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Department of Justice to Act In Cotton Fight Proposal of Growers to Limit Output to Raise Prices Brings Charge of Possible Trust Activity Both Side? Ask Advice ! odd Admits Receiving Let? ters, hut Won't Talk: Follows Allen Discussion New York Tribune Washington Hurrnu WASHINGTON, April 8.?The con? troversy between the Southern Cotton < i rowers' Association and Governor Henry J. Allen, of Kansas, over the movement to limit the production of cotton to force up prices is embar? rassing the Administration, it de? veloped here to-day. The Department of Justice has been called upon by i rato consumers of cotton goods to prosecute the associa? tion under the Sherman anti-trust law. In addition to letters demanding gov? ernment action the department, it was learned, has received numerous let? ters from members of the association inquiring whether their proposal is in violation of the anti-trust laws. G. Carroll Todd, assistant Attorney General, to-day admitted that both sides in the cotton growing contro? versy have been writing letters to the department. "What are you going to do about it?" Mr. Todd was asked. "I have nothing to say," he replied. Mr. Todd explained that the letters have only just been received and that it would bo improtier to discuss what the attitude of tho department will be. The impression here is that the Ad? ministration will do nothing by way of prosecuting the alleged violation of the Sherman law. Everybody, even th/ Northern Democrats, admit that tho "South is in the saddle." In other words, tho cotton growers aro in con? trol. When price fixing was an issuo early in the war they mustered enough strength to block any legislative or administrative action that would have reduced their profits, and so far as can be seen from here nothing has hap? pened to lessen their power over the i Administration. Tho cotton combine question prob? ably never v/ould have been forced on the Department of Justice had not tho president of the association, in tho heat of anger over Allen's charges, challenged the Kansas Governor to a joint debate. He Insisted the cotton A Mystery big, baffling and absolutely convincing The House 'Round The Corner Gordon Holmes is a real story teller, and this one is for those who like thrills and lots of them. Wherever books are ?old $1.50 Edward J. Clode, New York 1 F och Helped British Prepare Before Wat | ONDON, April 8? At a dinner which the members of the houses of Parliament are to give soon after Easter in honor of General Sir Henry Wilson, chief of the Imperial General Staff, the following letter from Mar? shal Foch will be read: "Long before the war General Wilson and I worked together to pre? pare for the struggle against the Get man peril, which we both foresaw. It is due to the success of hia mobili? sation arrangements and his careful and detailed plans for transporting troops that the British army was able to arrive quickly on the field of battle as boon as the government had come to a i ci ilon " grower should have thirty-five cents for his product and said the only way to get it would be to reduce produc? tion. Thirty-five-cent cotton, accord? ing to Governor A'uen, is the same as $3.25 a bushel for wheat. No wheat farmer imagines his prod j uct ever will bring 3.25 a bushel ugain, and quite naturally he isn't anxious to pay that kind of a price for the 'cotton goods which his family wears. ! So Governor Allen, who knows the ! farmer pretty well, didn't accept the ? challenge to debate the cotton question. j Instead be replied in effect: "You don't want to debate with me. ? What you want to do is to make peace ; with the Department of Justice." It wasn't long after this until the ; Department of Justice began hearing ? about the cotton combination in re j straint of production. It is regarded i as likely tho department will heur a I lot more on this subject when mem ! ber. of Congress from the Nprth and j Middle West return for the special I session. Cotton Growers Start Organization to Force Lifting of V. S. Embargo I DALLAS, Tex.. April 8. Supplement- ! ing resolutions adopted- by the Texas Cotton Conference, declaring that the ; Secretary of Agriculture of the United : States had assisted in forcing down tbe \ price of cotton, and that the control of movement and marketing of cotton by Bernard Baruch was antagonistic to: the interests of tbe cotton growers, N. ; A. Shaw, chairman of tho conference, I announced to-day that a movement had I begun to organize Southern farmf.-rs to force tl|e removal of the cotton em- ; burgo. Swann Gives Opinion On Gambling in Clubs Replying to questions asked of him j recently by Police Inspector Dominick | Henry of the Fourth Inspection Dis- j trict regarding gambling in clubs, and j as to what constitutes "common gamb- j lers," District Attorney Swann yester- ' day sent a letter to the inspector ex? plaining that the test was whether there was gambling in a club "as a j mere incident of activities or as the i main object of its existence." A part of the letter is as follows: "Answering your inquiry, it seems ' to have been held by the Court of Ap- ! peals in People vs. Bright (203 NT. Y. 78) that the members of a club, or their invited guests, who occasionally par- ? ticipato in games of draw poker at the ! club and do not make an habitual practice of such participation as a money-making pursuit, and who par- I ticipate in the game on equal terms with the other players and do not de- ! rive any benefit from the game through I the medium of what is known as a ! 'kitty' or the like, are not 'common gamblers' within the meaning of No.! 970 of the penal law. "Whether those who maintain a club I for the special purpose of card play- i Ing for money are guilty of keeping a gambling house presents a different question, and it would seem that the maintainence of a club or other place for that special purpose even though no profit is derived from it would con? stitute the offence of keeping a place for gambling on the part, of those who maintain it (Penal Law No. 973)." Literary Lights Glow at Dinner of Authors' League Painter? and Sculptors and Actresses 'n Everybody Make Merry at Sherry's; S. Leacock "Ovates" Sell Up on Mount Olympus last nijiht the i ni?o immortal muses had their first night off in years. Almost all that in ! brightest and wittiest and most gifted i In American art, literature, music and ! sculpture waa happily dining and danc ing in Sherry's, at Fifth Avenue and Fortyfourth Street, the guest of the Authors' League of America. About iiOO persons were present ! F'rank Crowinshield, editor of "Vanit> Fair." was the toastmastT. The dinnei ! was a gorgeous revel of all the auth 1 ors of "best sellers" and their wive< j or husbands. There was a feathering oJ ; personages whose names shine in elec I trie light?, on magazine indexes anc | covers. Jn the crush 01* artists pro? ceeding to the banquet hall, where th? > names were being called out, there was I Mary- Roberta Rhinehart calling frar. j ticaliy to John Drew, There was Irvinj j Gobb, leaning lanquidly against a rail j ing, and Fannie Hurst, all in green | talking to Stephen Leacock. Victor j Herbert and Wallace Irwin and Mrs Wallace Irwin and F. P. A. strolled by ' Wallace Morgan was just in front o them. Roardinan Robinson, with, an other platoon of writers and player:' followed. George Creel and Hlanelu Pates looked in but decided to com? back later. So did many other eel ebrities. A. E. Thomas, the playwright, wa: first to speak. He ascended the dizzy eminence of a banquet chair. Angus tus Thomas had the floor also. But A E. won. He explained, "Augustus i; a dramatist, while I am a playwright Ho defined an editor as one who re ceived large sums of money for sceinj that other writers rpceive small sums. Alma Gluck thanked the authors foi writing books she could read on con cert tours. Stephen Leacock, professor of eco nomics at Harvard and a writer o note, was cheered lightly when lu arose. "Are there any reporters here,' he called. "If so, let it be known tha I was cheered. Say the cheers rosi and swelled and roared until th speaker had to quiet the din." Julia Arthur rose from her chair neai Rupert Hughes and Maxfield Parrisl and Rudolph Evans, the sculptor, am urged the writers to give more seriou thought to the moving pictures. "Th' moving pictures need you and Americ needs the moving: pictures. They hav come to take a vital part in our life, she said. Phillip Gibbs was a speakei but the. hour was late already. There were about one hundred truest of honor from the theatrical professioi Many writers and artists still in th uniform of this country and the Allie were among the visitors. U. S. Will Deport Forty Radicals in Leavenwortl Special Correspondence LEAVENWORTH, Kan., April 8. Warrants calling for the deportation ( forty radicals now in the Federal pen tentiary here were served to-day Y. an immigration officer. Twelve of the men are nmonfr tl thirty-seven members of the I. W. \ recently aditmted to bail pending rehearing of their cases before tl United States Circuit Court of A peals at Chicago. All the warrants c?; for deportation at the expiration of tl sentences now being served. The members of the I. W. W. again whom the warrants were served ar Charles Ashleigh, Chicago, journalis Ragnar Johnson, organizer of constru tion workers; Louis Parenti, San Fra cisco known as an anarchist; L I.aukki, anti-draft agitator; John A ila, editor of an anarchist newspaper Paterson, N. J.; Vladmir Lossieff, Ui, sian exile and anarchist; Walter Tne secretary of a Philadelphia unio Charles Plahn, Chicago, organizer agricultural workers; Fred Nels( soap box radical; Charles Rothlisch editor of a Hungarian weekly at Cl cago; Francis Miller, textile work and radical agitator, and Siegfri Sternberg, radical orator. ^^^^^^^^ASi^^m^^^^l^ARAAKAKMhRAhhA S p f4 DRY GOODS &? APPAREL A OAivO AS FOR THE 27th DIVISION SO FOR THE u jnaw ??BBB ai TH" 77w$ ??/ore tut// 6e? closed On Whatever Day "The 77th" Parades JL HIS is the least we can do to honor these soldiers and the cau$e for which they fought so valiantly and victoriously. As previously advertised, every man who left our employ to serve his country has been re-engaged by us or will be,on his release from The Service. JAMES A. HEARN if SON s Us Norivegians Chafe at British Censorship CHRISTIANA, April 8.?There is increasing irritation in Nor? wegian business circles because mail between Norway and the United States has to pass through the Brit? ish censorship, which causes a delay of from four to six weeks. Direct steamers leaving here several times weekly could carry the mail to the United States in twelve days. The cable service by way of Eng? land also causes much delay. Business men here believe it could be obviated by the opening of the transatlantic wireiess station at Stavanger, which is ready for operation. Edge Signs Bill to Acquire Property For Hudson Tube Jersey Governor Telegraphs Smith of Hi? Move and Urges Action by N. Y. ; Approves Del? wa re Bridge TRENTON, April S. The Hudson River traffic tunnel and the Delaware River traffic bridge projects advanced to-day when Governor Edge, late this afternoon, approved the bills which provide, for actual work on the acquisi? tion of the property needed for both undertakings. In signing the bills, Governor Edge said the improvements they called for had been the principal pledge of his inaugural message. Simultaneously with the approval of New Jersey's bills, word was received here that the tunnel bill had been for? warded by the New York. State Legis? lature to Governor Smith for his con? sideration. In Pennsylvania, Governor Sproul and the Legislature have already agreed on the form and extent which their bridge bill shall take. This afternoon Governor Edge sent the following telegram to Governor Smith, of New York: "It is with much gratification that I tpproved the legislative act providing for New Jersey's partnership with \'ew York in constructing a vehicular .unnel under the Hudson River. Ap? propriation of one million dollars has icen included in the regular appropria? tion bill. I have hopes for the benefit to he entire nation of the closer relation? ship thus made possible between our :wo great commonwealths. The day j ias gone for attempting to balance! benefits. Both states demand this i nodern type of communication and I ! un confident you will join with us in I issuring this dawn of a new day." California Urges League Bar Free Immigration Senate Resolution Asks U. S. Peace Envoys to Oppose Raee Equality Clause SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 8.-The ?Senate to-day adopted the Inman res ilution urging American delegates at ;he peace conference to oppose a re? quest of "certain representatives at :he pence conference" for free immi? gr?t ion. The resolution was adopted without lebate after reference to the Jap inese had been eliminated. In its orig? nal form the resolution and "Jap? anese representatives" had requested i covenant for free immigration. After the resolution was adopted Senator Inman requested that further ?onsideration of his request to in? troduce a bill prohibiting Japaneso ro?a leasing agricultural land ?n Cal fornia bo made a special order of lusineso to-morrow. The request was ?'ranted after Senator Breed had at .emptcd to induce Inman to "wait a 'ew more days" for an answer to a ?ablegram th" Senate sent. Secretary .ansing in Paris asking if discussion if the proposed anti-Japanese legisla? ron would embarrass American rep? resentativos in their peace dellbera ions. Foe of U. S. Made Head Of Mexican Treanury MEXICO CITY, April 8. The resig? nation of Rafael Nido, who for four years has held th. post of Under Sec? retary of the Treasury, and who for more than a year has been in full charge of the department, was accept? ed yesterday by President Carranza. Lui:, (ah?era, former Secretary of the Treasury, has been named to fill the position, and will take the oath of of? fice on Wednesday. Se?or Nieto i?? expected to enter the campaign for the Governorship of the State 0? Sun Luis Potos?. Cabrera is regarded in Washington as one of the bitterest enomles of the United States in Mexico. Auf om olives A number of soldiers, physically dis? abled in service, are learning at the Went Side Y. M. C. A. School to be automobile mechanics and machine tool operators. There aro thirty-live men of this class at work. In addition, about twenty-five or thirty men are taking the regular automobile course and some others are working at learn? ing repairs. Tho government pays for tho instruction of the men from recon? struction funds administered by the Federal Board for Vocational Educa ( tion. j The work is under the direction of I II. C?tTord Brokaw. The West Sida Y. M. C. A. automobile school turned out i about 2,500 students last year, and tho course was completed m thorough j style in almost every case. The second part of the Brooklyn automobile show opened last night. tho section devoted to commer? cial vehicles, trailers and the like. More than .100 trucks, representing about thirty different makes, are on exhibition. This is the third occasion upon which the Brooklyn dealers have attempted a separate motor truck show. The passenger car section, which closed Saturday night, achieved a com? plete success, attracting greater inter? est, resulting in more business than j ever before in the history of Brooklyn j motor vehicle exhibitions. The Morton W. Smith Company has , ; taken over the distribution and export ? ' of the Bessemer motor truck, made in j J Grove City. Penn. Trucks are made in : 1, H_, 2, 8'/_ and 5 ton capacities, with J varying wheelbase lengths and body ; types. The Smith company will con- ! I tinuo it? service department at I -16-14? > '. West Fifty-second Street, tho present? ' station of the Federal Motor Truck ? Company of New York. C. E. T. S. ' Child Weif are To Be Topic of Experts Of Four Countries France, England, Belgium and U. S. Will Be Repre? sented at Conferences To Be Held in American Cities New 1'orli Tribuna H'ti.ikivjlim Hu trau WASHINGTON, April 8.- The Chil? dren's Bureau of the Department of Labor is arranging for a series of con? ferences to be held in New York, Chi? cago, Boston and San Francisco in May to discuss the problema of education, health and recreation as they concern children, from the point of view of the : lessons taught by the war. Leaders in these fields will participate. Miss Alice Masaryk, the daughter of President Masaryk, of Czeeho-Slovakia, I has accepted the invitation of the Sec j retary of Labor to take part in the conferences. Miss Masaryk was a stu j dent of social conditions in the United j States ten years ago. At the outbreak I of the great war she was arrested and | imprisoned by the Austro-Hungarian : government.' A committee of influen | tial Americans was active in the inter- j : nutional campaign which resulted in i i her release. Other gue?ts will be Sir Arthur j i Newsholme, the chief medical officer | l of the British Local Government Board, j whose work in Great Britain resulted ! j in a lowering of the infant death rate ! j during the war; R. C. Davidson, chief1 of the Juvenile Labor Exchanges, and Mrs. Eleanor Barten, wife of a Labor number of Parliament and herself rep I resenting the Woman's Cooperative j Guild of England, which has had im? portant experience in the protection of infancy and maternity. Pierre Hamp, representing the French Ministry of Labor; Dr. C. Mu lon, who had charge of the day nurser? ies maintained by the French govern? ment in connection with the munition factories, and Mile. Valentine Thomson, editor of "La Vie Feminine," are to be I the French delegates. : Brooklyn Man Dies After Escape From Fire Several Occupants of Apartment Building Overcome: Damago Estimated at $! .1,000 Weakened by influenza, Andrew V. ; Carroll, aged 63, a proofreader of "The ??New York Times," dropped dead yes? terday, after he had fought his way through smoke from the top floor of ' the four-story flat building at 71 Pine ' apple Street, Brooklyn, where a lire ' caused damage estimated at $15,000. | A number of other occupants of tho building were overcome. Mrs. John Leescha, fiO years old, was found unconscious m a top floor apartment by Patrolman Steiner, of the Poplar Street station, who carried i her down burning stairways safely. The fire started in bundles of pa? pers in the cellar, according to fire? men. The building, owned by Solus Saad, a Persian merchant, was occu ! pied largely by night workers, and j most of them were asleep when the ? policeman noted volumes of smoke is : suing from the windows. Carrol] was one of these. He fol I lowed Steiner down the stairs, and | made his way to the street, where i he gasped as he emerged from the j smoke, and fell dead. He leaves a | widow and one son. ? ? *-? Burr's Opinion Asked on Barring Alien Meetings Aldermen Send Proposed Ordi? nance to Committee for Legal Light The Board of Aldermen yesterday passed the question of suppressing foreign language meetings in the city on to its Committeo on General Wel? fare, with instructions that the com? mittee confer with Corporation Coun? sel Burr before taking action. The matter was brought before the Board in a letter from Mayor Hylan and an ordinance drafted by William P. Kenneally. majority leader. Mayor Hylan's letter suggested the passage of an ordinance prohibiting meetings in a foreign tongue for the abuse of the government or meetings held by or under the auspices of any person or persons not citizens of the United States. Alderman Kenneally's measure, if passed, would make the owner of a hall liable to punishment should ho permit such a meeting. Alderman Algernon Lee, leader of the The Rarity of Tecla Pearls njfc^;F rarity appeals to lev' y?u?tnerearefar &s) more Oriental Pearls in the world than there are Teclas. % TECLA 398 Fifth Avenue, New York to Rue de la Paix, Paris ?-^ I I ?-_???_? I ,m I ? Socialist members, issued a statement ; last night in which he charged Alder- j man Kenneally with attempting to "throttle the Socialist movement in New York and set a precedent for the nation at large." "The Kaiser and the Csar," gaid the statem?nt, "would have decorated men of the type of Mayor Hylan and Mr. Kenneally. That a resolution such as this could be conceived in a body that looks upon the Declaration of Indepen? dence as h sacred document is hard to believe. It speaks volumes as to how reactionary our so-called Democratic party is." Earlier in the day the Socialist Alder? men, in a letter to Mayor Hylan, branded as a "sensational and inflam? matory falsehood'' his statement that some persons addressing meetings in a foreign language have been "preaching murder and destruction." ??b QC ICAKtBSlXft-COGKMM? ( Ginger Ale K_=__NIC am-JMC 3W XK?_3K>IC 3.0M... -3MC=3MC: UK ??J4li? -M ? ?3 I FRANKLIN SIMON TA1LORMADES For the MISS All Identical in Tailoring All Different in Style TT 13 the uniformity in the tailoring and the lack of uniformity in **? the styles that &ives the greatest distinction to these misses' suit fashions. Instead of the usual models which appear broadcast, there is a choice of innumerable modes, each one portraying a distinct and original style theme?smart, out-of-the-ordinary and exclusive 1 $ , It may be one of the new cape suits or a stunning Directoire model with a vested cut-away coat, a strai&htline suit embroidered in an effective braid design, a blouse suit or a mannish tailored suit, but each one is interpreted in many delightful ways, and expressive of the mode at its best. They are in an interesting representation of fabrics, including wool tricotine, Poiret twill, ser&e, tweeds, Oxford suitings or novelty checked worsted. Sizes 14 to 20 years. 29.50 to 185.00 MISSES' CAPE-WRAPS and COATEE-CAPES Cape-Wraps and Coatee-Capes vie with each other for popularity. Both are shown in various silk or wool fabrics, and present many entirely new style ideas in collars, pockets and belts. Sizes 14 to 20 years. 1 25.00 to 195.00 SOFT SILKS?FAVORED IN MISSES' FROCKS Navy blue taffeta silk and plain, flow? ered or figured Georgette Crepe are particularly effective in softly draped, tunic, ruffled or strai&htline models, many with coliarless necks and flow? ing sleeves. Sizes 14 to 20 years? 29.50 to 145.00 MISSES' APPAREL SHOPS-Second Floor \ lin Simon & do. Fifth Avenue, 37th and 38th Streets FUR STORAGE?Remodel?n?r.andiRcpairinjg;,?Phon?6900 Grce?e*. f ~^*~^* *^~**?O?-??"^ ?~??__??^________g.-__?__?___________-^ ...... .I.MI II -' ' ^?k. --_. .. ?-. ,_ _. 1V.JL |, _ ,.,.__^J_._?,-UH_. Jill?^-.?----??--'! i. ' ??^MMW^?. - 1_f