ir\T. onaaa***** r-.lEI.TER 181 *M> * -V'U lliafl***^ str "Bfl nnaeock >f X me ik *{'*m - . , i . . , ? , , . R. ">???? jr E. R : - . . . r . - .. ?*. 1 ?'r Satural*-,* | P Tal ^m* ,!!<?> mm ? ?* aa* ENI. *?**_ . WalJ *** tr rl th* Kaat . o**? ?* Snmh *?Ba--tM "la tt* s*.rti.f* ??*r7 tr.r?* *?->ta _ LLOYD flaAZILflBO. 17 ?t.U t*.. B. ** BRAZIL