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3Ket? ?0rH?ribtttte Fim to Last?the fruth: News?Editorlals ?Advertisements Mamber of tho AudK liurrau of ClrculaUotu MONDAY. MARCH 24, 1919 Ownad and publlahed dalljr by New Tork Tribun* Inc. a Near Tork Corporation. (>; im Brld. Prealdent; O. Vernor Bofer-i. V loe - President; IleVn Kogora Held. BetTe (ary; F. A. Sufrr. rre*surer. Aiidmss. Tribune Bullrtlni. 1J4 Naisau SLr?:. New Vork. Telephone. Ueokniui 3000. srBSCSJFTION RATKS~By Mail, Including Fostafe: I.\ TUB CNlTtD STATKS ANO IA.NA.DA. On? Sl* Three Ona Tear. Montlia. Months. Month. I>?l!y and Sunday.$10.00 $5.00 #2.50 $1.00 t'sliy otily. ,v00 4.00 2.00 .75 Sunday only . ;; Oj 1.50 .75 .30 Muidiy OOly, Canada.... 6.00 2 50 1.23 .50 IrORKION KATKS rutly and Sunday.$'24.00 $12.00 $6.00 >!M Dally only . 18.00 9.00 4.50 1.50 Sunday ouJy . S.00 4.00 li.OO .75 Lnl*red at tbe I'eatofflce at New Tork as Second Claes Mail Matter GUARANTEE Yeu can purchase merchandlje advtrtised in THE TRIBUNE with absoiute safety?for If dlssatlsfactlon re (ultj in any case THE TRIBUNE cuarantees to pay your money back i.non request. No red tape. No culbbllng. We make oood promptly If tha advertlier does not. OI* TIIE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tha Associated l'ress is culusirply entitled to tha u?e fec trpublicatlon ot all news dlspatrhea rredltcd, to U or ??? I otherwise i-rrdlted tn this paper and also Uio lo?ai Dcwi of spontaneoca origin publi.ihed bcrcin. All rtfhta c.f, repuulicaUou of all oUier matter hereln me ako tc4cr?ed. A Congress or a Reichstag? Gouverneur Morris, the actual writer of the Constitution, declined writing a history of the instrument, saying it was better to let the text speak for itself. Then he added this reflection: "But, after all, what does it signify that men should have a written constitu? tion, containing unequivocal provisions and limitations? The legislative lion will not be cntangled in thc meshes of a Iogical net. The Legislature will always niako the power it wishes to exercise." Things have not turned out as Gou vcrneur Morris expected. The legisla? tive lion may not be enmeshed in a Iogical net, for logic and the text of the Constitution are with Congress, but it is more and more entangled. 3ack of the present debate looms a supreme internal question?namely, whether our govern? ment is to lose its old character of one of separated powers and to become highly contralizcd, with a President, in effect, a dictator. Washington and Adams scrupulously ngarded the limits of the Constitution. Wnshington nat with thc Senate when foreign rclations were under considera? tion, not only formully asking its con sent but eonsulting it in a very real way. Then, under the leadership of a strong Judge, the juiliciul power began to rise. Vftti??hall lucceufully aeierted thr- right of the Supreme Court, to judge the v?. lidity of every set of Congress. Then the court began to Implnge <ni tho ex ccutlve power. "Thloves of jurlsdlc tlonl" ihoutod the elarmed Jefforson, and Hct up the doctrine iimt each depart? ment, without review, should judgo for itself ita powers under the Constitution. The court drew back and refrained from auerting a power to review Executive acte. Next came Jackson. In tiie Clierokee oaaeB thn court gave a decision ho did not like and he grimly said: "They have their decision; let them enforce it." Tho mild and constitutional Lincoln, although often accuscd of usurpation, left the government, except for an en iargement of the Prcsident's powers us military commander in chief, practically as he received it. Under Cleveland and Roosevelt it bc < amc the practice for a President to have a legislative policy which bc sought to jam through Congress, but there waa no marked departure. If there was any decided change it was in the recrudes cence of the power of the judiciary. The present President came to office with matured ideas touching the preroga tivea of thc Executive. He worked ac? cording to a fixed plan in small mattcrs as well as in big. Executive and legisla? tive power should be, he held, in the same hands to secure an efficient and coordinated government. This integra tion is attained in other countries by the ? abinet system. A committee of the legislature, under the leadership of a prime minister, makes the laws that it enforces. President Wilson saw himself as a prime minister, but without the limits by which a prime minister is bound?that is, without responsibility to a Parliament. A President cannot be voted out, yet the President assumed I that the Executive should enjoy the privileges, while he cscaped thc obliga- j tions, of a prime minister. Ihe purpose to rcduce Congress to practical impotcncy is now concedcd. The White House has sent bowstrings o Congressmen who dared to be inde bndent. One can hear in imagination .tc words of Cromwell, "Sir Harry -v'ane, Sir Harry Vanc, you will rue this day!" Not only have particular districts been told whom to clect, but the whole country has been instructed to lintcn and obey. Thc query has risen in thou ?anda of ininds: "Why Congress at ail, with its great expense?" Republics have gone down in two ways the Athenian way of making life intolerable to thc average man by uni verM] disturbancc and general wrcck ing, a method Russia is now apply ing. The other way is Roman?the way employed by Augustus when hc centrcd all authority in an Impcrator. At Wash? ington there is imitation of Augustus rather than of the Athenian dema gogu-s. Congrcsx is to continuc, but as ft body of autornatons. The undcrtaking rnoves rapidly. A treaty which is not only to end a par? ticular war but to bind the future with respect to most vital political matters M being denigncdly drawn to make ratl tication by the Senate a mere form. The President beernn to propose nothing , other than a seizure of the entire man agement of foreign affairs. The world recently resounded with the demand for democratic control of international affairs. Thc various peo? ples, it was said, through free parlia ments, must be masters in their own households. If we remember aright, it was declared no peace would be made with Germany until her Parliament had power. But alas, complete is the re versal. Germany is to have a Parlia? ment, while we, it would seem, are to have only a Reiehstag. "Just As Good" The plan to abolish conscription in Germany and to limit the future Teuton army to 100,000 long-term volunteers sounds plausible enough. The chief merit of the scheme is that it should prevent Germany from squeezing millions of her young men through the military drilling machine, and from thus accumulating huge reserves of trained soldiers. With thc end of conscription in Germany, other nations would also be released from its burdens. Still, before we start out celebrating the end of German militarism we may do well to weigh what the Germans have to say on the subject. Listen to the military critic of the Vossische Zeitung: "More than ever the foundation of our future army must be our system of edu? cation. . . , This education must be rounded off by a term of national labor service and military training, culminat ing in a series of large military associa tions." . . . Nothing could be more simple. The Allies won't allow Germany to maintain so and so many infantry divisions, cav? alry brigades, field batteries. Germany should worry! She will have a nice round number of rifle clubs, horsemen's associa tions and gunnery circles. Fire depart ments will, in off hours, engage in flam menwerfer practice. Bail games will be supervised by hand grenade experts. Lest the Allies should grow apprehen sive, the Germans may abolish the Mir istry of War and put the whole system under the Ministry of Education or a newly formed Department of Public Pastimes. The General Staff may be re named Special Sunday School Commis? sion or Amateur Chess Players' Soviet. Herr Gothein, member of the National Assembly, clothes the same idea into a more subtle form, as subtlety goes in Germany. Writing in the Bcrliner Tcuje blatt, this gentlcman shuddors at the possibility that the Allies nmy compol Germany to abandon conscription. If that happens. he writes, thc cnormous educatlonal value inherent In conscrip* tion will be lost to the nation. h, that case ft will be Imperatlve to consider what methods can be sub'stltuted, Thus, af? ter food-substitute, wool substitute, con iclencs-substitute Germany i hall havo an army-substltute, Ersatz Armeo sound i ovon better. Herr Gothein'i chlof i. csrn embraosi tho good old Prusslnn iplriti "We ciuui. meaiurcis to pre ?ervs and even heighton In the German people the. sense of order and subordina tion. Neither must physical training ' MnflVr in this respect a term of service ' and exercise will do a lot of good." In other words, let's call tho drill sergeant Ilcn* Professor and leave the rest to him. And when a military expert declares in the Frankfurter Zoitung that the trou? ble with the old system of universal mili? tary service was that it was not univer? sal enough our picture of prescnt-day German anti-militarism becomes all but complete. More than a hundred years ago Scharnhorst applied short-term eon scriptifm to circumvent the limits im posed hy Napoleon on tho numbers of the Prussian army. To-day, when the Allies threaten to Bupprcss conscription, Ger? man inventive gentus is laboring on a new subterfuge. It's the old race be? tween the policeman and the eriminal. The Passing of the Classics Has the war bcaten a tattoo over the grave of the classics? Princeton has abolished Greek as an cntrance require ment and will hereafter insist on only a single year of I.atin in the Bachelor of Arts course. Yale has decided to drop Latin even as an cntrance re quirement. It may be charged that these de partures are only symptoms of the vast intellectual unrest and impulse to in novation excited by the war. Maybe they are, in part. Yet the classicist bat? tle for Creek was lost many years ago. Greek has remained in most college cur ricula merely on tolerance. It was as dead as Sanskrit, so far as its ancient priority as the basis of a "liberal edu? cation" was concerned. Now Latin's status as such a base is being rudcly challenged. Kor Latin it can be said that it is the mother of the languagcs of Western Europe?French, Spanish, Italian nnd our own Norman ized English. Its words live in modified form in our daily speech. What gram mar English retains it owes to Latin. The latter was also for centurics the backbonc of English cducation. Eng? lish scboolboys wrote Latin verses and English oratory was stuffed with Latin quotations. What would the American college up to 1870 have amounted to without its Latin instruction? Yet in this country ?if not equally in England?Latin has remained strangely alien and unassimila ble. It was taught generally not as a real languagc, but as a grammatical mystery. It never got into tho brains or hearts of the learners. Its literary quality evaporated in tho hands of poda gogues who were interested only in its externalities. What American col.ege student ever read Horacc in thc spirit in which thc generation of Augustus read him? Latin was done to death here by pro fessorial textualists and taskmasters. They made it a desiccated knd barren tongue. And what the modern student longs for is not scholasticism, but a liv ing contact with living ideas?the broad ening inspiration which comes from the mastery of an additional form of speech and an understanding of other methods of literary expression. The utilitarian aspeet apart, the American boy finds in a working ac quaintancc with French or Spanish or Italian something which he never found in his unreal acquaintance with Latin. He becomes the proprietor of a new experience?a new vision. Latin will have its mourners. But they will be few. For the study of Latin j in this country has been largely a con ventional obeisance to tradition. It has had no roots in conviction or emotion. And any other roots are easily pulled up. The British Policv Some persons appear to be confuscd over Great Britain's willingness to fol? low President Wilson in his league of tortuosities. Lloyd George early said a league would be valueless if it did not provide for a sanction, yet here he is for a sanctionless one. Two weeks ago the British delegates at Paris held that of course it was practically impossible to tie up the league and the peace, and that obviously peace should be first attended to. Now, on instruction, the delegation is for the incongruous marriage. This changeableness naturally has bred suspicion. The covenant, as every one knows, is chiefly of British origin; is fruit of the labors of Jan Smuts and Robert Cecil; so it is intimated that Great Britain must have matters ar? ranged to her satisfaction. There are elements in this country who excitedly call attention to the guarantee which we are to give to Great Britain of the integ rity of her dominions. The more heated see the United States being reduced to vassalage and fear Brother Jonathan is to play the role of John Bull's private policeman. Are we to foreclose against India and Ireland the hope of independence? Are we to become underwriters of the existent British Empire? The British variability is explicable on other grounds. Great Britain's chief in? terest is in her sea power, which means self-defence to her; is her Monroe Doc? trine. Behind the gray flood she wishes to have her homeland safe and her lines of comniunication unbroken. This essen tial she gained early in the negotiations. President Wilson suddenly discovered that the sea power item of the Fourteen Articles represented a "joke" on him. Having gained recognition of Britain's sea power, British statesmen could well bo complaisant and aecommodating in other matters. And British policy Is based on another deep lylng feeling, For some years it has beon ovldont Lhat Great Britain has been sollcltous to ccmont the two parts of the English speaking policeman, For morly Brltons were derlslvo of America, Suddenly British opinion seemed to roalize It was backlng tho wrong horse ln tho Went,, as Sallsbury said had been dono ln tho Near East. British Btates men think well of France, but they long for a dual alliance with this country. President Wilson came bearing before him the fascos of the consul, nnd no chancea of ofTending America through a difference with him are taken. So Great Britain plays Polonius to President Wilson's Hamlct. When it is said a cloud looks like a camel, she agrecB, and then next moment agreea it looks like a weaael. On thc other hand, France is restive, not, because uninter csted in permanent peace, but. because not yet conccdcd that land protcction against Germany which is the annlogue of Great Britain's sca power. If thi:' is conceded her it is quite possible France will no longer insist on h league with teeth to it ?Will consent to go through thc mum mery of adhesion to another Hague futility and put in eloquent Frenoh a nobly expressed set of resolutions cele brating the advantages of peace. Lo, the Poor Circus! The war has hit no mortal harder than that genius of the far-flung ad jective, the circus poster man. Direct descendant of Homer, this immortal wielder of thc white-keyed typewriter has been easily the best portrayer of unportrayable things our modern society has yielded. His phrases thrust forth each spring like trumpet calls?as clcar and blatant and vivid as crocuses. This spring, alas! what has he to do? Never before has his material been so marvellous, his feat, in itself, apparently so easy. Two Cireuscs rolled in one? the bichotomous adjectives begin to tinkle from his typewriter without a pause. And yet! Who cares! "Colossal" he naturally begins with. But what doe3 such a pctty, commonplace word mean in a world still brcathlcss fron a world war? Colossal, indeed! What are two circuscs, what a dozen circuses, what three rings, or a hundred rings, after that one immortal ring about Cermany, a ring of sixty million fighting men! "A quarter of a million pounds of pachyderms" will positively appear, Well, that is better than nothing. But can they appear flying over Uinna on the top of the (iarden?and loop thc loop? and do a trunk dive? There would bo something worth while. Wo give to our old nnd best love, thc circus, for what it is worth. Surely if ever the circus to day needs the spirit of Barnum at his best. "The flying clephant!" Let the typewriter tick, unreatrained. Nothing would greatly amazo us in print. And once we were in?the old charm would come back, we would forget tho adjec? tives and tho false blandishments and settle back with a sigh to renew our youth with flying Rosalie of the paper hoop. We might even, for an hour, for? get tho war. The Conning Tower A year ago yesterday the long range gnn began to shoot at Paris, and our only com fort was the cabled news from America to the effect that many of the military experts said it wasn't possible. This column will have its usual Tues? day parade to-morrow. Grand stand seats, 2c.-Advt. Hardly a man is now alive Who won't drink beer at 2.75. "Come On, Von Little Jo*:" [From The London Globe] A gambling scene of a ur.lo.ue character for London was witnessed to-day by a "Globe" rep resentntive. It took place in an open space near the Eagle Hut, and was witnessed by a large crowd. Thi? players were Canadlan, New Zcaland, Australian, and American soldiers and Ameri? can sailors. All were excited, and the betting on the game. played with a couple of dice, was fast and furious. The game, a "Globe" representative learned, is called "scrap," and one "shoots the ecrap," or "shoots" the dice. A Canadian eoldier stand? ing by described it as the best and swiftest gambling game in the world. "Scrap" is somewhat akin to banker, but the main idea is to throw seven or eleven with the dice the first time. To-day every one "shot" with avidity, American sailors knelt like backers at a eockght, and money passed quickly with every throw. Men were betting against one another, and against third parties and eventualitics. One gambler had fifteen or sixteen Treasury notes in hia hand at one time. "Any one want to join?" cried one successful backer. At this point "The Globe" representa? tive left. The Globe representative should have ad hercd cireumjaccnt, or, as those slangy "Yankee" "scrap" "shooters" say, "stuck around." Gotham Gleanings ^ -Geo. Wolfe Plank thc w. k. artist is back from London on a brief visit. ?F. X. O'Malley the w. U. parent was busy getting items for his paper one day last week. ?Ray Ives, Jack Erskine's bro. in lavv, is still captaining in Paris, keeping track of the finances of the A. L. 1'. Berl Callatin is no longer a Maj. i" the annv, hc being hon. dis? charged. Bert is just home from Havana, ( n., looking finely. - Miss Jobyna t-Iowland thc well known bookworin rcad "Thc Home Book of Vcrse" yesterday and is reading thc \. Y. Tribunc today. Eddie Rcynolda of Boston is ""t in Mcsa, AH/., rapidly getting well. 'I hc rapidci the better Eddie ' ' thc conscn ir. of youi many I M i! 111 I '?li llnrriettc L'ndcrhill thc pnml him critic says he docsn't like the biiow and ascribca thc fall "f thc far famed mantlc to our hav? ing prcdicted same. Philip Gibbs had a piece in Thc '? ?mes thc other day about Cluick ,1.'?wnc tllc w. k. rough diamond. We recognized him from Phil's de scription right off. Lt. Col. Hcrbert Parsons, this dept s candidate for Pres. in 19?0 i ba. k in Gotham. Thc nomination came as a surprise to him, bul he did not say hc would nol acccpt it. I ten Maulc of Garden < ify was a pleasant callcr Thursday after? noon, reporting thc book business as good and asking us to make it bet? ter, which wc would if wc could thmk of a good title. ?-Hec Turnbull is back from ?rance. Hec was with thc 27th Div Hec used to work in thc same noisy room which this is being written in and we'll bet he found it quieter on thc front. The prohibition thing hinges, it appears on the Interpretation of "intoxicating" The question "When Is a Man Drunk'" was discussed. "a-many years ago, when we were young and charming," by this Spigot of Sapience and its contribs?ten or eleven years ago; and if Old Jack An derson wjll look it up for us, we shall glndly rcprint. for the benefit of the Rrcwers* Association and the Anti-Saioon League, tho rcsults of that inquiry. The soda water era never will advance to the pinnacle of the Days of Real Sport, when it was adventurous to order Don't Care flavor. Where, we ask with the mongers of ballados, are tho flavors of yesteryear? Made in Nippon Sir: Home kind of trouble with thr at Tientain or aomewhere olse had lo eomc I wonder only that It didn't come sooncr. Thr extraordlnary thlnV la that the real rruaa ? erma to have eacped notice. I refer. of couraa, to th. doubl, and olherwlae partlcularl, qu.ll flad M.d. ,n Nippon" branda of Japan... matr-hes. An ivmi, record ln llghlln* . P,P(, wlth th... I. four fecblo ta.U wlthoul result, on. broken. three h^d* olT. one .cratchlng .urfut worn out. at.r which when th. bo* J pul ," tha poalMt II come. apart and .piu. R? (n? rernalnln* mnlrhe... IIII had to ut. nothing ?|.? but !bei? ?. doubtleaa our Marinaa did, I ?hoi.M ,,?t . ?.l~ _# i u. anoijiii not conslder unltraUr'^'^ """"' * '*? "?*'"? vm a. To diapel whatever doubt may exiat( it hereby 1. announeed that tha writer of tho best Tower contribution during 1!U0 will receive a watch. aa u?ual. And if the wlnner of the 1917 watch, Mr. Lloyd McClure Thomas, will send his address, he will receive hia helated gucrdon. The Rong of tho Average Citizen: "Any little League that's a good littl? League is the right little League for me." Any bid. for the indelible pencil the I?resMent wlll.algn the treaty with? It still hai 14 points. v o * Peace?and Then Time to Think Dcnunciation of the Plan to Force the League Down'America's Throat By Archibald B. Roosevelt MA" ANY of us who were in France or re lying wounded in the hospi tals in the United States are now wearing civilian clothcs and have the right of free speech. We have returned to a life that tseems new and strange, and we are mystificd by the events following in the wake of the war. We find a President de manding and receiving the absoiute obedi ence required in time of war only in the front line; but, unlike the officers in the front line, he will listen to no sugges tions from the rank and file. We are amazed at his going over to Europe to tell our friends and foc3 that a large majority of the American people are united bchind him and his plan for his league of nations. The majority of the American people are not behind him. Most of us--and I be? lieve I am a fair sample of the average American -have no idea what the language of Mr. Wilson's covenant means. We want time to talk the matter over and to see what we can do for other na? tions without ruining our own nation. It will do little good if by helping the Czecho Slovaks or the Armenians to keep their freedom we subject our countrv and the Western Hemisphere to the mandates of alien powers. Yet, while we want to talk over the league, to clarify our ideas and to have time to choose and select what we want to do in regard to our future international relations, at the same time we want an immediate peace which will restore the world to normal conditions and render tho hlustering, bullying, cringing German en? tirely impotent. The solution seems so self-cvident that I hesitato to mention it. Let us make peace imniediately, and after having made our peace let us convene a council of repre? sentative men of the Allied nations for the purpose of creating a league of nations which will strive to limit wa rs in the future. llefore we sign or agree to any league of Handing Over Our Gun The L. of <V. McavH Surrcndering Our Meana of Self-Defence To the Editor of Thd Tribunc, SIK: Al. presflMt wo nre uttder the iiiipiT-.-i iiion tliiit tho A11 if? k, wltll our tardy aid, I havo conquored Gormany. But ih> ono knowa who Inn won the war until he I no va wliiil is to bo tln* iin:il dlsposltloti of Uuh rin. Mini ho ii (lull of vlalon who doea nol I noo that thero ls evory roimon to bellevo tliii! I'ushIh whnl there ln lofl of hor will liniiily n11v herinlf with Clormnny. 8ho had . already undorgono poucoful ponolrntion by Gormany boforc tho war, nnd now that tho j ItiiHMiim bourgoolalo hm boon declmntcd by : Dolnhovlst horrora tho poi Roealon by Gor i miui'i of ItiiHslan buHlnoan, bnnklng, manu* facturlng, will bo moro complpto than ovor. | Already German in tho language of Uussla whonovor RusBian in not spokon, What can . bloeding Russia do, when Lonine and , Trotzky have met with their deatructlon, j but throw heraelf into the arma of her near , ncighbor7 No wonder Germany feela that i sho has not boon beaten yet! But whatovcr may bo tho final outcomo j in Europe, thero ia no question that thia country, aooking self detormlnatlon for Bmall natlona, haa thrown up her own right to self-detcrmination if tho prosont league of nations is accoptod. What doea it moan whon .'i country, in matters of tho most vital conccrn to her, haa n voice of one in nine, or, in cases of ultimate referenco, of one in twenty? It ia possible, of course, thnt tho world will go on honceforth in a pcrt'eetly amooth nnd Bmillng course; that no ground for bitter disagreement among the parties to tho league will ever again arise; but we can hardly feel certain that this will be thc case. We havo wilfully shut our eyes to the fact that wc shall have given up at once our long cherished Monroe Doctrine; it is not usually con? sidered to be the same thing to guard your posses?ions yourself and to intrust their guarding to the very individuals who alone can by any possibility bo the attacking party. But suppose that matters of dis" ngreement of a fur more critical nature arise?far more critical, even, than thc question of Japanese immigration it is a aimple matter of fact that. action will be decided upon by a council having eight European atn] Asiatic votes to our one. Matters of great moment will be refcrred by the council to the body of delegates, and the elever lawyers have made out for us (I could never have made it out for myself) that on the present plan this body will con sist of twenty members, among whom tho representative of this big United States will be exactly one. A polite arrangement this can hardly be called, but, waiving that point ls it for ua a safo one? No doubt n kind Providence will keep us out of all quarrela herrafter, but is if, not tho rule of prudenco to make preparntion in tlmo of peaceful fceiings for the eonduct natural to human beings under strain? C. LADD-FRANKLIN. New York, March 17. 1919, When Debate Was Proper Tn the Editor of Tho Tribune. Sir: "When wo shall have cxamined all ta parts without sentiment and gaugod all its functiona by the standards of practical common, wn Bhall hayo oatab,iahod anew our right. to the claim rf political sagaclty; and it. will remaln only to act Intelligontly upon what our opened eyes have secn in order to prove again the jus? tice of our claim to political genlus." - Woodrow Wilson's "Congressional Govern? ment," paRe 833. Tho author uses this lan Kuage of tho United States Constitution. Why should not tho same test bo applied to thn league of nations? "CO-OPKRATIVE PEACE." N'cw York, March 13, 1910. "One Body in Christ" To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir:- "For twenty centurics tho theolo glans have had Christ on the dissccting nations we must solemnly yow to ourselves to live up to the letter and the spirit of any international agreement we make. We must be very careful to make no agreement which we cannot live up to. We must never share with Germany the point of view that international ajrreements aro scraps of paper. Let thc Senate take heed, for the Repub? lic is in danger. Let the people of the United States show the internationalist poli ticians of the New World and the statesmen of the Old (who are patriotically looking after the interests of their own people) *.hat the people of thc United States are truly "in the saddle" and will allow no one without courage to represent them. We, the people, must demand the Senate to use the powers given it by thc Constitution. Xo conglom eration of foreign statesmen or of a few self-appomtcd American delegates should be able to wrest from the hands of the peo? ple their power. Ours has always been a representative government- representative of the will 0f the people. It must always rcmain representative. Stand on your fect, Senators! Refuse to be tricked into approving any league of na? tions at thc present time merely to hasten peace. If peace treaty and league are in two parts approve only tho treaty. Refuse any peace treaty interwoven with thc league of nations. We need peace, but we need honesty and common sense more than peace. All of us believe in and will support any proposition likely to limit wars in the fut? ure. But wc must have time to talk things over before we decide on any new policy so vitally affecting our whole national and in? ternational life. We want to discuss the proposition after we have made peace. There are many of us who feel that those at the peace conference are not truly rep? resentative of public opinion. Perhaps the Sixty-sixth Congress will be more so. The Sixty-sixth Congress needs both courage nnd conviction to oppose the bullying of Mr. Wilson. If this Congress fails we must find, in lOL'n, men who are fit to lead us. table, and all forgettlng the one and only thing He would have us do love one an o( her." No. the writer of (he foregoing is not (in agnostic, nor a bumptioua scoffer, nor an irredeemablc Binnor. He is a holy man, . living the holiesl of lives, a monk or prior i of nn Angllcan Catholic monastery in the Wost> conducted after the old Benedlctlne j cusloms. i know thia godly man. l am rnmlllor with his good works l have never known a more roltglotis man, nor one who ; expressed his roilgion more emphatlcally ln >'" life, l havo twice visited hia moi and am a communlcanl ln hl i church, '"'" fiuototlon from 11, retnarkable ,"'r|"""i '"? waa t'ontalned ln n Ini,.,- ,?.. 1 "owledglng a ellpping from Tha l ribuna ".? !lf" Plum of -, group of \morlcan l'"',"Mi,M clmrchmen to wall uj. tho *'' "" '" l;"m" ln the hopo of achlovlng something ripproachlng church unlty, tha '"'?, f'loa of th, kintl lo be mado to Lho Pope since tho timo of Henry VIII of i England, VIAAX ORMAN. New "i ork, March !'..', 1010. For a Rose Sidgwick Memorial mi' l" tho Editor of The Tribune. Sir: To make closer Lho bonda of friend hip and understanding between England nd America and to commomoruto tho ior vlccs of one uim gave up her life in this cau80 It ia proposed to cstabli ih in tho United States a fellowship ln memory of R?so Sidgwick, of tho British Educational Mission to America, who died in New York City on December 28, 1918. During the tour of American collcgos and univen itica which she had just concluded Miss Sidgwick had everywhere left a deep impression of her lovablc personality, her high ideals and her admirable expression of the finest type of English scholarship. Her American friends desire to found a Iasting memorial to her character and services, and in so doing to carry on the work m which she died. At a meeting held at the Women's Uni? versity Club in New York City on Febru? ary 15, 1919, a committee was organized to secure tho necessary money and cstablish this fellowship. The committee consists of represcntatives of several collcges, univer sities nnd organizations, with a number of individuals especially interested. Dean Gildersleeve of Barnard College is chair? man. Mrs. Rcbecca Hooper Eastman secre? tary and Miss Mnbel Choate treasurer. Not less than $25,000 will be required to carry out the plan. Il is expected that the fund will bc intrusted to the care of n pcrmanont institute for international educational rc lations shortly to be opened in New York City. The fellowship will be awarded an nually to an English woman, for a year of graduate study in an American college or ' university. ln a letter from the British Embassy in Washington, dated January 17, 1919 sir Henry Babington Smith. British High Com mlBBioner, cxprcsBcs hcarty approval of this Plan. Ho states that nothing could be more m accord with tho aims which Mi8a Sidg wc had ,? viow than the ostablishment of such a fcllowship, and that Buch cx studenta a8 thia would .saist ln promoing would be one of tho most of" fectual alda in developing elosor relation., between the two enuntries Th, committee is now'beginning to ln vlteu-ubacrlptions to tho fund. Checks ^lo.ld be mad0 payab,e to wiek Momori.l Fund" .nd sent to the twlt urer Miss Mabel Choato, H E.8t s,^? oirect, New York. . VIRGINIA C. AlLDERSLEEVE, v ,? , ("hairmnn. New \ork, March 20, 1919. Cause for Envy vJtLHomx rka ""-'"?? atob.) With bone dry prohibition laws in of. feet, Rye, N. Y., nnd Chnmpaign, III., will envy Cloarwster, Minn., and Watertown. Mass., because of the moro .pproprl.te names the latter will poisevi. Back to Belleau Wood By Chester M. Wright P*.RIS, March 6 (By matI)^-Goln| toward Belleau Wood is like going t< the scene of something that happenet I long ago. Terhap3 it is a little like going to -N'ottingham to revive the memories oi Kobin Hood. It seems all so unreal and ol thc past. When the first barbed wire en tanglement is passed it still seems like a i thing of some other time, or as if it were | placed there for the uses of some play plot | Tho wire is rusty and tangled across the face of nature, and it doesn't belong there; And It still seems so when you pass trenches ; that have begun to sag in and the tops ol ! which have begun to flattcn down. Chll ! dren might havo been playing there ln I some great game. But there tho unreallty ends, for just a . bit beyond a cemetery comes Into view along the roadside. Over each poor grave ; there is a diak upon which are thc Stars \ and Stripes of thc United States: liere are our dead?and the lump that comes intd your throat tclls j-ou that this thing is real and rccent, a part of the lives we are livlng. You remember that back ln the Paris yoii have just left men are deliberatlng on what shall be the punishment for the crime that filled these grares and how to prevent an? other such horror: There are many such little graveyards around Belleau Wood and Chatean Thlcrry: In each plot are from cighty to a hundred' grares: Reverently you go among ths graves, reading the nanies of the fallen: Perchance there may be tho name ef eome on? you have known?eome friend who laughed as he salled away en the other side of the ocean. Somehow you soon cease tbls aearchlng, for the feeling comes that these were all friends. More than that, they were all brothers of the truest kind. They were all ef the blood ef the American fam? ily, They are the dead that belong to all ef us, and there is none to be alngied out, Here on the barren hlllsldes around Belleau Wood they are buried where they fell in defence of our common herltage and our common hopes, In eome of the little plots there ftr* stacked rlfles, *fch their accompanlment of helmelsand pieces of shell, By these things they died, And then you go on up the bill dowrt which thoy came. You go up with, it is so steep. You enter n rulned bunting lodge at the edge of the wood, BelleaW Weed once was n prent game preserve and there was grent merrlment in this lodge in years gone by, K Is ft poor wreek tioW, bui the fireplace still stands, and In that grate y?.u may bulld a ronrlng fire, Tbe Scarred walls of the lodge nre eovered with the naines of soldiers and vlsltors, A score of Massachusetts boys have left their name* on those walls, There ur* not so many from any other State, Here you umy reail where with a brand from ?)?, flreplaee that 'ill bui, burned his fiuwr* Samuel Oompeti wrete among these bo/lsh writlngg, "V<,< Ihe Glory ot Ihe World/' Because, as b* said, "here Ihe greateat military machine the world has known wa? forced to step and turn bacli by tha fre.- men ?t America " I'-m.iii l-*TI-i I.,,!,.,. ,,?? vU,nyr mt,, )!,,- wood. " IM ",|1"1 there now dreadfully qulci, Hut wliai an Inferno It must have boenl Hsms ?",:" I seytha has mowit the treoa down, Ind thoii* tangled branehee make It dlffieult i? ?I oven | l.iwly, It would bfl Impossl l?i" i" go through much of tha wood without tho nld of an axa, Nothing except tmna dooa and war enn ereata such ruination, A llfrht, anow on the ground oovera much ln l in,w. But, even so, here and there are signs ef what happened during those t?rri~ ble days iaai summer. Unexploded shells, hand grenades, bandoliers, the HothoB ef dead men scattered here and there, And graves, even In the wood. But tho graves ln the wood are German grnvc-s. These me ln little plots thal would be unnotloed but for implanted pieces of wood bearlng such legeiida nn "Two Unknowfl Germans/' ''81* Unknown Gcrmansi" And there *i? many Idontllled aa well. iii the tery heart of the wood it thi wrech of a Germart ammunition w?ron liended toward Germany; The Germami were trylng to get lt away, but the fire /rom ! behlnd Waa too much for them. Uovt anything lived in that weod ia a mysteryi There doean't seem to be a spot , as big as a human form that has not been I torn nnd Bhredded by bullets or shells, An4 then, too, it wns drenehed with gas after I the Americans came in, But the faet that back in Paris men nre writing "the pcaee" j means that men did go through alive? ln i and out on the side from whence the Ger? mans had fled, and then on and on down Into the broad valley and up over the bills on the other side Vou lenve Beileau Wood. Yeu feel mere deeply than ever that the world must here* agaltt let such treaehery and beastliness arise, Men who wln through such fire must be remembered by keeping to the road on which they felh Vou come eut through the ruins of Veaujt, where houses have heen pounded into powderj you go through ('liiltenil Thlerry and yoU see the brldgc heada where American machine guns helped write the epitaph ot a craey kaiser. General Wood'a Servtcea To the Kdltor of The Trlbune. Klrl Now ftnd then we stumble acroas s word or two of gemilne and epontaneous enthusinsni coupled with regret at lack ?f offlolal recognition of General Iseenard Wood. Well do T recall when even "Tho New York Time*" considered the conduc* of (ho Administration as iiti.)ue-.lionab'y wrong In Judgment ln oenslderfng anything short of the post of Secretary ?>f War, everi though the present Incumbent then kraced II, ns in.dequ.te compensation for his y? rloua qualldoatlons, The beat of exclte ment over the Injuatlce done n truly great man lasted for n column or so edltori.lly and then Iflpsed. The great splritual and moral force thal r.uaed Mr. Wilson to reversa himself on the question of the war, that planted tt. "there" with both feet ln spite of irrag**^ larlties everywhere, nnd turned tlie Hun. back at thp Marne, ln *p|t? 0f hiofflelenoy, will effect all th* recognition n*oesa-,ry <o ?atabllah Gen.r.l Wood wher* h? property balongii Th.edor. Roosevelt Is our hero. evan though all human effort to place distinction olsewhen, was resorted to, and his passing ha. made tho field dear for this groafc leader. who Instinctlvely know. th? right at .11 times. tak?B oveu Unmerlted rebuk*) without flluchlng a?d ia, ?bov. all, one that Qur b.lovtd leader would npprov* of. x! v , . HARA TAUBKR, Now 1k ork, M.rch 14, lOlp,