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parently was the same-as that .picked up earlier by the British wireless. The department again emphasized that no official notice from", the German government -of the event had been received hero. Kaiser's Exit as Ruler Fails To Jar New York's Eqainimity if fh> <rx-Kni?<?r ts ?t a'l B?n?ttl>?e We W??y vwll have sonto cause to -???1 ta*t a bit peeved at NV?v Y?^'. A.'ter carefully arranging for a ?h~<*?t ctHUMatto exit, with all the spot Hghe* Carefully turned tn ht* direction, X*t" York calmly phruirired it*? shouM?>rii aad failed even to nr> much ft* arff-PVr a forwarding add res?. And this, min<l you, ?s fho aarrto V??? Y-ortt which only two dajas be? fore <**tvt m*d over a fla?<ti of tvo**s vnh?t?i ?fWnvard turned ou-t to *>a Ain tro?. Wtrti the absolutely authenticate?! nc?*s of the abdication of tho Hun niter fn Its poesesion for hours, New York, and particularly Broadway, went Atout It? ordinary affairs without $0 tMttfa ?s the fllightoflt ripplo apper.r )?g on ttha surface of event? to matfc tan jrttgtt ?if world-wide Important But that/? typical of Broadway? It?? no pitt$3 for a "dead 'un." tip to a late hour last night carpflil hi???Ugntlon along Broadway, Fifth A'?Oim-? or any of tho popula?- cuobb towsi' thoroughfares fallad to diado*--? u rtSn?k? horn. Confetti was conspicu? ous 1>S" It? absenco, nrwl at least four cabflMPt bour.cera W?*fc ?oon to yawn ?<rotiv4ptououi?ly et* <>arly ?? 10 o'clock. Th*? theatre? reported th) UftU?l BuUiirJdriy night business. It (H always vi gaod night for th-j theatrical folk, but iciCt night WHS In no way utumually M>. Njjt was it at anv of ihn papuln-r hotetfe and restaurant. In fh*',, one or two restaurant mon declared their business was slightly below normal, duo undoubtedly -to -t!? Thuraday night . jamboree. Tho Kaisor joined tte rank* of th? hiss-hsona early yesterday morning. Broadway was wise In nn boufc. Why celebrate? Who waft thi* Kaiser person anyway-? Kaiser's Proud Blasts of 1918 Become Meek .Matterings in 1918 Vice Ktiiaev, in the courte of ad?ire&?ds tnnde o? fits war progrcMRfid, 0ttffV6tS&i himzeff an follows toi miUlrtr-y tuid civilian bodice-: Navsntho)., Ia?Jt "Under all circumstances, the onomy will tes beaten."--The Kaiser to the Brandenburg Regiment, behind tha f?en*. Juwq, 1Q?8 ~"I'h<y*e not willed thlf."- -The -Kaiser en seeing? group of falten German s?lditmi on the Western front. J?lu, tStti 'lit t? the most poignant grief of my life that I am not able to take n moT-e.?eivr.' part In the war. It is m.y earnekt desire to tak's my place In the tt?ttt?tAta. I could take my plaen with .tits .youngetxt of .you, and 1 promise you I treu?.l feave my mark on the enoniy. ?"Ritt the Almighty had diicread otliarvii?!. HJy life must bS conserved cffwfiiljy tar tho welfare of Germany in ardor to carry out tho duties assigned te me by dtvhte appointment.'*- The KatacT to his soldiers on tho fib m ma front. Saptcmimr, 19-JXJ "Ewury-hody'nnut.:admit that out nation i? great, thai, tt fis, without com? plaint ?rr iussttation, sacrificing overyUiinvj -fnr a gma causu. This ib an inspi? r?t con daitacd from Clod."-?Thr- Kniaar to offteora .about to return-to tits from. January i mi7 "IlnTH trrwsa are .?till before if:. But (Ml will stand with us anil will jrrant victory to our arm;.-."- The Kabstr to the Oerman peoplo, conveying his thanks foT birthday gTuntrni?;. May esa, lurr TWa will continue to fight urM! we secure a campLete victory. 31ny 'the (iad of nur .Trmic? gm> us blessing in tic? war "Which has been toread tm us!"? f/cp Kata?T tx> hia aouI?ctt. on thx1 Arrw? iront. juiv,, m.i.7 "We lotrl prar??c?l Christianity to hrhi? oirr iiv?a in harmany with the Lord, (icntiaewn. hnw fasoinnting and marvel buss J.y manifold m Ftis personality. We nustt alui>y ft thoroughly We Hvn wlhi the Lord."?The Kaiser to army chapia ht.. August, iW.17 "Ahovo all wo stand resnlu'.e to pro-secuto th?e righteous war of ?citenc?? to ;i auccesaful victor;.'- Our enemies de mrt know how Germany can fight. Our ?j??np<? may rest assured that dormit? blond ami German ?enl are not beinp: l?ambied with for nn empty shadow of nmhlthm or schemes of conquest, but in defence of a strong, fro empire in which our ahilaren m;iy live in security." Kaiser^ proclamation to the German panpts .and armlna. Augiuit, L9.J7 "A difficult struggle lie-s ahead ef ua. But, with Qod's help, wo shall see rm,? Rtnigpiv through and ho victarinus."?Tire Kaiser to his troops an the Hamlet? front. W?bruaru, fK?B "Tira Gorman sword has prepared the way for peace. Look ahead! Trust m Ofidf" ~-Tht Kaiser to the German Agricultural Society. March, tVttS ' "Firmly trusting in the sword, I f-.tir> n futuro which will bring: us v'tntarj and a strung peace."--Tho Kaiser to ?h'.> Kins af Saxony. Jinvu ?R?B I knew that Prussian militarism, ho mach ?hused by our 'enemies, whicl my forefathers and I, in a spirit u'f uutftUhpsBi, loyalty, order and obedience have nurtured, has given Germany's swoMl and the Gcjrman nation stranptl too triumph, and cha*, victory will hr>n;f u parara which will guarantee the Gar man lEfe."?The Kaiser to Chimaeltai- van H?rtung. August, IHni "firatrt'ulU revefing tho divinie hand whldh'htis been extended over Germany wi? may proudly say that wi^ were not foitiu'l unworthy in the tcetnendaus tanl before which Providence placed us. Wti inudi, llierJefofe, coninus to fight Gat is With us.'- The Kaiser's proclamation t? llo Getnum people. Qciohtn;, 1V1B "The hour is )_'rav?;. The will ftrr defence nnrftt. liinfl all separate views an sep?rate Wiahea into oiw great unity ?if ejmejjpficm. Clod graut us ?arhth'mg o the spirit of the War iif Idberation."?U'lir Kiiwev tn fhe .German .Industrial Ass? rlftilori Germans May Seeh Modification* is the View in Washington W *..-'? i ..??.. \rv. 0 rBy The As !; Germany's decision ? i. arm ee terms presented to ? '..? mi' 1' Marshal Foch has not boon mad-.; known. so> fur as th? ?Vtncfrciin t-'".i.Tiimcni was advised Id \h>li u;' -?-iiof finr an mmottnee :.><?; i ... ; monUn', officials did not i osslbilities (if delay as tha t u ???' the momentous events hiring within the border trf Q#h?S?i :? .v > ,? -? blush, announcement from "><? the deci ?on of Emp n ? Ic . cate Was taken i ; re ? . acceptance of the Allied : ??us had been ti icide?! bly the aK>. ?r.i.. ? to hmnnnc? his ' ! ? an be. u parly to ac. Iiastic tcrini as arc ':? :? ?? been imposed by ths W .?? : i uncil ai Versailles. ?la;. Seek Modificaron ? olhet hand, it ?fas pointed out 'ha with the Kaiser out those respon? sible '"<??? the conduct of the forern rnlghl possibly ask for ' >? of th* co?dition?, no? ?he Presiden! Wilson** demand? for 'h""e*1abJ.?hnw?-!tt of a gvvtrn merit re~ EXHIBITION of LANDSCAPES ASTOX KNIGHT November 4th to 16th JOHN LEVY ART GALLERIES, 44 E. 46th St. spun? ?hi" surety to the people is to be carried oirt oatensibi-.. There can he no modifteutinn, however, and the ?'.ra.istie;! mini!: he acreptcd or l-ejocrcd within th?1 time pet, by Marshal Foch ? 11 o'lcloeb; Munday moraine French time.. The Regal Casualty List MISSING H.OHENZ?LLERM, William. Kaiser, Neuer Palast. Potsdam COBURG, Ferdinand, King?. Sofia. CO BURG, Borifs, King, Son?. S01? LESWTG-HOLSTEIN?- SONBERBURG - GLUCKSBURG, Con saintin, Ath: n ?. D?ED OF WOUNDS HAPSB?RG, Frarwft Ferdinand,, ArcMefc?, Schoenbrunn Palace, ^ ienna. * ROMANO FF, Nfeb?lofe, Czar, Winter Palace, PctrogTa?. i HAPSBURG, Fmn:-ji5 Joseph, V-terma ana -Badapss*. UNACCOUNTED FOR I?APSBURG, Karl, Empero, Vienna and Budapest. OSMAN, Mohammed, Sultan, Constantinople-. NOT KILLED IN ACTION HOHENZOL-LERN,, PYa?ksrk-k WfIJiaro, Own Prince, Berli?. ITOHENZ?LLERN, W-?ffiara Eit^-^^-k'h. Beruft. HOHENZOL?/ERN, A-d-o?bsrt, Bcrli'n. ROHENZOLLERbi, Anerusl, Berl r-, HOHENZOLiERN, Osea*, BeTlifi. HOHENZO?iLER?, Joachim, Berlin. German Barrage Fire Delays Courier Carrying Truce Terms Contlhiletl from Vuv- > rying o-ut some secondary clauses. Then Erfcberger asked for a suspen? sion of hostilities Ifi the interests of h u m :: n ! t.v ? Th ffi reef n ex.'.. ' Marshal Foch fiaHy refused. The delegates, having obtained permission to send a courier to Spa communicate with that place by wireless, withdrew. Marshal Foch immediately wrote an account of the proceedings and sent ?t to Premiet C?em?nceatt, who received it fit, noon. The German delegates are lodged lii a country mansion at Rethondes, she miles cast of Compi?gne and thirty miles from Marshal Foch's headquarters. AdtnJt&l S'm? Present With the ce m man'lev Iji chief at fihe tiim'1 of the interview were Majw General Maxim? WeyganrJ, his assistant,; Vic^Acirniral Sir Ross? lyn Wfemyet}, First" Lord of the Brit? ish Admtealty and Vice-Admiral William S. Sims, American repre? sentative-. Later Admiral Sims left for London. French opinion, which is remark? ably restrained and conservative, is ttuehirnotfs in th? vier.? that Ger? many will capitulate between now and Monday. There is no tendency to exag? gerate happenings in Germany, but it is felt that the Germans have h;:d enough to make it imperative for the government to ma';e peace at the earliest possible moment. M. Copies, writing in the "Figa? ro," fairly sums up the views of all editorial writers when he says:: "The details of revolutionary movements in Germany are lacking, hat we learn enough from hour to hour to feel already that they are neither superficial nor fictitious. Do they contain deep-set revolution? Are they hut riots due to the reac? tion of the defeat? What authority does the republic proclaimed at Munich possess? These are ques? tions which concern Germany alone.."' While Germany is reflecting on the Allies' terms, Marshal Foch con? tinues his blows without, intermis? sion. The German army may brea?; at any moment. There wer-? sign: of a new retreat from th? Scheid1, yesterday, and the French are alon<; the Meuse over a front of fiftser mile?. The alternative for Germany now is armistice or invasion. Kaiser's Fall Rouses Fear In Washington ('outlimed from page 1 Belgium?net. rn th? way nf atrocities, ! of course, hut in the way f>f exnctine; ? '/hies' end levies on the individual j cities arid communities. "Germany has exacted hundreds of! millions of chillara by ?fil ;'5?, so | I ree no reason why tie? ?llisfl should iio-t proceed to any lengths necasSar/y to compel the German?? to restore the country (lie;- have devastated. 1 d'j rot believe for one moment Ihnt they should lie permitted to escape . scathed, merely because they huv split up into a group of small nations. "But that plan would scarcely be practicable i? Germany now indulges in a revolution of the Bolshsvlki nort. There wirl be no m?thad of ctrmpeshn t.ion tlien, snvo to wait drearily until the madnsBB ii; over, and then inot'rrn whatever new gtivernmehl finally raise? from the ruins the! the German people must pay for the barm they have done, no matter who their rulers maj* be or what form of government. thej? may adopt." Fear Bolshevism It iK this lust contingency, the ides of a wave of Bolshevism, which pre ? vented the news frum creating happi nesB in (hose circle?, where the Presi? dent's statement, of many month?' ago that we h*VB no quarrel with the Ger ; man people, meets utter agreement Th." lusn of reparation lo strickei France and Beljriui7i does not strike (hi sympathies of these so much as the fear thnt the German people, in throw? ing off their Kohenzollern master, may bs cursed with Bolshevism rather bhan bles?to-d with a real democrat te form of government. These taking this view, however, are very much in a minority, so far as private conversations ar- concerned The most, distressing point about the happening in Germany to nearly ever' one in Washington, and this appliei not to the corps of Allied diplomat:; where, of cours."., it would be only na: ural, but to American offleialB a.? wel is that it appears to make the probier of reparation greater, and- may make i a ?most impassible. One factor in the final peace term of course, is made amazingly siripi There ?'an be no territorial question ? any si riousness at the peace table, sai insofar as the Allies themselves nu ,t:r... ?...,.? Wim W?TJ Pay for Loot? Revolution racked eGrmany or an em- . pire divided into a dozen or twenty little states will no!, be eager to re lain colonies. Certainly no strong voice could be raised for them aX the peace table. But when it comes to paying for the dynamiting of the coal mines, the turn? ing of Nort.hcrn France and Belgium into a wilderness (much of which, some experts say, will be fit for years only , for pine trees1, the bombing of towns I and village? far from the seen* of i lighting, the bomhardmeni of unpro? tected coast towns, the submarining of . re? rchantroent.. the levying of impover? ishing fines on inoffensive communities i occupied by the Hun armies, and thn : looting of everything portable wherever III II I II I LI .I'? ?] Ul. KJr!Lj%l ' Announce a Sale of Women's *** Trimmed Wraps Capes and Motor Coats of Duvetyn, Velour and Velvet. Formerly $150.00 /Von? 95.00 $195.00 " 135.00 $250.00 ? 195.00 $295.00 ? 225.00 $350.00 " 225.00 Women's Dresses of Duvetyn, Velvet, Serge and Tricolette. Formerly $135.00 /Von? 85.00 $175.00 ? 125.00 Children's WinterCoats Hats and Dresses, Also Infants' Coats, Muffs and Bonnets COATS?Sizes 2 to 14 yean. Formerly up to $32,50 $95.00 $135.00 HATS Formerly up to $22.50 Now 17.50 " 32.50 " 55.00 " 85.00 Now 7.50 Children's Dresses of Serge, Velvet,Gingham and Chambrav Formerly up to $32.50 NoW 17.50 $48.00 ? 25.00 538-540 FIFTH AVENUE 44th and 45th Street A: =5?K ^JjAM?Sts * // Poland Water ENDORSED BY THE MEDICAL 1'KO FESSION THROUGHOUT THE WOULD WOBI cflWrn?. NATURAL DIURETIC taiovrtl fof its woiKkrfei ?UnriteOtij eff? " up UM kidneys. Bu been nvmnifrdrd anri used In thcu saitda of east* o? Malaria. Scarlet .irrl TyphoM Faver, ?o pr-Ttni .ho?e dl?eaaes ?rom teams wn'H ir? any ..,. ji upon !!'*> timeline* and k Ineye. The greatest danger fn>m SPANISH 1NFBU i:\Z.f la the after- IT---? ?icon ?li! feldne) and p-ir 'an I In anj quantity with perfi!?.1 5? Ha? l?->rn ujio i In every ;>;sr'. o( tho wot'.Q in cafes -X fewrs ?vhtMfj no other ivater wai allowed Bot :-.1 at tho Spring under the most ?anl t>- conditions For sal? in any Quantity by t"'SH;St-? m ?1 grorcrj generally sikI a; POLAND WATER DEPOT, POLAND SIJRINQ COMPANY. USD BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Telephon -. Madfs i Square^-471*. SI \D FOR ILL! STRATED BOOKLET German Battleships Turn Guns on Reds C-1OPENHAGEN?, Now 9.?Six A German battleships anchored outside of Flensburg have direct? ed their guns against the revolu? tionists and a bombardment is ex? pected. The battleship Koenig, which refused to surrender, was taken after a hard tight-. Hun hands could reach that brings up the real problem of the Allies. it is not thought here that the ab i!?cation of the Kaiser, or any event which might follow, would have much effect on the armistice.. Of course, if there should he a revo? lution, tho men signing the armistice for Germany would ha'.v? no power to do so, and the Allies would be faceA wiih the knowledge that the acts of the German emissaries might hi. disavowed by any gov-emment growing out of the chaos. Will Contener Armies However, it is thought thai the fight? ing with the German armies., as such, fcg certainly over. While that huge war machine is still in splendid shape and capable of a stout resistance-, it is thought far more likely that some strong hand may attempt a conn inside i " Germany with the army than that th; military farce would continue to i ; se the Allies. Should i.hc: armistice j'uil to be signed th? Allied armies, it is declared, would fight their way on, or proceed into Germany without fighting should there be no resistance. Then the job of forc? ing reparation would have to wait on events within the German Empire. -?.- ... Searchlight to Mark Envoys3 Rendezvous ?pAR?S, Nov. 9.?When the ?* French comimind received the German Headqoarter's wire less announcing the start of the ; rmistice delegation, the ?elc gates were directed to present themselves between S and 10 o'clock Thursday night ai a cer? tain point oil Lb Capelle Road. Th crossroad was clearly mark i ?'? bj the beams of several searchlights? At the same time the order was given in the Freien lines that hostilities should be suspended over a distance of several miles in the region of the meeting place. The three automobiles bearing the German delegates arrived at 9:15 p.. m. and were received by delegated French officer?. These officers got in the automobiles, and with the window curtains drawn proceeded to the Ch?teau Grancfort. in Compi?gne Forest, belonging: to the Marquis de l'Aigle, where they spent the night. Ousting of Kaiser Recalls Fate of Russian Emperor Czar Nicholas Snapped Down in Midst of Crisis That Shook Empire Abdicated for His Son Ruler's Private Life Made Miserable by Boisheviki, Who Later Slew Him The abdication of Emperor William and the renunciation of his rights to the throne by the German Crown Prince recall ?he fail o<* Nicholas Romanoff. Gear of the Russia?, and the Czar's abdication in behalf of his son. The similarity of the two urea', crises it; the histories of Germany and Russia is a tonce apparent* While only the future can reveal Emperor William's fate, it is interesting to note, that Nicholas Romanoif was held powerless by the revolutionists, deported to Si? beria and little more than ?.year aft? r his abdication murdered* Niel olas Romanoff, once Czar of all the Russian Empire* and first of the , autocrats i o he deposed in the great , war, abdicated March 16, 1917. The Czar gav<< up his throne without I a s'niggle. Two davs after his deposi? tion he left with iiis taff for his per? sonal estates on the south coast of Crimea, only to be arrested a week later, and returned with the CsSarina to I the royal palace af Tsarskoe-Se?o There the roya! family was imprisoned i *'o? months* Wealth Confiscated ! Three weeks after the revolutionists crime into power Hie Council of Work men'? and Soldiers' Delegates con;'] cal i Ihn enormous wealth of the for? mer ruler. In August, 1917, the ex-Czar and his lamily were secretly conveyed from Alexandrovsk palace i" the city o! j Tobolsk, years ago the administrativ ? centre tot exih - banished to Siberia.' fi is situated on the eastern side oi (irai Mountain.-, Loon miles Petrograd* "Reasons of state" was the excuse of I;; ? Russian govei nment for s< n I the ex-Czar into exile. In Tobolsk Nichola: settle?! down to a confined c.\ ':?? - in l he form "? covernor's n:i? ac? Murdered by B'olsheYiki It was while the former royal famil; was in residence at Tobolsk that ?! leged monarchist plots to obtain the r lease ? f ' he f< ? mer E at.or and reestablishment o? the autocracy wer discovered by the Bolshevik goverr ment, Nich . ? ?? as removed rv ... Tobolsk to Eka terinbnrg and n clo elj c n in?d. Ekaterinburg lii of Perm, on the Asi it c ? ide of the I 'nils. It was at Bk itei inburg 1 - J n ! he formel Empei or ivas ;'.- n, <?? 11 I ion of the mm d >i by the ., I sheviki being obtained later. Accounts of : : 5 end differ. According to some stories lie was executed without ?i trial. Revolts Break Out In Hanover, Cologne And Other Cities ' onlimipd from page I a ' r serving a sentence lasting u:.-?! fifteen days ?go. Only s?"!'-: messages are arriving from Germany with regard to the Ba? varian revolutionary movement. Max Appealed to People for Unity As Crisis Neared AMSTERDAM, Nov. 7. Absolute unity is necessary .among the Ger? man people if they would avert un? foreseen consequences, <! clared Chan? cellor Maximilian in an appeal to the German people. He urged that all re ! main calm. The Chane< llor's appeal, ! received in an official dispatch from Berlin, reads: "For more than four years the 616 FIFTH AVENUE lKfPORTFR-> i REAT?R! HANDSOME FUR COATS Short and full length models, artfully draped to produce graceful, .lender silhouette. Skillful remodeling at moderate prices. WV : s: BIBS ?. S3 .? ?K?B? :?v:ar?:, ?Uki?edWarWork I CAMPAtON GIVE alllnonetfat j m mu ???eaj MOURNING SPECIALTY HOUSE I Hats, Gowns, Wrists, Veils, Neckwear, Furs. 375 Fifth Av., at SStk St. E ast su mi ?r-*ti ?a El n.|B? i nt: German nation, united and palm, ha? endured the most severe Buffer? ings and sacrifices, If at this de? cisive hour, when only ' s unity can avert from the c-.i ro German people g^eat dangers for its future, internal strength gives way. then the consequences are unfore seeable. "An indispensable demand in these decisive hours, which musjf bo made by ?very people's government, is the maintenance of the hitherto existing calm, under voluntary discip ?r May ?'very citizen be conscious of the high responsibility toward this people in the fulfilment of their duty." Cases of insubordination occurred Wednesday among the troops of a German naval division quartered at Lokeren, twelve miles north*?? Ghent, according to a repon fZ Sas-van-Gent. "? Revolting Poles Battle Germans; ManyKili^ Entire Male Populate ^ Plock Deported for Rebellion LONDON, Nov. 9, The popuw of the Polish province of pi0ti ? r.sen against the Germana anda, have been c mflicts in wh ch ? ?* 1er of persoi s of both sides ?.?fe Killed, according to a Zurich di?3l to the Exchange TeleKranh r?^* The Germans have afSd^S members of the Polish mili*?! it ization, and the whole m?V na? tion :< being deported to GenS* PEDIFORME 'l'en thousand of ?n? elo Sam's Rod Cross Nurses in France soon will be comfortable in their new Pediforme Shoes recently shipped. These are the regular Pediforme last ?a corrective shoe for everyday wear, giving supreme ease and comfoH High arch -support, straigh* inci?s it3S? - sctive Iietd?the essential this natural foot lines. } ou, too, can enjoy same wonderful Pediforme last in tan or black and- .'ill the desirable leathers .-it prices ?o higher tha?. other h ?es of equal quality. inside lim ? ilitii s of a narrow, cor? roe built on femtorm? un ?kjVj ?a 36 West Thirty-Sixth Street H... i$ME9t!?M I-i" 566 56? 3?"ifth ^.f?liit' ft at if." i,r h ' Will introduce tomorrow a representative co?eciion of im Fashions s^f?iM?>fK JO ?Thanksgiving Festivities Rtriotic Entertainments Charity Affa?rs General Utility ? Sooaww? Evening Gowns Fur-Trimmed Wraps Manteaux Tailleurs Afterno?s Dr Charming Blouses Smart Hats and Rich Furs LviLecLlxMi x>l (UoNuonarle Arwwn An ??srw<ica