Newspaper Page Text
Active Securities _,? i,, ^i,?._ Record of Stock and Homl Averages (Copyright. 1919. \ew York Tribun? Inc.) \'r: irr? ite, v 50 R.Uroad? -.j?-*$ 30 Industrial? .?.???* 50 Stock* .?.84'14 10 Tlattroart? .-. 79.57 10 Industrial?. 9o.15 5 1 tflltUs . fi4? ?5 Bonds Stock* Day before. 72.00 91.78 83.84 Bonds 79.42 95.06 84.90 86.77 Year ago, 67.75 78.07 73.94 78.56 90.30 85.96 84.74 nnntrr .Inn. 1 to Hate PI9. Hitch. 72.85 92.33 84,14 82.80 95.15 87,75 87.88 Low. 68,70 79.20 75.32 79.55 93.72 84.66 86.77 year 1 79.15 88.83 84.03 86.57 94.08 89.02 89.46 full 918. Low 66.12 73.87 70.30 76.62 67.40 82.60 83.62 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyright. 1919, New York Tribune Inc.) Stocks Yesterday. Railroads . 50,900 Piher ?took* . 1.238.800 AIKstock* .1,289,700 Pay before. 61,500 952,100 1.013,600 Y.-ar January 1 to date. asro. 1919. 25.300 5,400,700 157,200 47,712,900 182,500 53,113,600 1918. 4.241,600 29,821,800 34,063,400 1917. 6,839,800 48,249,800 54,089,600 Yesterday. V 8. Government ....$10,382,000 Railroads . 871.000 Other bonds . 1.703,000 Vll bond.. . 11,956,000 Bonds Day before. $9,185,000 627,000 2,451,000 12.263,000 January 1 to date. Yenr ayo. $2,878,000 426,000 1,398,000 4,702,000 1919. $565,578,000 57,088,000 207,508,000 831,274,000 1918. $171,523,000 45,691,000 95,765,000 312,979,000 Stocks advanced vigorously for a time yesterday on active trading, the volume of business exceeding a million shares. The upturn brought out realizing sales in substantial volume in the afternoon, resulting in recessions from the earlier highs, although the close was generally strong. Reports of a fresh crisis at the peace table were without apparent effect upon speculative sentiment. Stocks were bought vigorously at the opening and throughout the forenoon. At mid-day the market ouieted down a bit, but became more active again in the closing hour, when prices eased off. The feeling in the Street was cheerful, and the forecast of the De? partment oi Agriculture, indicating a record condition for the winter wheat crop, was a helpful influence. Again there was active speculation in the stock of the American In? ternational Corporation, which sold up to 91%, but closed at 89%, up 5% points. Trading in the stock approximated 112,000, making it the most'active issue on the list. Steel common stock closed unchanged kt 98% after selling at 99%. Bethlehem Steel common advanced 3% points, the B stock 1% and the 7 per cent preferred 3 % points. Other steels were firm, while the copper shares were inclined to be heavy. In the oil group Mexican Petroleum and Texas Company shares were strong. The Royal Dutch issues made a notable display at the opening and throughout the forenoon, but did not hold their gains. Among the strong specialities were Associated Dry Goods, Allis-Chalmers, General Electric, Haskell-Barker, Kelly-Springfield Tire, National Enam? eling and Stamping, Scars-Roebuck, U. S. Rubber and United States industrial Alcohol. Bonds were active and firm. The Liberty Loan issues moved with a narrow range and showed only slight fractional changes at the close. Yesterday's Transactions in Listed Stocka All stocks quoted dollars a share. Annual dividend rate, also in dollars a ?hare, is based on last regular payment. High and tow prices of 1919 are based only on transactions of 100 shares or more. High. Low. Div. 1919, 1919. Kate Net Sale?. Open. Hi?h. Low. Close, chue. Bid. Asie 50 33 ? 34 21 ? 66% 56'i 6 81 66 6 1 4 3 "8 ? 1% ? 30 ? 81% 7 99% 8 98 8 62 8 42% ? 93% 7 94% 84! 9 8 '4% 50'a 3 131/2 ? i TVA. 7 100 37 92: 109 103 79| ?2 '03 Adams Ex. Advance Rumely . . . Advance Rumely pr. Aax Rubber . 3200 Alaska Gld M. 2030 Alaska Juneau . 300 Allis-Chalmers Co. . 17230 Allis-Chalmers Co pr 200 Am Asrr Chem . .. Am Art Chem pr.. Am Beet Sugar... . American Can Co. . Am Can Co pr. . . . Am Car & Fdy Co. 4100 33'. a 1500 6634 77 2\ 2 36? { 90 33' a 383-4 3314 3834? I 3 33' 663f 78' 4 3% 2 37'; 90' ; 10800 108% 109% 108ia 109 300 100 100 100 100 - 3700 78' 2 7933 78% 78%+ 20300 50-2 5134 501-4 51%+ 1C0 100'4 100'4 100'4 100i.-4.-L 6800 931/2 9334 92% 92%? 10% .80 Am Druss . 2100 13% 13% 13'/4 13%-? 393-8 4 Am Cotton Oil _ 5300 48% 49% 48% 493a-j Amer Hide & Leath. . 3500 23% 23% 22'4 22%? Amer Hide & Leath pr 3800 102'4 102% 100'4 100%? American Ice . 400 45% 45% 45% 45%+ American Ice pr_ 200 63'4 63% 63'/8 63'4? 52% 2.60 Am Int Corp.114800 85% 91% 85 39 32% 66 77% 3% 2 2 - 1% 2 36% 36% + 1% 36% 37 90 90%-*- % 89% 90% 1% 109 IO91/4 100 100s 32 32' _ 65% 66 - 76'.j 77%+ 1% % 38 32' ; 65<H 77'4 3-1 : Wt 543-; 235, 102?: 49 841/ 91 523 323*. 85 7 58's 53 5 4% 1 - 5% 47.: j _ 73% 62'3 4 107 -03 7 119 IOS 12 87% 68 8 133 11V 4 7 118 11 118 96' 2. 19 33 33 7 "?08% 98% 3 215 191% 20 106 100 6 83% 45I x 5 -02 94% 7 43 27% - '5 11 ? reoo 48' a 50' 300 89% 8934 1700 6634 66% 500 1 % 1 % 100 51% 5134 5600 71% 71% 200 105 105 105 100 111 111 111 % 90% - 5% 49% f % 89!- a 66 ? % 1'/a? % 51% 61%+ % 71 71 ? 74 105 ? % IO434 105 111 ? 1 110 115 48% 89% 66 V/z % 78% 79 7 8 61 51% % 100% 101 ! a 93 93% % 13'4 13% % 49% 49% % 22% 22'-, 1' 4 100% 100% % 45% 46 63 90 49 89% 66% 1% 50 71 6334 90' 4 49',', 8934~ 66% 1% 523,4 71 % 40 56' ; 17'/i 90 36 92 64 64J 44 45 63' a 33 94' 4 89 ^534 67% n' : 135% 103 a 11 ; 110 7 1'i . . "2' ? 56" 3 1^' ?3: .; 55% 10 93 ';' ; 7 10S', IC at% ? w% 22% 8 79 ?. 138 10 7% B! a 2? , ? 25 16 ?% +8% 4 ?% 20% 74% 64% 7 W M % : 1? 155% 10 ?7% 91% 7 ^s 66% 5 49% ,, 128% IO-5 12 W% 53% 4 27 23% 2 ?1% 34% _ 74?, 60 ? _ 2 K 1 ' ?'/, 22 , - *3!? 73 , 7 ?/* .32 ? m 17/, 3? Am Linseed Am Linseed pr. Am Locomotive .... Am Malt . Am Malt 1st pr ctf. Am Smelting. Am Smelt pr. Am Snuff . Am Steel Fdry. 1200 81 81% 80% 81%-81% 82 Am Susrar . 8200 130% 133 130% 130%-? % 130 131 Am Sugar pr. 200 117% 117% 117% 117%+ % 1163-4 117% Am Sumatra . 2800 112 1133-4 111% 1 ?3 + 1% 1123/4 113 Am Sumatra Too pr. 100 96% 96% 96% 96%? % 90 97% 600 105% 105% 105% 105% 4- % 105 105?/. 800 206 208 206 208 -1- 2% 208 209 400 100% 100% 100 100 ? % 1C0 101 1100 53 58'8 67% 58-57% 58 100 9934 99% 993-4 99%- 98 100 200 40% 41 40% 41 -I- % 40% 41% 200 13% 13% 13% 13%? % 13 14 200 44% 44% 44% 44%+ ' a 43% 45 3500 63 63 623^ 62%? % 62% 62% 7300 27% 31 27% 30%+ 3% 30% 30% 300 93 93 923,4 92%? % 92% 93 225 86% 87 86% 8c%-86% 66% 7600 122% 124% 122% 123 4- 7R 123 123!/, Am Tel & Tel. Am Tobacco . Am Tob pf new.... Am Wool . Am Wool pr. Am 'Arit Paper pr. Am 7-inc & Lead. . . Am Zinc & Lead pr. Anaconda . As?oc Dry Goods . . Atchison . Atchison pr . Atl Gulf & W I. AU Gulf & W I pr. 100 67% 67% 67% 67% \- % 67% 68 Baldwin Loeomo Co. 13700 00% 90% 89% 89%4- % 89% 89% Baltimore & Ohio... 400 48'4 48% 48% 48%- 48% 48% Barrett Co . 1300 134% 1343/4 133 133 4. 2% 132% 134 Barrett Co pr. 100 115 115 115 115 ?? 114% 116 Batopilaa Mining ... 100 1% 1% 1% 1%? '/a 1% 1%' R-th Steel . 3400 70% 72% 70'4 72%+ 3% 72 73 Ht.?-! ri.TSH B.. 3560O 71 73% 70% 72%- 1% 72% 72% ? 400 95 95 95 95 f 3% 94 96 100 103'4 108% 1031/4 108% - % 108% 108% 800 22% 22% 21% 21%? % 213/4 22% -00 21% 21% 2^% 21% . 21% 22% 1600 20 20 -3% 19% - % 19% '5% 300 79% 79% 79% 79% - % 78 80 Reih Steel 7?h pr Beth Steel 3th pr RMyn R<?r> Tr. Bklyn Rap Tr ctf s Booth Fisheries Co. Bkljn I'n'ntn Gits. Burns Bros . 23200 150 3700 7 ', 22 200 24% 10700 61% 300 26% 500 69% 30O 62 150' 7% 22. 24! j 63% 26% 70,4 62 % Butte fop & Zinc. . . Batte Ik Sup Copper B'lttericU Co . California racking . . ( alif Pet . Calif Pet pr. Calumet &. Arizona Canadian f'acific .... Case J I pr. 300 9734 97'% < entrai Leather . t erro de finco Chandler Motor? Che? ?; Ohio. . . . Chi Gt West (hi Gt We.ft pr. 151 168% ? 13% 158% 109 7% 7%4- % 7% 7% 21% 21%? % 21% 21% 24', -? 24' 2 24 25 611 i 62% 1- 1 62'/. 62% 26! R 26% i- i/, 26% 26% 69% 70% t- % 69% 70% 60% 60% h % 60 61% 200 160% 160% 159% 189%? 1% 1593/, i6o 9734 97144- 1% ? 3600 77% 77% 76% 77 - 76% 77 3200 39% 40 39% 39%- 39% 39% 2360 127 128% 127 127%+ 1% 127 128 000 69 200 8% 100 25 69 8% 25 Chi, M &. Ht P. 300 33% 39 CMtCu . 2100 78% 79% 78% 78% < hi, M & St P pr . Chi A V Went. C, It I A P. < , K t & P 7% pr. C, c, c & h L. < bile Copper . < hino (on Copper. . **% M% ? Col Fu.-! A Iron.... ?Jv, W/t 4 r?| f,x, 4 g]? .... W\ 1f% ? f?| & Hoi4,h . ?7% 67% 4 ??ron Tab . W '> ?*% 6 <^? **> t> 7y* 52% ft *r\ 7 m 20% m w/.4 / * *H 7 ?% 6% 1*/? 10% . 6% 6% - ? 24% . ??% IV \ . *? 108% ? m 47 4 144'/. 96 71 no 58% 6834. 8 8 ? 23 25 - 383/4 39 ? 70% 70%? 96 9? - 24% 241-4 24% 24% 77% 77% 77% 77%? 34 34 34 34 ? 23% 2",% 23% 23%? 37% 37% 37 37 _ 7100 41% 44% 413/4 44 i 2100 45'/4 45'% 45% 45%-| 100 20' 1 26! 4 26% 25%? 100 47% 47% 47% 47'% 2000 100 800 600 100 2? 00 20( 0 68'</? 8 24% 33% 59 8% 25% 383/4 ( orn i'rodiiet.i Cara Prod pr ...... Croelbte Ht?el .. . ( tu, ib'? Hteel pr . . . . Cub? Am Huinnr . Cub? Cane Htigar Cuba Can? Sugar pr ?)?er? Co pr. J)?nv t? t? f, pr. DwSM Mint-n . r;ul 80 Khore A At pr KrU . V.i\9 1?t pr. VUnr.r H'rir . 2600 ';??U.n WHO? me .. G?n ( Hem Co pr . Ownral cig?r ??/?I KUetrlr (? % 70% 70% 9b% 96 24% 24% ! 77% 78 33 35 % 23% 23% % 36% 37% 1% 43% 44% % 45% 45% % 25 26 46% 473/4 77 ?/4 79 % 67% 68 104% 105% 17200 07 <4 68% 57% 67% ^ 100 106 106 103 106 ? 8M0 67% 6734 66% 67% f. % 67 67% 100 94% 94% 94% 94% f. 1% 931/ 941/ KM 180 184% 180 184% 1- 20-. 184 18B 28% 27% 26% 26% 4- % 26% ZT 77 77% 77 77%+ % 78% 77 98 98 93 98 - 07 68 ' 7 7 7 - % 7% 7% 12% 12% 12% 12%-t- % 12% 12%" KILL_ *ly_ ?i/" -. e f roc 300 BOO 400 1W) 600 700 28 67 0% r/'? 5%? 3% 16% 16% 16% 16%? % 11 87 64 BS 30% 81 1?% 28 tu UV/' U t'"n'"'1 M"??"? ? 1* >.V 6 (,enern| W,,,u,t? pr ?j/* W* ? G?n?ra| Mi/?/,r? ?leb . 8M0 i1% 01% Dj/4 4^y? 4 CMdrttll !? 9. 3200 M% 68% 66% 67'/i ( 1 \<ri 7. i.'JrUch ? It pr. 100 107 107 2*/j 27% 28 - 67 62 64 ? 2% 3600 30% 31% 30% 80% 100 103% 103% 103% 103%? % ?1 61% 69% 60% f. % 60% 80% MOO 107% ?60% 157% 169 f. 2 159 160 2010.; m 174% 172% 174 .4- 1% 174 174% -100 ?1% 91% 91 01 - % 91% 92 ? % 90% 01 fi 7 67% 10/ + % 106% 109 21 ?1 66', 107 H IK 11. 1019. or?i -, 44! .i 46' j 61% 49 10 72 52% 7/a 24 Low. I'iv. 1910. Hute. OOi 4 7 fit Northern pr. tit Northern Ore subs Greene Can Copper, . Oulf Slate Steel llaik & li.irk Car Co Internat') Agricul . . lull Agr pr. 3400 4200 ' 100 700 31. 41 6 49! 2 4 40 4 10% 4a 5 42' 2 6 3" ? ? 11'h - 1297a 110', g 6 113 115 7 28(4 211/4 ? 115i'a 92% G 48% 301-4 ? 75' 2 62 6 32% 24% 2 48 28 ? 16% ? 68 4 Sal??. Open. High, Low, ("lone 600 9.1 91 92% 92% 9800 3000 :00 2900 500 42'4 44 54 46 "a 18' 2 69V, 52% 4% 14 43 44 S.' 49 19 72 62', 4/ 14 Ne? chgo. Bid. 92', 4 42' i 42% ( 421, 43! ? 55 49 18', "2 ln"" Copper . 4200 52% 52% 61% 5.H- "% 51'/, Intb-Cons Corp ... 100 4'0 4% 3% 3%? 14 3% Int-Con Con> pr- 700 14 14 14 14_' 14 Int Harr Co. 940O 126% 123% 126% 127 + % 126% 127'/. Int Ilnrv (o pr. 200 117 117'8117 117' b - % 117 _? Int Mer Marine. 3400 26% 27% 26% 27 f % 26% 267; Int Mer Mar pr.... 34600 112% 114% 112% 113%-i- 1 -.13% 113'/ 43% 54 46' i 18! ? 69% 61% 3% 14 43% - % 65' 2 ? 1 49 1- 2% 18%+. '/2 72 i- 3% 51%? i'2 3%? % 14 Ask 92' : 42^ 4V, 56 49*, 19 721/ 51'i 4 14'/, 21% 125 33% 72% 20' g 57''a 27% 49% 100' 2 168% Inll Paper . 100 Intl Paper pr stpd.. 200 Intl Nickel .27600 Jewell Tea . 400 Kan City South _ 100 46% 73 26 3O/2 10 46% 73 27'/, 29!'a 2 62% 6 18 ? 54 5 21 ? 40 ? 94% 7 153 12 Kelly Sprinir . 31700 119 111% 107 83 70 41 697'e 33!.. 77VS 108 Konnecott Copper I.arkan-nnna Steel . . Lake Krie & W pr.. Lchiffh Valley . Lee Rubh.r & Tire. Loose Wiles Bis Co L W Bis Co 1st pr.. Lorillard, P. 2100 2300 100 200 4200 300 45' 73 26 39 19 119 45', 2? 1 73 -t- 3 27 + 1' 39 ? 1' 19 ? ' 123% 113% 72% 27 46 73'/ 27'/, 40 20 7 7 26% ? 50 % - - 19% ? 60 5 104 7 39% 39 39 ? 1% 39 19 19 19 ?- % 19 125 119 123% 1- 4% 123% 123% 32% 32% 32% 32%- 32% 32'/: 70 71% 69% 71% r- 1% 71 18 18 18 18 -r 1 16'/ 54-% 54% 54% 64%+ '/2 54^ 25% 26% 25% 26% f- % 26 48 48 47% 47'%? % 47'/ 10 100'2 100% 100% 100%- 100 ' 100 153% 153' 2 153% 153%+- 1% 153 Lorillard, P pr. 200 10S% 108% 108% 108''.? % 103 197% 162% 8 24% 21% 2 40% 4 85% 7 4% ? 8% ? 22% ? 491/4 ? 69 5 29' 2 3 1031 ? 7 48 91 7 14% )27 54% 77 39% 105%. 18% 14 -- 58 45% 6 69% 64 5 14 6% ? Man Kiev crtii Maxwell Motor . 2100 Maxwell Motor 1st pr 200 Maxwell Motor 2d pr 400 May Depart Stores... 200 May Depart Stores pr Mexican Petroleum , Miami Con Copper. . M id vale Steel . M S P & S 3t M_ Miss Kans & Tex... Miss Kans & Tex pr Miss Pac . Miss Pnc pr. Mont Power . National Acme Nat Cloak & Suit pr N.'.t Con & Cable. . . Nat Enamel & Stp?i. . National Lead . Nal KR of Mex 2d pr 71'/, 18 54/. 26% 48/j 102 154 109 75 3934 17% ? 15% 1 % Nevada Con Coppe 36.. 113 77Vn 34-% 21% 82 54% 44% 8% 6534 10% 8 84% 67 145 117 46 43% 29 ? 91% 10 69% 5 25% --- 18% 2 47 5 88% 7 3534 5 5% - 46 3 New Or Tex & M ex N Y Air Brake New York (entrai.. N Y N II A H. N Y Ontario & West North American .... Ohio Gas . 10100 52% 15% 60 37% 47% 21% 50% 94 40% 83 72.4 54% 45% 12% 66 30 33% 16 45 90 /a 34 79 59 51 Ontario Silver ..... Owens Bottlinsr ... '2 Oklu Prod Ref. Pan Am Pet. Pan Am Pet pr. . . . Pennsylvania R R. . Peo Gas & Coke. . , . P?re Marquette . . . Pero Marq prior pr. Philadelphia Co 900 30% 30% 2934 30 300 20 20 19' ? 19'/ 100 61 51 61 6l' Northern Pacific ..?. 1200 94% 94% 93% 93% 1000 2400 8000 30800 200 800 100 100 100 8200 39% 40% 39% 39%+ % 39% 7 6% 6%- 6% 63 50% 60%? 2% 50% 9% 9% 9%? % 9% Pierco Arrow . 5400 122% 112% 33% 68% 21% 867 86 105 /a 19 75 71' 100 20200 2700 100 1000 100 53 9% 82 144% 44' ? 50 14% 60 36% 47 21' 4 49 93% 36% 82'a Piorco Oil . Pittsburgh Coal .... Pittsburgh Steel pr. . Pilts & West Va. . . Pitts & West Va pr. . Pressed Steel Car. . . Punta Aleare . Pullman Pal Car Co. Railway Steel Sprinc Ray Con Copper. , . . Reading . 6000 85% Rep Iron ?ft Rtcel_ 1600 82% Rep Ir & St pr. 95 63 12 14% 19% 00 102% 102% 1C2% 102%-" 7034 8.44 Royal Dutch .*.. 6300 95% 96% 94% 04% + 86% 8.44 Roy Dut N Y shares. 27200 93% 94/2 53% 6 6' 1 ? 10% ? 15% ? 185/4 168% 8 13% 10 1 47 33% ? 59 46 % 6 106% 95' a 6 147 132 20 110 107 8 30% 25 ? 70 66% 5 65% 45% 4 42% 5 32 6 36% 3 12% 1 27', 2 ? 185 10 Savage Anns . Saxnn Motors. St LouU & San Fran Seaboard Air Line pr Sears Roebuck . Shattuck Ariz . Sinclair Oil . Sloss-Sheffi St & Ir Southern Pacific . . . S Porto Rico Sutr . . S Porto Rico Sug pr 100 61% 100 734 600 12% 300 17% 600 178' 2 500 13' a 6600 46% 400 63 20200 105% 100 147 100 110 50 14% 60 37' 4 47% 21 ' 4 49% 93% 36% 82% 500 70% 71% 70% 70% 400 54 541 a 54 541 2 - 1000 122 122/2 121 % 121/2? 3400 79/2 817;, 79% 80%+ 800 21% 21% 21 21% ? 8G 84% 85% 833% 82% 83 61% 7% 12/, 18% 173% 13% 46% 54 106% 147 110 92/4 Hi/4 7% 12% 17'4 178% 13 46-% 53 105 147 110 45%? % 45% 45% 54 + 2 52' 'a 53' r 105%- 105/0 105% 147 + 1% 147 150 110 + 3 108 110 Southern R R . 1100 28% 28% 28% 28%? % 23 53% 41' 2 42 15% 36% 213 Southern R R pr .. 300 Studebaker . 13700 Stutz Motors . 1100 93 72% 6 106 99% 7 45 37% 5 132% 124% 10 74% 72 4 45 3734 4 138% 107% 9 117 90% 7 115 91 6 176 157 10 2774 1534 ? 223.t 14 ? Superior Steel . Stromberg . Tcnn, Copper Chcm Texas & pacific . . . Texac Company .... Tob Products . Tob Products pr ... Trans & Will Steel Cnlon Pacific . I'nion Pacific pr ... United Alloy Steel.. 300 100 3200 2500 633? 65 51! . 39% 38 % 15 32% 8300 216' 2 218 5000 91% 91 % 903% 90%+ 300 100% 100% 100% 100%? 400 4334 43% 43% 43% + 400 130% 130% 130 130 ? 100 73 73 73 73 ? 900 43% 43% 43% 43%? 216%? 1% 215% 217 1 4 90% 91 100 102 % 43% 437. % 129% 130/, 73 74 % 43 43 V: L'nitcd Cigar Stores S600 134% 1363% 134% 135%+ 1% 135 58 673-4 154% 108 373'? 89% II2/4 51% 105% 88''4 116% 113% 77% 63% 17% 13 60% 51 114% 110 64 54 42% 6 49 2 97% 16 96' 4 7 17/4 73 ? 109 8 43% 5 200 117 117 117 117 ? 13/4 116 119 100 115 115 113 115 + 3 114 - 100 1733% 173% 1723% 173%? % 172 174 300 25 25% 25 25% ? 25% 25 2400 22% 22% 22 22/8+ % 22% 22% 200 58 53 53 58 r 1% 57% 53 25100 66% 673i 66 67/4+18 67 67% 18100 149% 154% 149% 154% f- 5 154 154% .100 106% 107 10634 107 - 1% 106 103 700 363 4 37% 36% 37 + 1 36 37 C S Rubber. 34900 85% 89% 85 88% ?- 4% 8334 89 r S Rubber 1st pr. . 200 111% 111% 111% 111% ~ 111% 111% IT S Smelt & Ref_ 300 50% 50% 49% 49% ? 49% 49% U S Steel. 94200 98% 99% 93% 93% ? 983/4 9S7?? U S Steel pr. 700 116 116% 115 116 -?- /8 116% 116% T'tah Copper. 2300 76% 76% 75% 76 ? 1% 76 76% Utah Sec. Corp T'nited Drug: . United Dru?. 2d pr Cnited Fruit . United R'y Invest pr. U 8 Cast Iron P &V U S Cast I P?F pr. . T ' 8 Food Products. U S Ind Alcohol. . . U S Ind Alcohol pr. 1 S Realty & Imp. 9 36% 75 12% 22% 61% 89% 73.4 - - 30% - - 59% 6 IO/4 - ? 17 52% 6 84% 7 Va Carolina Chem... Va Carolina Chem pr. Va Iron Coal & Coko Wabash . ..'abash pr A. Wells Fnrjro Ex. West Maryland. West Pacific. West Pacific pr. 2100 17'a 17% 16% 16%? % 16' 2 17 8900 59% 60% 59 60/2+ 1% 60% 60/? 100 112 112 112 112 - 2' 114 200 200 600 100 700 no 200 56 8% 3." 2 60 10% 13 53% West Union Tel. 1100 47% 40% 3% Westinrhnuse Mfr.\ 84% 65% 57' 2 45 30% 23''4 94 873% 133% 120 63% 50 72% 68 4 Wilson Co. White Motors Willys Overland Willys Overland pr. Wooiworth . Worth'ton P & M.. Worth P & M pr B. 56 8% 33% 60 10% 13 53/4 86% 86% 46% 4734 84' i 84% 54% 547 g 29% 29% 94 94 300 123 123% 700 65% 65% 100 72% 72% 15600 2800 500 9F.0O 3 00 56 8% 23 60 10'/j 13 53% 86"; 46 83?i 54'/s 29 94 123 63 72' .': 56 8% 33 60 + 1 10% - 18 53' 4 88/2? V 47%+ 13/1 84 + a 54%? -3/ 29 ? '' 94 + i, 1233/4 65 - 72% 112 56 8% 32; ? 53 103* 17% 53 86% 47 83% 84 % 84 54% /a 29''a 29% % 93% 94 1/a 123 124 34 65 65% 72 73 58 8% 33 64 10% 18 54 85% 47% *I.x dividend. Note. The Tribune assumes no responsi? bility for the accuracy or authenticity of curb market quotations. Transactions und prices yesterday were as follows! Standard Oil Open. Hieh. Low. Last. ?Prairie 0 & O ? 670 652 652 ?Stan O (Cal.) ? 26" 265 266 SUn 0 (N. J.) ? 676 675 676 ?Vacuum Oil.. ? 414 414 414 Otlirr Oil Stocks Intluslnaln Rales. 2000 100 1000 300 161.00 800 1600 4000 BOO 200 lBO'l 4100 360 400 667 J000 . -- I . 00 300 7400 6400 2000 3100 100(1 21? 00 6O0 4600 l,i)i) 80000 9Q0 60?Q R26 1000 8000 _;:'?> 400 4600 3000 7000 1200 1000 6000 Open ?Aetna T_.p. . . 0'% Am Pr MfK < o ', "Am Malt ft (.; 38 ?Am ltd Mach. 3.1 Clalb ... An V. 11 ?liucyriiH C<> . . 18' a ?Clt X'n- HT ?h. 36% *Endl Johnson 62 ?Km?Ii John p. . 100 ?Fairbanks Co. 57 ?la Play-Lasky 67 ?Klsk R T w I. 29 ? I K T % pf.112 ?flon Asphalt. . 66 ?(ill Mitf ?Hock V?l Prod 10% Hupp Mot (., ? i?,' , ?I T of <? II ft I 16% ?Int Products.. 36% Int Rubber. 19% K?y T & K com 96 fLack Co <'??I. 31 ?Lib, MoN A L 29/a Maroonl o? Am. 4% ?Mill Anil & Ch 27 ?Nat Coal & f. 62% No Am PA P. 4% ?Pearson Coal P.'i'fccilonT A II Ii Peerless Tr A M 2?% ?/'I. Morris w i 12% ?K'-rii Typ?wr,. 42% ?Ht?wart M fit. 88% Bub Boat vie 18 ?Mwlft. int-i-nnt, ?1% ?I Ii.mi.'Ii, Bro 11% ?Union Cnrhhle /?' Unlit? Prof Mb. 1li H H /.teiiniBblii ')% Wayne Coal . V *Wr-M Aircraft World Fun v t 0 35? . flieh 9% 39 12% 18% 36% 2 ? 100 5/ % 70 30% 118 88% 149 10% eft 17 36% 21 95 32 20% ? ?a 3!4 23? 13 4.1 30% 15% (11% 11% 73 k 4 . Low. 9 3 38 33 11 18 36% 49 99% 67 64 29 112 65 1?.6 10 8% 1?% 36' 4 18% 92% 80% 20% 40 26% 62 1% 3 ? 27 U'% 42% 'iH% 15 1,0% 11 69 1t". IS Last 9 3 39 33 12% 18 36% 81% 00% 67' 2 69 293% 118 65% 147 10% Hi' 17 36% 20% 94 32 29 4% 27 62 4% it " ?? ?i 23 12'/.i 43 30 16% 60% 11 70 ?A ?% .!% 3% 1 Salos, L2000 *AIlon Oil . ?. 400 "Alliance O & B 1200 ?Barnett ? & f> :.- 10 ?Boons <';i ?,i ? 1, ? B01 t-Wyo Oil I 1 ?Cmwlth Pi. 201 0 *Cosdcn & Co. ?i 100 * ICrown Oil i:i(10 *Cry..ti-l <l'l ? ? 1600 *ElK llHtiin Pet i,u?-? ?tlCsroeralda O. 3300 *l'V(l,'i_.l Oil . ? 7000 'Clenrock Oil. run ?(it Plains Pet. 3600 ?Hudson OIL . . Ii 100 ?Int Petroleum t,.*I?I Oil 4 Tran 7000 ?tKenovo on. ? i I f) ?LoU Oil & Kef "?n ?Msrrltt o Cv 3000 Mel I'ot.i'oli'uni 4000 ?Miilwe.l Oil. . 4300 'MM-vent Kef.. 12000 *MPa. of M w 1 12000 ?National Ol 2600 ?N.irtliweHt OH 1000 ?Oltla A Tex O 26000 ")mnr O A O. 600 ?Orlsnt 0 A 0. 1600 ?!vini"k Oil .. 8000 1'i'iin (Jasnlons.. 16000 ?tQussn Oil.., t?OOO *\ Rangob't OIL KlOl'lO ?'KlItlKei II oil 1 L00 ?Kii'lini'il Tex O 11700 *' Koc_ O in p) 2000 'Ball Ck Pro. . 300(1 ?Sinclair O i'p 1 1 Flouthwflsi on 1600 ?Mtantn OIL . , 470(1 ? Iterling OAK 41.?tTaji o A H. . 700 'Vie O riw Mtk ?000 W Btates 04L Orien 3 6% 6 2% ?r?? 1-? Va 26' - 8'r 6!. 38' -j 30 1 1A 16B m I. 6% 63 6 45 m 15 TM 1B 92 38 0% 54 40' '. 45% 43 (,%' 87 30% Hmh 3 '/a 5!H ' 4 6 33 46 '.1 8% 39 2 7 5% 2% 4% 1V? 1% 28 % 8% 7 38% 30% :? 170 3 6% 65 Wa 47 1% ". 1(1 07 39 9 Va 54 40% 46^ 43 4 40 2% 40 Low. La it. 2.? 5% ! v 5%. 34 34 48 46 8% 8/a 2.4 5 ? ' . 33 1% 6% 5 4 '. 1% 1% 26% 8f4 33 2 7 5 2r? 4^ 1"4 1% 28 8% 5?, 2 6% 38 38% 89% 80% 3 8 g 1A ,!,_ 165 168 2% 2% 6' 4 ?! ., 61 56 5 6% 45 40 1% 1% 14% 14% ft ft 16 02 37 9% 62 18 0D 30 0% 64 39% 40 44% 45 43 43 % 5ft 3/ 2% 5% 40 2% 30% 40 Mining Storks 30 63 4 64 12 4 1% 6% 2% 1% 1% 75 Sale?. I...mi +AI-l!r Col Mt 43 5500 "'AM,'; M a p) 32 7200 *tAlli?d Gold. . 68 560 ?Am Mine? 1 200 ?Arizona Hutte 50 8200 ?tAtlanta _ 6 6000 Bin Ledge _ 41.? Booth . 26000 l-Bos & Ment.. Detroit. 1500 Butte-Nw Vork I Caledonia .. 4200 ?Calumet & Jer tlOO Canada Cupper 6400 ? Candelaria S. 8500 tCashboy . 1200 ?Cerbal S MAM Con Ariz Smelt 1800 Cresson Con G.l 6200 El Salvador Sil. 1500 'Eureka Cr M. I '" First Nat Cop. 700 ?tFlorenc? Sil. g000 ?-Fortuna Con 45 5i I ?Gadsden Cop. 3% 17000 ?tGold Zone Div 81 * 3300 ?Golden Onto. . 3% 700 ?tGolden Rule M % 1500 tGoIdfield Con. 18' 2500 ?tGoIdfield Me rar 6% ?ooo ?tGreat Bend. . 4% 32000 ?tHaabrouck Dv 22 1500 ?fHattieGM(ap) 42 3550 Hecla Mining.. 6% 2500 ?tJim Rutior.. 34 3600 +.Iumbo Exten. 1000 * + Kawana3 . .. 2000 Louisiana Con. 60000 ?tLone Star.. . 2700 ?tMaema Chief A 1000 M a cm a Copper 31% ?1 MacNam M. 72 98 "M M of Aiar 3' 00 ?tMarsh Min. 300 TMoKinlry-Dar. 43 4000 ?tMother Lode. 40 4700 -Nat Tin _ 1 ?& 11800 ?tNev Div tap) 21 900 Nip Mines Co. . 9 200 ?Onondago Min 3% I 100 ?Ray Her Min. 1% 32000 ?tSeven Met M. 39 12000 ?tSilv King Div 26 80 100 ?fSuth Divide. 39 100 Standard Sil Ld V? 3700 "Stewart . 15 200 ?Tonopah Bel. . 3'4 7500 'Tonopah Div. 10% 200 Tonopah Ext.. 23a 1700 ?Ttuolnmne HP 45 3 100 *rr+ Con Mine 11 5100 Unity G M Co. 6'% 4. ?tWard M & At 37 * Wesl End Con 1 ?* 3500 fWhite Caps M 15 600 ?White K C pf V/i Oven. High. I.ow, La.-it. % 40 32 68 1 60 6','{ 30 61 4 43 33 69 1 50 6%' 30 63 6 38 ifi iS ift 13 11 1A 65 12 4 1% 6% 2% 1% 1% 76 46 3% 83 3% 33 19 6% 4' 2 23 44 5% 34 14 6 % 11 31% 81 1-flr 8 50 40 23 9% 3% 2 40 27 39 16 3'4 10% 2% 50 12 7 39 2 18 1% 38 % 62 11| J 4 1% 5 2 134 l% 75 45 3% 79 3% 4% 21 40 5 34 13 10 A; 31 72 1A 8 48 37 1* 21 9 3% 1% 39 23 36 A 15. 3'4 9% 2% 45 11 6% 36 1% 15 1% 65 11% 4 1% 6 2% 1% 1% 76 46 3% 31 3% % 19 6 4% 22 44 5% 34 13 6 % 10' 2 A 31 80 1% 8 50 39 1* 23 9'/8 3% 40 25 37 3% 9% 2% 43 11 6% 38 1+1 16% 1%' Bonds 8000 ?Am T * T 3s ?r'"M 0 "Anaeonda 6a. 00 ? Fed F L Rh . 20000 Tnt II T 7s,. 27. ?Ill Cent 5V.B 4'HK) ?I.GL 7a (old) 99% 99% 99% 99% 98% 93'4 98% 98% 10334 103% I?334 103% 83 88% 88 88% 96% 96% 96% 96% 100 100% 100 100% 100 100 4000. ?L & M 6s. '21.100 100 20000 ?NYT C deh 0:) 99% 99% 99% 99% 10000 ?Rua Govt SVfci 6l? 61',| 61 61 25000 ?Sinclair G fis. 96 97 96 97 75000 ?W&C Cv 6 pc 95% 96 95% 96 ?Cnlisted. tSells eta per share. Bonds Fallowing ?3 a complete record of all transactions in bonds on the New York Stock Exchnngo yesterday: U. S. Government Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Closing Quotations) Tuesday. Bid. Asked. Lib. 3Us, "47.. 99.14? 99.20 do lit 4s, '47 95.36@ 95.40 do Cd 4s, '43 93.76? 93.73 00 lst4?,a,'47 93.50? 95.56 do 2d 4%s.'42 93.78? 93.80 do 3d l%8,'28 95.72? 95.74 do4th4%s,'38 93.72? 93.74 Old issues : 3s. reg, '30... 93' '-, ? 99 2s, *oup, '30.. 98% ? 99 3s, rear, 46. .. fitf @ 92 3s, coup, '4t5. .89 (3 92 4s, reg. '25...105% (?106% 4s, coup, '2:,. .105% ?106% 98' 4 ? 90' 98% <? - Monday. Bid. A ked. 99.02? 99.10 95.5U<e? 95.60 93.73? 93.80 95.50? 95.60 93.78? 93.30 95.72? 95.74 93.74? 93.76 Pan 2s, Pan, 2a, Pan, 2s, Pan, 3s, Pan, 3s, Pan, Phi!. 4s, do 4s, '35. do ?s, '38. D Coi 3-653. ifi. r. '.;?;. c '33. r, '38. 0, '61. r, '61. '?". ?. .. 98 ? - @ 92 <g> 92 ? 96 ? 98 ? 96 ?100 933B @ 993.4 933a ? 98% 89 @ 92 89 ? 92 105% ?100' 4 105% ?100% 97% (a) 9S% S7 @ ? ? 98 8 97 97 87 h 7 90 90 90 97 ? 92 & 92 @ 96 @ 96 @ 96 @1CQ Liberty Issues Libes,-! y 3 do 1st do 2d do lit do 2d do 3d Net f.?.'-,'. change. 4 Vis 41ls 4 Vis do 4th 4 '.,3 [ Approximate 99,14 95.32 93.78 95.46 93.80 95.74 93.74 yield at High. Low. Us- 99.18 99.02 4s_ 95.48 95.32 4s_ 93.80 93.70 95.60 95.46 93.80 93.72 95.76 95.66 93.78 93.70 93.74 ? .02 | investment yield at the closing New York ?Stock Exchanga prices. I Yield. Third 4',4s . 4.80 Fourth -l'4s. .. 4.74 I Second 1 %d . 4.68 First t%s .4.54 ' Second -Is . 4.42 First ! i. 4.30 : First .'! %j . 3.55 [Sales of Liberty bonds on tha tfew Yor,c '. Stock lixchange carry interest to tue datu of sale, and the seller receives thU ir.tcreal ia addition to the sale price, ) (Salea) U S 4s reK 1025 IU S Liberty 1st Vis 3,000.106 : Juno 1932-'47 do registered i 1,000.95.46 6,000. 98%' - - |U S Liberty 3%s ' Total .$52.000 June 1932-'47 U S Liberty 2d 4'4s 18,000. 20,000. 176,000. 22 000. 99.04 90.02 99.04' 99.06 99.08 ' 00. 99.12' 190,000. 99,14 70,000. 99.16 fin.noo. 99.18 58,000. 99.12 7, 00.99.14 2,000. 99.10 17,000. 99.14 1 .$719,000 U S Liberty 1st -Is June l932-'47 2,000. 05.40 100,000. 95.48? Lfi.000.95.40 3,000.95.36 lO.95.32; Total .$120,000 US Liberty 2d 4s Nnv 1927-M2 Nov 1927-'42 39,000_ 121,000.... 27, "... 57,1 1 1. . . . 84,000. . . . 47,0 0_ IS 1.000_ 113,000_ 55,000. Ifi,000 . 93.80 . 93.73 . 93.76 . 93.74 . 93.72 . 93.74 .. 93.76 ,. 93.78 . . 93.80 . . 93.78 . . 93.80 Total .$750.000 I S Liberty 3d 4',, 1 1928 15.000. fi,. ?! 000. III. 10, 62,000. 8,000. 15,001 93.78' 93.80' 9 1.73 93.76: 93.74 93.72' 93.70' ? ,1 000. 13.000. . ? 315 '000. 231 . 232,.'. , 000 . 9,000. ! 13,000. HI,000. 811.000. 383.000. , 20,000. 150,000. Total 95.70 95.72 95.74 95.72 95.70 95.68 15.66 95.64 95.66 93.08 95.70 95.72 95.74 95.72 95.70 95.74 .$3.333.000 51,000. 93.74' 78,000. 93.70 121,000 . 93.781 90 (100. 93.80' R 1. 93.74 1. 93.78: Total .... $545.001 U S Liberty 1st 4%3 Jure lO.'IJ-'17 1.000. 95.601 30,11110. 05.50 2,000.95.00' 7 000. 95.50; 1,000. 05 40 10.000. 95.561 9 1.72 U S Liberty 4th 4%) Oet r.'.(.V38 410.000. 93.73 10,0(1 ' . 93.76 220.non. 93.78 1,000. 93.80 989.000. 93.76 1,4 i".'" 0. 93.74 i, 14,000, . . . 93.72 1 ,1 ". 93.74 20.IH10. 93.78 210.000. 93.7a 108,000. 93.74 ,;?.':!..'. 93.72 80,000. 93.74 Total .$4.862,000 Foreign (rovcrnment nnrl Municipal BoihU 102". (New York Slock Exehnnjrc- Quotations) (Interest To Be Added) Mil Am Foreign See Co 5s I'M9 Anglo-French Extern Argentina Intern El 1948. Vnm of ''anula O? 1921. do 192(1 . do 1031. Chlnona Qovt H K Vv ,r?i 1951. Cuba Extern 5s 1911. do 5?, lerle? A 194?. do 4',. 1 1049. Dominican Rap (?? 1068.. City ol' Horili'iitM Oil I'M J. do I-von (U I'M'.?. do Marseille? II? 1010. do Par?? 'ii 1021. Japanese Qovt ?!'?.? ?< ?tl In 10 '? do 1 1 1 !tl ??-.- 1921 99 ,> 96% 84 98' ? 97 07% 70 98% 90| ,. 82*? 91 99% 99 4 O')' 4 91 AiWcd. 99% 96,', 35 98| i 97' ? 97% 70'4 90 02% Rt% 09! j 99' S do 4k h( I In I'.l.'ll. 77 10 City of Tokio I. u K Mi Mr A ? ? l-yr ?' .1.. 1. ft ..'-. 1021 ? do 20-yr 1.'^? i:?;i7. 81 j.i 1017. . 99 'h .......... 98 ?J 10' 97 " 92' , 77' . 83 90' , 08*H 99 FOREIGN BONDS DKALT IN FLAT Bid. Asked. Mexico Ktt strl 5s of '99-1945.. ? 76% do void u of '04 1984. 68 ?? Russ 1804 Rento .s LOOO r den. 23 ? (Sale.) Am Foreign K is I Jap Hd ser 4 Vis ?.O?.?.. 99% Uci man sin? '. 99A! 5,X>00. 8* , Anglo French 6* ?U K uf Ot Brit ft I 10.000. 06%, 0%s 1919 . 96% 2,1 00.?9% 20, '. .6% :? . S9% 2,000.90% 10,000. ..... ; 100. 96% 10,1 i I. 89 . ??,m."?. 98! z' J" GH ' : '-1 lO.?OO. 96,C .98% ),. 96% . 98% 21,000.96.V 1,1 0. 98| ? 2 0. 96% 23,0' '. 9K% 12 i0. 96?/.' 20,000. 08% . 96% 0. 96%' do 5H_ 1937 2,000. 96 #j 10,000. 98% Chine.? Railways 5s' ; 20,000. -3%; 4.000. 71 16,000. 98% City of Lyons 6s 6,000.96? . 99%' I, )0. 93% City of Marseilles 6a ' 1,000. 98% 1' . 100. 99% 500. 99% City of Paris 6s 5 0. 98% 1,000. 97%! 3.000.99 37,000. 97. 4? ' . 0. 98% 30.000. 97 10,000. 98% 10,000.96%' U S of Mexico 6s 6,000. 97 I 1,000. 73 6,000. 96%'N Y C 4%s 1957 May Dom Canada 5s 1926 1,000.100% 3,000. 97".'ai do 1903 do 1931 1,000.100% 1.000.97%l do 1967 16,000.S7%| 5,000.IOC's do 4%s 1964 6, 00. 96 Railways, Other Corporations Alaska Gold M 6s ILchigh Valley 6s ser A .101% 1,000. 26 Lex i Eaat 5. Am Ag Ch deb 5a . 95 12,000.109 Liggett ft M 5. 0 .108! 2 '. S3 ,000.110 Long Island con 5s 2,000.109% 1. i . 93% do cvr. ... L ft N M M 4%s ,000.99 1,000. 85% 2,000. 99% do S & N Ala con 4.000.100 ' 5s 1 ? Am Hide & L 6j | . 92% 2,'JOO.100%]Midvaie Steel 5s lo,' -.100 I . 88% Am Smelting 5s Minn & SI L con 5s 1. 90% 1.000. 76% 00 4 do 4 Am T & T cvt 6s 1,000. 41% 00.103 ?M K & T 1st 4s 8. ;. _ 30 Mo Pacific con 6s 1,000.102% 1,000. 62% .102%, do 2d 4s 3,000.103 ? do col ;% 1,000.91 do col 4a 3,000.84', Am W Paper 5s 11,000.90 do ctfs of deposit 64.000. 90 1,000. 99% do gen Is 15.000. 53% 3,' 1. 59 11,000. 58% 5, 100. 59 N Orl T ft Mex 5s Armour Co 4%. ". 52 1,000. 87% N Y Air Brake 6s i A T & S F gen 4s 2,1. 99% 3,000. 81% N Y Central deb 6b do Trans S L 4s 6,000. 97% 4,000.77% 10,000. 97% AU ft C A L 6s j 16.000. 97% 93% 8,000. 97% do L & N 4s 17,000. 97% 2,000. 74 ' 1,00 '.97% Bait ft Ohio rfg 5s 4,000.97% 1,000. 79%i do rfg 4 Us do cvt 4'-js 3,000.84% 17,000. 75%: do 4? 1934 3,000.75% 1.00". 82% 2,000. 75% N V C & St L 1st 4s !.' 00. 75% ". 81% do gold 4s ' do dob 4s 7,non. 7534' 2,000. 74' 2 do p 1 il1?,? N* Y Connecting 36,000. 88%' Rways >'? ' Beth Stool 1st os I 1,000. 84 1,000 . 96% N Y N II ft II 0s do p m 5s 1,000. S3 2,onn. 85 'N Y ft Putnam 4s 1,000. 85% 4,000. 78 D.000. 85 N Y Rwav. rfg 4s Brooklyn R T 7s 1,1 00.44 1,000.82%: do adj Bs do 5s 7,000. 12% 2,000. 65 13,000. 12% Bush Term B?dg .s N Y Telephone 41 1 2,000. 79% 1,000. 88 Cal Cas & E 5s 10,.1. 87% 13,000. 93% 1.000. 87% Con Georgia con 5s N Y W ft Boston 4 '-s 6.000. 90 ' LOO". 43| ? 1 Centrai Leather 5s :. 3. 43 1,000. 95% Norf ft W cvt ?' Ches ft Ohio cvt 5s 2.0' ?? . . . .106% 25,000.85% North Pacifie 4s 8,. 85% 5,000. 8234 10,000. 85" ->. - '0. 22% 2,000.85%' do 8g 9,000.85% 2,000. 58% do gen 4V?s 3.000. 58% 1,000.77%'Or? Short Lin<> 6s do cvt |Us I 000.100-%' 1,000. 79%' do 4s do R & A div ! 15.OOO. 85% 1st Ts . 8,000. 85 1.000.75% Pacific G & E 5s C B & 0 111 3Us 2,000. 86 4/ifiO. 73% Pacifie T ft T 5s do joint 4s 5,000. 91% 11 000. 95% Pan-Am Pet 6* 10,000. 95% " 00.137 l 000. 95% Penn .r,< 1968 C ft Erie 1st 5s 24,000. 94% 1,000. 93 5,000. 94% C Gt Western 4s 6.000. 94% .69% ' 0. 94' . 3,000. 59% . 94% C M ft St P en 5s 3,000. S-?-1 . ser B 2,000. 94% 20,ono. 79 ' 4,00". 94] .. do gen 4'is ! do gen I' 1 11,000. 80% LO'1". 84% do cvt tUs 1.000. 84% 1.000. 77 Peo Gas & Coke or 11,000. 76%! Chicago 5. do cvt 4U. "I 1.000. 76% I.OOO. 70 P'-re Marquette 5s 1,000. 69% 3,000. 84% ? 9,000. 69%' 9,0 1. 84% ?I 000. 69% Phila Co 6a ;r'.2 do -Is 1925 14,00". 9'% ..ono. 83% Pierce Oil 6a 1920 do pen is ser A 7,000.109 ;; 000 .... 72 | 3.O00.108% do C M ft Puget do 1924 Sound 4s '.000 . 97% 9 00. 68% 11,000. 97% C & Nu-P a f 6s ' . 07% 1,000.101%' 13,000. 97% do gen 5s ' . _?"-% I.oon. 98"._ 13,000. 97'', 1,000. 98% 4.000. 98 do s f 5s I 2,"00. 97! ;, 1. 96% Reading gen 4s do St I. Peo & 8.000. 82'', Nwn 5s 3.1 00. 82% 3.000. 93 St L & S F 4s ser A Chicago Rway 6s 1 20.000. 60 ! 000. 73 do 5s ser T? _.?. 73% I . 75% 2 00,1. 73 ' do adj ?Is C R I ft P gen 4s ' 0. 63% 3.00,1.77 'S? P ft Kan City do rfg Is I Short L 4%? 2 n00.72%' . 66% Chile Corner Ts ' 1,000 . 63 t 000 117 I St P M ft M 4'-.s do cvt Rs 2.1 paid 10,000. 93 10 000 87' i Sinclair Oil Ts do col 6S ? 12,000. 97 .1000. 86%' 1.00". 97'/a 00. 85%l 11,000. 97 lO.Oor,.86%, 1.000. 96% n non . 86% ''??' stock ?.. -rat I Col ft So 1st 4s 10,000.104% 3,000. 37 7.00".105 Com?,? Tab R 6s Ho Caro ft Ga . 1 ! 000 84 ! ?i.'"'"1.1C0 Cumberland 'toi 5s So Poil T ft T 5s 3 flOO. 93' - 3,000. 93 Del ft If cvt 5s So Pacific cvt 5. 4,000.91% 1,0 "1.106 Den ft R G eon 4s ' ' , - 1 ono . , 68%' 25,000.105' , r, 000. 63 ( 20,000. ... .10? do rfsr 5s '."?'''.105' 2 2 000 . ?16' ,' I..... 105% Detroit U Rys 4 Us ?. 22,000.106 25 oon . 73 ' 3,000.105% 16.000 . 76%' 76,000.106 Distiller. S C 5s ' an cvt la 1,000. 90%' '.?'."^",.84% Erie gen lien 4s :i 000. 84 2,000. 53 I 5.000.83% do cvt I, ser A 47,000.84 2,000. . . . 47 ! . 83% do cvt 4a ?.r P ; do rd. la ;? 000 . 46%' 7.00,1. 70- , (to cvt Is ser D ' I ,-rm". . non 48 'Southern Rway 4.? do Gen Hiver 'fia I 2,000 . 66% 3 000 96',', Third Av adj 5s Fla Las? C 4'/.a I , ? 2'.000. 27 2 oiin 82 Toi St (. ft W .1 On Elec deb 5s I 3.?"n. 51 100 Union Pacific 'is IT,,?:, ft T 0 g-n 4s 16,000.104' , t o"" . . . 93' n' do 1st ' ? Hud ft M rfg 5s 2,000 . 'P1" 1 noil . 647a "? rl'ir '8 in!ooo ... 55 : \...... 79-, do in,' 5s 79% 3,non.15% >'" Rys of S F Is Illinois ont rfg 4? etfs of deposit 3,000.79% 16.000. 32% Illinois Slccl 4M,? 13,000. 32% i r, oon . 84% 6...non.3?%' Indiana Steel 6s f S Realty ft I 5? . i .97 ! 1,000. 73 Intho-M."i 4'.* ? S Rui b?r 7s 1 000 _3 ' .103% !?: 000 .33 6.001 .... S3! ,?' 7.000 ... ? 1,000 . '? " ? 2.000.103% pi ii'm . S9% do >rn r.'fino ,32% 1.00(1.r.7' t n.'i'OO .... 32% 6,000 r, 000.J3 ? .07% I nno 7,000 33% U S Ste-I ? f r?. in'ni ?? 10.... .1001,, inti,.' i. ' i |;<V" i ; noo . 70 ' r.,000 fl'o,,n ... n<i% Utah Powiir A L 0? WioOO,_70 I :. 83% NEW ISSUE $270,000 51/4% Guaranteed First Mortgage Certificates WK ACKII. !, l!)?4 Any amount from $100 upward. Legal investments for Trustees, Executors and Administrators. Km? from P?rsor.a! Taxation In New York Stat? Secured by prior interest in first mortgage of $300,000 on the ktnd and new sixteen story and basement fireproof mercantile building used as showrooms Nos. 15-17 WEST 36TH STREET (Near Fifth Avenue) BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY Appraised valuation, $450,000 Annual rental, $56,000 Guaranteed as to Principal and Interest by the New York Title and Mortgage Company IVrite for Circuler W New York Title and Mortgage Company (Capital and Surplus Over $3,000,000) 135 Broadway, Manhattan 203 Montague St., Brooklyn Telephone Cortlandt '? I Telephone Main 7100 American Trust Company, Depositary 135 Broadway, New York City Salt Creek Producers' Ass'n Bought and Sold The above company represents a consolidation of virtually all the leading oil producers of the great Salt Creek field of Wyoming. Circular on request. Wm. G. Gallagher 15 Broad Street New Vork Telephone Hanover 770? WE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT MR. WILLIAM W. CRABB HAS BEEN ADMITTED AS A PARTNER IN OUR FIRM. J. ROBINSON-DUFF & CO. Mt m bers of the New York Stock Exch/mge April 1, 1919. 61 BROADWAY. ;a Int A?frii'ultural ?.-s IVa-Ca ? Chi mirai 5a 2,000. 81% 3,0 i0. 95?4 ? 5,000.81^ Va Ry & Power 5? 12,000. 81, 2 1.000. 767/ Iowa Central -i.i Wabash 1st 5a L.i 00. 44 1,000. 93/s 3,001.43 ?.-, Wheel & L E cu:i 4a Kwa & M 2d ob 1,000. 65 1,1 ". 90?/2 Wilson & Co 6a Kansas City So 3a ;1. 99 2.000. 60 ! l.ono. 99!-4 Lack Steol 5a 1923 S. 99 ?i.97' j 1,000. 93^ . 96% 3 000. 99 Lake Shore 4s L928 5,000. S578 . a Bid and Asked Quotations The following table gives the closing bid and asked quotations for stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange but not traded in yesterday: A Bar.k Noto. 37 40 ,1.1s * M pr pt 4.V 47 Am Ag Ch pr ! A Boot S pi 86 9 1 Am I an pr ..100*4 I0( & K pr. .114 Ii7 An, Pnn.1 .... 45 ? ? tO pr. &l D3 Am Bx] resa. . 89 10 ? . pr . ?031 j 104 : pr \. 91' 4 Snuff pr. 94 Am T .v Cab 57 .>.-?? la Kcal .. i ' 4 . 1st 6ri 2 i | ?"? i Al H .v At. .. 5 ? r. . 96lii Ra : I.- i pr I 13 Hal & O pi ? , r B ..-!..-, ;.- ... : 15 R & I IU3. 931 . 2 Co .71 -, i Maiibat 1 B7 A I . S pr.l 7 M .* H I. . w 10 r 1 - km . ' _ . ? .: Bid. Ajked. .110 117'j ' i 93 lo pr :l .. CO . . '.1 Cen of N J .203 -.' .. 12 .. :7 '. . pr.101 I : ,\ A do rr . . ? c & N U pr. 121 C RI&l' 6pcpr 0G'4 (lev & PI: C a f M & 'i 70 do rr I04 Cl ' &8L pr 6ii Clu Peal ody . 63y< lo pr _I04 Col K .v I pr I05 I Ol i S Ist VT 53' 3 do - i pr .. 4 : i 'or i 1 u 1 .. ->;'t t Ina .. 64 1 ?..,. 1 ..,- < 44 . 1 \ S jr IV ! 1 i. & w 1 ; 1 I) & B (.}.. 4 , Di ; Edlsou .III Du S S A A. 3 1 m Ri ir H it 63 .26 do pr .... ? l pr ... 18 I-. 1 M & S . "1 . 35 - r pr 83 172 ? . : Min. . 66/, G M le S ... 1 ? G :.! P I HomiNtU?te '.m ? ""' j - . .- 90 ;? ter \' '? pr 08'/? : - B7 107 _ ? '.' rr a Essex 71 R'i S'a 1 & Chatt.lia ?: - ? . 12 7 do pr . . . l!4?4 us t Cl & Su : 75 BO 106'/s ? pr.l01 |OS 55 * Lt r.. 11 pr 10a 11a 100 S RR M -x 1st 16 ? 82 N Y f lu & SL ? 101 Vi do 1st pr .. 63 70 115 o 1 - ! pr .. 45% 4rt 70 do pr ..... 44'/, 4fl 100 N \ t. ? ; - & ? irf & W pr. 7! 80 230 North Cent ..87 T, 21 Vova f 1 SU 17 51% . . . 45 45U i 110 41 4a 14 do 1st pr a 11 . 321 an ;?, . 1 pr . i > Pe . .-. Eu i' 70 Pero ' 1 o 28 l'l ? . ,- pr . 98 1 4? C'a P '?' Vi V 70 ? ' ? I4''i 17 54 r-.-.-i SU pr I 8 r N J B3 85 178 Ry Si Kpg pr.108 - pr.106 11 :<??, Si ' :, (Sweat .. 16 28 lo pr . 30 .- ' ' : I ?4 104 107 107 K,,v ' ? I 1 ? ?? Hi., K I) M du pr ?I 2"4 K m ' 1 R ?j ?'.. < ?> dn rr !.. .*!-. 'i ,. . . . w . du pr 16! II : ?8 97 I f P :.a-.i. 200 . ! v.- i.;, u .- ,-'- 210 ? Waat ? ? ifi .... ? . !1 l o ctfa pr : ? -, - . . r 1 ? , T 142 ,1(1 D ,: i : r 118 i -i Dru? ?-! ?8V? V i* Kxprws 20-, ? 11 : iv, 1 m Wmlll . 'I ' ? 8'4 32 I 120 149 0B'2 300 M M 07 1 41 7? 70 IC, 18 213 ? ? 'nil , pt A IM ? ? , 1(7 9S C. & N. W. Election CHICAGO, April 8, Tho nnnual :- df itockholders Of tho Chicago ?- North weitem Railroad wa? hold here tu day. W. II. Finloy wa? i for ? two year term aa director, and the following vero elected directora for ? ? b ra : M C. Frit ' . !- , vn| p. Kitnball, < liarli i limon and A A i ? i ' ? I K. M. Hy? tor II. A. Milli r and J Fan I The company'? ernmont was approved. I ANDHKW ,T. McCORM reg. lah ..: th in sale STOCKS .V.M> ?0\H?i BJ. ADRIAN II. ..ICLI.KK i SON. ?1 ST . WEDXESDAY, ATHJCL V. 1919, at 12:3 I o'cl .. at EXCHANG . .? ?OM. NOS. 1> :? D Fi : .' ? $3,000 Tr.'nton. Pennington & Hopew-u i Street Ry. ! For Account of ">\ torn 1' '?: Sabs. United States ?.orcaeo & Trust jiishs. Commercial Tit Co., N. T ,"??) aha 25 sha. I :.. : . aae * Trust > o. -is ft Electrlo Corpn , 20 Bh_ .?. ?? Hastings Co , < om. n ':?> . Ltd., com. . Oil Co 50 shs. American Brake Shoe ft Foundry Co . : ? 200 ehs, :?< , ?p.r?>, Lackawanna ,-. ern R. R ..on gha, i lent rai R. H 25 si Co. ' ' Notes, ..? to .i m, 100 shs Washington ' . con-: ' 1st, 1910 .? >??? .. : It I - ? ' ? :? ? r,, ? , a tho V. ? Co. .' t( Dividend notices MIAMI COPPER ( OMPA?.Y New Boerd of Dir 'ors of ! ?-Il 7. -919. ? of 60c pel rter yea r end ?i Sis;, 1919. r,n ? r.ess o:. : ? ? SAM A. LEW SOH.V. :r-?r. KERB JAK! M1M>., LIMITED, ??1 Broadv t ., "' rk. Apr-! 3, 1919 Board-of Dli tors ha ? ' f the Com 19, to Btnck buoineM ESTLAKE, '. FEDERAL ^C<.\R REFINING < <>? Apr'! .. -919 The regular quart* one and . mon s? ? Ceim. ? t I .1 SMITH. Ti Office of tho Ciilteil Gas Improvement Ce. N. \V. for. Broad and Arch Streets. Philadelphia. March 12. 19:9. Tho Din ? ? ?leriariii a ridend of J per r??nt i$l per ?iiir^.i i n ?' \nrll 15, i:)19. to Stock I L W. MORRIS. Tifamirer. (.onsol?dated Exchange [Unit of trade on this e-chance, 10 ?har*?J Trnn.snrtions and prlre. >est<?rday for th? more activa ?har?n follow: Salon. Open. ?.iah. Low. Last. ?i A'',:. Chai ...36% 37% 36%: 36% Inter Can ... 50% 61% 60% 60% . n If.tamat'1. 85 91% 86 90% ? - II I oco. 90 90% 80' , 89% 4440 Beth Steel Ii. . 71 78% 70% 72% . 67 67% 66% 67% 7:"' K.-lly Hpufid T.119 126 118*4 1231 ? Petrol . .18',% iHf-% 183% 189% PanAmer _82% 84% 82 83% ' .-ree Oil ... 81 % i. ' % ?"% 20'? ,v U'..?!,!..: . . . 68% Hp% 84% 85 a Fu i 106' 4 10'. uker ,. 64 % 64 . :? i,? i a:. ., 154'4 % 89% 85% 89.. : l.I Prod ?o% 6 7% 66% 67 . 98% <W'% Weet in ... 46' ? 47% 4? . ?LIBERTY BONDS ! ' 100.1 do 1st )%? 96.86 ? ? 'Prie? titelnde Intoreet