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Architects and Builders like Tribune's Plan Ask for Stop in Price Fix? ing as Means to Return of Normal Conditions Might End Labor Trouble Advocate Construction Now; Authorized, Cost of Which ; Has Been Appropriated; \Vord3 of approval were heard yesterday throughout the architectural nnd building world for the suggestion of The Tribune that the Federal gov? ernment start at once the erection of building.-} throughout the country which have been authorized by Con? gress and for which money already ' has been appropriated. A few readers regard The Tribune's j proposal as approval for "pork bar- I rel" legislation and withheld their ap- ! proval of the plan until they learned | that The Tribune still is unalterably I opposed to that type of legislation and ! that the buildings which it suggests be built at this time were provided for long ago in appropriation bill3 and the money for them is lying in tho Treasury waiting to be spent. Among those who gave most hearty support to tha^ idea of stimulating private building through government activity were several builders and architects of national reputation. Most of these men seldom speak for publi? cation and they were especially de? sirous of not being quoted in this connection because they feared that to lend their names to such a pro? posal might cause the feeling that i hey were talking in their own in 'erest, but practically all of them "?reed that without government co? operation revival of the building in? dustry in this country would bo ex? tremely slow and uncertain. Two points of The Tribune's plan met with their especial approval?one, that the government cease fixing prices ! 'or material and labor, and the other, t that all contracts be let on the lump ?um basis. Most of those who ex rrcased their views said that if ma? terial and labor prices aro permitted * ?*? take a natural course they will be adjusted more quickly and with great? er satisfaction than is possible under rovernnip.nt direction? As regards prices fo* materials, many builders were certain that if the government in letting contracts would permit general contractors to go into i ho open market for their supplies an almost immediate lowering of prices ponerally would result. They tell of .-teel prices which are uncertain merely because the manufacturers do not know 'he future conditions of their own business, and they declare their belief that if bids were asked for to-day on large contracts the prices received ""ou?d mark a large decrease from cur? rent rates. With the nation-wide building strike ?starting to-day, contractors are agreed that for the government to begin a great amount cf construction at this time would be of material help in settling the trouble. Most of the un? rest is thought to be duo to uncertainty of future employment.. Builders and architects, through their organizations, are ready to adopt The Tribune's proposal and may ask Congress to pass resolutions looking to the immediate starting of all construe t'on work for which plans and specifi? cations have been prepared and for which Congress ha; already appro? priated money. They are decidedly < pposed to any new "pork barrel" echemos declare that any money Appropriated hereafter should be spent in productivo vertures only. They be? lieve with The Tribune that any new legislation providing for future un? necessary construction not only will wast? money but -will interfero with legitimate building operations con? ducted by private enterprise. REAL ESTATE WANT FACTORY For immediate possession by manufacturer of sheet metal machines. Will lease for term of years well-built factory within 15 miles. Must have 25,000 to 30,000 square feet on not more than two floors. Accessible to labor, with rail shipping facilities preferred. SEND FVLLEST PARTICULARS By Phone or letter to A. N. Gitterman, 51 E. 42d St. Phone M. II. 737 Brokers Protected. A FINE OFFICE IN THE SINGER BUILDING TO RENT, FURNISHED, FROM MAY 1 A Unit? tin th? tBr/u?taJn?!4a> in "IVnutlful Mont rUlr"; V.. la, * W. tru,*\\. i**t nelg-tibwhood; all l?pfwKowU: I??.0CO; U-> etui elter: would taita a. ?cnaJtar htJOM vr tne and c'.r.nt Wji in ueAe. JOHN L PARISH, 149 Brcd??y. V.1T) vmer etsmia Hn the K?tJ tk>.eXe Kr^heaee. INDUSTRIAL SITE Rail and Deep Water Hudson River?4 Acres BLOODGOOD CO., ?.'mm Inland City. *lf *!*? .*" ? -rt?? U'WAY I.I.-V! Time to Work, Not to Talk, Says Senator W. M. Calder By U. S. Senator William M. Calder There is no doubt in the mind of any public man as to the immediate need of help on the unemployment situation which is becoming more acute. The causes are many, but in this crisis a detailed consideration of them will not help absorb immediately the thousands out of employment into the economic machinery of the country again. What we want to know is what can we do now: We can start at once to build those public improvements? schools, public buildings, roaels, water works and bridges?which we need and knew we needed ioug ago, public works which havo been contemplated for years, perhaps, plans for which have been drawn, bids taken and appropriations made before the necessity of curtailing building became apparent. These should go ahead at once with no more delay than is absolutely necessary. Prices should not delay this work, as the labor of the country is its most valuable possession, and the benefits accruing to the country from the employment of labor at this time would pay many times over any difference in cost that might be saved by waiting six months or a year or two years. This view is held generally throughout the country, and state, county and municipal authorities are cooperating to further public work. The building programme of governmental agencies alone will not be adequate. The private citizen must do his share by pro? ceeding at once with the building operations delayed by war con? ditions. And labor must cooperate fully. I do not think this is a good time to experiment with new ways and means of handling public money for these purposes, such as special commissions, etc. A public improvement at best, is slow to inaugurate, but can be carried on most advantageously at this time according to established methods and through established agencies. As to prices, they are high no one denies; but how much is due to lack of production, how much to the very dislocation and maladjustment of labor which we are trying to right? How much to the inflation of gold in the country? We want prices to come down, but we do not want them to come down through the cur? tailment of consumption, which would result only in throwing more men out of employment. We want them to come down by reason of the lower production costs that will result when producers of building materials are running full time. The nation should immediately interest itself in the investment of its labor and surplus capital in the basic industry of construc? tion, because every dollar and every hour of labor thus invested has earning power and will ultimately cheapen the cost of produc? tion of commodities. Theatre or Department Store for Fordham Sol Bloom Buys Haskins Prop? erty, Valued at $275,000; Considering Improvement Sol Bloom, operator and theatrical man, has bought from the John B. Haskins estate the block front on ? the south side of Fordham road, ? extending from Third to Washing ton avenues, opposite St. John's col- , leg?. On it aro n number of old buildings, and it was held at $275,000. Mr. Bloom is contemplating re- ] improving the site with either a the- : otre or department .store?, or both. The property fronts 378 feet on Ford- i ham Road, 229 fee-t on Third Avenue ? and 228 feet on Washington Avenue, j It had been owned by the selling fam ily for over half a century. Mr. Has? kins was one of the largest realty owners in Fordham, and in recent j years disposed of a largo amount of land there for improvement, <? Auction Market Shows Changed Realty Conditions An incident happened in the auction ' i room yesterday which did not escape ? realty men who have been studying the i drift of the market. It ?3 the first time in years that, mortgagees and outsiders j havo been discovered in lively com? petition for tho ownership of a house offered for sale in foreclosure proceed? ing. To many minds the auction room I is the truest barometer of realty con j ditions, and with competition such as that displayed yesterday there can be I hut one conclusion, and that Is the ! market has turned over. Henry Brady j offered th;i six-story apartment house j nt 860 Riverside Drive to satisfy an i action brought by the Langhorne Hold? ing Company against the Winters Real ties. The defendants took part in the bidding, but they did no more than . to raise the ante so that all mortgagees were covered. The property, sold sub? ject to four mortgi < s aggregating $235,000, was struck down after many : 850 and $100 bids to the Elted Cor : jioration (Theodore Guttman, presi j dent) for p. total of $315,760. Mrs. C. II. Thorne Rents Park Ave. Apartment Douglas L. Elliman & Co. have leased an apartment at 270 Park Avenue to Mrs. Charles H. Thorne; an apartment at 1?0 East Seventy-second Street to Hermann C, Schwab; at 100 East : Eighty-fifth Street to Mrs. G. Temple : Brielgemann, arid at 103 East Eighty-j ' sixth Street to S. O. Shotter. Pease & Elliman have let, furnished, ? for the rent of the season for W. B. Franklin his apartment in 1 r>6 East Seventy-ninth Street to J. J. Walker. _REAL ESTATE l,Oxo isi./ixi) AT MERRICK in*.ATrrrrr7, ?eml-bnngalow, nina r"?mi two ; baths; hot water heat, mormons ?un parlor; two car garage; clilrkcn hotue* ajul run; large corner plot, ,'ronuge on three ?treioji; five minute? walk. I of ?talion; near fJreat ffoutli Hay. Value 112.000, Out-of-town owner offen ?or ?if.000 TM? t? a I real bargain. IL 1. Mc-ejord, 170 IMno St., I'rc?, | port, l-4 1. NEW JKRSITY $1,000 Cash! anrl quarterly payment? will t>uy a ?'arm of 107 aerea for 17,000, betwoen Now lirunawlck ar.rl Princeton. Telephons 2590-Heekman. Howard Goldsmith, 63 Park Row. Hoaoroif or (?ri'.KNs ANOTHBIl MTTT.E ?KM?I5.S0O. 7 room?, bath. 2 t/alt**, ??wr connection, electric, gai, ?team luiat, parquet floor?, driftway; $1,000 caab ti<K;e??ai7; 6 minute* atibway. main ?tatlon L. I. ftallroart B. ?. HWI.KT. 824 1'ulton ?t.. Jamaica. WKmreiiKNTKit < 01 nty CALIFORNIA BUNq?ToW AT LAKE MAHOPAC Camp type: ?i/?ria limpiar?; ?ery cotiu-nlrntly I'ireUo, wi'li pemanent witter right?; 13.100, or ! ?Ill (?11, furnished, ?,'!.e;.",0. I,?ko Mahupan e.'orpora- j Ho;., I Madiaon ???, VIBOINIA. ?TWWATBB riROINU JMRMS ?20 ri.u a? It?. ?nil up, win, building?; two i . ...? ralaei'l; ? - . liun-hM anri inarki II H. BUQUN A CO., Hi'.-??'? (Store, v*. ! Bronx Pays a Profit For Stratford-Ayon Seller Bought Property on Fri? day and Resells Contract to Operator Frederick Brown is not unwilling to pay another a profit, even for a contract. This was shown yesterday, when he bought, from Frances V. Smith, through Nehring Brothers, the Stratford-Avon, a six story elevator house at the southeast corner of St. Nicholas Avenue and 174th Street. which the seller purchased last Friday from Adelard Mathieu, through the same brokers and Joseph P. Day. The building occupies a plot 100x100 and contains nine stores and thirty-eight apartments yielding ?30,000 annually. Mr. Brown paid cash over the. mort? gage. The property was held at $225, 000. To Alfred Pe Blase Mr. Brown sold 1826 Clinton Avenue, a three story two family house, 19x90. Mr. Brown re? cently bought and resold 1818 and 1826 Clinton Avenue. Realty Companies Are Active Philip Shapiro, as attorney for the Newat Realty Company, the Allenby Realty Company and the Markstone Realty Company, has made several pur? chases :n The Bronx. Representing the Newat Realty Company (Wattenberg & Nevins) he has purchased from May Greef through B. H. Weisker the four story flat at the southeast corner of Davidson Avenue and North Street, 25x 100; for the Allenby Realty Company he bought from Ignatz Roth through i S. Rosen the two ?ve story apartment I houses at 1374-1378 College Avenue, 100x100; for the Newat Realty Com ' pany he purchased from a client of ! Horace C. Kelly 825 East 167th Street, ; a five story apartment house, on plot ?40x130; for the Allenby Realty Com-| I pany he acquired through S. Rosen ' I from Ignatz Roth the apartment house j I at 266 East 165th Street; bought forJ ! the Markstone Realty Company, Louis j E. Kleban, president, the five story : | apartment at 686 Beck Street, 55x100; >. ' also sold for a client through Fine & ! ! Greenblatt 960 Prospect Avenue, a five I story apartmeni. house, on plot 75x200. Bank Lends on Bronx Flat The Nason Realty Company procured from the Manhattan Savings Institution j $145,000 at 5'i per cent for live years on the five five story houses at 1033 1040 Bryant Avenue through Brooks & Momand and Samuel Kronsky. Tinton Avenue Sale J. Clarence Davics has sold for Ruth Miller the two story frame dwelling, on lot 16.8x100, at 1060 Tinton Avenue, 222 feet south of 166th Street. Cahn & Pittman Buy Ixita Cahn & Pittman have purchased from Henry J. Semke the vacant plot, 100.x 95, on the east side of Enstburn?Avc nue, 88.:'. feet north of 174th Street, through Walter E. Phelps. Tiffany Street Flat Buyer Irving I. Lawine and Eli Muran have bought 916 Tiffany Street, a live story flat, 60x100, held at $60,000. William S Baker was the broker. Woman Sells on Wanhington Avenue Richard Dickson has sold for Sadie Carlew and Emma Linson 1017 and ! 1019 Washington Avenue, 50x96, a three story frame and two story frame building; also for Jacob Azmus and Alma Doerr, 1560 Inwood Avenue, 25x ! 100, a three family dwelling. Deal In Wilklns Avenue Louis Carreau has sold the two five j story apartment houses, each on plot ?37x100, at 1460-1462 Wilkins Avenue. ! The houses have a gross rent of $10.600. j Richard B. Kelly, attorney, represented the seller. ?i?,-? McchannV Liens Manhattan ; SPRING HT. 28; Veter V. Murphy (i?t flathorlnt I! MUtuauht, ewrirr; Win. ]'.,, illb-COn tractor .$297.00 86TJ" ST, 4". W; Mi-vr-r Oold ?ct B8-?0 Manhattan av Corp A. Ciaorge H, Hauxhurjt, (.wnrra fi c?ii I r?.??<-.r? .?475 00 60TH HT, RHO K; ??'I'll HT, 206 1'; MTU HT, 121 I-;, rharira Hf.aot mil Hoiirj Barter, owner A con? tractor .$208 T.", CITY REAL ESTATE Business Property . 1 Metropolitan Sells Harlem Apartments ! Parts With Two Largest Houses j in That Section; They Were Held at $500,000 j The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company has disposed of two more of | its holdings of apartment houses in I the upper part of the city. Peter Axelrad, president of the Axel rad Mortgage Company, has sold to the I Harted Realty Company, Inc. (.Isidore /immer and Samuel Reznick), 151-169 i West 140th Street, two eeven-story houses, known as Pinkney Court and Watts Court, on plots 136x100 and 126x100, respectively. The rentals from the ht use? amount to' about. : 65,000. The houses are occupied oy i. 112 families, the suites consisting of live, six and seven rooms. Frank Locker, attorney, represented the buyere, and Walter Stabler acted for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in the transaction. The houses are among the largest in Harlem, and are located just east of Seventh Avenue. They rre valued at $500,000. This is the third recent sale made by Mr. Axelrad for the Metropol? itan Lifo Insurance Company. -. Business Spare Leased Albert B. Ashforth has leased the stove al 17-19 West Forty-fifth Street to Styles & Cash; half of second floor at 33-35 West Forty-sixth Street to Will? iam II. Woodin, jr., & Harry C.Walker; fifth floor at. 351-3 West Fifty-second Street to the Loenlng Aeronautical Engineering Corporation; fourth floor at 211-15 West Twentieth Street to the Peiser Manufacturing Company: third floor at 33-37 Bleecker Street to David Schilf; Gpace in the Acker, Mer rall & tondit Building, southwest corner of Fifth Avenue and Thirty fifth Street, to .Tames E. Blake Com? pany; in the Brokaw Building, Broad? way and Forty-second Street, to Harry F. Perissi, Patent Trading Corporation of America, William J. Smith, C. I/eRoy & Murray Blank, J. C. Gordon & P. R. Man ley, Bricks-Ford Company; and with Harris <fc Vaughan, Ewing, Baker & Henry, a large suite of of? fices on the ninth floor to the Inde? pendent Pneumatic Tool Company of Chicago, 111. Pease & Elliman have leased a loft at 630 Fifth Avenue, between Fiftieth I and Fifty-first Streets and opposite St. Patrick's Cathedral, to Harnet Clynne. The Schulte Rer.liy Company has leased the two-story store building at the southeast, corner of 181st Street and St. Nicholas Avenue, for ten years, through Samuel J. Tankoos. Renting Along Seashore The Lewis H. May Company has j leased at Edgeinere, L. I., for Max j Spiegel, cottage on Beach Thirty-fourth Street, to Morris Rosenstein; for B. H. ! B?dane, cottage, on Beach Thirty-fifth j Street to Max Selonick; for G. Taus & . Sons, cottage, on Hudson Avenue, to Isaac Lindenbaum, and for Dr. Philip j Meirowitz, cottage on Bench Thirty fourth Street to M. M. Goldberg. City Dwelling Leased Pease & Elliman and Alfred H. Stout have leased the four story and base? ment dwelling al L2-1 We : fifty-eighth Street, for the estate of Georgiana Merritt, to Mrs. J. B. Semi.-. Brokers in 18th Street Sale E. H. Ludlow & <'o. and the Brell & Goode Company negotiated the sale of j 43 East Eighteenth Street to the Amer? ican Lithographic Company yesterday. ] Assignments of Mortgages Manhattan ?VI'I! AV s - r. ncth -'. tien av. 15S4 ; R9th Bl.. n s 200 sv i ol in. lie! av, 777; 53(1 Bt, B s. 100 w rarle av: 58th Bl 5 K; Spring Bt, [45; 69th st, 110 w , lsl sf. 541-7; 90th Bt, 327; I.ex av. 213; (oinl mtge $474.000; Murs li Gerard to Jas W ,v Mary 1> Gerard, 393 Madison av; attys, H> <>'?? <; .* li. -M fe lar st.; 11 assiis: gift. COLUMBUS AV. 803: Ja? W Gerard ft ano. In? divid & oxrs; Jenny A Gerard & R'i". to Mary H Gerard, 25 K 46th st ; attys, Scott. G & It. .?.; Cedai ?*.$12.000 KAMI; pi crty; An irlcan Mort Co to Jenny A Ger? ard; attys, sume .$12.000 15TH ST, 105 I-.. mtge $32.000; Delaware Trust Co to Duncan M S:..wan & Go; Iinn.-au M Stewart A c> to Mas N Natanson, .".?1 latluMr-il I'ark way, aid Max N Natanson to Abel King, 14S 13 65th st. & ano; atty, Fred l/oso, 35 Nassau si ; 3 assns, car-.h.$loo WASHINGTON ST, 401-11: V Everlt Mary et al, ran, etc, to Seaman's Bank for Sav, 76 Wall Ft; attys, Cadwalader, W & T. 40 Wall st. BEEKMAN PI,. 14; mtge $5,000: Anni? Btrous?, extrx, to Herman T, Krlf?.--. 2355 Grand Con rowrso, l!;-i>;>.\ ; atty. Robert 10 Bergman, ".00 Wims ?v.s.?,.not? A! nrrtii.V AV, 206; mtgo $12."'.0: Honry Morgen I lliau i'" to Aboi King. Il, i; 65th Bt, exrn A ano: r.tiv. Fred Lese, 35 ??ossau st..$100 104TH HT, 246 B: Rachel Katzo to Samuel Cohen, f.7 0 Tth av; any. bYedk II Coude.>, 32 Liberty a'.$12,0011 131ST. 221 W; American Trust ('". to Marv b" Walsh. 189 Columhia Heights, Brooklyn; atty, N Y T & M Co, 135 Broadway ."... *.'l.7.>0 6TII ST. lin E; '?. pun: migo $1,000; Unmet Kino to Morris Miller, 162S luth st, Brooklyn: air.s, Morrison & Schiff, 320 Broadway_$100 The Bronx OGDEN AV, s w cor 171 st st. 125x25x Irreg; City M:gn Co to lien Mandel. Grantwood, N .1: atty. T G A T Co, 178 Bway.$26,000 EVERGREEN A.V, e s, 184 n Wesmhestor av. 40x : 100; Sigmund Lehman et al. i-xrs, to Bond and Mtgo Guar Co, 175 llemsen st. Bklyu; atty, : T (i & T e.'o, 176 Bway.$100 163TH ST, 355 E; ,7na T, Kllshelmor. Jr. to Arthur Alkler. 484 Kugbv Boa/1. Rklyn; ally, Arthur ? Alliier, 4*4 Rugby Road, Bklyu.$1 ! 165T11 ST. 371 E; naine to saJiir: saine atty. . . .$1 i PLIMPTON AV 1345: Amerb-aJi Trust Co to tir eater Xow York Savings Bank, 498 5th av, '. liklyii; atty, N Y Tltlu & Mtge Co, 135 Hway I $114.000 Recorded Mortgages Downtown AJ.IJ-'.N' ST, S3, w s. 2Sx?7.6; Feb 11; Jos M Harris et al lo I'nitral Sav Bank. 157 4th av; due Fob 17. 1!>24; 5 p c; atty?. Amend ft A. 110 Nassau st .$4,000 East Side 1STH ST, n g, ISO w llh av. 2Ov02; p m; Fih 14; Alco-Gravuro, lu?', to Jonathan Thompson, Hap pan).,-, I, I, et ni; duo as iK?r bond, .r> p .-; atty?, Stewart & Shearer, 4J, Wall sf..$23.500 75TH ST, 42 10. 19x102.2; p m; Teh 14; nias [> Hazcn in Leonora R Rnssbaoh, 9 E 88lh st ; 5 yre, 5 p o; atty. Lawyers T & T e.'<>. 160 Broad? way .$211.000 D.1I? ST, 308 E. 23x100.8; Jon 1; Anna Blhr to John I'lanek, 809 H O.'ld st; 3 yrai ? p o; attys. A ,V II Rloch. 99 Nassau st..$I,.-,00 118T1I ST, ?44 E, s s. 2,r.xl00,10; p m; Feb 15; Frank l'agi!am to Cornelia 11 Hughea. Harrow Weald l'ark, Middlesex County, Eng; du? Jnn 15, 1922; 5 p <:; atty. T G & T Co, 176 Broad? way .$14.5*1 122D ST, 814-320 B, b ?. 75x100.11; p m: Jan 31; It, L & P Itealty Holding Co lo Clryl Holding Co, 378 Grand at; duo and lut as per bond..$14,250 West Side 86TH ST. a a. 100 e Hlvrralde Drlw. 100x102.2; p m; Fab 1 : 342 Weet Mth Street Corpn to N Y ft N J R/>al Estate Impt Co, 50 Church st; due .Ian 1. 1020: fi p o; prior mtge $40(3.000; atty. N Kent, 120 Broadway.Ml 100 FURT WASHINGTON AV, 25-33, I31.llxl2fl.8x 85.7x78.4; p ra; Fob 15; Malox Realty Corpn to Manhattan Sav Instn, 644 Broadway; 5 p o; duo BH tkt bond; attv, T G ft T Co, 170 Broad? way .$162.000 SAME PROP; ?amo lo Abel King, 168 E 65th s!; dun ar?d Int. n.i tier bond; attv. Fredk l^s,., 35 Nassau st ,.$15.000 1'INKlllRST AV, s w o 180th St., 50x109.7x50? 112.10: P m; Fob 15; Harry W HoUing Pi Amnlln A Dllg, 700 TtlTersldn Hrlve: due Au? 15. 1020 ; ? p o; pid.ri- mtge $."1,000; atty. T G ft T e'o, 170 Broa.Uvay .$6,000 1MTI1 ST Ml 510 W, s n, 80x09.11: p m; Feb 15; Arrow Holding Corpn to Jamb Marx, 170 W 74th st; duo Jan 1. 1021; 0 p o; firlnr nil^ro $75.000; attys. Herman .t Brrut, 170 Broadway.$7,500 Bronx HOLLAND AT, w ?, B70 11 Morris Park av. 35x 100; Win e;r<-/'i- t/i Krank 1, Coller, lull 8d m-, Iir mil'.. $8,000: l"i li IS; dun \.,v 15, IR23, 0 P o: ally, Tillo e;u?r ft T e'o, 176 ?way ,..$1,500 I8STI1 ST, v,l >.. n a, 2.r.j|o0: EJlriun T. l'heli? 10 I'rti-r Slnoolt,, BH7 E 100th m : pi- nitgn $10.080; July 15; S jri. (I p o; ally, Peter Suinolt, 087 11 lifih it . ? ,- 0 I47TH ST, ri s 240 v< Brook av. 100x01?. 11 : c It l?gers Sons, In.-, to Barbara llloger 509 Wlllli av. nod ii*i, en i .?'?? ... rs, .', p c; atty, M I ??.v, ',09 u Mill .i. ?1.1 '. SIIAI-.l/SI'l-.AlIi; AV, . n col llllltll ?I HK.llllOll nl<.. Hhnkoapnara at ? t. HR.ll ? lOOUi si. Mi, .it Mi.ig l'onii i" Hllshlrr . 69 I -i . t. li i . till? l)i I?, 191! aiua. OutUiar. ti tt A. -XJ I... .i.r Cullman Backs His Confidence in Downtown Realty Buys Four Buildings on Pine, Depeyster and South Streets; Has Invest? ed Heavily in Section I Although Joseph F. Cullman's busi? ness is importing tobacco, he has a strong liking for real estate. His op? erations in the lower city since the revival of property interest there have been extensive; in fact he is the leader of the come-back movement. His con? fidence in the future of the shipping zone has not waned, judging by his purchase yesterday through the Charles F. Noyes Company, his realty adviser, j of the four five-story buildings at 94 98 Pine Street, extending through the block to 30-34 Depeyster Street, and 70 South Street, corner of Depeyster Street. The property was valued at j $150,000, and Mr. Cullman paid all cash. The various tenants have received sub? stantial payments for cancellation of leases und Mr. Cullman will immedi? ately convert nil four buildings into modern office buildings. Mr. Cullman's latest purchase gives him control of the entire block bounded by Front, Pine, South and Depeyster streets, with the exception of two small buildings. He also owns the Front Street block front from Maiden Lane to Pine Street, and practically the entire block bounded by Front Street, Burling Slip, South Street and Fletcher Street, as well as many other valuable downtown properties, all of which he purchased within the past few years through the Charles F. Noyes Company. Rivercrest Makes Money For Max Natanson The Rivercrest, the six-story ele? vator apartment at 23 to 33 Fort Washington Avenue, southwest corner 01 160th Street, purchased last week by Max Natanson from the Manhattan Savings Institution, has been resold to a client of Philip Schapiro. The property, held at $200,000, was resold through William S. Baker. The Nason Realty Company also sold the six-story "walk-up" apartment at 1601 University Avenue, northwest cor? ner of 174th Street, covering a plot 105 xl-13. It was completed last year and is one of four houses bought by Mr. Natanson from Tl V PmibIwioH?? Company, three of which have been resold. Yesterday's sale was made through Alexander Selkin and David Mintz to the J. G. Leasing Company, Inc. (Bernard Crnusman). Colonel Barbour's Heirs Sell Dorenza Court, the six-story elevator apartment house on plot 100x100, at 545-547 West 158th Street, hear Broad? way, has been sold by Norman Len? zer for the estate of the late Colonel William Barbour. This building was constructed a few years ago by the Friedman Construction Company, and was held at $200.000. The new owners, Irving Judis and Fischer Lewine, have appointed Norman Denzer agent for the property. Buys Dyckman Corner Site Edward Osserman, of the Kermit Realty Company, lias sold four lots, 100x100, at the northwest corner of 213th Street and Ninth Avenue, to a client of A. N. Gitterman. This prop? erty is diagonally opposite the site acquired through the sanvi broker by the Evans Film Corporation for im? provement with a film studio and lab? oratory, which will be erected upon the return of Major Tom Evans, who is in France with the American expedition? ary forces. Benenson Sells Three Flats The Benenson Realty Company has resold the two five-story apartment houses at 72 to 82 Ellwood Street, in the Dvckman section, occupying a plot 125x100. and held at $150,000. The new owner is a client of B. Harris. The Htructures rent for $22,500, and each is arranged for thirty families. It, was a cash deal. The sellers recent? ly acquired the property from the Sonsin Construction Company, which built them last year. The Beneri3en Realty Company also sold to Joseph PJisenfeld 1076 Bryant Avenue, a five-storv new-law house, on a plot 40x100, held at $45,000. B. Sokolski was the broker. It was a cash deal. The sellers bought the property several months ago. West 136th Street Buyer Jane Cameron has sold to a Mr. Diamond. 239 West 136th Street, a three-story dwelling on lot 17x99.11, between Seventh and Eighth Avenues. Sale in 130th Street Mrs. Frances Hanford has sold the thrce-storv dwelling, 19x100, at 117 ! West 130th Street, to a client of ' Ernest T. Bower. Mortgage Co. Sells in'93d Streei Thomas J. O'Reilly, has sold for the Lawyers' Mortgage Company the five story American basement dwelling, on lot 17x100. at 254 West Ninety-third Street, assessed at $22,000. The new owner will occupy the house. Resells Auction Purchase The live-story tenement at 245 West Sixty-sixth Street has been sold by ! Lydia Kleinfield, who purchased the ! property at auction on February 3. The Harlem Savings Bank has sold I to Everline M. Murphy the three- ! story dwelling, 16.3x75, at 475 East 137th Street. The property was pur- I chased at nuction a few weeks ago by | the bank. Recorded Leases Manhattan 34TII ST, 218 W; all; Clara B Pardee to Schulte Realty Co. 380 Broadway; 21 yrs ti-ora Jla,v 1, lull): 2 renewals of 21 yrs each; atty, I. W. llosonbaum. 3S.1 Bron/lway.$3.000 34T11 ST, 220 W; all: Isabella Wilson to BcllUlte Realty Co, 380 ?roadway; 21 yrs from May 1. 1019; 2 renewals of 21 yr? euch; s:inu< atty, .$3,00(1 At.'IMlUiiN AV. 24H; all: Union Chemical Glass wam Co to Bessl? Brandwein, 3P9? 3d av; 3 vr-. from March 1. 101?; atty, Michael v Rosenborg. 209 Broadway .$13,300 VESKY ST, 411-42; all; Burdo & Dotier to Yandani Warehouse Co. 29 Broaelway; 10 yrs from Kel> I. 1910; ally, Ji-n II Mitchell, 233 Broadway. .$11.?On CHAMBERS ST. 51; 8th floor; also lf-<adn st, 29; Emigrant Induit Kav Banlt to Allied Machiner, Co of America, N Y City; G yrs from May 15, 1919; attv. Chas T Groan, 120 Broadway.. .$25.000 BOt'TH sT, 211; also Water at, 409-18; Moses II VVolowltx to I'anl V Narubbl. 21 Oliver at, and ano; from March 1, 1919, to May 1, 1032; atlvs, Monkeo Bros. 200 Broadway.$4.lull 2SD ST. 155-159 B; all: 157 East 23d Street. Ine, to Walters T.alKiratorlea and Hospital Supply Co, &,'. 5th av: 10 yrs from Jan 1. 1919; ativ. Leo Oppenhelroor, tW Wall at.$l9.0tio 2J> AV, 2410 2414: all; Inri? Marx to Samuel Kelt, 32? H 122d st; ,'? yrs from April 1. 1019; atty, I'hlllp I> Shapiro. 1 IM Nassau st.$5.200 8D AV, 223!); store and basement; Minister, etc', Reformed li?' Dutch Church of Harlem to Ilymaji ICrltzer. 1412 Madlaon ?v. and ano (Kritier lire?); 3e yr? Hi moa from March 15, I'M!); 2 yr-.i renewal ; atty. RenJ W Goldberg, 1790 Broadway .$2,loo O.HTII ST. 2*7 E; ground floor and basement an.I 1st floor back; Supreme Russian-Turkish llatlir,. Inc. to, Nathan Dnnt.crg. 287 B 98U1 It; ,1 vrs rrom Kob 1. 191?; ally. Il II Mitchell, 6 Reek man at .$1,5110 I>l:i,\\<T.V ST. 188; all: Mctrnix.lltan Tbbacoo < ?.> to Morris Goodman, 42.*. Grand at, and mo; h1 vr-. fn-iii No? 14. 1D1S; ally. M Lerlo, 137 B Broadway .$7.non The Bronx Snl'TIII'IlN Rorr.KVAIlll, vf a, 121.'. n ?t, 101x22.1x100x282; Marens A Goldatoln, In, r.44 W 140th It to Dunlel Docherty, 217 loili ay; from Hopt I. IH1M. to Mar 30, 1928; ally. I ? & T Co, im liwuy.?D.W0 to jlO.OOO LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS LOST?A diamond bar pfn. either at ElMng? Theatres or Pennsylvania Hotel, or between the two places; reward. Tc!. Gordon, 6356 Forest Hills. LOST.?Brown velvet bag;, containing gov? ernment papers, etc., subway, 33d st., local to shuttle; liberal reward; no questions asked. Phone Main 5s32, Extension 72. I.OST BANKBOOKS LOST.?Bankbook No. 724.741 at the Union Dime Savings Bank Is missing. Any per? son having a. claim to It 1b hereby called upon to present the same within ten days or submit to having the said passbook can ..-elleel and a ne\v one Issued. LOST -Bankbook Nr.. 784.71.? of the Union Dime Pavings Bank is missing. Any per? son having a claim to it is hereby calied upon to present tho same within ten days or submit to having the said passbook can? celled and a new one issued. IiORT.?Bankbook No. 307,071 of the Frank? lin Pavings Bank. Issued to Edward A. Gor? man. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. 668 Klghth ave.. New York City. All persons are cautioned not to purchase or negotiate the same. LOST.?Bankbook No. 796.6S5 of the Central .Savings Hank in the City of New York. Payment stopped. Please return booktobnnk. LOST, -Bankbook 385,259, Harlem Savings Bank. Payment stopped. Beturn to bank. LOST. -Bankbook No. 571,479 The Greenwich Savings Hank, 248 & 248 Sbith ave., N, Y. City. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. BUSINESS CARDS CARPET CLEANING CAREFUL. CARPKT CT.EANINO COMPANY Clean* bv compressed air, steam, hand or on floor. 419 Bast 48th ?t. COE & BRANDT. Tele? phone 132 Murray Hill. DIAMONDS DIAMONDS AND JEWEUIY BOUGHT FOB CASH; ?tat? appraised, purchased. BENNETT, 115 Broadway, "upstairs." TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS RENTED Non-vt.iibles, 8 Months. $6.00. Vlsib'es. 3 Months. $7.50 A up. THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 10 Barclay tit. Tel. Barclay 4722. MISCELLANEOUS CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED: NEW YORK, $13.30. Includes outfit and every expense. Ac? counts collected everywhere; SPECIALIST. EICH NER, i:.47 Broadway, Suite 201. Bryant 7745. AUCTION SALES PURSUANT TO PICOTIONS 65 AND 66 OF THE Personal Property Law, tho underslgneel win cause to bu sold at Public Auction on the 18th day of February, 1919. at eleven o'clock In the forenoon, iu the premises of the American Multi graph Sides Company, et 20 Ves?y Street, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, certain property, consisting of one No. 38 Printer Com? plete with Attachments, one No. 10 Corapotype with Stand and Stool, and on? No. 17 Universal Folder Complete, to satisfy tho balance duo on the purchase price thereof. THE AMERICAN MULTIOBAPH SALES CO. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED WANTED.?By young single bu9lne*;s man, small room in private Christian family; young married couple preferred. Am away more than half the timo. Will not pay mora than $30 per month. 87th and Broadway preferred. Addrues A. K., 71 Tribuna. WANTED WANTED.?SPECIMENS OF WRITING OF HAM mond typewriter or Hammond catalogues or a Hainn . nd machine antedating 1898. Suitable oom pe:isation if accepted, p.'.. Box 156. Tribuna Office. Recorded Transfers Downtown SULLIVAN ST. 140. runs w SOx ? 25.1x w 20.3x s 25x w 25.1i n 74.11x e 125 to street, x s 25 t-i beg; Uni?! H Frlodrlchs to Arthur c Frled richa, ltU Cottage av. Mt Vernon, N V: o c; ?lau 27; sttys. Rosoudalo ?.- Dodd. 52 Broad? way .jj East Side 1STH ST. n s 180 w 4th av. 20x92; Jonathan Thompson et al to Alco-Gravure, Inc, 52 Hast 19th si.; all Hens: Fob 14; Title Guar ft T Co, 176 Bway. $lou 18TH ST, 344 E. 25x100.10; Cornelia II Hughes to V 1'aglinro. 1S-62 Jjexington av; Jar, 11; att.'.-. Gerson ft Young. 165 Bway. $100 1ST AV. 934, 20.1x73.10; Ignatz Krawlec to Jo? hanna his wife. 118 Harrison av, Baldwin, I/. I.; U part: all Heins; Jan 31; attys, Edwards & Bode. 1 7 Railroad ;iv. Freepnrt,. L T.$1 68TII ST. 236 E, 18.2x100; Abraham Gluck \n Moses Gluck 236 East 68th st ; '2 part; mtg 10; all liens: Fob 15; attv. Wru Schweder, 1511 3d ai .$100 SD AV, 1252 r.-.tlflO: Mary F M.-e.'uliiess \n Margt I' Cassldy. Mlddletown, N Y; niig $19,000; all Hops; n;;-.-. Jnn J Hovlan, 402 \V Mat st. ,$100 74TII ST. 11.4 E, 18x74.1; Louis Werner to Edw Franklin, 41 Convent av, trustee; mtg $24.800; all lions; Feb 17; attys. May ft Jaeobsou, 15 Park Row .$1 75TB ST, 7? E, lPvlo-j.2; I, B Bosbach to Chaa li Hagan, 42 1". 75th st; Feb 14; atty. Lawyers T ft T Co, 160 Bway.$1 101TD ST, 178 E, s s. 16x100.11; TI lile Goldberg to Sarah V. Cohen, 493 Pennsylvania av, Bklyn; M, r t & 1; all liens; Feb 6; atty, I Ellis, 116 Nassau et .$1 122D ST. .'.14-20 E, 75x100.11; Clryle- Holding Corpn to 1! I, ft P Reallv Holding e'o. 117 W lt4rh st; mt? $48,750; all liens; Jon 31; otiv. A M Pariser, 51 Chambers st.$100 West Side be I'll ST, 155 W, n s. 31x100.4; Myrtle G Rosiohle to Gertrud,! E McFall. 202 4tJi av. Borne, Ga: Feb 17; mtg? $28,000; any. Title Guar & T c<,, 176 Bway.$100 B?TJ-I ST s s. 425 ? eV-ntrai Park West. 25x102.2. Grant Notman to Hy C ALgeo; mtge $33.1)00: all liens. July 24. 1915; atty. S H Stuart, 29 Broad way .$4ii.0fni S6TH ST. sa. 100 o Riverside Drive. 100x102.2; N Y A N .1 Real Estate Impt Co to 342 W 86th St. Corpn, 120 Bway; mtge $400.000; all liens; Feb 1; atty, Nathaniel Kent, 120 Broad way .$1 CENTRAL PARK WEST, s w cor 07th st.. 100.11 v 200; Hudson Investing e.'o to 370 Central Park West, Inc. 27 Cedar st; b and s; all lien?; Feb 14; atty, Clifford C Roberts. 27 Cedar st.$1 7TH AV. s w cor 111th st. 100.11x100; Chaa S Guggenheimer to .1 G loosing Co, 350 Bway. n.'go $2.'i0,000: b and s; all liens; attys. tlold feiu ft W, ."30 Bwuy.$100 U9TH ST, 311 W. 25.x 100.II; Julia J Hlrgch to Mil lio Rosenberg : mtge $9,000; Feb 15; attys. Greerberg ft Levy, 38 Park Row.$1 LENOX AV, 245. lOx'eO; Peter Dahl to Jn.s I, Vim Sant. 2 Woodycrest av. Wulto Plains. N Y ; migo (.'11.500; all liens; Feb 17; atty. M F Johnson, ill Bway.$100 MOTH ST. 271 W. 25x100.10 (.f?rrelos Feh 11. 1919); Jno H Bogan, ref, to Frederic do P Filter. Tuxedo Park. N Y, trust*?; Feb 15; adv. F de P Foster. 41 Wall st.$18,000 KURT WASHINGTON AV, s w <-or ICOth st. 131.Il xl26.5xS5.7x78.4; .Manhattan Sav Instil to MaJex Realty Corpn, 17" Bway; b and s. c a g; Feb 15; atty, Alex S Natansun. 170 Bway.$100 AFDl'BON AV, i, o cor 166th st, 100x95; City Real Estate Co to Consolidated Gas Co. 130 E 15th st; b and s, c a g; Fob 13; attys, Sherman & Sterling, 55 Wall st.$1 P1NE11URST AV, s w cor iSOth St. 50.1x109.7x50x lll'.l"; Amelia A Dilg to Hy W Boiling. He W 43d st; mtge $57,000; Feb 5; atty. A E Gitt solf, .IS Park How .$1 1S4TII ST. s R, 180 w Amsterdam av, 80x99.1?. West. Istth St. Const Co to Arrow Holding Corpn. 2)7 Bway; mtges $S2,500; all Hems; Feb 15; atty. Julius II Zlescr. 217 Bway.$100 Bronx 1S5TH ST. 457 E, 25x100; Anna Slnnott to Hiram I. Phelps. 267.X Valentine av; mtge $10.000; Fob 15; atty. Hiram L Pholps, 2678 Valentine av; $100 COLLEGE AV, 1208, e s. 40x100; Jusqph Fried to Igiui/, ilorrman, 12S4 Grant av ft ano, mtge $34,500; Feb 11; atty, Leo Sehafran. 51 Cham? bers st .*?nn VALENTINE AV, 2106-10. 0 ?. 56.6x98.2x5S.llx 01 1; Michael Bltto to Katie M Moran, 330 !/?::,,i av. March 22. 191S; atty. II. RlerhofT. ?20-;<-> 5th av......?1 EASTBURN AV, o s. S3.3 n 174th st, 100x95; Heno 1 Semite to Sparta Realty Co. 40e> E 148th st; nuge $6,400; Feb 15; attys, e'ahn ft P. 406 E M0lh st.*100 I9STII ST, 3111 E, n a. 25.5x98.2; Thos H Richard? son to Isabel Ililer. 391 E li'Sth st; 'j part; Fob 10; any Isr.bol Hller. 301 E lOStll St..$100 167TH ST. 11 o e Barrett st, 82.2x54.7x57.10x79.11; Mamie Scholem to Emanucl Glauber, .SS5 ?Vest End av Feb 7; atty Emanucl Glauber, 35 Nas? sau at .*100 P.FAI'H AV, 11 s. 150 E Mlnueford s. 50x100; i'lly Island Home. Inc. to Frank Lee. 257 W 123d st; Feb 15; atty, T G ft T Co. 176 Broad? way .$100 2?i>TII ST 824 E. s s. 25x114; Royal Bronx Realty e'o lo Santo Principe ft ano, 829 E 226?1 at; mtge $4.500; Fob 11; atty. T G ft T Co, lit! Broadway ..?.$100 HOLLAND AV. 1903. w ?. 25x100; Frank L e'ollcr t.. Win Grecr, 2000 Washington av ; mtge $3,000; Fob 14; any, T G ft?T Co, 17il Broadway.. .Sioo INTERVALE AV 041. n w c 103d st. 125xS5; 1. R A Realty e\> to Bert ley Holding Corpn, 400 F, lr.oiJt at; mtgo $150,000; Feb 15; attv. C S J#w. 400 H 150th st.$1 198T1I BT, 352 E. s ?, 20x75; Merinda H Carman to Hun Conroy, 227 Henry st; mtgo $0.000; Dec 12, 1918; atty. evilara Bros, 200th Bt A Webster av .$1 MANIDA ST. 822. n e n, 25*100; Manida Co to Jos Helmiman, S42 Manida at: mtge $7.500; Jan 81: ally. T G A T Co, 178 Broadway.$100 ST ANNS AV 344, e s. 25x90. chas A Lamm-rater to Adam Hnessbaeher. 324 E 1S lut. ?t ; mtg? $9.500; Feb 15; atty. T G ft T Co. 170 Broad? way .$100 Results at Auction By Henry Brady. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, ?no, n s, 575 w Broadwav. 214.7?:.3..1x200x128.3; II My apt; l-anghnrne Hold 1 li.g Corpn ogt Winters Realties, Ino. et al; din, ?48.4515.101 taita, etc, $3.7711; prior mtge 123.1, Oul); tu Ihn Elted Corpn for.$315,750 By J. H. Mayer?. I,'.I'll ST. 530 W, a ?, 55 e Aiidulion av. 18x78.? ; ' -n and i. dw?; Samuel Gerber age w II Martin el "I: due, $2,071.67; tam. ele. $;iI9H0; sub to Vilor inl?o Of ?0.00UJ le) the iilaiiillir fur. ..?11.850 HELP WANTED MALE INSTRtCTION ACCOUNTANTS NEEDED WOMEN AND MEN I war.; to bear frnm 1'eepe-s. cashiers, school I teachers, office workers, stenographers, and all i capable men and women, el'.her with or without j j bookk.'eplnj experience, who are ambitious to get | ? into higher accounting positions paying j $2.400 TO $6,000 A YEAR AT THE START. The readjustment of commerce and Industry to a | | peace basis, the reconstruction and reorganization ; ? of American business along more eftlclent lines, the i ; more scientific analysis of costa k> meet domestic | I and world competition, and the necessity for accu ? rate income and excess profits tax report? to the ! Government have created thcasands of new and ; attractive opportunities for permanent positions in the hither accounting field. At present *" ran supply only In a very limited I ? way students and mem >ers to fill the numerous ; ; requests being recelted for cust accountants, audi- ; 1, junior and senior accountants, ?.?e-rr?r>trc.l',ers, i &e., &e. uoTcrnmeutal and business demands usie < exhausted the available supply of trained men and 1 women, i So. our organization, having thi 'argft staff of : accounting and business efficiency experts in the ; world, li making even possible ??"' rt to i elp meet | this unusual situation, and to tl.ul end I ?:;1 In | terview men or women vvhe desire, to qualify for , I theso positions by taking Individual home training. Thli can b; done without interfering with their ! I present employment APPLICANTS WHO ARM ACCEPTED i will be placed under the direct pen mal supervision ! of one of otir staff of Certified Public Accountant? ; and thoroughly trained in the special knowledge land practical prt>ecdure necesaarv lo qualify for . important accounting work, I Address for Interview, giving age. position, edu? cation, ?-.el telephone number. Hrglstrnr, Box 320, Tribune lluildltig. 1 LEARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR.?Pleasant and ! profitable work; day and evenIne liasses. Perd ' for free booklet ai d visitor's pass. \V<*t Side i Y. M. ('. A . Sir West 57th. HELP WANTED MALL | BOYS WANTED, MUST HAVE, REFERENCES, TO MAKE THEMSELVES USEFUL AND GO ER ' RANDS. ENTERPRISE PLEATINU CO., 173 WEST 25TH ST. , BOY wanted In ribbon stock room: no reference necessary : must, be publia, school graduate ; steady : position with good advancement. Address Box B, : 200 Tribune. ! BOYS to run errands for electrical manufacturing concern; kikkS salary. 290 Hudson et. COLORED BOY with good reference for light por? ter work .and messeuger, Cobin & Co.. 305 ! Broadway. I COOK and CHAUFFEUR, good references. Lehel Agency. 77 East 125th st. ; COOK and BUTLER, good reference?. Lehel Agency, 77 East 125th st. ! SALESMEN'.? Those bavins experience in ac countlng and office routine, to sell a low priced. merltoriems. time-saving device; every office, store ' and manufacturing plot can use one or more. To one who can quality an un'tsual opportunity is offered on an attractive commission basis. Call all week. Room 14, 156 Broadway. SALESMAN, clean cut, energetic; wanted to sell a ' j yearly commercial Information Benice contract: > permanent liberal commission on orlg./ial and re newals. Apply after 10. Tuesday. Mr. Wirt. Din- ? 1 slon of Information. 1605 Candler Birtldlng, 220 West 42d it. SALESMEN wanted with knowledge of automobil? j accessories trade who . are capable of carting I $200 a week on commission; build your own tnisl- j noss at our expense; a world wide seller. Rot.m i ! 514, 220 Wen 42d M i SALE SMI I.V.- -Large organization, handling stock ; of an Industrial nature, has opening for sales? men. Liberal commission basis. Phone Vander bllt 30S8. SALESMAN wanted to sol! tricks on commission: great chance for good man. Grant Auto Sales Co., 1450 Bedford ave.. Brooklyn. with selling ability 'or bisb e-lass war novelty; ab? solutely new, easy seller: (?>.-h! rroflt. 412 West 46th Street. Oue flight. STENOGRAPHER.- I.'.ng experience not essential, but must be willing. One desirous of becoming salesman preferred. A . 185 Tribune. HELP WANTED FEMALE ART EjniROIDERERS EXPERIENCED WORK KHS ON HAND ! M BROIDERY, FERMA VENT POSITION GOOD SALAHY.SHORTHOURS B E. A ERRAN *.- CO., 19 UNION SQUARE. DRESSMAKING Waist finishers, improvers and apprenties. Long Beaaon. 49 West 55th st. GIRLS for light manufacturing; sajaiy to start; vjulck advanccmon: : steady position. Gross Drug Co.. 300 Esst. 40th st GIRLS wanted for Kghl work, boxing goods; ex? perience unnecessary. Charles (Jueuger, Inc., 81 Reads it GOOD PAY' PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT I A PROMISING FUTURE! f-'e.r Bright Young Women TELEPHONE OPERATING. $9 and $10 while learning, during first four weeks. Earnings within next few weeks average $11.50 to $14 50 a week, ac? cording to tours; of duty assigned. Earning? by end of first year aver? age $14.OU to $17 50 a week, accord? ing to tours of ilu:> .isslgncel. Further salary increases for expe? rienced operators, and many ad? vanced and inoro highly paid posi? tions open to tho.-.o ?ho are ambi? tious. No experience necessary. Age 16 to 25 years. EMPLOYEES ABE ESPECIALLY WELL CARED FOR. Homelike quarters. Luncheon!' Berved at cost. Vacations with pay. Anniversary payment?, sick benefit? an i j'-nslons. ? to 8 h.....- working day. CON VENIENT API HCATION OFFICES OPEN. Apply weekdays, .lay or evening, during hours shown. MANHATTAN. C8 West Hoiuuon St., 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 1464 Broadway (at 12nd St.), 12 M. to 0 P. M. 109 W. 125th St. enr. Lenox Ave.). I.: M. to 9 P. M. BRONX. 463 East TKmont Ave., 1 P M. to 9 P. M. BROOKLYN. ?1 Wllloughby St. .9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 1030 Gatos Ave. mt P'way) 12 M. to 8 P. M. t: 0 Fifth Ave. ;nr. 51?t St.). 12 M. to 8 P. M. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY. Forty-Family Apartment For Mount Vernon A forty family apartment, house and hotel is to be erected on Rich Avenue, Chester Hill, the exclusive residential section of Mount Vernon. It will be the larpest apartment house in the city. It is planned to spend nuire than $150,000 on the structure ant? bonds will be issued through the Mount Vernon Trust Company as trustee. Plans for the building: have been drawn and con? tracts for the purchase of the land are in the hands of Mills ic Johnson. Lis Penden? Manhattan 7TH AV. 1S7S; John II naaren. exr. et al agt Ftsk Co (foreclosure of mtge); attv?. Norwood, Appell ft Walsh. 107TH ST. r. a, 100 e Madison av. 25x100 11: Win R Wilder et al. trustees, agi Jacob Levin et el (foreclosure of mtge! ; atty, W M Patter? son, 101HT ST, S17 E: Ruben'? Widow?' ar.d Orpha-i?' Benevolent Society of N Y agt Bertha Leipihj et al (toree loam o of rnlfe) ; Htya, Car) & Carroll. 105TH ST. n ?, 04 w Id av. 20x100.11; Trustee* Of the N Y Trade Behool agt l'or? S I et al (foreclosure of nitgei ; altys. Cary & Carroll, liront WHLLSJflLEY BT, n a. :.'? 2 w Crest?n av, : i H4.7; Lawrence Olbnev art Sarali A K Trempe? et al (foreclosure ut mortgage) ; atty. A R Bun- I nell. LOT 20. map 1, Smith Vernon Park, Cranford ' I'rop. South Ml Vernon, N Y, town of Ea*t cheider; Harri? Ponieran la ?gt William T M apea i (foreclosure of mortgage : atty, .1 7. Wechsler, LOTH 02. 88, 22.1. ?:'4. 28T, ?88 and ?80, map of | Wivihingionvliie, towiuhlp of Eastohester; also lots 1 oi.d i, blonk is. and lot? 3ei and 87, block 13. map of Edenwald; Albert e'larrv art Man- ; Shiveilo et al (partition Mill i; atty, W W I'rn fleld Bl> AV. SSBO; Mary P Blaae ?at (Tharle? Blair et al (fureclueure of mortgage) ; attya, i.'ary A Carroll. ' HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRLS TO FILL AND ?AP.EL r-Arn?r^T^ ?TRACTS: CLEAN WORK; PLFA^AN^J? ROUNDING?. APPTY OR WRITE JO*?,?8' TEA COMPANY. PEAK!. AND WATrlSRos" BROOKLYN* ?ATIA g^ GIRLS In embroider? factory; $9 ??"* at!^? ... 14 West 31st St. """ a*TBM GIRL wanted for bakery, 20t)~rth~lu^X^^ JANITRESS. 20-fami]y heuw;~stoam.~^TT~ IiiQUlre Neach. 797 East 156th?L *"*'t**!h*??*i MILLINERS TO TAKF WORK HOME- Irr?. ^ GOOD WORKERS; STEADY. '""-"TBi r.TTn . OHEN ?21 BROADWAY. situations wanted male A TOUNG MAX ?rtth r<-r v \ &, -"^r trustworthy, desires wtth ?atS* lng .concern; future . nsidered only ??,? J"' ondary. P.. Sll Sutler ?v? ?'..' *? CHAUFFEUR desires posit] - ] --?^ r~Z^' aged 21. Jose] h W Qibbii .;. i , . SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER,- TI -'~7Tv' onto cports; $25. Box A . FRENCH GOYERNESa - ?? .-,?L ?-: '. adapta ?-. I ... est Mason's Agencj 1S1 Wee.: i. ; it, BryaW GOVERNESS, young, highly f'hi-ated? "tee*"' of Kreuch; ? . -\ -, ...t ?^JT?? Miss Fltsgerald'i Eropl .-,,.? Bureau, MeltT^ DOMES1IC SITUATIONS \Vaxtf , MALE 111 TIER and Parlormaid or Cha?honnu Couple; English ?--? reliable md adit.-.-' $125. K, Miss BofmayePs Agency, lo Eaitl Sd floor. Telephone 8947 M BUTLER ' -Mi C Neat, good appearing, thottmai ly cxperlen > ? . ei ve-rv desirable; ?< ? , Agea-v ' West 4M ?t Bryai I ''' ' I'.T TLEB-VALET, - ..^ .... m.-es. ,T, Miss He may -? Igoncy. i? Eut j st.. 3d floor. rray HID BUTLEB-WAITR1 b ,.??.> . . references: pr i it? tarn - i preferred. I Employment A?-e- ' West 42d at. li'TLEU.- Very capable Englishman; i:t country; cicelienl [I - Sii?'?Aj?, 6 East 4lft st. Mun CHAI I-'i'l i'i: HOUSEMAN -? r. ?end apnv lng Norwegian; beat ?. ?onal referen .-?'?; k.. , . el Murraj' HI ENGLISH BUTLER excel mt re? rea M, ?etftJa allv effltient ,-.;:<l faithful: ?s((<. $75, (-.,;?;i Eruployment Agent-j . IVesl 42d il HOUSEMAN Fine referes ee: tl.orouhly comr? tent; i-tty or com Employment Agen ?: HOUSEMAN. ?*" --? ? ap.-.i ? --i- > ci v 01 rouiitry, excellenl 1 Illas On Agencj 6 East 41st ft. Murray Hill 6774. JAPANESE COOK BUTLER -Long expatism; 1 good references' neat, .'.nuns. Japanese Knt?;? ment Agency -'? West 42-'. at Te' 303? V?ndarMlt DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A -A. COOK English woman; ei-eUm refcrei .'' M. Misa Hofmipri el .. 1 a r Tf-lepae-r? Mr Murraj CHAMBERMAID or WAITRESS.?Yobm bill girl; experlei ? i ?? t: good ratal <?: u.i 0. Miss '0 Eut 4 . st . Sd floor. Telephone 6947 Murray Hill. liiAMiiMiMAic. ---\:n-fg!an; good, bard wwte u iders :. .* . er du .e-- tlxrotiKluy; n.-eilect retr ene?s; wage) $40. Sampson Agency, Tsi Lexta?? ave. Telephone l'laza 5005. ( I! Will! ?MAIL - - . ?tsj, r, - ? - . - ?'?? -. -, ?a; .-?? tua;-. $40 N'-- Mi ? s Agei i West 42.1 a. Bn i ? 1 - '. "(Trun: r> ; ti rafea?! i-. $50 ? ? ? I -? COOK.- Cl ? 'ratai a? ?J] kino? if eoofelng; wit >Jn most exacting; good baiter; well rv-oinmenn?1; I'J Bau p ? Asi l Le : av? : Piara I COOK and WAITRESS and hotu. - maid-, reliable '??'??;', ' :. Bail i.':., st rtelepho ?- H ?-', m 1515. COOK ai : small wash: neat, thormvblj capabl? Bettl d '?-? II ,-..?."-? it -- $40. Call Mrs. Mason's Agency. e OOK very competent .-??? spiel li i referen r I igetbcr nr fry-it te ? - ?"? Mist Bhaugl nesaj 'a ?gtncj 86 COOK. Good, l .,.-', competent cmi, cue ?Turn j ??? osn n,.?.- igl -, derx | upon: wag? <v> ? Agency. ?S1 Lrilngton ave. Telephone Pia ? l'm i; ! rote - ' - - personal - ??? ?Mi ave. M ? COOK Very capable young Irish woman: $50; dtj or country; four yejtrs last place. Ml? S?*ii Agency, ! 6774 COUFLE.- English, mai: Initier and vtlct. ?'. ? eicelleni refertuoo ':?? ? : ? . try oi Ulai Fl?Gt: aid's I', n ' ' ' ". ave. D il S WORKER '?' -' *si HoBdre? ai Aroma n '-id's Api'. 131 v, , bou? ? icepl M HOrSEWORKKH nice appaUW ? 'amilv: r* III ?' SI e ORE EU.? man; pref? ; MlM F!?' MAID ncl very neat, thorottj? ? - m .... i. .-, . Bryanl LADIES' MAU' Frer h; excellent dty - ' packer, travi KBtl -'"r aid's Employment B u ; ave. LAFNDRESS, flrsl nr country. Mis sy*? Agency, w et h av-. _ m i s; - -" ;: " childn $50; . East 41st si Nl'Us;. ? - . neal rdee. IgJ girl; has M ? \i Wei -;*-.'? NI KSK re hars? "; J? : itzgeraUi i? _? WAITRESS PARLORMAID ? 'UM M HonsaW A ? i!_ WAITRESS Very ra? > ' AP"aSi . $45; Il r.? - Agei % 0 Ka ? )'-? st Mun Bill * _2__ WASHING to take home, by doren. Buaw?. Greenwich Es?ate Sold The A. Foster Hig " ?';1:' Boston Post Road, i l'?': has been sold by L. X. Grant eJicBtf of the 11- ? - The propel consists of five acres, with .nrr fashioned dwelling and outbs The' price was i Satisfied ^Itirffjasres Manhattan fTH ST. 419 Barnet Klar A Morrt? JfljgL, r.v.t...... ., - :? b??. ally, s H H ' BroarBW. ???, . .jjfi CHERRY ST -- ft ^''^if r 64 S fo i- vf .- of 234 M roe si i e s^fe, ;? I u IPS 4 t ? ??;. ? ' . - ' * }?, C f I -'??? ? ^^i :^i ''"wb*J r t A ! to :-,,.--, bUlid tig?, <<<'.'*-', . Mi .x & t\. to , . k * ?? t:?W - ?-I ??? ."?i? 10! i'" BT 234 E; Tereaa A GerardoJ**??* rt * 1 i K lOSth st atty. <:? Hi fgotl Fob 2S I.'',-' ST sa ?' I w amateniam av "??".rf i - r* ? Pauli Klein to East RI? ?*'.^)? j atO Ijwvrr* T * 1 , ? .. ; Maj 31. . ",v? I** - for Sav 1 CHj ol Pie? V le aU?. T u ?'i1-* ray; May 20 1W5 . ?? , , ISIS P ST, n t. 175 ? Amsterdam av, 100 '.it ? 25i n 5j m I?5i n i " ?? ????am to n ? street v ? 178 v '"? - ,Kx; -w r.!* Co, T< lln?iiiray, to Barauel Wacht. j\^tc Hide Drive, atty. Samuel Wacht. Jr. ?? b"TjjH? . 1915. ?' Satisfied Mechanics' lie* Manhattan tf V.II.I.HM ST. ?S; e'lt.i Malamein Co, ?gyj Fred B, Jennings, el al: Dee ><?? ""'" Brons . , PALISADE AV. 1621; Ttvornaa T H^^?J ?utana He Bobula ?t all Teb a, ?IS??*