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Brakem-an First To Pass Physical Draft Test Here Ha? Wife and Two Babies Wholly Dependent on Him One in 21 Ready to Go But He Is a Medical Student and May Be Exempted by President'? Order 0: the first twenty-one drafted men examined in New -. .-day Uncle ?ay get one sold-r w thont con ? exemption claims. The exemp oard of District No. 14."?, with headquarters 'n the mam building of ? he College of the City of New York, was the first to begin the physical teita. Eleven men, who waived the five re.?pite granted by law before ;hey must appear before the exemptors, passed the pbyeical examinations, and -ire rejected. In one case the de ?i rendered to-day. Ten of ? ven who passed will ask to be re? lieved of militar;' service on the .-rounds of supporting dependent . iren, parents and grand? parents, or because of occupations. Student May Claim Exemption The one found physically fit, and ?ho does not claim exemption, i? Jo leph E. Silhman, of 680 St. Nicholas A??r.*-- II is a medical stu? dent, which may place him out of th? -ale. If by special ruling from Wash .r.gton exempting medical students is hsnded down Sii.iman said he would he completes his '. course. Then, he said, he would try to go as an army surgeon. Chsrles H airman of board N'o. 145, obtained permission from Pro? vost Marshal General Crowder to con advance of the . ? period. Depaty Attorne;. . -scoe S. transmitted the to Washington. <.? . r's reply * y for that board. Tell them to go a: . tner members of the board are Dr. Franklin Welker, of 344 West 145th and Dr. K. 11. Roi e. o* ?I ta Dr. F. F. Bauer, of 408 West 145th Street, acted ss examining surgeons. Braleman Vital to I men were examined before one ?vat accepted. F.rst to pass the p >-one, a brakeman on ? ? dependen: ?rife ana t?.?o children, on? ? two--? Mrs. Brngard ???? a? in tears when -reporters called at the littie apart? ment rd floor at 301 -, to apprise bei tin.i heard it, and a . vers.on it was that had r.* -y told me," she -ebbed. _ ermy. . ?ht irr ms.n foi Its a fine I. just c give Joe up. We i re just getting a start, you see, an i what would *he babies ar.J I do m ngs?" 1*. was a : : no, to see the - smile of joy that suiiused that met fice when told claim exemption and undoubtedly get ? ped the baby to her breas*. . id the news to him. Wants Son to Do His Duty mother in tears called ai board headquarters to rind out at her son, Th ?reet, had been called on the first draft, as th** tp-.-s stated. Mr. Tuttle answered the affirmative and asked her if the desired to claim exemption for her son. my boy to Mrs. ured her. -. of 291 We-t 147th ( the Brooklyn Nary Yar :. eras I appear before the board. He said ne was .-id if he had been a .-. a few pound.** heav- : eons would have given h.m But the place where psrts hit hair il above hit heels, and 5.1 ? my. Charle? Horowitz, of 124 West He weu ans were in doubt ass him. He was told to f*M* back for a decision to-morrow, ?hen eame Abraham 1 -e, of ?2 Mac?.-.-, Place, and ?i *-*?*.** Street, bo Here reje? ted. Br tgard was next, and after - Henr '. who also failed to meas **?** up to the physical standards. Many Claim Exemption The tecond man to pats was Joshua ?sistant superintendent of *** M> Life Insurance ciaum exemption because of a ?**P*m?1l .man **?? No. 9, and following him five men -*-**epted in ?uccestion. All will according to state-. ? on tn?>:r registration cards. Cari - . d, ar. are? *t SOP W?*et 142d .?"treet, stated he would ask to be relieved from service ?Mcausa ho is a student at the Marconi Naval Wireless School. Samuel Goldblat. a house painter, of 7 Wi * 1- ? .-'treet. has a wife and child to keep. Harry G?nther, of SI Bradhurst Ave nue, (rave his claim for exemption as dependent parents and because he works for a pub!:c ntilitg company. He is an inspector for the New York Edi? son Company. Isadore Tannenbaum, of 61S West ?th Street, supports hia wife and -grandparents. Harold Arr.stam. of .irtn West l-Uth ' has a dependent wife and grand? mother. False Teeth Bar Good Prospect The surgeons thought they had a banner future soldier when they tro*. hold of James Francis Hendstock, a machinist, of 225 West USth Street. He wai as hard as nails, and passed a?l the tests with fiying colors until the examiners came ta his teeth. He wore an upper plate, and, consequent? ly, was rejected. "I'd like to know how a few false tee?h are going to keen a man from r.ghting." protested Hendstock. "I was a sailor for eleven years and can eat anythintr." a ?ales-man. of '. the last man examined in the afternoon, was under Others Claim Exemption ?he night session of the board, which ended at 10:3C, the>e passed, but claimed exemption: Frederick Bockman, of 210 West 14?th Street, because he is a postoffice clerk. ..(.mes P. McAuliffe, of 2745 Eighth Avenue, because he supports a wife, mother and sister, the latter two being dependent upon him since his two have joined the naw. 7-d W. Wl ? ? ? ? St Nich? olas Avenue; supports a wife. Daniel Fisher, of 672 St. Nicholas . and John B? rvin. of 207 West Street, were disqualified physi? cally. Senate Committee Favors Draft of Alien Subjects Washington, July 30.?With Presi? dent Wilson's indorsement the Foreign Relations Committee to-day favorably reported Senator McCumber*s resolu? tion opening the way by treaty negotia? tions for drafting Allied subjects in this country into the American army. Senator Chamberlain presented his resolution for draft without negotia? tions to the Senate, with the unani? mous indorsement of the Military Af? fairs Committee. With both plans be? fore it. Senator Chamberlain said. Con? gress can choose. Slackers Will Be Forced To Take Draft Examination Washington. July 30.?Promp*. and efficient work by district exemption boards is ? pected by government offi ? of stripping all red tupe from the procedure of the tribu 7 Attorney General Gregory set in mo t.on to-day further machinery- to in size of tl - -ration ...r from which the 687.000 men of the first call are to be drawn. Thou? sands of men failed to register, it has teen founci, for one cause or another. Through the District A-.tomeys, the Department of Justice is rounding up these men and when found they will be assigned numbers, which will in? sure 7 called up for exami? nation at an early date. They will be given the serial numbers of men near j the top of the list already permanently discharged for physical reasons. The first teports of the local boards en physical e7:amination aro beginnin?? to apr.ear A yet, h I vever, they make any loji "al diiTaHcti ? ? . probable aver? age o ? .is reason. In manv I j strict! where a.xaminat:ons are sr- . ?-? number of men ha* e asked for affidavit blanks on which to submit applications for exemption ?.? of iependent families. This i no :riie*-.on of the exemptions to be :, r.owever, as each case must be co-*3idered on its merits. Exemption Boards for Jersey Districts Named ? draft Se* Jer?ey were announced by Piovost Marshal General C-owder to-night as fo. ??on No. 1?W. C. Heppenheim-*r. .- M - ? ' j'hews. Dr. and Robert Williams. Division No. 2?A. V. Hamburg. Dr. :; adges, Henry Hi'fers, Will? iam J. Kirby and John O. H. Pitner. D vision No. 3?Charles R. Hires, Ad i'r. Faul M. Mecray, Arthur Ba Cd C. Stokes. Italian Held at Newark Admits Forging Papers to Free Man From Army Service Newark. July 9b.?Carlo De Carleto, a*x secretary of the Italian Consulat-? here, was held in tl.000 bail to-day, bv charged with forging an medical report, in order to ex? empt an Italian subject from service in the Italian army. It is said that in ?o insert the forged report in the records the papers of another Ital? ian, who was eligible for service, were ed. \ -* - ! confession was introduced in evidence, in which the defendant said that he had taken the action he ? ? - ? ; for the man i*. exempte'!, Francesco Monda. Germans Export Their Food a : I?ana) Stockholm, June 10. -While Belgium goes hungry, the Germans are export? ing Belgian vegetables and fruts auantities of Belgian asparagus and hothousp peaches have been on m'a leading shops far also worthy of note that r*s are advertising women' costumes imported direct from Vienn*?. 88th Semi Annual Remnant Sale is On Absolutely irrespective of former values, several thousand suit ends are now reduced to a uniform pn?-e. All weaves?ail colors. Suit to Measure $21.50 Coat and Trousers $19.50 t two sroat* aaoAowAv o? mtHrt* grngtrnno so t 420 st oirr rirrn m ?adison AVt?v P. s._ h*." n '?m' ""m', u mmfe n?"*- *?*"* irhrth" I* has been ruhn"fi<j on a nmooth or a rough road. arnheim axlomf. How to Tell Who Is Called By City's Exemption Boards if Your "Red Ink" ?Number Is Higher Than the Number of Registrants in Your District You Are Not Called The following tables will enable any man in New Tatk who has been called by his exemption board to learn that fact. Th$ names of individuals called are not given, since there will be a total of somewhere near 80,000 in this cify. which would fill nearly forty pages o? small type. The city itself will print the entire list of nam?sa ?vhen all districts have issued their calla, and "The City Record," with the list, can then be puschased for a nominal sum All who are called will be officially notified of the fact by mail. The following tables are published to permit those who may be in any doubt to \erify their status. It should be remembered tha* th*? fart that a man is not included in the call by no m?*ans excludes him. Further calls will be made when the army is increased, and to fill gaps in the ranks, so that if the war lasts long enough every man on the draft list will be liable to service unless he' ccn prove valid ground for exemption. The first table shows the highest draft number called in all districts which have completed their call. The highest draft number called is in every case far above the total number of men called in the district, be? cause of the high numbers which has been treated as blanks. The swond table shows the draft numbers and their corresponding "red ink" numbers. Red ink numbers" above 4,69"*, the highest in New York, being omitted. To find whether he has been called, a man should learn from the first table the highest number called in his district. He should then consult the "red ink" numbers in the right-hand columns of the second table. If his own number does not appear before he reaches the highest draft num? ber for his district he has not been called. MANHATTAN HigAe.t draft Sttmher number Dittrxet. Headquarters. Qsmtm. called. eailed. _P. S. 34, Broome and Sheriff sts. 209 334 1,097 102.175 Suffolk st. 235 470 1,457 103.P. S. 105, 269 East Fourth st. 222 444 1,240 104.P. S. 105, 269 East Fourth st. 213 437 1,257 107.P. S. 62, Hester and Essex sts. 260 |M 491 110.P. S. 32, 357 West Thirty-fifth st. l?3 366 IJ9B9 112.P. S. 63. First av. and Third st. Ml 415 992 113.P. S. 25, 326 East Fifth st. 201 4".' Uli 117.P. S. 61, Twelfth st., east of Avenue B. 175 460 1.953 123.P. S. 116, 215 East Thirty-second st. 227 454 1,166 126.P. S. 93, 93d st. and Amsterdam av. Iff 316 1.637 129.247 Central Park West. 230 Mf 2.5?7 131.P. S. 5?, 22S Eist Fifty-seventh st. 172 .; 1,281 138.P. S. 53, Third av. and Seventy-ninth st. 256 512 1.515 139.P. S. 68, 109 West 127th st. 186 - 1.347 140.P. S. 119, 225 Watt 133d ft. 188 400 1.015 141.City College, 138th st. and Amsterdam av. 180 360 1.703 143.'.P. S. 66, 38th st., east of First av. 188 IM 1.996 147.550 West 155th st. 214 577 2.191 163.Hunter College, 68th st- and Lexington av... Ml 408 1.597 169.25 West 116th st. 173 346 632 THE BRONX 13.P. S. 40, Prospect and Jennings sts. 211 422 1,005 17.P. S. 32, 133d st. and Beaumont av. 219 500 1,980 19.C'.aremont Park, Park Commissioner's office . 209 418 1,454 BROOKLYN 25.P. S. 7, York st., near Bridge st. 177 Ml 3,875 : 29.Municipal Court, Lee av., near Ciymer st.... 230 500 1.240 44.P. S. Ill, Sterling Place and Vanderbilt av... 211 600 2.650 48.Manual Training H. S.. Seventh av. and 4th st. 238 486 1,865 51.144 De Voe st. 169 480 1,614 _P. S. IS1*, East 13th st and Avenue C. 179 600 2,171 71.P. S. 56, Madison st. and Bushwick av. 202 500 2.275 73.230 Graham av. :-_ 42 1,135 74 .P. S. 21, McKibbon st., near Manhattan av- 179 400 1.944 _309 Wyckoff av. 193 IM . 1,819 -P. S. 108, Linwood st. and Arlington av. 212 37s 1.640 ORDER OF DRAWING OF CITYS NUMBERS ??4,531 6??8 ? . ? I - ? ? . ? 4 ?. - . ! <? ? ? ???T?3 ? ? ?1?3.034 ? -? 1.4*4 ? ? ? - 227-410 l?? " I.S44 . ? .?? <? - ? - < 14?4.14' ? ? . ? '? - I -? ? . tISm-i .?: ? ? ??n 4-4. ir. ? ? i .114?1.177 ? ? 342?3.14? ? ?? 33??47? I -.? att?1.121 Ml i 3:4?2.399 .< < i ? . - a ' 17 ? - ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 429?1 4?.4 43*--<Vll ? 471??: ?2Z 4? a ? ? . II ? - ?? .. 449?2.31!? ? 43??1 393 4?0? 2.4T? !?? . 4H4?na tot?sit iTy?tt < . i 477??.?31 - ? 4 so_ 3 ?n? ... > tmt?I.T4? ? a. - ? ??0???a? 51.",?390 ' ? . . : *17?2 ?90 - 330?3.974 5*2?4.353 < .? a I 4 ??? ? ? 1 t 4 - -. 5',?_3,n64 4 ' . a . - I ? ? - - - ?.'1 ? 2 (ta?0 ? - 4 ?32?2.10T a - I ? a- ? ?33?.1.132 ?57?3.-S7 '7.-4?1.108 ? - - I 4 ?a ?UV-?. 0.12 an sun?| a ... ??7?4M? ?M?3.17? 7 OO?2.4.1? -01?4.02* 7US?4.130 74V-: 4 ? - ? -1.2-1 ?'.4-1 ?: Ill 1.21*?2.332 l.?t:?1.J5? 1 ,T*K?.3.111? er 1.4*2?103 9:?? :?? i :::?:.7o? 1.4*7??.til . 7*??tot 97???.'?1 1.22??301 1.49S . . -1 337 ?**?: - ? ? -4.ZM . : . ? o ? . 4 .? - 13?J 1.511?1.231 1 771?1 250 t?:- 1.515-1.1). . --. ? ? II??*??TO I.JIJ 1.24? * ... ? ? , I.-D4?? - T. , . ? - 1 no.*? ... - " - ? ? . . ' ? ?. ??i'l .. . ' ?' ' . . * : ' . ? ? ? ? ? - . its .... ? ? *. . - ? ? ? ? ?is ?? " * ' .- .; .1. i.ear?it? i m ? ? - i ? ?.21? ? ? ? It 1.3.1??1.2.11 ',*: I- I.-. Tn?, ?"* w?2,iM } I'-l~* ?;i ,i .. - ? ? ir*?? 371 i.? . ? -?.*as IS? -?1? |1?_! ? . ' -i.0;0 ' ? '? . I ? 1.12?- : ? : 1124? im? i '*??>?? na 1 i *??_-- ??? 1.39 . . ? . . i . 4 241 . ? l - . 4 ?., 1 17???? ?"1 1 ?01?4 I I im_j ??? ; i 1142-1.032 j 4,??t_? ?ft-, lM . ., 13?*?-1.23? 1.144?. ?4-1 3*0 \}Or? ? ? i??M??J ? ? ? i; * ... ? ? ? 1.42??I - . 121 ? 1.412?< t.221 it i?? i . ? {?{?ir ? . 144?4221 .. 14 ? - 1.-.37 1174?lilt 1447?B7 * , IT? -2 14? *W? -"I '' ?'? " "-? IM 1 ?71?4.31? ? ? * -3.?7t ?? . - ' 4 '??* 1 ?7??1.47? ;;?i_..?- ??- ?.ai 17:?-:.941 i.9t?-i.?i? lt, :?'.:. . ?. -3 ?'?? ? ? ? . ?-. - 1 1?%?2.2S3 I Ml 1.4? l'l??_ ? ?- ? ??-J.*3? " ?-.?.I?? 1 9??*?1..1? ? -n\ . 1 7?? ! ?' ? ? 1.7? .. ?1 147??1.595 I 7???ITU 1 -Ml*?VI? ... I,?-.* - : ?vm 4- im??.M? 1.211-2 TM 1.?5?4.557 1.TM 1.SM 2.990? 3.30?? Three Children Drowned Daring Boy Stepped Into Hole; Baby and Lad of 8 Lost "Gee, f'ller?, ?ee how far out I am'" aried John Reissen, fifteen year? old, j???t.erday, as heatood with his head tilted back and the water up to his chin in a pond at Semin?le Avenue and Livingston Street, Forest Hill?. Queens. Neither John nor hi? friend? on the bank coud swim, and they applauded hi? faring th? louder for tfiat. He took on?? , ?tep further and dropped out of ?ight into a bole. His body was recovered i He lived m Park Street. Richmond Hill Tb.odota Kalley. twi years old. fall. from a pier in front of a cottage at Howard Beach. Queen?, where hi? pa? rent? are spending the summer. He was drowned. Senators Won't Oppose Colby Washington, July 3n. -Senator Wad? worth, who returned to-day from New York, announced that neither he nor i his colleague, Senator ?"alder, would oppose confirmation of Bainbridge Colby as a member sf the Shipping Board. The Senate Commerce Com? mittee last week, at the request of the New York Senator?, withheld making a i favorable report on tha nomination. Pacifists Flood Mails in Fight On Conscription Civil Liberties' Bureau Sending Circulars to Cities of More Than 10,000 Legal Advisers Ready Union Against Militarism Cir? culating Document Signed by Amos R. E. Pinchot While the Postoffice Departir.? denying the use of the mails to certain radical publication?, on the ground that their contents tend to discourage en? listment and to obstruct the enforce? ment of the draft law, the pacifist or? ganizations are sending through the mails tons of peace propaganda, with a view to stirring up opposition to the war plan? initiated at Washington. The Civil Libei-.ies Bureau. 70 Fifth Avenue, an offshoot of the America:* Union Against Militarism, announced yesterday that it was sending to every city in the country of 10,000 population or more?or abou* 500 cities?a circu? lar headed "Is the Constitution a Scrap of Paper*" This circular asks the re? cipient's support 'if vou want liberty in America to be something more than a Statue of Liberty in New York Har? bor." As a provocation to join the ranks of the pacifista, it ?t?tes th.t peace meetings in New York, Boston and Philadelphia were "broken up by uni? formed rowdies, a??i?ted by the po? lice"; that "scores of m?r. throughout the country have been illegally arrest? ed and searched," and that "men and women in eleven c;ties have been im- ' prisoned for distributing pamphlets lawfully urging repeal of conscrip? tion." Persecution Is Charged "Liberties won by ag<*s of struggle are breaking down under the pressure of war." says the circular. "Those who, criticise war policies or discuss terms af peace are subject to continual per- ' secution by petty officials determined to force their conception of patriotism upon all citizens. "It is necessary, in order to preserve our ce .1 rights, to organiie ' igfaoat ition. "'The aUkerricaa t'mon Mili toi -7*. has therefore established a Liberties Bureau, advis.-d by a group of lawyers, with ?oca] committees and - attorneys assisting, in the leading cities. It is the object of this bureau to act as a clearing house of free in? formation, advice rr.d legal aid to citi? zens whose constitutional right? are as? sailed by reason of the? war." Ta ia iocameat -??'.' a-. P. Wald. Air..-. P. E. Pinchot. L. Hol lingsworth Wood, ?"rystal Eastman,1 ia T Ha!'.man, "the Rev. John 'ane Addams, of Chi? cago, an i A!.ce L--\v.?.ihn. Rendezvous of Objectors The bureau incidentally is a ren? dezvous for con?.*-.e*.t-.ous ob; About a*.500 '*b;ecrurs have been card indexed. Roger N. Baldwin, the direc? tor, said that lawyers had been re? tained in thirty cities to defend ob *'We already -ave obtained ttr five specific instances where ec~ rights have been violated by the I Mr BalaSria "Wa propose te faraisk all our lawy-.-s with ? 1 ?-ey can de? based o-i rece?? fu-ir. decisions in favor of The : ;- - . | West Thir? teen'.- - aunced the rogramme for the mass to be eld at Madison Sa*uare Garden to? morrow night to protest against the suppression of radical publications. The speakers will be Daniel Kiefer. chairman of the Fels Fund <~ommi? si<}n; Max Eastman, editor of "The "; Abraham Cahan, editor of lt. Dailf Forward"; Theo I - Sell roder, secrtary of the Free Speech Leagie; rharl-' W Ervme. editor of "The New York Ci'.!." ar I L Benson 9 * The Work h Jacob Panken is chairman. 72,914 Seek To Be Officers Number of Applicants 5 Times Quotas in Most States Washington, July 30.?For the lH.OiiO places in the second officers' training camps, to open August 27. 72.914 men have applied, and the War Department is considering accepting several thou? sands more than was originally in? tended. Preliminary examinations given the applicants by civilian physicians in? dicate that 51,S3*J are physically satis? factory. In most states the number of appH ' m three to five tim?s the ? quota Montana, with a quota of It, had 74". applicants, the highest proportion, and the northern half of Pennsylvania-!, with a quota of 272, has ??2.' app;.a:ant.?. the lowest proportion. "The Knife" to Resume Eugene Walter's melodrama, "The which wa? seen at the Bijou during the latter part of last season, will be brought to the ?Zort Theatre for a supplementary run on August U. The engagement will be limited to six weeks. - 353 Marriage Licenses Issued For Day; Slacker Cry Raised - Only 25 of Record Number Were Not of Military Age? Clerks Plainly Show Disgust as .Many Brag Openly They ?Are Es-caping Draft Deputy City Clerk Frank Lah glared at the long list of applican for marr.age licenses. It was t closing hour of the Marriage Licor. Bureau, and the record crowd of t bureau's history was still clamor*.! for licenset. "This it the end of a perfect daj he groaned. "End of a perfect disgrace," retor ! ed a brother clerk. "End nothing," said a third; "we have five hundred to-morrow - tr ??lacker?!" Every member of the "Cupid'i Aie bureau was convinced that he wa?. ?.;< lag and abetting would-be slac'tei every time he issued a license yestei day. and by the end of the day his dil n was thoroughly wilted. 353 License? Issued Three hundred and fifty-three li censes were issued, beating the r<"*.*r ; of the bureau by one. Of the tota number only twenty-five were issued t. i men not of military age The officials of the bureau expla'ne? the rush for matrimony by the re? or , that Provost Marshal General Crow der had ruled recently that a de. pendent wife is a reason for exemp tion, even though the marriage were performed only at the eleventh hout before a man received his notification of the draft This notice was published on Fri? day. On Saturday there were 210 ct.. didates for licenses, and yesterday the ' rush continued. Some of the young men bragge?) openly that they were thus escaping the draft, and marv peevish about having their names pub? lished. Brides, usually so ee proud to have their pictures tak??n, held their hats before their faces when th? omnipresent photographers burst upon the crowded scene. The ma:or Ity were foreigners, Italians and Rus? sians predominating. "Hiding Behind Women's Skirts" "There isn't s doubt in the world about their b-ing here to avoid Brill tary service by hiding b?nin??* women'? skir*?," declared Clerk Hard, who is in charge in Chief Scully's absence. - "We had the same thing in June, just before Draft Day. June 5 was the big? gest day up to that time, when we had 410. T - ?port wa.i published that no asan a.a j'ai be exempted who had ?arriad a:'- . *age of th?. law, and the rush feil off lmmeaiia'uiy. Our a*. ? -. .-.out 200 a day." It was not safe to presume on thi?, - ?? Occasionally the clerks ran into a peppery customer like William Fast Hoboken. "I'd iike to see the alraft, or the war. or anything else stop this w?d : -_ ?. "I've been counting on this for over a year, and I'm not go ? have my plans upset for any Anybody who calls me a slack? er will get. into trouble." ibtful if this kind of talk soothed the spirits of Scully's men, but, fortunately --. end of the "perfect day" which made up for all the r Naval Men (?et Licenses The doors were closed an.i licenses locked in the great safe when there came an agitated banging a door. '"I've got to get married! I've 70' ta ? m? m ! " cried a v ? from *he hall slipped through the la lieutenant of the -air. "I'm or I? ." he exp!a:r.e |, "and I want to get mar away." Lieutenant Oscai '. nhardL of the P.eserve Mi . ira.m Fort P.:!ey. Kansas. Hu -? Annie Beall, of (Jur.-hersburir. Mai., a trained nurse. The persn.nng clerks di'i I and lock?.) up their books attain. I'ncle Sain oa!!i>d in distress a second t;m-'. Ti? tima '-r wa ' a sailor f'am one of the battleship*, who war make the most of a limited furloti-rh. He was accompanied by the pp I bride-to-be - Elizabe-h M uhoi'ar.d. seventeen old. She was chaperoned by her aunt. but the ell ? i that she have -.r father's ami mother's e.?n sent to the marriage. They were so disappointed at bein*; licen?e that Clerk * volun'eere.i *o take 'he necessary papers to the home of the bride, on Wes* -?"' "It's a long, long wav to the end of thi* perf-a-- lay," he f] a rei-.ef to see a chap in as that I don't care if I work all 1 | SILK SHIRTS $?5.50 and $7-50 Extra heavy-weight silks not usually found in shirts ready-to-wear. Color? ing** and patterns which emphasize the good taste of the wearer. ??Vil aizes and sleeve length?. SPORT BANDANA GOLF HATS HANDKERCHIEFS SUITS 42ND STREET AT MADISON AVENUE Store Opens, S.45 ; Closes, 5.30. Saturdays, I O'Clock The Big Summer Clothing Event! The Half-Yearly Sale of Saks-Made Suits t Former Prices $25, $23 and $20 Reduced to $17 (5mall charge for alterations*! F >_ Sa!*?.**.' suits art* eut rod tailor?*?! in such a manner that they art* always worth the regular price placed on them; rod PC ?-rial to empha? size that while the price in this sale has hecn re? duced, the quality of the tailoring an?! the wool? ens is up to the regular Sakt1 standard. Kvery suit included is from our regular stock, made f< r our discriminating clientele, but reduced at this time in accordance with our regular merchan? dising policy. ylfth Fioor, ?aks&(?omjmttij Broadway at 34th Street Cowards To Be Weeded Out Of U. S. Army by Specialists Some of America's foremost spe? cialists are to apply the most modern methods of science to the new United ia Army in un ?ffort to make it the most'Ievel-headed, nerveless outfit that ever "went over the top" or stood fast under fire. A single panicky rookie is recognized as a grave danger to a com? pany, and science beiieves it can fore? stall that individual panic about six times out of seven. It is generally recognized that no man remains normal when under fire for the first time, few the second time and many for the third end fourth The man whose reactions to abnormal conditions completely overcome his will power used to be called a coward. If his reactions continued to evade or overcome his mental strength he was drummed our. of camp or met a more violent fate. Mental hyriraiata and nerve special? ists have differentiated types of "cow? ards" and turned the well worn storv of the craven who became a hero wrong side out to see the wheels go 'round. The result is that despite the earnest testimony of ancient top sergeants the coward, in scientific phraseology, is virtually extinct. There are, indeed, defectives of vari? ous kinds and grades, but the majority of them can now be classified and neat? ly labelled, and many of them respond to treatmen?. The task of the doctors who are to ?ee to it that the new army is sound in nerves us well as in wind and limb is to sort out and classify the?. aly fifty of the specialists und the first draft of the new army will fill sixteen training camps with some 10,000 men apiece, the job looks hopeless on th?.- face of it. The characteristics of the men who need examination, however, betray them. For the most part they are types which will get into trouble in one way or another under the strict discipline of a military cantonment. The three specialists ?n each camp will ans on occupant? of the guardhouse and men habitually ? a to extra fatigue. These will be to Simon tests, t.> Mealey tests, associa? tion tests ami methods of phycho ar.alysis which have bata -Wrelope European hospital* since the outbreaK of the wai I I a? a nia ad as an Incarnais "rowi.r.i" <>? one whose cure is doubtful or repairing lcng treatment, out he wili g'a. not to rch." as in the old days, but with a bit of sound medical n his ear. "It Tav not be possible," Dr. Frank I - B Williams, associate n rector of the National Committee for Hygiene, ?a:d ye-terday, "to ?x ?II the rr.iT. 'ndiviaiually. examined under group system?f ? will send saapeXted cases to tlti loctors; men will be ? ft) tie specialists and man involved in law .is of discipline will be exam? ined." The Finest Men's Tropical Suits That 10 can buy! ) THE less a thing costs the more it should be looked into. If it has merit you want it. If it hasn't you don't. Ten dollars is little enough to pay for a Tropical Suit, but it's too much if the suit isn't worth it. We therefore invite you to look into these suits and draw your own conclusions. Meanwhile, we stand /v sponsor for their value. They are .'. the finest that $1G can buy! Norfolk and patch pocket models. Palm Beach Cloth and Cool Cloth. Stripes, .solid colors and novelties* Skeletonized and superlatively cool. Sport Coats and Things Flannel Sport Coats, in colors . . MO Knit Cloth Sport Coats, in colors Ml Silk Suits? Norfolk and sack models *20 Flannel Trousers, plain and striped.M.75 to Ml Hand-Tailored Tropicals Norfolk and Sack Models AtM8 825a?d830 Palm ?Beach Cloths und Pure Chines?- Silks, in other cool fabrics in a varying ??eights. The variety of ?pattern? and aristocrats of the trop rolors. ical family. Hand-Tailored Sport Coats Knitted Cloth?, m colors .... '20.00 Solid Color Flannels . M 8.50 Sunproof Cloths. *25.00 Chineae Silk . . . ....... ^S.OO Men'?? Clothioe: Shop-8 West 38th Street A S?-T*r?'.r Shop no ?ha 9trw? Lr??l Jfranklm Simon &(To. FIFTH AVENUE