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WEATHER Generally fair to-day and to-mor? row; somewhat cooler to-mor? row; moderate northwest to north winds Full Ha-l-art on Faae 10 V^^^ F* ?f + f. T , -Zribmit First to Last?the Truth: News ? Editorials ? Advertisements Vol. LXXY?I No. 25,822 (Cop?il?ht UP? The Tribun? Ass'n] SATURDAY, -JULY 28, 1917 ? * * CIRCULATION Over 100,000 Daily Net Paid, Non-Returnable ONE CENT A-a itr Gaps in Ranks To Be Filled By the Draft ^1 Men Listed Must Be Ready to Serve, Baker Decides Senators Favor Calling Aliens No Exemptions Will Be Made by Classes, Crowder Tells Coal Men Washington, ---S 27.-?Every man ?'.lgfble *?*** -F drafted will be called if m is needed, according to Secretary IIu declared to-day that every tomber drawn, unless exempted, must *M ir. readiness to nil gape through euualtiea in the American forces. Aliens, too. may be called. The Sen tie ?il?tary Affairs Committee haa de? eded to report favorably the resolution yr-OTidin? for the drafting of nationals ,f other countries, except Oriental?. ?.'wmptlor. c'aims based on alien rights ?ill be aniwered by deportation. Meanwhile General Crowder, Provost Xirihal. has ruled that no general c'.as? ?f workmen shall be exempted from iiabiiity of service, and turned down tsiployer?' pleas on behalf of expert forkmen whose numbers were drawn. All May Be Called Being far down on the exemption list ?ay mean that a man will not be called for examination for the first increment ifllT.^OO men. and if he is down near Hi* end he may not be called for the ?Kond increment of tbbJSb? men, but if the war keeps up long enough he aiy count on being called. Secretary Baker said that as he un fcrstood the draft law. it not only per aitted the raising of two increments ?' 5M,0CK> each and the raising of suffi ?i?t men to maintain the regular tray and Netionai Guard at war itrtnfth, but alao the raising of men tt 111 the gaps caused by casualties tad sickness. This means that after the 1.000,000 tst of the National Army are in, he said, further drawing ? the list of lo.000.000 registered men ?... be **-*-at>rv*a to to keep that Na? tional Army at 1,000,00" and to keep the ?ranks of the regular army and Na? tional Guard at war strength. Exemptions to Run High 'As has already been pointed out in The Tribune, a much larger number of nen will have to be examined to pro tide the first and second increments j than has generally been stated. Army ?leers eitimate that not less than one half will be exempted because of de ?eadents. and not less than 40 per cent *t those without dependents because of physical disabilities. This would make the exemption!? run M per cent before '.he occupations of the men examined ?tt considered and with no deductions '?r sliens. There is no doubt that the pereent *rt of exemptions for occupations will (every high, as no industries essential w the conduct of the war must be in 'srittti with. It is probable that an amendment will ** crged, however, exempting men who ?*?1! pass the age of thirty-one before "sty are called and providing for the 'Trtratior. of those who shall attain | ?** age of twenty-one before the time 'at their call comes. Will Draft Aliens -7 a unanimous vote the Senate '??mittee on Military Affaira to-day alerted favorably the resolution of taster Chamberlain which provides ** the drafting of aliens in this coun *f- Aliens who ar* nationals of coun ?nte with which the United States has 'tsaties which would prevent such *afting may be exemptfd, hut if they 'hia exemption on this ground they "f**ild b* j-port<td at the end of ninety ist re?-,ijtion was amended by the ?"?aitte* so as not to apply to Chinese *** Japanese. It is now worded so as Jjjaply to aliens who could lagal Thaeorr.* - tir.ens of the United States. A ?eilig? of personal inquiries con Waas future steps in the army draft ***- si pleas from industrial concern* ***t?mpvF)n of their expert workers ****** fror, the provost marshal's office *-~*.J a statement that questions must ? adir?,Sed to local boarda. and that '-?"??for industrial exemption must go ****r to the district boards. Ka ( lass Exempt *? ger.eral class of workmen will be ?**P**.d, Provost Marshal General ***der te'd ?he Coal Production Com which sought information ?J?'*''' wmera ?cjld be left at their J* App?-sU to the provost marshal's ??wfrom emplovars <,n behalf of their ***kin?n r.t. accomplish nothing, it *** eipia ied, as regulations promul ***~*i by President Wilson govern all ?"??tlCBB. ?J?*** luestioa tit whether a hi?*, is **** la?**'**' to his ountry in a *? *F*orsu;*. than 'n military service ia IS***1 **b* uk*n ***> w'th tha d"1'' * b'.*"li" gaid ?n announcement, m\ i ** board to determino m j"* hgK'. ?,/ tr.e eircumstancea Bur? glar ?ach individual ? 'J'eeedurs In ess? of Hairn? for *****'t** on the ground ?<f industry *t'r.'? r? ia explicitly outlinej In ?frWgalai.ofia. Only the upper or <t i.oard has Jurladict-on over an J****1*' or agricultural claim 'or J***'?* Heforat a man has a stand J*"**iora the district board he muat ,? ** *-?rti*ied to it by the local or *7** board as physically qualified for '?'* e*d muat have had any lie. I**** ?lain made, bf-for? the lower ~?4 ***<?.d-d adversely to him. ???? ?a? f.v?) ?jay? after he is <--*? ?*? ??*??? upper board In whieh to fboim tr>r d.arharge. and fivo day, *g**f which to file proof. All ?jami for exemption, or discharge, et> ^?Ulr?*? fa?- d.acharge on IndueMal ?|JJ?l*'Uuit.r4! gro ,n?Ta, are -Je-.ld-?t* lljjp'iy by ?h,. !,,ral or lower ***amityr Ltitu Dio-brihuiod to -****? erstarb 0f t^ttf?tm peifjo S. EXEMPT ON ACCOUNT OF NUMEROUS DEPENDENTS Army Gives Germans Proof ! It's at Front! Officers Convince Prisoners Americans Are in France in Force By HEYWOOD BROIN Accredited to the Pershinn army in France for The S'ew York Trib? une and Syndicate. lOpTriib* KMT, by Tin? Tribune aV?f?*i?tlnn) 'CONTROLE AMERICAIN," AMER? ICAN EXPEDITIONARY ARMY, JULY 27.?American officers are being taken systematically to German prison camps near here in order to convince the Germans of the presence of American troops. It is hoped that a frequent mention in letters of the presence of American? may hav?* its effect in Ger? many. A numDer cf American soldiers heard the rattle of machine guns for , ??he first time to-day, but it w*as a pleasant sound of departing shots. The men filed from trenches at a ; row of targets placed at the foot of a j hill some t4\o hundred yards away. There was also practice with the , French type of automatic rifle. The j t'rst -oldier to handle this weapon was ! green. The French instructors had . painstakingly explained the mechan? ism with irii.ry a "Regardez!"' and morn telling explanation by signs ?nd *n exatrvplc. Trooper Successfully Riddles Sky Line Under their direction he had taken , the gun apart and put it together i without having a single piece left over. Rut th? weapon was not yet his pal. He pulled the trigger and "the bucking thing sprayed the top of the hill with bullets. The French instructor made a laugh- I ing comment and a man in tho com? pany who spoke French explained: "He say? you ought to be in the anti? aircraft nenien." Presently, after much careful hand?ng and i-ncourag ing words, which arara -.oothing in tone, though not understood, h?> began to hit the tftrget now and again. The next man was a non-commis aioned officer Ions? in the army, and he patted the tpm and wooed it a little before he shot. True, it was a French gun, but the language o? firearms is international. "Behnve busy," he said, and she did. He sprayed shots along the bottom of the hill as the gun clattered with all the clamor of a riveting machine at * a m. When they looked at the targets they found he had scored thirty hit? out of thirty-four and some were bull's eyer The Fremh instructor was so pleased he nlmost hugged the ancient sergeant, but th? \??teran's look of hor? ror served as a warning. The American officers feel that sat? isfactory progress is being made. The ?iifferenco in languag**- accounts for ?ome delays; but, on the other hand, the Krfnch are temperamentally excellent teachers, and illustration serves better than word? when it comes to guns. Moat "f the officers feel that faster progress might he made in a Britiah treining camp, but they are not as sure the men would get along as well as they do with the French. Americana Will Inatruct N?r*wcomer? Other American troopa will have Amaricen instructora drawn from the nreaent force. On? of the chief objecta of th? preeent work la to train Inatruct ora These men will copy some of the methods uaedl et the lntenaive training Russians Steady Lines; Germans Capture Kolomea Thousands of KornilolTs Men Die in Vain At? tempt to Halt Teuton Advance?Czernowitz Re? ported Evacuated?Austnans Routed in Rumania London, July 27.- F'aint signa o what may be a returning morale in *h Russian armies are discernible in th official statements both from Petrogra and Berlin, though at no point has th Slavic retreat eastward been mor than temporarily checked. The most serious news comes fron Berlin. It announces that all t h. crossings of the Gnizna and Se'e'.l rivers between larnopol and Trem bowla have been captured. It is or this line that the Russians might b expected to stand and? though press" back, they fought courageously en? thousands of them fell in fruitles counter attacks under the eyes of Em peror William, who watched the battl from the heights. Farther south on both sides ?-?*" ?h? Dnitfttr and well into the woode Carpathians the Russians are it il, though apparently if good order and with the ability t< strike back here and there. Kolomea an important junction on the road tr Ocrnowitz, capital of Bukowina. ha< fallen into enemy hands, as expected Though Czemowitz is forty-five mile; to the east, reports from Vienna say that the evening newspapers in th? Austrian capital assert that the Rus sians are evacuating the city. Komi loff's nrmies are retiring on Czemo? witz from two directions and south of Kolomea have nearly reached the bank? of the upper Pmth. The news from the Rumanian front is cheering, but the situation there cannot affect tne larger Issues in the north. Th?? Russo-Rumanian armies have ??ready penetrated the enemy's positions to a depth of seven and a half miles and have occupied ten vil ?ages, while Berlin admits that the ein tiri" Suchitza Valley has baen relin guished as far r.s the upper reaches of the Putna River. The Austrians are SHul to be in disorderly flight, and have loti 4M m?,?-" prisoners, together with six field pieces and several machine guns and mine throwers. F'rom the Russian capital the stern? est tt ta tart I me being promulgated to save the revolution and stabilize the nation. Premier Kerensky has taken teeptioaal decision of convoking at Moscow on July 31 an "extraordi? nary natirrnal council," without waiting until the Constituent Assembly con rentt. Tht Prttlltr declared to-day thHt all nttempts to move the re\olu ti??n backward would fail and that plots i raatort tht aioaarchjr will he "sup pretatd In 'he mool determined and merciless way." The decision to hold the council at , Moscow-, the ancient capital, is prob? ably the result of new and violent street fighting which has occurred in Petrograd during the last two days, tc corrling to the Copenhagen "Berlingake j Tidendc." Thia time, however, the rioters were met firmly by government I troops, who smotherc? with fusillades I tht "great revolt" organized by th*o ex I tremist elements. Aa an indication of the new policy I and firm measures to be taken, Kron I stadt has received an ultimatum to I hand over three of the chief Bolsheviki agitators, including the notonoi Roschal. In cas?- of a refusal the i?lar will be declared hlorkaiied. It is stated from Petrograd that Ger eral Korniloff's orders to shoot dow traitors and coward? ar?- bring came out to the letter at the fror.t. Th commander of a grenadier diviaion ha been removed for refusing to fire o daaertera, hut there is no further mer tion in to-day's official bulletin <?f lac of discipline among the rank and fill Indeed, both from the Russian an German accounts of the sanguinar fighting along the Sereth it would ar pear that "battalions of death" fror other sectors of the front have bee flung into the battle to Staat]*- th disaffected divisions. Petrogrnd reports that northwest n Monasterzka the Russian eavalr fought a series of successful action with the advancing enemy, throwin? him back to the north? ast. Southoa? of Tarnopol German at ?..''<-!-.s WOTt i ?? pulsed, as well as north of CaoatOV, sin althoaah the Russians had to retire : short distance southeast of Tremhowla the deepest point of the hostile pene trntion, they took up new positions 01 the heights, and held them against al assault?;. a Russia's Women Fighters Took 102 Captives at Dvinsk London, July 27. Russia's women"? "Legion of Death" took 102 prisoners two of them officers, in their first bat ' tie on the Dvinsk front, according to i advices from Petrograd. The women charged' fearlessly over a shell-torn field after thrir men comrades had d? serted and ?n shame.? the disorganized force? that the tide of battle was ! turned in favor of the Ru*?iBns. A dozen of :hr> battalion were wound?d 'ti the action, including th?* eota? mander, nnd have bren sent to Minas* to recover. A dispatch to the Exchange Tele? graph from Petrograd, datai Thu i - - ?lay. says: "Ensign Mile. Vera Rufrhkareff, com? mander of the Russian women's bat? tnlion, and Lieutenant Skrydlova, aaf? *enng from shock as n result af burst? ing shells, and about a dOMB other member? of the battalion who trata wounded in th?* recent lighting, have been sent to Minsk. When they leached Poltava lh"y were welcomed by 100,000 eitiaaaa and soldiers, with a brass band and banners. "It is said the women attacked the Germans after thr Russians hail de? serted, rushing forward impetuously and tiring their rifle? with deadly ef? fect. Their prisoners were greatly chagrined when thev learned the . . af their captors." Disaster tttrrngthrninff Rust?an noverntvevt, Amhajtartdor Frttvri* reports ? Ifftaro Don Let itte't atuilijtn*. on Pant 5. rampt of tht British, which put on the finishing touches in from eight to eleven day?. French officer? here agree unani mouily that the Rooaevelt army would have been a miitake. "It would have bean magnifleant." aaid on*, but it would hava been what you call a ?plath. Thare could hava been no more Roosevelt armies. Th?* thing which counts is to get a system which keep? the men coming and coming." American officers, In commenting on tha fact that Admiral Sims is repre? senting America at the Balkan confer? ence, explain that ha has been choten because nit branch is in active service, while Pershing's men are ?till training. Allies Decide ToHoldOnlya Base in Greece Conference in Paris Agrees to End Occupation of Three Provinces Will Fight On To End Aggression U. ?S. Criticised for Failure To Send Delegates; Sims Is Consulted By ARTHUR S. DRAPER IB? Cable to The Trtbun?] London, July 27.?The Allied powers have decided to end their military oc? cupation of ancient Greece, Thessaly ?nd Epiru?. This was determined upon before the conclusion of the great war :onference in Paris yesterday. At the Bame time it waa unanimously agreed that the Entente powers should not lay down their arms until they had at? tained their aims in the war-"to ren? ier impossible a return of the criminal aggression such a? that whereof the Central Powers bear the responsi? bility." The withdrawal of the Allied force? from the three territories name?!, which will be undertaken by the con? ference immediately on their return home, will have no effect on military operations in the Macedonian front, which extends through Greek Mace? donia and Southern Serbia, gome dis? tance to the north. For the time being, also, Allied troops will continue their occupation of the triangle formed by the Santi yuaranta road and the Epirus frontier, tad the military and naval base on the : Island of Corfu will be maintained, under the sovereignty of Greece. The declaration follows: The Allied powers, more closely BBltad than ever for the defence of the people's rights, particularly in the Balkan peninsula, are resolved not to lay down arms until they have attained the end which in their eye? dominates all others -to render im? possible a return of the criminal ag greaaifa such as that whereof the < entrai Empires bet? the respon ??ibility. The ?nnoancrw. ? ? ?-'??. he de? cision concerning Greek territory read: F'rance, Great Britain and Italy, simultaneously and as loon as pos? ible, will end the occupations they have been obliged to make in ancient Greece, Thessaly und Epirus. Tho military occupation of the triangle formed by the Santi Quaranta road er.d the Epirus frontier will be main? tained provisionally as a measure of seruri'y, Italy and Greece to agree as regards re-establishmcnt of the civil administration under a commissioner appointed by Greece. F'rance, Great Britain and Italy will preserve dur? ing the war a naval and military bast on the island of Corfu, the isl? and remaining under tht sovereignty of Greece. Sim? Attend? Conference The I'nited States was unofficially represented at the conference In Paris by Vice-Admiral Sims, who was called into consultation on the shipping and gineral naval situition, and by General Poshing, who took part in the military discussion?. Sir William Robertson and (?lierai Forh also were consulted. Regret has been continuously ex? pressed here that the I'nited States chose to send no official delegates to the conference. In the opinion of many authorities heve it was obvious that the discussions 01" such an tt* ?, ? bly could hardly be confined to the Balkan problem alone, and it was felt that it was America's duty, as well n* her privilege, to share in the discus? sion of all other matters relating to the war and to war policies) In general. In some quarter?, indeed, there has been a tendency to criticise President Wil.-on'.s action in refusing to partici? pate in *h?> congress. "The Globe" say ?ilitorially to-night: "We ?juite understand the conditions which led Presiden* Wilson to take the course he did. He must pardon u? if we say. however, that his attitude is one im? possible to maintain. Italy made the same attempt and failed. I rge Closer Alliance. "America will have the same expe? rience. Her troops in France will find themselves fighting against the Aus? trian?, with whom they are nominally at peace. Her transports will have to run the gantlet we hope successfully of Austrian as well as German sub- ! marinea. If either Turkey or Bui ?aria is able to spare any men to help Germany, they certainly ?vill be com? pelled i<? do' to by the peremptory orders of Berlin. We do not think either the Turk or the Bulgarian under , , rcumstances will make any nice , distinction! betwaaa the different na titr?t allied against the Kaiser. "It is not possible to carry on a world war in a watertight compart-' ment. \\ o? are convince?! that logi-7, I sooner or later, .?ill compel the Tres | t.) recognize this fac'. Amen cans certainly bavt no desire whatever thtttaolvat playing a subordi- i nato role in the present struggle, but , it i- a little difficult to aee how this can be a.'otded if they do not take any share in ?he conferences of the Allies. The naval and military situation must be envisaged M ? whole. It is ob? viously desirable that wa have authnr iutne American opinion upon it." Jewish Regiment Formed King David's Shield Badge of Special British Unit London, July Z~. The War ?frica has announced the formation of a ?pecial Jewish regiment of infantry with experienced officers in the higher commands. Jewish soldier? with knowledge of the Yiddish or Rust?an language al? ready serving with British regiments will be transferred to this unit. The regimental badt*-? will be a copy I of King Dsvld't ihleld. War Risks Go Higher; U-Boat Peril Grows Insurance on Ships Crossing War Zone Is Raised \Vl Per Cent 3 to 4 New German Submarines a Week Allies Destroy but One? Definite Offensive Demanded Washington, July 27.? An announce? ment to-day by the War Risk Insurance Bureau that, dating from August 15, government insurance rates for vessels and cargoes sailing from American ports for Europe and the Mediterranean coast of Africa would be increased from 6 per cent to 64 per cent, was accepted here as official testimony to the effec? tiveness of German submarines. It is estimated in official circles that Germany now has 200 submersibles in active service, and is turning them out at the rate of three or four a week, while the Allies are snaring or destroy? ing an average of only one a week. The losses in ships and cargoes is said to bo costing the Entente nations billions every month, making necessary the in? crease in insurance rates. Applies to United States Ships The new rate of 6S per cent will apply also to American-bound vessels from the foreign ports mentioned. It Is the first increase since the United States entered the war and was made necessary, said the bureau's announce? ment because "the 5 per cent rate is not adequate for the risks undertaken through the so-called war rone, as the bureau has sustained several heavy lo?ses." Unofficial estimates of the submar? ine strength of Germany have far ex? ceeded the conservative official figures. A scientific authority estimates that at the end of July Germany possessed seven hundred submarines. This au? thority asserted that Germany could build 1,000 submarines a year. At such a rate of construction the Allies would have to destroy three l'-boat.? a day to keep pace wth German manufacture. Tremendous Economic Loss The further statement was maje Siemi-officially to-day that the eco? nomic damage inflicted upen the En? tente countries and the l. ni ted ?States by the submarines amounts to billions each month. The estimate was arrived at through a valuation of the tonnsge destroyed and cargo**"*? lost. There have been admissions that the loss ?if morchant ship-i amounts to 800,000 tons a month. The value of a ship is said to run from $1,im)ii to lU.oOO a ton Taking the largi'r figure, the financial loss in ships alone would be $l,i'>oo,iini',0i'0 a month. The cargoes of the ships de? stroyed in many instances are worth more than the ships themselves. Some officials estimated the damage inflicted upon Allied, American and neutral tennage available for Allied uses to run from $3,000,000,000 to $5,000,00*., 000 a month. To prevent the increase of submarine activities and to discount the addition of the new submarines, the Allied and American navies must destroy from three to four submarines a week. None of the Allied governments professes to be accomplishing this result at the present time, and none claims that methods now in use for combating the submarines will ever reach ihat total. Several Types of l'-Roat Germany is known to be turning out simultaneously several classes of sub? marines, running from the small type for use in the English Channel and on the trade route? between England and Holland and England and Denmark operating from the base at Zeebrugge on the Belgian coast, to the super-sub? marine of 1,200 tons and carrying two five-inch guns. The intermediate types, those inflicting the largest amount of damage to enemy shipping, are of the U-SS class and the mine laying submarines. The r-5."i type is large, speedy, with extraordinary sea keeping powers, and is employed in the limes between the I'nited States and Europe, between Russia and England and in the Mediterranean. They, to? gether with the mine-laying I'-boats, operate from the largest submarine bases, such as Kiel. ? There is noticeable in naval circles here a distinct disappointment of hopes respecting the invention of instrumen talitie? and methods for successfully combating the submarine. The problem is narrowing down to the necessity of initiating a naval offensive, and it was learned on the highest authority that "unofficial press? ure from official sources in the L'nited States" had been brought to bear upon the British government to induce it to institute, or rather to plan for, a naval offensive. 2,000,000 Tons Lost By Britain in War London, July 27. Lord Robert Cecil, ?he Minister of Blockade, said to The Associated Press to-day: "Ocean-going vessels of British reg? istry bet?re the war were between 17,000,000 and 18,000,000 tons," he said by way of introduction. "At present the total, inclusive of prizes and new ships, is slightly over 15,000,000 tons. "The country generally has had to suffer great and increasing sacrifices through the shortage of tonnage caused by war requirements and sub? marin? lo.??es. I wish particularly to point out how we have sacrificed ruth? lessly the need? of industry and com? merce t?> war requirements. Three hundred British merchant ves? sels alrettily have been armed and a large numoer are being armed each week, said I J, MacNamara. Einaneial Secretary to the Admiralty, in reply to a question in the House of Commons | to-day. War to Cost U. S. $29,000,000 aDay, Congress Is Told Daily Cost of War United States.$41.09?,164.4-.f. For ?ahtino .. ? ? S9.?13.169.86 Loans to allies.. 11,682,991,.?9 'Great Britain. 33,975,000.00 France . 18,000,000.00 Russia . 16,000,000.00 Italy . 7,000,000.00 Rumania . 2,000.000.00 Belgium . 1,000,000.00 Serbia . 1,000,000.00 ENTENTE POWERS TOTAL .1120,071,184.65 Germany .$21,000,000.00 Austria . 11.000,000.00 Turkey . 1.500,000.00 Bulgaria . 1,500,000.00 CENTRAL POWERS TOTAL .$35,000,000.00 U.S. Destroyer Puts Submarine to Flight, Saves 150 Persons Survivors of Liner Express Gratitude to the Ameri? can People Base of the American Flotilla in British Watert, July 27 i by Tht As? sociated Press I. Th? captain of a liner recently torpedoed, from which sixty passengers and ninety member? of the crew were rescued by an American de? stroyer, to-day aa*ed The Associated Press to convey to the American people I a letter of thank? and heartfelt ap ! preciation on behalf of himself, tht | passengers and the crew for the gal I lant rescue by the Americans. The captain's letter follows: "To the American public: I wish to | express through The Associated Press on behalf of myself, the passengers and crew our heartfelt thanks and deepest gratitude for the gallant resc*4t of all of us by Americans, who are fighting for humanity and civilization. Forced Retreat of l'-Boat "But for the prompt appearance of the Americans I would now be a pris? oner on board a German submarine, the crew of which already had thrown a line to my boat preparatory to making me prisoner. Your destroyer, racing to the rescue, caused the Germans to change their mind and to make a hasty retreat under water. "We all feel that we owe to the crew of the American destroyer an everlast? ing debt of gratitude for our safety, and we wish to thank the irreat Ameri? can nation for the action which made it possible namely, the sending of their gallant men into this great struggle to make the world a fit place for a decent man to live in." I'nited States Sailor? Refused Purse The commander and men of the American destroyer, who after the res? cue hod refuse?! a substantial purse from the grateful passengers with the statement that they were merely doing their duty, to-day nlso received a letter of thanks from the captain. Upon their arrival here the pas? senger and crew, still clinging to their life belts, gathered on the pier and gave repeated cheers for the Americans The fact that the American? were able to pick up all the persons from the ibip without mishap establishes a record for ihe largest number rescued from any one ship by an American ?iestroyer since the arrival here of the flotilla American Flag Flies On Liner Vaterland Fifteen Other German Ships To Be United States Transports 'Kr-"? Th? Tnbu'i?? Bureau) Washington, July 27.?The following i statement was issued to-night by the | Committee on Public. Information: "Secretary Daniels announced that ' the American flag was hoisted on the great German liner Vaterland to-day. He al?o stated that fifteen other Ger ; .nan ships had been taken over by the ' government and the work of fitting them out for transport sen-ice would . be rapidly pushed to completion. "The work on all these ship? was he ! gun some time ago by contract under the Shipping Board. T^e Navy De? partment has now taken over this work ; under it? own direction." How Long? i iKrom Th? New York American, 'uiy Z'.i But it It not through invasion that I think the I'nited St?te? will auffer the m<-??t if this w*r is indefinitely protracted. It U through ?ending n million men a year, a million nf our aplendid young Americans every year | of a war whi?-h may I?it from /even to ten ' year?, to be offered up in bloody aarrinVe to the ambition of contending nation? on for i eign l?attlefield?. I* it not better to make pe?r? now than to look forward to year after year of ?u?-h national an?) individual ?orrow and Mtrttoo, I to ?u?-h wantage and woe. to auch deatru?* | tioti of the hot aperimena of the I rare, to ?uch irretrievable demolition of the I ?uatainlng atru-ture of our Oreidental rivil I ization ? How Ion?*, too. ??ill our people tolerate ?ueh ?laughter and auch ?aeriftce? How lent before government i will be change?! her? and partie? expelled a? they have been abroad? How lona* befor? ?ncialum will talc? the plac? of denjoeraey in political pow? er and vioUnt -atr?-ml?U take th? plat?? of th? modcratM who now temperately rounael caution and constitutional cons?rvatl?m* Loans to Allies May Bring Year's Total to 15 Billions 7 Billions Needed To Meet the Bill McAdoo Plans to Raise $5,000,000,000 With Bonds, Rest With Taxes Washington, July 27.-Estimating the cost of the war for the coming year at $10,735.S07.000, exclusive of loans to the Allies, the Administration informed Congress to-day that new revenues totalling $7,000,000,000 must be raised from taxation or issuance of securities. If advancement of credit to the Allies is continued at the present rate the year's total of war expenditures will pass $16,000,000,000, and the amount of additional revenue required will in? crease accordingly. The average daily cost of the first year of the war to the United States will thus be $29,413,169 for military needs and $ll,?"S2,994 for loans to the Allies. This exceeds by $7,000,000 the present daily cos., of the war to Prit ain, and also exceeds the present ex pendlture of all the Central Powers. The difference is explained largely by the fact that the United Sutes is con fronted with the task of creating a huge military establishment, doing work it could have done In past years. American rates of army pay, too, are many times tnose of the Teutona and the French. How Congress will meet the enor? mous new revenue requirementa re? mains to be determined, but there Is a diatinct sentiment in favor of offsettine* most of tho expenditures by bond is? sues. Many leaders on both sides of the Capitol predicted to-night that not more than $2,000,000,000 of the $7,000. 000,000 asked would be raised by taxa? tion, and that the remainder might be met partially by bond sales and partial? ly by Issuance of Treasury certificates of indebtedness. Army To Gel Lion's Share Equipment and stores for the Na? tional Army, particularly artillery, will require the lion's share of appropria tions under j,he Administration's esti? mates. Of tho year"* total of $10,736, 807,000, the War Department alone ex? pects, to upend $7,f>'i4,-''i,o>iO, or $5, 319,000,000 more than has been appro? priated thus far for its expenses dur? ing the year. The navy expects to spend $l,2oO, 000,000, of which $JH8,000,000 remains to be appropriated. The Shipping Board, whose shipbuilding projects place it third on the list, expecta to hpend l7St.000.00t. of which $350,000,. tOt remains to be appropriated. These ligures cover the cost of the war from July 1 last to June 30 next They do not include the money spent prior to the first of this month. Tax Hill To Be Revised Estimated receipts for the year were placed by Secretary McAdoo. in trans nutting the estimates to the House Ways and Means and Senate Finance committee?, at $l,.'i33, This estimate of receipts did not include revenues to he raised under the pend mg war tax bill, eat i mated bv Admm istratian leaders la Congre?? at $l/*o. 870,. Reviaiaa of the bill will begi'i immediately, to embody whatever addi tiona! taxation it may be deemed be.*t 'a impose aa a reault of the new es'1 mates. I r.-niendoiis a? are the estimated e, penses of lhe government for the year. the appropriations actually sought by the various department? are placed above these totals in order to provide a margin of safety. Thus th? War Department, expecting to spend i~*''-1,210,000, a?K* for appro? priations 'otalling $8,?*-7:!,3*-..*',o00. and the Nav, Department, estimating it* expenditure? at $1,200.000.000, asks for ..ppropriations of $1,324.1 7?,000. Total appropriatiena sough* by all depart? ment aggregated $11,610,193.093. or nearly $1.000,000.000 more than eati mated expenditures. 1* Billiona May Be needed Should this sum be authorized by Congress, with ar. additional $4.500. 000,000 for the Allies, which would be necessary to keep up the present rate of loans "totalling ISOO.OOO.Ovt a month, the total to be raised by bond issues and additional taxation for the current fiaeal foot weald be more than $16,000,(100 oon It hail been indicated that additional authorization for loan** will not be re? quested of Cong'ress until the new ses? sion begins in December. With esti? mated expenditures of $10,73&,H as the basis fer computation, the fol? lowing deduction* from the total of estimated expenditures wir* made m reaching the 17.000.000,000 total of now revenues needed : Income for the year under existing law?. 11,333,600,000* bonds authorize i under the war finance bill of April '.'?. bu* not issued, $2,ono,oo?v,o0; other bond issues previously authorized to reimburse the Treasury for various items of expense, about $400,000,100; total, $.1,73?.,.'?00,000. Eat i mate of Receipts The estimate of receipts during the next twelve months waa computed aa follows: From customs duties.$225,000,000 From ordinary internal revenue ??oureea. 650.000.non Erom the income tax. 3M.0OO.OOO From miscellaneou ? taxes and other item*. 70,000,000 Panama Canal tolls. 7,000.000 Deposits to retire national bank notes ?an item which is represented by the same figure on the credit side of the ledger) 30,000,000 No suggestions or recommendatlona aa to methods for raiaing the money were made by Mr. McAdoo. He proba? bly will advise later, however, with the Finance Committee, which wrestled all