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armistice Speeds Insurance Plans For War Veterans ? Men With Policies to Get Chance to Change to Peace System Women Eligible, Too Members of Nurse Corps to Have Same Rights as Sol? diers and Sailors WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.?Prepara ?ions by the government for reinsur ?n.'the lives of soldiers and sailor? on their return have been hastened by ?he signing ?f ,ho armistice. It is certain each of the 4,250,000 ..,en in the military or naval service now holding voluntary government in? surance will be permitted within five vears aft<*r peace to convert it with ?ur. further medical examination into ordinary Hie, twenty-payment life en? dowment maturing at the age of sixty two, or other prescribed forms. filia insurance will be arranged by the government, not by private com? panies. The cost is expected to be at [??st one-fourth less than similar forms offered by private agencies, be? cause the government will pay all over? head expenses, which for private com? panies is 17 per cent of premium re? ceipts; will save solicitation fees and bear the ri.^k resulting from wounding or weakening of men while in service. The government will arrange to col? lect premiums monthly or for longer periods in advance. This may be done through postoffices. The minimum in ?orance to be issued probably will be ?l.OOO and the maximum S10.000, with anounts between those sums in multi pi.- of $.00. There will be provision ?or payments in case of disability as ?ell as death, according to the tenta? nte plan. The insurance may be purchased by any soldier, sailor or marine and by ?omen members of the army or navy ?arse corps if they already hold gov? ernment- voluntary life insurance. About 95 per cent, of the 4,500.000 men in the service are covered by this insurance, which expires after they go back to civilian life and cease paying premiums. ? This is the system devised to replace the old pension plan. Thus will be created ont the govern? ment's emergency war insurance bu? reau the greatest life insurance insti? tution in the world for peace times. Out of the experience gained may ?ventualy develop expansion of gov? ernment insurance to old age, to in dustrial and other forms of insurance, officials say. Regulations for reinsuring returning oldiers and sailors are being framed by an advisory board, consisting of Arthur Hunter, actuary of the New York Life Insurance Company; W. A. Fraser, of Omaha, of the Woodmen of the World, and F. Robertson Jones, of the workmen's compensation publicity bureau, o? New York. Plans also are under consideration for allowing beneficiaries of men who have died or have been killed in the service to choose between taking monthly payments over a period of ?wenty years or to commute these pay ?ent.i in a lump sum. ? More Americans Listed In German War Camps WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.?A list of irisoners in German prison camps (?was ?aiounced to-day by the War D?part? ant as follows: At Schloss Zeell?Lieutenant Clar? ence M. Young, Valley Junction, la. At ?.mp unknown?Lieutenant Will? iam Henry Wiley, Hartford, Conn; Lieutenant Don R. Harris. Arden, N. C; Lieutenant Walter E. Martin, Mount Carmel, 111. At hospital ( Bruedcrhaus)?-Lieuten ::t William H. Mooney, Columbus, Ind. At Camp Viilingen?Captain Benja II Burpee, Manchester, N. II. At Camp Dusseldorf?Lieutenant 1. rouchstone, Laurel. Miss. Lnlisted men are: Repoited wounded at Reserve Hos Mtal 3, Stuttgart?Alvin Budlong, ?larinette, Wis. At Limburg?John Lioyd, Morrilton, Ark.; Lauritis P. Sorenson, Great Falls, Mont; Frank William Norton, Will smsport, Penn.; Max James Rohl, Erie. Penn. At Stendal?Michael T. Galvin, 199 Hichard Street, Brooklyn; Francis G. Sendereon, 565 Forty-ninth Street, mooklyn; Edward S. Browne, 1051 Madison Street. Brooklyn; Frederick ''. Lippert, 446 Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn : Arthur V. Lamar, 55 Fifth ?v.enne, Brooklyn; Edward E. Elford, u3 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn; Clair H. *isher, East Glastonbury, Conn.; Frank teant, 9105 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn; f-ugene Dillman 18 Patchen ?Avenue, Brooklyn. At Alexanderine Strasse Hospital, ?erlin--John A. Crenshaw, Clover, Va, At Cass?:l?Charles N. Price, Fred 'ncktown, Ohio; Frank Kulesczek, Trenton, N. J.; Lewis Marvin Bell, ntteburgh; Felix Kusbarskis, Utica, At DarmRtadt^-Albert L. Findley, Andaluaia, Ala. .At Langensalza?Charles R. Rohrer, ?ittman, Ohio; William Tienzien, Richmond Hill, Long Island; Sam N"erc, luly. At Rast?tt -Frederick R. Hydo. .-?"-'ter, Vt.; George W. Deitschle, ?boa,Ohio; Michael Grynko. Pitts J^Sh; Ignac Kaczmarck, Cleveland, ?Jaio; Thomas Caster, Wcsternport, Jju-' Gustave Teisser. Coraopolis, I"1 n-, John Ronhaar, jr., Oak Harbor, ?ash; Christ P. Christensen. San ^wneiaco; Stephen A. Trojanovich, , 'han, Co:.; M,chael J. Manning. Bel '?? Falls, Vt.; Taylor C. Scott. 2*?nto-?-n, p]a . Asburv Travers, ?*<?> Haven, Penn.; Grover C. Felgar, wttdale, Penn.; Joseph Dutkas. Chi ?to; Charles E B?!hm, Oley, Penn.; tor0** A Flceman, Erie, Penn.; ^''?m Elmer Hershey, Carlisle, *,-*>*>?; John .1. Fitzpatrick, Dubois, vIp Ch*rl'e p*- Lewis. North East, ;?''?? Cnar?? Ku??er, Aurora. Ind.; JW ??or^r., St. Clair, N. Y.; Randall ?TWy Seefky, North East, P?'nn.; J"? '??'ilman Davolt, Elkhart. Kan.; ;.,Jrn"r"l S. McLauj-hlin, Erie, Penn.; gttk ZieNki, Buffalo; William II. 3__M"_ Ba!,k' N. J*, John M. Ben ?5: _???ff?lo; Carl F. Wagner, 172 ?j"- Ninety-third Street. New York; ?T7 B. Lenz, 887 Suydam Street, hZ 7T' Ch?r'^s William Gram. Erie. Bel?r hn Gr?". Philadelphia; An J,? ^?mpotaro, Derby, Conn.: Thomas ?>?m*y, South Boston, Maas.; Wac S5? i__!ckl*' Bride?bol?i P?*?-? J?-5 rw^f unknown- Arthur Arlington har?ai "_*?? Kan". Homer E. Harris, W?pd', Mo*= Clifton Mclntyre, '?**? wrk*' N E>.: Clvde Farley, ???. ;?? Mo4 David Fowler, Industry ?j f?***- Clark, Guilford. N. Y; 0. "*k ? T?**d<>. N. Y; Charles Ad *?'n_irr?wn,vil!c? fa1- Clyde Durkill, H?rt ??.'? lt*.\ Joseph Burano, 791 &?*??.. Brook>y??; Williarn H. Cr,I1?,lW". P?"*..; Theros Cat *il? u0tt*v,|l?. Perm.; Thomas J. W__n ?"-?n- Penn.; John Adam The Casualty List Continued from sixth pape MEN OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES ITALY: A RATO. RAFFAELE, Albanese (M). BONGIORNO, John. Cropotti (M). CM.LSO. Nicolo, Ascoli (M). LUCHESSE, Giuseppe Fu Lutgi, Ver barara ( K ). DE BLAS!. Frank. Palermo (M). MOOINERO. Domenco. Province of Di Sa? lerno ( M ). Qt'IROLO, Angelo, Certemoli (K). PAGLIARONE, Domenico. Di Cheti (M). SANTACROCE. Jose, Cascerta (M). VK;R0, John CisteL Francio Arelleno (M). CERICOLA. Paul, Chiete <K). PASS ' LOCQUA, Giuseppe, Province Pa? lermo (D W). BON AMI. Andrew, Munde, Fortino (K). CAKLONE, Michael, Ripabottoni, Campo bassa (D W). CEA, Nichola, Vato^rardi. Campobassa (K). DE PASQUALE, Bernardino, Barlbit vittok. , DELPAGG?O. Giovanni, Crmpoli, Prov. di Ceramo (D D). GEORGIANS. Giuseppe, Villagio PelH ?jino, Messina (K). MANCINI. Lui-?i, Teramo Abruzzi, Mon torical, Vomano (K). MARONZI, Giovanni, Valverdt (D D). NIEDDU, Anthony. Ben hida Pre Sass! Ri (D WL OLIVIERI, Clement?, Cadorno, Rome (W). PRIMOVERA. Pasavale, Tollo di Ctrl? <K). PATRONA. Peter D., Preslvlo, Sondrio ID WL PAPPALO. Francesco, Porollto, Della chiesi ?D W). PATERNI, An-rlllo, Mausa-fiatl, Lucca (W). PRASCA, Philip, corp., Trapanl, Lucca (WL TRAVAGLINI. Floremo. Rocoascsleya, Chieti (W). ZAFORELLI, David. Pratola, Pellgnl A"uila (K). RUSSIA : G?NOOLD. Tsador. Lubin, Poland (K). SLOWIKOWSKI, Frank. Tarluw, Radom, Polnnd (D W). STRAUSS, Alexander. Glowdovich. Minsk STRAUSS, Alex., Glowdovich, Minsk (W). J?ATESK?, Franciszck, Anronia (P). GOTELLI, M., Genova per Cardeni (K). GOTTO. Frank, Dicaserta (W). MARRA, F., Province di Avellina (ML DLIEDIO. Albert, Civitella Messer, R* mont? (n D). MANPTNI. Robert, Ottona Mare, dl Chieti (D W). MASONI, John, ?g-t?, Villa, Prov. Ber go'^n (Kl. SCOLIERI, Giuseppe, Malerato (K). ENGLAND! HORN. Leslie W., Heut.. London (K). HENSHAW, George M., Bedford (W). IRELAND: HALLEN, Arthur E., Falrvlew, Clontwf, Dublin (W). KENNEDY, PatHck A., Co Wlcklow (M). SCOTLAND: FERRIER, Alexander, Farfarshlr. (K). NORWAY : REESE. Sam, Opal County (K). M ALLEY, Thomas, Grecnoch <W). BRAZ?L: DU MONT. Jerome F., Sao Paulo (W). ADAMSON, John, Arbroath (M). CANADA: BURKE. Mary A., nurse. Silver Springs, Saskatchewan (D D). FREESTONE. Thomas L., Halbrlte, Sas? katchewan (D W). KENNEDY, Richard, corp., Newfoundland (D W). LOZON, H.. Wallaceburg. Ontario (Wl. M'INTYRE, Jame;;. St. Andrew's W. On? tario (ML SNYDER, Frederick E., Winnipeg. Mani? toba iMj. ROSS. Robert, Calgary (W). MOORE, Albert. J. Alberta (W). STEVENSON. J. L., corp., -Albert-*. (K). BRITISH WEST INDIES: BRYCE, John L., Jamaica (K). BURTON, Texas B., Sweets Village, An tif-ia (D D). RUSSIA : GALASKA. Stanislaus. Vangrof (M). MIKELAJEWSKJ, J., Gub Kaliskl (D W). AUSTRIA: RZLPKA. Vincent, Skalta (W). TACIT. Frank, Mezalombardo (D D). SWEDEN : JOHNSON, J. N., Ryssy (D DL MALMGREN. Neis, Veup Kangsmarken ?D W). .PETERSON, Joseph L., Hjaltaryd, My rcsjo (K). SWITZERLAND: MORF, Ernest L., Berne (W). TURKEY: SPONDONUS, P., Tregua, Brussls (D D). DENMARK: WHITE, Albert P., Nykohing (K). GREECE: SCOPEL?TTES, Demetrys, Sames (K). NORWAY: THOMPSON Rcider, Fjordlnd (K). ALBANIA: VASEL, Philip, Kortsf? (KL Revisions Killed in Action DURAND, Simeon J., corp., ?95 Aurora Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. M'CUTCHEON, James Vf., corr-., Lake City, S. C. SPRINGER, Claborn Y., Sumner. Mi;?s. MAYERS, H. Potter, capt., 107 Leigh Street, San Antonio, Tex. Died of Wounds THOMPSON, George M., sgt.. Manchester, Conn. GONZALES, Silvio. Albuquerque, N. M. Missing in Action SKELTON, Wesley U.. Taimo, Ga. Wounded Severely AARHAUS, A. L., sfrt... Hoquiam. Wash. M'GARVEY, William 0., corp., Brinsmade, N. D. BENNETT, Reuben A., 948 Fortieth Street, Milwaukee, Wis. BERNARD. Edward E., 12 Sutton Lane. Worce-ter, Mass. BONKS, Chas. M.. Jh.. Sebastopol. Cal. GRZELECKI, William F.. 209 Bailey Street, Schencetady, N. Y. NORMAN, G. L., E. Grand Forks, Minn. TATHAM. Ralnh,- Burlington. Wash. THOMPSON, Charles B., 604 West Sixth Street, Wilmington, Del. WEAVER. Hugh B., Onarga, 111. WHITE, Clarence E., Woodlawn, Va. Wounded in Action (Degree Un? determined) BONNELL, 1rs E.. corp.. Goltry. OkU. BUCK Stewart T., Easton, Penn. COPATO, Alexander. Bridr-eport, Penn. HARTMAN, Frank P.. Noble, Okla. KRUG, Charles E., 121S Polk Street, Ind? ianapolis, ind. RISING. Hownrd S., I.ockport, N. Y. TAYLOR. Roy. Rusbville, Mo. PENNINGTON, William A., 20 West Paul Avenue, Trenton, N. J. HAMPTON. Charlie. Corp., Grassland, Kv, BEVIER, Frank, corp., 102." Berkshire Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. HARTER, Alphonse F., cor ... Campbells rert, Wis. SUSANEK. A., bugler. La Mott. Penn. ANGELIS. Charles T.. mechanic, 152S Western Avenue. Pittsburgh, Penn. ANDERS. John W., Lulers. Tex. ARAGON. T.. Ranches of Tao?. N. M. ARNOLD, Henry, Louisa, Va. BKACLEY, Arthur E.. Lookout. Okla. BETTS, Walter H., Portage, Wis. BOGUCKI. Walter, Russia. BROOKS. Harrison S., I.unenburg. Ark. CARROLL, Will Orvel, i'2S Hervey Stre?-t Indianapolis. CELLUCCI, Daniel. 20"* North Sixty fourth Street, Philadelphia. COLEMAN. Paris E , Elda. W. Vn. CONLEY. William Benjamin, 3612 Filber Street, Philadelphia. CONRAD, Oscar Henry. St Clair Heights Mich. COPE, Travis G.. Rugby. N. D. CROWLEY. Jeremiah Francis. 247 Dove Street. Fall River, Mass. DUNCAN. Thomas W.. Rushing, Ark. ERNISSEE. Frank, 327 Caroline Street Roche-ter, N. Y. FAZIO, Joseph, 1187 Third Avenue, Ea? Sixty-ninth Street, New York City. FLYNN, Ernest E., Somerville, Mass. GEAl'Y, Fred, Shiro, Tex. GEWIN. Thomas, Blanco, Okla. GOLDMAN. Charles C, 151C? Clevela-v Avenue, Chicago. COLLAS. Andy L.. Steelton, Penn. GRUDGETSKI, Lige. Bvotnond. Tex. M ALONE. Edward M., Elizabeth, N. .1. MILLER. Tracy D., Vesper, Wis. NE1LSON. Lyle Willard, 2420 Rlversid Avenue. Minneapolis, Minn. RAWLS. Cullen. Bogahisa. La. RYNGWALSKI, Edward F., 160 lumbar Street, Buffalo. N. Y. URBANACK. Charles F., Natrons. Pen WESTLUND, Arvin. Atwater, Minn. Slightly Wounded in Action FISH, Irvin W.. lieut.. Matador, Tex. GRUNTZ. Albert L., corp., 560 Grar Street Buffalo. N. Y. CLINE. Grant. Eureka Springs, Ark. CROSSMAN, Marion, Hot Springs. Ark. Sick in Hospital FINK. Calvin A., Mosinee, Wis. MAMMONS, Joseph, Petersburg, Ky. MAJIESKI, Walter. 4G7 Thirty-aecon Street, Detroit, Mich. WARNECKE, William, Kaukauna, Win. Returned to Duty HINTON, Albert, corp., 3145 East Ninet? first Street. Cleveland, Ohio. CHAMPION. John, Zwolle, La. HEISS, William Edward, 682 East 1181 Street, Cleveland. Ohio. KIGGINS, Abner J., Stockbridge, Mans. WALLACE. H. R.. sgt.. Clintonville, Wi BUTLER, Donald Prentiss. corp., 8( We?t 181st Street. New York City. SWOFFORD. Jacie A., con'., Moro. Tex. SPADAFORE. Joseph, wagoner, 18 P.oos veil Street, New York C'ily. ALEXANDER, Charley. Custer. Ky. ALLEN, Lester, Watertown, N. Y. AUSTIN, Samuel J., Ligonier, Peru. BANDONI, Giuseppe, Churchill Nev. BARTMAN, Paul F., 3695 Shenandoi Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. BELL, G.. 39 Fisher Street, Pontlac. Mic COX, Wesley, Clinton, Tenn. RECORDOVA. S. G.. Tishomingo. Okla. DUMA, Steve, Corry, Penn. FULLER, Allen, Shnron Centre, Penn. GOEDECKE, Charles, 1406 Natalia Av nue. East St. Louis, III. GRAVES. Ear! L., Livingston. Mont. GROVER, Harry A., Lakewood. N. J. HANSON, Ben A., 10135 Huida Avenu Cleveland, Ohio. HELMAN, Arnold S., 2635 East Fort eighth Street, Cleveland. Ohio. HEWELL. Leon F.. Washington, Ga. KETTERMAN, Chas. J.. Martlnsvtlle, Ir LAVIER, Reuben, Midland, Midi. LEVY, Alfred, 2S6G Boulevard, Jersi City. N. J. U THER, J. W., Colfax, Ga. MIDKIFFE, Holly, 8532 South Carpent Street, Chicago, Jl!. RICHARDS, George O., Oaktown, Ind. TRACEY. John, Coffey. Mo. VINCITORE, Ciro, 706 De Koven Strc? Chicago. III. WARREN, John, 4522 Cottage Grove Av nue, Chicago, 111. WELCH, John W., Circleville, Ohio. WEXLER, Jacob E., 38 Bevel Street, La? rence Mass. WHITMAN. Lee U- Elberton, Ga. Princeton Leader Dies in Action at Head of His Men i i - i Lieut. Benjamin Bullock, 3d, Was Editor of Col? lege Daily in 1916 Two Other Heroes Fall Lieut. Clifford West Henry, Harvard Man, and Private "Tommy" Purtell Killed Lieutenant Benjamin Rnllock, 3d, of the 315th Infantry, was killed Sep? tember 29 while, leading his troops in action. Pie was buried in the village of Nantillois, which his men took soon after he fell. He was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bullock, of Ardmore, Penn., and was graduated from Princeton in 1916. During his senior year he was editor of "The Daily Princetonian." He was employed by the Curtis Publishing Company and was a member of the 1st City Troop of Philadelphia before going tc the officers' training camp at Fort Niagara. Lieulenant Clifford West Henry, of the 102d Infantry, was mortally wounded leading a company against machine gunners in the St. Mihiel at? tack September 14. He died October 16. His men had marched ninety miles to get into the St. Mihiel battle. When they arrived they had to go in with inadequate artillery support, their guns being bogged in the rear. When the captain of his company fell, Lieu? tenant Henry rallied the. men and went on. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Henry, of New York and Green? wich. Conn. lie was twenty-two years old and obtained leave of absence from Harvard in his senior jear to accept an appointment to the army service ! schools at Fort Leavenworth. He was j an instructor at Camp Gordan, Georgia, until he got an overseas ? assignment with the "Yankee Division." Private Thomas Brierly Purtell, of the 6th Machine Gun Battalion, Marine Corps, who fought through Chateau Thierry and Belleau Wood and carried his mandolin everywhere his pack went, was killed ?n action October 6. The tinkle of "Tommy" Purtell's mandolin had smoothed the way of many rest? less hours for his comrades. lie waa ! twenty-eight years old and lived with; his mother and two aunts at 200 West Ninety-ninth Street. An aunt and an uncle live in San Francisco. "The b'.ow is great," said his mother on learning of his death, "but the cause is greater." First Lieutenant Theodore Stanwood Kenyon. of Company B. 306th Infantry, j was slightly wounded September 27 fighting in the Argonne Forest. He i was in command of the company j at the time, and after being wounded ! led his men to their objectives and j established them there before report-1 ing for treatment. He is twenty-eight years old, b grad- ? uate of Harvard in 1911 and of the Columbia Law School in 1914. He for? merly was a member of the 7th Regi? ment an?! was on the Mexican border with it. He wa" a practising attorney ' with Kenyon & Kenyon, 61 Broadway, when he went, to the first Plattsburg' training camp. Private Arnherst W. Meeker, of Com- | pany L, 107th Infantry, who died from I woiiods September 30, was the son of j Samuel M. Meeker, of 136B Dean Street Brooklyn, vice-president of the Will-1 iam'burg Trust Company. The young j man joined an ambulance unit in his junior year at Williams College. When! in training ho obtained a transfer to j the 107th Infantry. He was twenty-two i years old. ?-.*?? Two Americans Escape From German War Camp.?* THIEST, Nov. II i By "1 he A? sociated Presi l.?Aviator Coymung, of Dea Moines, Iowa, who was supposed to have been killed, has arrived here with j a number of Allied prisoners who sue- ? ceeded in escaping from Austrian con-1 centration camps owing to local riots. With him was Paul G. Ratliff, of I Drew, Miss., who escaped from a pris-j oners' camp on November 4, Preference Dentists prefer Colgate's and people choose it?be? cause it is efficient as a cleanser and delicious in flavor. It is free from the strong drugs that make some dentifrices dangerous?except when your dentist advises such medicine. V tay behind the Service Star! ?for many months?some for years, perhaps. The very men who have made this country safe for you and me to live in. The period of demobilization?the weary months of waiting for transports to bring them back to us?is really a*period of ex? ile; for with Victory won they are longing for home. Will you desert them now?or help make their exile com? fortable, homelike, cheerful? GIVE-GIVE--GIVE Until They All Come Home Again This space donated by STEIN HALL & CO., INC. CRUM & FORSTER NATIONAL ENAMELING & STAMPING CO. UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN