Newspaper Page Text
Federal Reserve Banks RESOURCES (?old coin ;<;;d err iticates . Gold settlement fund ? F. H. Hoard) i??91 <- with foreign agencies. leb. 14. heb. 7. $347.76-';..OGO $348,605.000 437.278.0?0 419.05O.COO 5.829.000 5,829X00 Total go,l held by banks. Gold ?nith Federal Reserve agents. Gold redemption fund. $790.871 .CC0 $773.484 000 1 217.363.000 1.231.166.C00 111.113.0C0 103.533.0CO '" Tot.?! gold reserves. $2.119.347.000 32.108.183,000 Legal tender noter., silver, etc. 65.971.0C0 67.-?31.COO $2.185.018X00 $2.175,614.000 .': by U. S. war ob Total reserve? . . . l!ill-- discounted: Secti ligation? . All other . B:!is ought .n op? n n Total bills on hand . United States governme : term securities United States governm't short term securities All othe- earning assets..... . 1.603,052,000 233,849,000 275X58X00 1,451.147,000 243,254,000 283.702.C0O $2,111.959.000 $1.977.103.CCO 28.101.COO 28.250,000 141,204.000 139.501.000 4,000 4.000 Trial rarnirg asset? ".?; - premises . Un?ollected it ms . $ $2,144,858.000 8.967,000 8.672,000 701.465.000 624,861,000 Five per cent rclempiion fund against Fed? eral Reserve Bank notes. All other resources . 6.842.0C0 10.658.CC0 6.822,000 9,788.000 Total resources . LIABILITIES Capital paid in. Surplus . Government deposits . Dye to member basta?Res.-rve account. Deferred :.'. oilability items. Other deposits, including for'n gov't credits. $5.194.528,000 $-1,970,615,000 $31,211.000 $81.061.000 22.738.CC0 22.738.000 192,970X30 96,809,000 1.523,158,003 1.590,441,000 517.726,000 439.221.000 112.273.000 112,551X00 I otal ?.moss deposits. $2,446,127,000 $2,239.022,000 Federal Reserve note? in actual circulation. . . 2.468,388,000 2.454.165,000 Federal Reserve Bank notes in circulation, net liability . 132,291.0:3 131.315.000 All other liabilities. 43.773,000 42.314.0C0 Total liabilities . $5.194.528.000 $4,970,615,000 Ratio of total reserves to not deposit und F?d?rai Reserve note Habil? ite- combined, 51.9 per cent. Ratio of goiil reserves to Federal Reserve note? in actual circulation fter setting aside 35 per cent against net deposit liabilities, 63.8 per cent. Machine and Tool Operating including lathe v/ork. screw and taper cutting, chuck? ing, etc. in four months we give the training that equals years of apprenticeship. Individual instruction and' actual oper? ation. There are places in our class for a numb-.r of ambitious, up-to-date young men who wish to quickly enter a field in which there is a strong demand for trained operators. Other Mechanical Courses. Auto Shop and Driving; Full Repair Course (overhauling cars) ; Mechanical Dentistry. Phone or call, or fill out the coupon for full information. West Side Y. M. C. A? 318 W. 57th St., N. Y. Phone: Col. 7920. Name . Address . TRAVEL "??r?vel(j)ithou?1r?uI)le JAPAN?CHINA THE PHILIPPINES To-day the most attractive lands for the traveler. Com? prehensive Tours leave the Pacific Coast March 8 and April 3, for Honolulu. Japan, China, Manila, Korea, Man? churia, etc., Japan in "Cherry Blossom Time." Limited membership; highest class arrangements. STEAMSHIP PASSAGES To Europe, South America, West Indies, South Africa, Aus? tralia, China, Japan, etc. Official Agents for all Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Pacific Steamship Lines. CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA AM) ALI. WINTER RESORTS. KsfoHcd Tours to Hie Pacifie Coasl IVIiniarv, Mnreli ami April. Attractive ?l iiiemrkc-i, highest class arrangements Tickets and Tours Everywhere. Pullman and Hotel accommo? dations reserved in advance. Complete information, time tables, etc. Itineraries arranged. THOS. COOK & SON, 345 Broadway. 561 Fifth Ave.. N. \. Cook's Traveler's Cheques <;?>o(l Everywhere AMUSEMENT AI Ol IAN HAI.I,. Mon. Evff., I'l? 1'IETRO A. u oit!.n i .Wim s ORGAN \ neu osa DIVIDEN? NOTRES CERRO DE PASCO COPPER CORPORATION [e'ehruarv 10, ir> i 9 \ e, lartci l> ?livid? ml ? \<, i :;. ?if $1 on p i- nhare, on T ! i ? outstanding C;?p lal S'tnc . ? of i he Company has heen ilnclan'il pa ? ; ble ..n March 1st. 1919. to mm k'.iolilors nf r?.-tl nt the e.: liui Ines i on )'? h i uarj I '.'i ii. I 9 I 9. Checks will ho mailed b\ i'-- Columbia Trusl Company. Dividend l>! nursing Agent. H. I5SK M? ?l.l.l'li. Treasurer. BUSINESS CHANCES MANUFACTURERSalNVENTORS yea ?' e.\i rlei .- Cuslomers -u: ?- ? - in mneli.'nn shop pennitteil MANI i- -\? ri itKHS' .^ INYENTUUH' Kl l.t'Tlil?' ' ' ' -' (!(?l : st.. Ne? Vorli l'.itniirr aggressiv r aiimv mi n nho i hi qualify " - l*'".li -'??? - ?>l a ? 'I Investment rcurit' ? i-i- o -i' ?-'-? I" ?? ?nal Bin? an,] . -:--. luilill ivltll I iflei ' - - "go IR ,,rei Hie t? ; ' [msli ' uim '.-?: nppi tinill) No pei-il ?I 11 dl ' (t?M rie ipiii'l lull rare ope .; ' i leal ?vil ' ? el :.-!??.Il il >. - ' ill ?pIoi m 'ill ' i trri rise ? : -.??? all ii format inn >'" i ?...i -i n ,n -.-??-, -i - - inaV K tins off ? ?? III. ,.- . ?us ..?.-i, ;-.-.! I- c Leonard 91 ' l'an! i n It ils . r-!' kai e. Was > INCORPORATE trou'I'li." a i - - - "' h!.'. '? nation ' fn - \ Guarantj Tin: ?? r? mpa i; . Wllmli e?nn, Pel PATENTS. TH.WM MAUK \ IJKSICNH I'.KS ?r >?l ,- ; - ?ill ? send " li?'?iks . snllatlon free: 10 rearo" , -., i- :,,,- I'.DGAK T?TE COMPANY. -','? ?road ay. Ne? Yorl? pa rKNTS mu; sai-: tu hi y ou si:i.i. pat . , Idri . Pal? ? Ne? - A. Was linglun, I' ' fini! ii- - - -' r ..;- i lili. SMA1.1, 'I ! V ROOM i Oll -AI.: V l-.IIY Ml'. Folks tell us they are often disap? pointed when asking the news? dealer for The Tribune. # Order in advance, then you will be Bure to find your Tribune waiting for you each morning. Give your newsdealer a standing order, it is the only sure way of avoiding dis? appointment. Do it now?to-day ORDER YOUR IN ADVANCE i HELP WANT EI) MALE INSTRU? TION Ail DISTANTS NEEDED WOMEN AM) MEN I .?ani -n iii-ar from bookkeepers, cashiers, school ..i... ? "' ? workers, stenographers, and all capable men and ?omen, either with or without , pina experience, who are ambitious to set ?? o Igher accounting positions paying ii! 400 TO $6.000 A YEAH AT THE START. The readjustnienl of commerce and Industry to a pence busls, the reconstruction nnd r?organisation ni American business along more efficient lirios, the more ?cienl flc analysis of costs to meet domestic and world comp?tition, and the necessity for accu- I rate Income and e cess profits ?ax reports to the , Government have created thousands of new and ; attractive, oppor.unities I r permanent positions in the lilghi i ac :i unt'.ng field At pi ? enl we can supply only in a very limited i i .1 udenti and members Io fill the numerous ' requests being received fur cost accountants, nudl-> ? n iunior and senior accoutrante, comptrollers, I &c . .v . Governmental and business demands have i ??haunted the available supply of trained men and | women. So, our organization, having the larse^.t staff of I n counting ami business efficiency experts In the; wo Id, :. making every possible effort, to help meet this unusual situation, an-1 to that end 1 '.fill In? terview men or women who do.-im to qualify for \ Ihcse positions b? taking Individua] horno training, j This ? hn bo done without Interfering wlih their i picsenl employment, APPLICANTS Wild AUK ACCEPTED ?vi.1 bo placed under Iho ilire-.-t personal supervision of of our stalT of Certified Public Accountants si .i thoroujtlib trained in the special knowledge and practical pro.lure necessary to qualify for | m port?til accounting work. Address for Interview, giving aeo, position, edu? cation, and telephone number. Keglstrar. lloi 320, : Tribuno Building. LEA11N TO BE A CH A CFrETTB.?-Pleutnt anil profitable v.ork; <l?.v an?, evening claase?. Bend tor freo booklcl and visitor's pui. W;st Hid? V. M. C. A., 317 West 57th. INSTRUCTION Nevf York?Manhattan LANGUAGES ?AT THE? Berlitz School Manhattan. 2S-30 West .14th St. Brooklyn, 1:18-220 Livingston ?->4. Bj the Berlitz Method students learn not nnlv t.. read and wrlto bol also to UNDER? STAND -uni Io SPEAK foreign l_;:Kiiar,es. TRIAL LESSON FREE. Terms may he begun at any tune. CAUSERIES FRAN?AISES E-'aturclavs at 11. EKLE TO PKESENT AMI FORMER STUDENTS. ***?}.? LANGUAGES Our Logical M?-lh???I makes pupils BPKAK. Iltli Year at :i 1 r. Fifth Ave., 32nd St. IIISIM^S SCHOOLS SECRETARIAL AND BUSINESS ITtAlN ING AT THE 154 Nassa>i Street. opp. New York City HaiL Surrounded hy ever ??n.ono offices, In the midst of America's Creates! Rusin?-.s Section. A POSITION IS GUARANTEED TO YOU! i ?HJ-B, a 30 A. M. I-. 3 P. M. Hours } Nights, any time after ? P. il. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL STEWART it) REASONS 20 AUTO SCHOOL. ? !,T ?r V*'"" '" ?TTJH?H. "._ rlruct.nn fur moi. uni '.?.omen, ui :.r. v.. sali st.. hf b?, )n N Y. \vm? to-riiu .: Uru.d ay. for ??.?_-? T. BUSINESS CARDS nriwKMT.R44 N0N-V1S?BLES, 3 MONTHS, $6.00 VISIBLES, .3 MONTHS, $7.50 UP initial P-rmrnt Applied if Pare-*??. ?factorj Rebuilt Typewriters All Makes $25 to $85 lrad'mjrVfd ti.J ?ruarante??d for e?ie ;***. Call, telephone .t? irrlu. American Writin(r Machine Co. r.y Broadwaj. t? Worth at I Telephone 5408 au E. 23d St . opp. Madlaon At. | Franklin. CARPET CLEANING CARBFU1 CABPET CLEANING POMPANT.--? <l?-nti.?i by ro'.ni. -cs-i'il air. steam, hand or on floor. ?11!) Knit 4'<tli at. <:OE ft IlliANDT. Tele pliona 13-i .Murray IIIU. DIAMONDS DIAMONDS AND .lEWEEIfY BOHORT "FOU each; rstntra ?pnmlm-d. purchased. BENNETT, IT.4, Broadway, ur-'nif?. " OLD I.OI I? AND MM ER WORN "IT < ;< >| | > AND SILVER ROPGHT HT I: LONGMAN'S SONS. Gold ai.d Silver ttu?luera. il Jnhti st, Pont; Du.?? Diamond Did Hold, Silver. Platinum, Antiques and Pawn Tickets 116 Wejt '/'Id st. MISCELLANEOUS CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED; NEW TORE $63.50, Includes outfit nnd evi?!? ?ipeme Ac ; counts collcoed everywhere; SPECIALIST. FP'H NKR. 1.14V Broadway. Kulte '.01 Bryant 7745. REAL ESTATE I OR SALE OR TO LET WESTCHESTER COI NTY Choicest I,and ltargaint NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. ?| i "... .? ator and main road frontage, liiiili elevation. Ideal fur nchool, Sani? tarium, [nslltulion or Sites. b'ee JOSEPH P. DAY I'd. (IftOO Kef-tor :;i Nassau Street REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SIC ilAii CASH ?LYS 5-STOUY APARTMENT. *t>,VVV ?.?I, Kt(lr, ,. Ilr,ini. ,.-,. Income. ,;?!.,, BLATT, COMP \NY 3IM 1501h si $10 000 ' AS" ??rvs ELKVATOK APART y ' i..'. -'i'l -ii ?i . k'.i'iJ location; rental $13.1)11(1; ten l'>? UOLDBLATT, 394 East 150th si. UNFURNISHED Al'ARTM'TS TO LET THE II 111V. 333 Central Park West, comer 93d lllehesl lyjie ipartmenl building;, ?, 7. s, . " n "in-. " . ml 3 h Ulis: n uta in ???.'.mo. Apply .ivncr, on prem'scs MEETINGS MASS MEHTINC! TO DKM AND RE llel of polltleal prisoners and re? peal or espionage law, Speakers: ' iwi n it. Lovi to? . Duflli y li'leld Ma? l?n? lies .lohn llaynes liolmes, i.-un W Thomas. Auspices National i i -. il I .IVierl les Burea n. Cenfurj Theitlr?-, Fei 16, S P M, Admis? sion fr?e. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS LOST Portfolio Will the lady who found portfolio bearing Initials "W A I4 " In '?? ??Ii ab Mondai kindly n't.un same Immidlntel: to fun-man & Clark, 217 liraml si . .ii i ? Sultabh reward puld, I.DST Tuesdny, gold ring, rose diamonds, ?" in ?liver, Moral design; oval shape; rowiird. Spring T.?in FURNISHED ROOMS i.s'l'ii ST.. I-' \'.'l ??T Small anil large room?!; elec trie llirhts, cnutltiuou? hoi water, heal and lei? |l1 ,,i ? <\ n up. . ?-.'I'll ST., ::'. : WEHT N ?lj furnlahail room! ii util? ' ? ? ?i"- uro i in. .m.i ? mall. elcclrl lly private liatli '|. ? ii,? n.nnn . .pill I Mu. ?,i.?..| AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE PIUVATK I.DCOMIIMII.K I,IMHI.SINI. I.AS'DAl LET. . i .i ? ,. i*t tfl 000 |.-i ''- ' .'" " ?? -?' du n . iiol uvfi 1 . 000 nil ? lull) .."ii pt'I-jh Ii 111 i, line eiiiullllori 1 ?ii in- can l r...i.?.' p-aaiii? I-?- Kr.i 7:4?i ?i "- ??' '? vi Dlekln.i, r. t?, i:,.i r,i a. ??m?? 60 Broadway, Ne? Vm , HELP WANTED MALE ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. ? Permanent posi? tions: liberal commission: irads furnished ; ex pertenced rnrrc of good reputation ?ranted: aj.p.y at once. Mr. Uinghton. 1.S05 Candler Building. 220 West 42d at. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS, experienced, for magazine; classified: liberal commission; ;? r~n.i ?lent; apply at once Mr. Uaughtou, '.-i'1" Candler Building. 220 West 42J st. AN ENERGETIC REPRESENTATIVE, preferably a physician or pharmacist, ?3 required to travel in Spanish speaking countries In the Interest of .1 ucl'. known pharmaceutical preparation : fluent Span? ish or Portuguesa necessary, arel previous bus lincas experience desirable: an excellent open?ig tor .1 capa? ble man. with some executive ability. Apply srar.lng .?alary, age refeienoes and all other particulars, without, which no application will be considered, to Hoi T 04, Tribune offle?. BILL CLERK IN A DOWNTOWN WHOLESALE PAPER HOUSE. Ml'ST RE QUICK AND AC? CURATE ?N FIGURING AM? UNDERSTAND TYPEWRITING. APPLY H Y LETTER ONLY. STATING ?EXPERIENCE, ETC. MILLER .v WRIGHT PAPER CO 07 DUAN? ST . NEW YORE BOYS WANTED, MI ST HAVE REFERENCES, TO MAKE THEMSELVES USBFI I. AND GO ER? RANDS. ENTERPRISE PLEATING CO., 173 WEST 25TH ST. BOY, lei. p-,:-c-i In office and run errar.d cxi . enco unnecessary; gooil chance ?Tor advancement. Holbrook Co.. 67th St. and West End ave. HOY. bright of neal appearance aged !" to I?. liigb school training. ?vanti'd by large corporation: good advancement. It. N., Ilex 70. Sta. D.. N. Y. HOY 10 work In stock and make himself gcnerallv useful; gond opoprtuully. Mitchell, Harris A Co.. 34', Broadway. BOY to run errands useful; pood chanc IIat Co., ."7 5th arc. BOY about 1"., errainl-.. ?vholesale house: good chance for advancement. lr.ory, "A East 17th st. BOY.?Errand boy: one to learn business Crucet Manufacturing Company, 256 West 2Sth St. cloaks and suits CLEAN-CUT. energetic salesman, to =-11 ,? yearly eomrrierelal Information servico contract: per? manent; 111? m 1 commission on original and re neveu?. Apply after 10 Mondar, Mr. Wir?, dlvi 1I011 of Information, 1605 Camller Building, 221 West 42d st. CREDIT ANI> COLLECTION MAN .?.lined bv manufacturera selling well advertised lino direct ?0 ratal] trade. Mu3t bo good correspondent, ox ocutlvo, teacher. .11?! have 11 thorough knowledge of salws problems. Good opportunity for men who can qualify. S'ste age. experience In detail, giv? ing names of houses, earnings fur l?.;; five ?oars anil ?alary expected to start. Box E 315, Tribune. DRUG CLERK, registered; young man. Couch, Broadway and 142d -t. LADIES' TAILORS. -Experienced hand on cents French Model Importing Co., in Easi 39th at. LADIES' TAILORS.- Export hands or, fine roar? and c?.pcs. Freni-h Model Importing Co., ?0 E 3!) MAGAZINE PUBLISHER Requires The Services of YOUNG MAN Capable and experienced I- flgiti ng pacr icqulred for Publications, pan'r repor.s nom primer, Enterai trade reports, keep? ing paper stnek book, ?? ?. Posit lor perm? unit, opportunity exceptional: ?late ox prrlctie e mid ?alarj ; replies conflclentlal. ADDRESS "PUBl ist;t-;rt, IS ; TIIIBI NE. r MEN experience unnecessary, to learn morte opci ating: salary $35 when proficient; day and eve? i lug classes; .?.". starts you; rspoclal terms to sailors I and sold'eis. CAMWALT, 820 0th Are OFFICE BOY.?High school pretiera rmiuircJ. Dutch? Maiden Lane dllc ?v 1. good tr? im, .er, SO SALESMEN HI RE'S THE OPPORTUNITY YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR We want several clean-cut, ?170 ??ro salesmen I accustomed to interviewing men of affairs, ivhu can prove fi"iu) past performances that, they are : of earning at least $7.500 a year. If you .rre stirb a man and your ref.'rpnisp.s ar? satisfactory wo ?vlll give ; mi the opportunlt; of mr.t lug more money this venr, un a commission basi?. than you ever made before, A"d next. year, ii .?.?-nt '..or., hoi been satisfactory, yuu may step Into a 1 ???! i.tanei.i posiljnn In mir Merch.TJiillslng !>? parlment ,r ? :? Idsirbi Managrr which mil pa? yon from $10,000 to $30,000 per ?car fur the reiuainde: of vom active business life Wo ar. h successful manufacl'irlng corporation , nit?i a na'.U rally -known product We are enlarging . nur plant to * 11 !.>? '-an- ol i? ? :-f;i.-I business re ultlng , from liie termination of 1 1e ?v?ir. ??'?? .'?>it r-ai I salesmen, ?vim possess tact and Initiative, to cal on our business correspondents In New Yoii, and vicinity initii letters r." Introduction) und take sub scrlptlons to our offering rl s% Preferred Stock ?c-ltli a Common Stock bonus. If you think -, >u can qualify call after in a. 111. ami before 3 .0 p. m Wednesday only or write, stating -.'inr oxperlen? and qualifications. Suite 301, 50 East 42d il , Ne? York City SALKS.WEN.?Those Laving counting and office routine, meritorious, time -caving ?levir atol manufatrlurlng plant c;i T-, one ??ho mn ?tuallfy an Is offei'"d 011 an attractive ec .?11 week. Room H, 156 I!n. vieille -- automobile ??' ?? of c:- it $1. 220 v?. I'M SALESMEN Manufacturer of ?veil known i tollet preparations desires represcntatlves wol - ki icvn throughout th" dry-goods ami druggist traile ? good opportunity: write, stating arc-, experience an : ?alarv desired. A. S. Wilde-, Room B05. 361 I Fifth aie. of SALESMEN. \\n have room In our organization for tivo thoroughly competent men; dependable leads furnished: splendid opportunity fur men ??In. tan ?jualiry: straight, commission basis. Mr. Oppenheim, ion ltro.-nl-.vay. SALESMEN. Wc havo room for t??o bright young men un mir selling staff to s.-;i a high gracie household utility, natlonallj advertised: salary and commission. Call ami Investigate our proposition. Frantr. Premier Electric Clcanci Co., 1337 Flat bush av.-.. Brooklyn. SALESMEN wanted wit accessories trade- whe $200 a week on commise neis at our exr>ensc: a 514, 2->.1 West. 42?1 st arc ?ledge nf automobile capable of earning : build your own busi rid ??ido idler Room SALESMEN -Largo organization, handling stock fcf an Industrial nature, liai opening fur snl? < mon Liberal eommlsslun basis. Phone Vuiuler bill- 30R8. IALESM \N great chance fer 1 'o . i4:.'i llcilford a? 1 t? ell ii ml In with selling ability fo BOlUtely lie-?.-, easy Be 4 4.' West 4Ht SOLDIERS for high class lllfi Ex STORE MANAGER. Ingli c-l.uss reti'd ?In bel Olial onpi llllii'.ti fur right m.m to develop himself to a permanent po Ii ic -1 and gond salary. Slate am-, previous experience In detail cvi'b names of tirin. i -, n bom em ployed, ?nul salary oxpei'ted. 0 G . 255 TRIBUNE OI'I ICE I VESTAL OPPORTUNITY for two junior adding machine salesmen; Im-.i: i" st cm with. Call personally, Room Ifrcuiil-Aav. Monday morning. bct??tion o'clock. TEETolt ADDING MACHINE C Ii, WANTED So.-retn.-v stenographer mal ni large law firm : must be first cla." ? with executive ability Write, g'.? ng in-ri.-ncT. referencoe, salary desired ,v. ?ox .' I'm,une omce. WANTED A brlRhl young man In the offl-:o ..f a ?irehoii.ic. to be generally useful and ai $12 P"r ?verk Apply personally 206 South st., Men,lay afternoon, llie hooks fi 11. C. Lrnir WANTED New York ortlc ?? of Western drygood* concern require strong, bright youug man; inaki tiL'n-M-tf gcnerallv useful; g.I opportunity for ad Z . Tribune (llllee. eniont. WANTED.-?Drug clerk, good salesman State ag? oxperlnuco, reference ami salary expected; Ne?v por . I?. 1 Address IV. Ilox 10?), Tribune office. WATCHMAKER.- Young married man lo la'.o c barge "f le'iill store In a suburban lovni Musi ti.iv.i rcforcticca Apply A. K . lb 1 18, Tribune HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER Experience?!, double entry, able 10 .In typcwrlt'iig ami rorrespouilenrr Only ?,,,.? who luve thoroiigb knowledge of lionkkoep ng m d c nntrolllng ac ounts need Spp ) V-l liei , 1 I. lb,? 102, Tribune om ?? HELP WANTED FEMALE ART EMBROIDERERS PS PERI I. V? "ED WORK - ERS ON HAND EM RROIDERY l'EIl.MA VENT POSITION, GOOD SALAR Y.SHORT HOI US H B. YERRAN & CO., ' . PNION SOLARE. CAPABLE WOMAN wanted; sell us your >par< ?im- during 1919 ai i prosper; everyone buys Prlsellla fabrics, hosiery, drj poods; beautiful spring samples freo; Ite uulck Fitzcharles Com? pany. Trenton. \ .1. CAPABLE MAID for ni o - cm house; good home; 150; ash! -' given out. Coney Islai .1 3359. Mrs. ? utler Atlantic ave., Sea Gate COMPETENT WHITE HOUSE-WORKER; :'. itir adull : referen? ? Apartment 4-C, 220 Weil iSth -?.. corner Broadway. Telephone 3.134 River . COOKS, ehambcrinaln-i. valtreises. la.liea' a,old?) ,i i nur ?:.. Iiumedto ?? . exce lex positions. Mrs. Dickinson's Co-operative Employment A.eucy. il Weal 3-th -:. Telephone Creole. STcS. DEMONSTRATORS WANTED Experienced wom en demonstrators; salary. Apply in person, Met ropnlitan Hardware Co.. 32 Vesej st.. New York. DRESSMAKERS, Experienced hands on wrap?; al-.ii helpers on fine work. Ere;:. Ii Mjilcl Import? ing C( 11.-,:....-:. 10 E? I ?'.;'.! 1. DRESSMAKERS, men or women for tailor made l'.cs?es French Model Importing Company, 10 East 39th si L'DIPHONE OPERATOR wanted; must bo ctim r"':.".' stenographer; permanent position. Derry vale Ein? i) Co . 23 East 22d it. GIRLS GIRLS. ; Learn dm . ., | -.., her making: Eood salaries to 1 stall: rapid advancement ; model working condi? tions ell. RUGELMAN CO . IM' . 1333 Broadway, Cor. ';.~.tli si. GIRLS OVER 16; EASY WORK; GOOD PAY. STEADY. TAYLOR i, HIPP. MS IMANE ST. GIRLS TO FILL AND LABEL FLAVORING EX TRACTS; ?'LIAN WORK: PLEASANT SCR ROPNDINGS. APPLY OR WRITE .IONES lulo-4? TEA COMPA?A', PEARL AND WATER STS . BROOKLYN. ? GIRLS for lighl manufacturing: ??uiaiv to start ; quick advancement ?tcadj position. Gross Drug Co., 3011 E.I-? 40lh si i GIRLS, white or colored. Io run errands ami mal.?. i'.i..msolvcs useful m embroiders shop; chance for advancement. Lucy Stiperstoln, 7S1 Hili are. GIRLS, ?l?verai, rm press clipping bureau: ... ex? perience necessary; salary 's while learning, Hi nn Ike, 33 Park Place. GIRLS, over 16. learn well paying trade; $< wlilla learning; rapid advancement Paradise, -?"> West Housl n st. GIRES to learn trade; excellent opportunity for prompt advanccinent ; S9 to start ; steady work. Plymouth Novelty Company, 2P1 Fourth ave. GIRLS ?anted foi light work, boxing goods; ex? perience iinncc? - ur: ? liarli Oui ngci In . SI Riad? > GIRLS io learn un relia trade; neat sewers; paid while learning; good opportunity. Arllu-. Envy. : Bernard, ill West 23d s!. GIRLS : . oper-ito sowing machine: light work; year lound Picks-Meed, 533 East 79th St. GIRL to assort rresl vale s l i es pearl bul? l? ... sperh nocfl only. Zgui - .'I East Houston GIRL ?mite I I i pin bell i on Infants4 .?'..i i liil ... it i. M. Hoffman .V Co . : IB W 2.11h Bt. in ciiih,-..nil.; v factory; $9 start. Sherman l l IVesI : '-i - GOOD PAY' PERMANENT EMPLOY MEN l'I A PROMISING FUTURE! For Bright Young Women TELEPHONE ?PEPATING. if and ?in chile learning, dur'.ng first four ?> '.??!.-. Earnings within r.<?.\i few wee', s n\ei age $1 l.fiO to $1 i '?0 a week, at .'..??IHK i" tours of duty assigned, klarning-i hy end of first year aver? age $l4.i)i) to 5LT.r?0 a week, accord? ing :-i tours of duly assigned. Further salary inurf-a^es for expo rieiiced operator?, and many ad? vanced and ;nnr.3 Highly paid posi? tions open to thosa why are ambi? tious. No rxpntirnre necessary. Age 16 to 25 years. EMPLOYEES AUK ESPECIALLT WELL CARED POR. Homelike quarters. I,?in. heons served at lo.-i. \ a al Ions with pay. Anniversary payments, sick bencfUa and i? iislonn. 7 io s In-iur working day. CONVENIENT API LICATION OFFICES OI'EN. Apply weekdays, day or evening, dining hours shown. MANHATTAN. 58 West Houston St., U A. M. to 5 P. M. Hit Broadway tat 12nd St.). 12 M. to 9 P. M 109 W. l_5th St. inr. Lenox Ave.). t : M. to y p. M URO NX. ??53 i;.ist Triiii?nt Ave., 1 P. M. to 9 P. M. BROOKLYN. Rl Willoughby St..9 A. M, to 5 P. M. 1030 Avo. (at P'way), 12 M. to 8 P. M. i Fifth Ave. mi'. "1st St.). 12 M. io S P. M. N ,:\\ VI IHK TE1 EPIIONE COMPANY. GOOD PLAIN COOK for private ramllv. 1044 Mu !:-.?? are. near sfi'li st. i HAND SKAYKltS. ??xpiTienced. high class novelty work: good saliirv; ??early position. Apply Model pcpiirtment. Johnson, Cuwdeu it Co., tu Hast i IlnMKlVO'lli no cxpcrlenco necessary; neat sewer; extra pay; steady work. Call all week. Martine. 7s Rende st JANITRKSS, 20 family house: stenin. switchboard. Imiulrc NiM.-h. 797 East ISlith st. MAGAZINE, PI ULISHEK Rennires GIULS Pro. . HELP WANTED FEMALE SALESWOMEN F r our var'.oi?; retail stores S cad}' position, good salary. THE MIRROR. 61 West l.'c STENOGRAPHER a 1 office assistant; Christian: ir.i opportunl for bright young girl, refer .?;-. -, ; require?!, ' . Lshohn Co., 17S ? '? litre St. STENOGRAPHER, OLIVER OPERATOR; MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE. STENO., BOX 177. TRIBU-NE OFFICE. TWO GIRLS loge:! et I general worker; Norwegian prefcrr? ! IS Seminary st New Canaan, C WAITRESS ?'ant pernian? positie ? i - required. Call telepl - ne Moi -i-, moi eg before 11 Chi 144 ,1 Weal Utlyst. WHITE GIRL, good plain cook ami baker; assist in dining room for breakfast.; refereiu-es; family or four; good ?rage* Write, or telephone 372 Madison, New Jersey, WOMEN having office experience: good writer? Apply, stating age, salan expo ? I etc., F., i' U Box 395. City Ha 1 Station, N Y City. YCH'NG WOMEN over 1?! years of age to 'rar. fot nurses; 18 months' course; pay while learning, high school work not absolutely m ?essary Brook? lyn Eye & Ear Hospital. ?4 Livingston st. SITUAI IONS WANTED MALE A Y01 NG MAN with neo and go, : 7. an trustworthy, desires connection will n ? ing concern: future considered only; salar.? sec ondary. F., Ml Sutler- ave. Brooklyn, N 1 ARMY OFFICER, honorably discharged desires take .barge of club or restaura ' twenl - -i experience chef, steward: best refer? ? Llcutcn ant. 4" Weit 56?h st. AVIATOR, mariv engineer 'gas or Diesel); alto expert automobile driver and m ol?anle Who wants me? Kelliu. 727 Lexington ave. BOOKKEEPER Will keep books o! ema fl m In sparo time; approximately $25 nt on "ni" -pen' : -? item? us. tria bal? token. Address E. K It- ?. ?'4, ?Tribune om. ?? BOOKKEEPER typist, payroll ? .-.,. Bve years' e> perlen e, c liego trail Ing. ???.- ne lions with progress -. ? t'-n : saiarj m id rate. C Box Tribune Offl -e BOOKlvEI-TEH. Ihorouf ? understai i . ling accounts trial balance, genera! Icijgci raiibl ar. I a ural ? I? is? I Lyn h s' . Bri 'kl :n BOOKKEEPER'S ASSISTANT and STENOGRA I'HER oi e year's - ?p? rlei dci Ir? - ? usition. Miltoi v.'.i,.er!'ei-g-.-. 13S !..! ' i ; - CAKI s Foreman on French. Danish pastr.? wants day ivork position ; city or country ; best i Bit 101 Easl m. b 6! ; CHAUFFEUR, ?:. ,-v. ? . m. chaule; experience, locomobile, Mercer: first ? ass: ?It? roferem i - : ? n. yea i - Bip o.vei Schottes , lis We I 37th st CUAUFFI I'R yeai ' i vpei ence drive an i lie? p any nr.>k? ii ei , cai I I drivi ' Miller, 400 Dem Bi - k : CHAUFFEUR, colored, skilful driver, good m? ? lianlc, wishes P? sltioi . stead? nea ap r?j-: refer? noes. I'ink? it 110 Easl r< H - CHAUFFE! R. i Inn '. glo, u : vale. i ? cm--' cxpei ieiu ?? rel.?' - B" at , ?? ere Cha?. Haynes. 14s West i 12d st ? HA! EFEI'R 24. - Ishcs positi it i rivate cl.,i m- back: best of leferem es. Lev; I Ruah 2579 Third ave. CHAUFFEUR, colored: reference; will d |.? work. 1' Scarlett, 161 West I4"r'n st Apartment :,.: Tel? pl m - Audu' - i ! IflO ? HA! FFEI it, ineehat le; -c\ yeai s' privai ence: best references. .1 l. I' 100 Fi Lai e, Bronx. ELEVATOR CONSTHI CTION SUPERINTENDENT Naval ? :"-? - s- -erring -, ich irge, tlon ??1th e-i.-vaim or ma him . ? ?uperli ?.,'.;-,: : ? - cm - - I I ----- - ? i.- - ? -.-i.-.; -ii- ? ii n e.'.-ii genera! met aid neering. A, Colle? Il ! West End ave ELEVATOR OPERATOR, mairie?!, - lit? position. Mi rgau "? West I44t , - die- p. ..:: il : -l lie ? rk fen liours aft? r 1 \\? ? LI RE experfei - ? d. d< ?1res posl ion will on privileges ; lie i efe rcn - !? Mlche rim:- . : I Macdougal st. MAINTENANCE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS. ? r r ilevaiors. purn?*s, compressors. ,;- ? era 1 n ? A . 12R8 Thlnl ar . Bn I ? OILER. Young man rrrereiK ght or -i ?? : $19 week): ? 7th arc. PAINTER, paper hange plaster? n aso labio contrai tor Slue nur, 1600 Williams me . Broo PLUMBER, married. 17 years IS years' cxpei . -,.: - ?!-. ng, overhaul! g -?'!?- stea :?- ;?? ii Ho - L. Fulinnaii, St>4 Easl 105th st., Bronx POULTRV.MAN n arrlcd. - islres posai' I oug I) reliable lu al I bran lies flue i I C I A., Tribune Office. sKe RETARY Young man. chief ye? nif manding offl, er, -i - -r - positli n es ;? Iva! rnrv : five years' etpi ri ?? - - - rurtilsh sull ible ,,-' -r.,- , .... \ A Sie.- SS tire VU si . Molli a". N | TECHNICAL ENGINEER, with manufacturing ex I -'t? lice, d?sir,--, t,- .--r ger or pr. -In- :? - il iialul '.:.-? A Idress W \ '?' B' > 24 Tribu? e Office TOOLM \l\Ell with 7 -..-a. c - . . nid lno?s ?visl -s positie n Wall : A ... 20! W. I I till si WANTED by a inldillo aged m m. a positloi trust, as ;-.n assistant or anyt.hl g; ciuii'k te lean not r-' -aid of vi'Tk : eomm n scho il educa referencia ; stato ?ages and hours Antre-' c. p v ?JO H- ?eland ave., Caldwell N. .1 YOUNG MAN. 22 years old. high school gi ad?ate, ! two ?oars' college work, with experience in con sfruction work and payrolls, ?vl lies to get in touch ???lth construction company having oversea best of ret.-rences ils ?.,? cbara<rter. ahlllty and faith hilnesa; employed at present lime; can furnish '-.'.-I : f,.r any amount if necessary Write P A. A, Box 370, Danville, Va. YOUNG MAN. discharged from army, well e?lu ci tod, formi rly ? mploye I br.nkli . lltutlon In charge of department, desires position in ai-eount Ing, collection or s r.tistleal lepartmenl I financial house; best references. A K - Box 216, Tilhune Olllce ?? ?UN?; man 25, returned fmm Fi u c harte,I. d? 9 res position a il? n - ?vlth advancement in Neu V irk ' It) or ? L. M. Bedennan 1705 l'en a? Bro ik yi YOUNG MAN. Spanish, speaking little i wishes posl' Ion as Spai I Is r.-f,-renccs Write SpaJ 11, in - I " ' iinoi West I OOtl) St. YOUNG MAN. 20 ?vlshes e lei leal ] experience: quick and accurate at ligure refer? nces Kan ?- --41 L. a 1 Hi st SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE FRENCH GOVERNESS ; lies mi '. ippc ? hep roi t? ,i lier : . \??? ;-: ? nt. a laptalilr : highest rccomti i. Mrs Mils m's Agi m ) Il w.-.; 4:,! si Brvai l 7>?".:-?:4 ?% GOVERNESS ??111 tal.?o - I:- Inders ' In :- igart? n work a Ivui . , mus - . -'.-r- ucea. Mi - F!tz<ii ai.l's Hun ave. STENOGRAPHER SECRETARY, capable handling correspondence; salary ? 0 $...".. 17u 1 ist 5th Bro? I - ; YOUNG I AOY. go ?1 aj rwarai wishes posit on es cashier and some typing Celia Lieh man. 1707 Fulton at . IS;--' x. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED MALE HI TLER and Parlormaid or Chamb rn . Couple; K igliah; vers r< liable ai I ailai i i ? $12; It, M-.. ll'Cni. v.-i', Agen ?>-, 10 Ka I . -i floor T, lephoi e M 17 M?ri > Hill 111 TLER \ Ail T.- -Neat, go h i\r i oneed . ? \. - ptlotial Is ??ell niuni very di'sli iblo; SSO Mrs. Mason's Agen? ) ; - We, ' 42d st Bryant I : BUTLER V VI.IT Young S?ve?le: 7 y? ai .1. Miss Ilofmayer"! Ag > 10 Easl i i r Id floor T? cphoue rilli Murray Hill I BUTLER WAITRESS, thon rxr" lent references rn ivatc l.inilfo ?'It.? preferrcil ? - lila ; Emplnyni ? I ?,;. n ? :>j Wi it 42d st i.i I'l.t !t \cr? capable I ng Im?) - ? country; excellent reference* Mls> Shea's Agrne: ?! ; a-1 41st st. Murray III 6*7-1 ? II \t FKEI I! It"! SEMAN ' apabh pond appt it ng N ,r>?, ,-nin ; roun'.ry preferred: $70; liest |>ei , --mini i.-t'-reii,-.-?,. Mis, sliea , tgem -- 6 East 41 ?l Minna? Hill i;774 1 ENGLISH Ut 1'l.l.H ,??, ??;'. n , , \ ,-i- . | i.lh , nt 'lent iin.l laltl ful ? $75 Coin la ; Eniplii? nient Agen, . ? \? ? I l.'-t si i \? i 1,1 i..\l' lapanci?.k: flu.ferenre?; s>u Ii hinall .cinii? Call Mi.mla - ' '? v M I ip*t ?? I ,:!. I ?i | !.-?, i.i, ti- \ : 101 Wc-I I2?l it I MIMER, GARDENER, n.le I, would like ? - , me plni .- - c M,e,i farm. i ompelenl T n ? no, 'r ' .ut - on HOUSEMAN I Ine references; thorotlhlj' .-mn.-e en ,-u, m- eo lOinpb' tuent Agen EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES TELEPHONE 7363 B P. Y A NT Miss FITZGERALD'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU GOVERNESSES AM) NURSES AGEJvCY 546 Finn AVENUE COR. 1 ? i. STRLKT I SIl.i | BUILD?N*4? Superior help f<<r professional and domes'Jc seme? Miss Hofmayer's Agency in l,i-! 13d St., 3d floor. Entra ? ast ?2d St. REI I MM 1 M-R\ ANTS. Main e . . .? sses, Malda ."?eats. stress? fsses o? Day Work. ers a ?? ?. ... I7-3S4S. MiSS SHAUGHNESSY'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY HAS REMOVED TO 860 SIXTH AVE., 5,-g \ ** g? TELEPHONE BRYANT 851?. FOR HIGH-CLASS SERVICE COLONIAL AGENCY TELEPHONF :<'?<; t\M)KKBILT ". \4. . : '.'NU s I.. \ . v BEST SERVANTS, MALE and I'KM M.S. A,NO SEITDERLING E?;"? FINNISH 1ND SWIMS'! BFLP 2019 FIFTH AVE. ft X STfje Select Cm pic inn cut Sgtntv ; . , i ? . .. Vll \i. ;?? ?i s i i ? . . , i5(n Mrs. Emily Mason M "???JE y.r, EFFK II NT SI ?VANTS -MARK 1 > MALK 131 WKST l.'nil St. .. : BRYANT _?SM. Jfi-Ci-lfFj i\ EMPLOYMENT flGESCT U 3 iJ 1 L rt .;. -??.<??. ill Klodi 658 LEXINGTON AVt. Tel. 1 ' a.?a 44U. ?:: W l L M ?W?% EFFICIENT SERVANTS. MALE und FEMALE. IAPAMC?F VMPLOVMtNT AGELCY. Ho) ??) West 12d St. TFL VANOHRBILT 3030. jap.mes. r-agit m -,,..., rki.iab__ sampson's p::",;'0' An,r"' M?St* ,81 LfXington av. Tel. a'*'} Plin. I FI-?T! v'; '? ' ? ?' " ;l-? _-__-n 11 . . Slrwl Harlem 551? C I?l?flUV ?"*-" ' '""' *' H"4 O'CONNOR IJl?** l.i> -- i UePtSysl n IU MAKTH \ ? 'OLLI Ell M.I \? ?i Superior _( male. I ? ? ::) 11 ' DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED MALE iiof.-4i:\ia: < (?o ? . \. ??.? JAPANESE COOK in I'l i ?: t. r nperlene?; hat -rood refen eal ??','? s Japi etc Kinploi nu m Agi i-j West i H .i I'triderbilt, DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A A M M . Il rmajw'i Kgt i I ? '" Mui I'HAMULKMAIT) ?? _?????? I ? . M ?..-?. i. H : I. Mu III} 111 ' CHA.MHF.H.MAlTi \? rgiai . _? ???). hard wcrtfr; unden - :. . ( icellect re?? >" ? HO Samp h A? ncy. 7.-1 l_Tlrjto? av.- Teleptim e ['laza i] '"? i '?lAMl'.i ?: m ? :i i I ?"-tu M ' Ag St. Il ( ' | ! A V ? I ; 11M A11 ) M ClllIiP'S XI RSK "i pi nver 4- yi . ' '?' A T ;.-:'.' COOK.?l'nd'i ' i la ?? ? r n king; ?aK l_t .(??? ?lui; 155 ,i Lexington aie. Tfi?phoa?? Plaza COOK 11 ' lltlil! ..... ? Cull M M ' . .Vest ?1 COOK - ?eti-iil ? ' '?Ti . SliiillRlilii rrioK ( ; ...-?? , k; one ?Tioro t?vt ? ir. ?.-..;: , - Stm!Sf Aie ; I el rnephone Plaza 50?. COOK -I ; \.- ? : ? ' . ? ? O? i'!.!' Ei .:.-?. : valet, "Iff ii.I. I - ? . i HzGer ttld's Un ? i.\--. 'S WORKER Fir-t I .1 ?.?..-? i. i . Jirya ' liol - UOI'SEW'IUKEH II ? ?In! SEW? IHK ! Il i r :..' \.. .i LADIES MAID w.. . ? LACM-Hl - MISE " ? Mu M \ s i itsi m . . ? ? - Hu . ?A4 A IT K1 ? '. i 1, - I - - ' ; '? \t ? - .' vin m; i;iiu WAN i : llRlllllll . RESOLUTIONS ENGROSSER : ROLl .. ' "SS* V"k ! 11 .US! . ? - :? ? " ? For Results Read New York Tribune Want Ads. ,