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Physical Test Of Drafted Men To Be Critica Yet Disabilities Must B* Acute to Disqualify for Military Service AU Candidates to Strip List of Defects Which Call for Rejection Is Announced i Praia T?.0 Trtlniii? P'ir-aau! Washington, July 29. A list of the disabilities on which a man should b? sxcmp.s.l from the selective draft army ****SB thortly be in tha hantis of fho physicians who ara to make the physical ?laminations. Tha rules prescriba that all men pre? senting themselves for examination must bs stripped. A standard height, weight and ehe-tt measurement is first set forth for the guidance of the physicians. Then* figures ranga from a height of *1\*# feet and ona Inch to six feet and sits Inches. '?-? standard weight for a man ft*** fset and one inch tall is **i-*?-i t* 111 pounds, his chest deflated at thirty-ore Inches and inflated at 'hir ty-thr-s Inches. For a man six **eet six inches tail tha utai.oi.rd weicht la HI pounds, chest 38k, and expansion four inches. , Variations in weight and expansion lit permissible for qualification as .'ollsws*. Reifht, 81 to 64 inches, a variation of 8 pounds and 1 inch in chest expan? sion; 64 to 6* Inches tall, 10 pounds and 2 inch?*** Si to 69 inches. 12 pounds anil 2 ir.ches; f-9 to 70 inches. 10 pounds ar.d 2 inch?*.; TO to 73. 20 pounds ar.d 2 ir.ches; "8 and over, 24 pounds variation la we j-bt and 2 inches in ex? pansion. ?o t>? accsp.ah'e for military ? tnan ??lew S t*o\ and 4 Inches in Visigbl la? rolss dlrsctk must be "of gaed Mratt-ro-s wsll *??v?laped and mus **mWb "Urai-aaa ?s.-isi.tle**a.iy wfll prouor tUpe-J," Tie ais?s say, "-nsm above i tots ont) I ' |a Vs::ht should .? ??Jaatoil " asat-s for R?rJectio:i Caoie? glosa la the rules for raj-o t*?*t ?? map far asr.Ury servis* Include *.*t followtrg: ..'?nu., .?ell ,.' narro*! underst*.r.d ir.e. ?Via. ?sarantc, 'Ontagioiis ard para ?Itd? ?lsaasas, when b?vere and exten tadvs; ?aroaio ulcers, dsop or extensive. I**o?d?Abrupt depression in skull, tho ?onioiiue-i?? of o!d fractur-*. Spin??-Curvatures, caries, abscess, '?.?era. enrva'.in?* is causo for rejec t'cta wher ft exceeds one inch to either ?ids?, l.n.-s?A.l for-,,** et obitis media; per iorntifar' e,f tyrn**?nurn. L;*en?Acuity O? vision below stand ardiaod jet-'.iiren-snts, conjunctival nf tottien, ineni?inf truchoma and entro? pie., ItrablaiBUI other affer-tior.?; affect.!:g clear vinlon. Mouth, loac and faucas Deformities interfsr.nj* arith loaetication or speech; chronio ulc?rations, fissures, or per? forates -if the hard palate; hyper? trophy of the tonsils sufficient to in? terfere with the) respiration or phona? tion; 1o?k of voice or m.-nifost altera? tion of it. Four Good Molar? Require?" Teeth?At ?easl four serviceable molars required on ?sch side of jaw. two above and two below; good fitting bridge or piate where rot more than one-naJf of toe tee?i an? Involved is not disqualifying. N'eek -Pror.onr.ced goitre great en? largement or uiceratfori? of th?. cervi ri.1 (.?lands. ? i ? s* A!, chrorie d?*??axe.*i of 'ungs 'ant. la?art Atii?.*-7itj?i--Ghro*iic irfintion of the castro-:7i*-e?".laa. tract, including chron? ic ?-arr h rea. dy?entor> and othor dis? euses ef the contained organs. All gen ?to-urinary disease?, hemor? rhoids oi pron?anc?K: type, prolapsus, fistula and Assuroa. Other aumenta Induced In tne list are rheumatism, disaasos of the Joints o? disabling trp?, irreducible or false joints, severe sprains, atrophy, paraly To Parenta of Doy? and to tht Boj a Themselves: A considerable part of a nence. They come and go business like ours is con- on slightest pretext ? an ducted by boy-power. An easier job, shorter hours, a -conomic necessity for the trifle more pay, "rolling double reason o? expense stones" without thought of control and training for more lutine success through learn important duties. We a business under repu boys and raise men. The table direction. Learning, too, store is a school where men that work itself is honorable advance into higher grades in and creditable, its service or graduate into It must be that the fault better positions elsewhere. is not all with the boy. Will This should be true of not you parents ask your every well managed business, selves what is the cause of the One bank in this city holds change in the average boy's ! the record of having supplied attitude towards work; and, forty or more officials to if your boy must begin early other banking institutions, to earn his way, encourage because its wise old President him to get a job in a reputable made a practice of carefully place and keep it. To con selecting and training boys? sidcr himself an apprentice to mostly country boys ? and learn a business; and, by efn-, promoting them as fast as,ciency and faithfulness in do they displayed that most nee- ing the simple duties first, es-j essary quality known as in- tablish his reputation for in-! itiative. telligence and character. A, This business is now being clever boy learns something managed by men who grew-,every time he delivers a up in the house and has sel parcel. dorn to look outside its own ?Now this is frankly a bid force to fill important posi- for boys. We don't expect tions. But this involves care- boys out of well to do homes; fill choice of the sub-strata, they stay at school even the boys. though work might be good The enlistment of over for them. But we are careful fifty of our young men, with to select boys from good more to follow, emphasizes homes. We investigate his the question of replacement, home surroundings prelimi We can use and are usin?* nary to engaging him. Then some women substitutes, bttl he mutt pass a physical ex the need is for boys. amination by the Company's Of course school is the doctor ? we want healthy place for the sixteen-year-old hoy-. We also want thrifty boy and college for the ex- boy?. If he has no savings ceptional boy. But many bank account he is urged to hoys muat complete their open one with his first week's education while working for pay and thereafter the Corn? il living, and we conduct pany duplicates the interest School? of Commerce for earnings, -.uch. Honesty, truthfulness, in Our trouble is to get the dustry, thrift are taught here right sort of boy. Naturally,by precept and example, as a sixteen-year-old boy prefers \ far as human control is pos play to work; but it is sur- sible, along with the tactics of prising how few of the boys a successful enterprise, offering for employment; Always room for another have any serious purpose or boy?if he is the right sort, attach any value to perma-| At either of the four stores. Pot Company Broadway "The ?t 34th St. Pour Corrwri" Fifth Ave. at 41 tt St ROOI K-? Broadway at 13th St Broadway at Warren > sis, permanent contraction of the mus? cle?, etc. Boards That Have Draft Lists Ready A complete list of the boards which j had announced the posting of their ' ?irait lists when Mr. Conkling'B office 1 sloped last Bight follow?-. No. h, tfj Kart 1 -?.'th Street. No. IB, rublie School 4, 173d Street \ and Fulton Avenue, The Bronx. No. 22, Public School 33, Jerome Ave-, nur- and 1-Mt'n Street, Thr Bronx. No. 25, Public School 7. York Street,! I near Bridge Street, Brooklyn. No. 34, Annex Public School 25, 335 J ' Kr.?.'iusko Street, Brooklyn. No. 41, Publio School 140, Sixtieth ' Street and Third Avenue, Brooklyn. No. 71, Public School 6?5, Madison , Street and Bu.-hwick Avenue, Brooklyn. No. 74, lOt Wyckoff Street, Brooklyn. j No. 7f, Public School 10*-t. Arlington ? i Avenue and Linwood Street, Brooklyn. I No. 90. I?? i'larkson Street, Brooklyn. No. 110, 851 West Thirty-tifth Street.; No. 112. 121 East Third Street. No. 115, 1'ublic School 17. Forty- | , eiph;h StrMt, between Eighth and i Ninth Avenues. No. IIS, Stuyvesant High School, Fif- ' I teenth Street, near First Avenue. No. 119, 239 East Ei iteenth Street. I Xo. 120, West Side V. M. C. A., 318 ? W*tt Fifty-seventh Street. No. 121, ?Ml West Fifty-eighth Street.' No. 122, 223 Fust Twenty-seventh ?? Street. | No. 124, Public School 17, Seventy ? seventh Street and Amaterdrm Avenue. No. 120, 217 (entrai Turk Watt No. 130, 2745 Bi-oadv. No. 133, Public School 1-.3, 410 East, : Sixty-sixth Street. ?No. 137, 170 East Seventy-seventh Stre. t. No. 140, Public School 119, 133d ! Street and Eighth Avenue. No. 1S2, Public School 77. Eighty sixth Street and First Avenue. No. 115. 211-A main buildiaig. College of the City of NtH York. No. 151, 1886 Ltxlneton Avenue. No. 159, Public School 18, 121 East Pilty-?rat Street No. 1H4. Public School 6, Eighty-fifth ' Street and ?Madison Avenue. ? No. 105, Public School 159. 259 East 119th Street. No. 170, Harlem Chamber of Com? merce, Lencx Avenue and lSOttr?.Street. No. 17*;, 2.?-A South Eighth Avenue, j Whitcstone. No. 185, 359 Fulton Street, Jamaica. U. S. froops Glory In Y. M. C. A. Camps Parl*_Jul** 20. Francis B. Sayre, Pres? iden' Wilioa'l IOB-in-law, who recently arrived here to tnk?? charge of the camp aetlritUl of the American Army Young Men's Christian Association, said to-day that thirty-live trained see rotariea are expee'ed to reach here in a fe?v days from the United S'ates to astist in the establishment of V. M. ('. A. rentres at the American training camp, at ports of debarkation and at other American military, naval and avia'ion bases. More than a score of Fccretaries el ready arc in the field with the troopt and at ports of arrival, laperrilil | erection of centre.--. The military au? thorities, Mr. Sayre laid, war? cooper? ating in every way and aiding the Y. M. < . A. authorities in providing recre? ation and canteen facilities, for which th? re is rit'i ?1. He added that all the V. M. ('. A. contre?? were being wall patronized and that they were greatly appreciated by the soldiers. .Mr. .S.iyre and I.ouit A. Crosvett, spe? cial representatives of the War Work Council of the American Y. M. ('. A., returned to Paris Friday Bight from ? five nays' riait to Britiah x. M. C. A. centres along the Briti.?h front, b'hind the fighting line. They Studied the British methods with a view to their adoption by the American Y. M. C. A. forceg. Admiral Caperton Feted Buenos Ayres, .July 19. The officers and men of the vis.tiMg American squadron are still enjoying th? un? bounded hospitality 01 the people of Buenos Ayrea. , An c!:ibo?ate entertainment war giren in honor of Admiral Caperton at the Hippodrome last night, and the Italian colony ha? made arrangements for a great demonstration to-morrow In be? half of American sailors. E. C. HubbdlT?ditor, Dies in Yonkers Home Yonkcr-?, July tt. Edmond Cecil Htibbell, associate eilitor of "The Yon keri Statesman,*1 died last night at his home here. 3.r?"i ??.?verdate Avenu?-, il?* was horn in New Haven, Conn., on October 11, 1864. For n-.-iny years he was a&gaged in newspaper work in Xew Yor^., bavin?? been employed in an editorial capacity by ""The V, orld," "The Press," "The Herald," and "The Journal." He was night editor of "The Press" when the news of the sinking of the Maine cam- in. Hi' had lived in Yon? kers finco 19C?;4. He is mnivud by three sons, ClifTord, Edtaoad and Charles, the lutter two being naval officers. The funeral will be held to? morrow. a August Knapp, Broker Greenwich, Conn., July "J9.-? August Knapp, a member of the brokerage firm of T?te ?t Hnvs. 71 Broadway, ii dead at his home here. He wus fifty seven y??!?rs ol?l BBd bad been ill for two week?. Mr. Knhpp wa? born in New York ar.d attended the College of th? City of New York. For more than twenty-five years he had been connect? ed with the brokerage firm of which he became I member six years ago. He !.- Hurvived by his widow, two daughter". Mrs. Edward Creen, of Bridgeport, and Mits Porothy Knapp, of this city, and a son, Wilbur Knapp, of Port ("hettar, N. Y. Robert Burns Robert Burns, of ROOT Third Avenue, Brooklyn, who had bean employed for ?evernl years in The Tribune compos? ing room, died at his homo last night after an illness of sever?! months. Two brother* and a sister survive him. 14th Street, near Fourth Attnue. The Great War?1094tti Day Biggest Artillery Battle of War Rages in Fl?anders Intense Bombardment Over 33 Miles from Coast to French Border Fliers on Offensive British Airmen Bomb Rail? way Junctions Far Back of Line DAY'S DEVELOPMENTS Korniloff'f armie? croaa Ruaaian frontier in continued withdrawal from Galicia, hav? ing retreated one hundred milea, Bukowina being rapidly evacuated, with Teulor.t doting in on ('zernowitz from two directions. Ru? manians press foe on eighteen-mile front, having penetrated defence over nine milea. Take 1,245 priaonert, two howitzer batteriea and nine gum. Artillery battle in Handera reaehea maxi? mum intensity of war. Extraordinary air fighting. British lose thirteen machines; thirty (ierman 'planea brought down. Fre? quent trench raid?. French repulse repealed attack? of Ger? man? on eastern Chemin-des-Damea. Gain i aoulh of Ailles. London, July 29.--What is officially admitted to be the greatest artillery , battle of the war ha? been raging in i Flanders without interruption through ? out the last twenty-four hours. It de | veloped an excess of violsnce over the previous two weens' bombsrdment, which hud been hitherto unprecedented. Describing the duel, the Berlin day i commique nays: "The artilleristic in? tensity represents the highest degree of massed effect in the war." As the front included between the Belgian coast and the French border is thirty three miles, the concentration of heavy and light batteries is undoubtedly enor? mous and the expenditure of munitions almost incredible. Accompanying th's climacteric (run fire there was almost equal activity in the air, with the British fliers on the offensive all along the line. During Friday night squadrons from the Royal Pl**ing Cene bombed a number of im? portant railway junctions well back of the IMDI lines and dropped explosives on two of his airdromes, continuing the work during the day, and in ad? dition taking hundreds of aerial photo? graph?. In the squadron and single combats which developed thirty Ger? man 'piares were accounted for, ?ix ii-en of which were destroyed, while the remainder were driven down out of control. Two enemy observation bal? loons fell in flumes. ilaig Reports Thirte-en Missing General Haig reports that thirteen Bi ' -h aviators are missing, and Ber? lin asserts that thirty-live French and ? British planss were demolished, me ; (ierman pursuit squ.idron having , downed .**ix ?allied airmen. All last night the British raiding forrrs warp rae** from well below (ambrai to north of Ypres, and appar ' ently in greater strength than at any time recently. Thrusts were made northeast of Epehjr, southeast of Hie i ''?i-' ;irt, weat of Fontaine-les ( roisilles? and near Flr-urbaix. Berlin says that these infantry ac? tions ver?- "desperate." The British, after hard fighting, brake into the hos ile trenehes near the Rocux Chemical , Works, north of the Scarpe, and re? turned with thirty prisoners, a trench mortar an?! several machine guns. At I Ypres lif:y-four prisoners and two ma? chine guns ??tie ?a?; ;u. The great ob? ject of those raid? u to bring in cap? tives, from whom information as to the enemy fairmations may be gleaned. The only hostile attempt was south of Mes? sina-., where the attack was repulsed. Then- Vil alio stiff fighting on the front held bv l'etnin's troops, though the Crown Prince's offensive on the Chemin dee-Denies rppara*r.tiy is lo*:*i.r some of the power it had earlier In the week, probably on account of the Brit? ish pr??s .jre to the north. All the Ger? man efforts yesterday and last night failed without compensating gains. German Guns Pouring Shells on Coastal Lines IB- The Arasai** Pi-e-t] With the British Armies n France, July 29. -Numerous raids, which to? day's British official communication mentions as having been conducted at various points along the front by both combatants, undoubte?lly appear to distant readers as inconsequential in thi~, greatest of world wars. But these tiny reconnoitring thrusts, which daily have been growing in number of late, are in truth highly significant in them? selves, for they are a surface indica? tion of the great tension existing along these nerve centres of the Western th?atre. The material damage which small raiding parties inflict is of little conse? quence, comparatively speaking, to either side, but the information that these intrepid adventurers into N i Man's I-anal may bring back ia invnlu table. The war along this front is far from being *?'. stalemate, but these are not days 7or prophecy. Despite the inactivity of the Infan? try, destructive artillery duels of great violence continue and are ever Increas , ing in volume. Along the coast region the guns have been pouring an unpre (?? dented stream of shells into Nieu ? a-rt and neighboring places, and the H'itish have been no lesa vigorous in reply. Further south, Vimy snd other points overlooking Lens as well as Armen ti.v>rcs are the object of unrelenting Teuton wrath, and the shelling from the guns of both sid"? at times reached the intensity of drumfire, which i? board for miles back of the lines. A concentrated attack was made at (lawn yesterday on the (hemin-des Dames, near Hurtebise, on a t'OO-yar.l fient, but it melted away under the fire of the French geventy-tives. An enemy_ surprise attack near Ta* hure, in the Champagne, came to noth? ing, as did a similar attempt on the' right bank of the Meuse. Un the left ban!; of this stream, northweit of Ver? dun, a baa**** German aaaaall on th recently conquered French positions in the Avocourt wood and on Hill 304 fiiled to penetrate the defending bar ; nige. On the contrary, the French, in re? taliation for the thrust near Hurtebise, early this morning carried out a spirit? ed and unusually succesful operation | between Hurtebise and Bovelle, gain*. I ing their objectives everywhere and making especially satisfactory prog-i I rets near the Hurtebise monument. ' ? Berlin dtclares the French in this re-. I gion advanced once in the morning and I three times in the evening, only to be ; driven back by a Cologne regiment. British Submarine Sinks German Ship London. July '."?. ? A British -ubmar . ine while patrolling the North Sea on Friday overhauled and aaptored r.f'er s short chu-e the Cierman steam? ship Batavia II. according to an official announcement t.ade at the British Ad? miralty this evening. The German crew, having abandoned the vessel ow ' ing to damage by gunfire, a British ?MM ere",- v. is placed on board. It was impossible, however, to bring the 11a , tav.a into port and she was sunk by opening her sea valves. The Batavia II wa? a T/aCMl of 1,328 ton* gro?s and formerly belonged to tiie Batavia Line, being in London and Rotterdam sei vice. The vaaaal was Mitad on June 14, 1914, by Gamaa warships and taken into Zeebrugije. One-half of the food cargo carrn-d by the Batavia ?vas con :i seated by the Germans as contraband. - ? U-Boat Chases Ship Two Hours; Doesn't Fire Boston. July 29.? A British steamer which arrived to-day reported that off the south coast of Inland she was chased for two hours by a German sub? marine, which in all that time did not I fire a shot. It was the opinioiUO? the 1 officers of the steamer that the sub? mersible was out of ammunition and | was trying to get within torpedoing dit* j tance. The ship, however, escaped by supe i rior ?peed after sending six shots at 1 the I -boat, which was so far a?tern ' that none of the shells took effect \ GL Per MONTH ON ?a**7" PLEDGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY THE PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK Applications for loans of large amounts will be considered at the office at Fourth Avenue and 25th Street. MANHATTAN Foutth Avenue, cor. 2"tlh Street F.ldndae St., cor. Rivingtoo St. E??t irouiion St., ear? F.???x St Srvenih Av.. bet. <*M*ih ?St 49th St? ' Lenngton Av., cor. 124th St. Grand St., cor. Clinton St. E. 72<J St.. bel. Lexington tt 3d Av?. Eighth Av.. cor. 127th Si._ H KO NX Courllandl Av.. ror. I4*8th Si. RR4MIKLYN Smith Si., cor. Living?ton Si. Graham Av., cor. Drbevoue St Pitlun Av.. cor. Rockaway Av. Official Statements West BRITISH London. .1 i:y tg, iPAY) We ma?*? ptt. erai successful raids ?a?t night at different luinu of our front. The enemy'? tt ***** raidt-?l north*a?t of Epehy, aovthaaat of Havnncourt. -met (at 1 '??ntaine-lea-Croi aill?- and near Flnrhax Many caauaitiea were inliict?*d en th? ? r.emy and pruonera . end machin? ?un? w?re captured. Jn th? neighborhood of the Roeux etiem icaj wurka our troops '..reed their ?ay into th? German linea, in ?pit? of the atubhorn resistance of th? enemy? garnaon, whoee l?..??-s were heavy, and brought back thirty pri'onert, a tranrh mortar and machin? ?run?. Other British raiding partie? entered the enemy's position? in the neighborhood of Ypraa and captured fifty-four prisoner? and tw?. machine gun?. Ho?til? raiding parties were repuls-xl aouth???? of Me*?ine?. ? 'NIGHT'.- Th.-ro _ nothing important to report t???day Y*?*.ter<Iay there wa? again great activity in the ?ir, the fighting being eontinuou??. On Friday night important rail? way stations and two hostile*? wer? bomb*?! by our airpianc-,, and ?luring th? diy a number <?f other bombing raid?, as well a.s much photographing and artillery work, were ?uceavasfuily earrie?i out. In the air fighting aixt-***n German ma rrine? were brought down and f.'urt?*?n oth? er? were driven down out of control. Tw* hostile observation MBacaM wer? brought it. A-n in flame?. Thirteen o? our machines BM misting. FRENCH Pari? July 2 >.? iDAYl- Yesterday about dawn the Germans to th? went of Hurtebta* farm made a violent attack ?m a front of BBB m?tre?, which wan amaahed ly the bra v?ry of our troop?. In retaliation for this attemrt made by the enemy we began an action at an ?arly hour thia morning bat? ten Hurtebiac and the region of La Bovelle. It was eomlucted by our infantry with superb spirit and en? abled M 1.1 prngreas on r.'l points, notably in the region of the Monument. In the Champagne, in the ?et* tor of Ta? h?r?-, the enemy etiruted n strong ?iurprise attack, which ?an repulsed. On the left bank of the Meuse the Ger? mans, aftor an intense bombardment, at? tempted to attack th? trenches which had been conquered by us between Avocourt Wood anil Hill 304. The precision and vigor of our fire ?topped the enemy and inflicted heavy ?o?jea on him. On the right bunk of the Meuse an enemy ?urpria? attack on our trenches eaat of Mou lainville also met with failure. I NIGHT i. The artillery action was very lively in th? region of Cerny and Craonne. AU.ut 3 o'clock In the afternoon, pteeeead ly a violent, bombardment, the German? d<* llvrred o:i Hurtebise an attack, which our artUlatfy and infantry fire turne?l into a com? pleta failure. There, w?> ?pirita?! artillery activity on th* left bank of the Mej-e, [ar'.i.-uiarly In ; 'i ?? faaiaa of Hill 30 I. The day wa? calm on the re?t of the front. BKLGIAN COMMUNICATION. During | th-*'night the German arliilery shelled our I ?oinmunicationa and village?? to the rear. i Tl ? n*. rning was calm. In the afUrnoon the artillery action was more intense. Kuril**?, Wulpen, I'ervysa and Pont relian wrr? bfrmhard?*?!. We replied against the eromy work?, carrying out fires of destruc? tion against the enernv 1 utterles. GERMAN Berlin, July 2!?.? Army group of Prince Ruppre-cht: The artiUery duel in Flanders raged uninterruptedly yesterday from early ! morning until far into the night. Th? de? velopment of artillcristic inten?ity represent?? | tl.e highest degree of masaed effect in the war. At l?verai points on the battlefield at | tack? by our own and enemy troops called forth desperat?? local infantry engagements. r 1MB La Baasee Canal aa far a? the southern bank of the River Scarpe the firing activity increased in the evening. At night, ea?t of ! Monchy, attack? ly Britiah battalions broke ' down with heavy MMt Also near Oggue. northwest of St Quentin. En?r!i*sh, local at | tacka ?ere without MaaatB. Army group of the German Crown Pltoee: An increase in the fighting activity alona the ' Chemin-dee-Dame-i. In the Champagn? and on ?h.* Meuse ?rat aetaaatcMe, Southeast of Aille? I Aisne front? strong ! French forces attacked once in the morning and three time? in the evening. A Cologne | regiment, with it*? oft-proved power of re ' ?.?tance, warded off in hand-to-nand fighting j all enemy attacks. Aerial activity waa extraordinarily lively. I eapeciaily on the Flanders front. Thirty-flv? 1 enemy a.iatora were shot down. Lieutenant i Dustler, at th? head of a pursuing ??juadron. I destroyed a squadron of aix enemy airplane? I himself and his twentieth aerial vic ; tory. Lieutenant Kitter von TuUchek ?hot ; down hi? nineteenth and twentieth aerial op pa.r.ent* in battle. iMGHTi. **:nrt midday there again haa been a moat v.olt-nt artiliery duel in Klan der?. Italian Front ITALIAN*. July ft. -On the night of Friday a^e'-a-hmetits of the enemy de?.-en.!e?l from t?*!?? I'a-f. in San Pelietrrino Valley, on ?.ur linea, and, supported by artillery, attacked with machine gun and rifle Tir??. They were promptly and effectively dispersed by our machine ?run?. ? Yeatenjay there wu increased artillery ac? tivity l*?tw??en the C am?nica and Aatico val Uv?. on the I iemme and Kasaa Alps, on Monte Rombon mal on Dosso Kiati. Ve?'erday evening ?ne (af our 'arge bomb? ing air ?qiiadron?, escorted by rhasem. airain raiile-l the military MtablUhment in Lina and the hutment? in the Chiapovann Valley, eral raca.with.-tiaraliag u heavy fire from enemy orti-aireraft (Turn .Tripped four ton? of high expluaivea. On the return journey our a ha-ert brilliantly en aired a lance number it enemy machine?. Our pilota brought down two hostile airplane? and returned aafely to their base, which the battleplane? already had succeeded in reaching. East GERMAN* Rerun. July ti (DAY). Army Group of Prince Leopold of Havaria. In Kau? tern Galicia the KuasiaiiS on.both ?ides of H have retired behind the imperial frontiau*. (?ur corps ha-.e raaheal ??br? ?.. Other? are approaching the confluence of the northern bereth and the Dniester. Between the Dniester and the Truth the P.u??inn rear guard mail?, a ?tarai. Our powerful attack broke through their poai tion?. Pursuit is procfwdfr.g on both bank? of the Dniester. Army Group of Arch.Iuk?- Jose; h. In the t'heremoeh Valiey Kuty ha? been taken. Above and I ?lew the town, a a r"*M?B** of the river is being effected. In the maiuntaint I our divi?iaanj. fighting aa they advanced, pur? ?ue?i the er.a-my beyainal th.- hue of Ilohipoth M'.:a|..'ia-.Sul?tza. S .nth .if the Oittis Valley a ?trong Rus? sian attack against Ogr-Kasinulul was re? pulsed. On the upper Putna we completed th? movementa commenced on the day before yes'er.iay. Army Group of Kield Marshal von Maeken str..- On the northet?l ?lope of the Odobe-iti Mountain group an enemy attack failed. On the Rumanian plain there ?at only alight firing. 'NIGHT).?In Eastern Galicia* ha: b-*en made on Zhroci lin Rusata, near the frontier!, along the Dniester and Prut'l ri.ers and in the Cheremosh Vajiiey. RUMANIAH Jaasy. July M. VV'o have widened north ?aral the break ir. the enemy'? front anal cr-ptured the wh al- of hi? ailal positiaati? on a wioth aaf thirty kilometre? to a depth of fif 'teen kilaametres. We have taken 1.24? pri/aaners and captured fwo batteries of h. wi'/er?, nine guns and a quantity of munitions. RUMIAN Petrograd. July Ma?Men the Raltic Sea to the I'ripart there have be?m fiwillad?*? and air activity. In Galicia, In theajfeglon west . of Mibarag, an enemy attack against our lositi.ain ?ras repulse?!. In the direction of Tarnopol nnal further .aajth the enemy's ailvance?! elements ap? proach*?! the line comprising Okrimoviee, Ramanouvka, Jerebki, ?L'olodievka, Polnarv kaletmnnska, Eleonorouvka and Sorokikro geuletr.. In the region we?t of Goesiatln our ele? ment?, under enemy pressure, evacuated the line of Tchalaroutka-Dentirovkf. West of Zale-itrhik the enemy occupied Jaaaeniouv polny anal Toporovte. In the Carpathians, in the region of Mount Tamnatie and re/irthetaat of Kirlibaba, the enemy, after a aerie? of attacks, pressed our element! ?aamj-.vhnt furth'-r eastward. On the Rumanian front, in the direction of Keiilivasarhely, the Bunaninn troopt ad? vanced and occupied tho line of height? about six milee ?re**. 8? M.anontirk? and the heights west of Dragosleave and in tiie region 01 /..-?leaserey. AU.STRIAN Vienna, July 29.- Tn the Eattern theatre, at I'utna, the enemy ?ucceeile?! in somewhat advancing his fraint?. Near Soveia hi? at? tack? were repuije?!. Near Klrlibaba the Austro-H?ngarian troops ejected the Rus? sians from hill poaitions. Mount Tomnatie ?u ituimill by German regiment?. The allied aCentrall force?, rushing for wurd 9-autlv of Dniester, are approaching the western frontier of Bukowina. North of the Dnieater the Rustians are retreatirar toward Zbrocz. The Jugielnica ha.? ?teen cro??ed by the allied columns. Eaat of Trembowla and Americans Lay Rails Behind Battle Front BCaaiad the British Lines in France, July 21 i correspondence i. Americans and Canadians from the northwestern part of the American continent men who have played an imporant part in the railway building out around the Rockies?are to De found among* the men in khaki, laying rails right up to the lighting front along the British lines in France. Hero and there la a man who has worked on the New Haven or the Boston A Maine Railroad, but the vast majority come from the great we?tern part of the T'nitt*d S*.a* Canada. There is one whole battalioa from Um i anadian Pacific Railroad now at work on the British front. It was or td b* Lord Shaaghneaay. In charca of this and other buttai ions is a brigadier ganeraL a widely known contractor, from British Columbia. ; whoso motto is, "See everything, hear everything, but keep your mouth shut." i It is the popular impression that only light, narrow-gauge railroads are run up close to the hattle ftont. But this is soon removed by a viiit to the front, where one is surprised to tee broad gauge railway, miles and miles of it, running right up lo th? big guns. This broad-gauge railroad is laid close on the heels of the German retreat. Be i side it can be seen much of the Ger? man narrow-gauge railway, which was \ picked up in sections by the British engineers and thrown to one side to make room for the broader gauge line. The engineer? make their appearance within a few hours of a fresh British advance. The men have to wear steel i helmets and keep their gns masks handy, so clot?, are they to datifCf from bombardment by the German heavies or from bombs dropped by a stray German aeroplane. IB fact, so close to the actual lighting front are these lines that mo-st of the really advanced work has to be done under cover of datkne? a. Following up the British advance the railway met hr.d bridges blown away, p . la obliterated and occasional traps ' left by th? .?ni-my. Heavily armoied locomotives haul up the material. Th?? right of way ahead is cleared, the huge craters made by German explosives filled, frch bridges thrown across the gap and m an incredibly short time here m a new route ready to hand over to the railway operating department. To lay B mile B day of this broa?l gauge railway is not an uncommon feat. "Our best sustained record," said the colonel in charge of on?? gang, "it . four and three-quarters miles in five \V ? rave just finished one ttretch of line. We had first to build a bridge 140 fee* long. That was start? ed en Friday and lini'hed on Tuesday. Then we had to clear the road beyond, which ?va? tittered ? ith German tie?, torn rails and other material. Wo started at f on Tuesday and had tin lah?*>d laying ?he line by Wednq#ay midnight. ?Ve had 100 men clearing the road *nd IM working on the ?tool actually laying the rail?. "Twenty-two miles of light railway wer* put in ?he new territory at the Ancre Rivet* fight." Austrian Admiral Says Submarines Cannot End War Asserts U-Boats Are Merely a Means Toward Victory Light Cruisers Needed Njegovan Asserts Great Fleet Would Have Prevented Break With Italy Amsterdam, July 29.?Vice-Admiral Maximilian N'jegovan, commander of the Austrian fleet, in an interview given to the "Neue Freie Prense," de? clared he did not believe that sub? marine* would bring about a decision in the war. He said: "At present the U-boat? are much spoken of as making England, Aus- , tria's principal enemy, uneomfortab'e. but they ftre merely a mean* toward victory. It Venid be a n-.i?!ake to be? lieve from the experiences of this war '.hat big ships are ?seles?, but for us the essential type is that of light cruisers. "If we had a great fleet the war with Italy would have been tinished long; ago. Indeed, the war would never have been possible." 5 Dutch Fishing Boats Sunk by Submarine Amsterdam, July 29.?A (?erman submarine yesterday aank. live Dutch ??"sliing* vessels eighteen miles from ! tiio Dutch coast between Scheveningen and Vmuiden. Scheveningen, Netherlands, July 29. Fishermen arriving here assert that the Dutch fishing boats sunk yeater dsy off the Dutch coast by a German submarine were within the so-called . lene wh. n destroyed. They be? lieve that altof-ether ten vessels were ? sent to the bottom. Boiler Explosion Sinks British Tug, Two Killed Turn? Talmas, Canary Islands, July 29. ?The British tugboat Faudance. tow-| ing* coal barges, was destroyed yes- , terduy by a boiler explosion. Two men of the craw wer? killed M*] two injured. IMPORTANT Engagement, Marriage, Birth, In Memorial?, an.l Dentil Notice? may be telephone?! to The tribune avny time up to midnight for insertion In the neil day'? paper. Juat rail Beekman 3000 and read the notice aa you wlah It In? ?erted Rill for ?unie ?till be mailed to you later. The notice will reach over luO.000 reader? daily. _ BIRTHS BASH LOW July tS, to Mr. and Mr?, .tuliu? Ba.-hiow, 41 St. Nicholas Terrace, a ?laugh ter. (.ERREN- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerten (nee ??ertrude Vorrimerl. of Ml We?t 100th at.. announce the birth of a daughter on ' July :;. HOHN Mr. anal Mr? Arthur Horn (nee Jeanette Kaplan), of 600 West MM. at., announce the birth of a ?on. At home July tt, ? LOEWKNTHAL- Mr and Mrs. M. Loewen thal -ne? Rae Ja.ohs) announce the bir'h of a daughter, Shirley Kuth. July 7 West UL'd st. MEYER T? Mr. and Mrs Peter Meyer ?nee F.thel Baum), a eon, or. July 23, at Or. Hrunor's Sanatorium, at 328 West 1.17th at. SEIDEN Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Seiden, of Na 171 (,'onvent av., announce the birth of a baby ?laughter, July lit. SEMER Mr, and Mrs. S Si.lney Semer inee Josephine I*. I.evyl. of UM Pr-sident at . ?traioklvn, announce the arrival of a daughvr, Tere.e Ruth, Brunor'a Sanato? rium, 1'7 Bag. rnb av., New York. SINT.ER T.a Mr. nnd Mrs Sherman Singer ?nee Faiphie Stein?, 41 St. Nicholas Ter? race, on July 27, a ?on, at Brunor Sana? torium. STONE Mr arad M??. Martin M. Stone, of 172 l'ait. 2M ?t., "Intbush. Iieif to announce the arrival of a ?on on Sunday. July 22 Milwaukee nnd St. Paul paper? please copy. WOLFF Mr. and Mr?. Harry S. Wolff, Wavecrest, Par Rockaway, announce the birth of a daughter. July 2?. ENGAGEMENTS ?ILL SrnOI.ERMANN Mr and Mr?. C. If SebOaer*Bann, a?f New Vork ritv, an? nounce the en/ag'T.ien! of their daughter. < sroline Henrietta, to Mr. Ar'h'ir Ball, of 'ville, N. Y CULBKBT towl Mr ?ral Mr- mart Ackley Totvl, "f <'rc**f'ard. tt, J.. anroun* tha- engegemen' "f thci.- d.vj?}.?,?-. Ma-tim tai Second Li.-jtennnt Kenneth pa-k? en? Culhert, M. C. R . ?on of Mr. ?a William Henry Colbert, i.f K?-r Orange. M. J. Mi?. Tow! is a ?enior at Wellenley Coll**?, ar.d Llaratamant Colbert graduated from Harvard t'niversity with the ("last of '17. He wa.? a member of the D. K. E., Institute of 177i1. Hasty Pudding. Memorial, Signet Mad Phoenix Clubs. DEMAREST WRIl.HT Mr and Mr? Thoma? W. Wright, of New York City, announce the engagement of their daugh ?er, Amy Belle Wright to ClifTord Rome D.'marest. ?on of Mr. and Mr?. Auguatu? Demare-t. of For-t Hi'!?. N. J. FELDMAN BER?.EH Mr ?r d Mr?. Ru? dolph Berger anniaunce the engagement of their ?laughter. Evelyn, to I.n'i;. Fetdman. - CLUCI KOEM?; Mr? I. K- ? a.- tt Tew Penn. announce, the engagement of her daught*r( Lilly Rattio, to Mi Harry A. einen, of New Tort Ctt-jr, LINDER RASENBERi'EH Hr. and Mrs Henry Kf.-enh. ~v a of IS* ?t.. Brooklyn, announce the engagement of their daughter. Elaa D<?rothy, to Mr i'.ab ert of Hro"?<lyii and Koi-UlDort M Y MILLER LIBEKMAN Mr and Mr? Philip Li'.a-r-man. ?al] We?? 115th ? the *-ii!agemcnt of tr*|r daughter. Bertha, to Mr. Dortey J. Miller. MARRIAGES BEMAK Mr. nnd Mrs. K. Kuel.l, of 68 E??t 'ilth ?t., the mar? riage of their daughter,, to Mr I J Remak, July 24. !**!7 BOUTROS DOt'OLAS On fl-u-sday. July tS, e.i Warrer.ton, Va., Alliaon Dougla?. widow of Benjamin Dun Douglas, and daughter of th* late R. H. Dougleae Wlll, of Baltimore, to Mr. Krian Poutro?, of ?airo. Egypt. BROWN OAM.ELO On Satur?!ay. July M, "t '. p. na . by the Rev. Herbert H. Brown. Chri?tine D'Angelo, daughter of Mr and Mr?. Loui? D'Angelo. of l.i; c<,rlie? av., Pelham, N. Y , to William C. Brot.-n, of New York, at the Kpiacopal rector?. North Pelham. fiARlY EMMERICH Mr. and Mr?. Arthur Emmerich announce the marriage of their daughter. Ruth, to Mr. Ben fJarey, on July 25. by the Rev. Dr M. H HarrU. OCHB-SILBERHTKIN Mr and Mr? Paul Silberstein, 121 We?t I3Sth at., announce the marriage of their daughter. Irene, to Mr. Bertram Och?. July tt, 1917, OPPENHEIM KOI.NICK On July 13. I.? lian Rolnick to Hugh I.. ?T.oni Opp-nheim. both of New York. Lonalon pa? pers pleaae copy. OTI? WHSKI.KR On Saturday. July 2?, at T*** v. N. Y , M.irjF.rie E. Wheeler, daugh? ter of Mr. and Mr?. Frank M. Wheeler, to W. Fullerton Oti?, of Ne-wburg. N. Y. MARRIAGES PRICK PRAGER Samuel Price to Haxel ?il 1er, Friday. July 20. * ?FHINSTEIN -COHEN July Jl. Brooklyn, by [lev. J. Leviaon. Temple Beth Emeth, Cecilia, daughter of ?A. 8. Cohen, to Mr, Samuel Kuhinateln. ? SCHWARTZ MAY- Mr. and Mr?. L. Mar, th ?C a i noun ce the mai*. ruta? of their daughter. Badrax to Mr. Ja? ?erh Seh.? art*. Notice at rec-rptlon late?. ? WILLIAM**? ?OWNEU- On Sunday, Joly tl, by the R?v. T. J. I a.ev, Caroline O. te to Ru-hard D. William?, bttth of BraaaUjra. DEATHS A*r-?'r??pr, F. K. McD.r-re"*. Annt? Knos H. M -Grath, Timothy CheBaaaVlea. K. M. M-artin. Robert C. Coha, I evy Miller, Amy J. Mary P. H. V ?ntgomery. aaa**a**f J? Dailey, .???*ob D. Nichols. Jam?-? A. Desna. Georue P.. W. Ho?*.. Soph1.? ! Karbon H. Ruaaell. Maria Faulkner. Maude I*. Sawyer. Ar?Ji**? W. Friahee. Amy E. Scott, Emma J. Qilee, WUU_m V. ?eer>e.k. R*v. K.F. -??tte Smith. Ellen n H. ?-navelv. Rev. C. K. If U man, Benjamin ft. Jare?. Mar? B. H. Van N??strand. J. W. ?U-lttor, Sarah IV.Iar, Paul Knapp. Auguetu? Whiteford. Kannie Wright. Rev. C. ARMSTRONG On Saturday. Joly 18. *r*V?r. ence t'lla. wife of Charlas M. Funeral ser. vices Monday. 2 n. m. at her l_U i-aei. ?lenoe, l?j l<ountafn av., Brooklyn. . Bl'NTING A' Kietlk, N. J.. on Satu*Hay. July 28. 17.17. Dr. Kn.* Harvey H-inting. rur.erai servteee will be h?ld at hi? late i*e*?i.len?-e. 227 Il-ra,| ?t., Newark, on Men July M, at . .lu p. m. Interment in Kalrasoal Cemetery at convenience of family. CHEGWIDDEN On February 11. 1917. In Orient?. Cuba. Frar.? ee Mary, widow of A.exander. Temporary intarrm?nt in Cuba. . CORN levy, .-.sed 70. beloved father ef Mi?. Rose Chn. Mr?. P. Cumprecht Mrs. J. Sintona. Jo? Cohn and Mrs. M. trrtrrer. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a. tn.. 121 Weal loath at. ITTLKK Mary B. H , at Roo-..velt H/s?pi tal. on July iff, 1917, Mary R Hinchman. wife of Willard W. Cutler. Funeral at h?r lnre r.??iden.-e, 2 Cutler ?t.. Mnrristown, N. J., on Tuesday. Juy '|, et .1 :45 p. m. ?All KY At Chappaqua. N. V., on July 37. 1117, Jacob 1). ?alley. Funeral from hia late re?(der??*?? l'banpiqua. N. Y., on Mon? dai. Jalj 10, at I J| p. m. ?KINS C.-orge ?? Wolf. S?*-rvires THg FUNERAL CHl'RCH. 197?) Broadway. Krnnk E. CampLeil Building, Men-lay. 2 o'clock. DI8KKI I, Yonker?, N. Y., on Sunday. July ?, Herbert H. Dis??ll. at hi? late reeWence. "a ****j*fr,**-*t at.. Yonker? Funeral servio? Tuesday evening at I o'clock. Internent ??ill be at t.reat, Harrington. Ma??. ft?. r.eral private. jH FAll.hNKR At her resida-ce. 207 stet'' 85th -, . Nee York City, M?u?l? Louiae. daughter of the late Walter O. and Julia II VnKaliurd, of Brooklyn. Funeral pri? vate. . FRISriKE Amy E.. widow of Junlue C. Kriebee, at bet? r*?*?i<leiice, 225 Eaat ITU? st. Flatbueh, Hrooklyn. N. Y. Interment Fredonia. N. Y. CILEO On Satunlay, July 2ft, 1917. William Thomas <;il?n, ?u-ed 82 years. Relativ? and i lend? are invitod to attend funeral servi?.? at his lato ra-tidenre, 2110 ?itmaa av.. Flatluuh, on Monday evening. July 30 at Ho'.-lock. HAMILTON Rosette, 401 West 166th sL. Ju:> 27. aired II y.*?r?. Funeral from Bt. Matthew's Lutheran Church. niMH KY At I-archmont Manor. N. Y.. Saturday. July 21. I'j17, John Henry Hindley, beloved husband of Ada H. Walker, la hi? 70th year Funeral senate? at hm lata horn?, .14 Park av., Larchmont Manor, Monday evening. July 30, 1:30 o'clock. Carriage? will he In ?raiting at Manor R. R. station on ar? rival of train leaving Grand Central Sta? tion .N. Y.. N. H. A H. II. R.) 7:30 p. m. Peterson (N. J.) papera pleaae copy. ILloWIZf- At Munich. Germany, on May 17. Mathilde lllowiii, widow of the Rev. Henry liiovtlti. JONES Mary Reirne Harmon Jonee, el We.t Peint, N. Y . July 2*. wife of Lieu? tenant .Innins W. Jone?, '..'. S. ?^.daugh? ter of Mr. and Mr?. Edward V. Harmon, IM Riverside ?rive. hiriDKK On July .8. 1917, Mr?. Sarah Iviililer, aged 102 year?. ? montha, 11 days. Banket at house.* Webster av., on Monday, July 3u, at 7:tn p. m. Interment private. . KNAPP On Friday, July 27, 1917. after a brief illness, Augustus Knapp, aged 17 year?. Funeral fr..m his late residen?*?, Il n*-o..kside Drive, Greenwich, Conn., on V lay, July SO, at 2 :*? p. m. Auto? will meet train leaving Grand Central Depot ? 1 ?M ?i. m. Interment private. . j M'DOWELL On July L'k. Iflf, Mia? Annl? Vj Mclinw. el!. Fur.?-r?l service? at her late r? ?i.lenee, 4'".t Herkimer ?t., Brooklyn, Monday afternoon at 2:30. Interment wood. M'iMt.'.TH Timethy. sud.lenly. on July 27, . husband of th? late Annie McGrath and brother of Patrick McGraUL retired mem ; N. Y. F. I?. Funeral from hia late residenTa, 1910 Washington av.. on Tues? day, 9 : r-t ? ? a. tn. r.?*?iuiem ma?? at St. Jo* aeph-- Church. 10 a. m. Interment St, md'.?. MARTIN On Fri-lay. July 27. 1917. Robert C. Martin, a?*e?l 73 reata, at hia residence. . r.* ton ?v.. Rronx. Service? at Cal* M. K. '"horch. 1 .'?th at. and 7th av.. t?ork Cit>. Moniiay, July 30, at 2 ; . in. Kindlf "mit flower?. Mil.I KR On S-ir.dav. July 2?. 1917. Amy J. aoeietant ?rir.cipal of Public School I.-.2 Borough of Brooklyn. Relativ??? and inend? are invited to atte? ?i funeral ??r ,St*i ?t., SrcHiklyn. N. Y.. at 8 o'clock on T'!f-lay evening. July 31. Interment at convenience of family. MONTGOMERY El 'e. d into r??st Saturday ng. July 28, Mary J.. ?rldow of Will ? M<-mt*-*omery. at tbe reeidenc? of her ?er. Mr?. Jam??? 1'. lister, 485 Cen? tral I'ark West. Funeral convenience of farri . it at Trinity Cimetery. KICHOLI "r .lames A. at bit r?aid?*ice. 17 *v\^t 78th ?t., SatunUy. July ?8. 1?17. i?*ur. Interment at convenience H? i;n July 2S, .-ophie, l>eloved wife of lunernl from her late re?l Greenwich ?v., New York City. , y M, at 1 p m. Kindly omit .. . HI SSl'I.I. On July 2??. Maria, widow of . !. in her 8rth year. r un eral service? at the Chapel of Horn?. 104th ?t xim av., on Tu*?day, July 31. .,? . ;-. in. SVWYER At Presbyterian HospiUl. New Yora City, on July 27, LUT Arthur Wil kinmin, b.-loyed husband of ( arrte A. ? Sawyer. Funeial ?ervicr? at Kor?rat Hill? Chapel. Boaton. Mass., at ?1 p. m., lay, July 2t"', 1917. SCOTT -udlenly, on Friday. July 27, Emma J. Scott, widow of the lat? William Scott. in her f,':?l year. Funwal ?erviees frota? her lat? residence. 426 West End av., York City. Mon-Uy. July 30. at 2:10 p n?. * SEKBECK On July 28. at th? rectory. Ut? Scheck, pastor of Mar-y Immaculate Church, Heliport, Long bland, ?i of the late Richard ar.d Mar/ Seebeek. -Ti >-e.?')i-*m on Monday. July l<?. at 10 a. m. Funeral from the residence of his ... 38 Park Pia e, Brooklyn, on Tuea-T dav. July 31. at '?" a. in. Solemn re ?.uiern at '? ne'e ?"l.iireh The reverend elergy, relat?trea and frienda In* - SMITH BUen, en ?' -'y 28, 1'?'.7. beloveg r cth. ?? I -oma?, William J. and ,,. -. lu-.eral from h?r late hattan a% . on Tuesday. julv ? i. *?e.i.. ?? maaa at Chart) of -t. Tbonaa the Apostle. M t ?ral *' ?NAVKLY At 1.? Gloria, Coba, July I?* Rev Charlee E. Sna.ely. beloveti am! of Minnl? L. Snavely. We?r ' paper? pleas? ropy SR1HVAN Benjamin B , suddenly. July r.t Riaton. N. Y. s?*n of Solomon al Srinman and brother of Da' Ro.e and Ethel. Fun.ral at 2 e'ef ?harp, from Ro.hachild'a funeral pai " ; vnox VAN NOS1RAND?On Saturday. July 2 1 ?17. John \V. Van Nostrand. Fu?era aervleee a*, hi? late residence. 416 St. Niah; ?. . Moi.?lay, at 8 p. m. WEBER Paul, In hi? 72?i year. Funei-ai from hia late residence. 389 East 173d at" Bronx. Monday. July M, at I :*0 p. m. WH1TEFOR? Kannie. beioved wife ?J Thompson Whiteford. fcsrvieti at her leM residence. 308 Weat 114th at., Monday, f p. m. WRIGHT- On July 28, at hia home, ?9 Cha* ter Place. Sherwood Park, th? Rev Clan Wright. ?. ?, ?-fe?" "? r????r?. Fun?r?, ?.-ry.-e. nt the 1 irat M K Chn-h, 8th */ " .unt Vemon. Monday Vvwninf a 8 o'cl.K-k. CEMETERIES THE WOODIAWN CrMETERY, 2.1.1 >i in liar;, m Train and by Troll?)} Lola of amall aixe for aala. Office M Kaat -Id St , N. T.