Newspaper Page Text
Sl 3,1 Busino- Space Leased SL & I and baseir Street. e toth< Delaw building ?rrrr. o' : The D jtore aa pue to ' CfliuP8-1 N?pk:r. i the ?toJ jenj?ni i n left at Street ! Bastir.c \ ? loor at 4i *? Fourtl tsa tt-s;x:- : gnd Suit 0.P.H>v>e> Back With J. I\ Major to join t thc fiftl raerce bu Major I ptrtmi i ? gbnring ri W by the ra Will Spend $172,2 Altcrin:: Br trith Fi the Heah & i reporta Warehi | . Btores tara, et . thestcr..: Fish & Marvin to 1 I Fish & ? Iiknd - kai n and Ci r v diarg ? * lection Renting Burk Mea,; ' ?? : Leigh; Leigh, . ? i :?: r ? Oimy, . New Home i S. S Walst htve ? Mareei I?5x] Prrk. R Charles F. Rogers Buyg Soutl Cllirtt? ontcen on 'Je reaider. Operator- H :tl Ircyer of t west ei by I *as re: Bank ? ? - To Build at ? Harlem !???? KVWI] - - - ' Recorded I.ej ? r?jp- - : t. g? Mtits, ?*TH ST rsrrn av hanics' Lien. Sttisfied Mechanics' Liena Manh REAJ INDUSTRIAL SITE Rail and Deep Water Hudion River?4 Acres BLOODGOOD CO., i ... c i ,_ ATMERRICK _ ? . BOSOI OH <if Qt*KK*S ' - . j Wft*rr< m uri B COi vry S^'WED APAKTMf&KTH To f.KT ?"? *??!,;" - ' ixiiioj ] te Market i wenty-five Year Lease on Eighth Avenue Corner '" haa ieased from ? isy at an aggregate ?00, for twenty-five : '???? renewal -. a plot 25.9x tl an L 50.5 deep, at of Eighth Av Str t, with or" held at ? . ? - ' idi I the five o small apartments. Merrick Corner Buyer ompany has sold to Fred B. L982 East Fifteenth ? room dwelling on the ' of M srrick and '? about one-half Buying Along the Sound >n & Son have sold ? g A ie, P to a Mr. Cl b I for the ;-?.'"'?. '.' Roc ter Ridge to Albert Emigrant Bank Lends $125,000 . | ,v;.n Sav ings Ba ik ira al 5 ?> field, cover ? story eleva ... , at 521 - dcal Company the Buyer ? !hemical ? v ' - ?. Street and 22 i '. sold yesterday y> s Company for ihinese Cottage i'or Morton C. Nichols have rented to Mor Chim :ottage of ? for the season at Bolton Road Corner Deal on the old Bolton : :.. ?? ? of Pre :ot1 \ . Craw ? r had ?.-?-.? iWereer Street l.oft Buyer purchaser of the ) at 235 ?; i iwen vaa the rald" Rents in Brooklyn - eased in the lear Boi ' " ? ??' .: I ( ourt . Belle Harhor Cottage Sale resold the . ? ? ar N'ewport Harbor, Long I md . Friedmann W'illa Spear I. '. i ? . has ?anization. -? >lst Street Fiat Deal - ? ry aj irtm< - ' rlinott Piaee at Mt. Ki-co e state '? it Mt. K j ? Sales This Week ;V 17 I -l ?: .-.. ibon ar ; i-< . ? - ? . .? iu? Blrd, ""i i - t 81 10.5x100. 1 BtJ ?:: ? ntlng 684 ". on vr s - ?'.'? Iwly; - I i :?;,.,! n., - ? .: '.. !',-??>??..? .-t u. ?? U ? . ? ? V " t97. 5 s'> - ? i . |fl -...???? -??.??. due, 17. i; .' ';? ,i;v - \\y 11 Bt. -'"..'?'' 5 KtJ I ., ?. '.;??:: | I . ?? I t i -' ' tl v ? ? I ? ? ' V. \ ? Co ... 84 10x22x04 11, - ? . HSl \A Bttl - ?-,. .hi.-. 1x84 :; 11 ' ?xe?. Cl..' I ) l*5th ?t. 2Sx]00 ,?? l. i: ? - -. j. i 201 -. iMrt RtackhVa* > ' ? I BT 20 ? Bt) ?et>h r iib? l'?r* rt, 28x100 -j ?-.. UO.: due, (4*1-4 ,82 i 1 f' ?"/'?'< (13 104 e* MB 11^ - ?l?itan .? 100*211 ? '.V?-,|n.v '-., ' I'.r,.,,,,.. .?!,??: ? , M Tlnrrl A?*nu?) Kr JvnM J l?mirra/i o* co ?t ai ts o i"/r?n. atw< <,?? rilXDAT, KKH1U AKV 21 (At i I V>-??y !'.<??<) ?(..??;? I Hfttt IM ? 1* cr. ?fsM? ? '? ? ?'? 'I'-al R?t..i ?? (Pdirteh, .'.uy, (ton, J!i, 711 dt' .' *f Jl AV ?:'(,'-. v 5 . -,., | j , *. tutln.n, luit, ^,; New s and Home Buying in Bav Ridge The Bulkley & Horton Company ias sold 238 Eighty-eighth Street, b< Ridge Boulevard and Third Avi i two famiiy dwelling on iot 20x100, for II. N, Bicknell. B. J. Sforza has sold for Christopher - to Giuseppe S [ illo tl hci se on lot 20x100 at 1 L37 Si fcurth Street, K. of C. Buys 83th St. Dwelling The Knights of i .re re I to have bought -he dwelling at 1 1- West Eighty fifth Street for use as a clubhouse for West Side me , The house is three sf iriea high and has a frontage of twei I I :t. It is on ti e ?outh Columbus and Amsterdam avenuea ana \ was held in the market at Cohen Resells on Pearl Street Mr. Cohen has also sold to W C. Siegert, printer, the nve storj ing at 144 P r.ear Wall Street. N'oye i !i mj ai . trr mgi d tl 1 ? of t w< properl red ear ? " i thi week by Mr. < ohe . I r nn Vaie University. -?-?_?. 8f>th Street Deal Rumored Ja ;) Axelrod is n porte I I sold the i'uir story ai dwelling at 108 We I . igh . on a lot 20x100, near Colum? bus Avenue. The ad, . , , 110, was recently purchased Walter M. Wechsler, who will ilter small suites, ?-? 19th Street Apartment Deal M. & L. Hess and W . iam F man have sold for tl , tective Cor . . ? Forty-ninth Street, a seven ment house, on a plft ing twenty-one families, to A Greenberg. Lawrence House Leased John F. Scott and Douglas Gibbons rave rented for Mrs. a B. H country ] wn :is The Bellaire House, oi ... Ave Lawrence, Long Island, to ayer. -??--. Old Bronx House Buver : - Realty i ompanj . ig it from Marie E I " ??? dw lling ;; ? ? _ ar : and Concourse, i n a 34x125. The property waa 1 ii .;'I . 500. -?-. Bi;r Brooklyn Apartment Deal ouses at 784 to 802 St. . , h ive been - S. Graham for the George ii Wesl Realty Company to James B l arriger, ~--? Buys at Nepperhan Heights Robert ?/.. Far ey Oi has sold for John K. R chker his home a1 Nej perhan He ghts to Ei man, of New York ( I Rents at Dobbs Ferry Griff, n, Prince fi R ... . . ?..., . .. for Miss S. P. Wi ? ... r at Dobbs Ferry to Car] A. M . term. Recorded Transfers Downtown - .,' ?' - .... ???!?.,. I ? ' larl ..?;. H .. i t - -4 ? ' ? . 8. . ~: ..... & . ? . , -.., ,...., l'rospii ? Feb 14; a "ia ; ' ?? (.' ,? gTHgail i . . . \\ ,, - ,.. ?... Bt-ty, a I! G ... i Bway East Side 13TH ST. 432 4 B, 18 Bx] N S Kl efer l ?' -'.??; Bwa ? a San .?- n a ?Tl! HT and an ? ???.-? Feb 10 .;. ,., West Side ? ' --..,-.?? ? .-''???? ,. ?' I ' .:?? ", atty. N i IlUc .v Xltge . ?.TH ST. i; w 25i 10 ilfarj -1 N h - Partridge, Inc ? V ?i. - nui a .... ,v ?!'-?.' . . . . 11.TU ST U YV. 23.4x10 MarabaU, i. 1, . ..? i ,-.. ] , | u GugK, ei : a v ... i. ., .?, t .;, .... " '. ? ???:.? ? I & M. 120 S I -"'?..:. '??'?'??? '? ? W. -. . I - " ' ?' a lYusl ' 160 l<? iv ? ' ' .v I.-v ... .4'.i HI - ..,,...... ' ?' ""'? ??? ? 1 1 J Srlimitl , . * v ; Al'pl BON A , ?..;... M irgi...... t>. & c a g ? ?? 14 ..' \ \ ; 1 n. I.I.1 Bwa) - ; ? ' Feb l; ,-, J U /,.-.??. .: II ?, ,, 1 ? I'AY, ?? h 1 : ? am 11 1 .1 "" ?" ?? g to I 111 ; :?: . ". .. ..,, ? ?? mtge y.::..i,n ..........jiod Bronx lSOTH ST. 1 h. 250 w Courl u II ?:-.- ? . - , ? . 1 n Is ,i- mtgo ' ." . , , A. 2T7 P.roadwn ? ? ? IfJtm nr Realtj ' ? 4V ??? ;. . :...$10l !.!> I 11 ? [. II -I' -r llli .1,1-1 lla ??.??. . ' ..? ? . S \ irton -?' ??> 1 ? lai I , ? ? Corpn, 1411 Bn.a/I? . m T 0 \ 1 1 - :??' Bi * -:->' IK ['HO!' . ? !?>? ? ... 1 san 1 ;' ?' FOHI'H \M II. H 1 1 ?-, zt : Brm ... T .*'.;.. T I ; . . . , .... 1 ,. . ..'.;.. .?- ? " . ?? , rntgn i' -?-.' '? ? '.1 : <:: T C! & I' I Bi adway JKI I.i.i l.'HT AV. e ? ..' ' n 1.1411 i- Mill ?.1 Jk II Youi a HUma Co .... KpIj >. i. a" ?.. Tliompaon 1. ,v I: 27 W lam il ? (H ''' 1 : i.'ll \'-. . ? . ? . . .., I ? : I B 1 -. 1 i nuy '...? - I al w I 1 .... ? 1 11 tini WII.KKNS AV, 1402. ?? . Bxl Ualie) \I ? W n Ka ? ' ! W BStli bi ui I ano mtite I .... 1-1/ I. itty. 11C" Tin.r ,V T Co 17(1 B??J 1. 1 W1LKKM4 AV 1400. " ?, 37.0x100; Emlly I. '. Jiihna to jain... irilgii J. ...... * U>T 384, map Ardci '.itiiv. Ine, to lluv Hlmpnon, 511 V\ 111th ?? . a.tty 1; .. l'. II 1 ? ? H..,? "I PAIU A v. .? ^. 160 -, I74tli .'. ruii? ?? 1 0 '- . 100 1 * M.??l Worki '? ?.. ,-. : II4 1*0. 4014 .???. inttco 18,500; Jan 30; miy. H '?? Oumn. 19 Par* II .w *' PAItK AV, 4014, " 1 ' ;'i : ' n De > '.in }0; ??RIIM- lltlV IiH\ ANT AV , ,. 001 1 r?th al B , llobUm 1 ???y. intif.. inoon. F..l> 1. atty, 'Dlle Uuar A T I". J7B Mwsy HAMK I'lluP; Barelay rtoidlng Corpn to ' 180 Norfolk at. anrl ano. liilgn JUOiM). Vab 14 aaine atty.Jlnu Lis PenderiH 0WVBH ht 79; Bmlgrinl Iw1i??trl?3 Barlngi Bio? .1." Jowiph II Wurati ??) .. in - ir? "f two iwrrtgaawi; attya, It A K .1 O'Clomimi :",tii kt m J7 w ii,.,,,., Ooodmaii ???? t?rj A tfarrti i-t ai lactton u> foranloM mociiniili-a' n?.J , atiyn. Illrali. .N..\viij?o A I'.. Tho Bronx T1NTON AV. 1 ? ,?r riWM M. r: :'il'"' Jtralty c,j ??t Fr^Jorlra rt W..|,i,.??i?i?r ?t ai tjHUtlOim ?u!U. ?U*, W M Hotbata Comment Candymakers Buy in 52d St. ?"' thers, contractors, are ?' " I the ten story " ?' " ? ' and 551 Wi st F:'"';/ j second Street., near Eleventh Avenue, ''? ;' ' "r inufacturers. The ? ' said to have been ar?un : The building has a .--?- of 30 feet and a depth of 100.5 :'- i - Nerve Specialist Buys in Newark Louis Schlesinger has sold to Dr. WllliarT1 H- pecialist, the bnck dwelling a- 46 Milford Avenue. Dr. Hicks will take possession of the property on May l. after alterations have 1""n ''r'"^ eti d. Thc property was sold for the estate of Jay S. Treat. Estate Sells 22d Street Loft ;- arn, jr.,h is bi ight from ; Stati s Trust Company, ex tate of Robert B. Min turn, 13 Ea | Street, an buil ling, 36x100, held Assignments of Mortgages Manhattan '":'"?'' ii ?h?u^P,, .... , ., * l.nclracli and a ?- i , ;?''.' .- . U ?tty?, . K i . , ? . . ....... - ? " ? i.i; i?rty st . 10 W Ull ewal Reali , . : II ? Vetaa Ca 00 Wil lan Sl 100 A-.'? ? !? ? ? ??? : ? t; atty. A ben Hlavn ,.??,-. s .-. rtios T Grare _.. I -?- ., (ji ...... - , U \Vn !7i Broad Sl Ii st. 134 '.'? - - . - '. - ;' ' -' BUb tniB 05 K .v . i: per, bi ? u A KIpsct '? i - n ... tyB .i . 09 1 $14 lino 00;'M ie R C : ln ? - i tys \I <? ? & X T 1 ' '"?.- i ' rtnar & Tnisl ( i . ? ?- ...... ?? ' ..'. attys. Reevea k Inrifl , ? ?:? ,, ? & 1: 10 - .-.; i .V, Bronx ? ? bi l. i-- snch .1 Lll a . 12 W - .-. ? ..... '? ?' . Rotl ???:? - . 1 ? ??? \ H Brl .. !6I Br ?ri ?' It A Souttiv - -. - ? ? M.i .' i: .. ? ??? :.-.??? ?- : ... .v t .'? .. . ? o to Wm . .. - . .J23 M0 - . i ,.-,? - . . \v ; ? ? ', -. . | ItV -?..!?.' ' ' .' ? ? '? ? : ? ' I Mi -?- ' . ,-:.$i ? i Reronled Mortgages I><rv ntown -v ;.!.;: n BI 50x140 ' to ???,.,? . \ v I ? . ? ?? ; - .. ... ? ? - >, .. ri -,. ,\ - West Side ' ??? : . Margnerlto K - ? lUta i 1 \ iiia Starr, ? ; 19 Bway . n r... ?( FYan* : ila \ N'l ? ???? Rre N V .1 I hi ? ' " ... ..-, ' $4 .iiii, I ,''... '.. sama ln ... ? i . i_ in F* II: Ilmlie 17 l & Tl B v I a' .. - - ;-. i Bt .,? u ... ? ?: ? .1 in av: i ? ? sl $52,000 v- ' 10 ;? ;:. - . . pr :: 'iC- i lx--.. ..:. Nassau st. $12,000 Bronx .-??;,- ?, .... ' ? ' ?' prlor ratKfi atty ./."wpli ?; ...... ... . in II prl ,r Waltoi " ? ? Moiitai Title 4 Mtsi .'i l w Courtluidt i 50x100 T,y.lin - ? ? ' Corons ??? al, .'?i-s prlor . ' ?.?? .... ittys, M 8 & I 8 Isaaea _ Wil ia a I . uu T '::' . w <?- . i- t . .,. x ,, ; .'..:? V -' ''?.' - :: ? 18 Br -.:.' tl ?5U : Wm Kaus a; 1 I Park, Bron: . . . ..... . ,.\ | i T Co. 178 II raj " ? - in b ?? lo m ,. ,: ? ? &. T Co. 17U Uwaj Satisfied ^Torlgagen Manhattan mt AV, ! II Kur ? ??::. ?? ,v .. - v !?: .-"..,,., nomc t & W.i | -? M iv ' -:i. $7 M0 !?'.': r 'A v JIIINHTi '? >'? s w ' ' ' -i. rui 1 l to st x n 28, l I i i " : Mad a? to Mafl .iv no Mi : 1(1 i . lai st Mig II.AVKN A' ? Hi.O tD M u i 1.5 ln -. I Mad a< I I'w DyrK E(l ?'..,- ,-. I; ? , ? ? ??' I !''' - S.'i.l . v\ \HIIINCTilN ST ea 77 ? M irrls ! v . i. i-.. 472 ; ? BI !'>' ?'.. to Wall \ Burko; atty, II P l uwau st: Auk 1, ji ooo COIJ1 ST ' ' M S .<<: F'.'tn-i.,-* W M Platt ...... - , of X Y; atty 1. 40 Wall Rt, Sept $7" n.,n I40TII BT ?- . ? . ? Marj I' i. I r N T. 1 East : ' - ? ia 0 Bn i ' .... . j., -,,,.., - ? . ? ioxOS ? i Bame i i jo ooo : to Mm Fli h :..: ? ..? .? ' ? ' 30 Hw , \u? 11 linun.i a i 103 w 'J.l av ' Ii 101 J i A '. Uml J r oomii rl.i ? A. !( U I'arH \Ur? May I.',. 1.10 a Rownlng st: runs - 75.1x . 17 8x e I4.ll * 13 U w :.!. n,-r t.| ... " ? t ?.. .. |o BacaroKy t.> Einaniw] Ul mai 180 i: R4th sl atl Bachrach, ar, vwmi st: Jiily n, 1908 ..joono -__? X-Rayf4 in IndiiHlry Aptirt from their use in medieine, x-rayw are uteadily extending their fleld of uBefulneas. With new types of tube n r.'.y powerful onough to show up the minutcBt llaw in a four-lnch thicknesa ?f steel can be produced. Chicago Journal. 200.000 Persons Here Addicted to Drugs? Says Woods Asserts Victims Should Be Confiiicd and I*o!ated Un? til Cured; Called Menace and Spreaders of Crime Here with is presentcd the of a series of management an i V by f r mer Police Commissioner Ar Woods. The fifth was publi fied in The Tribune yesterday. T) e enth will appear in to-morrow's Trib unc. By Arthur Woods, Former Police Commi York City Drir.k and drugs ar" silent pa in many a crime. I soitu - of them as a means by which a | born normal mak (certainly and fa idily a moral di ?* ??... and, if he p"r.; -. very physica one cannot self-rnade defed ives treated I way as bon tives; confined cured. It. aoes no ..... I i them thirty days ntha year? or whateve be. You don I send a smallpox | to an :- r there for a fix ? : until he is curi im must stay tl i re . menace to the public. [n matter from the point public? a vantage pi int o ? cup.. d w e -h i . . fective, especia habit of crime, v . by dri drug?v lease him to pre; ? any i than v the leper or cholera patien with disease. Police Favor Prohibition It is not my province a discussion of prohil from the police point of view i1 w, ul i be a god As a rause c of str , ?akes high rank. As a and misery and despa r y ;;^',. From I of view it i what may bi th Ve can . ,a , .... ance n I he use of I rd iqu r :ou I be pre\ vould ose very mui r a meet ing of the Xew York when th . ? -.-. is the cau crime, < pectoi judgment. whic ly concurred in, biggest n - Although there may be difference of opinion as to the wisesl waj to m ?? agree that war wil o t1 .. i i be ivaged aga ? To the pi :emai with t d uty ol " i. . i ice looms especial . ?. person after person di ;at iable, b tri i drug, the demand . tent tha to commit abi get the drug or to st< al a i turn in to purchase poiice office'r, too, crime is comm itted 3 :rii have put themselves on edg ppeak, for r' i . . ,. ?',?;,->?;?,. drug 0 the ] has come ti. n these deadl stopped much crime wc ild We estimal e thal there are about 20< have this drug habit - me for other. By this is meanl 1 tha this large nui have a certain method of re which they indulg what is meai ( 1 that 2 uals are in th" grip of a ha holds them n ans them, break ng I vi I cal and men'ai i relentless certai ? I; fective who m wi ha1 tnd who, we have 1 danger to the e 1 ! mind, seems from man; ? 0 be I <a of a dan > fiend, for while 1 and likely to do stri things, the mental d ? a passive and even likable, wh ile is driven to action, to u governed action, not ing for the drug, I it by n exalted stimulation he gets from it. The drug ha it as easy to acquire as it I ,:.- ? ? ? check. For I his rea ?? ?? ? the law that have 1 l and spite of all the eff - 1 ii ha - grown to great ? <irug user in the ne source of infection, pract corrupt a numb :r thoughtless person. who ? - takes a sniff of I he dru r to feels like may b>. ot' this one haph company, and so the practi ? spreads; but there ia in ? commercial motive thal drug venders to try : number of their customers :? is a trade in which the salesman di ha-. e fo bother his head 1 h ul repeat orders; after he h initio iale themselves, wit tat ?n on his part. II is a case the trader has - '? ?? . ? the demand and v so great as to pu t mium on evading ? he or by crook securing the supply. Copyrisht by Princeton Press ; published bv ; arrangement with Twenty-firat Centu Foreign Concessions in Mexieo Ordered Revised WASHINGTON. Feb. 16. ? ] Rouaix, Mexican Secretary of Agr ure, has ordered a -?' Bions granted foreign c^r;}<-1 i individuals by former Mexrico, according I tion received h ire to-daj cial channels. Greater deelopment of lands the rcpublic waa - . n as I for the order, which, standing here. is directed against .icession 1 granted to Ameri can and British ftrma and nationala by former Presid?nt Diaz. Th" order recitea that partic in the State of Chiapaa and th< I toriea of Lower California . Roo "concessions of large nr to foreigners and foreign com hnve boen held for a long time" to the "detrlment of national inton- I According to thi ni irmatio'n here, some 1'nneesKions already h;ivp been cnncelled with a view to giving the j land to tho people for agnculturul I purposea. '. I. . Sl ?'-.,' ?? ^ - . - ? Meel iik -A , v. ' ?? ... : ' ' - ' ? ? ' - - ? . - " \\ st Street & Co ? last Tl KS - ' i Liggina - pi r ? ? '? , ? M ii " 11 ' FORM t'nlt No. 37 '?'?" - . - -? . ., i ... ? - h. T. W. i A . 610 '? ' ' ? ? C \ . V ? ? ? I ?? " ' - ? ' I ? ? m ' - . . p in. ; vl - - ? V ,ffy ? - ... : ?.:.: i' : ;i '1 ? c. . . . r T i r v of - ? Si East ? d rtews. B ro n x Ol ;? ? Rep M rrla ? ? ., gtreot aud Ha .,. Weather Report ? ?'i -'..,. ; i - ' >?l -ii irthwar ; ?? i ? - in ? ? sppr i hlng the north Vashlngi ' ?' '? i :. . . '.cre fair ? ? ?? ? .. ....... r tlie ii \ ... . ....... . - . M . ... . ,. . ' . i ' ... irj istj for Sncrfnl Localitlss.?Eaatei . - .: A ' 'Sl '. ? Lnual Offlcial >: ii or I.?Tho ' ' ? 8 a. m. i . ? :_' no il 9 at 10 ? A ... Hum'dlty B a- m ' 12 | 8 J>. m. 19 Baroni^tor 23.82 : ;? B D. m... ?;. :;i i oeal For** t Shipping Intelligence Port of New York Miniatnre Almanac -, .'ii - , ? " 40 ?. m Hijrh. Water a M r M smi.iv ii ok a io '???""?<?'??' i lalsad. etg ln o; lltfU Utlttf,....*... ?.??.., .? 11 ii _?, ARRIVED YESTERDAY OCTGOEVG STEAMERS To-day ? on A.M ?' - S Jfl A..M ' a \; Tuesday Ravre l A M \ M . : W ed n ? ' '-?.: '?> ( ITY ISLAND liound Sou !i - iftlantj N ' ? . - - . - IMERICAN PORT? Hci.l, 1 ... ? ,. - , - ... : ? - - . M . ;. rampa. - ? : ). A -? ? ? v ' . . ? \ ? sta, Porw ftlco. s 100 ??? ? ?LAXD Me ' Aragna' a Br l.U ? ? ? ? ? .. - ! i;; a WA VK . : ? dan . ? ir . i V ? -s Lake Now ? GA1 \ I Tl v .v \ ????; Sailed Bteamers Jwitlago; 1 -. ' ? - -.. ^ r FOREIGN PORTS BALBOA r ? ? - Steamer 1 ? . n Pnrt An . . ', ????? N S vv _ amer ' ako , - - TRANS-PAClFiC MAILS ? - ? - - . . . - . ? . ., - : atch per \ i Zealand ? n r ai , ] Thte 1 - ? ?? L. S. Aviators May Train Pernvian Army Fliers WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.?An . . . I ' an ope rket . ? . - ..?.. ?;.; tram ots. "!n1 e"' st : as also : ? the arrh en an * who tot k aero mtics in ne, the _ RESORTS ?1 T'nd out difference ln tsr?s to tr:? f*r 8out? resi it Comfort OLD PGfiTT COMFORT, YA. HOTEl CHAMBERUN g Pool Golt. Sea ' ... ? - Bah and rreotrn<viT \v -lt? GEO r AOAMS. MsnaSDr Fnrtress Monro*. Va. jr * tnu Inforraation at B?rta Tne Hir.;i,j. Hnrel ? 24'. B way, 661 Fifth Aw*nu< , Mt?r ?ters, ...,'id & v, a... -' ' '" ? ' " v r:at Co : .-. A? A?k Mr Fo?ter" ai Lurd C raj . r a "Brooklyn i-asle Keaurt Bureau I AT1LAWTIC C1TTV.IM.J. I SlUtvat4ed,ploAi,vcd. artd J CiiynUbrt arul IxeaAtK, LAUREL HOU^? LAREWOOD, N .1 rhc 1 .i'i il llinw is ju?i'j tjnimu foi Its homrlike almospherr, hoopl tality nnd I'liarmins itorial llfe. I Ultrri H.iusc tjtui ( lnli.Tru|i Shooti >n ShooU are held Saturdn.VN and boll cln\-,. Complcte liydro-Therupruric limlit in Hiti-I. Riiuklft and informa tinn ,>n requrHt. Tel. ci.i l.akrworxi A ! M in : MgT r '.- \i:.- A. , .? _ LAUREL IN THE PIW?S Orfrlooliins i.ttkr- f~nrnuH^,>?In thc tnldal LAKEWOOlirNEW JERSEY Offera a week end r seuaon i ..'ii^r ai> i th.- comforta. conven unces and entrrtaln "'?'" ?< nt .luy hutvl Pftlru Room flanci?? -Dally archeatnu BratiPh offlcn ^'1 A Huhn fi s, n.i Urokera FRANK F SI11TE. Mgr. fflarftorongb-fitaiMm TH? LILAOSMi NtSOh. nUUSt OF THI WOBUI ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ?IHE NATSOH'S HKAl TH SHOP" HIALTH l? tfriClfNCY A Ocrmlctdc CUmaoa and ( Imu Succts No Dusi No Dlrt. tnnumerable <.>ut dear Recreationa^nd lnd< gggggMf >?Aua??w?im JOalAHWHiTHtiuMiCO. I. S. Employment Board May Have to Suspekid Failure of Deficlency Bill in Congress Would Foroe ? i of Woi k 'he pending United ? tst sna ? -rurs in Assails Ovorman Inqniry HAVANA < wee KLY MEXICO ["sailings I ., Progreso, \ rra fm? anrf lamplco. bamaa. ? V'.* "i ..l-k p.n.l < AMERICAN LI" Phiudelphia-Liwep.p Northiand, Mar. 3 H.ivertord. Mar 55 D| YMP'P N-Y--S0UTHAMcT0W ^llfM |j Februarv28 Hew Ysrk ?UYewaoL ir. 8 Baltic . Mar. 22 Adriatic. Mar. 15'Lap!and Apr. 5 >ril 5 ?. n r' V v _ A70RPS-G1PPALTAR ~ ITA' * Canopic (1st ciass only). . . . F?b, 27 .Mar. 1 9 Orric**, 9 Broadway*. - New York -- '< VOkK iO IAVERP Carmania .Feb. 1 7 Royai George .Feo 75 ^NIA .MAR. 1 B .Mar 10 Orduna.Mar. | 3 Saxon.a .Mar '. -} mia .Vlar. .'4. Aquitania.Mar. 29 303TON TO LIVERPOOL Juliana. .Feb. 28 j okK TO LOM> IN Pannonia.Mar. 6 Kl-*? STATE STKEET. >EW VOiv*. p^i fjnn ?i. . COJffiJ I i T???.fi?A/TJWTlflff ? Exva-ea* PortaJ Carrije NEW YORK?FRANCE Company', Office &^& RED'D'UHE C0L0NIAL LINE BOSTON wr s4.40 PROVIDENCE j*-. $2.97 ALi. Ul 1>11IJ BTA1 r.UwO \t >.$].. Ju i.* ?4 M ? ?</, Prwaa /nc,au-? *ur r??. ttoat ,c?-r. lu> ss. Nurtfc l:;?cr. al i r. ?L ra^ue M.rin* ?4?1. . orewter, JS ?:. Provtdaoea .liract. fla* BTATBKOCamS, $100 und U.M Dal . In iiiirnj Bunday, & aa p. u 18. K.K. 1 -aKtaaa Fa!l River Line To BOSTON . rt ruitoa st.