Newspaper Page Text
Heartless, Says Allen of Army's Casualty Delav Kin Should Have Been INoti fied of Deaths Within Ten Dav?. Declares Kausiu Repriniandod by Colonel Forbiddcn, as Y. M. C. A. Worker. to Inform Sol? diers" Relatives of Wounds By Throdore M. Knappen New York Tribunt Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.? "The disre gard of the rights of the kin of killed and wounded soldiers was the most heartless thir.g I have ever seen," Gov? ernor Henry J. Allen of Kansas told the Senate Military Affairs Committee to-day, in explaining why casualty re? ports were so much delayed. High officers had informed him, Ue said, that full reports of all casualties should have been available within ten days after a heavy action, whereas they actually were delayed, so far as infor? mation to relatives was concerned, as rauch as six weeks and even longer. The delays were due to a heaplng up of red tape that was so complex and useless that it appeared that it could only have been arranged for the pur? pose of causing delay. As illustrating how the devotion to form and routine enslaves and biasaes the military mind, Governor Allen told how he had been reprimanded by Colo? nel Davis, the adjutant at General Pershing's headquarters, for giving in? formation, as a Red Cross agent, to a mother in Selma, Ala., that her son was killed and buried six weeks before the War Department notified her. Colonel Davis was not concerned about the suspense this mother had been saved or about the suspense and anxiety of other mothers. All that wor ried him was that the army had been put in a bad light in the Selma district by the knowledge that the Red Cross had reported a death six weeks before the army had got around to it. Such a course, the colonel explained naTvely, had a very bad effect on the reputation of the army. As a means of preventing any more bad effect? of this kind, instructions were issued forbidding the Red Cross to report deaths or wounds or com municate with relatives until after the ".ames had appeared on the casualty list at headquarters. Previous to thi.s time the Red Cross had been organ izing and had begun to operate "one of the finest conceptions" of the war to give relatives news of their soldiers in France, especially attending to cases of :.T\qu\ries from home in regard to sol? diers viho had not been heard of for such a length of time as to arouse ap prehensiov.. and to report tenderly to tbe home folk regarding the wounded and thc dead. The next step, the Governor said, *as to permit the Red Cross to report to the home head office, but to require '.he latter to wait until the casualty lists werc ready before making any re? port. Two weeks after the armistice '.he TV'ar Department gave the Red t'ross freedom of action. Col. Davis's Reply In explaining to Colonel Davis what the Red Cros3 was doing in this way and was pianning to do, Governor Al ?en pointed out that it was the same thtng that the British army organiza? tion did itcelf. Colonel Davis's answer *as: "Just because one army wears red pints ia no reacon why another one Aould." The pcculiar facility of the repre? sentatives of a business nation to bun '??: the simple routine business of the wnjy, uch a^ reporting casualties promptly, wa3 manifest also m the Jrmy postal arrnagements. Owing, probably, to some red tape tegolation. which he was unable to ex Plafo in any ;.... Governor Allen said ?usands of lettera addressed to 'oldiers were returned to the senders ??' the addi - ees happened to be in Bospita] ? ?. : . of with their unit "^ t! -? ; reached France, even Transports Due Here To-day and To-morrow Arrlved To-day The Woonsocket, from Bordeaux January 27, with 1 officer nnd 20 men of Detachment Casual Company, 17 from illncss. Tho Cnnopic, from Brest Febru? ary 8. with -l.Tol officers and men, These include the 134th Infantry Field and Staff Headquarters and Machine Gun Company, Medical De tachment, and 173 casual officers. She is expected to dock at Pier 61, North River. this afternoon. The Ortega, from Brest February 7. with 1,229 men. including 101st In? fantry Supply Company, Medical De? tachment. Detachment of Machine Gun Company; four casual com? panies; 46 casual officers and casual detachment of marines. Dock at Pier 42, North River. The HendersoT., from Bordeaux February 3. wjih 1.272 men. is ex pectcd to dock to-day at 1 p. m. at Pier 2, Hoboken. iier troops in? clude 17 Bordeaux Convalescent De? tachments, consisting of "7 officers and 1,126 men; one Medical Detach? ment and 1 casual company of sick and wounded men. I.a Touraine, the French liner, from Havre February 9, is expected to dock this forenoon at Pier 57. North River, Manhattan. She has on board 014 men, including the Headquarters of thc 2d Army Corps; Headquarters troop of the 2d Army Corps; an advance detachment of the 27th Division and a detachment of the 412th Telegraph Battalion. The Malden. from St. Nazaire February 5, is bringing over 27 cas auls, 17 being officers. Due To-?norrow The President Grant, from Brest February S, with 1,761 men, including 184 Infantry Brigade Headquarters; 164th Infantry, 162d Infantry Supply Company; 76 casual officers; 0 Brest Convalescent Detachments. Dock at Pier 5, Hoboken. Wilhelmina, from Bordeaux Febru? ary 11, with 1,711 men. including 17 Bordeaux Convalescent Detach? ments, 83 officers and 1,378 men; Evacuation Ambulance Company No. 80, New York; Company M, 345th Infantry (New York); detachment of Casual Company No. 54 (Pennsyl? vania). The Pueblo, from Brest February 9. with 1,520 men, including Company I. 101st Infantry; Companies L and M, Detachment Company D and Medical Detachment 162d Infantry and two casual companies. The St. Louis, from Brest Febru? ary 8. with 1,338 men, including Compnnies E, F and G, 161st In? fantry; two casual companies and 20 casual officers. The Heredia. from St. Nazaire February 4, with 91 men, including detachments of Base Hospitals No. 15, 18 and 66. though thc postal authorities knew the precise address of thc invalids. In support of this statement, the Governor produced a number of re? turned letters with the original envelop on which were notations to tbe effect that the man was sick. In some in stances the notation even gave the number of the ward and the name of the hospital. showing that, even where the addresscs were known to the pos tal authorities, they had returned the letters, instead of forwarding them to the new locations. U. S. Soldiers Discouraged In concluding his discussion of these matters, Governor Allen said that everything was permitted to happen to an American soldier to discourage and demoralize him that could happen, and the result was that the members of n vicrcrious army were returning home sore and sullen and without any of the glad elatiou of victora in a noble cause. Regarding the battle of the Argonne Governor Allen covered substantially the same ground to-day that he did before the House Rules Committee ; yesterday, and his testimony regarding j the all-around lack of military ma chines and material in the Argonne. which resulted in infantry unaided j fighting and conquering not only op- ' posing infantry, but artillery, machine guns, gas; and airplanes, aroused a lively discussion among members of the committee as to who was to blame- the War Department, General Pershing and officers or nothing but the ex igencies of the war. Senator Kirby thought the answer to Governor Allen's criticisms was that, after all, the Amer icans won the battle of the Argonne and that was what they were there to do. Incidentally, Senator Kirby asked Governor Allen. as a Y. M. C. A. work er. what he had to say about universal complainta regarding the shortcomings of the Y. M. C. A. Cause of "Y" Complaints The Governor said these complaints were'due to the fact, cbiefly, that the Y. M. C. A. had neen asked by the army to run the post canteens, and was therefore the only one of the auxiliary organizations that had anything to sell. It had then made the foolish mistake of charging 10 per cent more for what it sold than the commissary did in order to offset. the transportation charges it had to pay, as against the commissary's free transportation, but later it bad abandoned this practicc. "The highly organized inefficiency of the whole situation," was Governor Allen's brief and biting explanation of the facts that the 35th Division fought in the Argonne without adequate artil? lery, without airplanes, without hand grenades, without revolvers, without Continuing FINAL CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL OUR MAUFACTURED FURS BEFORE STOCK TAKING At 20% to 40% Off AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE RELIABLE FURS AT LOWEST PRICES J <7urners ^ 384 Fifth Avenue Between Telephone -5th & 36th Sts. 2044 Greeley overcoats, without blankcts, without kitchens, without food. without. ambu? lances, without litters and with its own artillery shelling them instead of thc enemy. "I would not say thev are good sol? diers," said ;t French officer, comment ing on this achicvement, "hut they are magnificent fighters. If the French army had fought as ihe Amei dcani fougbt in the Argonne there would not havo been a Fn nch soldier alive nt the' end of thc first year of thc WUr." But Little Conmlaint The men who performcd these prodi gies made but little complaint of their unnecessary hardshipg and sufferings, though some of thc wounded lay in the inud without even a blanket or an overcoat for as much as sixty hours. One such victim, who lost'both feet and a hand in consequence of the ex posurc and delay before his wounds were dressed, personally had been known to Governor Allen as thc great? est "grouchcr" in his regment about little matters. such as inability to get more than one package of cigarettes or more than a bar of chocolate from thc }. M. C. A. Finding the wounded man suffering without complaint, Gov? ernor Allen reminded him of his for? mer notorious faultfinding over triflcs, whereupon the soldier snappcd: "Say, what in hell is tho matter with the Y. ..M. C. A.?" Governor Allen paid his respects to Colonel R. G. Peek, inspector general, for criticising the 35th Division sol? diers because they presented a sloppy, unbuttoned and buttonless appear ancc just after the hell of the Ar? gonne, in which they had lost 50 per cent of their effectives and into which they had been sent without sufficient clothing. "These troops," said Colonel Peek of the men who had with nothing but nfles and bayonets stormed the Ar? gonne, which had been deemed impreg nable for three years, "have all the earmarks of National Guard regiments, which they are." Lieutenant Jones Gets Enright fiO. K.' On Retirement Veteran Policeman's Long Fight Won When Court Is^nes Contcmpt W r i t Against His Siiperior Police Commissioner Enright finally retired Lieutenant William A. Jones yesterday on half pay, $2,225 a year. Enright. acted in time to escape court contempt proceedings. For months he had refused to retire the lieutenant, in spite of the fact police surgeons had declared him physically unfit for duty. Lieutenant Jones last night advanced two possible reasons for Commissioner Enright's treatment of him. One was his opposition to Enright's reelection as hcad of the Police Lieu tenants' Association in 1915. Enright had held the position many years, and Jones led a hlibustcr against his re? election. However, Enright won the election. The other concerns Detective Irving: O'Hara, who is Mayor Hylan's brother in-law. When Jones was in charge of thc Ninth Branch Detective Bureau : in Brooklyn, detectives made an im? portant arrest one day. Jones said O'Hara, although he had had nothing to do with the arrest, tried to induco I Jones to make the record read so he would be given part of the credit. Jones fiatly refused. The detectives I he did credit with the arvest were of ficially commended. Jones Mad??Long Fight Jones had to fight many months for hiB retirement. After Enright refused tc retire him he appealed to the courts. In the Brooklyn Supreme Court he won a mandamus writ ordering Enright to retire him. Enright appealed to the Appellate Division, but 1 o^t. Enright formally sanctioned thc retirement when Jones secured from the Brooklyn court an order requiring Enright to show cause why hc should not bc ad judged in contempt. "In my thirty-two years in the Po? lice Department," said Jones last night, "I have never known of a man so humiliated as 1 have been. Policemen suspended under serious charges were never compelled to report. daily at Headquarters." Made to Report Daily Since last June Enright has com? pelled Jones, who has been on sick leave, to report daily to the police sur geon at Headquarters. Jones's home, at 1400 Katonah Avenue, is fifteen miles from Headquarters. It took the man whom two boards of police sur? geons had certified was suffering from paralysis, one hour and a half to got. to Headquarters a similar time to ra turn, and frequently he was kept wait? ing an hour or so before he could go through the formal ity of "reporting" to the surgeon. One of Enright's stated object ions to retiring Jones was that the Lieutenant intended to engage in private businesH. One of the sixty-nine policemen retired since Enright has been in office was Detective E. II. Waldron, who now con ducts a private detective agoncy. Dur? ing Jones's thirty-two year serviee he made some of the most important ar? rests in the department's history. Wal? dron was retired on full pay.' Jones got only half-pay when he finally was retired. Bill Provides Raise For I 7,000 Teachers Will Mean $6,400,000 Increase in City's Annual Buriget if Passed New Yorl. Tribune Sta (( Correspondenee ALBANY, Feb. 18. A flat increase I of 40 per cent in salary for the 17,000 elementary school teachers in New York City is provided in a bill intro- ' duced to-day by Senator Salvatore A. Cotillo. It applics to all tenchern, men nnd women alike, from tbe klndor trartcn through to thc ninth grade. Senator Cotillo ways the bill will mean an increase of more than $6,400,000 annually in the city's budget, "This. bill," aaid Senator Cotillo. "will help to relieve the situation m New Yon which hns worried the edu cationai authorities for months. There l? at present a shortage or one thou? sand teachers, nnd tho children are huddled in congcated classrooms or ire turned loosc In the streets. As "early nil of these children are either foreign born or of foreign parontage, the Bcriousncss of the Situation, look ing at It frorn nn Americanization problem, is obvious." The salary of all teachers for tho irst year of serviee ia set nt $1,260. II, a nov/ $900. .'More Ships to Carry Fooil WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. Nine more iteamcrs were ullolted lo the European ?ivillnii rollef committee by tho Ship dng Board to-duy, making the total loadwelght shipping tonnugc aunigned o that Bcrvici 882,000. WASHINGTON, Fcb. IS. Legisia tion providing for a temporary mili? tary establishment of about 540,000 officers and men during the fiscal year beginning next July 1 was climintited from the annual army appropriation bill to-night in the House after passage of the Senate bill for resump? tion of voluntary enlistments in the | peace time army. which would be re I stricted to the maximum of 175,000 j men authorized in the national de i fence act of 1910. Thc Senate measure nov. goes to con I ference, and will become effective upon ! its approval by President Wilson. The ? army appropriation bill also was ; ndoptcd by the House without a rec- ' . ord vote, and now goes to the Senate. with its completion there at this ses j sion regarded by many leaders as doubtful. It carries a total of $11, 070,000,1)00 for the War Department for the twelve months after June 30. It was explained by members of the House that the Senate bill did not. af fect the present wnr-time army, which. under the selective service act, must be demobilizcd within four months ; after peace is formally declared by j Presidential proclamation. The deci | sion of the House to considcr the Sen- [ \ ate measure was by a vote ol" 172 i to 162, Senate Measure Right oi Way | Chairman Dent, by direction of the ! House Military Committee, had asked : for a rule to make the temporary ; army legislation in the regular ap- ? ; propriation bill in order, but the Rules ! j Committee took no formal action on I the request. Instead it, voted, seven : to live, to renort u resolution giving | the Senate measure the right of way. : Ten Republicans joined with 102 Democrats in voting for the resolution in the House. after u sharp debate. ; Before adopting the Senate bill the House amended it so as to provide that , recruits should be enrolled in the regular army for only one year with ? out further service in the reserve. Their pay was fixed bv another amend ment at $30 a month, the war-time basis in the army. No Opposition (o Reeruiting Bill Republican Leader Mann, in explain? ing the votes of 155 Republicans against. adopting the rule to consider ?hc Senate bill. said the opposition was not against the bill, but was a protest against. the failure to considcr a tem? porary programmc that would enable the quicker return of troops from Europe. The reeruiting bill itself final ly was adopted withoua a dissenting vote. "If the Democrats," said Mr. Mann. "refuse to let thc House consider legis- . lation that will bring drafted men home thc responsibility is with the Democrats. The responsibility for such b condition will hc with a Demo cratic Administration under legislation of the Democratic majority and against which Republicans protested." Mr. Mann's declaration brought sharp retorts from the Democratic side. Rep- : resentativc Humphreys, of Mississippi, | declared that "no demagogy can make thc boys in France believe we are try? ing to keep them there." Applaud Small Army Plea His declaration for a small army was vigorously applauded by the Democrats, as iva; also his assertion that the soldiers should not be held abroad for police duty. "A good deal of political camouflage is being indulged in here," said Repre- I sentative Gordon, of Ohio, Democrat. j "This legislation has nothing to do with bringing the men back. Xo one ever suggested that. any one of the proposed army of a half miTlion was to go to France. Such talk' is political material to meet the exigencics of the occasion. 'lhe War Department is re turning ihe men as fast as, it can find shipping for them." When the rule was being debate i Mr. Mann predicted that. it would not be possible to enlist 175,000 men if "they were to be tieel to th" army for ieven years," three years' active ser? vice and four in the reserve. Such a plan, he declared. would lead to the Presidenl declaring that. the emergency for the conscript army still existed, so America mitjht do its part in polic? ing Europe. "Vou will. under such a plan. bc re drafting men against their will," hc declared. Other Republicans expressed similar views, and urged that the House be pcrmitted to consider thc larger army proposal. Rider Legislation Droopcd After disposal of Cv reeruiting law the House rcsumed work ou the army appropriation measure, which had beeii dulayed by other business since last Saturday. Ali rider legislation in thc bill wns quickly eliminatecj on points of order. First, thc Military Com mittee's pro,!)o lal For thc temporary arnr, of 28,579 oilicei. aiul 509,909 men, was strickcn from the bill, and immodiately ufterward thc legislativc provision revoking the authority of lhe President under the Overman act to consolidate or creato new bureaus ?i. the War Departmcnl was elimi nuted. A point of order by Representative Madden, of Illinois, against another legislativc rider, prohibiting thc wcar ing of service chevrons, also was sus tained. After disposal of the legislative riders. the House turned to the ap propriations carried for thc Military Air Service. which bad been tempo rarily deferrcd i'or consideration. An appropriation of $15,000,000 for this service, without at,;.' specific amount for production, was quickly passed, and thc House thcn procccded with a final vote on thc measure. State Commission for Harlem Canal Proposed Slaff Corresondence ALBANY*, Feb, IS. In order t.o Btraighten, deepen and widen the Hnr 1cm Ship Canal from the Hudson to the East River, r bill has been introduced by Senator Edward J. Dowling, of Xew York, providing for n commission of three to work in conjunction with thc Wnr Department, The commission is to consist of thc Stat'' Engineer, tho State Commissioner of Public Works and tho New York Dock Commissioner, They are to serve wit hout pay. "Thi' work will not cost the State ' of New York one cent," said Senator j Dowling. "Congress-, in 1915, appro priated $1,000,000 for this work, but it could not bc used, as there was then io I a'<- nut horit v clol hed v, ith all thi .???? iiry powers. I'hc compiction of 'Ic work will Ic another step forwurd ii making New York one of tho great I ports m th" world." j Large Army Plan Dropped; n: Amit Amendment lo Recruitin" Biil Provides One-Year Enlislmciits at War Pay TlFFANY&CO. FlFT!i AVENUE &.- 37T-S STREET Pearls Diamonds Jewelry Silver Clocks Watches China Stationery Referendum Vote Planned ln "Wets" In Fonrleen States Petitions Already Are Being Circulated in California and Ohio. Says Counsel for Distillers' Association Referendum elections will bo held in fourteen states on tbe Federal pro- ' hibition amendment, Levy Mayer, chief counsel for the Distillers' Associa- j Lion of lhc t nited States, who has ! been engaged to lead the legal fight against prohibition, said here yester? day. Petitions asking for the referendum are already being circulated in Cali? fornia and Ohio, it was learned from another source. Anti-prohibitionists here said they believed at Ieast thir? teen of these fourteen states wil] re ject the amendment and thus defeat national prohibition. They pointed out that if only nine of these states reject prohibition the Federal amend? ment faila of ii.-; required ratification by tbree-fourtha of thc states. "I have not discussed heretofore and u-ill not now discuss any phase of the legal questions involved in the con templated attack on the prohibition amendment," said Mr, Mayer. "The nature of the proceedings to be , begun and the time when and the piace where are an<] wj]] continue to ! be confidential until the suits actually have been instituted. "I have no objection, however. tol clarifying the confusion which seems ! to prevail in some quarters about the '' referendum. There are twenty-two '' 3tates whose constitutions provide for a referendum on all state legislation. In eight of these states the legislatures adjourned three to six months ago. Ihe time for a referendum in those1 . i atv s has expired. ' lu fourteen of those states the leg islatures are still in session. These states are Arkansas, California, Colo- : rado, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Xebraska, Nevada, Xew Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Utah and Washington. In the states just i :imed the constitu- : tions provide th;-. thc petitions for the ret'i rendum 1 ;,-? filed within sixty days or ninety days after the adjournment of the legislatures. 14Bootl<jg Whiskey" Costs $9 a Pint in Charleston CHARLESTON, W. Va., Feb. 18. Since the recent decision of thc Su :>rerme Court of the United States for .ddding the transportation of intoxi :ating liquor into West Virginia. the I oricc ot' "bootleg whiskey" has been from $5 to $9 a pint in Charleston, ?ays Chief of Police William A. Sparks! :hief Sparks added the assertion that ;ho llow of spirits into tbe state has I tot been checked. Home-Comin?* Troops Svno^n by (nsignia Mysterious Designs on Left Sleeve Designate iln> Y;i rious Divisions V. w Yorl Tril . '.!',!,, .,., , I. ...?., WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. EJartial so lution of the mysterious designs that emblazon the left sleeve near th< shoulder of many a returning soldier was made to-day by the War Deparl ment in announcing the Ii I of army divisions that have officially reported the adopv cn oi :,.? .sional -r-.s-s m i a^d nickname 3, _ aThe Rainbow Division, officially icnown as the 12.1, has the familiar red, yellow and blue semi-circle. Thc 28th Division, 01 Pennsylvania National Guardsmen, has the red keystone, The ?51st Division, of Northwest Paciiic Coast state troops, known as tbe Sun set Division, has a design of th" set ting sun. The 88th Division. composed of Illi nois drafted troops, is officially known as the Blackhawk Division, 'and its members wear a red shlebi with a black hawk, inscribed with the letters "B. H." Th." Sandstorm Division, of? ficially the 34th, made up of Middle Western Guardsmen, gcts it* name from the frequency of tandsti 1 the deming. N. M? camp. where t trained. Its insigne of tbe army . .' occupation, regardless of previous divi sional assignments, is a red circle on a blue field. in the centre of which is a white "A." Among the other division* reported to the department ar": Di? vision. Name. Design. 11th Lafayette Hea<" "f Lafayette in circle. ? "12" in red 12th Plymouth Pn >',:':" --"-?"'* I .1-. r ? ai 1 " ?.. gold border. ieltl hapeil pani' oi green upon whi< ii is 1 tth Wolvei ine superimp. iscd a d yellow with hlac ci ntair ing a li I a c i< head of a wolverine. Figure " ? 8" in whit ???. ... ? rimpo <\ "ii green ISth Cacl U3 .-.i." 11- p : .?: ii '. under 1 icl . ?-'?;' N'oli V..- Ton ?.?!??." Conventionaliz d d ? -"s* Dixie i-ign ol ih- letter "D" in brighl red. 79th Non? Graj Lo . ? on blue shield. White disk surround cd by red circle or 84th Lincc n which is Buperimposed "Lincoln St," in blue, and axe head <-f red and blue handle. Transport Hiekman Home With 41 Wounded Men The transport Hickman, from La Pallice, arrived here yesterday with nine convalescent officers and thirty two enlisted men. most of them having Reinald Werrenralh This well-known America.ii baritone makes his debut tonight with the Metropolitan Opera Company Mr. Wcrrenrath makes records for thc Victor Talking Machine Compnny exclusivelj been attached to regiments from Mis? souri. Iowa and Kansas. Among the arrivals was Lieutenant Ralph Somers, of ,!? rsey City, whc re? ceived the Croix de Guerre for his work v- le during ? ons < ha ? ui Thierry. Wl over tlii ?. ?? rman I ics in .'uly '??.'?.'? . att iur Fokkers and gave thi n a h i h ;:?? fight. Hc b r i n | d ar.d dl .: . ay. g p:\ on 1 he ! i ickman were I of Stam '??'- :. Coni . I ei ant Stuart \\ eich, tish Air Force; :? r ? ? . ?' Brooklyn; 1 ieu ? . ? C. !?'. K tuf n.-in, of ' he llth In nd i le !. Gr msley, of thc 1C Infantry. Three Transports Due Here Soon to Bring Only 200 Troops v. i. ' ? ;. T- ' itne IVas/i ington /.'v n .1 ?< WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. Hirec ai ?.? ? wii h ?'? wer than 200 11 aboard arc ? te to New Vork. the : 1 ? -i need to-day. Th ? Tui rialba, ? .1 from I.a ? Ro helle, Febi ua:. 13, \? ?'/ g in New Voi k Februarj 7'.'. - - ninety-six casual i fj :ers as the onlj troop cargo. Included rnnon; cers is Brigadier General William C Da\ ". Fifty-nine casual officers, sick and woui ded. i urses and civilians are iie Carrillo, which is due in Xew York I ebru iry '.'?', from Bor dcaux. whence it ailed February ' 13. Casual company Xo. 105, com ol c and t wenty- four men from N'cw York State, and'three ca ual officers make up the lis1- of troops aboard the ' ransport Yosi which sailed from St. Nazaire Feb? ruary 13. lt will dock in Xew York Februan 27. Clothing's an investment. j so why not buy the kind you can bank on. You get jrour "interest" in the wear. As for security?money hack, any old time, if you want it. ! Rain or shine ""Scotch j Mists" are fine. Overcoats j of Scottish cheviots, rain proofed. -;.'?" ilcrcd ' l lloGEKS Peet Company Broadway Broadway !i at 13th St. "Four at 34th St. i{ Convenient Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave. ' at Warren at 41st St. f 4\ Htrmld Square, Broad*-*y. 34th to SSth St He Sell Dependable Merchandise at Prices Lower Than Any Other SiSre. but for Cash Only Store opens 9:00 A. M. and closes 5:30 P. M. | Pols and Pans! 1 To say nothing of roll 1 ing pins, clothes bask | ets, wash boilers, per f. colators, casseroles, I tpwel bars, cloth venti lators, china, cut ^lass, earthenware well, in fact everything hut the kitchen sink is included in this H 4 j. Semi-Annual Sale of House furnishings WHICH HAS ECON OMY l [?. DOWN, BACKWARDS, IOK VV \RDS AND THROUGH THE MIDDLE Ol" IT, from the 9c paring knife to the $31."i c' refrij ei atoi. IT HAPPENS li ST TWICE EACH YE \R this sale, and, judging from thc way ir is at? tended, almost half thc housewives in New Vork seem to wait for ir. It popularity i> just an in? dex to its ser\ ice. The Fact That It ill Takes Piace in the Basement '?? iust anothei proof oi that famous epigram about folks finding their way to a good thing if it was made in the heart of the woods and the\ '"?'(I to blaze a trai] to it. ()f course, we musl he brief here?but the sale itself is anything but brief. I II | I I I 1 .i 1 I m 3 ??? Wooden Wares KITCHEN TABLE clear ash wood, varnishcd ?' '"ie and rounded < ornei 3. Size Oriff. 22x28 in., plain $3.96 $2.93 22x28 in., drawer 4.81 3.89 STEPLADDER CHAIR ?hardwood, varnished Was $2.32 Sale $1.84 PASTRY BOARDS : i IVai Sale Size 14x20 in. 51c 37c Size 20x27 in. 89c 64c White Enameled Ware BREAD AND CAKE BOX. of extra heavy tin. top and tray inside $2.44 SQUARE BOX FOR BREAD, extra heavy tin . nd white enameled $1.64 '??? : The -Red Star" Refrigerator, $31.75 Golden oak (ase, white en amel provision compartment, felt insulation with water proof w,'. ering. Racks, waste pipe and shelves are remov able for cleaning; 35 inches wide, 2.^* 2 inches deep, 46 inches high. Ice capacity, i 50 pound-. Bathroom Fixtures TOWEL BARS Size ^8xl8 SS, Size Y&x2A $1.08 Size ?x30 1.31 Size ? s\.-!ii 1.53 Soap and Sponge Holder 2.4? Toilet Paper Holder Eumbler Holder Soap and Tumblcr Holder $2.66 Soap Holder 79c Nickel Hooks 23c to 33c Wall Soap Dish $1.4) B rush and Tumbler Holder $1.06 Bath Tub Seat $1.12 Combination Double Tum? blcr Holder and Soap IK'' $3.41 ,3 1'.isriiwnl. SSth Mrrrl. i