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certain that in f .me her defence* will i bc -avtrn through. To fail to al to opel the th,- *tr?*' sav, would !*c .. ?* rrnaa Qoaaral Staff s*i on ?h? poaition- taa Briti- > <?-,.... m shown in a *tan Ittued from I ? i talma aon on July IL It *?a? tar-.n froffl i.vnonrr* ea-'turcd l ,Uv j hc Secretary foi Wai 1- aays: , , ?'Furthctmore. the converMon of vil? lage* mt,. stror... I**** '? of tha' gtv-test Importanc. Mich vil lage* aie Poaierta, i i and 1 ai eue\HJ. Poaltrei of *h* v**l**''"r'' named to ba eaptarad Moreox.r. tho - oui .i serious "error -n thc Berlin ollUlal statement W-dar. lt tell* o< the n ? Bntiah at ta?eh or. Troaafl Waaa. rroaoa Woad Va.* been ln Britiah kaada alae* Julv M. und | . ? aa raa 8a**trai hun? dred vanU boyOI . eritiei are eonrincact that no defences *o atrorg a* thoae tt-,.* . ,UCce**:.ii , ???????"? bfl found beyond thom, und tha. thp ;i. ? m thc cre?t cf Alb.'i ? Bapaume will h ??ay. Ifthiawen ? . (ierman have Hban.ior.ed the N-.r.r. ? to defend the rre>: of the ? ?' i . Tr>.l a re ? ah ti*oopa a4*-Mnia-{Tj ar* ?aain [heirforc *.G'J^l-!? ''' \Z% infantry fighting alaai '.h< "mtira Bril ?' ? ..' .,?*. ai.other ,UCCe- '?? Jortll.t-1 together with son.e pr ? aoothe... of th. hampagne. where thi anana***.la ? d>r ol tr..* French fr' . ?? ... | ? ,-n consoli -od for another drive Nothing on B the.r atill a :,h ,n ... thnt there .. ?.?..mar. .-?? POINCARE IS TOUCHED BYU.S. CHILDREN'S AID Hopes Ne* lies Will Ro F.stab lished Betveen Countries. of a r Will? iam (j I ? i Poiaearl at ? nt ex ed lus deep approciatron of the hid extended by th" chil-hren of the Unitad States t.. those of France made , : Obier-ving that hnd heen moat ger.erous, the Pn ' 'hat thii aaaifltanoo In partictilar uppealed to him fltrongly, iu hopod tha* rata tionahips 'hu* eatabliflhed between the children of the t**.o eountrioa, in many nge ot let? ters. wonld bring nbout eloaor I fiaternity. VOTES TO DROP ALL BOYS FROM ARMY ('a.ntiuiircl from pn?* 1 ?? rrees 'hc abaolnte loflrl'a i rai of leven 'or a n. a ru.e in this thal it to i r*/ de atraation < ? ? i ? ? 1* *, ..rt . ? ?.. I eapo runce how ** Ket jnrr, | for officers and men army ar condi ? "? hoaltk and nu to rota ui the coming I , ,,? 4 ded .ri amandments io to-da>. of Mis*.' would mal ?' aaed pay to ? hordei Vndai it ofBoarfl arill raeal*"? ln p. ".tn M I'ei dment -gTving soldier? in the Mexican "ervlee authority ta vote in thfl nelil nt the national election r ...ut oppoaltioB. alth of sol .idopted ap rruction of wood. troop ...... i . T(u. . ... rr \ dted to retnin the prohibitii | tion ' ? ? "Hai up BJ i r. g" '? ? ' Release Appjications Reach 1,500 Each Week Baa Ar i M. Appli rations fof rah ? army headnuar ?.* thc rato I undrad ul roady hav,' betn rei. . I applica tion? do r ? > ? I .rrardfl inen mada br wrve*. motl ?n Ropro ? i 44, ? ? re i gne.i ., .. ' he ? ? of (iunrdsmen nnd the proapoel that r (iuardini.'n will l>e freel that they may r.'tnri' i" eollago, thr military aitua tion in ..!?. roapoel Aooa will be greatly thangod. \S hen the movement ? ... l.pjju* . they say. ? -? rnen with? out eqaim future will rt*r much equipmen I *ien. Crouch & Fitzgerald Kit Bagt Motor Trunks Modern l.uiiiix'ic 14 West 40th St. 154 Fifth Ave., at 20th St. 177 Broadway RUSSIANS SEIZE ERZINGAN; PUT TURKS TO FLIGHT Fall of thc Armenian Fort* rcss Clears Way for New Drive. OTTOMAN NO LONGER FACTOR, CRITICS SAY London Sccs Victory for Czar ln March Through Asia Minor. i ll> Cal l? if T*"_> Ml I.ondon, July _!('.., the pow- ' erfuily fortified Turkish town of Oaa* tral Armenia, hn fallen bsfors thei Russian onslaughts. Although the most important base | of the Ottomsn troops in Asia MtaBfl and the hendqiinrtrrs of the 10th Turk , trsy crj'-. the ftreat utronfchold ' was captured by the Grand Duke Nich? olas with astonishing ense and swift iips-. Yesterday the Hussians were - r<*por'ed at least ten miles from the ' fortress, nnd it was presumed here 1 that the Turks would niakr a strong' stand in order to give time for 'he removal of the garnson and all mni ; tary supplies. As it was. the Russians pushed ahead nt the ordinary pace of an army on the mnrch and apparent'.y encoun tercd little OBposition, o.thcr in front' of the town or from w Importance of Stroke. The importance of this latest Rus sian to the < znr's Caucasian campaign plaai CBfl hardly be over rstimated, in the opinion of military authorities here. With thc capture of Krzingan the Crand Duke has r I the seizun- of Ar The Turks have been driven :' ths territory where they have committrd some of the worst nt; of the war, their defeat h;.s ,? nl a long way Toward eliminnting them __? ser in th" prenf struggle. London ranks the eaptur. I ? uch higher. becauae of it> far* : man even tha leilSre of Erxerum, whith par?d tha way for tho Ku-?:an offensive ia the Ca ?t the cloae ot laat winter. Army nien the greatest :ucce--s of thc Grand Duke Nicholaa since he took eommand of the southern army. Wa. Cleared for New Drive. By eliminating Krzinpan the Gxar'l eommander has now aloared Ihe sraj f..r nn advance on Sivas and Angora, both i tallj mportaBt to the Ruaaian. if they are to control Asia Minor. <>f these two towns Anjcoru is the more important. because it is the eastern | tht rsilroad that runs into iple, Bat 18. miloi from Brxingaa, along thc 8M mils itreteh of ry whieh the Ruaaiana must pen otrate .11 theii wettward march to An ^"r;., Sivas ri?es ?.-,;) -.bove the level ?side and . (Tectually blocks the wav to aii advaaea. Froi "ther und smaller rail ? ina north to ti..- Blaeh Sea pr.rt of Bamaun. Thi.. the Hussians must eommand, either by the capture of Sivai or by the investment of Bass* sun bl their extreme ri^ht flank, be? fore thry ran saft'y preai 0B toward Angora. The two Raaaian armiea ;?re ? int exactly ihe same distancoa fron theae two oDJectivea. Along the Black Sra r.hst thc Csar'fl foreea ed past tha Foi River to within ea of BamaaB, while the soath* repai-Bg to begin thr march from Ersiagan to Blvas. Krpect Fall of Sivaa. "It looks like a race to see which tnay will win Ita point first," said a prominent military eritie .o-night. "In all probahillty, l.owevei. me toathera mmy will face fewer obstacle.-" to a rapid advaaea than thp Ruaaian foreea OB the north. T\. latter, t"i>, arr to be wenker in numbers ar.d in munitiona than tbe Crand Dahs'a so we met expect 'he fall of Sivas some time lefiie that of sun." I'ntil the Grand Duke strikes Shrai be without railrOad communica tions; but so far he l,a> madl nenal advaaea from Hr"* to I s.n, more than one-fourth of tha : am objeetl - <-. m thoul -. linea ta h< Ip in nwintain ?nd obaei > ei 1 here 01 no alowlag up in h.s forward thal .'imt. W itl ? '1n t e d out. 1,.- arill ba in ? bettei position than a from Erxeram, alnei 'he Armenian stronghold is situ ? |hl WOatorfl end af a rich and plain, well watercd by the I BBhrates, which may b> 'nish him with food auppliea and fresh water. In addition the Rus ired in Ersiagan great sup I al] oarti and man ' nastily I ad the Turks fled from the t..wn that they abnndone.1 much tha? will bi- of use to the Russians in their onward Irivo, Turks in Dlaorderly Flight. Dem ? illsed by the swift an.! over poworing advance of tl e Kussinns, the are now in f_ BfSt of a- ii an ot1. riflg but weak ce tn the Grand Duxe'i advanee lt ia ba ieved here the RuaBiani will enrounter few difficulties 111 their '.mreh to Sivas. Tha brilliant achievement of his , delighted the Cxar as much lOCOessea of his commanders on 'he oastsrn front. and the cotifidence of Rasslaa peopie in a apssdy sad .tory for Russian arms is ken BBW Never since the war Petrograd felt ao certain of ???"me of the strnpwrle. KuHaian Statement. The Russian official announcement aaya 1 MOn Tuesday our gallant troops under eommand of lienera! I'denitchin n bottle the town of BrsingaB, As a result rhe cbaring of the Turks from > a tn- boon acromphslied. i.mpetor yesti nlny sent the followiB| telegram to the rommander ?' a t Tiflia: " 'lt 1^ with j<y that I have heard of the takinj. et K.z;n-jaiv From the bottom of my heart I conRrntuiate you j ? a heroic Caucasian army upon ? yaar victory. I am delishtad tn Bicbly jUBtiflod the conii 'hfin.' H ich !:??? 1 A *>'i ladroS of our shipa ? Id. < :au ateaming ln I Nov> I oroi ai.d pur- I ' er UBtil dai h." lurki-b ( ommuniration. The Tarklsh s'-itemrnt rends: "Iran aad PersiBB fronts: Kast of KcrmaBahsh there haa been no char-g. Ruaaian f_.-c<> dislodged fruin RrvandiiT. and driven to the east ticross | (hr ftontier. "Caucasa. fron*. A hostile dstaeti-1 ni.-".t BttemptlBf tO attnrk our patrols waa repulaed Oar troops aureeaafuli. i countar-attaehed hostile -.atrnls. In the centre and on our left wint* OUI troo.n i replied to atta.-ks of hostile i"-"'1 r.oitriag parties. , ?*? front: West and *****<*] f Kutia I thilty miles west of the Caaal] our troops advancing toward the canal dispersed cavalry forces. liiflirtinK losses upon them. From their hendifrni it was ?seertam'"l 'hat they were Australians." GERMANS SAY U-BOAT FOUGHT DREADNOUGHT Assert Torpedocs Found Mark? British Dcny Report. Berlin, July 2R i by wireless to Say vtllc). A statement issued to-day by the German Admirnlty cays: "A German submarine, OB July 2o, off the British Mval ba?e of Sralpn Flow, Orkney Islands, attached a Brit? iah dieadnougbt and obtained two tor? pedo hits." _ I.ondon. July Bf, With referenee to the (ierman statement that a submarine ind torredoed a British dreaduought . tf the Orkney Islands, on July 20, the British Admiralty stated that the SCtaal facts were as follows: "A small auxiliary off the north -.T Scotland was attacked b> nn enemy submarine on the date mentioned. She wns not hit." DRIVE GOING WELL LORD DERBY SAYS Calls Fall of Pozieres "Extremely Satis factory." ; r.i 0_M_ la fhe Mbaaa] London, July M. "The capture of Posierea is axtromely Batlsfaetory ths . iitaatioi \s thnt." aaid Lord Derhy, Uaaar Boeratary for War. te dny. "h'verything is g?lBg well Ife haVS been in very hoavy fiahting. ? g worse than this hou-e-to-housa ng can be Isssaiaad, hai we got Whal wc went Sflsr. M?n for man. de iplta the BOWaosS of our soldiers. they en thSB a match for the Bftchea Our Brtillery, tOO, ll ^ng wonderful woi*. Our men have all gO. their up, and are anxious to carry on. You ..,1 no pessimlstl ht the front. "I want to impress upon the Ameri? can peopie." ,'n"1 1,prbv ',o'1,lnl*,",? "our determinntinn to destroy the efforts of Oenasay ta dominate th** The AghtiBg now is so awfu! BOt a man nrtua'lv ln it onr aelVM ss well as (iermans ever want. another war. Bat we must push our | rletory until we makoItifaaatmlhlefor i Germnn rulers to revive the confiVt. "Ths 'im'v of tn0 ****** *** he'c.onic impressive. II sataaas ts even eircie. No one could have told me three years ago ihat I would be workinp in the aatna otTire with Uord George, tMlt here we are using our utmost ct.orts in perfect harmony to do our part to win tl.e WBT. < Ivrrr. thc IriFh situation merolv forms a bomeatic problem. The un fortaasta aapeel la that neutrala may think ? ? ? stea dlBBBlon, bul speeches of both sides show the] not Changed ? hair in their opi.iior. that tho war must be prosecuted with the nfmoal vipor. "The military BltuatloB ls sbmb factorj I am not in a position to giva tails, hai I can tell rou th a r.-cent vicit I fouBd overs M?a st the acei dlBgly ehi irful and fully ,...,; ? .- ,,. were started 01 straight road to victory. ??Our voluBtary armies have proved cqual to the best ConBClipt armies. In laying this I do not mean to under atate the efllcieney of iron disn. bal it ka .iitTicult to equal the spirit of volunteer*- . ? \\ ,- l.ave no deslra lo partition . v. sltl ?f our r -.ution of the Genaan eoloaiea We are in 'he war merely to previ ;.nd WO WBBt thO Uflltl na not for this war but hereafi "Vou BSh how far the present offen- i | de not know. iraonally I want it to go as far : ns Berlin." ^_ ITALIANS HOLD SUMMIT OF MONTE CIMONE Rcpulse Fierce Counter Attacks nf thc Austrians. Rome. July 2t. On the nighi of July 24 Italian troopa repulaed two violent ? the summit of Monte CimOBe, whieh had been capt nred fr< m tha Aual riana, asyi tl r an sffleisl itatemeat issued to-tia.-.. 'Ihe text follows: ?In 'he l.ascarina Valley und in the Boreola region our artillery shelled enemy eolumns on 'he marrh ??(in the Poalna-Aatlee l1'1* during the night of July 24 we repelled two v olent counter attacks againal the aummll of Motite Cimone. Wl are atill .!;?? the enemy from ths rough, wooded ^.upes on that moun? tain toward I"':' bbb. "Oa thc Asisgo rUteeu wo nr" eon lolidating our new jiositions. YeMer day ns the raaull or ei eoaatarn there . - i ? ? - ? n era. "Ia tl ? :,";i Valle* nir mr rrnft | | nemy pnrky nnd de* ? at 1 'ellsmoi te 'in Carnia our artillery bombai,|e.| COBVOVa on the Monte Ooce di ( ome Road. Hostile batteries sheiled villages in the I'pper Degano Valley, killing some civiliani "Oa the Isonm front the enemy is re ported to be inrrea-ing the use of ex plosire rifle hulletS." GERMAN MINE LAYERS MISUSING DUTCH FLAG British Foreed tn Bar ..olland's F ishing f leet. ? p, i .? || :. r | m [iOBdon, July td. Ahijrh naval official told The Tribune correspondent to ,!?>? ? the reason for the British aetion toward ths Dutch fishing fleet In '.he North Sea !ay in the fact thal !h< Rr". ish rogarded the ana whsro they I ihed a- oroh.bited beeau-e German trawlere. aioguised as I'uteh ships. habitually came thera, laid mines and avoa fred torpedoes against Bl vessels. Kven if the Dutch se-t their entire .. fleet ?o the same Ipol 'he Hrit __?___ woald taho the saa__ set '?y rc.idy to maV- rom liensatii':*, he aasoftedL l.ARL OF LTTIOH XAVY HEAD Succeeds Pnke of Uetonshire as ( ivll | I_ord of the Admiralty. London, Jul) M Tha Karl of Lvtton has been appoir tei i'iviI I.ord of the Admiralty, rt-placing the Dahe of DovoaShira, who hs? bee** designated Governor General of Canada. WITNESS TELLS OF SOMME FIGHT Battle Lines at Peronne as Seen from German Ob servation Station. NFW STRUGGLE ON FOR LA MAISONETTE Kaiser's Departure for Eastern I ront Intlicatcs Situation Is Well in Hand. Headquarters of the (Ierman Armies on the Somme, July 24 (by courier to Ilerlin, July M). Emperor William, in his talk with the Saxon and Haden military plenipotentiarics to-day, when hc desrnbed his recent viflit to the trenches, emphnsized hi* discourse with vigorou*. ger-tures. With the frc-h nrss of hia color and his rnergy he ahaarad plainly that his health had not ?affartd ondai tha long mram of the war. The Fmpcror's d*parture for the | Kflstern front is taken an a aign that the roaponflihlfl heads of the army con-i M.ler thfl situation ?n tho Somme front now well ln hand and tiiat thero is rn. octaaion faf apprehension.' The correspondent spent part of the morning ai r?n arttTfor] abaervatioa r-tation neur 1'eronne. The general line of the oppoeiag positions eaald he traeed from this poiat S'.emingly almost at the obscrver'a. faat was the point of tha flrodgfl Which the French iia.l driven against Peronne. N'ew Struggle for l-a Maiaonettc. H.uches, on the w.-^t hank of the Somma, arhich tha Franch for a time oecapiad, bat which now ?-?in wa* in German haada, eaald not he seen, as '.he t..wn hen too low in the valley, bat the heighl of l.a Itaiaoi ette, erowned hy farm baildinn and a little wooded park, stood out plainly ai-ain*t the baehgroundi of clouds. A Homerie Itraggla foi ?!" nossession had heen wafed for long days. Its ownership now w,-,s thared, tha Gerfaaafl holding the park, whiie the chii'eau on the floutheri cuge ramalaa ia French la nn.i flhrapaal w*ro <(**n barat ing frequently over La MaiaonattO, nnd a trew itrnggle for complete poaaCB smn of tha height, which is eanaidorod ?? ? boal advanced po * for artiilery obaarration, evidently was ahout to barin. Krom La Malaaaotta the lin* ran generally ?niulu-f?* t.> the village o{ .. thc corner ha*tion on which it neat dirt etlv wattward to Soyecourt, whera it enters the or einal befora tha bo**iaalag at tl* *f ! fa-nsive. Harlem Held by fierman*. An artiilery obearvoi itatod that the village of Barleui, wh.rh the French i, ; .'??'?. ? : - leavored to storm. wat in Oartaan hands, while Belloy was a Pronch stmnghold, and the vil? lage of Fstiees araa divided in pos-ea aion. The French had this morning twiee attempted to push forward the linen bere by vlcioufl attacks with hand gronade's and bayonets, hut without Barleua and La Marsonette wer" the storm centres in this aector, judging from the evidences of artiilery uctiv Ity, To *he northweat the square tower ' of Peronne Cathodral aroaa from the vnilev Thfl Houses of Peronne, which ii eompletely ln German handi nnd river from ita natu? ral French oarnera, ai-.. flrare iitcara ible. Officers who recently had riflited th,. eii thal Paronaa ?*a? r? ? d, in rlew of ita proximity to thi battle front All the civilian Inhsbitanta of 1'eronne have now evacua'ed thfl ! The battle Hnfl furhe*. the Somm* to the rror-h I I ichea, runs vvest along the cana! lo Hem, where kt tho river i ward to the vicrrrty of Oallll Waterlot farm. The gams of the F.n'ente Allies are roaghly iaeladed between thr- base line and the norr at La netU, thf i.-r.a' I Bboul foui " '? Bhd ft half. Day's Official Reports on Somme Offensive Tcmdon, Jnly '-<?? Th* Britiah oi-. fciol ntatctneV unnted le With the exception of nccasional art: ?ry dueU and sharp local en . ri al earioua polata, there was .nportant ineident to-day. 4a awaaar afnfrtnml read: The whole village af Poaierefl l| now . ir ha'idt". of the village piritorial troopa mada a further advance an.l cap'ure.l two fltrong trenches and a number of prisoner-. including five affleen Flsewhere on the battle front there ifl no change. French Gain Near Fatreee. I'aris, July tir?Tht off inal com miiwcatiov ixcu'd by the. Wat Of* fiet to-night reodti South of th" S-.mme a sudden at? tack made us manters of a fortified houae, about IM metre- tO Um south eaal of Estrerra We took some pris? oners. Five cannon. of IM mm . taken in ? | captured by Bfl "he day he f'.-e yeeterday nouth of B?tree?, are added to the material already n ed aa taken. Ol the rest of the frOBt the dav was calm, except in < hampagne. where a rather violent artillerv action oc? curred in the Beetof areal af Pl Oerrnana Made Priaoner. An earlitr avnrmnccment -atW; 'in the Somme front the night war. cnlm. In the eoume of the battle the iay before yesterday, when we won ? t'ruup ot i.'.'j-e Boutfa oi Eatxt. made 117 prisoners We have brought in thr". I i a I.. I man I r-iuch material found in the terrain eon .1 * tf) to the nor'h .*/ Boyeeoarl Hilfl bi ngi thl I ? cannon captured hy us on that dav tO six. On the right hank nf the Meune there lary aetia I 'he Fleury ROCtor. We plaeed under our fire and d'persed enemy detach north .."* Chapelle Samte Fine. A* dayhrenk we bombarded an im? portant mnnitions depot near Dun. Thirty-eirbt fihells were l?unched on th:* ohjec? 9t ln the course of *he night twenty nine ihfllli were throwr. on the rai! ?*h\ ' and l!r . ..uac* near 4 Berlin 4daaJta I>?im of T'o-lere*. /;. rlta, J ? i _?'. Tht ofieial late im nt ieaued lo-doy ttyp: ?>n the Comiaaa-Yprea '"anal a large battion wa? destroyed, wi'h ;*a orcupanta, by the exploiion of ? Uerm?n mm* . The hr e establnhed them selves near poriere.. ftfthSf SBSj minor enemy ittnrlis on FOBrtBBS Wond and nrnr LoBgBOVal were re pul?ed. Attemptod attar-ks .rn TroBos Wond were ohseiv.d snd fruat rated by our flre. .Smith of the Somme, BOUthWOfll of i.a MalsoBStte ftrsa, on th.* Blght of julv _!.-.. wa beld the rraaad wa* against French nttempts to remptur" it Uvely haad i-r-iinde lighting oc curi.-.l s..'ith 01 Kstrees yesterday. The Freticli occupied the crater made by 'he explo?ion of on<- "f their mines on I_* Kille Morte Heijjht, ln the Arironne, but were immediately driven out by a (Ierman counter mine. On the left bank of the Meuae (Verdun front) we made a little projc ress on Mill .101 (in the rlghl hank of the river there was artillery fighting during the ni .ht ln the region O? the Thiaumont Wood At varlous points along the front enemy patrols WON repulsed. Two enemy aeroplanes were brought down within our lines north of the Somme by infantry and mae.hine gun fire. On. aeropiane. after an aeriaf battle, fell to earth In a hurning con? dition in tho vlcialty of LaBovtllo. On Monday ? French biplane was shot I doirn in the direction nf Fort Souville 1 bv r. direct hit from our anti-aircraft | guns RUSSIANS MOVE TO FLANK BRODY ( ontlnued frnm paa* ? numher ot Austrians and Ilungariana engaged was less than this number. The B-BBsIBR official stati inti nt v.ys: "In the regiOB of Kemm.-rn, after artillery preparation, the Germans made two attaeha and were on the point ..f forcing back our front line detaehmeati when, owing to our saa* (OBtrsted tire, thc enemy wns eom? pelled to fall bnck, leaving many dead and wounded. I>uring these battles the GermSBl u?cd explosive bullet" and tear -produring shells. "In the roglofl northarost of Dninno n icht a tieree artillery hat'le was araged on both -ides, together with enfa^emen's between front line de tachments. During these our detarh ments succeeded :n making small nd vances at some points. "Six eaetay svistora threw thirty twn bombs on the (Jnmira station. Elevofl Beroplanoa alSO threw seventy one bombs on th** station at Por;o relcy "Durinjf the niirht, after fierce fightinjr 'n the region of the rlllagS .>f Vosshi, southwest of Haranovirhi, a company nf the enemy erossed the ? ? .'hnrs nnd approaehod our wire glomeat, but. were repulsed hv our rifle nnd gun flre. "In the reg'on of the river Bia* nevka, a branch of the Stvr, our troop., crossiner to the !eft bank of the river, continue to press the re treatlag enemy. who suffered preat. losses We have taken prisoner s *-?-.- "hree offcers. 4,000 men, ftva cruns. six machine fcttns, twelve cases o* n-unitions nnd many other stores. Prisoners are eontiSuing to arrive " l.'rmnn Statement. The German announcement reads: "Oar iiirmiii. hv droppinj* bombs and by the-r maehlBC i.'in fire, eompelled enemy troop tranaport trains on the DviaB__*PIoCB railway nnd east of Minsk to rome t.? a standstll "Army group of Priaee I.enpold: During the evening and tiie night the Russians directed attacks, iM which divll Baa ?'?ere observed to he et.__fH(f- I, against fhe front east and southeast of (iorodisrhe i thirteen miles i north of Haranovich i i. As with all previous attacks, these were rendered fruitles-*, .ind most severe losses were inflicted on the enemy. At one point the ei.emy v/a. .Irivei; bnck bj a coun? ter attack. l'-avinc: one ofi.-er. sighty men and one machine gun in our hands. "German aerial squadrons suce. -.-."u! ly dropped numerous bombl ,,r the rail-i way itatioaa of Pogoric ay nn.l rlorod zizja, where troop thuij wer" ataad ing, ar.d .<ii troop camps in the riciaity of thesa railway atatlaas. "Army group of General von l.insm gen: North Weat of Lutah eremy re connoitring detachments were unsuc cessful. "Northwest of Herestechk strong Russian attack. .vere repulsed. partly by our fire and partly by counter at-. Oae handrod priaonera and two r. iirouglit in. "Army group of Geaeral Coaat von Hothmer. Kasr of the KoropiCB sector minor rtgh's occurred between advanced ? "Aini> Kioup of Field Msrshsl tka ,\ ? ? tring di advanc yed them. Kiii-ni' patrola a'howod very greatly ii. creased aetivirv " -?-?? A. 0. H. HITS BRITAIN'S BARRING OF AMERICAN Denounccs Holding Up of Kelly with Irish Relief Funds. The Ancient Ord.r of Hih?mi*.ns, which is h> id-ni: its annual n I eoBvention ai ','? i ?? -.*rds'. tooli up thc matter of Englaad'a ret'i"-.,. to ? Thomaa Rugl < ? Kelly. h laad wt'h f l.-. | :n Ameries for thi In-h "This is BaglaBd'fl latest blunder," said D.n'in J Marilon, of N'ew Vr.*-k, proaident of th- bodv '??< -he Uaited and < anada. "A protest against the of an Arneru-an citizen BBd ii worker for Charlty \t made hy SS ' day " Mr. lianlon introduced the followirg risolution, which v. ifl adopted i ' We denounce in most iinmea?urnb!o terms the proh.biting of Wiliiam af Ham \ ..ik. *'rom Po Fur hn with |50,. f..r tha relief ..f '"ii- ..(' Britiah mvr .I", and remird England of her bittoi 1 '? 'man atrocitiea in Helgium in the early stage* ?f the SUBMARINE NOT TO LEAVE FOR WEEK ( from page 1 nouneed *ha_ Wiliiam Prus?e. the ron structor, BBd : ? tha trip over, would remain in this countrv. So 'he capt -.'- . ? ..-?...... I bo *0 j ,,. ? arrived la a tl ? r<> eompb Allied Cruiser Watching for Bremen Off Carolina I-eanfort, M. (J, Jn'y 2P, At least one eruiser of the Allied power. wnt belloved to be standin* otT Ueaufort Ir.let .o-nlght in an attemp* to prevent thr entrsnee of 'I- (ierman submarine rehaal in Hrrm.n, now due at an I rt after a iter ship, the and. ths Fori Maean ?' . ghl that a ;.ht off the I throug ? ftoraoaa. The | i back and forth ahout ten miles a* sea until just before dark, when it disap? peared. It was to-day that tha Iiremen m.ght arrive hero to-night. WARSHIPS WILL GUARD U-LINER Sent to Prevent Violations of Neutrality by Brit? ish Ships. PROWLING CRUISER AROUSES OFFICIALS Scouting Visit of Vessel Termed Breach of Naval Prae? tiee. Washington, July M. Arouse.l by an official report from the commander of the battleship I.nuisiana that a mys? terious nhip, putporting to be a Hrit? ish crui-er, had passed into tho mouth of Theaapeake Hay early ye-terday morning, the Navy Department to-day ordered the armored cruifler North f'Brolinn and three destroyers to neu? trality duty off Cape Henry. Officials maintained unusual secrecy regarding the matter and would not disrlose Just what instmctions were sent to the commander of the North Carolina. It was ns-rumed, however, that he had been directed to nee that the German merchant submarine Deutschland, now preparing for her re tara trip to (Iermany, was not attacked by Allied war vessel* within the three mile limit und that American neutrality was not ofherwise vi.duted. Admiral Mrl.ean Keport.i. Secretary Daniels made public the following extract from a report sub m ttod by Hear Admiral bfeLean, com i ind rrg the Norfolk Navy Vurd: "The rommanding otlicer of t'no I.ouisiana reports that about 2:Sfl a. 88 , July 25. while he was at iinchor in I.ynn Haven Hay an.l using hira -earch litchts and signal lights, and otherwise indicating that he was a man-of-war, h' araa pnssed by a eaeael that was barely ducernible excepting for the two n.anof war lightfl displayed r\i'. v 'hri reaael passed th* [ oa i she made the signal which read 'English cruiser.' The reaael wa* then standmg app'irentiy up the channel toward Hampton Roads Th,' lights disap? peared very soon after the signal waa madfl nnd nothing further was seen of her. though the Louieiana kept a bright lookout fo- her." (.ullty of Breach. Unoffleially, navy offleera agreed that rf 'he ship slghted froni rhe I,ouisiana wrt.s u Hrit.^'.i cruiaar, the commander of the vessel had been guilty of a breach of naval praetiee and had vro lated navlgation law/a in cruisinsr with? in American territorial waters without proper 'ights. While it was conceded that the cruiser was within her nghts rn enter ing terri'orai wu'rrr. providod she had obaerved tiie rulea, it araa deelared that an attempt to run into the bay on a scouting expedition, and in disregard of navigation lawn, would constitute a gross violation of international cour- , tesy. To Prevent Repetltion. Whether Admiral Mcl.ean's report will be mada tha subject of complaint to the Hritish governir.cnt ia not known. Il araa clearly indicated to-night, how ever, 'ha- adequate procaut i i ba takon by naval reaael neat rai ity duty to qee that the visit araa r.ot re -ascated, unleaa with proper formalitiea. nttV *?*''.i wer>* at .i lofll a!*1" to ac? count for the purpose of the trip. It araa pointod out that the cruiser could have had little hope of obtaining valua? hle information ahout the Deutachland rr. a 7'.y:r.g nighl visit in the lower bay. The Hritish Embassy had no informa? tion <>n tha aabject, and Embassy offl-l cials said they doubted that a Hritish commander would undertake such a method of information ahout' the (Ierman submarine. , AI'VFRTIr-RMI-.ST. _ I_ADVERTMEMKMT. CHARGE PATRONS MAY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SALES?HAVING BILLS RENDERED SEPT. l?t ifaftim$t$irt<. l*> - 5?54-566 v.0 568 WxUUAvtniH.-***** *?*- ***** >***9W*_ Will Close Out Today? the following small groups of rcmaining styles: M5 ?> $75 Suits?-*$18 Only a few of a kind?the laat of many linea. $55 * $75 Dresses?* $22 FOR STREET?AFTERNOON and COUNTRY WEAR A collection of remaining atylea? including modela of Silk?Cloth?Jersey?Tulle?Voile?Crcpc and Linen. $65 ? $95 Wraps?? $35 Tailored Silk Al ter noon Coats and Wrapa of silk or satin, for Porch wear or Summer Evenings. $I5 * $18 Outing Skirts?** $6 $ 10 ?o $ 15 Summer Blouses? ** $4 A few of a kind?various styles and materiaJs. BRITAIN DEPORTS S. S. M'CLURE American Publisher Or? dered to Leave England on Saturday. I.ondon, July 2?. S. B. McClure. the American publisher. who was detained for some time by the British authori? ties on his arrival at Liverpool on the American liner Philadelphia, must re? turn to the I'nited States Saturday on board the same vessel. In the mean? while he must sojourn at an unnamed watering place inland "for his health,"; according to a statement made by gov- j errment officiais to day. Th.- Britiah Home Office doclined to crant a permit for Mr. McClure to stay in Englaad. Washtagtoa, July 2?. N'o report on ' the exc'.uson of Mr. McClure had i-eached the Btate Department to-day. Secretary Polk said he had ? eard r.othing about the case since the announcement yesterday that Mr. Mc Cluro, after being detained, had been releassd on representations by Ambas? sador I'age. _ McClure Unneutral. Says "Providence Journal" [BS T--._r_.rri tn ffea MSBM i Trovidence, R. I.. July M. With reference to the deportation of S. B, McClure 'rom BrSat Britain "The Journal" will say to-mor rOW morning: "Mr. McClure has long been sus pected by the Rritish authorities of uhneutral activities of a most vig-or . us character. in which work he is i-hari_">d with having: used his Ameri? can eiUseaship ns a cloak. It is as ser'ed that. taking advantage of the latitttde allow.-d him to pass unmo- ' loated he'ween England and Gdr* manv, he has ifivcn to (Ierman offi-i cials, nnd*r the jruis-. nf "o*r,**r?? tiona," important and valuable in? formation, ar.d that he ha-, also been rospor.sible for brin-pni* into thfl United States propaj-anda motioa | ctara films which have been hir.i ed ta him by German official* for ttaal purposo. ?'A' soon ns it was ascertainc! thal Mr. Mr'lure was under* iflj-at on in Ensjlaad ail tha ("-rman propagan*4.. i*at gheet.4 in this country bepan tfl ?' tack him on the trumped-up char-e ? h.i 1 ?Jiiccumbed to British blandiahment and '-va* chanj-rlng- thfl courf* of 'The N'ew York F- n -- Mail' from pro-<;*rman to pro-Bntifll leaainga. All thia material was pro-np'. ly forwarded tn British off.rlali from anonymous sources with the ****.dent intention of cl?*arin|r Mr McCI ;ra* from i ipgostion of pro Germari ? n. "Mr. McClure was l*d Into h>s pres? ent entanglement by I>r. K. A. Kjt.c'v, one of the chief propaj-andrst . of the (ierman govrnmer,'. country. who ncted a* *.he drjrrr-nv - 'he purchase of 'The N'ew York Ha from Henry L. Stoddard last year real purchaser was I'r He'.nnch A'.Hrrv f seal ajrent of the German ftover in the I'nited States, who put . monev after a futiie attempt to ra te $2,000,000 by the sa> of itock for th? creation of a German prnpatrandut daily paper to be pu1.' ttgt lish lar iruagv in N'ew "fork." _- * ??? AMERICANS 00 T0 TURKIT The Haarue, Julv M. James C G?r rison and K. D. Robinson. representine the Committee of Mercy for War Peit*. tutes, 200 Fifth Aver.ue, New Vork (ity, left here to-dav for CoB8*aaBB> nople. They will invest'.jrate and report ofl the deatitntion ir. Turkey. TheOriguialEgjrptianCigarettes Tobacco history, in America, records no event of greater moment than the arrival of Schinasi Brothers from Egypt a quarter-century gone. For Schinasi Brothers brought with them to this country the knowledge of Turkish tobacco and Egyptian cigarettes that had been the ex*? clusive aecret of the Orient. They put that quality tobacco "secret of tha Orient" into Naturals. That they have kept it there is proved by the fact that Naturals have been?and still are?th? foremost 15c Cigarettes. For a Quarrer ofa Century, Madein the Schinasi Way-? the Quality Way. ?3E5__sEE_il-EE---j - 9 9 h . K__- f + *i\ 1 -aa***** A B-> X