Newspaper Page Text
Industrial Cotton Cotton sold lower when the marke opened yesterday, compared with th Anal quotations of Monday, but virtu ally all of the losses in prices were re covered before the close, and the fig ures at the end showed good gains ii many instances. Old style contract: were up 25 points to IB points lower a the close, while the new style deliv eries showed advances of 35 points t( ?'3 points for the day. Selling, under which the market de clinel at the start, was said to be coni? ng i" larpo measure from the ?soutn while there was also some which ema? nated from Wall Street houses This was explained to be more in the line Ol liquidation than anything else Latex ?here was buying, and in some, cas? it ,a?H. from the same people who nad Previously sold in order to take their profits. , . .. Comment was again made on the Southern selling, which was in evidence on Monday, and to a considerable ex? tent yesterday. Some brokers think ?hat growers in the South arc be? ginning to get rid of some of the cotton which they have been holding for Heher prices. The banks in the .Soutn also were spoken of as desiring to cut ,iown their loans which had been made on cotton. Actual consumers were in the mar kit to some extent and there was a "ood demand from Liverpool houses. \dvices which came over by cable 'rom England were the reverse of what ihey were last week. Then it was said that the business in the Manches? ter district was in a demoralized con? dition, and it was decided to close the mills in that district for two weeks. They will close to-morrow for that period, and while they are closed the workers will continue to receive their pav This is done to prevent any dis ortraniiation of the forces. Yesterday the advices which were re leived ?poke of a better demand. This wa? ?aid to be evident in tho English market from India and China in par? ticular, and there were fears that the stocks would be depleted becauso of the two-week shutdown. The first weekly weather report of ?iile ???son is due. This is expected to refer to the lateness of the prepara? tions for the new crop everywhere through the district, and it may also mention the prospects for a reduced acreage this year. Exports yesterday totalled 18.^19 Kales, divided as follows: From Mo? bile, fi.9'40 bales for Great Britain, and 11J670 bales from New York consigned to the Continent, making the total for th? week thus far 45.239 bales, and for the season, 3,575,038 bales, against 3, 092.238 last year. The local spot market was steady, with no ?ale?. The price was 29.25, up 28 points. Last year the price was 35.20. ? The range of prices follows: OLD STYLE Mondai 'a I Clos?. close. 24.60 24.94iix25.nO 24.95 23.83 23.90? 2 1.00 23.65 21.75 22.10? - High. May, 2,voo Jgiy. 24.00 Oct.. 22.00 Dec. 21 Year .ico. 33.66 32.98 31.411 Or ... May. 26.10 26.60 July. 24.-JO 24.69 Oct.. 88.45 D?0. 21.9? 22.ill 22.57 T,ow. cinsr.. . h 8e. 26.00 26.50@20.5t 26.28 21.00-a 2 1.02 24.36 22.35 22.92@22.95 22.65 21.95 22.25@22.57 2".. 10 COTTON STATISTICS Yesterday. Last wk. Last yr. Port receipt?.. 10,49:( 10,450 13,905 Eiporttf . 18,619 10,955 - do ?cawn. .3,575.o;i? 3,432.157 3.092,238 M.Y." stocks. .. 85,958 93.903 145.309 Port Stocks-1,254,23? 1,308,775 1,512.859 Int. receipts. . 10,808 10,000 - do shipments 10.189 12,000 - X. Y. arrivals. 1,018 2,890 - A fair business was done in spot cotton in the Liverpool market, mid? dling upland being quoted at lB.82d. and rood middling 19.59d. Sajes were 4,000 ??Us, of which 8,000 were American. Sports, 6,000, of which 1,000 were American. Futures opened steady, un? changed to 8 points lower. The close n? lower. April emergency contracts closed at lTd. off 4 points. A large was doing in Manchester business yams. New Contracts I' M. 15.h: 15.33 Kay. July August.... 14.71 ?W. 14.33 ?' aj 'a Close. 15.6.5 15.38 15.04 14. II. Mon? day's t. l< si . 15.XI 15.50 1 5.18 14.83 11.4." Southern Spot Markets ? day. ? ??alveston 27.50 | -'?? Orleans 26.25 : Mobil? .26.00 Savannah ..26.50 t.'harUtton .26.00 Wilmington 26.01) Norfolk . .. ,25, ;.-, Baltimore 27 50 New York ..20.25 various ...._ Total Memphis . St. Louis Houston Last Y far. 21.74 24.52 24.31 24.10 Stocks jr. a?o. 826,01 1 ?113,07 7 13,536 287,705 46,795 43,240 93,740 36,524 1 15.309 82,437 -1,251,236 1,342,859 (INTERIOR) 26.25 1,023 1X1.3H0 136.100 3:4,099 372,100 25,243 10,513 280,386 200,911 45,836 51,836 Stork?. 251,909 421,82 7 15,993 191,618 57,585 57.257 121,355 6,025 85,858 40,719 26.50 28.90 4,550 1.933 121 Uttla Rock'.26.25 _S ustenance Cereals Corn.?July and September corn made new high record?. This was the mult of good buying from the com ?iH'.on houses, which found the of jjnngs small. The argument on which m advance was based was that with ?P selling at S20 and over it was Dtueved that corn had a value for [tiding of J1.60. Some claimed that 'twaa worth $1.70 for this purpose. w _ _ Yesterday's Previous Year CsS?*v7ork: olo?e. clos*. aKo> A? . 1.5?J4 l.MYs $1.?7% ?? . 1.52% 1.49' h ? **. t.46% 1.43% ? L . J**"?Closing prices for oats were f*fttr- Buying was described as good. "*? .a part of the belt wet weather P'i?iiled, and tho fact was commented ?fx 0i>i? ar,; cneaP compared with ???r grain ?i. Ther? wan a moderate ?sipping demand. K?? Yiut'irflay's Previous 0?i. vTork: '?'""?- Close Y^arafro ?Hb?k,'::::::: S ?y?. .67 r, .66% MA .86'/? -Mark*? hlghei v*_- re?ter<a*y'* Previous f.'ui J?'i: clos? eloae vt-ur ??-" ?^ *0. 2 WestftJM 11.8.1 $2.01 ?"??ami Moi. Quotations were: K?,, Y, , f'?'--rflay4 Previous Tlt?g U?l ?-loso ?i-ar ago Sf%?*i?, ?U'?ft1''*? ?11.75& 13.50 ?11.00 mtUti? 1,'"?? ?7r* 8-75?10.?MI 14.50 Sugar and Coffee Current A year OK. craavtat?*, lb. , ? 1 ?\r, '**> :;??'?'"?*'. l*r lb.7.'28 ~ 5E? Sri, ",.'? i"i nt i?,'/? wa ?? Mat?? t.; j, v,;t lb, ?,t?%<?fii ?Z ??Sf^t .future?.- The market was ?iaa?r.? . ''?"'r,?R?? wl'-h pri?e? un ??i 111 G foi"t?? higher. Trading *?*?,?/ """'"rat?ly a?:tiv? through '??g? *tt f,r\(,,n follow: ir,_ , M'.n >i ysai Mu ",*?? >???>. f .,,.. , ,,,. .,?,, ^ 11 5r 5'S2 ,s^# ?V3t Ift.OI UM *?>:. i!* t4'U H.40fflM.41 14 U %,1% ?~ -? n.|2?IM4 u:a Tea It was reported in the tea trade yes " i terday that business is being done in : all lines of teaks teas. Some large sales were reported but none of them t ' confirmed. e i Quotations in cents a pound for lots . | of ?"?0 and 100 packages follow: _ A week YosterrUj. ?,, Moeune. G.nppwdar . 48,470 4.<a70 Veniiie. Imperial. 4S^&_ ?_(*_5 M.yiino, Young Hyson . 8Si?.65 S..(*65 Moyumv H.*?" ???. 32,335 alia... ?>??(..-?.v. thinpowder . _..<a5_ _8???55 I'lMWey. Imperial . 38?.- Hi?** t riugsu-y. Young Uyson . 2S(?3S 28W38 JAPANS .'?nfli-d . S0i?5fl .0@T,0 BasketHred . 33W38 30$.... 1 S-ftlnS- . _0@25 _0&_5 FORMOSA OOI.OXG ??Good . 2Cl@.l ?!)?_l ? SuperliT. 8S&8? 33(8:18 '?Fuie.- -3@_. ?.<?tl_ CONQOU '-.? 23?T0 23970 INDIA fekoe SiJU . 32?34 82(334 ' ??*"??' ????. 34?44 84i?44 Orango Pet ne . 37955 S7?55 yiowery Orange Pekoe. 44 ?63 419C5 CEYLON , Pekoe Sou. 86?? 36?_ 'S8*06 ?_-?;. 34344 .14944 Orange IVnoe . 8??,"?? aoift,..? Flnwery Oraogo Pokou. 4(1?81 46?'? til Broken Orwige Pekoe. 40906 4C4?t5 JAVA j Peboe Sou . 25?..o _... ?3o Pekoe . 20933 .093 Orange 1'cJioe . 31?40 31940 Flowery Orange Pokoo. 40(?-l 409M Ilnik.u Orange V-koe,. 25w30 _5fi..o Broken Pokoo . 2C?31 _6@3l Odd lots ruled 1 c.nt a pound higher. Butter, Cheese and Eggs Cheese.-^-Receipts were 2,012 Boxes. Flats, colored, specials, 32 .??32.4c; white, specials, 33(<?33}?c; colored, average run, 31 V??32c; white, average run, 32%@33c; lower grades, 30@31c; Wisconsin, whole milk, twir\s, fresh colored, as to quality, ?oV?f??Slc; sin? glo daisies, colored, fresh. 31._?(s:3-c. Butter.?Receipts were 11.443 pack? ages. Creamery, higher than extras, 66@66Vio; extras, 65V4c; firsts, 63% @6Sc; seconds, 61@63c; lower grades, 58 ? 60c; creamery, unsaltcd, higher than extras, 68@68.-2c; unsaltcd, ex ' tras, 67@67%c; "unsaltcd, firsts, 64H , (?'66c; unsaltcd, seconds, 62@64c; ? state, dairy, tubs, finest, 64@65c; good I to prime, 69.3.63c; common to fair, 48 (&58c; renovated, extras, 50@51c; Eggs. Receipts were 83,037 cases. ' Fresh gathered extras, 4fiM?c; storage i packed, extra firsts, 44%@4Bc; storage ' packed firsts, 43%@44.$c; fresh gath I ered, extra firsts, 43 ._?44He; firsts, ?Northerly sections, 41 Vs'S43Vic; firsts, ! Southerly sections, 41@48c; second., i and poorer, 88@40%c; fresh gathered, dirties. No. 1. 89@89V4c; dirties, No. 2 land poorer, 37'-a (a 38.4c; cheoks, good ? to choice, dry, 87%@38Ho; checks, ; under grades, 36@37c. Incorporations ALBANY. April 8.?The following incor? porations were filed to-day with the Sec retary of State: The Industrial Commercial Co. of New York. Inc., $10,000; Manhattan; tobacco manufacturing business : Harry G. Kayser, John W. Suling, Anna Blumberg, 63 Allen Street, Jamaica, N. Y. Aircraft Instruments and Supplies Com? pany, Inc., $100.000; Manhattan; manu? facturing instruments for aerial naviga? tion; Captain Granvilte A. Pollock, Lieu? tenant liklgar H. Garland, Captain S. Her? bert MapcB, 1 East Thirty-ninth Street, New York. J. Karlen Cheese Company, Inc., ! $160,000; Rome; dairy and farm products ' business; Jacob Karlen, K. J. Karlen, David Karlen; Home, N. Y. Salamanca Double Wall Company, Inc., i $10,000; Salamanca; general contractors, .construction; Faul W. King, Robert K. ' O'Brien, Georgo II. Stewart, Salamanca, N. Y. Tuckahoe Waists, Inc., $3,000; Tucka 'hoe; contracting and manufacturing i waists; Benjamin Yager, Joseph Memoll, j 1.ester B. Freedman, 1G7 Van Buren Street, I Brooklyn. Unity Shoo Manufacturing Corporation. $30,000; Brooklyn; manufacturing boots ! and shoes; Benjamin J. Rothman, Nathan J. Block, I ?avid Levine, 1S&1 President Street, Brooklyn. Julius Bl?ch, Inc., $1.000; Brooklyn; deal In upholstery materials, manufactur? ing furniture; Julius Bloch, Sarah Bloch, I. Hcmmendinger, 320 Eighty-third Street, Brooklyn, ('ham-Pay Eastern Distributors' Cor? poration, $25,000; Manhattan; general ad? vertising business, manufacturing crackers, alcoholic and other beverages, confec? tions, drugs, merchandise, knit goods, etc.; Harry S. Hechenheimor, S. Edward Gins burg. Mark Oppenheim, 220 West Forty second Street, New York. Hohl & Jaffe, Inc., $10,000; Manhattan; manufacture motor?, engines, cars, boats, vehicles, autos, etc.; Frederick Hohl, Lawrence Jaffe, Joseph V. I-oacalao, Elm hurst, N. Y, The Peoples' Bureau, Inc., $20,000; Manhattan; deal In transportation tickets of all kinds; Harry Bloom, Jacob S. Ooldhaber, E. J. Shanetzky, 5.304 Eleventh Avenue, Brooklyn. Fulton Export Company. Inc., $5,000; Manhattan; deal In goods, wares, mer? chandise and personal property, etc.; Slefrled Koenlgsberger, Martha Koenlgs berger, John E. Kuhn, 25 Beaver Street, New York City, Roasus Realty Co., Inc., $2,000; Manhat? tan, realty; Bernhard Susser, Anna Sus s?-r, Joseph Suaser, 15- East 103d Street, New York City. Independent Storage Battery, Inc., $1,000; Brooklyn; general eloctrlo stor? age battery business; Battle Neldlch, Herman II. Keiner, Harry J. Bloom, 332 | Fiatbush Avenue, Brooklyn. Norwich ico Manufacturers, Inc., $50, 000; Norwich; manufacture Ice and chilled food products; Charlea K. Ben? nett, R. F. Chaffee, Nelson P. Bonney, Norwich, N. Y. Menaker & Ellnian, Inc., $5.000; Brook? lyn; general dealers In real estate; Harry MehaKer, Ev;i Menaker, Isaac Ellman, 769 Georgia Avenue, Brooklyn. The F. A. Waters', Jr., Co., Inc., $16, 000; Kingston; general contracting busi? ly?':-', deal in Ice, wood, sand, grave!, ston", etc.; Francis A. Waters, jr., Leo F. Herbert, Georgo H. O'Nell, Kingston, n. Y. Technical Glass Apparatus Company, Inc., $?5,000; Rochester; manufacturing glass and glassware; F. G. Mueller, Mary G. Mura, William J. Baker, Rochester, N. Y F. Curley Auto Trucking Co., Inc., $10, 000; Manhattan; general trucking, con tra< ting and stevedore business; Frank Tessalone, Ralph ?le I.ucu, Giovanni Set t?. hert, 1-G Christopher Street, New York City. Marathon Clothing Co., inc., $25,000; Manhattan: manufacturing men's and bo i lothing; Mux Hanover, H A. Simon, Henry I. Siegel, 4.0 New Jersey Avi nue, Brooklyn. City Prcas, inc., $10,000; Jamaica; gen? eral printing business. stationery and office supplie?; Morris M, Rich, John W. Black, E ... Early, 507 West 137th Street, .'?'?? York City. Fortler & War.ham, Inc., $5,000; Brooklyn; auto business; Georgo W. Fort? s'r Catherine Forlier. Waiter Wart-ham. 4-4 I'rospcct 1'lace, Brooklyn. Jeanette Bullding Co., Inc., $10,000; , Brooklyn; realty; h. b. Bornatoln, Boula ';,< in.icin, Jennie ...vlnaon, 2'J4?? West rhlrtleth Street, Brooklyn. 1-. ? :,...;. Securities Co., inc., $5.000; Man hattan; bu.m..? in Mock?, bonds and ne? ur?tica; William A. Farowloh, l.illiun M. , Diamond, Ingrid Olson, i:;o Hast 123d Street, Now Voik City. l.iiiee Shoe Manufacturer?, lac.,; ? Brooklyn; manufacturing ihoe? ?n,l boots. , ,lo?e;,li BU?hoff. Irving I.?.N|,ut_, Jacob l.llsiiut., _W Madiaori Street, New fork City Morrl? Altman, Inc. $10,000, Manhat- ? tun. deal In tobacco, ?oda water, cOn feCtlon?ry, ?tatlonery. ate; Morris Alt- ! man. Max Amster. Ri-njamln Krhneider, 1.44 f'....?.'to,.i Avenue, Biooklyn ",,e",l-r' The Suffolk J'rltuirig ft I'iibiinhina Cor? poration of Mattltuck, N. Y., $50.000' Mut.!- I ; tuck, Suffolk County; general ?ervlco i printing and publishing butine??, engrav? ing, etc; J H. Bugen, G. H J.e Valley D I i .f. McDonald, 156 Eighty-third Street,' ' Brooklyn. Pollack * W?,lri, Inc., $2,000: Brooklyn ? manufacturing furniture, cabinet?, office fixture??, Barnay I'ollack, Morrl? Mandel, ; /.oui? Wein; 151/2 Eautern l'a?kway,' Brooklyn. M. Field, Inc., $10.000; Manhattan; man? ufacturing womta'a clothe?; Mary F ! bt i ay born. Htrayborn. Ro?a Col ! Un?, 107 We?t 1 ?5th Htrei-t, New York iw. /?hart A l.lebert, in?., $15,000, M?n hattan; manufaoturing womsn'? dr?*?M? I ,lu!lu? HreUbait, A l??i Meliert, Wolf Cohen ! 25? Houlh Fourth Htrnnt, Brooklyn, N?w Vork Yam H'iiiih, lui-, $10 000' Manhattan; dealing In yarn?; Isaac liai h, tfatltU?) lU'h. GoMI?. Mienl?,, .04 '1'iftK.i,'/ Htreet, Krori?. p?d?ral Branoh, Inc., 46,000; Manhat Itan; daallflg In'motor?, anglnaa, auto?,' tract?.?, MroDlnne?. at? ; Jtichai<i 8, ?...-y..-. Georg? K <'urrle, Kdward K. H?H. Jon, 52 William ?treat, New York. Going On To-day Good morning, have you had your sulphur and molasses? Brooklyn will have to walk, B. R. T. employes voted. A year ago to-day the Germans drove British and Portuguese forces back four miles near Armenti?res. Yesterdav's Temperatures?Highest 05, at 12:01 p. m.; lowest 46, at 8:15 p. m. DAY Free admission to ll.o American Museum of Nature History, tho Metropolitan Museum of Art, tht Amorloan Museum (>r Safety anil the Aquarium. Meeting of tliu Ufo as a Fino Art Club. Aslor. : p. m. Meeting of tho Society to Help Devastated Churches of France, B lit more, 3:80 p. m. EVENIMC. Address by Dr. Carl Henry Laws. "How to Kaer the Brfby Happy and Well." Hoagluid Labora? tory. Henry and Pacific streets, Brooklyn, 8.SC p. in. Mooting of the Women's International league tc discuss tlio deportation of women, McAlpln, b I>. m. Address by Mra. Bllon O'Grady, "Woman's Tart In Policing tho City." Humanitarian .League. 266 West End Avenue, 8:15 p. in. FOR MEN IN UNIFORM ; Musical comedy tendered by l'crshlng Theatre at Volunteers of America Service Club (W. C!. O. S. Unit No. 20). r.,-(0 Seventh Avenue (Thirty-ninth Street). fi:30 p. m. Ilefrcshmonis served by 1 <-!lr!3* National Honor Ix-ague. : 1/uni-Jioon (complimfntary)-? St. Joseph's OsUCUBi Service Club (K. or C.I, 307 West 123d Streut. 1 to 7 p. m. Dances? Vacation A.^viatinn Club (W. O. C. 8. t.'nlt No. 54), 38 West Thlrty-ntnUi Street. 8 p. m. Temple Mount Zlon, 37 West 119Ui Street. 9 p. m. ; refreshments, smokes, entertainment; part? ners prnvlde<l. National League for Women's Service (W. 0. 0. B. Unit No. 21), 261 Madison Avenu.'. S tu 11 p. m. W. C. C, S. l'nit No 2. 70 Manhattan suent. 8 p. m, l'nlled Club (New York league of Women Workers), 243 East Tlilr U??fourth Street; i-uppcr, 2.'i cents. Afternoon homo time IV. 0. C. 8. Unit No. 10, 9S Fourth Avenue. 4 to B:80; W. C. (". H. 1'rilt. No 54, 38 West Thlrtv-nhilh Street, 4 to 6; W. C P. 8. Unit -No. 20, 8 West Fifty-third street. S to 6; W. (.'. C. 8. Unit No. 3). l?s West Seventy seventh Street. 3 to 5, Socl.-il evening. conceit, refreshments- 1.1 Bast Forty-first Street. S p. m. i.Auspices Salvation Army. ) Beerest!.m. music-.Central Branch Y. IV. C. A.. 010 U-xtngton Avenue i Fifty third Struct), 7 to 10 p. ra. Daneis-Grace Church Unit (W. C C, 8. Unit No. 19), 98 Fourth Avenue (near Eleventh Street 1. .1 p, in . Christ Church lloiiso, 344 Wen Thirty-sixth Street, s p. m ; W. C. C. P I'nlt No. 24 i National League for Woman's Ser vico). 261 Madison Avenue (Thirty-ninth Street): S p. in.; .lewis!) Welfare Hoard. New York Sec? tion, C. J. \V? ll'i West Seventy-ninth Street. 8 p. ill ; refreshments, prizes, smokes; Itlverslde Community House (W. C. C, S. Unit No, 35), Illverstdc Path and Ninety seventh Slreet, S-ll |>. ii..; Greenwich Village Club (W. C. C, S. Unit No. 27), 3H Greenwich Avenue. S-ll p. m. Dancing classe*?Grace Church l'tlt i\V. C. C. 8. Unit No. 19), i'S Vonrlli Avenue liiear Eleventh Street), 7-8 p. u ; W. C. C. S. I'nlt No. 8. Sixty-fourth Street ami Central Park West, 8 p. in. shan1; Kivorsldo Community House (W. C. (' 8. Unit No. ?15), ?iverside I'ark and Ninety seventh Slreet. 7-8 p. III.; W. C. C. S. I'nlt No. 2. 70 Manhattan Street (intersection Am? sterdam Averuo ai.d West. 126th Street), 8 p. ro. afternoon horns time W. (.'. C. S. Unit No, 10, B8 Fourth Avenue, -I 5:80; W, C. C S. I'nlt No. 54, 88 West, Thirty-ninth Street 4 0; W. C. C. S Unit No. 50. 8 West Fifty-lhlrd Street. 3-6; W. C. C. S. Unit No, 20. 312 M'est Sov ] onty-seeonrt Street, -S-1',. Afternoon social?K. of C. Long Acre Square Hut, Broadway and Forty-sixth Street. 4-fi p. in. I Motion pictures and lecture Y. M. ('. A., West ! Side Branch. 318 West Fifty-seventh Street, 7-10 I p. w. j Tea and dance-.-Holland House. Thirlletli Street and Fifth Avenue, 4 to 6 p. in. ; for officers In uniform. | Dance?Greenwich Villano Club (W, C, C. 8. Unit No. 27), 86 Greenwich Avenue, S to 11 p. in. ; Sailors and Soldiers' Club, Broadway, above Seventy-sixth Street, 8 p. in.; National league for Woman's Servlco (W. C. C. 8. Unit No. 24j, 261 Madison Avenue, S to 11 )>. in. ? Afternoon liomeilmo?-W. C. C. 8. I'nlt No. 19, ? tis Fourth Avenue, 4 to 5:30; W. U. C. 8. Unit No. 54, 38 West Thirty-ninth Slreet, -1 to 6: W. C C. S. Unit No. 20, 8 West Fifty-third Street, 3 to ti; W C. C. S. liilt No. 30, Ninety seventh Street and Riverside I'live. 3 to 6. ? Social musk?Central Brauch, ?. W. C. A.. 610 i Lcxlngluii Avenue, Last Fifty-third Street, 7 to 10 p. m. Musical pragiainmc- Y. M. ?'. A.. Weit Slile ! Brauch. 318 West Fifty-seventh Street. 7:45 p. m. I Civic Forum?T. M. (5. A., ' Twenty-third Street Branch. 215 West Twenty-third Street, 0 p. ui. I Dance?? Comrade Club ?W. C. C. S. lint No. 37l, 133 East Thirty .-^Ventil. Street, S p. m. \V. C, O. 8. Unit No. 24 (National League for Women's Service), 2G1 Madison Avenue. Week-days, H p. m. Tea dally (except Saturday), 4 to 5:30 p. in. Y. M. H. A.. Ninety-second Street and Lexington Arenuo. offers free ' tlir>.-o months' full member? ship to men In uniform. This includes all ,irlv Ueges, gymnasium, swimmliig pool, edu.-a'l'nal and commercial classes. Vacation Association Cub (W. C. C. S. unit No. 54), 38 West Tkii.y nlnth Street. Y. \V. C. A. Hostess House. 30 East Fifty-becon.' Street (Plaza 4043). Meeting place for en ilsted men and families. Tlooms for transient women guests. Tea every afternoon. Y. W. C. A. Debarkation Ilostcs House, Forty first Street and Lexington Avenue. Open a;i hours. Meeting place for overseas men and their friends. Booms for transient women gucau. Cafeteria day and night. W. C. C. S. I'nlt No. 5, Hostess Itoom, 55 West Tweaity-soventh Street. Meeting place for en? listed men and their families and friends, American Museum' of Natural History, Columbil? Avenue aid Seventy-seventh Street (Schuylor 7700). Open week days, 10 s. m. to 4 p. m. ; Sunday, 1 to 5 p. rn. Tour of rnu-.eum with guide, 2 p. m. week days, or by appoiutmenl when group of men so request. Men ill uniform are invited to make use of the hospitality room, reading and writing facilities. Light refresh? ments and cigarettes. Open 10 a. m. to 4 p. in. week days. Metropolitan Mus?um of art, Eighty-second Street and Fifth Avenue (Lenox 723). Open week days, 10 a. m. to 5 p. in ; Sundays. 1 to 8 p. m. Tour of museum with member or statt, 2 p. m. dally. Greenwich Village Club (W. C. C. 8. Unit No. 27), 3(1 Greenwich Atenu? (P. S. 41). Daily, S p. m. to II p. m. Heading and writing, pool and games. Dancing Monday and Thursday. Informal entertainment other nights. ART .EXHIBITS American Art Galleries, Madison Situare South? Exhibition and sale of antique textiles ami em? broideries. F'rom April 11, a collection of paint? ings. Anderson Galleries. I'ark Avenue at Fifty ninth Streut?linfas. E. Moore collection of Japanese works of art, to April 10. Original drawings by old and modern masters, to April 9. Etchlugi.. dry points, lithographs and wood engravings, to April 10. Duplicates from tho Now York Public Library, to April 14. Babctx* Galleries. 10 Fust Forty-ninth Street? l'alntiiigs l'y Saiiihir Landeau. to April 21. Braus Galleries, 2123 Broadway- Paintings by E. I. Couso and Albert Groll, to April 15. Daniel Galleries, 2 West Forty-seventh Street? Group of modern paintings, to April 15. Durand-Kuel Galleries?Paintings by llcnoir. to April 19. Dudcusiiig Galleries, 45 West Forty-fourth Street Oil paintings ami water colors, by American and foreign artists, through April. Ehrtch Galleries, 707 Fifth Avenue--Paintings by Martin Mower, to April 19. War lithographs by Spencer I'tyst, to April '.i. Foisoin (?allerlei 500 Fifth Avenuo-?Group of American paintings, through April. Ferargll Galleries. 21 Ka.-l Forty ninth Street? Group of American paintings, through April. Gimpel & Wlldeitsteln, 047 Fifth Avenue - Paintings and drawings by Lieutenant Jean Julian Leinor dant, to April 19. Knoedler -Galleries, 55? Fifth Avenue?Itecent "p&liitJnflr by Georgo Bellows and Lail.juo art glass, to April 12. Howard Young Galleries, 620 Fifth Avenue?Paint? ings by Guy Wiggins, to Ajiril 12. Macbeth Galleries. 4,',0 Fifth Avenue?Fifteen i American paintings, to April 10. ? Milch Galleries. 108 Wwi Bifty-seventh Street? ' Solectod paintings by American artlscs, to April 30. MK'.'DowoII Club, IDS West Fifty IIfih street -Paint ? ! lngs by a group of artists, lo April 13. ' National Academy of Design. 215 West Fifty-seventh Slreet?Annual ayrlng exhibition, to April 22. ! Penguin Club, 8 East Fifteenth Street Paintings 1 and sculpturo by Temporary Group. April 20. Helnhardt Galleries. 505 Fifth Avenue ltecent paintings by Kaymond Holland, to April 12 Kaiston Gallorles. 507 Fifth Avenue Paintings by Ilohurt 11. to April 1U. Boclely of Independent Artists, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, to April 15. BOARD OF EDUCATION LECTURES "Labrador." Miss Ethel wyn DlUnidgo, Public K<:h(>ol 95, Wosl Houston and Clariison streets, mar Vurldt Street. "Iluwltt," Emilie \V. lilm-kiiian, Pulillo School 101. 111th Street, west of l/'xliiglon Av.-nue. "America and American*," Mrs. Mary B. I^-asi.. publia H<-li(.ol 115, 177Ui Street, near Audubon Avenu?. "Franklin tho Practical Man ?r Affairs." Dr Thomos MoTloman. Central Jewish instliute, 125 East blglity firth Street. "I,?>f.o Cliaiiiulaln," Jennie M. Davis. Cooper Insti? tute Eighth Streit ami Fourth Avenue 'Thii lluus? Fly, Man's Foe," Miss Nina L Mar? shall Hawthorno School, llawihfirnu. N. V. "In Hie Time of tlueen Eilrabeth," Mrs .1, Hunger ford Mllbank, lluiner College, Hixly elglitli Street aid l.oxi'igtoii Avsnun, "IliLidlan WiitciV I'avid A. Modell. Hamilton Grange, i,".', W.wl 14.',tli Slreet. "Caito lo Cspe by Aeioplaiie," Ida V. Sirriirtitou. Seamen's Church Institut?, 25 South Street "Niagara and Near I'.v," Kflward .lusiiis Parker. Y. It, c. A. ilUrbint, 5?West 12.'.th Street, "ilonry Bees." F-dwurd F Ulg?lOW, Public School 43. Brown Plu'-o and Kh.tli Street. Weather Report WASHINGTON, April 8. The Northwrst dlaturbancn has iilmont diniippuiired, but ?u other of irmrknil chnrocter is now ov?r Ceu trnl Taxu?. with a iiarthe-nutward rnovuniunt. Tho rcsulllfiK precipitation from the?? two dUturlitinr?* durlnif Iho ?tist twenty-fpur hour* cover? An/.iinii th? central ?ml ?niltli ?m Itfi.-ky Mountain rvKl'ins, thu ldnitM tUtu (?xowpt MVbruitka), th? Ohio Valley, th? Ink? M-ni'fii ?Mil iiorlioiis of New York, fCastcrn 1'i'nnsylvuriln ?nil Southern New Kfilfland. In tho Houth ?nd Far West tin wvather wu? fuir. It. Is cooler In th? mlddl? Atlantic ?tntca arid th? Mlmt<"/ri Valley and much cooler in I the extremo Southwest, with freezing tem | peratures in Southern New Mexico, while in ! the South temperatures remain high. j There will be rain Wednesday or Wednes ? oay night in the lower Mississippi Valley and Wednesday night and Thursday in the east ? Gulf states, the Ohio Valley and the lake region, reaching the middle and south At ? Untie coasts by Thursday night. In New I England the weather will be generally cloudy, I with local rains probable Wednesday. It j will be cooler Thursday in the Ohio Valley, i Tennessee, the east Gulf Btatea and the west ! portions of the south Atlantic states. ?' Storm warnings are displayed on the Gulf ? Coast from Bay St. Louis, M?bs., to Carra ; belle, Fla. Forecast? for Special DistrlcU.?Eastern New York, unsettled to-day ; probably local rain in the morning ; to-morrow cloudy ; rain in the afternoon or night. Western New York, unsettled to-day: to? morrow rain. Southern New England, unsettled to-day ; probably local rains ; to-morrow cloudy ; rain by night in west portion. New Jersey, cloudy to-day ; probably local rains ; to-morrow cloudy ; rain in the after? noon or night. Delaware, partly cloudy to-day ; to-morrow cloudy ; rain by night. Eastern Pennsylvania, unsettled to-day ; to? morrow rain. Local Official Record.?The following of? ficial record shows temperatures during the last twenty-four hours, in ?.comparison with the corresponding date of last year : lf)l8. 1910.] 191R. 1910. 3 a. m... 41 6-1 | 3 p. m... ,r?f> 64 6 a. m... 411 68 6 p. m... 52 52 9 a. m... 15 5- 9 p. m... 50 47 12 noon.... 53 58 111 p. m... 60 Highest, 65, at. 12:01 a. m. : lowest, 46, 8:15 p. m. ; average, 56; average same date last year, 60 ; average same date for 33 years, 45. Humidity 8 a. m.... 53 I 1 p. m.... 26 1 8 p. m.... 58 Barometer Headings S n. m. .30.15 i 1 P. m. .30.18 | 8 p. m. .30.13 Loral Forecast. Unsettled to-day, prob? ably with locnl rains in the morning ; to? morrow, cloudy, with rain in the afternoon or night ; moderate shifting wind-, becoming northeast l?y to-morrow. Shipping News Sunrises .6:281 Sun sets .7.28 Moon tines. . 2:16 p. in.?Moon sets.3:21 a.m. , Port of New York High Water A. M. P. M. Sandy Hook . 3:63 4:30 1 lovernor's Island . 4 : 10 6:20 Hell Gale . 6:63 7:27 ARRIVED YESTERDAY VESSEL FORT DEPARTFUf C. Lopez y Lope..Cadiz .Mar. 22 Yute.Bilbao .Mar. 22 Caronla.Liverpool . . .Mar. 23 Muncaster Castle.New London Apr. 7 1.1 Capit?n.Ensenada ... Mar. 3 1 Ran Mateo.Limon .Mar. 31 Santiago.Brunswick ..Apr. ?J Eagle 3.Returning ..Apr. 6 Runa.Phlla.Apr. 6 Mayare..Trinidad . . ..Mar. 31 W. C, Teagle.Tampico . . . Mar. 31 Gulf of Mexico.1'. Arthur ...Mar. 31 ! Pendrecht.Rotterdam . ..Mar. 20 El Mar.P. Arthur ...Apr. 1 H C. Flood.Chriatianla ..Mar. 21 Rapidan.l.eith .Mar. 21 Amelia.Tanamo Bay Apr. S Aikoku Maru.Phlla.Apr. 6 Carolina.Genoa .Mar. 2S NcpoB.Newport N...Aur. 6 Baltimore.St. Thomas .Apr. 1 l'lttsburg.Cristobal .\pr 1 Invincible.London .Mar. 2 1 Coamo.Ponce .\pr. 1 Three Marys.Grand Lahou.Jan. 11 Noruego.Philadelphia Apr. 7 Imp.-royal.Gibraltar ...Mar. 1 >? Francis.Valparaiso ..Mar. 5 .Norfolk.Falmouth ...Mar. 10 'Helos.Flushing ....Mar. 21 INCOMING STEAMERS Due To-day ' VESSEL POUT DErARTFBE j Canoplc.Marseilles . . .Mar. 20 ' Turialba .St. Nazalre . . . Mar 2_ ' Ftrt Wayne.Genoa .Mar. 17 OUTGOING STEAMERS To-day MAtr, VESSEL CLOSES. SAIL.?.. Noordam, Plymouth .8:00 A.M. 12:00M. Ollvant, Cape Town.12:00 M. 3:00 P.M. Maracalbo, Curacao ..!? .30 A.M. 12:00 M. Cuthbert, Paru..12:00 M. 2:30 P.M. Thursday I Roma, Marseilles.... 8:00 A.M. 12:00 M. Argentina, Genoa.... 8:00A.M. 12:00 M. Martoppo, Cape T.. .12:00 M. 3:00 P.M. Santa Cecelia, Brest. - 12.00 M. Gen. Gorgaa, Brest..- 12:00 M. ?T?palos, Rio Janeiro. 7:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. ?Charybdis, Bermuda. 6:00A.M. 10:00A.M. Friday Vcstrls, Rio Jan... 8:30 A.M. 12:00 M. Cherokoe, San Horn. 9::',..'A.M. 11:00 A.M. Guiana, Barbados . 12:00 M. 2:00 F.M. I Alban, Fernambuco 12:00 M. 2:00 P.M. AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE, April 8.?Arrived: Steam? ers Hwah Jab (Chinese), Antwerp and Plymouth; Vlka (Nor.), Santa Marta; Sil dra (Nor.), Harry; Kors-jord (Nor.), Gen? oa; Manchester Port (Hr.), Manchester, via St. John, Sucrosa, Einsenada, Calaveras and Boca Grande; (Russ.), Rio de Janeiro, via Barbados. Cleared: steamer Quoque, Moliendo. Sailed: Steamers Hin? dustan 1 Hr.). La Pallice; Llgonler, Tam? pico; I.t.lrl (Dutch), Rotterdam. BOSTON, April 8.?Arrived: Steamers Clbao (Nor.), Port Antonio; City of Home, Savannah; Corsica, Norfolk; Northwind, Norfolk; Grecian, Philadelphia. Sailed: Steamers West Blcasco, Bordeaux; Katrlna Luckenbach, from New York to Brest; Korshaw, Norfolk und Baltimore; Chlp pewa, Charle.ton and Jacksonville; On? tario, Norfolk; ship Maletta (Nor.), New York, In tow. CAPE HENRY, April 8.?Passed In for Baltimore: Steamer A lamosa. New York. Passed out from Baltimoro: Steamer Murto (It). Genoa, via New York. DELAWARE BREAKWATER, April 8. ?Arrive,!: Schooners Frank A. Morey, Phliadeipma, for Bordeaux; Mary E. Mills, ? -. Passed out ; Steamers Mahopac (Hr.), Philadelphia for London; Noruega (Nor), Philadelphia, for Christiania and Helgen, via New York; CalispeU, Phila? delphia, for Norfolk; j. M. Danzlger, Phil? adelphia, for Tampico; Wynoochto, Phila? delphia, for New York; Alabama, Clay mont. Del., for Norfolk. JACKSONVILLE, April 8. ? Arrived: Steamer Mohawk, Now York, via Charles? ton; motor schooner Russapeage, Bruns? wick, in tow. Sailed: Steamer Nantucltct, I Hi, It I more, via Savannah. NEW ORLHANS, April 8.-? Cleared : Steamers Copan (Hond.), Omoa, via Port Colt,.-/., Jalisco (Mex.), Progreso; San Marcus, Progreso, via Cuban ports; Ya murl. Progreso, via Tampico und Vera Cruz. NORFOLK, April 8.--Arrived: Steam, r American, New York; Artigas, La Pallice, and cleared for New York; Asparla, New York, and sailed for Kingston; Lako Unt? ier, New York; Lako (?ralis. New York. Cleared: Schooner F. R. Udlorno, Hamil? ton, Bermuda. PHILADELPHIA, April 8.?Arrived : Steamers Northland (llr.), Liverpool; In? dustria (Swed.), New York; J. E. O'Nell, New York; Western Pride, New York; Platea (Ok.), Marseilles; Annetta, Port Antonio; Luke Narka, Chaparra; Sunoll, Sabine; Merrlmtick, Jacksonville and Sa vunnah; ship Geyser (Dan.), Hlo de Janeiro. 1,I'd Steamers Port Antonio (Nor.), nti?. Marta; Tr?ves..,-, (Ilr. I, Gib-altar for lora; ('?.r?ales, Cardenas; George W. Clyde. New York. POUT ARTHUR, Tox., April 8.- Arrived: Steamers Vesta, N?'W York for Heuumont; Rayo, New York for Heu uni,int. PORT FADS. La., April X -Arrived: Learners Com us, New York; Copponamo, ola; Fred W. Weiler, Now York, Harry Farnum, Tampico; Janata (Dr.). Glbrul r. gulinlstuii (Hondo, Port Corte/.. Ar? rived: Schooner F.dmi McKnlght, Hlo do Janeiro. Balled: Steamers A in.'laud, (lui veston; Harry Farnum, Galveaton. lOIU-IGN FORTS AARHUU8. March 30. ?Arrived: Steamer J. W. Van Dyke, Phlludclhla, via Copen? hagen. ANTOFAGASTA, April C?Arrived: Steamer? J. A. McKeo (Hr.), Norfolk (via INSTRUCTION Nl-W -OKH ..I un imitan HERLITZ SCHOOL Manhattan) -??10 Wo.l Hth St.?* Br-Okly? : 21/1 Llvlng-ton Htroe. Languages THHMH MAY HID ItlWiHN AT ANT TIM?. DANCING AKT HAM LU for iltun or ?m-ltl mltum Hum mrr eltMtft for training Illumina 'I ? n? ( 1 ? r 1 II... ?rt ..' iu.i.ii,? ll-yliiurri or ? ? I ?- *?.-- ? * Writ? Iv Curio, Krc'y. mudy d.alr??l. Ai.VltNK HCIIOOI4H. -'?"? W.?l -7lti it. Valparaiso) ; 7th, Juneau, New York (via Valparaiso). BAHIA, April 6.?Arrived: Steamer Dawnllght, New York (for Rio Janeiro); ?Jth, schooners George B. Cluett, St. Johns, X. F.; James Williams (Hr.!, New York. BALBOA, April 8.?Sailed: Steamer Toula (Russ.K Vladivostok. BARCELONA, April 2?Arrived: Steamer Rita (Span.), New York. HA DRY, April 7.?Arrived: Steamar liasHUm, Baltimore. Flint (Nor), New York; bark ?rlele, New York; steamer Joazelro (Hraz.), Boston. BLYTH. April 7.?Sailed: Steamer Ori? ent City, Hampton Roads. BORDEAUX, April 5.?Sailed: Steamer Flint i Nor.), New York. BREST, April 6.?Sailed: Steam?r Wlnl BRBST, April 6.??Sailed: Steamer Winlrn-dian ('Hr.), Boston. BUENOS AYRES, April 6.?Arrived: Bark VlUing (Dan.), New York. CAPE RACE, N, I-\, April 8.-? Signalled : Steamer Punnonia (Br.) (from Brest for New York). No time or distance given; expecta to arrive at Ambrose Channel Lightship at 2 p. m. Friday. CETTE March 'Ul.?Arrived: Schooner Horatio C. Foss, Santos. CHRISTIANIA. April 2. ? Sailed: Steamer United States (Dan.), New York COLOMBO, April 1.?Arrived: Steamer Western Croas, New York (for Singapore). COPENHAGEN, April 3. ?Arrived: Steanur \\ ieitngon, New York. CRIST?BAL, April 8.?Arrived: Steamer? Culebra, Cartagena; Arthur (Br.), Liver? pool. DARTMOUTH, April 7.?Sailed: Steamer ? Sun, Philadelphia. D?VONPORT. March 29. ? Sailed: ; Steamer Hesoeki, New York. DUBLIN, April 5.?Arrived: Steamer \ Mercian tlir. ), Boston for Liverpool. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The connecting; mails close at the Gen? eral Postoffice and City Hall Postoffice Station. New York, as follows: Fiji Islands, New Zealand and Australia, Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, at 6:30 p. m.. April 10, for dispatch per Ps. Makura. Philippine Inlands, ?la Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, at 5:30 p. m., April 12, for dispatch per Ss. Empress of Japan. Philippine Islands, via Seattle, ut 5:30 p. m., April 10, for dispatch per Sa. Africa M aru. FIJI Islands. New Zealand und Australia, \nm.-ouvnr and Victoria, H. O, at 6:30 p. m., April 20. for dispatch per SB. Niagara. Hawaii and Guam, close 6:30 p. m. dally. This mail Is forwarded to tho Pacific Coast daily for dispatch to destination by the best opportunity. Japan, Corea. China. Slam, Cochin China and Netherlands, East Indies, close ?it. f, :30 p. m. dally. This mall- is for? warded to the Pacific Coast daily fur dis? patch to destination by the best oppor? tunity. Police Orders Transfers nnd Assignments Sergeant, effect 8 a. m., April 10?Prank 1?. Walker. 10th to tjOt.h, to bicycle duty. Patrolmen James J. Byrnes. 77th to Head? quarters, Bureau of Telegraph. Manhattan ; Michael Harris, from Headquarters, Bureau j of Telegraph, Manhattan, to 35th. 12:01 a. m., April 7. from National Be-] fence to commands indicated, leaves revoked -Bernard M., 31st; Michael Rich? ter. 94th; John Sasek, 00th; William Kcval, Training School. Temporary Assignments Surgeon Mark Williams, nth S, D.. in charge of 4th S. D. in addition. 4 days, 6 a. m., April 8. during absence of surgeon on vncation. Captain John H, Boyle. 32d. in command 4th 1. D. in addition,*6 days, 2 a. m., April 18, during absence of inspector on vacation. Lieutenant William P. Judge, 7th, in com? mand, 6:20 p. m. April 4, during absence of curtain on sick report. Patrolmen William Weirauch. 39th, to 6th I. D.. raided premises, 7 days, 8 a. m. April 3; Charles McGowan, 76th, to 16th I. D., raided premises, 7 days, 8 a. m April 0. Leaves With Full Pay Inspector Dominick Henry, 4th I. P., fi days, 2 a. m. April 18, to be deducted from vacation. Surgeon Daniel ,T. Donovan, 4th S. D., 4 days, 6 a. m. April 8, to be deducted from vacation. ,* Leave Without Pay Patrolman Alfred Y.itb, 22d, 2 days, 8 a. m. April 13. Sick Leavo Patrolman John McKiernan, 33d, 90 days, 8 a. m. April 19. Full Pay on Sick Report Patrolman Walter Stephens, 22d. 11:35 p. m. March 18 to 12 p. in. March 30. Death Retired Patrolman William J. McCormack, formerly 16th, died 2:10 a. m. April 0, at 313 Wist Twenty eighth Street, natural cause3. Funeral from his late residence 10 a. m. April 9. Interment Holy Trinity Ceme? tery. RESORTS LONG ISLAND The Most Attractive Country Hotel Near New York City araen ui Garden City, Long Island Ono o? tho most exclusive Hotels la America. A combination of country life and metropolitan luxury seldom found; conducted on the American plan, with a handsome u la carte restaurant for the convenience of motorists. DANCING 4 to 10 P. Bf. DAILY Excellent 18 bole golf course free to guests. Frequent electric trains from Penn. station. ,J. J. LASMN CO.. Prop*. NEW YORK STATE BRIARCLIFF LODGE Briarcliff Manor, N. Y. Open April 19th. (?KI1NEV FARM HOTEL WHITE PLAINS. N. Y. EDWARD II. CRANDALL. ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY ? ATLANT?CC?TY.N^. ? SiiutUe?.pUurUrxed and ? mqrvaqed. to gU** ! comfort and, h&cUuX. THE LEADING RESORT HOUSE OFTHE WORLD ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. "?UE NATION'S UK ALI H SHOP " HEALTH IS EFFICIENCY '' A Germicide Climate and Cleat) Slreet? Ko Dust. No Dirt. Innumerable Outdoor Recreatinns and Indoor Entertainment! Ownership Management Josiah While & SonsCo. LAUREL HOUSE LAKEWOOD. N. ,1. Justly famous for Its homelike atmos? phere, ho-plinlily mid charming social life. Laurel Mont.? Gun Club, Trap Shooting. Spring golf tournament at Country Cluli, April '-'I, 38 und '?t?. Complete H.vdro-Tliorapctitlo lliiths In Hotel. Telephone 430 1 ahewood. A. .1. Murphy. Mgr C. V Murphy. Ant Mft MONTCLAIK, NEW JERSEY IDEAL COUNTRY HOME Hotel Montclair WONTCLAIR. N. J. MOST DELIGHTFULLY SITO ATEI? RESIDENTIAL HOTEL IN NEW YORK'S SI'lltTRBS. OPEN THE ENTIRE YEAR. FREDERICK 0, HALL COMPANY. TRAVEL Worceit<r,$3.8>. Providence direct.*?. BO STATEROOMS, ?LOU und ?19.00 Dally, Including .Sunday. fi:;i0 P. M. from 1'lar 1?. & II. I'liun? 2700 ?Uckums TRAVEL persea by tke CREAT WHITE FLEET O S. ABANGAREZ ^" sails from New York about April 15. Full information re? garding additional ser? vice upon application. ?RTTEO FRUIT-COMPAIW 5T .A..SHI?-.tB.VlC_ P?????ger Traffic Department 17 Battery Place City Ticket Office (Hotel Imperial) 1254 Broadway V. IMTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE LINES American PHILADELPHIA?LIVERPOOL Northland. April 16 White Star NEW YORK VJA HAVRE TO LIVERPOOL MEGANT1C April 18 ft I V A4 EH P HALIFAX U L 1 l?l r fl W SOUTHAMPTON April 24 NEW YOKK?LIVERPOOL Lnplurtd.April in Celtic.April 30 Adriatic.April :>8 Hnltic.May 6 N. Y.?AZORES?GIBRALTAR?ITALY Canopic ..April 22 Office?, 9 Broadway, - New York ?C UN A I* NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL Caronia .Apr. 15 Carmania .Apr. 19 Royal George.Apr. 26 Orduna .May 3 Caronia ..May 17 NEW YORK TO SOUTHAMPTON Mauretania.Apr. 12 21-24 STATE STREET, NEW YORK C0?4E/-6fi?K S?ffifiALE ItoANSATUUfTIfl? $ NEW YORK-?FRANCE WEEKLY DEPARTURES f-t-nnanv'. Office ,u sut" 8t-- N** ***? w?_npany s umce ,Phon, Br??M Griei 7SM STEAMSHIP PASSAGES To Europe, ?South America, West Indies, Poutli Afrlcn. Australia. China, Japan, etc. Ofiiclal .-Bent? for All Trans -Atlantic and Trans-Pacific S. y. Lines. Tours and Ticket? by All Hall Routes Completo arrangement? for business or recreation travel. Including Pullman r?servations, rail tickets. &c. THOS. COOK & SON, 145 Broadway. 561 Fifth Ave., ti. Y. Swedish American Line S.S.STOCKHOLM-"JisT?^3 APRIL 13, MAY 28. NEW YORK DIRECT TO GOTHENBURG, SWEDE?. Short route to SCANDINAVIA. Su perlor accommodations, service and cuisine. PASSENGER OFJ.1CE. 24 State St.. N. Y. RED'D'UIE I'lEH 11, IT. MONTAGU! ST.. CKL?N. AT NOON. For Porto Rico, fursc-ao & Venezuela. 8. S. Maracaibo_Wednesday. Ai?rll 9. at 1 P. M. b. S. Caraca?.Wednesday, April 16, at 1 P. M. B. S. Philadelphia. .V.<lii._.l_.v. April 30, at 1 P. U. Kuprrlur Ai-.-?'iii:ih;.1_iiuii- tor Paanencen. BLISS, DAU__TT & CO.. Ceul. -igra. Phone 6170 llaiio.-r. -^ Wall Street. A MERICAN EXPRESS ?TRAVEL DEPARTMENT Tickets. Tours. Travelers' Cheque?. HUDSON RIVER NIGH1 LIKES NEW YORK^ALBANY-1*0* , foot Canal St.. M. : due Albany Dally sailings from Pier 32, N. H G P. M.; West 183d St., C 30 P. C o'clocK following morning. Direct rail connection? at Albany to all point? north, cunt ?.id west. Express Freight Service. Auto? Curried. HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY Fall River line To BOSTON Sirs. lv. Pier 14, N. lt., ft. Pulton St., dally at _ P. M. Music. NEW LONDON (NORWICH LINE). 8tr. Iva Pr. .10, N. It , Houston St., wk. days only, 0:30 P.M. I.v. Pr. 70. E.R., 2-d St., G P.M. NEW HAVEN LINE. Str. Iva. Pr. 28. !.. lt., tir. Catli. St., v.l.. day?, 2 P.M. Pr. 70, E. K., '..15 P. M. ?THE PUBLIC HR PLEASED." COLONIAL LINE BOSTON ? $4.40 providence!:;;:1,, $2.97 ALL OUTBIDU S'I'A IMGKOOM.1J1.1Q i?> *_.__ Both Prices Include War Tax. Boat Itav?? Pit 39. North Hivsr, at 8:30 P. M. ?I'lioiir? Spring ?KM. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS LOST?Long black poeketbook. In the vicinity of Bankers Trust Company; lib? eral reward. C. 8. Fisher, Imperial Hotel, or Tribune Office. LOST BANKBOOKS LOST?Bankbook No. 770,475 of the Union Dime Savings Bank Is missing. Any per? son having a claim to it is hereby called upon to present the same within t?n days or submit to having the sa!i passbook csji ; celled and a new one issu.-d. I LOST.?Bankbook No. 250,448 of the Frank i ?in Savings Bank. Issued to John McCann. Payment stopped. Please return to Bank, 658 : Eighth ave., New York City. All persons are j cautioned not to purchase or negotiate same. j LOST?Bankbook No. 305,624 of the Frank j lln Savings Bank. Issued to Charles Mc I Govern. Payment stopped. Please return to , Bank. 658 Eighth ave., New York City. AU ! persons are cautioned not to purchase or ne i gotiate same. I LOST.?Bankbook No. 103,658, Seamen's Bank for Savings, 76 Wall st., New York. i Payment stopped and cancellation applied ? for. Please return to bank. ?LOST.?Bankbook No. 968,918 of Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave., New York. ! Payment stopped. Please return book lo i bank. i LOST? Bankbook No. 1,067.104 of Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave., New York. | Payment stopped. Please return book to I bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 1.118.818 of Bank | for Savings, 280 Fourth ave.. New York. Payment stopped. Please return book to bank. ' LOST.?Bankbook No. 828,687 of the Cen ! tral Savings Bank In the City of New York. Payment stopped. Please return ! book to bank. ? LOST.?Passbook No. 116.648 of the North : River Savings Bank Payment stopped, i Return to bank, 31 West 34th st.. New York. DOST.?Bankbook No. 132.361 of the Excel? sior Savings Bank. 7a West 23d St. Pay? ment stopped. Return to bank. LIELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION ? ACTO INSTRUCTION.?WE TEACH REPAIRING ? AND IiRlVJNO TV SHOUT TIME: PTUVATK ' LABIES' DRIVING. AM) MECHANICAL I OODRSE. AMERICAN* ACTO SCHOOL, 72t? LEX IXGTON AVE. (59TH). PLAZA 401?. I AUTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION. ?10 --Unlimited dririug. otr., guaranteed, including machine for stato ('lamination until securciL B. M. Co., 1303 Loxlngtoji ave. iSStli), INCREASE YOUR INCOMB Great opportunities for men with ambi? tion. Get out of that RIJ? and learn the automobile business at the BEST automo? bile school in N. Y. You will bo worth more to your employer if you are an ex? pert mechanic. Mechanical Class Course ?45. with Driving $65. Satisfaction guaran? teed. Write for Cat. T. 'Phone Circle 6270 THE STEWART AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 225 West 57th St., at Broadway LEARN TO MS A CHAUFFEUR? Pleasant and profitable work: day and evening classes. Send for free booklet and Tl-Jtor's pats. We? Sid? Y. M. C. A.. 317 Wes? 57th ?t HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMOBILS MECHANIC'S ? HELPER,?H not experienced do not. apply; steady. Mott Hitch (larngo, 270 East 139th st. AT'TOMOBILE MECHANIC- -If not experienced do not. apply; steady. Mott II a Ten Curage, 278 East 139th at BOYS for electrical work: old established Christian wholesale and importing houso; splendid chance for advancement. Call 36 Hudson st. BOYS (three) wanted for stock and errands. 1265 Broadway, Room 509. 1 COPY WRITERS WASTED?Young men with ! agency experience. Send samples of work (all : samples will bo returned). Give prcrlous connec? tions; stau? salary wonted and when you can bo hero. Keeshen Advertising Co., Oklahoma City. DRl'GGIST. registered. Teu hour day; references. Cook Pharmacy, 74th Bt. and 3d av., Brooklyn. SALESMEN wanted to sell new European tread steel studded tires to auto trade; "the kind of tires that helped win the war": good, energetic, capable men wanted; on commission basis. Bisa? Process Tiro Corporations, 229 West 52d st. SALESMEN' to carry side lino. Very big and fast selling items. Handled by Department iitores. I'tug Stores and Stationers Items sold from col? ored photos. Liberal commlsslou. HY-S1L MF?. CO., Revere, Mass. SALESMEN I want energetic young men to handle lire propo? sition In the automobile field; good commission paid to men of merit. Room 1230, 70 6th ST. SEVERAL honorably dlschargi-d soldiers ?ho hare had some farm experience can find steady employ? ment on N Y dairy farra: wages ?10 to $?0 month, depending ou experience and ability: board. I room, washing- and one day month o!f with pay. : LEE P. GRANT, Blooruvllle, Now York. WANTED.?First-class engineering drafts? man to work on machinery layouts and de? tails. Must be experienced. Apply and state previous experience. P. O. Box 64, Wall Slreet Station. HELP WANTED FEMALE DRESSMAKER wanted on ladies' fine dresses. Mrt. J. Coheu, 125 West 115th St. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted. Apply 308 Broadway. Girls light work In bottling department: no experience nocosary; steady employment. Apply La Manna 397 Washington st. GIRLS to do plain hand sewing on labels and custom neck? wear; learners taken. A. SULKA & CO., M2 FIFTH AVE. LADIES to make bead ornaments at home; no ex? perience nc.-essgry ; steady work, extra pay. Call Marline, 18 Reado st, New York City. STENOGRAPHES in offlee of large technical publi catior.; must have good education: state experi? ence, and salary expected. Stenographer. Room 1009. 110 West 34th st. TYPIST, experienced and rapid, in office of large firm. See Mr. Ball, 3d Floor, Front, 346 Broadway. TYPIST In large technical publication, good chance for advancement: state age. experience and salary expected. Typist, Room 1009, 110 West 34th st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CHAI'EFEl'R. colored. 2 years' experience on alt makes; private family. Gllyard, 11 hi W. 135th at DENTAL MECHANIC, colorew. soeks position labo? ratory. Allou, 142 West H 3d st. POSITION' WANTED?Accountant with large ex pvrlonco In Income Tax work desires business connection: married, with no had habits. Chas. T. Johnson. 12380 So. First st., Louisville. Ky. SALESMAN".?Building trades, college graduate, architecture; experienced ; wide acquaintance architects and contractors. Agency proposition con? sidered. A. A. 30, Tribune. WASHER ACTO. COLORED, DESIRES POSI? TION IN A PRIVATE CARAOE OR WITH PRIVATE FAMILY. CARE KELLY, 63 WEST 88TH ST. >?_._?.'.. ,_ L '.'..?.I,, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE DRESSMAKER wants few more customers by dav: experienced cutting, fitting. M. Barry. 48 West 03d st DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BITLKR or porter. Philippine experience; private family Olafra. 1?3 W. 183d si. Morniiigsld? 8?K4. CAI1ETAKER wishes position. Box US, 278 Wye-Hot? ave., Brooklyn. GARDENER, Austrian. rogetal.H? and flower?; two years' pursoiial references. Mrs. Cooper's Agency. 657 Clh av. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A,?a - CooK?Young Irish womau: city family: country for summer; good city rafirrnc*?. M , Mina Hofiiiayer's Agency. 10 East 43d at. third floor. Telephone 6817 Murray Hill. COOK and WAITRESS nod houiiworkera, chain??* maid?; rellahi?; ?"ikI M?reme I*lilVi Am-n-i IT haut 125th ?',. Telephone Varient MIS, DAY'S WORK or laundry home. Carter. 183 Weil Mortilr.i'fd.le 80.14. LAI NUKKSS V?r? reliable woman. expert lsun! rina; can launder ?hin, 145 to 150 H . Mini llmrinayer's Ageiicr. 10 Kail ?M st.. ?d floor. Tel ephona B0?1 Murray inn. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS * N. .?NTED FEMALE ? PARLOR MAID or cliaratiiriu-Jd; young Irish tir!; j refrrence? from prominent New York f?Juli-?? ; It?. C. Mils BalMMr. Acencj. 10 Rut 4Sd ?t.. j Sd fli>or. iVlephone Murray mil .94.. I WAITBBSS? In apartment : e.xellent city refer .:.<???: MS to $?.. C. Ml? Hormay*.'. Aeetu-. ; 10 ha?t 4-d ?t.. ?d floor. T.'leplioiie 8347 Murr.? j YOl'NO WOMAN ?Ironing; ncTstindty. A. Wilson. ; 140 West Hod ?t. Apm tinea.i ?9. BUSINESS CARDS Desks and Office Furniture. \0oL.DE$KS^~ Office Furniture ?fp In great ?variety t^F? of style and price I 111 FULTON ST. New York. Carpet Cleaning ; CAB_EFTL_ CABPET CLEANING COMTAXT* Cleans di oo-spr-eaed air. ?team, han.t et sa i loer 410 bait 4M!? st. COE * B?U.ND?. T__M : p_?->? is-. Vorm Hill. Detective Agency WESTLOTOUVS PeteotWe Agency?Shadowing, eon fldentlal in.i-Mlgation. te. 89 E. 42nd. Phone Murray Hill "_T43. Diamonds DUMONOP AND JEWK1.RT BOl'UHT FOR CASH, estates appraised, purchased. BENNETT, 175 Broadway, upstairs. Multigraphers?Stenographers MultUraphlnK. stennsraphy. typewrlties: all hourej rsssotieble. Coyne. 11? Nassau -i. H?._iu_n VX. Patents !'ATI NTS. Otw To .ears' practice: a1! commun lestions strictly confidential; liandl>ooli ou pate its ire* ou request; special --.riliilce for oflloe consultations. Munn & Co , patent attorneys. 611 Wool worth Dulkltng. New York. Polish DII.LARDS HIGH GRADE POLISH For rumllure. plan?.. 80 W 134th st M.-rtiinj RS??. Talking Machines TALKING MACHINE? I-rfnre paying retail for a talking marlil-m let manufa.-turrr demonatrste ?hat he csn build foi you. Mahogany, oak. guaranteed. L'OPIN. 17? 6th ave. (".irises 8437. Typewriters TYPEWRITERS RENTED Non-vitlble. 3 months. $6. Visible. 8 months. 17 50 u* Initial pajiaent aprllea If purd?-*ad. AMERICAN WIllT'VO MAi IIIN'l. CO IN?' 830 Broadway, a' Worth St ) T.l 54<M 20 E. 23d Bt.. bpp Madison Ave. < Franklin TYFEWBtTKRS R F N T E O Non-?ri_ible_. 3 M< nth-, ?S.00. Vlalblss. 3 M? ntl - $r '.0 * up. TFI? TYPEWRITER EXCHANOB. 10 Hards; St. T- ' Bsr Is; 4738 BOARDERS WANTED cnn_DREN WANTED ?> hoard m fann; mother care, with ?nal.lng, $25 per month; 5 -. 12 year?. Box 106, Lakewood, N. J. B. F. D. 1. STORAGE NOTICES Riverdale Storage Warehouse Co., 152-154 West l-'.TII STREET. N- w Vork, April 1. 1919. | To Mrs, E. Blake, Mr. Ralph. Mme. O. : Mindere, Mr. G. B. Figueredo. Mr. E R. (Jones, Mr?. N. Benneu, Andri ??? C D?rr, W. M. Murphy, Elizabeth Mesler, Mrs. Karle, Anu?.? Taguo. M. Finn, W. J. Brown, Miss A. Thompson, Mrs. Murry, C, H. t While. William Hill, Mrs. Gurnee, J. H. I Maioney, Mrs. Goodwin, M. Von Osten. Mrs. L. R. Johnsen, Mrs. E. Gunnlson, ?Mary McMalion, E. ?,. MacKeyes You -mi I each of you are hereby notified that the time for payment of our lien upon tho property herelnaft<r described having ex? pired, ??fter due notice thereof had been given you, we will cause such property, to wit, Household ftirnishinf... comprising bods, bedding, chiffoniers, bureaus, cha rs, settees, davenports, tables, stands, sewing machines, china and g!a-^i closets, crockery, glassware, kitchen utensils. platel and sil? ver ware, cutlery, portieres, curtains, .!.-.. perles, carpets, rugs, bo ks, bookcases, bric-a-brac, pianos, musical Instruments, statuary, vehicles, paintings and pictures, trunk? and contents, linen wearing ap parel, personal effects, merchandise, etc.. as ??numerate.1 In tho warehouse inventory is? sued to you by this warehouse, stored by you or In your name lor in which you may have an Interest) in the Rlverdali Storage Warehouse, to bo eol.l at Public Auction, according to the statute In such case mad? und provided, at the Monarch .:<-, tt Rooms, 161 East 126th Street. New York City, on TIKSDAY, APRIL '?ind. 1U1?, AT TEN O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON, and If the sale Is not completed on said date the Bame will be continued a ?. the same place on each and every Tuesday there? after, beginning at 10 A. M. on each Tues? day, and continuing until all the goods uro sold. RIVERDALE STORAGEWAREHOOSECO., Manager. SURROGATES' NOTICES IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON orablo John P Cohaian, a. hurn-^at . of the County of New York, made or, Jan? uary 17, 1319, NOTICE is I..I-.1.. given to all persons having claim., against Robert J, Collier, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present tn?> same with vouch? ers thereof to the subscribers, at their placa of transacting bus::.ess. at the office of their attorneys, Taylor, Humea A Hegg. 24 Broad Street, in the Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New Vori-, on or before th* arst day of August next. Dated, New Yi.rk. the twenty-second day of January, 1919. SARAH STEWARD COLLIER, UNITED STATES TRUST COUPANT OF NEW YORK, Administrators c l l TAYLOR, HUMES 6_ BEGG. Attorney* for Administrators c. t. a., 24 Broad Street, New York City. RUSSELL. HARRIET.?IN PURSUANC? of an order of Honorable John P. Coh,_ lan, a Surrogate of tho County c-r Ne * York. NOTICE is hereby give? to all per? sons having claims against HARR?BT RUSSELL, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same wlta vouchers thereof to the aubscriber, at his place of transacting business at the otTlcef of his attorney?. Sexton, Jcffery, Klmball it Eggloulon. No. 34 Pine Stroel, In the Bor? ough of Manhattan, City of New York, ?I or before the 16th day of May next. Dated, New York, the 8tb day of Nov?b_ ber, 1918. ARTHUR BYRON, Executor. SEXTON. JEFFERY. K1MBALL A EO GLESTON. Attorneys for Executor, 34 Pine Street, Borough of Manhattan. N*? York City _ ! IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honoraire John P Cohalao. a fc-irrogate lof the County of New York, NOTICE is ! hereby given to all persons having claims against LINA WEHER, laie of the County of New York, deceasedj to prisent lb? same with vouchers thereof to the sub? scribers, at their place of transacting busi? ness, at the office of their attorn? y. Harold G. Aron, No. .0 Pine Street, In the City of New York, on or before the 10th day of August next, CHARLES F WEBER. HENRY M. WISE, i'\. rutors. Dated, New York, th? 27th day of Jan? uary. 1*1? HAROLD G. ARON, Attorney far Ex? ecutors, 50 Pine Street, Borojgh of Manhattan. N. Y. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable JOHN P. COHALAN, _ Suro gate of the County of Now York, M'Tli'K la hereby given to all p-rsons bavin? claims .gainst George H. Jan? way, >???? of the County- of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to t v euh Eirlbtr, at her placo of transacting business, the office of her attorneys, sr_.NCl.l_. ORDWAY, LLOYD & WIl.RT.M. S??. 2? William Rtroet, In the City of New York, on or before the thin' day of Oetober rext. Dated, New York, the Slut day of March, 1919. MARY L. SWIFT. ExeevtrU SPENCER, ORDWAT, I.1.0YD .\t W1..I.I M. Attorney? fur Executrix. Chicugo Egg Kpce-pt* Itrcak Record; Pri?e Stayu Up CHICAGO, April 8. - No tuc.b aim li? mit supply of rggs f-vrr btf-jm re.cliad UhifURo it. to-tiay, 73,467 ivinms, N't ivlthatanding . th< rtfoord-br^aetinfl ??? rival?, tin? innrkft wns'l'.tly hi it :' to-duy than j>?aterday, Kxportera wore said ?."? }>? tal in; liberal quantitiei to