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The Sinews of War Soldiers of the Harvest No Longer Ride Beams or Sleep in Barns?They Ride in Motors, Eat at Abundant Tables and Earn $5 a Day By THEODORE M. KNAPPEN LINCOLN". XF.B., July 20.?We were foUowing the advanc? ing harvest battle front northward. Our conveyance was one of those formidable looking, cigar-shaped steel motor coaches that some Western roads use instead of steam trains for local and branch line runs. They have ports instea-d of windows 4nd look like a cross between a Pullman and a submarine, How? ler fonnidable they may look, riding in one of them gives von an intimacy with the country that you never fee] in a locomotive-* ?i train. Up from the valley of the Republican and Great Smoky and ?he Kiw?names loaded with the romance of the Indian fighting days- we followed the sadly misnamed Blue River. It is as Iced as a snake going through cane, and our northbound track ggs just as crooked. The water is of the color of chocolate. Sub? stitute chocolate for honey, and you might say this is a land flow? ing with milk and chocolate. It was early, and many a farm hand was milking near the track as we passed. These our jovial coach lull of migrating harvest hands chaffed right merrily?for be it known that a harvest hand is not to be confused with a "hired man." Some social gulf! Wheat and corn, oats and alfalfa, potatoes and milo, fat porkers, beef steers as round as barrels, confortable dairy cattle, occasionally sheep and always poultry?the whole land literally covered with some form of foodstuff. It was a realized dream of plenty?riotous, all-pervading plenty. "But how do all these people make a living?" It was a yellow corded soldier from The Bronx in the next icat, talking to another from Pittsburgh?cavalrymen who had jiever bestridden a horse?city boys who were innocent of the country. "Ah nevah like to interrupt conversation, geminen," sweetly drawled the keen-eyed harvester from Corpus Christi, "but you all ah right now in the durndest biggest factory in the world." "Factory ?" asked the rookie from The Bronx as he scanned the horizon for smokestacks. "Yessuh, this is where they make what you eat. Honest now, did you evah see such a big factory before?" and the Texan made a gesture that swept the horizon. The Texan was right. Confronted by such a colossal food factory, it is hard to think that the world is near the famine line. The harvest hands scoffed ;?t the idea, and from general food the conversation went naturally to particular food, to the quantity and quality of the "eats" served to the field laborers. Appetizing word pictures were painted somewhat in this way : "Usually the farmer's wife seats four of us at a long table. That table is stacked high and wide with grub; fresh fruit, canned, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, radishes, relishes, patent sauces, big stacks of bread, blocks ?*>f yellow butter, pitchers <*>f milk, ham *nd eggs, fresh beef, fried chicken, two or three kinds of pie?. and a lot of other stuff that 1 can't think of." "But no hot bread." admitted the Floridian, mournfully. Three times a day the sturdy soldiers of the harvest valiantly attack such a bill of fare. Moreover, once in the forenoon an/ ??nee in the afternoon comes the farmer's daughter or boy with a "little lunch" that would last a clerk a week. Truly, it is a case of all honor to the harvester. He is to-day the privileged guest of Kansas and Nebraska and all the great food factory that stretches from the Alleghanies to the Rockies and irom North Saskatchewan to the Gulf. No more second table ?tuff for him. Xo more sleeping in the barn or in the hay. I;or him the finest fare at the first table, with mother and daughter eager to do his bidding; for him the best bed and the guest room. Yes, and for him rapid transit in the farmer's motor car from station to farm and back, and $4 or $5 a day cash over and above - entertainment Living thus on the fat of the land, the great annual migration vi harvesters sweeps up from Texas into Canada. Reception committees made up of our competing best citizens meet them at the -tarions and bid for their services. When they feel flush and xn for luxury they pay railway fare and ride at ease. Other MS they ride tree. On the bumpers or brake rods? Perish the thought. The tops of freight cars?even sometimes the caboose for them. The unwritten ' n~ of the West at the time of the tear tor trainmen is: Lose youf sight going north, but be hawk ?.yed going south. Once in a while an over-conscientious brakeman remembers only h's written instructions. "We were riding the top? the other day," said the man from Miami, Fla., "and a brakey comes along and tells us to get off. Xothin* doing. We told him if he was so anxious about us he might try putting us off." "T won't now,' he says, 'but when we get out in the country Hi ?top the train and throw youse off." "That's just what we want.' " Lven the brakeman perceived the humor of attempting to JJuni?h a harvester by putting him off opposite a job. Movie Stars Appear In "First Reel" for New Qubhouse Fund Hitchcock Master of Ceremonies at Benefit in the Casino Theatre "Ak?-r! I.?vj>? and gtntlemen, w* **** with us to-night Alles Brady. Mat father is a famous man, -and ont *Bf e\ ?g'.-j to hm: 'Fathar, I want ? ?*? famous, too,' and he neld: "Au"**, **** gri right ??n end ?*>? famous,' and ?iSt*, Oa'.ng an obadiant child, did, snd ??*?"? ?ha In, and aim's go in if to t'ng Mt I'm" ?*?>**-'?? guaaa*-d it. Tb?, apaaksr is ***** otbor than Raymond HlVehrocVc, ***** BitcJaj- ths Grast, who is M ???m i',r hit i"urt_in aptachta a* ????all t,tT its ukulalaa. Arid ha wat ?^'?duelng U><* "tal??nt" at tha Fir-t **? *t tha Surtan floh In th* ?"'?sino ***atr?, Thirty-ninth ItMal and ?*C-a?j?a.y, I?,,, ?.j,,*, **?? ?***>?ij Club'? Tir?t Real wstn't ???a? st all. It was s glorifiai* ?sudt *"*"-*? th-rw. I? me* *?o bad that tha *?*** that sio??J ?n ?vtmlng outtid* MU, _?*'"*' ?<-okin-g longingly at tha "i*****-"**-? poturt whleh announced *"?*? Jayea, htraalf," snd Franela X. Bushman and Reverley Bayn? an Jean Sothtrn didn't all have ticket For there were enough film favorite on the bill to gladden the heart <i even the most insatiable movie fan. Alice Brady sang the "Marsei'.'aiae and the house stood up and cheerer Than Miss Brady made a face at Ttay mond Hitchcock, who was makin faces at her from behind the flies, jura a? he had been doing to all the per formers all evening, and left the stage Temperament, you know. Thvn Hitchcock interrupted the pro grarnrn?' long enough to ask: "Is Roa coe 'Fatty* Arbuckle in th* house No? Well I didn't think sc. for th' house don't look crowded." Hitchcocl continued: "The n?xt number is the Five Ma icttis. I don't know what Mazotti* are But they're lawfully nice looking chaps and from looking at them I susprci tuipect, mmrl you that they're geltl* to do an acrobatic turn." J,mn Sothern came next and sang a Jot ijf funny SOBfS. She mad? * hit too. Then there wa? John Davidson Virginia Pearson, M'-ntagu Ixave. Ilahol Taliafsrro Slid One Edwarda, whose Springtime Revus the Servan Club "borrowed" for the evening. Then Hal Crane, a mere legit, put on a sketch. Edward C. Whit? waa the general man? ager of the reel, which waa tha fire?. ?tap toward raising a fund ol 1500,000 for the parp?se of building a n?w club house aoinewhere in th? vicinity of Times Square. Leave for General Gonzalez Mesieo City, July 26. -General Tablo Gonzales, commander of the Division of th? East, haa b?an grsnUd two month?' leave of abeenoe, and will go to hi? horn? in the northern part of th? republic ?and probably also will visit th? United States. 15 Motherless Children Need Fresh Air Help Father Is a Longshoreman and His Wages Are Pitifully Smal. - Never Saw the Country Tribune Readers Asked to Give Hungry Brood a Real Outing Longshoreman fifteen motherless children-low wages high cost of liv? ing: the elements of a pitiful story. If you can spare $8 or any multiple of six up to fifteen times that sum, read the story. Otherwise, don't; it will only pull your heartstrings to no avail. The Tribune Fresh Air Fund has been asked to give vacations with food! to Marie and some of her brothers and sisters, but the Tribune Fresh Air Fund is only a name if it have not the public's money. Girl Had "Beanitts" Here is the story in full as told by the nurse who cared for Mari? when she was sick: "Marie came to us suffering from what the doctor feared was appendi? citis. She had a temoerature of 103 degrees and was suffering great pain. "Questioning as to what she had been doing during the few days pre? ceding her coming developed the fact that ??he had be?n at *% picnic given by a settlement, at which \he children had been given beans for dinner?'Baked beans, home-baked beans, and very good!' as Marie put it. "She had eaten three helpings, each one to judge from her own description a meal in itself. When I asked why the had been so greedy, she replied simply: " 'I was hungry.' "She says she gets enough to eat at home. Maybe she does, but the wasted fcrm that I bathed with alcohol to rc auce her temperature belied her words Marie Is Undernourished "In a family of fifteen children she l? next to trie oldest, i This is her own account of the famaly circle.) She is tourteen years of age and looks about ten. She" is undeveloped and under? nourished. "Her mother is dead died when the rsby was three months old. It is seven months now. Her father is a long? shoreman and his mother tries to take care of the fifteen children. "Imagine having to feed, clothe and house seventeen people on a longsore man's wagOS in these days of 1'2-eent milk and 15-rent bread! Do you won? der that Marie ate three plates of beans while sho had a chance? If ahe could have had them, she would probably have eaten six and been glad to get them! "She did not have appendicitis 'only beanitli-,' the doctor said. In three days she was all right, and went back to her sixteen relatives. Never Had a Real Meal "This girl has never been in the country, nor has any one of her broth? ers and Ristera. Beyond that, they have probably never had a good, square meal in all their lives except Marie on the bean?. How could thev have had? "If some of these children could be sent to the country I wouldn't ask it for all of them; just the older ones it would be a godsend not only to the ones that did go, but to the smaller ones at home. For two weeks they would have that much more to cat and so much more room to sleep in. "And the father and the grand? mother! If only out of pity for them, let some of the children go." What need be added to the plea of th? nurse except this: Whyshouldonly "some" of the children get a country fortnight? Why should not all of them go. and the grandmother, for the sec? ond time doing her "bit" as a family raiser, too? Who wants to pay the expense of the undertaking, or any part of it? OOStTHM T?o.**.'.*? tu thi* tiuiii ne A1H, PX-M) rr?*Tl?a?i?'.T ?.?kno??!-?lB**d.IM.7M *70 Mr?. Charla?? Ja??*?>ii. IS CO In lorlng m-iii'.r? of my ... is 00 Mr? n <ir-?.'. 1100 In m?marrv ..!* AHfe. 12 00 M I H . 10.00 .lull? tat W'-l'.alon . 1000 ? P ( . Mr?. G. M r*hr?aUa-i. ' *"' Mr?. J??-i.!i r n?lv. 5.0? lain IUm bait. 5 *? Howard Maji?flelfl. f..00 Z. la C. 5 H tWf-aoi rf-ifff-*. 8 oo Mr? II <; Turner. ttt W. T K.?r? . LM Mr?. F. Lud'.am. 2 o? ImllT W a*a***-**aad. 1 O" 11 Saailra.. 1 *"' Mita I??ra?1 Thermon. 1 eft John W?Viv Matata . *0 Itora-rt ft hm'.'li. J? Mr? I.'.IH- Wolf. M C A WV.etn. .50 Ancm-ma??!? . 10 . Trial July V. 1?".Ill ?II 50 Contributions, preferably by check or money order, should be sent to The Tribune Fresh Air Fund, The Tribune, New York. a 3,000 Negroes Demand State and City Rights Mass Meeting Resolutions Ask Representation in Legislature and Board of Aldermen Three thouaand negroes held a mas? meeting In the I'alace Casino, at Madi aon Avenue and 125th Street, yesterday and adopted reaolutiona demanding representation in the State Assembly and Board of Aldermen, that negro po? licemen an?! firemen be appointed in New York, and that a bathhouse be pro? vided lor the use of negroes exclu? sively. The meeting wa? held under the au? spices of the I'nited Civic League. John Kojal. founder of that organiz?? la,n, said the denial of political equal- . ity and the repression of induatrlal opportunities made It imperative **St negroes take action demanding "their rights." The ?eicregation of BOfTOOl to certain realdential dlatricta, and taxation without representation, ho j said, were conditions that must bi : remedied. Another meeting will be held on Sep. tember 2*, and meantime negro churches, lodges and societies are urged to prosecute a campaign for the reali? zation of their alms. The Useless Excise Law In a fight in a lager beer saloon at .",71 Fast Hot?taan Street early yeater day I Sunday ; morning between Ernest Meyer and John M?ller, the latter waa badly cut with a shoemaker's knife by th? former, who was arrested. GREENWICH AIDS WAR RELIEF *j ?m?etwmme a Um?mmeeQ, N v. Miss Dorothy Thorp sold balloons at the "Garden of Delight" at Wood manse, the estate of Mrs. Edward W. l'arkard. The proceeds will ho devoted to the fatherless children of France and to local war relief charities. On the Screen Florence Reed in "To-day" Depicts Interesting Phase of Modern Life Florence Roed, in "To-day," is the feature picture at the Strand this, week. Miss Reed does the bent work of her career in this picture, which is ! a vastly interesting, if not particularly wholesome, druma of modern life. Of course, it it not a surpriie t3 find Miss Rre,J giving an artistic perform? ance, for one feels sure after seeing her recent "Titha" that she could not ' do anythir.-r bad if she tried. Reauty is not absolutely essential to scree**. aucce?s, but It is such a great asset, and Miss Reed is so pleat-ant to look at. Garbed in the simple frocks which belonged to the four-room flat of 'on'ii and-out days, or robed in the gtitta**? lag garb which wns th?' bail;:.' ?if her rise to prosperity and her fall from morality, she was always n thin? of beauty and a joy forever. Miss nata is a very beautiful woman and ?he ' screens remarkably Wall' also her face betrays her every emotion and her simple work is restful ami delightful. W| believe that, although there are j plenty of persons who plead for the ar- , tistic ending as opposed to the happy ending, in their hearts most persons wish to see a happy ending. For them there is devised a happy ending to this j picture, Bnd it occurs after all seems chaos. It is much nicer for the author to lift his characters out of the slough of despond, whpn he can do it so easily, than to abandon them in their hour of need. Frank Mills, as Fred Morton, the adoring and deluded husband, is re? markably well cast. Gu8 Weinburg and Alice Gale, as father and mother Mor? ton, are ?juit? adequate, and the same might be said of Lenore Harris, as Marion Garland. Knt?' Lester, with small chances as Mrs. Farmgton, is altogether too re? alistic, "she is decidedly goo-j in the part and decided'}' disagreeable. "To-day" is a vastly interesting pict? ure, with a climax that is one of the bust thing? that has b?'en done on the screen. The overture Is Offenbach's "Or? pheus." Mery Zentay, the violinist, played "Scherzo-Tarentellu" and "Le ?"anean." She also played an nbbligatn fei Henri do ("flux's "Agnus Dai." The cuinc!y aras i Key-tone called "The Dangers of a Rride." One may take liberties with a drest ? suit that one may not take with a baby; threfore we believe that "Skinner's Raby," which was shown at the Rialto , yesterday, it not so nice a picture as i "Skinnor's Pr?s? Suit." although there | are plenty at people who do not agre with us. For instance, we should hesi? tate to write this, only Harry Reau mont did not hesita'o to put it on the screen. We shall go no further than he went; therefore one mny bo in? formed that, although there were only two opi*-o?l"s in the existence of "Skin? ner's Raby" which were not shown on the screen, those two episodes shall now bo nameless. As to Um rast of it, Bryaat Wash bum and Basal Dal***, t.?o dtli-ghtfal persons, proved to he much more frank than one had hitherto suspected. They formed the story, for. at a matt? r af fact, th?; baby ?lui not come until the end of the picture; it was only talked about. And now for the plunge. As ; soon as "Honey" found she had a "te- . cret" the whispered it to Skinner, and then, to the horror of the sensitive soult in the front of the theatre. Skin? ner went downtown the next day and announced to the office that he had a child. In honor of the occasion he gave the whol? <?:Tiro force a vacation, and when ' the senior partner patted him on the bsck and asked him if it wat h boy, he replied, "Certainly." And when he atk?d its name he said: "Oh, you un-1 derstaml that he isn't born yet, and , won't bo for a long time." or wordt to that effect From that time on the play it all about "Skinner's baby," which it1 yet in embryo and yet which formt the | topic of conversation for the commu? nia fron the telephone op ? to the corner policeman. We should have thought that two such well bred persons would rather BATS kept their secret a secret; but no! Kvery one knew 11 u i f r? as well as Skinner when ? . I p?*ct that infant, and when he finally arrived they wore only barra??] from being present when be r*ia?le his triumphant entrance mto an sipeetaat ?vorld. When he whs half an hour old people ga*here?l at his bedside loaded with presents fei him. Rocking hi ?runs and dfVBM were pilad unon the bed, and then with quivering lips the young mother told her secret. William Henry Bkianar, jr., was ? g'rl and had to be named Lily. Which, to our no? tion, was not the only disconcerting thing in the picture. The overtur?' was the always popu? lar "Light Cavalry," with S. L. Rothop'el conducting. Helen-? Hasch? medt sang "Kathleen Mavourneen" in a wonderfully sympathetic voice, and Desere La Sallo rendered the "Tores dor Song" from "Carmen." Th?- comedy was "Their Hurglar," which was presented by Mr. aid Mrs. Sidney Drew. _ It is impossible to classify "Wife Number Two," in which Suratt is appearing at the Academy this week. It is neither fish, flesh, nor fowl, for, while it la intende?! for melodrama, it is at times unconsciously humorous and at other tunes it is downright farce. , . Mill Suratt cannot advantageously let down her hair and don spnng-heel slippers. When she does so she is funny, whether she wills or no. She needs her slick hairdressing and her magnificent gowns, and her followers wish to see her so groomed. No woman of Mis? Suratt'? construc? tion may arrar.go her hair after the manner of a Fiji Islander and put on a short gingham frock and still retain the sympathy of ?he audience. It sim? ply can't be done. So Miss Suratt started otf under a big handicap. Wo wondi-rod how she ever was go? ing to sseape from her aordid life to become the queen of fashion, which each picture demands that she should become, and then ?o were introduced to a French modisto who happened to be exiled in Valoska's home town and who, being driven mad by her beauty, offered to make her wonderful gowim for nothing. In ravinent he demanded only her signature to a number of notes. an?l later he e??'n offered to destroy these notes if she would i-a.-t her fate with bis- , . , . Several tim-s during the picture Miss Sura*t threatened to take her own iifo but she never could be relied upon ?i h??r word, ?.o at last fate had to take a hand in it and drown her; and then her husband, who had neg? lected her at all times, cried out. "Oh! my durling, I wish I had you bark again," a sentiment which we lid no' indorse. _ _ ?'? ' ? Plays and Players The schedule of nates for the open? ing week of the season has again un? dergone revision, and the plans now call for the premi?re of "Mar;. '.*. Ankle." at the Hijou, on August ?"; "Friend Martha," at the Rooth, on the 7th; "Tr.e Inner Man," at the Lyric, on the 8th, and "The Very Idea," nt the Astor, on the 9th. Krnest Truex and Kehard Rennott ar.? now playing the leading r?les in the last named. Ton reels ot Italian war pictures, bearing the stamp of r.pproval of the Italian government, will begin an en ragemaai at tha Forty-fourth Street Theatre on Augu?t 7. The Charles Frohman Company has acquired a comedv hy Horace Annesley Vachell for pro'luction early in the leaaon. The piece is tentatively called "Hampty Dumpty." - , Hertha Kalich has obtained the right? to half a doren plays by the latl .lai'oh liordin, who wrote "Tha Kreutzer Sonata," and will presently be seen in an adaptation of one made by Georgo Foster Fiat'.. The Theatre Workshop, an organlia tion which prodaaad a number of un asnal plays in New York laat season, trill give a ?cries of performances at Bar Harbor, Me., beginning on August 1). Many German Peace Kites Sent Up in 3 Years of War i Chief Idea Always Has Been to Induce Allies to Declare Specific Terms?Wilson First to Make Offer of Good Offices By ISAAC DON LEVINE Almost immediately after the break of the war peace became a ject of dlscuaaion. Peace kites, un of Teuton origin, began to appeal the world's horizons. Peace propo peace terms and separate peace rur have ever since remained as muc part of the daily history of the wa the military i!eve!oprnent**. President Wilson was th? first come out with a peace offer. In ' first week of August, 191', he tend? his good offices to the warring nati This offer ha? never been withdri although the United States is not? ; self one of the belligerents. What may be described as the i German peace balloon appeared in country immediately after the ba of the Marne, when the Teuton am advancing toward Paris were hu: back by the French. Count von B< = torff, German Ambassador to United Stat??; Oscar Straus, Secret Bryan and James Speyer were all sponsible in various degrees for a p? inquiry addressed informally to Kaiser by the American governm. Von Bethmann-Hollweg, the Gerr Chancellor, in reply informed Ambai dor Gerard that first "the United St? ought to get proposals of peace fi the Allies." This answer of the Chancellor c tains the chief idea behind the num ous subsequent peace kites sent up reutral countries by German age during the three years of the v. They were all intended to draw the Allies to declare their spec peace terms, und failed. President "fl son's second attempt ended in hi? ci.?ion to make no further effo toward mediation, keeping, howev ( the door of peace always open. Germany's Overtures In October, 1914, Germany made pei overtures to Franco and Russia si arately. France was offered part of sace-Lorraine in return for German retention of a considerable part Belgium. The proposal was, of cour aatly rejected. The Czar ?as i pi-oached next, but h?? answered: "l'e? ?ble only when Russia reacb the heart of German soil. This is t unanimous opinion of all Russians." 1 ... year of lilla b?agan with pea moves in the United States under t auspices of various public boalia>?. T Socialista of neutral SOOatrteS ?set Junuary ut Copenhagen to discus* t bitratioa of the war. In Amsterdam Mtltlon was circulated urging ???vie Wilheimina to mediate. The Pope beg to manifest interest in the ?juestion peace, while in England the radie labor men were clamoring for the end the war. Mr. Asquith, British Pri-mi? was compellod early in March to a nounce that all peace talk was prem turo. The German Chancellor, in r sponse to a request of several societi about the middle of March for permi sion to debate peace, barred all discu sion of that subject. Women Start Movement At about the same time Mme. Rosil Schwimmer, the noted Hungarian pac list, visited the United States ar launched a campaign for the immedia conclusion of the war. Her origin: aim was to induce the United Stati to call a conference of neutral nation; in this she failed. But she ?ucceede in interesting American woman in h< *)lan, as a result of which fifty wome chosen at mass meetings throughout th country left for The Hague to atten a peace conference, at which man American and European women wei pie-ient. But nothing of any practici effect was accomplished. At the same time the Pope called r? peatedly on the belligerent nation? t make peace. One of hi? strongest mes sages was published July 30, 1916: "Why ?hould not a direct or an indi rect exchange of views be initiated i an endeavor, if possible, to harmoniz aspirations so that all should be con tented? This is our cry for peace, an we Invite all friends of peace to unit with us in our desire to terminate thi war and establish an empire of right resolving henceforth to ?olve differ enees, not bv the sword, but by equit; and justice. But the most direct attempt to re store peace In Europe was the expedi tion organized by Henry Ford in tha fall of [911, This expedition sailed fo: Europe on December 8 without am definite nlan as to the methods whicf were to be employed for the ending o' the war. It was hoped that when th? peace party arrived in Europe it woul? choose its own manner of procedure tc accomplish it? object. Rut the fate ol the Ford peace purty was not different from that of the women's conference a? The Hague. It proved the end of all social efforts to put a stop to the great conflict. Berlin's HI? Offers At the beginning of 191?5 Germany came forward with a new peace sugges? tion. Officially this new attempt on th? part of the German government to ob? tain peace wa? repudiated; but there were sufficient indications to leave no doubt that the new proposal emanated directly from the Kaiser and his ad? visers. The indicated peace terms did not differ much from the nrecedin? , ones. They were less liberal and did not at all meet the French ami Britiah expoctetiOBS. In only two points wero they more favorable to the Allies: In . ng the conquest of Poland and Serbia and in suggesting a general re? turn to the territorial statua quo ante. Belgium was to be evacuateal, but the ri?"ich territory occupicl was to be ?urr?-ndered only on payment of an la? ale-iiniiy. Her African colonies Ger? many wanted restored to her by Great Britain and France. Although the new peace offer was re? jected by the Allies. Germany did not gi\a. up her at*- mpts. German peace ST? rturei were again and airain repeat? ed .luring theftrat half of 1016. Some? times they carpe 'hrourrh Spain, ?nm times through Switzerland, sometimes through Holland. They found an eche in the United States, and the League to Enfore Peace, together with otner organizations favoring an early con? clusion of the war. made strenuous ef? forts to bring about peace. A requeat ?*as made to Presid?*nt Wilson by ?ome of the leading pacifists that he should , intervene a? a mediator among th? bel ! ligerer.t nations of Europe. Bit he de? clined to do so. On May 25, 191**, he I declared intervention by any neutral ] "ould come only after the nations at ' war were ready to admit that neither 1 lide could po??ibly gain a eonclusire I victory. An attempt to create a ground for rapprochement between the warring al I liance? was made by the President on j I December 18, 1916. In s not? ?ent on ?hat date the President neither pro I poaed peaco nor offered mediation, but I suggeated that "an early occaaion be sought to cal? out from the nations an avowal of tneir respective views re gardiaj -rm?." It furthermore expressed the readiness of the United States -o cooperate n securing the fut? ure peace of the world. This note was enthusiastically ac ee*pted by Germany as a forerunner of peace. And enly a week after the re? ceipt of the President's message Ger? many came forward with a reply, in ?\hich siie tat*) heartily indorsed tha American peace note, and even M nt so' '"ar as to laggast the means by which ' 'he tir*.t steps 7?) p?ace could be made, "by an immediate meeting of delegate? of the belligerent states at a neutral place." Rut in spit? of her joyful ac? ceptance of the peace messag?* Ger? many cleverly evaded a reply to the main question in the President's note, that of stating war aims or peace terms. This most important question Germany left entirety unanswered, de? siring hrst to hear the Allied peace terms. On th" other hand, the Entente govern? ments received the note very coolly. The fact that the United States wat ?xpress ing its ignorance of the war aims of the Allies made many people in Allied countries hostile to the Wilson note. The reply of the Allied governments was a general statement of poaee terms, postponing a detailed etatomont until the hour of negotiations. Their terms implied "the restoration and evacuntion of invaded territory (in? cluding Alsace-Lorraine), with repa? ration an?l indemnities; the liberation of Italian?. Slavs, Rumanians and '*o hemians from Austrian domination, the expulsion of Turkey from Kurop-i and the enfranchisement of Turkish populatiops." Thus the President's note failed, but, undismayed, he made ? tecond and last effort to bring about pene?. In a message to Congress he proposed a peace without victory, a peace in which neither side was to be the win? ner or the loser, ? peace between equals he.ied unon the following prin? ciples: Kvery great people ahould be assured a direct outlet to the tea; there must bo a limitation of both land snd naval srmaments; no distinc? tion between the rights of big nations and of ?mall ones; peace must be based upon the principle that governments derive all their just powers from the consent of the governed. This message met with little en? couragement and much ridicule in the Allied countries. It was expected that the Central powers would avail tVm solvfs of it, but Germany had already decided by that tune to launch her ruthless Ittbsoa war. Announcement to that effect was made toward the end of January lest, and caused consterna? tion in all pacifist circles. At the same time reports of R sep? arate peace between the Kaiser and th?? Czar grew in relama It was taken for granted that Rumia would not long remain in the Allied camp, and the Teutons were looking toward an early conclusion of ths ?'ruggle. Rut the Russiun revolution, which broke out in March, for a while checked all talk of peace. Then Germany made an effort to ne? gotiate a separate peace with Russia's ?-??tremists, reeortiac to all kinds of tricks. Thus, the Bulgarian diplomat, Rizow, made several attempt? to arrive at an understanding with Maxim Gorky, but the latter exposed his scheming. The German commander in chief ever, wired to the Russian Coun? cil of Workmen and Soldiers an in? vitation to conclude an armistice, but wis not answered. The overwhelming majority of Russians rejected the idea Of ? senarat3 peace. The Russian revolution also brought about the movement to restore the Socialist Internationale. At the ini? tiative of the German Socialist? an international conference was to meet at Stockholm to discuss peace, but it never materialized. Then the Russian Socialists is?ued an invitation to a similar gathering, announcing at the same time the New Russia stood for no annexations and no indemnities. To prove this a crisis waa caused in the Provisional Government, the result of which was that a Cabinet subscrib? ing to this doctrine was set up. To? day Rust?a is the chief exponent cf this formula, which many regard at the only possible basis for a quick and durable peace. The Allies have agreed to the demand of the Russian govern? ment to hold a conference for the pur? pose of revising the Allied war aims and restating their peace terms. This conference is expected to bring peace much nearer realization than ever be? fore during the last three years. Infant Mortality Cut 40 Per Cent in 10 Years Infant mortality in New York has been reduced 40 per cent in the last ten years, according to a statement made yesterday by Stephen G. Willisms, chairman of the New York Milk Com? mittee, at exercises marking the tenth anniversary of the founding of that orgfinliatlon. Tho committee waa or gaalaad in 1907 as a tubsidlary of the New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Two yeart later it became an independent orgsnl? j zation. Bronx .Exposition, Now Being Erected, To Be City in Itself Permanent World's Fair Will Include 75 Buildings at Cost of $3,000,000 To Open Next May Developments in Art. Science and Industry Will Be Dis? played Yearly A "city of wonders" that is to cost $8,000,000 and la planned to rival the Panama-Pacific Exposition is being erected on the William Waldorf Astor property at Eaat 177th Street and Th* Bronx Hiver. Practically unknown to thousands of men and women who pasa by the twenty-fivo-acre ait? dally, there is in the proceaa of construction s group of seventy-ftv? buildings of steel, concret? and papier-mache that are to constitute one of the largest undertakings of it? kind. It la to be known as The Bronx International Ex? position. The entire plant will be ready May, 191?., according to II. F. McUarvi*. president of the exposition, which ia being financed by the Realty Trust Company. The foundation? have al? ready been laid, and the erection of several buildings started. The exposi? tion is to be permanent, and wilt be modelled after Shepherd'? Bush and Karl's Court in London. The primary purpose of the exhibit, ?aid Mr. Mc QarviOi will be to display the arti.tic, scientific and industrial accomplish? ment? of the various nations. Inci? dentally, The Bronx International Ex? position will commemorate the 300th anniversary of the settlement of th? borough. Swimming Pool a Feature One of the buildings now going up is the convention hall, which will af? ford accommodations for the hundreds of conventions held in this rity each season. This hall will seat 1,600 per? son?. Another of the features of the exposition Will be a sait water swim? ming pool, which i? to b'e 300 b?, 3?0 feet, and will have a sand beach .100 feet long by 60 fast running the length of the north end of the pool. Entirely surrounding the pool will be a promanad?, elevated slightly above the iiirfaee of the water. On tha? south siale of the pool there will be a miniature Niagara Fall?, 180 f?ei across and ?1 feet high, which will hi illumined from within and without by colored incandescent and flood light?. Near the pool there Is being construct? ed a bathing pavilion, with aceommo? dations for 5,01)0 persons at one time. A number of exhibit "palace?," In which will be displayed the Industrial and artistic products of the nationa, are now in the process of construction. These buildings will be known a? the Palace of Amer!-an Achievement?, th? Palace of Pan-American Exhibits, the Palace of Fine Arta, the Palace of Manufacture? and Liberal Art?, th? Palace of Varied Industrie?, the Hor? ticultural and Agricultural Hall, Ma? chinery Hall, Automobile Salon, etc. "At each exposition held In this and other countries it has been the en? deavor of tho management to surpaas In beauty of landscape, architectural design and illuminating effects ?11 of the accomplishments of their prede? cessors," said Mr. McGarvie yesterday. "We are attempting to outdo those which have gone before us. For thia purpose we have brought from the Pa? cific Coast many of the properties that contributed to the ancceas of the Panama-Pacific Exposition. W? have also put at the head of the various de? partments men who in the past hare done the biggest and best things at exposition? held throughout th? world." Will Open Eaach Summer The plans call for rest rooms In each of the si-venty-five buildings, a club? house and restaurant, roller skating rink, dance hall, yachting hi ?tor, Japanese garden and amusements of all kinds. A giant aeroseop* will pr?? vido a moving observation tower sev? eral hundred feet high, whicii will ?af? ford a view of the eitv, the Jersey shore and Long Island. Though the exposition will be "per? manent, it will be open only from May .10 to November 1 of ?acb year. Ken? neth M. Muhchieon, of 101 Park Av?? r?e, Is th? architect. New Swiss Envoy in Paris Dr. Alphonse Dunant Succeeds Dr. Lardy as Minister Berne, Swltzerlsnd, July 19.?Dr. C? Lardy, th? Swiss MinlaUr to Pr-aocik, has askod to bo relieved of his duties on account of age and family circum? stances. Dr. Alphonse Dunant. the leading member of th? Swlsa Foreign Office, has been appointed to succeed Dr Lardy. The retiring mlnliter has been At? tached to the Swiss Legation at Parie for forty-eight years. At the time of the siege of th? French eepiul he was First Secretary of Legation and became Minister In 1883. DI AYUnilQP M?rn E et fVwaj r?p. 8 30 rLATnUiJOt ?.fa-ir.??"? W?1. an?" &?*., 12? THE MAN WHO CAME BACK SEE TttE*il_r?:h CHAIR ?IQTi-l *y I ts*t\Sm*7**7*'* V..ll?-r ?ain"-!l' I _| IMms t safas _ -?,_._ , ?4_r * PSSSSSSf. HO TOm K of B Sta) J_*4^ r*-?n!r.i? S M. Mannt? ?'M ?_| is?!., I is *mart??t of MaaSteal Colo?, die?.??v? Stt*\ TO-MGHT?n\IN OR SH1NK?IT Stil. La?? hut one ix?rform.?ine of the GRAND ol'KRA ?KASON at Columbia fnlv. rslty, ll"?h St. * Braadwar. Potltlvoiy Utt f ' rf'jrniiir.ct of TOS? \ with Loi?? v;..?,i.:, I. ..-? Botta k i AU 5*ttr <':. V.'te-.s ?t O .r.*'? I l????-|t?. l?I!) Pr-??-l?'?T. itta r>p H>e B. ?i. im ?:: ?? >?? ??-. * PB.F.KtiTHS ; r.uair. jani*?. A I A a***1*"* s****-?* a ? wit'i ^\l_/-\V^Ca \l?i? Sic-Si. I !..**.' Delirious l.emon'?il? Kre? lo AU. It B. F. KEITH S , IHII I.V M*TI.1M, nlUPPQinf-' ' "?? *??'*'*?"? ? -amtma ll|? Cri O lUt- ?. gtifi, Joir?.-vii a rtvay * ?* RT . i ? ?m restan a.??. BROADWA? S*JW?,?i4fl PRU IfJfl SJ". Me, Ile ar?4 11. ImMMgmOM C7CONFV nLA***D*a _^W^M VAW Ml Mil I ??.I *?____? ? ther Hi? l<'.a?ur.t. aM_a___B_B_a_*l tr*? A:ua,-u. aa?-lujialiif. New Mat 'l'o-dar I H?*rn:?r.l ?,nui? l.l>>. ?? DDirUTAM ' ?ii>ningl?a*i?,Th? ("uliir bHIUMIUn llatio nt-.n?, Night Real, Rrlahtnn Bcach. I Knilih a Au?tin, otli.ra NEW AJWSTERDAJVI ?J KsSS ^.?jaM'lWq Go OFmaaMfflmnami K-?. I ?1 <! ft?! COHAN ft HARRIS Ei<\?* , TKE SEASON*? SENSATION. "HITCHY - KOO?'^?I!.u,^T,, RafarmoBd Hltehrock. Ort.?*-* tat Ko-, Una. Ratrk anal rrtanrr* ? hit?. Infill Kirol, Iren? Bordonl. ___ it, ST i"--.i.iB-a a m V'jy ? ? Sat, ai i J? LOEW'S NEW YORK THEA.fl ?Mift -?r *.-??? t*t? Tool Sip'.t Atr Brings Comfort Cent. 11 A *t( to 11 1" M 1< f * . l a. 1*. ' II \TE"?"HATK"?"HATR." Loew's American Roof gj* ,.Zo1t'? '/.. mtofraottimm tttttht Uret??a Ar* Hora. Tli-T.Kl.ATKK III 1 . .IMmir?. All ?rate \ .-. A Co.)'f Dtwa, ?Ua?r>a?f) tirof ? l.i.mtillr unal S i>!lior?. Sa, to. SO 1IKYANT WAaWBtnUf la ?..Una.-? . 11*1.t. ' Sa ?ail?. Cam??!?, a?? l????i?aiaala K.alra Ort* SWMD KiOKKxra a rid U? "TO-DAV'i fclaf.t. na r.^aa^J?, ms. ?irai.* (an a fer ??art tVitia,