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paris Roused Over Germany V Greed in East Council of Ten Disagrees on I'lan *? Chcck Foc"s Vpparcnt Dcsire to Re coup Its Losses in Poland Krench to Leacl Troops Bounclary Lines Remaiii UufixecT, but Soldiert* Are To Be Sent Soon New York '."'?'??oe Special Cablc Serviee PARIS, March 22.- The council of ten fruitlessly discussed the Polish question to-day, and it grows clearer from the German attitude regarding Poland, a? indicatcd by the breaking off of the Poscn negotiations, that. the Gormans believe that while they lost ?iic war on the Western front they have gaincd in the East. The military party obstinately clings to this view, and there are many indi cations that orders of the Weimar gov rrnment will receive little obediencc. The council to-day arrange for the dis pstch of the iir-t contingent of Polish troops, which tncludes an appreciable :.umber of Frcnch officers, but this was :hc cniy decision reached. Tlie whole question of Polish boun (Uries is stiil in abeyance, waiting for the commission report, which has been referred back again. the commission having stated it was unabe to sce a reason for a changc. The chief point at issue is the- giivng of Danzig to Po? land, which would bring within imme iliatr. occupation the railway running from Danzig into Poland. There is a note of gloomy unbeiief struck in an article signed by Charles -ajrlio, which appears in "L'Oeuvre" iuul is captioncd "To Remake the V.'orld :n Fifteen Days." LSaglio in a general review of the work of the Council of Ten says the iicads of the allied governments con stitutcd theraselves directors of the ncople of the world, thus undertaking respon-ibilities the more heavy since rhey were assumed without consulta tions with nor mandates from the par liaments. "Surprised in Xovember. 1918, by victory which military authorities had not anticipated before the spring oi 1919. the victorious nations had no gen? eral plan when tirst gathered arounc the grecn table at the Quai d'Orsay and in the main each brought to the conference his personal views and th? especial interests of his nation. "Russian afl'airs are more obscurc and dangerous han ever. In Ukraiiu the Allied delegation is unable even tc make the Ukrainians listen and we dc not even know whether we can sem troops into Danzig. In Turkey nothing has been decided regarding Syria. Ar menia or the claims of the Greeks while the fate of Constantinople is stil a big interrogation point. The realn of the Serbs. Croats and Slovenes have not been ofrici^lly recognized, save by the United States. and the conflict be jfeen Ronie and Belgrade grows stead ily worse." Saglio declares that the public woulc bo less concerned with the lack of suc ccss in these matters if it could fee that the conference had clear view; and firm resolutions regarding th< morc immediate war questions. -a Yiciina Tells Karl to Go COPENHAGEX, March 22.?Thi Vienna government has once mor< notitied cx-P^mporcr Charles that it i: (lesirabic that he quit the country, bu no presure has been brought to bea To force him to leave, according t( telegram:; received here from the Aus trian capital. It is declared that thi maintenance of a court at Eckartsau which it has been said ex-Empore Chp.rler, would hold. is contrary to th' new constitution adopted by the N'a tional Assembly. Some commentators insist that th former Emperor convert his renuncia tion of the thronc last Xovember int< jjn abdication for himself and th house of Hapsburg. Block of Nelson's Ship Given to Admiral Sim LOXDOX, March 22.? Admiral W. S Sims was the guest of the Pilgrim; Club at a dinner last night, and as Wuvenir of the cccasion was presente ? larcc block of oak from Xelson' nagship Victory, with an inscrintion o a stlver nliUe. Sir Harry Britain presided an ?M>eaker Lowther of the House of Com mons proposed the health of the gues of honor, this bcing aieconded by Ad miral Sir Rosalyn Wemysa. Admirs ???, in a brief addrcss, snoke of th closc cooperation which has obtaine octwecn the two navies and remarkc WOn the ?reat hospitality extende Amcrican naval men by the Britis people. Returncd Soldiers Say Y. M. C A. Did Good Worl LOUISVILLE, Ky.. March 13.?Ar Wering criticiams of Y. M. C. A. wor ?*??eaa. Dr. E. Y. Mullins, president c Wf Southern Baptiat Thcological Seir n*ry, Louigville, presentcd at the ar "ual^ banquot of the Kcntucky Stat '? -'i. ('.. A. here a resume of 200 quef -loiinaires from overseas soldiers d( raobih/cd at Camp Zachary Taylo J"? J'undrcd and eighty commende aad twenty eritteiaed the work. i he testimony came, Dr. Mullins sa'n trVn , *cn*??l rtin of men, and nc ?rorn at-lected persons. All had sce ?uTn'T' /7vicf'- ?n<l ? goodly propoi fr?L It ?,cen ,n n??Tly every sccrtc ,i,,t , JWflati coast around to Ve: ,)u" and the Argonnc. French Gain in yuclling Moroecan Revoliition ! Kaihvays and Roads Being Built lp to Encircle the Rehel Forces PARIS, March 22.- Several months ago a rebellion hroke out in the Ziz and Taifalet regions of Southcrn Mo- ' rocco and a eonsiderablo military cf- I fort has been under way by the French to check it. Progress la bcing made daily as clescribed by the correspond? ent of '?Tho Temps ' at Rabat, on the Moroecan coast. in a dispatch to this newspaper embodying an interview with General Lyautey, the French commander in Morocco. ''The situation has improved," said General Lyautey, ''but much remains to be done by otir troops, among whom I have just spent three Weeks. They will devote themselves to it3 accom plishment with all their might." The general told of the hastening of the work on railway construction which was necessary to keep up com munications, New automobile road- , ways have been built and the process of encircling an important section of the rebel forces has been carried well toward completion. -? . British P u b 1 i c Asks Steam Heat Replace A r c h a i c Fireplaee English System Declared Ad mirable Inventioii From Every Aspeet Except That of Utility and Economy LONDON, Fcb. 26 (Correspondence of The Associated Press)f? The govern ment plan to build 300,000 houses for workmen within the ncxt few years ap parently has aroused the British pub lic to demand abolition of the archaic English fircplace, and substitution of the American steam heating system for homes. The demand is voiced by numerous contributors to the London newspapers. "If I had my way I would at oncc send a commission of British archi tects to America and Canada to learn there the elements of the business of building houses and equipping them," ueclares one writer. "One fundamental defect runs through practically all British houses i of whatevcr grado," he continues. ' "They depend for their heating on I fires. Xow the English fire is an ad | mirable inveution from every aspeet j except that of utility and cleanliness. !t is cheerful, companionable, soporific, sentimental?an altogethcr delightful thing to have in a room. It has, how evcr, two vital drawbacks, it does not heat and it is abominably dirty. "I mean that it does not heat prop i erly. Its radius is so limited that qver half an average English drawing room ; is not used in wintcr time. To move tv.elve feet away from the fireplace is to leave the Tropic of Capricorn and 1 cnter the Arctic Circle, while as for sitting comforlably near the window, : the thing is ihconceivable. Does Work Poorly "In the second place, even within its meagre radius, a fire never does its work thoroughly. It never warms you 1 all over. One side is grilled, the other 1 is underdono. Your face is aglow, ; your back a ripple of iciclos." The writer called attention to the acknowledged fact that in spite of the labor of carrying coal for gratc fires fully 80 per cent of the heat is wasted going up the chimney. "Could any thing be more barbarous. , more expensive or more inefficient.'." asks the writer. ">.'e shall never have cither sanity or comfort in our homej until we adopt the central heating sys? tem (3team or hot air furnaces), spread warmth throughout the house, not in patches. and burn wood on the heartr _ j to supply the element of cheerfulnes; ' ! with a minimum of trouble and dust.' -? ! j New Powerful Liquid Fuel Developed for Airplanes WASHINGTON, March 12?Develop s ; ment too late for use in the war o: l a motor fuel which adds ten miles ai , I hour to the speed of airplanes and ha; ? ! possibilities for use in automobib racing was announced to-day by the ? Bureau of Mines. The liquid, a c'ombi " : nation of benzol and cyclohexane callec J j hectar, costs about $1 a' gallon, se '-> while of military value it is not re garded as practical for commercia , purposes at present. Another combination of benzol ant ' gasolene has been found to be mon 'jpowerful than gasolene alone, and ii . expected to prove of value in industry j F6r Active Feet ; The comfort that comes of cor t rcctly elesigned shoes cannot be described?it must be fcll. The most impressivc tributc to Pediforme Shoes is expressed in the high type of people who wear ' them year aftcr year?and will have no other. ^ They have learned that the Pedi? forme scientifk design commands perfect comfort and foot hcalth e with no sacrifice of style. For men, wnmen and childreji at the pricc of ordinary shoes. ? SHOE Co * 36 Wcst Thirty-Sixth Street Put Your Furs Away In Cold Storage. Their safety will be guaranteed agairnt damage by moth and fire and their appearance greatiy improved. Competent lurriers In charge. Pe J?airs madc on order. Telephone Murray llill 5 888 and a wagon wiil call. _ Hou?ebold Furnitura packed and moved and stored :n fireproof room*. Send for estimatc. Lincoln Safc Deposit Co. 424 Strcet (Ea?l), Opp. Grand CentraJ Termtnal. Americans Put 6Iron HeeF on Defiant Foe Bnrgomaster and President i of Coblenz Latest To Be Held for Court Martial and Possible Execntion Reds To Be Suppressed Vigilance Over Spartacidea Redoublcd and All Will Be Rnthlessly Suppressed By Wilbur Forrest New York 'fribwne Special Cablc Se.rvice H'opjutiii!. 1919. N?tr Yoil; Trtbune Iiic.j COBLEXZ, March 19. The Ameri can military authoritics to-day arrest cd Hcrr Jansen, burgoniaste'r of Cob lcnz, and also Herr Jur<jensen, ncting president. of Coblenz, "for neglect and refusal to obey a requisition made by the American authoritics." Both were held. for trial before a military c'om missicjn, which, under the law, is em poweied to impose any pcnalty, includ ing that of death. The requisition in question was a demand for 300 laborers for work on roads ncar Bcnsdorf. The technieal clefcnce made by the accuscd was that' the reqursition was not made out in proper form'and without respect to the dignity of the German officials con cerned. To-day's defiance o.' American mili? tary law by leading officials was the most flagrant of a series of misdemoan o'rs. Thefts, violations of liqupr regu lations and failure to observe' the mili? tary law by German civilians gafierally during the last three weeks are some of the things charged against the Ger mans by the American authorities. Becoming Openly Defiant Since the beginning oT March the Germans seem to hav? discarded the thin veneer of obedience and docilitv so evident at the beginning of our oc cupation and are now becoming more and more openly defiant. In the week onding March 1 there were 179 provosi court trials to deal with enemy offenders. In the week end ing March'8 .there were rJOJ trials and in the week ertdiriir March 15 the num? ber rose to ;17?. showing, as The Trib? une correspondent. pointed out a f'ort night ago, that rhe Germans now are i eognizant of the failure of their cam paign of pretended love for the Ameri? cans, dexignod to get lightcr peacu terms and abundant food and even to drive a wedse between ourselvcs and our Allics, aud are beginning to allow their real feelings to come to tne sur This is equally nianifcsted by the first encounter between American soldiers and German civilians. which occurrcd a few days ago. In the tria! of Jansen and Jurgen scn the military authorities will cite interesting precedents, including the shooting of French and Belgian ci? vilians for the slightest infractions of German military laws during the Ger? man occupation of those territorics. Likewise. these German dignkaries. who violate-our laws so lightly, will be forced to listen to an exact par ; allel of their case occurring in 1870, : when the German army requisitioned 500 laborers^from the French city of The Mayor of Xancy refused to dc liycr the workmen. The. Germans (^rupx/icd <and svp/iydaced) TRUETO HERSUPERIORREPUTATION! FORTHE-DESIGN1NG OF THOROUCHLY wTSARABLE CLOTHES, HAS FURN1SHED A NEW KEYNOTE FOR TAILORED AFMRElT (fORMERIY MTH PREMEt) HAS WON INSTANTANEOUS FAME FOR HER WONDERFUL. DRESSES AND CONTRIBUTES HER BEST. Lanvtn (DESNJNER OFYOlTThTPLNODEL?) HAS SENT US THE. ?MARTEST OF HER INGENUE DESICNS IN FROCKS AND TWO-PIE.CE SUITS. Paquin, Lelong,Doeuillet Orecoll , Agnes .Rolande MARTIAL ARMAND and others have roandcd oiit' Inc xoucchon wiilx Mics cpxatest \of tkei^AucccMed, uiiid makinq tnid .^~*> ft+Kc&cntatioi i 4u om pr+odttctw'C, AofxnduKdaal app^al'.tncux .a/uj ,em?/K' xutthentic Anawwg. cj itt> Jiuvd. ***' imnicdiately and brutally arrcsted ten ' oi Nancy's leading citizens artd placod them before a firiag squad with.'-Uhe threat. to shoot them unless the yporkmen were forthcpniing within i v.Ovhours. The French Mayor, to save his.xomnatriots. comnleted the reqiiisi tion. . Though the American requisi demanded 300 workmen on Mon day it is not yet complied with. rh'e penalty to be imposed on these "all^highest" violators of ';American j military law will be intorestijjg in the ext&sme. establishing, as we!!'. whether the American military authorities will contmuc their deeent and humanc pol? icy. in the occupied area or' whether the military "iron l.eel" must be put uo'wb! \ "Iron Heel" Is Ukcl\ Grbowing indications poirft'to the ne cessity of the latter, and while pos ?- ibly- the death penalty will. not oe im? posed upon the heads of the Coblcnz government starn punishment may be "xpectod as an oxample for the more humble violators. Qy receipt of reports that a nul (n wlfi$jGerman strike was bcing planned foiiiflarch 28 the Ameridan authofities iiavc redoubled their vigjlance over Spartacidc agitators known to be hcad cd in this direction. In view of the growing deliancc manifested in the last three weeks every Spartocide suspect in the Rhine land will be ruthlessly suppressed wherever found and the enemy's priv ileges. which have been many so far. are likely to be curtailcd in a'/'grea< dcgree in the immediate future. The military authorities announced to-day that a nortion o~" the 75,000 bottles of and smviggled cognac recently seized in the American area have been used in radiators of army automobilcs to prevent freezjng.i The disposition of the rest has not. yet been rtetermined upon. British Honor \ eterans Tribule to "Conteniptibles" in Firsl Triumphal March l.OXDON. March 22. The first tri? umphal march on a large j:cale of Brit? ish troops who I'oujjht in France aiul Bclgium occurred in I.ondon to-da\. Fourtecn battalions of the Guards, rcprescitatives of al! units of Great Britsin's erack corns. arcompanied by their bands. uroeecdcd from their bar racks to Buckir.gham Palace, whc.rc they were reviewod by King Georgo. The line of march thencc.led through the- main strects of the city. Many of the troops bolonged- to the "Old Contemptibles," and had Fought from Augusl. 1914. France Plans to Spenrl Billion in Battle Area Minister of Public Worke Out lines Codt of Hepair* Needed PARIS. March '22. The,. < xpenditure of more than francs iSF200.000.000' in the reorganization of communicatioh in Xortheasterr. France is planned by Alberl Claveille. Minister of Public Work.-. In a report to P-csident Poincare the Ministcr saya that more than 900,000,000 france should be r.\?K,i>d?>?i or ^ne construction of new nn:n railroad lincs, more than KT,").iMi<i.'fMK) francs for the eonstruclion of local. :ail. . ;? line . more ln:ui :??(.'. 0OQ,0QOaroncs for the rcconstractiofiof watcrwavs. nv-re than 200.UOO.000 fr.r.ic ior hn;ldin<: f.nd reb-iild: >r ''oapS morc than" 600.000.000 for the i?*com .'.luction ; nd improvemcr.t of ninriliui" ?<??':-. : ? m- fighting area of Nortlurn T'rance grrru stretches of railway-Itnea werr de3$royod and must be rctmiU. as must riidW of the tunnela. All loca! ??!'..v lincs have been destroyjed. in ?he -'pgiom- of Rheims and Lr.otfi The canal system in the battlc araa?ilso .< a- iiama"ed eonsiderably. 450 bvidge wtd 111 flpodgatec bcing dcatroyed. The porti of Dunkirk. t alul Bouiognc- vere damaged to the < of 100,000.000 franc--. The lo.-w* In mcchinovv in the ocewpied arca amount ed to more than 160,000,000 francfc/ ReeonstrucQon and improvefnje ..? are bciiv carried out in ?he dopari raejiti of the Sbmme, Aisnc. larn> and Meurth" and Mosclh. During th? war. the Minhter aay?, the varioua armies bnilt more than 1.100 miles of vatlway. ?Milil^^ Ko Cenntc^iin With Any Othsr Esf?blisbmtnf in the World SETWEEN J5ROAOWAY-FIFTH AVENUE. lldillMllllillllltlllHMftl^^ B 5 32 1 fe3 s W THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY TUESDAY APPAREL IN THE ACCEPTED MODES Feaiured in this superh collection of fashionahle outer garments are new inter pretations that meet every need for beauty. indhiduality and style expression. The Values Are Most Exiraordinary NEW TAILORED SUITS ' NTRODUCING new notes that interpret the highest ideats of the niode are the becoming tailor^mades de velopcd either in superior Serge or Poiret Twill. Very Specially Priced, * 7 30.00 RlCQTiNE Suits, portraying a penchant for the unusual in nwdish tailoring and modeled in that unusual grace '.'?"J tvpities the farored voguc. Very Specially Priced, 40.00 TTXQLJISltE conceptions of Spring models, portrayed in I j slender figure lines and crisp freshness of modeling are the new tailored suits of Tricotine, Ser<fe and Poiret Twill. Very Specially Priced, 50.00 to 85.00 Braid Trimmed Tni/leur Stiit of Mamtiih Serjfe With fVai.Ucual r>! Mo'ire Silk, $30:00 */ fit* Titcked Bhiuc Suit nf ' Tricotine, with ii'aistcoat of Silk Trirolcttc, $60.00 EXQUISITE NEW FROCKS T\AINTY Procks of Silk Shaniung and Georgette that re U spond to the demand for simple, slender lines and novel ideas in ornamentation. Frocks of Satin and Tricotine in beautiful tailored distinctiveness. Very Specially Priced, 25.00 J~\ELIGhTFUL originations in Gcor* U gettc and Paulette, that carry with them the distinguishing mark of the new mode in style individu* ality, emphasized by ultimate touches of beading in vivid coloring. Very Specially Priced. 45.00 to 75.00 J~jL DRAPED DOLMANS & CAPES S distinctive as they are charming in style individuality are (he Dolman wrap coats of Tricotine, Cashmere Velour, Tricolette, Sitvertone and Silver Tip Bolivia Cloth. Very Specially Priced, 25.00 35.00 48.50 Rraidcd Suit of Tricotinr, I'caturinf Soxrtty Vuckrd Poikttt and H'distiuat of Mnirrd l^repc dr Chinr, $55i rtpjM^