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Short Term Investments Circular on request. New Foreign Government Issues Mackay&Co. 4 Wall Street Nev. York Winchester Arms J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. "?hones tSSl N Y MAXWELL MOTOR lst PFD. DIV. WARRANTS a-Mflefl W* .J->.l 'e'nrmatton (ren Reauett Gude,Winmill*Co. kftmbtrt "Vea forl 8tt ? Eaehengt 20 Brosd St.. N. Y. Tel. Recto- 8880 HARRIMAN NATIONAL BANK Fifth Avenue & Forty-fourth St. New York. B1NKIH6 HOURS FR8M 8 A. M. TO I P. M. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS 8 A. IM. TO MIDNIGHT Irving National Bank ^^^Sv^ STRICTLY A <^?&rfe>?*> COMMERCIAL ^^?p^ BANK Woolworth BurxDmo, New York 1 IIAKTKKKn 1*G4.' Union Trust Co.ol New York 80 BROADWAY nnh A- A tt* St. nSBj A, A 'Orb st Allow* Inlrrrs; un Drpoaltra. Acts as Eiecutor, Guardian, Trustee, elc. EXTRA BRASS DIVIDEND Ameriean (ompany l'aja B*aJ Per Ont BoaMoa Baflsi Disbursement, An extra drv.dend of .T-fc per cent uns deelared jroatoraay by directors of tlM Amer.ran l'rass ("ompany, along: with 'he regular quarterly dividend of IS per cent, payable August lii. The aaaas asaoaal araa deelared in the pre-' ceding quarter and the proaoat extra diakaraenenl aiakoa a total of 10H per ? tra payaments ao far thj yi ar. Ia 1907 the company deelared a stock dividend of 20 por cent. which increas*d the outstanding capital from $12,500,- , 000 to 115,000,000. and since 190.". th* company's record breaking earningl . have enabled it to pay a total of 10 por eaat in extra dividends. lt Is un-1 derstood that the eompai.y is consum ing now eloaa to 400,000,000 pounds of j toppor annually. ? ? DISCUSS CHINXSE LOAN Bankers Confer?Early Announcement Is Expected. Bankers were again in conference yesterday afternoon diseussing the pro hiaa of from $25,000. 000 to t- The conference was called foi OWiBg the conference of N<w Tork banker* aritk the State De? partment at Washington on Tuesday, when the State 1'epartment made it positively known that it favored the loan. Whether or not any action waa taken at yesterday's meeting could not be learned but an early announceraent is expected in financial circles. BRIEF WALL STREET NLWS Director- of the PrflSSSd Stool Car Company have deelared a dividend of $1 a share on the common stock, pay aklc Sepl mber t to holdera of record August lt'.. Tkfl last previous dividend ? i stock was tkree qnartors of i per cent. pr. d <>n I'ecernbcr lr>. l'.'ll The board alao doclaiad the regular aaarterli dividend ol |1.7B on the pre? ferred aaare , payable August 23. Gold assoaatiag ts $1,000,000 has been withdrawn froaa the Sub-Treasury for shipment to Cuba. A NoVJ York Cotton Exchange mem Old i"T f l.*>,000, which rs $760 more than was paid on the previou An extra dividend of 21 per cent has been deelared hy the Kristerri Steel i ompany on its lirst preferred stock on account of accnnnfatod diridenda, togetkt i tkfl regular quarterly dlaburaemi ? of 1% ).*r cent on the same stock. both pa*?ahle SoptOflflker 15. Thi re la atill a 1 - ? er eeat in unpaid dividends on this stock. The l*a**e OU i ompany, it was an- i nour.ced jresterda**, has deelared a rag ular quart. ? ad of I per cent and 2 per cent extra, payable Septem? ber 1. In the prev.ousflquarter 30 per Cent extra was paid SECTJRITIES AT AUCTION. The fellowiag aeearitiM were sold yesterday at auction at the exchange salesroom bv Adrian li. Muller & Son: ? I . 4 . ,. ? " ' '***? Fire lD-urane* Coiii-aa*.. (l-? M l;,. I'Ofl arsar-a .'? , nrrtrrmi *-0 *a ? u. i ? -. . ? ? ? - ? ... ? * eaaaaai... j- ,?,? | i ? ? af aaei . 34 aharea Na-ior.a! llar k (fl OiMBMM 1100 *aahl"" 170 lt aharva R*a''T An- .!???. Ifllflal -.. | . t .* truat**, tn aharea flr>l N'aiU.r a! Bai k ..f Iln. Vlan i $100 OeflkJ Ter eeee ial a>f wliom it ? . II 18 104% 40 a'larr* Tul* (.iiiaraiila-a. It Trua. I paiiy J ? *arhi 4 aliara-a S".ith?r I arl! I J . aba-a* Inal . . ) ?. a I t"> tw> VnAtrt . 100 | Re-erve Board Head Renamed. Washington. .luly M Charles S. j Hamlin, of Massachusetts, now the governor of the Federal Keserve Hoard, waa nominated for another term to? day by I'resident Wilson. i WARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Failure of Stock Prices to Advance on News Disappoints. STEEL SHOWING IS WITHOUT INFLUENCE Steel Common Closes Practically UnchanRed Other Issues Move Sluggishly. Action ef tbe market yesterday drmonMra'ed to the disappointment of the speculative element how utterly unresponsive stocks hnve become to fnvornb'e news. Wall Street had con tidcntly expected a sharp rise in the Rcnernl price level as a result of the splendid qunrterly statement of the Steel Corporation and the declaration of the extra dividend. Put the stock mnrket did the unexpected, and after a moderate display of firmneit. at the opening, relspssd into dulness and de? eline. Prices did not go down far, to be sure. but this afforded small comfort to the rank and file, who had looked for the beg-BBlag of better thinps. Continuance of the apathetic condi? tions that hnve prevailed for a month or so, despite the charncter of the earningSj the evtra Steel divi? dend, tho declarntion of extra divi dends by several industrinl corpora tioni resterdsp and the news of fresh h ai.d Russian successes in the theatre of war. raises the question whether the bull cumpiiiijn in Wall Street hai really come to an end nnd ?nggeatfl thnt the mnrket is now ad juflting itself to char.jrod conditions regardless of dny to dny news devel opmonts. The more the earning statement of tho Steel Corporation is considered the niore wonderful becomes the showinj. Afl matter^ now stand the corporation wlll have by early autumn approxi matcly $200,000,000 of cash in its treaaary. And the prospects are bripht for another excellent enrning state? ment for the curretit quarter, and apain in the last quarter of the year. Steel i common diaplayed strength nt the open-. ing and sold on a spread of 15,000 shares up to 87, but pressure of offer- , IngS SOBl the price down apain, with a clc . e to only H nbove the day before. The rest of the market, affected by the failure ol Steel to respond to the good news, moved sluppishly, and the major? ity oi* issues closed with net losses. Wall Street was plainly puzzled, as well as disappointed, by the action of the market. Various explunations were advanced, includin*. the railway labor situation and the possibility of an early peace in Furope. Close observ ers of sccurity market conditions Ib ?iflt, however, that the real reason for the stagnation is to be found in the im monse volume of new ismios that have come into the market ar.d must be di gested and absorbed. With these new offerings hnve come upward of $1,000, 000,000 of American securities sold back to us by Kurope to finance the war, with the prospect of more from this quarter. A number of important industrtal coneerns reflected the general prosper ity by dividing profits with stockhold? ers in the form of extra dividends. Directors of the Pressed Steel Car Companv resumed payment of divi dond.*. while the American Brass Com? pany announced an extra disbursement Of Btt per cent. The weekly reviews of the iron and steel industry, in ad? dition to emphasizing the astonishmg ?statement of the Steel Corporation as ConflrmtBg what the market has shown lately of the exceptional position of the producer*, took note of further heavy buying for export and a new batch of war orders. Iron and steel prices are reported as holding well. Bonds were somewhat more active yesterdav, owinp to tho heavy deal ingfl in the notes of tbe American For eicn Securities Corporation, the con eern which handled the $100,000,000, French government loan. In all about | $2,500,000 of these securities changed handa. Monev rates showed very little l change. The feature of the exchange | market was the weakness of marks, which dropped to within a fraction of the record low level. ti AVKRAGK OF T-IK TBIBVMC8 LIST nl nKTKKN KAII.S. July 28, ye. terday'? cloae.117.150 M? IS.????-5 One work ago. .119..100 Onr month __*o.111.966 ?ine | e?r ._?o.105.100 llikii for June.123.10S low for June.117.960 Hlgh for n**f.,**e\*aa low for Uaa.114.19.. II.Kl. f..r April.116.212 Ua f?r April.112.463 ?Igh for March.117.025 1 ,., f?r Match.11.1.636 IHkIi for l'cl.ruary.116.676 low for PBheasfy.11.1.731 lli__l> for .lariiary .121.25A low fi.r Jiuiuary. 114.517 Hlgh for 1916.125 101 i,?. rae isie .112.413 High full >c?r. ISII.121.4.13 1_>?. full vcar. 1915.101.192 a.ikai.i; OP iiik TKini*_"-__-*? UR Ol TV.I.I.VK IMUSTK1AI.S. .ini\ ni. reeteartat's rlo?*->90344 .lul.. II.******* One nrrU ugo.90.6*5 Ono month ago. 90.000 One .-,ral ago . 64.409 l|.Kl. f..r ****** .94.250 1_M f,.r tem* . **?*>'?> High for May.93.S65 lam for ______ .tkaaa Hlgh for Aprll.???:'"? |__-fl f..r Aprll.67.230 Hlgh for March.95.375 l_>.. f..r Mari-li . 90.771 Hlgh for Kehruary.94.521 i.ow f..r IBbeaat-f. Hl?li for Junuary. 95.6?? low- for JanBtir.. 91.1.15 Hlgh for 1916 . 95.666 low for 1916._. 67 230 Hlgh. full }r?r, 1915. 99.700 l__w. full .cr, 1!?15. 69.541 ITBIK ITILITY SECURITIES. Hl.1 Ask. Tf.l 1 At. V. ?Am L * T367 3.1 . Ko _ I. * T.. 11 11 ?dO i'i' '. ISM* Hl dO I'rof .. *.'> 41 | .3*1 uo rr?f .77 B h see.. tt ? .Am Q A r !l? ie N 0 U * P. 15 l? . ? ,.-f 60 t* An, P A Lt. (* 71 Nflf I*'*"* ?'? M M ,.., f M t..'. !,. j.r. f ? i'i Am l'ul. V. <J fl '>lu,k P A W 4. 47 ? ... 74 7 7 PB< ?.a? A I H H Am W A 17 7 I '1 er*f v7 V0 , r II li Hcp Ky * I. 3< 41 '.,. M Pf '-7' * '"? vr*' "3 '** .. i.t N I" Ba Oai M H M ... prei ... *7 100 | do prrf IM 101 _f| LH ?Si?n Q A K 14 1* ?!,, pr. f 3? 40 Ol Power .1 M T Ky I. A I' ? 11 ,i? pt-et ISS i'>3 Sa ircf 4" N C r k*. * i.?? ?"?'? t..i t i. * r 4- 4* fla i-f'f B K In !> A Rm hi *? B I"; pf ? II o> I"' Pl ***A ?*?'?' .- bi s |.f l ? "fi tewee U 7: 1 Ga* D 17 pf ?*_ HA* de prtt. ii 7v ?ii difio-iod. tru ?_iu? ?_?. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY, ftJLl 26, 1S16. Tolal aalea of atocka Wednesday. 4-6.2SO, arain-at week Hfl aad 1J3MM ? 7*** ***, From J.noan I tfl f^**1** ?*g 7l.flH8.MO a year afo. All quol.llona, Inrludinf annual duld.-nd ra.c, are dollar*. SOO 7.400 1,400 600 200 r,v. ia $ Alaska Gold Mines. -- lAllia-Chalmers Co. 6 jAllis.Chalmers Co. pr.. ? (Alaska Juneau . f, Am. Ileet Sugar. Am. Cun . 7 lAm. ( an pr. 2 iAm. Car A Fy. Co. "t Am. Car at Fy. Co. pr. 7 Am. Coal I'roducts. 7 Am. Coal i'roducts pr Am. Cotton Oil. Am. Hid* & 1/eather... 6 JAm. Hule * l^nth. pr. Am. Ice Secunties. Am. I.ocomotive . 7 Am. I.ocomotive pr 1 Am. Malt pr. 4 Am. Smelting . 5 Am. Smeltinc pr B. Am. Steel Fdry. 7 Am. Bagar . I Am. Tel. I Tel. fi Am. Tobacco pr new... 5 Am. Wooler. . Am. Writing I'aper pr. s Annconda . Am. Zinc . 6 |Atlantic Coast Line.... 6 Atehison . B Atehison pr . ? I Baid win Locomotive Co r. Halt. &. Ohio. 4 Balt. ii Ohio pr. Batopilas Mining . 10 Bethlehen* .""teel . 6 Brooklyn Bap. Tr. 0 Hrooklyn I'nion Gaa... 1 Burns Bros. 3 Huttc i Sup. Copper. .. I al. Petroleum . 1 Cal. Petroleum pr. 10 Canadian Paeific. 1 Chandler . ?1 Central Leather . 7 ICentral Lealher pr. . . . ? 'hrrago (it. West. 4 Chicago Gt. West. pr. . 5 Ch.. Mil. & St. P. ( h.. R. I. & Pac. B Chino Con. Copper Chlle Copper . 4 Oluett-Peabody . 7 Cluett-I'eabody pr. Col. Pael i Iron. 7 I'onsol. Gas. 6 ICont. Can. ? [Corn Products. 5 Corn Products pr. Coka Cane. 7 Cuba Cane pr. - Crucible Steel. 7 'Crucible Steel pr. 9 Delaware & Hudson.. Denver & R. 0. pr 8 Detroit EdisOB. 6 Distilliag Securities.. 2 Dome Mines. Erlfl . - Kne lst pr. - Krie 2d pr. 8 General Flectric. 7 (ieneral Motors pr 4 Goodrirh, B. F. 8 Granby Mining. 7 Gt. Northern pr. .50 Gt. North. Ore. subs.. g Greene Copper. Gulf 2d pr. 5 lllinois Central. - - Int. Agrieul. -- Int Agrieul. pr. 8 Inspiration Copper... - Interborouph-Con. ... 6 Jnterboroutrh-Con. pr. - Int. Mer. Marine. - - Int. Mer. Marine pr. . 5 Int. Harv. of N. J Inter. Paper. 2 Inter. Paper pr. 8 Int. Nickel. .lewel Tea. ? IKansa* Citv South.... 4 Kelly Springfield.I 1,400 6 Kelly Springfield pr...| 100 6 Kennecott . \2.M0 ? Lacknwanna Steel.I 3.200 ? IL. E. & W. pr. 100 2 ILee Rubber.I 200 5 Lokigk Valley.I 1.200 7 ILoose Wiloa lst pr-i 101) B Mackay Co*.! vnares QuoUtlon lliin|-e. Net ?ol.l. <>peir. Iligh Low. Final. ekgo. I 2.800 18% 18% 17% 17;. g00 22-4 224. 21'a 21% ioo 7i n%\ ti n% ? ? 1*00 | t.4 1% - "8 6.1001 69% ?% tlH 88% 4 soo BS% 66% MH '4 * V 1,000 68% M 800 1014 101 B00 89% ?'???' 3,600 M '?'? 200 00 Bfl To i 10 4 60 400 100 100 (KM 1729*4 129 ]00 1074 107 100 48% 43 r.oo m 4 ta %'..n. .-. i ... 2.80U 33 4 83 100 in 600, 104*4 104% 104*4 104% \ 10*4 10% ? 4 ",:.-. 53% 2'4 20*4 27 % $4 64% i. ioo *4 1014 % tl 40 i . n ? o*% \ s| . 86 % i'.i r.o i 10874 109 4 128% 129*4 4 106% Di* 1*4 (3*4 M IH u , 26 ?. 7- .-? i Vt 82*4 88 110V4 112 4 101*1. \"'\ '? 88% 89 1 i-..- , 69% i, 86% 80% 4 71 Tl1* 1*4 I >, tU IM 84% 88 1 128 j 131 68*4 ino 111% 111% 700 12'"* 12% 100 35 4 86% 500 88% Bfl AM 20"* 20*4 1,200 47*4 47 ?* 400 204 20*4 100 71% Iln 125 lO'.l 100 B.300 400 168 167*4 167% ioo 118% 118% 113% 118% l'. 1,800 103% 104 103% 103% 100 100 '10* 1,100 48"! 400 W mo n*\ 8,100 24 ^ 14,200 85' 100 114 8,200 14' 1,200: 66* 4,900; 44 ?' 100 80 600 24* H8% 116 - 1 i % Manhattan El. 250 129% Maxwell Motor.! 14,200 7 Maxwell Motor lst pr..: 600 Maxwell Motor 2d pr..J 000 2 Muy Dept. Stores.| 100 - Mexican Petrol.I 19.A00 8 iMexican Petrol. pr-I 100 fi Miami Con. Ccppe-....| 000 7 M S. P. & B. St. M...I 205 Mo'.. Kan. 4 Tex. 100 Mn., Kan. 4 Tex. nr-| 100 - Missoun Pacitic.I 1.100 Miaaoarl Paeific etft...| 1,200 National Cloak ttt Suit National Kni.ii. Si Stp 4 National Lead. l.BOjNerada Con. Copper... 8 New Vork Air 100 ioo 800 100 a 22% 62% 10% New York Central.I 2.000 108% 108% 103 N. Y., N. H. & II 100 123% 123% 123% 123% 1% 123% I2fl 7 Norf. ii West. 4 Norf. **? West. nr. 7 Northern Paclnc. Oatarie Silver. 3 Pennsylvania R. R. .. 3..10 Philadelphia Co. 2 P., C, C. ii St. L 5 Pittsburgh Coal pr. . 4 Pressed Steel Car 8 Pullman Palace Car. Ky. Steel Spring. 2 Ray Con. Copper. Reading 108 1200 60% on'. no go 1,400 127% 127% 128% 120%' ion 88 88 j !*8 700 111% 111% 111 Bfl fi fi 8 1,600 57 ' 57% 60% 300' 40V 40V 89% 100' 81 I 81 si 89% - 1 ! sl - 1%' 200 101% 101%' 101%' 101 %|? 8/,i>n 19% 49% 47% 48 600 162 163 161% 161 400 43 V 48% 43% 48 Reading 2d pr. Stei 3,100 19.800 1001 6,800 700 22% O.-'v 40n 193% 100 43 Rep. Iron & 2..10Shattuck .| 7 Sears Roebuck.; Slosa-Skeff. Steel & I.. fi Southern Paeific .! 2,00" 87% rj So. Porto Rico Sug. pr . 1"0 117 Southern R. R. 2,500 23% Standard Milling Rta... 200 fi Stadekaker . lt?0 127', Tenneeaec Copper .... 7,40" 23% 10 Texas Co. 000 194% 4 Third Ave. R. R.! l*_ 68%j Daioa Bag i Paper-J I'nion Bag i Paper pr.j fi I'nion Pacitic . 4 I'nion Paeific pr. 4 I'nited Cigar . 7 I'n. Cigar of Am. 8 I'nited Fruit.] V. S. C. I. P. & Fo. I'l C. S. Ind. Alcohol.' 15.400 107% 30O 37 ' 37'i 37 .37', 14,-(io 137% 137% 135% 136% 100 82% 82% Bt% 62% 200 55% 55% 400 '.'77? 96% 900 160 156 ioo 20 10 107 55% 1% - % 118 23% 186% 136% 82% 82% '. 97% 97% 156% 156 20 M 102% 106 - 1 U, S. Ind. Alcohol pr. . r. 8 Realty I Imp... U S. Rubber. g U. S. Rubber lst pr... 4 1'. S. Smelting . *i*-i V. S. Smelting pr. B r. s. Steal. 7 U. S. Steel pr. 40 I'tah Copper. Wabash . - iWabash pr A. Wabash pr B. fi Wells Fargo Fxpress.. 5 Western I'nion Tel... 3 Westinghouse Mfg.! 10.700 *,d\ - Woolworth . 100 166% Wheel 4 L. 1. 500 4% Wkool. i L. F lst pr.. 2041 144 Wheel. i L F. 2d pr... 60O B% S WUlysOverland .| B.900 fiO1^ 7 W.llys-Overland pr Wiaeonoin Central 100 1004 1004 1.1134 1004 4. *; 29 52 4 .12 10-.4 1"-'* 68 67% 50% 87 854 118 117'. 754 76% 13% 134 49% 26 4 26 4 127 127 98 \ 81 % Bfl% 54% 186% 135% 44 ?'4 144 144 5 4 B fiO\ 59% 100 105% 105% 105*4 107.\ 300 52 4 52 4 .12 52 200 88 1.100 524 ioo 106% 2,100 68 300 80% 98.800 86% 2,600 118 1,100 76% 400 134 2,600 .104 1,800 26 4 100 127 200 83% 60% r i , lii 106 100 29+1 - 1 l"-'. 67% - . . >, 1174 4 - ? - % 13% - 49% 26% - % 121 - 4 ? . 88% - 1 185% 4 % 1% - % 144 - 4 B 2 r.f 4 - >-. tt 55 86 156% 20% 105% 104 16 53 1084 Mr? ?, % BO % 86% 4 117% 4 78% 13% i \ 26% 125 118 75 4 1 '1 % BO 26% 12s 94 56% \ 136 4 44 6 12 16 fi fi04 60% lo.-.v l'"' 51% 52 MOI-rEY AND EXCHANGE. rVI.VRAi. RFSKR-af DI.irOfST RAT17 tor pai-a-r rnaiajr'.ni tr. 'am alaja or !*?*. 3 p-r 4tnt, up lo r. m?r-*y Ja-?. 4 p*r rtnt ckh MOfflR aewaet *i 5*4 p*? *?nt; hifhfat. l\. wwwm J. claalnf. 1. renewal. Ha T1MK MONTT ara* d.ill Rat*?. IH?S"4 P" rm* tor alitr. nln*ly >1aj* *>>A tour mnr>th*. 3"*?J4 for fir* rooi.lha aJ.J 4ifl44a, for ala moiilHa. crrARiva iioise __*___**,.-7*? 144?.TM.M1 ^alaI.r-.. 9*.__9**\ __** l*ul> Triaaurr wa* cirdlior to Uie amouul of |M0. "70 at-B TPU-AflfRT ?V*w T->ri banka ?alnM tmrr, Um B* TrettATj 1415.040. ar.4l falnral dnce 1'rtiaj 17 3"4 "r>1 ri r.K.HAl. RKSFRVi; P1S. ot NT RATFS H.SE WtlKRr" Tl???'???. f*? i?n 1a)4 3 p?r rml len >o ".in, 'l*?a "i ui> io nlnao .lar*. 4. Phlla-t-'ihra. ? . '?.. I p*< "i ' *Ji' l ataMt ''*>? 4 . ... lanal taa "aj- "'-, PW -">' UP ?" ?'?'*' Safi 4 aim to nlnaM) .lar*. ***t. Rlcl.n>aT..l up la r.ln-tji 6ut 4 l*' >?"?*?>? A'lania. up u> nlnwy 8*0*1 4 r?r c-jnt: Cnla-aao. 1>*. ! 4S ?">' J V*' <*<**. ??- I**4i*. y Pt* 4 T+r ?":? ^>lll up to mta lar. 4 p?r n-nt. ?l?ty le nln*t] Ut, 4', Kanaaa "'Hr 4'i: I'allaa. 4 per eaal s?n I- ran :. ?? Ua dajJ * p*r . . tl.lrij to ?ta*.? .laya. 4, ant lo nlirtr .iay,. 4S I.iiMKSTH' KMIUNCF San Franrla^ Pt axrbaDf* " I ? 11]. lOa- ? a?ltri! i Mcae* a-i rtui ,-' bank axaanena i . - ? nekaaaia SB, '?(?? ..* balai . ? ? ? -, . .? < *-. II? r > ?? 4 ? 4 -i r*tai ?'. Ml.flfll.Mfl, . t , e. I, -?-? ill; . ... a, ricbaiifra Iflfl Ja4 44-., 1 a a .a ? mi.\r.n mahkvt n>w Y..ra --a*t*a**?L B8*4a *?: '.? ??? a,- .' S . 1- ar-. M%d ?'. lnr-*a?? ot ! li M.aUin allatr 4lollar,. 4 ?. . . KOKH.-N 1 \i 11ASI r S'a- ' f *m enn Ka'a-a .?.. n?riii. 4.,.k?: . r .-.?!. aaait '. j K.-ar. i it*ad .' . uad *I**H ra ?-? ? a ? 4 ?? , ? , ? 4 J -' l ( al.> I WS tha "1 1< lv .ht.-ia 7 1*4, I . . i . . * 444, 1! . . . (. ., .-??!a- . a ? lU hllll 1. . '- llar ,.r:, . alltj ,:.,, ( . ,} i*?a, t CsV 4 CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Iiiduslrials Advance ln Early Trading, but End l.nwcr? Oils IrregMlar. After n briof peried of strength in ., terdajr'fl early curb trading consid ?rablfl preSSBrS was hroutfht to bear M a number of tho iiiduiitrials, though priei reeeflfllom generally at tho .-loso 1 v.,,.. |arf? Earlj advaaeee in most I jnataneei arere dae to short eaverinff, and then trading was laflaeaeed by tho i raneral a-eakaeaa apparent on the big board. One of thfl most nctive ISflBefl was \et-ia ExplOBiTCB, which dropped to 7, Lul lt rallied to rlose froctionolly : ;ibove thifl mark, with a net d.-elin- Ol 1% polnt i. Mldvalo Steel at Its best wns more thaa a paial above the are* rioBfl elofle, bat eloaed unchanred at g|U I aitcd Motors lost IS points ?nd Stromherf corhuretor. State aad White Motor.* each made fractional do Sundard OU el Indiana was rather deall m, and get up to Mf. but fall back to el. sl M7, s Bel eaifl or 17 poiate. Pan tnertean Petreleani , referred araa another fltroag spot, aa vancing 2 pointa, while Sinelair and Sapulpa < Hl improved fractionally. Ihe l oiden Issaei arere depreaaed. ******** itoeka arerfl lrre?Blar. ( osden ou sei Ifl ? a point. INDU8TRIALB*. i.i<.i, ii wi. tmm. I-**1 r *?!?<?? ? **Sr 7 ,-_, ???'?"?' ; ?, i Svi l Mfl ?ah. *a Papee.. 4 ' ? ! ? ? .,. ......,:. 4 4 4 ? j?. .'_n Nal (tea ''? |J4 * L ? '" '?? * i * *'? !?* J" Ji I M ?'? ? ? fiotoi -'1 M "J :l". Phono U4 ns IW Itraranl llot Ci . ? , n, . ?? ,-,?,,. ?% .* . ---. ? * r ? ,7 , ? I ?Hui p Moi Ol ?>-. *?'? J4 ?%i : ?!.,. Im Ore Sp. t% 1% - ? J? ? ? K ipo Mffl .' ' *, -, ?Kiiwr Vfte ??' ? ?Maa! n Munll 14 ' ? ' *" ' * 2, * v ? < M ? - ? ? ?'" * *_ '4 ? , _S Rlh a i! Ora ?4 -V .1* -I * ?8tromhera Of ?4 4*14 J; 4 V ? ? '** ' ? '* ' " q 5, 5 ?___' ''? 3<1 _.,_. _a_t | 44 434 4*4, tssvanec* * ? 4 * * , ?? nlted Motofi ?4 ?H r'^ ?*_ : Mfl l*n Pi ,r Bl if 11 tl '? ? ;. ? *i IL B H C. nt J? - ? ;,* ?" ' Ii'' ' 7 ? I ' * , \ 4 ? ta* Meul I [Jj ',, ,;.' . ?? ? . ,'i MH . - ? ?.- r Con Ce Hl * , . 4 i ?STANDARD oil. BUBSIDIAMBt IR ? ?' 1-4 . I'. - j-r* ; ' , ^ 10 Pralrle O * O.. - 3 47. Pralrte i- ?? ? ? g ^ Baa "11 of lr. i. - ;-, Btaa "il nr N .1 - *** m " QTHEB oil. STOCKS. MSeiAlb i- Udfpj r ? W ? : ? ? I?> ? ' ? ,* I.' r-'-'r II A (I M'. IJ ? ?- . ?? tt H tt l .? . !____'!.? .i ia i' ti '-? . ? - '' ,... Of N *< II ' 2 lr' ?iMl'.v.-t . 4C 4b IS 4, ? * ?? V* J* ta *? ? ?- - * '.i* k #0' B tl I ?Paa A,.. Pet. " ' '. ? ??" R * --_ i". . n '* **** i. *! ilr . 41 4. ?tTea M-t r-t H ? . | . i'_ j ?. ? ? i MINING. ].-'_. ?tAlaaka-Wael . S 4 ., ?. ? mta . -ll ? * ..... I? .7 - ? Slngham Mli ll I Uont. ? 11 (M B ?' ."-? Z ? t efl '?. I - *?' ? * ? _ . - '? 1,0*4 Cani . Copper i?. ite ? 4 ?*B i.en :-'? ?'? .,._. 7 ? ? - - ? "- ., n rop un . L _ on Si .-I'i-.i... :. A n " s .? *? j t - ? .- it sn-/ rv i'i 5 2 IS D s ? ' IA '?_? ''? .'." ( >??? ?tKrnma Cd pe* 4- M 4., m . i . Sat Cop.. 4'4 4't 4 4 . ? a 7, 77. * ..;..: HUI ....11 tt **? -'*. .?'??..- is *7 n l, o i'. ? ter U :S )S '?-? J" | 7M ||e ? M :i ?'?*' ;;? JA "tr ? ?, ?i . ? top... 1 1 ,- . ,. -; .- ,., D) 77 ? TJ ? I .. -. ? ,- V lap) . IU Hl IS i'i - .. 47 17 17 ' ": '?, .il HH ll 1* 1" l*i i -.. *;,_,. Ccfppfjr. i:o, ISt_ i.i*. V ? . . ? , 11 114 i-Dar 7" 7* 7" M ? ? ie ? rungi 4*, I1, 4H 4', ? o -tMontana O M. 10 S't "?'? "" - Mb -r 14 l\ 14 1*4 er Ixxli ? 31 *??' 3" 31 \I B L I'f 14 14 I'i *"* > |fl( , <i\o. r.iv |f|l M 47 4" 41 l H I S It R M ?4 U"i i:'? ! ?'?* I.-n.. ??' ... To tn A i" II ? 17. ? .rman II Jim 't 4 B. "? v . i. c: <: a a . .a i'i . Sl 31 Sl Sl ? ??... . . 4 4'_ 4 4', tenwn J/iw? ?? *4 :i ti ? ? . 'an Mln tt 74 .4 Mln. 77 .7 . ? 144 1414 144 144 ? ? | 4 d 9 ? I'i.-u .. 13 11 114 114 4 ? . 1.. i'i 1<H t.** ii\ h n ', . 7.4 ? ? ? ? ? . . '. "-. ? ? ...-*?_ , _*4 :i H ' ll'i , 14 34 34 ' 1 r, .... IWettl I ll 14 11 < ' * ?? ??. - - M 7 7'4 | ' t '.. 4 4' 4.' NS Toaearaa C0S '.fV li. i.? lA BONDS. I ? r I.IM m IM M ' ..... ?? ?? ? ? ' v 1 - 1 '* - I ? . : ? ? , ?l D BUd tSttk r-fnti p?f ihtrt. INACTIVE YESTERDAY INDUSTHIAIA BU Afk ? Am D ' 14 "IM Katora tt- \ T ord.. 11 11 I 11 . l.r ; f .:>, -3 "? ? -. T....n 4 i ?l.':n M"t"r. 4 4 . V.r.- ,,f .\,n 34^ riu I M ?l_ltl h Nt ? I M 47 ?ir-n ir? \t 11 u ?Staad v ? a ? 1' 4- *a, j,.H |...,, .-..t ,-s ona *t*_fIdweat pf ? ss -i.klahoma pf 4 K fleeB 14 '? ? Idawati ?Wl '?_. : 0*Q. _ 44 ? ?l l l_ . : - ? 1 a -t r?r il.trt, BHOST TKKM NOTES. K_im< aad "a*_l**_rll v., > . *. . ? , . 4 - ' ? ? , '. ai, r ,-.. i& a 4 likhii Rap T _s J , ? - ?? , 4 ? M ', ' '?* IM I'OO 1*4 CD I 7-. Nov, Ifl! I ? B | BA 4 '4 I ? ? , 1'lS 3 W ' N-w. I.i,_ N_ ? ?? ( ? *, e ss i ST N II A 11 I4i Mo. 1111 ?-, ?-, 4 a 4 - 1.. 1 *-?, ll '", 4 _. l.-rn V ' i ' ? . -7. IMW ItsJC 4 3) t nlti 1 I '? ill ? *? ?? ' ? ? , . . 1 \S'ln_ _ Ri v ? , j{ c_'?j ' ForeiKn (inurnmint I.iaue*. Argfr- ? \ 0t4 6 00 A . - ? ., ;_?__, 4 50 > ?'.:? ^ ? i : UT.. ] r?-. 4 :.'. ... ll % 5 10 ?-. 1004 4 7". ?'?'?. '? - , 4 I] <? ; ? * ? I '.-7 .73 ?wei 11. 1 *;.-, it.:... 1104 101 _,?: U. S. STEEL STRONG IN LONDONMARKET Slock Rcsponds to Quarterly Report Money in Better Supply. London, July 26. The feature of the stock market, which wr-, -|Uia-t again ... <Uv. was the fltrOBftB in I'nited StatOS Bteel, due tO the .juarterly state neat an.l the extra ilivi-lend. 'There was a gaa* tOtneitmT in theae imues, nn.l the common advanced two points over |>an?y. <)ther shares in the Amer? ican BSatiSfl were dull. Tho tOBS of the ueneral market wafl /-ood on tlm wnr ne**;, but tradin-f *?'1 lifht an.l consisted mostly of "n.paneae, Indian a-ul RaSSiafl stocks nnd shippinij ?barei st staadf priees. 'iilt ed*-.*'! **? earities eaaed an la the late tradinK on floiae on*oria**a ol tbe arar loan. M..r,*y flTflfl Ifl better supply and flifl* count ratea were fltead**. The Traasary fathsred sboat 630,000,000 hy short term issaea last arcek, including ?20, 000,000 in Treaaar** billa. The Bank of Enaiaad today boa-ffct ?782,000 in bar gold. MSBfl""- loaned at 44 per cent; difl eoaat ratee, short aml three months' bills, 8% at 5% per eeat Gold premiums at Lisbon, 56.00. Paris. July 86. Trading waa quiet on ihe Boarss to-dajr. Three per eeat rentea were 64 francs 80 eentiaaee. Fire aor cent, 90 francs 80 eentiflaoa. ExehangS on London, 28 francs 15 eentimes. ? ?? I.ONDON CLOBOfG PRICES. Loo loa N T. ?quiva Juiy 88. i<*i.' Jnly ?? CbBfa. Conaola money.... i!.^ ? ? ** British 4 - - - '? .108*4 IM"4 io?S - ** Ban .4. i Mo 18*4 ??', ****4 ? *" . ... i Han Pa. Ifl. :-? . '?*?''. 178 +? *** Chaaa fl Ohio. ... 88*4 8*? t.**** ..?.? . UH - Ja Ckle. M fl St IV 18*4 ;?, KU \ l '.-114-a r . :r? l i'a ?? J4 I . I. . 37^ RU . ? - . ? rr. .'.4 a 7.1 > U ? '. Illlnol* iVntral... 1'Im-j MM 188% ? "4 Louia .v S'aaS '""'-a ilfltt 1X1% -1 V. . Kin * T-x . 1*4 1% S Y Centi . I* % I *% ? 4 Norfolk .*. W Ml I82J4 128*4 ??? '? ' . ' r ? ,4. \'. ? ll 4 a ? }4 . ? - ?? v ,i,| , . *ttr% ITH '?' '4 + 4 r'i\ ' I . ; V4 G ?11 ern Ur ..... i'i"** '-3S - . ? '7 Be n ? ?-, 1 aelflo. i'i"* *->** 8TH I I'nion Pa. inc., ,, 141*4 13":? 117 ? -a U 8 Btflol. *fl% *1 ?*? -*? ?I7x divl<lrn4 8*,*a l'*i 1 , 0N THE C0NS0LIDATED. While there were some good initial gains at the opa-r.injr of business on the Consolidatcd Stock Exchange, the im provcmi'nts were BOt maintained and the market in the later trading de? clined, with some of the losses substan tial. Bteel'l failure to hold its early iniprovemfiit exerte.l ?ri adverse influ? ence upon ths market generally. BTOCK& Fal-a OfM . aUflh. ImW, laflflL 190 AI.U IT.alrn-r, .'.', tattt 11 "4 -IVi |Tt Ar: !!??<? MUfl ' . ' ' . ? ? . 1 tm 1 tn '?*? S '?''- 4 -4-. . ? lin t ar A ry :.?'?? MN Mla 10 Am 11 4 I. If i ?'? . ' ? Sljfl 470 Arn Ir* Bat . Mjj , - ? 'a :4m Am (.????. ? 1 ' ' ? Ha 11 . ? 4 - . ". ? ?- 8*8*4 ..1 Arn /.;:.. 34 4 *A IM ?.?74 A larflud* Copp-T ffl"4 I8J4 74 .4-4 Ix, . 71', 7: , ssa ?!? | ? . . M**j 140 im-'* A s'ip ?;>', 88*1 Mtf . 40 Can I'i. ifl' . 177 177 ITI 1 . - . ly-atli-r '.4 4 M 141 1 baa A- OWo nn\ 'I I - I ? . I lt 1 A I'a . . -'. J8J4 . ?.,- - IT"4 4714 47JA 41 > me coi 1 .? * 1 ir* 4. 48Vi u*? :1 .??oi Prod-tett . 14*a rr.i Bttel ? ' . 10 Cuba Sngar ' . ??> utai Bacarttl-a U 4'. 44^ JJJI 4 1 D1 ?"4 HJ4 :';*. J*** yfl aiooalrtch Co 74>, 7: ?? [l"?j rXJJ 10 (Jr <'anan-a I a !n ii,. m-t Mar . 'Jrt'a lo pf ? 8* ? ll M-k-; 44', 44', 44 UH }Sfl ln.plratir.ri COP *"' ' .? '. .* HJ 10 lilcrho Oaaa M a '''.a -.? .? !',? 47D Kronteott < op ??' a 4. Ill Lack tteei '"-, ?o \*r aebbat 4 <? #jj 141 Lahlfh va>r "? * ?? ? :;7* Hfl Mfl ? "J4 ?;? ,.* J4% 10 Mlaml i ' ? JS V1 V* .' ?? ?',?.? . IflsS IM? 1M IM N v n ii a ii M<4 JJH ;'.1, -' M l???? rlfanla ? ik> JJ1J R8 ,j I'r... r!t-?l C?l 4" ? 4? , 4 a gj : IM Saaed ne 5$ ! 5 aill Uaa 1.0 RT In.n A S 4v, ?*4 M"4 < a ? -,. . I i- -1'a:-. IflTH IMS 188% IJJJ , ? s Kr.'.-r "I 3** ,77 g? MINING. ?fsaagtt .u .a JJ *? , ,.,-. ,,,|,'l Cu. .;i}4 *' a ",:* S? *??*?< - 2 ai2 an! ...'J I ? * 81 ii ?M ' H * 1 4*0 Mll*a> ?"{? , y ,*2 , , -, SM Pe-tlaud 1 JJ 1 *'? 1,000 lt.ra-u* I**"la. |4 " g 33 ^r'^t^V^ .-' l**fk 400 i iiion Con... M_____ DIVIDENDS DECLARED. R*a-orl T*rm Itat* PavaM* (?tO. ...... Cl l-i*"** A'.f. IS Jul> -i -?jA'^uu -ft -r g .o 1';r' "',. * [% s*t.i 1 *\ua I* -': S 3;> AUJ 8 }?|rg ?" ??*"? . aui a Mm i STpi?A g :- ! ,, flept l A-u. 10 "ri-?-"vi',7 : ? ? ' } ****** ? ss?rgsfc| siv. k^.ia?. -rf.' Q.?5 Npt i **a.w ,_8>^-~-" RAILROAD ElU II'MENT BONDS. tQwnet ou a pt Mtaafl baala.) M,4- lat* turuv. 1' . m.i Aak Ati-ueoa-Mjium ? j ?;* ;;' ;-? S-- ' ' ' ', ! ?: * i u ,. ;w, ...1814- -1 ???.... 48S 4 M a-r i ? Bi I. .1* Ne* '? * ....*."* ?."? ira fl 1! ? laoa ? - ?'"? * ' l valloy. '?*-' ?* *-? ?? ' I i1'-' lllinois Central. \ * ? ' ' Ixwiavl 1< .v Naah.IMS-'li 6. lii 4 II Mo K*n.-is & Texaa IMS-'S" 7, . I.M 4 "fl Mlaax*url Paelfl ? ? a . ;. Y a anUI -1 41,-). 4 '"O 4.3S .Norfolk A: UVsfrii. 1*14-'M 4> i - ? t* v N ll * Hartfoi I IMS- ? 4.4 I, 4 i 4.48 l'*nn Qanaral rr*Hslu.lll*-'a 4.4*4,.. 4.88 113 ll U Hifl I M* a BO '? 1 "... 6 27. 4 77, ira Air Un* .. K.i>;.:h I . 1.70 44.) .-u'ltri^rn PmrllV..?u- ... 44, .4ft. fcoutheru lUllway . . ? .i i . , iti i.w -?-? "^DAIlYlMI'ORTS AND EXrORT9. Daily imports and exports of gen erai merchandise at the Port of New Vork were: lrrrr>"rt*. T'aport*. W-**aao-*-ar, Julv M. 17! 711.0-3 11*48.841 Ttteoda) laly *. 7> 041.741 I0.C-B.147 Julj :i ... c.470,.'*) 10.748,884 Baturdar, July :2. r-Tr-417 >.17M?S I'rl.lav. july :i. ta*8l.l*l IMlflM - lay. Julv 'J) I.T0I.S2S Weineatmr. '"ly IS... 4.3:. 4. 1.440 '."7 1 .-!? lay, July IS. .' MXtfll M ?. ... fOl| 17. 1888,8*1 7,7ji (fll Railroad Earnings. The followinp comparative railroad reporta for June have been made public: Wahaali I!?.;4.24 .ir.-a ? ?>.;...?.. bacraMI 1*71 - *OM 794, inmaaa '?*?., Ku"7*lo K<-i.rat^r A 1*111.ijurfh -Ci.-r?? 11 ??. 1*8, toefoaee li?...6i;, net tSxt ititt $:i:,*. crtaat fll-.543. IMPORTS OF RUBBER MAKE NEW RECORDS $150,000,000 Worth Recfived Here in Past Year. The demand for rubber in the Unit-d State. ls greater now than ever before, according to hgurea compiled by the foreign trado department of the RB tional I ity H?nk of Set/ York and mado public veitorday. The increase in this produet haa been enormous l( tho last six vears, the valuation and amount imported this year exeeedinc by far previous high records. Over $1,000,000,000 worth of rubber has been impo.ted to thin country since 1960 Half ?>( that amount has beer shippod here during the last six yeari, while the imports of the year just endod exceed $150,000,000 in value ind amount to 2*10,000,000 pounds ^ eoeding the niurk reached in lfl? *? 172 OOO/KIO pounds and 132.000.000 pounds in 1914. Prior to 1910, rubber irnports mto this country never reache-l as much hs 100,000,000 pounds m anv sinirle year. Kroorts of rubber manufacturers from the Knited States BfTrefBtedItn tho tiscal year just ended, S36.000. :0?. compared with $ir..000,00D a year ago. t? STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON STOCKS. MINING. Sales. Open. High- Low. Last l.r) __lga_____ . '4 . All ? ? . ? __U <v, . i i . ? _.?!_..> V. __4 . Ifl .._.?? ....'lo ... 4 ' _raa__ . . ? ...... , i i <ek... _*j Um Royale ... __ Kew-enea ? liw i.ak.ppee M l_a ? ? _u Maaoa Valley?? 45 Mfljfl I "-I ..??? h'l M.l, ,A , l. Naw Ari adian - . ... dl 4_ ? 14 H4 34 lr 12 ? _ _> Ifl Nfw Mi la .... ? U4 M ?J>4 14 14 n*. ll 4. _ M 114 14 14 12 MM o4 114 wm 14 M ll :2\ ..4 1*4 7 4 . T14 4 1!4 3** 34 13 '4 44 14 l* 61 14 _.' -4 li'? *.*4 47. 25 14 114 ?> . 14 io ?4 114 H4 ? 14 ?2 11 IM f- ? 14 74 5 mt 4 K*. :. 34 13 1.1 12*4 44 1S4 7^4 106 149 71 T-4 234 14 S04 131 ?4 7.44 n 14 1004 1004 7 4. IV. 12? 44 IM 7?4 106 14? .1 TS4 234 Mi .'.., M4 IM 1244 135 IM 1.(44 43 634 MK s 1004 10O4 *A 14 ? f - 1 li. - > 4. 26 14 114 3-i ? t U 10 ?4 1. ? :??? 14 ._ 11 IZ4 R4 74 E 714 4 124 3* 14 13 74 41 120 North Utttta ?? '.-'? IM North Lake ?? '4 ... ? i,,i 1 ton-lntow ? M j.. ? laceota .? *' f. Pood 1 r--k 1-4 10 Qntoey . - ? PB .... ? ?jr. flhaaaon. "4 ! nke ? 6 M M M ir>? l.nm "14 j-*> .-? n er a B -si :i 4 1. s-ifr'-r 1 ?>; t" i. ? w**? ii.nrsik . 3* 90 I'tah ApflS . IB || I lah 1 on . II 160 I'tah M-tals ... 7 20 M'atvertea . .. * RAILROADS 18 Bo?ton A AM... 143 15 iioston * I>??"*? 12*4 lor, Beetea _.- Malim 44 |<_bk lIlT... IM I Kltchttir*. pr ... 7*4 3 Nor Naw Harn.. 1?5 1 OM ColoBy . ... 149 I \v Bnd Bl ity- M MISCELLANEOUS 50 Amosk. ur . 724 Hl . liban ' -mont _84 ].*. Eaat Boe Laal , Mar._ Oaa ? ? 7 .lo ;r . H H 4: Mergenthalef M Nova Bc Bteel IM4 >-*^ n Naw Kng TolfP. 130 13-. M Nll ? Ba? ...... I -' a Ifl ._ Oa.i34*-_ 132 Toir.Pgtnn ... ? 43 659 I'nlt Shea Ma_h 54 ? d,> pr . 294 1.2.5 Ventura Oil .... 84 BONDS. 15,000 Swlft * Oa f? ? 1004 5,000 Western Tel _*> IN4 BOSTON OUBI CLOSING. BM A?k., BM. A?k. Sue 1 Iron <~a_ .... 34 4 Iron t'at) pr . f> Jer.-me Verde lr*. !_._ Baaa . !?? Malaatle .*3c Uaa Metale.. 30e Mojave Tung 4 Nal I_4 .. B. 14 Be New Balt. 14 34 Nev Douglaa. 1 N.w .-..rr.ell* 12 New V'tah IV 1 Nlxon . *>o < >hlo (7opp?r.. 10c ? 't.f'*o. Mc Hc 1 iimndaaa- 1 ul fiiot Butta... io 50. Hllla . Wc I?_ B weat Mlaral 1 IA Truro . 24 IH V.kon <Jold. 2 14 1? 121 44 li.4 7?4 105 149 64 714 23 . 14 10',, ? I ? 1214 II 152 IM 43 534 to I 1004 130 V. Alvara.lo Hav M Oaa H'' Bai - _(?> e.'llla. 14 Uaalaa Am _4 Boatoa 1 "rb ','*) Uoatoa Kiv.. 92o llot.1- 11 '?' Hatte __ U We Cal t'ort'lii... 14 CaJavaraa.... 4[_ ,'l.ainp i'up > Cblaf Caa... 14 ''on Artzona 14 <on 1 "opper. 24 . 'rown Bafl >'' I'avls-I'aly.. Ut rortei . _*'? HoiiKhton.... 14 Honia nll... 1 lt... 14 Iron ii."s*om 1*1 1 . 14 Hc .4. 10e 14 14 ..' 660 I > .1 l": 14 14 1 1*4 13C 15c 90.: 14 lle 14 3 14 Open. High. IM4 IM4 ?? , B4 4'. '734 124 694 274 IS4 754 4. a '74 10'-, 77,4 424 rilll.ADEU'HIA STOC ?alaa. ... .\m Oai . 4. Am K>s rr.. ? . .imi'rla Iron .... Elee Bti r h*1 ? ,? a Asphalt :?! la pr .'?'?** is Ina ?'.. No Am. :7', .0 ;-.*;<'? sup I'orp 24 I/-l.l?h Nav ... Val Tr \>r I.*) I'hila Klec . 2.4 l r-nn Salt MfK . 9. Ml I'hila K Tr t "? l'(4 H I'hila Trac .. 174 "y\ Trac 44 Ifl W Jf-rs.-v A S S 4*?, ii Warwick 1 a ?? Mi BONDS. H.BH Kl & reo Tr 4s 7_4 l.?X> I_ake B C mc 5* 3*4 1.000 \at.. x Coal U * . 1 on pnila Ca la tIM Stand ''-as '?? 1.0.0 I'nlt It>? Inv 4s 73 H W% 774 444 494 ?4 KS. Low IM4 H4 4 H 374 M% ...4 104 I&4 474 84 N 194 774 44 4^4 '??4 3iv, 1044 184 1M4 71 Sales CHICAGO STOCKS. Open. High. 4 Am Radiatar...3__ 3j5 Ij Am SUp-.ul.dln_* 44 44 Vr, .1o pr . 90 IOO Booth Flsherles. 3.4 4. .1o pr . ?>4 20 Chlc Kys ser t. 144 M do ser 4. 14 14 lllinois l.rlek... 11 10O lan'siiy Ught.. BM 17 Moat Ward pr " 50 Nal 1'art...11 .. 5 do pr . 710 St-wart Warn IM Swlft .t Oa.... - CaiBlda 14* l'..'.r-i H'^rd.. 12 do pr . . 172 . 123 . M34 1164 . IM ? 1*4 . 54 334 MM 144 14 11 2:4 1134 172 123 HS4 136 182 17.4 54 794 344 104 4 1*4 lu04 71 I.OW. 195 44 W 314 S04 144 14 11 224 1134 171 IM 102 1354 182 1*4 64 BONDS. 112.000 Chlc Ry_ 8s. f?7 974 l.nwi'hi.- "'Hv Ity 6*4 994 '''4 , ? -wlft A .*o 6s. IM4 1884 *.!f I..-- (bM in riVi 714 ; 2.0001 oui Bfllaaa h IM II 97 ;-..?-. 1004 714 102 Laat l.'"4 M4 45 63 14 694 B4 104 7 ?. 4-4 744 SS 184 7_4 44, 4'. 4 ????> 7'4 31 *. 1044 ..-4 10?4 73 Last 196 44 tr, W4 S04 144; 14 li 224 1134 171 ! 1*1 I 1024 j 136 1 112 | IMI 64 ?7 ?*4 1004 714 102 BALTIMORE STOCKS. Sales. Open. High. Low. Last 10 Aruniel S A 0 N M 3. 36 1) Urt.t Tn!** .. ? 1-". 1.1 l.'l 121 ? 1 C_CM l'.-w'r ... 114 1144 114 114 MCaatla TVuat. U14 IM4 1?."_ i?.i_ IM Dav t'hemloal. . 46 46 46 4*' , . letlty a DaB IM IM IM 133 HPIrat Nat Hank 147 147 147 147 : fl Ml n '. .v M Hk. 29 29 29 N UPa \.ni a Pwr. 764 7*;4 ,c\ 764 ?lt Bj-fl a Bt. Mfl 2?4 2<4 264 BONDS. $2 OO* Ton Coa! 6s ... HMJ 1034 1034 HM 3'fOO KUhorn forp ?* S4 964 9<4 '-'64 I.H8N Ball Trae 5n IMU IM4 W44 iof4 9..IO0 N ?'. M * C 5s ...4 604 W'-i ''4 6.000 V K B K llM 44 M4 614 O 61 2.000 do 4s . 824 ?24 S_4 124 riTTSBURGH STOCKS. Sales. Open. High. Low. Last ... An \v r,\ Ma<*h 57 57 77 7.7 2.91.0 t'oliun <las & Kl 204 214 IM 214 10 Har-Walker pr.. 102>, i^-i^ ion, IM4 7:. Ia. Hrewir.g .4 4 34 14 1" dr. pr . 2144 M4 204 2-4 K Ul Hfile- I * S . 524 524 M4 *>'-"> : ? |a pr .MB* l?4 IMI I . Iffn l.t _. Rt... 62 624 62 624 5.0 Nat nr?pr>*oltng 74 74 74 T', 4 da ar . *>''-* lfS 1*4 '.64 . , - .rl * 47.1, HV 4.-i_ fll >4 US Ohio niel Oil.. 16 1'4 II 16 1... i-.i- 1 t-i Olaae.. 120 120 120 |M P 1.1 MM 184 M4 ??o'. >ttia mi & oaa. 7'H 74 74 71^ 2.O11) Han Tov . 15o 15 ? IV* 15o lt ts <ila??. .. ? __ **"^ :_S 2SV? __>V, NEW YORK CITY BONDS. Matiirity. Hl 1 A4k. ?4',?. June. 1TXV.. 1074. 104V, ?t ,.. Mareh, WO-vj.. ISW 1 . ?|i_. May-NS*/., .*.. MTV_ 1074+ ?44*. >'?" ?' *'"* . 1024 103. ?44-1. Bapl.. 19M. 102V. 103. ?44v Mar?*h. 1??. !j3; \.\ ?4'.-. Mareh, IMI-'M . 10;4* JJL. *i?, Ma>-N"V . 1>.7-'5I..&,.' [SJ *? t4?. Nov . 19J6. QAy. 1(w ? ?SHa, No* . IM4-*M..... 9 '**.',* n***, m*v 1*4., . sa * ?4-. i9ks-m. ;??? ** "JJ ;3'-.-. ii'4.i 41. . 7,? M :i.>. isaa-'se. . JS* 1*9 ?ta, Bept . i:.i4......._._! loov' ???? -*>pt . I8M. KT ,V!_* ?i;*- *??? >? ? ,;... 5?5 ?'4*-. ... . t4',?. Juna, Illl-'IB....... . nf , ,,, '. ?.- I -. .:-.!- .'I....... "" \ m -. ! MVfc -Iii'". !'- S '" , ,'. J 3 4>_< UM. ? ertlflcates . iU;^ lu3_^ ^Sfg&Sflta.*1 "-^ ,c-tK>?* ? re?,4u',,1 EXPORT DEMAND BIG STEEL TRADE FACTOI Revlcws Talk of a Septeob-f Buyinf* Movement. The remarkable earnings report at the I'nited State* Steel < orporatioa. eoapled with heavy tonnage of unfilltl '.rdr-rs and the large pur-hatea ->??, ^ be mada In this country by for?l*-n n%, tions, aro indicative of a stronger ma-, ket for the rest of the year, accordiag to the iron trade reviews. Mak?n af steel are being called upon to r??-rr? large tonnages of crude material top shell making for delivery throagh tht first half of 1917. "The Iron Aga" Ur|( "Surpassing the highest Mtimattt, the Steel ('orporat:or,'< $sl.M0,t*)| earningfl in the past quarter, report-aj on Tuesday, following two r*markable statements of independent steel eota. panics, confirm what the marictt kaa lately shown of the flXCeptionfll p-**. tion of the prodjrers of iteel, AW with heavy tonnages of ur.flle*! ?r. ders and the largf purr'ra,*. Ear*ffl| yet to make in this country, they Miaa to a r-*.r',rrger market la thf r*Tttt\tttp of the year than was indicated mm or [Wfl n..?n*h s ago. "1 |ne week has brought a n*w *rt-? ?* rumors of large shr*,! order* Whflt ? confirmcd ia that over l,0CK),04X) -htl'tt" 8-inch and .'.2-inch fllxefl I v.e btn aetually plaeed for deliveri'** mnaiaf up to April 1. Itl7. Neajotiatieafl (ai 6-inch to lL'-ire'n flhellfl in . .ar.'.it***, repreaenting haa*** ateel tonnaajaa art still under way and steel Makeri look for thc placing of more orders soon. "To the stand of thfl iteel companios on contract enforcenv'r.*. ?n4 the iarge percntajT*'- of orders exutiog in the form of -p? .:!':<ations have bet* credited the recent caution of .'omeflUfl buyers as to far forward delWeriet, But the new developments in export demand are now the basis for predi*. tions of a September buying moTt* ment." "The Iron Trade Review" says: "Kxtraoraiinary earnings reported l? the Steel (.'orporation for the aecoai quarter are a clear demonstration af the attractive pncei r.ow being realria^ by the steel industry on current ti*. ments against bookings made nfvttil months ago. The higheat priced Mt tracts for fi'nished materials, ap**iu? generally, did not begin to run wl July 1, and frf-m the deferra-d s'aU-*. present delivenefl specif.cations agalta these commitments wrl! -.?>: reach ttt mills in quantity for several montii from date of ttliag -ri art slower to specify thfl ? . rr prict4 contracts, because flf I fl flXtentM-] tt liveriea, but the ladastr** lt flTled ap so fer ahead that a r?>laxa* ofl la any direction is we'.comed, ai I *, retent record breaking shipments prorr.iifl tfl be assured for many months." INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table giv** thfl <*'.oi'aj brd Bad asked prices for fltOCkl whici are listod but which were not dflfllt 18 tn the Stock Exchange Wednesday: SUPREME COURT, KINGS COC"*T*f***** Th* Peopie at Ui* Stat* of \?? Torl p'alntln". a? I'nited Kr" .? a Ua* Aaao.ratlon NO 2. alef. rnlant.--T? ?r,?aD**"? named d*f?*ndant. Vo a ar* hera-l.y aummonvd ti ant th* ...mpralnf ln thl* aa-llon. an.l to t*r** a of your anat?*r on the j aitlfl att n.*y within tw*nty daya afl*r tht ett* tiee. nt thia *umtnon*. *i<-lu?l4* . ? 'h* 4tf of a?rvlc?, an.l ln eaa* of >onr f* inr* ? app*ar. nr fljuwor. ludgm*nt v. . r i itttt against you by .Wau'.t for Ih* rt et 4* in?n.i?.l m tba* comn Daled. Brooklyn, N T Mar ?*h. 1814 BOBt'RT K \V< laSl'HfRT. PlalntlfT '* rr.r* anl I'ost oa?4 adalrtee, Ca| a * ar.y. N Y ALBERT A 11. '. D*pnty At'..rn*v ii?r,.-al for th- I'r**** cutlon of thia a.ilon. OfT, * an' P?J f'ffl.* Al Iresa 40 (.ourt .Sir**' Uroew l>n. N Y T> *h" at,o*l *-nam*'1 d*f*ndant The fr.ra-golna; iiiinnioni :* -*r\?.t it* you by publi.atlon pur*;ant ' a-i orfltf Of HON JAMES >' VAN SICLEN * ""5 .lo* of the S.i|ira-m* .'oirt of th* State ? N?w York. <1?'*d th* :'3r.t daj '? "?J** 1?1*. and fl>.l wrth ih* c.imp'alnt !n * olll.-e f tha ol ' '?<?*** at hia offlca ln th Hall of H-.-rd* !*?*_ '?nt. In tha II..rough of brooklyn. City ?" ?Ute .r Ham \ -k L)at*d. Jun* 27th. 1914 ROBVRT *-: ivii.ipprRT, Attorney iirn*ral, PlaintitT* Ariirnm Offlca and Poet om.-? AdJr***. *******[ tol. Albany, N V -!-?-2 _ ASSIGsfcES SALFS._. fllTPREMIC ""t'l KT, NEW TOKK CCA'**** ?In th* i:;*tt*r of th* *-*n*r*l ?"*?8T m?nt for th* b*n*fti of cr*.1it..ra ?' *ij? BERT MARKOWITZ Aaalgna.i ??-?':'>iV H BEROMANN, Aa-fllfn** N - ' "" bv [u.ii lhal I will aw-ll at puhll, f"'l*,*rt thr.uigh J II Va.-ri. anctlon?*r. *?" J"*. r*niainm-t a.--.*!* ..f th* abov* nan'1 A% algna.r. ronar.atlng of a -rr.a'l quantity" Men'a Shoaa. TO-PAT J171.T ITth **_\ at 10 JO A M. a* K ?. 4 f k *_*% Warehou-M, I and 4 rtrai fltreet, fMflflflS*" of Manhartar CltJ >7 SaW V.rk RIDNEY II HEROMANN, A.ttnte MAL'RICE n OU't'K "attontai tor tw ala-n< . Bi ida av N Y cur MEETINGS. m_ grARTEKLY MKKTl.VG nt ih* Aiawlaan -_*_ Th.irn.1ay. Aug Jd. U74 at 324 W*at _J** 1 it r. a. c. *. aciurrMA *****