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ALL MERCHANDISE ADVER TISED IN THE TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED Voi. lAWflf No. 26,357 First to Last? the Truth: News ? Editorials - Advertisements [Cci New '\ li.vrlKlit. I'M ork Triliune ?. Ine.) TUESDAY, JANIAHY 14, 1919 Fair and warmer Tuesday; Wednesday partly cloudy and somewhat colder; moderate to fresh southwest winds. l\ill Report on Pajtc M TWO (KXTS I"..('rCa<er >>w Vork ?"?? THREE (IN is ISaewlH I* Mme. Lebaudy Savs She Slew To Save Child Friends Think Grantl Jury Will Not Indtet Slayer of "Emperor of Sahara" To Call Priest To-day Inqiiesl I* Put Over Until Friday?Eccentricities of Lebaudy Are Described MINEOLA. L. 1.. Jan. 13. -Furtherj explanation to-day of Mme. Lebaudy's reason for killing Jacques Lebaudy cn couraged the belief that the grand jury might return no indictment against her. Mme. Lebaudy declared she shot 10 save her young daughter. Jacqueline, from the insane desire of the girl's father. District Atto.ney Charles R. Weeks, prosecutor of the case, in which Marie Augustine Lebaudy is charged with the shooting of her millionaire husband at their one-time beautiful country homc,' The Lodge, at Westbury, last Saturday night. said tlie unusual circumstances of the case would not mean any de\ - t;on from the usual legal procedure. The Eontiment of thc en'ute country side, because of the nature of the charges againsl the eccentric father and husband, favors an acquittal for thc woman, who is a prisoner in her homc and is suffering a general break uown due to shock and a recent attack of bronehitig. Mrs. Lebaudy Tells Since lhe shooting episodc occurred Mme. Lebaudy has been too shocked and too weak to speak. It was nol until ic-day that her attorney, Mr. .Moore. induccd her to tell her story. She said: "During tbe week prior Mr. Lebaudy threatencd several to kill me r.nd attempted to stab me with a hunting knife. lie told mo I must be like v.omen in Oriental countries, where the mother, cn becoming unattractivc, must permit the daughter to take her place. ' "Mr. Lebaudy threatened to kill mo because of my indignant refusal and intervention on behalf of-roy daughter. 1 then had chains put on thc bedroom doors of the two rooms occupied by roysclf and my daughter, and upon one occn?io:i the chains preventcd Mr. Lebaudy from obtaining entrancc. "The state constabulary at Mineola Were notified and promised prompt pro- I teition. On Saturday Mr. Lebaudy tel'-phoned to the Lodge that he was ig out that night and used lan '_..:< vhich warned me of his inten tions, As soon a; he arrived, about 6 o'cli ck, he made a great noise about > r rooms, and opened the win 'lo and emptied the blazing coals of thi ireplace out on the lawn. I was in bed and went down ;t few step3 from . of t! e itairway. I w? rrt to lapding. He snw me and ? ed up, grabbing mo by the arm, nixh you!' He reached for in hid pocket. 1 had one lished by a friend, and 1 il- staggered back and ;??' t of the stairs." Corroborated by f'ricst ?'.connectcd account between Lebaudy and ? It was corroborated ir de :-- ??? William F. McG ? ' -; '' Ron an Catholie ' : ????'??? where the Le Daudj ? -. on hipped, ol th ? rather was further to di ;. before the grand fury '" imony of thc daughter, and by her nurse, Minnie by an old French gardener, ' '? " ' ' eombe, and by Elise Rouguet. ook. i '8 or the Lebaudv ? i told the grand jury ii no'f ? though it was evidi nt ? ?" ? angc had come after ? acquejine had told her tory, Btartii g 1 -:45 >'clock, ar.d after rhe servants, < d been many times the witnesses J tho object of !. baudy _ insanity, ad left th<> courthouse. ? '''?'? I >ver the body of the lain millionaire, it became known, waa Poxtponed from to-morrow until Fri ict Attorney Wi eks said thc itne?! to be examincd to-morrow would be the Rev. William F. McGin nt?, v.-h., ig as well acquaintcd with the ' ld a . any one in the - borhood. ft is believed here that the grand iury will fail to find a "true bill" and r->' the proceedinga against the an will be quashed. Cameraa Embarrass Jacqueline rhe dramatic details rn two famous _ - which had their acene in the Mineola courthouse namely, thc Car man case and the trial of Mrs. Jack '>?? Saulles were not missing in to? day a events. The camera men lined ,'Jf' before t.;.'- entrancc to the court? house and the clicking shuttera embar rassed the daughter of the slain "Km ahara" aa she entered trem S on the arm of Mrs. Charles Dc .?saulles, gister-in-law of rhe late Jack De Saulb . Mi . U<- Saulli b, who lives n the Box, a pretty residence adjaccnt ?r> the Lebaudy mansion, h;-.s befriended the little girl and cupported her in the ordeal of the examination. Jacqueline in about fourteen years it in tall and graceful. Ua life of torment in tbe aequeatered country Place has given her face a placUl pale Besc. The excitement of to-day brought ? beeoming flui-;h to her cheeka, - ,..? ''' i. Had Few Tcarn' Schooling Rhe wore a terra cotta colored coat *"th ml trimming*. a dark velour ?port tatand her brown h*lr waahang wm ever her tboalders. Tbe girl ha* Mt/J but a f?w yi-arn' Mhooling, part Of 7 '.", wm* ?P*?1 ?t Brentwood, a fa*h onable ppyf achool. Father Mc '"??"?? had ju?t arrived to have h< t nl __Sf_u**Ji{tlf ?eho"1 "taehed to Ma ?*r.*n. n,e ViT\ apok? to no one. Htt ?*?p brown ?ye( looked furtively from ;*>-?. tokft, |ikft a ?hibj unuaedtoth. r.ure of ftr?ntgttr?. wft-.1^ Hxfombf'' ??? ?,d ***4?n?T, v. ho i*I __?,W,M ?*?*???. end tho other . ffrtatfi?r? rnanife;'.'..,) t,,,..,t ten. ConUmted on page five nriush m UusseMorf To Dpfcat Sparlacides QOPENHAGEN, Jan. 12.? ^^ British troops have occu? pied Dusseldorf, which has been in the hands of the Spartacides, according to a report from Berlin. Dusseldorf is a town in Rhenish Prussia. It is situated on thc right bank of tlie Rhine, twenty one miles northwest of Cologne. In extending thc armistice with Germany on December 14 to January 17 the Allies notified Germany that they reserved the right to occupy the ten kilometre neutral zone from Cologne to the Dutch frontier in event of neces? sity. Tiie British action in occupy ing Dusseldorf. which is in the neutral zone, when the Sparta? cides seized the city is in ac cordance with this agreement. 9 Killed When r Smashes Local Passengers Are Jammed Into End of Telescoped Car in Crash Near Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 13.- Nine per-j sons were killed : nd more than a j score injured to-night when the Scran ton fiior ou the Philadelphia & Read i; g Railway crashed into the rear of a Doylestown local train while thc lattcr was standing n quarter of a mile below Fort Washington station, fifteen miles] north of city. Tire rear car of the local was de molished. V.'hen the engine of the cx- ; press struck it the scats niid roof of i the coach, an old wooden type, were thrown into a heap, burying oll the passengers in it. The enjnne ploughcd through the coach until it reached the last seat. Seven passengers who were killed outright were mangled almost bcyond recognition. Two others died while they were being rushed to hos pitals in the outlying sections of Phila? delphia in a special relief train. Eight of the dead have been identi- i lied. They arc: Frank Soltday, North Wales, Penn., ? a director of the Ambler Trust Com- | pany. Miss Emma Renner, thirty, Ambler,; Penn. Miss" ftazel "Kudoljh, twenty-one,! North \\ ales, Penn. Miss Clara Lewis, twenty-four, North ! Wales, Penn. Raymond Rcchtel, twenty-four. North Wales, Penn. Oak Worrell, sixty, North Wales, Penn. Loyal Houston, Philadelphia. Lawrence Pottager, 38, Ambler, Pa.: The Doylestown local left the Read? ing terminal, Philadelphia, at 5:30 p. m. and picked up scores of munition workers at the Midvale Steel and other plants along the line. As it approached I'ort Washington sti.tion the engineer, ,: is said, observed ;i derailcd freight engine ahead and halted hi.-. train. A few minutes later thc ficranton flier from Philadelphia dashed around thc cui'vc at this point and crashed into the standing local. The sound of thc collision mingled with the crics of the wounded was heard for some distancc, and brought immediate relief to the scene. Citizens from the coun trysidc, among them physicians and county officials, flocked to the wreck. The roof cf the wrecked couch virtu? ally covered the engine of tiie express train. When thc wreckagc was partly cl, ar id the bodies oi' the dead and in? jured were found jammed between thc wheels uf thc local and in the seats. 'lii;: bodicy of the seven dead were speedily collccted in a coach that had been standing on a siding and taken to the hospital ;it Ambler. Mrs. Lilly Offers Bill To End Death Penalty Woman iMcnihcr Also Has Measure to Kaise Age for Children's Court Cases .'?',,,- c/al ('orrcspondi n, ? ALBANY, Jan. 13. Tlie first legisla? tion introduced by either of the two women members of the Assembiy was offered by Mrs. Mary M. Lilly, Demo? crat, of New Vork, at to-night's ses? sion. Mrs. Lilly presented two bills, oi ? of which would abolish capital punish ment, while the other cxlends the juri diction of the children's courts to minors up to eighteen years of age, in? stead of sixteen. A bill permittinj women to sit on juries was introduced b> Assembiy man John K. Shannon, Democrat, of Renaselaer County. The bill does not , make. serviee mandatory, as was thc moasurc defeated a year ago. li makes ii. optionol with the woman. Legislation of this son has been ad vocated by tho Brooklyn Women's Bar A !,,- ation. The association has can I vaased most of the district attorneys ' of the state and has found i: vast ma ' joiity aupportera of thc proposal. Navy Dirigihfc Passes Over VTilmington, N; C, on Trip WILM1NGTON, N. ''.. Jnn, 13, fho . navy'n blggest dlriglblc, thc C I on thc .econd Ies of Ita flight from Rock 1 away Boach, N. V,. t>, fvey We t, I a? 1 paased over thia city to-duy, II reached ' llampton Roada laat nighl und atarted from ther<- thi* morning. if /?,; iii.v,- mortoy, '.,,, ,. I.IIH'HTV ??>M>" ti io , Jf >OU IK-c'l mul,- . , ? lli i,?v l.llll-.K'l V ItONOM , JotiM Mtilr * Co., ',1 ll-i, a.j.i. .bert A*rests ?. Envov Boetzow Brewery I? Seized .by Government Forces, Berlin Advices Report Rosa Luxembourg Is Held Liebknecht's Associate Is Taken Into Custody in Raid Against Spartacides LONDOX, Jan. 13. Karl Radek, one cf the Russian Bolshevik emissaries in Berlin, has been arrested, according to Berlin advices to the Exchange Telegraph Company through Copen hag ii. Tbe dispatch also reports tho ci pture oi the Boetzow Brewery by governmenl i orccs. Woman Feader Arrested BERLIN, Jan. 12, !2::;o .,. m. (By Thc Associntcd Press). ' Rosa Luxemburg, associated with Dr. Karl Liebknecht in tho lcadership of the rebellious Spartacide forces in Berlin, has been arrested by govern? menl soldiers, according lo a report in thc "Tagliche Rundschau." The arrest is said to have been made when the troops were clearing out the central office of the Spartacides last night. Dr. Liebknecht's son also is reported have been taken. Tha capture of the Spartacide office was effected by lhe r.ce use of ham! grenades. The soldiers burned in thc street a--. immense o.uantity of Bolshe? vik literaturn found there. The detcrmination of the revolution sry forces to maintain their tenurn ,>\' the bourgeois newspaper offices came to an inglor'ous ond durin_ Saturday night. I'lee (ncr Rooftops The Spartacides and Indepcnclent So? cialists, who wore occupying the plant where the "Yo sischc Xjitung," ihe ' Morgenpojt" and other journais aro printed, began to sWak awnv over thc rooftops as soen aa darkness fell. Several followers cf Dr. Liebknecht who wcrc tryinrj ,o c-scapc with four lypewriters in their posse.sion, wcrc intercepted bj govei ivoienf soldi :r They admitted that lhe'defenders had been dcsertin<j thc place, and thi n ' dicrs, when thc\ advanced irnon th building. found it unoccupied. The Spartacides in tlie "T.freblatt" office narleyed for a whil.- with the gov? ernment forces and were iinaiiy pcr mitted to withdraw with their wc-i pons. Later, in thc night, however. they were disarmed and ininrisoned by troops which wcrc clcaning up the inner city of Bolshevik snipcrs, Sev? eral n< sta of smpera wcrc uncove'red in this cleaning-up process, notably in Lhe section around thc Anhalt Station One ii' these nests contained a machine gun with a crew of ? [?:. ,,ien. The kuii Note Indicatps Russians Directed Bprlin Revolt WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. -Of? ficials here were much in? terested to-day in an article pub? lished in the Berlin "Tagliche Rundschau" of Saturday, stating that the Spartaeus group had sent a telegram to Moscow stating that fighting must be stopped as soon as possible, because the Berlin working classes were not ripe for dictatorship of thc proletariat. This, it was pointed out, sup ports tlie charge that has cften been made that the German up? rising has been directed by the Russian Bolsheviki. World Power Aim of Trotzkv Aud Liebknecht Russian. Leader Reported Plaimiiig Army of Three Millions lor Netv War By Elias Tobenkin Xe-w York Tril Special Cuhl- .'?;< r oict ' ID18 Xew York Tribune, Ine.) BERN2, Jan. 13. Events in Germany have adde.i considerably to the power of the Russian Soviets, owing to the ex ollation sweeping their rank:;, accord? ing to three Russian officers from thc Ukraine now here. The officers are en rculc to Paria nnd London to report on thc situation and were interviewed by Thc Tribune correspondent. Trotzky. the Bolshevik War Minister, according to these ofTicers, has recently announced that he was prcparing to organize an army ef ",000,000 men which would unite with the forces to be orgai-:-.:e,| by Karl Liebknecht in Ger? many and together they would con iHier the world. Red Daneer Adroilted "A" rnilitar;, men," the officers said. "wc do nol believe Trotzky has thc i iea?i i to erjnip =uch an army, but Iie can ? quip an army of 1,500,000 men, and that is a very formidablc force, especi all> when its spirit is kindlcd by fanaticis i." "Pe'.rograd Las been completely sub ugated by thc Bolsheviki,"' the officer said. "Tiie Bolshevik force include* :.'>,im 6,000 Letts and about the r.ame number of Chinesc. Thc Bolsheviki aro itcadily ndvancing toward Omsk and the Miirmaii coasbr and have oceapred territories evacuated by the Gen latis such as Minsk. lUins',. Rovno and Vilna. "With the Bi I s'.i?vi!;i," said the of? ficer, "it ?' not a question of what rare or creed you belong to, but ivhat class. If you havo money, or belong to the so-called uppcr classes, you can never tell when your hour has struck. "Army officers arc especialiy dete3ted New Armistice Terms Are Drawn; Coimcil Takes Up Peace Problems; House Passes Wilson's Famine Bill Vote on 8100,000,000 Measure Is 242 lo 73 on President's Appeal Says R<m1 Peril Is Poiso.iiiu?; iJermanv Henry White Also Cables Senator Lodge to Infln ence Republicans to Aid ?:,?:,? Yorl, Tribune '?'. ii. / ? ngtoix },,:?? II WASH1NG10N, Jan. 13.- Following a direct cabled appeal ''rom President Wilson, to the effect that "Bolshevism is steadily advancing westward" and "is poisoning Germany," and an ap? peal from Henry White, of the peace commission. to tlie Republican leaders Lhe House of Representatives passed thc hundred million dollar European food relief bill to-night by a vote of 242-to 73. "Food relief is now tho key to the whole European situation," the Presi? dent declared in his cable, "ar.d to the solution of peace." Chairman Swager Shcrley of the Ap proprialions Commitre., in urging thc appropriation to-aay, said it formed a part of a pool raised by Great Britain. France anci itaiy, which would total 8350,000,000. lle said thia in an? swer to a challenge trcrn Renre3enta ttve Gordon, of Clovelar:d, to the efVaci t'.iat it was as mucli the business of '.he Allies to comply with this necessiiy for an antidote to Bolsbcvi.m avd *'o; the wovkivig oui of peac-? a. ii ? aa lhe business of the Cnitc-.l Stat ?;. Calls It Cnoftirii : Mr. Cordon vvavod astue htt state? ment of Representative Sherley as being entirely unoffieial and r.nsup ported by cvidence. I'lv; House ??ot m! late to-night. after :. long day of r.crimonious debate, op ji,ii".-.'s o.- thc meaRurc taking the position that ii was un to the Adminis? tration to Cumjsh with in fcrmatidn bo Lhat it could iegisiace it. '??'.MDr.'rrr^f: Kepi'esentat ive Shcrley alsn v?5ad a cablegram addrcssed i.o Senator llenry Cabot Lodge-, Republican load-.;'- of the upper House, s rom Henry White. t.'i ; Repabliear. vnember ot thc American Peace Mission, as follows: "Feel 1 should no longer dolay lay :.-!?: boforc you condition whicn has gradually beon fori ing itself upon av.v delegation and which now dommates entire European situation above all else; namely, startling westward ad? vance of Bolshevism. It row com Continued on page tky#u Continued on page three Continued on page three It ls Surprising How Many Grcal Men of History Have Come frrom Missouri cn W^&yM & ~-^ ee ^7>i ^l^f? //? a^-% coke>?r.>->*i/^,y^. ^/y ^^_M; hTi i^IL^: />* ?^^S*-fep$l< it'll ntev/er be " r"y IT CAN* fJlw Wilson Asks Food to Hall Anarchy fpTASHlNGTON, Jan. 13.?This message from President U il ivas received to-day by Senator Murlin, of Virginia, and tio?~ resentative Sherly, of Kentucky, chairmt , of the Committee on Ap propriations; "I cannot too earnestiy or solcmnly urge upon the Congress the appropriation for which Mr. Hoover has asked for the administration of food relief. Fcod relief is now the key to the whole European sit? uation and to the solutions of peace; Bolshevism is steadily advancing westward, is poisoning Germany. It cannot be stopped by force. but. it can be stcpped by food, and all tho leaders with whom 1 am in conference agree that concerted action in this matter is of immediate and vital importance. "The money will not bc spent for food for Germany itself, t>e cause Germany ean buy its food; but it will be spent for financing tbe movement of fcod to our real frie ids in Poland and to thc people of the liberated units of the Austvo-Hungarian empira and to our asso ciates in the Balkans. 1 beg that you wil! present this matter with ui! possible urgency and force to the Congress. "I do not see how we ean find definite powers with whom to con cluJe peace unless this means of stemming the tide of anarchism be employed." World League Attacked bv o ?s tang Kaiser and Shoot Him, Says Myers in the Course of Hot Debate York THbutu Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. Pwc at? taeks on the I'vesident'n loague of na? tions idea, ra far ?_ they kave been voiced, were made iu lhe Se.nat. to-day. One was by a Democrat, Senator Mye/s, of Montana, and the other by a P-o gressive Republican, Jsenatcr Sterliyg oi" South Dakota. Senator Myers interestcd the Sen? ate by a demand that the Kaiser should 'll,: executed, and without trial. A.-, to the nianner of his execution, the Sen at.v'g reply ton Ijucstionjti'&ia SenVtcr waa that he should be both hanged and shot. Roth .Senator:.; in discussing the league of nations idea insisted that this was noi a subject with which to burde.v or delay the peace conference. ?Mr. Myers dill'ered sharply with the i resident as to the exclusion of any nation from the league. lhe Montana Senator made one of 1 is trong points for the delay of any consideration of a league of nations until after the peace conference thc fact that if made one of the terms Germany musl be given n chance U approve the ieague, whereas he did not propose that Germany should be admitted to such :>. league. "I ttder Certain Conditions" "^,'nder certain conditions of restric? tions and limitations of membership," said Senator Myers, "1 favor a world leagu ? ot nations. But I do not favor any league which would restrict or diminish the sovereignty cf the United States. I co not believe any league oiiirk-. to require any reduction in the British navy which has been the great <;- I'actor in tedeeiniug the world from tl e destruction which threaten.d il and which, I aro sure, ivi'il be used as a i-n -e: ...;-??(? ot the, honor and integj-ity of the civilized nations." ? u oe thc Senator know of any one who uas detined the 'league oi' na? tions,' as to how it should be composed and with what authority it shouid be ciothed?" asked Senator Watson. "I do not know that any one has given n delinition in its entirety," re? plied Senator Myers. "It all appcars nebulous and chaotic. It requires pro? longed and carefu! consideration both by those who make and who ratify ... 1 am not in favor of any league that does not retain in the United States complete jurisdifction over ihe Monroc Doctrine. rhe United States ou?rht to ?etain complete jurisdiction of imini gnation and other questions thatvitally affect our nation:.1 existence, integrity and honor. "' do not :i ak Germany or :::.-,- of the Central P.iwers ought to be * ad? mitted now or within this generation into any league of nations. "I uo" not favor the delegates at tlie peace conference undertaking to frame a league of nations to incorporate it in the treaty oi- peace between the war ring nations. ! don't see why it should be done in one transaction. The treat ? oi' peace and -|.,. i.ngue of nations idea yoKt-ess eiements of difference which require different theorics. Peace Is lirst Duty "Tlie i-.rst duty of the conference is to frame terms of peace and measures to trr.Uirvv them nnd lo put an end to the war thnt i; now theorctically out of The world wants peace right nov.- ::.-? thc lirst consideration of our rcpresentatives in Europe. That ia more pressing in importance than anything else. While Germany ought not to .)'? admitted te th: league of nations, yet A-hen the terms of peace aro fratued tied completed Germany wiil have to assent to them, unlesa she wants to continue the war. We will have to submit any peace terins to whatever government the Germans mav have for ratification." "It" we p.ut the league of nations in aa h part of thc peace terms, then Ger? many will have to rn" upon that. Tho German nation ought to be kept en? tirely out of the league. The way t i fiecomplish this i.. to framing the.leacue of nations until after the treaty o: ??<'??>?? is arrived aj " benato- McKellar, of Tennessee. in I ?rrupted to say that apparcntly all the United States was asking in thc treaty of peice was freedom from future wara uittl freedom of thc ceas. "Does not the Senator from Montana Continued <.i nt. ' page ies United Against 'Reds,' Temps' Asserts Paris Paper Says Entente Nations Indorse Pichon's Siaml Against Bolsheviki X. ,? ) orl. i ? ..... r Eurupca;. Bun a i tCoojrjl 1919. Xew Yorl: Tribune Inc.) PARIS. Jan. 13. The publication of Foreign Minister Pichon's note refus? ing recognition to tl - Bolsheviki has attracted attention in thc Paris, press, and throws a streng light upon the varying attitudes of the Entente pow? ers with regard to this vital question of Russia and Bolshevism in Europe. For tha moment apparentiy any like iihood oi' differences between the pow? ers has been allayed. The "Temps" tttunigbt states that it has ovcry reason to believe there will be no further dis? cussion between the Allies upon tho question raised by Pichon'a note. "ln the daily informal discussions which have taken place," the "Temps" says, "the representatives of the gov? ernments of the associated powers have shown theniselv ss inciined to follow the lines laid down by Pichon." Agree on Solutions As signilicant of tlie mutually con ciliatory attitude at the conterence of thi. icpiesentatives, the "Temps" adds that tnis is only one instance ol a simiiar kind. *H is const?ntly happening," it says. "that after having suggested different methods thc various governments very soo.i agree to adopt a solution pro pos "1 by one of them." 'lhere is much curiosity here as to how, in view oi the claborate prccau tions taken by the Allies to sateguard their diplomatic documents, the official Socia :.-: journal, "Humaime, succeed ad in obtaining a copy of Pichon's note. ii was thc onlj newspaper to publish it ycitsrday. The object of thc Socialists in pub lishing cne, note was, of course, to embarrass tho government, as was evi dent from thc heading printed over the article: "The I'lanco-English Disugree ment. Engiand Proposes an Entente witn .mi-. 1. . u-over-im.ius. ln the iNamc V,' (' ; 'S'ea ' iemenceau, M. S. Pichon Kciuses. , The effect ol' the Socialist "beat" na been to strengthen Clernenceau's government in tnc eyes of the whole coul l:.v-. Manj of the papers comment at length on tne Pichon note, and with ? ? xeeption of the Socialist journals are absoiutely in agreement with the ?ouivv laKen :\ ti,.- foreign Minister. Praise Pichon's Stand The "Temps," on the whole, does not regret tho publication. "Af i r the abcminable revelations," it says, "which Scavenius (the-Danish minister) brought. from Ru3sia, after thc intervention of the Muscovite Bol? sheviki in German riots and Radek's speech outlining thc prospect of bting n:g the war to the bunks oi the Rhine, :Y; congratul: te tlie i rench i ore 2 . er on thi fii inne is v. ith which lie refused to consider Bolshevism as a n guiar go\ ernment." Tn< "Temps" points ou*. that Pichon's policy is that of the Chamber of Depu? ties, which on December 29 refused by 380 votes to l.-l to support a protest ?> nicn .. ,-ocialist 1 t-pucy propo: i again it Allied at tion in Russia. "What other policy," the paper asks, "cou tnc peace conjt rcss foi Does il contemplate a Joffe installed at Paris as the Bolshevik plenipoten? tiary, and overwhelming the conference with his wcarisome dissertations or his tiery harangues while his cmissaries provided, as in Berlin, with enormous financial resources, attempt to foment revolution in the Allied countries? Have wc conqueied Germany only in ord: i to repeat the experience at Brest Litovsk an enlarged and aggravated Brest Litovsk, wh< rc ti. bolslu \ i ; would be united with the Gern. rhe conclusion whether n thi quc tion of Russia being reprcsen tl ai thi peace c.n gress is to be considered at tin peace i r.ugn ss>, ti... que? ! ion ought not to b< considered a*so of its reorganisation, w?d ? '" - li teorg mization, ho\ -' over long it maj take, does not demand the erection in the shorte?t ti ne i-.i.-i ble of a barrier between the Bolshs viKi and Germany. It Bugge.t* that an ? xtension ol the armistice will enable thi ? .. ? tion to be discussed. It i- .dmitted in "Humanite" to-day that the dute ol Pichon's note was not Dec mber 6, as tne Socialist. papei stated yesterday, >.u January .".. This invalidates the elaborate argument of Gustavc lierve ,o "La Viotoirc" thai Lloyd George nut forward, vith a view Continued on riexi page Wilson and Five \'H\S Attend Session Which WeighsTruce Demands 5 Nations' Envoys Attend Conference Occupalion of CVrman Parts and Use of (;<>l<| Reserve in New Claoses <ARIS Jan. 18 (By The A- -. ? ress). Ihe Supreme Council of th.. congress resumed its seasiona ?t ? oclock this afternoon at the French Foreign Office, with the d,sti,u-uishe.| gathering of yesterday augmented by th ? presencc of Japan among th- .-rca'. powers represented and a notable gath prnig of military, naval, economic and : nancial representatives of the various powers. , rhost P^scnt included liesidcs President Wilson, Secretary Lansing General Bliss nnd Herberl C. Hoover for the United States, Premier Cle menceau. Foreign .Minister Pichon Finance Minister Klotz, Minister of 1 ommerce Clementel, Minister of j;c construction Loucheur, Marshal Foch A"' "? General Weygand and AdminU ae Bon, for France, Premier Uoyd George nnd Foreign Secretary Balfour for Grcal Britain; Foreign Minister bonmno for Italj and Viscount Chindm and Ambassador Matsui for Japan. All thc members of the Versaillea ":ir ( ?'ino,i ;'!i;'? at.tended, including ''?,:",,vi Sir n"--'V "'ii on, the British merabei. Armistice Exlcnsion L'p 1 ?"' ?rst business before thc su? preme council was the Rew terms for Uie extension of the German armlsUco; Ihe terms had been formally drawn up at a meeting this morning of military, n?val, economic and linancial experts of the Allies and the I'nited States. Ihe morning meeting, which waa pre Bided over by Marshal Foch, reached a complete agreement. An official communication issued after the adjournmenl of the Supreme W ar Council say- : "The meeting reached an agrcc :,,,!'; ;''; to the terms on which the armistice is to be renewed on Janu? ary 17. This includcd naval clausea, financial clauses, conditions of sup? ply and provision for the restitution of material and machinery stolen from France ,ind Belgium by thc Ge rmans. "The meeting al o c intinucd il discussion of procedure. lt was agreed to hold tiie next meeting of the Supreme War Council on Wednea day at 10:30 o'clock. and that the first full session of the peace coi - ference will take place on Saturday, January 18, at 2:30 p. m., al the For? eign Office." The "Temps"' says the discus ion of Ihe supplemcntary clausei of thc ar? mistice di alt < ith such poinl s . the occupat 'on o ' ci ;?' ain G, rman the use of the Reichsbank gold reserve for the prcvisioning of Germany and naval questions. Delegates in Complete Accord The proceedings to-day were divided into two distinct stages. The first, the morning meeting, was presided ovc: by Marshal Foch. when the militi.iy, naval and economic authorities reached an agreement on new terms for ih* ice (-xpiring on January 17. Tii : United States was represented by Ma ior General Bliss, Admiral Benson an I Heibert C. Hoover; Great Britain by General Sir Henry Wilson; rrance by Marshal Foch, General Weygand, Wa Chief of Staff; M. Klotz. Minister of Finance. and M. Leybues, Minister .of Marine; and Italy by General Robl lant. The accord reached is said to have been complete, cmbracing financial terms whereby Germany must restor, the sums taken from the cities and towns in the devastated regions; mili? tary. whereby Germany must restore the guns taken and promptly dcliver. up rolling stock ar.ii locomotives; r.n 1 economic, whereby food relief wi'.I reach I led i egion Council Meeting Begins, it was this programme, completed .'. tho morning, which confrontod t'he council when 7 convencd at '4 o'clock. ; i red, it \,'as sccn ir ranks were notably increased bj fh< two Japanese delegates* Via count Chinda and Ambassador Matsui, General Bliss, Mr. Hoover and i. ar \. ;.n-..! Grayson aceompanied. President Wilio.i and Secretary LrlO si;ig. with Hernord M. Batuch and Fd ward K. Hurley later added to t!u* can representation, Th ? British forcea were similarly In? creased by Andrew Boi at l...w and General Wilson, while France, be sides Premier * leraenccau and Foreign ? Pichon. had its Miniati 7 '.,7.1.. Commerce, Finance aiul Re construction ar.d Admiral de Bon, chie( of the French naval staff. Vittorio Oi undo, thc Italian Prc inier, wua tho onlj nbsentce, having i