Newspaper Page Text
Southern China Demands Death Of New Premier Dr. Sun Yat Sen Telegraph! Terms to Present Government Parliament Convened Members Denounce Dissolu? tion and Cal! on Provinces to Join Revolution triera Th? Tribun? Burviol Washington, July. 30.?The rising of ihe Southwestern provinces of China will not be ?topped unless Premier, Tuan Chi-jui, head of the government which followed the abortive attempt to restore the- Manchus and which forced i the resignation of President Li Yuan , Hung, is executed, Dr. Sun Yat Sen has ?wired to Peking, according to advices received here to-day. In addition to the death of the Premier, he demands also the execution '? of General Chang Hsun, who failed in his effort to re-establish the monarchy, and of th? military and civil governors and commissioners of the North who brought about the recent crisis by com pelling the dissolution of the Chinese; Parliament. The member? e-f fhe Parliament ?re supporting the Southern revolutionary ? movement. The Parliament reassem- [ bled at Shanghai after being dismissed at Peking, and, denouncing the man? date dissolving both houses as uncon stitutional, issued an appeal to the au I thorities in the Southern, Southeastern . and Southwestern provinces to rise In support of the republic, concluding: "In future- the only people who can guarantee the provisional constitution and the freedom of the President are | all of you, who are quite responsible! for the task. We hear that all of you have sworn to send troops to attack the rebels so as to wipe them out. The only hope for the republic depends upon you all. Therefore, we hereby desire that with purity of publio spirit all of you will remain steady for the righteous, cause in unity and in one mind, and we, the Parliamentarians, desire to follow you." The Southern movement has made Canton its headquarters, fearing the influence of the Peking authorities at Shanghai. After repeated conferences with Southern military governors, General Li Lieh Chun decided to effect a com? bination of Kwangtung, Kwansi, Szechuen and Hunan provinces under the supreme command of General Lu .lung Tini* to take action against the Northern military par'y. Osborne to Reclaim Jackies Ex-Head of Sing Sing Plans to Save Them From Scrap Heap Auburn, N\ Y., July 30.?Thomas Mott Osborne, newly appointed com? mander of the United States naval ' penitentiary, at Portsmouth-, N*. H., will j endeavor to "save good sailors" for th<" navy, he declared, before leaving for ? Portsmouth to-day to take up his ne.v duties. "As a result o? my study of the ; prison last year," Mr. Osborne said, "I ? found that many fine young men, who had a certain amount of training, needed to be repaired instead of being thrown upon the scrap heap. It will be my endeavor to organize n system that will prepare men to return to the navy as fully equipped as possible for service." U. S. Shippers to Recover Cargoes On Seized Ships Goods Were Exported on German Vessels Taken Over by Brazil Must Prove Claims Documents as to Ownership Will Secure Release by Customs Officials [from Th? Tribune Buretul Washington, July SO. Consul Gen? eral Alfred L. II. Gottschalk, at Rio de Janeiro, reporting on American cargoes on German vessels in Brazilian ports, says: "Requests have at various times been made for assistance in releasing Amer? ican shipments forming part of the cargoes of German merchant vessels in? terned at this port. "It is almost impossible to know how much American cargo is upon these vessels, because none of it. prac? tically, was shipped 'direct' from the l'nited States. At the outbreak of the war many German ships sought refuge in Brazilian ports to avoid capture. These ships were, for the most part, en route between German ports and Australia and the Indian Ocean, or the African coast. It had been customary for some American merchants in ship f Bf to Africa, Australia or points in the Indian Ocean to ship to an agent m Hamburg, who vould forward the j goods. Merchants Form Pool "At first it was possible in several instances to have the goods unloaded and disposed o? according to the in? structions of their original shipper. Later a pool was formed of merchants j who would arrange to unload these j cargoes and distribute them without j exorbitant stevedoring charges, but be- j fore such arrangements could be com? pleted a local (ierman firm, which is the agent for most of the German lines here, voluntarily undertook the work of unloading arv shipments claimed, pro? viding an extra per cent were paid for the service plus the usual charges. "With the declaration of wai between the United States and Germany, how- I ever, it became impossible to release cargoe- ondei th's arrangement, except through the good offices of the Consul j General of Holland, who is acting In the German interests here, and who j has been good enough to lend his ser- i vices in such cases as these. "Recently, however, the Brazilian government decided to seize these ships for utilization, and the work of unload? ing them and storing their cargoes in the Bl ? toni warehouses is I>rorr.>ii:nu: Tile deputy inspector of ra toi ? .?? "i th ii Mm easton house does not poscft5 the manifests, of the O?rman ships that put into ! Brazilian ports on account of dangers arising out of the present war, except for those rargoes that were originally ! destined to Brazil. Agents Hold Manifests. "The other manifests are still with UM agents of the steamship companies. "Hi stated, however, that the dis- | charge of the = e steamers ts now being undertaken, and as fast as the cargoes pre being discharged lsts of them are heme nada i>y the easton* authorities and they sr? being placed in the cus? toms murehoases. "Upon presentation of bills of lading or other proper proof of ownership, to? gether with a payment of the usual duties, port dues and storage charges, they will be delivered to their rightful owners. All these documents i proving ownership, etc. I. however, should, in order to have validity in this country, be duly legalized before a Brazilian , consular officer in the United States." RESORTS RESORTS THE LEADING RESORT HOUSE OF THE WORLD ATLANTIC CITY OFFERS HER VISITORS SECURITY A gtrmicidt Sea-It ?and Chmatt. A clean retort, So Dust, No Dirt?h?rd paved itreets. Splendid water aid perfect sanitation. H*ttl raitt tht tarnt as thrtt ytars ago, before the European War, and hence, more for your moaey thee anywhere elie ia the world. Escape from the problems of scarcity tf help and the high cost of ?wini. A bathing beach so flat and shoal that there is Uss than JO fttt of rater ftvt miles from short and Uss than 68 feet nint miles out. Ownership Management JOSIAH WHITB A SONS COMPANY ia their HEALTH la their WEALTH and io their PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS ; sPsfsagMeSBgSaWeWeMB The wonderful variety ef scenery te th? bleb altitudes of THE CATSKILL MOUNTAINS with numsrous attractive hotels, board. Ing houses end farm houses, make It lb? ideal reston ss a. summer resort. The Ulster & Delaware R.R. operates through trains from and to New York In connection with West 6hore R R. Steamers of Hudson River Day Line make direct connection at Klr.gaton Point for all points In the mountains. The many attractions of this wonder? ful meuntsln section are fully described In an illustrated book containing list ot hotels snd boarding houiei, which will b? rastied free? on receipt of 6 cents postsge. K. A. BIMS. Oensral Passenger Agent. Kingston, N. Y. ECTPORTjNN ON LAKE CHAMPI.AIN. N. Y. rvit?. to real. ?uppiie? from nearby fuma, eve r ' '? sas tfnnl*. boating. t ?if u.g. fining ro rcn*<juroei or b!?ci Kitas IU 00 jp Bookl?. H. P. SMITH, Westport, N. Y. Sotie? to former Potrom* The O-te-sa-ga on Otsego lake Cooperstown. N. Y. WILL RFMAiN ORR UNTIL OCTOeVa 1st. C. B. Knott, Proprietor and Manager THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE Valhalla, Weatrhester f'o.. N. Y. nth ieaaoa. Capacity, M#; no seres ol real country. <& minutes from 42d St , 10 minute? trent station; many rooms with private baths and s'eeptng porches, tennis, swimming pcol and bath house, orcheitra. Rat?*. Ill and up Phone 1165 White Plains Booklet THE BALSAMS JSBHk Open Jua s Itth Plraproo* sldltmn open this ?tuon IM roema ?rh kath CHA? 11 UOl'LO. Mir *Che) m [BEAL lora^ IS THE IDEAL WAY TO THE MOST FAMOUS RESORTS OF AMERICA A Thousand Miles Through New England's Scenic Wonderland A FIRST CLASS HOTFX AT THE END OK EACH DAY'S RCN. lllui.trat*'! Route Book or Lars? Map In Color? Fr^c at USO Broadway, or by mall from ALMON <"" JUDD. HOTEL ELTON'. Waterhury, Conn. TOURS NEW YORK STATE Running Directions 93 I Slate Macadam Sectional Map? Motels en Route Toar Boolf n>r7/ f>e mailed on application r. E. BAIN, Sect'r. Newburgh. >. ?. '/feTWMONMOUTT! Spring Lake Beach. N.J. 1 "-lilli? and Hurt BatUing. Golf, Trnnli. Etc. Haily Coneert? and Daares. OPEN TO OCTOBER 1ST _? FRANK F. SHUTE, wa* _ CAPE MAY HOTEL Tape >laj, N. J. Open* .Inn?? SO. Smartem of American B?a' hos, s>w Moder* Fireproof P.fft: Hotel. ATLANTIC IIK.HI \NDs, n. j. THE LOCKWOOD HEN HY A H\M, HOTEL COLUMBIA $S7 ! ( .1?' ?.; < " W. Harvry Jen??. o-r-?r & Irop i "Mountain and Lake Rosetta." I.arka I wanna? summer Dook. Ben !"<? In pumpi ' to Ja? Kls'cr. Adv Agt . 90 Went Sr , N T INSTRUCTION NEW YORK?Manhattan CERLITZ SCHOOL wm u>ti St _ ?lyn ?UU? 1 ?M REDITED RATES TO ARMY A ?ATY Languages J OHKALOOSA. IOWA OSKALO?S? COLLEGE 08KALOOSA. IOWA. Graduate. Collage, Divinity Normal and Preparatory 'our??? Reeldtiiee or F.iten ?lo.-i Cr?dita from a'andard ?rhonii ac? cepted D?gr?e? conf'rrad Catalog- "T " SWIM MI Mi SWIMMING TAUGHT ?gh? S'rok?? lautht ?juif kly to n??"lnn*r? Pr"t Alex MaftVrt. Wool worth UMf Batlia DANCING 24 Teen al Tait Aedrt i? Meas? Sosetkiof FOR QANCIN* ?15-919 8ih AVE. Tel. Col. 4684 fecod for Free Illoatraled Booklet. SCHOOL OFEN ALL SUMMIER. M HOOL ALEX ?US V(S,rlc?r~~M4 r'oretya Tracfeere' Ac????/.? *a?bl'?e Erof>oaor* Tootooro. Tutora ???rollies hpf ?o M?. M. U. TOUN*> BUSINESS CARDS HUM?NOS DI AMONT?' RriTT.IIT arl POI.r) for raab: nlflr? free. BENNETT. 1"5 Broad ??. third flow < ARPET CLEANING CARCTVL PAKl'ET ?I.EAMNO CO?Clean? by i/Tsi'raaia>l air atetm Land or on floor UM I rirovloiy. 421 Ea.1 sith at COE * BRANDT , Tal 132?S?'h. SURROGATES' NOTICES_ IN PVIUrOANCS Of AN ORPKR OF HON. John P Cohalen. a Surrogat? nf the county of n?w York, notire ia hereby gn?s to all p?r?on? having dalma agalnat B*rtha '. H Hellbrun, late of th?- County of .\>w York. .l*c?a??"I te aroooal til? ?mt ?l'h \ou'h?ra th?r?of to the ?ut.?< rlhrr. at his plac ? of trana?'tiru bualnase, at th* assee el Oaagenhelmer, Untermyer & Marahaii. : No 120 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, | City of N?w Y'rk. on or l,?fore ths 2?th day of I/?'?rnn*r nest Dated. New York, the 1Mb. day of Juna. 1?17 JOSEPH B HKII.BRUV. Piacutor. 1ENHE1MER UNTERMYER A MAR SHALL. Attorney? for hxeoutor. lie j Broadway, leruugli of Menhettsn. Nsw York City PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE is HEREBY OIVEN op ?AI,El gi publl Auction te the I ;gh??t blddei I ,,f gil end Equipment of thai i i' ii S'ij : r.K Prison aal? ? ill b4 t.- I ?' Sog Fing Prison i?*\r. ??* NOW Yoi y. VU ths l?th' -lay W Ain?', a' 2 ?> M A Hat el thiel inS'hirK-ry ?ill be s?nt upon raq Mal | M WILLIAM N MOYER. I <i Warden A AasaL I TRAVEL TRAVEL Inland Salt Water Route??Through Long Uland Sound To Boston Fall River Line Leave Pier 14, North River, foot Fulton Street, daily 5:30 P. M. Steamers Commonwealth and Priscilla Afternoon and Lvenin? Concert? Providence Line Leave Pier 14, North River, daily, except Sunday, 6 P. M. Fall River Line Steamers Providence and Plymouth in Service Afternoon and Evening Concert? $1.00 and $2.00 Outside Staterooms. Inside Staterooms Always Cool. NEW BEDFORD LINE To New Bedford and Summ- r re?ort? on Buzzard? Bay, .Cape Cod. Mar tha'a Vineyard and Nantucket. Lv. Pier 40, N. H , Houston bl , daily, except , 6unJa>s, 6 I' M BRIDGEPORT LINE Lv.^Pler XT, East River, week day?, 3 00 P If. L<ave Pl?r 70. E. R. foot Eaat ::d St . week day?. 3.15 P. M , Sunday?. 4:45 P U. Tickets, Staterooms and Information at Broadway. Alto at N. Y. Transfer Olfic NEW UAVEN LINE To New Haven. Hartford. Sprlncfleld. Lv. Pier 2!>. i:. R i.far '"atharlne St. wetk day?, 2 r0 P. M, Sunday?, 93? A M Li P'.'-r TS, E. R . foot Eaat ::d St.. week day?. 2.15 P. 11.. Sun? da)?, It M A M. NLW LONDON LINE To New London and Norwich. Lv. Pier 40, N Ii., ft Houston Bl . wmIc day?. 5 30 P M.. Pl..-r TO. E. R. ft. E 22d M . 6 00 P. M. City Ticket Offices, 171 and 1180 es, Tourist Agencies, and at Piers AMERICAN LIME Weekly Sailing*1 WHITE STAR LINE Frequent Sailings New York-Liverpool Carrying Passengers, Cargo and United States Mail For full information apply to any agent o* Offices, 9 Broadway, New York CUNARD Regular Paasengrr and Cargo Services, NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL NEW YORK-FALMOUTH?LONDON NEW YORK?BRISTOL Draft? ?Money Order?. Mail or CsMe. Crest Britain. Ireland. Scandinavia, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain. Switzerland. For further Information spply tl-i? STATE 6TKKCT. NEW YORK. tapraxse Pu ?rta I Servio? IEW YORK?BORDEAUX?PARIS Direct Rosie to tse Continsot. UKKK1.Y UKPAHTCKEM. For All r?. . lot ules COMPANY'S OrTIOAolTaA "??el ROYAL MAILS (Neutral Flag ? Nederland and Rotterdam Joint Paafce S??iut ( 1st, 2od arid 3:tl C a*.ti YOKOHAMA (?Ja Honolulu* KOBE, NAGASAKI HONGKONG, SINGAPORE and JAVA Sailingi from S?n Kicnciaro ?*<-ry two werla [s?.?. $100. YOKOHAMA ?li $I50.*.t1 AoVftott. H. E. Bar.itt, 17 Battary Plac?. Na I City -U U Luit st Uki.IS AT SOON For Tnrto Rim < ?rseos A Tatuaseis ZTT.IA Au? IMMIMAHIM Aug 15 CARACA? Aus llPHILADELPHIA.Aej ti I .p. r! r A ?tal ' t !'?? M ten BLISS HAI.I.1TT A ? ii I ?Prona life llano,tr SJ V\?.i ibgSt. MM VTaat foin? or Newfearfh ria\ light ani ??archlighr m on- trip ,;.. ,,, k,? ,,, ?,,r omce, axolnlng ?tan,Ung |n line at dock Omi h. || . .--h Ave i . 10th .-? i \ v t ? . ,OID noMiMON Lim To ?ii Ma* south seal Worn ,.,-rr w^k n?y ?t 3 p. m Ptej IS. N It. Tal im fT?*,kVi^ tai ii or: s i \ RAYMOND? IHK OMB TOtTaU 215 FIFTH A,K. Tel Ma,| s":%270. ?^HUDSON jp RIVER Day Line All loretta Dally Except Sunday. Direct Rail Connection? to all putnts In the OstSklllB, haratog.i, the Adirondack?, the Wea and North. All through rall tickets between New York and Aloany ac? cepted. Mualc. Restaurant. UP BOATS1' r UKh Po'We'Pete King'n Ul uun * us. re?os. Service Service. Desbrososs st.?io 9.40 1:41 West ?M St.9 00 IS.00 2 ?? Weat 129th St.9 20 10 20 2 JO Yonk'-ra .9 45 10 50 2 4? Beer Mountain. ?II 30 ?0 30 West Point. ?100 ?I 00* C irnwsJI . ?! 25 f> :* Newburgh .M2 15 ?l 45 i a Pouehkeepsle ....?1:10 ?2.35 ? ?? ton .: io ... 7 ii Catsk.U .3:5 HudBon .3:40 Alnai.y .6 10 ?One-Day Outing? to I'oughkeepsle, New? burgh, Went Point ?r Heur Mountain. lor infill mill um telephone (anal MM, CATSK1LL EVENING LINE Lee rea daily exee?i sunday, foot al Chffs tophet st . at f., W lltth Bl , * 30 P. M . ?OT Newburgh, Cstalfill, Hudson. Coxaackle Ti k.-'?. Interchangeable with those of ? Day Lil IBM ."-pring 3Iron Steamboat (Jo A l>\\ ON THI m KAN. -IK r\i MJi" Daily at ? A. M fr >n Pier 1. N l< . OM.V. I Bait. ra< kle. Reataurani B Boar*. CONEY ISLAND 'special Sdiiilule, TI BSDAT, .11 1.Y S1ST. Lv. W. IZJ & ... II I. I ? I I N : 0, ? I Pier I, N. ".. V' 1"., 11 it. Vi ?, lilli l 1? C?n?y. 12 2%. 1.2?. ? ... 1.5 - . ? ROCKAWAY BEACH Lv. W. US BLI V M Plie I. M. R IS IS A M I SIS P. SI Rk*>. !.. P. M Tel. Rector ?72. ?THE PIBLIC BE PLEASED." BOSTON, $3.05 PROVIDENCE ! .', $2.00 COLONIAL LINE , ALL OllMDK hTATKROOMM, SI TO 13. Week d ? at..i ?unda>? at I 10 P M. fren? Pier IS, S] H f,? t West nsOStSS St 'Phone, -..ung wibi Via Boat and Trollev. .80. erare eater, se M ? Piwvtaleesi e direct, $1.78 BTATKROOMB ILSe, $150 and $2 <K>. Dail>. im iu.ling Minday. 5:30 P. M. 1 r no PI r :j. i; h Phons 2700 Beekman Clll TI? kel ulllce. 200 Broadwai. .NY To ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Fare 25c ,V?yh i Bj p . .,. ,r?mltf< Tel 179-32C3 Broad DATA NH.IIT TRIP?, (weather permitting-) la \ Y lu tery n,r ?S II A M , 1 45. 8 V M MS Atlantic llv and? 11 IO am .'. A 9 4". p ? DANCING * ''t?1^;?^001"*11 Keansburg.N.J. B"?t? If? n?tferr P?l!r I m. li 10 a m . 2. 4 .10. M : in a m SPFXIAL Excursions Every Day. music a DANCiNd ? Beta? ?t : 4. : I p m SEALED PROPOSAIS ?BALSO BIP? w11.i. mi: i!i:n.ivKn nr the Board of Wale I ipa ?. ?! Its orflie?, twenty-eecond floor, .'?: ".xipai Huiiding. Park R->w. Centre ead Chambers Btrsets New York C1 AM. on Tu?s dav. Auguat 7. 1?1 :, for t'ontract IIS, for furnlahlng and delivering k?'? and eroaa ure-refalattag valve? and appurt?nanr?s for the City tunn< 1 of tim '.Aatsklll aqu? duct in 'h? City of Ne* Y^rk At th? ?boes pla?-* ?nd tim? the bids will be publicly opened and read PsrnphlMa rontainlng Information f. r Mdd-r? and let drawinga < ?><> be eatalaed ?? ti.? asMraaa, ?' iii? efBca <>f ti.?- e> re tary. by <!? ['"Siting th? ?um of t*n dollars ilioi in eaah 't its eqalvaleat for eeeb lumphl?' Fot fur' ?r pert leviers apply i , the egSi f ?' ? i' lil A?ai?tant Eng seer ?t th? ?i""? address ?Mai i.l B I i i' U.'M. Preeldent; ( HARLF," v ? HAIi'A ICK, J' 'liN K ??Al VIN. fon ml???>ners. Heard of Wstsr Supply. OE' ROE FEATHfcKbTONE, Sscrata.jr. LOST, POUND AMI REWARDS LOBI n\NKnooKH. LOsTT Baaaaeasi No BU.TU al Dry Dook Saving? Inatltut.on Any person having claims upon ?aid book la called upon to ? th? ram? IO th? bank within thirty days, or the said book will h? d?clsr?d canc?ll?il and a n?w one Issued In lieu thereof. I.'iST?Bankbook No lSJM'j. Sumen? Han!, lot Berlage. TI Wall ?t . N?w York Payment Stopped md canrelUtlon sppltrd f r !'.? **? '?turn {?? t>ank. I'.st Bankbook No a >i'.v Th? .|r??n ?i h Bating! Bank. :4<> and 111 :? ? York < Ita l ? ? in?r.t I'l?a?? r?tur i TH? r,r??n trieb Si-inga B?tik. 24? and III Sixth ara., N?w Y??k. lltj Pa>ni?nl stopped Please rstum fo bank. Chicago Strike Ends; Switchmen Lose Point Joint Board to Settle Question of Promotions ? Traffic Again Normal Chiesjro, July 30.-The movement of freight into and through Chicago, im-' peded since Saturday morning by the . strike of switchmen affiliated with the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. was resumed on a normal basis to-day oritk the settlement of the strike. Potatoes dropped from ? -"i. T 5 and $4.50 a barrel te $3 and $4 in carload lots as a result of the settlement of the strike. The settlement lost to the switchmen | the chief point for which they were contending- preferential treatment of union members in the employment of : new switchmen. This subject is to be battled by a joint board. By the terms of the settlement the men returned at once without prejudice or loss of j seniority. A report circulated here that threats of military drafting of striking ?witch men had been a powerful factor in bring'ng rh? strike to an end ridi eoled to~niffct both by the railroad men and employee. Former Shortstop Joins Medical Reserve Corps Dr. Daniel J. Lowney, still remem? bered by oldtime fans as the crack third baseman of Holy Cross and Brown universities, and later as the star shortstop of the Southern League, yesterday received his com? mission in the Medical Reserve Corps. Dr. Lowney left the Nashville club over twelve years ago to continue his i rael co g| New Bedford. Conn., his home town, but he ?s still remembered as one of the best shortstops in the game al! through the South. -??-. Birmingham Pitcher Twirls No-Hit Contest Birmingham, Ala., July 30.?Carmen Hill, pitcher for the Birmingham Southern Association team, pitched a no-hit, no-run game against Little Rock to-day. Only four Little Rock players reached first base?three on errors and one on s pass. The score was 12 to 0. ra Cal. A,i'l\ Na imobm, Cemfert, <e^ray To-morrow (Wed.), August 1 Atlantic City ^2 50 Nr IVIdeaa ?4 OC 3???lf ,an]t? S le 1J *A?*?i? ? w '.3d St . T 50; Liberty St., $ 00 AU Ji-k.T ? '.r??r City V17 i ii. Brcie St. N???ri. ? 15 A. Vi. uaNewJerseyCentral HELP WANTED Male REAL ESTATE SALESMAN to sell lo'? ar.'l r.ew h'.i^e? In Bl.? residential park, tao Locks fr.-m ti; : Bl 1 lour Mucki from ocean. nimlasert :.:er?? teruu; nun ? thouaanda ?... wea i ledi and August la a . . Pal : rl laity; only Usa cr?ile min con? sidered. frank L Fergus Jil, 66 (grange ?; . Bruok lyn-_ (>\ Kit 1.?50 POSITIONS recetfed lui four monto?; more ippllca..t? Beaded; clerk?, bookkeeper?. ?!?? nogTaphern. typists. ?Uppers, packer?. reeelf?r?, chauffeur?. BMcfcaola*, ?.-adesmer.. ?jo boy? tul Stall r help YMCA Employment Dept. 1121 Bedford ?te. Brooklyn. N. T. Female SALESLADIES -- Kiper.e.Ked. ?hlrtwalit. 1012 Southern Boule??r'l. T.e Broni. STENofiRAl'inni!?. typut*. boorkeeper?, clerk?; permanent Hoyle Agri.^y. Tribu?,? Building, lit Viiu'. : '.i Em! 4.1 SITUATIONS WANTED Malo BOOKKEEPER, w1'h Apply W T Far.ey. No. 17 5th a?e . comer 14th ?t. STENOGRAPHER, with eiperlenre Apply W. T Far>>. ti 5th a?, comer I4th ?t. SECOND MAN?Capable, young; go anywhere; $45; tint ela?? reference? MU? Shea'? Agency, 3d East I"J.l ?t. Murray Hill 6774_ DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED Male JAPANESE COOKRITLITR long experience; hu gxd refere?:,-?., neat, ?Wing Japanese Em ? Ageii'i. li Weet 4:1 ti. TtiapS ? IS \ i.. lerbUt Female A ? A ? COOK ? Tour.g Sued? ?, Tears' reference?; $35 $10 Ml? H 'fir?;er ? kfstltt. V East 43d tt. 3d Bear Mapa? m BMI Marras B L i HAMBERMAID \t AITTUSS ? Neat, nie? IrUh girl, .-rmii f?.niiv. etty, country, eseaiiesi refer ? -. ? i r>?i? c?.?. Mr? Mason'? Agency. 131 West 4. : i ?UMIIKHMAII? ? Swedlsn. for prln'e f*mtly; ?? nlMignig Kamjion Agrn.->. 7 M I>-ilig lea ?t" Telephone SON Plaza I MAMHKRMAlli?Will ??slit hotisekeeplr.g. capa ble, aj? trotaad nu. ag?r $$S; go ?nowhere Mm Bhea'? Agi . 50 Ea>t 4." 1 ~; Murray 111. S771 CHAMBERMAID- Englllh n*et. well recorunerl ? icel.ent ?orker wag?.. HI Colonial Em ; \ S3 W??t lid at CHILD'S M KSK ? It?rlne<l American woman, ?ome i two neath?1 $:;n-{ ^ Ml , ?I fruiifr's At*t ' I Beat i i M irt u li : COLORED COIPI.F?Hitler, useful, con?, do en? tire work, you g. ...rape'ent. hen reference?. $75. go anywhere Mt.-s Shea's Agency, 30 Eut 42d it. Cr ^K ?Very cipible 8?e<ll*h wom?n ; eneller.t per: or i ?-an: t\ to chil ! . BB I BttsUfB; hlgnlv recaMBV Juillla Ager.17. 15$ Lexington ?re F:i2? j 1 '_._ :KER?Flnnlih girl?; ceaapataai arl reiuMe g . 1 rafereBMaa t La itl s A,? 17 I.: 1 1:5th 1!*r ? .K BeaSSS, Beat, eicellcnt; be.?t of recommen Sattoaaj aagaa, 140 14'. I oli ulai tmpioymeiit I MTaSl 4!d It Cool -SjtJtOieB aaeeflasl cook neal, pirucular I -*n-.[>.". At? ?-. 7?! 1/imgton ne Tele-' i '? aaa. COOK. Swedish, highly r?"ommer, led , capable flr?t c1??? i?>k. wag,?. $40. Colonia] Euip,oymei 11 l| I West 4.d ?t COVPL? iBoUaader?)?CnanflSar; houseworker or IS ? ' ??> . gool ?pp'?rlng. compe'et.t. best per?? n retereacaa Ml>- Saea'? Agency, ;o East 42 1 it Murray Hill ?7-4 col l'l.K -E: t ?al aOBjSI laM eicellent rook. 1 ? ?:- ?? " ' ifbly expe'.'ierice'i raUabia pur ?al refer 1100 Mason'? Agrr.y. ?ji \\-m! Bryant 5613 COCT1X.?BvUar, cook: city or country: reliable Altai y. II] Leilngton ?fe Telephr"-.* KfXPFTR, COMPANION Nl'ItSB ? rteOnel E.g.?li Prole?t?nt. ricetxjonally niperteT-.i-ed ro^aciet/ltu. et.-el'w ; ?eaujtr?.?. iplerijid refer wmt deilral'ie. $4') Major, s Agency lil V\'>'. 4.d ?t HOI SEWORKER?Ne?r cap?Me. colored, wtth nice ct.iM three, smill family, country, highly rec emimenled. ?ery de?|rable. $. Call Muon 1 , Agaoa W we?t sjj m HOl'BEWOBI Beetet Pro'eetant. eli?r!y ?eli re 111 m.!!.'.'..? . r-!er-i..?. Ir*. \ Agency "-.'.'i H I'll ??e LAI \|'Kl..-s BwadSaa 1 eat. esSagMsl, panim 1 lar. IM S??-,; r m Age... y :-l li.iingtun tn j Telephone .'flO'. V 11? M RSF. - Reflte.1 >,,.r.g American. ne?t. nie? ?j>. i ?eartol ir??'. ? Olldrea: ei-?lient r?ferenc? Maaen'i ajano. Ill ?ni 4M ? nry-' WAITRESS-Very competent fini elua on ?alad? 1 I e?t per?i>n?J r?f?rt?:cej Ml?i ?he?'? Agency. 30 Eut 4:d ?t. Murr?y nil! g::?. WAITRESS or PARIOHMAin .Young uperlenced ? BUS g->od elly rc'?'?- - } ', 1 \(|,, ||nf mayer? 10 Ka?t 4j-1 ?? . 31 fl-.,r Tel? - - -14: Muir?) Rill ' _AUCTION SALES ERNEST H ?1ILLIOAN. Auctioneer will all IBU .1i\ 1 1 a. m . at 210 Eaat 1:5th t. honeehi.ld geoda, ruturea. etc, to cover teragi easi i" MI III \(, S l^,\,?,!'''n'?rlL1, t l"0LT"1<L0a!? !?? sUaBSUCaUl Amnesia Victim Identified He I? John MacDonald, Clerk in a New York Office Montclair, N. J., July 30.- "Jack," the young in Mountainside Hospital whose picture is being shown in hun? dreds of motion picture houses in the hope that some relative will see it and come to arouse him from his state of amnesia, was identified to-day. A mem? ber of the firm of Moore <fc Fisher, of 112 West Twenty-fifth Street. New York, =aid that he wai John MacDon? ald, a clerk for that firm and an or? phan. He went or. a vacation three weeks ago. To "Jack," however, his employer ap? peared to be an utter stringer. He had not the slightest recollection of him, nor did he recognize the name MacDonald. He will be kept at the hospital in the hope that a cure may be effected. The Weather Report vjosl :. I sveretaass best fa.>n i ama ?ni -he L>?k 'iv al. 1 .ire etSfb omul In Montana and o?er the districts from ti,? I Meaataai region Staatsrats! ?Qsssritsie, atasat k Maine, warm ?eather BnaajfltdL sjM ab?statela) high temp?rfures In th? cer.'ral bUbM stab ?-ei'ral ?allay?, the southern upper las? region, th? nu.I l> Atlantic stales and Southern lad R Its I New England. There wer? loral thunder ?howers lr. Northam Mea I -gland and Florida and along lbs east Dall onast. in Colora.ii) and Ne?' Meit-?. snd I" a few widely ?cattered lot-aUMes In the West. Haatbate the ?eather ?a? fair. Warm and generally fair wither will eontlnus during the, next tero ! ! eel labs region, toe A-'anti- sad ?as? Half iun? In the upper laka region the ?aether ?rill alto be gsnsraUy fair ? ? Forecasts for Special Localities.? New Y irk. Net Jersey. PennoWanla. Southern New England, the I'htrt.-l el Columbia. Maryland. Virginia. Delaware Ohio. Wei- Vu-gl'.U Tenne*see. Kentucky and Indian*?Generally fair and continued warm to-day ?r.d prohably to-morrow Northern New England?Fair to-day!, axnepr. ?howers and warmer l-l Maine, fair tomorrow. Leeal Official Forecast.?Fair. SSSataael warm today and probably wmorrow; mo<l?rate aouth ? Inda. Miniature Almanac MINIATURE ALMANAC fun r1?ea ... ? 50 A. M. Moon nie?. 5 It P M Sun teta. 7 14 P. M ! Moon ?eu . 1 '?,?> A M HIGH TIDE Sandy Hook . 4 45 A M. I II P M GoTerr.or*? Is'.tnd . 3 4AM III P. M Hell Gato. 6 -1 A M. : 1. f M Um TIDE Sandy Rook. I "4 A M II 4- P II Gotemor'a Island.11 -4 A M. II:*?? M Hell Cato. 1 U A M 1 il P M Fire Record A M 7 Se?JH Eau liOth st. Th? Brooi, woodihed. ? S 00?Front of ttt ?t.; surface car. tri Ubi 10.45?li; List 60th jt, ; tar pot Eavem BootLif 1 - :.'.>ne. ISI Ni-;h are , Si/ah Buhner, trifling y m i. Ii?Netta ?'de l'.ph st. between Eighth are. and Maceomb'aPUne; Manhattan Amuse? ment Limpai.y. tr.fllt-.g. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEW JERSEY ni CAN Reducen YOUR RENT Figuring the Sinsiiat of a home on a rent basis I ian prove to >ou Hut buying this house Is cheaper than rentin? IF 1*00 PAY THE A\ KHALI; RENT OK $1.000 PKR YEAR. ARTISTIC ALL YEAR HOME PLOT IttllH IT. ?.real \ulue, ?7,^50. TOOMS LESS TUAN RENT. ?M,-?"^ 9 ROOMS. > Til.K1) HATHv Large vera:. ;.c>. i p?:i terni, -k, upp. r bal? cony. Parquet fleurs; walls panelled; beamed ceilings, laundry, heating plant; electric light. S->ot neighborhood; teen a. tions; antomoblltng beal el irater ?port?; 2ne country club, located on lake; best of tchoola, ehnrchee, ?<;.jr'.'s All modern coa? \enlences, magniflc'iit views. blglieet, healthiest climate, best of commuta'lon to New York City F r parti '-.ais address F. B. WELLS. 170 B way. N. Y. Te!. ittl Cert. LET PREPAREDNESS BE your watchword and Insure the title to teat r> estate We sp-oiallse In Rockland and Bergen r,,Unty titles Invest row satlnge In oir guaranteed m. : ???? s U' f r t k -t II NORTH JERSEY TITLE INSURANCE CO., HACKENSACK. N. j. N. Y. Rep.?Glenn K. Carver. bO Wall St. i:<il'.ii|-i.n OF Ol KKS9. forest Rills Gardens "A Forward Movement In Suburban Development." 15 Minute? from Penn, ""tallon. House* and \ ill.i riots for Sa.e. SAGE FOUNDATION HOMES CO, 47 IV. 31th St.. or Koreat Hills. L. L Write for Booklet R. wmcauonco cooon POOl INIQt E lU'NUALOWS PEINO ERECTED at Lake Mabsgas Cea ?*'.! at lo>? f?i on ac? count of ha?.: g - - i;r?: gemer.'i ran be ching?: I -.LU Rata No io u- ?.i ?? . n vc Tbeae Hal Mi LMIRNISHE? AI^7ta)T?? ? EUT MUK 111 AND MS WEST ?"-:> ST.- IHM! CLASS eleiaior start tarnt?, ??? costt ? t - n..... . -..-..:? River Inquire sa . REAL ESTATE FUR EXCHANGE FINEST CLEAR RESIDENCE LOTS LOCATED In bea'iil.'iil I; rlls Psra, ? ? lenwj Centra minute? frei ? ? . v- V assy terau m ? >..??? se Csllfomls a ..-., KAHN nisi Tn.'. Hotel Newark N J Ft KN1SHEI) ROOMS TO LET STATEN ISLAND ELEGANTLY fetBlsbsd roos?*; tall*; beeatlfully to? taled M i'.artir ' alhb I : I ! ^?keeping, ?trtct '.y print? fam,ly. ?'? minutas t.> luitery Teltsoons ^; )( -0 Penn?) Irania ave. 1(. ?a .. - I LOST. FOI NO AND REWARDS I.OSI Il \ S MlOOhS. LOOT.?Paaaboob Na Itl.UI al taarraak Im Savings Hank. bsMe I I i RhetnUh. Payment ?topped Please re? turn to bank. *r>*t Klgh'h a\e N- a 'i rk Ml peraotM are cautlosstd not te pur <haa? or nenntiat? ikt taaM, Lt'sT? Baakbooh Ne ItMH al Di Sa Ima Ii.atlltitlnn Any person having dalma upon ?aid book 1? call-d upon to I ten-lit the ?ame to the bank within thirty date at ?aid beak will be declared can? celled and a new one ia* led in ll?u th?r?..f LOST? Paaabnok Ne 134.0*3 Issued by the Ualoa Square Saving?, fermer? ly the In?tltulion fur th>- Sa\lng of Mer? chant?' I'lerk?. Kinder will please return It t.) the lank. LOST ? n?nkhook No. 7?*.120 of the Ger? man SaMngx Rank In the City of New T'.rk Paym-nt ?lopped Plen?e reiurn I... k tr. I anb LO.ST?Rank book No 1 n?i.4*T o| Rank f i Ravlaga III nh a\?. Ne? Y. rk Pa>m?nt sti pp.-.i Pleaas retarn book to bank LOST ? Rsnkbonk No :50.7ni. Harlem Savtnga Bank Payment ^topped Re l turn to bank. Favorites Have Clear Sailing at the Trad Fight Log TO-NIGHT Broadway S. C?Billy Miske and Gus Christie. Pioneer S. C.?Walter LaureUe snd Louis Verser. THURSDAY Harlem S. C. (Rockswsy)? Hsrry Nack and Sailor Yolk. Queensboro A. C. Willie Mango and Earl Denning. St. Nkholas Rink. ?Ted (Kid) Lewis and Mike O'Dowd. Arverne S. C.?Augie Ratner and Tex Kelly. SATURDAY Broadway S. C. Pete Hartley and Joe Welling. Boxing Notes By FEBD HAU'THORyE Such a world of trouble! Here is just a little of what we bumped into when we opened up the old de?k for bosifMSB last night. We will take them in the order in which they filed past the door under the watchful eye of Sam, the ubiquitous office boy. Firstly, a burst of chatter at the outer portals heralded the approach of James Joy Johnston, theHorrible Boy Bandit. Sir Joimes was so full of con? versation that we were in constant fear lest he should bust right apart andd spill a million adjectives all over the floor. But the Bandit had excellent "control" and got about half of what he had to say crT his chest before he had to give way to the next visitor. Nearest to his heart last night was 1 the bout Jimmy is going to pull off at the St. Nicholas Rink next Thursday night between his own Ted (Kid) Lewis, WELTERWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD I th?> capitals are the Ban? dit's) and Mike O'Dowd, of St. Paul. Johnston put these two wild cats to? gether once before at the Rink, snd the fur flew so profusely that a second meeting was toe only think to think of. Although able to scale well under the welterweighthmit, Lewis is sure he will take O'Dowd, a husky and muss>y mid? dleweight, over the hurdles and through the hoops on Thursday evcv. A re? markable feature of this story lies in the fact that both men declare they will win by a knockout. The Boy Bandit acted the part of a Simon Lcgree yesterday over a score of eiectriciana, who installed one hundred I ectnc tans throughout the arena. If ; us fails to keep the crowd cool, Cor? nelius Fellowes threatens to turn on , the ice making machinery at the Rink. Sam, give til ? gent'eman his hat and cane! Enter 'Andson.e 'Arry Pollok, man? ager of Harlem Patsy Cline, who would B lightweight champion of the world be. Harry came in with a flourish and a ghost, the ghost of Freddie Welsh, who used to wear the lightweight :rown before Benny Leonard flattened hirn. "This talk of a Leonard-Charlie White championship match is all wrong, and not according to Hoyle. Freddie Welsh is to have first chance at Leon? ard's crown in a title match. Billy Gibson promised it to me and I expect Billy to keep his word. I have a place, wi'hin a few hours' ride of New York ' wh<?re the match can be held. White would be a joke fighting Leonard. I have a boy named Irish Patsy Cline who can trim White every night in the week." Boy, let Mr. Pollok meet the gate! John Tea Dunn, the Demoniac De? mosthenes of Flatbush, handed Mr. Pollok his chapeau, stepped to the desk and "said his piece" with neatness and dispatch. "It ill behooves a man of my standing in the community to clutter up your evening, but prithee enlighten the panting public as to the fact that Billy Miske, the St. Paul light heavyweight, and Gus Christie, of Mil? waukee, are to clash ir. dreadful com? bat at the Broadway Sporting Club of Brooklyn this evening. These two gladiators are so wonderful in ring craft and punishing ability that my poor tongue is not equal to the task of singing thpir praises. I hope to see your bright young face at the ringside. Good morrow!" Grand Circuit Shifts To Kalamazoo To-day Kalamazoo, Mich., July 30.--The third Grr.nd Circuit meeting of the '! will open here to-morrow, with B fairly large hnemf entries from both the Grand Circuit campaigners and the half-m;!e tracks, for the four days of racing. One of the highest class races of the entire programme is on Taeaday's can! -the 2:05 pace, for a - purse. Several of the Grand Circuit stnrs of the Cleveland and Detroit meet:ng3 are entered, particularly Adioo Guy and pt ter Look. A field of eighteen is qoaliftsaj for the event. The 2:11 pa?* tad tb? 2:ir trot, for 11,000 pars? Ita ta? programme. BOB a fairly large fiei.l, tightssn. being qualified in the pace and thir? teen for the trot. Empire City Results 1 IKBT RAI B?For ... ? ?ja fur. ? -? ?O Ma -. Fin M 7 io lu 18-1 M M t? : >? 1 3- 'j Tia?? 1:08 1-! ! - udale. I Uri Leixlip ' -i- . ' Won e??'Ji Winner, Star Khooi Hamburg Lciie Treloar. i( i, SECOND Rall ; . maldena. fl?? , as I.a . Ker -odda-^ Fin ii:. ?- i Bowan ?.8 j ', iu B a Uara 111 I ? ill] I 5 .' Tarier MaM, ISS | || 1 4-1 31, y.n.e 1 ni DUothea sa.> Watara, Supermaid. Ulai ii"" W11 e ud AlderWrry alto ran (i'ai ?- Waa .Irin:.* ainner en. f. by Plaudit Aurergre (innnr. Ed? uri Ar.ii.gton. Tr*lner F A II >rold. THIRD Hit 'HI MELROSE SELLING BTAJCEB; for Hire* >e?r old? ?nd upward one mile and a s.teenth pune. il.JOO guaranteed Ilor?e weight ail jolley ?Odda ? Fin Paddj Whick iii lOounaUr) M l-l 1> Harry Sl.?w. Ill iBurotu 3 1 4 5 2? lol iBarrei! 41 ?j.j ji ' tlSM 1 41 AMebaran alto ran St?rt good Winner, Ir ? by Celt- Network OOM? lu.? Batter Trainer. J Mcf>rma.k FOCRTH RACE? F"r three-year old? and upward. r.iaiden?. ?elllnf. one mile. pur??. 1*00 lim' ?eight and lotOsy odd?.-. Fin Tr?nl-r I?* iRuit.m. M 3 5 1> Soring Song. IOS i Connon?) ?. 1 8-1 1? III K.^-yinE. 103 (Oherti ,., JO 1 8-1 3% Time. 1 41 1-5 Bar of riwrnlx. Orderi? i'"iwn Dan. Rockpnrt. Mile II Candy I^n.1 roi Teetotal aril Sorrerer II alto ian Start h?d. Won email; Winner, b g. by Irlah laid? Frisotta Vlrl.njr Stable Trainer. J D ?Mom FIFTH RACE?For three-raar-olda and upward. Miling, ona mile and a furlong, pur??. $400 Korea weight and >*?*?? ^Odda-- Fin. Square De?.er. IM iRimvt) . 11-5 :?? 1? Thnrnhlll, 111 iR.???n 7-io _ j? Harwood II. 11? tKnappi _ ?j g.g |iu Time 1 5; 4 ^ TI -.ndar Mgbter. ri?udlto and Mi ki lag dm r?n H'art gc.^1 Won drl?l:ig Wlnn?r. eh g . by Marti bon BoscgQ Marla. (>wn ?mer. w 11 Halter SIXTH RACE?Two year old?. handicap; about ?u . ? i?i te. 1700 Hur? ?olg; t and Jo-key /-Odda.-> Fin Papp IM iAi en) . . j-j 1 J 1\ Tr.H>h? pa iMeOraw) . ,.|| 1 4 1 1? 1 ?i ni--: t r 5 IS S1 Time 1 09 4 5 Chief Lally alto rai Star? gr-.l 5?on luring Winner ch. g. by I'ttar Quine*? I'hehe O. Owner Ceorg? W Left. Trainer. M Utrah. Square Dealer's Defeat Thornhill Only Upset 01 Races By W. J. MACBETH Form players enjoyed Ota ?... oMheEtnpireCitiLV,;0;, iftcraoon, as f?vorit? \>! ?wept tho card. al "?ntl u?rhi mt*, yeiterg, vonte? pr?ctlcti The on!y upset *,, ^ ?JJ favorite of the fifth rac, wh Ji Placed second to Square Deal r R second choice, hy .?? j.., , , ' I Great digsatisf.ctor, by iRgg, J stood close to :ho fir,5h of th J -as expresad over the P,aeinr .* one-except th? juries, 0f cours/ fiad the advantage of tk? . -that Thornhill lastedii "" M stand off So?are De?-i "' 'n?U| ^*%?S5aS vor.te did r?)t tor.d't "T.U ?.,', * Orri F?ni?h : The finish of this fifth race gees I closest of t^aftornoon- abouti,|! as could he ;maglned. ,n fact-2 reasonable neopl? usus!-v ??j,!^ doubt. However, there trag absolu? offic J, Starter Mars Cassidy. ,| race preceding. Cassidy in the fog? , event was gm:ty of one of the me , unsatisfactory surts ever witnessed? ! a metropolitan track. And, to mai I matters worse, the mistake was mat direcly in front of the stands, al ti was a mile race. A field of thirteen maiden tore year-olds and upward was behatii too well when it ?nelly hned ti Uncle Bil! Daly's Rockport became ki tenish and started to crowd ar.d kie Two or three others then h.'jjan to rat behave. There was the finest jumb imaginable when Cassidy ?prant ti barrier. Half the field was being wheels around to jockey for new positiog Practically all of the horses excej Dixtg II, Tranby, Candy Und al Hickory Nut, respective:;, plaga?] froi the rail out to fourth position, wti in the worst in*ss gggglglg IMA abst lutaiy unprepared to start. As it turned out, irrespective of Ml Ca5:i'i\'s intentions, this deplorabl oversight arranged a dead sure "shco in" for Tranby, the favorite All liux ton had to d'? was to ?it tight. H might ha* ' won by a city block hsd hi care!, for hi? real opposition never du ge: untangled until Tranby had th net won. Otherwise the day was al', that coull be asked, tho'iijh it was a tnfle ho on the sur.-bfked bricks. James Bul ler's Pa?Jv Whack won the Melros Sailing Star is, worth $1,500. This wa the third race, at a mile and a sil The field was not so classy i it would have been if Ed Roche, Barr Shannon, Wooden Shoes and Syria had not been scratched. _ Only Four Go to Poet Only four went to the post. Cet nelly, up on Paddy Whack, went rifj to the front inder a pull and at never ia danger. Dorcas showed % V of early speed, but quit badly after i: furlong-;. Harry ?shaw slight hw given Paddy Whack a better argumti had Buxton kept up closer to the Be 1er gglding. laxton held his meal back for the six fsrtaRgja, and wal he did finally decide to let Harry Sha down the bay horse sulked. Han Shaw, however, easily beat Dorcas I the place money. The Square Dealer-Thornhil! lr* furnished the finest thriil of the aft! noon. Rowan took the Pearce boa out to the fiont shortly after the stb and opened up two lengths on TbM ?lay Night.>r. Square Dealer, slow I begin, made no move till the head ( ? he stretch. Barrett then let h.m de? and tho Baker gelding simply ran ett th? field. I! It R Rwtfc beb? Thornhill at the complet.on of a mu The last eighth was a whipping & lah, with Thornhill ar.d Square Deal alternating the lead arith almoat w: stride. Harwood li was shut o:T short! after the start and lost what, tat enta? he had to make it a three-corn?? (.nish. Geeorge W Loft's eccentric two-ytei cid chestnut colt P?pp lasted just let. enough to b.-?c Trophy, a 20 to 1 let in the last r.icc-. Papp ''>s-rr? ?* th?? best and doubtless would hsvt wj oirt-on hut fer the prtMRca on n back of Allen, who won his f.ntrO of the ? Jefferson Living?*! .? ly played and a closet* end choice to Papp, made a mistrst. r.g. , Motor.ta ir.d Tumble In, the RO ning favorites of the first ar.d sees? raccs, re.-'oct.veley, both OOM M run?; thrOOfh the stretch and won?*?? as they pleased. -o Empire City Entriet FtA'i: taits jeet seat i stORR] ess ? .. Sir Richard . KT rre.!i? ???????..! ?I-an ?rissl *'?*?? ????, ? : . Part Ila? I .! r.4r st* F >.-????? D RACE?Two ? ** ? a M ' f-.-.or.ji j ?l'uai.'.: '. I? ' .??>?....: ' 'CareDian Ql rte W awi-, US lla-a-tarler. T : : : it t ? ha'-k Baat-fiav-eMi ?c-d '?w* ap, ?r~xjl iii fur .<ip. Hwfa .IOS Ha-?'' Kinf ???? Barry Slar.nor l'ai Za-r'? HO l/?>.!:?r?? Bl Isla es ? ! ? i ' rot'RTH ra? k nu: wain n ? ?.?areli? a: .1 ut?'?-1 handicap .*-.. S?B* . S-.r'.an Watte .?} AMeberea . Ill B?"?'l ??? j ?!e? (Imp.) .Ill " :-" ' Grten least W* ""* ' - 'j II'*TH RACI -tTeat T-ar ? <?? sad up*sra; ? >? mile ai. 1 a . M -. Krater ?I>r?re.l?> " Haf?n UXtO ?lace?Two-)c?r ? bl saaaaOt*! ess ? lo.,ga. _ j I : : FIR5T RA'"!.' 1* ia .tier .?. N.HHUice ilrep) _11" Alleen 0. . MU? Bonero .l?T Katals >t ? Amert.-an it! ' ??:1U ,,"*, ' ?Aprrentlc? allowar.o? claimed RACING Empire City Track " (YOShKKS * MT. VERNOS) TODAY List Da) ol Sister Meellii While Plains Handicap ASP J OTHKR OOOO HA?'? HRST RACK AT IM 1". ? Rl*OCIAL HACK TKAlNS_# leave Orend Outrai Terminal. ?MJ lern pulsion, at 1:11. 141 r. ?? , r..m,u..r traute te Mt Verne? 0 ?h. rt Intervale from It I?I ?V *?| ; li I* M. All train? ?top ?' j*ta 81 A... vie Broad-av Subwa??? ItltfeL, then,, by direct ir<.!lsr. bril?. Hoad, or glR .?d ?***B -L" trains to 155th 81.. lbs??" ?? rnm. Ave irolley. ? ... u:.l ?temi '"d.,^^?a?,*? *^ IjaUISO. $1 ???