Newspaper Page Text
FINANCIAL BUREAU? Tribune Buildin? 154 Nassau Streel TELEPHONESs Beekman 3000 Beekman 8213 jMACKAY&CO. B\NKERS Members of j Netv York Stock Exchange 14 WALL STREET NEW YORK TELEPkONE?RECTOR 9730 ~\ Assured Income CITIES SERVICE COM? PANY'S 75 public utility and 27 oil subsidiarics afford the investor the strength of diversi fied investments. The Company is not subject to ri-ks encountered by corporations restricted to a single line of bus ? Preferred dividend was earned over five times in 1918. Cities Service Preferred Stock yields about 7/,-o'?b at present prices. Monthly Dividends Monthly Karning Statemeat* ? ? ? -?? r.n.i ' Henry L. Doherty & Company *60 Wall Street New York K. Ri?2, Jr.& 03. Buyand Sell Vo [ian Weher r ft P. Com. ft Pfd. Utiminum < o. ot America American Mliance Insurance American Chiclc Common Americun Cigar Common American Cyanamid Com. * Pfd. American District Tel. of N. J. Vmericnn Meter Bank of Manhattan Co. Stock I.. \V. Bliss t ommon ( hilri . Resl uirnnt Com. & Pfd. ( ??:? ! Ire Insurance '< r. rlter (uni. ' r iwell ft Thnrlow S. s. Del uvnre, I ack. ft Western Coal Empire Btcel ft Iron Com. & Pfd. i amous Playi n-Laslty Farmers ! oan ft Trust Stock Franklin Firo Insurance (irenl Americun Insurance llome Insurance Imperial Oil, J.til. Klrbj Lumber I eh .;! '. ullej Coal Sales Litna Locomotive Com. & Pfd. Lone star t.-.t* ( Mcl ropolitnn Trusl Stock .Midlund Securities National Park Bank Stock National Fuel Gas N. V. Title ft Mortgage Stock Otl* EleTator Com. .V Pfd. y -nr.. oal ft Coke It. .'. I.eynolds Tobacco Com. P I. :?-r Manufai t urlng I Vi \"." Pn. ille Coal x ?'il ? * Thompson-Starrett < .un. ft Pfd. I Waslitnicton Steel V tinlnnnce I General Bakiag Com. & Pfd. K-rninutoc. Typewriter Stocks .3.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. onea 4000 to 4010 John. 88 Wall St.. N. T. f Miller. & Go. Members NeWibrk StockExchan^e Securities Bought for In vestment or Carried on Conservative Margin 120 BROADWAY Branch. Offices 212 FIFTH AVENUE SWCOR 26 STREET LONGACRE BUILDING N.E.COR. 42nd ST 4-BROADWAY NEWYORK. "amous Flayers Lasky Corp. Stock -?&Rice9Jr.&CG. ? 4000 to 4010 John 36 Wall St.. N. T t: i-mmMmami*wmmvBammmm?waVBamammmmammamummamBmammBmn? SBERTY BOND^ ? .-**- Aii <ler.cml.'i?tlona bouitit 'or c?jh, <J~J tiutd on Pf^k BichaoK prlew. '"^ W >? jiald on Aprll 0th : - - ? th 57 ("oupons for i I i Co ipona 18 for I I *%% Bond with 1 f???.;? ns : ? | ;? ; ' ,i Ii ? tl with i ? C?l) -.-?-. r<-,| nrjal i :enz-vaughan & co., 114 bkoauwav. Telephono 6064 Bectoi Farmers Loan & Trust Slock J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. PWi?-? 404M U? 40J0 John. li Wall Bt.. N. Y. Hmtlt A. ffobi* Theodore C. Corwln NOBLE & CORWfN ?/.", flritu/l M. Nl?M ir.rh Columbia TruM' Royal BakingPfd. Bankers Trust Otis Elevator T?topbOHS Jlll Hritnit (Cvpyrfght, 1919, N'cw Tork Trlbuno Inc.) A Whatever may be the future of the quotation for American Inter? national Corporation stock, the pur chaser is at least diversifying his holdings. When he buys American [nternational he buys at the same time Marine preferred, United States Rubber, Industrial Alcohol, and all the other stocks the company holds. The weekly statement of the Bank of Germany, showing condition as of March .'-11. is one of the most ominous statements ever put out by that in? stitution. Note circulation increased during the week SL'47,090.QP0. De? posits, which are merely another form of credit inflation, increased $033,773,000, that inci*ease being more than balanced by increase in loans. To top all, gold holdings de lined another 863,078,000. This last item doubtless l-eflected payment for foodstuffs. In its weekly comment "The Iron Age" makes the point that "all that * has been said about wage mainten :e I ;, ignored the fact that 50 per cent operation of mills, as is tiie case with most independent steel companies, has already made ln roads on weekly wage earnings." The heart revolts at calling labor a "commodity." It has been legally decided that it isn't. But economic forces affect it exactly as they affect a commodity. And if 50 per cent operations throw men out of work, the only choice is to leave those men out of work, or to take them back at wages that allow steel companies to turn out their product cheaply enough to stimulate demand. The averave daily iron production in March was 99,685 tons, compared with 105,006 in February. Comparison of our foreign trade with Great Britain's is instructive. In the two months of January and February */e bought $-1-18,000,000 of goods and sold $1,181,000,000 worth. Great Britain in those two months bought $1,207,000,000 of goods and sold only $471,000,000 worth. Call money opened ancl renewed at! ?"?'?j per cent yesterday, rising before I the end of tho season to G per cent. Loans on all-industrial collateral were '-.? of 1 por cent higher. There are only scant offerings of time funds in the money market. i Banks are asking 6 per cent for long ! period loar.s, but praetieally all lending at from one to three month periods is ' at 5% per cent. Yesterday. Year ago. Per cent. Per cent.. Call money: On mixed collateral 5'/2 4 On indus. collateral 6 Time money (rnixed collateral): Sixty days . 5^@5% 6 Ninety days . 5%@534 6 Four months .5% 6 Five to six months. 5% 6 Bank Acceptances.? Rates were un? changed yesterday. Thirty Sixty Ninety Spot dc- days. days. days. livcry: Per cent.Per cent.Per cent. Eligible member banks_4ft@4 4%@4-fs 4ft@4% Eligible non-mem ber banks..4ft@4 4ft@4% 4%?4ft Ineligible bank bills.;;'., @4% .r)'-.,@l% 5 * 1 @ 4 ?? i For delivery within thirty days: Per cent. Eligible member banks. 4ft Eligible non-member banks.4^2 Ineligible bank bills. 6 Piscount Rates.?The. following table gives the current rates of the twelve Federal Reserve banks on commercial paper for all periods up to ninety days: -Mati-rlty---. BS : t., Boston . 4 ; Xew York.4 Philadelphia ... 4 i 'lcveland . 4% Richmond . 4?4 Atlanta.4 Chicago . 4 ? t. Louis. 4 Minneapolis .... 4 Kansas City. . . . 4'/2 Dallas. 4 San Francisco... 4 The. Federal Reserve Bank of New York hus put m force the following schedule ot rediscount rates which apply to bankers" acceptances: Muturi i ties ud to .15 days, 4 per cent; 16 to ?0 days, incluslve, 4'4 per cent; Cl to 90 days, inclusive. 4% per cent. Bank Clearings.?Bank clearings yes ; terday were: Exchanges. Balances. | New York -$652,506,940 $53,203,491 Baitimore - 11,034,278 4,175,103 j Boston . 46.526,384 12,323,311 'Philadelphia... 64.402,403 15,711,345 Sub-Treasury. ? The Suh-Treasury gained $507,000 from the banks on Tuesday. Silver.?London, 4813d, an increase of ftd; New York, 101',4c, unchanged; Mexican dollars, 77%c, unchanged. London .Money Market.?LONDON, April,0. -Closing: Bar silver 48 16-16d por ounce. Money 3 1-8 per cent. Dis count rates, short and three months bills, 3 5-8 per cent. Gold premiums at Lisbon 85.00 German Bank Statement.-?-BERLIN, via London, April 9.?The statement of tho Impcrial Bank of Germany for the week ended March 31, shows the fol? lowing changes, in marks: Total coin and bullion Dec. 272,330,000 (;?-<J . Dec. 272,312.000 Treasury notes. Inc. 623,189.000 '? il 10 of other banks Dec. 2,787,000 Bills discounted. Inc .2,593,180,000 Advances . Dec. 931,000 Invcstments . Inc. 417,000 Other securities- Inc. 232,773,000 ln circulation Inc. 988.394.0C0 Deposits . Ine.2,535,093,000 Other liabilities ....Dec. 254,694,000 Total holdings, 1,915,993,000 marks. 'Iln* Dollar iti Foreign Exchange Tho foreign exchanges devcloped an easier tendency yesterday in ono of the dullost markets In weeks. Sterling rates declined, with demand bills closing at S4.64V4, compared with $4.66-^4 on Tuemiay. Rates on Pa.'is ,-,-ere sllghtly lower, while thero was a furtl ' r de< line in Italian exchange. The neutral exchanges were steady. Closing rates yesterday, compared With a week ngo, follow: (Quoted dollars to the pound.) Yes Week terday ngo. SterlinJ, demand ....$4.01% $4.62% KWMns?, Cftbles . 4 00% 4.6'jVi Sterling, sixty days ... 4.6234 Sterling, ninety days.. 4.61',-2 (Quoted units to the dollar.) Francs, checks . 5.9b'2 Francs, cables . 4.93'. 2 Fire, checks . 7.29'. 2 Fire, cables . 7.28 Swiss, checks . 4.98 Swiss, cables . 4.95 (Quoted cents to the unit.) Guilders, checks .40' 4 Guilders, cables .40f.i 'Rubles, checks, .12.C0 Spain, checks .20.20 Spain, cables .20.30 Sweden, checks .26.80 Sweden. cables .27.00 Denmark, checks .25.80 Donmnrk, cables .25.75 Norway, checks .44 Norway, cables .44.15 Argentina, checks.35.65 Argentina, cables ....35.73 India, rupees, checks..35 2-3 India, rupees, cables. . .35% India, rupees, cables, Refeerve Bank rate 35.73 4.5934 4.58% 6.05 6.03'. 2 7.07 7.05 5.01 4.98 40 A 40 7, 12.00 20.10 20.20 26.85 27.05 25.30 25.50 25.80 25.00 43.35 431/2 35 2-3 35% 35.73 "Nominal. Below is given the current exchange ( value nf foreign money in dollars and cents, together with the intrinsic gold parity, as calculatsd by tho United States iUint: Current exchange Intrinsic value. value. Pounds, sterling, .$4.58 $4.86^; Francs . 0.16 0. 19.3 j Guilders . 0.40^ 0.40.21 Fire, check;-, . 0.13.5 0.19.3! Crowns (Denmark) ... 0.25.80 0.26.8 Crowns (Sweden) _ 0.27.95 0.26.8 The above rates express the cost. of foreign money in terms of the Ameri? can dollar. You buy an English pound sterling, say. at $4.58. The intrinsic. parity is $4.8G% per pound. Thus, you say either that pounds are at a dis? count or that dollars are at a premium, which is owing to the fact that in Eng? land tho demand for dollars with which to settle account." in this country is greater than the demand in this coun? try for pounds with- which to settle accounts in England. Confers With Bankers Meyer Tclls of Plans for Finan cing Rairoads Eugene Meyer, jr,, managing direc? tor of the War Finance Corporation, was in N'ew York yesterday conferring with bankers about future borrowings for the corporation and the railroads. Hc said that the $200,000,000 of one year 5 per cent notes of lhe corpora? tion offered last. week have all been sold and are well distributed. According to Mr, Meyer, plans have 1 been completed by thr railroad adminis? tration for the issuance of approxi I mately $200,000,000 in certificates of indebtedness, direct obligations of tiie j railroad administration, which will be turned over to the raiiway equipment ; companies as payment. for equipment ; that has been purchased for the rail? roads. Tlio railroad adminiiHration origi nally bought $310,000,000 worth of equipment and still owes the equip? ment companies in the neighborhood of $185,000,000. Payment of the amount due the equipment concerns pending the appropriation of the money needed by the new Congress, will be made in certificates which the companies can take to the banks und borrow against. Rcslrictioiis 011 Short Seiling Lifted bv Board Last of War Emergency Measures Imposed to Prevent " Bear-Raiding " Removed by Exchange Restrictions enforced by the New York Stock Exchange since November, 1917, to prevent "vicious" short seil? ing of stocks were summarily removod yesterday by the governing committee of the institution. As a result of this action members of the exchange or their firms are no longer required to make daily reports to the exchange authorities covermg intimate details of their operations each day on thc short side of the mar? ket. The removal of the restrictions re stores a free market in stocks and lifts the last of tho emergency war time measures enacted by the Stock Exchange, cooperating with the bankers and the Federal authorities, to prevent, unwise speculative activity in securi? ties Under the regulations that havo been nbandoned after being in force for a year and a half members of the exchange or their firms, who were bor rowing stocks either for themselves or for their customers, were required to furnish daily at 12 o'clock noon to the committee on clearing house of the exchange a list of all stocks borrowed, together with the names and the amounts of borrowed stocks and from whom borrowed. At the same time they were required to deliver in a sca'.ed envelope a list of the names of customers for whose account such stocks were borrowed and the amount borrowed by each customer. The sealed envclopos were inspected by the committee of business conduct in its discretion. Members of their firms were also required to furnish a list of all loaned stocks, the amounts, the names of the borrowers of the same and the amount loaned to each borrower. These restrictions were put into force at a time when stock prices were breaking wildly on the exchange and the demoralization threatened financial disaster. It was charged that there had been "bear raiding" of a vicious character by some interests, nnd it was also alleged that stock market prices were being depressed in unwarranted manner by concerted efforts of enemy aliens. The market continued to de? cline after the restrictions were put in fome. After the market became stabilized the necessity of daily reports passed, although up until the present all houses have complied with the ex? change requirements in this respect. ???-????,-, Steel Prices Discussed At Meeting Held Here Industrial Board, Rail Adminis? tration and Trade Interests Hold Conference George M. Peek, chairman of the In? dustrial Board and representative of the railroad administration, conferred yesterday with members of the general committee on iron and steel of the American Iron and Steel Institute in an effort to rcacli an agreement on prices (nr steel rails. The meeting lasted until late In the afternoon, when the following joint statement was issued bv Elbert IT. Gary: "At the request of George N. Peek chairman of the industrial board of thc Department. of Commerce, a meeting was held between Messrs. R. S. Lovett Henry Walters and II, li. Sponcer, rep n enting the railroad administration, and a few of thc members of the gen? eral committee of the American Iron and Steel Institute for the sole purpose of discussing the subject. of produeing COSts of certain lines of steel in which" the railroads are especially interested, lt was understood that the representa? tives of the railroad administration would report tho information obtained to Direetor General Hines." This statement discloscd thal Judge Lovett and Mr. Walters had been ap pointed a special committee by Direetor General Hines to represent thc railroad administration at, yesterday's con? ference. Although those present nt yesterday's meeting referred all inquiries regard ing tho nature of the discussion' to .ludge Gary, who refused to claborate his statement, it, was indicated that 'i mass of evidence was otTered to nrove further price concessions on steel rails would wipe out margin of profit, At? tention was directed in the trade to tln- statement by Judge Gary in Tuos day's Tribune that the United States Steel Corporation cannot manufacture steel rails at the low figures suggested by the railroad administration and make a profit on the basis of existine operating costs. Exchange Closes Good Fridav The governing committee of the New lork Stock Exchango voted yesterday to close the exchango on April 18 Good I- nday. Sign Ifi can \ Relations Money and Prices t Stock of money gold ln thc conntry.. $3,03+213 002 ?3,m'i?643^70 k^iSJ^S^^::. *j?$& SKSL Billsdifctounted and bought byFed- uJ'Slk 105,977,000 eral Reserve Banks. $2,108,772,000 $900^86 000 Federal Reserve notes in circulatlra 2,547,670,000 1 479900 00Q Total roM re?ervo . 2,150,950,000 l!813.924i000 Average nrice ot fifty btocka. '"'"j"1' Previous clow. A year R?0 Average price of twenty-five bonds.. orcc 84'14 73-58 Food cost of living (Annalist indca , ?, ?,.,k 8682 84-80 number) .3O5 551 T" 303161 " A v"" ' " General commodity price level (Duri's Mar 1 .? 285.848 Index number) . 217.037 22o".050 ""227.977 Production: Peh Unflllcd U. S. steel orders, tons.6.010,787 6,684,268 9,2*88,453 Fig iron output (daily average), ton. 997685 106.W6 Vos'ftll VMteat crop. ousheU. '"iffitfSjSSo*' BMflraS&l Uut crop. buflhele. 1,538,350,000 1 592 mg'SS Corn crop, busheia. 2,582,814,000 3 065-? ?5 Cotton. 500 lb. bales . 12,022,601 1T.3K ?--Incre?s? or dimiM from r"tr beforc . '-All i'Iuh, ] ro?d??__ DistribuUonj x&5*% ?ontllo( Ja?f ?3T^ GroHfl railroad earningn. + 8?3% Hh3o!8% l9+21.6?/ Bank clearings. A'ir^o/ w^5*b?? v?rto<u:9? .4+15.7% +11.5% -(-17.5% General t Active cotton spindlea. 33.282.593 33.88M72 33 592 222 Commercial failurea (Dun'n) .,?.,,, r b ?>*,o***?? Number . 629 602*" Vl42*M LUbililles .$13,595,471 $11,489,183 $17,672,331 Building p.rmitN (Bradstrect's) 1 r,,.r. ,?,., 1 ,-,, (128 ritlei) .$29,890,912 $28,818,111 Export Company Organized Du Ponts Form Big Trading Corporation in Association With Bonhright & Co. WILMINGTON, Del., April 0.?Alfred I. duPont, of this city, has organized a $12,000,000 corporation to take care of ; import and export trade. The Nemours ! Trading Corporation, as the new or? ganization is known, will take over the French-American Constructive Corpor? ation, the Allied Industrics Corpora? tion, a New York firm, and the Mer chants' and Manufacturing Exchange ? of New York, owners of the Grand Cen? tral Palace. Branc.h offices of the corporation have already been established at Lon? don, Paris, Maniia, Buenos Ayres, Rio I de Janeiro, Santos, San Paulo, Deme rara. Surinam, Jamaica. Trinidad, Bar i bados, St. Lucia, Grenada and St. Vin I cent. Other offices will be established I at a later date. Mr. duPont will personally direct the ; work. Associated with the Nemours i Trading Corporation will be Bonhright : & Co., of New York. Kent Going Abroad To Study Exchange May Discuss Credits Here With Bankers of London, Paris and Rome Fred I. Kent, direetor of the Division of Foreign Exchange of the Federal Reserve Board, sails in the next few days for Europe, where he will spend several weeks, looking over the interna? tional exchange situation. While abroad Mr. Kent will visit England, France and Italy and may pos? sibly go to Spain. He refused to say anything about the purpose of his trip yesterday, although in banking quar ters it was stated that Mr. Kent would inaKe a caretul survey of the foreign exchange situation. It is also expected that Mr. Kent will discuss with the bankers in Lon? don, Paris and Rome the matter of future credits that are to bo arranged for the purchase of commodities in fhe United States. lt is understood that private interests in Italv are particu larly desirous of getting loans here just as soon as possible and that act? ual negotiations will be undertaken immediately after thc signing of the peace treaties at Paris. Other countries that wil! seck to arrange credits are Belgium, France and tho Scandinavian countries. Lackawanna Sleel Co. Earns $3.43 a Share Net earnings after expenses and taxes of $1,997,001 .were reported by the Lackawanna Steel Company for the first quarter of 1919, compared with $3,140,521 for the corresponding period After allowing for further charges aggregating $790,882 for interest, de , preciation, etc, there was a balance j of $1,207,109, equivalent to $3.43 a share earned on stock, compared with $6.48 a share in the quarter ended ; March 31, 1918. !( The company had on hand on March 31 unfilled orders amounting to 124,570 gross tons, against 708,100 tons in thc | corresponding quarter of last year. Felton, Chairman of the I'liion Tank Line (ompany Henry E. Felton, formerly presidenl of the Union Tank Fine Company, has been elected chairman of the board of directors, a newly crcated position William A. Bartow succeeds Mr. Felton as president. and E. C. Sicardj was ap pointcd first vice-president, taking the place of Mr. Bartow. Elmo !,. Gridley was elected to the board to succced Thomas Beaghan, jr. The report for 1918 disclosed net earnings of $1,253,019, equivalent to $10.44 a share earned on the $12,000,000 capital stock. This compares with $3 7O0,f>10, or $30.91 a share in 1917. Divi? dend dishursements amountcd to $600, 000, leaving a surplus for the year of $653,019, or $2,456,497 less than that ol the preeeding year. Paris Bourse PARIS, April 9, ? Prices were heavy "ii the Bouyso to-day. Three per cenl rcntcs, 62 francs 25 centimcs for cash. Exchange on London, 27 francs 72 cen times. Five per cenl loan, 89 ["rancs 27 , centimcs. The dollar ranged from 5 t rancs 95 cenl imes to 6 franc3. Westinghouse Electric Srlls British Holdings A deal involving the sale of the Brit? ish holdings of the Westinghouse Elec? tric and Manufacturing Company and the complction of a commercial alli? ance for I ho cxpan: ion of its foreign trade were announced vesterday by Guy E. Tnpp, chairman of the board i i directors. Mr. Tripp. who returned to this country Tuesday from an ex tended trip abroad, said that the pro? posed agreement for the sale of the company's English invcstments call-, for a cash payment. In banking circles it was reported that tho cash offer made for the British interests of the Westinghouse company approximatcd $7,000,000. These hold? ings include securities of the Metro? politan Wagon, Carriago and Finance ( orporation, Ltd., which were received by the Ameru-an concern in payment for stock control 0f the British Elec? tric and Manufacturing Company, which was disposed of in May, 1017. No Cut in Oeean Rates Although it 'waa reported that the ocean freight rate to France had been reduced from $40 to $35 a ton, repre? sentatives of the leading stcamship companies yesterday denied that they had lowered charges. They explained, however, that some ships chartered for special voyages were accepting freight at the lower rate in order to be able to leave their docks at the scheduled time and avoid the payment of demur 1 rage. Brokers interested in tho buying and seiling 0f ships said that inquiries were filtering in to this port from Norway France, Italy, South America and other parts of the world, but that actual transactions for tho most part are be? ing postponed until tho signing of thc peace treaty and the formulation of an authoritative programme by the United States Shipping Board. Because of tho uncertainty of tho present situation, shipping mon declaro they ar<- forced to move in the dark . and aro unable to see many weeks ahead. American Stores Surplus Drop* Despile Larger Ooss Gross sales of the American Stores Company and afflliated companies for the year ended December .",1 1918 amounted to $62,315,465, or $4,191658 larger than those of the precodingy'ear Manufacturing expenses wore S..-j'i) 1 H - 770, leaving gross profits of $10,296,696 Foderal nnd state tax deducl ions a V re gatod $1,086,180, an increase of $434. 132. After $717,034 for preferred divi? dends and stnkingfund, surplua for the year was $535,691, or equal to $3.76 a fiharo on 112,210 shares of common stock oulMliindmi- of no pnr value. 2 U .\ ?/? ?pnS~S r++-s t5Z^ /Sl ..;;......0-r/ ?-?. --'.. ?'?- ?"-'- <*~d?cSn>J% ?. .? . , '.,.-.- ^ '"'*>, 4]-*-*' * < ***..'< j A Jt'? *^^ -*-.<??. his public bv band-u'nttcn letters, but in 1919 u'e must have larger means cf com munication. By anncunccments m this and other publications, therefore, we pw pose making our services and policies better known. SOME persons who have read the advertisements of The National Park Bank have won dered why a sixty'three year old bank. with resources of over $2 50,000,000 which are constant ly growing, should advertise. THE NATIONAL PARK BANK has new facilities and is expanding old ones, which could be advantage ously used by many individuals and concerns that do not know about them. We feel that we should make these facilities generally known, for the benefit of our customers and the public as well as for our own. ? / L>l77..---v<-.v-.^ :-.?: --7 .-- ?--?r-TT'i'.'."".;*':'1. ' ?r-:~.rr^ 7 w E cordially invite conference on commercial bank' ing, foreign trade, and corporate and personal trusts. THE NATIONAL PAR BANK Resources over $2,50,000,000 Advance-Rumely Shares of the Advance-Rumely (.'ompany havo riisplayed strength. Yes? terday the common stock advanced IM points to 33%, and the preferred gained a fraction. Hirsch-Lilienthal & Co. point out that the demand for agricul? tural machinery is likely to be the greatest in years and the manu? facturers of such accesories are in line for a tremendous export movement of their products. "Among others" they state "the Advance-Rumely Company is pre-eminently qualified to cope -.vith tho present emergency. Both the pre? ferred aml common shares seem to be i'i a secure position and with the in dications of increasing revenues, fur? ther enhancement in market price would seem warranted under the cir cumstances." Market Resistancc "Whatever may bo one's personal views as *,o the circumstances sur roui ding the stock market's opera tions at this time." say Nicholas & Stone, "it is impossible lo gi I away from the fact of its stubborn resistancc to all adverse inlluences, and particu larly to the heavy liquidation which. in ordinary times, might have brought about a complete roversal of position." Predicts Further Advance Arthur Lipper, of Arthur Lipper & Co., put this on the wire yesterday be? fore thc market opened: "1 am in clined to believe thal thc advance will go further." The Cotton Outlook Springs & Co. say. "It seems just now highly problematical wheth< r for 1 the fifth year in succession anything : like a satisfactory crop can bo raised, ' cspecially as it is feared that boli , v.eevil will prove unusually trouble some. In all likelihood thc world will : look to America for cotton and cotton goods this year as never before." \e Optimistic and Conservative, Too, Is Broker s Advice OHN II. DAVIS, who for more than forty years has headed the Stock Exchange house which bears his name, said yesteraay in discussing current conditions: "There is ample reason for optimism just now, not only upon the stock market but upon industry and business ? in fact, upon the nation and all its material interests. But there is reason also for conservatism?even caution. We have emorged from the great war far richer than ever, with a commanding creditor position in world finance and with unprecedented produc tive capacity to supply the needs of crippled Europe and of the nations which formerly were Europe's best cus? tomers. Our industrial corporations, -big and little, are disclosing equities and earning power in relation to which their securities are obviously chcap. We are feeling and must continue to feel the influence of that inflation which, in spite of restraint, must fol? low the rapid swelling of our national debt. Ccrtainly these are conditions which warrant optimism and bullish ness. , Misusc of Power Disturbing "But against these factors, one has to keep well in mind that we have con? ditions within our own boundarics which make for unrest and hesitation and doubt, and present serious obsta clcs to development and progress. We are being held back chiefly, 1 think, by the alarming assumption and misusc of arbitrary power at Washington, where something very like despdtism now pre vails. And it is despotism that is neither bcnevolent nor fntelligent. "Thc government is unjustly pro longing Incfflcient and unprofitable Federal operation of railroads, tele* grnphs, telephones nnd other utilities and busincsses which, when in the handti of their rightful owners. furn ished facilities and service beyond (.ipnre throughout the world. .'lt, |a openly pursuing the policy of keeping wages up, marking prices down and placing upon capital'a consequcntly ro ?Orirted earnings tho hr>nvip-,t of'hnr ','? Salt Creek Producers' Ass'n Bought and Sold Tlie above company represents a consolidation of virtually all the leading oil producers of lhe great Salt Creek field of Wyoming. Circular on rcquest. ? C# r 1 5 Broad Street New York 7 clephone llanover 7707. ??? iu i inBiiwi wmumBUMUi? Members of N. Y. Stock Exchanso. 1 >, po ilta recciverl sul i ' lo < heque. Stock, 13ond and Noti ui ?? i 7 Railroad . ? lusi I ' 'ompanles I 0 Ighl .?:. I Sold and conservatlvo advances made thi DealerB In n-li ( Ti ? ? -r . 7'", i 'nlori ? re, '-, \\ arrrn St., Ave, 16 Courl . ? . Broi Liberal Interest on daily balances. Metropolitan Trust Company <if thc City of New Vork f!0 Wall Street. '.Iti fifth Avcnue CEMTRAL UrilDN TRUST CO. .if New Vork 80 Broadway BhANCHLS 5th Avtnus at ^'Jth Strs:. Modlss? Ave- ' at 42nd Strnel 5th Avfnt:s at 38th Street Lnolttil Burplutt unil Indivlded I'rofits $30,000,000. clcnsome taxation. It is disregardintr; countless pleas for proper adjustments ot* cancelled wartime contracts^ it is breaking implied promises to business concern.- the International Mecantile Marine affair is an instance-?and it is playing fast nnd losc with vastly im? portant agreements with industrial in teYests, as the short life of the re? cently made steel price agreement serves to show. "It is not strange, therefore, that there should be widespread distrust of the government, and that this distrust is interfering with business progress. Also there are sociai unrest and la? bor arrogance to keep in mind. To be sure thero is no danger here of the crude Bolshevism that is threatening Europe, but nevertheless there is dan gerous indifference throughout tho country to the introduction into our laws of Bol3hcvist principles?chiefly the destruction of property without compensation. It is this principle that will be put into practice when the new prohibition amendment becomes oper ative and, in my opinion, this prohibi? tion law is of fur more importanco and far more serious in its relation to property rights than is appreciated by tho country as a whole. I do not wish to be thought a pessimist. On the con trary, I am extremely hopeful nnd con fident of the future. In due time the clouds will disappear from our bu dness skies. Hut while they continue thrent cninp, I think that conservatiBrn should temp'er the optimism that is warrantcd bv underlying conditions." A Shoe Stock on tho Curb The listinc; committee of the Ww "i ork Curb Associotipn yesterday np provc! for temporary trading tho 120, 000 commor b1 <\ - . f n par value of ?',!) and 150,00 I prof< rrcd slmres of n par valuo of $100 of th< I ndic >t( John Bon Corporation, to bo traded ln "whon, aa and if issued." The Kndieott-John ?ot) Cornnrntion 1b th? laruent Binplo Features of the Island Oil and Transport Corporation 1 Two wells of a combined pro duclng capacity ol 17! barrels per da; . 2 Big surplus acreagc, well lo c ated i'i proven territory r'f high ? ielding capacil . g 3 Large and widely distributed holdings of potential oil lands. 4 Shortest, and therefore thc must economical, pipe-line In .Mexico for the I -.idi ig & ships at the Gulf l oast. 5 Assured oil reserve to meet the needs of its deliveries, and 6 well established and %crras ing marketing com ections. John J. MaoOrun) Unlisted Securities Member X. Y. Curb 7\larket Association 125 Broad St., N. Y. Phone: Brosd 516 MaWaWa\\\\Wm American International Corporation Digest of the scope and charac? ter of the business of this unique and important company. Sent oh req%eat for K-3T2. HUGHES & DIER Membera \??lB~ 8t?* !:%%rip? iju Board of ; :a'? 50 Broad St., New York I'ptown 0?lc<\ 07 W. l?5th Bt. Philadelphia, 1435 Walnut Street pni-NTv1 CHATHAM & PHENIX /V^gv NATfONAL BANK V^^S) C.plt.l & Surplm . $5.00'>*? \-&&*V. R-tour-? ov-r . IIM O00.0?? tovnoK*** 149 8toadwry, (Sinjer BUfr) DaNI*." And 12 Branchet _ Amer. Chicle Common Stock J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co N.t. manufacturer of shoes in the coun*r? and just recently decided to adopt *?? corpornte form.