Newspaper Page Text
o ?& o o 5$ Record of Stock ancl Bond Averages ?.Copyriirht, 1919, New York Tribune Inc.) Stocks . Ranjje Jnn. 1 lU-iiiue full Yester- Day Ye? ,0 <!at" 10,!>- y< r m& day before. nn". High. Low. HiBh. j.ovr ? ? ... 7175 71.85 67.50 72.85 CS.70 73. 15 66.12 20Railrosd5 . "? ? g2 8 ? 79-20 88 8, ?J r-H^.:::5:S SS 73.53 su2 75.32 84.o3 7o.3o Bonds _? __ ,? 60 79,57 78.75 82.80 79.55 86.57 76.62 1= K.llroa-1. .79.60 T9.y ^ ^ ^ f_ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 10 lnd?trlal> . ^- J J* 8-9G 87>75 8.,.80 80 02 8, . Summarv of Stock Exchange D-ealings (Copyright. 1919, N?w York Tribune Inc.) Stocks Day Year January 1 to date. Yr-torr!?y. b.-fore. ?C"- "li1. 1918. 1017. _ ? , 63 800 50,900 31,200 5,46'.,500 4,272.800 5,950,200' KatlroatW. , 146.'l00 1.238,800 158.600 48,859,000 20,980,400 48,776,100 ' All(Vtollto ...'.'.'.".'* t*?.?00 1.289,700 189,800 64,323,500 34 253,200 54,735,300 Bonds .Tamiary 1 to da'". Yesterday. H?y befor*. Year n;-". 1919. 1918. i* ?l Gorernmcnt . $9,960,000 $10,382,000 $1,785,000 $576,638,000 $173,308,000 Hlil.'-.a, . 781,000 871,000 392,000 67,869,000 46,083,000 | Oth?f bonda". 1,745,000 1,703,000 1.252,000 200 253.000 97,017,000 All' bonda ...12,486,000 12,956,000 3,429,000 843,760,000 316,408,000 Transactions in stocks yesterday again ran in excesa o? a million uhares. Trading in industrial upecialties at time*' waa wilcl and many <>f theso Issucs established new high records for tho movement on the rise in the foro part of the session. Afterward, ihe whole market rcccded on heavy profit-takiiig sales. At tho openinp the market p-uvo no indicationa of perturbation over the reporta from Paris of n crlsis at thc peace table. Pool speclaltiea were forced iharply upward on a largo wuve of buying. Standard Issucs were not too promlnent, although Steel common j/>t above 09. The failure of Steel to move out of Its nnrrow rango of the last few ,'nyg waa somethintr of a drag on the rent of tho market, nnd in the after? noon, when that i.'sue ihowed nijrna of ensing off, otlicr Btocks also do cllned. However, oila nnd the motor sharea vvcrc taken up in lho closing hour ?nd activcly advanced. General Mototrs showed a gain of 6 points at 170 and other strong motor issues wero tho Maxwell group, Chandler Motors, which rose 10 pointa to 137 1-2; Studebaker nnd Willya-Overland. rJuma Brothera w.-in a atrong apocialty at an advance of r> 1-2 pointa, while Assorintfd Drygoodi advanced J*J-'J and United staten Industrial Alcohol 81-2. In the "il group Associated 011, Mexican Petroleum and Paa>Amrican Petroleum preferred were promlnent. Tho bond market waa active with pricei well malntalncd. The Liberty Loan Isi uea were steady. Yesterday's Transactions inLisled Stocks All Mocks nuotr-d dollars a shnre. Annual dlvldend rafe. nlso |n dollnrn 8 share, is based on last regular payment. Iligli nnd low prices of 11)1!) aro based only on transactions of 100 shares or more. Hleh. Low. Div. ? MJ. 1919. Bata. 5al?. Open. HIRh. Uw. Clon. ehge. 50 33 ? Ad-ims Li . 34 21 --? Adrance Kumely . . 66'4 56^2 6 Adrance Bumely pr. 81 66 6 Ajax Rubber . 2100 4'i 3% ? AlasUn Gld M. 600 2a6 1%? Alaska Juneau . 1600 38-H 30 ? A1M.H Chal Co. 17800 92% 81% 7 AllisChalm Co pr_ 200 110% 99% 8 Am Aj-r Chem. 7700 109% 110% 109'4 1091 k4 79% 62 8 Am Kcct Sugar. 1100 78% 62',4 <-2% ?? Am Can Co. 10900 51 '4 103 98% 7 Am Can Co pr. 1200 100% 94% 84' ?. 8 Am Cor & Fdry Co.. 8700 14! 4 1038 -80 Am Druys . 3000 50'4 39% 4 Am Cotton Oil. 3600 23% 13%? Am Ride & Ltath... 3400 10278 71'4 7 Am Hirie &. Leath pr 5100 101 49 38 ? American Ice . 300 46 64!/j 54'4 6 American Ice pr.... 300 91% 52% 3.60 Am Int Corp. 34100 S2*i 44! s ? Am . 2100 M% 58 5 Am Locomo . 8900 106 100 7 Am Locorao pr. 100 104 4*a 1 -- Am Malt . 200 1% 51-?4 43''a ? Am Malt 1st pr ctfa 300 63% 78ft 62' a 4 Am Sraeltinj- . 3700 70% 107 103 7 Am Smelt pr. 200 105 87*4 63 8 Am Steel Fdry. 700 81% .. 133 1111/4 7 Am Sugar . 6500 131% 131% 129% 130 118 113% 7 Am Suffar pr. 100 117% 117% 117% 117% 118 96% 10 Am Sumatra . 2500 113% 114 113% 113%--- % 113 113% 108ft 38% 8 Amer Tel & Tel. 600 105 105% 105 105%? % 105 105% 215 19178 20 Amer Tobacco . 100 207% 207% 207% 207%? i/8 207''- 2C3 106 100 6 Am Tob pr new. 200 100% 100?3 100% 100%4- % 100% 101 ?7"2 45% 5 American Wool - 800 58 58% 57% 57^? '8 57' "2 573^ ?t3s/i 27%-? Am Writ Paper pr.. 8100 41% 4338 41% 42%4-1% 42% *2' ', 15 11 ? Am Zinc & Lead_ 900 14 14% 14 14'.'-4- 7,8 14 14'' 46 40 6 Am Zinc & Lead pr. 400 44% 44% 44% 44%-- 43 45" 63'/4 W/2 4 Anaconda . 5800 62% 63% 62' 62%4- % 62% 62% 17 171,4 ? Assoc Dry Good*.... 14800 32 37 32 36 4- 5% 36 361%. 80% 68 5 Ajsso Oil . 250O 77% 80% 77% 80%-f 5'/- 80 80% M5/4 90 6 Atchison . 7C0 92% 92% 92% 02%?? % 92% 93 ' 89 e8 5 AtchUon pr . 100 86% 86% 86% 86%- 86% 86% 99 95 7 Atlantic Coast Line. 100 96% 96% 96% 66%-? % 96 97% 125V4 92 10 Atlan Gulf & W I... ?500 123% 1233-4 122% 123' - 12234 103' ?J ?4 5 Atl Gulf & W I pr.. 100 68 68 63' C8 4- % 67/a 03 934g 647a ? Baldwin I-ocomo Co. 78200 90% 93% 89% ?2 4- 2'/- S2 92% W'/i 44 4 Baitimore & Ohio... 700 48% 48% 48!a 48'8? % 48 48% M!-i 53 4 Balt & Ohio pr. 100 65 55 55 55 + 1 5434 56 ?--> 103 8 Barrett Co . 300 132 133% 131% 133%:- %1C3 133% n aXifT, Hal?Pila-' Minin-r ... 1C0 1% 1% 13., 1%- 1% 1% ni/ 2 Bclhlchtm Steel _ 100 73 73 73 73 4- '/a 72 73', .2(* ^|a 10 Beth Steel, riasa B.. 32900 72% 73"-3 71% 72 ? % 72 731/, 9*7' 1^? 8 Belh 8lcel Elh pr'** 500 103'-/4 108% 107% 107'/?- % 107 108 2A3? \l?~* Er(>ok!>n KaP Tr---- 12C0 22% 22% 22 22 4- % 22 22% 22% W \ B?n> KaP Tr ctf8... 200 21% 21% 21% 21%- 21% 22 82 70* ?ooth -'^heries Co.. 300 19% 19*4 19% 19%4- % I934 20 163% 138 ? E^* ?n G". 50? 79'2 8? 79^'3 8? + l/8 80' 85 7% BV 1/ lW.m rM . 1610? 16? 1639'8 159''2 163%+- B'/a 163% 163% 23% 19v! Jaln?? ^op* Zinc... 2100 7% 7% 7% 7%- 7% 7% 25 18 _ ??f,6tp Copper. 3000 21/4 223% 21% 22 4- % 21% 22 l ".x , "n?t?ri?k C?> . 200 24 25 24 25 + % 24 25 C?'if I'ackinj; . 3700 6i% 633i 62'/, 62'/-^- Va. 62'/, 623A 5J>3' om- - ?c?m;; .. ?!v ^ "-, Ca,ir ^"-oJeum .?* 64/8 7 CaW F'etrol 62 66% 4 Calumet & Arizona. 4 1;.?* 10 --?ntdian Puifle 35 wi? l ?"? J '? Pf. 4C0 109% 1? w 7 rentral Leathtr ' '' * 30S00 ?C ?i'a l c*nt'?l Leather pr.. 100 137% 10, ,- Cerr? De PtMro. 91?0 Mg1!1 thandU, Motor. .... 820O 27 t"4 1 tt!e? & O-Uo. 400 ?? ti;s Chto Ct We,t ?>r--** 125 747/ ??~ f'hie M &?t P . 600 Mo*/",' thl? M & 8t P pr... 900 133 i? l (hie & N'WMt. 2|W 7? \\(* ~~ Chle R -1 & ,,a?. 1100 ??,' 5X? 6 Chle K I & P 6% pr 200 S? ?* 7 f;h,c R I & P 7% pr 100 8?r? "/ ~ C C C * S*L. 200 jj'* ^'j1- """ <:l,il? Copper . 6100 447/ , ' 3 ' '??no ( "n Copper. . . 4900 Ha" iX7?* 3 <:"' ,'"Ufl & Iron.... 1700 * ^l/a 8 Col Fuel & Iron pr.. 100 */* 2? 4 ("1 ''??'? & K1?? ???? 800 m? tTv; j*" * ?**. 100 W ?7I/ 0rnP T*b . 100 L. ?7% 7 C-mnol Ga? . -*H200 ?/ ?.^?, 3 <;on??l Int Caila Min 100 ?2 ??/? 6 Cont Can. 600 M !? ~ ("m ProducU . 9800 W, m/ " rrip-,|-? (:r?*-* ?. 10? /4 ?Z'/? ~ Cruetbla Kteel . 13700 1*41/ ?!2 7 *r-'''":ible 8Uel pr.... 100 T**1-"- 10 <ub, Am 8u?ar '~? ? 2^'"" fuU C"n* Ku-r*r >k ?9/* 7 Cuba Cana Buear pr ???? .6/? ? I*en*er * ttio (- pr. v? ioy, - ?omc Mln? '? 1fcl/_ ... 16% ? Erle 21 ?.,- ?..- . J2 ST**" ,;ri'? 1?t pr. 300 28 28 27% 27%-? n-4 2/"" Krl* 2d pr. 10? 18 18 18 13 ? jJJ ff,-7* ~ PUher Body . 1000 64 65 63 63 ? *& \t/* 4 Caaton Willlama ... 4600 31 31% 30% 30%? *1 1tli/ 4 <**,n*r*-' CI??T . 2600 69% 6"; 50 (59 ? W>Vl liav * f>" ,n#e*r-* Co- 200 1M5? 163% 169% 159%-f ?3 *> <"U??-a! Motor* . 22100 176% 179% 174% 179 4 ? I'/. i?i/ * ("" M"tor* Pr. vx> ?'>?* B1'/4 91% 91% t 7lJ ~% ? f'*n Motora deb. 300 91 81 90% 00%? U i;/* 4 ''"odfUh, B P. 2400 67 67% 6/ 67% f H"/? vv 5 CrMby Klnim - 100 68 08 68 08 ?. ??./, !?,/ ' *'* N??",h?'n pr. 1700 02% 82% 9^% 92%~ ??/! 4,^ 2 f/* N'*rtb ?" ?ub?.. 2800 42% 42% 42'/4 42},j? *1'/. 401/ '"?*?na Can Copper.. 400 43% 44% 4'J'/Z 44 4 ? U, '-"If KUU K'.e,l. 4/XJ 61 61% 61 61%? 1*1 2: 4 ? ""-tk * Bar f?r C?. 8000 4& 61 49 60 -f 4 !:. ' llllnol* Central .... 200 ()V% 09% 99% 99% f 17 ,?{:* ~- ???*rnat'l Agrlcol , , 27Q0 19 20 19 20 -f 10% A{'f '' '"" A*rl?ul pr- 2600 77 77 73 74 + l</. %,} l'**P?rt.U?ri Copper . . 3200 61% 62% 61% 61% ? ** \\v ~~ ,""'-'"'"1* '-'"??? ???? 800 4% 4% 4 4% f **/. 11?7 "I !???-*-'<????? Corp pr.. 1200 16% 16% 14% 14% I ?J*/i sii* ""'Y '?*??-?? M00 127J4 12??/? 1MH 127%+ ?'/4 ~ I?t U?f Marl/??.... 1200 *7 27% 26% 26%? fligh. IS19. 115% 483/4 .... 8 48 126% 7234 67% 11 i' , *?% f09 1681 2 6 4' .v 41 69% 331 ^ - 1071/4 M% 40 ."7 643^ 397 ^ 126 1034 713-4 14 ! ! . " . 11% 77"k 343/4 21/4 62 94% 4: '/? E7> B3 . 10! ,1 05% 148 46 122% 122% I.ow. Div. 1919. Rate. Sal ? 92% G tnt Mcr Marine pr. . 18100 30i/4 ? Intl Paper . 13800 2" 2 2 Intl Nickel . | ? 23 ? J vrell Tea . 2GC0 63 4 Kelly Sprlngfleld ... 16900 25' g 2 Kennecot! Copper .. 2000 tl" > 6 Lackuwanna Steel .. 700 64 5 L< hich Valley . 200 21 ? f.-.'f Rubber & Tire. 3l00 107 7 J.i.; ffi Myers T Co pr 100 ,40 ? Loi ? V ilt . ?Ai. Co. . 200 "'V ? I. '.. B Co 2d pr_ 30 162 12 Lorillard, Pierre .. ; 1 4 Mackcy Co pr. 100 0-1 Maiv ell " )!or .... 1500 39 Maxwcll Motor 1st pr 1600 65' 19% - - Maxwcll Motor 2d vr 1309 31| 60 5 May Dcpart Stores.. 900 76' 162% 8 Mexican Petroleum.. 376 I 1 i 21-% 2 Mlantl Con Copper.. 1500 2'S 401/' 4 Mldvalo Steel . f,400 46 ? ' ? Misi ouri Pac . 800 49 4 - Missouri Pac jir. 200 69 6 Mont Power . 200 71 29' a 3 National Acme . 6600 109 7 National Biacuil.00 14 Nal Con & Cable. . . 1903 45! 3 6 Nal Enamel & Stpd. 2300 04 5 National l,??rl . ... 44 >0 5! .-. - Nal KK of Mi 3 2d pr 30 J 15% I'i; Nevada Con Copper., 407> 29 ? New "r Tex 77 Mcs T.o 91% 10 '. v Afr Brak ? . 3500 69% 5 New Vork (,. 300 25% - N Y N II a 11. . 700 18' a N V Ontario & West 100 47 6 North American .... 100 B8% 7 Northern Pacific . . 700 I'liii. (.re: . 6 ' 5'/a ? Ontario fiilver . 100 /io 3 Owcni Oottling .... 800 0 !-,';; . . 1 r 30 67 6 Pan 'n Pei. 40800 117 7 ln \tn Pei pr. 800 4 ' "' 3 Penimj h nnln It It.. 3f I i ' ' 1 Peorln & 1 ?? i. T00 45% ? Peo (i 1 1 & Coke.00 li , ? Pere Martmelte . 200 ' 3 i hil id Iphla Co . . . . ' ;i:'i D Pii rte Arrow . 1800 101! j ''I Pierce Arrow pr_ 100 1fl -- Pierce Oil . 13100 49 r> . Plttsburgh Coal _ 7000 85% 6 Pitts Coal pr. 200 34 ? PHla .v Wr?t Va_ 6100 !') R I'rcsaed Steel Cnr... 7600 ')'! 7 Kll Cnr pr.. 10 1 I2'? H l'nll Pa| frr Cd_ 700 flflj 4 fl llallway 011 Spring.. 6200 1"! 7 Itivnr Kll H|.iin? pr, 10 19 2 Jiny Cnu Copper.... 200 r> 4 l(? i(7ni! . 1 1600 37 ;' Kfaillim Sil pr. 100 M% 11 lini Iron .<:, Hu-ri,., (JOOO 100 / l.'. 1. h 7. Htl pi . . 100 70% li tl Muyal Imit'll 66! .? 1 II lto> di. li, N l c-.ii . 20200 6!., 1 nion Molom , ... 000 10% M I.MI & l.llll I'liill. 10Q i ?,, Henh Air l.nii. 200 18% Hi ..I. Air Uim pi . I00 I6l ! a ?'? I <>:, (toebui k _ 2000 111 1 Bhatluck Arla . 400 33! .i - - Hinrl.ur Oil . O80O 46| .. 6 t.i itw-Bheff Sl & Ir.. 2 10 96| H d Bonlhern Pnciflc ... 26100 107 8 So Porto II Sug pr. 100 25 ? South II R . 2100 66% 6 South R It pr. 100 40;4 4 Studebaker . 18400 92 7 Studebaker pr . 100 42% 5 Klui/. Motors. 3500 32 6 Supcrlor Steel . 200 36% ? Stromborg . 200 12'a 1 Tcnn Copp Chem... 000 27% ? Tn & PaciAlc _ 000 185 10 Texas Company .... 4700 72% 6 Tob Products . 9800 37% 6 Tran & Wlms Steel.. 100 115 8 Und Typo Co. 100 124% 1? Union Pacific . 3100 72 4 Union Pac pr. 200 3738 4 United Alloy Steel .. 300 1074 9 Un Cigar Stores ... 2300 91 6 United Drug 2d pr. 200 15 ? United Ry Invcst pr. 300 14 ? US Cast I P & Ko.. 600 42'/2 5 i: S C ast I P & Ko pr 803 40 2 V S Food Product3. . 19100 97% 16 U S Ind Alcohol_ 36200 OGi 4 7 U S Ind Alcohol pr. . 200 17% ? U S Rcalty & Imp.. 703 73 ? U S Kubber. 19800 109 8 U Hi Kubber 1st pr. . 1300 43% 5 U S Smelt & Ref .. ?30 45 31/2 U S Smelt & Ref pr 100 83/4 5 U S Steel. 94500 113% 7 U S Steel pr. 225 C0: a 6 Utah Copper . 1100 13 -- Utah Scc Corp.l.... 400 51 4 Va Carolina them.. 9400 7% ? Wabash . 300 30% ? Wabash pr A. 600 10%? West Maryland . 603 17 ?- West Pacific . 200 52% 6 Weit Pacific pr .... 100 84% 7 West Union Tc!. 100 40/2 3% Wcstlnghouse Mfg .. 7200 65%? Wilson Co. 2100 7% ? Whecl & L E. 100 17 ? Wheel & L E pr ... 200 46 4 White Motors . 500 55 23% 1 Willys Overland ... 15100 29% 87% 7 Willys Overland pr. 200 933/4 . 120 8 Woolworth . 100 12234 122% 50 ? Worth Pmp & Mach. 3500 65% 6S 83 7 Worth P & M pr A... 100 92 GG 6 Worth P A M pr B.. 100 72% Ex dividend. 51% | m , : 83% | 147/a-l |i 1 ' a 0! ? ' . 6 i '<;.: 2! . 1 16 - 41", j'.i; 17% 43 104 104 20% 2n% 4934 61% 87 8/ 36% ;',/"' vi' 3 Wa 00 no 121 % 121% B' % B1 r/a 100 108 i'i 31'% 1,7' , i-r , 37! a 37% !:.??? i;-.' . 102% 1"'", 04% '1 . ' ,, 11 '?' J /'., 11 I2i . |2i . ? ., 7% 17% 17% 17734 IB3 13 11 ?'?'.! 46% 53 63 106! 4 105% 109! j 109! a 28 2!'.' 4 68% 68% 65% 67% 96!/2 96% 62 6 \ 40 40 38! 2 30 1 ' % 1434 32% 3.7% 217/a 217% 91 92-4 43% 43! 2 145 145 130% 130' 2 73 73'a B3 ? 101V 100' ? ?i- m 14^8 13'/a 45% 63 105 110 28% 68% 67% 97 64% 40% 33 16^4 43 135 110 20 43! a 135% 110 26 22% 22/a ; ; 57' , 67% 68% 156 169% 107% 108 3614 37% 83% 90'% 111% 111% 49% 60% 47% 47i , 9334 99% 116% 116% 76 76% 16% 61! 2 8% 33 10% 17 53 80 "2 4634 83% 8% 17% 16% 62'4 8% 33 10% 17 86% 47% 83% 8/a 17'/. 55i/2 3'J; a 0314 72/ Note.?The Tribune aurnimes no responsi? bility for thc accuracy or authentlclty of curb market quotations. Transactions and pricea yesterday wero as follows: Industrials Sales. 1200 100 .2200 14600 soo 100 3400 500 250 1200 2500 li 00 10000 3000 600 L5000 10300 800 81 00 8500 300 5000 H0O 1500 1700 6000 700 5000 1400 121 0 ?'.' 0 4600 4500 300 1500 1500 1100 7000 2600 4000 ;;?|. Open. nich ?Aelrifi Kxpln*. 0 914 *Am Bosch Mag 65% 65% ?Am ltd Mach. 34 37 Claibornc&A Fy 13','8 141,, Br-Am Tob reg 22%. 2.?' , do coup - 23% 2334 ?Chalmers Mot 9] . 10 ?Cil Ser H TMi. 36/0 30% *<7,h Grapha...248 248 K Johnson w i. G3 63 '!<> pf w I. . . 9014 100 ?Fumous Play-L 70 ?Kisk Rub T v/i. 2')'/2 Hupp Mot Car. 8% *lnternat Prod 36 'A Intercont Rub. 21 Kcy itono T & R 94% ?Kack Co Coal. 31% ?LlbbyMcN&K. 29% *Nnt Anil & C. 27 ?Nat Coal & 1. 63 ?Nat Condult. . 87% N A Pulp & P. 4% ?Pao Gas & El. 53 ?Pearson Coal, 3 IVrf.T T ft |i. l^ Pecrl T ft M O 22% ?Pii Morris w 1. 13 ?Kern Typewr. 42% ?Stowart Mfg C 39% *Stand Gas ft K 31 Subm Bt v t ctf 1514 16 ?Swift Internll. 80% Gl ?Themells Bro. 11 ?United Mnior-i 46 ?Union Carblde. 70 [Jn Profit Shar. 1"? (J S : Im ii Co. .".' 1 Waytic Coal... 3% WM !?' C v te. ,', 70 34% 3G% 23 97% 32 29 /, 27%' 87% 4% 68 23 13% 43% 40^ 11% 4',' , 71 1% 3 S 334 . l/ow. 9 65% 3-1 13% 22% 23% 9 4 30% 243 51 99% 60 21(> 36% 20% 04% 30'% 29 26% 62 87% 4% 63 3 n 22% 12% 42% 89% 31 15l/4 60 11 40 69% 1|f :>. 3,(/h h Liv<t. 9% 65"% 36 . 14% 22' 2 23% 36% 247 61 100 69 34% 8 -. 36% 22% 97% 307, 29: ". 27 63 87% I 4% 68 Tr 23 13 43% 40 32 15% 60% 11 46% 70 1 ft h i. Onen. ' 'Federal Oil... 2% 2800 ?Glenroc.k Oil.. 4% 400 *Hercul P C A 10% 700 *ll(,m<' O U w i 17 9700 *Hudson Oil... 17' 10500 *Inter Petrol. . 28%^ 25000 ?Island O & T. 8! a 251.) *fdo rts .... 8 1200 *tKcnova Oil. . 6 2200 *Louis'na OftR 38'4 5000 *Merritt Oil C. 30' ? 7000 .Met Petrol. . . 3' B V. *Midwest Oil. . 1 ,'j 2G50 ?Midwest Krf..168 IL'. *Mo'n P M w i 3 19000 ?National Oil... 6% 6'"") *tN'west Oil. . 53 :. ?Okla & T?'X O 5% 40000 tOmar O & G.. 47 20i 'i *Orient O ft (1 1% . > 'Pennock Oil.. 14% 7,;. ?tQueen Oil.... 16 24000 * ritiim-e'tt Oil. 96 20000 *tRanger-H O. 30 1500 *Rickard Tes C 9' 2 6500 *1 Rock Oil a pr 63 ; ? "Salt Ck 1'rud. 40% 200 Hmwv Oil. 9 3800 *Sinclair G C. . 45% 1200 fSouthwest Oil 43 2900 *Stanton Oil... 34 6100 ?Sl.erlitiK.O &K 6% 2000 ?t'i'r.xana O&R 40 12000 *Tex-Rgr P & R 2% 600 *V1 Oil 11 Btk.. 2% 1100 ?W<"itniSO&I,. 40 High 2% 4% 10% 17 2!a 32 "% 4% 10% 15 17a 28% 4% 10% 10 3| 6% 40 40 J/4 B% 40 2% 2% 39 40 39 Sliuitlanl Oil Open. High. Kow. I.nnt. 10 *Hn Penn Oil.. . -- 292 292 10B *Ht O Co (Cal) - - 270 2( > 10 ?St. O Co (,',' J) ? 674 6/4 90 ?Union Tank I, ? 120 115 292 270 674 115 OihtT Oil Stocks ijalrn. u Open. lligb. Ix>w. I.bhI ..',<> 'Allen Oil _ 3 ' 400 ?Alliance O ft H 6 1800 ?lliirnett O & G 4200 ?Hoon? oil _ 6 1701.0 ?tBos-Wyo ou. 38 5S0 *Caddo <j|l .... 14 l'nni *Comwtb V w I 40/ IJ300 *Co8d<m & ('?<>.. 2600 ?iCrown Oil 1500 ?Cry.,t1,| Oil . . 100 *Klk liHftln Put, 3000 IKamcr 011 Cor ?>"\ 36 1% '?'? e 6 no ll 1 . 48 , 35 1% 6% MI 0 ?% v, 14 45 8% 82 i't 8% 6 ?'".' 6% % B% 36 16% 46 0?/a 33 1% f'i'H 6 Minin;' Stocks 4800 0500 8.'-00 600 600 2700 2900 8,700 18000 10000 600U 2200 600 7600 670 ' 400 2000 1900 1500 1800 000 8000 3.10 7000 5oo 2CO0 2300 88700 1350 170" 8000 L5500 90000 7400 4000 24O0 14000 200 '...hi [00 4 200 18250 80000 1500 4000 tAlas-Br ColMtl ?IAdlM&Ma pr ?fAllied Gold.. ?America Mines ?Arlzona Butto * j Atlanta .... BiK Ledgo. ?tBooth . tBostn & Mont tBiitle Detroit. ?fCaledonla .. ?Calumet ft .1. Canada Copper * I'Candelaria y. 11 iashboy . ?Cerbat .S M&M Con Ari7. Stn< It Crc on Con Gd El Salvador Sil. ?Furcka Cr Min ?11 lorence Sil. ?tFortuna Con ?tGold /.one I),. ?Goldon (iai". . ?tGoblen llule M tGoldflsld ('on. ?Miol.lllel.l Mflrg ?tHasbrouck I). Hecla Mining.. ?l./im llutlel . . Loulslann Con ?1 Lone Star ,. ?tMncNiim Mir. ?IMM nf A (11 p) ?1 Mother Lode, ?Nnt Tin Cor.. ?fNov Dl la p) ?O11011O Mini. ?Kiiy lien- Mng Senera Onti C . ?fSovon Met M ?fSII KK Divide ?fSuthfirld l>iv. Htnnd 811-Ld.. . liiU'wart . 43 34 CO 1 45 6 40 31 68 I 45 6!' 42 32 60 1 45 6 % % li % 31 63 5 38 30 62 3 37 30 63 4 38 iH il 63 12 3% 1% 5% 2lH 1% 75 40 81 3% /? 19 6 22 5% 38 11% B2 1ft 38 23 3! ? 2 13% 39 25 37 ft 16 1% 6C 12 3% Ift 6'H 2% 1% 78 4(J? 92 3% 20/2 6 27 6% 38 % 11 82 1% 38 1% 25 3% 2% 13% 40 27 39 Shares. Open. Hi 5500 ?Tonopah Div.. 9% 1500 Tuolumne Cop.. % 1200 ?tTuol Riv Pla 45 2500 'United Copper &' 3000 *tU 6 Cont M.. 11' 9800 T'nity G M Co. 6% 3500 *tWard M & M 35' 1800 tWashn G Qtz. 71 150 ' "West End Con V'B 7500 - : V7h Caps Mg.. 14 1500 'Wh Knob C pf 1% Bonds 6000 25000 2. 1.i ' ?. ll i l 20 10 ",dnno 15000 42.i 3. 3000 ?Am Tel & T 6s 99% ?Anaconda fis..93% ?GE6s ly n '19.100% *G E (is nts '20.100% 'Int l'ap T 7s. 88 ?111 Cntrl 5%s. 96% ?KCR tr 6a '7.1.100 ?Lig&M 6s '21.100! a ?N V T C db 6s 99% ?Rus Gov ii'..s. 60 ' ?Sinelair O 6s... 96 ?Southern Ft lis 99' j ?St P U D 5%s 93% ?Swf&Cj6s '711.100 *\V&Co en 6 pr I 99% 98% 100% 100% 83' 2 9634 100 100% 100 61% 97 99% 99% 100 96 89% 98'4 1001 4 100% 88' 96' 2 1CO 10C% 83% 60 96 99% 98% 100 95% 99% 88 4 10C' i 1C034 88| j 100 1001/g 100 61% 97 99% 99% 100 96 Following ir, a complete reeord of all transactions in bonds on thc Now York Stock Exchange yesterday: U. S. Government Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Closing Quotations) of Liberty 'londs on the "Jevr > or4 Stock Exchange carry interest to tiie dat?i of tale, and the BCller reeeive* this interest ia addition to rlic sale price. J (Sales) Foreign Government nnd Munieipal Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Interest To Bc Added) Bid. Am Foreign Scc Co 5a 1919... 99ft Anglo-French Extern 5a 1920.. 95% Argentine Intern 5s 1915.84 Dom of Canada 5a 1921. 98% do 1926 . 96% Asked. 99% 96% do 1931 . 97% Chinese Govt H K Ry 5s 1951. Cuba Extern 5a 1944. do 5s, Berlea A 1949. do 4 Via 1919. 70 97% 91 8234 Dominican Rep 5s 1958. 91 City of Bordeaux 6s 1019. 99'\ do Lyons 6a 1919. 89% do Marseilles 6s 1919. 99% do Paris lis 1921. 97 Japanese Govt 4%s st.1 ln 1927... 91 do 4',-s 2d ser 1926. 89% do 4s stl ln 1931. 77 City of Tokio 5s 197.2. 81 U K C.L Hr & 1 3-yr f./a 1919.. 993' do 5-yr 5' .a 1921. 98% do 20-vr 6y% 1937. 983 FOREIGN BONDS DEALT IN I'LAT 981 97' 97% 71% 99 92% 84'/4 90i , 99' o 99% 97'4 91% 91% 77% 82 59/2 93% 98% I'i Asked. 75 60 Mexleo Ext strl 5s '99-1915.. -- do gold 4s of '04 1964. 56 Russ 1894 Rcnto 4s 1.000 r den. 23 (Sales) Am Foreign S 5s I Dom of Canada- 5s 2,000. 9934 io:u 1.000. 99% 1,000. 973n 6,0110. 99ft Jap 1nt ser 4/.s 1,000. 99% 7,000. 91 Anglo-Frcnch 5s JU K of Gt 15 & I 27,000. 96% 1,000. 96% 7,000. 96ft 24.000. 96% 30,000. '"' ? 6,000. 96 ft 500. OP' 2 2,000. 96.", 24,000. 96% 6,000. 9634 6,000. 96 >,. 3,000. 064 (i.OOO. 9634 City of I'ord Us 10.000. 99% City of I.ynns 6s 6.000. 99-3 2,000. 99%| t'i'jy of Mars 6s 13,000. 99% City of Paris 6? Ifi ono. 97 5,000. 07% 1,000. 07 1 000. 96% 1,000. (I7' do 1919 2,000. I ,(IO(). 5,000. 5C.B 1921 2.000. 1,000. 62,000. 18,000. 7,000. 1,000. 98/ 1.000. 98% 5M.S 1937 33,000. 937' 3,000. 99 80,000. 997., 50,000. 0E3.j 27,1100. Q87H 99/a 99% 99% 983.B 98% 98% 98';, 983(, 37,000.. 9,000. 2,000 Va dfd Ri R B & Cn ctfs .00' I 000. 973 j 9,000. 97' '-. 21,000. 97'j Dom of Can ;>s 19L!I 1,000. 08':, 3,000. 08% do 1926 6,000. 97% 1.'I.OOO. 07 2,000. 957, 10,000. oc% 10 (11111 [N V C IVjH 1903 983,', 987/2 98% 70'/, 70% 1.(?00.1007? do i's 1967 10,000.100% do l/s I960 C.000. 06% do i\s 11166 10,000. 96 do ??'?????? 1954 Mav 1,000. 81% Railways, , Ofher Corporations Am Ac Ch dob f.s (M St I" 4 S 8 M 3,000.109 '.',000. 18,000.110 IM K ft T lit 4s 10,000.109' 4J 1.000. 1,000.110 I 1,000. Am Smoltlng 5a iMo Paolflc 5s 192 2,000. 90/ .1,000. no I ? " 0. . . 90' 'I 10,000. 90 *| 2,000. 901a) 1,000, 1 gen 11 2.000. 1 00. 10,000.. 63' 4 62% 6 89 68% 68% b9 1 Am T & T cvt 6s IS.'jOO.103 L8.000. do col ,:>s 26,000. 2,000. do col -!a 10.000. 'Montana Power 03 .000. 91% .102%|N" Orl T & Mex os 10,000.52 91 (N Y Central deb Ga 90? *-s 1,000. 97% 1,000. 97% 10,000. &7-a do rfg 4 lis 6,000. 84%' do con 4a 1,000. 75! 4 70 70% 84 72'/; 84% 6,000. 84% 3.000. 84% Am *\\ r Paper Ra ctfs of deposit 1,000.89%: do rfg 3%8 Ann Arbor 4s 5 000 -.000. 56 i . .'. I... A T & ;* F gen 4s ; do L S 3Vi G,00o. 81%] 1,000.."_64?/a 1.000. 82 N Y C & St L deb 4s 10,000. 81%| 2.000. 74% do adj 4a staniped [NY Connecting 1.000. 75 | Rwa> i 4U>a 3,000. 74% 1,00.1. i.000. 74% N V Gas E L H do Trana S L 4s Power p ru 4s , , LOOO. 77% 6.000. Atl C I, uni 4',a IN Y N H & H 6s 1,000...... 82%: 0. 82% 1.00 1. 83% N Y Rwayts rfg 4s Balt & O rfg 6a I 7,000. 44 1,"00. 791/I do adj 5s 1.000. 80 8,000. 12% do cvt li ,a N Y Telephone 4*-s 3,000. 75%| 5,060. 87% do gol.l 4s ' 26,000. 87S4 -.000. 753.' 1,000. 83 do Pitu L K & N Y W & Boston 4-,3 Va la 5.000. 43* t.000. 71%'Norf & W cvt 6a 3,000.106% 83%! 2,000.106%. 5s 21,000.106% 85 I 1,000.106% do con 4s 10.1 do Sw 3 5,000 Beth Steel 83!-! 82'/ Brnden Copper Gs 1,000. 94 / Bwy & 7th Av 6a 'North Pacific 4s I, 00 . 61';0 1.000. Bklyn II Elev 63 ' I do .Is ? , 1.000. 78'4 1.000. Ti r con o? 1,000. 1,000. 80% fro l!y & Nav 4a Carollna (' n 4s 13,000. 79' 76 (<->?*?? Shorl Line Cs 'z 58% 53% Cen Leath ''?"OO. 9V 1.000. . ..057 I'HC (4HI 'ln 6,000. '' con 5c do .-.I 78% 09' ? 1,000, 14,000 cvt 41 - 1,000 0,1. II- 1' 85% 89% 703,. 79' 8 '?9' , 5,000.100% do Ba "'."00. 97'4 do la 000. 84'-, 1 . 05 rucifir <; ic k r)B 1,000 3,DUO R.ono. 77% 77% 73-:. 1,01)0 6,000 0 B ft Q lll a'fa 3,000, . do joint, 4b 3".Ono , 9B|/ 4.nn0....;; f.5.% mt/ J0.000. 05% t'l.'ino. pbt/ 41.wt). 051* 0 Ul. Western 4a ,. ,, ".""0. 69% C M ft Ml, 1' ovt t,a '* frr II 1,000. ., do 1 r,> -t \tiH 1 I. .. 60/ ll.flOfl 79 n.oiin, 1 ,niio do 1, m: 7,000, ?' n 60% 69! ? 13% 80 88 85! ', 6.000, . . 85% Paclflc T ft '[' fin 1,000. 92 Pari-Am |'ot 6a 23,000 . ..,140 i'erm <l ' ?? 1921 roir 5,000. 96% dofis |(Hl8 12,000. i>4'-'. 4,000.94% 32.000.941/,, do uni 4 14-t 2,000.85 4.000. 84% 4.0"O. 85% _.., 6.nn". B5 Phlln Oo Ci 1922 91% Plerei. oil fln 1020 1.000.107% I.OOO.107% dr* iv/l '* 1(1,000 0/' , :1.01m. 074| " nnn :,;> 1,0011. o'M 10,00(1. 0/1 * Nwi. gen u "I H'""?. 87'z-a lO.oOil. 99 jPeo Cait & I'.nUa of "'UfUteiwI i Chleit|-o 5a 1,000. 78% Public S of N JBs 2,000. 76% IteadiiiK ireil 4? 2,000. 82% 8,"00. 7?|?j 2.000.82% ?.'.ooo. 721 v 1,000.82% Chllo Copper 7s ""i Republie I & S Ba 4,000_ 117'/.' -.000.04% 1,000.,ii7pg|Roch & P iHt fla dr ... ifiM.;-':~'foiA ' nie/iKo llwoys Bs 1.000, ... 73 C It 1 & i? rfg iB 1",000. 717'j ?7oi r.\ do <-ol 1' 1.000. 86% 6.000. SB'A 16,000. 86% 3,000. Bei? 20,000. 86% Col & So lst 4a 1.000. 87 do 4 ).,h 1,000... 7a "000. 7734 10,000.100% St L & H V 4a aer A 7,000.5934 21,000. co 15.000. 60% 0,000. 60 do Rs ser I* T'.ooo. 75i/8 do adj Gs 10.000. 63% 1.000. C3% do inc* Ga 2.000. 42% St L Swn con 4s 6.000. .. . 59% 3,000. E9% St P & Kan City Short T, 4*As 0.000. ..... 68 3.000. 69 jSeabonrd Air L rip 4s 4,000. 57 | do adj Rs 3,000. 48i % iSlnclair Oil 7s | 5.000. 96% 3.000. 967,B 1.000. 97 3.000. 983^ , 2G.OO0. 97 | 1.000. 96% 1 do stock warrnnts Comp Tab R fis 2,000. 84 Con Gaa cvt Ga 41,000.101 Cn <-*;?? E L II & P of Balt cvt 5s 1,"00. 99 Dol &? JI ,.vt 5a 1,000. g-|3 1.000. 9.' do rtn 4a 5.000. 84 Den & K G con 4s 8.000. 68 , do rfK 5a ctfs of I doposit | 2.000.48 I Detroit U Rya 4'is I 2,000.">6 I Diatillers S C 5s | _ . 1.000. 9034: Lna prlor lion 4s [ 3,000. 65%! (Jo j*en Ilen 4s 1.000. 53 | do cvt Is gor B 5,000. 46341 do cvt -Is Ber D 4,000. 43j/2| Hockintr Val 4'/,8 1.000./ 77 i Hud & M rfg 5s 4.000. 551/J 2,000. 65 | 1,000. 5434[ P.ono. 55' ! do inc Bs | 6,000. 16 I IUinois Cont rfp; 4i 1,000. 79%! 6,000. 93% Illinoi--, Steel 4'.'.s I do 4n r,000.". 83%' 1-000. 66% Indian.-. Steel 5s ' Term Tt R Assn of 2,100. . 97 | St L Rs Intbo-Met 4%a I 1-000. 93% 28.000. . . . 3J7''Texas Co cvt 6s 10,000. 33 1 4.000.103 ' 33i/,|Texaa & Pac lst 5s 33%' G.000. 90 331'VThird Av rfg 4s Z3)Z\ 2,000. 503'. 33 | 6,000. 50V 33%'Trl-City R & L 5s 33 I 1.000. 94 323.i|Unlon P-icific 6s 1.000. 3 3,000. I.onn. 5,000. 15.000. R.000. 17,000. 32%| 4.000. 321/r Intbo R T rfg 5s 10,000. 70 ! 10.000. 70 I 1.000. 69%l R.000. 70 1.000.104% r.000.1041/4. 17.000.104% do lst 4s '.'.000.86% do rfg 4 s R.000. 79% .".ono. 69%|Un Rys of S F 4s 1.000. 70' j ctfs of deposit 69%' 7.nnn. 10."00. ..,,', 3,000. Int Arricultural R.000. 1,000 1,000. 81%|U S 1 000 ei-.' 81 s; 513.41 1 R.000. 8ii,^| doRs 3,000. 697{,i 10.000. 323,4 6Q%'U S Renltv & I 5s 2.000. 731/3 11,000. 73 1 000 .73'/8 1.000. 73 Rubber 7s 2.000.103% 10.000. 87% 13,000. 87% S S1eel s f Rs 6,000.100'/.. ".000.1003-, 7 000.100' i 20.000.100% 81^ 81% 5.000. 81 I Int M Marine Gs I 13,000. 97341 Lack Steel Rs 1050 ' 11.000. 90 I Lake Shore 4s 1031 ! 1,000. 86%'Va-Cnr fhemlcal G, Lehiph Vnlley fla I 1000.1013.4 1.000.102 I G0.000.101 Lonpr I?1nnd deb Rs | do Rs 1.000. 84 I 2.000. 95% MnnbnHan Ry 4s jVlrglnian Ry 5s 10.000. 65','-.' 3,000. 89% dn tax <--xempt "|Wabnsh 1't 5s . 70%' 5.000. 941/, . 69 'V/cstc-n T'nion Rs 1.000. 93 r.000 8,000 Midvale ^(ee -1.000. 88%'Wllso'i * Co Gs . , 4.000. .. 5 000 . . Mt"n A st L Pnc e-<t 1.000... Rf-f,! G.0O0. 09'^ 885{,j 4,000. 90'---, ES' '-I R.000. 99% ' "i R.OOO. 99 |Wls Cen S & T)u1 4s 98 I 5.000. 76 ConsolifJated Exchange [Unit of trade on this escTinnge, 10 shares] Transnctiona and prire.s yesterday for tha more active ehares follow: Sales. 800 4 350 G85 7580 1300 LOOO 930 840 1340 1G70 2960 1956 1270 ! 290 190 24 l" : goo : ?.'i 1670 Open. Amcrican Can. 51% Am Inlernnt'l. 00% Anaconda Cop. 62' 4 Baldwin Loco.. 90% Bath Sted 11.. 72% Cent Leather. Chila Copper, ('rucible Stccl Cen Motors.. Int Mer M pf.113% Mex Petroleum. 186 Okla P & U-. 9% Pan Am P & T 83% Pierce Oil. 20J_a Southern Pac..104'a Studebaker .... 65% !? S In Alcohol. 155% IJ S Steel. ... 99 Willy Ovcrland 29'. j 77 23% 06% ,176% Hiirh. 52 91% 63'. j, 931/4 72% 80% ?4% 68% 179' - 114% 187' 9 85% 20% 105% 67% 160 99% 30 % 84 ' 67% 55% 159 93' ? 98-"u 29% 30 ?LIBERTY BONDS |600 Liberty 3'is. 100.08 100.08 100.08 100.08 400 750 900 R00 1750 2100 lst ?!'*? 06.64 dn 2d 4H* 96.24 do 1st 4%t 96.04 do 2d 4'^s 05.34 do 3d 4'4i i.64 96.64 96.64 95.24 96.24 95.24 06.94 90.94 95 34 95.34 95.84 96.84 05.78 do -Ith 4\..s 95.56 95.60 96.54 96.94 96.34 95.80 95.54 l ?PriL-ea include tnterctt. ?A Industrial l'o tion Cotton closed lower yesterday. Early advances were made in both" tlie old style ar.d new style deliveries. but these gains were more than wijxed out in the afternoon. Old style contracts ended 14 to 42 points be!ow the final of Tues? day, while the new style months showed declines of 7 to CO points. The early advance was attributed to higher prices in the Liverpool market than had generally been expected. Lateness of preparations for the new crop, as indicated in the first govern? ment weekly weathv ?? nnd crop report of the season, and more severe weather conditions throughout the cotton be!t, as shown in the daily weather report. These factors attracted buying. This buying was mostly of a speculative nat ure. The early demand was supplied by houses in the South, and this supply simply was the unloading by Southern spcculators of some of the holdings which thcy had bought at lower prices. Cotton which had been bought by spcculators in thc expectation of un ad? vance was then sold, and there was some cotton litiuidated on orders which had been placed to s?!l at certain prices if the market declined. Another explanation given for tlie de cline was that export snipments nre not large. Yesterday the total engaged to : be *"nt out of the country was 0,392 bales, all for Greal Britain. New I Orleans will send 3,754 bales of this amount and New York bf<'.'H bales, mak? ing the total elpnrts for the season 3,584,430 bales, against 8.060,143 in the correspondlng period of last year. Allocatlon of ships by the Shipping Board will not he ns large in April aa wns the case in March, it was ex plained. Reports wero circulated that cnhles hnd carried the news that the French government had authorlised tho Issu atico of licensos for the importatlon of 450,000 bales of American cotton be? ginning on June 1, The local spot market was rjulet and them were no saleB. Tho quotallon for middling uplnnd wns 28.05, off 00 points. Last year tho price was 85.00. Tho rango of prlrei follows: OLD BTYLM Tti'.n.lar's Y*??r Iflrt. l...w. Olon May, 26,01 24,40 24.801$ July, 24.20 2,1.90 S'iA'it Oal., 22,1 fl 22,1(1 21.7IU Doo,. 21,90 21.00 21.90( nisw STYLB TuMday*! Opun, Ml?h, l,?ivr. Clnse, .!,,.. May. 26.68 26.6S 25,/ft 26.00(0)- 20,80 July, 24,70 24,03 24,10 24,1^24.22 24.60 Oct. 23.10 2-1.39 22,66 22.60@22.60 22.92 Lee. 22./0 22.96 22.18 22.18@22.22 22.26 co'i roN BTATI8TIC8 Yestenliiy. Last wit. Last yr. I'ort receipts... 12,673 18,264 9.493 ExporU . 9,392 21,835 18,053 do Beiifon ..3,584,430 3,361,662 3,066,143 N. Y. stocks... 77,482 89,652 146,309 Port stocks-1,251,646 1,308,166 1,617,635 Int. receipts.... 8,363 12,869 11,310 do shipmenta. 11,233 12,196 14,746 N. Y. arrivals.. 184 200 1,594 LIVERPOOL MARKET There was a fair business done in spot cotton. Sales totallod 3,000 bales, of which 2,000 were American. Im? ports, none. Middling, 17.02d. Good middling, 19.64d. Futures opened 14 to 25 points higher. Closed at advances of 8 to 21 points. Manchester, firm and tending upward; good demand. New Contracts Cereals Wheat.? Exports of wheat during the week totalled 10,547,000 busnels, against 8,848,000 bushels on the previous week I and 7,828,000 bushels last year. Of the '' totnl last week the United States sent 6,179,000 bushels, whi'.e the week im- ! mediately precedir.g the outturn was ! 5,323,000 bushels. Receipts of wheat j at the Port oi N'ew York yesterday totalled 79,800 bushelsr compared with > 95,200 bushels on Tuesday. Corn.?Prices were lower at the close. { At one time during the session all ! months showed good gains compared \ with the final of Tuesday. Later thero [ was selling bv strong commission : houses, who have been active as buy? ers, and this resulted in a decline. Cash grain was reported as being sold frcely by the farmers. From sections of lllinois reports are coming of car shortage. Yesterday's Previous Year New York: close. cloie. ago. Corn, No. 2 yellow.$1.80/4 $1.81! 4 ? Chicago: May . 1.56'/, 1.59/4 $1.2796 i July . 1.503-4 1.62% ? Sept.1.45^ 1.467a ? Oats.- -The market in corn was fol? lowed by oats. May sold as high as 70V8, a new high mark on the present upturn. When this price was reached heavy selling appeared from commis? sion houses and reactlon3 followed, which carried prices below the closing of Tuesday. Offerings by tho farmers were larger. Yesterday's Previous New York: close. close. Year ago. Oats, No. 3 white..$0.77^2 $0.78 $1.05 Chicago: May .68 .69/8 .87yi July .67 .67?? _ Septembcr .633-g .63r8 ? Rye.?Market weaker. Yesterday's Previous New York : close. close. Year ago. Cash, No. 2 West.$1.81 $1.88 $2.93 Flour and M .il. ? Quotations were; Plour, Minn. Yesterday's Previous New York : clo e. elo?e. Year tii-o. sp. pat.. .$11.80.7-12.25 $11.60v]>12.25 $11.00 l Cornni., yel. 3.B5(iP 4.00 3.e5Ss> 4.00 4.85 Kyo rl. ch.. 8.50? 9 00 8.50.7c 9.75 14.50 Bran, 100 1b 46.C0 46.00 - i Tea About the only interesting thing in i tho tea market yesterday waj the fact that jobbers are doing a fair-sized busi? ness lor this time of the year. There are largo inquiries in thc market for teas for export, and it is expected that ! some business will result. Quotations in cents a pound for lots ! of 60 to 100 packages follow: OaEENS K ? ,. festordty. *S'\ Mojui is, 1 lui powrtsr . 4* ,. 1, 1 . Moyun*, Imperitl. 4 : '." 1 1 ? > '! ni.,-. Y,, mi HysoTi. .-:..-?.. ? ? ' Muyuna, Uvimi . : 1 . | Hugiuoy, liunpowdw . 7j . I'tngsuey, ImperUl . : -? ia if Llugsuay,* Ursoa........ ustl ig JATAN8 I'tnflrwl. ROA50 ROA50 lln.ik^lli-?l .,... 83 M i Blfttois. fOHMOSA OOI.ONtj llond . ' I . ' ?. . i Suiwrlnr.,.. .s I'lne . . , <?? CONMOU - . S3?to :ja;o 7k^ Smi. ?2S? ?;<SS4 . 71..' 44 - <. '?loweiTr Oranjri Pikoi.7::;;; i4?a5' JJfg ; ........... J6?-1 . S4<?44 7??<44 ? irai ;e Pekoe. 4.- , ? I Irokeu Ormge Pekoe._;... 46^66 46(563 ?u . * - - . ., . 7 . . - ? > ... ige Pekoe. 4 ...-l loAsi Otsuse Pekoe. '. . OUd lois ruled i cent a pound hit u. Sugar and Coffeo i7>(*30 i.rrV iitf4.i 0031 prices. ago. Sugar, eranulated, lb.y 745 "ugar, cenirifusal, per ih ... ;.2S Current A year pru-es. ago. ? e 1.45 . *, .28 ' , '.o.feo, Rio No. 7, per lb 16^4?16*4 9U, Coffee, Santoa No. 4. per lb. .20*4981 _ Coffee Futures. -Further advances were reeorded in coffee futures yester? day. Trading was fairly large. Short covering nnd trade buying were re sponsiblo for the upturn. Most of the attention wns iti Septembor and Decem? ber contracts. Simtos futures wero 26 rois lower ' o 25 rols hiR'.ier. Spot prices were unchanged. There was a lair demand for spot ci Tho range of prices follows! Tuearlay'a Yenr High 1 ,.n-. , i ',onr. clo*e ago May... 16.82 15.76 1B.82?15.83 lr> 75 8 42 July... 15. '.J io id.22 8 49 Sept. . 14.V4 ? , m.80 14.80 8 54 Dec... 14.47 14.40 I4.39?14.40 14.40 8 63 March. 14.45 14.42 14.41 ?14.42 14.42?? .-? Hniter, Cheese and Eggi Butter. Receipts were 8,983 pack ages. Creamery, higher thu-. extras, lb, ''<?'? ' -'?'ic; extrns, 02 score, ? firsts, 8* to 91 score, 03H .cj seeonds, h:i to B7 sr.,>,-. grados, r.Vw 60e; un lalted, higher than extras, ...,',,, , firsts. 04 7' jji ()<3c; seeonds *tnto dniry ttilis, firiest, fi i io prime, B9(?)08c: comm retiovated extras, I.o <; 51c; firsts. 48?40cj lower grades, ! Imitatlon creamery, firsts, 40 ladles, CUrrent make, firsts. 4s seeonds, 4ltc; lower grades, 41 piicking stock, current rnnkn, '. 45c; Ho. L', 44c} lower grade?, 40@43a, t"hr>e?e,?Krrrlntn wcrn 2,882 bojtns. State, whoio mills, fiesh fintu, colored, lb, ?? ! ?? .'?".?!?, white. .?i.".',i,.',.;tl????-, nver iige run, colored, 81 '-v; white, II !)3cj lowor ffi'fldci, 804j HIcj flnta, held, ,'!'/'V'( .'Ulr; TwIfJH, Ix-i.l. ;ic, ', Wiacomin, wholo milk, twins, ln ta iJttc; l'M'.-ih, 81c; Hinglo Dalaiea, beld, :il.';/.;i.Me; frOih, 81 's, '..'.'.?; Doublfl Daisies, held, 86(u 38c; fresh, :ti'-uc; Young Americaa, frssh, 33toc; Stato, skima, specials, iJHVfcc; prime to choico, 21?22V4c! fair to good, 15@20c| lower grades, 6i - I Ic Eggs-? Receipts were 24,275 cases. Fresh gathered, extras, dozen, 4&V-jc; storage packed, extra firsts, 45c; firsts, 48%c@44%c; gathered extra firsts. 44 '?.-14'/Sc; lirsts, Northerly sectlonB, 414 'fi ,'-13 yi c; Central and Southerly sec? tions, 41(<jM,'5c; seeonds and poorer, 88 di^O'/iic; dirties, No. 1, 89@89%c; No. Z and poorer, 36@88%c; checks, good to choice, dry, 87V?@S8%c; under grades, 35(&37c; State, Pennsylvania and nearby Western hennery whites, liae to fancy, 62c; ordinary to prime, 46@olc; gathered whites, ordinary to fine, 46@51c; Pacific Coast, ordinary to line, 46(g}49c; Western and Southern, gathered whites, 44&50c; State, Penn slyvania and nearby, hennery browns, 46@47c; gathered brown and mixed colors, 42(715'.ic; duck eggs, nearby Indian Runner, fancy, 67?68c; I'.alti more, GSr^GGc; Virginia, G8 n.G.r)c; West? ern and primo Southern, 68@68c: Far Southern, common to fair, 45@50c; gooso eggs, 86c@$l. llay nnd Straw Yesterday A year ago Per ton Tlmothy, No. 1, largo bales... .$37.00(3.80.00 $3O.OOJj>32.00 C1over.No. 1 mxd 32.00^31.00 24.00?26.00 Kyo straw, No. 1 14.00?- 21.00?28.00 Orcluird nnd Field Teati vlay A yrur a(o Beans, marrow, ? 100 tt).$11.r.0?n.75 $14.50? - Peaa. Scotch, 1918 7.60? H.00 12.00? 12.28 Potatoes, new, bbl 8.dOij.lo.uo ,">.ou ..<. 7.73 Applea, Northern Kpy, tbl. 8.007J13.00 8.00? fi.OO Grapefruit, box.. 1.75? 7 00 1.26B 5.50 Oranges, bix- 2.50? 7.25 2.00? 8.00 -%.-_ Livestock, Meats, Provisions Following ere ymtenlay's prlrwi. oomptirwJ with th'jse of a. yeju- a<jo. YestenJ?y. A yoar iga 1-jTe Rteers, fair to prline, 100 11>. .$14.23 @$I8.50 $11.00 ?$I4.B0 lJr.t..->ud beet, sijes, . ?>.21 ? .28 .18 . ? .21 Un- reals. common to primo. 100 lb 14.00 @ 20.00 10.00 ? 16.50 Dr.'.-tst-fl veaiu, city, lb.21 ? Uni e?-n>, 100 lb. 10.00 ? Live lamljn, fair to prime. 100 lb... 18.00? Drossed mutton, lb .20 @ Uro-x-?(i lajiibs, city, lb.28 ? llrrs. lr'0 lb.19.50 @ I>ri-<SpiJ hogs. ba . con. lb.26"3@ - .25'/,? .25?4 M?8 !??(, bl.1. . . 37.00 ? 40.00 53.00 r% 53.50 >4?f.s pork, bbl.. 51.50 ? 52.00 31.00 (B 32.00 Ijiird, Mld. W., lb.28.00c ? - 26.400 @ 2b.50o Securities at Auctiozi The following securities were Bold yesterd;iy at the Kxchango Salesrooms by Adrian Ii. Muller: For Account of Eieculorg (3,000, "1 ???:.? .... fennlngton <:-. Hnpowell Street Railwaj Co., Lst mtge., 5 p c bonds, due 1343. Interest June nnd Deo .7 7 >? For Account of Whom If May Conrern 5 shares L'nlted --tates MortgaBO & Tru?t Co. ($100 each) .4171^ lit shares Commercial Trust Co. ($100 eaeh) . mr, 5 shares Hudson Trust Co. ($100 each) .iso 5 sl,;n-es Harrlrnan National Banli ($10) .''?"'"> ?? ?;. 50 sliares Metropolitan Trust Co. ($100 eaeh) .343 V 25 shares United Statea Mortgage & Trust Co. ($100 each) . .....415 10 shares United Gas * Kleetrlo Corp. (Conn.), lat pf.l. ($100 eachr .25 70 shares Commercial Trust Co. ($100 eaeh) . 10 10" shares Marden, Orth <?? Ifasiting.-) Corporation coi mon ifioo each)....6^4 50 shares American Lirake rihf.e & Foun dry <:<>., p.M. i?ico each) . 167 200 shares Deleware. l.n-kawanna & Western n. K. Co. ($60 each). per Bharo . $175 800 sharea Central Railroadi'of "New Jer? sey (f 100 i ach) . 205*4 ,/Alyes aJoat American Insuranco Co. ($100 each) . 380 V4 20 shares United Qas & ElectrioCorpora ? ?'"? '/'"nn ). lst pfd. ($100 each) ..21 2,000 sharea Cockol utt Plow Co.. Ltd common ($100 ?... h) . 10 525 shares Mlaml Paper Co., common7.'$0 - - > Aclditinnal finanrial news and tablew will be found on Pages 14 and 15. D1VIDKM) NOTICES April 9, 1911. The Board of nirreters of Tobacco Prod rrfs Corporation hai declared n lHvl.lend of One Dollar and Flfty Cents ($1.80) per fhrre on the Commi-n <""n;,lt:t 1 Btock rf ih ferrMirntlon, payable on May 15lh 1$1> to atockholdera nf r,-<-'j-d al ,,f biisl ? i'i-hs April roth. 1319. whlrh dlvld. nd Is imy able ln nerlp maturlnir M;iv 16th, !'<2t an-t ) irlng Interest ut tho rate of seven per ? - S< rlp will ).<. nr, WILLIAM A. FERGUSON, r>eretarr. 1NSP1RAT10N C0NS0LIDATEDCOPPER C0 The Directors have this dnv drr!ar<?d a : of $1.60 per aharo, payable Mon? day. April ?:??. 1919. to atorkl o lora of rooord at 3:00 o'ciock P M.. Friday. Apri! "? ''"7. , ?' W M 1 ,, Treusurer. New ^ ork, Mai'cri 7,'. FlNANt'IAL MEET?NGS~" The Clevet.,,,,1 a f,, , i;,,!iro(?, ^ CE OF BK< It] I'.vuv. Cleveland. Ohl . 1M9 ...l1hf,.1 : lera of ' '"' ' '-'???? ?d l k'itl ' r:( ?. !..,.;:,,..,.! ,??,?. pi ny. ror th,. el^etlen of t?lreetora and far '"" transaction of such other bualneaa h-i ??<?? before them, xm | be held ?t th? ' "I lhe Company | ? \,.?, Nl .. . Btock ho) '. . , - the cloae o? ? -! be entitled to one \ci i for ... '. sh-u-e J_ K. KLOSS, Societiu-jr,