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POLICE CLUB MOB IN CLOAK STRIKE RIOT Battle Follows Work? ers' Attempt to At? tack Own Leaders. FIGHT STILL ON; PACT REJECTED. "Betrayed" Men Shriek Epithets at I'nion Offi? ciais on East Side. ? lcade! rment '.erdav engaged la notous dasaonat M-n. ? called to Stuyvesr.r.t Cn.ino, Ninth Street ar.d Second Avenue. While the mob largBd sl tha polics battered th.- Btrikora w tn eluba. and when tbe baf!( WBS ended mnr.y of the ' riot. ? Tbe tOOatrnt .'BBISjad again und again into tho Cl . eompelled Ihe *?.? staas III aticks - -S ths | pavemert and were picked up on the ahoaldera of their eoiradas and car? ried off. eharga of tbe reserves. the long i ikera roBBB for a " BB, like a great wavp, moved across the ment. By shasr woifht of n. they i ? poiice bnck momen- , tanly. but I I SN from ' the nifhtstieki soon stopped them and1 drove tl ?t BBS 1 BBB, fully a dozen BBOB sri N lying in the either dasod or unconscious. Many g from m.'urics. tlubs Finall.. Kout Moh. An Italiafl attaeked a policomnn futilely aritk an umbrella. A second later he -ark t" the pavement. stunned from ti.- bl itra of half n dosoa clubs. Many women. most of them garment workers, were m the crowd. and aome vere il tl I thi i trnf. When the itriksfS Aaally rcalized they cculd not stand against the poiice --.ed sudderily to leave them aad there waa a srlld rash for) cover. Previous to t. e riot. Benjnmin ? rnational president ofl the aaioa, had aoughl ta oxplaia the: terms of B prOpOSOd BfrSCSBBBt with the mami' ? ? S gathering of shop foremen in the Casiao. He was hooted down amid a bedlam of det.uncifttions nnd epitheta. Ml rooh," "tra.tor" and ,.*fcer . OB sounded through the ball r.s tha union leader, , for his safity. WBS husticd from the building uni' r guard. while threats of bodily injury WOl*S shouted by the! Mrikers a__aiBBt 'he union offlcinls, who, they doclared, had betrayed thtm and "sold them out.'' \ nion Officiais in Flight. Oatslda a etwwd of tfiOO strikers rurgeii baeb BBd forth across the ?>r. o* oeka until the reserves fron the Fiftl ? B appeared. ? ? ?. awod for a tem nia* e ftlid , rying lt thoil !> adors, they atarted toward tha polics, oaly to be haltcd by ft raifl oi blowi from the ; . ;jrht-' am clothes | men. ; tily into s. ? .- *.o BapproBS tho not. \Vh Bl SehWsinger was at-i ufully to addreaa the Ktriaeri the aceoad floor ol ths ack, one oi union, miI a similar r> B tl rOBgad Bl d natoy rootari und floor. lle, too, ?. ' sway from the Wl Abr -etary and treas arsr of 1 ? a] lab..r leader, mad? hii < throagb a rear win? dow. I'olo. Kout (liher ( rowds. At ' the ? .? > of excitemer ? atratioi i nductod al BoothoToa, Wofcati ? ai d A A crowd ? bofors the office of thi "Forward," and ereated a until thi . the poiice. They bi ? bar noi printed ITiddiah, which aaid: "Down with the agree* ment ? : tl. > uanted some **rtal leadora" aml not noa who noulri the manu facturer The - ? ? ? ? ? ;. l.r - '? _ ! | op< 1 tbe aottlcB ? approTod i terday aad ' ..' m?n\ of the men would be back id. the actiov thc strike ia ,i settlement apparent ly Bt , BT, a.thouj'h hhould l>. i.ccr; ? laal deciaioi i aaa and that. Ask for ? copy of our Complete Travel Guide It will assist you to plan your Vacation Itinerary Kreaon _0___BSj_SJ l. r Wiltor G_ k. !___ tii.tttmtj Phon. l.r-rl.* 5.60 .law Urk N. Y. th?*refore, thc strike would be con? tinued. *t\ arni* Slrikers Against Vlolenrr. "If thc agreement is un**at*.sfactory \ ?.ii 4'.,- continue the atrihe," ba said, ;*biit \ ".i ma I do M in Orderlj manner aa vo\r have done before. Kefiam from md i ioleaee nnd ***9 ? . :?? halla, r< Burne voui pleheting and vur leadara will b. ? Ith "i tO 'he fui"-1' " \.a referenduin vatt waa taken on the . Bentitaenl of ll terdai rt ? I as auperfluoan to ballot. Reprea?ntatf*/efl of both the (-arment woikers nnd iiianufncturei *fl on the ronferen,'.' .'??" believe much of the anti.gon.-rn to tha agree s due to n '.v.lure of thfl I nnd tiie to underaUnd what hai ? . in a tt* days. :he eieil >n ? nl and anccr hriv.* . ? . ? ? dam will rocistor | , . ? p ran. OppO ? '.. howerer, le hope of endinir the strike r. aturrs have bl i ? elrtninnte.1. Manufacturers Stand Pat. manafaetarera offered ro aa ? U Geiahay, repri ? i ea ?.? are eoaearned, "he closed. The agreement has ... | thi .'oirit ?.?.nee. The manufaetui'erfl are for the mer to return tO work." f tha for the of tha "Largely beeauae i l Btatetn. ntn mada the manufactar , \. orkari R'd to be nrid the manu- I facturei ?rythiag. If then- had ? the effecl of the afrreement bi public, it -iy certain Ild hrnc hatn accepted. "Some of the more radical believe thc committee of the aaion ihould have ? ry eoncei Ion it went :.ft.-r nnd should have been sa'istied with no compromise. bul thifl waa impossihle. Wa did, bowever, a*at som.' coneeasion or. practieally every demand we made." art W. Rrr.ere, to the union officials, gave out a statement last night. in which he said it was im ? reach an agreement i durabla peace without interven I a board of arbitration in which ,*-? |b lepitsented. HUGHES RE VIEWS CARNIVAL PARADE "You Bet Your Life," He Tells Advocates of Preparedness. tmMawwtmt fll Ita Tr.-*r? i la-ehamptoB. I- ?-. 'lu!>' -R ? - E. Hughes reviowe.l the opening parade of tt- rillage earuiTal here to and then acrompanied by Mrs. U-ushefl and the Misoea Helen, I Bbeth, went to the carmval ? . ctej the various ex- . hibitions. The shark' body which aaa] near Sag Harboi a rea daya ago. . ? in a coffr: thc diaplay-fl in whuh he took an ? at. _ . Tht Southampton Kifles, a volunteer company, several bandfl. and a dozen of eompofled the parade. At the . rifles surrounded Mr. and aave three cheerfl for him. "You bet vour life," he exclaimed, ' them, grasping his hand, "We'ra all f<W preparedness, you . ?;. four years old, the son of Carl Mollia-aa, the town con key aad carl ?*? pular votrnp contest. Mr. Hughes donkey'fl neck. Mr Haghei ""eeehred to-day a wall man 'of the Uaited State-. eight feel feet high. An arrow | iiitt from Southampton to Red Lodge, which adjoinfl the Yellowstone Bl I'ark, waa beneath the pamted line "Bad Lodge Inritefl you, ('('v,'r A man mounted. followed by a park mule, waa flhowa making the trip ,.. ?, . th? eontinent .... , Mi. Hughes will go to Manhattan^ to morrow morning to confer with Sen htor Fall. Be aill retarn to Hndge hampton in the afternoon. WILSON MAKING FIGHT FOR SENATE NAVY BILL Will Urge House Sanction of Big Incrcasc. Waahiagton, July 20. Preeideat Wil? son aill begin to-morrow a series of confer. "ernber- of the ROUBC Naval Committee, in an effort to secure BCceptanCfl by House conferrees of the bii; building' programme put into the r.aval bill by the Senate. lt is under stood he wil exercise all of his influ? ence to ovi-ieoui* opposition to the enormoua Senate mcreases. Chairman Padfl-etl "nd Rep-reaenta tWaa Talbott and Eatoaiaal, rankmg majority memhera of the committee, wara lummoned te daj te talk over the inbjec* wnh the President to-morrow morning before the Hou-e ****** }* Itfl conferrees. l.ater Mr. Wll alll see other comn.'tee members, K, publicans aa w. II as l>emocrats, mak ing ? peraonal appeal for rotoation o. the building proriaioaa authonzed by retar-i Daaiela made a eiall to the i apito'l during the day to see Mr Padgett regarding the status ot the pecta for early action. Hfl V4as aaaared that Democratic lead? ers were prepared to m*et any further delay il and would force it into conference to-morrow-. OFFICERS DEATHSENDS SHIP BACK TO PORT Liner Bound fnr Archangel When Fall Kills Chief. Hritish steam-h.p K.-'k* ? -I'liiny for Archangel. ?? Quarantine last \\ h.-n cleai ing Ajahrofle I I ? nel Cb ? ? ';1 thl' t>.| of a Th.' reaael will resume h.i '? another ehii I oata i Heu'tis was fOTty-flvfl years oid and a native of Nora Scot.a. BOY STEALS TO BUY FOOD Didn't Want to Se-e I.rother and Sister Hungry?I'aroled. Rather than -ee his younger brother 'and sister go hungry, nineta i Hartaa, ai Ci mr..! Avenue, Newark, stole $7 from I ? a gal*"afl*e o<*, and with :t bought f. ? *4**.r JuoVg" Freeland. in the ti Pr< cinct police court, Newark, had heard the yoaag man'.. st. ry, yes'erday, be paroleil him n. eaato*i| of hifl mother ! Harmi made no attempt to deny the ? theft , -_. Guardsman Stops Runaway Horse. Prirata .'"hn Pottri | aay 1. )i'7Vi Infantry. was s'anding in front of the armory at Hushmg yesterday when a rai away h<->ra. came along. Kottrell the bridle and ?t<ipped the K'fl*|**ell was on a twenty-faaa" Lyur furlough from Camp Whitman. G. 0. P. PLANNING TO BURY MOOSE Republican State Leaders Begin Campaign of Elimination. SNUB BY TANNER REVEALS SCHEME Whitman Unlikcly to PlgM Sea* bury for Proijrcssive Indorsement. The kapablieaa orgaalsatlaa in this state has started out to end as il y as poss.ble the activities ol" the ProffreMi**a party here an.l lo bury it s.i dooply that it can never Sgala '"' roaarroctod. Thii ' ?? ?'' r i K C. Tanner, chairman oi the Ropal State Cominittee. IgBOrsd ths BbII . ra m the naatiag ol rday. Thii eon mittee will have complete charge of the campaign la this state this fall. nnd it was BtpSCtod that ths lt chairman would give some roeogaitloB to the Progr " tnilatn to do bo was reipoaiibli for thfl dl |Bg of the plan of ths Republicss leaders to eliminate thr- Ball MSSMfl e'T:he!ypl?n is the result of several conferences Mr. Tanner has had *#1th Samuel 8. rvoenig. rl.a.rii.i.n of UM New Vork County Republican ( ommit tee, Herbert 1'arsons. na'ional com mitteamaa from thii rtato. wd many other Republican leaders t iS BB* . ti thal liovernor Whitman "i consultcd also. To Shun Moone Indoracments. All of the loaders who wora con ,?lted by Mr. Taaaer were for a .traighl out flcht thii fall oo ?M imitf liBOO. They even WOBt IO K o urge thal ao Repabliean b ??,,.,, for ofBefl accept a Ball Mooae ement However, those uho do ?wffl not he Bipollod fnimth,. party bal will be In bad edor. rhe effeet <?? the decision of th? Repoblican l*sd*ri .. ;,, -fire Jual m Boal i hand in ths ProgrssaHre primani ? the nomination for Goveraor. Bl V ' thfl eircumstances it ' tBoaght probable that ..ovcrnor WhitBlBn Wlll conaider the propoaition to oj hia* The Go-zon or' frieadfl are ? ? dent that even ihoold JasUCC S*sh?nr ' reeeive the l'emorratic and Hull MoOOfl nomr.ations for (iov.rnor Mr Whitman ia popular BBOBgh tO l ? him flS ?,, The new executive rommittee Will , n Monday and one of thfl first things to hc diSBOSed Of Wlll be the, question of a a| ? :nent decision. Soldier Vote a Factnr. The aabjOCt of soldiers' votes will he taken un also, and every effort Wlll le i sda le Bad '"tm- way in ? thev can be east. The Repabliean leaders believe that prartica: !v BTery ? the 17.000 New York Natioaal Guardsmen a! thfl Mexican ? WBBtB to vote Bgainst Pre Wilaon, lt ia nol prohahls tha* tl . mail, aa the ConStitutloB provides that this can Bfl done OBly in case of war awi bc foaad, howe1 Br, to -. for personal rOglBtratlon, ?? it Ifl the Legialatare will b? called ipeeial BOSSiOB and tl ? | latii ? Th? Rei nl that Proi :'i- ? ' Will oi ? faal Ing of th? GaardBBion and iatoadi to ;-<P them at the border until after Election Day. Wiliiam (i. Willeox, chairman of thc ..can National I -. an ? OBI Cfld '. < st. rday that he had Rulph D. Cole, of Ohio. director of the ipeakers' baraaa. MEXICO AND TAX URGED AS ISSUES Fall Declares These Are Best Anti-Wilson Pleas. y.A. tka TtO i Baraaa ] Wl '.ington, July 28. Mexieo, includ? ing the calling out of the militia, and "unnecessary taxation" are the two main issues in fact, almost the only issues oi. which any enthusiasm can be aroused in the big dl ve about to be begun against the Wilson adminis? tration. That ii what Senator Albert B. Fall, of New Mexieo, who has bflOB dowa on the border in the midst of raidi aad mobil tatioa rirtaally sror since tha I hicago eooTOBtion, will tc-11 Mr. Hughes to-morrow, if his talks with fellow Senators to-day can be taken as a correi I Senator Fall deriined to be mter riewed, BayiBg he might have more to ?ay after b? had m i b Mr H Hut to fellow Soaatora ba was i reticetit. They swarmed around him, eager to kr.ow from the man adlB b.-n informed on Mexican affairs of ai | Member of Coagreas, ;ust what his; ? .-ations along the border, which he ha* been making for six weekfc, had developed. Mr. Fall told the Senators that al >\ery militiaman who had I taken to the bordflr waald become a ? ar. foi tl fl Ki-publican i l BO matter what .. when. I c |ef1 home 1 I along the horder, Mr. Fall declared, were rapidly hen:'.* loarened a| the Ai.- on bj the mon ii little unit who had Itudied out ihe ? i: ths whal* thiag. o Men BitterK Resentful. The men who **ere ealled from t7"'"l payiag poaitioni and from their fami Iioo, who roapoi ded t. call in the proapect of ^ . Hei ico and cleaning up an "Jnto.erable con? dition as ra] ? could he renie ore Btfal of thi r. Fall b< i-h'i follow in the newspapers the diplomatic COI ? their eomradea, who normaliy waald bi ? ?? ? ? .. eiea. Bl he ? lailitiaB-sa Irom all tectiona of the North and ?a! > re he found tl ? 1 . ? ??..iiai'i), he told ? -'??'. he had, met t si.-r. .i militia ofTicers, nor-j mally Demoerata, ?h.. declared they' would nevei vote for \\ ilson. Mr Fall'fl ideas ab..'jt the campaign | were liataaod to with tho mora iaterest he WBI the SoOV '.en.ler of 'he RoOQOTOll UlogBtaa at thfl ihicago con? vention and ni_i ? ; 'acing . ? .; - r ?>!-. iaatioi Wl ? thusiaatic L.r li .. colloagaofl that aomethiag would have '.. be doaa ?'?')' ,(' r"Use tha votera from the apathy in which they bad fallen .ir..->- the coavoatiOBO. Thfl New Mexieo Senator scouted aug _-e-.ti._iS that preparedness uould be Guard on Duty, Not Drill, Wilson Tells a Mother Needed to Protect U. S. Rorder and Service They Are Perfonning ll an I lonor, I Bl Answer to Parent's Plea. ffaahiafioa, Jaly *? h "P1*7 ,n B complaint from Mr* llcnry Smith, af V, ibmc lad . wl... hai B son in ti. *. itional Guard, Praaldaat Wilaaa wrote to day that thfl Cuard was being I ?. ,. Maxicaa border to protect the eountry, i.*ei drill. He naaad that the icrriea the men were perform . ? r to them aad a * ? ? , nitl i States. Safeguard lo Health. The I'residcn' referred to the pre ? thfl War Departmeat ta ..,.?. ' , 4. . health record of botn regulan an.l guardamea wa. .'v.eption ?i . of many commui irntionfl tl Bl of Mrs. Smith being re ' nnd fo answer rnti.'isms that rhe men of tha National Oumd ar. I roperlj eared for, the li ttai wa* lt followi r "Vour letter of .luly Hd distresses one of tbe leading ll 1008, B -? that the big naval building programme, . | forced by tiie Republiean-* or not, and the Increasefl in army appro ona WOUld bfl successful I ? ..,;,' ,? ):. -..rr - tO thal ? ?*??? The big taxei aad the Meaican quee tioa are laeaei on whieh Mr. Fall be lievea a auccflUaful eamaaign can be iraged The talking point on tha taxes, in his opialon. ia that with an ordinary; protective tariff, and irithoal thfl pora trimmings which two extravagani have piled up, the huge impoata wonld be nnneceaaary. Thia liae of ar gumant would be that th? Republicana. by mod.-rntelv Inereaaing tha I lehedalei nnd by eliminating - would not be forced tO ******* ,hp **'] revenue taxei Thifl ifl the pea! Thfl lentimental appeal ifl hrouj-ht in on the M. x.ean iflflUfl and has a flpecial bearing on the hyphenated voters. raen, worried over the attacl : atnotiam, might be anxious ta demonetrata it, aad eauld io aa more easily by gettiag arouse.l over the Mexi ran sit'iation than in almost any other way. Thia idea, luggeatod by Mr. Pali, waa deelared to ba aoaad paychology byj several Senators whose opiaioaa ha asked. _ _ DR. ATWOOD HELD ON MURDER CHARGE Deeply Affected When Told of Dr. Harris's Death. Boatoa, Jaly Sd. I'r. Rldridga D Atwood, the yoathfal oatooaath who shot Dr. Wilfrad E Harn-, to-day was informed by Sl arit John ymnn, af ...I. that Harris had died laat night The prisoner was deeply affected. ? ?? ? *;np la.' week, ?? i thc laicide of Hr. l Adame, v' I, tha police said. as l ater ho haped Han ? r. When told to-day of Hai ll in a moment : ..'.1; "I waa afraid that I woald . Geor* for Atwood Lati r hc a ? Mwood to the coarthouae, where the arrmgned on a of murder. Atwood pl. r.ot gailty, i 'bout bail ?: by tha grand jur;.. -?-> Says He Saw Villa Riding Near Chihuahua Btweaa 1 Waahiagton, July 'J-'.. Villa is not only alive, bat !? able to nde and. mount a horse withoul ? ??. ac- - from b reliabla correspondent of Soaatoi Fall, of New Mexico. Th? Mexican bandit araa seen rriend, who knows him quite well. "He is still obliged to u-e crutches, .... . ator Fall "aa a result Of hrs \*. B rr. la W . r ime ago. Bal I b ,,,. a boi -?? arithoul aaaiataace. j Then he BWdBg his cr . Br thfl araa abla to nde fairly . ne more than r ? Bary, preferring, becaaa* of t-.s ; eal condition, to drira in a bug-gy, bat h,. , ar he ifl forei I to. **It ia ahaurd U believe that the far-, ata making any to capture Villa. Since his public j laat Kovembei he has carried, ghting* Mexieani no longer, but confining his | atten'r. ma, and he has . had n., ? troaMfl wrth th* (ar- I lie ia not far from Chihua? hua now, an I could capture that city if there was anything in it worth loot-. ing." -? YALE CLUB MEALS DELAYED BY STRIKE Iorty Waiters Quit Demand $6.5 a Month Pay. Members of the Yale Club. riespite ? t that forty waiters on Tues? day night flaag down their r.apkir Ied son.ewhat slowly ? 'day. I | | araiti rs are among the best paid in the eilv Moal ilruek, ? a month. There is a by 1:4 44 which forbida members to tip vants, bat this is not believed to have had aajrthiag to de with the itrike. The I.. anded ? ed $fi5 a month. "If the> had bean worth that amount, the\ woald ; 1'. B ('aahin, bui U of the club. ' Wa' ? tl Mt 84 rvice. 1 he question of eoet makej. no difference." Half a dozen mei wer* hired yea and aaeala w-ere served as j ? a, aat it waa said last night that members who came for meals did not go away diaappointed *-?.. N H. DECLARES EMBARGO Incoming Freight Shut Off for Week at Gatewayv. New Hsven. Oana . July N, An em bareo will bfl pat late effect by the N.'H York, New Haven * Harl Ini-ghl to-rr;ght on all ! ? COmiag to the i nes of the d those of the Ceatral N - Englai I from eoaaeetiafl* rall a Harlem Rivei ? ... I'.iiah ? aad ! reetock, government aowaprial paper. materials. aaiea, rreighl in com? mon for the Boatoa A Albaajr. Hoston ,*. Maine, Ceatral Venaent an.l Neu York Caattal rosd*. an.i frer^h' orig- , rnating <>n tha "r'ar.o A Western line*. The embargo will Le raised , naxl Wedaeada] ?t midnight. A fltate ment say? 12,7tf.S eastbound ' are at, or ap.ut to arr.*..- at, i.iej "Jaricm Rivei and Ma\brouk gu'.uway*. | me a good deal boCBOOS II ShoBTS I '? fon nnro nol *??? ? i ?? reetly ii ' * et m ths parposc of having tl tional Geard al thfl bordar II for the parpe ? sf dsrill, but tor thr parposs of prateetii v ths ee "The Bsnries thfl **** are performing tl-.ete || BB I " **A ,,ty to the i ? " d States. I eannol belieri thal the men in tbe Na (iuard WOt ' fro.m lt, or VOUId ? I.-. :, i ? ? forl BBd ** ths; ? w Ibaa Offers Bj B-pathy. ? , ! | V. . 1 .1 .'???? ? . border undei ths si neana! anitary nnd aafs health record of ?id the NatioaaJ GaardameB, ls ??| woald bo. hat ? yas 'hmk that l do not . ,mp ? ? '<tTef* . II son. but 1 beg| M larger tnaM. H FIVE OF CABINET TO STUMP MAINE Lansing, Lane, Redfield, Daniels and Gregory to Defend Wilson. Boerotary of State Lnnsing will go into the early SBSSpalga m Mane as the Bpekeeaaaa far Preeidea. Wilaoa an.l Wlll defead the Administration's policy in MoxiOO und iti thfl Kuropean war. Whether or not Wiliiam J. Hryan will speak ia Maine has not yet been decided. Hc has sffsrad hia aemces to the national committee. but -ome of [tl B-.SB_.bSTl bsliCTC lt would be em . -:cg fof hmi and Si-cictary [_SB* ilag to itamp th ' ths same time. la addition to Mr. I.ansing, four other membera of ti..- Cabinel arill go into htaiae. ThOBS OB the list of Ho? mer B. Cammiaga, aead of the laeak ci -' ban sa, i trstarii - Laas, Danieli and l:. d; < Id and Attoraey tion ?-ral Gregory. The chief taah of See* retary I.ansing ??'?"*? _ :! bc tO CX1 lo fl thc reasons for I'resi deot WiIbob i policy of watchful wait? ing in Mea ? wi" look ..f-'- ths prepsrednen end, wh:le ? irill defend the Cn | tariff bill and ducuss businesa eoaditioai in geaeral. Mr. ummiBgfl slso is planning to send RfteeB of the best orators in the Beaatfl and b like number from th" Houaa into the Maine campaign. Th" ? Augual 11, hut tho < Bgrea i_oaal ipellbiBdars will bogia their worh BBtil aft.-r Coagreoi adjoaras, , ipected to be about Au gasl -'". Norman E. Mack. the Democratic na? tional man from thifl state, -. n of the eorn ll what his chaaces wera of geUiag on the cam ini^-n eommittee, Hr. Maeh did not ? .ii to get much information. . - DICK RICHARDS FREED ON OSBORNES PLEA Foraef Secretary Paroled in \. arden's Care Afier Forgery. !'? . H , Baltimore, July _.''*>. On thfl pll Warden Thomai Mott Oaborne, Dick Richard.-, hia former sacrstary, who irged the warden's nattie lo . ?*.,, paroled to-daj i , ,i ; ? ? i Ioi tor. Sing Biag*! aardi ove thfl eastody of Riehards, and, it is aaderstood, will cive him amploy* ? i ? Mr. Oaborne, acrompanie.l b] pei.-onal counsel, lluntingtoti W. Mer? ehant, of New Vurk. arrived here thifl morning to for Richard. .-ainal argfl of the bad check. iie saw at the jail, anl v hen his case B*BI call.-I took the itaad to tell of that b.e be given another chance. When hc eoneladed the coun ? ;. ,\ Richarda would be ficed as a compliment to the aritni -. "Mr <i borao bas faitb in you," he and to -how my confidence in him and thc approciatioB of this court for what 1. peoplfl like you, 1 paro.e you in his car. " Rlehards, whoss real name is Cor nelius DoBOTBB, hai spent twenty seven of his forty I I i ;. i BTI in priaona and reform..'? RUNAWAY GIRL REMANDED Her Stnr*. That She Was Adopted Ver ilied by (ourt. Agncs Pearl I'Tithcart, a fourteen vear-old raaaway, who denied 'ha* Mr* Fugenia Catheart, wh.. eama from Rochester tO .-??' I er, was h.r mother, wai raawaded to the can of the Chil drens St ? ?, : da \ b. ? Mayo in the Childrei - I Although Mrs. t athcart declared she ? rehement asseri ? " Cath .-11* hfl ' i , N, V., the. ome, for information. He re terda* from the ' A*t..rney. uho aaid thal Mr Cathca ? ?' ? ither. .' ?'? living in Roches? ter I II II **l i: . K K ___- _ WANTlf) N***l_< CHEM1ST (Food -5c Dmcjs) I \I KK\ $1 MO. Ap[?? h- r , ? r. ?.? 1 ir aa rr. ' *' M :..?.. au*- IM r. a.- 1 VV eiahti, Bz| . -!-',, . ? cal. * l(.e.|uir?ni?nt?, a ^. . i r?er.|m-.z'.| ?!?n<lini< or ? ? ? ? ? ra farther i iii i ir\ ki.. i?fil?." pubUahea datl}. _r _pply MaNiCiftvL CML 5___-Mc? CcM-ds5iON FORMER WOOD AID HITS GUARD PLAN Col. Johnston, 12th N. Y., Believes Universal Service Best. SHOULD NOT CALL HEADS OF FAMILIES Says Many at Border Will Lose Business or Salaries if Lonj* Delained. iu ROMOtT h ROHDB. Haadejaarti ra ? Piald Wvlaiea, !'. S. Army. McAllen, Tex., July M. Gordon "ehnatoa, eoleaal of the ISth Neu Vork Infantry, aird lately captain ia the regular service, assigned as Major Geaeral I.eonard w.iod's alaa de-camp. .anie this afternoon with an attack en the system whieh ha? takea 'he mm of tha Ni.trona! Gaai 1 fiom their familiea and businesa to light a will o' the wisp on tire border. Colonel Johnston's ctritleian a aaa* itractive oae, ia that ll la aaora than : r a plea U < aaiveraal - is al( the more pa.rr *cl llUCfl rt is that t-ame Byatoa 'shuh *** rn;ll'ltd h.m to shift his laatgala at one jump Irom the double bar to tkaeilver eagle. lt was !.d up to by a comment on the | attitude of a big company of New Vork, several of whose employes in the guard have about given up hope of roceiviag the full pay when they say wa.s promised to them. "I know many oificiuls of that com? pany, concernrng whose patriotism ?! have no doubt," na.d (olonel Johnson. "I cannot believe they would he guitty of failing to make good the promises contaiaed ;n their advertiaiag of a lew weeks ago. The company used the armory of the 12th Regiment to train ita men for the preparedness parade and has been given permission to use it for other purposes at one time and another. , Neither Right Nor Patriotic. "However, I do not believe in thifl system which taxes the patriotic busi man and gives his competitor an unfair advantage. It is neither right aet democratic. I do not believe in it for the employer nor for the man who goes away to fight. "The State of New York has at least . able-bodied men between the Bfaa of twenty-one and twenty-thr. I who m.glit have been used for this service. "Our American peopie are shying from the draft, but do they stop to consider that this New York division, instance, was drafted by order of tha Governor and of the President of the I'nited States? H was just that. It aaay Meaa an unpleasant word, but: the moral compulsion ?n the man of tne guard was greate- than any actual physical compulsion 'hat could have been put upon him. Th* natural dread ol aeeused of ha\.ng a yellow streak got behind men who morally tahould not have started for the front, men who, on account of th.-ir families and other private obligation.*. should have Itayed at home, with a bigRcr compeliing force than if they had been ? rraggi'd into the field. The cost to many of the men is out of all proportion to the obligation that really rested on them and to their artuul military value as well. Must C<> Hark to Bottom. "I have had some time now to get _ l?U tbe mor.- iBtiraats taacb with thei p.raonnel of this regiment. 1 nnd i Live among my ,?_,,,, m-n who have ?,y yeara of upbu,-. whieh retum them, say, ttffl* aanual. |y These liusinesaefl w.ll be aad kSss ? ?*<* *** ,rlh, '}* ar,d thoofllcen will hsrs to lUrt their, siTilian ifi on i :" ,,-r, "lo tli ... **** " h r? who hai a '{*"? BB, ? ? ,/r,ii,l,l? mi, will lase the fraits sf saars ? '.**. ''?'' n of SOt-iCS tS ths SUU and BB* ""? Vr r.raal laklBf yoaag men for tivey. bsj sn fi M.AIlen Big Supply DSSBSi. ?,:rA . .. becoias ******bl*.u**: I tieaaaad roliiBg Ths va...: t aasl sf Chlaf sf Staff to M.-.ior General -Jonn f. ?) Ryan has I at laal ll goas ta I olonel H ll Banderholl \ ??' tbe regulai ?? the Phil , raat st thc Plattiburgh encampmOBt. <? Bandei I-..I- .-am Houaton. Oi Henry ? , maater of 'en [__ Reagan, d I hen * - oon. A'" .,!" them are IBSOlstSly agninsJ .-. baneball at home, every one of them * IkbnU r.erc. f ? - PERSHING SCOUT HELD ON MOONSHINE CHARGE Risked Detection to Aid United States Force, He Tells Officers. , lashas, M. th, laly tk\ *?<-:?' Hart ..ho is soaght by ?sdsral au? thorities m Fort Bmith, Art, ia eaa ? . w th alleged m< oni i ne whis lo4, Mi wl ?', ******** ? s a seoat with Oeae-ral Perahings forces under the name of Guj Johnaon. to-day adm tted 1 ?' ' ,3a"1 ? , return for trial, ac - to army offleialfl A military headcji irtera it waa said ': _ n Port ! mith I went to Temo~ ,-4chic Chihuahua, where I atayed until ; was eompelled in the mountains ontil April lt, when new. reached us that American troopa w*re in Mexieo. 1 determined , , dO Whal I cou'.d. an.i trade my way American came where 1 volun tecred as a scout. I contmued with the armv until taken ill, ten days ago. wh<-n the physieiaBS ordered me to Columbus for treatment." BLUE, DANIELS'S AID, MAY COMMAND TEXAS Acting Rear Admiral ls Sixty eighth on List of Captains. Naval '??'"'"r- hsrs btHera that Rear Admiral Victor Blue, chief of the Bareau of Na*/igat_oa, will be the next eommander of the battleship Toxaa. 'Captain .Tohn Hood, com? mander for the last two years, is to ba relierod, and will go home to await ordsrs. Admiral Mue, who has been at Washington liaes the lianiels regime began, is due for s-*a duty. He holds I [| present rank or.'.y by virtue of his bureau. being afxty-eighth in the list of eapl !(,. [| conaidered fortoaate in getting one of the bir-gest ships in the navy and the winner of the gunnery prize .'?nr. Admiral Rlue is regarded as a pil? lar of the Paniels administration. standing by the Secretary in every controversv. ADVERTISEMI^T. I I YOU'RE going to thc Riverside Drive district watch for a bug with a big number 5 on the route sign; but if your destination is the I.rnox HU1 region, buses bearing ihe figurea I, 2 or 3 will all do equally well. F-oMeffI giving complete information and map are obtainable from conductors on the Wth oJvenue Bus MATES BURY GT'ARDSMAN Laat Honor- Paid lo I orporal l.oeher, of Ihe I.'th Regiment. Fp.ui followed ? I of 12th Reriment recrui'.s. carried thfl body <.f l.orporal Joseph D. a-eaher, of the 1: i Regii nt, from bifl '?? 9* 604 West * - day. ?? hiad came a crowd of I.ocher'a boy. r'nends. Others thronged tbfl aidewalka, and fla-rs were di?plaf-?* from cery building in the neighW-. hvu. I.ocher died from pentonitti ?'Fflf. Baafl Houston, Tex. Krom h.s home thi coffin wa*. carried to the 'hurch of thfl Heart, ia We-t Fifty Irat There a I lii nr rr.asI waa * IBg. Rurial was rr. * alvary. DIDN'T CALL FLAG "RAG' Fifth Avenue Orator Innocent of In eult, (ourt Holda. To'er Manit-r, of t>5 St Mark'* F'.?ce, whaae allegad unpatriotic sneech at 110th Street and Krfth Aver.ue bl ? shouts of "I.ynch him!" from h: araa dseharged yesterday in thfl Harlem Police <~ourt. The ehaigl age'n". him wa? drsor ter'.y conduct. Althoueh several witnesses were mn they heard him aay the National Gaavl , lot of burns," the fla* "a colore* rag" and the government of the I '*' "no gooe," others, cai'.-l by Marmer, deelared he had aaid no-hiag of the kind. Marmer is twe.-.ty-twfl years o!d ar.d a clerk. CHAIRS AND SfcTTELS CANED. Cbair ramnv hfl ' - -m a Kience with us jertcct w'-rk ifl don- bj our peopie. Surely 5.MBfl FyOOfl cane charr* neeJ! Society for thc Rellct ot the Ucstitute Blind II "W g| liMih n, a aatofleeflBBBa a?*. *H**t* for the Rlin-l" Special Campaign tor building lund now on. _LSJ Tell your newsdealer to-day that you want him to save you a copy of next SUNDAY'S TRIBUNE containing FRANK H. SIMONDS' powerful article, "THE GREAT WAR, ITS SECOND YEAR." It is THE review, and decidedly worth reading and preserving. Remember?Sunday next. Order your Tribune to-day and make sure! "?"fTVVF SFRVirt