Newspaper Page Text
Troops Sent to Quell Riots In Prussian Saxony Capital Magdeburg Is Plundered b) ?Mobs; Garrison Is Takei . by [nsurgents; Soviel Envoys Meet in Berlin Martial Law in Munich New Bavarian Government [s Sjilit by Dissension; Nuremberg Under Siege Troop? of the central German gov? ernment are marching on Magde? burg, capita] of Prussian Saxony, ??hero plundering and shooting have followed a general strike. A rg? part of the garrison is said o have gone over to the insur? gents, - ;', Woi knien'? and Peas? ants' Congress, assembled nl Ber? lin yesterday in a tense atmos? phere of uncertainty. The Inde? pendent Socialists have already red two victories, putting through a motion demanding for (?|( |: ei iberi of it"' '.ongresa (he gaffle Immunity enjoyed by the member! of the National Assem? bly and another motion calling f?, il,., rele ? <? of Georg Lede liiiiir. i, ?eniion In !'i" rank? of tho rndl cal fon'' ! to I?.- under mining the new Bavarian Soviel Republic at Munich, where an intensified itate of ?lego has been proclaimed. Nuremberg, where the Hoffmann anti-Soviet govern? ment is functioning, is also in a state of sii On the heels of the news from Ba? varia conns the announcement that the Berlin Cabinet has de? cided to give tho Soviets a share in the government of Germany. A workman's soviet will become the third house of the National Assembly. Food Reserves Looted By Rioting Strikers hi Prussian Saxony COPENHAGEN, April S (By The As aociati ! Press). Plundering and shoot? ing " ' lant upon the general strike oroclaime : by the Independent and Ma? jority S among the workmen at Magdeburg, capital of Prussian Saxony, are reported in dispatches from that city. The warehouses containing the food reserves for the coming week were stormed arid partly destroyed and the rest""- damage exceeding ? irks. on also was stormed, with 1 ' - releas ing the pris? oners in it, bin ?? rioti rs were re? pulsed ? ? building had been dam? aged considerably. Grenades and rifles Tenets of the New Soviet Government Proclaimed by Bavarian Proletariat MUNICH, April 7 (By The Associ? ated Press), Complete severance fron: the old German imperialism, as de? clared still to bo manifest in th< Ebert-Scheidemann government ol Germany, and the resumption of ; "brotherly connection" with the Rus ;?an and Hungarian peoples is an? nounced in the proclamation of thr. new Soviet government for Bavari. formed here "Long live the world revolution!' the proclamation concludes. The text of the document roads: "The decision arrived at for Ba varia is the formation of a Council ol the Republic of Revolutionary Work , ers and Peasants of Bavaria, ?nclud ing all our brothers, now united, sep arated by no party laws. From nov . on no exploitation or oppression wil be tolerated. Proletariat Now Rules "The dictatorship of the proletariat has now become a fact. The legaliza tion of a genuine Socialistic com ((?unity is now achieved, in which every workman may participate I) public life and in a jus! socialistic age "The Litndtrig hua been difStsolvcd uni the "Id ministry retired, People's com ml. ittrles, responsible to the peoph and chosen by a council of the tvorklni people, will r??.?? iv?- extraordinary pow . i -, to i??- employed In certain Inboi (.elds. Their assistants will l,,- Intel were employed In the attack on the uta tion and many persons were wounded, Government troops are advancing 01 tin' town ?md conflicts an- anticipated Large portion? of the garrison hovi joined the insurgents, It is roportei that a quantity of arms has been dis tributed to the workmen and forme soldiers from the citadel. The general strike was declared ove the heads of the men's leaders. Eigh thousand of the workmen attended : meeting this morning in the Dom-Plat and resolved that the strike should con tinue until the release of former Dep uty Brandes, who was arrested yester day. The tram service has ceased. The Congress unanimously adopte the motion of the independent Socialist demand ing the same immunity for it members as is enjoyed by the member of the National Assembly. A inotio: by the same party demanding the re lease of Georg I.edebour was adoptee although the Socialists of the "Right, voted against it. Ehert Socialists Rule Soldiers9 and Workers9 Congress at Berlit BERLIN, April 8 (By The Associate Press). The Soldiers' and Workmen' and Peasants' Congress, assembled tc day in a tense and irritable atmospher of uncertainty. Strong military mea; ures were taken and all spectators a' tending the congress were searched f( arms. Two hundred and eighty-eight deb pates had been expected, representin 2fi0 workers' and peasants' counci ; nd twenty-eight soldiers' council Many of the delegates, however, we prevented from attending, inclue! ir some from the occupied regions of tl Ftpth Avenue Office Guaranty Trust Company- of New York PirrH A VF NTS AND 4 3 R I> SrRB*T Service to Inve?stors in the Uptown Business District ' I ^HE Bond Department of this office ?I nmkch available to our < UStomcrs and others uptown the complete investment f.i< ilinYs of the (Company. Conditions at the present time arc especially favorable to the buyer of securities. Sound bonds and notes may now be purchased, both for long-term investment and early maturity, to secure income returns from about i%c/o to jcf0% Wc shall be pleased to discuss current in? vestment opportunities with you, and to assist you in the selection of securities best riiited to your purposes and requirements. Guaranty Trust Company of New York FIFTH AVENUE OFFICE FIFTH AVENUE AND 43rd STREET Im ? ligent men from all parts of the revo? lutionary and socialistic community ' Countless valuable forces of official? dom, especially from the lower middle I official class, will be asked to co? operate in thi' new work. The bureau? cratic system will be absolutely elimi? nated and the press will bo socialized. "As a protection for tin? Bavarian Council of the Republic against revolu? tionary attacks from without ?int.] with? in, a 'Red' army will be created imme? diately and a revolutionary court will pursue ruthlessly every attempt upon . the council. Follows Russian Example "Thn government of the Bavarian Council Republic follows the example of the Hungarian and Russian peoples. It will resume immediately a brotherly connection with these people--, but it ?declines any connection with the cot, j temptuous Ebert-Scheidcmann govern? ment, because ?hat government ?: con? tinuing under tin- flag of a Socialistic republic the imperialistic, capitalistic and military business of the disgrace? ful, broken down German Empire, It ,, , ils upon ?i!; ' !( t man brother ; i<> take the ?ame view, i! greets all proleta? rian' wherever revolutionary socialism is lighting in W?rttemberg, in the Ruhr dis| ? let, ?ti I ho whole world, "A??? il sign of joyotl ? hope l'or U fort? unate future for all humanity. Il es tabllslU" - April 7 un ,i holiday for all humanity. As a sign of the begInnli - of the departure, the flight, < f the ?ge of capitalism all work I stopped Ba vu i la ceil es, on Api il V, m so lar nt* It ?-, , ..? (,,-, -m for (he ??.' Ifiiro of the -.. oi ; ? ;- people, to do labor, "i.,,,,,. Uve fie,- Hiiviii i ft 1 I,??UK live the ' "m" II ?ov< i ami ?I ! Long live the world revolution!" Rhin,., the Ruhr district '"id South Hu v/irbi. There wiiH one woman delegate, who j nut at the central council table. Some foreign ropresontotiveB were in the gal- : lories, Surprise was caused by the announcement thai there wer?' nine delegates from German Austria. The confirmed Majority Socialists will have a majority in the Congress, but it is considered premature to draw j inferences .from this, owing to the ab- j sence of party discipline, and some j surprises are expected. - | Plan General Strike To-day LONDON', April 8.?Reuter's Berlin! correspondent says he learns that the whole of Berlin's metal, machine and construction workers and the tram j men will start a general strike to- \ morrow. The railway men are also firmly re- I solved to strike unless their demands are conceded, the correspondent, add.-. The government has declared .May 1 j a national holiday in Germany. A political movement of great im- I portance is imminent in the region of Hamburg, reports from Berlin say. Doctors Herz and Hauffenberg, Sparta can leaders, it is added, have almost : succeeded in making' themselves mas? ters of the situation and in converting Hamburg and the region between Ham? burg and Bremen into a soviet republic Munich Put Under Rale of Soldiers; Riots Are Quelled j BERLIN, April 8 (By The Associated Press I. - Dissensions already have arisen among the founders of the Soviet government in Bavaria, the "Achtuhrblatt" says to-day, and an in? tensified state of siege has been pro-! claimed in Munich. A gtate of siege also has been pro? claimed at Nuremberg, to which city the l Hoffmann Ministry removed several! days ago, Commenting on the entire absence of unity, which, it is asserted, neces- ; sitates a firm dictatorship, the Munich ; correspondent of the "Tageblatt" says ' thai some Bavarian Communists deride and mock the Soviet republic, and that the Independents are quite divided, only the Munich group supporting the Soviets. 1 he major state.?, are de? clared to bo completely split in Bavaria, those in the south being in conflict with those in the north. Munich, owing to the state of Biege, remains quiet, There was a tremen-i dons run on the banks Saturday, but the bankers refused to pay out large sums. Hatred for Jews Shown The "Vos ische Zcltung's" corre? sponden! says thai hatred for the .lews Is expressing itself In hitherto unnc customed forms. The Nuremberg cor respondent of the same paper explains thai the Hoffmann Ministry first, moved to Nuremberg, and afterward to Bam? berg, Tbc peasant councils "f mlddla (?"ranconla reject the Soviet, republic, io savs. COPENHAGEN, April n Demon Mm-Ion? bii'-e occurred In Munich ,,??111)1 t (ho new n-v/iliii loruiry govern merit nf Un vu im, (?i'f'iii <i mi,/ in Berlin dispatch? '"dnv. '/'he demonstrations were (Jlnpfimod by troop?, tho advice? H ta le, MUNICH, April 7 (By The Ansocl nleil I'rOHd), Tho general el like, Cftllod n? ":i festival In honor of Mu- procla mation of tho Hoviol govornmont," do i/cloped to-day without troublo, tbo streets merely being more crowded than hhiihI In the mild spring woather. Every one ia really making a holiday of tho occasion, Soviet as Third House (}f National Assembly ?s Berlin's New Plan By Arthur S. Draper New York Tribune Uuropean Bureau (Copyright, 1910, N?w York Trlljiiiia Inn.) LONDON, Apr!! 7. Simultaneously with tho new? that Bavaria has gono Bolshevik it ia announced horo that tb'- Berlin Cabinet has decided to form a workmen's soviel as tho third house of the National AsHcmbly. Both ?venta are bound to have a powerful effect on the European political situation. Bavaria's "enthusiastic" proclama? tion of a Soviet ropublic brings Bol? shevism ono step nearer to Western Kurope. A number of moderate Bavar? ian .Socialists are believed to be sup? porting 'lie new government. Tho !**? T-l?rj Moderates, on thv con i trary, are desperately trying to sav< Berlin Loses Hope in Fight Against Reds Bavaria's Adoption of the. Soviet System Shakos Confidence: Magdeburg Is Looted After Battle By W. H. Dreher ,\'< ur York Tribun? Foreign Cable Service (Copyright, inin. N,.w 1'orli Tribune Inc.) BERLIN, April 8.?The proclamation j of the soviet republic of Bavaria is ! generally interpreted here as of tre i mendous significance for Germany's I future, marking probably the dissolu? tion of the German state. The Munich radicals arc relying con? fidently on extending the soviet system ?ill over Germany, or on making the River Main the boundary of Bavaria and Prussia. The latter idea was dis? tinctly favored by an Independent So? cialist speaker at u meeting in Berlin Sunday of the Soliders' Council. The Munich Extremists even enter? tain the hope of spreading the reign of the proletariat to all the great indus? trial nations. They address themselves "to our brothers In France, England, Italy and America" and urge them to imitate their example. The events in Munich greatly embarass the Weimar Mieif-.fives by the format ion of a new Assembly, It remains to be seen whether or nol this move Is no! too lato. The Spartaeldas are reported to !,.? opimu? itle und in be agitaiIng tot a pew (????H' i "l si ril'.'- t" comment ?? to morrow, The nexi few day? will prob ably df.'ld.' whether Berlin will fol hi? Munich or will compromise on a basis oi a now National Assembly, Berlin'? experiment will bo followed with much interest In England, where t new body of workers and employers lias already been Instituted to deal ?vith industrial unrest. Some here are inclined to applaud Berlin's constitu? tional Innovation as a natural anti lute to labor troubles and a preventivo if Bolshevism. -? ?? Ten Arrested In Crusade on Drug Traffic Confirmed from pnK<" 1 States Commissioner Hitchcock, before whom the ten men under urrest will ? be arraigned to-day. Until a few weeks ago, Major Porter said, it had been practically impossible to obtain a conviction against licensed physicians and druggists under their system of selling cocaine, morphine, heroin and other narcotics only by pre . cription. On March 25. the United States Su? premo Court held that a physician could not lawfully prescribe drugs merely to give an addict relief, but was compelled to issue each prescription for the purpose of cure. This decision removed the last barrier behind which the illicit drug trac had been carriec; on, and allowed the authorities to acl swiftly. Two Girls Among Victims Most of the addicts brought to head quarters were young men in their earh twenties, although two young girl: were included in the number. Aftei they had been detained for an hour they begged Major Porter for relie from their craving. When several o the addicts fainted, he ordered care fully graduated doses of narcotic ti be administered to those who appearei to require it. The stage for last night's raid wa -et at a co life re tie,.' between revenu agents and the police at headquarter. After dark the operatives went off I their posts, s?,me t<, pose as addict: m hers to watch suspected drugstore! still others t" take care of teh lines c enfeebled men and women who gatl crcd al these places, Detectives Boylan, Moog and Hagei simulating addicts, applied for trea ment at till office of Ur, Mariis. Tin said lie offered to write them a pn scriptlon for 1 5 grains of drug for I cents, 20 grains for $1, 26 grains U $1.60 and BO grains for $2, Victims .Vi Ifhe on Floor Tin? accused physicians and dru i-i " - reaehi d headquarters just abo the time the flrsi of their alleged vi 11 m" arrl ved, Home of t he men, n though young In yearn, walked wl 11,,- stoop of old ago, Others, who In lust taketi diugs, wen- flushed ai ?i,ii \\i?n 'I he ?? .am Inn! Ion of t ho doctors ni 11 oi'i: lats ' ook place In t ho same I oe ? In-M- t he addicts wi re being herd ngi i lu? i,, i dpi i rising numbers, I ho timo the Inqutij was through i oom ei hoi d with I ho nhrleks of i hug users, many of whom rolled he floor, tearing at thoh clothing heir agony. Canadians to lie-in Evacuation of Siberia VLADIVOSTOK, April 2. The evac? uation of the Canadian troops in Si? beria is expected to begin lihout April 20, when the steamer Monteaglo sails for Canada with seventy oflicers and 700 men. These include .'100 sick. LONDON, April 8 (By The Associ? ated I'ressi.- Russian wireless reports of Monday show that there has been no chantre on the Archangel-Murmansk front.. The Soviet, army has seized nearly three and a half million pooda of coal (about 63,000 tons) at Mariupol, from which place the coal was being removed.. The French squadron has departed for the Black Sea. The Porekop oper? ations have been concluded and the load to Crimea is open. Ex-King Ludwig Driven To Alp* by Spartaeides BERNE, April H. The circumstances under which former King Ludwig of Bavaria came to take up his residence wit.ii the Prince of Liechtenstein, In the litl.lf principality of thai name on tin? ?iwisii-Tyroleari bordor, have recently I government, coming at the moment of ! the assembling of tho second Soviet <'?ingress. Soviet Congress Hostile The congress is likely to take a hos? tile attitudo toward tho government, and it is expected that, it will reject Oie government's constitutional propos? als giving purely economic functions to j the shop councils as inadequate, Tho "Freiheit" ridicules these proposals on the ground that they givo the work? man only the right to sit on boards with their employers, whereas they de? mand full power. The government had been looking forward to the congress with grave ap? prehension and the air had been full of rumors of Spartacide troubles brewing. The government, therefore, took what appear to be ample precautions for the protection of the public and drew a larger force here trian at any time since the revolution. One saw to-day detachments of soldiers in automobiles riding through the streets carrying machine guns. I'eople Fear Worse Fate Meanwhile the people are nervously and anxiously watching the course of developments, fearing the worst and predicting a reign of anarchy which will leave nothing of the old order of society. Even men of intelligence and ? prominence, who were regarded until now as of sober judgment, speak of Bolshevism as a means of "saving Ger ? many from wot se evils," seeing in Bol? shevism an alternative for decades of economic servitude under heavy war indemnities, The feeling is that every- j tiling is in flux. Nobody knows what the next day may bring forth. come to light, It appear? that after the second Bavarian revolution ai the end ? ?!' February the aged ex-King, with "tiiv two attendants, wenl to a health rWorl at Kufsteln, in the Austrian Tyrol, im' that i>" was recognized l here and became the object or Hpartaelde demonstration?, no thai hi! retired '" Ihi remote Oet'/i Valley, in the Alps, where he ?Ived lu a simple village Inn, Men In Uniform Again Kaicl tin- Rand School Socialist aldermen wero caucusing at the Rand School of Social Scienco, 7 East Fifteenth Street, last night, when a party cf men in military uni? forma raided the institution !"??'? (he second time in less than a week. The aldermen's discussions, revolv ing partly around the tribulations of the Socialist Soldiers', Sailors' and Marines' As?iociation, whose offices were wrecked Sunday night, were sud? denly halted. The keeper of the So? cialist bookstore at the school hur? riedly shut up shop. The invaders were tearing down bulletins and other announcements posted in the building. known as People's House, w?en a squad of police arrived, but no arrests were made. i'i?ft&SICT*-^^ CLOTHES OF CUSTOM QUALITY Braided Overcoats in Soft, Rich, Gray Oxfords ANOTHER illustration of -**? how differently we do things. Take this model, for ex? ample. Put it on and you'll be? hold yourself with a dignity and demeanor of a Prime Minister, Btittoncd-thni, Skeleton-lined, Waist-shaped, Point-lapelled. nlw & Gtomjjatuj S T R V V'fi _?_?? Broadway aks &(tfam{tat?y at 34th St. Offer Remarkable Values Today and Thursday in a Sale of Women's Ultra-S Spring Suits Models inspired by very costly importations Xot a limited quantity of suits, but a wonderful assort? ment of the most charming blouse, box coat, and belted suits created for the present sea? son, carefully tailored in Men's wear serge, tweeds, gabardine, wool Jersey, and heather mixtures, lined with plain or novelty silks. Sizes 31 to 44. Fourth Floor, nfcs&Cfomjimty CAnnounce (Beginning (To-dayj A Very Important1 Sale of 4800 Men's Cravats At +55) ?85 and 1?65 The finest cravats seen in Manhattan for many seasons, pro? duced in the richest silks and satins loomed for Spring by; leading European and American mills. At each price their colorings and patterns are not only new and different, but so, beautifully blended as to provide inspiration even to the conv nossieur. Here are a few of the silks: Soft, rich-looking Swiss Silks in French Blue, Persh ing Brown ami a host of other new shades; a lustrous "Web Silk in All-over novelty patterns; smart Poplin? in all the riche? of the rainbow, and All-over Satins that have no counterparts in any other collection.. Broadway ??itpantj at 34th St. ?&t?j&^?M&?&zzfi I ./>#"%,#%> Ittrmetlon? ?r? Mi Ouillty?SonrKM Herald tyyu.r ?, Broadway. Mth ta Mth 8*. lie 5e// Dependable Merchandise at Price? Lower Than Any Other Store, but for Cash Only Store opens 9:00 A. M. and closet 5:30 P. M. " Hfl? ? ?ftal-pU..,, i "The Groom Wore the Conventional Black-" It is the deft edi? torial way of mention? ing that often insignifi? cant but always neces? sary accoutrement to a wedding ? the groom. It takes paragraphs to rave about the costume of the bride?her veil, lier bouquet, her smile. The groom is dismissed in a phrase. We there? fore, in this month of Easter weddings, humbly dedicate these lines to The "Better (?) Hair GOOD CLOTHES are such that cause conscious? ness of one's appearance to give way to pride in it. To produce this beatific state we propose? A THOROUGHLY CORRECT COAT of unfinished worsted, tai? lored beautifully, it has silk lapels and is silk lined. $39.75 THE TROUSERS to complete the costume are $14.50. f$$g?fi$-~*Tlttib Moor, Front. We Keep an Eye on OUR CUSTOM STOCK DRESS SHIRTS while they iire being made, so that we know that the details are correct as well as the fin? ished appearance. These shirts arc fashioned in the same mannrr ;i> our custom made shirts. They fit. With plain linen bosom and i ufll $2.24 SOME WAVE PIQUE M? )S< )MS of \ .mow. w&lei and ' uf?n n'fhrr plain or p?ejuc. #2.24 I 4 ? ? I5? I I n IV HIS ARMS ARE LONG OR ?IIS SMOt L DERS BROAD it in n good idea for him to have his shirt custom made. < )ur i ustom made shirts are priced ^>4.iS') upward. To Co ver His Agitated State of Mind nothing will do hut a high silk hat. A flawlessly fash? ioned model is slightly hell shaped?ever so slightly. $6.74 and ?10.74 ff?yr?fSi?M ?In Floor, Sftth Street. ' For His Hands and Feet WE HAVE G LOVES AND S HOI.S and other tilings?all correct.