Newspaper Page Text
The Qoitining Tower Waahinjcton, July 30. Lines on Sccm? the Church Once Attended b\ Millard Fillmorc . How flcrs Renown' |[,,?.v pgggl? I ini? ' How few the fur? s you recall ! You never think of lilhnorc's name ? At all. * If, Imply. I should speak to you? Offhand, of ?mirse. and carelessly? Of Fillmorc. you would say. "Why, -uho \ Was hei?M Vet O ephemeral R'enown, Forgta my strongly saline tears!? He Mas soni?l.?.,ly in this town For years. Three years or four It was enough. I do not have th-o-se figures pet. I hat? *o bavi to look ti]> stntT Like that. I?Dl he put in a lot of time 1 >< \ ??!? ?{ to his country's can Which iiiako the writ? r of this rhyme To pause. If lie. so long upon the peak, Has been forgot by Be and you, W hat can I do here in a week Or Uro? Eddie Sisson. who, in tho old days before he edited the Cosmopolitan, was city editor of the Chicago Tribune, is George Creel's assistant in the Bureau of Public In? formation. Eddie is a -?rood judge of reportan, and he says that Wallace Irwin, who covers the War Department for the Bureau, is one of the best reporters he ever saw. Another worker in the Bureau is Old ?Tim McCon aughy, whom you may recall as Right Cross of the Even? ing Journal. Mac says that his work here is the most fascinating he ever has been cjigaged in. But, consider? ing that hi* iisvd to do baseball for the Journal, often writing 2,000 words about a game before the first ball was pitched, that is not easy of credence. As to George Creel'*? salary, which there are many rumors about, it is exactly nothing a year. There is so much work to do that he never gets around to his corre? spondence, which is large, until evening. He dictates from eight o'clock at night until after midnight. He is perhaps the best model in Washington for "When a Feller Needs a Friend." Capitol Quips All Washington is laughing over the newest bon. mot, as our French allies would say, of Scmitor James's. It seems that the Kentuckian, just after his speech on "Penrosing," was strolling down Vermont Avenue, when he met Senator Brandegee. "Good evening," said the gentleman from the Nutmeg State, as Connecticut is quaintly termed. "How are you, Senator?*' affably queried Senator James. "Oh," replied Mr. Brandegee, "I can't complain. I've seen things better and I've seen 'em worse. By the way, Ollie, that was a hot one you handed Penrose today." "Well," said the mammoth Kentuckian, with a know? ing twinkle in his shrewd brown eye, "Boies will be Boies." Delegate J. Kuhio Kalanianole. of Hawaii, is famed for his ready wit, which, to coin a phrase, may be said to be almost hair-trigger in its rapidity. Last night, as he was about to enter the Occidental Hotel, where he lives while in the national capital, he encountered Resident Commissioner Jaime C. de Veyra, of the Philippine Islands. "Well," said Mr. Kalanianole, "is it hot enough for you?" "It isn't the heat I mind so much," answered the Resi? dent Commissioner from the Philippine Islands, mopping his brow, "as the humidity." "You said something there." responded the Hawaiian. "Still," said Mr. de Veyra, "Washington is a pretty hot town in summer, and one rather expects to be uncom? fortable. They tell me that the new chairman of the Shipping Board retires at nine o'clock every night, and rises before five every morning." "Yes," flashed Mr. Kalanianole. "Hurley to bed and Hurley to rise." This department's selection of Washington as a sum? mer assignment has drawn this telegram: "DEEM WISE PRINT DENIAL RUMOR WIDELY CIRCU? LATED HERE YOU WILL CONDUCT TOWER FROM WINNIPEG DURING DECEMBER. "ORSON LOWELL." Your correspondent had an exclusive interview yes? terday with Mr. Edwin F. Hurley, the new chairman of the Shipping Board. Mr. Hurley was garbed in a made-to order pongee suit, and wore a purple foulard tie. Your correspondent had on a ready-made suit of green flannel, with a rather jaunty red stripe, and a new green tie. "How do you do, Mr. Hurley?" I said when we were introduced. "I am glad to know you," said Mr. Hurley. This pleased me greatly, as there could be no doubting the sincerity of his words. But it pleased me so much that I could not think of what I wanted to ask him, which was "How many ships, of what construction and tonnage, will the United State*-, build in the next five months?" So I asked him whether he was born in Chicago, feeling that that would establish a certain kinship between us. "Were you born in Chicago, too?" I asked, phrasing my query v-ith rare. "No," was hit. reply. "Only in Galesburg." I couldn't stand there talking all day, so I made some excuse and went for a ride through Rock Creek Park. Due, some say, to war excitement, there are numer **?* CtVit-r of ptomaine p-.-oriing in town. Bat, as Sec? retary '?.tier's secretary Hayes observes, it isn't the War Department*--" fau!L Complaint** of that aort ?hould go to Secretary Lane's ??P*rtm*nU f* P* A. | Society Engagement Announced of Miss Constance Peabody to Matthew J. Looram The engagement is announce ! i ( Miss Coaetaaec Peabedy, daughter of Mrs. A. Rene lleen by the lal A. i'caboily, to Matthew .1. I.?...r-?? of Mr. an?! Mr?. Matthew If. Loonm, of Pavenpnrf NerV. '.'? . Rfl Peatatty raaie bor d?bat ! I I ago, and is a memher of thfl J I? ague. Mr. looram is a mcm; Squadron A and ?he Y.ile and Ses Hfl went ?o the !.?>r d( r with Squadron A and n obtain ? commisaioa as ensign in ihr? Rflsanrfl. Th? date for thfl \? id din;,? '.as t . i ouiiced. John Wai r., who is to marry " ?;?? Diflaten, daof of Mrs. William l> n ten, i "> 11 In '.'< ?port, will fiv? h.. fan an August ? at ? > a i dding will m Emmanui 1 < hun h, n '. i i ? ? ? will follow ?n the Morrell cottage in , which Mrs. D ? ? Dr. and Mrs. William Allen ? I 27 West .? Mr. and Mrs. Eliol Batler w hi! ng. Mr. and Mi - Whitii g'? Commander I Whiting, command of the A mi i ? Mr. and Mra. William Sloan? i te? hi Moual KI . t te Soul ton. I | ind, where thrv ?ro of Mi ' ?. ? ti ? ' ' - Mr. an?! Mrs. .Ii.lin Sloan?, who married a few waeki ace, will i l from their Wl dding trip ta soon, and will ipend the 1 1er of the summer at Broeh set! house a* Par Hills, N". J. Mrs. I was Mi.-*? Elals Nieell Mr. and Mra. Casimir d< Rham Moore '? lefl Islip, Lone Island, vesterdsy, for ? . White '?'?? * is, where the] spend the greater par! of tagest Mr. and Mrs. Pater H B. Preling hujrsen bav? gone to Sei 1 ?land, for 'he remaindi r of I nimmer. Mr. and Mrs. 4i?nrge Lander ( gie left thfl ? rda) for White Sulphur Spriags, W Va The Hrazilian Ambassador and Mme. ; da (iama will spend Angus! at the Pro file House, m th? White Mounts ? Franklin A. "Mummer pent the wr-k enH with I.ispenard Stewart lit New? port. Mr and Mr-. William ("rittenden Adams are at the Thousand Islands on their house beat, the Idler. Mr. and Mrs. Georgs <">. Haven hsvfl pone to Ridgefield, Conn., for the re? mainder of the summer, Mr. and Mrs. .lames T*. ("lews will \ fre? ??i the Adirondacks in a feu from Mar.has?et, Long Island. U. S. Food is Vital Need for Italians Asserts Controller American Supplies, With Mili? tary Aid, Will Win War for Entente [< <irr*?;-'i..l. :.,?? ?.( I Rome, July 26, Gitisappe Canape, Tood Controller in the Italian Cabinet, talking to The Associated Press about aid from the United States to the 1 I tente Allies, said: "The efforts of the American government to help the Al? lies solve the grave problem of supplil 3 m i* fully known and appreciated la Italy. "Besides the military aid which America is already giving the Entente," he added, "and which will bava S de I influence on tin* war. American cooperation in thi question el supplies is of sisential interest to our country. "We receive the greater part of our supplies, both for the conduct ot thfl war and for living, from the An market," he said, "and the promptness 1 BnaVcial aid gives the a?ks bei already relieved 'i- of great dial II and anxieties, Equally important is thi help which America Will give DI through the proposed legislation in? suring adequate regular luppliei te the ?Allies ?t reasonable prices. Mas already adopted to regulate the can ill market and centre them in Em ports of the Allies, with the effort an increased field, deserv? thfl I praise. "The control of the merchant marine by the Halted States government," s?nor Canana declared, "will bavi es cclleiit reittltfl in the use of shipping for the transportation of urgently needed supplies, at the same time pre? venting exeeeeive rates. "Our new ally," said the Food l'un tioller, "1 roden! und enlightened on question, with lineere ld< joined to common sense, prompt in ac sfter mature reflection, perfectly ( has understood that the long III '? soon he wen bjf feres of am?, b ? by providing lubiiitenee for the people. Thai the United Sintis gev* ernmeat bai appreciated from the be? ginning the v.tal (?uestion of luppliei for its Europ?en alli?e aad 1 ening to solve it, undertaking a colos ? sal work to organise a new feed ad* minist retios unprecedented in the his i tel y if t he '-. orld. "Itnlians aie deeply grateful to the ?American people, Congres; und th?' gev? erninent," said Stfnor Canapa in con? clusion, "for what they have done al? ready and for what is to l.t? ii. ' the line of rappliOS. With their tradi tional courage and megeificent altn i?m, whereof the* bave gives ? pi by coming into the war, Wfl feel .sure the Americans will not hesitate t?i give u? the assistance that will 111 ure a combined victory." Isle of Man Fiih Increase Notwithstanding War f iv.rr?-a[<.' ?1- tl "7 Ifcfl ?AtmtAmM l'r?m?J I'ougias, l.'l?- of Man. July 1? Dr. Herdman, in his annual report on the Port Knn Pish Hatchery, says an in teresting fiature of the year's Word that plaice hatched and reared in the ! Inetltutien three years ?go pp. ? year fertile ?pawn. II? remarks thi? is probably th>? first t.m? the lesead generatiea e! u? h*en predueed and roared Is sap tivity. Notwithstanding difficulties Bl out ot war restriction? upon **..rk at ?<>?. ?,?00,000 plaire w from which ?J00.O0S young leb wow ***** \et\ end liberated in the ?es. Fear German Sales May Break Cotton Market U. S. Growers Do Not Want Trustees to Dispose of Large Stocks Many ; Bales Hoarded Teutons Prepared to Meet British Competition at End of War ? a' thP ' ! 1 be ' ' * me* with further German . . . ' ? I alien?, :?! ..- .1 be ' ikl ' would hold all ? i ntil i ? ' : u nt b<.- 'i*. buy- a tton m hug "il?' H i" Hu-, dimit? v in th?' fall and I ? i uinur i.f 1915. I'll.' ?.. | that 1 ? ' cotton 1 a- deelarat ? largo pur? ha ". i a fnmo is Dr ? New York tiv. ? ? hi r ..a i , Board with a complain! about < | . an.l many would Und ? ?! tHcu!? a v. lu ai i,, :?.?, ean ?. fot v ould ? ? ? ting, o tl * ths German t mille would have to I ij cotton ?r J. cents a pound, and then eemeote tmorieen mills, ?\ h ieh had laid ..? I to 12 ?a a I ho Bri ? ? ' ? me. Dr, a ? n marked ? war would ha- over by the ?'"1 lowing ' nary, ? ? Gera - i.f cotton began. I ., . outherners who thr? atened taking over anal ?.il? of thil cotton by 1 ? * mans have i . ? ' buying a lei a.?otl ad not ? ners snsios I ? ? ai! tl.i a i-aatton frnm be ' ' thrown on the market, but th.-y wish German buying *" continue, for it? ? on the pi ice of their maple. Mind Reading at Palace Leona La Mar Mystifies; Elsie Janis Held Over I.eona I.a Mar. a young woman who has a?. ' mind point, ereated some? thing "f a sensation at the Pataco ??? a anal evening. '?I -1 on t.. posse ling th? scut? sons? for lia.,' jewelry which sp? and pared of all mind ?. .a,ml that point, aali.i ?. drS ' home * and otl Not oven the eertainty that they ?ire be? ing tricked could keep yesterday's au from mai ? "?"*? j i tion : by lar the most ng of a lainir line of vaudeville telenatl Elsie Janls, pre- nt for a second i hi i- repertory to include two new Impersonations and one or '..,, revivals. Fr?neos White and. Emma C.iru? BTS Mi latest ; conquests, anal in both ?erfoe tion. Sh? ha eh >> delved into the ? for hor impersonation? "** Mm? Lauder. Herman \V,a?rrman contribu* recil .1. ami Charles a returned with their amu? ing m ! bur- ! amorous i portion of the time, sad th? remainder of th? programma i.-i made ?alnian, th* Kai.a sawa .'.-i and Cleveland Brenner anal compan. Identify Winslow's Victim The WOSaaa whom Kenelon Chase Winslow, Sunday school teacher of .''.. N. J.. killed in the Hotel ngton ?m Saturday because, he ? teal ala ?watch, eras Fanny Ken bury, Mean. she was known tu her f* SS Frances Bradley. The id was mad? r brother, Philip Kunsiasky, an.l her stepfather. Rudolph Marsololf, of, Roxbury. Theopliilus Winslow, the prisoner'.* ?a called a' the Di triet Attorney's ..?':.?. yesterday snd expressed surpris? on learning that the young man could i ? leaeed <>n bail. The pn -aaner eonvereed frankly and light i ? ith H S. Renaud, As- ; ?r'ct Attorney, about th?> . ? appear to in v of :in at- , .rue. Detective Kenny .?aiai thai then ?? ? to eonnect Winslow with nny other crime, it was oman had been choked will !'?? held on August 22. Folks Heads Relief Work Will Have Charge of Red Cross Civii Affairs in France Tar.- ' r Folks, pre?' - Delation for ; ? the stud] sad prev? ition of I sbcreo? . o ho ? seel tly arrived in Paris, nken charge of the department of ? ? ? the American RedCroOsI in France. irork of Mr. Polks will ha. largely i with th? gueslmn ii:' ? . :.? aaf orphaned children and rafe? fron the devastated district? of I the war zone. $10,000 Gift to German Town Held Up Until After War it whs announced here to-day that the api?"ii which agent? ?.f the ?"'miHn rament took from Surrogat? Me? cisii u thai a iio.noo be ? made I v John Sch?ler, of Nyach. taa Wildenthlerbacb, Genaaay, was Maid, had I ? ? ??'! by an order '?' ti . Dlvl -ion until after ihe v. Hotels to Drop White Bread Bost? VFhiU Vaiead will he eliminated th? menu? of Now of Aui ?;. sa a result of th? . on ? ? f t o "I *tdi ? r Henry H Endieott, ' men', \ . ? on with tala- Ma'sachu ????tt?. Committa-e on Public Safety to day. The Sinews of War Were the West Pagan It Would Deify Corn and Worship on Million-Acred Altars?The Crop Never Fails, So Varied Its Distribution?Food for Man and Beast By THEODORE M. KNAPPEN DENVER, July 28. It the West wen* pagan it would deify corn and alfalfa. Corn i- the universal crop throughout the Mississippi Valley, even up to where the rtvers grow small in the highlands. Prom I leveland to Salina-???] thousand miles and more -end beyond? com rules supreme. It is food for nuin and betel ?? i**. the area devoted to il and so widelyis this area distributed north I and south, east and west, it may be said almosl thai th, i rop never fails. It will not fail the nation tin- i n though of rain in ?lu* far West may reduce the proud promise of the July forecast of a crop surpassing - rs In corn the nation maj trust. Il is alimentary insurance. No ? ther nation in the world lu- such a secondary human food crop which may, if m luted r the primary crop. Amerii i Is ei lire wheal crop destr? yed and be sure of abundant food for itself, It can i at of corn and be nol one \*v hit tin* worse for doing so and 1"' able thus, notwithstanding a ?h?rt wheat crop, t.i export copiousl) t" the Allies. V\ hal is mon magnificent to the pra< tical man than a cornfield m July ? Already the stalwart plants stand six feel in tht fat i he broad green leaves wavi instate?* com? ing "'it and 'lit' murmurii I ivi and -t.i'!?*? are as the voices of a gri I t. It? fruit is food for man and 1 It fatten, cattle better than any comj d yet prepared It i- as good for man as wheat. It may be served in many forms, v hither to man or ht a .1 ' in the stalk and with the stalk ? in the . ilo, shelled, cracked or ground, the at?*"*, k relish and grov fat on it. Por man it i- the same big hominy gi ? ked or pearl com, mush, breakfast food, pone, combread, pudding, aweel cort on the cob, stewed corn, canned com and hot con It*? forms . I food utilization are more numerous and far more variant than th? ise of wheat. ? om is the crop of the clean field-* and the a< live farmer. You ?ilant wheat and the issue is in thf ham!*? of God. You plant com and you become a partner in directing its destiny. You may not succeed without God, but God will nol succeed without you. Corn mus? be cultivated early and late. Wherefore, it is a of much more labor and care than wheat. Your exclusive wheat farmer can sow his wheat and ^,; fishing for ninety days with no guill (a indolence on his I om the farmer has always on his conscience. ?*. oro also is the crop of conserved fer lility. Mostly it walks ofl the 'arm in the shape of sheep, cattle and hogs. Crops that are capable of transporting themselves to market leave behind them mosl of the substance of the soil that in their bodies was transformed into meat. Alfalfa, that glorious plant that make- the desert creen, is the great hay crop of the West. It flourishes and keeps its verdancy even in drouth It grows rank and dense under irrigation. It al? mosl knows no season. It keeps on growing from frost lo frost. 1 ; yields from one to seven cuttings a year of from half a ton to two ti ?n - at each cutting. It can be used a*- pasture. < >nce so** n it lasts for many years. It- roots arc the favorite home of the bacteria that draw nitrogen front the air and put it into the soil. It there? fore increases fertility. In taking it gives; It redeems poor land-, h i- ?n itself a sufficient food for hogs and cattle. It supplements the native grass range, it insures f< od for the wintering, it builds up the frame and bulk of the animal body thai is finished off with (?urn. It is a cash crop. Baled in the fields it sells as easily as ,\ i i at. It is worth $15 to $17 the ton to-day, and there may be five tons an a.-re to a season's cuttings. Alfalfa is, like corn, powerfeil in war. Not especially adapted as a human food, it is potential power for the animal traction that is -'ill of enormous importance in the supplying if armies and of still more importance in the art- and industries which sustain the army. As gasolene to the motor, so is aliaba t.. the horse, when mixed with certain ? ither elements that are p. ?tent lo pr< ?duce p< ?wer through muscle. On the Screen "Jack and the Beanstalk," at the Globe, Best Fox I .as Ever Done ".lack nial th? H?-an?talk" is the most artistic picture William Pos ?vor produced, and this is .-aid with due apologies to "Neptune's Daughter," "A Daughtoi of the" and "The Honor 8jstein." The heat, which was so intense ax to be almost tragic, did not keep people away from the opening, which took place last night at the Globe Theatre, and eveiy seat was tilled. The kiddies all think that "Jack and the Beanstalk" was prodased especially them, and uo il eras Sao angle of It, at least hut it !? tilled with such delicious, .-ubtle humor that the theatre ran;' with a;; ..-? Two marvel aia '.Iren, Francis ?arpenter and Vir-, ? orbm, play the leads. Not only are they th? most beautiful chil? dren a.n Un- screen, bat they are the most talented. Th? acting of Virginia, as the Prin? cess, in her love scene? with Jack, who ? une to slay the giant, is ?imply ? away ahead of anything that any j Other child ever has accomplished.! Virginia is four and a half, anal Fran? cis is a year olaler. Hut they are by i r.o Means the only clever children in eture. There I? Violet Radcliffo, who gives the cutest imporsonal Prince Rudolpho, the villain, who up-, lack in a freniy of Jealousy,; end there is Carmen De Rue, whose King of Corewtall should make hi ' .lack and the H? anstalk" i i i 'i?ly plausible by having a mod? ern prologue where .lack and the I'rin cess appear as Francis and \ th? manner of the beautiful drama "The Road to Tsstor? ??ay." Francis an.l Virginia have a nurse who renais them fairy stories, bat their favorite is "Jack and the Hean.-tta'.k"; so II is naai naaataral that when 'h>ar mamma?) go to a tea and leave them alone they should set out in search of the enchant. Francis tolle Virginia to meet him at the crosaroaais at :i o'eloek, anal, unmanlike, the srriv? firs? Bhe li fearfully agitated, and finally ?a? "If Francs aloes come, I dare not return home, anal I SSS rained." Bel Freed? finally appears. driving bis little motor car, and the two children ?tart off on the roaai t ? adventure. The adventures of Jack and the H make the ?tory, which is mure boaotifelly produced than one won't! believe possible. Nothing has been left out which might contribute to tha pa? f.rtion of the picture. Rut, in of the fad 'hat the lettingl .? i ? . . photography ? ma**vel an.l the children beautiful, it is the wonderful humor of the product ion which has the greatest, appeal. The titles contribute no? r little t-> ?his humor. <?ne of the title? ?avs, "An! Jack climhod up and up and up. ann ?*. ire H ?si dark and eool," and oh how 'he ?pertate-- longed to follow Jack into the clo?.ds. li. I*. ? Passengers Leap From Train Afire in Collision Cars and Station Burn When Gasolene Truck Is Hit; Driver Is Killed Long Branch, N. I , July 10. A pa< ' train ol the Central Railroad of New Jersey hit a gasolene laden motor ; truck to-night, just north of the ??ali ation. The gasolene exploded snd caught lire and a blast of Same ran the length of two a airs ami was car ried by the wind to the station. l'a ?singers in th. two cars rushed; for doors und leaped from windows, jamming the former m their efforts to : Th ? curs were burned to the trucks and the station destroyed. body of R'??se!l Fi-r.-y, of F.aton towa, N. J., driver of tl ? motor truck, Bad hi'iaa-a'. a the tw, ted wreck- ' age. Ha- had been burned to death ' William Miles, the mgineer, and Jame? Wellae? Fox, fireman, were bad? ly "ourned by the sudden llame which I into the engine cab. Miles is not a spected to live. The truck w-as owned bj the (iulf Refining Company, Justice Moody Left $60,000 Bulk of Estate Goes to Care of a Sister Balea, Mass., July HO.-The will of William 1!. Moody, former associate justice of the I'nited States Supreme Court, who died at his home in Haver hill on July J, was tila i far probate here to-a!ay. It disposes of ra-al estate and personal property valued at |S0,. A desk at which Mr. Moody did much of hi? work while on the bench and as a member aa* r I'.oose velt'a Cabinet is given to Coegrees? mar Frederick 1*1. (lillrtt, of B] ! e'..l. Provision sise il made '"or the transfer of other furniture, including chairs and d I by Mr. Moody whil? a member of Congreso, to the Baverhil] Historical Society. The m 'lie ?if the estate is ?..ft in trust for the support of a si.-', r. Stockholm Night Traffic May Be Stopped to Save Gasolene ? um A.vita.,1 irF,,; Stockholm, June It, The weekly quantity of gasolene allow is to be Sgain reduced. All traffic be? tween midnight aii.i 8 a. in., also prob? ably will ha- forbidden. There are now fewer than ll'? taxienh* in ser? ??>-, against a normal .',7a, and this number will he still further redoeod. The streetcar service was reduced by more I than one-third six week? ago. 70,000,000 Pounds of Sugar To Be Sent by Hayti to U. S. Rankers snaoaaeed yoeterday that Hayti, ir. return for favors, would add about ''.""? i.itin? pounds to the I nited Sta'es' ?apply Of segar next .?eason. Th? ?apply will be the output of the Haitian American Corporation which was fnrmrd immediately after ?he United State? established ? protector? ate in the republic. The company intends to treble the Rfarnint aaf sogar which it eitimated at could rrroduee in view of the desire ??xpret-sed by th? I'nited State? for maximum production of food ?upplie?. The Tribune's Fresh Air Fund Ye?t?*rday wa*? the r? ? ?on why you ought to send a conti but.on to The Tribune Fresh Air Fund to-day. You lived through yesterday, and suf? fered, and know what a cogent reason .'. was for bringing:, relief to any one who had to endure the heat. Hut you know the force of the reason, from .?ne point 01" view that of the well fed, well Wept person, aroun?! whom electric fans swept graceful breezes. To do a little charity it ii worth while to iix'ne a little trouble. Will you take the trouhlfl this morning, whlll th?? renu'mbranc.? of yesterday is strong within you. to try to feel yeiterday as the pour man and hi? wife and child fell it* Urnen Into Tenements in their hot weather storie? this morning the paper* will give you the ? i i! fei yew picure They will tell >ou ihat in the ten? nient ?liitricts ?if the I tj yesterday the suffering wa? ta. They w.I! tell >?>'i 'bat during the mi.l.lie of th.? ?in> the blastag ?,? |ee hot for human en dnrenee and that the people of the ? gaeped Is their bevels; sal 'hat 'lie decline of the sun cast a shadow Ml Meet they docked ou? t.? the doorways, the ?'urb*. th. ? ? ited there in er- .k that passage wa? slmest iaiyoeiihlfl ?agOta will 'ell \nu of the wail ing of bahiei struggling for life amid the heat, the criiwil?, the smells. They ?ill I? H vo.l of children who. e p!a\ lagg i and whew laerg] ehhed a? the ?ereary in the thermometer mounted higher and higher They will tell you of the thousands WM sl?*pt last night o?, ioerategfl, on fire escapes, on moi-. They will tell you a thousand oth?r greweeSM detail? to help you get a piel IM o " the poor yesterday all of Which >.?u will have been told a hull dud time before*. Probably that'? the only v'.'uMe, tli<> oniy reason why you don't get the pictui,. tnat. woul?! maku uf jesterday a reason for relieving th.? that would compel vim to give !?? thfl Fresh Air Fund, an?l other hot weather relief agencie?, and give again until not a mother or a child remaine-J within the limits of the city to whom relief hud not been brought. Appeal to Those In Comfort Will you take a little trouble for ikfl to .lay *n that some one may he given relief to-morrow? Will you spend live minutes trying to imag what it would mean to >ou if you had t?. give up your comparative MSB? t'.-t ar.l go down to live in the tene? ments the.-e broiling days and HAD TO TAKK. LITTLE MARY AND JA( K WITH T0U1 It am! ? abeat M f?r t-'ic Tribune Feed to givfl one boy or girl or mother two weeks of relief in the country. Two thousand boys, girls and mothers w? re saved from yesterday's heat in the eity by Tribene Fund relief they were in the country, out of the slums. Will you add one or two or three or more to the number of the reaened to-day? COXTRIBITIONI l?i mi TUIIll 7.K All? II M> . ' I * . . ? ,1 . ' a ta i ..o ?* . ? i ?rtlt? rurr . . 1? II..; ....... ll.M It? e i Un B i- M ? i" "" A I n Mr. ., II .'.!?. Un. I . Ii . . .hi M. . Dot I II .1. . --. Mi, ? Hall*. . Margaret I l( . . j u k .-. n i. - . la mi in et l. m v W . t il. V S . , ,',, Un. A. J ? r Il K I- I '"i I -u . > l?. -all. Hi. !'? ? flrl .,?.,? a ?.??I Hat '?*. ' ? .... ? .. ... \ .. |.i . I . i ? . ..., : , ? ... . ?. ? . . j*. i . ?"? Total, i. . ??. III. 1.7.0-,? ?.-. Contributions, preferably by check or money older, ihould I"' sent to The Tribun?? Fresh Air Fund, The Tribune, New Yurk. One Man Killed, Three Hurt When Automobiles Collide ?l!v I Map . ? . fhfl Trtliu:.?l Alexandria Hay, N. Y? July .T?. Louis IMngman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dingmin, WM killed in an automobile accident hen to-night; Cay Oarlock, of Oarlock Brothers, lumber mills, sus i srrious injuries, while John Hoover and Harold Weiler, assistant eeahiet of the First National Bank of the Thousand Islands, were slightly I hurt. A car OWUed by If. J. Pettie, of ?land, stopping at the Thousand 1st? i and Country Club, collided with and ; overturned the cbt of '?ay Oarlock, which hi wa- driving. Liquor Traffic #} Is Denounced in Senate Debate Sheppard Calls It Menace to Nation in Discussing "Dry" Amendment Few Members Attend Many Speeches Planned Be? fore Vote Is Reached on Wednesday Washlagton, Joly no The tight for nation-wide prohibition by constitu loaal smeadmeal opoaod ;n the Sen? ate today under unanimous consent Dent t.*. t:?ke a linal vote Wednes II. debate was purely perfunc tetJTi ?ritfe hut few Senator? in their ?eats and a small number of spec? tators m the ga!!. ?tor Sheppard. author of the ig roaeletiee le luhmit such an SSSeadmenl U the ?tates. opened the debate, an.) was.* followed h\ Senator l'nderwood, s*, ho m a brief ?peech op posed the roeeletiOB. The only other ken wr.. Senators Ashurst and SliMl', both of whom supported i'. Th? debate >? ill continue t.a morrow, sad ? lam number .at' Senator? have red their intontion o? ?poohng PI.?taut activity e,( the lmuor inten -? is a peril to free institutions? genatoi Sheppard told the Senate, while alcoholic liquor itself is a men ? the nation's wealth, moral? and ncy. Organized labor, he said, h..- been ??kaal ta- opi. proh bitton boeeuM bartender? and brewery and distillery employes are member? of union s. "Lahor i? asked tat. imperil its very ?xiateaeo," said th? Toaai Senator, ?to take food from the mouths an.l clothes from the backs of men, women and | children ?.a suitaln a traffic meaning hunger, disease, insanity an.) death faar the masse?, while liquoi batons i thrive in luxery. "If the lii|iiair traffic is to he ??radi? cated, the aid el the Federal govem must h>* invoked. The partner? ship between the liquor traffic and th* F'eala ,->?! g.. . am., of the most I rightful h< i he ? ?ivil \\ ai," he ?ai'l Senator l'nderwood declared the adoption el 'he smendment would "have a tendency to centralize our government under a polio? satooracy i Hueh s? exists m Oermaay and Aus lutigary, ?ntrenclip k* national au 1 thonty and weakening th<* sovereignty of the people, "I MO no reason why we cannot now trust, as wo have n the past, the en ; lightoneil electorate of each state to pa?? the BOeOQOOry iiaws for the do nestle Control of their own people," tin. AJabanu Seaator eontinuod "If the Federal government is one? called oo to enter the Bold, epprenead and ? | uni.-h th.e potty vices of the citizens of the state* in respect to 'he mat tars eathorisod by this resolution, it Iwill not. be long before offerte will b? reads to farther ex'?n.| th? police ! powers of the Federal government, anal this will result in destroying stato boundaries an.l the abolition of sta'?: government? Leader? on both aides expect the ' vote on the resolution' to be close. A ' two-thirds majority is required for pa? ??ige. _ Argentinians Toast Wilson Honor American Squadron at Buenos Ayres BaSlSI Afiee, July H. The recep? tion st the Naval <lul> in honor of Admiral Caperton, of the American saiuadron, was marked by an addre?? by Francisco Alvar?-/.. Minister "7' Marine, and i reply ky Admiral Caperton. 'lh.' minister ?aid thai whll? Argon. Is not M 001? iog it??lf with mat.i aif whatever kind. following In the path of the great republic of the north in its light for ! right, liberty and juatiee, He drank to the health of President Wilson, "champion of right ami liberty." and , also toasted Ambassador Frederic J. ? Stimson arwi the America?, marine. 5 Boys in Family of Seven Give Up Jobs and Enlist \. w Haven, July 10. If the number of sons given to the ?ervic? of Uncle Sam was ths same throughout the ?country as it i? in the family of Mr. * and Mrs. Patrick Hogan. of M Downing Street, then WOeld be no need for con | srription. Mr. Hogan. who is a team? ster, anal his Wif? are th? nr<aual _?.ar t seven husky boys, live of w"hom hav? dropped their jobs to take up ara*.* <)n the principle that one volunteer i? worth ten pressed men, these lad? did not wait for the draft, but jumped i into the first or**aniiation. Two of them are in Troop A, of this city, and ar- now in camp; one in th? service in Portland. Me.; one in Oklahoma, and oie in Portland, Ore. rTgT NEW AMSTERDAM _ ' ??ti-oliit. I> I -tatet* Tli? I mgeBiaiiiffi RooFi?ii-r.:i?3?{ac COHAN A HARRIS ;,.' THK SEASON'S SENSATION. "HITCHY - KOO"^ Ku non. I Hu, h. ... l. Grec la Ku?, \*?m. It?.. I- ?ll.I Krtan... Vt'hll? I ?on Krrol, ' rni? Buritonl. GAIETY ___V -.* LOEW'SNEW YORKTHEA.;* ?VM,*\ Where Hie ? uol .Viyht Air Briny* I'om/ort .-...t. Il A M tu II I' M H f ? . I A. M. "HATK"?"II VTK"?-??IIATK." Loew'i American Roof ;-;.;; l? ;' J* ?, , \i?'?? Hr.t.-es Art Htrt llirl.KKAI'KK III TTt.llrlinore. All K?-?t? Anacl A I ?. : MU.?<|.'. tiettm, K..IH..J (ira) A '.riantille ami ? oilier?. I to. ii, ??I ?*|B F.KEITH? EI>IK J.IMH, AI AfTF R""-> * ?*?*?" ?'t.ari- With ? /?\1_?***\*0*"_ ' ,r. ??,rl'.',,S,i, ?llj M?t? ?* II I ~ * ?.i?: ?|i|, u? li-l.. i.oi. I ? ilion i.'-- In? tu All i J. ?. KBITH'S , IMil.l.V ??INTKK.*?, l?/FR*??inF "?'I '?** -.???Ku..,. l_url? A IfCnOIIIC a ,,.r J A WAY ? J< "T I ? ' .?I.??* Kratii? A.-t?. ?ROADWAY PRICES R,AM0 HaII.Y AT . . ? AND ? It PRICES til ? ? l |1 Brian? X\ ??hhiim In ?kiNNEsri tun**. "in I r .op? In Kr?n->? {??.??aar.kl. BJalt. Or??.?????. 9 PLAYHOUSE "iKinLibWa? ??: THE MAN WHO CAME BACK! SEE THE 48TH ST. aTi-a. I of B' 13 th CHAIR oy&mjAr* V?iMa?r Hl'lMI TaaUr??!?' A - ? ? .? ? M PRINCESS Hra...lw? Mfa ?IV ' Sa* : ***** -a. in. ?a of 'ila.ia ?I ( um?. WILLIAM FO* '?-^iOWO?-R FILM mmw. 1300 Ci-iit-DREN eAFOOrr GIANT TWICE DAILY 2^*6*0 AVATS 2*0-50*. NI6HT? 2y-W TO-NKiHT AT ? I .al.a.ll lVri..rilla?lai ?? ?f I. R A N II ?I P I K V SKIHON ?! ( ..Lamina. I nltcr.ll> 1 aiuiti n ail hi a. tu THK a a?. .I.Kl-T sPf?T IN K?W ViiEK CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA a?? PAGLIACC! Witt. Claudia Mu/lo lui ?a Vlllaal. Ly.a S.tto, Gi????w Oudaaal an? ill ?tar ?aal Taana al ft?: in a Ualtrnll). I its HruaaJ.a?, Uxr ?(?all'aa ??[. II-- Blilf a? i all t|a-k?t a-w..-laa. crfoNrv lei *?>.'-*a rAwwaa u?? i ?...i a >i Illa K?atura?. Krtat Alllava-lla?a.?-L>???*Oat, UNA Mew Mu I.. .la? I II. riaar.t l.ran.llla). ( t*cU OUlr UTAW ' < uniiingluara.Thr Futur On/Airi 1 KJFt m R.vua, Night Boat, Rrla-riton tirar >? i Hmllh t* Aui'ln. aaihrr?. , | ".aiav a.*-*???**? ?iorinci Rice ta ?TODAY' . Katala-ra i'<ia aVaalolata I ? 1*r.atap? i Parla ?arvaX