Newspaper Page Text
Active Securities Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings Stocks Pay Year January 1 to date. Yesterday, before. ?ro. 1918. 1917. 131C. . .lroad8 . 286,400 128,900 75,100 17.086.600 20,4*3.300 30,460,600 n*.r stocks ... 784,500 304,700 421,800 103,369,000 142,744,300 147,263,800 ?.."tacks.1,070,900 433,600 496.900 120,455,500 163,227,000 177,714,400 Bonds January 1 to date. Yesterday. Dav before. Yearago. " 191R. 1917. .- c government...$4,359,000 $2,769,000 $1,875,000 $982,212,000 $193,519,000 i'iIr08ds . 2,552.000 1,621,000 382,000 141,559,000 180,468,000 roher bonds...4,562,000 1,566.000 1,002,000 456,455.000 444,629,000 All bonds .-:- 5,956,000 3,159,000 1,580,226,000 918,616,000 Record of Stock and Bond Averages Stocks Ye s ter- Day Year Range, January 1 to date, day. before, ago. 1918. 1917. 2r Railroad.? . 78.60 79.15 66.20 79.15 66.12 89.35 64.45 ,?? Industrials .85.90 87.37 69.17 88.33 73.37 97.40 67.37 j0 Stocke. 82.98 84.08 67.98 84.08 70.30 91.24 66.20 Bonds 10 Railroads . 86,17 85.77 80.28 86.17 76.62 93.80 8028 -?i Industrials .92.33 91.97 91.03 92.33 67.40 98.30 91.03 '? utilities. 87.16 87.95 93.32 89.02 82.60 101.48 92.60 ?Bonds. 88.83 88.68 ?7.19 88.83 83.62 95.52 87.19 (By Th? Associated Presa) The calm, manner of fact manner in which yesterday's stock market regulated its affairs from war to peace was doubtless a surprise to many who expected that the first post-bellum session of the exchange would of necessity be attended by sensational incidents. With the exception of United States Steel and a few other popular industrials of the pronounced war type, prices were 1 to 3 points higher st the opening, rails, shippings, oils and motors guiding the movement. Before the end of the first hour most advances were materially re SL|d and by midday virtually all gains were changed to actual losses af2to 5 points, pressure centring in munitions and Allied equipments. The last half of the session was characterized by a moderate revival o* the first hour'3 activity and more insistent liquidation, in which the ?tire list participated. Washington's reminder that some of the hardest mblema of the war await solution gave monvi.tum to the later decline. United States Steel was the outstanding feature, selling down to S0*4 and closing almost at its lowest, with a net loss of 3%. Independent iteela reacted 1 to 3 points, Baldwin Locomotive alone displaying strength. Yesterday's Transactions in Listed Stocks All stocks quoted dollars per share. Annual dividend rate, also In dollars ftr intre. Is based on last regalar payment. High and low price? of th? ' year are bai??*d only or transactiona of 100 shares or more. Blfh. Low. Div. Net Wig. 1918. Rate. Snles. Open. High. Low. Close, chge. ??Vi 11 ? Advance Rumety. 600 23% 23>/2 22'/a 22*/a? % 60% 25% -- Advance Rumely pr. 1400 60% 60% 69<4 59*4 + '/* ?1/4 49 6 Aja? Kubber . 100 63 63 63 63?3 5% V/4? Alaska Gold Mine. 3100 5 5'/8 4% 4%? % 3'/a V/a? Alaska Juneao . 4900 2% 2% 2% 2?/z 37 17%? Allis-Chalmers Co . 500 29 29 27% 28 ? '/? 84% 72'/4 7 Allis-Chalmers Co pr. . 130 82% 82% 82!/2 82%? >/2 106 78 8 Amer Agr Chem. 400 102% 102% 102% 102%+ % 84 88 8 Amer Beet Sugar. 900 66 66 64 64 -j- % 50% 34% ? American Can Co. 660O 47% 47% 45% 46'/2? 1% 97I/2 891/4 7 American Can Co pr.... 400 96'/2 97 96'/4 88% 68'/4 .8 Am Car & Foundry Co. . 800 86% 86% 85% 44% 25 4 American Cotton Oil... 200 43% 43% 42'/2 22'8 12 - Amer Hide & Leather.. . 200 15% 15% 15 ,Wi SO 5 Am Hide?: Leather pr.. 600 76% 76% 75 ? 49 11(/2 ? American Ice. 80O 44 441,a 44 61 38% 5 American Ice pr. 500 57 57 56 W/2 51|/2 3% Amer Int Corp. 1500 58'/2 58'/2 56% 56%? 1 43 20'/2 ? American Linseed . 1200 41 41 38% 39?2 W/a 69's 7 American Linseed pr... 900 7934 80% 79% 80'/2+ 1% K% 53^ 5 Amer Locomotive . 2800 67% 68% 66 66'/4? 1 10% 95 7 Amer Locomotive pr.... 300 99% 100% 99% 10O'/2 + '/2 ?*4 2% ? American Malt . 100 5 5 5 5 + % ?K 73 6 American SmePlng .... 34100 93 93% 89*4 89%? 3% IMC* 103 7 American Smelt pr. 100 110'/4 110'/4 110% 110% + % ? 58 7 Araer Steel Foundry..-. 900 88 88% 85% 87 ? % Hi 98 7 American Sugar . 800 113% 113% 1l2'/2 1121/2? % W/t 60% 10 American Sumatra . 4100 102 107 101 107 + 4% W/4 90% 8 Amer Tel & Tel. 3200 108% 108% 107% 108 W/l 1401-2 20 American Tobacco. 200 195 195'/2 195 195%+ % ? 92' 8 6 Amer Tob pr new. 100 98 98 98 98 *0k 44% 5 American Wool . 400 51'% 51% 50'/4 50'%? 1% *K 20'4 ? Am Writing Paper pr.. 100 33 33 33 33 + % 21% 12' 8 ? American Zinc & Lead.. 800 15 15% 15 15 + % 74% 59!8 8 Anaconda . 18700 73'/2 73% 71 71%? 1'/2 15 12 ? Asso Dry Goods. 100 14 14 14 14 - 71 54 5 Asso Oil . 200 69% 69% 69% 69%+ 1?/8 ?? 81 6 Atchiaon . 3000 99% 99'/2 97'/2 971/2? y^ *SS 80 5 Atchison pr . 400 92% 92'/2 91 91 + 1 108 89% 7 Atlantic Coast Line.... 100 108 108 108 108+2 12B/4 97% 10 Atlantic Gulf & W I... 4900 115 115'/8 111 111%? 1% *% 58 5 Allan Gulf & W I pr... 100 65 65 65 65 + % W% 66%- Baldwin Locomo Co. 382C0 81% 83% 81 82'%+ 1% W 93 7 Bald Locomo Co pr. 100 103 103 103 103 + Vz *2 49 5 fBaltimore & Ohio. 8800 61 % 62 59% 60 63 53 4 Bait & Ohio pr. 200 63 63 63 63+1% W/a 85 7 Barrett Co . 100 103% 103% 1033/4 103% 2 1 ? Ba'opilas Mining. 1600 J? 60% 10 Bethlehem Steel . 1600 w 69% 10 Beth Steel, Class B. 25600 94 89'4 7 Beth Steel 7th pr. 108% 96% 8 Beth Steel 8th pr. ??% 36 Brooklyn Rap Transit. ?'/a 21 2 Booth Fisheries Co.... Wa 108 10 Boms Bros . .J2% 8% 12 Butte Cop & Zinc. 600 Wz 16</2 ? Butte & Sup Copper. W* 7% ? Butterick Co . J* 26'/2 4 California Packing .. f% 12 -- California Petroleum . ? 36 7 California Petrol pr.. ?? -fc'/a 8 Cal & Arizona. .... . .-, . . 174%135 10 Canadian Pacific . 1400 171 Vz 171% 167 * 73 7 Case, J !, pr. 300 90 J3% 61% 5 central Leather . 2600 62% S 102'/2 7 Central Leather pr. 1C0 108 ? 29'/4 4 Cerro De Pasco. 700 38% . ? . . ., ?:J5? WA 12 Chandler Motora . 1200 108% 108% 104% 104% *H 49% 4 Chesapeake & Ohio. 2500 ]l 7 - Chicago & Alton. 100 ? 18 ? Chic & Alton pr. 100 II 6 - Chic Gt West. 2700 ?*?; 18^2 1 Chic Gt West pr. 1700 ^4 37% 4 -rChic, M & St P . 2400 .*% 6Si4 7 vChic. M & St P pr. 2800 2 89% 7 Chic & Sweat. Si 125 8 Chlc * Nwt>8* Pr. ?V'a 18' ? _ Chic, Rock Ist & Pac. 2 4? 6 Chic, R I & P 6% pr. . 1400 3 5^4 7 Chic, R I & P 7% pr... 1400 2 .-69 5 C, St P, M & 0. 100 S 2* ~ C. C, C & St L. 100 ?I 14% - Chile Copper . 4600 ?* 36% 4 Chino Con Copper. 3600 ~? 34% 3 Col Fuel & Iron. 400 * 28% 4 Col Gas & Elec. 2200 Va 18 _ c?*i ? South. 1100 40 Col * So 2d pr. 100 30 4 Comp Tab . 100 ?2% 7 Consol Gas. 2100 105% 105% 7% 3 Consol Int Call Min- 100 8% 8% aU W/* 6 Con Can . 100 73% 73% m 2?%..- com Products . 11600 48 48% 7f? W'/a 7 Corn Product? pr. rol S - <>? ^*n>et Co. 100 P* Crucible Steel . 3100 S ?/'/? - Cuba Cane Sugar. 5400 ' '*/? 7 Cuba Cane Sugar pr- 1500 9 Delaware & Hudson S*' 1 ?I q gHioo% ?!H 5 1*> 10 Del. I^tck & West. 100 185 Den & Rio Gr pr. 700 12 i - Dome Mine? . 3900 18 V* ^ 5 DlHtillers Securities . . . 1300 . 2% ? Dal, So Sh * Atl. 100 S*. 4% - Do!. So Kh & Atl pr.... 300 ?* 22 4 Klk'Horn Coal. 200 30% 30% 30 30 ? |/4 |? 2 Erle . 17600 23 23% 21 21%+ % ??/ S?" Krie 1st pr. 2800 36% 36% 34% S4%- 1 ^4 ?8H Erie 24 pr. 100 27% 27% 27% 27%+ 1% ^ 2? 7 F?4 Min ? Smelt pr 400 42^4 *2% 42% 42%+ 1/a ? 4 Gustoii WllIUm? . 7000 31% 31% 30% 80?/, V* ? 6tsOi?mC?pr. 100 101 101 101 101 + 1 High. 1918. 58 158-/2 164 88 59% 103% 8b 1061/i 34% 5SJ4 111J/a Low. Div. 1918. Rate. 34 4 127% 8 106% 12 75% 6 38 4 96 7 74 10 88 7 25'/8 2 38'/2 8 63 10 Sales. General Cigar . 400 Gen Electric Co. 1000 General Motors . 1200 General Motors pr. 400 Goodrich, B F. 1700 Goadrich, B F, pr. 200 Granby Mining:. 800 Gt Northern pr. 7900 Gt Northern Ore aube.. 2300 Greene Can Copper... 500 Gulf Suite Steel. 100 4954 34 50!/8 37 Hask & Bark Car Co. Hartman Corp . 105'/2 58-/2 m 47!/2 121 33 125</2 45!/2 35 49 24(4 59^2 58 4154 104 91% 11'/2 654 22% 19534 42 200 124% 103i/2 7b 42'4 69% 32% 194 104% SS'/a 62 15% 97'/2 6% 13'/2 31% 62 81 1197a 33 109% 114 21% 54!/2 6434 10% 21% 139 0^78 45% 24% 21 11254 64 106 70 46</2 48 13 70?4 3554 27 72'/4 1241/4 50!/8 6% 61 18% 64 43 35'/4 51% 102% l9'/a 583/4 98 39'4 81 73 100 132 Vu, 71% 261/4 96!4 39 40 96 IO21/2 92 7 42% 8 6I/4 ? 29 ? 104 6 21 - 83% 6 241/2 ? 27 4 28 ? 15.1.8 ? 48 4 41 4 29 4 87 8 7O/2 6 7>4 - 55 5 12 ? 164'4 12 17l/a ? 144'/2 12 110 7 94 7 65 4 23'/2 - 61 7 19 _ 79 8 87 8 26% 4 43'/4 6 7i/a_ 80>/8 7 4% ? Wz - 20 ? 41 ? 64 5 500 100 Illinois Central . 800 Inspiration Copper _ 4700 Interbor-Cons Corp .... 3400 Interbor-Cons Corp pr. . 300 ?nt Harvester new. 1700 Int Mercan Marine. 7100 lnt Mercan Mar pr...,. 21600 International Paper .... 300 International Nickel ... 2200 Jewell Tea . 100 Kansas City South. 3100 Kansas City So pr. 300 Kelly Springfield . 300 Kennecott Copper . 9100 Kings Co El L & P. 100 Lackawanna Steel . 1500 Lake Erie & Western... 600 Lehigh Valley . 3700 Lee Rubber & Tire. 400 Llgg & Myers Tob Co.. 100 Loose Wiles Bis Co_ 200 Loriliard, Pierre . 200 Louisville & Nashville. . 400 Manhattan Elevated . . 700 Manhattan Shirt . 100 Maxwell Motor . 1600 Maxwell Motor 1sf pr., 500 Maxwell Motor 2d pr... 700 Mexican Petroleum - 26900 Mex Pet pr . 100 Miami Con Copper. 1800 Midvale Steel . 7800 Minn & St Louis new .. 1800 M S P & S St M. 100 Mo Kans & Tex . 2000 Mo Kans & Tex pr. 200 Mo Pacifie. 14600 Mo Pacifie pr . 1700 Mont Power . 400 Open 45 157 135 86 59'/2 103% 82'8 106 32% 56% 65 47'8 5C/8 105', 8 56'2 Wz 38 120'/2 30 120 34 35 35 244 59'/a 57% 41 104 High. Low. 45 441/4 153% 129% 85% 57% 157 135 86 59'/ 103% 103-/2 82-/a 82 106^2 102% 3234 31% 56% 64 65 65 47'/8 47 50'/8 60'/B 1051/2 105 56'/2 64'4 9'/2 8% 38 37'/2 121 117 30</2 29'/2 122 119U 34 34 35 34'/2 35 35 244 22'2 591/2 594 5734 55% 414 39% 104 104 Net Close, chg*. i 441/4+ 's! 153%? 3% i 129%? 4% ? 85-/8 58 ? 1'/2 I 103'/2- i 82 - 102%? 1'/a 32%+ 4 54 ? V/g 65 ? 4 ! 47 - V2 50>/?+ 2' a 105 + 54 54%? 1 8%? % 37'/2 118 - % 29%+ 4 119%+ % 34 ? % 34'/2? '/a 35 - 2234? 1-4 594+ 1% 55%? 21.-4 39/2? V/z 104 + 3 2054 + </4 188-9 38%? 1% 153 + 14 122 + 2 117 26% 90 1064 13/2 37'4 43'4 4% 17% 9934 67V2 27 18'/4 14 102 39 81?/? 56J/2 Nashville & Cha? National Acme . National Biscuit .._ National Biscuit pr .. Nat Con & Cable. Nat Enam & Stpg_ National L-ead . Nat It R of Mex 2d pr. Nevada Con Copper... N Y Air Brake. New York Central _ N Y N H & H. N Y Ont & Western .. Norfolk South. Norfolk & West . North American . Northern Pacific . 40 35'/8 414 55% 23</a 18% - 63'/4 86 43-/4 4'/8 ? 39% 9'/2 52-/2 30 21 34 80 17% 42 90 22% 61 56% 98 100-/8 45-/2 22% 70-a 34% 35 72% 92% 2"/a Nova Scotia Steel ZVz Ohio Fuel 6 2 3 1 145 70-/S 3!/8 80>/2 53 6 1514 4% ? 17 9% ? 33'/2 21 ? 24 19 ? 40-/2 28 ? 12 7 ? 25'4 15' a ? 169 133% 8 18-/4 14% 2 39 25-/4 ? 110 80V2 6 120 20 102 8 100 119% 300 30-/2 2fQ 108% 200 110*4 300 16-4 . 600 443.4 250 62 100 9i/a 500 21 400 IO6I/2 5500 84% 600 42% 900 24|4 200 16 1400 112?/4 20 54 3100 104-4 100 62% 100 44 Ohio Gas . 8100 47^ Ontario Silver . 200 7'; Owens Bottling . 800 61-/1 Pacific Mail . 300 33 Pac Tel & Tel . 100 22'/ 5 Pan Am Pet . 5400 70'/? 7 Pan Am Pet pr. 500 123 3 Pennsylvania R R. 6600 50 Peor?a & East. 3900 6 ? Peo Gas & Coke . 110O 60?? P?re Marquette . 2800 18", 5 Pere Marq prior pr . .. 200 64 Pere Marq pr . 10O 43 3 Philadelphia Co . 1500 35 5 Pierce Arrow . 10500 515; 8 Pierce Arrow pr . 100 102'/ ? Pierce Oil . 2300 183/ 5 Pittsburgh Coal . 1700 48'/, 7 Pittsburgh Steel pr . .. 100 94 ? Pitts & West Va . 20600 38 6 Pitts & West Va pr ... 500 80' 8 Pressed Steel Car . 500 69! 7 Pressed Sieel Car pr... 100 99'/ 8 Pullman Pal Car Co... 500 132 5 Ry Steel Spring . 400 69 3 Ray Con Copper . 3?*00 25'. 4 Reading . 14600 92" 2 Reading 1st pr . 200 38', 2 Reading 2d pr ? -. 200 39?/ 6 Rep Iron & Steel. 3900 79" 7 Rep I & S pr. 200 993, Royal Dutch . 400 117 119% 3034 108% 110-/4 16-4 44% 62 V/z 21 10654 84% 423/4 24'4 16 112)4 54 105 62% 119% + 30% + 108%? 11C-4 + 15-/2 + 44-4 + 61 ? 8-/2? 20%? 10654? 834 40-/2? 22%? 16 + 110-/2? 54 _ 101-/4? 62%? f 2', % 99% 99% 1% Savage Arms . Saxon Motors . St Louis & San Fran St L & S F pr. St L Southwest - 162 110 I 34% 20% 75-4 57 86 72-/2 4734 794 84 16 654 79 33% 37 45% 34!4 21 12% 27-/a 14 ? 203 136V2 10 21% 154 ? 48'/2 6 4 _ 8-/2 ? 39's 4 600 1700 15-/4 15-4 14 14 3700 16% 17 15% 15% 300 3356 33?4 33/2 3354 400 23 23 23 23 St L Southwest pr. 400 40 40 39 39 Seaboard Air Line. 2100 12 12 11 11 Seaboard Air Line pr . 1400 254 25'4 23% 24<4 Sears Roebuck . 300 16734 167% 165 165 Shattuck Ariz . 1900 17 17 16% 16% Sinclair Oil . 5100 38% 3834 36-/2 3634 Southern Pacific .70600 109 109% 105-/2 105!/ So Porto Rico Sugar. .. 100 135 135 135 135 So Porto R S pr. 100 110 110 110 110 Southern R R . 15100 34i/2 34% 32% 32^ Southern R R pr . 2500 75'4 75-4 73% 74 Standard Milling pr ... 100 85' 2 85-/2 85-/2 85'/ Studebaker . 20100 72'2 723? 68% 683,j Stutz Motors . 1400 45% 46'2 445 2 453. Superior Steel . 400 36 36 35 35 Tenn Cop & Chem. 600 175/2 17% 17 17 Texas & Pacific . 4400 271 e 27'/8 24 24'/ Texas Company . 2300 196 Third Ave R R. 100 19% Tob Products . 8900 79 Toi St L West ctfs... 100 634 Toi St L W ctf? pr. 100 14 Twin City Rap Tran... 100 50 Vnion Pacific . 1210O 137 Union Pac pr . 800 76% United Alloy Steel. 190O 40 United Cigar Stores.,. 3100 104 4 1% ?137-/2 10934 10 j 76% 68 4 , 44'.2 37 4 105% 83% 8 148 116-4 8 United Fruit . 500 143% 144 143-/2 144 ?3 | 11 4% ? 2C 1054 ? 102-/2 102-/2 i 16% 115.4? ? ! 47% 40 5 : 161/2 14-/2 r? 137 97 16 75% 51 - 108 95 8 50% 36 5 116'/2 86'/2 6 '112% 108 7 j 93 76% 10 j 1634 11 ? ! 6014 33% 4 ! 7354 50 ? ; 12 7 ? ? 44-/2 37 4 ! 834 63% 6 i 17% 12% - ! 24% 13 -- I 64 46 6 ! 95% 774 7 47-2 3852 3 451/4 - 8 17-/2 ? 36% 4 15-/2 1 75 7 Un Ry Investment. 200 Un Ry Investment pr... 600 U S Cast Iron P & F... Htt 15 U S C I P & F pr. 100 45-2 U S Express . 200 16'. a D S Ind Alcohol. 1200 98'2 U S Rubber . 6400 75% S Rubber 1st pr - 300 107 S Smelt & Ref . 800 50% S Steel .191200 10154 1% S Steel pr. 1400 11254 11254 1124 I U I" u Utah Copper . 3900 Utah Sec Corp . 2500 Va-Carolina Chem. 800 Va Iron Coal & Coke. . 100 Wabash . 2700 AWabash pr A . 2800 Wells Fargo Ex . 260 West Mary land . 3700 Wesit Pacific . 500 West Pacific pr. 400 West Union Tel . 9^0 Westinghouse Mfg - 2600 Wilson Co . 2900 Wheel & L E . 4700 Wheel & L E pr. 700 White Motors . 1000 Willys Overland . 33100 Willys Overland pr ... 600 Wls Central .? 100 38 ?Weolworth . 100 1244; 124% 124% 124%+ 1% Worth. P * M pr B . . 103 66 66 66 66 - ?Ex divide??. . ? tDiridend deferred pending settlement of railroad contract. ?Dividend etofarred pending dedal?? of Railroad Administrai?*. U. S. Government Bonde (New York Stock Exchange Quotation?) (Closing Quotations) _ _ Tuesday. Liberty 34?_ 99.90? 99.9? do 1st 4b.96.90? - do 2d 4s. 96.20? - do 1st 4>4?... 98.60? 98.90 do 2d 4H??. do 3d 4^6. . do 4th 414s. , rec, 1930. , coup, 1930. 3s, reg, 1946. 3?, coup, 1946. 97.98? 98.00 97.98? 98.00 98.00 ? 98.10 oa ? ? 98 83 83 *?. rest, 1925.. 106% ?IM*/. 4?, coup, 1925. .1061,-4 ?107l/j 2?. Pan, '38. reg 98 @ ? 2s, Pan, "3S, cou 98 @ ? 3?, Pan, '61, reg 85 ? ? 3s, Par., '61, cou 88 ? ? Liberty Issues High. Liberty 3 4s.100.00 do 1st 4.96.90 do 2d 4s .96.20 do lit 4^e . 98.90 do 2d 4^9. 98.14 do 3d 4%? .98.40 do 4th 41.4S . 98.10 Saturday. 99.906 99.96 96.60 ? - 96.00? 98.606 ?8.80 98.000 98.02 97.96? 97.98 98.00? 98.10 98 ? ? 98 ? ? 83 @ ? 83 9 ? 106'/? ? 106'-', 106% @ 107'a 98 ? ? 98 @ ? 85 @ ? 88 ? ? Lo~. 99.88 96.90 96.20 98.80 97.80 97.90 98.00 Last. 99.98 96.90 96.20 98.90 98.00 97.98 98.02 (Sales) ? S Liberty 3 ^s [US Liberty 2d 4?-?s 27,000. 99.98', 5,000. 97.98 311,000.100.00 - 17.000.. 3,000.. 84,000. . 2,000.. 1,000. . 1,000. 99.98 1,000. 99.88 r.8,000. 99.90' 13,000. 99.92! 25.000. 99.96i 2,000. 99.92' .".000. 99.96; 5.?'00. 99.92 5,000. 99.90' o.iiOO. 99.92 2,000. 99.98: 30,000.98.00 99.96 2.000. 97 90 99.92' 4.000. 98.00 99.96? _ 99.90' Total _$1.095,000 99.92,U S Liberty Sd 4?a oooa! ?0.000. 98.40 98.20 98.10 98.12 98.14 98.20 98.22 98.24 ?To*al .$567,000 L S Liberty 1st 4s ? 13.000. 96.90 U 8 Liberty 2d 4? 187,000. 96.20' U S Liberty 1st 4"4s 47.000. 98.80, 45,000. 98.90 U S Liberty 2d 4 4 s ! <.000.98.14 30,000. 98.12! 105,000. 98.08? 15,000.98.12' IS.MO. 98.10'^ 50,000. ..... 98.00!; 51,000.98.06 35,000. 98.00 15,000. 98.02 25.000. 98.00 20.000. 9?.08 140,000. 100,000_ 40.000_ 5.000 300.000... 17.000_ 5,000_ 3,000... 2.000. 98.00 98.04 9,000 29,000 9.OO0]! 20,000. . 13,000.. 10.000. . 5,000.. 41,000. 98.20 105,000. 98.30 2.000. 98.28 30.000. 98.30 40.000. 95.20 20.000. 93.12 1,000. 98.10 '?0,000. 98.12 35.000. 98.10 195,000. 98.20 442,000. 98.10 1,000. 98.00 31,000. 98.02 2,000. 98.06 5,000. 98.02 214,000. 98.04 25,000. 98.00 86.000. 98.04 14,000. 98.08 20,000. 98.04 80.000. 98.02 2,000. 98.00 9,000. 98.04 26.000. 98.00 20,000. 98.02 7,000. 97.90 17,000. 97.98 Tota! $1.646,000 98.04 98.00 97.94 97.98! 88.OO; ^^^^^^. 97.98' 35.000. 98 02' 93.00JU S Liberty 4th 4 4s 300.000. 98.00 300,000. 98.10 100,090. 98.06 100,000. 98.02 1 Total .$800,000 j Foreign Government and Mu? nicipal Bonds 98 % 983,? 987/g Am Foreign S ?s 'City of Parla 6s 44,000. 99% 8ri,000. 1.000. 99jV' 3,000.. 1,000. 99'/,' 15,000. 2.000. 99%! 97.000. 99 2.000. 99'/4;Dom of Can 5s 1926 Anglo-French 5? I 13.000. 97"' 160,000. 96'/,; do 1931 100,000. 96V, 10.000. 99 31,000. 96*41 11.000. 98 69,000. 96%French Gov 54? 25.000. 97 100.000. 967. 100.000. 96%i 250.000. 96?/a! 80,000.*6%< 37.000. 96' , 100,000. 96% 1.000.96>/2 2,000. 963,a 3,000. 96?/, 500.96'/*, 11,000.96'/4 15,000.96% 109,000. 96'/j 3,000. 7.000. . 93,000.. 27,000. . 1.000. . 2.000., 8,000.. 15,000. . 5,000. . 6.OOO. . 500.. 2,000. 963,8 96'g 961/4! 96'/?; 96%; 961/8 96 96' '? 96%' 96 I 96 I 96'/ 19,000.1033-; 15.000.103% j 78,000. 104 1.000.103''2 ; 203.000.104 U K of Gt Rritain A I 54s 1919 5.000.99' a ? 10.000. 991,4 ! 3.000. 93' g ! 2,000. 99 I 1.000. 98%! do new 20.000.1041/4, ! 35.000.-t04i4 5.000.104% .104' .103- 5 .104 .104'. a .103% .104 .104'. 4,000.96% 100.OOO.96 City of Rordeaux 6? 50,000.101 10,000.101'i '.'.000.101 30,000.101'/-. 10,000.102 * 1,000.101 City of Lyons Oa 25,000.101 2.00M.101". 10.000. 100.000. 4,000. ... 15.000... CO,000_ 3,000. .. 5.000... 5,000_ 10,000.104 25,000.103% ' 3,000.104 3.000.103% 2.000.104 6,000.10334 5.000.103' ? do 5>?s 1921 5.000. 98' a 10.000. 984 25.OD0. 98'4 10,000. 98' ? 2,000. 981-4 4.000. 98 .102 IN Y C 44-8 1957 Nov 6.000.103 do 41-'.? 1965 10 ?00.102 10.000.103 do 414s 1960 1.000_ do 4 Vis 1964 1.000. . . . 98'. 98"4 1.000.101'/V City of Marseilles 6s ' 48.000.101 I 10.000.1011/4' 2.000.101 ? 30,000.loi/il 10,000.102 ! City of Paris 6.3, 13,000.: 99 ' ^^^^^^^^ Quotations Argentine Gv 6s 1920iBus ext 64s 19!5 96' '2@ 97'%' 74 ? 75 do 5s 1909 IManttoba 5s 1920 87 @ 89 ! 95 ? 97 Chinese Gov By 6s 'Kex gen 5s 1899 68 @ 71'/2 60 @ ? Canadian f.s Aug '19 ! do 4s 1954 98'. 4? 98'/j ; 40 @ ? do 5s 1937 Montreal City 5s 1913 913/4? 93 I 99'/2@100 City of Tokio 5s 19l2iNewfoandland 5s i ?19 80 ? 82 i 97 ? 9S'/2 Cuban Rrp 5a 1904 Norway 6s 192;: ? -? 95 I 101 ?102% do ser A 1949 ?Quebec City 3s 1920 ? @ 93%; 95 fit 97 do 44s 1949 ?Quebec Prov 5k 1920 78'/?@ 82 I 95',?@ 97 Internal Rus Gov ?Ugigwb? ?r?n 5* Star 1920 225 O 235 ! 99% @ 100% Rua ext 5 4s 1921 68 @ 70 i Railways, Other Corporations Alaska Gl M 6s ser AiKans City So 5s i.000. Allegheny V 4s ?.Of 37 3.000. 91 90'.; Am Ag Ch cv Be I 97'/? 97 Ag ?. 1 000 86'V Kan City Ter 4? . 92 6,000_ Am Smelting 1,000.... Am T A T cv 20.000_ 4.O00.1041.4 5.000.104?/? 2.000. . .. ..104" 4' 29,000.104% 5.000.104'. .-4! 12,000.1041/2 5.000.104 10,001 5.000.104% 2,000.104% 3.000.104'-'? Am T & T col 5s l.OOO. 97>,? do cv 4V-3 2.000.90" 2 do col 4s 2,000.83 Am Tobacco 6s 1,000.117 Am Wr Paper 5a 1.000. 887g 5.000. Ann Arbor 4s 16.000. Keok & D M 7.00O, .. Laelcde Gas 1st 5s 1,000... 82?. ? 70 St .104'2 Lake S 4s 1928 16,000._ 1.000.92 9? 921.? 91 A T 2.000 Armour Co 4 4? 2.0OO.89 * S F pen 4s 5.?00. 90 1,000. 89 1.000. 89% 2.0O0. 89'4 5.000. 89 1,000.89'/2 do adj 4s staxnped 10.000.82 AU C L uni 4 4? 000. 2,000. do 4r 1931 9,000. 3,000. 104'iLe.high Val 6? ?<"?7I 8(V-,rt.103 1,000.103'4 ".000.102% IO.OviO.102' j 16,000.102'a 2,000.102 6.000.102'4 11.000.102 Liggett & M 7s 5,000. 112 Lonjr I rfg is Li 2,000. 84 88'. 4 Lorillard Co 5s 3.0O0. 64*4 9234 92? 1,000 B A O rfg 5s 6.000_ 10,000_ 5,000_ 1.000_ do cv 4 4? 1.000. 87%' 2,000.87 ?.'ai 13 000.87 ! do ?old 4i 2,000. 84",! B A O Pitta JAM] dlv 3 4? 1 000. 92' , LAN unified 4s 4.000. 88 l.OOO. 88% 5.000. 83'/a Manhattan Ry 4s 1.000. 81'. ? Vlidvale Steel 5? 10.000. 91 2.000. 90% 9.000. 92 Minn & St L 4a l.OOO. 53' i M St P * S S M 6s 5.000.102 92V Mo P?c 3s 1926 92V2 5,000. 94 92?% do 5s 1965 6.000. 89 da gen 4* 4.000. 66% 70 000. 67 4,000. 86'/, 26.000. 67 10,000. 68% 1,000. 67 3.000. 66'/a 3,000. 87 3"? $2,500,000 New Orleans & Northeastern R. R. Co. Refunding Jc Improvement Mortgage 4Vi% Gold Bonds Due January 1, 1952 THE New Orleans & Northeastern Railroad furnishes the Southern Railway Company (by which it is controlled) with its only entrance under direct , ownership into the city of New Orleans. These bonds are secured by a direct mortgage upon 195 miles of railroad, subject only to a prior lien issue at the very low rate of approximately $7.(XX) a mile. For the last ten years fixed charges of the company were earned an average of nearly twice over annually, and in the year ended December 31, 1917, were earned 3.3S times. Dividends have been paid continuously on the capital stock for fifteen years, the present rate being 4%. Price 8614 and interest, to yield 5.40% jUk ht Cfcafar AK-/90 The National City Company Main Office?National City Bank Building Uptown Office?Fifth Avenue and 43rd St. Cerrtsfendemt 0$%ce? ?> Thirty-en* Cities THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK Cendeneed S;at meat a* ?/ Nectmbtr 1, 1918 ASSETS CASH on hand, in Federal Reserve Bank and due from Banks and Bankers and United States Treasurer.$194.153.989.85 Acceptances of Other Banks. 46.566,308.57 UNITED STATES TREASURY CERTIFI? CATES . 42,849,500.00 $383.569798.42 UNITED STATES BONDS . $14,275,371,92 Loans and Discounts . 419.448,535.35 Bonds and Other Securities . 35.540.952.10 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank.._L500 00000 470.764.S59 37 Due from Branches .~. 14,659.497.70 Banking House. 5.000.000 00 Customers' Liability Account of Acceptances. 27.609,744 31 Other Assets . 5 015.850 92 TOTAL. $806,619,750.72 LIABILITIES CAPITAL. Surplus and Undivided Profits. $76.380. l"3 19 DEPOSITS . 687.W7.448.14 Reserve for Expenses. Taxes and Interest Accrued. 3.008.20684 Unearned Discount. 2.602.287.27 Circulation . 1.445.20000 Foreign Bills of Exchange Sold. 2.745.839 13 Acceptances. Cash Letters of Credits and Travelers Checks. . 28.399.859.04 Other Liabilities. _4?2j10717.11 TOTAL. $806,619,750.72 B ?* v 3:'js Montana Power 5s 10.000. SS!/2! 1.000. 91' a Pet. ext 5 New Or Term 's 2,000. 95 I 4,000. 70 do rfg 5a New Or T & Mex 6n ! im'i. 90', 2 1,000_.. 96'/, do ji "i 5s N Y On deb ?3 4,000. S4U' 1 Con Gas rv fis 10,000. 108 I'.OO'.i.107'. I Seab Air L ad; 5? ? ' > . 60% ,? 5,000. 61 60' -, 84 B R T m 15,000.tov -, 3,000.1031-4 ?ii.hO.).103 1,000.103'/2 12,000.103 1,000.10234 lo.OOn.10? ?_ Del * H rv 5a I 14.000.60?,, 10,000. 97 Sinclair Oil 7a do rfg 4s 1.000.95?4 8,000 . 88'? do sTk warrants 15.000. Q?'. -, 2,00?. 95% 9,000. 95', 2 5,000. 9534 5,000. 96 2.000. 95"2 5,000. 95%; 5.000. 951 ,| Bklyn I! Elev i 6.000. S5 Bush T~- 1st. 5? ! _^^^^^_^^^ 5,000. 85% ? N' Y N H & H cv 6s 5.000. 86 ! 1.000. 94^| do bids* *y do deb 4s 1556 5,000. 84?,4 3,000. Canada So os do cv deb 3'?J 5.000.100 . 10.000. Cen Foundry t?s '<.00n. 1.000. 81'/2;N Y Rys adj 5s Cen Leather 5a 20.000_1023-4 5,000.102/2 do rig 4 ',28 8,000. 87'/, do 4s 1934 893* 593-4 1956 57 58 1.000. 96% Cen Pp-IAc gtd 4* 5,000...... 857s' 1.000. 83'/2 Ches A. O cvt 5s .... 903.;' rO.000. 901, j 13,000. 90V 27.000. 901,-2 22,000. 90 ! _ mg 3.000...... 91/, S Y Un ?Vis 4 000. 65'/2 Norfolk. & W con 4? 881 s 89',., ?9% Uen ft R G imp 5? 2,000. 90 do con 4s I 2.00Q. 77 do rf(f 5s 20,000. 62 J 1.000. 63 ! Distiller? S C 5? 60,000. 871/V 3.000. 88 I 2.000 - 87i4 Tine r?o- lien 4? P.000. 78 5.000.79 ! 000 . do gen lien 4s 20.000. 5.000. 5.000. 1.000 .. . 3.000. 1,000. 4.000. do cv 4s ?er A So Pacifie rfg 4i i ono 3,000. do col 4e 78 64>/4 64 ?4?/4 64t, 63 *" 63% 63 21.000. 20.000. 3.000. 5,000. 100.000. 45,000. 1.000. 5,000. 30.000. 10,000_ 45,000... . 10.000. 5.OO0. 5.000. 1.000. 20.000. 5,?00. ,00o_ for Pacific 4e 8,000... 5,000. . . ?.000. 56'/ ~o Pcific cv 4s 89'/, C B 2,000 . cv 4 5,000 .1.000 _ 12,000.84'/4 1.000.. J Alton 2 5.000. .. 5,000... & Q gen 84' :: s* A4! 443 9 0. 2,000_ do joint 4s 10.000.'! '.'. 25 on o,. 8,000. 95% Gt Western 4s 44,000. .. 6.000. . . 5.000. 641.4 ? )r Short Line 45 3,000. 90'/2 Pacific G & E 5s 2.050. 86% 3.0O0. 86'j Pacifl ? T ? T 5s 1.000. 95 P.enn con 4Vjs 1.000. ?8 1 do pen 4V>3 ( 10.non. 95" 18.000. 96 " 3 000. 96' a . 95' , S.0O0. 95% 1,000. 95'?, 10,000. 941 , 9,000. 95% 1.000. 95% do 4? !?48 2,000. 8S34 66%* Peo A E 1st 4s 67'/, ! 000 .... 62 1.000. 571.1 do cv 4s ser B f 10.000. 58'/2 5,000. 59 5.000. ..... 58 ; 1.000. 56 do cv 4s ser D 99'4 86 86' 4 811/2 08 08', 4 08';, 08 08 i, 2 08 07 07'/, 07 06'/, 063 4 O*' , 06'/4 05'2 06% 88 88'; 89 95%' 5 O.OOO 1.000. 9.000. ; 5,000. !.10. 50.000. 69.000. o.OOO. 6.00O.! Hous A T 0 gen 4? 1.0O0. 93 Hud & M rfg 5s 61'/4 61 % Ol%! 61% 62 71.000. _ 1,000. 87% 5.000. 87% 30,000. 87% 55,000. 87' ? ] 2.O00. 87 13.000. 87'/2 15,000. 871-4 ... 871/2 1.000. 87'/4 15.000. 87 2.000. 88/4 61'/,! Southern Pr 5s 693,4.. 5.000. . .68 Pere Marq 5s 1 ano. ?9 2.000. .. 2,000. _^__^^ 88% ?g l 2O.1J?0. 90 OOO_.. 68'/2' 15,000. 39'g 68 Pierce Oil cv 6s 1920 ?v 5s 23.000.100-, a I do 1924 93 50.000. 89' 4 8 OOO. 89*4 p<" 5.000. 89'-i 88'A; i..-'. 89'4 87%1 5.000. 391/4 P 50,000...... 80 Heading gen 4s 1 ?OOO . . . M A St P ?er B 2.000. do cv 4'-s 1,000.,.. S.000. 4.000. do rfg 4'?S 140.000.80 61 "I i.000. 99' 61% 2,000. ?9 62 ! do 4s 22,000. 73 4.000. 7:?% 5.000. >3 1,000. 72y2 Ten Copr>er 6g 20% 1,000. 94'/, 20% Te? G? cv 6s ' 2,000. 90% 13.000. 99% 1.000. 99% 2 oOO. 993 ? 1,000...... 99% ?Tex A Okl 5? ' 5.000. 30 _ 6.000. 30V, ?4.000.58'/,'Texas A P 1st 6e 10,000. 58'/,! 2,000. 92V, 17.000. 58'/,: Third Av adj ?* 18,000. 58%' l.OOO.. 38% 8,000. 58'/2' Vaion Pacific 6? ^^EOOO do inc 5s 70.000. 11,000. Ill Cen 4? 1353 4,000. do rfg 4s 1,00o. 2,000_. Ill Steei 4 V4? 1.000.85%? Inbo-Met 4*?s I 82 88'/4 8*1/, 5,000. 80'4' 6,000. 5.000.80?/,;Repnb 1 4 S 5? O.non. ftO!,?! 1,000., 25.000.79 I Rio G W 1st 4a do 4* 1925 ".000. 4,000...... 8*141 St L A S F 4s ser A 8,000. 88 I 2.000.67/a do deh 4s 1934 I 68.000.67 91 84 72</a _? 5,000.81 ! C R I A P rfg 4s - 2.0O0.79 ! 12.000.78'-,; 5.000.78%; 13.000.78', 2 St P A M 6s 1.000.110 ' Chica**? Un S 4'-?s? ser A 20.000.90'/, C A West Ind 4s 1.000.70 Chil* foncer 's 1.000.118'/, I 1.000.11?%i 5.000.118 | I 0"0.1'7 I! do cv 6s ex res pt nd, 5.000. E9',V 13.000....:. 89 Co] A So 4H?s 5.000. 82%4? do 5a s?r B 4,000. 81 10,000. 81',4 , 10.000. 82% 10.000. 82'/4 23.000. 82!-, rio adj 6? 37,000. 76 1.000. 75% 2.0OO. 76 do inc 6s 31,000. 55 11,000. 54% St L Swn Ter ?s 2,000. 65 t P A K C S L 44s 5.000. 72 eab Air L rit; 4s 5.008. 65' - 2.000. 66" 10.000. 65% 10,000. 6514 Intbo R T rfg Cs 11.000.83%; 20.000. 84 | 5.000.83%: 10.000.84 : 2,000.33%' 2,000.83% 2.?00.83'/i' 8.000.83%i 17.000. 83% 3V'00.831/, 4.000. 83%! 44,000. lut Agri Co 6s 2,000. l.OOO. 18,000.76'/,' 1.000.76 IM A G N 1st ?s 2.000.94 Int Mer Marine 6s 91,000.104 20.000.IO4I-4I 28,000.104'/,' 50.000.104%! 45.000.1041/,! 1.000.1047? 3.000.IO41/4 2,0'fO.104'/, 1.000.104'4 83 t I 771/4! 77 ' .104 8 .104 ? 90?/? . 91 ? to*/, . m? 4.000. 13,000. do 1st 4s 12.000. 6,000. 17.000. do cv 4s 4,000. S RnbbeT ?a 6.000.87', 5,000.88ti 15,000. 88 11.000.87% 1.000.87% 12,000.87V-: t 14,000.87V? I 6,000.87 0.?00.8714 ? U S Steel s f 5e 6.00?.99% 115,000.100 4.000.99% 2.000.100 4,000. $8% 10.000.104%! Va Car Chenj 5a 5,000.10*'/i 11.000.100 6.000.104i4iWab*wh 1st 5s Iowa Central 4s ? 1.000. 5.000.51 do 2d 5s 1,000. 52 f 7,000. 11.000.51 ?West Electric 4s i.000. 51?/, 2.OO0. Kansas Ctty So 5s 7.000_ T.000.90'/,! West Maryland .. 10.000. 91 f 15,000. 71'/, 10.000.71 4.000.T?Va 97% 89% 96% 96' -4 1.000. 901 ANDREW J. Mfi'OKMArK, Auctioneer. REGULAR AUCTION BALE M<?< KS AND BOND?, lit ADRIAN II. MI'I.I.KK A HON. i ill'!' K. WlU.tAM ST . WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13. ISIg. Hi 12 :30 o'Clo? K. rfl t'.ir EXCHANGE 8ALK8ROOM. NOS 14 AND I* VESB? STREET I-'or Account of Tru*r.-<? $4,000 Southwestern (.'nal /? Improvement Co. lei Mtg< tf, Hrls.. 192? Fit Account "f Administrator. $6.000 Illinois Central R R. 4'.? Kegstd. h.,ruis, lar.n For Aci ount </f Whom It May Concern 10 shs <:vn- A bitI''?? Insurai'e Co. $1.000 Missouri, Karma? & Texaf By. l?t Mtge, i% Bond Ctf. of t>ep. B0 ?h* Finance & Trading Corpr,. common. 303 shs. Wat'-rllle Po-wer ??ngineerlng Co., I 10 ah?. Mount Kikco National Bank. Mount Klsco. N T ?J 1.000 Kanaaa City, Mexico & Orient ft.. P. 6% Not<s, due A pi. 30. 191? $10,000 Missouri. Kansaj & T<"xa? Ry. l*i Not ft? extended at f.% to May 1, 1916 41 shs. Hudson Companies preferred 130 shs. The Kftrbajgh-Kmplre CO. pre? ferred. 208 shs. The Kerbangh-Emplr? Co. common. $94,000 Denver &? Salt I.ake R. R. 1?? Mtge 3-f,Ci Bond?, 1S43 May. 191?. cou? pon on. Ctf. of Deposit. $11 600 D over A Ball Lake P. R. 1st Mtge -.??? Bonds, 1943. May. 1?1?. coupon Ctf or D< posit and J^ OC scrip. 100 she. CHnchfleld Coal Corpn. 4.001 shs. Furnace Creek Copper Co. 40 shs. Continent*! Public Works I prefd 13 ?hs. Continental Fubllc Work? Co. common. $56,776.?4 <~!aim against Continental Public Works Co., Bankrupt. 400 shs. Carbo-Hydrogen Co. of Amer Ica pre?!., with 2i% common bonus. 10 ?hs. Hoyt Broth'r? Co.. Katonah. N. 7. $3.896.?! Claim against Mr? E R. Brack? ets $5.150 Noto of E. R. Brmckett. due Apr1.'. 12, . 1*01.a? Claim again? J. O. MecEaydeen. i'"-rg?. E Gale ud Charlea H. Rus llng. $603 29 Balance Note J. G. MerFaydeer.. due Oct. 19. 1914. $3,030.4-; Claim against ftuszite Co., Geo. Taylor and Douglas H. Cooke $1.806 Claim agatnat George Shepherd. Estate of H'-ott B. Sh'phard, Frank A. Shepherd and Louise A Irvtn*. fl.198.4u Balance Note of Thomas T. Snel;, du? Aug. 2?. 1913. 1 $3.0*0 Claim against Albert Schlea?riger. i $4.860.12 Cialrr. against Peter D. Errant ll.0Z2.86 Claim against Charle? Dreyer. Matthew G. Collins and Edward t. Mtlke. ' $1,472.81 Claim against Charle? Dreyer, Matthew G. Collins ar.d Edaar? E. M!:ke. Note due May 28, 191?. $1.419 TO Claim against Charles Drey?? and Washington Rubber Products Manfg. Co.. Itc bal. not? due Ma? 1, 1917. 1 K C Ft S A M 4? ! Western Md 4k ?.900.78%i 12.000...... 71 ??.ooo.78 ! 1.600.nyt Wisconsin C 4* 3.008.72 -.000.SS Wilson A Co 8s 6.000.108 News Digest New York Life Insurance Men to Dise?as Tkrtft. I?Life insurance company exeeutiTa? ! from all sections of the United State? I will hold a "thrift conference" in New I York on December 5 and ? In connee ! tion with the twelfth annual eonven? j tion of the Association of Life In?ar , anee Presidents. H is announced that i trustees representing about 90 per cent of the SL'T.WO.OOO.OOO of old lina Hfa In? surance held in force for poicyhcldare i by the companies will be in attendance I Heads of insurance departments from many of the states ato* will be ?resect.