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Dodgers Win from Reds?Yankees Beat Browns?Giants Lose Norwegian Is Beaten Again By Californian Mis? Browne Plays Brill? iantly Under a Glar? ing Sun Bj ran HAWTHORNE Undir a glaring sun that made fans and parasols an act... .:y for Browns de -i Bjurstedt yesterday afternoon 1:1 the special Red Cross ambulance fund lawn tonsil match on the clay courts of ti.e Oxford Tennis a ?Ualga, N. J. The . urnian won in straight lets, at 6?4, 6??, and now has a total ci a BOlatl to I in the race for the gToiiaa S. Myrick trophy. In the- five matches played tiince Miss Browne arrived in the East. Miss iijur gtedt cas i t three snd the former champ.on the last two. Throckmorton Sprains Ankle Karl Behr and Harold Throckmorton were scheduled to meet in the men's, nut after Behr had forged into the lend at 4?2 on games in tne ni?: Mt, 1 hrockmorton sprained his ankle so badly in gon.g after a place? ment shot that he was unable to con- ' . ! , A a ? der, former national doubles champion, took the injured player's place against Behr and thev Mit ? | l?Wl??g two .it to Alexander, who ?mi ? fB skill for Lilis; otf many of most as ?oon as they passed over the bl IBS K eoad set Behr, who has been shy o: 1 , bat ii rap? idly working nit^> hil Binda), won at C?3. The former l>av;s ".up ; charged for the ne' it every oppoitu ? of everything . wua severe snd usually accurate. With the match ever, it was decided to call hostilities rder to muke way for the mixed doubles. Miss1 Browne paired with Behr aga.i it M --s lijurstedt and Alexander, ai..i thii mBteh bIbo snded without a I mg reached, be of tr.e lait. c5.? oi the hour. Brov.'i.e asd Behr took the first set at 7?6 - id at 4?6. The third ni koonlf tought out to 7?all in game? before a holt was called. A* k1 Greenwich on Sunday, Miss Brow: y brilliant, although she did not rue to quite the lupeilauve- heights she attained on tne ' 3. Miss bjumedt, on the con*ra:. ement in her doubles playing, I lid Stt play the game oi which bl..' is capable. The Norwegian acted as though suf ? from too much tennis, and this be wondered at, when it is cona.ueud how : .. severe her campaign on the court? has been this Many Vo!le>ing Duels Alexander and Behr engaged in many .'. ith the ls iue n!)Out ?tan between them. The gilli I - ' I service of the "h great success, Browne ?Bf with high, deep oba over the opposing pair's heads, * Hist Bjurstedt retaliated with fast arives across the court. ? es match between Misa Bro*::e and the national woman cham? pion cave further proof of the "nat,ve iMghtar' " rrsat] ssfl as a player. ems able to adapt her strokes ? 'her to the fast day court aurface or the slower, softer turf. Mast of the points were won and toort, neither player lam?; Willing *ake many chances of hots llisi Browse d.d stride for the barrier upon B?*4BOj a, when she bad worked her open.ngs, ard her ef? forts ?ere leeBBB?a?, as she acored on p.acfment shots by dazzling The former " releas in her covering - i Bjurstedt found It difficult indeed to find an opening. Bagb y in Trim And Indians Beat Athletics ?delphi*, July SO.?Bagby kept til? A'hi.-Mri' hits well scattered to *?7. Bad f ??Teland won, 6 to 1. ty ' :1 ;'ven ?^ *ne rubber in ?lo?, and R. Johnson went "???'' Itapj - rally. Jan ? ade three singlei and -" a in five times st bat, wh?B ff/1?" and Batet <?hch made three nta ?ore: I T.) ri':r.ADn.PrTTA l?. I?) a. ab ? a e a el ah r ?'? 5 0 4 I 1 2 Zf*."* 4 i : ? ; i Cn ? ,[ ' " 4 i ? i i o eg* '? ' ? t * : . ?o i ii i o ET?? li 41 o 4 : ? ^?W. ? 4 ? 1 1 . 10 4 1 1 1 3 ft -, yt o i "ri ?i :*<*> i 4 ? a o ? i ft o ft ?? l ? ft ? ?ft ? ?.. si a 14 nisi t??.? ?uiii:ti?4 can Bl th, j^jt,,,, t. ..., i : ?Maa la tf>? r.i- t.'i Inala*. ?gj : ? ? a o ? i i :~ai Ililli l-l -.gww ? -a a- ? .? ? ? aal .. c i?7'?gc ' t?LJ,., V > ?1,-r.. i? ??-. Tia* MI U f H , ' i me ?ut I International League j jo??* ,.?. tt, , n ti r ??V; > 1 ? ? 4 I I ? g-? ?6 |?ay?'1i?-W?e?a?T ?,,4 Vt)ji vi ?ha? uA fe. 1 , /I 1 -, , 5S? ? i ? ???>??????? ? ft j ???'??iJeiftiftftftOftgti 1 ? 1 '?iw, TWjuv ? ; ; ? 1 ? ? ? ?-i ^aWaj?, ' ' ? << ? ? ? % ft a-j it 1 "?A?? *e*?a? ?a4 ftervaie?. ?anUM? eevl aV4^V?ia!ir' IT L""? '* T A^1' iO* ?* te?* ti* them* ?viss, m SCram'lana Wee The American Legion They've hit the Une and they've Hied the hit; They've played the ga,-\e to ths ttid of it; They've been brought up in the testing eehool. Where verve and courage ahne can rule; They know what it means, on the final dov.m To plunge eight yards for tile victor's crown; They knox? what it meani. i>hen the big croivds roar And a two-base hit mear the winning score; And Somewhere over in i ?once, some day, When the order comes I ,, to plunging play, With an oldtime rally .n ."(rricd row Hell-bent Over the Top they'll go. The New York Dilemma New York's array of fanatical rooters have been caught in a queer jam of laU. Tbiy have been pulling lustily all year for two National League results: Ont. it for the Giant? to win. The other is for Christy Mathewson to upset ancient Red traditions. They still remember Matty, and if the old Giant favorite should lift hil people to the top the cheers would likely be eTen louder than those following a Giant conquest. There are undoubtedly as many fans In New York pulling for a Mathewson triumph as there ore fais pulling for the Giants. At their last clash in New York the bulk of the crowd was with the Reds in every inning of every game. Vanished Decades If Mathewson should hold his Reds In second place all records for forty years would be cracked, smashed and splintered. In their entire National League history the Reds have finished second but once. That was a matter of thirty-nine years ago, bacN in 1878, when J. N. \V. Neff came near carrying them to the top. Thirty-nine years form quite a parcel of time. A number of things have happened since 18T?, tak*n here and there, and if Matty arrives this close to the fiont his name as a manager will be established. He will belong with the few geniuses who have achieved the impossible. The End of Compel'tion A few days ago we ran aeros?. George? Myara '"hurch, the famous tennis player, who stopped McLoughlin at Forest Hill-, 1.-st summer. Church was arrayed in khaki, awaiting his lie-itenant's commission in the aviation corps. "So far as tennis championships are concerned," he said, "I am through. I will still play the game if I am around at the end of the wer, but I n?.'er expect to be anywhere near championship form after this work is over. And I doubt very much whether I will ever enter another national champion*!", p. Once you lose your grip upon this game, there is very little chance of ever getting back again among the front rank." As most of the leading tennis nlayers have entered servi;e, there will rrry likely be a new list of names when championship play Is resumed in the dis? tant future. Boston's Sporting Empire With Harvard football over for a spell and with the White Sox threatening to drive the Red Sox from the top. Boston still has entries left to fight for ner ??porting ramparts. The next move will be to send her two star golfers, Francis Ouimet and Jesse Guilford, agair.ft Jerry Travers and Oswald Kirkby, representing Kew York. There will be a home match, end, if possible, the winners will later on face Chicago's two stars, Chick Evans and Bob Gardner. These matches should add several thousand dollars to the Red Cros.-, fund and contribute more than a trifle to the sporting calendar. Golf Mexim He who putts and mo cs his body Will soon require an extra toddy, L. L. H. White he who jabs the balbi sphere Will say things ladies shouldn't hear. Any lingering doubt as to where Bobby Jones belongs among the golfe s was settled when he wen his first four matches, foursomes and single?, against some of the lead'ng professionals of the country. The records have a tidy way of announcing the gooda G. F. S.?Te bat above .400 for the entire year, Ty Cobb must bat around ,.420 for the remainder of the campaign. He has been batting around A2~ since the last of May, so the trick i?n't beyond his reach, provided he isn't seized in the annoying grip of Henry W. Slump at some stage of the P*.o ceedings. Star Tennis Player Joins California Naval Militia W. M. Johnston Called to Colors and Cancels En? gagements on Court William M. Johnston, of California, national lawn tennis singles champion ! of 1915, left for the coast yesterday afternoon to join the navsl militia of his nativa state and report for active duty. The man who won his title at Forest Hills by conquering the grest Maurice McLoughlin in the final round of the national tournament, had filed his application for an ensign'? commis? sion some weeks ago, but did r.ot re? ceive his commission until Saturday. Johnston's call to the color? means that he will r.o longer be a competitor in th? special series of Red Cross am? bulance fund matches, to play in which he came all tho way from the coa-t about ten days ago. Neither will t>o ibll to play in the na? tional singles tournament on the courts of the West Side Tenni? Club, at Forest Hills, berr.r.ning on August 20. John?ton waa ju?t rounding into his best form, and had conditions allowed him to remain in the Fast unt.l the start of the national, his chances of winning the big tournament would have i been excellent. OoOfgO T. Adee, president of the 1 StaUi National Lawn Tennis Aaaoc.stion, announced lart nitrht that arrsngem.-nt? had about been completed for bnnifinjr Johnny Strachan East in Jchnaton'a place. There ia more than roi chame, too, that McLoughlin may arrive in time to take part in tome of th? exhibition matches. The tournament on the turf courts of the Seabnght Lawn Tennis and ("ricket Club, of Seabri/ht, N. J? will atsrt to-morrow with * programme that promises some excellent tennis. 1 r.e entire proceeds of the tourney are io go to the ambulance fund. The following team? are entered In the doubles: Holcombe Ward and Kaymor.'l I). Mule, Fred C. Inman and Lyle E Mahen. T. R. Pell and Bernon | I'r-nt.ce, Harold A. Throckmorton and F. H. Alexander, Karl Behr and ',forge If. Church, and N. W. Nile? and r.artner. 'lhere will also bs a round robin -rnert for women, w'th the fol losring ??king part: Mis* Mary ?iowne, Mia? Molla Bjurstedt, Mra. Louise William?, Miss Eleanora Sears and Mia? Marie Wagner. In addition, I there will bs several mixed doubles, matches. . , To-morrow night on? of the ?-restait night tournament* of the season will be played on the ?lay eourts of th? Knickerbocker Field Club, in East ? Eighteenth Street Fiatbush. M!ss Bjurstedt, Miss Browne, Alexander. Behr, Throckmorton, S. Howard Voshe'.l and others among the high ranking players will compete under 'he glare of the electric light The tourney is being held under the auspices of the Field Club, the Kings County Tennis Club and the Terrace Club of Flatbush, and during the even? ing there will be dancing ana other en? tertainment. The first match ?till begin at 8 o'clock, and trie proceeds will be devoted to the ambulance fund. Pittsburgh Star Victor at Tennis Chicago, July 80.?Charles Garland, tho Pittsburgh ttar, won from Glen Morris, formerly of Los Angeles, in a Ant round match in the Western pa- ; triotie tennis tournament to-day, 6?0, C--1. Samuel Hardy, national clay court champion, with whom Garland li paired in the doubles, had an easv time defeat n.g F. L. Day, of this city, 6?1, 6-2. Walter Haye?, champion of Illinois, won from Otis Chatfield I ?ylor, ?5?3, 6?2, and Ralph Burdick. : .tsouri Val? ley champion, defeated L to Williams, of Pottstown. Penn., 6- ., 7?5. Doubles play will be?*in to-morrow. Mrs. Letts Victor On Chicago Links Chicago, July 80.?Mrs. F. C. Letts, jr., Western champion, formerly of Cincinnati, to-day won medal honors m the qualifying round of the Chi? cago woman's golf championship at the Midlothian Country Club with a score of 93, one stroke ahead of Mist Mildred Smith, of Evanston. Mrs. Letts's score was good, consid? ering a buttering sun and treacher? ously fast greens. Several women were driven to the cl'ihhouse hy the ex? treme heat. Mrs. Melvin Jones, of the . Glen Oak Club, champion, qualified by virtue of her tifie. The othert who won their way to maich play were Mrs. Luther Kennet, former Southern California champion, fce. Mrs. Ralph Smalley Windsor, 98; Mrs. Louise Fergus, Glen View, 9?; Mist Carolyn Lee, Kansas City, 99; Mrs. Stuart Pritchard, Midlothian ? for? merly Mist Myra Helmer), 100 Among abo surprises was the failure of Miss CoVella Lukens. of Edgewater, runner-up last year, to qualify. Dodgers Deal A Heavy Blow To Old Matty Rube Marquard by His Fine Pitching Puts Reds to Rout Cincinnati, July IO.?Unel? Wi'.bert Robinson and his champion Dodger? hit Parkville thii afternoon like a Kansas cyclone knd left in the woko a lot of ruin and de?olat:on ?o far as Redland pennant hopes were concerned. Brooklyn, lookod upo*! as a sure ?tep ? -'one for Matty'? Beela to climb ? : place, hammered Jimmy Ring out of the box ill the third inning and cinched a game that wi I a ?core of 7 to 8- This rebuff was all the more hitter .neland fandom because the bul? let ii.?(! story of the scoreboard showed that the (liants were going down be? fore the Piratas. M.irqu:ird at His Best Rube Marquard pitche 1 for the cham? pions. Me in form and once his team mates got him a working marg.n was never seriously pre ised The- lied-, coull do little with t' sou'hpavr's pffer : gB, bur were fortu? nate enough te hit for extra basca v>h<v. thty '.lid hit. Cincinnati's Into runs were secured after Mar;uard had the game cinchod. That of the secoi.d, v. hich was I hi ?i?oral of the i; nix-, carne from Griffith"? triple- and TI .<rpe':i fly. There were double plays in profu i< r, Olfon, 5vho started the game ?.?;h a single, wai doubled off first ha-n when DOBbort fouled to WingO Winga hit into a doubie play after Bhean had walked with one out in the - after Thoi'pi 's long fly hod s cored a rjn and when Marquard seamed a bit nervou?. A double play against the Dodgers in the eighth inninsr broke up a rally that threatened half a doson of runs 1 of tit two scored. Groh tagged Stengel, going to third and then : SB ball to Chase ahead of John-, eton. Dodgers Win in Third Brooklyn broke up the prime in the \ third. Chief Meyers doubled and took j third on Marquard's ?ingle. Olson's I single scored .the Indian. D-iuhert forced DI. on. tut Hi Myers singled, tallying Marquard. 8tonge] fli.d out, but John1-'" seol ! !'aubert j from second. Hi Myers wa' caught at the plate on an attempted doubl' In the- eighth, with one gone, Daubert 5vas hil bl 1. 1er. Jake took third on Hi M] Griffith made ?\ poor throw to third; when the ball rolled into Cincinnati's dugout, Dau? bert scored snd Uyeri reached third. Stengel beat a bant to Chase, counting Myers Then & second H* was doub'ed with Johnston when Groh killed Jinxntf'l bid for a base hit. This loee o nnsti'i fate. Kop: and Roosh bunched triples for a run in thtjtt half of ?he ? bu* Brooklyn came right back 5v;th two more- in the ninth. The score: ?BOOXLTM fl? Li ? crvr:vxATi ? v Li ali r h o a e ab r h o a ? S?? ... 3 0 1 3 J 9 lb 43 1 1? i 4 11110 M><-rw t II 2 .' 3 ft 2 ? Oft > rf 4 0 1 4 h ii i hal? lr> ?01 ? 001 I. ir 4 1 J ? .. - . ? | : j j o 1 ' lb 4? ? S I ' ??? | A? a.Sb 11 1 1 - - J ft ii 1 4 f> Mai ?, r 4 | 2 .5 l o w u (... g 4 ft 1 ? ? 0 ' Mar j .aj-1 a 4 1 2 5 ?? \ . ., ft f > ft ft ft '!. .?i .. 1 ft ft I? ft ft p . 1 0 0 ft ft ii 1 ii ft ft 0 ,) 0 ft j ft ft ft ? 7Va"5 SI 3 ? 27 19*1, ?1 fat r.lnj |a Um thirl Irrlng. ?Il i ! ? ,i ft ; j_r I i " 1 ? n ?> ft 0 1 l_3 ! ISM 5larqu?rl Thrf.- ' ? *n lia*???(.:... ?, I ? i -, ' - .1 K | 1 H I r.:^, In 1 In.'.i 3 lus sjA ne rung ? hit* ?:..1 - . ..- H II . , ? E.:?r (Dauban Bti ? 1 -.? n. '! , ..--i by Y..?T. I I mplree ?O D?r an 4 Harrison. Tiree -". 41. Chicago Cubs Win First From Braves Chicago, July 30.?The Chicago Cubs defeated Boston. I to 1, in the first game of the serins to-day. Allen walked three men in a row in the second inning, which, with a fumble by Marar.ville and a base on balls off "'.agan, gave the locals two runs. They added another in the third inning by bunching three hit? Derr.aree was hit hard, but received fine support, the visitor.? spoiling most of the.r chances as a ro?ult of poor base running. They tav- A them?elve? from a shut-out, however, by bunching a singlo and a doubl? for one run in the ninth The tcore: BOSTON iv Li nnrir.f? is li ? a a ?b r ti o a ? sffOla, ?? 4 ' i -1 - ? '111 f .. 4 9 1 1 0 0'M? if 4 a ft ; : ft ... . ! ' ft 1 lb 4 0 i) T M?l Hunt ct J S 0 0 .'310 .. . .. .. oil- 1 0 W oma an. a* 8 ft o ? 1ft T-?gr????r. a i ? } S 1 JftftlOO .5 ? :? nea. p 10 0 110 lla.-ui p . ' 1 ". " . . 1 0 0 ft Han.? p . (' 0 ? ft 0 ft T-,t?.? ...BltBMUl T,tA'-' sr s s it io o 'fialtail for JUjan In th? ?Igh'.h 1. -j Bo?u*i . 00000000 1?1 - : i o o o o o 1-3 ?a? Mia Ires a ciaj? L?fi iwi taa-??h- i ' ago. 4 Fir?' u .-Ama of* Kag?-. 1 H!i> ... li- 1 ' in Ml . ? K:j.-r a-, i : . Feature Facts For the Fans The Browns' two runs carne in the first on homers by Shotten and Sis 1er. The Yanks won in the third, scor? ing three meru Griffith mad* two triples and scored two runs. Koush gut t?o hits in three times at bat. Anderson's wild pitch won for the Pirates. Four double plays were costly for the Giants. The Liants outhit the Pirates, 15 to 12, KaufT collected four hits in fhc time-? up. Wilhoit played his first game with the Giants, replacing Robertson in right tie Id lie made twg hits and .??.orcd t1* ice. I litre *ere thirty-three hits in the Tiger-.-M-n-tors game. (ulib, Yitt and Vtttk each made live hits in six times at bat. ( obb's collection included a dou? ble and a triple. He stored five run?. Yitt scored four times and Vi-aih thrif. There ?ere twenty-five hits in the I ni! nn s-Athletics contest. Itoih and Jamison each made a double and three singles. Ruth held the White Sox to four hits and the champions are now within one game of the lead. Red Sox Take First Contest From Chicago Ruth Allows White Sox Only Four Hits in Opening Game Boston, July 30.?Ruth allowed Chi? cago only four hits in the opening tame of the series between Boston and Chicago to-day, and the leaders wer.. defested 3 to 1. 1 The victory places Boston within one game of tieing the White Sox for the lead. Williams, who started in the box for Chicam, was hit hard in the trat inning and (--ave way to Danforth, who held the Bed Sox to one run. Beaton scorod twice in the first inn? ing, as a re:u!t of a base on balls to Walsh, ? by Barry, a two bagirar hy Gainer and a single by Hooper, on top of a wild throw by u iiliama to ,;.r3t base. Agr.ew's single, Ruth's sacrifice, .'s single, and Barry's sacrifice fly scored Agnew in the second inning. A thrte-bagger hy Jackson and a sac nt'ice rlv b] rV.seh gave Chicago its one run in the tecor.d inning. After the -econd inning Chicago made only one hit off Ruth. The score: CHICAGO i A M I BOSTON [A L I itirii ?I? *,??*? j Cstaas. rf. i*? ?on watih. cf.... Jil J jo W...V r ?. S#il ??'Bam ?... ?II I Jj F Co ina :h 4 U ? '-' I ' Oalnsr. lh . 4 11x1 0 1 ? ' * ? I i 2 swlTlf ??? jo j '?"?? ??i a t? 1 Al ? I 1 Ka; p . 2 0 1 0 J 0 | ?M'Mu'ra : ?Mali .Ml 41411 retail ; ret Wtl.lams in ?ha atcond statsg ?*- n 1 ft 0 0 o o 0 0?1 2 10 0 0*0 ?e Bit?Oatatt Three-bi?? hit?Jl h!-?-B?rry Rut ?ce flics? ? Barry to Gsrdntt to Bin ? 1 ?' * ?'.'?> : ' ? ? ? . and I rm l_ .V Struct . DtnferUs. 1. impirtt . I O'teagai? . _m Three Tigers Get Five Hits Each \v,.hir.pton. July an.?Detroit ham? mered a quartet of Washington p?ch? ers for twenty-one hits to-day and won 16 to 4 Cobb, Vin and Veach each got five hits, and Cobb mide five runs in six times at bat. The score: DETBOIT .A. L) I WASHINGTON (A. LI ?h rh?a? ?b r n o a a rivn ss 3 : l 5 J iJodgt, lb.... si J ?JJ 1116 1? ro?tsr 5b . 5 0 1 11 0 ? i J 5 ?? M ai rf ???5530 Ble rf S I I I ? V,*d.if ' ? ? Moo s. * r, i j? t,- ; 1 - c . ? a 2 ? ? ? ' ! ? ? " ..j, ,0 0 0 : 0 SI a*. f, 11 '? n I ? 0 0 P p .00 io o Ml }Cr,-. (. 000010 Totals 15 Hil JT II Mall JMlltTM ? Kitted for Ratai ta ?ht ?Urb lr.r.l-.t wtlW^Sti? 0 10 13 0 0 0 0-4 T?o bus bl:?? Uot.a. 1 Catt, Judi?. Thr?? bas? alts?Cobb S?umac .-,.-. Mia.. >. rifle? Wt-MsRrld. 8s?. Doubla alai M I ? ?- ?J S> ter to Juli? L." ? baae?~Dei. ? ?-a- ?. li r.r>t t-Si* on errora??aahl-.fton. ? Dit'cit 1 Baa<a on bails?O? Harp?*. -: off Ihi* '?. o? ? Hit* sad rua?-Of? Cotslsskla : hits and I ruas ta 4 ( i ii t.sae n ''h' ? (T ?.un nli'riiam S bl'S a . ? :??. off n S;.a? 4 ; ? 4 Mu ?rd S - ? ? *.*-.. 'n' - ../ t:.i Bl. Ubr*a 1 - I Standing of Major Le lue Clubs NATIONAL LEAGUE I AMEKiCAN LEAGUE GAMES TO-DAY GAMES TO-DAY New York st Pittsburgh. St. Louia at New York. Brooklyn at ( liwinnati. Chicago at Heaton. Boston st (hil?no. Detroit at Washington. 1 hiladclphia at St. Louis. (. .eveland at Philadelphia. TOVTEBDAYl IWUW1 Vf ??t??M ?TO kksclts Pitlaburgh, I; \'i? Ti rl- L New York. I] ft. Lou 2 BrookUn 7; < nu inn.iti. 3. I). Mun. I, tl'Hjgo 1. Philatiilphia, S; St. Louis, ta ( loveland, 6: 1 luladel" his, 1. Chicago, 3; Boston, 1. Detroit. V ; Washington, 1. STANDING OF TEAMS STANDING OF TEAMS W. U Cr. \V. L Pe. W. L Vc. W. I.. P.e. N.York. M M .?17 Chira no 47 t* .4M Chicago. 61 36 32? N. York . 4b 45 .516 . St. lx>ul?. 5112 .51<? Brooklyn 41 l| 4M Boston.- 9* Si di 1 Wssh't'n. 40 55 .42? I rinrln'tl 54 46 Mr Boston 37 51 .120 Detroit . 51 45 .531 Phils*. .. 34 56 .378 Phils. ... 45 39 J36 Pittab'frh 31 61 .3.'7 < le>el'nd 52 47 .523 St. Louis. 36 61 371 - Some Signs of Hope I I In the Yankees Yet St. Louis Browns Meet Defeat as Result of Two Hits Which Score Three Runs in Third Inn? ing?Pipp Wakes Up By W. O. McGHEEHAN By the use of efficiency that was almost Teutonic the Yankees beat the St. Louis Browns by the close tally of 3 to 2 at the Polo Grounds yes? terday. The Yankees got three runs by employing only two hits in the ?hird, and that was enough to capture the pastime It is true that one of the hits was r double and the other it triple. but it's a good sign and a hopeful one. The Yanks have been piling up the maximum of hits for the minimum of runs so often that yesterday's reversal of form looks like a promise of permanent reformation. Cor- ' tainly it was an improvement on the last game with the White Sox,} where the Yanks got only two runs out of six concentrated hits, a base on balls and a sacrifica. While the Rrowns arc tail-enders at; present, t'-a fact that the Yanks can trounce them is music to the ears and honey to the palate of Wil I P Donovan. Frequently the Yanks huv> been bumped out of a favorable posi? tion by those same sinister Browns Louis and Catastrophe have be como synonymous to the Yankees, i The Yanks have many In : fact, they seem to be the moat jir.x ' ridden team in all organized baseball. But the worst of their jinxes is the St. j Louis Browns. Consequently, students of the occult are inclined to giv? a ' grggt deal of credit for this su.! len ! upy. t of th" Browns to Beany Walker, the six-toed Senegambian who has been dispelling misfortune for the Yankees for the last few day?. Beany Not Ostentatious Boany did not play any ostentatious ill the conflict yesterday, lie win I just around at his post between ta? home plate and the Yankee dugout. While mascotting against the White I iox Beany showed considerable RgltaV ? lion, but seemed to believe that ma? cotting against the Browns was a job , that required no particular exe-tior. The Browns started rashly enough j in the very first inning. Shotten < pasted Ray Fisher, the cons.-: j schoolmaster, for a hit that hurtled far out to the left centre of the lot. ? High and Marsan* galloped wildly li? ter the ball, but it got away an 1 , rolled. In the meantime Shotten tor* around the paths and completed tho jourtny for a home run. After Austin had rjopped out to Pipp Sisler, the most versatile ball player In the game, drove a hit to deep cen? tre. Marsans, the magnificent ( showd a wild bursr of speed, and triM to spear tho bail with one hand, ii | ,his d.t'.ts were not preiu-nsile anou ;!i for the task Tie ball rolled on, and .. too, circumnavigated the Infield for a home run. te of the multitude bspan to i clamor for the eviction of Ray Fisher. But gi Flshtr glwgjri has or.e bad inn? ing Will! William Donovan figured that this mu -1 b<> it and allowede h.m to stay. The judgment of the peerless leader of tile Yanks wal rindicaUd. ? r tightened up like a great Sou'h Bay clam and the Rrowns got orly three well-separated swipes after that. The Yanks' big inning was the third. With two 'vi* Pg4dy Iiauinan ttg| arl an Lavan made a wild heave |g 1er. pulhngr hin. away from the bag. ; Peckinpaugh got a base on balls. Pipp Gets Busy. A' this crisis in world affairs Walter Pipp went up to bat. Walter has not ??? p :._- '1 | pi|) as he should of Igt?, Tie Yankee supporters began to anxious. But Pipp .-uddenly re? verted to typo?the slugging typt?and i.ast. d one into distant left rield.tally .r.g Bauman and P.-ckmpaugh. Thnt .i-.d the contest prom? ised to be -nore interesting. I! Run Baker, the most brittle of the expensive ba--brill players, was i put out of commission as he DM to bat, He hit a foul which rebounded from his knee cap and sent i ove- tha V. .. V. [lTigjB Donovan came in to in rata tha extant of the injuries. p mind the knee. Frank," he said ! ehaarfol / "You ain't to pray a:.v. baaatlM it looks as though rho TanlcMI are b'-yond prayer. Get in gnd hit the hall." Baker looked at his comander re? proachfully for a minute. Then he limped up to the p'ste and lashed a ?.-. ? baiter to Itft The hit agorad P.pp with (rut proved to be v.nrir.g run. The Browns blocked what looked like . a of the Yanks in the first inning. | The bases were filled with only one out ar.d J. Frsnklin Baker, the home run If, was at hat. Baker drove ; a hard one to Sisler. The versatile :uk? r of *': e Browns speared the ball ard hurled to I.i.vnn, nalline a man at se.ior..!. shot the ball back to Sisler and Baker was doubled at Arti It was a fait and spectacular Magee No Better Lee Magee, or Leopold Hoerschmeyer, ' who was traded by the Yanks for Ar ? mando Marsans, WRl playing ?econd Bl Bown.:-. Lee did no betTer at bat for his new owners than he had dont tot Colonel Ruppert and Captain Huston. Lee came up In the ninth with one on. "WouldaVl it D4 funny If Lee hit a home run ?r.d won the game for the Browns in the ninth?" somebody ob? served. It woul 1 have been more than funny. It would have beer, ridiculous from any cepting that of William DonoTRDj who traded I I ?rtf athlete. But Lee didn't get a ? a single. The fan? vesterdey were convinced that the Yanks had the best of the ifb Marsans did drop : ? fly in tha ninth. But Sisler was nailed on his way to second, so that there <vas no real calamity. Harvard Freshmen to Play Games in Stadium r. mbridge, Mass , July 30?AlthoOfh the Harvard 'varsity football schedui. for the coming season has been can? celled, the freshman team will play as ujusI. OflUUll of the H-rvtrd Athletic As? sociation sate to-.lay that it was ex? pected that therf would be a greater interest in the freshman games this year, and that rrcbably most of them would be p!?.\ed h the Stadium, in stead ef away -am home, as has been the case with .-test ef them in past years. _ In Top Form! st. louis 5 i. ?rtw rosa a l > ab r li n ? ? ab r h o a? ? If. IO I , .J. Ill 1 I? : ' 4 111? 10 f rw'igh. aa I li $ 11 ii i 1 11 "ft 10 0 1 I 4 ? 1 ft 1 'i .' i Iii Mmaaj of.. 40ft 3 30 i ? i 1 00 Um ia.... 100 I S <| Vuiaruakar. c J i> 1 2 lu i Mr, P 3 10 0 3? " Mtrtta. p . ooo ft : Tx?2? .11 J T 24 15 1 Total? 2? 3 ? 57 li 1 'Ba'tad for Sothoron In th? ?tahth Inning. tHjjj kal In th. tlgMh u, ??j Sr Louis . J0O ft 0 0 0? 0-3 Raw Yan . o o 8 o o o n I-, , ? ,,? Mi B??ir Thr??-ba?? H 4M run - Sh ?tun. alilar. i igli Doab ? i >y?? Sl?l?r. L???n ?nil fcU.i-r. IV . , .1 !*(t mi It. Lauta, 4. baa? M I [girts ? '????? on ; ih?r, 1. off Bol i lit? and ra.rr,?.l mr.i liff Sulhoron ii hit? ar.l S r in? In : .i rug?a In 1 .>fT Klsher. 5 nil ? b'n. k uutr? Bl ruh??. i. 1. I T.Plrc??K?ait? aud MjcIuU. Tin??i Newark Bears Lose Game and Lead to Grays International League GAMES TO-DAY , Pro5ddenre at Newark (2 games). Buffalo at Toronto. Koehester at Montreal. Richmond at Baltimore. YESTEK?WS KL>1 LT3 Providence, 4; Newark, 1. Tonmlo, 8: Buffalo, 4. Toronto, t?; Buffalo, ? 115 in.) Ballimore. I; kiohmoud, 1. .Montreal, ti; Kothester, 5. STANDING OF TEAMS W. L. Pi. W. L. P.e. Provid II II Mi Uorh'ter 48 50 .490 Newark, l8 II .104 Buffalo 41 58.414 BaltimV. M ?2 567 Kichm'd 36 5a .379 Toronto ?l 42 .363 Mt real. 36 60.375 Providence beat Newark yesterday,. 4 to 1, and went into first place ahead of the Bear? in the International League race. Vean Gri>.'.- held Newark to six scat? tered h its. ead. the lone tally wa? made by Juc LOWis, who hit the ball ever the left held fence for a home iun in the sixth round. Greg>< fanned thirteen Newark batter?, which is a leagu | George Pennington, who served them up tor Newark, was easy pickings for the Grays, who landed on hi? delivery for ten safetie*. Hrainerd getting a double and Tutweiler a triple. i lOSP, an out!; -?der from South At? lantic League, played in left tield for irk and made three sensations! catches besides getting one ?afe bingle, -lore: FRiiVIDEVi: 'I Li M?4?K ,1 LI abrii ?b r ti o a ? . er. In 4 ? 1 ! 5 I I Or.ilrw i-f I 112 0 in . 4 ft 4 ft l 3 ? a ? 1 1 0 0 I - io i : . , A o o i l Pau'gt? | jj i ? ?: 14 l I .02'i004llo>-4 N??ark 0 '0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0?1 Tv i kSM l..U>-Full?r ?ni 1 TV.rea-ba?a - .. bu*? T!'.i>maa p.aj- '?*' on baa?? if* on error?? 1 Ha??* baj ?1 nui? ?g1, I jig ?? 1 ! n:n in ?, 41 r-rr.n afton '?' alta and 4 aga Uu OtvU ila?? Jlr-By -Gragat, um , , t -,i...-. : - - Pop Bottles Fly At Umpire Byron ? Loui?, July 30.? Byron wa? the target of pop bottles in the seventh inning of to-day'? game here, which Philadelphia won from St. Louis, 3 to 2. Spectators in the left, field bleachers reed erith the arbiter whan he called Long out or. ?trine?. The game wa? iuspended while the field was be? ing cleared. The vi?:tor? hit Doak hsrd in th: first two .r.r.mira. when they made all A belote n the netted the Cardinals two runs. The score: I sorts v I wt UKTia v l i .o ? ? ai ? h o a ? la I ?'? i ? Ou i> i 0 0 0 1 4 11 0 1 ?'' . 1 0? ft 4 0 r' 4 0 1 1 f . 4 . . ?- so t ii : ft i. li 4'1 ft ') 0 ' I! ruby, u 4 11 ii 4 0 - - tooloo til f ?ft rV-7?: lh .4 ft ? 1 5 0 JUey p .. 1 0 0 ft . i 2 10 : o? o s i - ????<? 1 ft 0 ? 0 0 o o ? a io ? ? . 1 00 o o o m4, p o?? o to Ti? ?2 UM? 10 1 Total? ?4 11 2T 20 1 ?I -'-- ? fca'tM hall 'Ma - g. f w Poa? lil ' ? > o ? o ? a n_?, i oOftOOOO?O-l la? hil? ? a r? Thr*a> baa? i '??'?'< I! - ? Ifcxihi? ' if Ular. Baird tu | bj u if. v Baial io U.lw L??*i oa b*??? - Lou ? F".r?l baa? co ?rror? ?St Le.4.1 1 Baa? an i-i"?? rtff Itti*y l f?ff Dca* 1 off ?'m*. 1 Ulta ?art agrsH ruaa? riff Snay. a hita ?ad J ni?? la ? lcilng? o? rx,u * MU ard 3 ni:.? '.r. I la.'.i.g? off Wauon. ? MU and a ran? in 1 UWrig. off F rata? Mt* and ft pin? in 1 Icnlr.g Hil b? pl'.-h?r . -gSOaot iKllU f?r f*fni k hi'- Br Rlxoy. 5. by lilian 1 t m i ?.vi tj ligic, Tiro? 1 11. Pirates Take Slugging Bee From Giants Wilhoit, New Player for Mc Gravv Men, Makes Im? pressive Debut Pittsburgh, Jil*> 30. In an old-fash? ion,..i llaggiag bee, that reminded the gray beards of Hie good old days ?>f ten years ago when the National League was a closed corporation to the Pirates, Giants and Cubs, IVihurgh this after? noon resurrected itself from the past and smote the pace-making Glanta between the eyes. Though badly ojthit by the league loader.?, BezdeVs t. am was ngrgr outgamed or outplayed, and ?inishe.i without having to take its ninth turn at bat on the long end o? a 4 to | . In spite of the reverse thero was some leaven to the loaf of the ciub tha. || expected to meit Ban Johnson's best in the next world's series. Wil? hoit, the new outfielder secured from Louisville for pitcher Jimmy Middleton, jumped right into the fracas a, fev hours after he hit camp and started his major league career very much as if he fit major league togs. Wilhoit, RggJfBtd to Davey Robert? son's patrol, scored two of New York's three runs and blew himself to a couplo of hits in four t.mes at but With .1 little luck he might have had four hit? for two of his drives, that travelled right at Aaldarg. ergr? ga ? ckedly dru en as any of the afternoon. Giants Rather Tame On his introduction Mr A'ilhoit did not lind his teammates in their usually vicious und ferocious mood. Tha Giants did not do theiiselves justice ?TRaR their many opportunities are consid? ered. Fifteen hits for sixteen ba,<* with four passes thrown in should be good for more than three runs to a team of the resource and speed of the Giants. Almost all the time the visitors had the base paths cluttered up uith run? ners, but they found it extrem, ly dif? ficult to score. This was partly due t.? the break of the game, for it must be confessed New York hit in hard luck all the time. It was also die Li R mensure to careless base running. Take the first inning. Bunts ?TRlk I I and Kauft' fanned after Hi rtog stru-'i out. Zimmerman hit into a donbla play. Three singles by Wilhoit, Koike and Raridan bunched In order, with one out in the second, pave or\ : one run. Wagner caught Holke g1 plato on a wt-jik tap by Pinch Hitter Dav-.y Robertson. Kauf1 and Zimmerman singled in or? der in the third, with only one gone. Fletcher this time hit into a doubl.? play. Fletcher was doubled off on Wilhoit's line drive to Boerk"! n the fifth. Arthur and Zimmerman ha.I just singled, with one out. 'Ihete ne a few examples of the breaks. Get Jump on Jeff Pittsburgh got the jump cn Jeff Tesreau In the first, when M ' feat, Carey and King singled in order for two runs. The Giants got one of these back in the second. Wilhoit bunted safely, with one out liRftei hy Koike and Rariden got him afOl B I, A ?Ingle by Fred Anderson, tied the score in the fourth as it drove '\ home from second. Wilhoit had sin? gled to start the inning. Andersen, however, threw this run right luck ti the Pirates in the second half by gril I pitching Ward in from taeond Wir! and Bebus had singled with one out. The Pirates got their last run in the eighth, o'T i'ol Perritt, og double, Wagner's sacrifice and Ward's hunt hit. When Burns opened Rag ninth with a double southpaw Cooper was sent to the re.-.eue of Carlson. The latter fanned Barga*, Kauft* s nyled, scoring Burns. Zimmerman, however, tapped to the box, while Fletcher Hied to King. The score: NEW YORK VI?) Blmi If lltri/rt :r. | > I? Ka IO 2 0 ? 3 0 3 ' | 1 ?ne i ? ? io l ' rrrruiv Rort <v 2 -? tat | ? l ? Pitt??, if - ' ! . KI-1 rf 4 <> h .. * ? S 2 0 Fl ' 0 00 1 . 4 111 lill 4 ' J J 4 I 1 I I '< 111 4 1 J S 4 111 M * S - ' I I 0 Pen HI p lill tv?:, . , ./rut ?l:v'/-r? fr T>?rfca.i in the s??-nnr! i-rlrf ? - 4 -..-.-soo In th? ?ifl.tti ? i New York . , I I I 1 I M I ??S r - Mg? 2 0 0 1 0 n ? l ? -? Two-ba?? hita--Bum? B-wcael. tVatrtr St?, " V.'.t**. S?in.?.<? bit??AaciMr I*-. ?Debus. TV ?rd ?ag Watr?. B??Kki>l V\anjear? Wasntr L*ft at 'Iii, 1 Bast on ? Uwm. 4 Hit? anit r.:^. -Off T??r?aa, I mt ml 1 mat lu I off Anderson, T hl'a 1 rur. In t ,? off Ptrrrt. 1 hp? ml I run In 1 tna ' ?arlsui.. 11 hits ard i runs la S Laotin I lo or.a tauar In 9la). off Cooper, 1 Ml ? run? In 1 Inn.i? S'r?fk out- By Jet bjr An'-erton : trr Ptrrlf. I b? tiri. Ir Or ve- l wi.,1 wubr-lnd?*???. I'mptria? K.*n and Kmt'U Tim? * ils p STS" ii. 1 W'SJTI? ha?*-New Tnrk. li. Pltubnrtft, T Baal ' f Ar.daraon 1, off Carlson. 4 11 Southern Association A'lar.'a 7. Mm.; 1 A- sr-a v-i-.r :? S ''?-'-I ?r.1 tfth). Binalnthaaa l. | l:t . K.?i. ? ".?a-.a. 4, < ha'.tac ?*?, 1. Eastern League At P?til I I ?? - 1. ? ?rrwfUiald t ttim 4 sj.rlr.j-rr'. : i nama cam**. A' Kta? I'af-r. -Now /'?titi. '. N>* L/xidoa. S. A: Hi.r?rt.:..?t*wTer.i? I. Warattar 1 HELP/ DROWNING ! ! Why n?t leam to swim before this happens to you? It is never *?j7* on* the water utv lesi you can saim, Write for Booklet A Dalton Swimming School? 19-23 Watt 44th Street 30S-310 Watt 59th Street ??MMINC GUARANTEED Filtered Orear. Wa'sr II listona P??f Tai?*.! M4?rtK\ BATHS rroi. i op? Hmt ?? a4ium?iu> Koarllii Alan. Hilliard '.?l tatst tun lain, tnipplltaf Man ?. It L'nloB lau ard ?t jar? >yj,