Newspaper Page Text
-__-j I The Casualty List ,_^_ WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.?The casualty lists made public by the War .'cpur'ntf-nt today ?*o..toin the names of 1.069 officers and enlisted sen, uf whom 2?S we? kil?ed in action, 66 died of wounds, 14 died of accidents and other cause?, 2 died of air] -ane accidents, 1 died n ?raking, )4l liied of disease, 64 were wounded severely, 20.ri wounded 'degree undetermined), 130 wounded slightly and 182 miss? ing in action. Thja full list follows: New York City and Vicinity Killed HOSB Phihp t.-, lient., 106 Bast Fifty (Mr. Street. Mew York City. AS KAM. Larry. 128 West Sixty-third Street. New York City. CATF.U Edward, Richmond Hill. DONOVAN. John J., cor p. 380 West fi?ty-th'.r?' Street, New York City. IFT/.l'ATKICK, Wm. M , New Rochelle. II'. IM KL. r*red. corp., H7C Brook Avenue. Men York City. GOLDBERG. Louis, 274 I-'loyd Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. GOLDEN. Frank M., corp.. Jersey City, N\ J. HAMM. Peter, T,2S West Forty-sixth Street. New York City. KAPLAN, Meyer, 75 Norfolk Street, New Tork City. KOEPPE, Max. 612 East Forty-third Street, Brooklyn. LANGTON, William .T., _.'!6 Clermont Ave? rtie, Brooklyn. M'C'ARROI.L, William Edward, corp., 50.'? Fortieth Street. Rmoklyn. MOlt'iAN, William J? Newark. N. J. M'KENZIE, Thomas J.. 383 East 13Cth Street, New York City. | O'D'-'A. John F., c:<., 563 Brooklyn Are i ie, Brooklyn. OSSWALT, John H.. con>-. 420 Kosciusko l Brooklyn. ROGERS, Frank, jr., Jersoy City, N. J. RYAN. John A.. 4605 Fort Hamilton Ave? nue, Brooklyn. KTPMJS, Joseph, 1515 First Avenue. New York City. !CH"AMM, John ( '.. Woodhaven, N. Y. WOODWARD, George, Newark. N. J. Died of Wounds DE A NO EMS, Anthony D? 205 East t?6th itreet. New York City. ICELAND, Rohert J.. 309 Park Avenue, New York Cl<*y M'T-ERMOTT. Thomas F., corp., 87 Kum nit Street. Brooklyn. MC \ ?.THY, Timothy. Chatham. N. Y. y, ' '<EK, Amherst, 1365 Dean Street, Brooklyn. SCUTARI, Veter, 1637 Buth Avenue. Brooklyn. 5POZATTA, Angelo, 1313 Gates Avenue., Brooklyn. Died of Accident and Other Cause? CORSENTINO, Charles, 666 Liberty Ave ie B-ook' ?? MATARAZZO, Anthony. New York City. Died of Disease: m I.SON. Charles W., Jersey City, N. .7. CAITA H AN, John J.. Jersey City. N. J. DAHEBENDER, George A., Valley Stream, Long I.Iand, N. Y. HAYES. George J.. 138 Intervale Avenue, York ?'it- . JACKSON. Harrison, 253 West Forty'-ecc mid Str^-t, New York City, V1EROLA, Harry, Mamnroneck, N. Y. M CABE, Andrew, 216 East Seventy-sixth Street, New York City. M'COUN. Andrew, Hempstend, N. Y. WARNER. William A., 136 Wyckoff Street, Brnoklyn. Wounded Severely ARONSON, Meyer, 103 East 1.17th Street, New York City. BRUGNOLI, Alphonsus A.. 48 Morton Street, New York City. CUOMA, Angelo, 41 Kcnmore Street, New York City. BPPOLITO. Filippo, 174 East 206th Street, New York City. KIRKUYS, Henry P., sgt.. Bay Shore, N. Y KOHNKEN. George. 532 Wales Avenue, Vew York City. M'CARTHY, Gerald J., 77 Centre Street. " ? oklyn. FKi ST1GIACOMA, Paul, 29 Henry Street, New York City. ^ PRICE, Henry. 970 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, ? ?ANTOPOLO, Giovanni, T55 Greene Ave? nu? . Brook'yn. SCHWEITZER, Herman S., 273 Irving Vvenue, Brooklyn. Wounded Slightly HALPH, II. H\. Unit.. Jamaica, N\ V. BERGMAN, Olaf H.. Newark, N. J. BENGEL, Henrv L., Mount Vernon, N. Y. CUFFE, William, corp., 914 Pacific Street, Brooklyn. DOOLEY, Stephen. 360 Pond Street, Brooklyn. DVKK1N. T*eter U.', J6? Gates Avenue, Brooklyn. GUTTIERE, Ralph, 179 Willoughby Street. Brooklyn. MORRELL. Geddie P., 558 Quincy Street, Brooklyn. M'l HILLIAMY. Henry. 428 IMnc Street, Brooklyn. M'CABE, James D.. 951 H.rkiincr Street, Brooklj o. PHELAN. William, 443 Sixtieth Street, ! Brooklyn. , 1 PAU!,. Andrew E., 618 West 187th Street, i New York Cil v. PIERCE. William J., 34 East Broadway. New York City. PINSKY, Harry, 1769 Third Avenue, New Yprk City. ? RE?D, George R., 7323 Tenth Avenue, Brooklyn. KKIIM. Edward A., 258 Himrod Street. Brooklyn. SOKINO. Emilio, 246 East 145th ?Street. New V or). City. SCHENOK, Charles T., 1691 Eighty-fourth Street, Brooklyn. ROMANO, Matthew, 186 Fourteenth Stre?rt, Brooklyn, ROMANO, Michael, 176 East 103d Street, New York City. ROONEY, Dennis F., Long Island City. ROSS, Nelson, Hoboken, N. J. Wounded, Degree Undetermined, BROWN, David L., 610 Grant Avenue, Brooklyn. CH1NCHIOLO. Michael, 2239 Adame Place. Nov.'.ork City. CHESTER, Samuel H., 400 Sutter Avenue, Brooklyn, CONNOLLY, James B.. Pclham Manor, N. Y. DEI AN?Y, Joseph J., -,rt., Jamaica, N. Y DISTASI, Frank, 203 East Thirty-seventh Stre ?:.. New York City. ER El S Eli, Samuel, 219 Pulaski Street, Brooklyn. FRAMBACH, Arthur H.. 611 West 178th Street, New York City. FOX, Frank, 1216 Eirr-.t. Avenue, New York City. GAITO, Michael, Newark, N. J. GEANEY, Edward .1.. 161 Edgecombe Ave? nue. New York Citv. GEISHEN, John J., 408 East Seventy eighth Street, New York City. HABER. Louis, 243 East Fifty-ninth Street. New York City. HANNAFORD, Lawrence, 105 Third Place, Brooklyn. H?RTUNG. Frederick, 420 East 135th Street, New York City. Wounded (Degree Undetermined) KAREBERG, William P., 4416 Sixth Ave? nue. Brooklyn. LUCA, Frank, 108 Skillmnn Street, Brook? lyn. MANNING, J?*?pb, corp., Jersey City. McFADDEN, Hugh, Eaurel Hill. N. Y. ODAKOWSKI, Julius, Hudson Height?, New York CiLy. PEMBROKE, Michael, 705 Eighth Avenue, New York City. PLANT/* NID A. Paul, West Hohoken, N. J. riNATORJ. Denny, Jersey Citj . KODER?CH. Thomas J.. 277 Crescent Street, Eon?,: Island City. SALTZMAN, Harry, 389 South Fifth Street, Brook.yn. ? STERN, Abraham, 178 Hull Street, Brook? lyn. Mi-sing GUSANO, Antonio, Jersey City. JOHNSON, Frank, 55 Wall Street, New York City. K'ANERVA. William, 241 Lenox Avenue, New York City. KRIKi, Frank, Hohoken, N. J. KUDZMA, Martin J., 201 Jackson Street Brooklyn. KU1TERMAN, William A., 1356 Onftti Street, Ear Rockaway, N. Y. EOW. David, 371 Sherman Street, Lone, Island t.'ily. Mil HA. August, 1515 Giaveaend Avenue Brooklyn, MARRON. Frank P., 214 Kingsland Ave? nu?, li >.- I? lyn MATICKV, Vincent, 336 Sherman Street, Long Island. PLUCINSKI, Adolf. Bayside. N. Y. ROBERTS, Emmett L.. 742 Fift.y-thirc Street, Brooklyn. SADOWSKI, Fell-*;, 191 Thirteenth Street. Brooklyn. SCARDINO. Jtepben, 172 McKibben Street Brooklyn. nf : HAVER, Clifford I... Barnard, N. Y. SILVERMAN, Hyman, 2146 Vorse Avenue New York City. SIM BEING, Walter J.. 1699 Broadway Brooklyn. SWATLOWICE. John, 1538 Fourth Ave nue East, Brooklyn. TRINCA, Angelo, 560 Hicks Street. Brook lyn. TYNAN, James, 539 Marcy Avenue Brooklyn. TYNAN. Lester J., 25 Woodbine Street Brooklyn. VATINO. Croscenzo, 498 Carroll Street Brooklyn. WASILOVVSKY, Gabriel. 131 Twentietl Street. Brooklyn. WEST, Edward, 617 Marcy Avenue, Brook lyn. WHALLEY, George F... 514 Sixth Avenu? Brooklyn. WIDMAN. Peter G., 1921 Fulton Street Brooklyn. ZEMMER, George, Ridsewood, N. Y. Elsewhere Character of casualties is indicated as follows: (K) killed 10 action; (W) wounded; (D A) died of accident or other cause?! (D W) died of wound.} (D D) died of disease; (M) missing; (P} nrisoner. ALABAMA: BAT' . Hnrvey T., Prattville (Vf). BROWN*, H. }'.. corp., Montgomery (WE BRY \N. Gus J.. Elba (W). CABINS. Jim, Birmingham (WE CARROLL, Alvin C. llor?la (W>. CARROLL, W. O., Btrt., Plantersville (W). DAVIS, James W., Bridgeport (WE FLOYD, Adam G., Enterprise (D D). FOSHIE, Warnie, Clanton iWi. GARRETT, Daniel P., sgt. Garden (W). HUNTER, Columbus E.. Russellvilie (K). Kinu H. L. H.. corp.. Wilsonville (W). MORRISON. Thomas I... Heflin (WE M'ATEER, Lester, Gordo (WE I'CLF.NDON, Robert, Guntersville (WE O'Rourke, Owen S., Mobile (W). PIKE, Fred E., Camp Hill tW. KICE. Gussle, Campbell (Ml RODOERS, Joe. Mobile (W). MITE. C'y.le IE. Winfleld (K). ?ASSER, Wiley P., Atn-ore ?W?. WHITE, Andrew F., Glenn Allen (M). ARIZONA: HA? 1 Eustaca M., Chloride (D D). ARKANSAS: BOSWELL. Merritt H., Newark (KE DAVIS, Andrew B., South Fork (W). GRAHAM T. P., con... Fayetteville (K). ROSENBAUM, Louis G., Saratoga (D D). CALIFORNIA: WMSTRONG, Ralph l, lievt... Ifavtcard* n i ), ' XI.EY. IV. C. lient., fioll'tu-ood {DA). KNIGHT. Cort, W., lient., Pasadena (W). \GGELER, Gerald J., corp.. Stockton IKE IO*i I?. Arvel K., Pomona (K). HOWE?, James R , Pasadena (K). CRESS. John J.. Dinuha ?D W). ?HANKY, !.. D., Santa Cru. ?D DE :>ELAFIELD, Henry A., Oakland (M) ?ARC! ., !?? n Gilroy ?O W). ??REGORY, Edwin, Montagu. (K). ONI S. Cari C, sjrt., Oakland (K). OENIG. William H. Modesto (K). CINC Leslie P., ??t., San Jose (W). MINCK. Wm. B? Bloomfield (D WE MOT 1NARE Frank A., San Francisco (WE MO'SEED. Hoheit T.. San Francisco fW). RASJMUSSEN, Christian A., Fresno (K). RAIECEVICH, Elias. San Francisco (WE TWOMBLEY, C. IE, cor;.., Pasadena (K). COLORADO: A1BI. Vincenzo, Denver IKE ANDERSON, Hennan, Denver (W). M*T AUGHI.IN, Ealvrence, Denver (WE MURRAY, IE A., Colorado Springs (WE PR?ETT, Lincoln, Springfield (D D). WHITE. Goorce W., Trinidad (D D). CoS'NECTICUT: HONIN A?thony. sgt., Hallvllle ?D DE DEANE. William IL, Hamden (WE FLEISCHAUER. F., New Britain (WE GILL, Martin IE, Stamford (DDl. HALLEY. Clarence A., New Haven (DD). HAMPTON, W. J., S. Manchester (D D). HEALY, Miles M., Hampton (WE JOHNSON. Edward A., New Haven (W). MATHEWS, Charles A., Glenvillc (Mi. PERKY, Henry Ten Eyck, N. Haven (W) REPRIZ, John, Waterburv ,M). ROSENBAUM, Joseph, Waterbury (WE SAEYATORE, Nicholas, New Haven i Ml. THOMPSON, L. H., New Haven (DDE OF EA WARE: M'KKOWN. Edward, Wilmington (WE FLORIDA: DUTIEE. Franklin A., Umatilln (WE MOODY, Enoch l,? Venice (D DE SHELLMAN, George, Nocatee (D Di. GEORGIA: AIDES, Kenneth W., Macon (WE CHRISTOPHER. Sam, Monroe ill D). DUGGAR, John P., Pembroke (D DE GARV?N, Harry O., Savannah (D DE GRAHAM, George. Ocilla (D D). HAMMOCK, Madison. Albany (WE OLIVER, lacy. Oliver (D D). ROOP, David B., sut.. Atlanta (M). RUSH, Leonard C. Buena Vi-u? (W) SLOAN. Charles IE, Cooled^e (M). The ?Moving Experiences of a Y. M. C. A. Worker in France Soldier Silhouettes On Our Front By WILLIAM L. STIDGER 41 have tried to set down some of my experi? ence? I have had but one object in so doing, , and that object has been to give the father and mother, the brother and sister, the wife and child find .friend of the boys 'Over There' an accurate heart picture." The Author. Illustrated. $1.25 Net SULLIVAN, Michael -E, New Haven (Mi. WILSON. John D.. Elbert?n (D D). WOOD, Joe, ley (D D.?. ?'? ARD, John T., Cobbville (W I. WEEKS, Dewcy, tteigs (WE WEBB, John A., Habire (D D.i. IDAHO: ADAMS. Sand. T., lieut., Caldw?l (ht. ANDERSON, Chan. .f.. lint'.., Nampa (W).\ ANDERSON, John K , Priest River (K). CARRUTHERS. Henry, Wallace (K). EWING, Omer K., Stitcs (KL HULETTE, Moses, Driggs (W). ILLINOIS: M? ?m'? MUtxG&ft, Royal F., beut., th-.caqo < W )? ADAMSKI, Stanley, Chicago (WE ANDERSON, Lee, BgL, Elgin <K?. ANDERSON, Floyd, Urbana (K). BENSON, Men-Ill M., Sterling (DDL BEALIN, Edward Paul, Chicago (DWi. Hi'.AD. HAU, Albert J., ugt., J'eoria (K), i ODY, Jam? , Chi ago (K). i ARLSON, Edward ( ., Rock Island (DDE DIETERLE, Micha?! IE, Chicago (K). EDINGTON, James A., McLean.sboro (K). FRANZ, Edward R., Chicago (K). GAMBRILL, Glenn E.. Chicago (K>. GWIAZOWSKI, Walter, Chicago (WE GLEICH..Fr?d J., P?kin (W). GRAIL. Harry O., Bloomington (K). GREGG, Karl, Ottawa (DWi. GOODWIN, George J? Chicago (DD). HICK.?. William M., Newton (D WE HURST, Pet.?,- E-, East St. Louis (K). HALE, Clinton E., Henry (W). HUMBLE, Otto, f. Iain t W). JENSEN, Hai -y V... Chicago (KE JOHNSON, Bernar. C, Geneva (W). KANE, John, Monmouth iK>, LARSON, Ralph E., corp., Chicago (W). LEE. ('?? ar, kan m ID D), LULEWICZ, Alexander, Chicago (K). METZGAR, Oti R., Edward3ville (M). MITCHELL, Roy E., i'eoria (DDl. MORRIS, Lawrence, Mid'lle?own (K). NELSON. Oscar C, D?Kalb ?Wi. NELSON, Hurry T., Chicago (D W). REEDER. William H . Eidorado (W). TOTTENDELL, George A-, Chicago (K). TRESKERT, Arthur. Chicago (M). I WELL. Harvey A., Tuscola (Wt. UTNIK, Jacob Tony. Chicago (K). WALTER, Maurice G., Alton (Ki. WOODALL, Lewis, Chicago (D D). INDIANA: TAYLOR, Saml O., lieut., EvaiisviOe (W). UARD1NG, Roy C, lieut., Bedford (DD). BABCOf K, tie M , Peru (W). FISHER Jam . Pet? kn I W). DAVISSON, J >anc (D Dj El.I IOTT. Gilbert R., Pool: (K). GAINES, G. O., Shelbyville (D Di. GOODWIN, H. R.. Washington (K; M'CORMICK. W. E.. Ea Paz (D W). VINUP, B, W, Bgt., Risin-r Sun (KE IOWA: AGGA7.0NI, Angelo, Centrev?le (KE CARNEY, Vincent E., Parne.'I (K). CORLETTE. D? corp., Farmetsburg (W>. DEGRAFF, Andrew, Hospers (W). Ei?EEVVINE, Herman, Woodbine (WE HASTINGS, Leo, Prescott (M). HESSER, Joe E., Somers (K). IIEICKON, John P., Atlantic (M). JOB?SCH, Samuel D.. Hiteman (W). LEWIS, George E? Council Bluff'! (K). MELLIS, Ernest R., Hartley (M). POLTON, Charlie, Nevada (KE PETERSON, Ellie, RadclifTe ?W). WILLSCHUTZ, P. IE, sgt., Marshalltown i M i. POLTON, Charley, corp., Bemieker (KE P.RAIN A KI), II.. sgt,, Fort Dodge (W). CHRISTENSON, Chris, Larchwood (D D), GETTING, Theodore, George (D Dt. GUSTAFSON, Carl, corp.. Albia (WE HOPKINS, Charles E.. Brandon (W), HUDGENS, H. H., Ottumwa (W). HELLENO, George P., Garwin tl) D). HAEEMAN, Henry A., Bellevue (D DE KOENIGS, Joseph !L, Mapleton (W). PEDEKSON, Felix IE, Walnut (WE RAMSEY, David B., Nichols (D Di. STONE, Roy J? Humeston <W>. KANSAS: HAUGEN, Jon. F., lieut., Woodland (IE). Kl HIC, A. T.. lient.. Conway Springs (K). AELEN, Forrest, Ein let?n (M). DANIELS, ?rancis E.. Smith Center (W). HINCKOUSE, Hoy, Palco (W). KIRKHAM, Lester, Lonford (WE LARSON, Oscar lt., Mu.*herson (W). MANJEOT, William, Spivey (Vf). MAKI IN. Harry C. loin (W). REYNOLDS, Bud, Kansas City (W). SMITH, Jacob E,. Cawker City (KE SMITH. Allen Eugene, Valley Goner (KE TU! ING, George M.. Elk City (WE WEAVER, Henry John. Hutchmson (KE BAUMAN, Dewey, corj;.. Fort Scott (K). HOOD. Lincoln, Wichita (W). MORRIS, George I... Attica (KE PIERCE, Edw \V., corn., Brownell (W>. R'GLAND, Arthur. Hutrhinson (WE VERMILLION, Edward, Lyons (KE KEN1UCKY: BARBER. Charlie, Mintonville (WE CARTER, Wallace, Yeaman (WE CARRELL, James corp., Steubrnville (WE DORTON, Jam?-,- F., Path Fork (W). Dl RHAM. William, ?V?rrcn (K). EDWARDS. James D., Harelpatch (Wi. FULTZ, Kimme), Grcenup (W). PATTON, Gilbert, Virdon (WE WOODS Martin Wcsk'v, Polleytown (M). BROWN, W. A, corp, Port.mouth (Ki. BROOKS, Ira, Koehold (D W). BEE I ON. Edgar B., Atterson (DD). H, KM N. Will G.. Faxon (Wi, HERNDON, Warner B., Russelvllle (DDE LITTLETON, Arthur, Fultz (DDE ROBERTS, Ranson, Waynesburg <D WE SHARP, Clayton, Philpot (W). SMITH, Ewell S.. Ea Grange (W). i ADELINE, Charles B., Covington <M). '? WILSON, Archie, Cadi?, (DDE LOUISIANA: VVERY, Enicus, Pngalusa (Wt. DAVIS, Felch? r, Amite (WE GREVENBURG, Wallace. Olivia (W). MAW, John \? New Orleans (W). METCAL1 E, William. St. Joseph (We i CORKERN, Willis B., Bogalusa (D Di. DRODD. Herbert L., Hawthorne (D D). PAINTER, Murphy (*., Gonaalea (W). MAINE: REACK, John M., LewtsburR ?D D). PATTERSHALL, (1. IE, East Belfast (WE : '.OSE. Eugene M.. Lubec (D Dj. WOODCOCK, Arthur L., corp., Vinal ; Haven (died in sinking of Bteamship). YOUNG, James R., Bangor (M). MARYLAND: ; , I / ...M.Y. ( Via.,. ('., lieut., Ranter (7?). i BROWN. I-'. M., corp., Baltimore (D DE ? HARRIS, Isadore, Baltim?-e iD A). PATTON, Albert M. G., Govan. (1) D). TALBERT, Henry v., Funksiown (D W). ' AMMENHAI SER, C. L., Cantonsville (M). BASEHART, Harvey, Gardenville (Mi. BAUER. Howard E., Baltimore (M). BOW ARD, Clarence W., Hager?town (M). BUTTS, Robert O.. Granit?- (ME DALY, Julian G., Baltimore (M), EINSCHUTZ. F. A.. Morrcll Park (M). JOHNSON. William P., Toddville (M). KIMMERLE, Win., corp., Baltimore (M). KITO, Arlington J., Elkton (M LANG. John H., Highlandtown (ME LEONARD, Wm. A.. Baltimore (M), LORD, Geo. W? Williamsburg (M). MOKAS*. Harry B., Baltimore (ME MAURER, John R., Coloate (M). MOORE, Jos. E., Wiliiamsburg (ME t! \- rCK, John C . Baltimore (ME HENRY, Daniel W., Elken (Ml. 1M..I _R, Bernard C . Ilchester (M). REICHERT, Frederick, Baltimore (M). REED. Emmon? H., Dent?n (M). SAKELLARIDES, S., Baltimore (K). SACHS, Barney L., Baltimore (M). SNIDER, Lester D., Hagerstown IM). RUCK, Thomas H.. Hagerstown (M). SI NDERLAND. Harry S. Baltimore (M). TODD, Roland E? Preston (ME WOELFLE, George, Highlandtown (ME MASSACHUSETTS: Bl ?;' /'. Clacrn L., Kettt. ( ) ANDERSON, Richard C, jr., Orange (?). ?ANDREWS, Cecil E., Lynn iDD). BULLARD, Jo<eph A., Sigrienoot (DW). BROWN, Irving E., Andover (DD). CADDIGAN, Michael J? Hosten (WE COSHNEAR, Samuel, Rbxbury (M). DAYLOR, David, sgt., Fall River (W). FLINT, Lawrence M., Brocl t n (M). FRENIER, Henry, Ware? t? r I W). FLEMING. Thomas M? Lawrence (D D). GAL VIN, Timothy J., Cambridge (W), HILE. Almond P.. Winchester (W). LEONE, Joseph, Boston (W). M'CAKTHY. John F., Holyoke (K). MlCHE'AUD, Honore, New Bedford (W). POLOQUINE, Aime, Southbridge (W). PERRY, John, New Bedford (W). REECE, Marsden, sgt., Koxhury (W). THOMAS, ?rank. Roxburv (W). WADE. Alfred E., Ipswich (W). WHITNEY. George E., Dorchester (M). ZIOLEVIEZE, William, Brockton (Me NEWTON. Orlo Wm., Hillington (D D). O'BRIEN, J?.ph, Dorchester (W). PELOQUIN,.ph N., S nth! ridga (W). PAYSON, George S.. Jamaica Plain (W). ROSE, Joseph G., Middleboro ik ?. RZEZNIK. Frank, Springfield iKi SP1NAZOLA, Will.? Wi SHELMERDINE. Albert, I ali : . , ?. ?DU.. SafeT?lil?c Infants ??..- Invalids ?i! THE ORiQiHA? MALTED MILK Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form For infants, invalids children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding th? whole body, invigorates nursing mothers ?wi the aged. More nutritious than tea, coffee, etc. Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking. Substitute? Co?i YOU Sim? Frica SNOW. Joseph R., Otis Center (W). THERIAULT, W. A., corp., Taunt'jn (We MICHIGAN': ANDERSON, Niels, Stanton (W). CATTEWAERT, Alberis C, Detroit (K). COPEAN. Samuel, Escanaba (Wj. LENZ, Otto C. Detroit (WE MAN?ELE, Joseph, Buchanan (WE PRUDEHOM?, Louis, Menominee (W). MICHIGAN : CHVRCH, Eric V., lUut., Lake Ode sea (K). BELLMAIER. L. J., St Clair (D WE CUMP.ERWORTH, A. P., Ja?kson (W). GROVE, Lester A., Lansing ID WE HYATT, Claire D., Atheno (Wl. M'HUGH, Edw. J., sgt., Detroit ?D Wi. M'CRUDDEN, James, Flint (D Dc PRESTON, Colonel, corp., Lisbon (W). POLLOCK, Louis, Detroit 1'iVi. ROBERTS, Chester J., corp., -Monroe (W). SCHOEBKIDGE, C. A., corp., Indian River (D WE SEAVICK, Joseph, Menominee (D WE SMITH, Roy D., Fierson ?D W). SKEELENGER, C. N.. Davison (D DE SCHAAP, Arthur, Holland (WE SMITH, William O., Scott-ville (W). MINNESOTA: ANDERSON, William J., Duiuth (K). ANDERSON, Allen V., Minneapolis (K). ANDERSON, Adolph A., OU'co (D D). ARMSTRONG, Riley G., Detroit (W). PARTEE, Otto C, Fairhaven (K). DIERES, Ernest A. J., Fulda il) D). FUHRMAN, C. IL, Graceville (Ki. FRASER, Montas, Deer Creek ?D DE H AASE. Carl, Blue Earth (W). HIRSCH, Victor J.. Wabasso (D DE JOHNSON, Peter, Ronen ?D W). JOHNSON. Eorey, Tyler ?Wi. KADING, Clarence, Owatonna (D D LANE, George W., Harrisvlile (W). LAWRENCE. Leslie, St. Paul (D Ds. MOOK. Peter. Rreckenridge (Kl. MITCHELL. Earl, Minneapolis iD WE NELSON*. Oscar E? St. Peter (W). PAULSON, Peter, .Minneapolis (?E RAIN,- Osmer, Fountain (W). THOMPSON, Joseph L., Elmore (KG MISSISSIPPI: ROWLAND. Jam? I., Blue Springs (Wi. COLLINS, Wesley J., Tylerstown (D D). FREEMAN, W., Holly Springs (D DE JOHNSON, Everett, Ridgeland (D De PERRITT, John, Hnzelhurst (Wl. PIERCE, Charle.? H., Sumrall (W). TOWNSEEY, J. E., corp.. Greenville(DW) MISSOURI: DA VENPORT, R . liout., Kansas City (IF) MITHSON, S. I... lient.. Dexter (W). ADAMS, L. >.. corp., Kan<r.? City (K). BRUEGGENJOHAAN, Harry H.. Hol? stein (K'. BROWN, G. B., corp., Richmond (WE GRANOR, Frank T., Albany (WE CLEARY, Martin M. I.O., St. Charles (Wl FREDERICK, Eddie, Palmyra (W). HOFFSTOTLER, Virgil, Maiden (K). HILL. Elmer F., Odessa (W). KIEKEARY, Win. P? E. St. Louis (WE STORY. George, Craig (K). STUART, Jackson, Bismark (K). WITLER. W. (.'., corp., St. Louis (KE WYATT, Clarence W? Thayer (K>. BURGARD, L. C, corp., Avalon (KE CLARK, Alexander, Hartville (D Di. COLLINS, Samuel, Bogard (K). HOVEL, Tasel, Maitland (K). DEARDORFF, E., Jericho Springs (D D) HOOVER, William, Advance (Wi. V1AROLF, William E., Rushberry (K). MATHES, Wiiliam, Elseberry (K). ROGERS, Ebbie L., Madrid (D D). REYNOLDS, George W., La Plata ,'D W) RAKEY Walter, St. Louia (K). STIGALL, John. Henrietta (KE SCHEUTTENBERG, W. C, -Yugusta ?D V T?TE, Alfred, Caruthersville (K). MONTANA: CAMERON, George, Findon (W). DE VIEUX, Emile. Zenon (W). FIEDS, Cary M.. Snnd Springs (KE FERNSTROM, Simon E., I'omlera (M). HANSON. Chris, Billing.? (W). HANDEEY, Athol R., Glasgow (K). KNOKR, Raleigh, corp., Poison (W), LARSON, James A., Sidney (K). MONTANA: ERYE, Hue, Ural <D DE HUEBSCHWERLEN, George, Big Sand I D W i. M'CALLUM, James K.. Dixon (KG NEBRASKA: ATKINSON, John T.. Mariaville (W). CARLSON, August E., Etna (W). MORRISON, Glenn, Loomis (D D) NEVADA: TENENTE, Antonio!'., Lovelocks ?KG NEW JERSEY: ARRI30N. Edward L., Palmyra (ME BELMONT, Joseph A.. Long Branch (W BRUNO, Charles, Millville (W). VU'KPHY, James .'., Somerville (W). NICKL, George M., South Orange (W). TH VCHER, John. Oxford Furnace (M TEIC.Y. Herbert I... Plainfield (M). MICHIELINI, Frank, Cliffaide (W). ROESEE, Charles, corp., Elizabeth (WE NEW HAMPSHIRE: KNOWETON. Earl ti., Danbury (WE NEW YORK: HAGER, !.. A., capt., PlatUburg (D V) rVDANIA, Giovanni. Albany (W). ANDERSON. I". V?'., Jamestown (K) ALDREN, II. W., corp.. Jamestown (W BARNES, William T. Chatham IW). ?3ERGESON, Merle W? Hornell (We BOECHAT, John A., sgt., Buffalo (K). BOEVIN, Orval, Newman (Mi. PRATT, Victor IL, Jam stown in W?. CARLSON, Edwin E., Roslyn (Ml. CONWAY William P.. Ltica (Vv). CAPOZZELLA, Franzesco, Wiseburg (b C\ URAN. William A.. Rochester (K). CARLSON, George M., Jamestown (M). DOSCHER, John IE, Pearl Hiver (W), EXNER, Dewey M., Weedsport (K). FREUDEL, Charles, Bgt.. Septondale (Vi GALLAGHER, Patrick, Port Even ?We GIBSON, Henry F., Rochester ?D De GIFFORD, Akin. P., Modusa (D Di. GLASS, Cat I J , Gordon il) D). GO. DIE. Harry D., Buffalo (K). HEIM, Marcus, Buffalo (W). HALL. Howard, corp., Solvay (K). HORTON, George H., corp., Buffalo iE HELLMANN, C. W., Portersville iD W HEMMERICH, H. A., Rochester (D D) KELMER, P.. Little Falls Latrobe (Wi H1CKEY, Edward P., Oswego (W). HUGHES, Osbern Vf., Buffalo (K). HUGHES, Thomas E., Syracuse (W). HUGHES, Thomas S., Amsterdam (W) HYDE, Martin E., Koine (W). JONES, Harry. Monroe (W). K ELLER, Lambert ?'., Kenmore I !? KUROWSKI, Anthony, Buffalo (W), LONG. George E., Angola (KE MELAHN, Joseph, Arverne (W). MET.LIGAN, .1. F., Schenectady (\\ |, WEEK. Lee IL, Bgt., Lacona (WE NORMAN, Arthur, Jamestown iD D). NEU SON. Carl J., Dansville (K). NET SON. Elmer A., Jamestown (K). PAPPAZZO. Giuseppe. Albany (ME PAGE, Max J., Lincoln Park (Wi. PATTERSON. Thomas F., Albany iKE PEASE, Edward F., Weedsport (K). PETERSON, Walter H , Rosebank (W) PETTEYS. Harry R-, sgt., Cam,te., (* PELO, Zenobio, Niagara Falls (ME PINCKNEY, Alto C, corp., Romulus ( PORCHER. Orlando M.. Ruff alo (W> PRESTIGIACONO, H. sgrt., Albion iW PORT ER, .'. F., Genesee Count . (W) PYACKI. Michael, Buffalo (W) P.ATC1 IFF, F. Ic Sullivan County >'\\ RI?E, I lo? d D . Chaffee (D 1". RUSSO, Antonio, Utica (H W), SLATER, Harold, Amsterdam (K) SEAMAN, Bergen R.. Wantagh (K). SCOTT. Charles F., Tonawanda (K). STRITE, Raymond, Lancaster (D D). SUM, Harold R., La Salle (W). SZIYKA. Adam. Niagara ?Mi TOPPING, Hugh, Garnervillo (Ki TRIHEY, John D.. Rochester (M) WARNER. Basil H? Rochester (K) *>. F.I CH, Sem;.'.--' G. Buffalo (Kl WILSON, George. Parish.ille (M). COLIGA. Juliu Si uthampton (Me ? NEBRASKA: MACDONALD. D., li ut., Holbrooh (/* CORLISS Geon e A., Hebron W) EMORY Cyril A., Omaha (KG ENG' [ R, Bernard C, corp., Stuart, t\\ HAWTHORNE, Hugh J., Norfolk iWi JORDAN. John H., Brady (K). KIRK. Arthur, sgt., Rroadwater iWi. NEW MEXICO: MAES. Rafael, Peralta (W). NORTH CAROLINA: RANSON, John O., lieu!., Charlotte < OOPER, Merritt L., Cent?n (W) EVERETT, Cecil L.. Corp., Everett ( GREEN, Graiiy, Crahtree (W). HAIT,. Banner D.. corp.. Gap <W). HUNSUCKER. Alexander, Catawba K1VETT, John H., Ashboro IK). NICHOLSON. William E., Airlie (Wl NORRIS, Joel W. P . Joe (W). McCANS, Archie, Somorfield (W) PIN, Richard H . K nston (W). V\ Hi ."? . Lur ; W., i ?arc sco ( M i WALKER, William T., Roaring River ARMSTRONG, Clyde I!.. Gum Neck (t HARTIS. John, Charlotte >DWi LUPTON, Thomas R., Whortonsville i McSWAIN, Baxter (,*., Earl (D Wi NEL'GEN, Lee, Summcrviile (D Di OAKLEY, Eugene W., Hlllishoro (W RAMSEY, Harvey J., Ansonville (W) ROBINSON, Carl. Marshall (KE ROUSE Walter B., Pollocksvl??e (W) SIMMONS. Samuel J.. Danbury <D V SUMMERVILLE, C. L.. Charlotte (D WATICINS, Olinny, Merry Mount (D NORTH DAKOTA? CARLTON. C. P.. corp.. York (DD SKR1VER. Rasmus R., Enverne (DA OHIO: FLANAGAN, T. G., lieut.. Kentern i ? PON D, . illiana. i irclc*. ?He i D D) CALLICOAT, John, Proctorville (D 1 EARDLY. Cecil A., Liverpool (KE ELLIOTT, Pearl, Proctors-, ill? (K). I'ITT, Norman W , sgt.. Akron [Kl, GGT/.LAEE. W.-F., corp., Cleveland HOLLAND, George. Marathon (W) HILL, Harry C, Mount Vernon (DI KLEIN, Joe G., Iron ton (W). LONGYEAR. Carl C. (D MILLES. Harafan P? Sta-.-eyvU.? <; -?* 'mA.STERPOLE. August, Lima (M). OPPENHE1MER. Louie S., Mario? (WE PRATT, Charles E., Brilliant (WJ. PEYTON. Lawrence, R.chwood (DD). PALLOUS. Peter J., Columbus (W). REESE. Thomas. Toledo ?DDE RANGELER. Orville, Corp., Fostoria (K). RUSSELL. Carl, Ada (DD). RUHRKR VET. John G., Cleveland (DD). SAUNDERS, Adoiph O, Norwood (DD). SHARP. Irvie D., East Cleveland (D D). WHITE, Lamar C . Corp., Pi?-ua (M). WQLTZ. Frank W., Lancaster (M). OREGON : CANTRILL, Lloyd D., Princevillfe (KG ECKLEY, Grover C Enterprise (KG JOHNSON. Elbert C. Portland (KG M'INTYRE, Edward, Mulino (K). OKLAHOMA: ADAMS, Dave, Hulbert ?D W). GOG'V.'RAVELER, F. R., Bartlesville (V, : HARRIS, Albert L., Mill Creek (D W). M'SHANE, John J., battalion sgt. major, Pauls Valley (K). MILLIKEN, Noah M., Enville (W). I'ATTIE, Jim, Tulsa (We PATTERSON, Joe, Cushing (W). PHILLIPS. C. B., corp., Henryetta (DA). ROGERS, Samuel W.. McLoud (W). WHITE. McFrttus, Tussy (D W). WELLS., C. A., corp., Weatherford (W). BARRY, Bascom M., Hobart (Wt. CLANTON, Ira, sgt., Malta (W). DAETON, Claude E.. Naples iWi. FLANAGAN. James, sgt.. Elk City (K). HEINEEN, Edward, corp., WTrt i.Wl. JONES, Benjamin B., Stratfsrd (Wl. KINNEY, Ludie E., sgt., Ardmore (We KELEEY, George A., Indianola (W). M'DANIEt, James IE, Kansas (WE ODEEL. John K? Staunton (W). SAWYER, D. W., corp., Pawnee (Id. WALTERS. Carl M., Bartlesville (KE WALKER, Willie J., Bromide (KE PENNSYLVANIA: , SK1NKER, AU-ander R., capt., Philadel? phia i K i. __ , HUSSIG A. IV., ?teut., Ellwood City (W). SCHLOTTMAN, John C, lieut., PotU bELL, A. D? chaplain, (irttynbura (D D). }H DSON, Ue.nry a., lieut., Ben Avon (M). AMSLEY, Guy, Waynesboro (W). ARNOLD. Edward, Washington (WE BRENNAN, William J . Vfysox (K). BROWN, E. M., Sgt., Pitt burgh (D W). BALTUS, Walter, Pittsburgh (D V. . BBANNON, Frederick, Carnegie (D V, I. BARNITOWSKI, Waldgk, Erie (D W). BQRTKICFICZ, Antony, Bunola (D Vv'.i. B?SWELL, G., sgt., Pittsburgh (D D). CANVEL, H. C, Cherrytree il) DE CLUTER, Raymond M., Washington (We COULTER, Clarence W., Pittsburgh (W). DOONEY, Thomas, Philadelphia (KG EGGLESTON, A. L-, Coudersport (K). EDGE. William C, Wlhitford (D D). ENDRES, Alex., South Bethlehem (W). EBLING, Irvin, Wernersville (Ml. EINAMOltE, Rizzerio, Bridgeport (D D). GAG..IARDI, Lugi, Philadelphia (K). GORDON, J.. jr., corp., Furnace (D W). GAVAN. F. M., Philadelphia (D D). GARHETT, -tajph, Harrisburg (W). HAVVLEY. Lewis L., corp., Corry (K). HAUPT, G. C, Trevorton (D W> HEIDLER, Joseph J., Pittsburgh (D D). HOUCK. W. F., Boyertown (WE IUELMAN, W. J., sgt., Latrobe (W). HAK'!', Thomas P. .Pittsburgh (Wi. HILSON, John IE, Pittsburgh (W). LEWIS, Ward. Wbeatland (D A). LAMB J. G., corp.. Philadelphia (D DG I OYD. Stephen. Shenandoah (W). MAURICE, Thomas, Pittsburgh ?Ki. METZ, Ralph, Erie (K). MULINEX, Manley, Nicholson (M). NKIMAN, William, Philadelphia (KE PINTERICK, C. J.. Berwick (WE PHILLIPPL G. C, Corp., Philadelphia, W). PURVIS, <;. M., Grove City-(W). PITZEN, Eddie, Scranton (Wl. RUNERT, Robert D., Lewisburg (K). RITE. F. A., ihiladelphia (D W). REYNOLDS, William, Pottsville (D A). KYDEK, David E., Lancaster (D DE RETCHENBACH, G. D., South Bethlehem (W). REINHARD, F. W., Spring City (W). ROTH. Joseph A? Pottsville (W). STRICKLAND, R., corp., Newtown Siiuar? (KE STRAUB, Cyril J., sgt.. Bedford (D W). SMITH. Charles A., Pottstown ?D W). SHAD I.E. Arthur, Thorptown (D De SHIELDS, T. R., Bethlehem it) DE su.MI TZER, Mayer, Philadelphia (Wt. SHANE, Harry T., Erie (Wl. TERIZI, E., East Pittsburgh (K). TUCK, Ernest, Philadelphia (D A). WALLACE, Frank McA., corp., Philadel? phia I We WALLACE. Charles IE. Scranton (D W) WRIGHT, Imhrie Z., Conneaut iDW'i. WILLIAMSON. H. J., Philadelphia t'M). ZOLLOTT, Morris, Philadelphia (WE ACKERMANN, Edward H.. corp., Heller, toivii iK|. ANGEESTEIN, Irwin J.. West Catasau qu?\ (Me BROWN, Harry M., corn., Lancaster (Wl BASSLER, Frank D., Queen Lane (M). BIEGEMAN, Walter I... Philadelphia (Ml DLAUGHER, James. Homestead (M). BLICHARZ; Martin, Philadelphia (M). BOREMAN, Sherman R., Lewistown (M) BRIDE. Antonio, Philadelphia (M). B?DZINSKY, Felioks, Philadelphia (ME CANNON. Arthur L., Lansdale iKl. CARTER, Kenneth P., North East (KG COOPER, Chas. P., Corp., Pittsburgh (K) CUMMINGS, Ormill S.. Philadelphia (K) CRAWFORD, Alfred E\. Erie (We CANCELLIERI, A,. Philadelphia l ME CHRISTY, Wm. D? Philadelphia (Me I'USIG, Joseph F., Broughton (ME DAVIS, Dan, Ferrol! (K). DEWEES. R. K.. McVeytown (KG HI VITO, Anthony, Philadelphia (Ki. DORAN. J. G? corp., Pittsburgh (W). OAVES, A. W.. sgt,, Scranton (WE DV.'YER, J. A., corp.. Philadelphia (M). DAILY. E. J.. Philadelphia (M). DE COLEES, Giuseppe. St. Clair (M). DOT AN. B. R., Philadeli hia IM), DOUGHERTY, C. J, Philadelphia (Me DUMDRUSKIE, Joseph. Shamokin (M). LEVIN. Ross D., corp.. Bloomsburg (K), EWING. W. J? Philadelphia (WE ECKERT, John. Spring Citv (ME ELMIRE, Lloyd, Lancaster (M). POSTOR. Clarence IL. Pittsburgh (M). GOl DBERG, Fred. Philadelphia (M). ' GORSKI, Joseph, Shenandoah (ME GRIMM, C. S.. Northampton (Ml. HARMONY, G., Bgt., S. Bethlehem (K). IIA Mi IN. John E., Kylertown (K) HENDERSON, Raymond W., corp., Pitt?? burgh l h E HESEEY, Robert, Philadelphia (WE HOOBOOM, E., corp Wheelerviile (K) IE?' DEN, Clay S.. Philadep Ilia (WE HUMMEL. ('. W.. corp.. Sucking DamCV" HARRISON, M. F., Minooka iMl HETHER1NGTON, W., Philadelphia (M). HOFFMAN, W. C, Pillow (M). IKVIN. George E? I ititz (K). JACKSON. Willis, Chester (Mi. KATZ, Abraham. Philadelnhia (M) KEHOE. Charles F., Philadelphia (WL KIRKPATRICK, S. B., Duncannon (We KLEIN. Norman H., Grove Citj KE1 LY, J. A., sgt . Philadelphia (K I KINO A. T., corp. .Philadelphia (K I KEITH. Georpe, Philadelphia (WE KREITZER, IE !.. Mechanisville ? \\ KLEIN, Henry, Philadeli I ia (M) El MET,, g. IL, Philadelphia i M i KOONS, Samuel D, Harrisbur? IM LEARY, William, corp.. Chester (W) LECKRUM, Earl E., sgt . State Line (K LEW. Ellsworth J.. 3gt, Carrick (K). L1PPERT, Adrian I... Bradford I M I M'KEON, James J., Philadelphia (Mi M'MANAMON, I). I... Sugar Noteh (K M'WILLl U!S, Clark, cm-p.. Hanover (K MELCHIORRE. Seraf?n?.. Monaca (K) , MULHOLLAND, Frac-;, p.. igfc Pni -, delphm ( W i. M'GLYNN The H.. corp., Avoca (W MEASE, Walter D, Roadng iWi MA? LAV. Joseph K., Philadelphia (M) MES'OWSKI, li W.. Philadelphia ?Ml' P s(')':, Charles, Stockdale (W) PICONE, Tony, Philadelphia (K) uc,-7?', K:-r :'i" ' Brockwayville (K PL I I ! i.A. rony, Oil City (KE >/.?.v-?^-* 'c,!'r! ''?* *'?"'** ? Jellytown iW ???,*>? .-.v1' ( ":':': ' ? Broughton (Mi. RL PI-HT. It. bert, Frank (W) |?S???j !'ui ?' ? Philadelphia (M). 15, w^KT- M?'er, Pittsburgh (K). SHOW ALTER, Elmer S. D-nver (Kl ?m'kcV-'g^7!"'3"118 Ij- Temple (Mi. VINCENT. David C. Franklin IK) W^?(-Cla,reM. ?*i H"]^PP\e (M). W WRZYK, Joseph. M'imhall (Wl WELLS. Walter. Philadelphia (Ml vre-r'-'-!'- ''bPlrt J" Philadelphia (ML YOST, James A., sgt?, White Deer (K). RHODE ISLAND: rAvic^ rV'- J*' C''nt?\ Falls (DD r'u. , * Donn ,!-- Pawtucket (Wi. i .;'?,,--' '1;,r M- Providence (W). HOPOSH. Na han, Provid nee (M). I It. ! ZZI, Jerry, Nayatt ( W !. ','!,K'.? ' " ?' ' '? Charlestown ?We CHORN rON. Adam Pro- idence i M HANRAHAN, Martin, Provid nee (K) SOUTH CAROLINA: ?*R vxiS;rivhr\/c" **'? Ware Sh0Bls (K ?,\},,- ;-ON* MlI'er, igt, Filbert (DD). *$??IS3- Cla,1<l?' v"r- S^nce? (W). oC?\-? ,-\,G* C" ('0i"JJ- Piedmont (WE ??.?V.' - * Ir!ln!-- Bgt, Abbeville (DD SNIPES. Esau. Donnaens (DD) STEW ? RD, Sami?l, Wavealy Mills (DC SOUTH DAKOTA: 8,f'PvW??iri- C* E" Urm' Mitche? (K !i \ I ? . Christian A., Canten iKl nPn-V^^V- Hn'"^ J? Vera (W). OI HZ. Norbert .).. Peeve , D Ai DAY. Van P., Sioux Falls (W FR1 rZ, Car:. Tea (W) KEMP Lester Vf., Wood ( k i h V,-r.'. ?' '?"' ,::''" corp*' D !l BnP'rfs (^ " AI IE. Geo, i . corp., Bruce ? K I OHIO: SPERRY. John H., lieut., Akron ? ?) ALTDOEHITER. F. E., Lisbon W) r??-l^'?V^' ?? F- Youngstovv-n (? COOK. Robert C, St. Marys (Wi n^p?,_vOR.D- Vuernnn* Bn^n? (M? DORIAN. Joseph. Galion (W(. ^'I'KERSON. C. E., East Akron (W). FORD. Frank M.. Cincinnati (K). FIDLER, Lawrence E.. Yorkshire (KL HOUSEHOI DER, E. -E, Dover (M). HAMILTON. C. UhrichsvUIg iKl. HJLL, Jonathan. North Lawrence (M). JENK?NS, Slynton, Sidney (ME KITE. William W.. Paine (ME K.Ul'l', CarlC, Bucyrus (KE PKTRELLA. Peter, Oil City (K). PATTERSON. W. C, Cayweod (M). R?F.GER. John F.. OUovilie (ME KANKIN, A Ivan S., corp. Akron *W). pF.VrOKAS, Chsrlie Cleveland (K). SMITH. Leslie E.. Springfield (K). SHEETS. Orville, Crown City (Kl. SPURRIER, Cyius M., Lima (M). TRUCKS, W. J., North Auburn (M). TENNESSEE : LITTLE, W. M., lieut., Chattanooga (D W) '. BARR J. L., Blountville ?D W). BERKS. F. N.. Chanel Hill ?D WG CARROJ L. Loyd L? Stantonville (M). CUX. Eugene, Morrtst?wn (-WJ. CHEATHAM, K. H., Lynnville (D D). CHOAT, Vince R., Whitside (D D). DEMING, H. D.. sgt., Montezuma (K). EARP, Oilie C, McConnell (W). HOT 1 AND. E. C, McMjnnville (M). M'CARTER. Morris, Edgar (K). PURKEY. William. Sneedsville (K). PUGH Monroe. Grand Junction (D D). WHITTEN. J. H., N. Chattanooga (M). ANDERSON. Dillard, Sparta (ME YOKLEY, Claude B.. Puiaski (M). TEXAS: f? DAVIS, Ben M., lient., McGregor (ID. AbHWiJRTH, Dennis, sgt . Orange (K). AZBELu Paul G., Winsboro (W). ATEN. Han F., Round Rock (M), BARKY, Bascom M., Hobart (W). HATE;-. David L.. Cleburn? ?D D), BUSBY. Adolphus G., Mine?la iD W). BUTLER. Morns J., Beaumont. (D A). BRYANT. Edward, Sealy (D D). DAVIS. Willie B.. Dallas (KE DOBBINS, Wm. E.. Sagerton (W). FOX. Ross, Needy (W). I Oi.SOM. Edward, Jaspar (WE GOULD. Frank L., Athens <W'i. HARPER, Jack, Telephone (W). HEILMAN. Jesse G.. Ro-kwood (D D). KEMP, R. B., Cedar Valley (W). EAR' Y, Thomas V., Gibbtown (D D). FAGAN. James M., Burnett (D D). GRAVES. Ira, Gai veston (D DE HOGAN. Hollis M., Atlant. (W). HAN INS D. E., Petersburg il) D). J VCOBS, Butiiell B., Crow (WE :.... i-Ei.i.E, ?uo.iroe, Rosebud (D DE i ITTLE. William L., Atlanta (D D). t \ y s. Roy, Jonesboro ih W). MALE* RD, Clarence, Dallas (K). MORRIS, Willie '/... Elkhart (D W) NORTON, G. T., sgt, Houston (K). OGLE, Charles. Houston (D W). PIGG, John F., Shelbyville ?VV). PERKINS. Roy L., Rotan (W). RAINES, Reed W.. Reise) (W). REI?. Sam A., Woodville (Wl. ROIX, James A., sgt, Beaumont (Wl. SMITH, Isaac R., corp.. Orange (K). THOMAS, C. L., corp., Redwater (W), TUCK. Robert R.. College Station (D D), VAVRUSKA, Frank, Skidmore (K). UTAH : BATES, Joshua H., Wanship (K). CAHOON, A, L., corn.. Deseret (K). GIDNEY, George, Brigham (K). y'M>i>l*v- j h Park Citv (Kl, DRAPER, Austin, eorp., Redmond (T) WE MOORE, Ros?, Haber City (K). VERMONT: CARLSON, A. C, corp. Burlington (KE COWl? Walter K.. Barre (W). EOWERY, William T., Waiden (W). LA FRANCOIS. R. J? W. Rutland (KG VIRGINIA: CONRAD, R. Y., dipt.. Winchester (KG BOUCHELLE, II. P., lient., Norfolk IDA). BURROUGHS, Roy E., Clarksburg (KG GRAIG. George E.. Batesville (M). COLLINS. Frank B., Keysville (K). '? I.EENOK, Charles B., Benhams ?WG HURDLE, Bernard S., Chincoteague Isl? and (WE MORRIS. Herbert W.. Crandon (Kc M'MILLAN, Archer P., Boxwood (W). ROBERTS. William A.. Phoenix (Ml. R?WEN, James P., Barton <D WG CAREY, Hohlen S., Swanto'n (K), PEARSON, Goo. H, sgt.. Winoo'kl (K), SANTA W. E P.. corp.. North Troy (D WG ADAMS, Thomas G., Gainesboro (KE BEATTY, R. T., corp., Bluemont (D WG BROWN, Eew?s. Por!-.mouth (I) W). BRIGHTWELL, Clifford, Charlotte Court House 11> De FOSTER, Henry L, corp , Bronkneal (K). GRAY, Ira V., Austinville (D WE GREEN, James A., Nelson County (DD). HAZZARD, William S., Heathsvillo (KG HARPER, George A. Bumpass (D We MILLER. Floyd A, Stair ton (Dm NEEL, Henry C, eorp., Shawner Mill (KG ?NICELY. James M., Longdale (DDE STINNETT J. A, Stone Mountain (DD. SANDRIDGB, Marion L., Mooi-mam- River (D " JENKINS, William L., B nn 'P WE LU 'il.i. Norman F., S Boston <W' RODGERS, Raymond, Acotink (D We STEED. James A., sgt.. Do Witt (Ke VAUGHN, Luc?an L, Orange ?KE VVILKINS, Flovd, Heathsville (D D , ,.-,, ? ,,.T ??,- Hurley, f,1x (rj vV). PEALE. Thomas V., Newsoms (Ki. ELLIOTT. George G., Virgilina (K). EDWARDS, Charles O., Smithfield (D D). SMITH. Gurney, Schoolfield (K). WASHINGTON, D. C: Gl ' COCK, Mired, cap!. (D D). SHEEHAN, William A., lieut. (KG TRACY. Francis M., lient. (K). RUSSELL, Thomas (K). WA,- HINGTON: STARR. Truman A., lieut., SeattU IK). hi Kl . /.. ? ?> ? ph G? major, Tacoma (KG ?ANDERSON. Elmer R., corp., Tacoma iD Wi. ANDERSON, Harold. Charlotte (D ?). DIAL, Bernard M? Seattle (WG HANSON. Arthur. Bellingham (D D). KUKALL, Stephen, Malo (K). LARSON. Daniel, EllenSberg (D W) MASKERY. Louis G'., Spokane (D W) PRICE, Miles, corp., Steilecoom iD WG WOMMACK Virgil, corp., Sunnyside (Ki. AETMAN. Anthony, Spokane iK). BIRD. John C, Seattle (KE CLARK. Don W., sgt, Bordeaux (KG CHARLEY, Stanley, Tokeland IW). ENMAN, Guy O., corp.. Deer Park (K). MYERS, Fred J., Seattle i.Mi. VOGEL. Louis, Woolley (Kl. S"""'H Thomas, Shamakawa (DW). CARSON, Fred F., Dayton (K). I i ? I E , Spokane (D WG PENDLETON, Isaac E., Gilmer (KG PORTER. Grover T., Tacoma (K). RICHARDS, Lee IE. Vancouver (W). WEST VIRGINIA: BAUER, Joseph G., Wheeling (D W). HOLCOMBE, Fred G., Osborne Milk (D '.Vi. KRAMER, John L, Bellington (D W). M'CARDLE, Bernard D., corp.. South Side (VV). N ' SIL Russell, Nutterfort (D D). ELK;, Henry IE, Elm Grove (MG LESTER, Clyde L, Fort Gay (K). ROHR. Sherman P., Deilslow (W) BARTLETT. French, De Ka'b iD A). BENNETT, Wilbur, Meadville (D D). COX, James R., Shoals (D DG DEEL. James XV. Areola (D A). MARTIN, Charlie A., Hepzidah i D In NEACE, William A., Newanta (K). WISCONSIN: P RESCOTT, O. W., lieut., Sheboygan (K). STIVERS, Gerald, lieut, Ripon (M). ARNOLD, OrviUc l... capt., Sparta (KG MONTGOMERY, Frank Taibol, lieut., (D W). ROSSMAN, Fred 1., lieut., Loyal <W). ALLEE, Joseph, Milwaukee (M). CLICKNER, Carl, corn.. Mausten (WG CONNORS, Lawrence, Cazenovia (W). ''HAM. Ervin E.. Humbird (W). CHR STENSEN, Harvey, Oshkosh (W). !? GOOD. Oiof, Gal?sville ( Wi. GIGEPP. Rudolph G.. Bonduel (WG GOLDEK, William, Woodruff ?Wi. GILBERTSON, Gust., Edgerton (KG HI EGEL, Herbert G., Madison ( l< l KRUTZ, Arthur, c?,rp., Neenah (W) MANDERLE, Otto, Plymouth. PETER: ON, Ephraim, Stoc : |m (W), TOURTELLET, Phil., corp., Hudson (W). WAGNER. I W, corp,, Manchester (K). WALDSMITH, Pearl B., Huh Citv (KG AAGER: ON. Jan.cs I... Luck (D D). BUTLER, L-e, sgt, W c A'"? (W). COLE, Frank, Eau Claire (W). C/RL H wird G.. Hammond 'DD). EB?LT, Oscar H.. Cascade iK). I ! RAN, Andrew J., Stoughton (DW). H?LMFS. Willirm E. Baraboo (WG KNUTSON. Louis. Norrie (WG KOELSCH. Wm. A., Milwaukee (W). KLAENHAMMER, Carl, corp.. Menomo nie (W). I/NO. John A? Milwaukee (D WG MOE. Parker J.. Stoughton (D DG M*" :rr G ?orge W M lit iwn MONROE, J. E.. Waupaca County (Wl. C ' IN, William IL. P? p.n (W). M' M.i.ISTER, Jim, Gr? ham (Wi. NORTON, Alfred. Shawano (W). PEC*. Gordon M., Elkhorn (W). REISNER, Herman A., Kennan (W). R' CH Harry, Waukesha (W). SEINNER. Alfred A.. Schofield (W). SKDFCA, Joseph. Kenosha (Wl. ALBERTSON. Ralph. Beiden ville (D W). ALBRECHT. Louis J., Milwaukee (D D). DIX ON, Jesse, Beloit (D D). FUCHS. Frank. Whittleshy (D D). KUSHMAN, Edward, IVshGvo (W). L/>NCREHR, WTl'am E. Gran'on (D D). LESPERANCE, Isadore. Two R vers (K). j ir?.-< i.? 'i"hfima3 E., Freedom (W). MERCER, Steven J., corp. Saxon (DW). MOSCHEL. Walter J, Wayside (W>. OLSON, Sherman, B'nck Creek (D W). -i il ALK, Charlie, Red Granite (D DG WEST. Carrol B., Milton Junction (D W), WYOMING: i.\ 'ERSON, R. M., lie at , Rock Spring HAY. Arch., L.. sgt, Roek Springs (K>. yd A' . ?Jacius (D DG - - Wheatl?nd (D D). PRINCE, John Brook, sgt. MacFarland W.LLMMS, Jess?- K., Moorcroft iK). Continued on next page Thursday, November 14, 1918 This department is engaged in separating the ?beep of ?, and of the service which backs up advertising, from the goats?and hanging a bell on the goats. It invites letters describing experiences?pleasant or unpleasant?with advertisers, whether-they be manufacturers, wholesale bouses, retail stores or public service corporations. It wi'l print tbo?? letterj which seem to show most typically how as advertiser'** deeds square with the words of his advertising. Only signed letters, giving the writer's address, will be read. The name will be printed or withheld, as preferred. Address* The Ad-Visor, The Tribune, New Yo**L. All-VISOR: Op September 24, Wednesday afternoon, I went to the store of G. & K. Cloak Co.. 276 West 125th Street, and purchased a coat, which was sold to me and guaranteed all wool. When the young lady brought the coat to my home on that evening l again asked her if ^he was sure that it was wool, and she said positively it was. When I showed the coat at home I was told it was all cotton. I then took it back to the G. & K. C'oak Co. on Thursday night and told tha gen*!eman and lady there, and they insisted it was wool and said if I could prove it was cotton they would refund my money ?and make me a present of the coat. I then took it to severa! other people who Seal in materials, who informed me the coat was cotton. I went back with r. friend of mine to the G. & K. Cloak Co.. nnd the msn and woman again said it was woo! and if I could bring a statement that ?c was otherwise they would refund my money to me. 1 asked if he would write that on paper for me, und he sai,i "Yes." but he mus* have thought the mutter over, for when I waited for him to do so he then refuse?) to pu\ it in writing. On Saturday I took the coat to the American Woolen Company, and they told me the co;,t, was cotton and that I could uso their name' in referring the case to you. The number of the material was 12075 I paid $29 for the coat, and I particularly told the saleslady I wante. a warm, durable coat for everyday wear, and she guaranteed the coat as a warm wool and n serviceable coat. K. DeG. This letter was received in the Bureau along with the coat, which had every appearance of being: made from material of an inferior gride Wishing to be sure of our facts, however, the c-at was submitted to the United States Conditioning and Testing Company for expert opmtott. The material was found to be made with a cotton warp tind the filling of wool shoddy. With these facts in mind a letter was sent, to the G. & K. Cloak Company on October 4. They were requested to either send their check to us or to signify their willingness to make the refund direct to Mi,?s K. DeG. in accordance with their offer, approximately two weeks elapsed, and having received no reply we wrote them again on the 16th, requesting an acknowledgment by the end of that week. Monday and Tuesday of the next week passed and still the G. & K. Cloak Company maintained a discreet silence. On Wednesday an investigator from the Bureau called upon them, and found them to be far from silent when met on their home ground. Mr. K. was not in, but Mr. G. was present, as were also a salesman and a woman assistant, to whom our investigator first talked. The woman admitted that she heard the girl who made the sale guarantee- the* coa! to be all wool. She said she had instructed the girls not to make guar? antees, but apparently she had made no effort in this instance to cor? rect the clerk. At this point Mr. G. joined in the conversation and asked if the sales check stated that the coat was all wool. Upon being told that it did not, but that the spoken representations of salespeople were looked upon as one form of advertising, and that a legitimate concern stood back of the statements made by its selling force, he at once became excited. "Well," he exclaimed, "you have no evidence against us and you can go ahead and do whatever you like abot't it!" The G. & K. Cloak Company do not and could not advertise in The Tribune while they practise this kind of merchandising. We do not permit the confidence of Tribune readers to be abused in this fashion. The result of this experience is twofold: First, Miss B. DeG. has left upon her hands a coat which is practically ?seles? to her, inasmuch as she requires an unusually warm and serviceable coat, and, second, the G, & K. Cloak Company, belled, has been separated from the sheep and assigned a conspicuous p'ace among th? Ad-Visor's prize collect/on */ goats. JUDGE WADD?LL, sitting in the United State.? Circuit < ourt .or the Eastern District of Virginia, has quashed the indictment against Col? gate & Co. The opinion of the court is full and comprehensive. It disposes of both the law and the facts in a manner which leaves nothing to be interpreted. The court's judgment should, and undoubtedly will be, im? mediately appealed, end its affirmation will end, to a large degree, if not entirely, the debate of the price maintenance question. In a nutshell, the court holds that where there Is no collusion nor fraud a manufacturer has a right to refuse to seil those dealer? whose resale is of a character injurious to the business of the manufacturer. One may infer from the court's decision that this may apply not only to the resal* price, but to any other feature of the resale, * This seem** ' sound, and it is a rule which will ultimate) benefit oven tiie price cutter, providing he is in business to stay and attaches any value to ins goodwill. A D-VISOR: Have you any information regarding the Visible Spark ?*? *? Piug Company, of Pittsburgh, Penn . Rince the receipt of the enclosed sheet I have been unable to learn what action has resulted. I have noticed they are or have ad? vertised considerably in the recent past. Any information as to .status, future prospects, will be. appreciated in The Ad-Visor column. G. B. SWAIN. According to the report of the stockholders' committee there has beCT "concealed manipulation" in the steck transactions of this company. W* know nothing about the merits of the spark plug, but the manner of financing the company has not been of a character destined to put the company on a sound, substantial basis. Under the plan of reorganiza? tion it is said "the new issue of stock secures to each stockholder a great*-' percentage of value in the total property of the comparu than he no* has under the present authorized issue of one million dollars." If ?* company succeeds this means much; in the event of bankruptcy it roe?* nothing. ?"Vou I If wi?l stop your sufferings and pains you let Benvivo into your veins." He pamp "Train wisdom with perseverance If vou want to bo led to victory, And use Benovivo carefully If you want to be cured thoroughly." "Benvivo stops old ag? And your life will suffer no ravage." So saith the poet Michael Campanella, of 3 Hanson Place, Brooklyn And these are but a few of the little gems of thought with which he M? filled a pale green pamphlet. They reveal to an unenlightened world w cnly tbe poetic genius of Mr. Campanella, but also the fact that he is tw discoverer and manufacturer of a new and wonderful boon to m.anl0/l4 admits it, giving us details on a printed sheet accompanying w ph?et: (Ed. nota?The spelling is Mr. Campanula's.) STOP SUFFERING FROM Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbargo, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Kidney and LiT'r Troubles. Skin Diseases of any kind, Anemia, Cough. Paleness, riu monary Tubercule is, Diabetes, Asthma, Impotence. Chronic Catsrrr., Lack of Appetite, Dificult Convalescency, General Disability. And this is how it is done. We quote again: Two ounces of Benvivo in a bathtub of hot water makes & wonder? ful effective treatment for any kind of diseases without the risk ? taking drugs. But her?? is the choicest sentence of all: BENVIVO is the kind of modern medicin?is and the mode of using it by means of baths, speaks eloquently by itself 'hat it i? ? a"^ on the principles and c?rative power of nature, which offers i?* mediate relief from sickness, and at the same time purifying **o?r blood. __n In addition to the above named benefits we are told on the ^?_^ pages of the pamphlet that "Benvivo Grade II fights the .w3!?,es 2Ll_ destroy nature" and "causes growth of hair on bald heads." "* .^ strongly advise prospective users of Benvivo to designate Grade j- .^ i* used in bathing, with a large red star on the label, and Grade lb . Bf; is said to grow hair, with a green crescent (these are merely sU3rgt..n''nc; ; ny favorite emblems may be employed). This, would aid in P1"-" eonfiisiori, which might result disastrously. We are told that Benvivo is "compounded of Grass, Sulphur ando ^ Mineal Elements," and not having analyzed it we will not J1??? ?rwt statement. We will not even comment on the possible eljc-cy of t?aBe__? ment, thinking it wiser to conclude with the words of Michael ?arop himself as they appear at the bottom of his pale green pamphlet: "KEEP YOUR MONEY DONT WASTE IT." A D-VISOR: A stock salesman who was endeavoring to sell me ???^ ?** oil stocks has told me that this particular stock, which !*? -e? celling at $5 per share, wou'd advance to $6.50 on December 2. l*\?e? him how he could teil in advance, and he said his company eon tro ^ the market on this stock. Do you think it would Ne sate to invea the siock of this company upon this representation? J. U-**? We do not. It is entirely possible for the company selling ^hmp? quote the stock at any price they see fit at any time, but if you " ^e? to dispose of your stock you will' find that the price at which they qt ;$? has nothing to do with its value. In the open market you will " ^ o* what the stock Is worth, which you can rest assured, in your caw? *?* as much as you are being asked to pay for it.