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Will H. Hays Is Now Leader Of His Party Xhis Fact Deinonstrutetl at Meeting of Kepuhliraii Committee at Chicago He Never Stops Working Governor Lowden's Friends Start Boom for President; Other Timber is Discussed Stafi Correspondence CHICAGO, Jan. 12.?Among thc out? standing features of the meeting of thc Republican Xational Committee nt. the Congress Hotel nothing is plainor than the fact that Will H. Hays for the prcsent, now that Colonel Roosevelt is ironc. is the leader of the party. This is partly due to the mechanics of the situation and part'y to the suc cess which has attended the young statesman from Indiana since last Feb? ruary 1- at St. Louis. when he became chairman. Will H. Hays is modest but not retiring. Study of "retiring" has no place in thc curriculum of thc Indiana school of politics. as conducted by Hays, Governor Goodrich, Senators Watson and Xew and the rank and ti Ic. Thc Republican organization there has been remarkably successful in re? tiring the Democrats, but they do not themselves rctire. Chairman Hays has driven the national committee ma? chine literally almost day and night for the last clcvcn months. When Rudolph K. Hynicka, of Ohio.on Friday moved that thc chairman have full au? thority to appoint the ten members of the executive committee and "such other committees as he may deem nec? essary," it meant that Chairman Hays \\;.s not to be interfered with in the control of the mechanics ot' tlie na? tional committee. He Likes to Consult It probably is a fact that r.o chair? man ever went to thc pains that is daily exercised by Chairman Hays to consult with his colleagues in the com? mittee. Chairman Hays would have much preferrcd that Hynicka's resolu? tion should not have beon offered, but it was offered. a:ui adopted without a dissenting vo?.":. Another signilicant feature of the meetinj: was the "moving in" ot' thc women members oi' the Woman's Xa? tional Executive Committee. It is one thing to act in an advisory capacity, hut it is another tiiin.c: to have a vote. As stated in Thc Tribune yesterday, Miss Mary Garrett Hay, of Xev.- York, held the proxy of Gunder Plson, of North Dakota, and Miss Josephine Preston, of Washington. that ot' S. A. Perkins, ot" Tacoma. They voted and talkcd. Governor Burnquist of Minnesota, the osilv one on Friday who made a set speech, made a h;t when he effec tively used quotations from Lincoln and Roosevelt bearing on labor ar.d compensation. Thc stalwart young Govcrno - rom thc wheat state had tle v. it!' thc Townley men ;.,r:'i tl D n ?crats last fall, but ho b<-?'?" ' ippcaling to thc rea? son ami ense ":" faimess of the voters. He said yesterday that hc pr ? would -.'. on had it not bei n for thc assistance of Colonel Roose The Republicans of the Northwest say that if the national convention next year select: an Eastern man for tne head ot' thc ticket, Governor Burn? quist will be urged for second place. "e :i' " ice and prc lencc and is strong in hi > own ! tal Presidential Timber onl; Pre idi ;?' | noticeable i? that ol *.??? ?? n< r Franl; Q. Lowden of Hlinois. rhe s.ntiment ?n the national committee is a dis? tinct dampcr to booms just ai time. The session of thc committee passed without any serious discu ioi ol candidate -. Apart from thc jurisdisction, or at-! mosphere, of the nation; Governor Lowdei ' |? are busy BXtting - undi r way for next Frank L. Lowden columns, and Mr. Smith is a hu tl . he Low? den nv:n held an informal conferem yesterday, and afterward Chairman fcmith "Hlinois Republicans, n ircsei w thc active Republicans of all ec ' o1 the state, were in thi Co - Kresa Hotel to-day, intcrcstcd in thc proceeding. of thc Republican Na nonaj Committee. Their sentimi c.eariy indicated individually, v; \ ttnanimously for thc nomination for the Pr, dencj by thc national con? vention cf 1920, of Governor Frank L. Lowden. of W ? "Thc Buggestion of the informai con-' ? was that at -i suitabie time thc ?wpnblicr.n State Committee should bc by r-.c- to take such steps as may ?>e necessary to givo to tbe Republf eans of Hlinois the opportunity to oeajonetratc to Governor Lowden that "* '-s the state'- choice for thc Presi? dential nomination." Others Who Are Discussed In aquiet raanner all thc other "pos *m?liti-s" wcrc discussed. Harold L. ?***, former Progressive. thinks Gov? ernor Henry L. Alien, oi Kansas, would ti *nP*at f;ir-'i:d.-t-. Then then are wm ijn\o m< n. who promptly come for **r<i with William Howard Taft an.l ,?Mtoi-Warren G. Harding. Some of we others discussed were General f*r,h?ng, Senator Henry < abot Lodga, f\ ?M?acl! rormer Governor ?'? ?'-.- Whitman, of Xew Vork; JW'M K"-'n., Hughes. of Kew York; senator Philander C. Knox, of Pennsyl vanm, an.j Senator Hiram Johnson, of vawfomia. jTbe Republicans um frankly appre ncnaive of trouble next year, but they -kZf.lf ^wselvea with the conviction *mm .'r D*m<*rats also will have their ' W'S Henry Ford. and therc'a ??j ?i.ey 3n<1 }li'* Kon-Partisan League, "r '? ''?? re is William R. Hearst and his >>.,,*,v?T"r*> ""d tr.ovr ,-. <;omp<>r? and vli. "f"1'1"'" *:ii<l '?'--'? "' <?'<?? com 5r__f*?*n a;! h? was leaving for homc. ,,,'>?!ll"-y i crowd polled about. $40,000 \!.T\ '**!* fa;! '" NV'rrh ?akota, South ?r.ZZ\ Ml"?csot?, Idaho, Nebra ka ?lt'/""??""? H<: ba* rais?:d a purcly r-TA' cJ*M '*???? ??? organization TZ:r.w'" "r control 300 newspap-cra. ';'? ?</ -//o?;,j baek Uci.ry Ford for E_-_7Bt ir' '* n?'n?t?, .'ind probably w*K?n ?t th* same tfwe, H*ar*t Polttieally Dead _ f '!"!?'? feel ng ln the W4*t ? ? ? ,, w -* .u-.u\ duck politicsHy, w ffif*" -f He c?r- ford ncaVl* ?t &17?1"H"' for>;" '? "?? S'/wUy ?dv?rf.JK?d kimself iimone lhe **.?" Mrortcers bv bi? ?jf????. wbm scale. which other manufacturers prob? ably cannot keep pace with, even if they would, that if he enters politics. 1 with the backing of the labor people *rul the Non-Partisan League, he will : mix everything up in the industrial states." j Chairman Hays has left for his : home 111 Sullivan, Ind., where his \ mother is seriously ill. Colonel William 1 Boyce Thompson, New York, chairman | oi the committee, authorized by the national committee to consider the erection of a permanent national me? morial to f'olonel Roosevelt, said that as soon as he returned to New York hc, would begin workSon plans for the j organization of the necessary commit? tees to further the pro.jeet. |Treiich Doughnuts Fried in Hut Here By Salvation Army After Dedication iu Union Square Adjutant McAllis ter Teaches Novices to Mix Toothsome Batter If you followed your nose in Union i Square .yesterday, around behind the camouflaged battleship to the Broad? way side, you came upon a little white i cottage nestling under the elm trees, and from that little white cottage came not only the smell, but the sound of i sizzling fat and the spatter of dough nut.s in a ten-quart pail, and if you then followed this smell and the sound you found Adjutant Violet McAllister, , with flour on her nose and a great j white apron over her khaki uniform, ; frying Salvation Army doughnuts right I here in little old Xew York. just as ii' she were back in the trenches. Around her clustered m great crowd of doughnut boys. grabbing for the hot, rings, and over iira corner the Salva- j tionists were singing "Oh, God, our help in ages nast." lt was the iirsf doughnut day of the. I new Salvation Army hut in Union j Square, and there were formal exer cises at noon to dedieate the new rest room for soldiers and sailors. Ljeu- I tenant Joseph F. Wright. representing j Admiral Usher, of the Brooklyn navy j yard, and Colonel William Mclntyre, of i the Salvation Army, made the speeches, and the banfJ of the battleship Recruit furnished the music and got a good share of the first batch of doughnuts. Adjutant McAllister ar.d Adjutant Helen Purveyance fried 1,000 dough? nuts, and between batches gave los sons to the novices who are to take their places after they get the of making the real trench kind; but the veterans had to keep out ot' sight p.fter thc first hour, because the dough? nut boys wouldn't go 'way, preferringto lean over the counter and start one of those "Were you in Bordeaux?" con versations and the doughnuts almost Lurned up. ; The hut will be open every day for reading, writing ano gossip, with doughnuts and coffee for IU cent3 to all men in uniform. Sisson Sounds Warning Against Bolsheviki New York Financier Says Kadi vals Would Wreck Both Capital and Labor BOSTON-, Jan. 10. -The business and industrial world would be turned up sidc down, investors' interests would be wiped out and labor vouid tind its present rights and privirfeges gone if Bolshevism should prevail in this country. Francis II. Sisson. vice-presi di nt of the Guaranty Trust Company ' ot' New York, said to-day in warning; business men to guard against chaos ! and mob rule. Mr. Sisson snoke at a I meeting held under the auspiccs of the ' Maspachusetts Chamber of Commerce. "We business men of America are j standing to-day in the front line I trenches of private ownership of prop-j crty, of freedom and democracy in business and government. Let us not l 're deceived into giving ground by tlie | specious propaganda of visionarics or i demagogucs. Privajc ownership will have to fight for its very life. "Labor itself should be on its guard ! to forestall such possibilities, for labor has a.-> much at stakc and is j just as jealous of our individual and colleetive libertics as any other elc- ] ment in our social organization." Mr. Sisson also spoke in opposition j to government ownership of railroads and other pubiic utilitics. I Whitman Drops Fight on Election Of Governor Smith Tells Glynn It Is Not Prob? able Full Recount Would Give Him Majority; Chair? man Scores Tally Officials Ex-Governor Whitman's contest of the. election of Governor Smith has! been dropped. George A. Glynn,.chair-1 man of the Republican State Com-' mittee, announced thc decision yester-l day, making pubiic letters which passed between him and Mr. Whitman Concerning the examination oi" thc ballots. . "Unless the State Committee dis-. agrees with me," Mr. Whitman wrote, "I ain disinclincd to approve a con ti'nuance of the inspection." Continu? lng, he wrote: "Had my opponent's majorityvbeen as it appeared at the time of your first communication, namely about 7,000, i should no'. hesitate to consent to a continuance of the inspection through? out thc city and states, as I have no doubt that that majority would have been overcome. It is, of course, pos? sible, though to my mind cxtremely un likely, that an examination of every bullot box throughout the state might result in the overcoming of thc ap-: parent majority of 14,000. Glynn Accuses Ballot Handlers Mr. Glynn had said in his lettcr to Mr. Whitman: "The result shows a net gain in favor of the .Republican candidate for Governor six votes io an election dis-, trict. i might call attention to thc fact that the districts examined were not picked, but were taken in tho regular order. beginning with the lst District. "If this average were maintained in ' the ~,629 election districts of greater New York thc Republican candidate would gain 15,771 votes, a number suf? ficient to offset the returned majority' for the Democratic candidate for Gov- j ernor. "Thc examination discloses the fact that many inspectors are incompetent, that many wilfully violate the law, and : that the law lacks safe^uards to securc an honest" vote. "The examination vcrified the com- ; made to the committee that bal- : lots in some districts had been handled seven and eight times. with a loss to the Republican candidate for Governor as compared with thc original figures. It was found in these districts' that hundreds of ballots had been invali dated by double cross marks and de facement in the Governor's group, and that there was no resemblancc be? tween tlie cross marks when two were made, indicating. that the elector had not marked twice. Wants Further Safcguards | "lt was found that a large percent I age of the voicl ballots which should I be placed in thc official envelopes pro ! vided I'or that purpose were returned : to the ballot boxes and a great many j actually counted for the Democratic candidate for Governor. \ "The State Committee believes that i the disclosurcs of the examination I should result in the enactment of laws j for the safeguarding of the ballot and ! an amendment. of the law relating to contests in elections. "An examination ot' all the ballots oT greater New York would $30,000. An action in the courts to pjrove t'tle to a state office would cost more than j $200,000 and might readily extend over two years.. Under the law this Co.-,t ' must be borne by the candidate." Berry for Adjutant General j Governor to Put His Name Be? fore Senate Monday, lt is JSaid From authentic sources it was learned yesterday that the name of Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Berry, of Brooklyn, as the nominec for Adju? tant General of thc State, will be sub? mitted to tho Senate next Monday even? ing by Governor Smith. Colonel Berry was ? a Brooklvn physician and was commissioned a inajor in thc army when war was declared. Since the resignation of Charles IT. Shcrrill several months ago the officn of Adjutant. General of the State has been vacant. Colonel Berrv's appoint? ment. will elevate him to the runk of brigadier general and will make him commander of the New York Guard. The nosition pays an annual salary of SlJiQQ. %JtZ?&i,ytf/ci AUractions Are Prices?Quality?Serviee ^ Herald Square waj, 34th to 35th St. $117.00 is a worth while sum?why not save it on your purchase of a Chinese Rug? You can do it in this o 61 CHINESE RUGS which we have taken from regular stock and marked down for clearance before inventory. Broadway omjjang at 34ih St. "In the Heart of New York"?Direct by Subway, Tube and "L" Coats of a Very High Order Are to be Had Today in The Mid-Winter Sale of onWs Fashionable Coats at Greatly Reduced Prices Handsome Fui--trimmed and strictly tailored coats, cleverly fashioned of Lustrous Broadcloth, Silvertone, Wool Velours, Bolivia, Xormandy, and Novelty Mixtures. Beautifully lined with Satin or Pean de Cygne, and; warmly interlined. Coats.Formerly $25.00 to $29.50.Now $16.50 Coats.Formerly $29.50 and $35.00.Now $25.00 Coats.Formerly $35.00 and $39.50.Now $39.50 Coats.Formerly $45.00 to $55.00.Now $35.00 Coats.Formerly $59.50 to $75.00.Now $49.50 Coats.Formerly $78.00 to $95.00.Now $65.00 We shall also offer today a Splendid Collection of oraen^s ic ais Many Handsomeiy Trimmed with Furs to $9.3 These are in stunning belted and loose fitting styles and have all tlie beauty of high-prieed fnr garments. The various styles are developed in Arcadian Lamb, Plush, Silk Velour de' Xord, Baffin Seal. and Sealskinette. Substantial Savings Are Possible Today in the Important Sale of Fur Coats, Fur Wraps, Searfs s at Greatly Reduced Prices Only the very newest fur garments arc offered in this sale, developed in pelts of the finest quality. Genuine Marmot Coats.Reduced to $85.00, $100.00 Natural Muskrat Coats.Reduced to $115.00, $145.00 Smart Nutria Coats.Reduced to $145, $160, $175.00 Hudson Seal Coats.Reduced to $175, $210.00 Hudson Seal Coats, trimmed with contrasting furs Reduced to $225, $250, $275.00 Natural Otter Coat.Formerly $550.00 Now $445.00 Natural Squirrel Wrap.Formerly $615.00 Now $545.00 Natural Mink Coat.Formerly $750.00 Now $650.00 Natural Mink Coat.Formerly $1350.00 Now $1150.00 Formerly Now Formerly Now Beaver Searfs. $55.00 $59.00 Nutria MufTs.$20.00 $15.00 Hudson Seal Searfs. $57.50 $50.00 j Hudson Seal Muffs.$22.50 $16.50 Fox Sets.$125.00 $110.00 Nutria Searfs. . . .$25.00 $19.50 Mink Stoles.$295.00 $275.00 [Fox Searfs.$35.00 $25.00 Genuine Sable Cape. .$500.00 $425.00 Beaver Muffs_$42.50 $37.50 Genuine Sable Stolc. $500.00 $425.00 I Mink Muffs.$60.00 $40.00 Furs Listed as Hudson Seal are Seal-dyed Muskrat. A Rare Opportunity ^isses' Smar Substaittiallv Reduced Youthful Belted styles and Loose Back models, for wear with separate furs or trimmed with fashionable pelts. Tailored in all the much-wanted materials for immediate wear. Coats.A.Formerly $25.Now $15.75 Coats. . :.Formerly $30_t.Now $15.75 Coats.Formerly $35.Now $25.00 Coats.Formerly $39.50 to $45. . . .Now $29.50 Coats.Formerly $49.50.Now $35.00 S Lisses' smart Priced for Final Clearance It is very rare that suits of such a superiatfve quality arc to be had at these reduced prices. Immediate selection will assure the best value you ever had in a realty distinctive Winter Suit: Suits.Formerly $35 to $45.Now $25.00 Suits.Formerly $50 to $59.50.Now $39.50 Suits.t. . .Formerly $65 to $69.50.Now $49.50 Suits.\ . .Formerly $75 to $39.50.Now $69.50 Suits.Formerly $95 to $125.00. ..Now $75.00 For Calling, Matinee, and Informal Affairs Women's New Spring Froeks 'WS* -? 7UJ $39.50. as dictated by Paris , Special at $39.50 Exquisite Georgette Crepe Frocks with the new narrow underdrop skirts and beaded or hand-einbroidered tunics: very c h a r m i n tu: bead-embroi^ered Froeks, made over Satin linings, and beautiful tucked embroidered styles, fashioned of Taffeta and Crepe de Chine. The colors: Rose, Silver, Beige, llenna, Copenhagen Blue. and Black. None ISeieer Anyuhere. Nor Nearly So Modestlv Priced Today?A Very Important Sale of Boys' Wash Suits at oZoJ!?> Newly arrived Spring styles, tailored in fine tub fabries pur? chased far in advance of the re? cent increase in cotton goods. Plain colors, stripings, White and smart combination effects. Included are a number of snappy military styles, entirely new and exclusive with Saks & Company. Sizes range from 3 to 8 years. Two styles lllustrated. CK Monday and Tuesday Only?A Special Sale of Boys' Blouses at 65c Quantity limited. Made of serviceable Madras and Fine Percale, in. neat patterns. Sizes 7 to 10 years. Continuing Today Thc Extraordinary SALE ises Values $5.95 lo $19.50. at 3.85 & 6.85 Stunning Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine Blouses, beautifully hand embroidered, beaded or Venice Lace trimmed. The best values in smart Blouses ever offered! The New Binner Corsets for Women and Misses are now being demonstrated by Miss Burleigh, a well known Binner Cor setier. Individual fittings may be ar? ranged by mail or 'phone, when Miss Burleigh will suggest the proper style of corset for your particular figure. A For Today and Tuesday: Binner Corset s, Special $6.95 Regularly $10. In models for every type of figure. made of plain pr Fancy Broehe Coutil, in White only. Also ? At $9.50 ? Reg. $12 Binner Corsets for medium, average and stout figures in a variety of smart materials. Quantity limited. Limited to Monday and Tuesday? Dainty Cotton Crepe Underthings at Much Below Regular Prices Special at $1.50?Dainty Crepe Nighjgowns in a new tailored style, prettily hemstitched or leather stitched White only. Special at $1.50?Crisp, Crepe Envelope Chemises, tastefullv finished with Picot edging. White only. Special at $1.50?Crepe Pajamas in the much wanted Billie Burke style, piped in Blue. White only. Special at $2?Pink Crepe Nightgowns in sniart tailored model, with Floral or $lue Bird design in Blue. Also Pink Crepe Pajamas in Billie Burke model, with same designs in Blue. New Petticoats At Very Low Prices Monday and ^Tuesday Special at .85?Fine quality Sateen Petticoats in smart tailored model. Obtainable in smart stripingg and Floral Patterns on liffht grounds , Special at $2 weight cott and (Jreen. Special at $2?"Sunshine Satin" Petticoats- a high lustre, light weight cotton fabric. To be had in White, Beigian Blue, Wisfceria Third Floor.