Newspaper Page Text
Experience Counts in thf administration ol a will. lthastaught us t_W bttl SFBT tO handlccvf.v problem :hat mav COOrTOOl an <? .r.utor. That isone reason why wc can - irr a better an.l Pf vfrvk'. thftO BM) ivi..ual. J_fef| _'. ' /--. ^.M.OtX) Metropolitan Trust Compaay Van Tnr*i Jr.. Pre*i.!. nt 4. Wall St. 71*. Fifth .*.. rOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET ??Too Many Be_irs" Spoi! the Schcdulcd Party 0f the Bulls. N.ARKET "ACTS BADLY" ON THE STEEL NEWS >teel Common Oocs Up and Then Dow? Other Good News Fails to Affect Prices. Too mary hears.*' This laconic Bt* t.rtnce ran.e from a broker ?>f twenty rxpenence la WaU S'.reet. in *ply to thfl much npea'ed nquiry ...terdav ..< '?. why tht- mar:..t had liant ir.owinc <f the Steel Corroration in thi last quarter. rressrd further, ?BB said he couldn't tell why ???_ Bi Ii to plentiful, hut thoupht -rovth of -? extraordnary co:. -.-vail ?he aecurity asarkcti foi a year rut. The success of a few, he be .fTf.j, :....; c.r.verted many others to ? .... . . terday thc aetioB of -.rk.t Baejaeatioaahly caused ainy traders to take the short side who wou'.d have preferred to have liifrned tr.emselves on thc bull side. ? v arpued tha'. IhSTS B*l M fltl ' th(-' CU: B if Pl ?o go daWB. St.e.'s action was ?!>? disappointi: . dos- , consecutive days at !*6 the anet. ? *t c*' *."_. The adraaec of *-* was the re **.**. " '*0Ct iterly earninps ly, 44'.. n Steel of the triar k.t kalked. ..atur. of the whole market, the traders thoupht. was thf fact that , jr.ces . totf far. Some Past 1'erformancee. When Steel common failed to pet rday tho Street re? called to mind othi ? c part of the i-pecu nina In January, after Ihi re f tho common stock rast of the( Tr.irif ? Again in April the I r.irkt' ? ? weakr.ess, with Mflfll at tne leader. after pablicatiOfl flf the e\ quarter . ' "?rii. A.. :i all Steel's action in re I nths must have tt - . :.iors. Ynter atloa tha*. iflrlj fa'.l the eorporation woold tash reserves of cl..-.- to |2 ?tvttd scarcely a ripple. 'iv" for some time pa?t, that Wall '"'.reet's stock market, by its failure a respor.d to pr.nd -_<_-J rting I ifeei. rtaiaty among specu-1 Jtors and inrestors which :s nol dis-? I with peace ?alk and the pos- , of an early eeseation of hos ? Steel'* Opening. What excitement there wr* larket y<-sterdav came at thi- openinp and passed quiekly. For BaaM heavy sellingr of Steel ci-nmon *? ii. propr<*?s. It il al *n-f?t every hrokr-r around the ..d hil hands full of * "fiett. Bnt enoujrh htirinR, r.ime in .r'.s to atisorb a poii of - ferinffl, and then Steel 1 ? ? irned du!'. ' ' '**n Ihoaaaad sharr-s of Steel sold at "? ipei ..--.? . ?tar.i at <-" U'hnever **0. iistinction of I ? ? J',,4- th_Ht .7'.'. fr,T Steel. for it never went that ? r-Ti ? dariaa, th? da.. end, drepperl htcV ? ' r a time. lyiKfkinn Ahead. roa af "?.1 ? W* \r. ?? ? outlook ' lited I - '?**-* l I d 11 r - I Al 77:S*JfV. -**' lai f an ^uinj-oTf tendencj hi \ ? n .'?;. demand has s -P a hit, the best opinion in the ,r?*Je holds that earn -. f the cor? poration in the c hoald *'- .*ait e :-.-.: Ihi raeord set in the ?BM quarter The la?* quarter of the -**r. tfto, it j, thoaffht. flhoald ? y* **<*)-*,*r ? r'rT_P*r*0n!l arf Wl!,,ric to v<*nture a l ^lct|on. m t.inei *' ** .'mt wri.t tha flffeeta of peace ?'* ?'? -,,! ll is n ?ed fhtt t eeaaation of hos* JJ r;,m* st an- time bob Thi JJ t tBfl Br:* 1 government, ii grJUS *JWSVlBilS lot af*er Septem rtVi W ** ??SsSfttdl in the London .V "''. re?*f^* tha I Cln. '*n lt,t!f ?* eaai iertd sitBill Stael rricea. ?^ipita the talk of iha Beaiaaiaa of ***?. T '" *tfel '"";r'"' '" ? ?i-f-j vn n,u'i' iBtereel has at ntttt ."*e ?' "?- raiBaAaMe uL kt' of, th' ******** tk*" ^s tennis. ler * *? 'HT no Pronounced 2r_2 v*"*1 ??*" ??** **l*eVn.Zm yeria en* *W1 >1ro" tha' L,?.l y'Hr "r *** <>"<? fin**!* ' *ilL A _, L1 h^1""*--? lurpri ^ i?<H<Hg the extent o_ the BOND SALES <)X THE STOCK EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY, Jl 1 Y 2?*. 1916. I 'l iding in bonds on Ihe New Vork Sto. k lA.liani-e \\ '(ilnr-atjav iniountcd to I4.7IMM, agaii'si 7*".,',*?.*-:,000 Tueaday. $2,491.04)4) H arek r.g.? an.l r*".t.Hr..000 a >4>ai ago. From Jnnuarv 1 t?> date, $60 ti.001,000, aflainat $442..~01.O00 in Illl. ROYERNMEXT BONDS. ?<?<?" .'"4 *L?*&**** 1 lt T rfg r-* Anglo rmi.-h 74 i* ,4M a??, *, ,'i i, * on " S 67 000 MS . 5 0v0 . I *" . f N J 5a ... 1. r?.iip An|ln rr*ai.ll 74 | 4 k -. . a - . 9?4 1 .">0 1*4 4 . ' - - 4 ie oto | Mi 11 T rfg '.. 1* ,-tut r,\, . 5.04.0 . V*\ .4 041.1 !.4 4i ' l? I'.l A .. \ Kt ta !..?*?.r,| |*ll ? V* MU * a . la 7.a lri4.p int \,? \.*,|.* I ??! 4't" . . . H 44 | 4 1 *->4< ? l r i . r lat fli . lo*a r*ntral "-? ? h?? aV Ml.r, tal 5a 1 . I, ? I - A 41 ?. I 00.1 l\. 4 ? miv, 944 (1 Itfl.l MUNICIPAL ; t C 4'-,. ? i ? ? 194I5 , a 1P0 .r- 4V Rngllali . ttrap K. ? ?. . 81 18.881 .... ? Ia ' ' ? IKt . 9"4 \.t.-\. V ee\ "... 1951 \... N T . 4. _ Ifll r . flt L rf| ll ? '. . .rlt -A\>- ? I "? 4% lt.11 a -, v I Ml A R" . |fl| ' iv A 41?If .11. ? ? I ... ? . iv i-r*l 'OtCO a. .. ? A ? 1 . tl ? ? ir w I .... "."> .4 W I ' . . 4 I . ' . ? . . ?4V? fll 1 *-"'. Wl .''. ' 4 i ? . I ? 4 l \ 4.4 ? 8 . ?!', 1 M0 -. RAILWA1 \N|? MlSf KI LANEOl 18 ?..... J, M . M C .*T A -t 11 .V 1. f* . o dcb fl* 100 .100 . ? 4 ' ' 14 7 ? ' , -4 fe, ..-?4 ' tot (,-a. I,a A Afl ?:*' , ? . 14*4*1 *. j ? 4 ? 1 ooo 1' , 90 **J A N |*n 6a dn io.Ifl. 1 4? * ? a ' raii . a v v , ti . 4* .Ir. . ',4 ? rffl 4* M i-'-a ? 4 ooo . fll1* 1. o -fl . 41 Chteaifa I'nion R 4 4a W* - ??? .... 8.1 ' | . a . ? 0.-0 Balt A Ohio rfg '.. i ooo . loos tat a . .... ...1M4 .. MS 10?4 C*l*?rlan.1 B L 44a ? 1,4 2.00<T . 1004 : 4t 4* P4a4 VpoO .fll"* ?I v dr. rt( ?4a .. 9J4 . . . ? . ,v< crt Ra l.'*0 17"4 IS 000.904 <'*.ircr>-ian.l TW 5a . 100V, 1004 d,. p ! 7.4a I>1 A Hud rrt ."* .1054 . . M ? de r*a 4? I ?? 5t 4 000. 9?S IM Dtfl A R R eon 4t io.of. .... .. r?s ... 71*4 n*4T?4H flty fla* 5* 1*14, '"? l< ' '" '" K.o ; ...10S , l-l i Rf 4H ... S('\ . Dtguutit a (" .*t a i. 5* .. T4J4 .\ I.OOO . 4 ? I ? Pf-wrl-T 44a I ... 101 , ? ? ? r: 4a !'"*-. ir 4* . 864 ? ?? ... ?6?4 9 ** rr,, ' * "4a, P' ? | I ' a ' . . | -a . !'- ' I I ' ? ? , ? - ',,. ? | 14a M ttt 1 000 cr Tr etfi . ne. A? ,rt '?? rlfa of taa (ii tal) ?'?' 1.1 f ? ' . dr. 40 rrar 4a . . M it . tfl ..' ilfawlt ...fll Np? ... T. rn. 44 . . 70 rf| 4. \ 1 ? ? <!<-b ?* ?t n-o .u: . 444 - rl\ 0.1 n "1 \ II A II dct) 4a lt".* N I R?7I r-'f. 44 ,1 1'arlBc lrat 4t . ' 1 . do 1 rl 4? . 70 fla r'c 4a 49 1.000 . ? i\ . . ?? ll II nf " 1 41 . < uh . ti rs*i 0 Ml ?>* 904 S o?0 . 9* 9000 ? ' . 4 "4\ St 1*4 ? . > r- '-r *** ... ? 4 st*i V 8 Blaal - ron 4a 44? Nor- A '? I Coal A ro*- 4. \ | . ?? 4a 11 OOO r.r K- a Naa- 4, Or* R UM rff 4a ? Panr r-an 44a J.000 . f 5a ... .1054 Tlr-rli lan n, r. . .. ?"4 ?-. Wabaal M .'? ***** ????? HW 124 7 ' do P T-r Ut 4 t?4 d-peall full fall .. 74 ? - II ., na . *14 Cfl ... .... 71 \a$% rr ? >- 4a t*r I) Crn LralS 40 0,10 . S44 U)l% . 1 .84 4 .. S4V r*ll I'a.- i ' l. ..... f44 ea% (,**? v '?? .i*h 5* . . M4 2" '.C-i .104 < M4 f*>orri* ParltV tt .10" M*a Gt Ka''? romrr 5* 100a, I . IM . '*-*" . . t->S l.**M W14 1* ,-pf- 1^7*0 ll,--?'.., raltaf 444 ? ?4 J.,000 . 88*| ? I ? rral 4a IP".* 449 1 000 . 88*4 ? . : Bu*.] d*b 44* S4a I.004 .0*S M*4 4 a gtn tt HIK) . 944 ' . , Indiana Rt-*1 5a ? ? *:, r ooo .1014,2s Pnn reg 38 ?H ? ?4-rrd Iota-c-7**-* 44? ?-, pan rea- '61.100 ?4 5."OO .744 a'.O >J...- 4. H .. wtatat 1 " ?'? ,?., IM 92 4 Wt 4V?" I . tC**tln*!""i?? M7| ? M 1- \Vr?' Rhort 4a 1 ooo 114 dn raflMat**** 114. 1 OM ' TV. * ' ! ? 4. 1044 1.8M . 9'. 4 10n\ 904 * a 70 GOVERNMENT RONPS. Yerst Bid. AsV,.' 99 rfl Tuesday. Bid. Afk. 98-Vi ino 2? cou'i 1980 3s reg 1918.. . 3.; coup 1P1R. .100 I re-- IW6. . i oc- "-*> 1,0*h. 4s roup H?2.t.. .110 fa Pan rfg *3fi PR ioM ::::::::: 744 ?'a ran coup-ci. 100 mi ?Jh4 NH 100 100 109H 110 9R 98 100 100 N'O 101 rise. A Wall Street house has pre? pared an interestmg table of eompari son of steel price averages which fol? lows: A?.r.-*_r- ?11 Atws** all proriu-t. P-"od.u.r,,._. MfM 1811 .W? ? 1 . ?'??<> IH! . ? . ?*?? im ... ii ???? -'?'* ._* X* m . *U?? .- wi |?M.8-11 Ml . ***- ?" PtWtaoi tkati Tar Rc-rom*-. -ed Steel Car common, by the actton of the directors yesterday, pets back into the dividend column. after the lapse of about a year and a half. I'p to yesterday's $1 distribution the ?? dividend paid had been 75 cents in Hecemher, 1014. Whether eompany aill continue at the present rate. and thus put the com? mon stock on a $4 a year basis, has not been announced. Since ItM the dividead record has been hat irrepular. From 6 per cent the rate dropped to 4 per cent in 1001, which was continucd until arhen .r> par c**nt **'** distrib Agam in 1904 a cut was au thori-.rd, thifl time to 3 per cent, and n the period of 1905 to 1913 no divi dends at all were paid. In 1914 3 per vas distributed. Rosumption of mdfl yesterday came as a sur ; prise in thi* Street, as it had been re I earlier in the season that the haviaaj some iitlealty ln r.g its rctrular equipment busi 'iwiBC to the higher cost of ma ar.d wapes. For example, wafCfl for skilled workmen had ad? vanced from 10 te 15 per cent, due to the .ompetition of the munitions com I he company has been doing war haaineaB, berides takinp on |?f froM R ISSIS for 7.000 cars. Supply Va Dennand. .. amplioa of the Fressed Steel Car dividends yesterday aroused in ! terest in speculative orcles refrardinp 1 the position of toiBfl of the other rail _.iv eqaipmenl coneerns. If reports ' are to be credited, there is heavy business ahead tor these companies It has been e.-timated by conservative men in the rar manufarturinp field . 10,000 eara aaa M_ry to provide American rail with equipment to handle a pood fall and winter business. Moreover, it is pointed out that at least 200,000 cars are needed to r'plaro units that _* ?>n the scrap heap or have been otherwise disposed of. With fipures in mind. it will be in n see how the situation ? vhen it |a rememberod that the annual capacity of the car build ers in this country has heen recently _?( -nated at r.o more than 260,000 cars. ? ? a $30,000,000 FOR CHTLI Chandler ft Ca. Inc. to Negotiate Big Loaa at 6 Per (ent. I Ri : artfl that Chandler & Co., Inc, of Kl n York r.n.i PhiladelBhia, were nego tiating to loan the Chiiian governmetO '? ? red verificatin at the N'ew York oflice of the firm yesterday ' Br] ' thfl '.onr. arill he consum mated was not stated but action is id shortly. The loan, it is said. w:ll be on a I per cent basis ar.d will be used for railroad construct on in Chili. U. S Treasury Finances. ir'r- .! ,1 :? T* - i : - - ? . _ ? i -r-tfi-i ?* Um . B_a tt !>?.' i . ? - ? |< - ? ' . 17- T_0 i>4* t/vsl _r_ ir. * ? i* : .* txvvfi ? J - r.- 4 ? " ?.' -.?' fl.lullrl __ l'iji t .t I t ml put-il. de__ trsii-i N. Y.S GOOD ROADS SHARE IS $250,720 Texas Gets Largest Appropria* tion, Houston Announces. Washington, July 26.--Apportion ' ment among the state-3 of the flrst year's appropriation of $5,000,000 car- j : ried by the new good roads act was announced to-day by the Department I of Agriculture, which has certified the ! fipures to the Treasury Department and state officiais. To be entitled to its share, each state must provide an amount sajaal to that put up by the Federal govern ' ment. Texa-- pets the largest share 1 $291,927; Xew York, second, $2(0,720; PtBBsylvBBia, third, $230,044, and 11 , linois, fourth, $2_0,926. makinp the division, Secre- | tary Houston deducted 3 per cent, or ! 1 $150,000, set aside hy the act tpt ad mimstration. Then the J. .*? was i.ilotted to the states on the basis of one third, res^ictivcly, in the ratie of area, population ar.d rural dehv , ery and star mail routes. Sulphur Fumes Kill Worker. Jeremiah I.alait e, forty-two years old, a famitBtor, of 5 Summer Street, Fort Wadsworth, Sta' I ?!, BBI overrome yi-sterday by sulphur fumes while working in the hold of the Span i ish liner Isla de Panay, at Pier S, F.ast River. He fell into the lower hold. ; He was brought out di BUSINESS TR0UBLES Binkrupto. ' pfmnBANi 1 t 11 i?f .'ts MAITOBL S tVt I-l.V .'"..?' * ?_? PuhurMi Sal \* ? Mstsrli .-? 1 s .p. . i". r>* ..m. h.. ? mt nrditon '? J Ktastk Hulp PlMte* (V. .7-7*. |_i?rk l\_..'.?-r _________ i 1 ..... ind K-*t-l .wi. Hn-k c' Nr? 1 ?? 1 ot._.l?, H.flM Ii ?*_,_ _!,f_?d ifcal lha eoopan] oa lat) II ir.vt- ta __.>t*. ? ? ? 11 T?v UtM.IUes ur |7 ? _. _i,l ?_??<_ U ttf* '. 'r. (.' UM '?". pf'. **:*? ll-d-HSd ') I . Brot acalnst -rtwa ? P-lW DAVID BXRN8TEI> 1 ??*?!?. 757 7iti ?t . bai maa* ? _. ~ '- to t'h_? 11. GrlrBtha A r-'it'o" t- in- krup4<-i ?u titr tiini ' __?li._t bin, ^* Ib-M redl'ofi iui Zandl A 1 ,. |211 Al'r. 1 t 44,..: |M ...1 .. }' -4 IJSI' IH**, U*. $. '.'Ml u | ? li. ir.-_r.L_ _*__ . ? ) IfartM 1 ..??--. _4ii-. : whom s __? -._ \> W '.. -I * ? K1TA fll'SBMA-N ?...." fllf-l aflataal Kirs p?_i.m-_n 113 *-'.i*7 . .. II . I ? ? , ita, l""0. 8._u l_-t>-iifel_l. 1:01 ir._ aa \ ??- ' hknkv I' iim.v ??.- fanasitj of \_-|, - Tr- flM r..-?l a MtltlOl ?!'' ,.? } 0M and s-VM-* J* i I ln IMl ??___? ?l >i_?_.*111?. n.or'?_l_<1 f'.r 11 * J Bsskruptcy _<hfid_lf_. MrTRor'M.lTAN si.IJ.T AM' DBBBS CO k. .. Um tr.i'... ?? llw M-lropolltan .*? r* ... Pa IH Wai I <i _? i-__-?tai llsii.iil" 4 . : ?.^w.. Ill 111, ..-i_._.-t*f W itor*. J ' * ' '""'** |M_ '?-.-?...?* Slei l 0 I?:. ??si?n-J. aad eaal 1 Bankr_pt<-, Dlitrnr-j*-.. Jn^|? M_.vrr ln ?'? I ? ?? : _____? fouri m'rt'lv iranted IBetuiflM ' ? ,... .<_--*. Uas-i Bj ? ? I ? , . ?> ? ?'..-??' ? '' 7ih ii . 11?- | Mllit-s '17 ."(. ??' "W lu _,!.._ > u . plan.. ,m tl 4rl" 11 I" K ' . . Brosd-ti ii_ ?- :? * - _ ?-*ods. S8I 411. a- . ?, , Msi B'Bnlraab, Inflaocav 147. BOTIlMn t?j_ ?i.i -C'.'.krts Co-*?s?ltl?ni Canflrmsd. i.AVin Ul ? *.is>?'r *m* ***k*ma4 ? 'rl't- te, ' > ?**'..',. Ml I! ?l te * ai hm'-.t - ? ? m- -|f* ll v h.-> *? ? " "l * * ? ______ oq i__? dofiar PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat F.ases Off After an Early Advance?Corn Irregular. GENERAL MARKET REPORT. r'tlfl. WBI I I T*M 44 tirM mnrl rt .. ,. . ,.f :,l, Hlti* rtaaiagfl tr..rn tbl 44 "4 14 anothi, (1.K..I ol mal dam***"** ? tha priaa trhaat belt "aflei tm ? aU.iit le, Iwwever. tl.* markti iiiraiu en . i ? Mflfl'.i??: ;,lo? na 44*11 ? I I Um i o and Crop Hulletin i ? detnapai hv i i-t. Of'i ?? ? ' liu.l. 11.81; 1 1 I o b, ? i OB***. . 't .-au-nl I . tate ef I while July and Beptcmbei wktt. In th* ? r;...,te.i al .2\r. r | !, NflW V'.rV. A 1 . fear July ?? Augir-t ahipment. OATS. 1*b< eeflfl taatki I amh mo.ierateiv aetive, end after thowine tomfl Rnataaat anrl? . i off i I l ? ? ' of "4 -v w*r* r tin.ated at atx-.ut 100.OOO l.a.lia-: loral oaah market waa. ".teridy ; iU r V ..r.lii.a-y ( Bl K. M.ark*t Irtnj Ko I MTeatera, n-*--. Ji.04. i i f. Hen 1 I IIII 160 I'KK IS. Ti lei Wheat: 0*4*1). Blfh. Low, <'!,.-*. day. July. l.lflU I '?? Ti 1.18 S?,,t. I.ti . ..1.14 : ? | 1 . i 1.88 Corai Julv ..... J ?Jepl. , Oaa .. .' , ? - , J7"*i .fll ? - (lat*: ... AlXk .4i\ .41*<j .41*4 Snpt. .41 ?-, .41% Dec.t*% .fi... .42\ ,4t**j .****) KI 01 R \NM Ml Al . Th* flour market continued .1 ul, ** I era and aeller* BYB FLOL'R fair to good, S6.1 *? *?'.: 0 . 15.50 CORNMEAL l.l Ja io. BAU ME \L? an.l reBow, 81.1*7.: oarac, 11..- FEED City, tirm . bran, butk, ; < . . . : - r BeW middlin-ra, <\... '?:? ? r, ,| .1 t Bour, 140-lb ? ? w< tei atandard middlinga, 'I". IH : Ri ir middlinm, do, $28 . ? . I'KH\ ISUlNS. Thc pr.'. i?; r - ? ..? II 1 " ? '?. with .i BuCtlMlioni ir> ni'.nt ..f the day under taatttrmi te line, while pork raa 111a al fr^nr nn a-arly ila-clinr ..r. ? inir. On the aaln.le j.nca- ihariKes were cm j ai Rt is rlv narr.1%.' tbfl ri.ark.-t ?i . '... fM III a waitn. hnc.-, at Cbleaco arerfl Zl Bflfl, flatimeted for I. 19,880 : kianaru Cit ed 8 500 ? familv. $28 i $28.50 ; ahort clear . . I . 4 . ' ity $19.50'ii$20.50; packet, 81*.&0 ; extra , |804f$."l. DBESSED Hl ? 144c. 140 lb*. HV: piltv UTfljC CUT MEATS PIc I." '-. io II . 12 II... Ifle, 14 !!.,. l'.'-.c I*irkla*d ham-t ... TALLOW Weal elal, ?- ?? ?? I. a Itl ? citv lard ea.v ? I ? ?' >'? Continettt, 14.00c; r;'?,uth America. Uran1 e-rxt, 16.80c; compound bearelj livin.c BTEAR1NE Eaaier; oleo, loc; city lard ftearu..'. 14*4 LHUAI.O I'RI'VI.SIONS. I.ard : Open. Hii-h. I. I ' fl. daj Septetl l,rr. . . - -.12.77 12.77 12.70 11.71 UM J?U ..'..UM ll I ? 11 41 1 '? ,,,.?, ber. UM ll ??? UM 11.41 ItM j,J'v'"k' . ..- - B4-ptenaber...'MJ1 IflJM 2i.d0 UM UM oorrn. The coffee market **aa inan rfl fll . ina eonditi-mi wen ? ? ot a rather bttllath char;. U wm ni.ii ? narrow a " ? ? ? worked up ? ?I,.tal talea irere ' an.l freifht afltll frOtB I paraU. quoted at 1" ondon . r-jditt. 1ne fl Rio 75 r. ruturet \.rrr un<hariKe.| to WT- Tbfl '"'. ?*?> markatl wat rn. derata i newi attracted 1.4 eomparati 1 I v t| Ba-afM "f 1 ' Open. Iii ah. I-t*-**. Cl 11 ' ' ?' Janwr... I";; t.po 1.00 aao ..; : June. S1GAR KITVIIF.S. Aftee .- ? ?. 'rw';r with ' "'/ tuear ' ' Artlv" .... tbe low point ,.v and tbfl Uflfl tom Reaae of rncea: open. Rla-a. Lam ri ' * "" " .I'.lv ... VI IV* b ' . ""???? 4 . ' a ,4 4 4 4 44 4 4.48 4.45 *?? *4* * 4 4.52 4.41 4 1 ( ,,-44 June. ? ? ( .iTTttNSKEI) "11 . Ma*. 1,44V ie.-..-'. ' ? ? ? ? Auniat brina '?> . '.. rtlndini ' Uk;" <r.l., u-inir ... iaritiou?. Kang.of price.: y^r Open.Hirh Un ? ' : Ml TKl.B. ' ' ..... On Um Htm I tk M?t?i r.nl_Baai Ma *??? mn. t, ?...,?' i ? i '.'.?, ... ft 'r,\ .1 I . . ? ... Yort pat, I Hfla and I . . ?. Th_ A- ? Smelting A Beflnlna Ca, aaolai i.*ad st ?1 .0. l.r- (fl ? foH 'I'I' * "? '"?'! ?t '. ' i -i , i. ? ... aaa laad alaaad at ij- tor ?i-"t at"l a. IM '?? fn- latiiraa. Bpattar, .t. US, aitd f.itur.-.. fl. Tin in ..... r| {tt -.I".' "Hil at lor future,, -vitl. uala* of IOO ton. fulure. Capaa* r lined at riOO tnr ?tan<l.-ird ?pat, IM f'.r future* snd at Itll for alaitre Ivti,- ,p,,t, wiiti m|h ..f _'. L.n. <i>ot re - ' COUNTBY PBODUCI MABKRI. Ham fork, July lt, 1916. nrrm? Bi . ; '.. n,..4i tka*. Craanery, ? - . unsaited, f I 11 ? . Ti r. r itatt da ,. tubs, ? tnovatad, et Iras, "'']- . lower raamery, . irr-nt make, fir-iU, ... r ,:r..?!?? "?'; :'?!' ? ? , 7 i ' .c. ( hi;ksk. Itwcipts. .'.. State. a-fcelfl milk. , . . ? ' ? ? y. I''. . . - fancy, '" - m conain, . . double . ;. ..-. iin i i ?......., ;'...,? . urretit " c; rhoice, . I'.l.l.A. gatfeend, K r-- . ' - ? ? ? .?:.... Pann ? ? ai .1 So i'i.. ? . . ; whites, - ' . ? | aon '? -I i ? . . r ^ ?. ..i .;.:..-.! <-.. ? ra. . .itute und Mafi ... In.han ' Runner, II '. | AND SIKAW. 'I*h? market shows no material Impro" aveat ..ii tl-.r a.erage run of arrivals. Low . wpecially la Miihll bal***. are i*'.lini_ , at relativelv .-.!.? ill i.lerabla dtf ? *;._.-. of higher qualitiaa n' .litterent pointa around the harbor. Tha ,.ir?f bale.l timothy are ? r al Um 7.j'l BL tarminal. MAY, . ki r. i. l_ti . No l, ? :. ...'?' U* ? "'? I ,,'.},:. , lower grade I RAW, ryr. Nr, 1, :....:. !,.,,.?, abeel aaaei larae.) mn min s. aiti.i S, aaw, ke baaket TSeSj windfalls, 27.'./."...,?; S??-t nnd S"ur ll.AKS. nearby, baaket, .:... i ? _at, $1: Oa, I, tJ.ili . Ha. l.r Conta. 12 ._ 54 ; . '.'. (fer bbl, t ..ill; PEACHES, '.!.!? . ? ,..?, rarrier, 1- Zb'fXt'l. >0 ; M.l, ca ? . Jer ai ? . ? ? <? ba. ?' II ; 'ls. . Ark, ? arrii :. _.n, buahal ? .'. ? i llr.K.. .Oc; CUKRAN fS, i . BLAI .. HERR1ES, Jf ? ? |t, . . -;.-r, ll'rt RASrBERRIES, * I * York, rr, rad c; Jeraey, re-l. blackcai HITCKLEBERRIES, I. nn and Jeraey, mountain, .jt. llfilSc; ,,th<-r i Del an.l Md, . GOOSEBERRIES, large, greet., qt, - .i.. green, 4'';''..-. AVOCADA fl.Aii. ORANGES, GRAPETR1 IT, Cal, boa, . ; Cuban. ttt2.1t ; I.KM i al, box, 14 '. .7*''. 10 ; I.1MK.*-.. D .miniean, lil, }?'... Mi 3K Md, aUndard .-rate. $1.7.0 , rau . ' " . I ; U, small , rate, indard erate, ... ; flat . rate. IS _ \ ?_. lard rraie, i".i.;:.',i.H ; pony |l . flat eaaa, 11 M ?? 11.11; pmk meata, flat caa?, ll'.i .;...?> : ( al, Jumbo .rat*. . | .' i ll . pony erate, .. Ark, itandard <-rat<*. |2(__$2.50; flat .-rate. 75.j86c : Mi;i. oN*t. Honey D**w, Ca), rrate ..f H to Vi. $4; WATERMELON8, Ga and l"!a. 100, $1.**'./ iv. ... ad. MO >: riNKAl'i'I.K.-i. Spaniah, l*ox. 11.30 | ,. ? .. ?. , Kia, Baaoeta POTATOU AND IWRAIUB. w h:-- rmer. Hean* addata , y,??\ enough t" em imaad top q? ' . caull ?r. EcaplaaU iliabtly hiulier. Fancy lattaee urarre. Union market SlBMI cn fai. ,,n'' averaee lower. ^liBhtly weaker. I'ancy ratbei <-a--.-> . avcraca raaaipta mu* ... POTATOES, Inna [.land. bbl, I i $2.*>0. Jeraey, No 1, $2?_ Md, No I, 12 tll -?'?; Kastern Bhore, S I li v ?? ?'* . .:-, $i.7.o...; ?. leconda, | ithern. SO'. JWEET POTATOES, .Southern, new bbl, t?,.'i)'.i }?'>; white \am<, Southern, new, I bbl, S...70 ?/ $4 _77. ; red yiirn, %*2S><&**..'>; v '? Ita -...!.-. Jem '? "?'>'" 1' -,u ? BEAN ' lHs<> ?.? and l^inK Island, 11.28 IM _i..l Md, wax. baaket, $1 .."lll.Tf.; Fava. .-. .0.-.; fi r. ? BEETS, ' iKi.rhv. ion bunrhc ' ? baaket, 11: .... .1.7.0'..12 . ..'{1.7.0; -. . ' {I , ? | ?? o. large box, . imall box, 75e ??? ll ; IM an-l Md, 'Or-'-,'? :. 11J7-.1... v - kklaa, .leriey, .... .. .'- 180, |1 'I ra.111.68; ? ! ERY, iUU an.i nearby, - ,. 70 ; CORN, ioo ears, ! '?' I. 100 esrs, ... I*; 111 I OWERS. nearrry. 0 .';?-. bbl. 12'.i M.50; craU. EGGPLANTS, Va. fiO nt .-rat*. Jersey, ba !; . .;. i '0 : OARI.I ' HOUSE ItADISH, Wastern, 100 Ib, .'?_''. LIMA BEAN ; I i i ' . 1 !. KS. nearby. ? ,0; Ml HKOOMS. 4-lb ?? ONION5 '.''. rad, .nt. yatlOW, basket. ? 684114: Jancy, ?h;t?. . |1 I0*3H Tl ; rod. et, I'.'/ll 12. | . -0 !h bag, 10; i)Kl(\, Jer?ey, renrh ba?ke?, larga ha-k.t. I_ I; Saathera, US, We-'ern N Y. I'K.P 0 ? ? I f ! . ea, llt.lI.S0; rnehaa, ?"'/12 . RO - .1 ' IONS, ll.gSl.50; SQUASH. ? 111.25; white, bn. ? ek, imr, 50 !""??; TL'R bbl, 11 [ 11.15; white. r IMATOES, upper Jer-ey. iti Jaraay, Ai-n?. baa, hnx, '? (.di[ii , ..? baaket 10*3 Ut Da. ?nd |1 Balt, _ basket WATERCRESS, ioo ? . i -? I.IVKSTOt K MARKET. Uem V.nk, Jjly tt, 131*. mrn I rr*t*?. I.TSS h<*ad ; II <*ars nn sal?. in | 45 cars >'f steers. The market . ith W'e.tem adrteaa iho-a ? ,-. ? ,:..! tirm pri' ?-*? 'l kt r wekei JP '-at#r and f.v*d laaed -_r_a ta a I ? ? ? "*? " * l,.i(. nedptj were also .me iteers sold at ? - fat o.en and ?_ai.s. bulla, 17.1 eowa, l rar of Ohio eowa an.l heifer*. ..1 b?.e? _lo* hut eity draaaad nativ. r plataa and ch_Cf_> . .4 -. - hll-dB ar.d riba. CALVES. R?., | ad . 1.SM head on sale. ? -.n.i a*. full iteady e.l milk telrt unehanged: the i.ens were cleare.i pro-ii tl) < *-*>n-on la ] Ll . <. ? ?? i ? ??? ',v ? dreaaed vi-als and li "try dreased. sanr am lamml | ae. The an.i with a fairly tfod .ie* a.i ar, ve.1 m Maaoa l*W , .. mm ta pr.-re ... J l '/ I PraaaM BBttofl firm. at U . ?*.f w?th*T-i ??lltnir up to ISlfce; Hr* .ed lamh* *? I58T18C; h"t draaaed "t : IIDI.S. I(?'?irt?. 3.JOO head . 7 car* on .*le Bai ' ?or luirier ffli auflHoiii ???i hee*--* welflhta. ? Ith ?nl*. *? |I0 40-Vf fltOAO per 108 .'. ro.jgrn -.o|.| al 4- . '.J i'i. COTTON DECLINES ON CROP REPORT Expected Sensational Neus of Damaj*e Fails to Ma (crtalixta The weeklv ir ivernmer.t weather and erop bulletin. which had heen c/ur.'.ed on to fully aubntaiitiatc l.ull claim.4 of exter.sivtj damage in the hustern belt, i failed to contain any aensational fea? tures and led to confliderable sellinf, under which pricet bj tli.) early after? noon *..!d o'.r aboal ? do/en points from | th* morning hitfh levela. Tl.<* report iaid that the frrquent an l | continued raini had bflen genatally uji favorablt for cotton over much <>t th* d.itnct frurn tho lower liiaai lippl eaaiward to Soutn (.'.irulma, eapeelally in lowlanda, whila thei . . Otnplalnt of -he<ld;n? in parts of So Ith i Caroliaa, (leorjjia, Western Florida, : Alubaina and Mlflfllflflippi and rust MSfl I reported in Ifiaaiaaippi. Piefdfl were in much of tha CeBtral | aad Eflfltera ln North Caroliaa. erhera ari**a*rfl r** i ports a'c.j extenairfl injury, ild! tb inf. in Texaa rain rs badly needed ex tern third ? n || .iuiiig we.: and eonplaiata of i-oll areevil are .? n d .m. iroaa. It araa contended that as the report ' d nothinp new from what has been in cm-ulation here far a week Of more, aad araa nneh nilder in tone Ihaa many of thc private reports, it Juitifted no further Mipr.nrt of the n.nrk.'t. After IfllllBf off tfl 1341, how? ever, October raihed a few pointfl ai;<l the maine1. la thfl eurly aUeruuun WAB rather quiet. The aosence of any Southern I pressure partly made up for the iact that the South has not backed up .is daaUagfl reporta with buyinir orders, b'a*. j throUfhOUt the day the market Ucri.'J ! support from outaide flourcea and in tha late afternoon .-uatained the mo. ". . violent Mtback of the day, tha cloue ; being barily steady at 7 to 0 polatfl oet dflflliafl. Sentiment .-reeiiied te tal i tne position that Uie market having failed to r-.'t thc flxpfletfld help fro? t ..- -reekl** crop report would re 1 the ftrat r-ri-n ef cleur.n* weather in the Eaat, especially if th: rains, arhich, according to late privat.* fldrieea, have appeared at a number >i points 111 Texas ."hould be followed B*f tation over tha'. Southern spot market.-.. aa flfleiall" reported, were 12 palatfl higher to 10 lower, bat **enei*eliy nnehanfed. F.x portfl to day were 11.774 bales, making ;..y:i.'l,iy9 for the geason against t*,.i2*'>, I2fl laat jrear, Range of prices: Yeat. Open. High. I.ow. Cloae. day. Am-. 13.00 l.t.OJ 12.-.2 12.96? 12.87 l""l Beat_ 11.11 18.18 18.14 13.0Sfl 13.05 13.13 Oet_ 18.1 - . 88 IS.M 13.1 ei N?v_ - 13.16 bid 13.25 Ii,,- _ 13.36 11.19 13 27 18.27? 18.21 13.35 Jan. 13.42 18.41 18.82 13.12018.81 18.41 Keb _ -- I " ' 42 13.49 '. March... 13.64 13.4'J 18.48 l3.4S?*bll.49 18.58 \,,nl . II ''* md 11.81 May. 13.66 13.72 13.6.J 13 61ft 13.63 13.69 June_ ? ? 13.64 bid 13.. 2 | Th* loeal market for apot cotton was ijniet. with priee* 5 pointa lower, at 13.15c for Dliddlini upland r aalea nil. Houthern ipot marketa were telegraphed aa r'..i.nv4?: ".'ew Orleai.a .juiet and uncl.aiU'.1. lat 18.18c; aale* 880 bales. Mohi'.e nominal 'ar.d .in.-hariK-Hd, Bt 13e; aalea nil. Norfolk afrvly and unchantred. at 1*3.'. 3.- ; snle* 45 baiea. Haltimore nominal and unchanged, at 13c ; I *ales nil. Aiik'utta ?teady and unchanced. at 12 ni.* : Halea 1.443 bai.*. Bt Letlifl .sta.'.aaiy. I 'tc hitfher. at 17'.'?c; aalet nil. I.ittle R,?-r | quiet. 12 pointa higher. at 13.12c; aalea nil ? n quiet and unchania-ed. at 18.78e* ? aie* 60 bales. Javannah ateaaly and un I chanR*d, at 13e ; tales t* bau-a. I'harleaton *teady and unchanged. at I2***e; ?-aie* OU. Wi'mington ?*ea4ly and unchanged, at !7\.'i ,,i!-t nil. Memphia sU-ad/ and unchanrred. i.?. 13.25c; aaiea 400 bale*. Hooflt**** ?t.-rily, 10 pointa lower. at 13.56- ; ?ale* 1,160 bales. Receipta at th* porta and inurior pointa. ] with comparisona, follow : Laat I.aat Pwooat To-day. week. year. fJalvetton. C'JO 2,263 2,472 69.934 New Orleans... 1,770 3.215 749 138.514 Mob.le. 19 1.8*1 8 21.677, Savannah. 1.040 1,011 MS Charketon. 7 4 19 Wilmrngton... 471 394 9 54., ol Norfolk. 620 200 251 31.165 Baltimore. ? ? .__* New Vnr\. S4 123.222 Hottc.n. Ifll 348 10.4*3 l'lila.ielpbra... 113 ? ? MflJJ Varioua. ? ? 3.506 9. .0. ? Totala. 4.-.69 9.327 7.410 557,147 [nt^rior: . mMM AuKusta. 168 113 107. 5 -.642 Memphia . 337 460 1-67 4^848 St Louia. i 345 IM 8.188 . 232 9*4 327 SflJtfli ; Cotton F7x.-banae .peeial Liverpool cal ita Spot eeiti n quiet; aaiea. 5,000 |u.|, n I ,-i:.'ri.v.n. 4.0O0. 1m ! porta ra i?e, Mid ap vn :.-:?' opene.1 quiet, t ta I ;'?i"? lower; cloaed ; ouiet but steadv at a net advance of "-, point to 'a derline of . , ' 7 82V4jd; *an-l eb, T.87d; Nar-Apr, ? May-Jur.e, Mfld Ma-i.-h.rter yarn- harden ing . flfethfl in more demand. POLICE DEPARTMENT ! Btgnt, na 1- m * fT'Wi. 1 poi a; .??? 1 faa is, "Tran.feea. 4 p m . Jotf -7 "Bwa raftck Han ].? I4*ta lo ITId 7 W I/" n IflM ?? ? I .-.'an ? r t . *.':-r 10th io :'i*h T.*>t*rary aa?;|nn>*nt??Ta;-taln W F mil,; 1 ri| Itth I. D *? -.raa.- 1 '?' , ? ..a n*r 7* days " a ra . J 1 f.ur 14 la.4 I a lu'v U <'? H li'-.ffm. [liai ?,. nr-.ce 4- u - RroaAlyn. 10 ,,. ' hutke. LSfld VJ B <if I, Brooklyn. '.4 ti.^ : a- n Jul? Hi ^ 1 ... . ? ? 14 Vrti K 7. - < ? ?:,.. 1 t n' Julf "a. J T alcCxrth] " - *f ' hi-r l1.4p-a-.-1r 4 ,-. m Ju rr -?> <K r> I W.'aara. Mar [,,, . ?.. - ? ' ? 1 I.r; , ? " Ja> 4 j ?:n trym precln^.a 1r,d'-aied Jt *ay4. t a m . *Ul? 28 F ' H-?*a1tl 1*4 '?*, T O* \ ,,..-? rt ? A \ /....'ir:. . *' - -',?n, 170th. To Tralnlr.t ' I * ., d rt frnuhar* ? ? . .-??:, 4 .' A. G Do?r..v Trt< t ' Bui ' Dlitea . -??". M I. Ml k-rrrxier I??l *7 J ? '* l. OtB-J . Aoii. T-af B .1 y. i"unnlnthtm, Traf '(' J 7 -1 " ?' "' " - .. | .(??.--' Dtt Bat L**v*a *t afettott roll pay) ln?o .1 rartotl '.'?? 1 I' ? -" '">"? " * *'? ? J"!* :" 4 ,. *' \ r***i*.. ii*. ; , ? : la?. 11 01 * ?4Ht lltll ril? ' A- '? B*ar1on. i*i. 1, tate I a ~ Aufuat 4 Full aay?! t nr. t C K?:i?rnn'i. Ild. 8 il * m "":>'? n ? ?'??? uin : '?'? i> ra. Juir I. to *.? p m . "*iy n. rttaUfl -isr iut P*Dt?Hi?PUflW ? r L-ahJ. *th. 10 1" P- BU . - ?-.'. tr-HaJ rat-'man-J OTaxionr. ir. ta* *_ & *h % SO MADISON AVENUE r?mp Natkea, V.' 11 :'??'! la'and ???;? 1 ta taa tfl Mfl ta* .-. 1 I ? ? 4 . .1 * ? .? ? t llt 1 . , ? . . ir.^ iara pe-, . r 1 . Ih* rteeaa l tht 1 . - ' ' ' - ? 1 4 I lr??n? Fri.* 4*. a."."'*.* ?4 ??.'?* rraaa QvclM. Tteog .4a -kiujaaaur J. U. Utetou,. UNITY WITH U. S. URGED ON BRITAIN Dr. J. Fort Newton Fears Estrangcmcnt Between the Nations. It> 4ITHUI Bk DRAPER. Laadoa, Ju'y tt- 1,r- J- fort Sr"*' ,f Iowa. candidate (or the pulpit of (ity Temple. formerly held by I'r. R J. Campbell, has eaati '?? ;'"1 * let" ter to -Ths Pall Mal! Gasatta" plead ing for SlBSSf ?BBarsttailBf between England and the United States. The Iowan, who probably will get the ap pointment, -Frankly I was not prepared for the. aJBsrlea flraiea saista aadtistaadlt My dear Engliah Meada Say lhat it doea not esilt la a way ! ?!__*__ thirikiBf as sa aa betk lidei of thfl sea to make sure. that II : force and fSBW. ??It is the feeling that America ifl narally eaUoaa ln rsapset ta the war not so much thal the conntrt kept M tha way la which lt ???" Hr';"h !'""'e tltaH anderel *** of '-^ ?me": can gOverBBient many of ui do not undentand ." '"*" ?he attitude England Ciril War, whaa wa were fighting for our very existence ? o d. oti taa side of cn'.'. IB ?B. ".?.ith equul flBBkBeflfl I admit tl a. there ia not a little feeliag m America BgBlBSt BnglBBd, BBd it haa not tkk-i elinfld dariog thl? arar. I "Meantime. every man who cros.ei . the A' . isr way should be anj amba.iador of fnendshlp between .he great Empire and the great Republie, I am sur-* that li England could under? stand America as I am coming to un? derstand England the problem WBBld be ti and estrangement would Be made imposaible." a HIS RACE FOR LINER AIDED BY TUG CAPTAIN British Official Almost Lose*. Baltic Getting Photographed. E. .J. Brceze, an official of the Brit ieh governrm-i.t, who haa been in this eountry llnei the outbreak of the war, returned to EngiBBd yesterdav on the Baltic. He presented himself at the ? :-. tive minutes before noon, the, s.-heduled sailing time, but was in formed that he could not eo aboardj a. he had no ider.titication photograph Ofl his pataaort The ship's officers la formed him that he would have an hourj to comply with the regulations. j Heavy traffic and a crippied taxicab, totrether with incidental delays at the British eonsulate, caused him to return to the dock in time to see the Baltic headmg into midatrsam. An accommo dating tug captain, however, took pity on him and solved the difficulty by ferryiag him out for a slight consid eratioji. The Baltic sailed with her largest cargo of ^ar munitions since the be? ginning of tbe war 18,500 tons, in? cluding a deckload of twenty motor truck chassei and ten large battle 'planes. Amoni-r the ninety-eight passengers were Miflfl E. M. Hinney, niece of Field Marshal Sir John French. who is re? turning to England to continue her work in the military hospitals, and Pie-re Lorillard. the "tobacco king," who sailed to visit hia sister in Wir wick.shire. -# BRAZILIANS BUILDING OWN MERCHANT FLEET Ships May Make Nation Com mcrcially Independent. Brazilian shipbuildera are coti tiag a fleet of merchantmen *hat will make their country commercially independent, Oscar t'orreia, Brazilian Vice-Consul, said ye-terday. Almost a dozen <hips, of from 5,000 to lO.unO tons each, are nearing com pletion, he said. Bnuilian workmen were completini* for the C.mpar.ia Na cionul de {.BTBgaeai C'ostena a freight er of 10,000 tona, said Mr. forreia, construction of which waa begun la England, hut waa mterruptei l>y thc arar. The rnaterials were sent to Rio de Janeiro and native sh .p-w-:ghts set tn wo'.k. llalf a dozen more will bfl constructed for the sam? company. Another eompany R'-.iv-'ly engaged in recruiting (tfl fleet was that of Franeisea do* Baatoa < aneco, aaid Mr. Correia. The keel of one vessel was ?-s than a month igo, and others are to follow. The Lloyd Brazileiro and other linea were following suit, the Vice-Consul declared. _-? 2 HURT IN AUTO CRASH SUE FOR DAMAGES Guest in One Car Alleges Both Drivers Were Negligent. 7V,-, laltl it of an automo? bile coi'..- or. were filfld in the Supreme Ceurt yen-orday. In one actio-. Martin Sf ller, BBfi ??- '??' one car, is luing Max May, of the ..ther car, for $4,0on for" personal Injarill end $1,000 dam? age to his autotriobile. The o'her Ittll il brought by Robert Kennedy, who e/aa Seldler.1 guest, tt both Seidler and May for f5.000. Seidler laya that the accident waa due to the person dr.'?;?.. May's car. Kennedy f-aya Seidler nvited him to be ;. paflflflBger in h:s automobile and that tfl thrown out. He alleges that the drivers of bo'-*. eara w.-re negligent. . IQ16 MEAT PRICES FAR ABOVE LAST YEARS Rates Up One-half of 1 Per Cent in One Month. WaghiagtOB, July 2?. Prices of meat Bn imall continue to climb. They went up ane-half of 1 per cent from Jtaae II BB Juiy li, the Department of Agriealture annonneed to-day, and - ITJ per eaat I ghat on July 15 than they were a year ago, 15 per vsr' thaa two years ago. and 19.9 per cent higher than the average of tho laat six years on that datfl Th>- on hofc*s, cuttle, ihcp Rnd ehieheas. iFOURTH GERMAN LOAN PAID | Money IWrnwed on Collateral _ Per Cent ot Total. B*rlin. July 2''* Th.* fouth Germar i war loan hai tecn paid fully :n cuah : rowed from loan banks on | collate- ? ?* war loan totais onlv | _ r-rr ths SBtltB amoun*. of thc Dentift T.i' Poison; Dead. b, a ? :i hi.r< -iii Avenue. Ue | waa dead wbeu found. AGREE IN MARACAS SEIZURE Craa-B Alforn.y and < hirigo Parkerfl Settle ( aae in Britiah Prlie Coart. I.ondon. July 21 After the eaie had been partly heard, an agreement wai reached ta dB] batWBSB r"presenta'ive*i nf the Clicage paehan and tha Crown attorney in regard tfl The cargo of tha American steamship Mararaa, eon signe.) to G ' u'g and ' openhage*1, Whieh the < asked the court to eODi Maracas was arued meat, la March, : I ? e Crown a'torney sa-d that as an arrangement had been mad? arttl. IthS ri with rty.ttrd to o' rargoe* h to pursue lha .,-,.- || ? ..-. -. i.i're. ?! ' bal a part of the proreeds from the aale et the flti court as part of **ie pr.'.-* i" ind at.d that the balan. Ifl should be paid to the per-- ne vessel. The Bgreeaent waa subject to the ap? proval of thfl American court. NEW WARSAW COUNCIL MEETS rtt _im Ia ( ication of National ChrUlsaUaa (entre. Berlin, July 26. The r.ew towr. coun? cil of Warsaw ha? hagaa sessiaas, *hs Oreraeaa Nawa Ageney anr.ounces. Thc ftrflt rr.. Prince Lubowirski. w; *(i M saymg: "We shal! protrC thfl ;nfi?rf?sts of Warsaw. Our ain*. i? I 1 of a centre for national uttioa, in fluencing tl l -rrsity nnd chain* ? 'own ?f that t' ?-. a*. of great *.i'>ortan_e for Poland, the news nger. -y AUSTRIA PROTESTS SINKINGS Neutrala Told of Allegi-d l.oeaea from Allied Submarinea. Amsterdam, Juiy 26. Baron Rarat. ron Rajeez, Aus*ro-Hungarian F'onv-**. Minister, has handed a note to the neutral representatives in V enr*a, aaya a telegram received here to-day from the Austrian capital, proteatiflg BgB BSt the ainking of Austrian merchantmer. by Entente Allied submannes. REAI. ESTATE FOK SAl.E. NK.Y JKKSKY. >4,000 ON EASY TERMS AN_> IBT MOBTOAOK ? t > BUTS IVIfl ENGLISH VILLA Near the .*. nter?Hl_li in HIIN KXTENMVB OROl'NDfl *)C *? t.r* II rr. r. !' UBB ll I. bH - ' $36.40 MONTHLY ,'-er BM M.flie B pa ? ***** ??_.- -.-re-t tr.A *??.?? - \ baantlfal ? .->' ho*aa "*?r tl .t'rr Baal ? roorm. C-fl/tnaaa mtarl la flr_pl__*M, ere- - ? T_-. | r? -r,; -. r . "1 **'.A np.n flr-pUo- fHioolt. __.rc._-a, ("our,? try r.ub OoM :ru .y. Tui: l_.f_r_-? '..nn _i._ rr.-,tn fr-^Ti K. F. BAKSIBfl 170 Broadway (Tai Illl <"**" ? IS YOUR TITLE CLEAR? Tf your rr.. tet fltfl Ul - answer is nhvioua ',' al eatate in Baifen ? r I... k . Uttl ? r.ot in-.ur.-d. attll H. <?ur guaiH ? ? ? _ I capital ln**aetmi lah j North Jersey Titie Imurance Co.,, New Jer _f_ T. a***., Oleaa B Coeree.,** ?*?'*.! sl AT ACTUAL COST, NEW HOUSE t*V.i.< ? S'EAR ATLANTIC HKilllJL* r\v.. nio.N . lt-\ ii"' ur.*. ? io- ?.- -1 park :..i - -ie-. ?*. mm ??.:-? PARK CO . . . Bn -*. ? n muxs raoa uaa roa Um aUB ?'. ne* - ? - * : h.iui*. all !inpr_.en.<_.\., near ' i floli i lind If .l?L-M (-.>?.__. *u v..-_.._, M I ? ; lyn. N Y_ _, LONCJ _____________ rsnroBf ? ira pbovt bur.falu**! IB :.??**$' I .ol* nn ____d_H B*> ind Wool .-?? I . pnci ?m> '"?-* JifM> J. BA-tTDALl <<?. Ireeport, I.. I. NKW VOKK ?>[ \ I . ron bai.i7. TO bi ri... Dalry f?rm. tll - ? ? ' irai l Mfl I. ele. .tion, a ? I i> I ... | prl. ? {' .-?!!. lf. PENTON, in l-fn-1.1. .\ *i COINTKV PK4?l*r_KTI. i.j-t rrii-R hkvt pai roa TOI B nn?? l'.^lt -..,_.,. ? l+tfur Sa 40 / r ? Bl'SINESS (HAM ES. W . S -v. . . . ' ' ???,... ? ? ? m?rkf.| ri.r-..? 1 >. i ttmn ti * > ' ' *"-'? vu.? tl'tc. INSTKl < 1 ION. NKW -iiKK Mn.l.iiun. Tha Beriitx School of Languages, **r 28 30 W18T MIM ITRE.T. *." Biro-.i: I-. ' . __vaun_aa m mooib. PRATT srin?oi^-as *?v??i isih ?t. ? _ - -.r-i._i.rt Bnekkai I.\\> si BOOLB. NF-.V york LAW H BOOI P\Y x? HOOL. I ?? Ifillnn <? . r.VEMM. tMUUOl J t>rm \ nrU t ltJ Srar arti ? '. * - *' ? m - i r _B.__.ufl ('.aaa >? (.K'.Hi.i-. (HABK ' ? ? _ SWTMMIWO. : Dalton Swimming School ioa ?e?t SfMh (tol. Circlei ? > t D _aCHOOL AOBWriBB. _____ Anterlran and Porelgo Tea?h?ra' \_ei.-jf.? Pr .fen.ori.. Tr*. htr*. Tutora, c,r,.r nuaaa. ?tc . to Col!e_;?e. ScBoaie ani paoi ? AM , 10 Mra IA i iot_Ni_ ril.InN. 13 I'nion 8_;ar? _BUSINESS CARDS l. AI.I'KT 1 I K_.\MNO. CARPET J. & J. W. WILLIil) Tl*. 3?fl r.ii.mtMH. SmV UT} CLEAN INC 35J Wnl 54th Sl JUKI> IN? M-TW YOKK CABPK1 < I I ?-MM'. ?<?KBS t?_. ?... <? ? I 4. 4 | W .t ?M_ fli. Cl.atitna? *_t?rl?t?Altfrlup? ?H?,I_|. p_BV Bt'ofl n"'i.4 ni- vi r a?.. rra. ____j_ruL . a'u-tr .._.** -n. _?" _o_uuf. ??e,l ?..-. UMin bau. ar aa II I tsr..**.t, *.. ta<_ ?5ia M Ulti A _)i____Mfr. T?. lil?-??-. _ IU \MiiMlH OIAMO**/**!* K'tOHT arul ?4)I.D rof <-__h a1*1_fl rrw HV .... i _n__ MVLTIOBAPUINO. un.Ttr.RA'H mtinrriN i: ram ?aa. iiii. i tee lt" u tm, i- tiso a ?ka[_J-KBruHi> i-? ' '._?_,-._* ,_.ji_im SMaJ. b_mb iui. ??? ??