OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 13, 1916, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1916-08-13/ed-2/seq-4/

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Clews Show Machine Was
Installed Above Union's
Hotel Counsel Room,
Continental Management Hircs
Detective to Learn Who
Eavesdropped on Meetings.
A woman's foot, a hole In a deep, red
ck_?et and an Indignant hotel mana?
ger have brought out the lntest tale of
tho dictagraph and tuckod it n.atlv
Into tho slsaissj chapter of the aurface
car _:nke.
At the Continental ITotel, where the
nnion organi_er? held thoir sessions, a
l man, who.ie name is wftb*
held, yesterday moved into room nura
'.'.'. exactly over the room on the
floor below used as a secret councll
chainber by the carmen. As she walked
room her foot sank in a de
n iq the centre of the rooro.
.'!. .1 the manager, nnd an Inspec
tion showed a equare had bien cut out
? rnrpet.
Inderneath a hole. _3d been cnt
through the floor to the plastor of the
room bonoath. Thore was a puncture
riough for wire- t,< r^*1 thlBBgh
rn th. SlaSter. The house electricia-i
and tho house dotoetjve agro.-d ItWajj n
tir.t rate diciafttann plnnt. although
no irstruments were foun.l. H. 1 . l?ui.
m ?f ta. proariotor, then rcmen.
hcre,! two men hnd occupied the roon;
the dellberationi of the atrtjc*
. in tl i room bonaath. wao
the rnsa orptjt or why th?J waaisfj to
li.t.n in on thc union eonfer,nces li
?et known. Mr- Duncnii Miai a pn*
v_u ,1. t.i;ivc lo tracc tha nicii.
I'nion Men lgnore Sp>ing.
The union leaden* were still busy
1 in ths room below yeaterday, working
out ths deU Isd -Bmandi taaj wtll
pre.-ent to tho employ. r-' Monday. but
they .howed no coneern over the dieta
di**eo.ery, .avmg th. pubiie now
rythjijjs that transpirsd in
the council chambers. although they
?aid adtaae. ln formation might have
b?e_ lOUghl l>\ the companres through
ictiT/a during the progresa of ne
T( was .ug*S*0S*t_i thnt n^ames oi men
?attrre in anioa oifaaisiBg mieht have
been r-htained and thnt men thus dis
? ,] were marked for ds.harge.
The unionists scouted this idea, say
ing ths few roon who have ___? dis?
charged sufferod from a miMinder
thoagh their rem
? ? woald bo taken up with th.
lt would not be made an
issue in tbe final settlement agrcc
The Public Service Commission yes
t. rday gnve out its memorandum eov
<? ring'the strike whieh was sent to the
Governor. Amone its tcntntivr rceom
mendations for legillatlon rogardmg
troablSI tlie commission sug
: an increase of iti power in
Ing strike situations and that
atrreemonts to nrbitrato between pub?
lic serviee eo_poaatio**a and thejr .em
ployea be rerorded with the commis?
sion and be made binding.
Move to Chork Strikes.
The gnestlOB is raised ln thr report
M to whether the employes on the city
t lines, in which the city
il ia n DOlition of ownerslnp nnd to an
? in partnership in operation. oe
cupy n different positiin toward the
? public thun do the employes of otber
public utilitv roiporHtions.
Another tiucstion raise.l la the rc
'? port is whether public . er\ ic cn'.'ta
tion emploves are not analogous to po?
licemen and firenien. who nny IMM
iMpardla. public interest by thlwwfBf
up their lobs while on duty. lt is
loggeited the matter ?.f qattttng pna
llc aarwfee jobs without aatlas might
, be BBBJad to state regulation.
'british unions plan ~~
to protect children
Presence in Industry Will Be
Problem After War Ends.
London. Au_. 2. Child labor is one
of the Bubjccts touched upon in the
annuai report of the General Fedcra
t.on of Trade Uniona dealmg Wltl
problema to be solved after tha war.
The report says:
"The managoment committee na.
never ceased to emphaaize the ?C?liv.,,7
of tho industrial problems with which
the country will be faced at the end of
the war, and the presence of children
in agrieulture and induatry creatos
one of the first diffirulties which w?H
requir. attention.
"lt will be monstrous if the trane
BBiofli-t soldier returns to Bad his
children placed ns a barrier between
him and opportunitios of employm, nt.
To prevent such a catastrophe it may
bo necessnry to provide measures for
roturning employed children to school,
for rsising the leaving age, and for
making this age uniform throughout
the country.
"Such a policy will meet violent op?
position from employers who seek
juvenile labor because it Is cheap to
them although it may be dear to tlie
child and to the state."
Reports from Adirondacks.
Durvce & Co. and Worthington
Whitehoasa, Inc, have rented North
Point Camp, on Raquette Lake, to Wal
; tor I.ew.sohn, of New York. and 1 earl
[.land Camp, on I'pper St. Regis I.ake,
i to John A. McVickar, of New Roehelle,
N.Y. _.
Your Oldsmobile
Will Be Delivered
The Day You Buy
This is what we mean by IMMEDIATE DELIVERY:
The Manufacturers have kept the factory on full time to make
this possible. You ean place yonr order TODAY for the
Oldsmobile Light Ki^ht T)e Luxe, $1105, and you can drive the
finest car on the road on your next week-end or vacation tour.
The Oldsmobile Light Eight De Luxe
b tbr most popular car 011 the markrt. Not too hiff for
thr rity, je\ th** idea! country nnd toiiring r.-ir. As for
rooniinrss and conit'ort, let us d? ?monstr'ite that's alL It
lias tliat dr j.(ii(l,il)lc pov.rr that tbr famoui Oldsmobile
fi-:!it i-vliiidtr.-; Ii.-ive rn.uk' envialilr records with. Yet so
?imple that your wife or danirlitcr will want to do all the
You, too, will be an Ardent Oldsmobilist
]?-. O. B. KACTOKT
BecaUS?_Tn thi'" '*rautil"ulup-to-the
minute crcatiun JTOB arill
find those comforts. thoae lu-rariea, which
insure eomplete en.joyiiicnt ot \our m"tor
rar. <*k>
.You will find the Oldsmo?
bile h rar with n I'.-O-inch
?ahtd-baae a r.ir whose sj.l? ruiidly mod
?-led lines dr light tbe eyt.
*gecau8?_You will find the Oldsmo
hilr's body aarfaeea rich
and satiny, in ro] al giw " and black. You
will find it-. radiatOT falshed in (ierman
Blhreri all its cabiael work, thr cowl
daab, tbe Btecrlag wheel, ooade of im
j.urt'-d (irca.s5i.-1n w.ilnut.
.You will find thr OMa
rn.'liil.' ujiholst.-ry of high
quality French leather, deep and Boft,
Every d.-t-iil b**speaka th?* faahloa and
luxury. WhcB JTOB .ire it the wheel of
the Old.-mobile you have thr satisfacUon
of knowing that no enr is fiiprrior to
BecaUSC "Economy of operation i*
Ita Backbone.*' The Olds
"8" Is provinj- daily in the hands of thou?
sands of oarnera thal the muti-cylinder
r.ir has no drawhaeks. Fully equipped
and weighing bat 2800 pound-.. it -p*fea
lonj* tire servioe and ia tom on fm-l ex
pesae. Think of thia fine eight cylinder
4') h.p c.ir avernjring lietter than 15
miles to the pallon of pasoline.
Because_E cbb o na I cbI ln priee
(flltS), you pay for thr
light weight De Luxe what you might
expect tn pay far even a good "four."
Month in nnd month out \our Oldsmo
bile v\ill save you dollars that a he.nier
<ar of the s.une power would requlre
ior equal .service.
Because? *2?*?Z !_?? ^ .]iU:il
? nue to nwn the Oldsmo?
bile. Jirst time for pood road condi
ti'iis, and long months of touring
weather ahead.
, Bv exereise of fore
Ihi'iight thr manufactur?
ers havr been able to BBCBN enmigh
material to guarantee IMMEDIATE
DI*.1.1 VERY. Herr is your opportunit-r
to get thr right car and without waiting.
Step in and Take an Oldsmobile Ride?There 8 Nothin** Like It.
225-227 W. 58 St.,
near B'way
Branch?1806 Broadway (Columbus Circle)
Distributors for New York; New Jersey; Connecticut
BRONX Rrprrsentntive
415 East 149th St.
'Phon*- Mclro&c 7774.
BROOKLYN Repre?entative
Roval Garage & Machine Works
Phone Buihwick 7266
Send for deacripttve illustrated booklet
"None Has Done More to
Protect Human Life,"
Commissioner Says.
System in Escape from Flamcs
Effected in 801 Build
ings in City.
Subftitution of motor tractors for
horses is not tho only .etback romance
haa received in the Fire Department
recently. On October 16 Commissioner
Ad_mson assigned Lieutenant Walter
J Dugan and a squad of twenty-five
j tircmen to tho duty of standardi.ing
fire drilli in New York. From that day
to this those men have not had to
count the itrokes of the gong; they
eould anooie through the clanging
! alarrn with a clear contcience; they
hardly smelled smoke.
They have been the eonsultlnr *ngl
nicrs of the public. Instead of groping
along narrow comlces to a thrilling
rascas they havo spent their days ad
vising and arguing with factory own?
ers and workers and their eveningi in
tabuluting their resnlta and planning
tlie next day's campaign.
Concerning these unromantlc figures
Commissioner Adamson aaid yester
\daji "No other body of men has done
j more to protect human life than this
j particular squad."
Before their appointment, eren with
'tho utmost good will on the part of
' manufacturers and workers, fire drills
I in New Vork were chnotic. Most fac
i tury buildings harboied several shops.
I Fach shop had its own tire drill. The
I drilli were frequently practised at dif
jfennt times, so that no one had the
' slightest conception of what might
oecai when the 1,000 or 3,000 to.lers
l sought tho exits at the same moment
; in ths event of h real fire.
Up to July t'? fire drills had been sys
! tSBWtlsad iri hi'l of tho l,0.r)H buildings
' ifl which the Fire Department rules re
., nre such precrrut.ons. Ihe work dono
j by the new squad touched tho lives of
nearly 100,00. persons, of whom not
? nor. than one in five hundred ever
l.card of the existence of the squad.
ln standard..ring th. drills care was
taken to emphasize such features a>
were common to drills in every type of
luilding, so that v.-orker. who drifted
flOB* one employment to another would
al ISBSt have the fundamentals in
mind, however short the time of ther
Regulations Drawri l'p.
For the guidance of employers and
en'ployrs and to perfect the work begut.
l.y Lieutenant Dugan's squad Commis?
sioner Adamson has promulgated regu?
lations based on the resjit of its nine
months' work. Thrsc will be issued to
any one seeking information on the
subject of nre drills.
ihe duties of tho floor captains, the
v .-.tchmen. the searchers, the exit
| piardSi the sqund monitors and tho
city tire alann runncr are sat forth in
d.tail. Strange to say. it was founa
thtt in installing fire drills without BB*
j,. rvision some employers completely
cwrlooked the need of sending in a
lire a'.arm. An alert and well trained
city fire alarm ninner is held by thu.
department to be one of the most nec
BBSar** adjuncts of the Br. driu.
Contlnood from ongr 1
they would try to secure such a prop?
osition for us by 10 o'clock to-mor- ;
row morning."
Mr. Garretson explained that the
counter proposal* of the railroads in
volved compensation rights and privi
leges which the railroad employes had
won by a series of strike.*, arbitrations
an.l concessions extending over thirty
"It is just as though you owned a
hon.. and somebedv wanted vou to ar- ;
bitrate the question whether or not (
you owned it," said Mr. Garretson. ;
"The railroad manasrers want us to '
submit to arbitration thlngi we have
had to fight for for thirty yeara."
( onfer with Managerm.
The roembors of tho mediation board.
Chairman Knapp, Judge William L.
Chambers and O. W. w Ilanger, held
an extended meeting with tho railroad
managers at the Riltmore in thc aftf r
noon, hut the managers refused to re
Ci .!. from their position. It was an
noaacad by the board last niirht that
they would try to cot the men to airr<"
this morning to arbitration of their
own demands and then try to bring
about arbitration of the whole con
troversv on that basls,
As for tho count. r-proposals them?
selves, tho railroads1 a'*i'_'ie is this:
They maintain thn* thar were certain
thing* in tho ichsdal-S which were
eir.r;.'!;Tlv f.. r to the mon and the roads
on a ten hour workii:g baaii and pro
rata overtimo. They contend, how?
ever, that under an eight hour rule
and time and a half overtime, these
' i DOl i.e f_ir to th
railroads. Therefore thev desire tha*
an arbitration board shall consider
these th'ngs, too.
Kvcn if the railroads recedo from
th.ir itaad. it is sxtiassalp doubtful
whether the brotherhoods will Hcr.-n'
That is tr -, that
will be (iec'.i.il this morning, aad "?
600 adjustment chairmen ar? not one
on the subject. It will be BBBSSittsd
to a vote, and the majority will rule.
Will Obey Wilson's Request
When Mr. Garretson was asked about
the Presi.lent's message to the medi?
ators he said:
"Nothing of that kind has arrived
at this end of the line; but an invita
tion from tho President of the I'nited
States is tantamount to a eommand
.'.>? Am.ri.a_ dtlsan would sbaj
?.? aaea, P.raoaally, 1 s*e no iadica
<.t a change ol tompor on the
part o' the men in their attitude tow?
ard arbitration as i*. hhs been propo^d
.BS, Tho railroads nuist make ?
some dcfuiite proposition, vhich they,
Bai done. It should be under
itood. however, that tho Piaaidsat has
no more power than you have. If he
ealli us to Washington, though, we
Bill go"
Twenty-four HoorV Strike Notice.
"What will you do If the Fresident
asks y..ri to arbitrate?" he was asked.
"Tho BBSWai Wl make to him," con?
tinued Mr. Garretson, "depends on
what tho Pre-.'ic! | i-ayi to av"
la the event that the "Rig Four"
- of the railway brotherhoods de?
cide to exercise the authority they
have to order a general "trike, it was
aaid jcaterdap that the railroads would
got. only twenty-four hours* notice.
The announcement of tha strike date
and hour would be telegraphed to the
local chairmen at once.
It is pndicted that ten houn after
th- expiration of the twenty-four
hours' grace, _0,000 railway men m ta.
woald havo quit their trains. M
woald require a mueh longor period M
?ot tho whole 400,000 brotherhood
members out, but at soon as they all
-iruek, 2_0,000 miles of railways would
hc tied up and 1.H00.000 men would bc
invoKcd in the strike. w
Reports from Wasnington yesterday
itatod that tho President ipent most
Of the day at the White House so that
he might be on hand for any crisis in
the railroad striko situation. He also
received a petition from repreaentativc.
of unorganired railroad employes urg
ing that Congress past legislation pro
venting a railroad paralysis threatening
at the hands of the four brotherhoods
who, it is claimed, represent only W
per cent of all railroad employes. Yes
terday's petition had 6,000 signatures
nnd others are on the way to the White
HOUSe. * a_ ?_____?
Judge Chamben, one of the Media?
tion Roard. said last night that he
would probably communicate with for?
mer Ambassador Henry Morgenthau.
! who has an appointment with thc
President this mornine, to ask Mr. Mor
Irenthaa to give the I'resident a sura
I mary of the situation which it was ISB*
I possible to give over the telephono.
Rescuer Vanishe* While Cramp
Victim Is Brought Safely Ashore.
An attempt of Walter Post to save
Henrietta Koiser, twolvo, of 120 Beach
Forty-third Street, F.dgomero, Long Isl?
and, from drowning, off Kdgcmore
Reaeh, cost him his own life yesterday.
Poit, who was twenty-fivo years old,
with I'arry Graham, of 11 Halsey
Street, Hrooklyn. and Kdward Wyn
toeth, of Rroad Channel, went to the
girl's rcscuc when she was Hoized with
cramps. Post disappeared after plung
inir in?o the water. Tho girl was res
cued and taken to St. Joseph's Hos?
pital, at Far Rockaway. Post lived at
Reach Forty-fourth Street, Edgemere.
His body has rot been recovered.
Brooklyn Bureao of Charltlea Asks
$100 for Mother and Sons,
After George Seaton died Mrs.
Seaton sold tho little store that had
supported the family. Rcali-ing that
?ho eould not run the store and care
for thc five youngsters. the oldest thir
tecn and the youngost three, she was
going to put the monev in the bank.
But it was stolen.
She went bravely to work. but lt was
more than one woman eould do. John
is fifteen and just starting to work. but
he and the mother cannot. earn enough
for ren, food and clothin*.. A weokly
allowance muat be continued until
Krnest, the thirteen-year-old, can do his i
share. To do this a fund of $100 is !
needed. Large and small contributiona |
may be sent to the Brooklyn Bureau of
Chsritl-S. o'.l Schormernorn Street,
Brooklyn, marked "for 0279 TR" )
The bureau aeknowledgea with thanks
tho following eontributon who rou.d
not be reached by mail: Appeal 0277.
T. cash anon.. $1; W. E. S.. $1; g77
CH, cash anon., $1: R. F.. 25c.; 0277
S A. A.. $1; 0278 W, M. !?.. 20c; 02?
TR, L. H. $1; 027R W, A Christian, $1,
The Lenox To Be Offered to Higheat
Bidder Next Saturday.
Th. Lenox Hotel, at Long Rranch,
N J. is to be sold at public auction by
i'rya'n L. Kennelly on Saturday, Au?
gust 2.. The sale will be held on the
promises at 3 p. m. The pro*perty is at
the northwest corner of Ocean av. and
Broadway, facing the Atlantic Ocean
and Boardwalk.
The hotel is a three itory lmitation
stone building and has about sixty
seven rooms. There are nine stores on
the prefhises and an unobstructed right
of way to the ocean.
DEBTS TOTAL .$620,000
Bank Fixaminers Find New Llt.
bllity of $314,000.
Th? linbiliti-.* of th* Mutu?l Tiaii
("ompe.ny, ot Oraat**, .','. J , ae-rrtg,..,
|a*tt0.a*H( aecordinj* to fif-ure* .?.-,?
yriterday by the bankinj txam.r.tn,
Thi* Includc* the $30'',00 in apmij^.
tion eartifieataa i -~u*?ri hy Kdw,-. _
Hatch: whirh he aied h- roli**"-,; f^
abtaiaiBg loans from Now y,,r< *,,____,
The new liabili'.y of J'lU, Q j, J
cured by collatr ral ef an t rr?>_
minimum vald-> of $'74/i0'i.
The naturc of the $.114,000 addiUot*!
liability i* not di*clo*ed.
Casement Called a Wajhiriijtoi
Rojrer Casement la plarH on ? pla,,
with OaergB Washinfrton, the Br-*.;,,
f-overnment i- a-.?ailed in bitter Xarat
and the attention of American* ii
drawn to finti'-h ar*.- on the aaaj
against I'nited Statr* merehandi?? aj,
to th** Britiah eomn-.e-cial blarkliit i,
lengthy roaolotieBi adopted yeitereUy
at a gpreial nieetin-; of the I'nite"
Iri*h-Amrrican Societies nf \ew york
in the Irish-Amer;can Athletic Club, u
150 East Sixtieth Street.
During August
Cloted All Day
'.....' ~ ,:,; ?
Fifth Avenue, 37th and 38th Streets
A Store o?f Individual Snofas
Even shop is conducted as a separat: store, with specialists in attendance^
For Women and Misses
Fur Trimmed Jersev_Cloth Coats-New Fail jjtodejs
Now sh
gold, C
For Women and Misses
Fur Trimmed Jersey Cloth Coats
irrorl bolted sr ven-eighth length model, ln rosr,
open or purplo, also heathcr mixturrs in blue,
brown or grcv colorings. Now lon;; shoulder
large ecorert-hle collar und bottoa ot eaat ^q qrv
with blur Genet far. Special -t-V**-^
Mole Fur Trimmed Jersey Cloth Coats
Now bhirrod bolted sevrn-4-ighth length modol, in
Freneh rose, sapphire blur, white, nilo green, purplo.
dull gold, taupe, Burgundy or bottle green, fittc.l
raglan shoulder, large convertiblc. collar with deep ~ . g.^v
band of real Scotch mole. Special _fr*T?*jU
WomeiVs^ Oowns?New Fail Models
29.50 to 145.00
Exclusive new Fail models nf Frr-nrh satin, crepe meteor satin eharmeuse, Georgette chiffon velvet,
' _ergr or serge and satin combined. Many nrw straight line models with pleated skirts and
worsted embroiderv. Smart one-picce fruckl or Redingote models are fur or braid trimmed.
New Fail Models
Women's Tailored Suits
Made in onr own rt'orkroom
Exclusive models of wool velour, duvet de laine. duvetyne,
broadcloth. Callot checks and velour plaids;
tailored or dressy fur trimmed models.
29.50 to 145.00
Nexc Fail Models
Women[s Waists
Of Georgette, Silk Chiffon or Crepe de Chine.
In black, white, flesh or new FaU shades; many are tucked,
beaded or embroidered in sclf or contrasting colors,
some are combincd with satin.
5.75 to 39.50
Women's New FaU Shoes
Shomng the ggg and enrrect height
In keeping wlth the Fail fasbion prediction a new height ln Boots sljghtly lower than
the former stvles, shown in the newest Fail colors-Paris Brown ?nd Field Mouse. nf
highest quality kidskin, exclusive lasts, light soles, Spanish heels. Special
Betty Wales^Dresses
Styles lirmstrrrd oy Franklin Simon Se Co.
Six exclusive Misses' models of navy blue or black
Freneh serge, also Scotch wool plaids in
rich colorings. 1 i to _0 years.
14.50 to 16.75
Misses'J[ailored Suits
Made in our men xvorkrnom
Exclusive models of wool velour, duvet de lainr,
duvetyne, broadcloth or Callot checksj tailored
or dressy fur trimmed aodOla.
29.50 to 125.00
Misses' Afternoon Oowns
Exclusive models of Ermch satin, eliarmeuse,
crepe metcof or Georgette crepe. also serge
snd satin combinations. 14 to 80 years.
18.50 to 89.50
Misses' JEyening Oowns
Exclusive models of Freneh satin, chiffon tatVeta,
1 rench net, flowered Georgette or cloth <>f silvcr
with net draptries. 1 1 to 80 years.
29.50 to 98.50
Specials for Monday
Washable White Skirt.**;
For Women and Mi.ssr*
Full flare *D____ af white plque rnrd
or gabardine, slash or set-in pocket..
Special %J? J *J
Wool Jersey Sport Skirts
For Women and Mittes
In Taliite, gold, Coprn or grc. n wool Jersey, _ _.
??hirrod top, arkh erashed beit, flap poekot.^. Special /.Oil
Monday at Reduced Prices
Silk _Bathing: Dresses
For Jl'omen and Misite*
Taffeta Mlk or satin slip-on. smockrd or walst linr
model*., in black or naw. srlf color or vvlnte lllk Collar. -. f.s\
Heretofore $7.95 to $12.75 D.Vl)
Women's Fibre Silk Sweaters
With Wool Park
In whltr, Copen, eanarr, rose, also black and whlfej,
V neck, s__h and patch pockets or with BsHsr ...linr, _- .. ?
button over beit Heretofore $9.75 and $12.75 4 . \wD
?-? *m
LjJLj^j^LLLJ' ? 1^'.I ? 4,11_, ij'i11111ii111n111111111nl'i. i.i ii? i -?.?'" ?' ? ? ____i

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