British Public
In No Mood for
Pacifist Chatter
Nation Weary of War, but
Won't Listen to Anti
Fight Agitators
Depression Is General
Russian Debacle, Failure of
Allied Offensive, Increased
Expense Are Factors
[By Cable to Tha Tribun-?]
London, July M. One of the most
depraf sing weeks of the war has ended
on the fact that war weariness does
not necessarily coincide with a desire
for peace.
This was illustrated yesterday after
when two carefully organized
peace meetings, one at Newcastle and
the other in London, were broken up
by big crowds of soldiers and civilians
women predominating among the lat?
ter while the demonstrators barely
escaped with their lives.
Following Thursday's debate in the
Commons, when the pucifists were able
to muster only nineteen votes, it cm
phasizi ? the argument that the pac
of this country are at least nu?
merically a negligible force.
Re-asona for Depression
Several factors contributed to the
somewhat disheartened feeling of the
country in the last few days, some
| abroad and others purely do?
mestic. Among the former the Rus?
sian debacle naturally takes ?irst place.
For months past the British public has
been feeding itself on stories of the
muscitation of the Russian army and
the enormous quantities of munitions
. ih>w possessed. The revolution
was believed to have removed both
traitors and incompetents; consequent?
ly, preat hopes were built that sooner
or later the might of Russia would re?
assert itself and insure an increase of
the Allies' triumph.
Now all such expectations have fallen
at one blow, with the result that thtre
is a country-wide feelings that, except
for American aid. Uritain must light
the battle single handed. So far as
the war exploits of France are con?
cerned, their extent is insufficiently
-tood in this country, which is
possibly the reason that a feeling is
growing that France is becoming ex?
hausted and wishes to lean on the arm
of the United States.
Awaited Tremendous Blow
Then, again, the German offensive on
both the Californie Plateau and in
Flanders has sadly disheartened many
people, who nourished the belief that
the Germans might now be capable
only of a defensive effort. To this
section the best military opinion that
".he German attacks reveal nervousness
in the present situation is almost in?
Above all. in the past months there
was a confident anticipation through?
out the coun'ry that a BritUa. orfen
a al on the great deeds
sty ural MtMinca, wa? likely to
arise at any moment and deal one
.-?mashing blow at the German
in the West. The fact that it has not
vet materialized has been a severe
blow for many.
These considerations are all interde?
pendent, but, striking individuals from
??H*** . have ha?l the
cumulative effect of casting a great
v over the hearts of the people,
?o far as the military aims are con?
The Parliamentary proceedings have
of cheerfuiiua-s. Al
? a big ma
on the corn productions bill, de
mendment raising the
of farm laborers from
? they did ?o at
t of creating profound disap?
pointment among a class upon whom
n is bound to r?ly II it la
rting :n the next
<ars. Th" finance statement is
airain demonstrating that the daily war
t*****ta?i Btinaoufl** on the
upgrade, with Bonar Law stating that |
his budget estimate of the average ex?
penditure of $27,055,000 has already
been exceeded for the III days elapsed
by $fi,92?.0?'0
Rhondda's Speech a Relief
i'riticising the Chancellor's speech,
"The Nation" says-.
"Was there any real reason to sup
?Wmt that as soon as America came in
she would say to our government: 'Y'ou
huv,. borne the burden of financing the j
Allies long enough; hand it all over to
ir.e"* Y'?-t one or two pathetic passages
in Honar Law's sp?-ech suggested that
lie had been led astray in this impor?
ta*:! lae'.ief."
Agn:n, all the strength of the popu?
lar feeling against the methods of the
recruiting officers is apparent here, and
their machinery has undoubtedly in?
jured the progress of the war in many
?eetiont. Lord Derby accepted the rec
'idations of the committee ap?
pointed to inquire into the medical ex- '
amination of recruits almost before ,
thej win made, and. moreover, went'
mach further by offering to place all
Iing ;ri the hands of the c;v 1
Lord Rhonddu's speech promising a '
substantial decrease in food prices has
tended to a balance, but alto?
gether the people have been dispirited.
They want a powerful mental tonic,
rot for the sake of their determination
to carry out the war to the bitter end.
btcause that would be unnecessary, but
for the purposi- of essisting them to do
-.. with greater cheerfulness and a
laghter heart.
Pacifists Sought
To Indorse Peace
Plan of Reichstag
But Lansing Held Up
Americans' Cable Intend?
ed for German Leaders
letters were made public yesterday
showing that the pacifists have been
trying to induce the State Department
to permit them to communicate with
On July 23 the People's Council, 2
We. t Thirteenth Street, which main?
tains peace propaganda branches ;n
>cvcnty-f;ve eitles, raent :? letter to Sec?
retary Lansing asking official perr.*.!s
?lon to send "a message of greeting to
the majority bloc of the Reichstag,
which, on July 19, forced through a
.:ion favoring the Russian perc;
The letter urged that "it is impcra
tiv< that the democratic forces of
Germany be encouraged from this
country." ,
Lan-ing Refuses to Pass Cab!?
Apparently Secretary Lansing has
no', felt constrained to take advan?
tage of the pacifists' offer to create
democracy in German*?, for up to yes?
terday he had not granted the por?
1 he proposed 240-word cablegram to
majority bloc of the Reichstag,"
v.'hich is being held in abeyance, in
part says:
"The organizing committee of *he
People's Council of America, reoro
?enting large numbers of workmen's,
socialist and other democratic organi?
zations, send greetings to the major?
ity bloc of the German Reichstag,
which carried the peace resolution on
July \'J?'peace without forced acqui?
sitions of territory, without political,
economic and financial violations, with
n mutual understanding and lastin;,'
reconciliation among the nations, and
with the creation of international
juridical organizations.'
"Your resolution, as we anderstand
it. BOOM that the great masses of the
German people have responded to the
appeal of the Russian democracy for
iee with no forcible annexations,
na punitive indemnities and with the
free development of all nationalities.'
Hope for Speedy Peace
' We regret that the democratic
forces in the Reichstag are not yet
strong enough to have compelled the
now German Chancellor to accpt un?
equivocally your resolution. We sin?
cerely hope, however, that the tirro is
near when you will acquire the power
to aid thi world in bringing about a
speedy, universal, democratic and last?
ing peace.
"We are hopeful that the American
government will stand behind the Ras
lian government, and that the go\trn
ments of England, France and Italy
may thus be persuaded that a p >ace
upon the P.ussian terms, now accepte 1
by you, is possible and desirable "
/?N * * m-^M9tmfm\ W
Guard Your Children's Health
U S. GOVERNMENT, Surgeon General, War Department
CITY HEALTH AUTHORITIES, Sew York, Boston, Norfolk, etc
GREAT HOSPITALS, all over the country
Use and recommend Chlorinated Lime as a
powerful, economical and safe disinfectant.
Follow their lead and protect your family against
contagious dulses, especially the little folk, who do
not know how to protect themselves. Use
daily in your garbage can, ?ink, toilet bowl, and ?II
damp and foul smelling place, where disease germs
may be. Kills germs and destroys odors instantly.
Urge 12-ox. <>an 15c .t all first class grocers and
druggists. Refiwe all substitutes which may be stale
or worthless.
24,000 Physicians
Will Be Required
For War Service
Heavy Demand Made by
Call to Colors Being Read?
ily Met by Profession
Fully 24.000 of the 00.000 physicians
of military a^e twenty-two to fifty
five years throughout the United
States and its poss?dions will b? re?
quired for war serve-, Meerding to
an announcement made by th?- Commit?
tee on Public Information at Wa.-h
intrton yesterday. Tbia is probably the
heaviest demand made by the call to
the colors on any profession, but the
medical men of the country are meet?
ing it readily.
TheM professional men. the commit?
tee states, will be mobilized through
? system of selection, which will oper?
ate in Alaska. Porto Rico and Hawai!,
il as in continental 1'nited States,
and will draw from eacn community a
contribution proportionate to the num
ber of available physicians, but will
not strip any village of all its physi
?1X10U3 they may be to
engage in ?ri
Some 12.000 medical officers and 60,
? i man will be needed in the
Medical anal Sanitary Corps by Octo
'. when the National Army, the
: National Guard and the regular army
trill all be in camp and at war strength
These numbers mu?t be approximately
doubled to meet the demands which
will be made upon their service when
the troops ire overseas for battle. In
words, before all the troops are
. i, ? total of tSrOSO medica! offi
I ?! ?jn.HOO enlist? d men must be
in the medical and r?an:tary arm of
? price.
Th" word of getting these men into'
I .?a [.and upon Surgeon Gen- '
ira! Gorras and the medical depart
ment of the army, of which he is the
head. The first 12,000 trained rr.edi- .
cal men are already ?n sight, it is an?
nounced, and work is being pushed now :
to bring the other iSflBB under train- (
Prospective medical officers are go?
ing into training camp? nt present at
the rate of 200 a day. There are medi?
cal camps at Fort Riiey, Kansas; Fort
Benjamin Harrison. Indiana, end Fort
Oglethorpe, Georgia , each with i ca?
pacity of 1,000 student medical officers
and 1,800 enlisted men.
"Fighting 69th" Attends
Mass at St. Patrick's;
Chaplain Inspires Men
I*p Fifth Avenue, bright with the
?unf.ght <?; a July morning, and into
*.h?* big gray interior of St. Patrick's
Cathedral marched 2.000 khaki-clad
figures yesterday morning. They were
the hoys of the 99tM Infantry. New
York'? fighting Irish National Guard
regiment, there to attend mass and
hear Father Francis P. Duffy, their
chaplain, preach a sermon.
Early morning promenaiers cheered
them as they tramped to the cathedral
from their armory, at Twenty-sixth
Streit and Lexington Avenue.
"The 69th must do its duty now, as
always," said Father Duffy. "This is
an Irish regiment. Members of the
Irish race all over this state and na?
tion hav<? always been loyal Americans
whenever the call to the service of
their adopted country came.
"Loyal to the ideals of liberty, they
are willing and eager to fight for the
Baited States, which they believe is
engaged n a struggle to preserve the
rights of sma'i nations, and we all
cherish the hope tha? Ireland, one of
the sr-all nations, will be represented
at the peaci? council after the war by
America. We trust that America will
see thst the rights of small nations, Ireland, are safeguarded.
"Before the WOf In some quarters
Catholics were sceused of not being
patriotic. The 69th anc' regiments like
it and the response of ( atholics all
over the country *o the call to the col?
ors prove this is not true. The very
voices raicea' against us are the ones
now shown to be the least patriotic "
Borden's Announces
Advance in Price of
All Grades of Milk
Also Institutes Plan of Deposits
for Bottles tor Benefit of
Borden's Farm Products Companv,
Inc., announcing an advance in nrl?.
prices to take effect on Wr i
rounces also ,-n increase in sen
Inclu le bottled milk and milk in bulk
to be sold by grocers -?t re"?u?*ed rutes
In buying the bottled mi.k from
grocers the customer must make a de
Moil of five cents, which will be re?
funded when he retur.s the br'tle.
For bottled milk delivered at resi?
dences ?he prices will bei Gr.ale B.
pints 61--* cents, ?lu.irts |f**i cents; "s??
lecte?! milk." Gratia* A. quart.? IS**|
certi*ied m.'.x. Grado A. quarts,
1? cents. Bottled milk will ??,?11 at
stores at 11 cents * quart for Gratis B
and II cents for Gra.le A. Grade B
milk will be delivered at stores in bulk
for 81-? cent? H quart.
The rise in price to the consumer,
the company states, is du? to increased
prices paid to formen and the higher
cost of labor and materials. During
the y ar ended June 30. 1910, the mar?
gin of profit to the company is said to
have been "about ene-quarter of a cent"
a quart. Peci.. ? and ad?
| costs are said to have reduced
this profit in the year ended June 80,
The company believes that it is en?
titled to a protit of 10 per cent on its
???lent, and in ord' r to attain that
with th?- estimated vo'.ume of sales it
must gel **>* profit of one-half cent
on each quart of milk. It is believed
that the new schealule ?ill accomplish
In its announcement of the new
prices the comrany aalls attention to a
"bottle loss" <>f I&00.000 during 191*
ami urges consumers *a> cooperate in
the r? irn ?>f bottles, saying: "Cnless
bottl?* losses are reduced during the
coming year the added cost will be
much great? i beeaos? of hottle prices
having ?ah.-?nee.I over R par
Men's Japanese
Crepe Bath Robe Sets, $2.95
Including bag and slippers to match. Made of
hand-loo ned Cotton Crepe in a splendid variety of
colors and patterns. All B?ZC8. Fifth Floor
a_I_ _.. ILL C._ A I**-*'
Broadway at 34th Street
Store opens 8:45; closes 5:30. Saturday s 1 o'clock
Vachette Strap Books, $2.95
Top handle book of real Vachette, with two
pockets, double .ompartment. purse and mirror.
?Size ? ? *..\7 inches. Remarkable value. Main Floor
Beginning Today -A Very
Important Sale of 1,300 Pairs Women's
High Shoes and Pumps
Today and Tuesday, on the Second Floor, a Very Important
Sale of Children's Summer Dresses
Sizes 2 to 6 Years
at Half Regular Prices
A prominent manu facturer of children's dresses, about to readjust his stock, found
that he had a surplus of 2,160 garments on hand. On account of the large business we
do with him he offered us these new and clean dresses at exactly half price. We invite
our customers to share the advantage with us by selecting from these dainty frocks to?
day and tomorrow at the following half regular prices:
75c $1 $1.25 $1.50 $2 $2.50
Regularly $1.50 $2 $2.30 $3 $4 $5
All this season's models, immaculate, clean and perfect. Made of Ginghams, Dimitv,
Lawn, Chambra*/ and Poplins. Look them over?they arc wonderful.
Canvas $3.95 Canvas $2.95
Canvas $3.95
Buckskin Pumps and those of White Canvas are now very much in demand. They are fashionable, are cool
looking, and have won the unstinted approval of well-dressed women everywhere. The models in this import?
ant sale are unusually graceful, and have been designed to afford maximum comfort for hot weather wear.
Made with white ivory leather soles, and covered Louis XV heels. Sizes 21 ?? to 8 and widths AA to D.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are the Last Three Days of the
Sale of Washable Kid Sport Shoes
For Women and Misses
Oxfords now $2.95
Boots now $3.95
This has been one of the most successful events we ever planned, and you have only
three days left in which to take advantage of these remarkable prices. (July si: SI 2,
?Ji.,, 3, 3| ?> and 4 included in the lot. None C. O. 1). or on approval.
Sweaters Have Seldom Been
So Popular?
or half as attractive as they are now to
be seen at Saks. We shall feature today :
Fibre Silk Sweaters
at $5
Low in price, but a very at?
tractive model, f?as sailor
collar and large patch pock
ets. Colors: Rose, Purple,
. Oreen, Gold, and Copenhagen
Shetland Wool
Sweaters at $8.95
In full-belted model with
new collar and pateh pockets.
In all good colors, trimmed in
White. Splendid for the links
or tennis.
Sweaters of Pure Silk, $19.95
In very becoming models with sailor collar and sash,
in Turquoise, Pink, Rose, White and Purple. Others up
to $3.r>. All in models decidedly individual.
Values Thai Would Be Hard to Duplicate in
Dainty Summer Blouses
at $2
Chic and fluffy Voile and
Organdie Blouses in simple
tucked effects finished with
hemstitching. Also very
charming lace trimmed
blouses, with panels of organ?
die and insertions of Val. or
Venise Lace. Priced very low.
New Tailored Blouses
at $5
In clever styles, developed
in Crepe de Chine with fronts
of cluster tucks, and novel collar which buttons on to
revers. Bound buttonholes and largi* pearl buttons finish
front. T41 be had in White or Flesh color.
Summery Smocks at $2.98
Button and slip-on models?cool and light of weight.
Made of Voile or Batiste with hand-smocked fronts.
Collars and cuffs hand-embroidered in delicate colorings.
Women's Fashionable Silk Skirts
Formerly $12.50 to $18.50
Reduced to $7.75
These skirts are in exquisite models for sports and
dress wear, beautifully tailored and finished. Made of
Striped and Fancy Silks, Silk Faille, Taffeta, and Khaki
Kool, The values are so remarkable that none will be
sent C. O. D., exchanged, or on approval.
Women's Washable Summer Skirts
at $2.50
Cool, originally styled garments, exception?
ally well miide of Gabardine, Russian Cords,
Corduroy and Pique. Waistbands to 36.
Women's Smart Bathing Suits
Important Offerings on the Fourth Floor
Women's Waterproof Tweed
Coats at $16.50
For travel, storm and motor wear, showing new
convertible collar and smart belts. Made of Water?
proof Tweeds in rich (-.rey and Tan tones. Sleeves
and yoke lined with Satin. Only by seeing these fine
garments can yon possibly appreciate the import of
this offering.
300 Women's Linen Dusters
Most Remarkably Priced on the Fourth Floor
$1.50 $2.95 and $3.95
Very attractive full length belted and ripple models,
with Raglan or set-in sleeves. Made for the most critical
retail trade, and may be had in sizes 34 to 46.
Women's Mohair and Palm Beach
Coats Reduced to $7.50
Formerly $9.75 to $12.50
Well proportioned and carefully tailored coats, cool,
light of weight and exceptionally well made. At this re?
duced price they are most extraordinary value.
Also?Pongee and Tussah Coats, $12.50
Formerly from $19.50 to $25
at very modest prices
At $2.95 ?New smocked
bathing suits in attractive
slip-on model, showing now
pockets and tie girdle. Sizes
34 to 46.
At $3.95?Stunning bath?
ing suits of Lustrous Silk
Poplin. Surf Satin, Mohair
and All-Wool Knit, trimmed
in colors or white. Sizes 31
to 46.
At $4.95?Dainty Slip-on.
Princvss and Waistline suits
in Silk Ponlin. TafTe'a. Satin,
and All-Wool Knit Fabrics.
Sizes 34 to 46.
Two Important Offerings Today in
Women's Cotton Voile and
Gingham Frocks
The styles are unusually smart?Prices Very Low
At $4.85 ?Dresses of Flowered and Figured Voile-?,
with dainty Organdie collar, vestee and cuffs. Both dark
and light colorings included. Sizes 34 to 44.
At $7.50 ?Cool, striped, flowered and figured Voile
Dresses with two-tier or plaited skirts and hand
crocheted buttons on pockets. Collars and cuffs are of
Organdie and Voile. Sizes 34 to 11.
Also?Delightfully fashioned Pink or Blue Voile
Dresses for large women, in sizes 42 to 48.
Beaded Georgette Crepe Dresses, $25
These are the newest dresses for mid-Summer wear
?cool, dressy and practical. Made with large tucks in
skirt. Waist embellished with beading. White and
Flesh color.
New Taffeta and Georgette Crepe
Dresses, $14.50
In the most exquisite models, displaying dainty-?
Georgette Crepe collars edged with lace. Skirts are in U
smart gathered and tunic effects. Navy Blue and Black.
Sizes 34 to 42. f ourtn /r/oor