Newspaper Page Text
RICH TROTTNG STAKE CAPTURED BY MABEL TRASK privon by Owner. She Has Littlc Trouble Winning Historic M. and M. Mabrl Traak. , Walter Oaa, oi tl. treahlfl - nnd Manu S 1r0t . nt meeting hsrs .. of the ataet . w th< | llkfl nr I ?> she ***** ' *** ***}*<**] Th. 1 hut waa t | li n Barnette all the ry half a leBfth [..?? ***** y* ? ,r*ln,a Btl '...., ?ira: ' thfl back in third ? ice. ? o-arin-: la thfl '-'] in the* .trftch "ibdl Tra-K. hoB't-Tor, came up from and w.n in . :- back. n il n n (1 SI Ml] ?nuch slov if... ntid wns takrn l>> - , .'ri.r . .......... ,;i,r bT a r.rrk in a har.. lt l ther whippinK :t Colcen _ . i ' ; j _? H aaa, n -?? n f.ats). raaaiaa) 1111 -??? i u , ;? . .113 .-1 4 t - .? f ? ? di .* ' * - 5 ! ! __? : ?? i.DB. ? . ? ? | RKBB' BTA1-B .. . . ,i . '. wi ? ???!_.lto ? . ?BATSl. *?'""-'' . . .111 ? p .11 Tfconiaai.l ? I '-Cd-aaaf.J * J b i .? J ? iti .? _ 5 ! ! 5 r ?? . : ]".> .Dla. RIVERS KNOCKED OUT IN BOISTEROUS BOUT ? local boxer. knocked ? alifornia, in thc heat at 'ne rtina ih laat Blfht heatiag iierore the ? knocked dflwn for the tgaln for the count I and for thfl ? fourth round. aad aeeond rounds mada a da. h atyo. <- thi ->:autinc that ? ' mdfl were Ib -. intfl him. The :*>to t* ? r took up the crv and The flqua ed into a ' f.'iir ' The Matty Day Triumvirate On tke left, Manaper McGrarc, oj'the Giants; in the centre. cr-Manaper llrrzop, nf thr Erdt, nnd nn the right. Manaper Malhrn-son, nf the Reds. Onr nf the most rspensivr athletic proupx in the world. hlip's Ridcrs Win the Polo Challenge Cup ?town, N". Y., Jnly 2?>. Islip'* crnck i fl outripht this after? noon tha Smithtown challenge cup. dr featlaf. tiie Smithtown players by n r.ct Beora of 16*4 goals to 6\. Thr cup was offered for competition In 1919 hv \V. I.usscll Orace. of the Great Neck Polo Club. The conditions called for thr.e aiaalags before beenmlng any Clab'fl permanent property. Smithtown ? e first lat on the rep and Islip : won the following y?ar and again in ihe winners 1 ned up with .larry j 1. Petera with a handicap of two goals,' Horace ilavemeyir three. Allan Pinker ree ard Charlei Schwsrtz three. making a tatal team handicap of eleven *. Smithtown lined up with Richard 1 Emmett nothing.I.awrence S. Hutler one, j Thomas Howen nothing and (larence i Robbina three; total team handicap.1 four. With ati allowed handicap efj ? . failed to score,. . h ??'.'? tire .!i!Trrent occasion* the; two feet of their I nal post, bal th? Bg*****eflaiTeaesi of I?lip prevented i ro* er direetioa. Smith-: towi wafi eoBlpelled tO make a safety ' Hutler hil towarl the end oi I ich brought their net fleere a quarter ef a goal bei'.w their han.-1 hi.;> allowanee. All plajrera were in par-' ticuliriy fOOi tom ond weli mounted. mbined with ? tenm work and tha facl tiiat they had played together the sea" inn com- . 'i hard to flcorfl against., as all . .... ? ?? refl] .tire handi PinkertOB wa. the partirulu -.ring nine goals. Ilavemeyer ?hwarts each made three and Peters two goal?. Althoach weather .. not faToraSle, a larg? ? refereed hy Harry K. ? *e t> ar. 27,000 tOBB of loney are producc-d hy the Amei icaii bee annnally. Why B. V. D. Is Best For Your Body And Most For Your Money lOOSEFitttng, Ltght Woven \. B.V.D. Coat Cut Under shirts and Kntt Length Dtawerf orr corrtxtfa cut as to rize and thert is a shapeUntss ta the aarments that makes them hang smoothly ana rjenly, ivith neither too much fullness nor too little. Tht garments are tailored with ?thceab.'e balance and drape tnd they retain both, no matter -W much wom or how often ?aaaW VVc use only material* worthy of B.V. D. reputarion md wt* reject all others which do not pass our testi for friTcngth, durability and for tooln-ess of wear. B- V. D. Undcrwear has gained worldwide popu larity through its intrinsic mcrit. ?OuJft^*^-*******/ Il it hain t Thi. Red WarenLaba? i uA6i 'Vtfrrm: B.V D _U?i!B?*J UitnJ av. d. UttiaTweti inmm*mn*^*kat*?**m**t*a tkaettwamP) **?>?**>. Caet C\n Uhdenhtrt. **t K_h Tkaagxh Dnweta, 3tto and ajpwarA the GatrneuL B. V. D. Clatfld Crttch I'lion S-j'tfl(Pa*. V. 8. A.) 8.1.00 and ?jp^tard the 8uiu TIIE B.V. 1). COMPANY, NEW YORK. Fight Log TO-NIGHT. Ar?rei A. C?Pai Moere anrl Kid Geodmin. Clerment A. C.?Yevng 7ulu Kid and .lunj B.rri>. Empire A. C?Packey Hemmey ana Goerte Chrney. FBIOAV. WanMnoton ... C?Benny Ljwiard and Fr?d d!> Wel.l,. Biwii Far A. A.?Ralph Gruaam an. Wlllli Srheffrr. Harlem S. C?-Vharrut O'Brlen and Lne Jeha ?on. Jodany Lera and Iddli Deoey. New Pola A. A_Saller Volk and FI.MIa. lee BATUROAY. Breadway 8. C?Slleet Martia aad Frank Car bone. Yankee Soccer Team Off for Games Abroad Americft'i first loceer team to seek foreign conqueat left yesterday aa board the Scandinavian-Americun l.ine steamer Fredenk VIII, eailing from Hoboken. Fourteen players were in the i arty. They arera Bcfeeted fron "rarioBi elabfl ot lh* 1'i.ite.i Btatei F '- --.-tion as far west as Bl LeOuifl, ,r\ were In charge of Thomai VF. Cahill, who is secreiury of the football body. Mr. Cahill declared that his team was u strong one and capable ef earn | share of games afa comblnationa. In all. Ree gun-- ? le plaved. three taking j-iace ln Swe? den, the flrat at BtoekBeln en Aaaaat 15. and tho two others beintr deeidcd rtrajr. It ll probable thal the all Mtar team msy be asked to appear in Holland. The ueparting athletes we>e a happy group. Miniature foothalls, tied Bltn red, white and blue ribbon, .graced the hine! of '??!. h Ol thfl 1 ?layi-r" When the steamer pBShefl her downstream their eheering ard i eoald still be heard by theli i i i friehdi ? "rne ta the i ? bid them hon royafe, Tho 4,ir, \t |g expected, will keep the players abroad, for five weeks. The men selected to po were Georpa ' Tintle, Tarnei W, Kobertson. < H. Spaulding, Thomas Murray, N'eil G. I Clarke, Albert Illakei**. Ja**.e. Ford,' fhomns, John ll. fl<*inir.sley, M. , B. D >d?Hehson ar.d Party (.'ooper. Clareno J. Smith. I'harles H. BlllS and ' Wnlter U Rurgin aceompan:ed the team j aI reeerve players. MISS GROVE WINNER AT PARK HILL CLUB riay at the Wafltehflfltflt ''ounty ebaaapienahip eoarta ef thf Parl Hil! I ountry Olflb, h' 11 "fflfltardflyi **"* t?a*88fld to thr- ars 'ring-!**-*, Hnd in this dieiflloti only three rratche* wer- played. Misfl Mariraret QroTC wa- thf flnaasf in thf featurf match of iho-4* plaved. Sho defeated [Miaa Elaaaat Toward in the aaeoad 'round in a match which wpnt to three j aet*. MiSS OrofS loxt th* Rn* Bflt, j but c?m* hack la the second and won out. She shut her opponent cut in fh* third aet without the \on* ot a jrame. and wnn Ly the final score of i" 6, fi 4, I ?. Miss C Wilson was thf only player to tak'* r.-.rt rn two matehea. Iti thp tirst round (he woa from Miaa 11 Moere, at 10 ?', I t, and in tha j hfl si larinfl I Miss w ilfloa*fl flrmn ilarly in tl set of each of hi r tnati Wr ? to ) raak thr?ui<h hai op| i di feneefl. Gforge Moriarty IU. Mflflflphlfl, Julv 16. Geam Moriarty, : m*nai7i'r of thfl Me-mphii Boathen : Association cluh, and former major i learuc pla>pr, ha- ty-.hoid ttawt, and j probably will he mit of the **ame for ths remaiader of the ne-tson. A ____ MILITARY TRAINING CAMP EQUIPMENT We ttt Ovtfltttfi for your com? plete equipment and have i spe? cial Military D*pirlm?nl lo take drc ol %<'ur requirs REGULATION UNIFORM Bloose, $250 Br-ecbei, $2.00 Skirl. 2.50 Lenini. 90 H.l, IJI l!.S. Shoe*. $4.45 ind tretj thl ig i Ise ) md a/snl lor c< ,.,, .?, i,, r? ?* - afl fi ? ?' '?' N. Y. SPORTING GOODS C0. 15 and 17 Warren Sl., near Broadwa** **? Welsh Ready For Ilis Bout With l.eonard Freddifl Welsh. Ilf-htwelghl cham? pion, wound up hia training fer the boal ? th Beaaj La iuard a1 W aahiaa** ton Park to-morrow night at hil ..uar ters at Pouglaston Inn yest<-r.l>.y ln th.e merniag Mr. \Sa\nb dietated ast 5,000 words. In the afternoon lie wrote nine vigorous lettera and worked otbi hifl l.tnk-book until he was in a l ro perapiration. As an after thonght he took a little light exer.iae in tiie gvmnasium. Mr. Welsh declared to a eelect au diencfl thal he had no fear of his title to-morrow night. Bll BTatB a* the challenger haa increa?e,| fllncfl he heard that l.eonard. through 1ns manager, Rilly GibflOn, littd been dick ering with Eddifl Pitta, tho Deneer prc.motrr, wh.. Ifl to fltaffB tha twerity round. decision bout ofl I.abor Day. If Ief-onard ehoi'.d knock out W'elsh of course Mr. P ttfl arill have a? much wo tot W'elsh as h. BOal 1 fer SBfl left ahoe. And Freddifl WflUh arill hare aa much chance tti land thnt Tr,',f.00 purse as a rabbit weuld haffl tn hand the knockout wallop I i n bulldog. Consequently Frederieh wil! most earaeatls BBdea*/or ,fi retain the lightweight title, (rf fool er power ef wallop, the ? mel d being the most prei Hillv GibflOB writes from Mount Klsco' lhal Leeaard ls r e eelebral - The te is elread] |] do gftar ii- bi knocked W'elsh out Thi Ifl eOBflld trti hifhli impertiaeat ot him hy the persons Bttaebed to the camp. Cheralier Panlel McKetrlck reports that th,. i |*/aaes nalfl la greal advance of the iflle happen if II ihould rain to-n IfeKl > that be and - i I th* oughly an.l " red Ihe , weather man. Ad W'-.'i flfll -.g his name on I I ten and on all the dead walli < I tha rity bi ' weight ehampion. Te *." pauae and li'ten tha ll Bl 'h man Bald lhal he -rr." y.ver. tt raw . deal out In f'olo.-ado There la Soiiethlng 'n Wnlf-l't's eaBteatiOBS, ard h? might ge* more to lifltefl if h? .!'d not hAv thfl -..pita- ' tior o* flghtlng foul. It - m?inh?red *hat Wolt?-.*;* Ieei thi |o Rltehlfl on a foul Th'- ' ? Ina had ' elah an.l W'oljr i.?* ,- * i: bj argBmeal Tn the dayi .r" and Kl ' 11 n thev h_.l 001*1 '..*? deciding to whom ll lon)r*-'l. Clearing Skies Bring Joy to Polo Followers N'arrna-ansett T*i*r, Tl. I. .Ttiiy tt. Umbrellaa nnd mackial aed to ?i r.a-f-il uho t 10 ek this morntn**, ia*id there i* a pr ? ... Afaoelation tour- Point Club. Thursdny'f card has bflflB postponed, but if tha turf ls ritfht thc semi-finais for the Randolph cups will be played ai a doublu bea.ler on Fridiy. Th? MaiOT championship, with Grent Keek nnd Meadow Brook as thfl princi j , . epe-aing for the Rathborae memorial eop.betaraan i i nt .lu.iuh, stand as for Sator ay. ? ? ? e/eek. H l' U hil v will hnve a-. : I | \.,,\ ,,i i ? ?... ".(, and Derereui .1 us..' four v. > ? ney strinp, Tenby, Corker, Tip| ind HaTfkawaj. There will nlso be at 0. C. rumsey" dis-oosal Fickamnny, Piscretlon and Guile; one wiil be Baddlfld fur F. H Von Stade namrd Torture. Tbese moantii are to flnrpleme-rt tho*e r<-,w here. Th'rty of their own poniei are availahle for the Creat Necl; BflB, Srhfl tt-ill he Th.-imn* Hitchcock, ir., J. Ws! ?on Wi bb, M ile ? "i ? I.. uia 1 ? Sti d lard. -?? McLou^hlin ;tt Home. Loi a* .. ? -. i . il. ..?,,i bieai - Ward Dawson, hifl double'. B8li pete ln the natronnl tennis doubles charnplonahips at Forest BUlfl, Au glial, a73. SPUR TOO FAST FOR HIS RIYALS ON EWPIRE TRACK Butler Horse Wins Feature l.vent Despite Heavy Weight Carried. Spur, the three year-old aon of King lemefl Aaatifl Mnm, apain earned hia "npura," as well as the reputalion for being the besl heraa la tha w. 11 known Hutler atable, featerday at ths Kmpire traeb Pii ting ap the Btaaeadeaa weight fnr a l h ree year-old of I_!8 BOBBds, over a traefc that waa cuppy and heavv from the recent rains, he ???.I et his oppeaeatfl in a ileclalve manti.r, negotiating tho milo in Tlm MiiP-ummer ITandlcap furnished the feature of the day'i programme aid bIbo marked tha fourth appearaaee of Spur al thifl BteetiBS;, where he haa fleeead and a third. ban ler Vertaoat .1. closely | followed hy Dlsk Williams, with Spur ; laying ihly behind the pace Until the turn into the fltretsl. where hfl BSOTod up thc leaders, running neck and : Williams to the fllghth pole. Jorkey I.offus here nrg.-d oa lha gallaat son of Kiaf Jbbms to a populur victory, second only to cn Saturday. \ B< sra feit ! , . ? ? prominent !n thI ning of yesterdart racing, although |olt la Baggot, from the .,? itable, ? t 1 to - by ? ,., ilahed last, diflllkfl to the going. Raaobala, thfl I ? (frt of I'lambaia. from thfl R. T. WiNon.jr., i at -tha i ?- tlia ban ar, and running head to 1 itretek tar on to win eaally from ihip, the imported entry from the Ker.tucky itable. After the talent iBrrlred tho shock j of tha flrflt defeat thfl faTorltOfl eBBIO In regular or lei. frr.m Bob llens Almea i In I i The ? Rrflt I mad* a show nf his company ln the tecond aTeat, opening up a lead ? at 'v,.<* tn* turn, which ha maintained al lelaaro, to fml-h pulled up. Sasin was second ard Gallop third. 'l he rieter. Henflley wns far from r- ''? Perkins. Thfl balter brigade, i H. H. Fink, ran h'.m np to 12.200, whirh was $1,200 oeer his m ? able preferred te ra ? ? the horse by the o -ia! sr. advanee. .*. jr.. winner of tha third raee. Iflhared a similar fat**, b<>ing carried |..? hia entered price, whieh wn? ' s'ny of |M of the Bmonnl of th? i arae. Aa thifl candidate **.-a? from thfl Hfld r>'< barn, ,; I I Iddlng Wl l done more in retaliation than a desire to i , the winner. Senator f'hristy Snliiran has signi flfld hli retorn te the tnrf by tl rhnse ? ' fr >m Reale v _ ln, fleeafee ?: II. II !? :nk on llonda be ? lo the racing game, rere oftea | seen ln front in the gOOd old dl . , rac'ng. Results of Racing at Empire City Track - . *""**8T nn;*? . '4 rl *.* n-i - ' ? an j- af Oflfli fij ?4 ' ?f->t . , ,. .... ' , 0-rner, It 1 ' ' ' ? l ... v ? ' ' I I 4 - . ' .4 ? , . , . TUaa, 1 44 Wrr-r <?*-. i.t- "f.fiJ v,. aaa* an.l a .... .... . -, t-d \**r*ti\ ? i 1 ? i-.- ? ?' i ' a\ ? i IM1. F" ' ' ? I Kiart i - t ? i 4* 1 . | . . I ? ? ' ? .. 7 Ij i ll ? Jl * 4 BUft **??*? * ? ' ' k .. ?? Jtiat I rirni u - ? ? ?.- <? ?*. . ? - t-UTTTT 114.' I* t ? flaMMf -, c,,1 ar- .-, .1 ll.U l.r- ? ?" I I I- ISflfl. u' ? ? ?-'>.: r - 1 - - Enipirp City Entries. ?..'.-. i i Int &?.- mil* trU < ? . . , ?,.. Mta <.ai-4, . I - :? . ' llcii..;, 111; Mj."W arnijiiat. 114. ?..??--. . . : 1 r*>n* l'or t'lr** r**r-aala1i tnd. rrp?*r<*i ar .? oa* BtM -*' tt'ieD Q. Ulj V. ? ? ? Ntrmtr, ? . L.a. Utaratfl. 114; tlaru-Vr ?Bt* Qakaeet. :.*.. Woa-J'arr. 113; : . n- . - ?*?r oi-j anA ei*?i?rtr t*--rt - i - ? - ? ? , *a* Ht i - .-?? . ' ?: - - ' I*, M.i .1 ? ? *" ?**>? -:' u"*u Colvabaa. 1181 UrU*. U4V ? 'Am^trr.Cce CAimaaea ?t*,':n-*l $4? r PORT N n, LIGHT Ui *- ' jr/ Gmnflmdlfi/ee On the Bench. ?.*?.<_'_? by aido on ths bench, The Rookie and Veteran ?__.; Spinnina the Old Dope out, Talking of thia or that; Hut each with, a yearning eye Looked where a viaion npread; And probing the amtl of each These are tho dreatna 1 read? The Rookie drenmed nf the bltvre That rose from the Fiel/Ie of Fame; And the clnmor of frenzied tnobs, Farflung at the old star's name; Of a record that met the test, And ec.hoed a city'a cheers, (lf the glory the Veteran knt-w In the laurclled drift of ths years. Rut looking another way, Far out from the Games renown, Hnilt up from. the golden year* And framed with the olive crown; Forgetting the record apan And facing tho drearjt trvtA, Still rubbing a tvornout arm, Tiie Veteran dreamed of Youth. Mordecai Brown. In diseussing oldtime atars who atill peniat In hanglng on, the name of one Mordecai Hrown, he of the three talona, should r.ot ba otrerlooked. Wt reeall watching a game in Chtcago several year3 ago, whero the Three-Fingered eniry worked against the Giants ar.d wrcnched hia knee cap ao badly that he was foreed out for a long apell. That injury was aupposcd to bo tho end of Brown'a career. Matty'a leading rival from the old days was labelled a tradition. They firat aent him to I_oula ville. Then the Iteds trie 1 hirrt again. Then he took up a job, managing the St. I.ouia Fods. Then Hrownle came back to the Chicago Feds. He waa merely drifting around. But here, late in the aummer of Itll, h . Ifl still back at the old atand indulging in a favorite occupation, vir.., b.ating the Gianta. Hrown deserves a higher ranking upon the halls or walls of pitching fame than he has ever i. Ho was one of the best that ever threw a bal! and he ia atill on tho job. Turn about Is flappoeed to be fair play. New York got Christy Mathewaon and Mike Donlin from Cincinnati. Now Cincinnati owns claim to Chriflty Mathewson and Hai ('.lase- who at ono time or another were fairly well known figurea in New York's haieball lifo. Freddle Welsh's Idea of the art of lelf-defence ia 100 yarda in 8 4-5 leconds. Not a had idea, at that. Add well known Movie Filma: "The De .rth of Flation," by Onnie Mack. Explaining Something. Those copiona tears that yoa see falling are being ahed by Western clubs in the American Leapun over the prospect of having to face Connie Mack's Athletics in such a aip and tuck pennant race. Something ahoul-d be done to | relieve thfl BfOBy, Famous Putters. Walter J. Travis. Jerome D. Traver... Francla Ouimet. Motor Boats. Class. There are any number of fne pitchers now abroad in the land. You hear a lot of ehatter aboul Al Mamaux, Babe Ruth, Nick Cullop, the Coveleskies ?hers of repute. They de-erve al! the acclaim fl-.ey nre getting. But f.gured right down there are now just tWO pitchen in the realm who have a fair chance to win thirty gatnes Bnd winning thirty games is the best test we know of. i,-, v|| ..- | Alexaaaer anl Walter Johnson. Alei haa ?1 ?r icke.l away eighteen rlctories, Hfl ?B*il1 have no great trouble in packing ? velve more. Johr."4n has bagfed sever.'.een to da*e- Whether he reachea lt, it i. better thaa even money that he wins more gamea than any ether piteher ln hlfl leegae and that working for one of the lighteat hitting clubs. Give aii the crrdit there is to othera who are up there. But there ls still only one Alexander in the National and only one Johnson in the Ameri? can so lehlng goes. The Saddest Sight. Sad tights art thick nwtid tht hina; Rul I '.?irbntoven phiced on tnounds, ? watah ? drivo ThoA'a sltokng out of bovruU. Hail eluba ahould follow the achemo of Freddle Welsh and carry their ovm umplrea arour.d. rhan 'nere would bo oniy oaa club howling at the decitiooi In place of two. W'elsh la wllllui. to meet an oppoi.ent over the twenty-roond routa on Labor Day. The only qualificatlona he inaista upon aro that ha ahall pick the retoto* eat be over fifty yeara old. RAIN AGAIN HALTS EDGFMERE TOUHNEY Play in the annui.l Invitation tour re Clab, at Lopf- Iilnml. waa to a postponemer.t a* tha reault of - rsy's rain. Tl la aftornoor.. <r p*Tm!ttin-r, the r-lnf-lrs wfl |f tfl a a'-irt. Sfl ?-hed to start shortly after r.oon, so j for :'lay' Most of the playem who will com pete in ths sinples I . ? - d the ? imont of tl eek. Alrick ? n the ton. th* nal ? 'ornian stars at Ix>n**wood, ng Eastern vders, hare entered the ?nanaat, and lt ls possfhlo ' that Mnurit*** Mcl-ouf-hlin, the famous ?. will eempatfl. -. Airedale Terrler Wins Trophy. Rei par Saltum, an Alr4*-*Ule terrW, I belonging to tha Briergate Kennel*.' eld, II! , "**on ? n aay onr* bree t pro . ed the best dog and Bsfl t'ree, the ' best bit. h. HWIMMlMi. BE PREPARED If You Should Fall Overboard, Would You Drown? w<, ..-.-, ,.,0. m ? 10 Vi* I ? "' Dalton Swimmini? School THE OKLY INS1 IIS KIMO ' IN NtW roflK. THIS ju <?* *',.J''^ ITSELT. DALTON SWlMiMING SCHOOL,; 80?, sie ui-Txr amh bTKErr I ATLANTIC YACHT CLUB HANDICAPS ANNOUNCED John R. Frophy, the official handi for thfl ht*-. iicup classea of tl.a' rat** or, (Iravesend Hay, an lay the allowances for ttlaatifl Yacht Club race the ?ighth championship to be salled to morrow o*rer the usual courtet. The allowancer follow: Kin-t lnvision- Joy, 0; Saglnaw, OH prr flflBt* Ln t'ubana, 10 per cent; < areleas, 10 per c*i.t; Ramea, 10 per cent; Joanette, IIH per cent. -?'?n J/Oafer, 0; May, 14 p. r cent; Onole, 2H per cent; Frances, BVi per cer.t; Wenonah, I p.-r (-.?nt; Wahkan II, 14 per cent; Frarn, ? ?nt. Third DiriaiOB Sunbeam, 0; Ma roarneen, Pj pai eaat; Spider, ?*?. per ; n, 1_' per cent; Bug II, 13 ? nt, Cycle Track Deelared Unsafe. Frovidence, July 26.?A eerlee of tnotorcy.le races. planned aa a featnre of the annual conrention of the Fed eration of American Motnreyc'.ista* in r. Lere was called off to-day by the compotitlon committee. The com? mittee deelared th* local track unsafe ench races. Racing Empire City Track (YONKE.R8 8 MT. V*""R**"0**\) TODAY The Wakefield Handicap Katonah Handicap And 4 Other Thrilling Events 11K--T itxrr \t ttt* r. m. IP CUt:. BACP. TKAINfl ? * * ' 1' M Rrfultr iratti. te V* 4 rr - I.: 1 : i \i 4 I la * < I mdtrt, ~ ? ... rt . Htmni dtrtrl i, A:*i 6Ui tn.l ?'t. tf V u> lUih .; . '.<*-.? by 'troat* a, m,i:?j dlnct, te ?MM ..r-anrl ftMtvl * r ?<*<*->??--?. flfl, KERRIGAN BEATS ONE-ARMEDSTAR IN GOLF MATCH Martuccl Handicapped by Lack of Familiarity with the Siwanoy Links. Tom Kerrlgan, playing over hia hovnrn eonrae, defeated Lou'i Martoecl, tha one-armed wonder from Eaaea County, yeaterday ln the professlonal golf match at the Siwanoy Country Clnb, of Mount Vernon. Kerrlgan, gerting ?round the C.Ml-yerd courae ln 7? itroke?, won by 8 up and 1 to play. Louia needed ?*>.* to make the round. Siwanoy is long ar.d akiifu'ly trapp*d and an exacting teat for one not well aequalnted with a'.l ita pitfalla, and thia placed Martucc) at a decided dia advantage ln add'tion to his Iack of a left arm. Neverthelees, the Eeeex Coanty caddy maater gave a good ac? count of himself. and !t waa not onti! the aerenteenth green had hee-i reaehed that Kerngan waa able to wia the match. Kerrlgan took the flrst hole In 4 to 6; the second was halved ln 5, and Martuccl won the third fn a brilliant 3 after Kerrigan had driven Into a trap and wasted two atrokea gettlng out. The Siwar.ov pro came right back, however, on the .ong fourth, which he captured in 5 to 6 after Martocci had topped hia atcond fhot. Kerrigan Juat mlsaed his putt for a 2 on the flhort elxth, but won in 3 to I and then got going In an unbeat.b'.e manner on the next three, taking 4a there and win? ning the r-eventh and ninth, which left him 4 up nt the turn. Kerrigan was out ir. .ID. while Mar tucci needed 44, but on the laat nine holea both players improved in their scorinc, and the one-armed marvel won back one of the loat holes before he succumbed. On the nfteeoth Martucc: hit a atone wall on his th;rd shot, but the ball boaaded oat ?t right ungles and landed on tin* green. an_ a missed putt by Kerrlgan gave thfl hole to hia Opponeal in 4 to ... Th -i !.*ft Martocci only 2 doWB, with 3 to go, and it looked BA thoagh he might pui! the match out of the flre. The slxtetath was halved in 4, an ! 'hen K<*rrisjan won the match by takirs. tn<. lereBteenth ir, 3, a stroke under pur, through the rr.ediutn of a l"ng and difficult putt. Tho by* hole waa played out and Kerrigan won in 4 to n. The cards follow: To_n Ke-Tlftuv Rlwuvr-f: Otn .43881144 *-*?? In . _ | 4 8 4 8 4 1 fl Sf tS !___!? M-Jrtnr*. r?>?i Ctmat p*it_. 8 8 3 4 118 ?- _*-Sl Rain Prevents Tennis Matches on Hub Courts Longwood Singles and Eastern Doubles Are Postponed Until To-day. Boston, Jnly 2fl.- Rain, called by the old fishermen here a "?? irfl prevented to-day's *r _y in the annual Ixitil- > iBglefl tournament and . , tei n doublea champi'.nihip. To-morrow will, in BOB seqnsnce, be fuil of tennis from early in the morning u * Ono of ? _ matehes will bring toffltl ; ?n, and the alaete. vcar-r -. champion, Ko land Roaerta. who hud Jehaaton with? in a point cf iefeel ea tha Oeeet thia spring. Clareace J Griffln, tha third of the Sun Praaelfleaaa, whoae def'-afs of tha fo.t impion, ... Norrifl W IliamB, ':. arl rheedora ab the ibi*| i af thi J A fl Irhija Kumagae, the invnling Jap? anese, -...;,: .,' th^ Nathaaiel W, Nilee-Riehard H.rte en eoonter Watao II (VMbbarn ar.d F-dwir. F Nr-..'., New _ rkera, will plav each Other. -****> Just arrived! A special purchase of men s coolest summer un? derwear. Sheer white nainsook "self-checked." 1800 "athletic" shirts and knee drawers. Regular price $1.00. 65c. 2100 "athletic" union suits. Regular price $1.50. 95c. To help business men keep cool! Suits of worsted batiste. Lighter than linen, and in finitely more serviceable. RofflETta Pket Brosdway Broadvray atl3thSt. Tbe at 34th Sf. Four Broadway Cotners" Fifth Av< at Warren at41_tSt ?'> - I Attflf. I 1 ?r 1 ? roa, lu.i Mfr_ Kop-_lr), B_v.'ll?? lUrtBrc. * lu Lm._ l.__if m