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ICO Years -of CoiTunerdal B-^nking THE 1 Oty ?I New Yar't altada Surplus, $5,000,000 Resources, - $80,000,000 Chattet Member N. Y. Cletvrina House Member Federal Reserve Bank lotted States Depository 149 Broadway ?Stn?-er Bids.) Cor. Liberty St. Branch?-?-! Greenwich and Warren Sta. Bowery and Grand St. Ninth Avenue and 14th St. Broadway and 18th St. 2We?t 33d Street. 57th Street and Third At?. Broadway and 61 at St. 86th St. and Lexington Ave. Broadway and 104th St. Lenox Avenue and 116th St. 125th St. and Lexington Ave. Broadway and 144th St. We loM?mt Your ??cconnt Turn in Rails laiue d?a> with tl - -arn * ant a-, i' r^NClALvV???D PUtlsatlM OH-aa. 21 a?*ea-l?i?. Mm Tar* ____il* Il tu M KM? IKON < O M PAN It ? - ?*-.*? pay? ? - i'nmpany. m ..-' ? tai-: luly 31. ?MT. ? Ho . ??? ' ' ' ? ?t th? ?front ?-. ?17 her per? ??? m . ? high ?? and I u ill and gartajl? to aa-t***re ?a <i Notaa. to wir. H2.??0 I Cam pan v. la? rtfag? t? th? ?-ch 1. IH* *ntO coupon? tnaturlr.g on ar.d af??r ttm-a: ir with ail : *lf tul? a I th? under . ; herein and tba right of redemption ?J(7 ' ' U.NM.K? iKr?TnifirvM 1? Wi . DIVIDEND NOTICES. RANDA*U) Mil I im. COMTAXI NO J .S.w Tor. 1117. Th? ' . ? hrr." Camp* ? Vjgu?t 31?t. BU ? at t.-.a ?aineaa on Auguit 7'1st. on. --?? ?MM \ '111 UNO I "'11' V**? . ?XiMi!-- I NO ?. Mem v ? 1% t ? - ?i th? . . i - ("M?<- ICO mi a \ ? :. | i \? i' -l PAC? mini \, rovrAM ?I ' ?H ?at P. I ?? - ?t ? dent. ..?h i mu i? n mi ?? ? ? Urn ? ? A - .- .- ?,-, met* *-?? ?. par e??nt . .. . of reecr?* ? . \ l TttTTM?. SecreXmry tSfr- ? Reflexes of War 1? 16] I ' **?"" ?d in the aggregate *?"*?*? '? anghai ar.d any ar.j Jap.? i r? ??_**- ? ?y- The 5?TT**d K'at?i bought more Chin??? _y*-* ? ?? two other * z?WMla to traniport freight at na J**'* I* ?*"?' '?'?'. ?*-,? Id r k?e th? year -e? and ?ctioni in uraonal "?"??"??i ;?.-?'?- cond. m.** " with their ap r**m*-i og> AM\\***-W*'i ' i* rrrrr"; h?.?*, ??rM u "?? i t?JJ40?-*' ?*? ?'?? <BJ*"?' *'?'- ' ' '?' ?ted ha? L' ? JJJ- <*- ,?.. . ? , , y'.../:,Uhn ?*?, Msmtam'T **' ? "? "n ??^!? ?'; '?"? *?*"??,, * '' r" _rf. * '?t ?etiM ?J!; " '??'? ?H?4 ?. L" ?Jch f?a? "*? ??rth l?? ? *** IW' ??>????-? B?Hua ???'*,'*' ? ' m**-?** ?i? ? .. -Une lu;."'' ftanea freei "PMMnm\* /*y *r" '""-'! m th? ?35s. ri'**"*1* ?aaae? ??,_ ,#? **"> kev? had ?mnt*)4 tt_a__'>'"***> "'" ?? " H*' defter.''.:'''''''" " ' ?' few*-*. ?**r**t t*i wora o? ihn? Active Securities ????^?????????????? Stocks B ? Asto-?alad TtesA] Little relief from th?; monotonous ?essions of the preceding week? was furnished by yeitorday's ?tock market, prices attain manifesting: uncertain ten? dency on the narrowest dealing? of recent months. Erents over the week end were in? terpreted as favoring" the long; ac? count, but traders experienced no dif? ficulty in forcing; important stocks under Saturday's final quotations un? til the hour, when the customary covering; movement prevailed. Rails were unresponsive to the bet? ter crop outlook and the settlement of the switchmen'a ?trike, albeit the latter waa at no time a market factor, and metals were seemingly indifferent to another advance in the price of high grade copper. I.oc;il monetary condition? were un? disturbed by the payment of a 20 per cent Liberty Loan instalment, al? though the amount payable from this centre was roughly estimated at $?3, 000,000. Call ioan? were renewed at ?S per cent, and time rates wore easier. Subscription? to the new J100.00O, 000 Canadian govp-nment loan were opened with every indication of a large demand. Transfer of another considerable amount of gold to the Pacific Coast for shipment to Japan elicited little interest. More gold also went to Spain. United States Steel and other indus? trials, together with shippings, made up trie greater part of the day's busi? ness. Steel rose a point, to 1237? at the opening, fell to 122S, and rallied later, closing at 124*-*. a net gain of 14. Aside from Liberty 3H?, dealings in bonds were nominal at irregular changes.** United States bonds (.old issues) were uncnant/.d on call. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Rail- Other All roada. stock*. ?tucks. Yesterday... 20.500 320.700 341,200 Day before. 14,700 207,700 222.400 Week ago...39,500 451.200 490.70C Year ago...31.300 1?S5.600 216.900 January 1 to date: 1917.. 12.494.800 101.485.100 113.979.900 1916.. 15,608.400 78.057,100 93.665,500 All stocks quoted dollar per share. Net High. Low. Close. Chg. 100 Adams Ex.115 115 115 ~5 :?". Ajax Rub. 67 66'2 67 + \'s A (ild Min 5 5 5 - A Juneau. 37a 378 378 Allis-C Co 29 29 29 ?2 300 dopr... 83**-4 83'2 833.4-?- '/a A kgr ( h. qi-ig 91-*g 91 ??*-.?2!-s A Beet .*>. 92H 92'2 92''2 Am Can... W/\ 48' \ 48' 2 - 3, AC A f C 76'-2 76 76 ? *-* 100 dopr...116 116 116 ? Vt A In: Corp 37'2 XsT/t 37'/-? Am Ice pr 58' 4 57 581 4 - ! 2 200 Am Exp... 52H 52 52%-+- Vt . ? A H & L pr 60 60 60 - * Am Ice... 15' . 14'4 15', 8---1' a A Linseed. 2738 2678 27 ? ',4, 100 dopr... 63 63 63 - Am Loco.. 73 4 72' ?> 73',i - 34 300 Am Malt.. 16*4 16 1?3?4- V* dopr... 71'4 70'4 70'4?1'4 1900 Am ?<me:t.1C3**8 1023410338- !**? 500 A Stl Fdy. 69 68 tm*%-*r '4 ?JKar.121 120 a 121 ? ! a 1800 Am Sum.. 50'4 49 49'.?? 19*a 240 A Ti TolU8?4 1 *3' 2 11334 400 Am Tobac 204-2 202 202 ?21 2 doprnw.101 g 1011a 101' s- ' a Am Wool. 5378 5378 5378- 4 A W P pr. 37'2 37'2 37' 2 lMSaiaaeonrU. 77'2 76*v4 77'2-?- \'z 200A Hry Gd.? 15 15 15 -3 Atchison.. 10034 100*-*8 10058 I 4 v G ? W 1.106' 2 1051 2 10534?1 7900 B Loco Co 74*4 739t? 74 - ? I O.. 70'a 70 70'a- Vt Botk Btl B.123 126's 123 - 1 Bklyn R T 597a 517? 5973- 'a Potml 19 ?9 19 - an Pac..160'2159-.4160 ?1 Cal Pack.. 37 37 37 ? '/?* |j I \-ither. 83 87% 88 ? ' 4 CDt 1 toteo 35 34! 2 35 I ? SC ?1 SO . A O. 60^8 60' 4 60^8 - ' 8 . (Jt Wit 11 11 11 ? 100 dopr... 33'4 *>3'/8 33' %? ? s C M ? St P 70' a 68"*g 6378?1 1,10 d<> pr... 110*5? 110^i 11038- '2 I 34 2 344 W/i ? 59', 58%4 ?9 + V*} - T2 ; 7**% 72' 4 -r '4 i - 20 1978 20 ? CCoa Cop M78 54*8 ?47j? !8 I 30J4 51 - 7a ? i Cm A H 40' 2 40- c 40->e- ! ? Gas. 109 2 109' 2.09' -? - 1 100 ( I. < M 16 a 16 a 16 a " '* Corn i'ro 35 2 35 35 8 *' 3i SfiOCri. P pf 97 4 97 97 - ' h Cru Steel S2\ 8' 82' 4 - 34 I' St pf.'03,8102H102H- '? Bn? 39*18 39 39.8- Vs ??? 89'2 83*?4 83 \. tO*/? 97a 9*8- n D ? Hoe 28A8 28 28'8- -a Bon 34 33'4 34 - 1 :','3 2Vx 24-8 100 E 1st Pf 36 35 3G 2 - . ?3 2 - 4 2 t MAS P 52'2 48' 2 5V-' ? B C 38 37*8 33 - ^4 ..,ast W. 39 35'2 33 - 3 , , Co 155 155 155 - \z M 113 11,J8 1lfQ*f. I2 ,, M pf... 883,4 ****** 8894- 94 Good B ? 5Q"2 -W-2 50'2?7, 40O Gl N -'104 104 104 - 9s 4.0H'ske'.; B W/s 38 38 - *4 lat Ag pf 58 58 58 4 3o In. Cop. M 55H 56 ? ????rior 99, ?* ?***. - BIMlal M M 29'2 28'2 <? ? ?* g ; M M pr 89' 4 87*^8 M' a ? t |.. ,',p-r34'8 34 34- /2 |. N'.ckel 39 38'4 Wm- \s 22 ft 2 ' Krn ? ?,p 43 43 43 ?-1 tr? StP927a ?'.?V g ?3? 4 63U?3-4- U m*****1 ' 2) Jl or\\ 1 MOLonlP. 206 205 206 - 1 r, ? .N*..123"?123'?|123,4- H\ M Motor 33'/, 33-H33V,.- H M SU.I 59 58 M ? MSPASSM.I? 102 102 ? I M f, p.r 32 31H 32 Moi P?w- W ?0 90 ? ?j; K*?fc:.:*lSi *m **?/.-n Net i Sale*. BlgkI?***~.Ca<M?*uCaaCe inn No S.* .-?!. 97 97 97 I ?? : ? Ohio Gei. 58* a 57*4 58 - ' g 5: 2 V/4 5 4 *a PAP pr.. 91' g 91 91 - 1 Fenn R !!. 53 * 53 53; a? ' ? ! Pe* i. I I 77*? 76*8 77*, 300 Piere? Ar. 40'2 40 uy 2 f* !4 do pr... 98 i 98 3 <??' 8 P I W \ i. 32 32 32 Clfltl 55! 2 54 55' 2 I IM doprctf.122 122 122 *2 100 Pit Stl pr. 9973 99*8 99*8? '/t 600Pr ***tl Car 73 72? _ 72',-?? ' 4 I Ry Stl Bf. 52 52 52 - 100 do pr. . . 98 98 98 - 14 .. Ray C Cop 27"'8 27"*8 27*. 19B0 Reading... 94'2 94 94'4 K' ;? I ft 8, 9158 90*"8 9* S - **B KiO do pr...103 102*8 103 ? Roy Dtcn. 65 641 2 64"-? 14U-. Sav Ar**i*..iC2:a 93 100 -2 4".) .-as M ?* -? 19 18 18 ?1 - ISLAS F. 17V_ 17!4 17'4? '4 SOB St L Swat 32 32 32 - '2 S Alt I- pr 28 28 28 - 100 Sears Rbk. 170 169' 8 170 - 100 Sine OU... 43'4 42 *4 42 . 900 Sh Ariz... 237a 2378 23*8? 's '?SS AI. 53*-4 53*4 5334- 1'4 400 So Pac... 9334 93*4 93* ? , M?Se Ry.... 26*a 2534 28*4 200 do pr. . . 55 54*a 55 ? ' ? 24500 StU(i-v'r. . E'*3 53' 2 54 ? '2 -MMSap Steel. 45 4478 45 - '/2 1700 Tea C ft <* 18*4 18 13'4 sa 400Te*UM Co..188 187"*8 187' 2 ? do rt?.. 20' 8 1934 2t> 8? ' 8 Tob Pred. 65--? 6434 65 ? Vz IBB do pr. . .104*4 104*4 104*4 MO ?B Pac pr 79*8 79"*8 7938? *?, - ? ? ? W/o 44 44?1 '15*a 114*8 1l5'/2 140 Un Dye'tf. 65 65 65 ?1 111 do pr... 94 94 94 ?-1 lMUll Proit..134S8134',2 134*8-15-, !" R In pr. 20 18'4 20 ?1 11100U S h A'..169"-. 167 16?' \ Rob. 615? 61 61 ? 34 93mV) I* S Steel..124'. 2 122'? 124' _ ? V 2 ? do pr...11838 113 ? T*tah Cop..104 10334 400 Wab pr A. 49 49 ?00 do pr B. 2C'4 26 l Weit MdL. 19^4 19' 2 WcatffhM. 43*a 48' 4 ? ?i Ce. 687a 687.> ?Vh & L E. 155a 15' 4 IM do pr. .. 33'4 33' 4 Willy? Ov. 32' 2 31*?8 126 126 ; W p ft If. 36 36 Bondi Trading in bead? on the *??>? York Stock Exchange Monday amounted to ?:,614.000, against Jl.lO.'i.OOO Saturday. ?2.671.000 a maat. ago and >'.*??.?,000 a year ago. From January 1 te date, IMS,? 331,000, again**t "?.?.O!.<>?':*.H00 in Itll U. S. Governmenl Bonds Reported by New York Stock Exchange (Quotations) -Closing M .*i.?.iy. Saturday. aVv, reg. 1994 .. '??-.; ? 96' ?Ml ? 2?. coup. IllTto_ 96' 2'" ? n' 3?. reg. 191S."M @ ? 99 9 ? 99 ? ? 99 9 ? "s. reg. 194*?.84 9 ? 84 9 ? i 3?, coup, 1MI ... 84 @ ? 84 9 ? 4?, tag. 1921 . . '04 if ? 104"/j# ? 4?. coup, 192S. . .104.2a ? 104 2?. Fan. 'It, reg. 96 ?? ? 96 *?_> ? 2?. Pan. 'SB, ????.;p. 96 @ ? 96 @ ? 3?, Pan, 'II, reg.. 80 9 ? 80 ? ? Ja, Pan, '61, cuup. 80 @ ? 80 t) - Government Bonds (Sale?) - ? typ? ; Anglo-French *> ?her. . 99.""6-50 99.4C-50 M. 93 . 99.36-50 . 9V , 83 ; . 93'4 r.9.36-50 93 * '-50 . . 99.35-50 99.30-1 ? .. . - . . ?., 99.35-50 9T3--50 rv . ' 36-50 93: 2 < _ .. 91.34-50 . 99.3B-M ' . ?a ifl . 99.37-50 . 99.38-50 1.000, . . .95 . ? ??-. . 98 99.45-50 i- - ?. H || :. L i :., 8?1 ? '. ;- - ? ? I '?? :/.'? ? ... ....-? 93.43-50 ?*? ?-?.44-80 99.42-50 80,04) ? 99' 4 1 ... 99?*, 99.4O-50 -?'). 42-50 Be ? ? 99.45-5? 96'a 90 , do new 9*.45-50 ? 99 , ?.46-50 ? . 99' - M.000... 99.45-50 ?9*. Am * - . 99 a 95"S .19*, l.on-1. 96' 4' do r,'-.? 1S21 . 95 99 95 4 Anglo-Krenrh S? RfiO ... 9" . 95 . 22.000. 93 4 "-?*>' ? (t'ui)tation-?)* r,?,v la ' . '?y sterling loan 4? 9? ?I ? 74 9 ? do s? 1909 Mai ge* 80 ? 90 50' .O ? Chin?-? Gov Rv? I? do 4? | -- ? 68 36 I) 38 City of TMtlfl *? I91J Montre?! I 75',?*? 79 i 99 ?s? 991? Cuban Ret ? ? I Newfour, : ? 99 ? 99 ? 98 ,9 99 do ?er A 14*49 Norway f? O, t 93 ? 94'a 100 ?100 . do !%? I9*** ?*?? f'* H*t' 89V4? 90 102 9103,4 Imp Ru? 9MM v? ?:?"? <*pier*?--- r-,'y u is;o 208 921** : 99'-9100 4 ?to ?, ?!'?'.'. Rep of I'm ? 82 ? 84 148 ?151 ?Jo B1?,? 'Swi.? gen ' *' 72 9 74 ? M!-8100 IUl Oov f. II?! do Ifl M? ?9>. 19'2? 99 i4 Jap Mee : 0t\? 88'? City and ??tnte NYC ?>*.? iur.7 m y r .v.,. ? i May '*v?r \J0BB 101*4 IJ0BB . 84 84' , 102 N Y Canal 4. l'J?0 do 4a 1?*>9 9 . M', 1,000. 94 [ Railway, Other Corporations gate? (000 omitted). Low. La?t. ?vt5e...100 100 100 . 92 r-2 ? ' Tel rol 7a? . , im 62 2 62 f 62', ? Fe ?en 4?_ Fi . 88*, -. , -' H .- - **; , ?; , ? Cfc Air Line as.. 93 98 33 ' I O tit '*. 96'? 56' , . ? .. 85 85 85 - da. -v? i i > 87'? 8T'. 97' ? ?? . 97*>4 97i4 ml - tea. -IS 98*4 98'2 98 3 . 93 93 93 . 96 95*4 951.? '?Bur. C K ?i: N col I?.. 97 a 9*"? 97'? I Cent Leather gen li... 97', 9"*i? 9**, 1 Cent I'aa-irt- 1st 4?. 83'2 83 , 83 ? ? . R 1 ? N I ?? no *: ?,'-)'. , m A Ohio con Se. . .100*? 100'. &?" 4 8* ? 8*4 78' 2 73', g Ken ti.. . 69 89 89 mV/, 80 ? SO1 ? 1 H - i div. . . 98 ' a \v. , 6i', 65', 65', 20ChU ? i.-rB '7* ? 97 97 17% 87. 2 87'2 ? riK 4'-.?. 82*? 82*., 821? 88 88 88 1 Chic * Nw ?en 4?. 8?' , 86' . 8?' a ! Chic P.I.vPP.y gon !? - " KV S 8C ? . re? 4?. 70?-? 704? 7?3?*a : ' I? . . 72 72 72 I & South re? 4-.s. . 79 79 79 7 Com Gai cvt ?a.110 109'. , 110 " D * H -vt h. 98 ?8 98 * tien k Rio f?r ref 5?.. 09*, 59 ? 59', a A Rio V,r a-on (m... 72' 2 72' 2 **2' a II Secur Corp 5s.... 7? 2 70'2 7*'? 1 E Tau VAGa ron ??. r 100 100 100 4 En?, et 4i. ?er B_ 53', 5*>*? 53?, 10 Florida E C 4'5?. 89 89 89 I On E!-?- deb 5?.102 101*, 1017, 4 Haark Val tat ?a? t -v 82 82 82 . Il L M re? |a ,er A . 59 58*, 59 7tn ?.86' 2 8?*., 86' 2 ?tar?t* .*>..101' , 101 101 "-? 4'??.63' 2 63?, 63?, :' 1 H T ref Es.92*?, 91 *a 91*, 11 Int M M 6?. 9:i? 93--? C PI S i M II.70'2 70', 70'2 - K ?7 Term 1st 4?. 82', 82*?, 82*>B 4 Lark M-m| I? 19:3 .... 98't 98', 98 ? 5 laehirch Val ?on 4'-??... 95", 95', 95", : la?- k Myer. '-*.98 98 98 T I..aillard Co 5s.100 99'? 99?? 1 LA.N 5? NP1A1 div. .99 99 99 2 Mi.iva!? 5?. 93 93 93 4 MAStL I?i ref 4-. 43 48 43 a'ASSM lit con 4?. 83'2 88 88' 2 IMoK?T Ut 4? 63 1 68*2 68' ? lit? . 92 92 92 1 .' 55 55 55 SI d. . 591, 59 59-F, I M Tower Co 5. ?er A .. 95 , 95 95 - U.100*, 100*, 1X1*, AHI? deb la.10314 103' ? 1C3 2 >NYC&HR -'???.-'rnpt'-i? 93**3 93', 93**, . N'Y*. 1, "i* . 96 96 96 12NYOAW Ut ref I?.... 67*", 67',, 17 t S N Y l'y? ref U. 53 53 53 4 d.) adj S?. 23:, 23', 23 , '. N'i.rth Pac prior lien ta 67*?, 87', 87*-, pr-.or lien 4?. res. 85'. 85'. 85' 2 1 No ? ? ? ? 1 Ore Short Line ref 4.?.. 87' , 87' , 87 , 11 Penn RR ?en 4'--.a repu 94i, -1 , M ? ! l'orah. nuit inllerie? 5?. 92'2 92'2 92' t U Reading Ken 4?. 90 90 90 1940 103' 2 100' 2 100''-? ' " '. |tM -.? . 97', 97'? 9" 4 I ?> I. I M A .-*.? rgf 4?. 80 80 80 ' . -an t la ?<*r A. 61' ? 61 61 : St L A San F 5.. ?erB. 80 80 80 I St L & San V adj ?? .. 66', 66 66 1 St 1. 4 9 f in.*, t? ?i 2 **?:? ?'i '. il A M E l?t 4. 861 2 861 2 86 ? -ard A L adj Se. . 60 5<* 2 591 2 ?r, R Tel A Tel le .99 99 99 . 98' 2 98' ? 93 4 ? et 4?. reg. 8' 4 8* ? 8*'? ref 4s. 87 87 87 By con 5?.97J4 9Ti? 97*4 1 Te* A Pac Ut 5?. 95 96 95 ret 4?. 65'? 651? t5J? ' t?.?l'a 91*1, 9", I. 4?-60 oO 60 121! s Rabtter Si. 85' , 85 (-.5 I?.104> , 104 104 I Va-'ar ?"hem E?. 98 98 98 * .100 100 100 ...100', 10 . ' i.* 5?. 86 86 8? . 4?. . 82'? 82'? 82' . \ ? S A D div 82 4 S3 ? 83 ? Curb Market Note?The Tribune a??iimc? no re?pon?t hil'.ty for the accuracy or aut::entu-i* ? ot t .rb ..?.on.?. Transactions ar.d prie?? mmt**a\s) were a? follow?; Industrial.] O; ?f I! _ : ? '.etna Eatpl . 6*, 7}j ?. ? 3e *".?*, 6*. 6"3 6", ??a A "U 5 4 - . 2 91 I . ? - a*. 54 CO 7' ? ' * H .'*?' I-.,- 23 J ........ I . 'N V ? . ? \ ' * . ' . ' - ? ' ? ' A. . I ? 4 "> - : . ? . ? a ,??***, .I Moi :-? ' , - 2 . I . I - ' - - : Standard Oil Subsidiariet N-t ? -'-?-Am O'l. 20 . ? Other Oil Stock? H?? Open. High. L"w. Laat. t: 01 . 2% m ?n-w O a? pn 20 20 49 49 49 49 - ' a.' ., g ,- , ? " -1 '3 13 13 pr) M 60 -.7 43 PS -, . . ? ' s 1f? 1'? ?'? .?a'"', . ' - ? r*> ? 'a ' * ?'? ? : l !.? ? ? -6 6 6 ? ? Oil .5i ?**, ?We ?dopr ...10? 10? ' 10? 38 38 37 Va 1fV '?** ''? 'ft ?'Midvreat O . 90 1-90 ? t ?,, rr . 105 14? 105 1'? ??' t Rrf 175 175 172 172 ?N \-"k 0 \*. \* ,J4 ** ?*.VA"ex Oal . '*. 'H '* T4 ?tNorern Ui! . 62 62 60 ?2 ? <U.a O rom 7 8' 2 t' j 8 Pr?R. 8?? 9-, 8* ?do rt? . . . ? 4 '4 ' - On n A G 28 28 25 27 a-e-H Oil 9 ?'i **? ? Oil 42 49 40 48 ?p,i K] Otl 5r, 6 5X4 6 1 '?ap O A K 1'a 1'H ?' t *'*+ (l k rX 1-, 1-V rax St O ' ?'? "'? IM. ?? -. Wrat o ?>, *4 ?'. ?*. O new at 8 ? B'l ' o ??*'???? h 7a ', 7, ?Wynm OAR . ', ?a ' 1 S 27 9 <8 6 i*H i Mining Stocks Salts Open High. Low. La?t * Aa-m* r Hi!'? 2 2H 2 ?'? \-|lr ?Col Me? . "a, **, ',, ***? "Ali.'aa B1 0 34 ?5 34 34 ?Alaaaa ZAC H *, t? 7b ?? ittanta .. 9' \* *S 9' 2 10 ? A-11-r (a or) ?, .. *?, *?, !? 1 L Cap . '*, 2 '*% 2 a V ? 73 12 73 77 B CAZ et ?ta**, ?' , 9 ? 9 ? 9 ? ?t ?'? '1 ?'? ??!*?>.) 61 66 63 6? ?Ci mart ? J IS 'S 'S 1S 1 ? . Co?****! 2.' 2-i tH 2 ? ?'.. ' > 7 7 6,6, R Mln .. tA 1 ', * *, '.", 1 an Aril Shi 2' , 2' ? 2 , 2' 4 Cam? <'np M 8'? I?, r, I Ka a Tan Hom-attead ?, *, ?, *u i:>: Crtuoa C Gd 5', ? S', ? $100,000,000 Government of the Dominion of Canada * TWO-YEAR 5% GOLD SOTES Dated 1. ton Due Augm I, ft?ff Interest payable February I and August I Both principal and Interest payable In L'nlted States gold coin In Sew York City, at the Agency of the Bank of Montreal Coupon notes In denomination of $1,000 The obligations represented by the above notes and all payments In discharge thereof are to be exempt from all present and future taxes imposed by the Government of the Dominion of Canada, including any Canadian income tax. This offering is made subject to the completion of necessary formalities and to the appro '0? of counsel WE OFFER THE ABOVE \OTES FOR SUBSCRIPTION AT 98 AND 1ST ERE ST YIELDING ABOUT 6.07%. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS WILL BE OPES ED AT THE OFFICE OF J. P. MORGAN A C0H AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M?, MONDAY, JULY SO, 1917, AND WILL BE CLOSED AT 1? O'CLOCK A. M., THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1917, OR EARLIER, IX THE DISCRETION OF THE UNDESIGNED. THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO REJECT ASY ASD ALL APPLICATIONS, ASD ALSO, IS ASY CASE, TO AWARD A SMALLER AMOUNT THAN APPLIED FOR. AMOUNTS DUE ON ALLOTMENTS WILL BE PA Y ABLE AT THE OFFICE OF J. P. MORGAN ??* CO., IN NEW YORK FUNDS. TO THEIR ORDER, ASD THE DATE OF PAY M EST WILL BE GIVES IS THE NOTICES OF ALLOTMENT. Temporary ccrtipcatrs will be dclv-ered pending the engraving of the definitive notes. J. P. MORGAN ? CO. BROWN BROTHERS & CO. HARRIS, FORBES & CO. BANK OF MONTREAL FIRST NATIONAL BANK NATIONAL CITY COMPANY .Sew*- York City A-** York City GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF V. Y. BANKERS TRUST COMPANY .New York City WM. A. READ ?c CO. July 30, 1017. Ifljflfl, Oren. High. Low. Lait. ?' ? .'h Min.. 1' - V 2 1*? * j >"r>-\ C ia pr).. ?? ?? ?? ?i ?Emma '"? -?< , V/% 1 ?*? H? 1*A 1700 ?? na. 56 5? 53 65 M.n 1 1 1 1 . Min . 8*4 8*8 8-?, 8% H ..l H /. Miaafl 1 ?' i 1 ?' ? ?Iron B'.ois?om . 7a "I '? il ?-.lim Hitle- . 72 73 72 73 -Jer V laproai V/g .Yg 1 ?". 1' a .i -. .;?; ,i : - - . -, ?*, ?"i A -I im R.'.r . 26 28 25 26 ?Ji M r.NM ip. 2'j e*Vg ?V? 2!.j 01 .. 1 1 1 1 ?lag-na Cap 53 53 52 51'/, ?tMacmal s C . 24 24 24 24 l-Macnatfl Cor ?) ti *a ti ? " M.r. 11-13 11 , 12 Ma? n Valley 7'g 81 ? "">a 8 rd i op i?? 2 1*8 ?H ? M ?-rol M Co 80 81 80 80 j ?tM ? c .* ? *a r? r? r? *-M v. - Us?e. 32 37 31 3? ?Nati /..r.c ,v L -? ?-5 52 55 ??.'i Z.r- api ", *, tV :*? NV-.'.a? Mn . 1* t_l 1* t* ? *. . iaaing M C. 7i4 7V4 T?a 7*,4 - v | 11, 14? 1 -h*. ' H i-.d r C 32 34 32 33 H?r Min 3'4 3'8 3*-4 3*, ?lUd War M?a ">% *?? 4 *? I a Mi? 24 24 24 24 -ter Min 49 49 47 48 .Vi" l?, '??, C-?, i*m h ta ta ta 10 10 10 10 S-Ld . H 1) H *i 29 29 28 29 **?. *"??? 'S _* 2 i 2' 4 2 4 2 4 oa 20 22 20 20 ' -a *?*? 34 * A '2 ' 2 ' 2 '2 23 24 23 24 "?? 2 1***, 1"2 :2 22 21 21 .11 if 1 ? - ' 69 69 69 69 ?9 69 65 67 :? 24 2t 24 r .. 2: 26 25 26 Bonds .*- ?le? I). 0 n R ? ? 98is n w I 100*?, 1 ' ', ?? 84 84 84 ? - "2 72 72 72 ? r ??* ' tgell ??- - ?ha?*?. Consolidated Exch-mge [I' of Inde on this eichanc?. M >hare?.| ! pri-e. )*?t?."!jy : r th? ? 5?al?*?. Open. High. I.o?r !.???. - * - . P M - M pr karr 187 4 168*8 . ' ? |124(? ? | :'' 73 Jj 7! ; ? " '" ? - ? ? "- - "' . 8? *? :*l 54' Industrial Cotton An early iee?TM wi? followed by starp rallie? in th? cotton market yes * rjay. There appeared to be a feeling that a considerable improvement in the crop outlook hod beer, discounted, and a diipoiition to ever, up short contrsct? before the publication of the govern? ment's report on Wednesday developed. ? ??i?.', too, that the ear'- d?clin? \ttn |Ve?Bd for the mo-.?? ment had attncted IOU ride bjy.r.-*. ?ad there wore appn-h? irions that the area in for a spell of dry, hot weather. The market opened steady at an ad \i-tre of | points to a decline of 22 pe?ate, with the irer.eral list I] to .3 point? lower. October contract? sold I n*-.?: Dee?ember at 23.* > on the call, ma-vine- a decline of abou*. II I points from the high ]?v?l of July 9 in the can? of December deliveries. Liverpool was a selltrr, but houies with Jtnaneie connection! were among the hiver?, wh-le t >ere w?? aino buying by lite, the appear? ance of which doubties? increaieJ the disposition lo rov.r ?h?rt?. *"uck. buy? ing became a little more active \g the ! it ?fterae? a. with October selling up . I and I eeember to 2*1.31. The rinse was wi'h-.n a few points ?f tne he??. Amfift was relatively easy dur? ing the entire ?lay. elosing at a net de of 41 points, while later months I -- II to ? roint? net higher. Two private crop repoats \eere i? eued. on? of them making the cendl ; tion 72, against 70.1 last month, while l the other placed it at 71.1 comparad ; ?rita. I '.4 laat month. ThtM porta were about in line ?frita*. I I published toward the end of last week, ' and their failure to inspire any fresh | selling of eonsequencee led to a su?- j , pe:'ion thi*. a booriah burr-nu hi''. I discounted. Considerable attentio.i l ? whs attracted by the reported arrival [ of 4,MS bales of Chinese cotton at ' Baa Fran<"aico, Lut it wn r.n*. regarded I as of ?ny particular market lifnifi London cables said that the ! B'-ard of Control was ?ipeeted to limit i yarn pniduction to M per cent <>;' th? I ?pmdleagee capacity, but ] reported a rather better tone in goods, | with a good demand from China ar.d a I fair domar, i fron III lia. While marine j insurant people are ulking a further advance in war risks, Livorpool cables th? ocean freight situation is be- ; coming brighter, owing to increased construction and (Motor assistance from Allie-? and neutrals. Exports for , the day were 10,111 bales, makir.-g '., ,421.2-0 so fir this season. Southern spot markets, as officially re; were unchanged to 2*> points lower, gene-rally unchanged. Yesterday's Previous Year clr.?.\ close. ago. Cash . 24.60 25.20 1325 Contract: It . 24.30 24.71 13.02 October . 23.99 23.81 132' ; December ....23.81 23.63 13.39 January . 23.71 23.50 13.45 ? March . 23.38 23.66 13.60 Metals Those dealers who are (??? advanced their copper quotations yes toritXJ ??*. of a cent a pound. Late At.? trust deliveries are now heid by these 'nterests at 231? cent?, Septa-riber at - md th? loot three months of . ;.r at fro?? -, . -nt? a pound. Leading producers ar | | fron the market pot : price adjus" ernment. rpot prieoi ? - i ?' of ?he ' ... ? ' ? tort corresponding time of la?', year, f Cur A year I price. ?go. Pig iron,No. 1 fo.r. dry. tin.555.00 120.75 billots, Pitts? burgh, ton.100.00 4*.0O ? Copper.electrolyt.o, lb. 21 r'30 .26', th.63 ? .3" || Lead, lb.10*r, Spelter ?St. Lou II . lb.10'4*?.10'2.'0 Sustenance Cereals Wheat.?As far as the wheat market is concerned, it is not a market but a situation. Very little wheat *.s being traded in and both the producer and the consumer are awaiting develop? ment? vhieh will give a better idea re -*g the future. <)-*,?ration* yes? terday consisted l?rg?ly of further evening-up of contract? ia th? ?'hiragi marke*, where the July position ad? vanced 2 cents, while Septa moer de? clined 5c. The July situation will rlo?-? to-day and, a? no new bu?mess is al? lowed, it is thought that September contracts w41l soon be evened up. Cash wheat was inactive and irregular, rang '.?; from 10 cents lower to 5 cents higher. It was ?aid that the food bill conferrees had agreed on the que?', in of a |2 minimum, which the trade at large is inclined to look upon as in , assurance of high prices rather than a reduction in the cost of foodstuff?. Py a'e reports from the Northwest said that good showers and lower tem? peratures nad broken the drouth there and rei-.eveil anxie'y con adorably. Th? risible supply in the I'ni'ed States de? creased 2,7*',2)000 bushels, compared with an increase of 9*>7.?>rtO last year; i the total is now H,8nO,<lOO, compared , with 48.140,000 a year ago. World'? eiporU for the week were (-*.,99t",000 . bushel?, against 9.971,000 the previou? week and 10,150,000 U?t year. Loeal j rash prie?? woro again nominal, al I though it was said that the Southwest | was asking price? which would be equivalent to I?.76 for red wint?r wheat and $3 for turkey hard wheat, c i. f. Now York. Yes'alay's Previous Y-*ar Cash: close. close. ago. X.-w -fork. ...$2.70 $2.75 $1.34' 4 Contract: Chicago. July. 2.62 2.60 1.19"??, Chicago, Sept. 224 229 121'a Corn. -The weather wa? again very hot , and drv o-.?-r Sunday throughout the corn . belt and *om? further complaint? were re- ' ceived -".-i"l nt: deteri.-ratien in the South west. The trade, however, wa? in -lire,] to take a rather maire bearish view of the market .-on dition? and after an early advance price, re? acted and close.! net nn.-hangeal to \%t lower. I redtct-.ens of lower temperature? in the Far West were looked upon as favorable, and it was thtwatht that too mach importance ha? been attai-hed to the damage in the limited ara a. a a?ture? have etTsasad very active srowth throughout a very lam part of ?he belt. The visible ?upp'y d"--en<?i 74.0 b'tehe!? trttk ? U**-al of S. 144 pa:?a! ?i-h 5,187.000 last year. In th? !"c\i ca?h market No. 2 yellaaw rom was ayioted at I mai No. 2 nr.*.-d at flM t i * Kew York. Yes'day'? Previous Year Cash : close. cloae. ago? ?2.39 5^ 38'2 03*.? Contract : , September 1 63?? 1 63?? .78' , . December 1.*3>? 1.19', | " , Oat?. TIM .Ta'v ro-i'a I i-. the "hicaoro . oa'j, ma-'?et rea<** early r . Tt wa? ... I be ??sa BSV -......? ...... ? ..?r alte ine. The caah revet won tirant with little preasu.-e I? . Yes'da/, Previous Year <"a?h : (!??? close, ago. 47 ' ontract : J .:.? *S*? 7bVm .2% , , .61H .a0% Rye. -Market dull. Vet ia.'t Pr.vioi.a Year Ca?h : close, .-loae. as? H V. N. : traitera t -"1 $* 88 % Z7 Hour and Meal. -* Yes'ds>'s Pr?\i?*?>is Vea ago. M r- ?r-. ri* $13 "' |1 12 20 al kiln dri-d . 9 25 9 2? 4 3, B> ?oeta 4C0Q 40 00 23.50 Produce Markets?Current Butter. Re?-??ip?>. s.1?-? tmtbaam, r try, bisher ?.han ax? ... ,e : ex - ? firsts i".* to 31 seorei. ????"? 'iii'alted, higner than extra?. '?';??: ?Ut? dui-y. tube. gajod to rr - I te * ' - ' - r*r~ fr?ta. 3V; ?rats. aecnr.-ia, ISH?JSte? lower Krade?. 32','i.'.-*, fmea? "V*ei<, make. N" I . ........ .owar a ? hee??.-Reeeii ts, ! Ill bo-*ss. State. ?. tats, fresh, colored, ?pavials. lb. . whit? .1 l?'?_..* . c.i.ored. average run. 21 ?? ta?, - choir?', lower era i. ? twin?, fresh. coior?>d. ?[?-*ial?, 22?; white. He : colored, averaar? run. ? -e. 21 ?i.-; airsls daiaiea. 7:3 '?a*. ., . \*?'i??on?in. whale mi!?. t, twti rhit?, freah, 21 '??*% 12c . ?ingle launa?, UHtft-tl1??? : double dai?ie?. Vo.jr.if America?. *4V ? ?tete. ?kim?. flats, ?perlais, ?e ; ?wins and -heddar?. flats, rnm? to choice. '?a . "snd a-hedda-? ? - I . 1 ,c , fair to good, s'l 10? . lower Ess?- U?<*?ipt?. **a,3l4 cases. Fresh g,th rre?i. eatras, do?en, IS -? -? )<?. extra flrtt?. 34 t," j.- ?rtif, 33*?l35c : tecon it third? ara| poorer, ll'n Ac . dirties. No 1. :? N > J and porer. t0?ft2*e; eh??W?, goo?l to ehoia-e. dry. IM 17? . under grada?, ?tate, Pennsylvania and nearby Weaurn, her.nery white?, tine to fancy. 4.i .; 47?! ordinary to food. 4-'Kt44e: gathered white?, ordinary to fine. 4/**"?44r; poor to fair. 31*f3tc W?-?tern ?rd *?aauth?ri.. gath i-H-i ?* . - l . : ?Ute, Pennsylvania and nearby, henr.ery browns. 4''+) 44c; gathered brown and mixed colon, 34'-i.?3c. Orchard and Plaid Vastarle/. A year ago. Bean?. mar*-n?. 131*. $'5.50f 15.75 $10.00# ? Pea. terete i?,?at 1.00?> 1.75 .50*1.75 ? I-ons Lal and, tal?; . . . 3.00*? 3.50 2.00.- : 29 2.25 S 4.50 I 50*3.00 Grapeft. Cuban, ho, 2.00# 5.00 1.00?4.5O Uranges. Cuban, boa 2.00? 329 1.75*4.50 Hsy aaat Straw Ve?-e- 'a A v???r aa-o (Per ton. i (Partan ) Timothy. Ne 1. large, bales |20.00?22 50 $24 00*0 ? No. 1 rlover mxd 1|.W*f IStOO 17 (Ml 18 00 Rye Straw, No. 1 1$.00?> ? 13 09*0 14 00 . . II'.* .I??, LOO 9 41.S0 27.(10 I Livestock, Meats and Provisions 1 ? .' ? - ..; i I ? .. Vw Turk. i?. A ???? a?*? I..?- . . M.J0 e|II.25 tl.M eil?."M ? ? . .is * .is?', .is e .is, LI?? ?-?.a. !'?"?:!? It? 9 It.OO 1.30 ? 11.M .is a .1? .is * ?<i i..?? earn .i) s.M m i?.m *.*e r L?*?il" fair lu 14.DO * \J .11 ?? .17 ... lb .20 I .?s IC.IM ? IS.25 19 1*1 I ?; , < 44.00 ' La. I. Mi a 20.20? a 20.SO? 12.70? ? ll.tstM ? Coffee, Suga?-, Tea and Cottonseed Oil Curr?- t *'- Mi prie? year ?2?? ' - Mflft ? Tea. r? ? ? ML per !r) 16 i S .ear. rran ilataal, p??r lis 7.10 7 , C'.ffee. R o No. 7, per lh .... *r*_ 9' j -i I il, per lh MB ColTe? Futur?. **? i:i the ?hout 50,110 hag? ehan?-?*.?, ior Deeemher at 1 ) ; ??? i - . ? pani. I - being rep?.rt??i o? 78,"?0<i ba.'??. Yeite-?! .y'l A y?af C ' .*-ertem!er. 7 ??- . 7.8C.J.'.; I . 7..-.1 *"ogar Future?. There *u I ? ? t? I ? lh? I hiwh . .** for a re?. but tampurary. Y*?t?rr?!ay'? A; ear Cootrart: cloa?. earn .6.M ?*?}.**-*) 5.* r . 6.77*9.6.78 6^5*^.27 Vier ember . 6.4595.4? 6.0496.0? .__? 4.8494.35 4.M94J0 Cottona**?*! Oil Futur??. Th? rr.?rk?rt wm ? ery ? ? < r.inge? in i u-? laH. When th? 1?H ma - -j.rlj- in th? *> ??Hing ? ? ?re t ... ? Total lalei ? *??- la/'? A year Conlraet: ago. . *3.8. . 1 1.94 k ? er . 9 9 *???9.'5 ?r . 13.869 .3.8? S.A^tLOB Business Troubles fetin??? I? Biakrv-rt?-* \f H WMMS9 DK A ?-??in !n hail , M II *???? ' ?. ttSmtMl ? ? -._ II ? Jtaaw*a kite?. I - . '. n? Bl.?.???*? r??mpa,-v 4 ? I'ur-nn rerel?. ..-. tn J ill It b? abaatt I. a ?-?? ?.'out $?,v"*M. ?icu. MtU. oaraa <x>, isc-a ?>???-? ?? ban?mr??> . ?- " -?. w? ? !ir?a< i ?> , I-i.? . ?n?nuf?(t?ira? of la '.la?* !r??aae ?t 2? r.a.t MU ?i . by th? fe' ?> -?lar IWI. B Abra-a? ?i*??? ar ' lite j.iir? ??> ..cmtmt' l H- ; I - ? I ? l*a ?i'O'.l ?? Ml . ..'??.it $? sn* Unie w viiuJCR. of Jan amia? a. h?> ll?.t a t?..|?i?*n i: t?-_krip..-y, >?:-.*i I'.iM ni*a I > I u? an IH?U MMataaa B C I'EAKE A OB. m?3 i*a/-tu*?r? etoatia a* 71 V? i~r I"?.-* I ... . - i aaaala of ? ALTON narss am? water en v i?4 ir-?? H Baal ?.'r.-rl . ? ? ? I I.alii !-.'??? .vi .!? til ?nil a?-'? <?*" 114 ?M. KIKJHMAN ?v -aaf at ffl ? i -?? ?t h??? ?W ??-*-?-?tut*-?? J?i tjnl* r?ip?.> ?Uli UablllUaa ??* S "? ??? ?ml ssmi? at Atslttmmtt MORR1? HARRI?, i.'.ii a? nartaa tmMjm W-stPa am*. H<rta-a Ua ??-'?-1 _br**.g R-. .<r Wart?, tt l?ts Ith a. an.? ?7 S?**M 1*.?U a?,, ba* aaalaTnad u BtuJ-unm L??ia?.