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Active Securities Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings Stocks Day Year January 1 to date. Yesterday, before. ago. 1918. 1917. 191C. ? ;lr0_dS .15-1, i w a/.tuv l/.?OU,DVU ?U,3BU,fUU _U,3.3?,?>W ^..stocks ...538,500 784.500 485.200 103,907,500 143,529,500 145,447,700 ?ifrtocks.732.600 1,070,900 582.600 121,188,100 163,810,200 179,017,200 Bonds January 1 to date. ?.??_.-._,,.-.... ???,?-. JC1U. i.-il. .UiVi. ...194,100 286.400 97,400 17.280,600 20,580,700 30,539,500 *. ...538.F .732,1 Yesterday. Day before. Year ago. 1&18. 1917. .. c government...$5.296,000 $4.359,000 $3,734.000 $987,508,000 $197,253,000 hi;M_s . 1.662,000 2,552.000 557,000 143,321.000 181,025,000 rnher bonds. 3,081,000 4,582,000 1,560.000 459.536,000 446,189,000 ????bond. .10,039.000 11,493,000 5,851,000 1,590,365,000 824,467,000 Record of Stock and Bond Averages Stocks Yester- Day Year P.ange, January 1 to date, day. before, ago. 1918. 1917. -i Railroads. 77.90 78.60 35.35 79.15 66.12 89.35 64.45 m Industrials . 85.90 85.90 68.03 88.33 73.37 97.40 67.37 liStoeib . 82.70 82.98 66.96 84.08 70.30 91.24 66.20 Bonds 1? Railroad? . 86.78 86.17 79.83 86.17 76.62 93.80 80.28 16 Industrials . 92.52 92.33 90.72 82.33 67.40 98.30 91.03 5 Utilities . 87.61 87.18- 89.02 82.60 101.48 92.60 ,-. Bonds . . 89.10 88.83 86.96 88.83 83.62 85.52 87.19 u? ?**??? - - -. {By The Associated Press) Peace and it? attendant problems and uncertainties loomed larger on he financial horizon yesterday, the stock market undeigoing another wriod of liquidation which encompassed nearly all parts of the active ?ist. The declino was accelerated by further restriction of credits and ?he attitude of conservative banking interests, who encouraged general curtailment of speculative accounts, despite the more hopeful views of leaders in the steel industry. Speculative favorites were at lowest prices m the later dealings, but rallied from fractions to 1% points on the sup? port then accorded rails and shippings and the further strength of Mexi? can Petroleum. A few of the more popular industrials approximated minimum quotations of the year during the several reversals, but these also rallied on the relaxation of pressure at the end. United States Steel was again the pivotal feature, its extreme de? cline of I1/, points to 97% being quickly followed, however, by a rally in which two-thirds of the loss was recovered. Rails yielded 1 to 4% points at their worst, Canadian Pacific displaying actual weakness for a time, but in this division losses were half way repaired. Southern Pa ?j?cand Reading receiving support at recessions. .?uppers were heai'y, oils and motors irregular, and specialties, ferti ?siat exeepted, mainly lower. Baldwin Locomotive was again the only equipment to manifest consistent strength. Bonds followed the trend of the rtock market, Liberty issues holding steady, while railway and in? dustrial issues lost fractions to a point. Old United States bonds were ??whanged on call._ ?_.,, *. ?- . --?? ? ? ?? ?? " ' '?? ?-=*** Yesterday's Transactions in Listed Stocks AH stocks qnoted dollar*- per share. Annual dividend rate, also In dollars f? ?hare. Is based on last re-ruler payment. High and low prices of the fear _re batx-d only on transactions of 100 shares or more. High. Low. Div. Net 1918. 1918. Rate. Sales. Open. High. Low. Cose. che?. V 48 ? Adams Express. 200 68 68 68 68+8 Wl 11 ? Advance Rumely. 600 22 22 22 22 ? '/8 KH 25% -~ Advance Rumely pr.... 1400 57' _ 58 56% 57%? 1% 5% 1% ? Alaska Go'd Mines. 1600 4% 4'/2 4% 4%-- % S'/a 1'/2 ? Alaska Juneau. 8100 2% 2% 2% 2'/2 37 17%? Aliis-Chalmers. 300 273/4 28 27% 28 ??/2 72'/4 7 A'lis-Chalmers pr. 100 81'/e 81% 81'/8 81'/B? 1% 106 78 8 Am Apr Chem. 100 101% 101% 101% 101%? % 84 58 8 Am Beet Sugar.... 600 6334 63% 63 63?1 50% 34% ? Am Can. 4700 45% 46% 45% 46 - 971/2 89'? 7 Am Can pr. 400 98% 97% 96'/2 97% + % 88%i 68I/4 8 Am Car & Fy...._.. 1600 85 853/4 85 85%-f- % 44?4 25 4 Am Cotton Oil. 4700 43 44% 43 43% + % 85 78 6 Am Cotton Oil pr.. 100 84% 84% 84% 84%? % ?/i 12 -? Am Hide & L..".'.. 1C0 15% 15? ? 15% 15%+ % Wfo SO 5 Am Hide & L pr... ... 700 7534 75% 75 75 - W?.*2 81% 3% Am Int Corp. 1400 56% 56% 56% 56'/4? '/4 J3 20!/.-- Am Linseed. 3700 38% 40'/8 38% 40%+ 1% ??. 69!'s ~ Am Linseed pr . 1700 80% 80% 80' 4 803/?? % 71% 531/2 5 Am Loco. 700 66% 66</2 66'/8 66'/_?? % % 23.8? Am Malt. 100 5 5 5 5 - ?% 73 6 Am Smelting. 19600 88% 89% 87% 88%? 11/?, M 58 7 Am Steel Fy. 1400 85% 86 85% 85%? 1% ?? 98 7 Am Sugar. 400 112 112 112 112 ? % '?? 60% 10 Am Sumatra. 6100 107% 108% 108% 107% + % '?% ?4% 8 Am Tel & Tel. 930 108 108 107(4 107%? % m 44% 5 Am Wool.... 400 50% 60% 50% 50!/4? >/2 ?92 7 Am Woo! pr. 200 95% 95% 95% 95%? % ffij 20% ? Am W Paper pr. 900 33" 33 33 33 - 2'H 12%? Am Zinc & Lead. 600 15 15 14% 1434? % Wi 59*!. 8 8 Anaconda .2490O 70% 703$ 69 69%? 2 Wl 81 6 Atchison . 900 97 97 96 96 ? 1'/2 Of. 8 ? Atlantic, B & AH. 100 8% 8% 6% 8%? % 106 89% 7 Atlantic C L. . 200 107 107 106 106?2 W/4 97% 10 Atlantic G & W 1. 900 110 111 109 110%? % fi'/i 58 5 Atlantic G & W I pr.. 400 65% 85% 64% 64%? % W% 58%? Baldwin Loco. 42700 82% 84% 82% 83%+ 1% ?2 49 5 fBalt & Ohio. 2100 59% 59% 58% 59%? % Wi 53 4 Bait & Ohio pr. 400 63 64% 63 63%+ % 2 1 ? Batopilas Mining. 400 1% 1% 1% 1% * 60!4 10 Bethlehem Steel. 600 60% 61% 60% 61%? % M 58% 10 Beth Steel Class B. 18600 60% 61% 593-4 61%+ % W?. 961/2 8 Beth Steel 8th pr,. 25 104% 104% 104% 104% *?A 36 ? Brooklyn R T. 400 41% 41 % 41% 41%? % ?'/. 21 2 Booth Fisheries. 100 22% 22% 22% 22%? % W/a 108 10 Bums Bros. 400 149% 152 148% 150 -\- 2 V% 8% % But e Cop & Zinc. 300 10% 10% 10% 10%? % 33I-2 .8% _ Butte & Sup Cop. 110Q 2234 2234 22 22%? % ? W/t 4 Cal Packing. 400 47% 47% 47% 47%? 3 i l% 12 ? Cal Pa roleum. 400 21% 21% 21% 21%? % ? 36 7 Cal Petroleum pr. 100 64 64 64 64 ? 1% ?? ?3'/2 8 Cal & Arizona......... 100 68% 68% 68% 68%? 2 W8 135 10 Canadian Pacific.. 1900 166 166 163% 165%? 2% 90 73 7 Case J I pr. 200 90 90 89% 89%? % 2H 60'/2 5 Cotral Lerher.. 1900 60% 613% 60% 60%? % - 29% 4 Cerro De Pasco. 900 373^ 37% 37% 37%? % ,(*H 68% 12 Chandler Motors. 300 104% 104% 102 103 ? 1% ?H 4934 4 Ches & Ohio. 6100 60 61 59% 61 + % I', 6 - Chicago Gt W. ....... .. 2700 10 10 9% 9%? % ??4 37% 4 ?!Chicago M & St P. 2200 50 50% 49% 50 ?1% ,Jf? 66% 7 tChicago M & St P pr 1900 83% 84 823/4 83 ? % W 89%. 7 Chicago & Nwn. 800 106 106 104% 105 ?1 ?!. 18%-- Chicago R I & P. 6930 30% 30% 30 30%? % 2 46 6 Chi R I & P 6% pr. 1400 73% 73% 73 73?1 2 58% 7 Chi R I & P 7% pr. 300 86% 86% 86 86 ? !? 2 89 6 C St P M & 0. 100 78 78 78 78+1% ? 26 ? C C C & St L. .. 300 40 40 40 40 ? 14%- Chile Copper. 2400 22% 22% 21% 21%? % 22* 38% 4 Chino Con Cop. 1900 42% 42% 41 41 ? 1% **/. 34% 3 Col Fuel & Iron . 600 40 40 39% 40 + 1 3 28% 4 Col Gas & Elec. 1650 40% 40% 38% 39 ? % ??ft 18 -- Col & South. 400 26% 26% 26% 26%? % * 30 4 c?inp Ta?,. 100 36% 36% 36% 36%+ % _2f ?2% 7 Consol Gas. 600 102 102% 102 102%-- ' _ Th 2?7/8 ... Cor|| pro_uct(l. 9600 47 48% 46% 48%+ 1% ?>i 52 -_ Crucible Steel. 1900 55% 56 5434 55 - xL Z1V* - ?'uba Cane Sugar. 1400 32% 32% 32% 32%- % 7tW/_ 9 Del & Hudson. 300 117% 117% 117% 117%- % L 2% ? Denver & R G. 100 5 5 5 8 - 9 5 - Denver & R G pr. 200 11% 11% 11% 11%- % i, 6 - Dome Mines. 2700 14% 14% 14 14%- % V* ?? 2 Distillers Secoritiea.... 6400 47% 4934 47% 48%+ 1% */? ~ Duluth. 8 S & Ail. 100 334 3% 3% 3%- % ?L ** ? Duluth, S S & Atl pr... 400 8 8% 8 8%+ % Sj ? 4 Elk Horn Coal...... 100 30 30 30 30 - 2. U - Erie . 8600 21% 21% 20% 20%? 1% 1??8%_ Erie 1st pr. 2700 34% 3434 34 34%- % ff/4 18% - Krie 2d pr . 200 25% 25% 25% 25%- 1% 1, *?- Fed Min & Sm. 200 12 12 . 12 12 -2 7** 27 7 Fed Min ? Sm pr. 100 42% 42% 42 42 - % _? W - F?.sher Bod). , 100 40 40 40 40 - 4L 2^4 4 Gaitton Williams. 900 30 30% 30 30%? % 3^27% 3 (,en E|?.trlc. 1600 153% 154 152% 154 + % 3 1*H 12 Gen Motors . 1900 131 131 127 129 - % * K% 8 Gen Motors pr . 700 86 86% 86 86 + % fe. ~ 7 C W Helme pr. 700 56% 56% 55% 56%+ 1% Z* ? 4 Goodrich B F pr. 100 103% 103% 103% 103% ?/ I! 10 r"-??>>y Mining. 200 83 83 82 82 - M ? 7 Ct Northern pr. 3700 102% 102% 101% 102 - % M R ? fit Northern Ore subs.. 14900 33 34 32% 33%+ 1 W Wz 8 ('"?* Cannnea Cop.... 1400 53% 54 53 63%? % ?? !? 10 <.ulf ?tale Steel........ 100 65 65 65 65 J/4 ? 4 naskr.?| ? H far .... 1C0 47% 47% 47% 47%+ % to/ _* 6 Homestak?- . 100 95 95 95 95+6 m ^ 8 ?"^ration Cop. .. 6400 53% 54% 52% 53 - 1% mJfc*- Interbor-f^n? Corp. . . 1100 8% 9 6% 9 + % ttl 1?! Interbor-Cons Corp pr.. 300 36 38 35 36 ? 1% \H g ? Int Harvester... .... 1400 115 116 14% 4%- 3% ? ^ 7 I?, H.rvner pr. 200 114 114 114 \? + 8% %? ?L- ?*t Mer Marina. 3400 29% 80% 29% 29%? ^' *H ? l?tM?rM4.?r. ?00 120% 121% HW 1?H+ % High. Low. Div. 1918. 1918. Rate. 45% 35 24% 58 4114 4% 104 91% 11% 65! 4 22% 110 91% 200 78% 1C3% 85 42% 6978 323/b 194 33% 62 15% 9/% 6% 13% 31% 62 81% 109% 21% 54% 6434 10% 21% 35 139 ?4% 45% 112% 105 48 13 70% 35% 72% 124% 50% 6% 61 18% 35% 51% 102% 19% 5834 39% 81% 20 73 73 7134 26% 96% 96 102% 145 80% 18 17 33% 12 25% 18% 39 71% 110 34% 75% 72% 4734 45% 21 27% 203 21% 79% 24% - 27 4 15% - 41 4 29 4 3 ? 96 8 70% 6 7% - 55 5 12 ? 104% 7 63 ? 144% 12 71% 6 94 7 75 ? 23% - 51 7 19 ? 79 S 26% -1 4314 6 7% - 80% 7 43/i - 6% - 20 ? 41 ? 64 5 94 7 13% - 37% 6 43% 5 4% - 17% 3 17 - 993? 20 Bales. Open Int Paper. 200 33% Int Nickel. 1900 34% Kansas City So. 900 2234 Kelly Springfield. 100 56 Kennecott Cop. 8600 39% Keok & Des Moines.. . 600 3 Kings Co E! L & P. . . 25 103 Lackawanna Steel. 1400 70' -> 100 117-, 400 64 700 20% 100 110 100 91% 100 156 Net Low. Close, chge. Lake Erie & W. Lehigh Valley. Lee Rubber & Tire. Lig & Myers Tob pr. Loose W Bis 2d pr. . Lorillard Pierre.... 67% 27 102 81% 35! S 4% 55% 23% 63% 86 43% 4% 39% 9% 21 34 80 17% 12 22% 61 16 56% 56% 45% 22% 70% 72% 92% 70% 53 4% - 9% - 21 ? 7 - 15% ? 14% 2 25% - 39 6 80% 6 20% ? 57 5 33% 4 37 5 34% 6 12% 1 14 ? 136% 10 15% ? 48% 6 137% IO934 10 Mackay Co. 100 Manhattan Elev. 200 Mar Rockwell . 100 Maxwell Moor . 900 Maxwell Motor 1st pr. . 600 Maxwell Mol or 2d pr . 1400 Mexican Petroleum Miami Con Copper . . . 1600 .Midvale Steel . 2900 -Minn & St Leuis new . 2200 M S P & S' St M.?. 100 Mo Kans & Tex . 600 Mo Kan & Tex pr ...... 300 Mo Pacifie ........_ 8600 Mo Pacifie pr_. 700 Mont Power. 600 National Biscuit . 100 National Con <& Cable . 300 Nat Enam & Stp<?-. 100 National Lead. 300 Nal R R of Me\ 2d pr. 1400 Nevada Con Copper 270O New Or Tes & Mes_ 40C N Y Air Brake. 900 New York Central .. 3600 N Y N H & Il . 1400 Norfolk & Went .. Northern Pacifie _ 3700 100 Ohio Gas. 4700 46% Ontario Silver. 900 7% Owens Bottling_...'. 400 62 1% 1713.4 165 % 600 110 403?? % 109%? 1% 100%? 1 Pacific Mall . Pan Am Pet . Pan Am Pet pr . . Pennsylvania R R Peoria & East . . Peo Gas & Coke , P?re Marquette ... Philadelphia Co ., Pierce Arrow . 100 33% 7400 67' 2 400 117 2300 49% 600 6% 600 58 300 17% 300 34 7600 48% Pierce Arrow pr . 200 102% 102% 102% 102% + Pierce Oil. 1600 17% 17% 17% 17%? Pittsburgh Coal 200 48 48 48 48 + Pitts ? West Va _.. 16400 38% 39% 38% 39%+ Pitts & West Va pr ... . 700 8Q78 81'4 8078 81% Pond .Creek Coal . 100 16 16 16 16 ? ?Pressed S.cel Car . . 400 65% 65% 65% 65% ? Pressed Steel Car rash. 100 67% 67% 67% 67%? Ry Steel Spring . 200 66% 66% ( Rav Con Copper. 2900 24! 4 24% ? Reading. 12700 90 90% I Rep Iron Steel . 2700 77% Rep I & S pr . 100 99% 3% Royal Dutch. 900 115 6 Savage Arms . 300 61 Saxon Motors . 1930 14% St Lpuis & San Fran 900 16 St Louis & San Fran pr 100 32 Seaboard Air Line .. 2700 11% Seaboard Air Line pr 500 24 2 Shattuck Ariz . 400 167_ Sinclair Oil . 2700 367_ 6 Sloss-Sheff Stl & Iron 300 50% 6 Southern Pacific . ; 38600 105 - Southern R R ......... 12700 32% 5 Southern R R pr. 1600 73% 4 Studebaker . . 8600 69% 5 Stutz Motors , 800 45% 6 Superior Steel 200 36' z 1 Tenn Copper & Chem 700 !6:4 ? Texas & Pacific . 1600 24% Texas Company . 1900 192 Third Ave R R ...._ 100 20 Tob Products. 1600 77% 66%- 1% 24 - % 8% - 1% 76% 44% 105% 50% 148 ?1 137 99 75% 108 50% 46% 116% 68 37 8334 46 116% 4% ? 97 16 91 7 51 95 36 42% 86% 4 4 9 3% 8 1900 102% 102' 100 50% 50' 100 144 144 300 9% 9' 112% 108 93 16% 60% 73% 12 44% 26% 83% 17% 24% 64 95% 47% 70% 12% 26 50 ,30 85% 39% 69 7634 10 11 ? 3334 4 50 ? 7 ? 37 4 20% ? 63% 6 12% ? 13 ? 46 6 77% 38% 45% 8 17% 36% 15% 75 34 37 Union Pacific .., 4600 134% 134% Union Pacific pr . 800 7634 76% United Alloy Steel ... 2900 39% 39% United Cigar Stores I'nitcd Drug 1st pr .. United Fruit. United R'v Investment l* S Ind Alcohol ... 1900 98% U S Ind Alcohol pr .. .. 100 94% U S Rubber. 1000 7P4 U S Rubber 1st pr ... 200 108 U S Smelt & Ref_ 200 48' _ U S Smelt & Ref pr 100 46'8 U S Steel . - 154600 993?? U S Steel pr . 600 112% Utah Copper. 4900 8634 Utah Sec Corp ...... 400 1478 Va Carolina Chem 600 57% Va Iron, Coal & Coke. 300 67 Wabash. 3400 10% -j-Wabaah pr A . 1600 4Q73 Wabash pr B. 300 25% Wells Fargo Ex. 200 77 West MaryTd . 1100 15% 2% % West Pacific . 300 235*3 23% 23 2 West Pacific pr . 300 631 ? 83% 63 6 WTest Union Tel . 900 92% 93 92% 9 Westinpbouse MfR ... 1100 44% 44% 44% 4 Wilson Co. . 1100 69 69 68 6 Wheel & LE .......... 1000 117e 11% 11% 1 Wheel & LE..... 100 24 24 24 2 White Molors. 300 48 48 47% 4 Wllvs Ooverland . 19600 28% 28% 27% ?. Willys Overland pr . 300 86% 86% 86% 8 Wi? Central . 100 38 38 38 3 Worth Pump *_ Mach '00 51 51 51 5 *Ex dividend. 1Dividened deferred pending: seulement of railroad contract. ?Dividened deferred pending decision of Railroad Administrator. _ 1 3% Bond? U. S. Government Bonds (New York Stock Exchange quotations) (Closing Quotations) Li?itTty &#*.. . do 1st 's. . . do 2d 4s_ d? 1st 4%b. . d<> 2d 4'.4?.. do .'id 4'4b. . do 4th 4&S. 2?, reg. 1930. 2e coup. 19.10. 8*. re?. 1946. 3?. coup. 1946. 4f. ref*. 1925. 4?. coup. 1925. 2s, Pan, '38. refj 2b. Pan, 3?, Pan. Os, Pan, 3S. cou '61. reK 'Cl, cou Wednesday. 99.90? 9*4*96 97 00?. 97.50 96.10& 96 20 98 6)@ 98.90 98 001} 98 06 97.96? 98 00 98.00? 98.10 98 @ ? 98 @ ? 83 @ ? 83 @ ? 106% @106% '06% @107% 98 @ ? 98 @ ? 83 @ ? 88 (i_ ? Tuesday. 99.10? 99.90 95 90'?/ ? 96 20@ ? 98 60? 98 90 97.98? 98.00 97.98*';' 9800 98.00? 98.10 98 ? ? 98 ? ? 83 ? ? 83 @ ? 106% @ 106% 106% ? 107% 98 ? ? 98 ? ? 85 ? ? 88 @ ? Liberty Issues Hbsh. ' ! ow. Liberty 31.8. 99 98 99.90 do 1st 4s. 97.10 96.50 do 2d 4?.;. . . 96 20 96 10 do 1st 4**?. 98 9 J 98 80 do 2d 4>4*. 98 06 97 76 do 3d 4*tt8. 97 98 97 80 do 4th 4fcs. 93.00 98.00 Laut. 99.90 96 50 96.20 98 84 98 06 97 98 98.00 (Sales) V S Liberty 3%? 240.000. 99.901 25.000. 9994' 77,000. 99 95 1.000. 69.98 63,00(1. 99.961 ?4.000. 99 92 6,090. 99.961 85,0 '". 99 98 mo...... 99 96 26,000. 99.90 Total .?552.000 U S Liberty l.t i* 12.000. 97.00! 6.000. 97 10! 8,000. 97.00; 2,000. 96 Mi 14.000. 87.98 i 170.000. ..... 9800 4.000. 97 96 75,000. 98.06 Total . . . .$1,187,000 U S Liberty 3d t >,*? 100,000. ? .0,000 Oi Total .,.$28,000! : .. 00 ?? '?(iii 18.000.. 15,000. . 20.000. . 66.000.. 1.000.. 2,000.. 97 98 97.96 97 9? 97 96 97.90 07.94 97 98 97.96 97 96? 97.94; 97.90 97.86! 97.98 V* S Liberty 2d 4s 1,000. 97.84 13,ono. . . 96.20 11,000, ... 07 9.* T,i. 96.16: lOiOOO ... 97.84 36,000.96.20 35,000 . . . . 97.86 18,000 9fa 10 86,000 . . . 97 90 17,000. . .9620 li.uOO. 97.9.* 19,. . . . 96 10 17 000. 97.94 18,000. 96.20 000 . . 97 90 11,000 96.10 15.000. 97.94 96.20 96.000. 97.90 00 .... 9792 Total .$203.000 13.000. 97 90 17 S Liberty ist .!,< 1,000.. 97?.? 34,000. 98 80 3.000. 97.90 32,000.98 00 20.000. 97.84 . 35,000. 98 80 lu 000. 97 86 10,000. 98 82 25,000. 97.88 5,000. 98 86 24,000. 97 90 21,000. 98.84 35,000. 97 94 -! 25.000. 97.96 Total .$37,000! 33.000. 97 90 ? S Lib-rty 2d41?8 15,000. 97 96 13.000. 97 90 10.000. 97 98 6?.000. 97 94; 25.000. 97.96 87.000. 97.90' 25.000. 97.98 11000. 97 92; 39.000.."_ 97 90 11.000. 97 96! 11.000_ 97 96 50.000. 97 94' 23.000 . 97 90 7 000. 97 96' 2.OO0. 97 84 1.00'). 9?.">0; CS.OOO. 97.80 97 90' 3.000. 97 R8 S.000. 97 96 35.000. 97 R4 10 OOO. 97 94' 1 ?j.OOO. 07 86 15.000.97 96 62 oon ... 978$ 2,000. 97 "2 95 OOO. 97.Q-* ... 97 "0 l)f) . 07 90 ? -? ? ' . 97 30 . . ' :' 97 04 ? ,000 ...?** "c' 45,000. 97 95 20,000.9778' 10,000., . . 97 *?6 36.000. 97 84 90.000. 97 08 K'.OOO. 9'85' 7.O00. 97 90 115 010. 9-91: SO.OOO. ?7.88 20,000. 97 ?2! ._ 'o'niin. 97 981 Tvni ... $1.656.000 35.000. 98 *?' U S Liberty 4th 4 H? 25.009. 98.02! 1.620.000. 98.00 200 000. 98 001 Foreign Government and Mu nicipal Bonds Am Foreijm S 5a Dora Tan 5a 1925 13.000. 99*^ 1 000.961? 1.000 ..99% ?i-, : ? ! 21,000.96% i.OOO- 99% 30,000. 98% 11.000. 991* French G 5*4. 25.000. 99%! ??7.O0O 104 10.000 . . . 99%! 1.000.103% Anglo French 5s 155 000... . 104 7.000. 96 i 1,000.104% 8.000. 96%! l,O*)0.103% 42.000.$6 I Ja? 3d ?er 4 Ha CO S.000. 92% ?".enr?an etmp 88 87 88% 96%' ?6% 9% 3% SO' 4 96*2 96% 96% 72 99'/, 88% 99 98% ?9 LOOO. 2,000. . .. K ?' -, a _ 5*.. 1919 T.000. E.?00. 1,000. 21.000. 4.000. do new 4.0'?.103',', 100,0...103% 11.000.103% 5,00t).103*?| 3,000.103'., 14.000.1P3 19.000.102% 32.000.103 6,000.102% do .'.s 1921 f..000. S8 33,000. 96'il 1,006. 96 ! 105.000. 96% B.000. 96%; 32,000. 96% li?.OOO. 96% U 35,000. 96 5,000. 123,000. 17.000.96: 5.000. 96% 5,000. 96" 1,000.$8 1,000. 96 30,000. 96% 50,00.0. 96% 5,000. 5.000. S.000. 4,000. Chinese Rwv 5. 1,000. 1,000.71% City of Bord 6s C.000.101% 2,000.101% City of Lyons 6s 3,000.101% City of Msj-b 6b 3,000.101% 1,000.10134 10,000.101'. City of Paris 6s 12.000. 99 20,000. 99% 1.000. 99 1,000. 99% 12,000. 99'_ 20,000. 99 32,000. 99% 20.000.99? 1,000. 99% 5,000. 99% 1.000. 99 19,000. 99% Quotations Argentine Gv Ce 1920,Rus ext 6*%i 191S 96%? 97%' 74 <3 75 do Bs 1909 ?Manitoba 5? 1S20 87 e 89 95 @ 97 Chinese Gov Ry 5s IMei gen 6? 1899 68 ?_> 71%; 60 ? ? Canadian 5s Au? '19 do 4* 1954 98'%? 98'% 40 ? ? do 6s 1937 Montreal City 5s 1913 91%? 93 i 99%?100 City of Tokio 5s 1012 Newfoundland 5a 1919 80 @ 82 '. 97%;?' 98?.-' Cuban Rep 5-, 1904 Norway 0s L923 ? & 95 101 ?102! i do *er A L949 Quebec City .'..- 19 ? ? 93% 95%-j 97 do 4'.e 1949 Quebec Pro-. 5a 192 78%@ 82 93%(_S 97 Internal Rus Gov 5*_9Swi?s gen is Mar 1920 220 ?6*230 ; 99%@ 100V, Rua ext 5 V_3 1921 68 ? 70 12.000 87.000 5.000 3.0O0 5.000 22,000. 98' 1,000.98 10,000. 98"* !N Y C 4 Sa 1967 May 1.000.103% 10.000.1031 ? 5.000.1033_ do 4Ug 1963 11.000. . . ?io 41?.B 1965 2,0 23.000 , . 1.000. .. . do 3V4s 1954 May 2,000. 85 98'% 98% 98 9771 98% 103' 't 1C3% 103% Railways, Other Corporations Alaaka Gold Min 6s I Lohigh Valley 63 series A 4,000.*02% 1,000. 88%. 2.000.102% do aeries B 20,000. , . .102 8,000. 30 ! 1,000.102% 2,000..32 i Liggett 4 M 7b Allegheny V 4b 20,000-112 5,000. 87%! do 5s Am Ag Chem cvt 5s 1.000. ...... 93% 1,000.97% Long I?l gen 4? Am Smelting 6a 1,000. 79% 1,000. 92 do 5s 1537 Am T 4 T cvt 6s 8,000. 77% Mich State Tel 5a 7,000 14 m 10 2,000 . ,000. 104 . .103%' .1033/4 .103% 90% 2.000. lidvalq Steel 5a 1,000.. 92 10 000 , . . 103%. Minn & St L con 5s 12,000. . . . IO334 1.000.78% 1,000 . . . 103% do 4s IO.000.103%: 10.000. 53% 2 000.103% 1.000_, 52% I.)0. . 103% M K & T 1st 4s : 000.1033/4 5 000. 71% 5,000.1035. do rfg 4s 1,000. . . .103',-,' 5 .00 . ... 45 6.000.... .103%! Mo Pac 5s 1923 3,000 . 95 do col 5b 3,000.97 1.000.96% 2.000.97 do col 4s 40,000. 87% Ann Arbor 4s 1,000.64 j Armour Co 41,.? 1,000. B7% 8/'00. 88 A T & S F fren 4.? 1,000. 89% 1,000. 89 ! 4,000. . . . 88% Halt & Ohio rfg 5s 1 N 4,000.._91 1,000. 91%! do cvt 4*728 1.000. 87 3,000. 87%' 1.O00.86%) do Ruld 4s 1,000. ...87 10,000., ? 85 27,000. . 84% 1,000.86*4 Unit & O Swn 5'c. 5,000. 83% l!"th Steel ext 5s 1,000. 94% ;fo rfg 5a do 5s 1965 6,000. 88% do gen 4s 2,000 . 66% 10,000. . . . 66% 3.00O. 66% 69,000. 86% 1,000 ... 66 Montana Pu-r 5a 1,000. 91% N* Orl T & Mex 6s 7,000. 96% 41 Y Air H rake 6s 15.000... . 99 i* Cen deb 6s 1.000.102% ,000_ 20,00.0_ do p m 5s 17,000_10?', 3 000.10? .,000. 102% 25,000.. 23.000.. do rfg- 41. ! 2.000 . 87% do 4s 1934 1,000. do con 4ft 1,000. : .000.. 7."00. . do rfg 31 10.000. . 90 N Y C * St L 1st 43 90% 10.000.85 I do deb 4s .102'-. .102 89% 8*" '?. 8?% 82 75 3,000. 86* 7? Bklyn R T 12,000. 7.000. 26,000_ 5,000. 1.O00 . 1,000. ',000 . . Bklyn U Gas ?is 1.000. Gal Gas & E 5s 2,000. 94 Gar Clch 4 O Bs 4,000.84 Cen Leather Ca 1,000. 96% 1.000. 96 1,000. 95% Cen Pac gtd 4a 2.000. 10 0D0.. . 5,000. Cen It R of N J 5s 2.000.107 .108 Ches & O gen 4,000. 85% 4.000. 85 I do cvt 5s %: ? %! N Y N H 4 H cvt. fis 3.000. 94% .000. W Ist 95 94'; N Y 95% 95% 953? N Y 96 ; 95% N Y Rys rfg 4s 96 2.OOO. . 95' _ ' 000. ' do adi 5s 92 t 2O00. T'rhih 4M* 4.0*10... 5,000. . . 6 000 .. Niagara F P 1.000. .. do 5s lfi 000... 10 000. 97 Mor Purifie. 4s .-> 000.8R% 5.000. 88 do 3s l.OOO: 6**% t..' . . 63' _ Or Short Une 4s ? 000 . 90 1r-W T* R 4 N 1 10 000. 80 1.000. . . 89%; Pacifie G 4 E 5b 10.000. 39% 1 non. 867/-, 26,000. 89 "er.n tren 4 V.s 8 000. 05% 73 60% 49%. 21% 92 91% 91% 99 95 85' 86 85 10,000. .... 88% l.nno. 8S% *.ooo_ 89% 1.000. 89 do cvt 4'".s 1,000. ". .. . 83% 1,000. v 83% 4,000 . 83 1.000. . . , 83% (" * Mt'.n 3V-S 1,000, ..... 44 -.0. . .43 2.000. 44 C B & Q gen 4s I 17 000. 88 i do lit 4a> ... 91 10.000_ 87 I Pier-- "" -vt 6? *?"0 3.000...... 87% B.000.100% do joint 4s do 2,000. 95% 3 000. 89% 2.000. 96 r nnn, .. . pg 5.000. 95%! Public P of N J 5* 10.000. 95%: 1 non. 88 C Gt Western 4s 000 .85 1.000.. 67 i Rendi-r ?-en 4a 4,000.gs_? do 4?. *948 1 non. 9*?% 4.00O. 92 p?. r.ns * Coke of Chi-ap-o 5? 1 "00. RB% 1 000. 85% ?eo 4 V. 1st is 1 f. ... 60 P?re Mt?i 5s 5,006. 89 Phila Go 5a 1922 3 nnn. gol/, M & St P cvt 5a series B 15.000_ 3.000. . . . 1,000,. .. do cvt 4-'.s 4.000 . . . I.nof). 90% M, 91 000 88 87%, do rfg 4 ?.s j 2. '00. 79% 3,000. 79 ! 5.000. 79%: 2.000. 80 10 q 11 -, I ?.i. ?. t;'4?_? l.OOii. 71% t T, *- *'* .v S r tnnoo. 96% do 4-i ti nnn. pi do 4? f?iv & G '?Iv 1 n "nn . 7=-?.'. 1 nnn . 7-? 18 000.79%; st L ?*"'<- Mt 4 P 5? 000. 80 do gen 4 3 ??ries A 4.000. 82 do 4s 1925 5.OO0. 86 do 5s K4 M div 2.000. 98 C 4 Nwn gen 4? 25,000. 88 C R I * P gen 4s 1.000. 84% 10 . 64% ?io rfg L . 78 6.0OI,. 771/. 25,000. 77 C St P . M O 6s 8,000.112 C 4 Wct Ind 4s 1,000. 69'% Chile Copper 7s 2.00-?.116*44 4.000.116 i 12,000.115 ' do col 8s 1 000. 89%' 10. 881 _l do cvt (?s ext rets par* paid 1.000. 8*4% 83% ? 000. 88 10 I 00.8734 L.O?a. 88 [ C C C 4 St L 4*_s ! 2.non. 83%' Col 4 So 4*_s .' 1*11 . 81 1.000.82 Conn Ry 4 Light 1st' S nnn St L * c F 4? 1 ont. I.onn. 4 d'il. .,', do R? ?er B 11 -nn 81 I?- * ?7 6?% 67 82% 76 1 non P nno E3'/ st L S"--. 1st 4? !? nnn 7/t ? Hn<< ..... 78 do ri" 4* F,nno ... f (, 3 onn. foi.', in nnn p-??-, r- w, '. '. '. '. 68' ? ?"t L S?-, Ter 5s *. nnn m ?nno. 65 3 nnn. .4 5T n * Kan City Short L 4%g '? 1?? non. 7i 1 , Seab Ai" L rfg 4s 1 *"*n. 66 9 ?*"*?** . 65% do ndj 69 ?pno . fips;, 5 non . 60% do 4? -*amped .6,000.74 ] ISa?onalBankof Cbcmineroe ?n Newlfork Organized 1839 STATEMENT OF CONDITION NOVEMBER 1, 1918 Resources Loans and Discounts. $309.083,984.16 U.S. Certificates o? Indebted? ness and Liberty Bonds... 96.560.0^0. ?*7 Other Bonds, Securities, etc. 10.084.21i.I3 U. S. and Other Bonds Bor? rowed . 24.689,459.00 Stock of Federal Rese?e Bank 1.200,000.00 Banking House. 2.000,000.00 Due from Banks and Bankers 5,041,141.05 Cash, Exchanges and Due from Federal Reserve Bank 99,066,197.53 Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit and Ac? ceptances . 42.210.49O.09 Interest Accrued._1,464.253.05 $591.399,827.38 Liabilities Capita!, Surplus and Undi? vided Profits. $4^.376,660.45 Deposits.379,853.522.64 U.S. and Other Bonds Bor? rowed . 24.689,4?S?.?0 Letters of Credit and Accept? ances. -t2.68*>,740.86 Bills Pavabk with Federal Reserve Bank. 88.000.000 00 Reserved for Taxes, etc. 3,096,833.25 Unearned Discount. 1,726, ?10.W Other Liabilities. 1,967.50?. 1. $591,399,827.38 JAMES S. ALEXANDER VICM-PKKBloemr s ft. G. MUTCHINS, Jr. JOHN E. ItOVEttSKY HERBERT P. HOWELL FARi? R. J. HOWARD ARDREV GUV EMERSON STEVENSON E. WARD LOUIS A. KEIOEL O'tN'tl* RICHARD W. SAUNDERS JAMES S. ALEXANDER WILLIAM A. DAY HE^tV W. de FOREST FORREST F. DRYOEN otKKcrom? CHARLES E. DUNLAI? MERB??r f. HOV.EL1 R. G. MUTCHINS, Jr. A. W. MELLON CHARLES H. RUSSELL VALfc.tTiNE P. (?NYDER H. B. IHAYs-H TMOS. WIi-lIAMS & rfg 4>,_s 1,000.87V. Con Ga? cvt 6s 8.000.107 9.000.106 Va 2,000.106',? De. & H cvt Bs 2,000. 97?, I Sinclair Oil 7? 7,000. 95''4 2,000. 95 do .took warrant? 1,000. 99' i 17.000. 99' a 5.000_ . 98*4 1,000. 99' _ S.U00. 97' 4 So Pacic cvt Be SO ,000_ 961. do rfg 4s 1.000. 88'? 5,000. 88'/. Den & R G 47_6 1,000. do con ta 6.000.75'/.. do rfg f)8 ti.OOO. 62 ' Dotr U Ky? 41.? ; 1,000. 79' _ Distillers S C Bb 24.000.88'/_: Erio jr.n Hen 4s 1,000.63 ! do cvt 4s ser A 2,000. 58 '? do cvt 4s ser B 8.000. 58 do cvt 4s ser D l.noo. 605-.,; 24,000.61 1,000. 61'-i, 2.000. 61%. 1.000. 61' ?, 7,000.61 i ei'.'6 Erie S Jersey 6s 20.000.102 Florida Cen & P con 5s 1048 2 000.99 Gen Kiec deb 5e 2.000.100'o do 31.. 20 000. 731/41 Granby M In 6.s I.OOO.100 ? 40,000.104*% 11,000.105 10,000.105.8 1,000.1053* 1,000.105' a 2.".000. . ,105 2,000.10:% 17,000. . . 105' - 10,000 . . . .105*8 ;;: oi 0. . .105 ? 50.000. . .104*. T.OOO.105(/_ 60.000 . . 101 '.'T.OOO . 105'. H.OOO.105' 4 2.00C .105'g SO,000.105 do cvt 4s 43.000... 86' . 10.000 . . . . 867? i.'-on.86% 10,000.. . 86'. z do rfg 4s 10.000. 85?. 10 000. . . .85"^? 10 000. 85' _ Southern Ky .9 12.000. ..... 97'/. . . . 973_ do 4s 5.000. 72' , 1,000 . . 72*4 10,000 .. . . 72 :'. OOO.717 s 2,000.72 I . ... 71'/a 1,000.72 L.000. 71 "8 Texaa Co cvt 6s 10,000. 997-a Hud & M rfg 6b ' Texas 4 P 1st 5s 10 000. 68 , 2,000. 91',_ MOO. 67'_ Third Av adj 5s f>P m 1,000 do inc os P 000 . s 000 :;.ooe. Cen rfg 4s l.noo . 86' 1,000. 87 111 Cen * C St L ft N O joint 53 11,000 .... Ill Steel 4*_S 1.000.. . 3 00'). 10 000. Inkers-Rand 6a 5 000. Intbo-Vet 4*}_8 5,000 ;, 000 00. 1 O'M' . 2,000 I.OOO. 7,000. .. 20'A 1,000 203.. T' racic. ??, 201'.' 90 8-'/4 86'' ae 96 .104**, .104 90'. Intbo R T rfg '-><! 58'2 5*. 5*<3-o B77/a 58 1.000. 33 000 do Ut la 8,001 3,000.90 1,000. . . . 83' _ V S Bealty ?fe I 5s 8.000. 63 U S Rubber ?Is 15.000.100 do Bs 1,000. . . 88 10... . 871/2 10.000. 87 87' 4 B.000. 87'. 2 10,000 . . 87 4.000.87''s .'{O d'il. . . . g.7 100. B3 Si: 83 : ooo i : 000 L.OOO Int A'-rictil Co 5s 4.OO0. 7? 5 000. , . 75'-, 10,000. 7S3i Tnt Mf-r Mar 6s b 000.1041/4 Iowa C'"nt.ral 4s ;? "00. 5. 7,000. 51 ' K C F* S & M fi 1 000 .101*4 Kan CRv Ter Is 1,000. 8*" ? 1 000. 8^1 ?-, 1" 000. 83 Keok ?"- n M 5s ' I DO . . 69 Lack P'eel 5s 1923 . .56 do R? '950 1 000. .. 87'j Lacle?Ie Gas of St L 1st Ss 8.001 . . 9814 Lake S 1s 1931 K 000. 91 Lflhlg*. Valley fis ! OO1-1.If)'' .1 oort.10""/s SO 000 . . .10?'4 99^ 9*>'1 9**"? U S Steel sf Bs i 000 1,000 1.000 59 000 . . 993/4 2,000 <v*"' 2 99J4 Virginian Ry 4.0O0. 95 1,000. 96' 2 Wabash 1st 5s 1 000. . 97' g ; ; ;. 971 ?. 2000.97 do 2<1 5s 1.000. . 805-r .I. . . . P9! _ "West Maryland !? 1,000.71 l.OQO.71' 2 10 ooo ... 70 West frritlc 5s 1 000. .. . B73_ 4.000. go 1,000 . 8.'-_ Western T'nion 4V>? 1.010 ... 90'_ Wilson * Co 6s 2.000 ... . gqs. 1.000. 99% Wfscon?in Cen 4s 3.000. .32 Bid and Asked Quctations Biii. Asked.l Bid. Asked Alb ft 8u?...l72'/j l.8ii'_ Keok * D M 3 4 Adams Eip... 67 69 do pr ..... ? 50 Ad< Rumel. il'/i 22 K C E LA P. 104 108 ... I- ... 57'.4 58 Krtsi A Co... 55 67V, AJhx Rubber b.,!- t?x do pr .I0? IOS Alas ?; 1 M. 4% 4-. back Btsel.... TO1? ;r2 Aas Juneau . ?'< :'4n Lacieda ?.?a?... 85 ?7 A? Chalmers. 2B 2B"4 Lake E A W. II1. i ?7, .81 81*. dn pr . 20 2? Lelngh Valley. 62*. 65 Am !'.< k Sot?' S31*| d ? ;- 43' i Am As Chi-ra 101 Ara C & F 80' L:_K A M T c L-W Ha Co 1st pr ?i 2d pr. , iLnri'lari P.. 180 2.0 .103 112 . SB1'? 39',. . SJ* 10.Va . 9 Hi 96 .153 158 pr ?lie 1/i'jist St. N 97 ; Ma<-kay Cos. 102 120 rs le* 46 s: Am Coal Am Cut Oil do pr Am E?prf?9. Ara II A t. 15 do pr . 75 Am I?-.42 do pr . 55 Am tu i 'Torp 56 Am Linseed B? M?;ihai Beach ?Manhat El... Ma?hal Shirt. ?02 XU xx .100 30 120 40 Am Loromo A: Ha : i . Isl pr.. \ PI Am ST.. ? do pr do pr A Am Snuff pr Ma-weil Mtr. 75' . do Ut p- . 68 68-?? 44 do 2d pr... 28V? 29 56 .??'?> Dcpl 8t. 60 64 S^i do pr .... 101 tors ?0','Mei Petrol.... 17! 172 80^, 80'u do pr .....104 ? . 66 6fi'4 .Miami C ?... 27 27*4 100 'OS Mich Central. 87'? S ' ? M'dralo St.. .. 42?j 42*', 4? 48 MAS I. 14' 142 MSP4 S S S! 94 :? no ?lo 14% 09 96 M K & T. <?0 100 81 100 pr 85'. 86 111? Mo ra ! do p.- .. ?MtRit PO?'. 13 14 29?. 29V. 6014 ?1 Am Bt Fdrj Am Pugar. . ija p- ?'o ; ??" pr ?ui ? Am Sum T06 I07H l07V4'Morri? A Es...*?;;, 6S do pr ?. 86' j 90 N?_b A Chat 119 120 An T?! A C 55 62 Nal Acme ... 30*? 3iH Am T-i & T '07'4 l07v4:Na? Bl?cult... 106 108% Am Tobecco .191 156 ! do pr . .110',. lis " 98 'Nat O A 3. 60 S' ' do pr _ 103 96'i'V?t Con A C. I5'i Am wool do pr 95'i Am XXt Vu pr 32'. S3V- s?t En A St. 43?4 Am 7. A do pr ... A:; . A-.=pu H ('?? Asso Dry'd-i M P? AJf 0 do pr At B'r A ? ( L 13 48 ?9 M 105 M do pr 50 Nat Lead B2 120 15*4 44?i 32 62;. 9' s do r- .. 104'-, 108 c, v RB M Ul :- 13 ? ?? -'? : Wa Wk i,4 v^t 1 pjj 1 ?-,-. 19', 20 33% M 3* fi'? N T A!- B- 102 9C.'4 S V < .-. 8 92 IN T C ft 8 i 21 81 do ltt pr 60 108 do :-'i pr W 1.110 IHIAjN T nocir_ !?>/, _?<?-, do pr . 64 6?''i do pr .45 49 Baldwin 1/ocn 83'i B*?1 ? V Y L A *T ? i.i do pr .10"/, IOS IV T N H * T? 40 40'4 B A '">.... 59 59% N. T O A W 22% 23', do pr . ?S'A ?S N*rTolk 60... Il'A 15 Bid. Aakad.i Bid.. Barrett Cb... 102% ?04'.. Norfolk * W. 108", ?10 do pr -?04',. ? ? do pc . 72 ?? Baiopna. V! 1% l%;North Am ... M 65 Beth 8.M1...II 62% Northern Par. 100% 100% do (*?&.?_ It Kl 61% No BcoU? W. 58 63 , vio 7lti pr 85 M Ohio Fuel ... 42?', 43 do bib pr .104% 105 O?do (?a. . 45% 46 B RT .... 4l'/4 41% Ont SUrer 7% 7', Blut Va Uax 88 80 Oweiu? But. 61 82 Booth Kiah. . 22 22'/, do pr .105 109 74 ' Pacific Coaat Brown ?Shi? do pr '?5 Bu? 11? Bros... 14? do pr . liO ".run*? ich 100 do lit pr. ?8 I0t? 150 do '.M pr. 55 80 lift Pacific Mai: . 32*_ 34'.', 10 Pa<- Tel A T 21 24 BufT BAP. 70V, 72'/, do pr du pr . 90 107 P Am Pet 68% 70' 4 EUttl Term.. ? H? do pr 116 118 Ututo C A 7, 10'.? |0% 1-cuii It ft ... 40 48% Butte A 8 C. 22", 22% Peor?a A V. 5% 6 Butt.rlcK Co.. 16% |7% Peo G A C 58 59 Cat Packing . 47 47% Tere Marauette 17 17", 21% 22 do prior pr 60 Cai Petrol do pr . . Cai & Ariz Can South? in 40 43 Phlla Co . 33% C A 8 h 60 ?? Pacific 165% 185% Petti Mulll Caw? .1 I pr 90 Car C A O. ? do pr ... . ? (Vu ot I* J. 210 Cen Filrr_ 13 do pi . . 33 Cen Leather. BO' dp pr IU8 CASA Tel 103s 70 35 l.t pr 92 100 26 Pierce Arrow 47", 47% B0 do pr 102', 103% ? Pitt? Coal ... 4? 4?% 23 1 do pr . 61 82 % 42 P r XX A C.124% 158 61 Pitta St pr. . 93 84 108 P & XV Va 39% 39% 105% do pr 80% 81 Ceno l>e Pas 37% 38 1 Pond Ct Goal 16 IB Chandler M;r 103 195 ?Pr Sie?) Car 65 66 Clu-s A O... 60% 61 %| do pr .... M 100 ?hi A Ainu, 10% 12 |P S C N J.. 88 90 ?o it .. 12 18 iPullman P C 126% ISO ?hi ?It x\ nl 9% 10 i By Steel Bpr 66!/, 67''! do pr . .. 28% 29 ! <io pr ... 100% - C M A 8 V 48% 50%.Ray ?on Cop 24 24% do pr 83 83% ; Heading 89% 89% C A N W. 104 103 : do l?l pr. 88% 3!) do pr . .132 137 I ?" ?il pr. 38% "* C n I A P S0% 30% Rep 1 * S 76% do 6 IK- pr. 72% 73",' do pr ... ?9% do 7 xx- pr 85", 86 Royal Dutch I'8 80 Savage A-m? . 60 79 Sai".-? Motors. 17% 1rs v !. A (\ A I'll'a. . 68 CSP M A O 76 do pr ( On C C C 'ft 8 L 40 do i?r 70 Chile. Copper 2-' Cl ino i' cop 4" 77 99% 62 17% I l.ett Peab do j" coi y & 1 C (1 G A E Ool & go, do ltt pr do 2d p--. ( 'wp Tab 13 I pi 41 78 22 42' 65 do pr I0J .Sear" Hr* do pr .. Is 1, 8w do pr Seoh A *. 15% 13% 31 S3*. 38% 39 |8ha* Aril. . 26% 28%?Sln-lalr Ol? 54V, S7 \Srfl 8 A I 10", 10% . 23 23% .161 IB2 .115 123% . 16% 16% *te< 1 u '.k 88 PI 88 HI FLA P.101 ? Coa! K3 ? .102 103 9 10' 57 S?(ir?r?iaker . do pr R'ut? Motors Sup Steel . Souihern Pac. lot.'. ?05% SI P it Silga? '25 ?40 do pr -101 III Southern m? 32% VI do p- 7!'. 74"-, Standard Mill I 7 128 do pr .100 Co. 55 Coal Pr.'dnct? 48 '\'i pr 10' ? ??? -, Carpet . 48 Crcclb'e St... 53 do pr ... . 88% 89 ITenn Cop Ch '5% ?6 Cuba Am Su 130", If? Texas A Par 24% 23 do pr ... ? I0H \t??,< I'l Tr, 160 200 Cuba Cane Su 32% 32% r^** Co I'lO 191 rio pr 80% R'% T"r-| At TtR 18% Jf? Heere Co pr.. 94 08 T'deweter OI! '85 l?12 On! A TTud l?6 117 I""* ProductB 77% 77", 185 1 do pr .. 03 10?? II To' S T. A W 5'/, _ 14'/,! do ?-to - S 7 112 1110 46% 36% 100 D L A W.. 180 D A R (*? pr 10 Domo Mln?', 14 Pel F'l'son 107 Del On Hit _ 88 Dt.l Bee . 48% 49 D S S ft A 1% 4 do :c 8 11 fv- tft Pri?. 54 87 Elkboni Coal 29 do -tin pr. . 13 T-ar-a \ XX- F 37 ;Tw1n City R T 44 (So pr 70 r-jT'nrlerWOOd T 10'? ?in pr . '08 I ' ' 47 |T?n Ba? A P. 73% 7! 20% jn%|T*ni'W Psclflo i.33?4 iu'4 34 34', do nr ... 75'/, 71% 23 25% T'n A-'"T St 38 3R , |l% (4 Hn riiar St. Ill'?/, 102 4'% 4' , do pr I?? ?20 38 4' 'Cited Pro. 75 80 ?10 w, do %t pr. 49 SO 'n Win ma 10% 30% do pi Erie "o 1st pr do *M pr Fed M A 8. do !>r fisher Body d tle-i Chem. do p? ?-... ? Igai do pr . . r.'ei P"ee . Ge-i ">*??! or. do p- , . m% 07 ? p. V *<" . 57? r|r> pr lOO'., |09 Prm ',' ^T H' e (.'? v..-;, r- ""> ?"" T'n T'mnni. . 58 IPO", ?0? do pr 90 .?j ' 411 ''ni?ed Fnit? '44 inji/, ?m?, '*-i r*r*,r ni 21% |v?i , >R4% Co Ry Intrat 0% ?2t 170 ''o Pr ?7% rsn Par '*"?> v> (;...??? ?' r f.1 G M * No 7", 86 F f* !? d"?"o P"'/ r H Siibhcr 7".- 7'', pr I or 1 ?. ?071 j IP 8 Rm A R. 48% 49 41 4? ??% <>?r l'2 < 12' |lnrrre*?nlrn ?11 r?-..?i I" A'T'cul tnnri OrTtrw... I-.C-n r<rrp rio ?V "?"?? T" s steel. 47 do pr , t ,vl.,t *'< Ttah Cnnrvr pi?/. t>i, ">o X-,tn <;?- r-T, '?-,% i?; "?? va Car Chem ?;7 ss"' "c; *'. it i'a ? r x"", ?; War??h IP", "0% 40 40', - *"" Mur do -r .WlM'eTTl \t,t '.'-.. Pac W ?..; r lf?f Ir-,'*? M'? ' do !c. pr tV?' v.r. Ca or ?3 41% 7rr-vc*.xf ? jr. --r TT-?, - 80 _ W*1" A T. E IK/, 11% do nr .... 74 7^ ?"?'"? ?r-vora '7"? 48 W't'v, ?irer . ??. ?a do r.- . . Bill H?!?/, rorpi_m Lor-f?on E*c-han-re Rear*tioTi?rv.? LOVPON", Nov. 13.?The rpact;o*.ary ; tendency in *rf!t erlc^r! securities con- j 'ir.upd on the Stork Exc^an**?? to-dnv. . Tt was du? to rea'izine-. comn?>ti*ion ? of war bond? and a desire to h-ve funds for recofstruction. Oi!. rubher and Mexican t,har~-s were the most active issuea at rising- pr;ce?!. Money -vac in fa:r demand and discount rat?is were quiet. New York New Securities Listed.?The follow- j ing securities have been admitted to rloalin-rs on the Stock Exchange: S3, 000 000 Seaboard Air Line Railway, Florida Central and Peninsular Rai. toad first mortfrag-e 6 per cent bond?; S1T8.000 additional common stock of Burns Brothers; SI.000 000 additional first eonsol'dated mortgage 5 per cent bonds of the Southern Railway. Seek Higher Fares An increase in fares, m the only real j remedy for abnormal operating con- i ditions. was advocated yesterday by S. W. HufT. president of ?he Third Ave- j nue Railway Company, at the annual j meeting of stockholder?. "The situa- j tion cannot be mnterialiy helped bv a I chtrge for transfers," he said. 'Sub way, elevated and surface lines must fee authorized to charge more for the service thev render." Stockholders were informed that re-' vision upward in wage scale? on the, basis of August operation* would cost the company $1 600.000 more. At tM, annual (-lection William A. Day, pre?i dent of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, was made a director to suc? ceed Edward A Matter, who retired from the presidency a year ago. Stocks Ex Dividend Yesterday American SmeltiriK, $1 75. Pressed Steel Car, &? BANK STATEMENT REPORT OF TUB CONDITION OF TIIl? METROPOLITAN TRUST CfMP NY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, at the cluse of business or the Lot da] of Novembe) 1911 It F ? Stock and bond lr.?esiuiente. vis. : securities Private ? . : Morts**?* o.wi-d other re m.K* boj Loads and discounts secured by ^ 17.K.6.U1 54. Loam discounts and bills pui ?? ? 11 afta . !>u?' from approved re- , Bon ?? . 'See, , i?-b? e m o u n t o f t offsets ?4M.IOS08 Due from * psnlei-. batike and banker, not U?' ludad In preceding Item 08B.SK8 14 -1.-60 4i'l>. Specie . . . U0.U6W. Ober cnrren<-v a'l'horir?-*') by the l*?e o? tht : piled States. 628.40e OK i ma. Viz f Ex' haii?r.-s and checks . ' d a y ' a clearli s? t2.Ml.62? 19 Other cash Itemr- 18 ?*T U , . . Pie frorr. The Federal Reserve sets Other assets vl_. ? .. d Interest en I at ? ol business on al 0\ ?, ',???-? I26S.71SO0 not i i'-re-i on i onks at clone of business on above date. &.T*n 2? Total. f\ i?4,M7 i. LIABIUf] '.';ipttal stock . ??f.ori'-.OOowJ ? oo ' * Undivided profits "? ? Du? New :?'?? state ? Sa-.-liJ?f!.. Banks . Ji.n,*?? ? li d- ?* mlnlsti_tor, guai ?-11 ;?rt receiver, rru?. I t 179,g*g $g Deposits by the Dep? ? II ?? ">?"? V O?.''" 10 a 8 '-'r roi a - Dei oeita subject to " 164,008 to. til it? :. c " ? ? an -? -- -- 1 024 <] ? g ?.-?-. Certlfli i K,'<!', 869 *?* ness for mono} boi sente ??< rtificate? . - ? j too.000 fr Rediscout ? i Reset - < for U *<-*. expense? fv,tffi*t, or, book? ? discounts . . . Total ... DIVIDEND NOTlf ES THE DIRECTORS Of THE .IK(,|.|\ IKON. (Oil * CORE ( of-PANY ,?'* this day declared a o vldend of 8?S In cash pay.?., record or. S the transfer book? will ? ir.g on the 6th of 1 - Checks v. il ? to all ? whos- addresses ar? knowr FINANCIAL MELTINGS NOTICE If- HEREBY GIVES THAT PUB suant to n solutions passed at a si meeting of the dirrctors ... f , p'.oraMon Corporation h?!d on .\,, 8th. 1918, a special meet rig of the bolder- of ?aid Corporation will ?? held at Room 8183. No 120 Kroidwjv, Dornurh r,ir Manhattan. Clij of Ne? fork or, the <???? day ?f December. Itlt, at twelve o'clock' noon, for the purrose rf voting on ?hr proposition that the corpora-, solved forthwith; and for the trat. of such other husinel? as mav properf! come before said mee Dated, Nen- Toi 191*. J. ?N ?... T1 RN1 _- - PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT TH nuai meeting of - ? of ?c m .{ die-, cap- Building Company ? "'? N.tnbei ?? ?<?_ * the afternoon, at Ko SS Vn?s?u Street ? ' -* of New Tor?, for thr purpose ^r r? \ th?- reports of the vari us nrflrers ar-ii fot the purpnse of ejecting director* of s ' ' r' :' ! _' ??' ?.??.p L*ws of the Sta?e of N.u v^?tt Dated. N ? V'.rk. NovemUr 6th, It] hlZZUZ M. CH?. ..Uu?