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Matty of CinciMatty Wins in New Uniform Christy the Red Invades His Old Home and Beats the (iiants. DEBUT AS MANAGER IS A BIG SUCCESS Dcspite Floral Jinx **Blg Six" leads the Invaders to Victory. ny GRANTUM) RI-CE. In the presence of 19.000 folks the drove the harrased Giants ? till Bwapat lat* thfl I'arrcn Landa ay by whalinf- Slim Sallee with considerable yoitui*, as they won in a i* 1 t.i t, || \aus a preat day for Matty and the fjnciMatty Reds. but a fc-loomy one for the Giants. This happened to be the frrst occasion wherein Big Six had faced John J McGraw in a rival role. and as it was Matty Day the rroud fat once pulled lustily for the Rr.'.s. Thousands of those in the stands !al aaaa Matty retricve dis-j ? n rn a Giant uniform not to wish him a victorious di-but, even a* thc expense of home talcnt gat ill strucclinc vainly for some sort of a start. The ? ? PTflflfllfll received thc 1 ovation, if an ovation hap what WS think it is hallabaloo comprlsed of loud cheering and other forms of ap Tdau-e Whefl the applau.-e had ?boal subMded the Reds proceeded to . 9 Schneider held -dennjr on form. ? ttempted to Mnttv bv earryiag ifl the mevitahle jinx. a bonqnet, composed of orchidi -*nd llpl >'; hocks. Hut the j nx, fat once lailed faced no x manairerial problems, tor , about all he had to do. or. picked ?**< WM t0 ?" , cn the bench and watch hia aelection -. ... trne loTera" knots and .chinit | line and direet Red ranners to the they had rounded th.rd. \ | ,--ti4,' Sucre**. a festive' . ? latty'l point ot .- a more somhre occasion addition* .. . ...- to ? hum Meer an?l picked the rail. Tha Redfl ; *ated inter anehing moat of ther blowa in rounda. Ard | Hersog, whila hu?tlin-* hard, giv ini* hil hc-r-t. hit into a double play dunrr traek out later on and i. fumble. ? wa* a cheerful . Back back airain and to . rell known voice exho Thfl t.iants ' red to recos- a tha temper and : the crowd, viz.. that, - Day nothing ihould p tha Old 1 upon the field that he had idorned for many years. They looked; ? trifle subdued, workinp as II - bb '., wrc .asing the Reds out of trratioi Darfl 1? ? Baaj Bay. ..-..- the stuff that Mr. Schn. waftiag over the omethiag to do il waa aboul the only Giant ?he I>d pitcher with ..- proachinp whal ia oft-n traek off two up an.i t took two fine j ?' ?*??*? ? kill off another bra? Giant ? *.. thr.e fingles Merkle and Lobert As an I neaa ha . hil in tl by Fred Merkle enth. Oalj f?c?'d him ? ? ? ,t0 . . Sail- ? ? ta, but his tedly cut h ? n th? Grif/il i.ette.] ? ? idding ar.d before I'oll Psi ? his old ? r 4 i .-ii known tendi 1'nable lo Finish. Thr- -it came from on ll. fter a .ga. Burns roTfl Georg I then ipla-thed into In the M'venti. I walked and Merkle -.-?ned to indicate an ? ? , fter I.oher' ha.l fired * rariden promptly r double play. wipinp ice of the - earth. \- * rer-u't of this Impoteney at bat nt tunmnt start at home tl I for. They ? on the l'olo Grounda this \a-ur, the worst home sho44ir-^ tharj ba**a aa*t made. with AagUfll only a hreuth or two awi-.y. ll ipite of h flllght drrzzle that cut into the da there WATA three tfl work aa an uplift, In laaiag Hetit:*, Kaufl rebbed a double by I left centre with one hand BOTing nt top speed. In the sev Ray for Matty's Men! CINCINNATI CN, ___). ab. Croh aa. 4 Koush. cf. 4 ..rifliths, rf. 4 (haae, lb. 4 Ncala, lf . 4 l.ouden, 2b.4 McKechnie, 3b.. 2 W'In?c<>. c. 3 Schneider, p. . .. 4 Totala .33 4 9 27 11 0 NEW YORK Ui L.). eb. r. h. po. a. e. Bnrna, lf. 3 10 3 0 0 IHi-le, 2b. 4 0 1 I 2 0 Herzog. aa. 3 0 0 0 2 1 Rohertasa. rf... 4 1 2 1 1 0 h_.u.r. cf.a o o 4 i o Merkle. lb. 3 0 1 7 0 1 Lobert, 3b. 3 0 14 3 0 Kariden, r. 2 0 0 I 2 Sallee. p. 2 0 0 0 I 0 IlLiiter . 1 0 0 0 0 I lerritt. p. 0 0 0 0 J> 0 Totala .28 2 5 27 12 I ?Battcd for Sallee in ine eighth Inn? ing. (Incinnati .00200011 0?I New York. . 0 110 0 0 0 0 0?2 Stolen ba_-ea? l.ouden. McKechnie. ! Sscrlflre fllea?Kariden. Wingo. Dou? ble plavs?(,roh. l.ouden and Chaae; I McKechnie, l.ouden and (haae. I.eft on have:-Nt? York. 3; Cincinnati, ">. I'i r*>t ha*e nn error?("incinnati, 1. Baaea oa balls? Off Sallee, 2; off Schneider, 4. Hits and earned runs? Off Sallee, 8 hits, three runs in eight inninjrs; off Perritt, 1 hit, no runs ln one innin.j.. off Schneider. ."> hits. 1 runs. Struck out?Hy Sallee. 2; by I'crritt. I; by Schneider. I. Implrrs? Kicler and Harrison. Time?1:42. enth Purn. killed another hit by divine headlOBg for Groh's short poke to left. In the third Heinie Croh came near killing h baaehit for Kave Robcrtson Iding, t'ace downward. along the sod and then making the throw while | tlmoat ai full length. ?Matty in Limelight. Thc main feature, of course, was ob lerring Matty in a hostile uniform. There were any number of old-time fans who hnd started cheermg Matty teen years ago. They had heard aomething, regne rasaera, about his leaving the Giants. but they refused to . it Vestrdnv they blmked m tad wonder as they caught Brsl hand evidence. There was Matty, wear ing red hoaiery BBd working from the enemy'a eoop When MeGrasi rame m from the coaching lines at third Matty took hi.- placa Bfl the Redfl came to bat. I big C upon his unitorm There was a big part of the crowd cheering for CinriMatty. The evidence . 1 in. There was no longer any doubt now that the CTOBfl roads had been reached. . maintained a sedate beanng around'third base. Ever nnd anon he ed to a base runner, and ever nnd anon he spoke word.s of cheer to -men. but there was no unseem <f dignity in his work. Being a Red. he was out to win, and he accom pliahed his purpose. But to-day laat Matty I'av, and it is about up to the to start somewhere if they in-, tend tO arrive this season. PIRATES GET AN EVEN BREAK WITH PHILLIES Philadelphia, July 2?.?The Philliefl and Piratrs broke even here to-day, nner winning th.e first game by 7 to 3 and the visitors the second by ? j _ ln the orener the home team pounded Adams'? deliver*. hard, while Alexan? der kept his opponents* hits scaUered and received excilent support. In the second game Rixey was driven off the rubber in six innings, while Miller was in fine form and got per .?.port. The Fcores follow: IT OAME IM1I.A (IJ ?, r. abrfe ii I.alrd. lb . *? ...rt. cf . 4 ,?.,, rf ? 4 0 .... 4 . l '' ' ^ M i . ?A if. 403 100 ame. lb. 4 ? c* 12 o o .-...- .. icroft. ???? 411 2;;* r.plll *4 ? , | Totala. 34 1 10 24 12 1. Totala... 34 7 14 tl 11 1 ? ? for Adatm ln Bflblb Inning 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 a ? 1 2 1 "0 I-. Klibofl Oeod. ,. rei - ? ? ? '? Bl :?? ' ? ' ? || | . Ufi nn ! . M'.l ?.,-?, ll lOfll ...... - .'ii B) 4 -. Baaa - . . 1 __pi.n-_.-_-i U , .. .1. (.amk - BTTROn fN Ul ntJLA (S __.) ahrh po a* al.rh po a r Iialrd Sr... 7 no I 30 Paakert, rt 111 0 0 0 . Tii-v' cf I . 7 1. 0 0 Ni.-heff. 2. 311 3 4 1 ? rt 3 1 1 4 2 0 St.. k. 31... 4 0 1 1 6 1 ? ??'. rt 30 1 1 00 r-irmf-r If I 0 lf 4 0 1 1 0 0 rf fl 0 fl 1 I i r> 4 0 0 17 0 1 , il Bai -ro-t.Mi 3 0" : ?4 _9 fl g fl fl iay, p .100030, ' 'f-*f.-li__r, p 00 0 0 2 0 I'.mftr-f*. p 0 00 0 1 0 f |fl 0 00 tCravath... i oo 0 oo1 Total- . .30 M 27 11' TotalS.....V . '? ?n?ttert fnr Rl.'v ln flith Inning. *P_-'-.1 for 0_u-h_.r ln Hfti'Ii li.ntnff. i> 0 r, i . .. o I 1?.1 . 'il?. 00000101 1?2 1-v.f. baaa BB POafcofl - >-r?rer. Pi? ,.- | - . sa.-rir.r_ hlt??Par Bloduaai "a - T-" m ti.-. PltUburflb, I: Phlladal . ? I tt t _?? -. trtm Plttat-aiflB : Ban , . - v .- - fl ft aB iv* hf-. I S MIlBf ?? tnd 2 1n 9 ,. ofl Ri,,-, I and 3 lr. 4 Innlaaa; efl - a ln 2 Iniilnf*. ofl iMnar.".. 2 in-1 1 ln 1 ' U -? * t.T Kli-J. 3. ,.'.-._ I - ?" Results of Games in Two Leagues And Standing of Battling Teams NATIONAL LEAGUE. G tJOES Ttt-PAY. Cincinnati at New York. Bt, 1 4111 i-a at llrookh n. Chleaga al Huston. Plttobargh at I'hila.Irlphia (2). R*B* l 1*8 <?1 GAMES TflWRBDAY. ( in. ur nat i. 1 . New York. -. <t |., ?ia, : Brooklyn, 2. I Un. -. Bl I .ii - n ... i i hii ago, I. I'blladelphia, 7 Pittebargh, I. I'mtburgh, 5; Phlladetphla, ' \ \l I EAGI E 81 INDING. IV. L. Pt w. L I'c Ilr'kl* ii 19 I i ''*"?* N " ?">*? II 81 *Vtt Boaton 4 1 S5 .557 Pittab'h II 41 .478 I'hila 4.'. 87 .541 St l.'uis 42 49 .462 i hir'go 4* 46 .489 < innn .17 .r.2 .416 AMERICAN LEAGUE. GAMES TO-DAY. New York et Chicago. Boaton at Clereland. Waahlaartaa at Detroit. I'hiladelphia at Sl. l.oeis. RESI'ITS Ol GAMn YESTERDAY. 1 hitiiKo. J: N'ew York. 0. ti; "?\ .*>( 10 ins.). Ib.stiin, .1; l l<-\ ,-iaml. '.'. Sl. Laalfl, li Philadi-lphia. 0. St. louis, |; I'hiladelphia, 1. tMIRICAN LEAGUI STANDING. w. L re. W. L iv. N.York 11 88 .'7* Wash'n. 47 42 .52S Koaton. .r>0 St) Mh Detroit. 4S 45 .516 < lev'nd 50 40 .556 SL l.'uis 41 49 .4:'.? i hiirro 50 40 .556 I'hila... 19 64 .229 Somebody ls Always Taking the Joy Oui of Life What Loveur WEATHeR we ARE. HAVING \ For TouRimG,' Twe. P*PER Says rmm HO-sAJCVER Thc sct5rJER.Y \S ilMPUV* Be-vUTiFOU IsSMT \t ? %r\ I DOM KkJova) have To WATCH TFiE RO/SPS jm>> i By BRIGGS HAvjff A BRCAK -DOou-y l HE^? A PECUUAR ?i,RlrODiKJ<i MOlSfi lt** Tne. eJ6i**-Je ?"?} I HOPE MY BRAKE is in good <.-*HAPe - ThEaSrE HILLS AftE AvOFOL DArO6ER00S IF N?Y BRAKe 6H0-JL"D GET"0-JT Of"" ORDER |TS Good MiGhT, (jtf.a-JG Uf A HILL l-S M<JCH MOPfr MwGEROOS TFdA-vJ C50/M6 DO-vV^ AS TMERE l-S (jREAT DAKJGEfe Of ThG* Ef-OGl/Of? STALLI*J(T \ HAD 60MC FRlC*JD5 KILLED OAJ Tf^AT ACCOOMT. \_ oroce at-*, /O-rf/f^ l D6.-CLAW"! 30MeBcr>v 1^ /?.LWAYS TAKifvjd Robins at Home Nest Split Double Header Cardinals Hold Their Own with Robby's League Leaders. By FRANK ONF.11,1.. Brooklyn fandom welcomed it. OBt caat aon with open arms at Kbbets Field yesterday afternoon while the Robins divided tha flpoilfl of a double header wit'i the Pt. Louis Cardinals. Ollie O'Mara. that hurd WBrh.Bg, | youngster who has foupht under the greate.t of all handicaps, the ridicule of those who should have been his friends throughout, waa hailed a- fl hero throughout both conteats, which were lost and won bv scores of 'i to 2 and I to 0, respective.y. Time there was in the early days of this season when the errors of the Kerry Patch Kid were hooted and howled at. The many spectaeular plays, the croshing timely hits that often turned the tide in a hard fought i battle, were overlooked entirely, and | his ica'.p was dtnanded by the un-1 thinking fans. O'Mara, game though he be, is highstrung and sensitive. The jeers worked in under his skin, and he eoald not show at hi_ best. lie was worried and hurried in his work, and labored in fear that perhaps he might: make an error. There could be only one result to it all. liut yesterday the fans experieneed a change of heart. When Ollie jogged out on the tield he was eheered to th" ecbo, and his trips to the p'.ate were marked by outbursts of applause that warmed his beart and went a long toward bcaling hii feelinga, embittered by constant abu.-e. He played righl np t? form, to,,, and although he did make an error on a hard hit ba Meadowa in tli" fifth inning of thi I irnu-.n, a ball which hopped uncertainly OVOI thfl iumpy grOBBd, hfl more than mado amendfl. ln tht I gaaifl Ollie played ea ha did ? couple of ago, ar.d that apeahfl volomi ! performance. Has Poor Support. Sherrod M. Smith, the big lefthander, owe.i hi> defeat nora te th? inac curai-ies of the men behind him than to the fact that he allowed ten hits Hfl kept thf Bflfetlefl well enough sepa rated. but he picki-.l out the second in? ning in which to issue a base on balls. and then ituck hil head il to the BOOflfl l.y making an erratic throw to second when Horaaby groaaded to the h<.x. 0*Mara'i ilip-up on a gronndar bv Meadowi Agared in thfl second run, thc leeidii | talh tvn> when Catehaw, after making an heron fort to snare Wilaon'i lift, just got hil hands on the ball. With the game played perfectly, th" teams might have f.ni_:ht along until darknesa enveioped the tield. There wns not a single tally ahieh flrai made without the aaaifltancfl of floma mlsplajr or other, but Hrooklyn waa just a bit more unsteady than the visitora, and so lost. As a matter of fact, Lee Meadows would have hnd cause for complaint had he heen beaten. He dole.l out three hits, and two of these were made by Mike Mowrey, the flame-halred guardian of the far turn. Ifikfl - one of the two runs made by his team ar.d di.'ve home the other. Jtfl Pfeffer, the Grand Rapids giant, operated on the moun.i for Brooklyn in the second encounter, and had aM the better of h' ? dael with BtOBBlboal Bill Williams, the pilol of the Nan.v, and l'oe Watson. wh? replace.! him. Jeff kept the Mound City trihe far removed from the plate, and only once did he have a man on third Ret.el won that lolitary diatinction. and beat his way from t-eeond in the third frame, while Bob Uescher itole aeeond. Stara im Defence. Ollie O'Mara hit star .on in the e-.ghth inn.t g of ' he romped all eft field und magged a groander from Bech'i ha* ? fore* ? r. It ?a< a sure hit cut down and the crowd '..? I no I mo ln flhowing its BppreeiatioB. Daubert an.l Pfeffer expunged Wilnon at tirst, after Jake made a great stop back on the grais. and Mike Mowrey guarded third baao la great etyle , Urooklyti tet aboot winning the flflfl* ond game ln m manner that admitted of no doubt. With Cutshaw on flrst base, Stengel hit a homo run to left !ii hl, find the fans howled them ?elrei boai-se. In tba Wth, Mct'arty fliagled a:"*er Mowrey was safe on an r rror, aad Jimnis Johnston cracked out a tnp'..- Tba i'rik!;.r.l b<>y seored, too, when 0*Mara groanded ouL The seerea follow: nttST OAKK st. l/">ris (S I. BRaOOKI*TM 04 Ul .'.r: ;< . - *! lf : " I I 6 0 .io;.n?ton. cf 3 0 0 3 0* * fl] 1 " ? ? NUria, m . 4 00 1 1 1 ? . ibert ib. 4 00 5,oe Mt, tf.. 3 1 1 1 88 a i .'ut?hi*?r, 2b 4 " 0 7 4 1 ,'. . f. 201 10 i??.-! tel, rf . 888 1 '? 0 i mray tt * 1 - 8 8 8 fit. e... 200 4 4 0 . ? - BmiUi p. 2 o o o 4 i ? . a .4 * [. 4 8 1 I 181 888 Total* ..?.'! 18tt 181 Total*.28 2 * 27 17 S ?l'."l *M flfllMfl la r'i*rrh Innlnf . .1 o n o 1 o ? 1 fl?S .o l o o o o l t e? 2 Bmetet, ?***? ? Uewtej .... \i,-4 Bi rU - hlta Wileea '?' w ... .-, ?, . Hen a'.-y to Iflller ?. , |? ;. ? Braefelm I twai i -.. ? I'a. ? ? - M-ado?f, ?" mti'I, 1. Hlla ?ii'l - ? -. . Ua 1 run* In 1 ti.n - e-aiti ifl ind oao* lo * mt i>> pn tr ?ta . etrue* eat n> U*a ?i I . - I unilrr* -<Juu.'> . '. I BE >KD OAMa sr. LOUIS ..N I- i. BROOKliTM fM l I abrlipoae Bcarher, ns'on, rf 412 0 00 ....... 4 . M.ra, r- 4 0.140 ?. [>? ii ? rt, it-. 4 r. u 18 l I .-at. if. 4 0 1 3 00 , ..., ?. 2b 3 1 2 2 3 fl 4 ,- rt.. 811 io 1 ? ralowrer, lb .'10 l -" 8 ? ??? 3; ! ; ,1 a ? r'-rtVr. [.... 3 00 110 : -. p.7 _ MU Teulfl - 31 c. rs II U 1 . ??????????? t 2 0 0 3 o n 0 1-5 M | II v | 8*4 ?? BteVea *am BaCJal ? ??? '-i -' '?*'? ta . . Bra r | . Hrs' MM M , i . . ..- Pr-aTM. 1. | , ? (iff Wl.llama. : hlta ? I . - \s >. *n 1 Wt ar.<l no rur.a in H, Wi lanu. l.l) \4?u*n. , - ? ? PiMcri ba fluydar. Tin-? ; i. I ...,.-? BROWNS TAKE TWO FROM MACKS MEN St Looia, July 2'". I'hiladelphia was held to one run in two games of a I donbleheader arith St Louis here to tba l4*?4*alfl ariaalag the tirst 6 to o and the teeaai .ri t.> 1. Tba athletics were unable to score ..flf Wsilsaan in the tirst game. Myara Icapl j. ? hitfl trall Btjatterad until th* a-i>;hth, when he was hit for a 6in|jle, a scratch and a double, jrave two bases oa ballfl ur.l hit a batter, St, Louis ng three runs. The scores follow: naar oaua l'HII.A 'A fr". I/''"? Uk I. ** abr 1. ; I - I'rhpoai ' * Bbettea, if soo 4 oo letlB, Sb.. 2 2 0 0 S 0 ???: ier, rf. aei 3 o? m - ??ler, lb 11111 81 a ? Pratt 8b.. : 11 2 S 0 . . ? itmuu, ef 8 88 1 oo - ? ! c 4 ? .i '? oo ? BJM *- 4 ? 0 0 2 0 p 4 0 n 1 4 0 Weilman, p3 00 0 4 0 T-ot.. ? 1188 Total*....81 5 ( 27 12 0 onotoo* ??? Bt Louia .. .10 0 10*03 I?5 Two taa* MU TTtlal ITa'l M Innl*. Plclnlr-h. iac*> Au.tln. Mirlsr. pratt ?r,-.. Ul ? Ho.jDl* p!a-?? > Uclnota, .".Vaiiiuan to Pratt r?l Lvu:>. 5. 1 IHrm, I; off w-41 BIU ?? '? r.v.asl nin* -off Mrrn. < hlta -.. ? j? W-r.raai II biaa and r.o '.'.*r --Pralt. bf <r*U-BM, I I'm : .. I Nal ir. Tuaa^-l 47, >l. . Mi i;ame I H'l.s. . ?. I. .. ST. liOl'IS IA I. | ar rh ;*. . > abrh po a* - .''on. lf.. 4 0k I I I rf. 401 ? rtln, lb 2 l o o : l ? 0 M-...-r. rf . I 20 4 0 0 witt, m ? 4 . - *r, lb .. 11 3 7 0 l lt. '?? I l ll l Pratt. 2b.. 4 01 1 4 1 j lf... 4 flfl * ifl Mara-.rra. rf 4 0 0 1 00 Plea, lb... 4* . *T?r-rl<", r Jlll H , e. 8 81 4 11 Johnaon, aa 4 0 0 4 2 0 I'nah, p .. 1 0 0 0 0 o I lavenport.p 2 0 2 0 2 0 Uannlng. p .' 1 1 * 5 <* ? .. 18 8 8 ? V. ..wraa. 100 0 0 0 TotAla.. S4 1 4 24 10 | Tcals .?:* 5 7 27 113 i 'HaiiaM l.l lAMii.lot la Rfc tt < 0 0 .4 t 1 ? fl?1 2 1 0 o a * 0 0 i?fi 4 ? j Srf^--1.1 r>ar*r>v>r?. 4 . . ' M: H - ? tt 44 . . M '.! . ? ? an la VV1U Ij*': I . . ? . Hl Uxila 1 , * f!i..1 1 . . ' 4 *"!?..????? ; tt La i o Mta ar. 1 7 . . -r-ratrunli t? . -n k rnj! Hntiy , *?*?'. 1 ptlch-?- Bu*J>? ' I'aa-arl tall?<'aiml^ 2 I'oipir**? ? . acj E,aii. Tirn*?1 44 -*-1? l.l\>T!* TO-DAY arith CiyCTXliATl, I44J I*. Al. Pt.. Orouxidj. Jttm. lle.-^L8T*t> Feature Facts for the Fans Matty led ihe Reds to vdctorr over hia old pala, the l.ianta. The YankeeM made only one hit off Eddie Ciootte and were ahut out. They atill hold the lead by half a game. Only a game and a half sepa rates the first four teams ln the American I-eague. The Glaatl and Plrates are tled for fifth place In the National. The Bravea and Cubs made only two hits each. The Detroit Tigers defeated Walter Johruon In a ten-innlng battle. Newark Pounds Oriole Pitchers for Eleven Runs Smallwood Effective on Mound for Indians and Scores Easy Victory. Baltimore, July 21.--Connecting with the slants of General Joe .Sherman and Minot Crowell at opportune times, N'ewark trounced the Orioles in the opening game of the series to-day, at Oriole Park, the tinal count being 11 to 2. The visitors got aftT Sherman in the very first inning for a trio of lafetiea, and in the fifth he waa re placed by Crowell. 'Ihe latter, ton, w.i> hit rather hard when there v,er>' men on the hassocks. Smallwood, on the other hand, hurled BXCelleat ball for the Indians. lle held the Oliolflfl to tiv.* arell BCBttered hits, and was effective when men were on the bases. The score follow.-: NEWARK ?! U) BAI_TIl_0_tl r I.i a b r h i . . - Haa ?? te itll Batea, rf. if 4 l l t ?? I .*>?*- 4 ' I 11111 ? "han. et 4 1 2 1 00 Miller. . f I 71 o 1 Wlt-er.rf I I I I II r..'mUv | Ii'rfln lb 4 i. n . 1 'i Urnsr. rt.lf 4 ..itt?r,J{. 4 | 0 _ ? 0 Kopf M III | <| ? ke ??l l 1 l IfllZlm'man.Sb im " l ^ Kaan. c. 4 % l 4 .I'lneton, e 101 I 11 fl inood p 4 0 0 1 2| ,J!.frmati, p 1 . ? i ? r.w. :i. p. ; 0 9 0 10 Totala ST 11 11 ST 14 0 Totala .. f-A 77 5 II 15 4 Kearaifl ,111114 11 Ml Billl?a .oooio Two Luw> hn. CalUhaa Eat* aad B_a__U flac --.- Mll'.-r 1 ? - ..'??, , . ,, Phonaaa 1 off I lUwood ; ofl .'?,.?? t Balai l.n Br Oaa ' . a] fl_n_e_ i ? 1 . bT Bmallwoorl _; bv Crowoll, .' i , - - ?' Wild trll \*': on baaaa Baltferaaea, I N-? - t?_-? on irtera N-*?a__t. l T.m. tt i?_i._?1 40. ..->?.r.-.t tai But -.-??~ Coast Catcher for Cub3. Chicago, July 21. Howard Elliott, Oaklar.d f'oast League catcher, will join the Cuhn in the Kasf. il was an? nounced to-day. He was purchased for cash ar.d ia the tifth player added to the Cubs in the last two weeks. Club Standing in International GAMES TO-DAY. Newark at Baltimore. Providence at Richmond. Toronto at RESP1.TS OF GAME* YESTERDAY. Newark, 11; Baltimore, 2. Providence, 3; Richmond, 1. Montreal, 2; Toronto, 2; 12 Ut, dark. Rochester, 6; Buffalo, 5. Ro.he.iter. 6; Buffalo, 3. STANDINt, OF THE TEAMS. IT.__.PjCi w,|_, it. Pror.. 47 3*. .5S.t Ralfre 41 42 .512 BuTIo 4.. 37 .549 Rich'nd 39 43 .471 TorMo 41 M .532 Vwark 37 47 .410 Mont'l 4 ! 39 .521 Rocher 33 47 .413 Amusements Will Be Found TO-DAY on Page 5 Cicotte Indian Sign Still Baffles Yanks Cripples Lose Again to Sox, but Retain .Lead by a Whisker. Chicago, July 21.-The statement lhat the New York Yankees had bro? ken the spell which Eddie Cicotte wielded over them was a bit prema ture. Dovelopments proved that the ?mfl not even stramed, for Ci ? into the box against the NflW Yorkers again this afternoon, and, pitching one of the greatest ,-..?!. i in his career, beat them by a score of 2 to 0. ChiCBgo'fl victory r,ar*"^ them or even terms with the Cleveland Indians, in third place, and lifted them to within one and one half games of the Yankees. The Boaton Red Sox, who defeated the Cleveland Indians, are now within half a game of the lead? ers. The situation is becoming more BBd more involved, and a silence hangs over the prophets that is op preasiee. To-morrow may see the Yankeea tumbled out of tirst place as the Red Sox step in. Then, again, ' other things may happen. To return to Cicotte. He was sent in against the Eastern invaders yes terda-r, but was so wild and ineffective that he was removed from the game. Th.e defeat rankled in Cicotte's heart, and this afternoon he requested that the chance be giv.*n to him to redeem Hifl wiflh was granted, and right well did he discharge his trust. Pipp Ilita Out One. Wallie Pipp made the only hit off the IRtlo spit-ball artist and shared with Leslie Nunamaker the glory of Bg on the during the game Pipp made his .ingle ir. the fifth inn? ing. BBd then du.hed to second when the piteher tried to catch him nap ping off first base. He got to third when Rube Oldring was thrown out, ;u:.l with only one out the chance for oaa run was fair. But Cicotte fanned Joe (iedeon wi'hotu any trouble, and Terrj taraed Booae'i groun.ler lato an out of the bag. leaving the first r a long, long way from home without mnans of getting there. Nunamaker walked in the third, with it, bat he was doubled at second trying to steal as Mogridge struck out. The other seven innings were drab and BBintereating to the point of be? ing deadly in their stupidity, judged from a New York .tandpoint. The nue. two. three sequence was pre ^erved w:thout a break, and the worst of it all was that the chances of more than ordinary ditficulty which the Yankees otTered to the defenee were few and far between. Fourteen aa sists were made by the White Sox, but they were all easy. Sox Hit Mogridge. Following the established cu?tom in ! the American League, Bill Donovpn .-.ent George Morriage, the left-hand er. Bfainflt the White Sox. Southpaws i have a habit of defeating the Wmdy ; City tnbe, but that rule went all , wrong to-day. Seven hits were made ! off MogridfO, and three of these were | by Eddie Collins, who beat back to j the trail he once travelled, much to i the joy of the crowd. There was | little joy in the camp of New York ! over the performance of Collins. for two of his wallops helped in the scor? ing of raaa. In the first inning Shano Collins dropped a double into centre field, the ' ball falling safe, while Gedeon and ir-.ll, who was preseod mto ser? vice into centre field, sfood and , watched it. W.-ater saeri..ce.l, and then Eddie Collins hit to left, scor ;r._r hii nameaake. Raumann played the ball pooriy, and it went for a ? triple. In the fifth Cicotte walked and took second on a single by Eddie Collins. and scored on a fluke hit by Joe Jackson. The acore followa: | NEW TOM IA. Ul CHICAGO (A. __> anrhpoa. ahrh.o.i' CBM-relUef 4 0 0 ooo J r*r.i:in?. rr 41 i ooo inn.lf 1 ? I l * a Wee-zer, ih 201 Ifll . lalOlllOiE llna, :& 403 1 '" 1 1-lpp. lb 7) 0 119 0 0 J_.-k*.4n. lf. 40 1 300 10 11 Keaa, Ib. ... I ? !?-.*.. rf 4 0 0 200 ilk. r... 3 0 1 7 2 0 rry, aa.... 3 <*? 1 04 0 ??r. .. 2 10 14 0 ? . ? ' T.4ta!.? . ? 111 ?lU'tM fnr Maflridfl. ln th? ninth Innlm I a 0 0 .i 0 0 0 t?e . 110 0 10 4 1 1?_ Tw.> __m Ul J Collti.- T*nr?>->-b??<> hit- T. I'nl r?t* -Aier I' I.? :? ; < O.rlrlnf lo iiclemi 10 i-ck_np.__.ri. l_rft sa laat --_.._ Vork. 1 Chi ?_-.. S 11i__m or. . t_ > OB Mo_r.'.?_ 'I. utl dwna 1 _.'?_..M run* <tlT .M_|rtU?. 3- Wt t? Pltchar-Br M. ?.!.*__> [K \r **?? ______ ?_-_ L_ne*__. __??IW. * fltru > ?>.frp-B7 Mo_r*._?-_, 2. _7_J.._..i_. i. Itc.u-. RED SOX MAKE THEIR HITS COUNT Cleveland, July 26.?Cleveland was unable to make its hits count for as l much as Boston, and the latter won to-day's game by a score of 3 to 2. The scort; follows: riA'VKUASX* t*\ l.v WflJTOW (A. J*_. ejttp. , aorh po a* OnuMT, lf. 40: I II Heevar. tt. 200 0 00 WambawM 110 t 4* Banr. "h ?? 881 " ?? - f 401 2 OOlLewta, ft... 48S S 88 ftoth. rf.. 41 3 1 00 iruit-eii.ib yoi ' 18 Oandll. lb 101 9 18 Gelner. lb. 101 I 00 .*hapan.3> 188 3 Ifl Watknt. *_*}} " J* ONelll. 6. 8 00 1 18 Oerdner, I8 411 ? M c.T. 108 8 1 8 9cett, i>? ... 302 4 3 Howard.a> 4 0 0ft 4 '?' Thoma.*. e.. 300 4 2* 1 >,,... ;. 1 >8 I 18 Mare, r ??'*" - * <?* ?*. p 0 0 ,) 0 3.. ?smith. 101 0 0'i IBvana.... 808 0 0" tTamar... 100 0 ?"'? Tot-Ja.. 33 I ? fl 20 Oi TotaJa... .30 J ? 27 13 0 ?Batted f-r 0"Jf?n 1-1 *1-*.h lanlnf. r..r Sm.rh la alith tnnlnf. Iliatteal for H-sbe ln arrrr.'.'i Inntng. . i) 1 0 0 : 0 0 4 *?3 . f>, -00101000-.' 7 M haa* hit*- C,ardn*r ""flfltt, Oaln-r MM Erani Hv-rirl-* hlta?ajan-lll. Bcott, ' ? ? IWI on ha***?(l-rrian.l. il. Ho*ta>n, 4 Paa-s n ba .. off tiatbt, ;. - - ? Uata, 1 li.t* ar.*; ramrt nm.-Off Ueel*. t haU ar. 1 I 7 lonln*** off ('ouroh* 3 h!*a and no runa ln 2 lt:: Ina. off Mija, s Mta an.l 2 ru:.-. P Htru-k out Fly Hrrr*. 1. Majrs.. I Wild | BaaM Vwaitea llii'.*raal and u L4>u? Tlra*-1 57. a BRAVES BLANK CUBS; FOUR HITS IN GAME Boston, July 2'*. The Braves defeat? ed the Chicago Tub* by 1 to 0 to-day.; Vau>*hn held the Boston team without a hit for .seven iaaiagS, but m the eighth ??inf-les by Allen and Ei*an net? ted the only run. The gcore follows: .'?Hir'AOO m 1.1 BOflJTOM m ' a7 r - , ahrhpoae 11'vtll*. -s 4o) 310 Mann, i ( rf 4 0 1 181 K. rs. ttt 1*8 2 30 holt. rf.. 3 0 0 3 Oo i ? . ? kfajree, lf.... 40 * ioo: . ? . . 3 ' i ? o o ] 10 001 f mlth, 3b... 200 03 0! ? ? 0 Bn ***raja,< f 8*0 18* '/.ei !.r, 3b.. 3 00 300 Qowdy, c ,800 811 <*l*men*. c. 'Cfl 7*41 *>II4*B ,- - 3 >? l 01 0 Vaughn. r 30o IH* Hin-hea, p.. "00 000 ,-t.D 0 0 o 0 ' ' ?Hendrix... l 0 ft 8 0* Pltspe'ek. St? 10? OOfl (Schulte.... ioo ooo ICoUlaa, rf o1. Totals.29022492, Totala. ?Battad for wry.rarr.a ln rlahth Inning. ? ?-*-???. ia < IHatt-d for WUholt Ifl rigr.rh lnnlc*. jllai tor Alirn 1.1 eighth Inning. (hl -ago . 00004000 0?0 BeatM I 0 0 0 8 8 8 1 ??* fv*vb*M h'.t?Mann Bfl-fltSea hlta?Konft.>?. Pmllh. L*ft on taa^<--r-.i.-igo, i. Ttoavn ' r.a.r rn ?rrors - llostaan .' Haa** or. ta". ?'1* Vaughn. 2 Al>n. 4 aTJtl anrl *arn.l -. Ailrn. 2 hlta an.l no runi In *i lonlngi :r . r.o hlta an.l no nn. ln : inntng: Vaughn. and 1 run Ir, * 1-3 Innlngi. Prrndergaal. r.o hlta a- 1 M runa In 2-3 lnn'ng-j. S'ru.-k out?Bj Vauftw I AV.en. >5, Prr;. Urgaat. 1, Hugh**. . I'niplrr.a-iirth Md F.a'nr. Ttrr.*> -1 3.1. Connecticut Tennis Tourney. The Connecticut state championship tennis tournament will be held on the courts of the Country' Club, Norfolk, t'onr... on Auj-just 1. "MMJIBUN A5SOI1ATI0*". Atlanta. 5. Htrml- iham 1 N'aabrtll*. t; Mnaphig, 1 N?w Orlaant M :.e, l. i":.a"t. .ga. ' I.r-r a> R,? k. 4 AV.KRKA.N ASSOCIATIOX. Ix>art*nn?. *. Columbua. S Indla.-.apo'.'.a. It; TolMe, 4. Kanaaa CttJ 7, St Paul. 0. Ullwaukr*. Ii Mlroreapolla. 1. BAtTBBM l.EAOra. }A\irnr.r? l, 0. MARSTON LEADS BIG FIELD OVER EKWANOK LINKS Baltusroi Player Turns in Card of 77?Gardner in Poor Trim. Maaeaeetar. vt, Juiy tt -in u, qualifying round of the first Pn?. dent's Cup tournament at the tt_._gjj Country Ciub to-day Maxwell R. _|tri. ton, of I'altusrol, led a field tt Ws golfers with a card of 77. Marston took three 6s _t t_? -^^ and finished with a 5 and a <; ttAttm wise his card was cons: .??_*_, ^ is> cluded a 2, which resulte.j f rom ? p,,. feet tee shot at the thilteeata, Thi scoring in general wa. aboot ta. strokes above that of laal y-ar, _.;| bi ing evidently i I .r-"! at *._? 1.1 '. - ? ' Ond and eigh | fln th'*se balea, *' I ".'ra ft* faaal in the past, they w?re fn thi:, year, owing to addfl Btl M, well-trapped green at tie ,? jjhth. Tkl first division broke at .. , ahatl v.i were ciamoring for *.hn five p .-?, , play-off eliminated ti. T. ' ittnt, .? Rochey.>r. Among the surprises was the fillsn of W, H- Cirdner, of Buffalo. to nuii the first division. Kaiph Carroll ti* has been aceustomed tn a f tirst division, hut, along with <jar__n. he was jaat outside, wi'h a '.'!. Marston'.. card follows: Out. *, | *. i .. ? r, t .___? 1". 4 . ?> _ 4 5 ? ? *-* The drav for the first thirty-ti'. wa': Catlin and Alien, Worthir-gtaj uj I.'.,.-. :?,, (Jardner and M(,r-?-, X;_n,'. ??' and White, Amory and BuxtOB,VkZ er and Ladd, < | fj.t^ \Vhi*.t?-more and U "aBj tt,j Clark, Seeley and F> ..?<?-.. J.rowa u. Barber, Canipbeil .. ylri' ton and MrKnight, Eddj I i .'.__{ Qw*tt and Coffin. Kerr and V ..--.h_? The day's surr.rr.ary follows: nnt thlrv-'.wi. fjr l . . r-____.w ? Ban . ___?__*< I ? ? r.1 I'OUI I. . . P V\ Vi >; W - ?' ' ' ?' " ... ? ? , ' . i . - 14; H. II. f '*'? ? ? ? ? v, .-l-?c **>. M K Wai ttm ? M hl -. ... , ll I . M :,-. i. . _ . . - J. A. a '.:?_.*?_ i ou.-.'ry i ....... ? G. Youcf. \ .. '"'? Clart M j. _ - 91. W II U. - j r ., .--: _,?_< - !!_._> ?>..-'_ Dallaa. . - M*_____ ? ?t (,. .ha?n-e i il -, ' . M Ik M. Hi . - ?? ? . .-. ht_ . i ? Fourth tlittrn K \f p ? ;,. - inok. 14; A. _ i ' II Mr -_n. r- Ar.!_;fjr. ?>?! _ M ..-__ fc, I ? . >Tjtj Ai ?>. _ '. 3 j:, _ . .\ ? ._. T ?- 44 ...... t pi, ? s il-n City, l.?; W J' J, .. |. , ll 1. . ? . 1 ? i> (ook- Af_-:? .????. I ? 141; ll W 11 R.. 102. _ 1! 1 - - I -. Hr- *n 1 ? jj. I. K. W 1 . u d| ' ' U .\ 1'iitt. KuUi | . ?..?'. Apewam TIGERS WIN UPHILL GAME FROM SENATOW Detroit, July 26. Washingtonknac'iiT. Mitehell out of the box in 'he Ittat inning of to-day- | r;r.g ll rur.s, but Detroit aroa the eoetfltl ten innings by a (cort of C to 5. The - WASH (A L.V | D-TTB'": ' > '? abrh pe aa i kfll Mortran. th 4 rt 1 1 _ 1 .'1ft. 3h Ifl] 2 oo Bush. aa '... .'. I) 2 1 4 0 1 .-? II ? I i wr d, rl Shani.?. If 8 1 2 4 0 4 , - i ? 1 . 110 0 1 H-ilman t *m. . \ Illl - I ae. c. Ifl 1 I p 411 11! Mit. hail, |.M 4 1 | . . : ?' Tota - ?' * '? 4, IBtalfl f run m?.l? with two aut l. B '.i. Waahlnfllf-a ...... 0 0 0 ? | ? ? I f | I 1 fl ? ? j Tt." bt*? l.-r? |hl rhn_-b__ll V - . . 4." ' . - I imiirt ".:??-.?' ? . i ^ ? i i'__a ? ? ?*? m ? ,r Dti 4 Hlu aafl flfl ... - ? p: ofl -:?..? . . K_" . B. - ? ? ^ | ? ?-!._. .Minor League Results. nrmifAiiofliAt i_>.a';i r. a* iu;- aa Nawart 2 11.0441 4?11 '.'? 0II1OI01I-.! n_'r -:??- Ba__U**ee_ aafl Ki*.-. ?___?_?_. BBI A'. Iti- ..mon4; fll 1 I I I I 0 a | f-| ? Bl . l - ? ? ? -4 i i i 1 ? . <-.i_i_.-.__r *:,<\ b:?. . an i ai Moi.iresl I t ? t I I 1 lt I 1 H ! o o l o ? i o l c . ? . t * MflflflBB _.- ii. Al Hft*-r F_r?t f __._ 11114 4 2 0 4 10 1 BoB-BBo- n-i.!.f i.'t Bai*; Bflflan ?-'-4 O"* S..-..r. 1 gitn* I * Ro.-hf-t-r 1 4 I 1 1 4 4 I f*4\ Bi..T?.o 0 10 4 0 4 0 1 4-1 b?-..-:-lr. K.:::,wr ? 1 IU> H'-ll tr l 0* KWW Y..KK BTATB l___A'.l?. r_ic?. 3. iu.- -? Burrlai .-? ? A . - . I i at Blnghi -. (Int, rain) 1 lhal < .-?. 1 Bcranloo t* \Mikr, H?.-r? (wtt imaaail '. .Int, ralnV ra. 1 tm (wtt r?n?* ^B Good News for Go/fers! Haven't you often wished for more bogie worldfl to conquer? Yes? Then the special Long Island Coll Page in next Monday's Tribune gets around this styrni** in great style. Look for it! You will find names an<4 locations of the "fair greens" of thirty-five Long Island Country Clubs?all with splendid eourses. The distance from New York is given; the amounts of carfare and dues for playing. A large map shows you how to reach each of the clubs by motor. Tell your newsdealer you want Monday's Tribune with this handy golf guide sure! Hole out one up! tn* ?he Sribune j* ^|TN hlrnt to Last?the fruth: _V_\ KUfrflVd. Sews?Editorials?Advertiseaienta. ___Waw* al,x'*a ?( th* a. ill Bunaa tt Clra-aalauot*.