MITCHEL WILL BE A ROOKIE OFFICER To Quit His High Privacy for a Second Lieu tenancy. . ? ??!?-* Cor?-*ro-i<1-r*t of Thr Trtbuna) Plattsburg. N. Y.. Aug. lt Major General Wood ha* changed hi* ideas regarding the promotion of studcnts in the two ng.ments of the present camp. Yesterday he said no first year or firat term men were to have non-comivus sioned places. To-day he Bftld, through headquar? ters, that a man who was a fion-com in the July camp ' \ e..r, if capable. could become a non-eom in the August camp. The rcquiremcnts for lieuten? ant* also were relaxed along the same line*. The new m> touches Mayor Mitchel. who haa been a high private in this camp, though quittnig as second lieu? tenant laat year. He will now be a second lieutenant in Company B, SUh \'ter that had heen settled to-night he asked for a leuve of ah ? fted his promotion by ng a dinner at the Hotel Chaaa given b) Mrs. Cornolini Vander I h the Mayor and h: Mr ar.d Mrs. Theodore RoOoerolt, jr, and Robert Go'.let were nresent. I i (ioelet are rookie*. The result of the enrolment has ? red the offlcera of the camp Slxt) per cent of the enrolled men have reported, ar.d only n few stragglers ar. Iooked for now. The enrolment is sent to the camp commander from th training camp association was 4.R00 while there actually appeared in camp only I ? Minister Preparino* for Drive on Devil The Rev. Samuel L. Hamilton, of Rr.x.klvn, is not exrrciscd over the . of the United States get tiag latO war. The Rev. Mr. Hamilton ined the Plattabarg recruit ranks for tl purpose of fttting in trim to tight the devil. The Rev. Mr. Hamilton says he needs the hardening to put him At for the big dnvp the Anti I.eague forces are planning thia fall on General Intoxicant'* army. "Kvery minister in the I'nited States . ipaad a reasonable amount of time in camp," said the Rar, Mr. Ham iltOii. Hi araa nccompanied to Plattsburg by the Rev. ( yrus P. Keen, also of Brooklyn. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Itaaaanv t a aa.. Am IS aymatmm nabmt , 1 ... ?tallen hoUM .ttrr..lant. I*.*** ?" 1*,"',*' 11,.., r Kiral ? RrMf* : ? ft ??.itiim-l't "> I , ni . AU| J* Hi. bmI-ikM ?? oprral.-r ? ?' n.nvr BBUOl ?*?<* - - - Mutu.l Traatlar.. 4 r ?'? *?? ? Vatrolnvn ?n.u,. ii rn ->an i ri i ?,|'T"';1 r: Tlmitia. * : llll. a?-l|ti**cnt i h.uiiol inmi Xemaarary Ai.lanir,, ntv * Ki Ith; ' : T I. , 1 ?????. M A Wi II To Tratnlni pre |n I ? m . All* 19 I rne-l i Mohi llili Kd-rard BleW l?th; . ;i,t w R l, - II !????;.V r J Mu-plu, Patrlci uabat. ttut\ laaatt I)b . ... M ? Mth, UM W lai*, | f bi . M -. l.vtd. to l*srh. 14 ? ..... Attl|nm?nt- Olscontlnueil PUmil " " *??" ' raotoi r?'ro' whom. , | . | htltp MUkW Atif 11. L.i.f of Ab?-nr# : aj I Capl ' A . 16th 1 P 19 <\K*. "Oon. Am n -?.??'lne Dropp-d frorK the Roll?. Pall ?'? l'? F Nutll-a: < . BTtra ?r I ? ? ? rtropprd re id Um re | I* UM R-vBcatlani 1*0 much nf r?r*|-?:>h :. 9 n l"-1 ?>- M 11.1- -? | ' -T'1 * |?th 1 li . ln , .inire I MB I. n. i at, An* 18, i '" ' .*i at i?ra?rirh 1. 8 O 111. a. *?!*? rrerai ' i: ?' ? ?' ll ,.... .,..!]?.? ?! ?' 1 P llalpln, :? ? lav- '.' a ru . An li i r*i lj.-?rai'i I. 8 '? IT8, - ? a? ? . : ? s i> ;> c ?.. ai '-mporarllj - Martin, 1*:. I* Inlnli | \ .f |1 :v r. r..ko.l S ii ITT, r. - . aa . aa t-mperarllT a?>!|* 1 l Kbool, < , . . k . I ... ? . i -,..-.. Hol .-. . ... . Laatnb*-, I78U*; Wl . ;. MrCaaTtrtr. i'-t B l FIRE RECORD. A M I no- 101 X 111th it, rarXrrmui A Stati; triaini ttt I ft'Ih ?* . I' l>rrorl?; all-ht. and Norta U;irr. -aotorbi at, W J . . oinb* >Lt .1 Drwirr. ?'l*hL . ? iv . Li Orof; allaht. li 4*. lil W. UStli al . imknoam; slisln. )' M 1 ranl forl al . 8 ll 8 hu'.tc and KiXrr Cn-npar v. 5:itM. , . .1 lt?ii-r. UUU c A Kalfua: no damtpi. I \ '?? ? ?.???? - I 3:41 11 \ ? ? I r A i' . . 11.888. 7 4(1 1*: \V. 4lt:, lt, t IllH ikfaiad ralft *aa* . L. 8 < itt-lrllun: -'.'OO. $ 4ft tll '".ti a?., H Brrawaaaor; inning ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS ?:. T;,' Trirune Burr_u ] ?.,' rton. Aui. 13. ARM*. I ? BftflBffl ? Dl'M'AN. r,.;,-r*'. BUfl .. i ??'...- TKt'MAS O. Ml KI'H'. ' . for f'_l_fn-ll,_ !, I . irrrmth frnra Aug. 20 KlANl.Til l- mi???I, ? r.i oaos i LAwaAflox. i , . Canal .'. m **. i-isminsuon tor FIIOH ME KUEIITS. 3d Inf. i ; .?:?>. ss si, ? ?' -'AM1. ,; ''!ItVfPiL II .\>, . |nl -\ a '- '? StKi r*af?t aaWHt : -. 1. BA__, lst Ss... Vs. V (. . . | S1CH01 \- V" ' AMI'ANOI.E. 6th to/.. i ..... tlioo tor ususter i ..': CHABLES '. M-TCHBU ' BttlM toi lui s'. Army h.l)ui.| ,,f l__ I.ln*. l? I'lsiuijuri Iisrr., _i S V. for tampoiu. .. | .-? I .?>?' -0 th, S'l'-- 1 , .r i. i.i NTHER, .orpl oi 1-r.j . 11 splt-1, l> l . ll' I_ : i.ut. mi:i) B. Bl Tiier _ I.Allr.M E II KMi.HT. Corp. of Enf.. nc* of I .-. ?_,?,. ? rrsr t*,i WILLIAM H RAYMOND Qm.r_] -r_T <'"ri_. I C_bi i .;? .:?! BB K W ' ? toi . to .-. _p t r fsr.kfer to ? OEORGI I. I.KFKVRK. MrA Rm . . ?? rio C?pt Hr.R Bl ,.!' li RHABI'E. Med - . B. IM r ral r.p.r: te i.'iur-sndiin _ei,*r_l. BouUu I , ? l to t?r,p.,r_ry dul. ln _? st Eort Csswril. tSAAC GILL. Jr . .rh Inf.. to K*_ ? l'n . fnr ??a_j!r.?_or, for trsnsfer to I- A. I I,\VAKI> K JA.NE3. Inl s \ \ _ - ? r-i-'f I. iMi.s i; WARE. 22d Inf.. v- E?_l* i ?? K A WILLIAM 11 CI RETON. I'st.. _n.l WILLIAM .-II.Ml. ' ?' . W YVut?fltdo for tl A _ ^ a ... 1 | RANK liRAKi: i A . t" F S*_U. for iismlnstlon for Ira navy. sj | G MM- M n*r_l hutpH-l. PafTt 'IA'SEN, M. R C . to nir. I I. Jl.s.-CN A. M LABSTSN, R K \\ IIOAr.LI \T> LINCOLN *. HAI.IIN V H I'.'lA ' B i i >\ Jr. M R ' P. A. 1 _ li BABBER s- 1 I C BOWEBf rk FBEDBBICK BCBERBKBOBB. commlii A '? i II E BBUNS, d'Urhrd risr. s.^ York. Aug. II; u> u_?*l st_U"n. Ousulin? ffl i::.f i> i; c-ii'n.AMi. iMadMd taaal itatlon, Guaotanam to liome an i ???i' ordan. IOHX DANNEfl ad -.l*B08E, J. K GRAY, J I* \ IIII.I,. .1 1. HAU. V C, GII.I.I ITK W ii HENRY ( 1 HUAllli. L. ft: CH KERING S \ MOORS, 1. -? M'ftW. LX1 C .1 I'ARHISU, T M BHOX'K, K U. H wai.i.aci: 1: 1. "AoulisU'l. m.l R. J. WILSON . LU '.J 0 : H. W I MiKRWOOO. L. A. HAVID BON. J II WKlXBROfK. C. A POWXALI* I.OHAIN A.NDKRHO.N 1 . < .11 i:-i Y l: r MKTZ. A. It BIMTKON, ft It III 0 MAK8H, W. I. MOORI I V.W YALKEXB1 BGH, ' R. GILIXTTE W L. LI.NI>. 11 B Bl BUICK I LKHEB. ... I'nl'fr 1 T MATHEW8 ?r, A'ir l"i- taam aai ftia dr laaaa, fmm Maralnaw fnr Harpai Bl Aug 11 Kluaaer, freoi N'ow York \,rl fnr S^l'h lo-rn !ii>. Glarler and Ban In*g from BaUna Cra* foi eca* 1 ? from 1 , for Norf.'ik \?- I '? wtl from DrUwara I . ?.'.-r f..r Philadelphia. hr?|<. ?t danl I; ? I . ! ? 1 . ..?'.m!i . NeptiUM, from ? Meaa Crlatl, S D., foi rurr-i, J'.jta. Oregni., ftotn P Uijalei ?..r BeaUla; Whlpple, fraa Baa DMae fnr MbmiImi, Ati*. n?TonepaJi. fioui Nawport for KM laodon. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World MINTATTRE AI.MANAC. ? S'?l*? Cn?,t *nd Ge'?l*tlc . urr*r ) . .. ? ? Uaan n?<- (? ? ii _ ip. m i. .s.-tri II u;il t_A___L A M I*. M iMi . M! i wid._? ?:? _ I ? 10 u Ufl JOHDM STEAM ERS. TO 1>AY. Krom fUtl-fl ?- I ' . Auf 5 .juiv :, .Jutv? ? ir . ' I ... , J..> .' MuNHAY. AlT,f.T 14. c.itir itwnaO .*?? 5 Bail J,ra: Kan Jusn.A'lf fl .J1'1*' *?} Ot) of M -araiinah.Aui 11 ..-...Aui 5 a .Aui li ran. . * r. . :.,' I- ) -? Tl l.-I'AY. AIGIHT 15. ?i . Aui 4 M?tI . Aui 11 TMiraii. i: rlrsut . .Am 5 r u> t_i r*iiii..Ju'y 3i ' <:*:.r-itr>ii .? a . I .Aug ? ,l_* . .Aui 1. flfBPWBBDAT, Aii.', st l(i. T-ii-n-.s- ''rl nAbti .Aug 10 l a .. f. . Aui I .Aui - I I .?'. . Au? I lilo 11 '? '?'??? . A'lJ -' Aui 1 Ol'TGOING. STEAMERS. TO MOKIUiW Ms'.'.i ttswA \ .*_?' s> 'I *-*??- *?,r*l. ml ? , 1 M PM . i itntlnog Plrt-us 15 M I'M ? ti ESDAY, A' <;i 11 AM II oo M liu*.. _ AT- < - IU I" '' A? 1- t)C M Arrr R!o ,1* J.-rtro.1.-C0M I:?? PM Ar?,l_- Jac-santl ' ?? **M -.,_.-.r.h- i 00 1 il WBDNBSDAT, AUOtf-T 1?. Z_ai_ Jsnr,sl) EJ_-r., ?*"* H. 11*0 I'M ll,-.', lo I lsl? irta. N>? Braland , i. d ?:- -i Aos'iaiia. ?1? Var ouirr ai.d ?__,__* Vlruri*. B C .Nlagara Aug *5. ? 30 TM AIIK11I li D_oa dAosta Mttll. Gn,'a 'ulj JT Nspjrs 2? _n_Ol_._.__- Auj L to _Urt_-l? Sotort B C*. I wlth IS first. 11ft sfrond rabln and 1 ITI _B_r_B md- Bar 5 15 a ? ll .'? s- d , - Aug l. lo UoUaod Aa-rtra Lto_ n.r 4 13 a in oisf (Dan), Nn* aui fl, to M . wlth Itar 3 i:> a n, Afri ?,,,.. ,'-? ' - . D_r__n .lul* j U> r _ ' : , . . Itar 4 a ni r'atri... ?-- sN, July 2?. to ; . .- a Bar 1 Infl .'., na Krv WM ? . tn Ma.lory 1 l as-rngers aii'l mdse. Quar C 10 a in M.r- buria, ___don A"r I, to AUantk Trarnport Har ? .0 .. in Dul ',11 -..,;.,:, j .'. }| ? , H"llin1 ? . !.: ?? i'. t alla.1 Bai ::? 0 s m. K. .ilrn. Valpars - H ,. . hin. *, Junln Ju ? rrlstoba. 1.. Tla Hs'ti ? - kllfl IU. to Jol.n W Rjsn, wltl B ? urlano Ju!? 13 and i . -. a i i.- . ind Ntwport Newa, to <>! I i, wlth ps .h.-igi-r, ar, 1 m :*?. Quar | Mir.i aibo, M*ra.-all,o Aug I, I'ni ao 4 ind Marsf-Pl I t<. Illls* Dall'tl a , ? M pn - rnal's snd md_r Bai I 15 j I v.o. Cardcnai Aug and _Utann_l '.. to I . ? BA?BS Ilaramo. Giiantsnam., I 'nl fffard). Hord.aui; !'?,?> (Nor), llavrc VYallac. IBrl, IL.ra. Ar. i ... s_ra-o?. Ha.aiii l Baa . ? Ba'u ?.. . ? aml rffwporl ''.'?> * i (M ? ' , la_i > it.--? |l* Mir/-.,) B_t_nn__; Thrao Plrrus I ?? !?? ia BaunlMI , Kr t.'.-n. HaTana: Grliiu* (Br). Phlls ? lluffalo iliri Hull; ' CtU of H . ? . ? , . - - Bai ?!.,?? B . \. Ba rduna Br), 1 ? tiii*: J ly.-, IDarv, Porl au Pi Ho. Bahia. STEAMKRS AT FOREIGN POBT8. AKRIW I' IJirrpool. Aug II \ . i. N-wr York. Car palhla ilio Ni'. w .rk ? . Br). Nr? York \\ii ltr*li Ir-' (Fr?, N>? Tork; r - N ....'. T,.r,r Ajrr,uii7..?ra, Aug ', . >??!?? Iltaj *.*_ York l. >?_? nlam. Aug lt1 \ Klrkwall, Aug 1" ir..'.-., IPul N. York. Aug l. Cura a (Bi !*> ? . I?d . Ni* York. NAI1.II> ** St Ttiomas. Auf |S?gflMBfl >Hr) Ifn? l>?n.rara). Hem r_rt ? 4_| 1! CtB-dlM. (Br) Iftflfll l>*t_*.-ar_), N.- Y'.rk lUttli-nlani. Aug 11?K'l.lam IDntrh), Nrw York; 4 !? ? \'.?- | l'|., I Vr* York; Mtxai I I ? I'Mlai g Aug 4?Ro S n.w Y.-rk ?, _ r, i >.->.' Hl ? I ? K*. .. York vVatr?rg i Fa m "irl, Aug K.J-, r.iao rla Klrt >. Msr>fili(>, Au.- '? I I. \ - (Gr**_). Nrn Tort Aui ? l-a'r* 'Ho. Nws Y Tk Gl*>g."?. Aug 11- -Callfor: l* IBrl N?_ YnrV. ____o_. Aui U?Ml__.____a iBr,, .Ns- York. THE WEATHER REPORT Kecorda for La?( Twenly-four Honre and Foreraata. "Vt-lilng-on. Aii| IT I'rra-u-* t? r?!all?-*T nl*h ot..r tl.r wrMi-ni Atlmitli- an.l -iiuth Atlintle ital? mbS l ? '? Bj* H t*l**ff-a*, Ha Mk'i hi '?*? i**i nanir.1 r-fl.Hi I. tfiiarriillf uriHa tn piomw- tn Um ?.-! '?i*l ai .1 l.? l"**lniiln* tn dlilrit-**ral-i. Tlifnt I ?.? Iwn a grnrral fali ln proMiire oi-r th* -8*8*88 taa] nf iha Mla-lMlppl. an.l tha t-n.lanry B-att r' UM Iti-klm la toMinl Itm-r pnwira. ,s\ ?ior>sl klumiT. Int* again orcurrad In tli Srmlli aai tlirro '.at- Iwn fJMr*i (hna-ara ln **?-? En*l*nd Th* la**i***T?t*l**l ckamsm lia-* b??i BB laporui i riir "'itl.rr Snndar ard Mnnilay -?t of tht A.... ? ' i will li- fair and pocitlnood -inn lt. iwrei '?..? AptMlarhlam and tlif ML??lsilppl -tv*?rry pn lall m it j, a illj-hl lo-*ario| nf tin prratura ilu- ta ?.'io?-r- Tttata ?i!i tb* l. a ***** < I flll ln tr*i?riti:rr ln II.,? liraT/sl pnr ? an.l idr law M1..1 -jiii'l a:id ndd afl ? 'I'l I nl*a*fl Wlndi fer Sunday and Monday. North AtlanlK BM-Sarata maa ta *ea*ttr*a*-| and fair ?.ruii-r. wU Ha Aiiaaili i"?:anaa ?t*ra>a-ai ajni r?ir ??aih-r, MMiin A: katta, mmtataaa lt ttaSS B?utli**-?t and lliii" !-r ?',?>.'. .'l-l Mf, paMlS M> im-lrrata . .1 and fu'r -n-alh-T. ??.: Gulf, BtodaraU and f.-lr wraUu-r. ueprr laca, molr-aia ?ni'!, tnd talr ? rather, lovaf iat-a. ???t and fair ?eatli-r. Faracakt* far kaeclal latalltlaa.- J-n'-rn Nrw I ? .a-la. Sfw J'ja-y and I?la v.irr fall anl f untn i..-* ***** to d*> and to morrnw. Wn'.rrn Nn- York and W?t?m rrnimyltanla? I ? r '.' dal ? "1 "-p*a*b*3r tn ****?***?*, \,? I , ' 1 , ? ?.. ,l?y a:id M> mnrrow; nol cuurh ilii' tt ln Ivmperaltt-* , , d H'.tint of Ci) and ? ,.-. ,? ,r-.,n p--Borro-a aaamata and te*"***. Itl I'a.-tiy oouily to d*y tnd to ? Loeal Offlcial Re-ardi. -The follnwlrif offMtl rae tlir Wnllirr Butrau ?h.n-? tlie eliang-a la tlie U-niKraturf fnr thr Int twrntyfour hour- In coiuparb.m vrltti th- rnrrnipoTi.lliif dato of latt y-ar. 1..1 1811 191r'- afia. j ?. m . 88 ii; e p. m. ;: *3 8 a. ?. ..... 81 ?;: * p m. . M \ 8 a m . ;i it ll p. m. . 'J ? 1: in ..... ri u 11 p. m. . '? ? t I m. ... II ?4; lllglirnt Mni|KTitur?. *-*> dr*Tr-? (it 1 p. m.). ... ,lrg:."? (*l 4 a. m.), arrrafo. T? de g.(s-? aroiajp fnr 1 ..rrr BMdli I d?t- lajt ynr. Tl .r.tii- ftr NI-rt*f^-***t*aB datfl laat thlrtjr tlirro yr?/?. ;i. Baromrtrr ReadlnBt. 1 a. m ...M.9". | 1 p. ? *9M I P ia....?.89 Humldlty. * a. m.M | lp n, .51 I I p. m.S? ? -? Lc-al Farecait. lilr l* d*? ?nd t/> roorrow; eoti Unoed -ratiu; m "M**a\3t*tfl **?*?*. Easfern Steamship Lines All-the-WaybyWater The Summertime Route 12 BOSTON Via Lonj Ialand Sonnd. Be*utifnl Bozzardi Bay and the CAPE COD CANAL MKTKorOI.ITAN IINK ALWAYS IN SIGHT OF LAND .Mnsli' on Baefe Mramrr Stif.erh Mrrl Mruniihins "ll \"?-..\('lir sills nid lll M\i:K llll.l. >t>len?li-l V|i|Hiiiitiniiits. M;,ln Deeh Plnln-; iuii.m-. I.trrlli'nt ^^r^l^-?. I |i|?rr l?et-k Cafe. I'lir.' ti. Inslilr Kiioma ?Hh l.iiiirlc Faa-a, 81.08. (lutsldr. 81.00. OU I ml. ?irrl, fi ot of Mur ruv St . New Y'ork. W?-.k I>ay? and Sun (laV". a' 8 1*. 3|. DtM Boetoa 7.30 A. M. ri-turtilt.K. Tieketa and tnformntinn nt Ptrr*; otoa .\ -1/ ft.'1.- Trwaafer ('mnj.ani/ - . ..' . ..: um r?*?ri*i A'i'xcifs. AMERICAN EXPRESS TOURS TO JAPAN LAND OF CHRYSANTHEMUMS Jfrranr Daibutiu, I'a-niia, Torii, Fujiyanu. Gentle cui tomi, dainty coitumes, exquiiile art, vigoroui rommerce, the NEW EAST, older yet newer than our own New ^eit. OUR TOURS SAIL it SEPT. 23 & OCT. 5, ? Under peraonal oecort. StaS fer llluttrelett Bertltl. 66 UroaJniy. N. V. '!? Rrrtrr HJ00. ??<,> llg W H St. nr. B way. Tl, ut t raamt *"-6l gmWiL^ua I^ind of the remarkable Inca rivilitation, of atupendoua moun? tains, quaint Indiaiw, fr?*t citiea g-rown orernipht and limitleaa undevcloped reuourcee-. Our Bmall party lM*fiOf New York, Octol.er21, visits princrpal cities and many pointa of unique Intoraat out of the ordinary ruuU-3 of traveL Japan and China Remi-prirata partr for tanr of lninry thmugh the -?,u>-"ri land of tha Orient 1'roiti ^*n r raanaro, S**rt*aiber 23. Also tourt to th? Weat In? dia* and to Calif .mia and the Great Wt?t. RAYMOND& WHITCOMB CO. 225 Flf-h A?-.. N. V ?i". ?* atti ta. 8SM JAPANs CHINA, PHILIPPiNES. Tours de Luxe lo the Ear East. All routei and rejiorl* of ircnic and historic inter? est. anrient citiei, lempiet, ihrine* and (?reat (.entres of worldcommetee of naM. prrsrnt and fulur- importanre. St-perioi lradrr?hip, fully inclusive, h ;;lirst i:rad<- nrrangrmenti, lc.surely travel. Lrave September 7. 23; Oclo l-r 1. lllu'lrated Booklet on requesl. THOS. COOK & SON 141 BBWADWAT, ' -. ia, ?io m A VI, 1. % I 30. 4.30, I. ? 30 P.M. TreUey*eonnact. APVFRTISEMENT. ?m 4 : Broad.Brcczc'S-v. cpt Decks .1 i __ r__.. i :-_. The daylight trip up the Hudson on Day Line Flyers is cool, restful, thoroughly enjoyable. Fast. convenient service, daily.except Sunday, between NEW YORK AND ALBANY ?______. ruasustrtn. MBg- <* "?;"*:? ,llu9d rV?V%?W?ccX T^'Mrr^Tc.A*^'. ..,;.'.;..: Bl N?T,l.ur_l.. V?******>*, Klnfl.ton Polnti 'CnUklll. Minl-'-n an.l AMumy #__.**_? 4M F? . Alm Str "Bobrr, FuHon" 1*. ret -?*^~s7 " a' i fnr r.?f Mnunl.ln nnd Albany, i.avlni Denbronnrn Bt.. i- ??*. *? - ? Tonkern. i 4: P M Airltrlas Blbwu .'? M ? ? ? AFTERNOON BOAT .. i, _-_...,,.._ I'.imhV.*. r>*l* Kln(t?t'>n nnd "s-ajr for P*ar Mmintjln. r.rn.aiI. f'**flJ*-*l|h* ' ;,^ '2 V M . W.-a? 129th laadlBIA toflVW ','",'r';ir'''.M.: V II hnllv"VVpt Sin.Uy This .tflBBier . .- nn Mr "K?l..rl Eiiltuii." arrHini In N*? York ? 4? ?. .ti. CATSKILL EVENING L?NE^<,?v^r Tt ?_?UU&tfL SSSJt C^: "uxs^kin. Tick'to f|n,Vr<_.i4,,_,.ai?B BttB iSsB of th. Day Un. T?l . I>rln_ 10H7. HUDSON RIVER DAY LINE Desbrosses St. Pier New York (Albany Day Llrle) Telephone 4141 Spring To Boston FaU River Line Leave Pier 14, North River, foot Fulton Street, daily, 5:30 P. M. Steamers COMMONWEALTH and PRISCILLA ORCHESTRA ON EACH Providence Line Leave Pier 14, North River, daily except Sunday, 6 P. M. Steamers PROVIDENCE and PLYMOUTH $1.00 aad $2.00 Outside Stateroomi. Inside Staterooms Always Cool Other Long Island Sound Routes new tied ford __***_ To tSWU Bedford nn* only, 0*)0 i*. M. ItKIDt.EFORT mn I t rl*r 27, Eaat River, wrrk day*, |?MP. BL Usn .'i'r :o, r. h teet Ea.t .'.d M., ??k <.?>?' EiH?_P__r-_i .un.lais, 4:4i I*. SL Mrnm.r NAIOA 1. ( K. Tl'k*t?. Ptat*rooms and Information also at N Y. Transf.-r Dttlce new i.ondon mn To New I <>n,l?n. Malrh HII. and Iti... k Island. l.v. I'ler 40. N. R.. fool IloURton Sl., Tv.rk dny*. 8:30 I. M. l'l.r 70. E. K.. fool E. 2?d ISW ilSS I*. M. Mrs. LOWEI.L ?nd C'HAI'IN. NEW HAVEN I.INE To New llavm, Hartford. Mprln_fl.ld. Iv Pier IS, E. R.. near (nthnrlne M.. : meek da>*. I :<>0 I*. M . Mindui*. SjIS . M I v. I'lrr 7d, E. R-. f'>ot Eaat ***? I HI..' wrrla dms. l.ll P. M. I dov. *. i'.s? of tnp ln had. - smj ??*.? al tra a... t, ln Port Hrli",rt (? r )i;u?trat_rl Lu-ai-t hi BO.iRlNCi & COMPANY. 17 Battery P1..N.Y. CUNARD NEW Y0RK.-L1VERP00L ?TU8CANIA .SAT.. Al'U 19. NOON BAXONIA .SAT., AUO IS. S F M CARPATH.A .SAT..SEPT. I. I *?. ? ?CAMEBONIA ... BAT BEPT I, NOON i. 1 ? l NA . . SAT . BEPT. IC. i f. M. ?T" l.lverpo , ar.d Olaagwv NE'.V Y0RK-.ALMO_TH-L0.ID0N i.vl.M'NIA.MON.. AUO :i NOON PANNONIA . SAT., SEPT II, IP .*_. IANDANIA .BAT.. SEPT II r M II Mutr ?__ New Vork. T.I. 3300 Broad. Swedish American Line Undrr N.utral S*?Dlil< Fla*. Out of War Zon. S. S. STOCKHOLM, : ?p7?, ;m-nu I-arfMt st*ami-r l? B< ANDINAVIA. ILEAVKH kk? ihhk u?;. ifl, oct. u. DIRECT H) SWEDE*.. j Short rout* t? SCANDINAVIA, BtfMXA A THE CONTINENT Sup*rlor acc ,1 '?i thr** r:_Sf*a I 1'* l-tal IST "1. 110.00, :'l CI. . tt." 0. | MLL-tEN A l.l'K. AgU , 24 tiiar* Bt . N Y BRAZIL and th* ttt* C'oasl ' - Arurncs ,. :-.-. T'tr .iM y ra'i ::a .i.-iiip LINB How nrni. ATlNG M'Ti'.Al. rASSEEGEB rSSftSLS mbbimi S. S. Acre.Aug. 21 !H... SS- Rio de J*neiro.SepL 12 Kait twln sr." flMBM, Urit :a*> i tttSS S't %rerm aiodarions. _!r?.->i ??r,: ?*. a.. outi.da sta'.-roroa l-Q.. BRAZJLEIRO, b ___^_^IVSft SUNDAY SAIL Up the $| Round Hudson ?*? Trip A dellabtful outlnf?a aall of ft'.O mitea. Kewkur--h, Beacon and Pougfikeepsie Str. "BENJ. B. ODELL" i/.v.f rraaalla st. 9 N A, at; we*t ISSth ft . * "i" a M ExcelleBt music, "central'hudson line MOUNTAIN AND HIGHLAND LAKE 15 Mll KS IT thi: BCDHON. Wei-Uday A ***knln, TH'O-BOAT SrrTlce Str. "Highlander",".-\TaSI Str. ?,Rosedal8,,Ivo;-sTr,i:iVhA1 OH llll-: 4i( BAN. Mr. ??"*Al iun." I A. M. I'.-f i. v H ONLV. r*IM St U0 CONEY ISLAND. tr W l.titn St . '? 00 A M I* . M l' M A. 8:1 . M M I M P M ROCKAWAY BEACH. tr W lft.t.i st . I ' : :? pi :> u . i li li .'?? a M - 1 r M I.i Ro-ki.ay 11 M . U 10. 5 00. ; 10 f M KOl'Ml TRIPv Adulti. 50.-.. 4 hililrrn 30c hu.; TU-M l*tbtaa ?rc .ii INSlOE B*a8 Cama a Ttlrpnoua Dll T.I Reeter l."2. CXCTUBSIONA. enamVfaki \&A.T *& , att. CT?i NEW U0AT a.RVICE FROM 3ArTiHY TOOAV A M . 1. I I ft M. 1. lal -tll. Bl . ...'? 1 _c iiii niiiA HKUOMC ItllKK IM AM). OKIKM. I.KKKM'ORI. slll.lTIK IM.AM) A BAG II lHROR Ptr ?ahloneeoek" ol Montaulc st^a:ub.>at Co.'B L'.nr iaatat N. Y PlOf ft Iltti Bt-, i: li . T-neday* "id Thursd..)*. i 10 P. M.; lataNa-faj 1 P M. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISFMFVT. ?==-**?' Answer ihe Call of Mountains and Sea- On the Saguenay WHY SWELTER IN NEW YORrO Whrn cool br-ezes await you od the majestic St. Lawrence and Saguenay Rivers "Only One Night's Ride from New York!" \ Get relief from the heat and at the same time view . ? the finest scenic attractions on the Continent ( ^^ NIAGARA FALLS THE THOUSAND ISLANDS The Marvellous Rapids Montreal Quebec Lower st. Lawrence and Far-Famed Saguenay ?*?*? Take These Trips Now When You Need Them Most fi**-S Uuittrated lookltt, Bend 6c postar,* map and ijuide to JOlIS F. V .? rattsagsr Trtefia Manngi CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES ggO It. ? O. Duihlina, Montreal, ierci: LTD. Canada. 1 !tfi ???fcr-i r#0? m Sunday Excursions To NEW HAVEN Str. RICHARD PECK I *ave Pl*r 21. *_, R. I 30 A M. 1-Vot of r;_?t 22.1 SL, ISlSS A M. Return Lv N"w Haven. 4 3,* P. M. Due New York. I I r\ ?. A tiEUCHTFt'I, . Alt. ON U I. SOUND. VISIT **__? 'ITY OF KI.MS. F ARE $i.M). CHILDREN, 75 CENTS. Mi-sn ?DINING ROOM?LUNCH COOK* BALL RIVKB LINhl SBBVICB TICKETS LIMITED. ON SALE ONI.V AT PIERS ON THE DAY 09 BXCURSIONB The New England Steamship Co. Delightful Sunday Outings STEAMER CITY OF LOWELL To Bridgeport l.v. Foot Houston St., N R.. 10 00 A Nf. Fulton Bt., North Klier. 10:30 A. M Rotttrtt, Lv. _ta.d_.p-rt, 4:00P. *._ DM New York. Pier 14. N. R? 8:00 1*. M. A Cool an.l Comfortal.le Sall on __ .. Sound. Mimlr?Dining Room?..iinrh Counter. EALL RIVER I.INT. UCRTICE, Tick.t* SJ.00. Clilldr. n, 50 Centa. TKkets limited. On __l_ only at I'l .ra on day of Excurstona. The New England Steamship _Co. Daylight Trips Long Island Sound Str. CHE5TER W. CHAPIN on Monday* Only l.v Pier 40. N It , ft HottfltM Sl.. 10 00 A M K IMer 70. _ 11. ft B Md St . 10 10 A M Kor N'-w London, connectrng there for all points ln New Enfland. Booklei on *?__-*-_ C Ity Ticket __?__, I'l Hroadwaj. RESORTS. THE NEW KiTTATIKHY Dcla'.vnre Water Gap, Pa. The ..nli hiKh .'U.i* ni'i'l' r_ I"1""' ln i mountaln r fllon C pa_l :? i Kvory detatl ol modorn ?qulptm ni Execptlonal mlaim Proncli eh._a, Or? chestra <>f ooloUit* Ev-rj li ,., m __d outdoor spirt, golf. tennis. saddle boraca, I *-t.Bfl ete. Ceft and QrUl, a la cart* service HarriR,. Spe? cial 'season rate* Huoklet and auto niaps upon Coach-1 meat trains ownershlp ni magement. JOHN PURDY COPE %?*?*?JZ WATER GAP HOUSE. TOWER HOUSE Mlt'M) BEACH, CONN. Every a'irac;i,,ti of coun'ry and ?*a iru,rc?j0 mln_t-I from New York; fre quent tram.-.; low commuUtlon; larc-. comfortahle ronniv excellent hom* cook lng. fre.ih rflB*UbUa; lhl0?'*rM*' SMITM THE GRISWOLD NEW lonoon. conn. SMABK PBOTECTED BEACH., Modern Holal ',;> At anilr Coast C. urt-_l_* ol sh< necoasett f'nuntr. Club extended to All Bcaann Ouoata; ll-Hola Oolf Coursti Al<". Bailth, Prol Tachtlng Boatlng, .'?-_> tee t ilotorinir nnd T ? II. D SAXTOX, Manager. OTELGRAMATAN 21 minutes from Ornrd Central. C.olf, TennU, Klcling an.l all the otildoor sport. Special rule* for Minimer. IIOTEI. GIMMATAN. 'I.nvrr.nce Park, llroiiwille.V Y GOLF DUTCHER HOUSE & C0TTAGES, PAWLING, N. Y. U tt. BLANKINBHIP, LE8SBB. Tei 31?Pawling. WEVTHCRY. I.ONO ISLAND. Most Attractive Inn in Ameriea Higheat Ma** Cu'slne and S.rvlre. Music l>) _>_??*__?? Or?hr?tra Tnhle reservalluni. I?T ulione. \\ estliurv Jll THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE VALHALLA, WE_TCHE_rTBR CO.. N Y U ml:._'..-, ' i '' ':'*? __| itstl.ii' Ita!... ?'.' 115 M ? T___a n*i__isi> n- ii, t i ? iH' a. Ki-i.i.ig. .sieap i i r rr,,-. Bw laloa ?__*_ On Ot*4>go I lla* C_ao_g_t__r<_ N V. f>pen _n.fl Oct -nd. Com p|.-t...J Sta'e Iloadl Ai __ayK.BS.WoB, Utng. hamt.i, N- a i r? THE IDEAL TOUR .000 a: '.ra tr.rnugh V" R-flUnd'l flefOfc ?Anndrr lai, I IUu'e !.":?. and maf oo ai,pH,-aii. n. : . i0 B-sj n y ^r Hata) tmm, waseswtet Otwt, COOL l'Itl:/Y BOOMII KKillT ON OCBAN . . a . _ '. . -'g* t n |? a ...k f.,r l*ro, np Meal, UNiVtRSITY HOTtL. 0__l Awnns S4-ulJ_ ,, Baa? S. I -;ii Hssmstg ADII((iMlV(h BPRINOS HOCiE. OB I.aic* ? 'hamplain. !? autiful> : go.d table; rat. fl, l? t,. llt . _ A. A. STEVENSON. Woatport. N. T. _RESORTS._J_ RESIiKT.*. _ Tour New England View the scenery of the mountains, follow the rockbound shore, linger by the waters of some dark blue lake, travel through a pictu resque valley, or rolling farming country as you will. AH forms of scenic beauty await you in this Vaca tion Land, with good roads everywhere, and attractive Wayside Inns, Palatial Resorts or magmficent City Hotels to provide for your comfort. Send for free illu?trated road map in color*, 'NEW ENGLAND TOURS." publi.hed by the NEW ENGLAND HOTEL ASSOCIATION, comprising over two hundred of the best hotel* and resort*. WM. M. KIMBALL, Secretary, Draper Hotel, Northampton, Man. The Catskiil Mountains a r. glon ol ,_?? ROMin* -srEMCRT AXTITCOF. tOOO t? 4000 FFFT ATTR.\CTIVE IIOTKI.S AM) IIOARIUNO UOCSE8 MANY TROIT STREAMS porri.AR "iVAi.Ks anti nnivFa MOtMAlN CLlMJilM"?CAMPLNO A WONDKllFtL COINTKY OF tVIUIWUOD CHAR*B*a THE ULSTER&DELAWARE R.R. m eonnertlon wlth West Shore R R . operate- through trains. Indudlng I'ulft m rft. e Th- summer -ic! ? . rn -Htaet Thr-* thmugh ? iralns In ea BriarcUff^#'T Lodge ' ; Briarcliff Manor, N. V. il an U*tal ptace for Recreation. It gives on?* the quiet of the country, the fresh, Inrigorating air of the inc-lfltalnfi .tnd all the comforts of tin- toeat <*'*>' hotel. Overlookina; the Hudson Hi tr, lesa than an hour from Nrw York. t'ome and enjoij ftriarelilf for a WSt k-end or an ind,?finite period. tt. Y. Ofllce, 402 MadaMB A\o. Z\)t Ctigemcre Edgemere, Long Ialand Accommodatea 300 Ml-aetl-* on the .xear.; pruate t.\thir,< beMfc' all ?Miaoar *p.rts, 3i minute* from Wall st ..r I'. nt Station. NOW OPEN MORTIMKR M. KKI.I.V. Manager. 'Phone Far Rockaway?600 ATLANTIC CITY. HOTEL KHKLsH*: Af* . near Atlaj tt* h?t.:v ... table; .pn-ul nt**. '$i:*0 "P ?frK'>. 'JSth ?-.. I A I MABIOM All AVTIC CITV HOTEL NEW ENGLAND sorTll iaki.iiw avv: ajr-j iuaih Prt-ata batha, ruiu ta* ?al*r J" ? . n.?, ?>t Bna'i?. A. II il WILLIAM* GALEN HALL WKKNKKBVILLK. HA. Dry alr. outdoor apoit* g>*>d mudc. Very flr.a therapeulK and mauK" devartment. Op*n all tAayiaw. UOIV AB1I M. WING. Jdauai-er. a^,SOO,000 Acret oi Wonderful Besutjr. Lakcs and Mountains Ol Northern New York America's Summer Paradise The rtal tutJoor summer lift k tha tsn_y air of tbe hif,h ?oodi. THE ADIRONDACKS LAKE GEORGE SCHROON LAKE ALSABLE CHASM COOPERSTOWN PLATTSBURG and 150 other delightful reiorts. Luxurious hotels, plrasant inni, co**1" fortable cottage-, fatcin_tin| ten. and camp life. AccOWBodsoSBS .? meet every taste and purse. DBI \ war'?:_.- HUDSO*. ivalae fr*"** Crai 1 i r. n .1 Stati -.. ? H -.oa Bi*s? Bo.c Line* -o_-c.iiua,.t A.',...?. Wn'-r (or MS flgflg VflflM '? butt. A Sumini r I' ira.n .".'.. ! ' ? ?_h_m falderfl frac N-wYecfc la!oi_?suou Bureau,!_>?> _?',?*?. l_J ATL AN T IC__C I T**__% *^_i(Helai_SwatoOT( Pfsitknti'hv.sKian. I Dii't Kkt?KVix.N**vf J J^ iydr-aa t ulJl'paU^^ ?f __-.. I y.ervue. s-^_r_B_t_ I Ar_r-i?ari Pl*r\ I ' _?_?? AnasTManfiin ' ; ,a'v<*" ,7)11 if.i', . HL-i ___arlbcrou_;fil3Unncim I ATLANTIC' riTY.NJ OV?Htl4aMn> MAXA. I Ml N r Alf1 IjOSIAH WrllTC j,.JK>N________E!~?^ AMtl BY I'.tKk, N. J _H<_ Th* ?' m,v Rflflorl 1?> *'"*2J|SB? Bookl.t ol .'u-ilcli> Dlrxxtor. 1?? **??'*