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An Unusu ntrodnctory Off lier s ?T? ?La Oriental Silk Pongee Blouses ./ Shipment from the Far East $8.95 Natural Color made in combination with brocaded silk or plain colored shantung. The material is the finest of its kind, with what is known as superb "body." Four exquisitely tailored models, any one of which "the woman who knows" will be glad to possess. The modest price is ?po.S?D Closing ( hit? Counter-Mussed French Lingerie Blouses. Originally Mini; Higher Priced, Special at $6.95 G1MBELS?Third Floor Especially planned to focus attention on the newer, better Gimbel Shoe Section?already in early Spring array The first spring showing of the cm i la rued and beautified Gimbel Shoe Store is already pretentious enough to be authoritative. You may^ come and see the styles that, will be "vogue" later on. You will ?. v? may ?.umc emu sec une ?>l,v ?t.-?? ruai, win uc vuguc loici un. m.-u^ ....? find a particularly high standard of quality throughout the showing. And, by way of introduction, specially attractive prices have been made of a leading croup of models?a demonstration of the value-giving possibilities of this newer Shoe Store. A blending of style, quality and value that will win renewed popularity lor these sec? tions of (umbels. A Group of Graceful Styles in Women's and Misses9 Shoes?Specially Priced ColonialPumpsand Walking Oxfords A hue array o) styles that zcoitltl be $9.00. ,'t fitting introduction, A Brief Description of the Various Models Smart, New Colonial Pumps, for Street and Women's and Misses' Smart Walking Oxfords. Slender Vamps, Shape!) Militar) Heels, Welted Soles, Prettily Perforated, offered in Black Glace Kidskin, Black Semi-Glazed Semi-Glazed Calfskin.?pu? w | Calfskin, Cordovan Color Calf- QS {\i\ Dress Wear. Hand Turned Soles. Loir. Slender Vamps. High Arches. I.XV Heels. Self-covered Buckles. Developed in l'aient i '.oltskin and Black l^ iU\ Women's and Misses' Smart Colonial Pumps. Welted M>les and Leather Military Heels for Slice! Wear. Hand Turned Soles and Covered Militar) Heels for Dress Wear, Patent CoHskin and Semi-Glazed Calf? skin with Sell i ?overed Buckles . skin, Dove Grey Calfskin ll i Women's and Misses' Oxfords. A very dressv paient Colt Oxford. Light welt, stiched . S6.90 ^^^^^ GIMBELS SHOE SECTION?Second Floor eather Cuban heel, plain <&s Qr| Slender, neat effect. . . . ?~'^? The Crinoline Cape A New Fashion All ruffles ? from shoulder to hem ? its quaint charm stems to have derived in? spiration from the Crinoline of a yes? teryear. Each fold is mounted on the satin, which is also the lining. The graceful col? lar seems just an? other rippling fold, but it becomes a fichu that ties its broad ends around the waist to the back. Sand-color tricot inc. 90H.0U ^^^^^^^^^^ A Wide Showing of the Newest Dolman Capes at $18.30 to $115 Of evora cloth, serge, tricotine and satin. Dol? man fashion, panel-back fashion, pannier-sleeve styles, high-collar capes, and others. GIMBELS?Third Floor I he February Sale of Petticoats, Continues With Savings of 10% to 30% Ai C/ ?0 ?Petticoats, of cotton A i <Hd QZ?Petticoats of all silk At? surralli larRe rose SU <!>**?) jersey, all silk tab rattern, prett> flouiice, elastic feta or -ilk jersey top. with tband. taffeta flounce. Many styles, in black and colors. A t K"? (U\?Petticoat ol "Sun- mach an? coior?. /ii </>_..VU s h i ,, e s a t ? ,, e " ^ ?^ ^?- ?Petticoats of crepe flounce designed with tucks and r~\l ^?..OJ dc ch?ne, in flesh tin) r?tilos. Black and Spring or white, lace-trimmed flounces. colors. Has the appearance of silk. AffiJQ??Petticoats of wash 'At K3 95? Petticoats of all silk : f~lLV^>S-' al,|e satin) fashioned $4.95 jersey, black and with French folds hemstitched colors; finely pleated flounce. ) losh pink or white Cashmere Wool Jersey Petticoats \ cry Special at Well designed flounces ol novelty silk; in black on I v. Petti-bloomers at $2.95 ? Saline" in black and French blue, plum, green, eic. rustic .it .inkle and waist. Other Petti-bloomer* up to $8.95 Other Petticoats up to $2S.OO GIMBELS PETTICOAT SHOP?Second Floor Nainsook Underthings FOR WOMEN About Y3 Less Than Former Prices turer's samples and s<>m?4 garments taken from cur' r -*??? ' --. ? hicli have been soiled from display or handling, li. catlv lowered to assure their immediate clearance. " hing will restore the original beauty, and in many cases i il is so alight that the savings :omc as a pleasant surprise. overlook this opportunity of supplying their Spring ?unnmei needs, and get these splendid garments at these great The assortment consists of elope Chemises K m c I .ength < !hemise Draw? rs ?raw er ? mbinations Skirt Combinations Petticoats Bodices Nightgowns ntil; made of fine nainsook, effectively trimmed with ? > derie? or laces. GIMBELS UNDERMUSLIN SHOP?Second Floor A Remarkable Purchase of Fur Coats us s? The samples and sick on hand of a furrier with whom \vc have been doing business ?'II season. Qualifies of skins and workmanship an- of the same high graae insist".! upon for our regular slocks. We are passing on the advantages of great price conces? sions. Our own fine stocks of furs are also now marked at final reduction prices. Fashions include Dolman wraps and capes; full-length coats, three-quarter coats; trotteur coats. ii- ? .?? u lilch ?dci al garments .-?.?M ?.. $1850 Coats ??r;,!'" ' Mink Coat?Now $1250 $155.00?Natural Leopard Cat Coat; full length, with Raccoon Collar and Cuffs. now ...-.-. $115.00 $115.00?Marmot Coats; mink color, with large collar and cull's of Australian Opos? sum, now - - - $95.00 $145.00?"French" Seal Coats, % length, with .Skunk collars, now - - $95.00 $155.00 Natural Muskrat Coats, with large Raccoon collar and cuffs, now ? $110.00 $195.00- "French" Seal Coats, -IS ill. long, of choicest skins, large shawl collar and cuffs, now ----- $145.00 $245.00?-Hudson Seal Coats; trotteur model, very choicest skins, now - - $195.00 $225.00- Moleskin Trotteur Coat, self collar, cuffs and belt, now - - - $179.00 $325.00?Hudson Seal Coats, with large Reaver collar and cull's, now - $245.00 $350.00?Hudson Seal Coat, with Natural Skunk collar and cuffs, now - $265.00 $395.00- Caracal Coat, full length model; Kolinsky trimmed, now - - $245.00 $525.00?Scotch Moleskin Coat, with large Lynx collar and cull's, now - $295.00 $495.00?Seal Coat, full length, with Black Lynx border collar and cuffs, now $350.00 $650.00- Taupe Nutria Dolman Cape, with finest Skunk border collar, now $375.00 $750.00?Hudson Seal Dolman Wrap, with finest Ermine collar and cuffs, now $475.00 Capes* Stoles 525.00 150.00 Mink Sable Cape, Cape, now - - $345.00 blended skins, $310.00 300.00?Natural Mink Stole 525.00?Kolinsky Cape Stole 275.00?Stone Marten Cape Stole 195.00?Ermine Long Stole - 225.00? Moleskin Cape - 195.00?Kolinsky Stole - 115.00?Natural Fisher Scarfs, of leeted skins - 89.00?Hudson Bay Sable Scarf, $45.00- Wolf Scarfs, Grey or $225.00 $395.00 $225.00 $125.00 $155.00 $135.00 dark se $89.50 of single $65.00 faupe $35.00 Scarfs $22.50?Hudson Seal Collars, now $17.50 $45.00?Brown Fox Scarfs, now - $35.00 $47.50?Natural Skunk Scarfs, now $35.00 $85.00?Taupe Nutria Stoles, new - $59.00 $75.00?Hudson Seal Stoles, now - $55.00 $195.00?Taupe Squirrel Stole, now $155.00 Muffs $575 Hudson Seal Dolman C oat, reduced to $435. GIMBELS SI!).50?Nutria Muffs, now $22.50?Hudson Seal Muffs, now - $49.50?Beaver Muffs, now S3!).50?Taupe Wolf Muffs, now - S3!).50? Natural Skunk Muffs, now $47.50?Mink Muffs, now - $65.00?Black Lynx Muffs, now - Floor. $15.00 $18.50 $39.50 $24.50 $29.50 $35.00 $55.00 Adorning the Home A well-chosen mirror does wonders in adding to the beauty and elegance of a room. Art Mirrors ? Our Entire Stoek At 1-4 Off Hundreds of beautiful mirrors?in period designs and hand-carved frames, in plain effects and ornate designs. They are marked with regular prices, $3.00 to $150.00. Make your selections and deduct 25'';; during this sale only. GIMBELS ART SALONS?Sixth Floor Served Monday from 11:30 to 2:30 in the Gimbel Restaurant?Eighth Floor Assorted Vegetables, Bread and Butter, 50c Grilled Sardines on Toast, To? mato Surprise, Bread and Butter. 50c Oyster Pattie, Asparagus, Hol? landaise Sauce, Bread and Butter, 60c Roast Duck, bruit Salad, Sweet Potato, Bread and Butter, $1.00 Minced Chicken, with Green Peppers, Fruit Salad. Bread and Bui ter. 60c Broiled Spanish Mackerel, String Bean Salad, Potato, Bread and Butter, 70c Roast Rack o? Lamb, Peas, Browned Potato, Bread and Butter. 85c Blankets and Comfortables assure Warmth and Protection against the treacherous weathei of February and Mardi. Gimbels is Headquarters for IMankel and-( 'omforter-Satisfaction. Plaid Blankets, for full-sized beds. Wool and cotton mixed, wide colored binding to match various color combinations. Also white with pink and blue borders. A pair, $8.75 Fine White Blankets. Wool with small percentage of cotton. Pink and blue striped borders with ribbon binding to match. A pair, $15.00 Fine Plaid Blankets. Wool with a small percentage o/ cotton. Pink, blue, tan, gray and gold block patterns. Ribbon binding to match. A pair, $18.00 All Pure Wool Blankets, e\tra largi size. Pink or blue striped bor? ders. White taffeta binding. 8Dx 90 inches. A pair, $25.00 Better Blankets to $45.00 a pair Lambs' Wool Comfortables, lined with high-grade Figured nain? sooks. Plain borders to match. Full size. Each, $9.75 Other Comfortables of Lambs' Wool covered with fine jacquard silk mulls, plain and figured silks and handsome brocaded effects. Each, $13.75, $18.50, $22.50, $27.50 and $35.00. GIMBELS BLANKET SECTION?Second Floor H ci Joyously Gay Are the Ribbons of Springtime \ ?ctory, decrees Caris, brings a Ribbon Year. Von can see it ? n ill?- iionlevards, where a Black Frock glows with a ta'.-, 11 v ( )range Sash ? ?r a Dark Serge Suit boasts a crude green Oilet, like a splendid bit of Jade or the Crown of a Hat gleams with Tropical Crimson. So the Gimbel Ribbon Section is splendidly ready, revelling in u,ur y< ous creations for this Year of Ribbons ! here arc - ?Sumptuous Ribbons ?n silv c r 3 nd m>\i\ on blai k and < olorcd ? Ribbons In silver cloth with colored ' ground*, ?Luxurious Ribbons ? ? ' . < fi? - t , v arious width? and design* Y';?J ?Subtle Ribbons Satin ground? with jacquard effect? in contrasting colors. ?fiuttcrtly-hucd Ribbons In lovely warp prints. -Lustrous Ribbons <)i many ?had? b in the wide Maronctte satin so mui !i used for girdles. ?/'laid Ribbons For the children's perky hair ,MV- :'; lh*m Gird!? VttUet, Bag?, Sathe?, Gilet?. Cuihioni, !',?,., p1;#,? |?, ?S?) Frock?. Hall ?'"! '"any oil,-., charming dung?. WM? r?nr? fr ,m !". lo 12 inch??. Price? frem 33c to $19.00 a Yd. Come and tea ! GIMBELS R?BBON SECTION?Main Floor Shown in the New Spring AW Wool Fabrics Offered in This SPLENDID EXHIBIT MADE IN AMERICA OF DRESS GOODS But every important color demanded by Dame Fashion is here, and some jn special shades. F ? ail gggl >*?*^55V ^1 ?r Tomorrow Omj These One-Day Prices Will Prevail, So That You May Have a New Spring Frock at These Attractively Low Prices 54-Inch III Wool Jersey Cloths, $3.75 yd. In .ill the new Spring shades. ?/-huh Super Black Broadcloth, $3.75 yd. Very lustrous and "soft as silk," and unique value. finch Navy Blur. Navy blue. 4?-lnch Blacft Tricotines, $4.25 yd. Plaid Skirtings, $3.55 yd. Silk and Wool Poplins, $1.85 yd. inmunes, ??>-?? ~ j ?i ,i,,i ,,,.,.. Finished with the hloom so characteristic Scarce, hul popu ar the fabric decreed hv ; Solid blocks medium and arge plan cfTccts, . , , (, fa d fashion, exceptional value a? $4.?5 yard. lt, one, two, three and four-colo, combina- u,i|1|o|lit ||C??R heavy 5/-/?.// /// /'""/ "?">- .,?,? /; f>/, ,. Tricotines, $3.50 yd. Velour Checks $3.50 yd , ^ ^ $3>?5 yd> A..?., perfect!, woven;r.nVcrj -?ehjn x;;,;,!;:,,d/w,,:;;:::i;1;,? 5s\"d X?!;!::?: >^i, ^,;?.-..,,, , ,?>,, 50-Inch .III Wool Navy Blue Serge, $2.75 yd. A line, firmly woven Serjie made from i selected woolen yarns, medium and dark 1 Navy Blue. Plaid Skirtings, $3.55 yd. ?GIMBELS DRES; GOODS SECTION-Second Floor at reductions 25% to 50% Gimbels ? Preeminently the House of Fine Dinner Ware Continues its "Sale for the Discerning" which offers ?Fine China ?Superb Crystals ?Fine Lamps p ?Oriental Vases 20% off "Open Stock"?China and Glassware M a d e - i n - America Semi - Porcelain. Nothing better of its kind. 51-pc. $12.75 Here's a Dinner Set that is very dainty and very good looking. Pale blue flowers copied from Chinese designs of Peonies on a soft cream ?round. Si pieces, enough for 6 per? sons, too pcs., enough tor \2 persons, $25.00 GIMBELS GLASSWARE SECTION?Fifth Floor .Brooklyn, New Jersey and Long Island Customers Dhect to Gimbels via Tubes and Subways.^