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ALL MERCHANDISE ADVBIt TISED IN THB TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED NmtyoxK Vou LXXVIII Na 26,355 M^SSrttS'U First to Last? the Truth: News - Editorials ? Advertisements ffirtlmne WBATHBR Filr cad eold to-dty; ptrtly clood? wfth rlstag temperatare to-mor xcm. Fresh north winds. Fall Beport ?b Pafe IS SUNDAY, JAXUARY 12, 1919? SIX PARTS?SIXTY-EIGHT PAGES * * * FIVE CENTS ^a. Liebknecht Slain; Revolt Is Crushed; In Berlin i ? Sparticides' Leader ls 1fte ported to Have Been Killed in Machine Gun Fighting on Thursday Muiiition Workers Desert the Rebels Hundreds of Radicals Shot Down When Tliey Attack Railwav Station; Americans Protected PARIS, Jan. 11.?The latest advices received here from Berlih report the eomplete. defeat of the Spartacides. The workers in the arms and munitions fsctories, who were considered parti-' sans of Dr. Liebknecht. have expressed ? deoire that the shedding of bioodi be brought to an end. LONDOX. Jan. 11 (By The Associ ated Prcss).?The Berlin correspondent' of "The Evening News," telegraph ing undcr> Thursday'.s date, de- , cjares that he had hcard from a mo-t Tcliuhlc soarce that Dr. Liebknecht, U:c Spartaeidc lcadcr. had been killed duri'ig severe machine-gun fighting the building of the "Tage-' blatt." Liebknecht was reporiad to I have heen sh.ot through the head. X'o! i confirmation of thia report is obtain-' nb!c in London. Kcported Killed Thursday Dr. Liebknecht was killed duringi j&trect fighting ou Thursday evening. | rxcording to a Copcnhagcn dispatch to' the Exchange Telegraph Company. Several dispatches from the Asso cia'cd Presa corrcspondents in Berlin ftled on Friday, np to 3 o'clock in the afternoon and received hcre this morn- I :ntr. contained no nicntion of the rp portcd death of Dr. Liebknecht. Thu hv's, in fact, do not refer to hap 'peningg in Berlin, but deal with cvents in the prpvinces ov with press com Hicnt. Nofching definite is known harc as to what Friday'a developments in < B( rlin really were. Spartacidc forccs which attnmptcd to tapturc an army depot in the n'orth eastern bcetion of Berlin in order to gain control of supplies, machine gun* and hand irrcnades were rcpulsed with , hcavy losses by the trovcrnment troops, iceordi -_? to an Exchange Telegraph patch from Amsterdam. fhc i]i pal^h adds that the poaition Eh< rt govcrnment is improving iiourly. Man> Spartacides Killed Several hundred Spartacides have , "ccn killed in the capture and recapt- ; tre of the1 Silcsian railroad station by "'vernrnf-nt troops. aecording to late adrfew received here from Berlin. The j street fighting at night -was cf the most ". nafnre. Many bodies arc lying *?) the station The fighting in the newspapcr quar tet lasted for hours. Eighty were killed and many wounded. Unter den Linden !* in the hands of the governmen' 'roop?. The Spartacide trenches in the Tier -artcn have been captured by govern sient troops and the Tiergartcn has been cleaTed. The 2d Guard Regiment has retaken 'hc Hailenscc Railway Station from the Spartacides. The latter attacked the Friday isig'ht, but a guard of lltly thirty men repulsed them. The -.tatioi, commands one railway to Pots (iam. These advices, which apparently have ''' do with fighting on Friday night, "tate that five different collisions oc f-arred in Berlin throughout that day, ,Jy the coursc of which very many were ?>ille<J or wounded. In strcct fighting on Thursday night before the "Chancellor's palace the ?'Partacidts attemptcd a coup de main ,Jt the government troops rnet them " 'h a r.trong fire, and twenty were l?d and rnore than forty wounded. Allied Citizena Protected BERLIN, Jan, 10 (tl a. m.J < By The Associated Press). -For the protcction '?f the American, British, Frcnch and ?<:Igian commissiona at the Hotcl Ad '''???, at the corner of Unter den Linden ar>d P?ri?cr Platz, twentyfour jovern ?^Idiers, armed with riflcs, rna- ! guiui and hand grenadca, have ttationed. Thcy relk-vc a nonde- j f?pt Xuard eompoMd partly gf rna- I J 'if.' of whom were Soartacidea. ??? $0r*rnmtnt building*, which arc ' Ut l/?- ittCfektd Hny timr, are but ?f?w hun.lred yards from the hotel. ; ?? Br?nd??burf gatc, which ha? been ic?ir? of ?ev?ral ?k)rmi?h*f, i? only W Vrii from the hotel. ; A hnIJ?t !?et night Btruck the e?. '': '? ; ' ?"'i'''"?' i'-1 h room oecupiod .,>ti',>'i> tm /I'tfji: ,;f\-c,ii. W&dtky Clmses Flee To Munich From Berlin I By J. C. Segrue N?o Yor* Tribunt I iCowrlcht. M9, New Tortt Trlbun? TnO A/fUNICH.Jan. 11.?The fllght . 1VA of the wealthy classes from ! Berlin is at its height. An ex- i press train reached Munich to-day, crowded with leading Berlin citi zens. Many women lef t home hur riedly, earrying only their jewel boxes. The Independent Socialists : continue trying to arrange a com promise government with Lieb knecht. It is obvious that Lieb knecht's triumph or complete sup pression is the only poppible solution of the crisis. , Allies Will Not Intervenein Berlin Revolt Geu. Dicknian at Coblenz Is Keeping Close Wateh 011 Events in German Capital By Wilbur Forrest Kew York Tribune Special Cable Service '< CCopyrijht, 3813, New York T:il>uiic I:.c.) WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY OF OCCUPATION IN GERMANY, Jan. 11. | ?Although the entire occupational ' army figuratively is on its toea and is intonsely interested in the situation in Berlin, nothing has happened in the ! German capital which necessitates se- j rious thought of Allied intervention, 1 !earned to-night. General Dickman's headquarters are j in rjirect daily telephonic communica- i tion with Berlin. Reports received ; here indicate that many stories going I oujt by wireless are exaggerated, al? though in the last four days the Ger- ' man capital has been the scene of tur- j bulent encounters. The Tribune correspor.dent. speaking j by telephone with Berlin from Coblenz to-day, learned of the incident in which ' the American flag vas said to have ! been torn down bcfore the Adlon Hotel. I Herr Adlon. proprietor of the hotel,! \yithout authorization. hoisted the flag' fbi the general protection of the Amcr- j ican, French and Italian missions rc- \ siding there, but when his attent.ion was called to the fnct that hc had no authorization to hoist the flag'he low ered it. Xo Americans >jo far have been hurt j ;n the fighting. When the Spartacides '? attacked the Chancellor's palace? op- \ posite the old American Embassy j huikling, many missiles struck J;ho building, but it was learned later that members of the American Red Cross j previously quartercd there had moved ? bcfore the trouble startcd. Members of the Hindenburg Officers' Corps, how- ! cver, are steadily arriving frorn manv ? parts of Germany, and the fate of the Spartacide agitators now is scaled. There was more order throughout the capital on Friday, and it is thought that Ebert's government will have com plete control within a few days. Field Marshal von Hindenburg is be lieved to he dircctly behind the arrival of reinforcements in Berlin, although it i* veiy possible that he personally will not go to the capital, his chief in terest being in restoring order rathcr than appearing as an adhercnt of the i'.bert rcgime. General Ludendorff to-day was re ported here to be on the way to Ber? lin, but it is believed doubtful whether he will dare appear in the capital, as : he is now one of the most universally ; hated men in Germanv. Spartacides Short Of Munitions; Ehert Gaining Strength By Joseph G. Saxe New York Tribune Special Cable Service CCapyrljthi !9J9. New York Trilmne Inc.) BERLIN, Jan. 8.?With the failure of the Spartacides, in some of the bit terest fighting of the week, to seize the Potsdam and Anhalt railway sta tions and thus check the importation by the government of frefh troops, the revolutionary forc^s have turned their attention to replenishing their decreas ing ammunition aupply. Indications point to the theory tha't the radicals are apprehensive about their supply of arms, while the govern? ment. forces are amassing munitions in i'ormidable quantities. In casc the Spartacides fail to obtain more .as sis-.tance in Berlin, it is believed that attempts will be made to get military aid from the outside. What succcss they will have rcmains to be soen. '.?ivernment More Confident Although intcrmittcnt shooting con tinued to-day, the government is grow ing increaaingly confident of its xtrength, and i? determined to make i) i will prevail. The report that a statc of fcicge would be procl^imcd has intensifjed the focling, alrcady rcach- ] ing the breaking point, and ha? causcd I the filterer* to rally. Al! hegotiationH to reach u eom promi?? havc ho far failed, because the governipent inRi?ted upon the surrcn der of all seized ncwjipapor ofllcea and public buildings as a preliminAry con ditiori. , From a milttary viewpoinfc the gov? ernment ha*t improvod it? uituation within the la?t twenty-four houm. Yrv%)\ government troopa havc boon pouriti^ into the capital Ht"adily, and, i f; c m It ' )>o ifil" \<i judt'c, they <tfind flfinly for th? government. Lebaudy Slain In Wif e's Home; ^idowIsHeld "Mamma Shot Papa/' Child 'Phones, and "Eniperor of Saliara" Is Found Dead Couple Were Estrange'd Each Had a Revolver: Pris oner in Own Mansioii Collapses After Tragedv WESTBURY, Long Island Jan. .!. Jacques Lebaudy, millionaiie, advfi turer and intornatio'nally famous as the self-styled "Emperor of Sahara," was shot and killed shcrtiy ai'tr-r >\ o'cleck to-night, ju?t as hr into the cntrance hall of tl-e magnifieeni mansioii, known s.? Th< Lodgf, ai llempstead Plains. whcre his wife and daughter reside. There were five bullet wounds iu his body, two in the che?t, two in the head and one in the back. Mrs. Marie Lebaudy, thirty-eight years old, the millionaire's wife, is a prisoner. She collapsed and her con dition js so critical that the two physicians attending her advised against her removal to the Nassau County jail. Less than one hundred yards from the scene of the tragedy is The Box, the house in which Jack De Saulles was shot and killed by lns v. ife in August. 1917. The two families were fryendly and frequently visited each other. Daughter Tells of Tragedy The authorities were ;>ble to pro eure but little information to-night, owing to the condition of Mrs. Le? baudy. as to the facts of the shoot ing. The first word of the tiagedy camc from Jacquelin Lobaudy, iiie fif-' teen-ycar-old daughter of the couple. Shortly hefore 7 o'clock .Miss Le? baudy callcd Harry \A . Moore. of Ros lyn, Long Island, her inother's attor ney, on the telephone, and asked him to hurry to the house. "Mamma has just shot papa," the girl told Mr. Moore over the telephone. Mr. Moore immediately notified Sher iff Seaman, who went to the hcuse in company with Constable. Leor.ard Tho?n. The two men were the first to reaeh the house after the shooting. In t.ho front hallway they found Le? baudy lying dead? fact> downward, on the floor. On the floor abovc Mrs. Lebaudy was found on a bed, r.emi-conscious. Both officers tried to hiduce her to lalk l>ut were unable to do so. Revolver Ts Found Dr. Guy B. Cleghorn and another physician, who had been summoned by Miss Lebaudy, arrivod at about the same time and after a hasty examina tion of Lebaudy devoted their attention to Mrs. Lebaudy. On a bureau in the room where Mrs. Lebaudy had been found Constable Thom found a 3^-calibre revolver. He declared it gave evidence of having recently been discharged. All five of its chambers were empty. Lebaudy wore a hcavy fur coat. In one pockct, accordinp to Shcriff Sea? man. was a loaded, 32-calibre revolver. A small black bajr which he evidently had carried to the house with him, lay Continued on page clevev x411ied Peace Council Meets To-morrow Wilson and Premiers to Meet To-day to Discnss Defails of Progtamme Truce ibe First Probl<> m Conferehee Is Expected to Adjonru LTnti! Jan. 20 Procechire I* Outliued lUtClt PARIS. Jan. i] fBy Thr . ")'?ks ?.- ! he :i: ???; meeting o.' th< ?'?.;? ?'? .'iie InU-V' Vllied ( onncil since the American dc'.ogatien arrived In Paris ? ? expected Lo : . held at tko French ? oreijm Oti i" p.i n o'i Icji-'k to-mor^w. ? !'?: '?: ;? logether Prc idi ?? Ui:.M . :?? , pn n,:Pls ,;f t|lc c| ,. . 1 '-1 ' ' ' :' < ip: : powc r David Liovd icmcnceau anc Vittorio Orlando, wl.o will probably bc i accompanicd by their. foreign minis ; ters Balfour, Pichcnand Sonnino. It i is understood that Colonel Elouse will j attend with President Wilson and Sec { retary Lansing, as he had served as j the President's representative cn the j council until Mr. Wilson ariived. This supreme council is distinct from j 1 the inter-Allicd conference, as the su-l premc council is confmed 10 the Prc si-. I deni - - .' Prunicrs, whereas the inter-l Allied conference is madc up of the' ? ' ?; ation of fivc members of the j great powers and r. lesser number from other powers. For this reas.on the full' American delcgation will nol attend ! the meeting. \\ ill Arrange Programnu* i The purpose oT the meeting is toI ! arrange a preliminary prograrhme for [ Monday, v.hen the other nations will ? be ropresented and full delegations will be prcsent. The matter of repre I sentation and Moriday's meeting of the i inter-Allied conference have been the ? subjocts of informal discussion among ? the various national rcpreserUatives, j but so far 110 official s.nnouncement j has been madc, i ? The arrival of the Japanese and | Chinese delegations has brought to the front the possibility of the nssertion by the former of the right to represent the lattcr, and it raay be that this will bc one of the questions considcred to- j morrow. . Following the meeting of the Su-j preme Council, it is evpectedTfiat the I Inter-Allicd Conference will assemble early Monday, though the cxact time' and duralion of the sessiojis "have not yet been finally fi'xed. Session3, more or less formal, will likeiy !a.-;t spver.;l days, -.vith RJ. Clemcnceau as ternporary presiding ofTicer, pending the arrival of b'elated oeiefcations and the launshing of the conference in ics full rr.ember ship, Cicmenccnu to 15e Chairnian When that stagc: is reached Presi? dent Poincare will attend to deliverthe welcome o.f France to the delegates, :.nd Georgeg Clcmenceav, the French ! Premier, will then bc chosen pcrma nent chairnian of the conference, in accordance with the general view of the delegater,. iricluding the American, and the usual practice of selccting the Continued on page six The Face at the Windotv fionar Law Dashes to Parleys by Airplane 1" ONDON, Jan. 11.?The Brit -??' ish delegates to the peace con? ference departed for Paris this morning. Premier Lloyd George, with the Premiers of the domin ions and the representative.s of India, travelled by the ordinary route. Andrew Bonar Law, the Chancellor of '.he Exchequer, rnade the trip by airplane, as he invariably does when he eoes to France. Premiev Lloyd George's paity was aecompanied by an army of officials and hewspap'er corre ?pondents. Freiicb Reject Proposal for .ii!?-sian Triice Piehou Aimouncp- Opposi liou to British Plan to Eml Intei'iial Disorders PARIS/ Jan. 11.?The British gov ernmcnt recently submitted to France a proposition involving an effort to obtain a truce in Russia which, if suc cessful, would have led to the admis sion of delegates of the Russian Soviet government to ihe peace conference, according to a statement made to-day by Stcphen Pichon, the French Foreign Minister. The Foreign Minister makes known in his statement the opposition of the French government to any plan which would give the present Bolshevik regime in Russia any recognition whatever, The "criminal regime of the Bolsheviki," he insists, does not entitlc them to recognition as a reg ular government, and France ' is ic solved to continue treating the Soviet organization as an enemy. Text of Statement The statement, which is over the signature of the Foreign Minister. reads as follows: "On January :>, 1919, the British Embassy sent nje a British p'-cpo?: tion, which also was sent to Rouie, Washington and Tokio, suggesting ihe sending of a message .o tiie gov? ernment of the Soviels at Moscow, to the governments of General Kol o.bak at Onisk, Qeneral Denikine at Ekaterinodar, and Nicholas T.ichai kowsky at Archangel, and a'.so to all the other governments constituted by the'diffe.-ent Russian nationali ties. "This mcsiiasre would inwite p11 theao governments and all Runsian parties, cornpletely to cease hostili ties, violence and reprisals and es tablish peace. bcth among each other and with the neighboring states. This liuee would bc re questad for the duration of the peace conference, one of the ends of which' is to reestabli.d-. peace in Russia and the neighboring countries and bring the desired succor to the suffering populal ioii3. ?Tn cas'j the various Russian gov? ernments, including that of the 5o viets, should comply with this invita Conlinued on page sb; Harbor Strike Is Halted; Wilson's Mediation Order Sends Men Back to Work Wilson's Message to War Labor Board YVr A:SHlXG<rON. Jar,. J.I.?President Wilson to-day cabled this request to the War Labor Board : "1 have been informed by the Secretary of Labor as to the sc fious situation which has develqped in the port of New York and the strike of marine workers which seriotisly crippled the move ments of troops and supplies. Consider this a very grave einer geney and understand that it has arisen because the parties to the controversy failed to niake a joint svibmission to the national War Labor Board. "I earnestly request that you take up this case again and pro ceed to make a finding. "1 appreciate the honesty and sincerity of the board in announc mg on Wednesday that it could not promise a (inal decision in the controversy without a t'ormal submission from a!! parties, but l am sure that the War and Xavy depuruuents. the Shipping Board and railroad administration and any other governmental agencies inter ested in the controversy will use all the power which they nossess to make your finding effective, and I also believe that private boat own ers will feel constrained by every conside'ration of patriotism in the present emergency to accept any recommendation which your board may make. "Although the national War Labor Board. up to the siguing of the armistice, was cdneerned solely with the prevention of stoppage of war work and the mainteiiance of production of materials esEential to the conduct of the war, I take this opportunity also of saying that it is my earnest hope that in the present period of iudustrial transi tion arising from the waiethe board should use all means within its power to stabilize conditions and to prevent industrial dislocation and warfare." President Not To Be Lenient With Germany Tells Commissioners He Is in Accbrd With British Premier on Punishnieiit By Frederick Moore New 'i'orh: Tribune Special Cabl? Servics (CopTliglU. 131^, New Torlf TrHiuno Ihc.) PARIS, Jan. 11.?The American peac? commissioner^f had a long conference ! yesterday with Lord Rcbert Cecil, the : British delegate in charge of Ihe league j of natioris project, and continue to 1 find themsclves closely in agreement. i Lord Robert, as already cabled to Tha ; Tribune, desires an understanding 1 more than pledges. Because the American commissio'i j has to keep within the the American I Constitution, being unable, for in I stance, to employ the army and navy ' upon the decision of an international I court, the Americans feel that they can '?? completely and quickly agree with Great Britain, and because the nature j of the agreement regarding the league is not binding they expect other na , tions also to agree readily. The American commissioners are (.on fident -cspecially after the Taft pro ?louncement as cabled here?that the I United States Scnate will approve the ' league of nations and the peace terms i if they do not transgress the Constitu I tion. Many Plans Offered The commission has not yet decided , oefinitely upon the formula? of the : league. Secretary Lansing stated at ! the conference of the commissioners 1 with correspondents this morning that j thirty or forty formula; had been of ! fered the commission by different as ' sociations and individuals, and that the '? commission was now at work upon a ! draft. Because America has been foremost ' in advocating a league of nations, the American delegates naturally will be 1 expected to ofFer a formula, and they s purpose doing so; but their proposal will be of a tentative nature, subject I to alteration by the Allied commis? sioners. Although the league will be consid erpd first. the American commission has not yet decided whether to agree upon the league of nations together with the terms of peace or separately. fo accord with Republican Senate de? sires. But it probably will be sepa? rately, because the commission is con scious that the danger of long discus f-.ions in the Senate may delay the final conclusion of peace, prevent demobili /.ation and delay Europe's reconstruc tion generally. President Wilson has called the at tention of the French and Italian Pre miers to the fact that they can make more liberal terms with the Central Powers after an agreement upon the league of nations than without it. Without it they must insure their pro tection by formidable frontiers and safety by indemnitics which will crip ple Germany for many years. Senate May Disapprove In this connection the attcntion of the American commission was drawn to day to the important point that in case the Senate disapproves of the league formula or shows a tendency toward such aetion after it convenea in Mnrch. the labors of the peace con? ference here may be seriously affected. Such aetion by the- Senste msy also affect political conditions in Europe, Conlinued on page six Hines Named U. S. Director Of Railroads Assistaut to MeAdoo Is Appointed by Presidenl Wilson in Cablegram LOS AXGELF.S, Jan. 11. -Walker D. Hines. assistaut director general of i railroads, has been appointed director 1 general by President Wilson, to safe cee?l William G. MeAdoo. Notice of the appointment. cabled to the White House, reached Mr. MeAdoo by telegraph at Winslow, Ariz., last night, when the retiring director gen j era! pas3cd through that tewn cn his I way to Los Angeles, where the an ' rour.cement w>is made to-day. | Mr. MeAdoo is^ued the following statement: "The President has authorized me to ' announce the appointment of Walker ' D. Hines as director genyeral of rail? roads. Ho will enter tipon his duties ] of o'fhce immediately. Mr. Hines has i been my assistant at Washington since j the beginning of government control, : and has n thorough knowledpe of or ] ganization and administration of the. 1 railroads under Federal control. as woll as #,f the fundamental problem j involved in the railroad situation. His ! ability ar.d experience admirably fit hun for the grcat trust and rcsponsi- j bility with which the President has ; honored him. "Aside from his obvious qualifica l tions, Mr. Hines is in full sympathy ! with the policies which have guided j the railroad administration and with ? the views, of the President on the rail i road question. I am sure that Mr. Hines will have the hearty support of the fine army of railroad officers and j employes, and I can ask nothing better I for him thari that they shall give him I and the country the samc ' loyal and j effective service they rendered during j my term as director general." Before he resigned as chairman of I the board of dircctors of the Santa Fe j system a year ago to become Mr. Mc i Adoo's chief of staff the new director general was known as one of the young tst railroad cxecutives in the coun i try. Born in a little Kentucky town | near Bowling Green, in 1870, he will ! not be forty-nine years old until Feb I ruary 2. Salary Exceeded MeAdoo* As assistant to MeAdoo he got $25,000 j a year, more than twice as much as i his chief, who received only his Cabi j net salary of $12,000, without extra ! emolument for undertaking the rail ! road administration for the govern | ment. But his salary as director gen? eral probably will be determined by Mr. Wilson immediately after the Presi j oeni returns from abroad. His appoint ; ment by the President stands as made, | as under the law it does not require ; contirmation by the Senate, and Wash mpton believes that when Mr. Wilson returns the pay of the new head of the ! railroad administration will be fixed at $50,000 a year. Mr. Hines was a court stenographer j when he was sixteen, and assisted his 1 inother, who wift a school teacher. | Then, after serving a brief period as ; secretary to the chief attorney for the j Louisville & Nasnville Railroad. he I tcok a law course at the University of ' Virginia and was graduated as a bache ! lor of laws. He returned to the 6ervice j of the Louisville & Nashville, and : at thirty was made a vice-president of I that system. 1 Came to New York in 1900 ; He went to New York in 1906 and i soon became chief counsel of the Santa i Fe. In September, 1916, he was made chairnian of the board of that syjstem, j a position he retained until drafted by I the government for the railroad ad , ministration. Prior to taking oycr of the railroads j by the government, Mr. Hines was out | spoken In his opposition to various ! policies pursued at Washington with ; raference to the transportation systems ? of the country. He directed the fight I of the railroad interests against the ; Adamson act in 1916 and 1947; in ad j dresses, articles and pamphlets he iought "political hookworm," a dia j ease from which he declared various ! government agencies suffered; attacked | railroad lahoi _ crganizations as "arro <?, nt' ." anq did not hesitate to criti my. Wilson ?? rcsponsible in great Contlnued on page elejen Peiiusylvania and We*t Shore Ferries Resumc; Normal Serviee Mondav Taft Board Hearing Begins To-morrow Owners \re Still Defiant and Federal Seiziire of Craft Appears Likelv President Wilgon's cabled mterver tion yc<terday riteulted in the sudder lalting of the harbor strike here. Ihe raen voted. unanimously, last night to return to work immediately. Their aetion afftcts all boats except ihose operr.ted by the Delaware, Lacka wanna & Westrrn Railroad, includinp ihe ferrybonts. tugs and lijrhtcrs con trolled by that corporation. Technically, the men return to work pending a settlement of the issue by the War Labor Board. Aotually, in view of threatened pressure by the government on both sides, there is bc lieved to be little probability that hsr bor conditions of the last three dayv will be repeated. In announcing the decision of the men. Thomas Delahunty, president of the Marine Workers' Affiliation, said that many strikers would be back or, their jobs this morning and all by to morrow. President "Wilson took a hand in the harbor strike situation yesterday, giv ing hope of prompt settlement. He seut a cablc message'to the War Labor i Board asking it to take up the disnut. again. Pending the aetion of %hia body, the men will return to work. Thomas Delahunty. president of the ' Marine Workers* Affiliation, announced. | some of them to-day and all of them ! by to-morrow. Traffic?on both the Pennsylvania and j West Shore ferries was resunvjd at j midnight. Mr. Delahunty's announcement f'oi lowed a night mecting at the Marin ? J Workers' Affiliation offices in ^6 T'j.r. J Place of the six members of the striki jcommittee with a government repre rentative. Benjamin M. Squires, who i a Department of Labor commissioner of conciliation and chairman of tlr New York Harbor Wage Adjustmen' Board. The government'* messagc to the strikers was that the members of the War Labor Board were on their way to New York Cit'y from uiffcrent point^ of the compass. Most of them are d?r here to-day. ' Paul Bonynge. speakintf for his ; clients. the boat owners, last mgh? said: "Our attitude isn't changed * j bit by the decision of the men. W< j have made it clear how we feel abou' i arbitration beforc a board that in j cludes Basil Manly." In view of this, leaders of the atrik ] ers and government representativc i said there waa cvery reason to believe I that the government would take over j the operation of the harbor craft. Taft to Arrlve To-night Former President Taft. joint chair? man of the board, was in Pittsburgh yesterday, and from Washington it wa? learned that he would not reach Ne* York until to-night. The strike committee waa told that the War Labor Board would begin heSrings on the controversy at 10 o'clock Monday morning in the Boarrl of Estimate's room in the City Hall provided the men agreed to go back t" work immediately. This information was delivered along with an urgen* request from the War and Navy de partments, the Shipping Board and the railroad adminiatration to resume work. So far as could be learned last night. the government did not ask the boat | owners whether they would submit ; their side of the controversy to arbi ! tration. It was pointed cit that Pre*si , dent Wilson in his cablegram had re ! quested the War Labor Board to rc j sume jurisdiction over the controversy, , so that the queation of joint submis sion had been removed by virtue of. I the Piesident's request. Predicts U. S. Seiiure J One representative of the govern I ment stated flatly that if the boat own ! ers balked at arbitration their craf* : would be commandeered by various de [ partments of the government. Daylight to-day, the Strike liwwler* j predicted, would find myriads of harbor ! craft striving to reducc the freight j congestion on the Jersey side. At sun | set yesterday not more than half a | do^n boats were moving simultane j ously in all the reaches of the harbor. Paul Bonynge, before Mr. DelahuntyV j announcement was made, said that if th? j men should decide to return to work j they would find their boats right ?h?w ; they abandoned them. Shortly afterward j from Mr. Bonynge's office the boat own? ers issued a statement that diacussed the possjbility of the, government ;<ew ing their equlpment. In the statement the boat owners de clared the gmernment would not bc