Newspaper Page Text
JOHN E. PARSONS LEFT $2*3-61-999 Children, Chief Beneficla ries, Also Oet Trust Fund Incomes. HOME FOR TRIBUNE FRESH AIR FUND philanthropist. PislikinR "Post humous Oenerosity." Makos V, Charitablo Hcquosts. >" Tarsons. a lawver nnd father r- ?-,? ve Herbert Taraona. I .lanuary lt, 1MB, Iflfl an ,4.,.? .* |S, BaJtH. Thi? e-ti m__ h) "o?eph W. Spencer. yjmi ralaOf, ln his report ? gate's Court yester 8 tha 1 ?lue of sev -rai trust fanoTa arhleh Mr. Tarson* (Tf%.t ? raa several >enr* -- his death and whieh were not ?i\*.Me he.-sv.5e ll 8 trusts were not tr.sde ' ?*? ** '"'" '!**'x''' Tar? r-'s c>tnte was composed .-?eck* Bad bonds. J1.40.">,TH''; real ,,.,.*. j' ralry, palntinga, rote?, Ittfll, furniture and ? . 5- UrBlB, and haakdflpafl lt *M\ - (hildren ("hief Benrficiarie*. -**. | r, Paraaas nontionod ..- * Mra. Florence V. C. Far nens, hoeaoaa ef her ample income. had ? ? itaaaoatary hrr. She receive.' -hase of a house and iome effects. the l.itter being ?ppr? .-? I al *"'"'?. The chief boi ader the will were Herbert l'ar l0ni, ? litl 1' Morgan, ? rrsiance 1 Miaa Certru.ic . iHUgh t-r*. Herbert rarsons rece-'ved the country ?t Harris-on, N. Y., vnlued at >onal estate. **-J3?r.M: one | - ?? ? ? -ate in v and watch Mi.rgan rece'ved lrfe estate in * ? 61; sr-rviv.r.g life estate li - porsoaaltYi $'-'.'?'". which was f the ? ira. Hated "Po-athumou*' (ienerosity." The I '*r! laaryer tooh a deep inter Bfll - various charities, to which in bis ( from one-fourth tO I income. In his will he ?? 1 hrs dtaliha for "p.sthumous alty." He said: "I make no eharitabla bequests. While I llvcd I have given what 1 thoaf fl suit? able. I do r.ot wlah to dobar my chil? dren of the pleasure of using rn charity .-urh part as they BOfl f.t of what comes fn>m rr.e." For many year* Mr. Parsons main . N. Y . tt a fresh air home. He expressed .he i par? ka long as his children mr. ? ! he empowere. * to any society. < ounsel arsons tf'y. iad that t] ? ? cntinue its use as a fresh air To Frances R. K-v.anagh, his secre ?arv. Mr. I'arsons left $5,000; Georga H. M1H 0: five household each nnd six others FAVERSHAM WILL GIVE "ORESTES" IN OPEN AIR New Version of Greck Drama To He Staj-cd in Sepiember. A ? ? r ..,.,..,. tea" of ired l y Richard l*s an in a Bpocially ?.theatre Ol ? . ia' Hnntiagton, .rn in the leading role. Massoi ' - written to accoflfl I., <-(.; *.? ... ?>araion af ? ? Btea," has I . r ed by Mr. Favershiim for the oecaaiOB, In tha production will be an ensembl* a.f 500, including a cai-- tara, a ? rs ard raa of Greck dancers. Juha Artliur will appear M ? -tra, and i recovered from ber recent illness, rasaandra. Immediately after this production ? Hversham will begin rchoaraala ? rnard Shaa' corai Ij ? d," which be will preaent in tne midci -*> LIEUT. GARVIN KILLED IN BATTLE; EDITORS SON Only Twenty. He Gave Up Schol arship for War. - ? ji . t July 2t'.. Among the most ioi la this weeh'i aaaa thnt of . ln, whose death eod. He was oii'.y v iia i 4.ns the only son of J I. '? tor of "The 0b*e: The Trib ? ?.. welcome ?featnra to thc , ' that jour? nal ? .re.! to ln militant apirit whicli h ??< 'flth-r ieader fore jnest English periodicala. ln his t?ens ht wai. ? etcd ns the champion fenc. r ofthe puhlil BChoola, arrd thorigh just before thc outbreak of the war hi an (i. ttab ip, he "ti *?"' ' -, thus promised "'"* ir. order to become one of the *?**? ?r*i)v " "* did gallan* Borvies during his brief c*.***' ' thl eolore, and hi* doath * *(storioua hattle la lamonted by hifl and *u? ft ... TWO BROTHERS KILLED, BRITON TRIES SUICIDE Ashatned That Me, Too, Could Not Fight for England. ' **** hy Um death of his two th*, t" in Britiah armies, ashamed th. i* t00' wa" ""? ???.'??<"iK under ffli.ii "10n J*ck ?n(' despondent that a him I q^rr'' *ni 'jT'dt ha,i 1!;" r' ., '? Am**nc?. Ormond Edghill, an *hl**?n. attempted suicide last . n ??? room, at 86S West lldth lanw'i^1'1 V'^11 -'f>un'. unconsciou? ? J' jJ"*""l- him were a bottle of ?.coho! And oa, . ? Ud*ui|t.l"1|[ll(ie Avenue, waa called j thfl m.B> i V w" a chftnc** o* fcaving i - ?^ mrre *** -Qan'i hf,. CITY WILL ESTABLISH 1NTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS I ive l.lementary Institutions Are ' to Bt IMended. The Hoard of Kducntion voted yester .Uy to oataaliah fhre latenaedlate sehooN in the ,-ity bl eatOBdtag the Course in t've rloinent.-uy schools. A ' tv.nth grade *.> ;i be added, in which the priaelpal stiidio*. will be of a voca tional nature. Two of the schools aro ia Manhattan and otie each iti QaeeBB, Kings uni RichlBOBd. "Theae schoola wlll resaala ele mentary schools." .aid Commissioner K..H, n i Harriaoa, ehalnaan <4f tho committee reoonimending the change, 'although bigb ickool itadiei wil! bo taught in tho nlBth grado. Wr dn not believe that prinripnls and teachers iti ; t. tth giades of thrse flchooll flfill b*o ?Me to tind a pretmt for elslmias the j same pay ns high school teachers." The board voted an appropriation nf j Jf it^.4t?i for reopoBiag forty twe reerea j tion certres and twenty-eight ele moi'tary flehool baths from September '? ' until the middle of Dceeaiber. COLONEL STIRS UP OYSTER BAY FOLK Declares Conditions in Town "Scandalous" and Urges Reform. Oyator Bay, Long Island, .luly tt. ! With all of 1. ii campaign rigor Colonel Roosevelt dropped mto tho village of l O\.tor Hav to aighl n'ld nttonded the town .aeetiag te wak< th? village from "its |eag sloep." Jnc_giBg from the thcatfl l h moil of his remnrks tha t olonel'a efforts ifnl. "The hygienic ci if this town 'are Aomething icandaloui," declared Colonel Roosevelt. "The American n- ? i ?' ? . bi ? ? ? dissflter. Thi : Ic of the laaitary UBprepared 1 nois ? ' ? Aii Hpplios to the un I the natioi lent was not sa' I I merely with a change in tho n ?arv eonditioni his committee hnd j found exiflted in the conununity. He d not only to forestnll a I ml ,. paralysis, bal to sstsb !ish a pablic park, to ac ,u ?? tai, ? garbage | nd, to appcir.t Inspectori ar,.l to ir.sure the ? Qyster Bay m the ire, There wns some disrussion as tn where a building could be found for a hospital. The ("olonel jumped to his "There is n !' Rr the Sd station," he said, "thal Uflfld as a aaloon. Whv BOl .take tha: balldlBgl i i WOBld 11 , bcttor purpose." I committees had been ap? pointed the Colonel said: "These com itriet aceoun tability. The entire popolation of tho township should coiiperate n tfe th s worb Oar parpose ii ?? lee tl . | -, it! l.oorge hsa&'t ?t in the past " Tho Colonel rsused a laugh when ho said h lee was not looking for roa tfl," r. ferring to the fact that four of its original raembers, following . tho Toesday lai ? had be. n "Th.s romm.t t e o w: 11 pui " >i e said. The committefl then voted to engago immediately a doctor and a nn make a hoBBe-tO-hOBfle canvass. lt wai alao decided te birs wagaai te ?':.. tho garbnge. and a garba__: ground will be i-.iir'.ii tO-_BO_TOW. will also be cmployfld to watch the vnrious ronds ll ; Hay. it I that larg.' numbi | er from me infected diitricta in New Vork nre brottghl here in automobiles at j night. Judge Robert W. Duval will havr him to-morrow tho forty-aix citi7ons who have been arrest' ?ting the ?nnitary rodo. The en? tire community is trying to thfl village a "spotloss town." Y. M. C. A. Pl7ANS FORTY BUILDINGS ON BORDER $500,000 Is Needed- Several large Donations Received. A* lens* J.-.i | ,000 is needed to erect and BSjaip forty buildings which tho army - ' Chrifltian v ,'i bor? der. according to an ma.b- ? ?ai large d< nstloni hava bi en recei\- work, B. II. Kranch.r, tressarer of the international eonmil ? !,-:,- T?enty-o:ghth Str. ? t, said yeaterday. Among them are 1 Rockefeller Poundation, $60,000; Cleve land H. Dodge, flO.O ? . *A i liam 5 $10,000; II 8. Ilarkness. $10,000; Mra. Kinli v O. Bhepard, $10,000; ti-orge \V. na, Mrs. Ruiiell Baga aad B, H Bcoville, $5,000 each. Foi the her. fil of the B. F. H Porniri Bliad Relief Fund. .,:.' Pifl nao, aa BatertainiBenl will be given at (ini len 1'ier. Atlantic City, N. .'.. OB Julv 80. 8ergeant Major Roberl Mid dlemiflfl, a Hritish soldier who wi.s ? I r.n Oallipoli, will i-poiik; Anna ' Hl Id, ABBB Fitriu ard Helen Tl ong 'he entertainerB, and moving ' pictures tak.n in France will bfl SHACKLETON IN ICE FIELDS I'tplorrr on Wny To Kescue 22 Men Marooaed on Island. Huenos Ayres, July 2^.. Accord . tenant Sir Etfi I ' , < Kplorer, ? tho lee I elds in ) '.- ? tho twont* iw . tnen left on Elephant Island last April, when hia expi returni I frOBI the South P The relief parts lan PoBta . ..u'.y 1-', oi M ni r i mn ? . be towed as far io ? siblo by 'i ' 1 .an government stcani. after w'-hich II BBfl tl I latl I axplorer *o eoatiaae his search for hii OBSd coinpaaiotis. DANCERS TO GET DIPLOMAS Chnlif Sehool *v\ill Craduate IM Teachers To-morrow. hundred and i.fty da' era will ?? i ?? dii lomai sl tl ? N'ormal School of Daacing st u lie rr.- morning. They have been ? . formerly a ? The . ara from Mich widely Beparated placea as Bpain an.l Bawaii. will appear in eoBteme i j through daneei of thfl Folish court.; I Raflflia, Bpaifl and the OrleBt "Thej Elementa tn TumuK Water, Wind aad Fire" will I -. Dorothy Haabroob and Hynick... In the ' ?it r t" Ml lajeatie. WHAT IS GOING o\ TO-DAY. I rff i, ' \_.',ir_ SARATOGA RACES ATTRACT SOCIETY Many New Yorkcn Leav? ing Sumtiier liomcs?Se.i son Bcj*ins Mond.iy. TWFNTY NEW BOXES IN CLUB INCLOSURE Luncheon To-morrow for Miss Olivia Oattan, One of This Year's Newport Dobutantes. Many members of Bociety already are leaving for a short time their summer hom.-** nt the BOSStda and moiiiitain resorts for SarStbgS for tho I aeaaoa, whieh opona there on Monday. Tha hotels, elaba sad tol tagSB ,tre r.i|ii.lly filling with gucflts, and hy Monday it will be almo possible to obteifl a.coinmodat ions. Twent) nev boxei hava heen prorided at the elnhhonaa Inelosare sl ths track, and amonc those who hsva mada rations nre Mr. and Mra, Richard T, Wilson. Mr ?nd Mrs AogUSl Bel mont, Mr, nnd Mis. Payae Whitner, I Bchnylor L ParaoaS, Andrew Miller, I Mr. nnd Mrs Samuel \.lams Clark, I Mr, and Mrs. Gifford A. I'ochran, M r. and Mrs. C. K. G, Hillingv Kdward M. itt, Mrs. a Saportoa, Harry K. Knapp, Georga Perkina Laartoa, Mrs. C GravDii more, loaepl l Widener aad Frederick ll. Van Btode. Mr, nnd Mrs. William Adams I'e'ano. who wore guests for a foa days of Mrs Edward Pottor al Newport, hav gone to \..'??!:? isl Harbor. Me They will go to Syoaaet, Long laland, next month for the remfl I lei of thfl aum DeBeelen Gaaiatn, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph M. m, ?'ill bc another of Nes | A number of entertainme arrai god for her, including n luncheon. to bo given to-morrow by ber mother. The other U . re N Ethel M, B Han n an, daughter of Mra. J Botrden Harrl man, ana M Katha ?>.?-. Mor I Mr. and Mrs. Edwir D. Morgan. Mr-. Gordon Will i li a gu-*-* of Mrs ,;. i' : ? man a* Nai rag Pier. and Mr- A. Daer Irvtag leuve the city on Augn.-t 4 for New thev will ba guests of Mr. ond Mrs. Maraoen .1 Parrjr. Mr. and Mrs. ThSOdofS A. Ilsvemcyer Mr. aad Mrs. Amos Tuck Kreneh are Ofl a motor tour throagh New England. _ Mr. ar.d Mrs. Griawold A Thompson .. to-night at the Clam* ' lii;,, Ni .4port. Mr a:*d Mrs. Harold Minott are < Mta. Georga C. Clark uthampton, l/?ng Island. Mrs. W. De I.nvccy ROBBtflfl will gire a luncheon today at her place at Southampton, Mrs. .1. West RooaSVell is at N'orth Harbor, Mo., for s short stay. Mrs Charlai H. Marshall la a gue=< 1 Alexander Hamilton Rice a* rt. v, -? Abby Morrison is a gai Mrs. Fi ?? l em 1 p al Easl hampton, Long laland. Mr and Mrs. Joseph B. Thomas ar" 0f Mr- .!. Holden Ilarninan al Nca port, Mr and Mrs. FrsdsriC Winthrop, who were gaoati of Mrs. Robert Winthrop ht Loaox, ha\e returned to Ip 1 Mass. _ Mr. and Mrs. F.gerton L Winthrop lune arrived at Newport, where they . .. ? -tf the summer. Dr and Mrs. preston Battorwhits are nt the Aapinwall Hotel, isa tl ?? B< 1 shiies, foi 8 tay. fl ONE MRS. WATERS MEETS ANOTHER And It Takes Two Judgei to Dis enttflglc Kival Wives. Mrs. Gassle Waters, of 161 Bridge ui the Domeatie Relationa , 10 preaa a charge pl tbandonment agaiaai Maa I* atera. She ! said they had bei R miirned in Vt I ! poland and 1 it he had recently mar ried anothei woman bere. She repudi .. urolM>eN exhihitod hy Hasa MsgiatrstC Harrla adj-mrned tne case until August '.'. ssying hs woald have t0 hav,. tigated to aee whether 1 Max had married sgain and sader what circamstaneoa Unexpected corroboration ln the per boh of Mrs. Barsh Waters, of S0? Kast 10]st Street., was at hand Mrs. QuSfllfl Water Sarah Waters corridoi of the court building, ar.d the 1;ilke - 'I broaghl Msgli : Harris from tha Domeatie R< Courl and Mafistrate Sitnirm from the Yorkvi ? po ? ? - ouri sad ? hosl ol When Mn ? Watera hnd h. en diaenUnglod from Mrs. Sarah Waters tho latter wns arraigned bi I I AIRING FOR SICK CHILD COSTS FATHER $5 FINE Sister Also Must Answer for Ex posinR Diplithcria Patient. Jeanii Loi io,of IM Bhonaaa ? ? ? | -. thc fact that hsr ?r '''*'? '?'f'11" theris, Sflld do her good. Ac? cordingly thc girl tooh the child i foi Boveral bl* . IDtnt of Health -ent a tigata the Bupposed "/iflls ? ne. Louis Levine. the father, ls said to hs. ii, ?n? taken to police eourt tO ap? pear to day bofore Judge I explaii *,te<* ,h?* _ GUILTY PLEA SHOKTENS TERM judge Baya Me Caaaof <,i\e laaaraacs tagaal Ju**' I'eserts. The fact that Fredsrieh M. tissserr, of 166 Sherry Street, Richmond Hill, pleaded ehargs of having I, while aeting as agent of an inaurance eompany, a dlvldei Mrs Minnie "lp!ia ? Humphrey, i give him a rhort penitontiary senti judge Humphrey aaid aea ae ? he had a bad record., ?'! ran sentenr. onlv'on thc ples as it Btends. 1 cannot; give vou v.LjI you dtaerve. I Showgirl in Box Office Role i Wins Bibie, Preacher's Prize IVoupe Invadrs Wall Strrrt with Tickets for Saturday's licld Day at Specdway for Guardsmen's Families? Anistic I cmprrament Conqurred by Strategy. An army of preftv ehorus -flrls \e* terday rhnrircd upon Wall Street and With smilos for eaBBOB, thoy took captivo the enemies' coin, and .then laid down their weapons, tickets to the National (iuard Field l?ny next. Saturday. Karh Baldter foupht her hardeat, BBd the military honor for whieh the ehoroi itlWTfl w.i? the pon session of a N'ew TcMnmenf. When tho t'\x ItlBOesiBes an.l 't n?rs full of gayly-dreaaed sho.v girls drevr | up nt Wall Btreel they were weleeaaed, ' first of all. by n rler-fytnan. lle was tho Rev. Wiliiam Wilkinson, for twelve years pastor nf tho old Trin ity ('hurch. tho clorgyman who ; preached .1. T MorgBB'fl Wnll Street funeral wrnon. "I wanl *<t he the first to buv a ' ticket!" ho cried "And 1 am f*lad to bare th< spportaaitf to say how 1 much I appreriete tho work you girls nre doing f'.r thoso left behind by our soldiers at the fron? I wish you luck 1 on w?ii Btrei' " Beel Seller Wins l'ri/e }\e put his fligaatare in tho copy of the Now Trsfament he carried. and ' it was presented to little Dot Silvia, I of the "Very Good Bddle" rompany. prl - tlekel lellet of tho dav. While the ..ther soldiers woro mnr shalling their fnnes on tho rurb, ,,,: Wmter Garden r-iptau.s, | . o, Franko, Miss Hlanche u,P,han in ? ;.. Morgan o?ee. Two hun? dred ticketa arere bonghl thore for ? -.. needy BBilltlaawrt Iren. (,u: .il, ri,ai!ce did nnt at ...... m? thi i iportionfl deiired i,v thc ? I" "i glrli 1 hej had alwayi thonaanda were mado every momtnl hv Wall Btreet, and thev did nol ? ' ' r ***** **** -., hills with both hands, for the snke of the bovs m Mexieo Glrfe Plan Works. -H-iv tieketa fer Ihe Natloi (iuard Fiel 1 Day! Nexl S.Vnrdav at | ?,;,- Speedwa) i Jennifor Sinrin.r. of tho "\ -ry ? t rlfl, until she got tired. "Thoy make mo .sick!" she said, her, MURRAYSEESU.S. IN A TRADE WAR Allies Will Be Commer cially United, Profes? sor Thinks. -Whon tho war is over and Fnglnnd and France undertake thfl rehoildiag of .,,. it ... likely that flOSSe COflB* diflealties mav ariso between Englaad and Atseriea." said Prafeesor .. Mnri,lV. of Osford Uaiversity, .... ... ombla M,m n? _..,...?.:.* a iBBeheon in kis hoaor ,,,. thS PllgriBlS at tho Hankers' < lub -,, ? rrlay. ' -Thore is no Iack ef svmpathy 'or England i? Ameriee." Professoi Mur? ray con! naed, "bal ll >* o??*f ? ural thal for the oest few years Great Brit ,,,_:,i be bound by ties of love ??., ,,?..,? ,? tho nations whirh nw.e up th. Allied Powers. ttis biadlag to? gether of the Allied nation, nnd the , inv;on of England te see to .t '? daty i? the re baildiBg of the ru.ned port.ons of I 'nn srs ti no way dus v antagoniim toward the Unltai ? ? ,, bBt, on tl-e ..ther hand, will . ,,iv rainiliag tho idsals of a aa* whieh alwayi has itood fai hu? manity and riphtcousness." Oni hundred and fifty Tilgrims al toaded thc luneheon. In the al tPh H. Choate, tho president, -or Murray wns intr.-duced by Geor;." ?'? '? wh" wns toastmaster. AflflOBg thoso who I ,,,,. pi -. -?r Paal Bherey, af i hicago; Prefi ssei Jasaes C. I l brrt. of ColamBta; C. Clive Bayley, ??. Coaaal Geaeral: Maior (ieneral ton, Captain Gny <;?unt. naTal attacl t ot the Hritish bmbany, Henrj i i .' , Job E Hedgea, Jaeob 0 ii 8 Btraufl, Robert (;r;0r Cooke, Frederic R. Coodert, Dick i ? -?? 1' ????' s s_*B_fc<id ,.,beit Adamson and 1>. u Soiworthy, Bl I : ***? Profei ?"' Murray dwell on thi between the Alliei nnd between Greal ? ,.,. 1!,. di 1 nglaftd WBfl proud of tho loyalty Africa, Au?ti I 'bat .. . bad tt" -? ' ?? . ? ., ? ? Hfl ea ind Baglan I I thal (froat . n would eodperatfl with thc . . Statva m any efforl to secure iturfl , ? sei ! '''? ? SAVES MANHATTAN $124,404 IN A YEAR Marks ShOWl txpensc Was Cut in 1914 and 1915. Boroagb Pre?ideBt Mareai M. Marks, aal report for 1916. made public ? ihOWl that lt cost ? ment ? 1918, snd $124,401 in tn 1914. rhifl report ia made dedueting tho additional burdeni Bgh, including the rare and ? . ? I 100, im* t Jaaaary 1, 1014 Thc largesl nem ot laring ifl that ot the use of imaller ilsed i throughout leveaty-Bve ? ^n in the borouKh. ? ,; eosl ol Manhattan government [n ,?,- ;. which inclBdefl Bties ,.? pavenenU; ?. nnles of flewers: 71 **< wl**J ? ,treet signs, .n<j al -ration of tho borough aaphaU I .*' fTSJ? rardi The adminiatra nC-oaa activiuss re Qoires 2,000 ssspleyee. I brown eyes snapping "They don t 1 care about helping hungry women and children unless tb*y are in Kurope. I'm going tfl say this money is tfl be used for the Alliea, and see how it works." Bhfl did and it worked beautifully. "Want a ticket. sir?" said Trixie Smith, af the "Step This Way" eOfl* paay. "Waa" to help those left behind by our soldiers at th* front"" "Yes," said the man she addres?ed "And Qod hlcss you for doing it. I'v* got twn boys there myself, John ar.d Pan HsaaOSSy, of the 71st." I.lrlr* (.et Most Altentinn. More enthusiasm was shown for th* chorus girls than for the cause. though, as on* of them later remarked, "th* girls should worry -ahout that, so long ii. thay look m the money." It was both pathetic and haaaoroes to see the rXprsSfllOfl Ofl many face* when their owners diSCOVercd that th" tiekets they had bought were neither t'or the Winter Carden nor "Very (iood F.ddie," but for one nf the b*?t sporting events ef tl* s..-.*or Mut they hrightened when th" girlfl discoursed of the races to tnke place on the Sheepshead Hay Spoedway Saturday. Fnrlier in the day, when the "buse* ai.d liatoaalaea In front of the Vander? bilt Hotel were boing filled with the chorus giria, there were M few troubled nioments when thlngS looked black for the guardsmen'-' wives Hut it was just a litti.. matter of nr'isf.r temp?rament. "Bay. looka the *Verv (lood Kddie' girla down ther* in that limousine!" Baid OBa of the Winter Carden chorus "If thev've gotta limousine, and we ? ?*. wt sreaM golag." "I never said I wanted to get up ln the middle of the aight like this. nny bow," said another, stariing for the Steps. More l.imooainea Obtained. "And I've got a part, and none of th*ae Rirls do anything except chorua BtUiT!M cried a haughty roiflSJ. Matters were Sdjastod by providing enough limousine* to go around. The choru* girl forces were yeser dav led by Mrs. M. B. Stanton. Mrs. II. D. Jsaaiags, of Brooklya, and Miss Mr.rv Doanolly. It is expected that Mr*. Corneliaa Vanderbilt, chairman of ths Active BervlcS Auxiliary, will to dav appear to marshal her lines of the "Ziegfeld Pl" fcirls on Wall Street and Broadway. Ifl the afternoon em ploves of the various flhopfl will aid i" tlie sale nnd it la hopod that a large share of tha doelrod $.r)0n,000 will be raised In tho next two days. CAMP SURPRISED BY GENERAL WOOD Visitor Sccs Boys Drill Is Plcased by Work at Fort Terry. [tt, Te'etrtfh m Th* TrltHin* 1 Camp Wasbirgton, Fort Terry. N. Y, July tt, Major Ooasral Leonard Wood, rominanding the arniy's Department of the Kast, arrived here to-day and re ? awed lha litO*J eaoota just before i.oon. Headed hy the Fort Terry Vol ur.'eer Hand. the young soldiers passed before the rlflitor and Colonel Hero and his -tfifT in atraight and even ranks. GflBl rai Wood was greatly pleased with the drill and hearing of the boys and addressed them. Assails .Militia System. "The slate militia system has always ba-rn a failure," iaid (Jeneral Wood, "not beeauae the men are poor or the officers poor. They are just ns good as nny other part of th* population, but -stea* is defeetive. We feel thav the s'ate militia must eventually be lor.g to the Federal government, abso lUtely and without ar.y conditions what flver. "Vou see the difficulties we have had in so many men on the horder rn thifl groal Eaaterfl I'epart ment, arith the militia of the whole eountry Ifl lt, We have in four weeks .'..? M,000 iri"n on the border and that i.s all. "These men nre largely reeruits, and there are many ua trained men. Just ?hink SOW puny this is from a nation of |00,>M*9,000 peopie. Under a good organlsatlon and a good system, Jike that of Switaerland, we could probably haVS in eiu'C* or ten days 1,000,000 men ?4-.-II eajuipped." N'o Salutes Fired. His rrrival (iore flral BBCSpeCtsd, and no saiu'.es were lired. It was parl of his plan to reach the camp and to in epect the work h.'for* th'* SSdstS had a chaii.-e tfl BUlke prcparatlOHB. These ar.- galri days nt Camp Wash ington in sjute of the continued threat weather. Yesterday 'olonel ? relt'a r. ll It an.l spaorh to the hoys ? as -he eaass f.T a regimsatal parade and an influx of vr?itorv Ihe boys feel that they nre quite important, be? ing the basu of 'wo distiagaiflhed vis ?,,rS m so short a trme. Major Uaher and hiS staff ot" medical . are eontinoing in their medical examinationa of each cadet. Nearly the entire I.'-''"> hoya have now been in si.'.-ted and no ?enous defects have yet been diaeovorod I .i progress is being made by the cadets iti the daily elective eourses in rad" telri-raphy. gas engines, searchl'ghts. mapmaking and signal ling._t_ NEGLECT 0F CHILDREN SENDS COUPLE T0 JAIL Bayonne Recorder Scores Pair for Squanderinj" Money. "A man and a woman who do not provid* clothes and food for their children ate hud enOagh, but a hus haad and wife who arill 'ake all th? ive ar.d spend it for drink, BtarviBg therr children an.l |et ting tbcm run about the streets rn rar?*, must be tak.'n in charge," sa;d Re rorder W. J. Cain, of Bayonne, ye?ter day. "I am the one who will tak* eharge of you," continued the Reeorder, wh.-n - and Catherine Lyneh, of 3i* Cot tnK'"' Stre.t, Bayonne, were nrraigned him, "and I sentence you each to ail months in jail. You both are a disgrace to th* eity Mr. nnd Mrs. I.)nch were arrest-d on charges made by Miss Frances Day. luperiatendsat of the State Board >f Children's Cuardian* of New Jrrs*'. elaimed that the children wer* under-fed, not proper'.y clothed and ? ? parents heat thei.i. Vincent. fourteen >.ars old, and France-,, 1., palfl and weak, were taken to the sta'e home. It i* claimed that all the money brought into the Lyneh hou-ehold went for dr.r.k. ROOT, JR., BEST PLATTSBURG SHOT ___________ Makes Highest Score of Sixth Regiment on Rifle Range. MANY QUALIFY AS MARKSMEN Company D Leads, with H a Close Second In Record Shooting. <r.-? ? fttt Cn??-[-in'.f**.f a| TTi- Trth'in- 1 Plattobargfe, N. y? laly M. ~ltl tbe romplefioti to day flf the tar|?ot shootinjf records of 'ho Ith Regiment, seniors, F.lihu Root, jr.. proved that he was tho bost man of tho lot behind the gun. Ho made the high?*st scoro of tha rejcimen', registerinn 27.2 pointa out of the pnsmblo 2M), thereby becoming an expert r t\em?n. More thnn f>0 per eont of the ropi ment won the rankintr of marksman or botter, although thoy had no instruc tion prnctice precodin.* their record ?heetiag. More than 10 per cent never did any shooting of the kind demanded here before (fomjr to the arn.y nflo. ranjre Other New Yorkera who qualified nmonc the experts and shnrpshooters, the former requiring 110 pointa and the lattor 190 points, are H. K. Klattes, 315 Eaat Fiffieth Btreet, IM. H. L Meierhof, imo btadieea Avenue, 2o:; F. Hoyle, itpo Broadway, 203; s. C, Browae, 14 Wall Street, 195; Edward Wober, 12." Hendrick Street, Bmnklyn, if*o; r. D. Quint.. N Chareh stree., tOti M. Schriher, ?:>T Hunt.s I'oint Ave nue, The Rronx. 200; S. M. Vass, M Walker Street, 194; VV. U < nhn, l__B Broadway, 101; J. R. Kirk, 11 Dep Stroot, 2to; t. D. Partridge, i? Fifth Avenue, 203; A. ('. Poterson, ll Wmt lltl Street. 1.7; .1. W F Honno". Grand I'oncourso, IM, nnd C. B, Price, 4?'.. w..i Btreet, ioo. Marksmen from Wall Street. EL F. Hrown, 7 Wall Street. 21..; A. F (,. Leeas, IM Wcn UTth Btreet, MB; '.. R. Jenkins, Ml Madison Avenue, 2'i3; S. Thomas. Yale Club. N'ew York, 1 Ifl; Harold f, B/iater, M Wnll Stroot, ! 204; Otto H. Fround, IN Rroadway, 2112; _-L_LM-Ow_l.laa_.IBI West Fifty I sixth Street, 210; H. Parkhurst, Yale ! (lub, 20a; W. R. Lane, H Moraiagsidfl Road, 204; R. B. Fedder. MB Wost 1 tnth Street. MSj <. K. Oxholm, IM I Fast wrnty-ninth Street, H*.r>; T. F,. Brown, jr., IS F.ast Forty-first Street, 1.'.; I.. C, Cochea, IM Broadway, MT; P. e. Lieher, tti Weat Fifty-ninth Street, 111; W. M. I.amson, Municipal ; Buildlag, 210; K. lt. Wood, 172 Bixth Aeeaae. Brooslya, Wl*, F R. Appleton, t jr., BO Wall Street, 211; F. L. Clarke, I 6rt Wiliiam Street, 210; Jonathan i Thompson, 1 East Fifty-seventh Street, 811; E. Murphy, 2o Huiiter Avenue, 22'i; F. -VhiUOCB. BM Paik Avenue, 2M'; .1. .1. Oltoarse, Ml Claaeoa Ave? nue, Brooklyn, 211; A. I. Sui/borger, :r,l Fourth Avenue, 203. Company D mad." the best ?hootinp, qunlifyinif eighty-two a-i inarksmeii or better, beinK a perCOBtagfl of 04.84 of those ihooting. < 'ompany ii, which was second, with eitfhty men, hold h promature parade of trianpb, thinkin< they wero tirst, but their pereeBtage wns ?4 flat. Tho machine gun troop has hit th> trail for a two days' reeOBBOlflBBce and is bivoaaehed Bomewhere in tho woods of CaiBberlBBd Head. Thoy havo with them tha Benel Kun. earned on park mulflfl B little rapid fire ma Chiafl that on* ; cartruie.'s t'ed to ll BB B ribbon. It is an ituention that WBB otTorod to tho i'nited Btatea, bal wai refused, but its poweri as a military device were Broved ll thfl dcfensive m;ainst the ucraiaas, Ready for Aetion. Thfl troop ,s under thfl eommand of Lieutenant I'hil GordoB, Becoad Uaited States Cavalry. Bfld tha following rook? ies from N'ew Vork ar.d vicinity are ui the scoutlng party: R. A. Frank, Orange. N. J : W. A Buell, Princeton, N. J.; .1. Woiss, 110 Mornlnnid* I?riv , Xe-.v Voris, J. l> MeGeary, 181 St Nich? olas Avenee, New V rk; B. L Law* renee, Short Hills. N. J.; A. B. Car hart, TuxedO I'ark; L P. Ilopkins. N. J.. and J. ". Miller, 111 Wost 125th Stroet, N?w York, together with a score of nien from elsewhero. Uader strict war conditions the troop went out. Baeb nian r.rried a half sholter tent behind hil laddlfl for the soBfltruction of a "pap" tent with h's "hunkio," and in their knaps-icks wer two days' rations. When camp ifl mal" and ti'4'.o for "(how" comes, everv man will hnve to be hia own cook, for no superfluous persons nor impedimenta were taken on tho march. .-uch as arm/ cooks and army raBgOB. Men flrifl orouch around tho camp their own bacon, and then turn ln te sleep on a poneho and a blanket on the ground. In Foe's Country. The country into whieh thoy havo beon sent to reconnoitro a theoreti.-nl enemy. -.>h" il luppOflfld to be planning a ?Brpriss Sttaeh oa tho main enmp, ii j thiekly wooded, and they will I.i-.. tfl follow in lotae parts of tho tnp noth? ing but*> paths thtroagh the trees. watehiag out for possible smbushes and keeping their llnei Bf r.-*rea* apeil ro thnt thoy can fall back on the mam bodv in caso of attack by overwhelnung numbers; for It s part of the'tralniag | of the rookie that he carry out all th<* theoretieal baslaess of *nr condltioni J with all seriousness. as though he wero ! turrounded by nctual penU and alarms. Camp will bfl made at tho wator's edg** tne tirst night out, and across tho waters of Cumhorland Bay the glimmer of the enmp fire.s mny ho seen at the main encampment if thc weather i< clear. Much has been said of the lag of the army pnek mule by tho gnsolene mulo; hut this has r*rot hap? pened in I.ieuten.-.nt GordOB'fl eom? mand. It is the "good ole mulo" whe is carryinjr the machine guns and tho 'ammunition on his back, nni by his hi Ip trails will bo followed that no I . aae mule could ever travel No Motor Car Aid. In the country into whieh Gordon ! will lead hia men. motor trucks, ar i mored motor fars and even thfl mobilo little armored side rais, with which i the troop is equippod ns nn auxiliary. i would all be at tho merey of the enemy 1 The side cars, therefore, hnve boon loft ! igaomlnieasly la th ir .taiis, whili tho j mules have gOBS forth to | Target practice will be at objects on ! Lake (.'hamplain, and after all the am? munition is shot away, a return to I camp will be made. with all the pre cautionu of a f-trategic retreat with an enemy in the rear. Military map-making and other hranches of the technical lide of war aro part of the schooling the rookies receive. BALL AT PIER TO AID EMERCENCY HOSPITAL Prize Offered for Best Creation of Milllnery Shown. m? T?l??raph M V t Trthain* ) N'arraganiett Pier, R. I.. July 2*. Plans have been eompleted for the "Bal de Cbapeau." to be given at the Caslno to-morrow night In aid of the Fm^rg^nry Hoapital. A prir.e will be offfred for the best creation of milli nery drplayed and hats from modistefl arill be sold at auction. Keaervntiona for dinner at the Casmo prior to the ball have befln made bv Mrs. Irvmg H. < hase. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearce. jr ; Mrs. Arthur Spencer, tho I?uke Arthuro de Makodura/zo. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kane, (ieorge Thomp? son and Mrs. Alb.r* B. I.ambert. Contributions for the fund have been rnnde bv Mrv I H. Clothier, jr., and Misa .Sara Baldwin, of the cottage colony Colonel Samuel Pomeroy Colt, nt Bristol, pnf"r'a;n?*d friends last night ri the -7'asino. Hia gaOStS were tho ( ..intass Morone, Mr*. T. S. Waldron, F. A. Harrowa and 0. F I-eighton. Mrs. Alexander Brown. of Philadel? phia, gave a dinner ?? Sunny Mead cot? tage last night. Her gue?ta wer- Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Chew. Mr. and Mrv Thomas Hitchcock and George Tl.omp- , I0B. N'ew comers la 'he cottage colony are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Arm stronir. of Ar.l*l*y-on the-Hudson, who I are ocrupving Crystal Sprrngs Farms, villa for the season. They are accom panied bv Mr*. Thomas Brown. of Franklin. "i'a. Miss I.yra Brown Nick erson. of F'rovidence, has started on a, motor trip to the Whito Mountains. Preston Cibson, of Newport. regis tered to-day at. the Casino, where M loined friends for luncheon. Harry D. Hollownv, of Philadtilphia, gave a dn ner for a party of eight at the Casno to-night. _ WILLIAM BERRI SERIOUSLY ILL Republiean Editor Con tracted Severe Cold at Convention. William Berri. editor and publisherl of "The Biooklvn S'andnrd I'nion," one, of the best known Republicani in the BtatC and a member of th* State Board ' of Rej-ents, is seriously ill at his home, 4*" (lin'or, Avenue. Mr. Berri caught cold when attending , the Republiean national convention in ; Chicago hP has been a delegate to ^ , the conventions since 1904 but , thought nothing of it. I.ater hl? illneis ' \ developed into pleurisy. It became necessary on Saturday laat <o opera'e Mr. Berri rs aeventy-soven v.ara old, an.l largely on that account i his Condition is thought to be serious. Hia heart is iaid to have be<*n a'Voted. 1 Although he wa* not in pain last night, physicians said his condition had grown worse. Thp nubliention in Mr. Berri a news? paper in October, Illl, Of nn article stating 'bat a bribe offered by Wliliam ' Willett, jr. for the Pcmocia'ie nomi? nation for a Queens t'ounty Supreme Conrt 'adfeflhlp hnd been accepted by 1 "Curly .loe" Cassldy, Democratic leader of the county, resulted in the arresr and eoavletioa of the two men and of Loaifl T. Walter, who waa implrcated. Mr Berri araa arrested on the charge of criminal libel, but the proceedings were dropped. j From ISM to 1903 Mr. Berri was sole owner of William Berri'* Sons. carpet merehaiits. He >S vice-president of the Hamilton Trust Company, a director of tha K.ngs County F.lectric I.ight and Power Company. the National City Bank nnd the Kdison Flectric Illuminat ing Company. He w?* -riee-preeident of the N'ew York Commission to the St. Louis Expoaitioa in l'J04, and a trustee Of tne Hudaon-Falton Cedebration COBB mission in 1?09. He was delegate-at iari*e to the New York Conttitutional CoBYOntlon rn 1015. Among th clubs of which Mr. Berri is a member nre the 1,'nion I.eague, Re puhlieaii. I.otos, Sphinx, Press, L'ni reraity, Karailtoa, Crescent, Civic and Brooklyn. DOWLING WOULD SELL CITYS VACANT LAND Declares Property Worth $5, 000.000 Returns No Revenue. Frank L Dorvling, President of the '. \ Board of Aldermen, who presided at the meeting of the Commissioners ofl thc Sinking Fund yesterday. in the abtence of Maya.r Mitchel, ndvocated : the sale of all mcant property owned by the city at public auction. He do-> clnre.l that the value of the vacar.t . Innd wa. over $r,.0(J0,000, and the prop- : , erty was not bringing in 25 cents in \ rerenae. He aaid he would vote for the propositron. and the sooner it was | doae the better. Mr. I'o'.viinir's sugvrestion was made during the discussion of the sale at auction of a parcel of land in Brooklyn, on the northorly nde of Carroll Street, running through to President Street ; from Hiehf, to Henry Streets, about I 150 feet by IOO feet in areu. .1 a Taylor, r'f the Baroaa of afa? nicipal Reaearch, protestod against the ..aie of ths property Ile paid lt should be kept f?.r a playground. Charles O'Malley, real estate expert of the Controller'8 office, deelared |46,000 aroald he a good price for the land. The resolution tfl sell the parcel v.n | passed -a LOCAL SUFFS PLAN T0 ATTEND CONVENTION Arranf*ements Being Made for One Thousand at Atlantic City. Miss Mary Garrett Hay, chairman of the Womr.n Suffrage I'arty, returned rdai from Atlantic City, where -hfl has been making arrangenieti-.s for the great national suffrage eoavontio ' which neetfl there from September fi to 10. Ahout l/iOO suffragists flrill i attend. Questions to he discussed are whether to work for the Federal amer,!?.-?? alorie, for the state referendum alone, ' or for Mrs. Cairie Chapman Catt, national proaidoat, irlll pre-..i*. FRESH AIR WORK GOES 0N DESPITE PLAGUE Children's Aid Society Needs Funds for Activities. The epidemic of infantile paralysis . is haniperinjr but not preventmg the i fresti an work of the Children's Aid ' Society, l<'li East Twent)-aecond Stre.-t. The society is operating under i eg*.'.'ation? approved by thc Health | Departneent, and is sending 2.v? chil .ireti to itfl summer homes at Bath ; Beaeh and Coney Islan.i every two I week*. Thc work for cr.ppled children j is also bemg continued at Bath Beach i ...tnhu'.iona are asked by thfl so? ciety to meet its I'Pei daily expense*. Cheeka sent to Fuwin G. Mernil, '.reas ur4?r, or C. Lorit.g Croce, flflcretary, will be acknowlodged. SCRATCH ON NOSE KILLED CUNEO Slight Injury Received When Dancing Caused Blood Poisoning. DEATH A SHOCK TO ARTISTS HERE Body of Noted IlluMrator To Be Cremated at I.ondon To-day. rn, i?M? tn T* Trtl .-? 1 Lai Hon, .luly 26. The tragic death of CyrBfl Cunoo, tho fnmous American artist, hss shoekod the entire artist community of I.ondon. Cuneo was a man of wonderful per?ona!ity and of ei -raordinary powerful physique. He was alaoat as proud of hia boxing pratfBSS ?s Bfl was of his art. A few dayi ai_o he was dancing at a ball with a BSrflfl who recently had atteaded a ease of blood poisoning. She h.ppenod to scratch him shghtly on the noso. Two dayt iater Cjnoo itriehen with blood poisoning. Despite luperhuman attempti to ?ave his life, he diod three days afterward. IIia body wiil be cremated to-morrow. News nf Cyr*:? CbBOO'i suddon death was a ghock' yesterday. to rr.s Ameri? can artist friends. Cuneo, however, was bottT known in I.ondon than in America, hia native land, for he left Ameriea a -.for-*- of years ago to ItudjF in Paris. Ho had lived in London many yeari. Cuneo was a Californian, of Italian deseent. Jan Matulka, a Hohemian ar*,.'. of 311") Broadway, said last night 'hat Cuneo left Now Vork when a vouth nnd svtidied in Fans under Whistler. Prenet and t.irado. He later moved to I.ondon, where he made ?i repatation ns an lllustrstoi and. ? ketch artist. Although he was a mem? ber of 'ho Roval Inititutfl of Oil Famters. Cuneo'l fc'icc ss. Matulka ?aid, rostod upon h:s illustrations rn'hoj* than on his pni*.t:n;*- Hifl il luatratiOBfl appeared in "Thfl Illuatrat od I.ondon News" Ho wns .. member nf tho I.ondor. LaaghBBi Sketchmg Club._ TAKES PEKING POST IN MEDICAL COLLEGE Dr. .Mel.can Joins Rockefeller School in far Fast. Pr. Franklin Chnmhers Mel.ean haa beon appointed professor nf in*ornal medicino by tho trustees of I'nion Medi? cal College iu Peking. The announce? ment was made raatordaf by tho China Medical Board of the Rockefeller Poua dation. We is now on tho way to tba Orient I'nion Medical College is one of the principal institutions through which the board ifl working to improva medical conditions in i hina. To accept tho new position Pr. Mc? Lean rcsigned ns aaaifltanl reflident physician in the hospital of thp Bl feller Institute ir NOW York. Ho was gradunted froiB fhe Ul 'iv. re 'y of ( hi? cago in 1007 and from the Rush Medical College throo years Inter. For three years he taught in tho universitiea of Chicago, Orogon and liraz, Auitria. ? ERIES PRESIDENT SEES TRUCK DART INTO RIVER Express Auto Ora/es Hubs of F. D. Underwood's Car. Fredenck l>. Uaderwood, preetdeat of tho Krio Railroad. saw an automo? bile truck dart past h;m last night >i the ferryboal Boll iluage into the Hudson Hivor. The hubs of the runawny truck grased those of Mr. Underwood's car. The .Su*Torn, bound from its Jersev Citj lllp, was a ahort diitance from the end of ItS trip at Twetity-third Street. Already the ongineti had fllowed down and chauffeurs beg IB lo crank the:r cnr<. Jttflt in front of Mr. Underwood'fl automobile was n Wells Fargo axpreee traeb When the chaulfeur twisted tho crank tho big car linped baekward, ploughed through tho v'unrd rail and landfd at the bottOB. of tho r.ver. The river i* about flftj feet doOB thore The value of the express truck's loa.l is $10,000. OFFENDING AUT0ISTS FACE JAIL HEREAFTER Woods and Traffic Magistrate Announce "No Mercy" Policy. Jail sentence. for BagTSBl auto driv in. affeadera ware promieed yesterday hy Poiice Commissioner Woodfl, who occupied the beaeh with Magntrata in tho traflir eourt in the old Pi noa Hoadqaarten Buii.img. at 300 Mott Street. f," tt officiais gave two solemn an BOuaeeBieatfl to the 11,00. N?w York ( .ty notoriatfl and one warning the _r .lersey autoists. The fifty of f. n-iini. New Vork drivers in court ye.i ter lay W.*ro Cld that, beginning Au gu<t 1, there shall be no mercy for a it violator of the motor vehicle Thev woro also told thnt the "..500.000 persons :n the rity who walk have tha privilegBfl in the streets ai the a bo Btotor. .1. r-ey drivers w- re told that for m.inv of them their fifteen free trips ' al Sttan are us?d. Tho law now renuirea a lieonse of them. Get* Waterm^n Building. The tive-story, n landmark, n* the northwest coriu-r of Broadway ., , : i ortl m II Street, occupied for many years b] the L I wati rn bb I n makers of fountain pons, hai heen leaaed to the Behalte Cigar "ompany for a long term of years at an nggre gate rental of epproximately 1400.000. The building arill andarge extanet**e Deagtaa k-.binson, Browa Ceesaaay ??i the broker. F. II. BIITTON. St. Louis, Mo . July M P H Brit toa, BW old, president of thfl Cotton Belt Bailroad for the last .l:ed nt his hom* here to-dny _f stomach trouble. ? M .KRIEI). HEYWOOD BCRULTI Mr. and Hn. Norman BehaltS, of Summit, N J , annouuee the marriage, on Julv 2i,\. of their daughter Beatrice to Philip Butler Heywood, ot* Worcester, Ma<? WALTMAN firiB At st. Paal'a Church, New York, Carolyn l. r -' ? ter. daaghter of the late David F. Fetter, M. ',< , ?nd Mrs. Mary B Fet ter, to Harry Franklin Waltman. of marrlntrs and deafhs miisl be ?? ? .'in,'aulr<l t.> l.ill .i.iiiio ___<1 ?<>__? CEMKTi.KlfcS. TUB WOODLAWB C ITMrrrRT. tlil Bt- Hv Harlea Tre.n *..i r r.oilij. Lot- "< aaaaU tka* t t ???? ?ffl... II Beat il* f_-.__.__