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Drop in Steel Price Will Have Moral Effect Builders Have Been Waiting for It?Other Materials To Be Cheaper?Many Think Prices at Low Level j Steel price cuts last week tapped the starting gong fof a 'crosB-country race against time to catch up with national underconstruction, aocording to the Dow Service Daily Building Reports Saturday. It marked the first step in the lower ing of the high cost of living, it set a mark for the stabilization of building construction costs, and even ostab lished a minimum that will prevail for the greater part of the 1919 building I season, and it was the immediate in- j apiration for a building material in- j quiry for forward buying that had not j been thought possible ten days ago. These inquiries over the week end j showed some contradictory features, | however, but these were plainly tho3e j of Bupplemental materials and equip ments, it being made fully apparent to : inquirers on Saturday that basic ma? terials in the metropolitan district of New York were at their minimum levels and were upon the point, more over, of advancing, possibly to a de- j gree to offset the new steel price re- j ductions, because of a most unex pected turn of events in the matter of brick and cement shipments into this of prices at Washington through the industrial board of tho Department of market. As far as lumber adjustments Commerce are concerned, there are some buyers who are holding 01T for a recommended price reduction, but strong lumber interests were advising their trade here on Saturday to get into the market at once, bttcause, like brick, the final recommendations of the board may be for a higher price level when it is explaincd to Secretary Red iield's committee the effect that war demands have had upon the forests of the country with relation to the loca tion of sawmills and the higher cost of getting out this building material and shipping it to markets, plus an n creasing export demand that did not cxist prior to the war. One effect of the cut in steel prices is the moral influence it has exerted upon the building material dealers of the metropolitan district doing busi? ness particularly east of the Hudson. The harbor strike has shut off all sup plies of basic building materials enter ing this city by boat, and tho supplies in dealers' yards have reached the low est level in point of volume ever known. There were only about 300,000 common brick available at the wholesale market; at noon Saturday, whereas there should be several million for sale. The Dow Service Daily Building Re- ; ports, canvassing) the metal trades of the city on Saturday to determine the effect of the steel cut on various itemsj in the supplemental list, was advised that a change downward would be an-; nounced in pipe by April 1; that wire cloth and wire lath probably would not Bhow any price change; that hhect metal quotations might be expected to Bhrink before the first of the month, ( notably in sheet iron, ulack and gal vanized, and allied metals; that some change is being talked of in expanded metal lath prices; but that common brick, Portland cement, lime, linseed oil, plaster, lumber, building Ptone, rooflng and structural slate were now at their minimum price levels probably for the remaindnr of thc building year. Basic building material prices are cheaper in New York and vicinity to? day than at any other city east of the Rocky Mountains, largely on account of water transportation facilities, and yet New York has so far shown the least volume of forward building con? struction going to actual work. It, is, however, far ahead of any other com? munity in the country in the matter of projectcd building cntcrpriaes. The tendency has been to await steel price adjustments. but structual steel repre sents only 16 per cent of the cost of a building. Structural steel and lumber were the only items in the basic material clas xiftcation that enjoyort war-time de? mand in execssive proportion, result ing tn price inflatioit. All other basic cornmodities were practically elimi? nated. both as to use and manufacture. These commodities are now coming into their ctistomary markets, with production costs higher because of de preciation during long pcriods of in activity. The necessity of breaking ln new organizations, the higher wage levelsi demanded by "whcelbarrow labor/' which will become scarcer rather than more plentiful as the sea? son advances, and the heavier trans? portation charges that are now being forced upon all manufacturers handling rough materials down the Hudson to this market, which will probably reach a head this week, all combine to fix the present price quotations as positive minima. Farnighted building investors are being advised to set the item of pres? ent building cost to one side in favor of the closer eonsideration of getting contemplated work under way at the '""l1'*- possible moment so as to meet the forthcoming renting season while the present era of high rcnts and long leases exists and the fixing of thc ?minimum steel price removes the lasl barrier to a free building market throughout the entire countrv \ -"-'-' Lig Pendens Bronx taRnS Jm"?'"'"?--?.?*' w I<*?elb?.:m. KftfcU *A ttSAft rn^'tt REAL ESTATE BOBOCCH OF QCEEXS ?rv . ?JAMAICA BARGATNS. Ona family houee. plot 25x100. Prtca 15 bo* Two family bpuaa, plot 25xioo. prico il.SOt . ? , JJ- ''? WABLICH, f Herrlman -fcve., Jamaica. 'Phone 142?w Jamaica. wtA. , ,?"S*fV'fi W* Ir-T-MToi ~ r.ittX farotly brtrk hous?; rent. ti 100 n*r .... ?BtlPU'.-a of iitj at. Oraff, 39S Broadway. L I^lty BATBIDE.?-Attractive 7 to 10 room houae #5.000 to 91*1.000; convenlently loeated" -r-toone 2953. B. ( . BKIX, Bayalrle.. K J, ?K?jT('HrtSTKK COCNTY tAUrOflHiA BUNGALOW AT tAKt MAHOfAO uZZtiVBp,.?P*: *""** Owplaoa.; rsry ??????-., artth p?no?n?rii wnutr riihta; $3.15* ot SS/n-ffif***** ***** MaiM^ao i.?,,ji>,i: WKW JKHSKV P?&J!3**i*J&tW |Wi year at LONG BRANCH, N. J. T? **** F?R BI??,??K'*4S PL'RPOSBS KXCKtrriOXAU 0*?J'OflT?;SfTY I'AriT r,V 7S?ewaM&s uUtSftiSZi,. **?* " "? y""s; wS. Marlborough Arms in Greenwich Village Sold _ ? House Bought by A. A. Hage-1 man; Riverside Drive Apart- j ment in Another Deal Marlborough Arms, one of tho choice j npartmcnta in the old Greenwich Vil- ! lagc section at 57 West Tenth Street, ! has been sold. The building, which is j a modern seven-story structure, has j been purchased by A. A. Hageman through Horacc S. Ely & Co. The Hion Chemical Glassware Com- : pany. Inc, I. Portman, president, resold the Alabama apartments at the north oast corner of Riverside Drive and 127th Street, which he recently ac quired. It is a six-story elevator struc ture, on a plot 86.6x100x147x146.6. Tho new owner is the Joseph G. Bender Realty Company, which gives in part payment the six-story tenement at 332 334 East Ninety-fifth Street, on a plot 45x100. Brokaw Estate Sale Reported The three six-story elevator apart- j ment houses at 4 to 12 West Ninety- j second Street are reported to have been | sold by tho Brokaw estate. They ad- | join Ardsley Hall, at the south corner of Central Park West, purchased last | Thursday by Michael Kaut'man nnd others, and occupy a combined site I 138.2x100. The three five-story flats, on a plot I 75x100, at 311 to 315 East Scventy-first ' Street have been sold by Sophia Mayso ] and Theresa Well. Jacob Fischel and Harold Melson \ purchased from the Acre Building \ Company the two five-story apartments ' on plot 100x100 at Park Avenue and 158th Street. Krakauer & Henry were the brokers. Sell West Side Apartment The Nehring Company, Jules Neh- | ring, president, has resold for the Union Chemical Glassware Company, i I. Portman, president, the six-story ! elevator apartment house at 253 West j 112th Street to Marie Kahrs. This is ; the second sale of the promises by the ! same brokers within a week. -. Apartment Buying in Bronx Shows No Ahatement | : The Bloom Realty Company, Jacob Bloom president, sold to Aaron S. Laidhold tne six-story apartment with j ! stores nt 1599 Bathgate Avenue, on a | plot 50x115. Morris Berkowitz repre ! sentcd both parties. The same sellers j have also disposed of the six-story ; | apartment at 1708-1710 Bathgate Ave'- j | nue, on plot 54x150, to Max Mosner, through Harry H. Cohen and Aaron S. Laidhold. William H. Mehlich sold for the Alotto Rcalties, Inc, to Ignatz Katz I for investment the northwest corner j of College Avenue and 168th Street, a | tive-story apartment house, on plot I 36x85. This is tho fourth house of ! the row sold by the same broker. M. L. & C. Ernst have sold to George j Bondy, through J. Clarence Davies, the ! two story and basement two-family house, 25x87, at 762 Jackson Avenue, j near 166th Street. It was recently | bought from Frederick Brown. Investor Buys Simpson St. Corner A. H. Levy and M. Nasanowitz have | resold for Samuel Barkin to Morris j Insel, an investor, the two five-story ! apartment houses at 1211-1215 Simp? son Street, corner of Homo Street. The houses were recently purchased ! by Mr. Barkin. James J. Donovan sold for Edwin B. Mceks, as executor, 2017 Lafontaine Avenue, a five-story apartment, 38x100. Alexander Selkin, David Mintz and i J. H. Schwarz sold to Charles Wynne 826 East 180th Street, southwest cor-. ncr of Southern Bouievard, a five-story 1 twenty-five-family apartment, willi four stores, 50x80. House Bought at Auetion Sold James J. Donovan sold 981 Home ; Street, a five-story apartment, 45x100, for George J. McCaffrey, who boughl it on Thursday at an auetion conductcd '? '? by Mr. Donovan for $39,250. Chan & Pittman reso'ld to Sussman i Holding Corporation the northwest j corner of 166th Street and Findley \ Avenue, a five-story apartment, ar I ranged for ninetoen families, on lot 34 i xlOO, recently acquircd from Dr. Louis j Goldin. Louiso Bross sold the five-story I apartment with stores. 37.6x100, at thc i southwest corner of 151 st Street and ! Prospect Avenue, through C. E. Dep j peler. Ida Zaposnick sold to the Perfect | Cornicc and Roofing Company the two ; family house and rear building at 1185 | Washirat'ton Street, 40x140. Morris | Berkowitz represented both parties. H. B. Selvin, who recently acquircd the five-story apartment house, 51x113, at 2311 Tiebout Avenue, has resold the property to Meyer Rudin. J. Ruhin negotiated the sale and A. Leichter rep? resented thc seller. Buyers For Two-Family Houses narry Gillman, represented by Mor? ris Berkowitz, sold tho two-family house at 628 Coster Street, 26x106, to Julius Lewine, who gave in part pay? ment the twelve lots at the corner of Wcstchester Avenue and Birch Street, Mount Vernon, which will bo improved with one- and two-family houses. Mr, Gillman has bought from Ellie J. Donelan, a two-story house on the east side of Anthony Avenue, running through to Carter Avenue, 33 feet north of 174th Street. Joseph Levy, represented by Morris Berkowitz, sold to A. H. Kosener, the thrce-story two-family house at 1830 Clinton Avenue, 30x90, through Gross man & Rouch. B. H. Weisker has sold for Martha inr. yon?uto M* B' rlorow't*'- a plot 50x 100 on tho west side of Popham Ave? nue, thirty-onc feet south of Palisade ilacc. These lots adjoin the larper plot with dwelling recently purchased by Mr. Horowitz through the same broker. Buyers for Dwellings In Fine Locations a Df;- C', D* MetlinK purchased the dwelling he occupics at 113 East Fifty fourth Street from Harry P. Robbins. lt is a five-story American basement I 8t^tu"' 17.8x100.6, near Park Avenue. Iheodoro A. Kavanagh, of the office j of John J. Kavanagh, sold for Mrs I Thcodora Levy 62 East Seventv-ninth | Street, a four-story and basement ! dwelling, 16.6x102. Tho buyer plans to occupy. Joseph N. Sears is reported to have i j0*d,,.tno four story and basement dwelling at 113 East Sixty-second ; Street, on a lot 16x66. James J. Donovan, Inc, sold for Eu gene L. Larkin the five-story flat at ! 224 East 100th Street, on a lot 26x100. I Theodore A. Kavanagh haB sold for j Theodore Levy, to a buyer for occu j pancy, 62 East Sevcnty-ninth Street, n j four-story dwelling, on a lot 16.0x102.2. IMl KMSHED APARTM'TS TO LET idiirv y batbj ?l?rnu? FOIirV-KMlHT KTIIKKT, 4 Kut; ;i ro.,m? an,l patnj iMyn-h"U??ki^|>liif; %\Tj tm month; WANTED, FOR^BUSINESS PURPOSES STORK WANTKI) ON KIKTH AVXNUB. BiTH Ti WD HTHKKT IIHJIIKHT (JHAI K TVviv-r Lido Hall Figures In Another Deal Seller Bought Ten-Story Apart ment on Cathedral Parkway Two Weeks Ago Lido Hall, a ten story apartment, at the northwest corner of Cathedral Park? way and Seventh Avenue, has figurcd in a quick resale. It has been sold by Frederick Brown, who bought the prop? erty a couple of weeks ago from Kuhn, Loeb <??. Co. Mr. Brown has sold the structure to the Leah Realty Company for investment through Max Rosenfcld as broker. In part payment the buyer gave to Mr. Brown the six five storv apartment houses at 1297, 1301, 1367, 1371 and 1373 Atlantic Avenue, Brook? lyn, each on a plot 30x100. Lido Hall occupics a frontage of 100 feet on the parkway and 71 feet on Seventh Ave? nue." Mr .Brown has sold to the Vartan Holding Company 2388 Amsterdam Ave? nue, near 179th Street, a six story ele? vator apartment house, with four stores. Another deal by Mr. Brown in volves tho sale to Mrs. Alexander Pat ton, of Curvensville, Penn., through 11. II. Neuberger, of 59 Vermilyea Avenue, near Dyckman Street subway station, a five story apartment, on plot 50x100. Ir. part payment the buyer gave 942 to 950 St. Mark's Avenue, Brooklyn, three four story apartments, on plot' 105x150. Estates Offer Brooklyn Dwellings at Auetion An executor's and trustoc's sale, by order of the Title Guarantee and Trust Company, cxecutor and trustee, will be held by the Jere Johnson. Jr., Com? pany, real estate nuc-tioneers, on Wednesday, April 2, at 12 noon, in the Brooklyn salesrooni at 189 Montague Street. A number of Brooklyn apartment, houses and dwellings, as well as vacant plots in Brooklyn and Bellport, L. I., are included in the sale. To close the estate of Charles Mein ken, the following parcels will be of? fered: lOiili Bergen Street, four-story douhlo brick flat; 359 Fifty-eighth Street, four-story double brick flat; a vacant plot. on Thirty-ninth Street, near Ninth Avenue, and two vacant plots in Bellport, L. I. To close the estate of Anna T. Geyer will be sold 586 Bergen Street, a two story brick dwelling; 369 Monroe Street, and a two-story nnd basement semi-detached frame dwelling; and for the estate of Carrie 1). Vroornan, 59,") Hancock Street, n two nnd one-half story front and three-story rear brown stone building. -~???-. Roehamheau Apartments Sold Onee More E. Francis Hillenbrand has resold for the Huerta Realty Company, Louis Schlechter president, the Rochambeau, at 312 Manhattan Avenue, northeast corner of 113th .Street, 10(1x95, a six story elevator apartment, built by Irons & Todd about ten years ago. The buyer is the estate of ex-.Tudge Loewe's heir.s, of London, England,who gave in part payment the vacant lot at the northwest corner ol' Ninety-eighth Street. and Central Park West," 100x25 and 369 South Street. L'1.2x70, opposite the New York, Xew Haven & Hartford Railroad terminal, near Gouvcrncur Street. The Central Park Wesl; lot was boucht by ex-Judge Loewe for a home in 1870, and has not changed hands since. Mr. Hillenbrand has resold to the Lon Realty Company (League of Na? tions) the Central Park West corner and also 369 South Street. The sellers were represented by Cohen Brothers, attorneya, and the Loewe estate by Man & Man. Thc Huerta Realty Company was represented by L. E. Schlechter. Standard Oil Co. lo Build Homes for Its Mmployes A plan I'or housing employes of its big Elizabeth plant near Elizabeth, N. .!., has been formed by tho Standard Oil Company of Xew Jerscy. The company, following a conference between its comniitten and a commit? tee of employes, obtained an option on a tract of thirty-five acres on both sides of Bay Way, Elizabeth, which is diffectly accessible by a trolley to tho big refinery and has decided 'to exer? cise its option for the purchase of the land. Work will bc started snon for its development with inoderate cost homes ranging from $3,000 upward. These houses are to be sold to tho employes on a monthly payment basis and the property manaprcd jointly by a committee of employes and the com pany which is to finance thn project. on a 5 per cent retvJxn for tho capital invested, no profit being sought. West Side Houses Sold The Duross Company sold for Will? iam C. Beck. of Kansas City, Mo., the dwelling at 740 St. Nicholas Avenue. fronting 147th Street, a three story and basement houso, 20x100, to Peter Tozzo for occupancy. James H. Cruikshank has resold to Annie Sanford the three story dwelling at 43 West 126th Street, on a lot 20.10x 100. Goodwin & Goodwin were tho brokers. Apartment Rentals Douglns L. Elliman & Co. have leased a large apartment at 270 Park Avenue to Charles E. Van Vleck, jr., a large apartment at 875 Park Avenue to A. B. HotT, at 122 Kast Scventv-six Street an apartment to Mrs. R. B. Kimball, a fur nished apartment nt 105 West Fifty fifth Street to Mrs. M. Ii. Cookc, and at ll(i East Fifty-eighth Street a fur nished apartment for Dr. F. B. Curtis to Mrs. Irving Baldwin, --? Buys Home in Newark Miss Rose Lally, of Glen Ridge, has purchased from Isaac S. Pack 349 Woodside Avenue, between Montclair and Grafton avenues, Newnrk, a one family residence, containing ten rooms and bath, with all latest improvements, on plot 31x115. Louis Schlcsinger ne got'ated the deal. -? Satished Mortgages Manhattan Miitilda l-eTlen io Dry Doek Buv Insln 34] Uowery; atty, frank M Tlchonor, 38 I'ark'itow Aujj 2, 1018. A niin BOITII m m .1 Bjrran *,* & Uolcs* DIcfetaM'! of '., ".'""'.''? Albemarli | ". Va. to Thoa a l)lrkln<mn. 40& Wyomlna av, IMtuton. Pe?in: attys, llounds. "JNST, 230 W; Henry ,v fiolen Ulm'a'r ",..' Dry Do?li sav Initn, 341 Bowory: allv, M Flclicnor, 88 l-urk Jtow; I. ;'l j-io'i ,!l'',":v",;, ?-'''? '".;,: A,'l:"1" * Annlo Uign'lt'to'tho ,,",,?'"?' ir'":'1 ?}'? ,,uv' Umt* A- Blumen ttial. 135 Bway; Aprt 20, 608. llfl fmn ??? ln .Jli'k llnr,.|..s lvi W,'%! l-'inl hv ni. v O & TCo, l7?-?way IVl, 1. 1918 . 'if'soo UTU BT, iv. w: Alfn,i v '& Paul ^ K* Am? ni Jullu* U?n; attya, Mom tc Knlnrr. 88 Nauau ni: March tt. 1808. tn -n,, SleflM 10 Arir, A \\ I,:,,,,!,; mt?, Tha0 Wll*.n. b .Nam,?u ?l,' Drc 12, ltluT.$ii,000 MeelianirH' Liena Manhattan II- U.v. l?r.| Rldclrtc Co, ?,.i i.?i Ur-uitv ,-,' otmari riudiintham liotsl Co, oonUactor, 4 |J,380.03 Largest Apartment Now a Full House Only Remaining Unoccupied Suite in Park Ave. Premises Rented to C. P. Stuart The world's largest apartment house no longer contains a vacant apart? ment. What this means may be undcr stood better when the size of the structure is taken into eonsideration. The building, which is twelve stories in height, covers an area from Forty seventh to Forty-eighth street and from Park to Madison Avenue. It is divided by Vanderbilt Avenue, where there is a central garden 70 feet in width and 275 feet in length. On the Madison Avenue side the structure extends outward under the curb and contains a series of five basements, which are connected with stores by private elevators. The building contains more cubic feet than the Hotel Biltmore and has 105 large apartments, with rentals ex tending upward to $17,000 yearly. The total for rentals for the year, accord? ing to thc agents, Douglas L. Elliman & Co., is $775,000, making an average rental for each apartment of $7,500. The stores bring the total income of the building close to $1,000,000 a year. The only remaining unoccupicd apartment in this immense structure was rented last week to C. P. Stuart, president of the American Marine In? surance Company. Among the other tcnants in the building aro James A. Stillman, Harold S. Vanderbilt, James A. Byrne, Mrs. Harry S. Harkness, Francis L. Hine, Paul D. Cravath, Mrs. Hcrmann Oelrichs, Peter Cooper Bryce, Winthrop Ames, John T. Terry and Miss Alice De Lamar. Better rcnts are obtained in this building than any other on Park Ave? nue because of its advantages, said Mr. Elliman yesterday. These advan? tages include a Ritz-Carlton restau I rant, on the Park Avenue and Forty ! seventh Street corner, and a Btaff of ! servants maintaincd for the use of the j tcnants, although the apartments are | all of the housekeeping type. Warren & Wetmorc designed the building, which is owned by the Vanderbilt Ave? nue. Realty Corporation, of which Dr. Charles V. Paterno is president. -a Brooklyn Market Shows Promising Signs Tho one-family brownstone house at 445 Eighth Street has beon sold for Charles P. Burroughs by F. C. Sautcr to Augustus J. Rinn. The Bulkley & Horton Company sold 213 DeKalb Avenue, between Adelphi Street and Clermont Avenue, three story and basement dwelling, on lot 20x85, for C. M. Garland. Tho Moistcr Builders have sold to E. Killnenson four two-family brick houses at 1646 to 1652 Kighty-third Street, Brooklyn. I. Salzberg has sold for M. Dorf to Dr. Lubliner tho one-family twelve room cottage, on a plot 80x120, on the j northwost corner of Forly-ninth Street and Fourteenth Avenue. New Homes for Loeust Valley The Matinecock Construction Com? pany, Inc4., of Locust Valley, L. I? re? ccntly incorporated, has begun the erec tion of several houses on Cherry Street, with modern improvements. This oompany proposes to erect a num? ber of homes to make good thc short nge of homes which has prevailed at Locust Valley for sometiine. -#~-_? East Orange Dwelling Buyer Clarenco II. Westcott, of .lorsey City, has purchased from Mrs. S. S. Weinthal tho property at 54.S Central Avenue, west of Halstod Street, East Orange, V J,, a two-family house con I faining fourteen rooms and two baths, on plot 35x126. Tho now owner takos possession May 1. Louis Schlesinger : was the broker in the transaction. Brokers in Croadway Lease II. A. Berwin & Co. negotiated tho i lease of tho Macc property nt the ' northwost corner of Broadway nnd I 104th Stroet to I. Randolph and Ever I ott Jacobs, recorded recently. Reeoriled Transfers Dow nl own BOUTH WITJ,IAM ST. 33 lo nr. ? ,. 70 If) ? Broad i. runs s 7vl to n a Ktono st. (Kl i.. 3M > c 53 7x ii 33.6x Bt, i ? 51.11 lo h :.'. S.niili \Vl 111?in Si. inc, ::.". Ho Wm Bt ? inl?*. $130,000; attv. I,awyers T A- T Co, 160 Hwav $100 NORFOI.K ST, w b, 150 n ItlTliiRioTi M, 25x100.1; ll.vinnn Frlcdnian to Knsman IteaHy Co, 209 Ilway; rniuo $:?:'.oon; ail llcna; I'>1. 19; attv. Ma\ Monfrled, 2:11 Ilwnv .$100 SPIUNCi ST. ii s, :.0 w Wooeter ai. 25x75; Mary A McAdama to Wm I" Altkln, 10 \V 61st at I lnlgo $10,000; March 20; atlv, I,aw?cra T *- T Co, 100 Ilway .$100 East Sidc 7TH BT, 204 K, a a, 25x00.11 ("nreeloBuw Marrh II. 1919); .In.. T Hogan, rt-r. t<> lli.-h.l T, suv I dam. '.'013 Ilirnj; all.v, ,Ioa H Frank, Bl Rwav $20.150 LEXINGTON AV. 100. w b. 67.8 b 32d at. 22x80; I'earl NIIps to Clara llrrnhart. 410 Kort Wasli tiiKlon av; h & a: c R g; inlg? $24,000; a.11 llcna; Feb 14; atlv. T U A T Co, 178 llwnv.$1 . 110TH ST. ,-,04 E, ? a, 20x100.11; Dorothy Fred rlrh an.l Frida I'.lltf-r to l.llllan V Matthrws, I 2304 Bway; mige $7,000; March 21; atty, T (1 ! &. T Co, 170 llway.$100 West Side I 20TH KT. li W, n ?. 28.6x92; ChrUUopher C. Rob lilBon to Morris Horso.ll, 170 5th at; mtge $70,000; nil IIpiis; March 20; atty. l.awycnT T &. T Co, 160 Hroadway .$1 , SAMK I'ROPKRTV; Morri? Horso.ll to Alb.-rt II Atterbury, l'lainficld, N .1; mtgo $70,000; all llcna; Marrh -21 .$1 2,-TII ST. 202 1 VV, a a, 40.4x61.4; I.aura A Crcgan to Emplre statr HnMlnn Corpn, 37 l.lbcrty at; mtcn $24,000; ftll liens: March 21; attyB, Arnsteln * I.fw, 128 Brnndwav .$1 84TH ST. a s. 100 o Columbus av, ]Sxl02.2; Hry l.ork Savlngs Instn lo Mrrato Tmut Co. S326 liroadwaj; ntty, Frank M Tlclicnor. 3S l'ark How .$100 I 131ST ST, 220 W, n a. 10x00.11; Pauline Mehllng to Eatbcr !lrii!lit. 151 W 131st ft; nitge $7.iif)il; I March 21; ntt>. Titli. (I & T Co., 176 Broadwav $1 AMSTERDAM AV, w b, 25 a 179th st, 75x100; Farmera' I,oan * Trust Co, truatee, to Arrow Holding corpn. 217 Broadway; b & e; all llcns; atty. J II Zelser, 217 Broadway.'...$100 Bronx KINT.I.AV AV, 2434, n c c 166th Bt. 40x100; A .T Rchwarler Co to Sussbln Holding Corpn, 448 E 167th Bt; mtae $38,000: March 20; atly. 1? 1) I Khnplro, 11!) Nassati nt. $]0u T1NTON AV, s e c Home st, 222x100; Crotoue ltealty c. to Frederick C, Bchleaalnger. sso Proa i pect av; nitge $15,000; Marcli 1; atty, F 8 Schlea ainger, OXO Prospect av . $100 JEFFERSON l'I? 6613, n a. 20x120; Leopold "l.?y ; to Max l.evy, 00:i .Irffersnn pl; Marrh 2T attv 1. \v OBterwcIa, 200 5th av. $nio Hi.i; AV, 951 958, r s. 100x100: Antlgate Roal'lri ItIC, to Malex Ilcalty Corpn, 170 Broadwav; mtgd $31,000; Marcli 1; atty, I.awyrra' T & (Jo 100 Broadway .}. $100 ORANT AV. 954, c ?>. 20x105; Marsaret Hayden to Ni-llie It Flood, 954 Uraiit ar; March 14- attv N'cllle B Flood, 854 Oranl av. .... ' $f M.'.'l'll ST, 11 ?. 227.10 vf Courtlandt a?. ruiiB' n | .' x iv 02 11x w 7.4x b 149.21 e 99: Antilta ltliy Co to Benenaon RIty Co, r.O!) Wllll* av miBo $08,000; March 21; atly, Benenson RIty Co .09 Wlllla av. $)(,n MAPE8 AV. 2110. c ?. 25x70; Ooo F Knepper to Q?n?fll Syn.vl of Reformed Church In America .%'?,,,-"'' 8l; Janu"-**' 21; attv, O p PalUgtar, -?ii Bway . $' Mi AV 3004-6, e , 49.0x211 ; Cha? M' O'KeafTa r.-f. to B.;n.'iison ltliy Co. ,',09 WIHIb af; March K-U ?"*?-,'."'['I * A. 277 Bway.$10,000 I.(i ls 19, 20, .17 tr, 40. map I, i)?,,: Walf)n K IliomiKoii to Thompaon, Auslln & Co, 40 WalI Bt; .iiuniary 27; attys, Thompaon, Auslln & Co. 4 0 Wall b' 0AKE8 AV. . ., Mary E Ilonan et ai io'sViry" R^IloiVaiv**faTii uv,lng av: .lune 21. 1918; utty, Thos A Maher. Kcglslcr S ofTIco . 1 ('A\lliltl-:i.l.\(; AV, w ?. i?6.7 ? P.lh?m"i.T,"25x 100; also CaxntireUng av. w h. iZl.t s ivibam av. 2I.M100; L,?i|s.. (iottncl.alk to Frahcwco Ara WlratO, 2398 Arthur av; Marcli 13. atty. T U A I Co, 170 Bway. t,nft l:tscul!ll A\ c - ?S.ll s I'lymr.:., .1, run, ii 20xo 05.6X a 1,3x s 87.?x w |a.7; Henry I.lppa jr, & ano Itnis) to Harry Miiwal. 1272 Hhakrs noara av; mlw *8.000; Marrh 22; atty. Hmlih Wllllamv.n. 384 Aleiaiulcr ar li[r'nn LOTS 121. .,. 132, 130 .? 188. nii." i^' 101 i'.2 2114 lo 311, 331 to 347, 475 to 477 & 493 to 41)5 map r-ari Trusk Eatate; B-ranela W Pollack to John \V Coft. 819 \V 104lh - ....nn v\ i.oft. .'UI. \V lollli si ', i,?rt Jn,.,, 34 I'.'ls. .tl*. i: t* Mtloney, .100 ii?. ' iinri \vi?stciii:sti:ii av, n ?. 67. "cii.'Hl'ii a? 20x1.4 lx x 101.2. !..,l,.,?\ er , , M.rgi M Murray. 274 II 11.4th ,t: ??gn i:,jm AaTr.-lT 20; atly*, Foloy & M, Ut Wall at. ... ?iou McLoughlin Estate Realty Holdings To Go at Auetion Compriges Many Dwellings in Manhattan, The Bronx and Brooklyn, Besides a Number of Vacant Plots That there is a notable forward movement in the real estate market i created by a shortage of new buildings ' is the opinion of real estate experts. While a repetition of the memorable : boom of 1U06-1907, when the demand for investment properties attracted the attention of hundreds of out-of-town buyers, has not arrived, the prospect \ of revival of activity in all kinds of real estate is generally conceded and; tho presence of a healthy situation in the market is in progress. The boom of thirteen years ago was \ brought about by the city-wide plans for adequate transit. The present scarcity of improved property is re? sponsible in a large measure for the present activity. Persons who recently disposed of dwellings in which they lived have i found it impossible to obtain apart- : ment homes, and in some cases are j paying rent to the new owners until i such time as they can locate elsewhere. j As a boom to the people so situated and to the buildcrs and investors comes the announcement by Joseph P. Day i of an auetion sale of private dwellings,! flats and building sites iu Brooklyn and The Bronx. The sale, which is to | close out the entire holdings of the estate of James McLoughlin, is to be ! held Thursday, April 10, at noon, in the exchange salesrooms at 14 Vesey, Street, and comprises the following \ properties in Brooklyn: 7704 to 7710 and 7710 to 7724 Scv-! enth Avenue, near Seventy-eighth ; Stredt, seven two family brick dwell- I ings, with frontages of 21.5 feet and ! varying from 94 to 116 feet depth; they nre to be sold separately; 1230 to 1228 N'ostrand Avenue and 287 Win trop Street, five threo story brick ten- ! ement's with store, on a lot 20x74 each; ! 1947 to 1951 East... Eighth Street, be? tween Avenues S and T, three and two story brick one family dwellings, on a lot 18x100 each; 101 and 103 Seeley Street, near Nineteenth Street, two ' two family brick dwellings, on a lot 16.4x99.4; 823 and 325 Vanderbilt Street, near Nineteenth Street, two two [ story brick two family dwellings, on a lot 20x64 each; 54 South Tenth Street, near Wythe Avenue, a three story ? brick dwelling, on a lot 22.1x78. Va? cant parcels which should appeal to I buildcrs are as follows: The northeast corner of Eastern i Parkway and St. Mark's Avenue, a plot 153.1x116x99.10; the northeast corner of Second Avenue and Sixtieth Street, j a plot 100x100.2 and plot on north side ' of Sixtieth Street, 180 feet east of Second Avenue, 60x100.2; n block front ' on the east side of Bedford Avenue, Malbone to Sullivan Street, 100x200, to be sold in separate lots; thc southeust corner of Seeley Street and Eightoenth Street, a plot 210xl60x irreg; sixty lota located on Morgan Avenue, Beadle Street, Division I'lace and Richardson j Street, Greenpoint, 20x100 each; also a tract of fiftecn acres on Jericho Turn- ? pike, Mineola, Long Island. Thc Bronx property is located as fol? lows: A plot at the northeast, corner of ! Willow Avenue nnd 137th Street, 100x 125; a plot on west side of Jackson Avenue, opposite 144th Street and ad joining St. Mary's Park, 236x144x259, and the block front on the cast side of Cypress Avenue, 135th to 136th Street, 200x95. Sound Beach Dwellings Sold at Private Sale Bryan L. Kennelly has sold for ner bert Lucaa Driftway, a two-and-a-half story residenco at Sound Beach, Conn. It is on a site with 150 feet of water front on Greenwich Cove nnd opposite the residenco of J. Kennedy Tod. Mr. Kennelly has also sold tke three-story framo dwelling known as the Middle Road Residenco at Sound Beach, Conn., to Mrs. Iteulah Sparrow, of Brooklyn, : X. Y? for .$15,000. These two dwell ings were advertised to be sold by Mr. I Kennelly at public sale on March 22. Kensington Dwelling Sold Stewart Ilemingway hns sold to Jo? seph Santloy the New England colo nial house on the corner of North and Kast. Drivcs, in Kensington, Great Neck. Finlay Realty Company was the broker in tho trnnsaction. Thc house, which was held nt $28,000, was built during the last six months. It was designed by Chester A. Pattor son, who has had unusual success with this type of house in Kensington. Mr. Ilemingway has started three I new houses in Kensington to be ready for occupancy in July. Recorded Mortgages Down town WAI.I, ST. s w c IVnrl Rt. nins w 7M i 811 0 i ? o ? lfl lo ii k Bcaver st x a 61.fl lo IVarl at J n 20 5 to beg; Feb 17: AmiTl-an Coiton & tiraln Kx rhai.gc to w Illair A i'd. 71 WhII st. due Aiir 17, 1P19: li i> c: i.r ninii... -$:il 2.500; atty, Mlltm, II Saniet/,. 271 Bway. $12 000 8?..,JrUiL?,A.M ST' :i:|-7' " ' 7"10 ' BroViiI at. p m, March 21; 35 South will | lam ?{, Inc, ln ll,\rry Aroiimm, Ino, 200 .'ith av | ilun as per bond; pr mtge, $1:10.000; atlv, yora T & T Co, 100 Bway.$35,000 East Side 39TII ST, 110 ?. s s. 20x98.!l; p m ? llarcli 19 | Emelin,. II illln to Edgar Estato Corpn, 27 Cedar | at; ilim Marrh 22, 1922| 5 p c; attya, Whltloek A S, 27 i clar st. j'o nni) . 70TII ST. 220-222 B, 8 b, 230 w 2,1 avii 56*10015? '.'.,Mv M"r,'l| 21; Kilw llcreshelm to Und Eatatei. ; L8tt5.w5'i,t9?ta',5i 5, v c: ratga, $30.000; atty. In \ r & M ( o, 135 Bway.$3,000 West Side . 6TH AV; 201; lease: March 21; Abr Becker and ano, to Ratners Dairy Rcstatirnnt. 213 lirand st ? tnstalls. fl p c; attys. Schlealnger & h, 10 Wall ^t ? 39TII ST. 551-559 W, n ?, 50x98.9: bldg loarr March 21 . Jno F Murray Storage Corpn lo Wm' 1- Armstrong, 118 W :,7lh st; due. Oct 1 1924' ? I P c; attys, Armstrong A Keith. 40 Wall at $110 000 84TI1 ST, s a. 100 e Col av. 18x103.2: p m; March < 21: Merato lmpt Co to Iiry liork Sav Inatn ' 311 BoWory; due aml Int ai per bond; attv' | I'rank M Tlchner, 3s Park Row. $13 Doli 131ST ST, 229 w. n ?. 16mo.ll; p m; March 21' Esther Bright lo Paullne Miehijng. 229 w 131st st; due March 1, 1924; B p c; atty, TU IT Co ' 176 Bway. $7 unij AMST AV, w s, 25 h 170th st. 75x100; p rn March 18; Arrow lloldmg corpn tn Farmera' I' & Trust Co, truatse, 22 Wm st; due March 20 1924' i ?'? P e; uitys. Oelter, H A II, 22 Bxeh pl $85 00(j NORTHERN AV. w s. 178.3 n 181st, 196 6x242 6 xirrcg. p m; March 21; Arthur (J Uuinn to Liliv Buach, l Busch pl, St Loula, Mo; 5 yri 4& n c? j a'.tys. Blumonstlel A I), 103 Bway.$75,000 Bronx CA,MnR''-'.'iIN<J,. Kl- ,?, ?? W?.T. a Pelh.m av. 26x100; nlsa Cambrelllng av, w e, 221.7. ? Pci ham i.v. 25x100: Franceaco Ammirato to Loutse i Oottachalk. 178 W Blat st: Mch 21 ? 3 yrs 5 n ,? attv, T tl A T to, 178 vBway...,.. ' $3000 I34TII ST. 722 E. a 8. 17 3x103 6: Ptaner Blty Co to flarah I Gedney, 20S W llhh Vt: Mch iu ! 3 yrs. oV4-p c. atty. I, T & T Co, 100 Bway. ' ; SAME PROP; Bomo to Max Meycrson 370 Man? hattan av; prlnr mtg $2,500; Mch' 13- 1 vr I 11 p c: atly. Jos Levy. 45 Cedar at... ' *5oo j I.llE AV. 954-8, n s, two lots, each 50x100-two Realtlaa, Inc, 233 Bway; prior mlgs $68,000; ! Mch 1; 3 yrs. 0 p c; atty, L T & t Co. 160 I '*^*? ft y . 111 niiii "i-rHlAJA^ D.' S Wr?' iMnn tortta ol, ing corpn to A .1 Bchwantler Co, 360 10 167th st: nrli.r fitg $31,000, Mch 20- ?> Vra rt M'h&H'x? J K1,,Rll)r' 1:"' .Ni"-H"" ?*t-...??boo T,^19N,A%' 8 ? '" H"mo ?"?? 22.2x100; Krcl'k S ; Ki'hlraaliiKPr to ::rotona Illty Co 3u 1.; ?!*... EC4Wit "' ? " C: atty' W ? Wcchslor. 80 B08COBBL ' AV.' 'e a,' TJ.ii' a' PlVmnin,,' ttT ? rVnf",', : 2?xe 1)5.6X8 1.3xn 27.Kxw 83.7: Flarry tiena11 I Henry I.lppo. Jr. 127 Park av. Mt Vernon s4 A ano itrusi Mch "8; 10 yra. BVfc ? (. ?,,'..' slnlii, i Wllllamaon. 304 Alexander av K i-nn,, WKIISTKIl AV, 221.8.50. ? ?; two loia'.' 40 lx UO; twp nitga. ca,h $3,000: Morrl' l>, ?kv tl I Liatll \yel?.,ergcr. 20.1 7th it! Mob 21: dS al I per bond; alty, J r Wambergur. 100 Bway $10,000 BUSINESS CARDS DESKS AND OFFICE FCRSITCHE. topDEoKS Office Furniture ln great variety ol atyle and price I.G.SELLEW 111 FIJLTON ST. New York. CARPET CLEANPIO CARSFTI,. CARPET CLEANINO COMFANT.-a Cleana- rjy comprwiaed air, ?t*ara. Ifand or oa Boor. 419 Laat 4Sth st. COE & BitANDT. Tela phoi.t 132 Murray HUt DIAMONDS DIAMONDS AND 3E*.VELRY BOCGHT FOR CASH, eatatee apprt,t?ed, purcbaaed BENNSTT, 171 Broadwaj. "utmalra.' MCLTIGRAPHERS?STENOGKAPIIKR9 Multlgraphlr.g. stenograpliy, typewrltlng: all hours; reasonable. Coyne. 116 Nassati at Bcekinan 473. TYPEWRITEKS TYPEWRITKB8 RENTED Non-Tlsiblea. 3 Monrha, $6.00. Vtslbles. 3 Months. $7 50 A up. THE T-n'EWRITEB EXCHANGE. 10 Barclay St Tel. Barclajr 472J. MISCELI.ASEOUS CORPORATTON3 ORGANIZED. NEW rORK. $63. .10. Inrludea otitflt and erery oxpetue. Aa eounts collected everywhere. HPEfJALIST. RICH NBR. 1543 Broadwaj. fiulte 201. Brran' 7745 STORAGE NOTICES WEST SIDE STORAGE, INC, SUCCESSOR TO WEST SIDE STORAGE WAREHOCSE, 310-312 WEST 143(1 STREET. To Mrs. Kelly, for piHiiu purchased at sale ln November; Mr. GUson and Amster dam Van Co., IVarl Gray, Alva Miller, Miss Kate Murphy, Mrs. Phillips. Mrs. Gregory, Mrs. Mannlng, M. Nost, Mrs. Mayer, Leon ard Buckley, Mrs. W. B. Carter, Consoli? dated Building Trades Cor., Miss Collatt, B. S. Dennis, Lulu Dyson, Knirna Wrlght, 13. T^aviscount, Peter Garty. Mrs. Janet H. Hall, M. Kelly. Mrs. Leavltt and West Harlem Van. Mr. Leonard, Thomas Mee han, D. S. MoGllnchy, Mrs. Morrell, John S. Neese, M. O'Rourke, Edward Osborne, A. Portor, Mrs. Perrln, Mrs. L. E. R.-yn olds, Mr Rosenberg, Danled Thompson, Mrs. Vhii 7,andt, New Convent Express and West Harlem Van and Edward Wulsh: You and each of you are hereby notlfh-d that, the tlmo for the payment of our lien upon the property herelnafter described having explred, after due notice thereof liad been glvn you. we will cause such property, to wlt: Household furniahlngs. comprislng beds, beddlng, chlffoniers. bu? reaus, chairs, settees, davenports, tables, stands,. sowlng machin's, china and glass closets, crockery, glassware, kitchen uten slls, plated and silver ware, cutlery, por tleres, curtalns, draperles, carpets, rugs, booku, bookcases, brlc-a-brac, pianos, musi? cal Instruments, statuary, velilcles, paint? ings and pictures. trtinks and contents, linen, wearing apparel, personal effects, merchandise, etc, as enumerated ln tho warehouse Inventory issued to you by this warehouse, stored by you or ln your name iu the West Side Storage, Inc, Warehouse (or in which you may have Rn Interest), to be sold at public auction, according to the Btatute lu su.-h case made and pro? vided, at 310-311; West 143d St., New York City, on TUESDAY. Al'RIl, 8TII, 1919, at 10:30 A. M., nnd if the sale thereof Is not completed on sai.l date the same will be continued at the same place on each and every Tuesday thereafter, beginning at 10:30 A. M . on each day, and continuing until all Che goods ar.- sold. WEST SIDE STORAGE, INC. SUMMONS NEW YORK SUPREME I'OfRT, NEW YORK COUNTY.?The Equitable Trust Company of New York, suceessor by mer g.-r to tlie Van Norden Trust Company, as Trustee under ;t certain deed of trust dated March 11, 1907. between Athol Mor ton Miller and the Van Norden Trust Com? pany, Plalntlff, against Annie E. Miller, the United States Trust Company of New York, as Executor of the I.ast Will and Tf-stument of Andreas M. Miller, deceased Athellne Morton Miller, St. I.uke's Hos? pital Association of Duluth, The Benedic tlno Sisters Hospital A-ssociatlon, Tha Scandlnavlan Hosptal Association of Du? luth, and Tlie Duluth Home Association, Defendants. AMKNDED AND SUl'PLE MENTAli SUMMONS. To tlie above-named Defendants and each Of Jli.-in: Vf.ii nre hereby surmnoiied to answer the complalnt ln this aetlott and to serve a copy of your answer on tlie plalntlff's at torneys within twentj (UO. days after the Bervlce of this summons, excluslve of the cluy of service, and In case of your fi.llure to appear, or answer, Jiidgment will bo taken against you by default for tho re? lief domanded lu the complalnt. Dated, New York. February 1, 1919. MURRAY, PRENTICE St HOWLAND, Attorneys for Plalntlff, No. 37 Wall Street, New York City. TO: Athellne Morton Miller, St. Luke's Hos? pital Association of Duluth. Thi Bencdlc llne Sisters Hospital Association, Tha Scandlnavlan Hospital Association of Du luth, The Duluth Homo Association, De? fendants. Tho foregoing ainended and supplemen tr-1 summons is served upon you by publi? cation pursuaut to an order of the Hon? orable Nathan BIJur, one of tho Justices of tlie Supreme Court of the State of Now York, duted the 20th day of January, 1919 and flled with the complalnt ln the ofTlce of tho Clerk of the County of New York, nt. tlie County Court HouAe, In the Borough of Manhattan, City, County and State of New York. Dated, New York. February 10. 1919 MURRAY. PRENTICE & HOWLAND, Attorney* for Plaliitirr, No. 37 Wall Street. New Tork City. SUPREME COURT, NEW VORK COUNTT. EM1I.Y !>. DAY, doing business as BENNETT, DAY & COMPANY, Plalntlff, agalnsl JOSE BAGET, JORNET, Defondant. Summons, No. 3777- -1919. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an? swer the complalnt ln this action, and to ue.*ve a copy of your answer on the plaln tllT's attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, excluslve of the day of service, and In case of your failure to appear or answer. Jiidgment will bo taken against you by default for tho relief da tnanded ln the complalnt. Dated, New Vork, February 4th, 1919 CHARLES C. CORMANY. Attorney for Plnlntlff. Olllco atid Post OITIce Address 90 West Hroadway, Bor? ough of Manliatlaii, City of New York. TO THE DEFENDANT, JOSE BAGET JORNET: The foregoing summons Is served upon you by puMlcntlon. pursuant to an order <5f Hon. M. Warley Platzek, one of the Justices of ihe Supreme Court, dated February 14th, 1919, and flled with the complalnt ln this action In the olflce of the Clerk of the County of New York on tha 14th day of February, 1919. aiAIU.ES C. CORMANY, Attorney for Plalntlff, No. 90 West Broad? way, Borough of Manhattan. C!:y of New York. SUPREME COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY --EMII.Y D. DAY, doing business as BENNETT, DAY tt COMPANV, Plalntlff, against JOSE BAGET, JORNET, Defendant Summons. No. 3212 1919. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an? swer the complalnt in this action. and to serve a copy of your answer on the plaln? tlff's attorney within twenty days after tho service of this summons, excluslve of the day of service, and In case of your failure to appear or answer, Judgment wll* be taken against you by default for the relief de munded In tho complalnt. Dated, New York, January 28th, 1919. CHARLES C. CORMANY. Attorney for PlalnllfT. Oflice and Post Ofllce Address 90 West Broadway, Bor? ough of Manhattan, City of New York. TO THE DEFENDANT, JOSE BAGET, JORNET: The f .regolng summons Is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of Hon. M. Warley Platzek, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, dated February 14th. 1919, an.l flled with the complalnt in this ii.-tlon in the olllco of the Clerk of the County of New York on the 14th day of February. 1919. CHARLES C. CORMANY. Attorney for Plalntlff. Nn. 90 West Broad? way, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. Recorded Leases* Manhattan 13T1T ST, 43-5 W. n e ?; the land: Gen K Chla bolni. exr. to Sollg Roacnbaura, 4S W S.'.th ft; 21 yra from May 1, 1919: 21 yra rt-ucw; attva. Iloso & 1'. 1-JH Hway.$3 2,10 87TII ST, 3 W; all; Kmtna I'tlrcnmavr & ano oxtreen, to tbe Adle Co, 2640 ltwav; 10 4-12 yra fn.iii Jan 1. 1919: 10 yra rcnew; attyn, M M llay uard & Co. 2R40 Hway. $4 500 1ST AV. 1722-20: ma.hltie ahqp, Ae; 90th St & lst At Garage to Schou Nou-Metalllo Platon Co 1270 Lex av; 3 112 yrs from April 1, 1919 attv' tieo 15 Klemlna. 149 Hway.$" 20s HKOAMWAV. 4229 ft. n w 0 170th at; rtore- Me Ibmell t'.uistr (n to Kalrhanl.t llaklng Co; 4 yra from Oet 1. 1917; attyi, Itabcrotd tt Srrllm.-r "1 lbva,v .$000 & $1,000 FollT WASII AV. 91; Imperator Ilealtv Co to l-.ula Si-blecbtcr. 217 W 1101b Bt; 2 "o-lD yra from Nov 2t, lUltl, A etullng Manh 31, Hlio ? 10.750 LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS LOST?Long oval dlamond brooeh with larger dlamond tn centre. on Wednesday. 19th. prob. ably cn 5th av, between 40th and 45th ata; reward. Return to Mra. C. G. M1CHALIS. Hotel Btltmore. $1,000 REWARD LOST?Between February 23 and March 6. neds laee of 96 Ortental pearls, graduated in ?l?.e; Urgest size of a pea; smal! dlamond barre! rlaap. Communicate with Mcllwratth's Detective Agency. 2 Itector Street, New York City. I.OST BANKBOOKS LOST.?Bankbook No. 129,700 of the Excel sior Savings Bank, 73 West 23d st. Pay? ment stopped. Return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook N"o. 944.123 of "Bank for Savings, 2S0 Fourth ave., New York. Payment stopped. PUase return book to bank. HELP WANTED MALE "lNS'TKi;<*riON ACTO INSTRrCTION ?WE TI-;Arn REPAIRTNO AND DRIVING: SHORT TIME: PRIVATE LADIES' niUVtSC, AND MKCHAXU'AI, COURSE. AMERICAN AUTO SCHOOL. 7?? LEX INGTCN AVE. (59TH). PLAZA 4016. LEARN TO PB A CH4UFFEUR ? Pleaaant and profit able work; day and evening cla&ses. SeDd for free booklet and risltor"a pass Weat Sida Y. M. C. A., 317 Weat 57th ?t HELP WANTED MALE AMBITIOTJ8 8ALE8MEN. A year ago T resigned 88 sales manager of the largest iiutnmobile dtstrlhutor in the countrv. I had reached the top of the ladder.. but wanted to Increase, my eanilng capacity. ? looked over the business field with a flne eomb and rejected In nuiiierable propositlotis. I selected LIFE INSUR? ANCE, which had been presented to m? many times before, but never until 1 tned tl did I reallze the following: A delightful business, calllng on the highest type of business and professional men. onVring them a service nf most unquestlonable merit Dally doing some good for my fellow-men, Daily building and en.loying an Income far beyond my fondest hnt>es. If you are ln tho 30's or 40s. have demon ntrated your ability Iu your present positlon. ]f you are making $:>,500 or upward. and you are eager to double, yes, treble. your present inanne, come Jn and let's have a talk. Hold yourself open and permit me to prove that I have the verv op? portunity you have been waitlng for. Your com? pensation, ba-sed upon commission. will be limited only upon your own intelligent appllcation. Call and see my Salea Manager. Mr. Taylor. between 10 and 12. and from 2 to 5 o'clock on Monday. 902, 516 Fifth ave. BOT wanted in large import and export house; Christian preferred; must be neat and quick. L. W. & P. Armstrong. 106 tVall st. BALEBMEN HERE'S THE OPPORTUNITY YOU'VJB BEEN LOOKING FOR VA> want aevcral clean cut live wire aalesmen accustomed to intervlewing men of affairs. who can prove from past pcrformanees that they are capa? ble of earnlng at least $7,500 a year. If you are such a man we will give you the opportunity of making more money thia year, on a commission basis than you ever made before. And next year, ir your work haa been satisfactory, you may step Into a per manent positlon in our merchandlzlng department as a district manager, which will pay you from $10,000 to $30,000 per year for tho remalnder of your active Imsiness llfc. We are a successfuv mantifacturlng corporation with a nntlonally known product. Wo want real salesmen. who possess tai't and initlalive. to call ot buslnosa m"n ln New York and vi clnlty (with cards of introductlon) and take suhscrlptlons to our offerlng of 8 per rent preferred stock. with a common stock bonus. Stock aclliug ex? perience holpful, but not necessary. We instruct you. If you think you can quallfy call af'?r 1? ?, m. and before 3:30 p. m . Monday only, or write, itating your experience and quallfl caUons. Sulte 414, 00 East 12nd Street, New York Clfy. SOLDIERS and sallors car. earn good money de llvcrlng telegraun. Applv Western Uuion Tela graph Company, 33 Park IVh :e. TAII.OB Must understand . leanlng. prcaslng, rr palre; qtilcli worker: steady mb yoar round; $22; country. J. H. O'Niill Co., Oroenwlch, Conn, HELP WANTED FEMALE BINDEKY ilirls to learn bnnkmndlng: a'eady work; altn experlenced girls. J. F. 'I'apley Cu 535 West 37th sl DIKHWASHER. Apply, U a. m, 218 Weat 50th st, near liroaihiay. EXPERIENCED cnat. Ironer. l.mplre Steam Laun dry, 118 West Houston st FIN HER8; GOOD PAY; LIGHT. AIRY WORK ROOM: 44 HOURS, M. SCIINITZER A CO 113 UNTVXRSITY I'l.Al E. CORNER 13TH ST. GIBLS FOR LIGHT FACTOBY WORK: ARTIS? TIC. 128 MOTT STREET, COBNEB GBAND GIRLS, Chrlatlans: light clean work; foldlng eir culars and lahclling small parkag,-s: experience unneceasary; $8 lo start; permanent: adancrmeiit. Manhattan lirug I onipany. 50 Warren st. GIRLS (100), CANDY WRAPrERS AND PAt RERS, 300 GIRLS 41VEB SIXTEEN OR WOMEN UNDER FIFTY TO WRAP CANDIES; ABMY ORDERS; NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED; STEADY WORK; (JOOD PAY; SUBBOUNDINC-S CHEEBFUL AND PLEASANT Apply WAT.LAPE A CO., WASHINGTON AND PARK AVS., RROOKLYN. OIRLB. HANDY WITH NEEDLE; GOOD PAY LIGHT. AII1Y WOBKROiiM; 44 HOIRS m' CORNimisTH C?" H! DWTHIUn PLACB GIRLS for general work MijosUa Blas Btndlng to., 5S Kast 11th st. GIRLS or young women: light. agreeahle work aort. ing linen; homrllke surroundlngs; beglnueM $10 bheldon Mfg. aud SuppUes, 3C iuth Ave ei tranee GIRLS WANTRD ON MACHINE MKNDING WHITE COATS AND APRONS. HKNDntsox COAT .v APBON SUPPLY, 353 WE8T 42D ST. GIBLS wanted ,or light clean factory work (9 to start; half day Saturday. William E. Wrlght & Sons Co.. 315 Church st. GIRLS, cnUircd, who can sew on Slnger machines ?AokiyrT- "' 1VelbCr & S,,,,? HU y'M?? GIRLS, young to count and assort clean towela stre'e"' leerlcs? Tow*' Supply. 2-j Lafayette G,,n,',s ,foJ*, "''??>??"? K'ld hand work. HomanD Uelgel Passementerie. 155 East 75th st PAY ii*'?? ?. ON>"nABOU CAPES; GOOD M inivir' <AI !Y WOBKROOM: 44 HOURS. r-ii *1S 0Nlra,SITT ri'ACE. LADIES to tiead buckles at home; depoalt requlred Call M Pi*.y'?"^:,y WX\. K? W"S3 necLsary ___ Martlnc, 78 Reado Strcot QPERATOBS house drewes and aprons; steady; good paj. JEFKY ALL CORP., 252 West Twcnty-ntnih St PAPK1 MENTKRIE. FXTKRIIACTD HANDS .,' IO" "AC1S. BTEADY POSITION CALL ^AJj ,y?y*^ MA\liA3TAN PASSEMENTEBIX CO.. 11 WEST 85TJJ ST. KALESLADIES tboroughly erparleneed In ladles' coats. sulta and dreaa departm, i.t?; steady poalOon; also part tltna. 12 to o. m. s Bchelnman, :ij Diviiiou st SITUATIONS WANTLn FEMALK DRKASMAKRB, by ilay; flrst class; $3 Apply mi?s Bhauglmessr's Agency, ?no oth av OPERATORS wanted. axpcrlenced on ladles' walatu; best. wnrklne conditions: $25 to $30 guaraiiteed weekly. Apply to P.mular Waiat House. 80 Eaat lst St, Mount Vernon, N. Y. HELP WANTED FEMALE SALESLADIES, 1SXPERI4NCED ON DHES8ES. CAN SEOCRE GOOD PAY AND CONQENIAL EMPLOYMENT AT AYEDON'S, 448 5TH A\T. ' MODISTE AND DESIGN] R dealres morTw^ anteed. Mme. Reld. 140 W 1'Tti ^,mr Audubon 9S40. J "?? "-P*- II; situations wanted "malb " (:HAri'Ki:rn--c.rf?i. capable Tom.~7J:r~ any car; makes own repalra; $:o fm-F.^**-": erences. Mlsa Shea'a Ageney Y'l... ?d **** Murray Hill 6774. J' ? *"M' ?*"t K. CONTRACTOns of j- f,?--? Elng. plastcrlng. all ^.^^ '5SS?% ENGINEER, machl , ^nZZ.7~~r~ ences; take charge ggJ**? gines, dynamoB, factorj ererting renatrm. !! *' tltting. A. M . 16 '!: ",irln?- ?*??? JAPANESE Kxcrllenl butk k. .. ?^" anose Eagle Ageney. 101 w? ffi gjfc&aft SinPPISC CI.KIIK. cel?r. ! wUhc," n7?ln?"n t_*T 140 West 142d. Audubon 9849; Ap^jo. ' L",f*' DOMESTIC SITl\-\ YiOXS ~WA.\TED M A LE Miss Hofmayer's Ageney, 10 Eaat 4 J .<. 3d Uoor' relephone 8947 Murray Hill. ? BUTLER-VALET. fli . ..,,.,.,"-: enccd, excepUonally well rr.-omm,V?ic?- 5S' country; very dealrable young unu,; $j.o. ilaair. Ageney, 131 West 43d si. muooi COLORED COUPLE-|utic7 UBeftTH cook- ,*? work of country ramtf; $100; excellent referSJJT Mlsa Shea'a Ageney. t East 41st at. Murray HU COUPLE (Hollandcra . butier, valrt- wife mJ cook; rellable, efficienl pair, with boy ,tm? entire charge small private familj do laundrr flefd^s? Hob! ' ' " errest. 308 BtoS COUPLE (Swedlsh); rhauffeur. uaeruT: wtfe~.w bermald. uaeful; neat. young, wcli rfcommentled EXCEPTIONALLY nloa ai-pcarlng butier with n. cellent refereuoes: $<*0 to $90. Colonlal Ea ployment Ageney. 25 West 42d at. OARDENER - FARMER - CARETAKER raarrirt" Protestant; requtrea lurnlshed cottage - tn six years' references. Mlsa Sbea'a Agencj 0' Ea tlal II Murray lllll 6774 GARDENER?Uaeful, capable, young Irisliroan; *** excellent references: Miss Shea'a Ageney 0 Eae 41st si. Murray Hill 6774. HEAD GARDENER American. 6 vears* refereiw $80-$100 and rottauc. 1'. Miss ll.ifnuitfi Ageney, 10 Eaal 4:;d ?t.. 3d floor Teici-nom wi Murray Hill. HOUKEMAN?Capable young Spaii'ar'j, mwt tffl Ing: excellent references; $50; go ajitwlim Mlaa Sbca'a Ageney. 4 Vlast 41st tt. Murray Hill JAPANESE, rellable: right cooka butlcra: a'.l tm class experieneed; refereneea. Al Japanese Fua Employment Ageney, 101 Weal * : Bl BryantTttl TWO EXCELLENT butier wal.isea for rtty; tti and a half years' references $50 aml tft Colonlal Employment Aa.:.-., Wi ? 42d it DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED EEMALE A \ Nurscry covernesa young Danlsh wcawi: one child, on r tbrc. $50; r?-> (?? work Tuesday. S. Miss llol iyer'? Ajcnry, 11 East 43d at.", fl...,r. t< B947 Mumi lllll. CARETAKEItS.- Neat, young, capable; hinbiH employed; excellc I eook mo ? rellable rirpcndsbli pair; very highly recommci 1. Mra. Mucai Ageney, 131 VV. CIIAMRERMAID asal rounf neat, nlt appcarfng; t-^:\'' ? mmended; dli family; *'('. r .1 Masou's Ajetw, l.;l Weat i m. CHAMBERMA11) '.. -. very .Mribl' servant. cxci II',. i. Miss Hofmayei '. II) Ea I tt.. UiW floor; ti li ue I CHAMIIERMAU) ?Useful. can aew; neat, |oo4, rellable mald ; not youni llainx; Iwt references, $35. t all Mason 1 Ageney 131 Weat 4M. CHAMBERMAIDS and waitreaae! i?- sljt?r?, yoo?l Canadlana, (ogetl ? . Mrl/wrfc lin Ageney. 321 Madl " Hill Jt'l. . H.VMI-.I.KM MI..-- f.. v rvatrj, f?r .-i'N; $40 up. Colonlal ' Agencj1, *J vyesi i2d st rilAMI'.I.RMAin a-irt hoa r-'eraa* Lehti's Ageney, 77 E. 126th at. Harlea 5Slt ('OOK.--Vnunir Iriiti v, niu- ? lb) CH*' ""?li city f.iiniv ai i':oi (SI referenecs. N., Miiwi Horroayer's \.?? ? r. 10 Un" 43d nt . third floor; lelej ray HU1. COOK.- Seotch Protestant,' nal.le, consclcntious; aparti ?-; rxoruent references: $10. Dease call M lay, M??o? Ageney, 131 West 42d st. COOK. for country Inn; capai womaB: ex? cellent mansK.-r; $60; besl f*r?onal referencet Mlsa Bhea's Ageney. 6 East I I Murray Hill *"??' COOK.?Excellent Seotch Protestant <**?* fcr rtty apartment; j 15 Colonia '? A$eDt?. 25 West 4 2.1 Bt. COOK and ebambcrmald. waitress; "''-!h*"t.? separate: l.otli re ? led; I'-O-tn* M.. Mlsa Hofmeycr'! Ageney. 10 Easl ISdst, CpUPLE.?Cook and good referenesi I*** Ageney, 77 East 12.'tli st Tl I. Har-t-n* 55l5. COUPLE ?Cook and chaiiffeur; f"oa relefsg*} Lebtl Ageney. 77 Ea*t 125th ?! Tel. Harlem M" FRIENDS Cook $51 irtio "UI -^* in kitchen. $4.*.; both first cie.; city ir cotreW Miss Shea'a Ageney, ti E. 41s1 at Murray HYJ Ui* HOU8EWORKER.?Very neat, excepUonally eme ble, consclcntious, superior won ai sroall tatma. apartment. g.ilng Col "'-r. $j". a"* Masou's Agrn .. 131 Weat 42d. kOL'SEWORKER ?Rel ?'""*. "Si expert cook an.l butier; cil *""?., references Miss Shea'a Ageucy. 6 East 41st. MO* ray lllll 0771. HOUSEKEEPER (Engliah rro;es-?r.:'. rellnsd,*" telllgent exceptlonally competent; htr)-./ot t. o-c* tor's apartment; spleudld references: mo-: .Itsira''*". $50. Mrs. Masou's Ageney. 131 West 42d._ HOCSEWORKER.?Capable young colored slr-*!" cook; $50; city preferred. Miss Shea's Ainw G East 41st Murray Hill 6774. _ HOUSEKEEPER. worklag, French: ? i??: ?*?'?' ences. McLoughltn Ageney. 321 Madison a> Murray Hill. 8971. _, LADY'S MAID Veung Danlsh WDman. ''?*"**?! frotn promiiur.t. New Vork famhes; ?oo>1 **? streas. packer and traTcller: $45-$50 R- *JJ: Hofmayer's Ageucy. 10 Ka-t 43d st . lilrd 0**' telephone 8947 Murray Hill. ____^ MOTHER an! daughter: eook. 150 ?a-.:re??. **"*; bermald. $40: apartment preferred. exceUrrU JJ erences Mlsa Sltea's Ageney, ti East 41st. Mu*? UIU B774. _-J, MliM,, Infant'*. first class. tlioroiigntl ?"*}j eii.-r.i. exceptlonally capable. ronsclentlewj, ?, efflelent, .nost desirable, -. '?"'*"? *"" Call Maaon'a Ageney. 131 Weat 42d sr_^ M'HSK. s.-oteh. young; references MrLpaxW* Ageney. 321 Uadlaon av ; Murray Ulll ^|2l? WAITRESS, neat, nloa appeartng. ?"?"''????flSlH well u-alned, rery beat referentTs; apartm'M ifa fcrred; $50. Mrs Mascn's Ageney. 1J1 "'" *^ at.; liryanl 5633 ___?? WANTED r-oalUon ln private famllT ? *g deal or aub-nonnal ejvll*" refcniK-CJ exenaua? M. C. llox 300. Tril.ime Otfic* AUCTIONS _? FORECLOSURE CF CHATTKL uM(?^g' QAQR?Albert Henn lo Kudoipn w"jj on March 24, I91!>. ut 1606 Avenu* a> 9 a tn. .1 . ?i.-vs.-i i.-i; Aii.-:lw**' 1HS1NESS OPrORTlNlTIj^,, liKUill'M -aarH 1 am Miyer. cash. New York. of ajy **% aultable for Hitlglum and Frencli ru???4t ?*-" ..ffer ?ith aaiuples tsi Hurbalu, 1 ?>? ??*? * Antwerp.