Newspaper Page Text
IVtitions in Bankuptcy ? Bl .l . ??? . ? David Iwa. .-. ? : S*A IN'C \ *? r . sho-w s liabill let i. Thi 11 - - States untary p?tl ? ? ? ? Bros., Ii 11 | E a Corwin, ? - I.oi Dorfman, Judgments Filed ?"?* fl!ed >r"i~ .... ng that of the In New York County A. a R . ? iro . v nnan. Israel? !-u ' ? ? ? -.. ... ?. ? ledhelm, ?? Mfg iiiiM " ? .- . - * ' ? I ? 4 6 a ' \ i-; . K op , ? 320 20 .;. L?Gem '::" o,- , . ?- . cht* ? 140 2-1 Harris, * .???-, - . 20 3 5 3 ?N. Y. 113.45 ? ?M. . G.080.67 E 15.340 30 N ! >o!k ? rt tf. v Rys. Co. '. 11 i:, N*. Y. Rys. Co., . 110.95 : Corp. 303.15 I T I ? ller rf ? R 116.81 . . .. .., Orlove ... . . . . . _ :. - -\\.i ft .... . 107.98 "V *' Tel Co 107.72 :. Y Rys. 110 15 Y. Rys. 113.95 ? *' Y Rys .117.45 1,740 6 M. -P. J. 2.245 ; ' - ? j ? 392 86 tin?Ketrri & I mi 172.59 G. R. Gord :. 195 Broadway . $128.40 n i ?'?'. V. r iloipuorje. Co. 3:7.23 trustee - '"? ' ists . 164.35 ta?, Q.?N, Pa-fcsr... ?J.9?3 ti ? " .Tosenh?N. Y. Rya '---? 3SUI ..'. . 108 Oi io: i Vlncent, bv guard'.an . 108.98 National G B. Goidoerg et al ???? -?. B39.72 ? ,. ..... in , ;. . rgc !? Komrnel . . 317.15 ..... uhas i' J. H. Roehr. . 5,362 36 \ tthan, and Sydney Cohen fMI ? -mon Shirt Waist ; :, bei ' ? " rnmlng Co , . 110.76 - ger Maurlee F S HcClorj 1,492.65 Hargareto B. 1*1 Eighth . 119.30 Straus. ''? '" ngton De . 170.20 R M. S< hwartz et al . 2:r> .23 1 P Rout 1 Bl Co.. Int ? ?, . 394 18 - Sheim r, . N 5 Rj s. c 'o . ' , costa . i Thomas, M ?"' '? 5s me, costa . 1 Thompson, J imes 11 ?Same, costa. * I Truran. Anna E International Heater Co . Takebe. John J'. National Cash Register Co . rman, Rudolph K?G. K. '.'. i . Vanderbeek, Francis I Curtls P. \\ ? o ibut ??- . " i?rl R l iood . . tracting Co Tuttle ? Bath y Mfg Co. Zlmmerman, Alter?N, V. Rys. 1 istb . . ln Bronx 4 onnty Duffy .1 tmi s. and National Sure t v i ;ompa ny Peoph . State of New York . f ;nn 00 Goeblin Ht go E Fleisehl et al. 135.1 1 ? i thtes Shop, Ii 34.72 Lew Is H. Wo Elec ' ? Manufacturing i om pn ?? 4 494 50 ? ' J url ? .1 ? North 167.2 2 and Richard .7, ! '': . 4,322.57 E l< D II ng 107 19 E !-. Dooling. 1.4 ic ll - n.n M. Barber ! A ' n * et al . . 56.00 Id A V. M. H.vatl . 572 60 Vttachm ml Manu ? Inc. K v '? 108 7C A fl , | ?;.-;?:, (74 '17 S u i i - Fi o< l Judgraents Th-- flrsl name im Cih? nf the debtor 'he u"" " ' " tl nf lhe ci editor nnd dnto when w us r\h il In New Vork County '?? . i S .!. Schan M irch 20, 1912 I & Trusl ; Oct. fi. 1911 . Same A N Dunlap; Feb. 27, ' ' ' M Otl mann. Man h i I ' ? : R Stadlei Nov. 27, 1911 . ? ' r Sllo; March .', 1913 E \V. Wyatt; fict. 28, 1311 F !. Slazenger; June 15. ' : I ... 1 6 ?. .16 E. F Hutton; June 23 . 097 53 Kan i la C. T Silver, In Feb. fi 1919 . ' 7 4751 Ellas; Feb. s, 1919. . 126.91 Has!* B.?N. !?'. I *ha m ' ; 561.80 ? * Nazzeremo D. Pls :et I 1918........ 218.35 James B -M Briganti et al Aug 28, 1916 Lcated) 11* nt. ' -???? Hospital of tha Ga nd Bucovinaen Federa ? tii n and Adolph Sj iegel ? < lhal i ?- Phen v Na tlona I ' '.- ? of New Vork . I ? - 225 ?9 Brinn et al; Nov. 13, 1917. 574.S3 D W ,?i .7. --' 'ane; Apr] 7, 1918 . 148.53 Harvey, John J. E S les; .iun?t '18 333.86 | Valensky, Abraham?H. Gordon; ?? 2S, 191 :t. "61.47 ; Grnnt. Ja b i -. I Jaci b Rappa ? ? T. (:. Wood . March 2 I . . 682.56 ; Park. .i.i mes, Arthur G Potter and Charles A ,. ; ? Wilson M irch 29 1919 West Farms Construction < ? I nkrich . M irch 27, 1919 Sj ??- . H- i ian ;:. i i McNally; Marqh 5, 1919. Rai ; tlport Ja. ob A., Ja and Mt Mi i ris i' nst ructii ... i . ? I 8. 1907 E tiarles 1 .: - 11 March - : ; ? '. - Balomon, Herman H --F. tr.. Fon . Aprll 6, I D 19 Same?J. H Sulzbatcher et al; ?' 1910 non, Herman ?E M. Gatl ft Co; i ict. 7; 1912 In Bronx County : Ha rrls. Benjamln, and Mary ble -li. li. Jackson et a . I Auii. 11. 1916. $2,002 50 Financial News Continued from page thvrteen Bid and Asked Quotations 13 the closii - d quotationa for stocks Stock Exchange rday: - '? 40 I. F * VV n,rfsi ,a v W r 193 215 pr.lOO 102 93 iLxdst ?, N ;i4 U8 i ?' Ma kay t r ;i 75 ^ r.1 ?' - ? " j 3 . ? ?t Bhlrt. 67 78 r.. JI 4.1', Pl 177'. 100 Wi 110 7,, jjjm'- '?"?? 10 11 - V 89 01 ? 104 110 TA 1 = 7-:,rU !!* ? or 103'/ IM ' E? ?' S^ hat 113 ns - ' pr l?4% 118 , B 75 8(1 .io* 10a ? * S pr 100 105 ' ?r.108 110 . ???? KK M Ut pr 18 ? , . 77 :-'. pr 83 n fe?a >~' ?t '29 -' M t>r . 45J? ^8 '? v \ ? - Pt 44'', 47 U V ' So .. 17 IR'', r* ? A T.i .2 M N r- * w DT. 71 80 0**7 ii?U9? "5 *?th?sn <;.-:,. r,7 f to w ?7 81% '"fc fit W?.' ~- '2 :'' F -; 45 ? f1 k PfttT" n * '<''"'" Bo? pr.108 110 <? W ?.2 ,11 '"' !" Pr ? 88 100 W*? 1.' -r. m 'JJ r 'S" M Pf ? 50 80 '?"*? Piah !?*? ?? P?ctfle M*J1 , H 34 4> m-r i 5' 5; , to k .... w n cw ??cJ^ 2 7,1 ? c c * rx.? 50 - :- ln pr.. 98 102 ?Wr^-f 'S '22. ,*lt(? ?'? Pr ?3 ?3'/, H*?- -5J S r"^-l Cr Coat 15 17 0 * R f- 41 '*? .!'r ? ?""? pr?%IOI>, Ut t s Jr 'ii '<? i'^'i"* i-t prir/, W/, toa-' ? ' ff* ? $? * ? F. 23'/' 2*>/, 1? t. *" M J* ,*"*? aoe pr . 117 I20 P"1 i" fc'a ia t :2s ? t f nt m 88 ,*? Pr ?? U l? '* B r}u?ar.l? 150 "??? ??'~' il ? ? ^? Pf .107 110 , tow ??? S.- J? _*?> . 89J- BOV? '?? ?iu'.. S'1 ? 5"? ?^?l pr- W*4 ?'?? *> Br .?./ .? , Tt'5''1 Ar UU. IS 15' 220 102 "?*??n ?J^ ?J'4 fP* T<* P"^ rr 100 Kfl^J^0** W ?7 !Tot H L A W - M Pu,-. 1. ii ~ do |? _ 10 20 p? ?St w* !r'* n L.3? pr .m 124 **?!? 2f 5? ' . ". r'P"*? 8V4 24'.J ???>? z J *?*?!iw B. 2oy# Ji **? A~ !Lr 7i,. !? v ?** Md 2d pr 18 75 "Tj,* 0,-'fS?> '? QmI M .^ 82 84 ? * w. D| s fw?*worslisr..||? 117 Corporate Returns American District Telegraph (nmpanr. J ??-? tnu? for the year ended De ' " - ?^s $3,377 889 an In ? - tha year before ? I ? ial . ? ? of {?? . ' a I interest aggregatlng $12,075 1 IS $41 ? qual to $4 ' l' * share capital stock co-n 17 7-. . share ln 1917. ' Divi payments totalled $139,286 a de ' (238,924. Surplus was $211,168. rhilauVIphiu, Electric?Reports gross of 1,851 for the year ended Di 81 last. au Increase of $2,343,083 over 1917 Net profits were $2,032,394', equivalent to ?2.03 a share on $24,987,750 capital stock After^ dividends of $1,749,192. surplus was United Kailways and Electric Company of Baitimore.?Report for 1918 shows op? erating revenue of $11,323,701. After ex taxes, etc, net was $3,332,941, a dei rease - t {37.2,7.1.'. from the preced ng year. Balance after all charges was equal after the leductlon of preferred dividends cents a share on $20,461,200 common stock, apalTiMt $2.13 a share earned In I 117 Holders of the common stock shared ' ; I ? in dividends. leaving a del $488 716. Jewel Tea Company.?For the four : Man it 22 sales were $1 313 - ? In'-rease of $112,191. Sales for ? weeka aggregated $3,812,640. | Interborough Kupid Translt February gross . . .$**,490.170 Ine 5242 8.*>!) surplus after chga I.'t4.417 Dec. 193,228 BIghl moa gross..27,265,978 Inc 771.680 Burplus. 1.740,948 Dec.3,147,31J Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad February gross ... $4,267,71.*> Inc 5777 77" Net income . 16,690 Ino, 181,229 Two mn*. gross... 8,762,913 Inc l.?,-,2.|8fi Net operating - 08.738 Dec. 6M33 New York Ral)ways * te" *Tr""> .5002,2?:* Ine $06,886 I^flcl* . 153.158 Dec 60 222 *rw?-?i? nW"- Kro8s ?..-?HI.01>K Dec. 6IO,.iH4 ->BcU . 801,283 Ino.1,028917 Wall Street Items ed MbMH, Mi?" T"Uon hM b">n appolnt thTS??n?,?.UMC"- Th* ??niporary offices of ino organization ar<, al 51 Wall Btreet but U^Tlt\iY%n*n "'" '"> wtrtlShSd on ita/ x at lll Broadway Br?ida*-fd *?,^<,3r Company and fialomon the !?? 00n of.n %!" *1""J"y h,iv?, Purchased succeedin, B. F. ISsb. le|fr?lov,UP^a*. also added to the executive' comlnUUo. . . 1, M\r'*h*\ Vl<*"-Pre?ident of the Chaa* National Bank. who haa been InBureo. for a-iveral weeka, returned . to hia de?? yesterday. <*'?* The Marconl International Marine Com? pany ha. Ita '-npi-al noo onn making the ??greK:ite Cl"?M0? ann ?. iasulng f000,005 to its ?tookhoiai?, It p,r Arthur J Mark* and lla.rry fj rjr.h, ?, hav* forrnjd a op-partnersWp und-r the name of Mark. & firaham. with, Mlgsbeo Graham as special partner. -"gaoeo The 11,800,000 Valvollne Oil Company I per cent oiamulatire conrertlble slnErner 8. BmltHere A Klseel. Klnnlotit * Co at P*r and Tnterest. has been siold. Yesterday's Temperatnres ? Highest, 55, at 1:40 n. m.; lowest, 44, at 6:30 p. m. To-Day's Forerast?Cloudv, warmer. With rain by nij?ht. Looks to Lafe Tuckt-r like Bolshe visrn'a its own cure; first thin^ you know, I.afe allowa. tho plunder'll all bo gone and the Bolshevists'U all bo bourg:ooisio. Samuel Gompers is to arrive to-day from Europe. A year ago to-day the first American troops were thrown into the British line to help stem lhe German advance. DAY 1 "";' i :'-> ' to ie ,\- .rlcan Museum or Natural ? ? Metror* itaii Muaeum of Art tlio . I iseutn .,;? Safetj .. 1 the Aqunrlum A :7 ",;l 'v, '' ' ?-!??- r-r -, Chemiau' Crub. 50 East Forty lirst Btreet. A p. m Meeting nf Woman's Munl ??? Uagiio of the Clry ol Now ^ rK Hotel I'laza t p. m. EVENING Banquet ln honor of tho btrthdsj ot Thomas jrf : '?????" ? v '??'?" Womei ? Demo, ratlc Club, Hmol , ominoclore, i p va Addr -i 'v Major Uenera.1 John F O'Ryan ,-m Bn dclni: the UlnUenburg :..:?-." Can egle Ilal'. Bntcrtalnroent for men ln uniform, Adrertlalag i iub, s p. m. ART EXHIBITS ?''?' I ' Galluries, Mad . Fkjuara South? i and aa ?? of anuuue textl ea an t om '? ??? ? . ui April ;.. a uolleetl n ol , Inga A:M,-,-:?n .:.,'...,--. ?, |>ar|, Awi. at Klftj rtlnth '? ? Rurua K7 Moj n ol .ia;,,, ^ \vork.i of an ?, Apri IO. (Jrtglnal drawlnga bj an l modern madtors tr> Aprll 8 ?- . bs and wood ougravl VP| ti ..? ., ... from tlie New S i ,. t'ul . Ubrary. ' > Aprll : i Bai r . ?-? . ? Forty-n Streel ? J * '? ??-< ? Sa id ir U leau, lo K; ? \ 21 ''?.illerlea, 77..; Rroauwa . E I i and Albert Oi i Ki ??? .'. ? da ?,?.. 7 Weat I-,.,-, *?,,., ., gtrcet ; ? ?? ? pa ilng \, '? i Hucl liallorioa 1 ali Ll .ga ,j U Vprll 19 Dudt g Galleries, i Weai Forty fWth street ll l i aititiiigs and watnr nlora, bj amerli-an and ' artists ; ? ugli Apri!. Ehrleh Ua lorios, ro7 l''i:;. Arenue Paintlngs bj Martin \i wcr, l . Aprll 19. \v?: ihh,>gT,ii>iia i.v -N- ? ? ? - .? to Ai ril 71. Folaom (iallt-rlm 58(1 Fifth Afenue <irr>up of Amerlciui pulntings, through Aprll ; i i lin cries, 71 I *.: !'. ;??. nnuh Street Uroup of American palntlng Aprll ulmpei & \\ ? 17 i ?.?? \. | 1 >j Lieutenanl Jcan lull in U-nior ,'.,.'. lo Vprl ID Knoedler (JaUertes, 5,"ifl Fifth Afenue ftecenl Palmlnga by Georga Bellowa and Lallque art glass - Vpi Howard Young lj? eries, 620 Fifth Arenue?Paint? lngs 7v ,.:,v Wlggins, ? i April :: Ma ? Galleries, 47.0 l'r-'- Arenue?Flfteen Vmci Irnn pali tings to April I 1 Mllch Ga ? Wu~.- Flfty-serenth Ktn?t>t Selected paintlngs bv American artists to Aprll 30 Ma, Di we ( il IQS W'esl Flf? tlftl Streel Paint? lngs by a. group of artists, to Apr Vr. n ,. A :, I -r.-.y , r Doaigi . -.:". \\'.-s- Flfty serenUi Streel Annual spring exhibition, to April ": PengTjln Club, S Eiflt Flftcetitli Street i'ainilngs a.;r| sculpture by Temporary (Jroup, April 28 Rain iardt Ga le lea ? Flfi A i>en ie Reeei I paintlngs !??? Ilaym, nd 11 ., ., to Aprll I ' Ralston Galleries. 5?7 1 . \.-, nue r,u:itings hy It - n s ? . v. ? Socletj of Indcpendent Artists. Waldorf-Ajtorla fj v- - BOARD OF EDUCATION LECTURE3 ',' w to I.lsten to Mual ? " M ? Iraco M I1r.f helmer. I'ubllc S, .i 17. 1-' -r.y- .-vri:tti Str?e? ",'??? if : >?... ... Souata for Vlolln at I Hano." Arthur Umv, Pol li ?!.. Pub .-? s hool 7" i- irty .,.,; I, i street, i . ot rhir . a-.-??? . ? [jiu urated by piano ,i I ?? .. V *"s'??? National l'arli," nohert Q. Weyh ! :' ' ? > ? ?'. i'7 i7(5th Streci and St. Nlcholaa Avenue Stere. ptl. ou rlews ) ? WilUam .7 Du/ant, Publlfl Srhonl 69. 228 East Fifty-scventh Street. "Tr r. ?? ?? Louig s Friedland, Publla Bchool 62 Hest. -. 17-,-x a- i \orl ,.:?; Btreets America the Fulfllment -?; I'i phacy," ^^r^ Mary b. !. aae. PubUc School 103. 225 West I Btl si -?-,?? I - ..: ln the O '.???? Days " M'.s ' ' ? Caldwe-l. Labor Temple. southwast <-? ' " ? ?? mi Si rei t an ! Second Avenue. [( ol , -,?,! stl ' .-.i\ C. laoppn A Kandeggor, V. W II A 31 West 1 Street. 7"'7 ' -" Tlimwand MUes ln Ir.dla." Albert M- *t" ?? ? ?' School -z. Broadway, Acad "'??'-' Street r ! ' , - .: -,. , ii a-ood - '-? i '?- System," Professor WilUam ? Guthrie. Morris Hijfh School. 168th Street an.l Host, Grace and Clara Carroll. Public 53, I68tli .s-j-f-M, Flndlay and Teller Ave Weather Report WASHINGTON. April 9.- The Southwest aisturbance is central to-night over Nnrthem Missouri, with considerable it tensity, and general rain* have fallen in the went Gull states. tl\e Mississippi, Miasouri and lower Uhio valleys and the upper lake region. inere were rains and anows in the plains statea and the Hocky Mountain region, with a heavy f,,]; 0f snow in the Texaa panhandle, and there were also local rains Tuesday night n the mtddle Atlantic states ar.d New Eng? land and on Wednesday in Washington State Kjlaewhere the weather was fair.' It is con siderably colder in tho plains Btates and the bouthwest and warmer in the extreme West Uver the eastern half nf the country tempera ture changea were very irreguiar in char? acter. will be Bhowers Thursday in thc central valleys and thc lake region, followed by generally fair weather Friday. except in the eaatern lower lake reg-ion. During Thurs? day night and friday the rain will extend to the Atlantic coast. Tt. will be somewhat warmer rhursday in New ?;ngland and the middle Atlantic states, colder Thursday and Friday in the lower Mississippi and Ohio valleys and the southern upper lake ret'io-i and colder Friday in tlie lower lake region and the interior of the middle and south At? lantic states. Cold wave warnings have been ordered for Central nnd Eastern Okiahoma and Northwestern Arkansas. Foreca?ts for Special Districts.?Western Icnnsylvama. showers to-day and probabiy to-morrow ; colder to-morrow. Western New York, rain to-day and prob? ably to-morrow ; coider to-morrow. Eastfcrn New York, rain to-dny in west and by night in eaat portion, slightlv warmer; to-morrow rain, colder ln west portion. Southern New England, cloudy to-day. slightly warmer on the main land, rain Ut night and to-morrow. Eastern Pennsylvania, partly cloudy and warmer txvday. showers at night and to morrow : colder to-morrow in weat nnd north po-ti. ns. N'ew Jersey and Delaware. partly cloudy to-dny. warmer :n interior. showers at nighl <>r to-mo'row. Local Official Reconi.- The following of ficial reeord shows temperaturcs during the last twenty-four hotira in comparison wi'Th the con-esponding dale of last year: r'"'v- -:?' 1918. 1919. 3 a- m- - ? ?* ? II 3 p. m... 51 49 6 a. m... 4fi 14 6 p.m... 12 4(1 '?> a~ m . . 4* .. 9 p. m... 38 46 12! noon. . J Highest. 55 (at 1 .10 p. m.) ; loweat, 44 (at fi :3D a. m.): avcraKe. r?0 ; average same da'e last year. 41; average same date for thirty-three years.. -1.7. Humidity 8 a. m... Tll p. m.... G"8 p. m_72 Barometer Readings g a. m.. 30.1811 p. va.. 30.1118 p.m.. 80.32 Local Forecast.?Cloudy and slightly warmer today. with rain by night ; to-morrow fair, moderate east to south winds. Shipping News Kun rla?|Sun sets . 7 30 Uorn rlsea. 3.18 p. m.'Moon ?et?.3:1.2 a. rn. Port of New York High Water A. M. P M. Bandy Hoob .,. 4.B1 6:2^ 2Jovernorn laland.6:40 6 14 Ilell Uate. T.'ji 8:ia INSTRUCTION NEW VIIKK Mnnlinlmn BERLITZ SCHOOL MsnharttH: 2A-30 S4th StrM Braeklya i 210 LIvlngitaM BtrMt TIHMH MAY RE BBOUN AT AST TQtM. Languages DANCING 4JIT DAN'CEH tor tUf* er toelal eujtawy Bura ARRIVED YESTERDAY ry,:?j??fi1L FORT DEPARTTTRB ... L, ndon .M Lr. 23 .San Juan ......Apr. 4 n,.Norfolk .Apr. 7 :"". Philadelphia ..Apr. 8 .Falmouth .Mar 22 ?il.Seville .Mnr 24 ' .Philadelphia.... Apr. 7 T ?-fra"f,,a.' ?"-?? ,ee?s ????Apr. 3 Thmserm"" r??ft0n .Apr* 7 ?-... Apr. :) 'rgh.Azorea .Apr 1 ?;? nn Mar *>" .Boston ..".Apr. ~7 i Der Neder ? rn*" ,.Havana 4 .Crlstobal .Mar. 3! i "':',,' -Y ,.Nlpe and Banes.Apr. 6 Lake Mcdford.Matanzas .Apr. 4 '."''?' ? "?* . Georgetown .. Apr. 2 v\est Hunhaw | ? n ,.i;., , >!ar 20 !'.r'"-'i- ??';' Henbach Barrj Ri ads Mar 2s ??'! Ho. !?; n -.utta .....Mar. 26 re....... Boaton ..... Ap- ; ... z. __*__ .?;:h"*'. Daka'r .'.'.' Mar 2? '. Progreso .Mar. 31 Marte.Norfolk Anr 7 ::a5f ?. ?*"-. Philadelphia . Apr. 7 ENCOMING STEAMERS Due To-day T^f-Hh,, P0BT PKPARTT-KE I-. ?'. u . ?.*St- NaM-re ? ? Mar 21 ?"*" ?vayne . . |enoa ... .Mai . ; OUTGOING STEAMERS To-day MAH, VER8EL CL0SE3, SAILS. 8:00 A.M. 12:00 M. " ' - 00 A M. 12 00 M. ?12 tO M. P M. . jr.trf i ecella, Brest .- i > nn v r|"- Breat.. .? A 00 fl. : ???--.. 7 00 A.M. 10:00 A M Lharybdls, Bermuda 5:00 A.M. 10:00 A.m! Fridav Jan... R;30 A Nt. 12:00 M. ? A M. li no a M. ? ' : io p M 11 - 10 P M Saturday ,-: " I '"','.8:00 A. M 12 nn ?-, ' ; i:.1 \ M. 12 o-i M ' ;:> ' V. M. 12 00 M. P. M 3:30 P I AMERICAN PORTS ,,.' X "Mon! .;? , v.,;.... Bteam raunt ii N*or |. STork; ship Kio Janeiro. '?,.,.-.t an ' ' Larlmer, Tam| . :o Irls 1 Ita i ' 0. n< . ,,". ; ' .; :' : ?< '? M? I Brle, H ivana; Uag Antwerp; Quogun M Arrived <uck Havre via Plyi Lake Fon . , "J. < uba Sa le : , eamers n, ..... ? ?. erpoi : On -lan, Phi i l, . 1 lw n E !.;-.. Norfolk - HENRY, Va . April 0 Passed In Steamers Ambon (Dul -h) ' * New Y'ork; East ri '? " n ????? Pn Passed oul fi ?n ;. . tl tlndu in Br ? La Pal Kcldlri i Dutch), I CHARLESTON S. C, April 9 -Sailed ?; .'"??*??? ?' rimpson, rrom Tampa for WARH BREAK WATER, D?l ??"?'? Passed up for Philadelphia: " : Ilo (Dan i. Antwerp; ( iclan ' " Gulfoll. 1 rl A.rl ta :? I ? es M Everest, Baline. Passed out from Philadelphia: ?. er ...... for i irdenas; George ,; Llyde, for New York; scl.ner Mary ?*?? Ml'Ia Port Antonlo, for Santa Marta. G \1. - ES r< tN, Tex., A| rll 9 ? Arrived Steai. Harry Farnum, Tamplco KKV WEST, Apnl 9.?Arrived: Steam ..."???. v n and salle I f tr Splendor (lt.) Norfolk, Sonja JACKSONVILLE, April 9. ?Arrived: Steamei I ? rsian, Philadelphia via Savan nan. Sailed: St amer Apache, Now York via Ch ton MARC1 3 HOOK, Penn., April 9.?Passed dou n t - ? . I .Ldelphia Sti amers An netta, I Vntonli Dor :hi ster f - B 51 n. Passed up for I'hlladelphia: Roilo Ant? ? rp NEW ORLEANS, Aprll 9.?-Cleared: Steamers Architect (Br,), Liverpool; Au? gust Manzanlllo, with barj-e Detroit; ? w i'ork; Lake Marion, Kingston, Guantanamo and ma I rto Rlc Nord 1 i penhagen a nd Aa Pawnee, Havre via Norfolk; l... Tami ? .. \ era i ruz 1 rto, "?' ? and F ntera VI] Ifug (No I, Tela; I'or ) i Hond I i "elba, aux lliary schoonr Lieutenant (iranler (Fr.),! La Palllce, Franco, via Bermuda and Azores. 1FOLK, Aprll 9.? Arrived: Steam?rs j ' . Philadelphia (and cleared f ir San Juan); Hesperos (Nor I, Chilean rorr.s v;a Wllmington, N. C, Lake Markham, New York (and cleared for Havana) ; ; ":a,<?,?lahara- -x<;w York.; Oristano (Br.). Cardtff; Paul Paix (Br.). New York (and i | cleared for Havre) : West Coast. New Or i leans (and cleared for Liverpool); j schooner Edward J. Dralte. Buenos Ayres. j Cleared: Steamer American, Rio de ! Jan?tro. . PENSACOLA, Fla., April 3. ? Arrived St .????- r Ei ? bridge (Br.) Gen i .PHILADELPHIA. Aprll 9.?Arrived: Stean . Liege Belg.) Antwerp; Lum Siz, rgh Castle I Hr ), Cardlff; Connersville, Cibnfuegos; Lake Qravett, ManatI via New York; J. C ' nell Port Lobos; *? -:? ?- ? \. - - *"??? N' 'w r?rlt: Bohr, Frank Brain erd, Blneflekla. Cleared Steamers Cala grla (Sw< ?! i, Antwerp; Ri . ?a-uV P , - ne, Bergi a and Ihr il Slberian Prince (Br.). La Jalllce; Sh-ar Spear (Br.), La Palllce. Annetta, Port Antonlo; Lake Crystal, N rfolk Gulf rnaid, Port \rthur; Dorchester, Boston; A. L. Page, NVw Y, - PORT ARTHUR, Tex.. Aprll i ? Ar ; Sti ami rs i lulf :oast, Broad Arrow (Br r fn m Bi iu British por' j. Passed ln: Bti . , \\ artr.g to Beau | . PORT EADS, ; , April J Arrived steamers Canl Tami ner, Havana; Lake Cres leo (M?x.), Progreso; Rama Blu Tremeadow (Br.), Bermuda; run i, Porto Rico. Salled: Steamers Copan (Hond.) . -Jmoa via Port Cortez; Jallsco (Mex.) Progreso; Lake Felieity, Progreso vin Cuban ports; Nevtsian (Br.), Liverpool; . j?ar (Br ), Rom n I ... New RTLAND, Mr . Aprll D -An ?d ^Hm7-q Wa''.'10" iBr.j Qtbra stad i Nor l, Gibra tar. Canada i Br .., -: ? Klrkdale I rAMPA, Fla., Apr! 9 .-, !]'7r7\-L7w;'t Brown, Ha' u , REEtn LSLAND, Del . At r ? -Passed "PJ 7"r"aA7';!'\ Westen ?"it.-5rM^??ad1lphla: iTe.ig^ Absecon. SA\ ANNAH, April ? A ? Bra .7 .'. ,""' Ja ksi ;' "le '????- 1 for TAMPA. Fla,. Aprll B.?Arrlved: Schoon Ruatan; B n 1 ?' ra M. Thurlow, .7 i Steamer Alg.a, r ?" ' n"r ' \ ' '-'w, Caibar'.en. FOREIGN PORTS AMSTERDAM, April 1 ?-..,. , ?"-;.. :":' ?'-":? I (uu. i Newport AV. INMOUTH, April ' i n mer Tre (Xor.), Bu noa Ayres 1 r New BAboa April R.?Salled: - ?" . R i de Jan< i , ? BARRY. Aprll B Jailed Mllllnoc t. Ha l a a i rn r !S ? w r o r 1( BERGEN, Aprti ; Arrived: Steamer :? , s , Bi UDEAtTX, Apr ! 6 Salled Steat er t. " in, Ctiited St i i BREST, 7,i II - .' , Steamer Sax ''?'?\:n; ' .: ??? 1 It:- ? i Onm (Br. 1 \ -,v y - . CA1 [CUT, Aprll 7 Arrh i Nagano Maru (Jap., New York for ljoi bay, Stc OU-'F. Aprll - -Arrived Steamer Normanbj i Br >. Hallfax, CARTAGENA. Mar h 30 Sailed King, New york ''?'-'?'? TOWN. Apri 8 - Sail?d' ? r . lan Macmast. r (Br I r rt \" i ? N?w V, ? k. ' " o,?HRrsT,!ANJAs Aprll : A.--! ? .i ' loth . le Cut io (Nor I, i'i: , ISTTANSAND, Ma Salled: - ' lorm (Dan ? Ni w V- r CONSTANTINOPLE Aprll Sailed atoainer Burnhotme (Br.). Hallfax E->,fSS, April u Passed: Rteai er Elizabeth (Swed.), Philad, for A nt werp FA! MOTTTH, Aprll 7 Sailed: Steamer N'ew Yot "VKT April 8.- Passed: Steamer ? ? i r , ?' 7. w Orleai i L-'IPME Aprll 1 - Arrive '. "??? lutha i Br i, 77. w > - CrEN pa April 7 - Arrive ! Sti ai - Athanastua (Greek) Portland Me Sail* 8th, steamer Du a Degli Abruz . Ital.) New > ork. GIBRALTAR, April 8.?Passed : ' er Alberto C Lvelletto I Ital. p, Sl -V B via Norfolk. Arrived. 7th, st Luigino Accan e i [tal. > N rl i Ply "?r <.:. New York; >>; h, E : ?-?. Lrd ;. D I !!(., New York: Lake Fostorla, New ', : via Norfolk . \v. sr i lorum, P, -- lan I vla Newport Newa. Salled, 7tl ? jevern - m Spezia). !; , 8tl), Silvio Pelll o i [tal l (fr Portlan : 6th, Pa, Itic Transport B (from Naples), New V - i Br i, Halifan . Bth, Tai ticlnl (Br 3an Ki y GREEN iCK Ai Br Ball Imore. HALIFAX. N S., Ai il - Arrived rs C Ignecto I Br i, Port Spain, . 8arn ..;??? i Br . Baton Roug, ; Br r Glbraltar; V. S tug [i F Salled; Steamer Dlghy I Br i, Llyerpool. KOBE, April 4 ? Arrived Steamer Asutu Maru (Jap :. Seattle vla nama. MSBON, April 6 Vrrlved: Steamor Morinugao (Port.), New York. Salled Steamer Hall ei -. s for New ?ork Ll VERPi .OL, i pctl ! 3aile I Steam? er Vedi (Br.), i L1ZARD .t ;?? . - ;? Laseri . Steamer i Anvers , B?'g. ., Baltimore for Antwerp Bth, P .... ; bt, Kelen's Bay; Toronl i (Br i, New York ror Hull; Clarlssn !... 1. llfte i Br i, Phil? adelphia for ( rdlff LONDON, Vpril 8.?Salled: Steamers Manhat-. ? (I Mew York; Start Point ' Br i P tdelphia: Vennonla . Br I, New York. Arrived- Steamer Britlah Marshal 'Br.... Port Arthur. HESORTS RESORTS new york state NEW YORK STATE X5 ?"V^ ^v^C --/? W*. fifc BRIARCLIFF MANOR. N. Y. The new golf links will be ready on the Opening Date, April 19th Why not spend the Easter Holidays at Briarcliff? You will find lhe unique first tee on thc para pet in front of the hotel especially interesting. Hotel open for In.speetlon by appnlnttnent NEW YORK OFFICK: 402 MADISON AVENCE Tel. 7070 Murray Hill ? Hranch otflca: Pearl & Co.. membera New ','?.-< Sfock Exchange ) *d?*+ ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY THE SPRING RESORT Spring Is the time when the human machine need* overhaullng, when your lir-.l braln nnd J&ded syntom need t-are and attentlmn. A"k your rtix-tor far hia opinion. and tf ha '.? a w.Ho pracliUoiier hoit tanoo ail Jrugi and no-trunu aml ??mpt-.atlcally prmcrtbo t ?n|ouin ln delightru] Aiiantio City, tlio nnoat nciuihorn renort ever known. Thi rn ln t.lir> rlKht tang In the air to flil ynu with renewcd -lgor und "pep." Your "blues" will fly uway an.l you'll nnd your ??lf rn'r-rylng lif? ugaln with all tha n-st of a yolitl. of arrei.twn. r.olf, Indnor Swltnmlnp, Pool*. Rolling Chair-). Motorlno, Concarta. Flajling. Ete. THE LEAOINQ HOUSES u;? aJwayi onun and wil! furnlih full Information. mtm, eto. Marlboroujh-Blenbeim Hotel Strand The Sheibome Hotel Dennis Gaien Hall Hotel St. Charles Hotel ttabw The Holmhurst Seatida House The Wiitshire For Information and ?c-haduln of oonvanlant railroad faollltloa, ooniult looai tlakot agont-i. GRAND ATLANTIC Vlr-rlnla Ave.. near nenr-h. Otiparlty 000. A ntrictly modern hofel and all attractlona Private batha, runnlng water ln ronms. elo vator, eto. Notable tabla. Early n?asen ratea fS.BO up daily. Spoclal weekly. Sooklet. Auto nn-ts tralna. W. F. SHAW. PKNKHTtVANU. GALENHALL "ESrSfoaP' ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY f-^MS/ie/burne^, a ^*xo*mx^~~~-tt-'^)ifx<3&0^ ? i|| J=<T t_ *=\. r-4 ~r t <**r -' c i -T- "V'' jfl faorSFREAlCK GRILl/*-??? I! V * r2lVIERA.XE:i2RACE^ |>_ Dir?c.tly*facing theSea I Superior S?r(/icea-vd Appoir\tmor\t-5 1 l^Liiteraturc arvd Pians mailed. J ! Sita-ated.planAcd and ? mqna-qedL ?* Jccnrnfort aru martaqedL to ?gU^e ccrmfort arut *l\ia*Ulv. tmiTOiJ.B[/ZIff\ wmmmwm THE LEADING RESORT HOUSE OFTHE WORLD ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. "TOri! NAtlOtTS HEALTH SHOP" ^ HEALTH 18 crncicNcv A Garmicide Cllmate and Cltan StreeM Wo Dust. No Dirt. Innumrrable Outdoor Rrcreatinna ?nd Indoor Ei-t-.ruinmen.ti Owftf Pihip Management Josiah White & SoniCo. RALEIGH, Atlantic City'a Popular Hotel. American Pl.n. $4 4 $5 per Day. \auban (Br.) Xew York: Arrived: 5th. steamer Glen White, Norfolk. ST. XAZAIRE. April T.?Sailed previ? ously: Sl imer Calamares, Xew York. i-A.NTOs. Apnl 6.?Arrived: Steamer Lake Maur-pas. New Tork; Sth, steamer Munplace, Xew York via Rio Janeiro. Salh l:. rth, steamer Purua (Braz.), Xew i ? SWAXSEA, April 7.?Sailed: Steamer Esperia ? i irk ), X< w ( ? SYDXEY, X. S. VV., Aprll 5.?Arrived': Bark La las i an.), S'ew York. TTJBORG March 2 -Arrived: Pchooner Meta ? ladeli hia. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The ci ? -. ? ng maila close at the G?n |ral, Postofl ?? fjaii postottice Station, New v - v ?., follows: Fi-t Islands, Now Zealand and Australia. \ancouver and Victoria. B. C. at S:30 p. m., April 10, for dispatch per Ss Makura. Islands. via Vancouver and ?? per Ss. Ei r ress of Japan. Seattle p tn., April 16, for dispatch n-r t's. Afrlca - Ni w Zealand and Australia, ? ? ' ? . ?;- ?'' Pi ?? ? h per Ss. N Hawall and Guan ?? se E ,;: p. m ?*? .i rdi d to th" Pacific 'for spatcb to destinatlon bv tne b.-^t or pi -? ,. .. Corea, China. Slam, Coehin i hina and Netherlands, East Indles, close I .?,-. This ? warded ? . , ... pac . , coast daily for dls Patch tj ,:' ination the best oppor Police Orders Transfer and Asstgnment Patrolman, April 10. rhomas V. GarTney 38th to Temporary Asslrnments Mounted Patrolman William A. P. Han-k days, 8 h m., \:--: < Imen. from preci - | .nted to Head i mrters, duty in '.'? Ision , 8 a. m.. Apr 15 Jamea J. oyrnes, [Yaffic D; John .1. Brennan, Traf? fic u. I.eave With Full Vaj '?" I. r Ji I '? Daly, Headquarters. 1 day. 12:01 a. nt., April 8, to be leducted :--'<m -. a I.eave Without Pay ra^olrrin". Forest Bgb< | dav 4 p. m , Api Sirk I.eave Granted Patrolman i I'raffl: D 10 da 8 a. rr... A; ri] Dropped From the Rolla Patrolma ^pril B, Stephen H Dol I8th, again il ?hom charges are pi ?'?'? ?'?'" '?' m tted : : ? resi?rnation, the res is nol acoei ted, 1 he i m the rolli TKAYEL INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE LINES PHII. VDELPHIA?LIVERPOOL Northland. April 16 Haverford .. May 13 Leyland Line BOSTON?I.H ERPOOL Only One < I;i?. < abin Wlntfrcdian April 23[Bohemlan . .May 20 te Star NEWVIYAORK HAVRE TO LIVERPOOL MEGANTIC A?,L Mt)!(. HALIFAX 3 ITi r 1 V SOUTHAMPTON April 24 \ E\X VOKK?-1 II ERPOOL Lapland April lDOltlc . \prii ?,n Adrmtie \pril May 6 N. *-. .? VZORES?GIBRALTAR?ITALY Canopic .April 22 Offices, 9 Broadway, - N?w Yorfe ftkTaYWfTtti Win NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL Caronia .Apr. 15 Carmania .Apr. 19 Royal George.Apr. 26 Aquitania .May 3 Orduna .May 3 Caronia .Mav 17 NEW YORK TO SOUTHAMPTON Mauretania .Apr. 12-May 10 NEW YORK TO LONDON Saxonia .Apr. 24 21-if. STATE STREET, NEW YORK 9MBI ETiiBiwbiri tCQ!EA6Nt* tiiHtMlI TBAaSA7LAMT?$M vi&rjii-aaaPcstajLSarTic^ NEW YORK?FRAxNCE WEEKLY UBPARTURES Ompanj's Office MA SE.V,? 'IP1*'! I8JC PtEB ll- FT MONTAQC* %\J LiiktL - !' B*KLIN. ar .'oo: MOXTAQtl oux Ktjr Portc lUco. Caraeao A Ver.ezuela. S. 8. Maracaibo. . . Wednesday, Aprii 9 it. 1P.M. B. b. Caracas.Wedm day. April IS, ai 1 P. M. B. S. Philadelphia.Wednesday, Aprll 30, at . P. M. ?-??ir-'r...r Acnemniodauoua 'ji Paanenfeca BLISS, DA1AJETT i t-O.. Genl. ilgra. Pbono 5170 liaiuY-r. $2 Wail Strv-a. ONOLULU SbVA. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA Tl : * ? .?:' la' Pas sen ..-? r ;tea R. M. S. "Niagara" R. M. S, "Makura" 20.0ir Tdt.s 3 Tons Sail from Vancouver. B. C For fares and MaiiinKs apply Canadian Pae. Ry., 1,831 Broadway, N. \\, or to < ?- idlan A.ustrallan R yal Mail Line, 440 deyniour St . Va n ? ',-?:. Li C. SOUTH AMERICA I.AMl'ORT & HOI C I l'K. *Z Broa Iwa or an; T >ur : Ag nt. SOCTII AMERICA The Royal Mail i'a< ket Co. 'fhe Pacific Steam Nuvig*atlon Co. The Nelson Lines. SOCTII Al'IIK t-l niim Castle I.ine. Banderson & Bon, Gen'l Ag-ts., Li B'way, X.Y "THE I'l lil.IC BE PLEASED." Bv Boat & Ball providence;!;:;, $2.97 ALL OUTSIDE STATEROOMS.51.10 to $3.30 Both Pri . n-clud War Tcur.. Boat kaves Plsr 39. Noeth Rlver. at S:30 P. M 'l'hoi.e SprhiK U401. Woreewter. $3.83. Pro vidence direct. S2.50 BTATEROOMS, 51.00 and $2.00 Dally, lnclU'liniT Sunday, 6:30 i'. M. From Pier lli. i. K. i'houe 2790 U*eciau t\ MERICAN EXPRESS -TRAVEL DEPARTMENT Travelers' Chuquea. Tlcke'.s. T( HUDSON RiVER NIGHT LINES Dally from Pier 33, N. R? foot Canal St 6 P. M.; West 132d St.. 8:30 P. M.; due Albany 8 o'ciock following morning. KAYMOM)-lVI!UT()MH TROCBLELE88 TK.VVEI. De r.CXB To Any where For Amtlmo 1525 Fifth Ave.. \c\v Vork. H1IWIN RIVER DAY UNK Payllght service up tho Hudson will be resumed May 24th. NEWBUBQTT. POrOHKEEl'NliC, KLNO8T0N Mou. Wed. and Prtdaja. Franklin St., t l'. U. ?Phcuo 4.1 r., Fran ili,: Cantnl Huiiwn Ltetx, VtHlf Your Northern Alllea.?For tllustrato* guide. addn-sti John F. Pierce, Dep t Iti, Canada Steamahlp Llnca. M.mtMal, Canaala. rVI CANADIAN rACTFIO RAILWAT Coaat, Aiaalca, Japa.;-., China. Auitrj JEBBY. O. A..TW Dept., 133lB?r?y,j| LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS LOST BANKBOOKS LOST.?-Bankbook No 592,196 of the Unton Savings Bank Is mtseing Any per -? -, Having -a claim to It Is hereby called ?'? to present the satr.p within ten davs or submit to having the said passbook can ce.ied and a new one issued. LOST.?-Bankbook No. 230.142 of the Frank - i.r Savings Bank, issued to Jar.e Bent.ev payment stopped. Please return to bank. 65S fc-iphth Ave., N?w York ? Ul aro cautioned not to purchase or negotiate same, LOST.?Bankbook No. 1.115,772 of Bank for Savings. 2S0 Fourth ave.. New York. nt strppej. Please return book to bank. '? ."" ' , >ook No. 2G9 ?21. The New 1 -? --.: Ings Bank. Payment stoppej Flnder pleaae return to bank F0T?r7. J?AI'f',T\7lri<; T<>??r!burg milch goata' kid*. loes. S BO. Charles 1'. Leaie. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION V -,>\r,r ! ,; [.N-STRCCnON. $10 - rnllmltad ^ machine for ?? e secured. B 51 Lexli fi ta ave, SSth). LEARN TO f-K A CHil'FFBm -Tpii^aant ana proTab.e work; day ind evenuig c.Iaaaea. t*en<l for frop booklct and t! Itor's pa<s. West tSld? Y. M C A.. 21? Was' STta ?t HELP WANTED MALE MEN AND WOMEN WANTED TO QI ALIFY FOR Expert Accounting Positions. Business, - , . . - * ?+* ?- Ka<i-i. "v urgent need of oxperl srcnuntants -,-?.. - ix .... i .,,?. ,, .. \,.\?r before has the demand ?- great ' ?' n ? ?? -'.? iu i Ify can earn $2 (00 TO Jri.100 A YKA.R AT THK START \ -? period of preliminary training hai of*w B ? ?.. - imee 100 . ?? cent Ipp. ?., r-'T ran ?,,,?>?-? the me o me.No tr, ' "? ? ' i , waltion Training . ? Uool atvea ludl [ a oerti ? i ? ' J SS POR INTERVIEW, GIVING * il EDFCATION AM> TELEPHONE 1 I'RAn POSTOFKK !?. I<"\ 93 SQ1 M.I. BRANCH. AGENTS waj ted to ?ell the A*roll Btove Butner; takes tho i lace if coal In kll 'hen r?j-k-,. - - - u 15; proposition ?an bo a - ?.. ?? g- ? ? ??? .? ?ai ? men ' ,r permanenl Aer ili - re Bui er l rp, ral ? 116 w sst ? Al'TOMOBILE MECHANIC wanted; good wagr?. emp ?.-.??? ? i lllla'. 8 Weal ?2d ai. BANDSAW5 BOYS fnr r>l?otr!,-a] work: "1,1 establlshed Cnr Is'lan ? i ? porting 1 use; splendid chance . Ison at. i ? ai start ln ofl - . i r posltloi with e ? Walker A Heialer, 30 West 7 d ? ? CHAI'FFELR wanted, experlei ed Pierce cars; ..... ,.,,._,?,, ..... applioant must have been ?II' r- ? I.-.::. ? - ' less tl .,', tH?st referencea rcQUlred. B"j A A 30. Tribu:.fflci COPY WKITEBjs WANTED?Toung men with ?i- ?' rpei en -e S< n 1 aamplea of w, a e returned l live ; reviou - tato alary wanted and when -. ,-.i ,-nn be here, Keeshen Advertising l .i liit. 1 ? ?:-:!-..! a '- experlenccd: familiar with the manu mdiing of rotary i granu 3tato *? ted ?.:;? ? .... ; . Bth st.. OFFICE MESSENGEB, II ,'ears or ui ler; muat t . . \ litor, P. <> Box ; 148 ui i :.Ing . at neta you overy s.iW , commodity a -a.? B lay .. be made hy t p igger; early promot sn -' ? inagcrship <-aj, .lal.y. 9 to ' or Monday a; l laj evunlngs, 8 to D Btence &? Co Mr. . .. x >Ai,,..-\n v v.-a.---() to ?- new European trrad gtee studded tires t. iuI trade ':.,' kind ',f ? "??- that helped wdn the w:,r" u^-l ??.?.?rtftv.c lapabin mi'n wa.-'ej; .? ?-.,?.. ...v3? Pr cess Tire '.'orpoi-atloi'.s. 77'U W-.m SALESMEN I want rr.?sriir young men to ';ar. ! a live rrTO tho automobile fle ! good .omndaslan men of merit ll,< m 123< '0 ?:, av SEVEBAL honorably discharg run have ad -. me farm ? ,.-? ? .- employ N ? lairy farai; wages $40 to }-!0 ?'?' ?? depei '..: i pzperlence and>-, boaxd, th oS with pay. LEE 1'. GBANT BlootnvUle. New 7 SOLDIERS SAILORS DISCHARGED !f you are unemploved you ca". lind pleasant and profitable em ployment by applying to Mr. Sand kam, Fooin Sl2, 154 Nassau St., n. v. c. Eriag your discharge papers with you. pSTENOGBATHEH SECRETARY and personal u Bistant to publlsher. Wrlte. giving age. eiperl ?'.. b, -, '. rei - alary expected A ilaoe wrier? thero '?-- room for a.r. assistant of ract and InteUl r-- nc, . gro-A H, Box : 3TO( K ri.KRK, drawing material; $12. Koleach. . - F ..r n at TTTISTS?STT:NOGRAPeEH.S- - BECRETABDES Do you Irnow 'ha' you ran lnrreaie vr'ir earelni caparity and efflclency, aiso make y.urself more va.uablo to your ?;;.,.,-er. sy learnlr.g T.;? Btrta pbona Mr',;i!?l of dlotatlon. course !? free and can be mastered la a few hours. Operaton ar'.- !:i Rrf?r demand. For t-i-t!:i>r information lnoulre ?t Tbe Dicta? phone S.-i>ool, 28U Uroadway. Y.'ANTED.- FIrst-claaB ?nRineer!ng drafta man to work on machtnery '.ay,";:si and de talla. Must be experienced Apply and etai experlence. F. O. Box 64. Wa;, S reel Station. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE p HAi FFEITR, colored, 2 years' experlence on a'.l ! makea private family. Ullyard. '. I1- W. 130tn. . DFNTIST mechanicaJ -olored), Hnlshlcg, . sixiura patlents. M Woodson, jj Eiit POSITION WANTTvD?Accour.tar.t with large ex : ?-'..:. ,- ln lr.,-ome Tax worK dealres I tion; niar-ie,'.. with no 7-a.l ba 12380 Bc Firat st.. Louiavllle, Ky. CSEFL'L MAN flrst. class walter. wiahes : aid U0 West 112d sl. Audubon 0840. ipartnient 10. fOUNG MAN', willing worker, wlshes to leajn to !,<? ar. automcblie nieciianic. Mr. J Dor.eiij. 102 ?'? -, ? ?':: st._ SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE DRESSMAKER wants few more cu*toinrrs hy day. px'.perlonccd cuiung. CtUr.g. M. Eziry. 4S Weat )3d at. DRESSMAKER, col^rrd. wuu home wo^k; ts cellent worker Douglas, 130 %V?st U2d tt Apartment 24. Audubon t'?40. 3IRL. aolored, wlshes half time; no Bur.dajs. JoB^phlno Quoen. 202 Wt^t 13Mh st aoUSEWORK.?Coloredl small family; wlaha half time; murulng. !<>o, 127 Wrat 177th a:. 1^.1 NDRESS wlshes f.uniii . -l-.y auburb. M. r-.ib-igsido .'iOvi FRTVATB BKCBBTAB.V. wtto old lady or wllh louple; young lady of expertenre deslrtM poaluon. '"?'?, iiQ Bpruoe st.. Aalm-rtila. N. C MELP WANTED FEMALEH~ INSTRCCTION Wanamaker Beauty School, 383 5TH AV., NEAR 36TH. Leading School of America. EARN $25 WEEKLY. Hairdressing, Manicuring, Marcel Waving. AU tir-u-c-hes taiigl-it; rfglati-r noi? for hljli <?:*-? r!)?iti?u. ne aupply tha demand; .-eiu-r, oul >r aucc-v* ln an T.r.r..n:r.-nt B< ?fi:: , and re:-..." ment: >\aj\ e-mnlr.g alaiaw Tal 117S V? " HELP W ANTE1I FEMALE AIITIST. - Phote retmieliar, '???? and ntni adwrUatag. Call lUwm 1815, llti_Naa?au_?t ?DflESSMAKEB wanted "on ladlea* ri~na~i1iYiiiaa~liW J. Cohen. 18S Wwt liBtb at. FINTSHEKS wnxted on m:? and ektrtet hllh 1*1 ary; ?uaily work. 30 Waat Oth at. LADIES to maka head at hotnai Co ja- L perlenee nereat-urjr; fteady work. ?-r*re par, CallJ MaxUaa. ? Reado ?U New Mk-Oft HELP WAXTED FEMALE Girls light work tn bottllng d-partmraf i r.e.-eiar-r: eteady employment. Apply La Manna 397 Washington st. GIRLS " to do plair hand ?ew:r.g on labelj and wear. learrx-!-*. -? A. SULKA & CO., L-: FIFTH AVE GIRLS?20?GIRLS Experlenc-e iinr-resaa-T.- salary $11 atl J. B. Singer & Co., 411 WEST S1ST ST. LADIES -e paate c-oreta on Mtejffn-- no *xpetimaa neoasaary; $1 denoelt required. -ready work; good H R'>n>f WORK loung woman to take .-harge of girls* tunch wwm arce concern -should have dome-tto adanoa * ?' ? ? "" ? ? permanmt -posittan: sa.ary to atarl 818 M S . Boz !S, T-ibune Offloe. SALESLADT ? Smart iooktng -toung woraan - ra ?v'; ex-nrlenoa unnecessaiy- ghort hours 1482 Broadway. Suite 813. 8ALESLAD1 wanted ln Jewelry store. B. MorrtiL tth sve. RAPHBR t". efflce of large technical pobll ?a must l-.a-re g-xxi educattiir atata expert ?..;,: - ?' e????xl Sienographar. RoomlOOi, 1 Weal S4th st. TYI'IST ln large technical publtraUon! good ir adTance-aent --at-. am, Knerlen^ irj expected. "Cyplat Room 1009. Ilo Weat - l N'O W*i MEN Poc the -are rjf u,- ,|dn; ? tur heaue for Mwsrei v >ung -j-omen of rood arr?sran-*?. ?*.-* ard Judg and admu.L-ter fa.-tai tr->atiuenta to excellent galan wHh oommlaalon added. et preparal ? g, Ceatle. Box 60. ? ifflee. I GIRL. neat, ln eampU -:?> "? ?-fr md fciither manu faotunng firm; one with experience pre? ferred. liberal salarv to start; apler.dtd ep I_ an, 63 "W ?st 88th et. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED MALE < ABETAKETt wlahea poaltioa. Box IB3. ::g W-yekaG DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE \ v COOK fmmg !rih woman: Hr? family referanoaa. wf, .. ' *', '" " " * ?M at. thlr-i leren mn' exoal prefe-rred. ? 'ung. wanta poalUon ln apartment; ?x mploy-tr Mlaa F*u ' ? S244. ' WAITRERH nnd 1 ? ? - ??-.-jnber' ' reference Lehti'a Ajency. r East 125th ??.. Telcpliona I' 551S. LAt NDRER8 - Very rellable woman; pxpcrt'Tannn' '150 P Mtaa i Agei East 43d at . Sd Boor, T?l ? ->9J,- Murray Hi: two chlldran; awmt light ?ellent referenem MHa Fitx ? r-!i av.- <j.-?,.ioy ,?.-j44 PARLOR MAD - hambermald; young Irtah girl rork fHm!:iea.: ?' ' M ?? I . ? r * Agency. 10 KLo-t ?..d.?t Ity refer ? ?'?'> to $50. rmayer'i Agency. 10 East 4Hd at., 3d floor. Telephone st)47 Murrar BUSINESS CAKDS Carpet Cleaning: CA^rrr-i.. tarpet cuuyrsa rnMPi5r.-? riaana nj oompresaed air. ntnam. hand m aa tocr 419 Liut 4Sih st COE * Bt*-lNL>r T-aaa gaoci* 13-2 il,-r.-aj HiJL Detective Agrenry WESTLOTObN-8 Detecti.a A?eney?P>iad'--?1ng. eoa !: -restlgatloofl. tc ,t9 Eaat 42d Thona Murri y H . 274 Diamond* DIAMOVDS AND JEWELRT Ti<~ir-r.frt T''Z!i <"A'**H eatatea appraised, purrhaaed. lU.NVRTT 17.5 Rroadway, upsttalra. Multigrraphers?Stenr>?-ra?tie? UultJgraphlng stenngrai ' -vp-writtng- all tyrtmi reaa ? i le royne IK Sajwau ?t Beekman 4Ti BOARDERS WANTED C-m-DREN WA.VTHD to boari - farm; mothar ' to *.J yeanv LakewarKl. N j R. F P 1. FURMSIIED ROOMS BOTH 119 WI & ---'rwai and _athr -om FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET 169TH st 52! *?','?. :?- y j frmnahad -oms; bath, modern -on-?-m." .-.* :elepbon? ?*""'''' .ter Ut! r-aa ?.?' es 7.:.u'." RELIGIOUS NOTICES _ CHRIST CHURCH Broadwaj ? id flat (5-1 H-j- H"e James Vt Beei wU] cpo-.^ ner. 8^-,,*,, morning, Palm Hunday, at : I a *.* S,;>..,,- ? T.-,. ?: ..,,? pr^,,,^.. AUCTION SALES FOBECLOSCRE OF i-raTTEL MORTGAOE-Joa. Fi:.K. A ;-,.- sella -....- .., ? , m at 437 5th Are , Room 506. Purnltore and Machinaty sopnle. BoseathaJ ^! irtgagor, a*-ik;:-6t Eidio' Dental E--Kay Pik: . Inc FORECLOSURE~SALES~~ IX FORECLOSURE: Supreme Court. Now York County, County (..??-<'?? Index No. 15.681?1918. James T. Horn, Plaintlff. a . . - Gran-ville F Daiiey and others. De fendantn George *A*. Ellia, Plalntllt'a Attor? ney, 143 Broadway, Manhattan, New York Pursuant to )ud*rment, en*?red Aprll 3, IL1!?. the underBigned "-feree w'll sell at at the- r.xchanpe Salesroom, Noa \i-ln Veaej Street. It'.ro-:erh of Mar. hattan, N*ew V rk City, at :2:?0 o'clock ' ; 29 by Joseph P. Day, r, the l i're<-*e.i ? ? ?-.?.. i judgment r_ - ?,? . gJtu ? n, 7%"ew York City, ?-?n -h-> ? - ? iid f Ma Uaon Avenue. dlstant ti i . Street. being Inchea in wll-h ln front and rear, l . on each side. Tho wall of said premlaea being; a party ? i ?? recorded ln Llber 1634 of .-4 and Llber 1S3T o7 Mortgac page ;;:. Now York County The f a ''.rr. ot the prop? erty. the Btreet number ' ? ?r\g No. 19S2 Madi? son Avenue, New York County M lJ6tLn Ftreet. The approximata amount of the lien or charge t; p-*.: ha al-ove propertv Ib to be >-Oi.<?. '.?- ll5,S81.26, and Interest from February 1",. . Ith coata and allowance amounting *-o 1432.97, with inter? est from March 81, ;3;a Approximata amount of taxes, a:-.d water renta to te ?., I ?- ? r-urenaaer or paid by the refe^eo, :* 8228 12, ix-stdes interest Dated, No-- York, Ar:-:! Tth, 1919 CHAItLES A. RIE-GELaCAW. Referee. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN McNEIL TF EP.ICE REG1NALD McNEII* aoa et the late Captain Robert McNeil of Penarth. G'.an.organalnre. will communlcate w'.th the underslgned he will hear ot aomethlng? to hia advantage. Any jveraon who can give Information aa *.o the whereabouta of the aald Briee R?g '.r.ald McNeil, who went to Canada In 1*11 '.? near Iteston. Manltot-a, and aftef proceeding to New York ln 1914 waa last board of as a private in the V. R Martnea in May, 1916, la also asked to ri-*.-nmunlcate ??? 11 h ALLEN, PRATT A GELDARD. . 49 and bti Mount Stewart S^'iare. _CaxdHT. Er.glanfJ LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINQ 'WI'L'L TAKV piaoeAprll mh,m9, at 10 A. VL. In the offlpe of hMw. H. "Wagner Co.. Inc,. for de cldlngt on the dtaaolutlon of lhe Oompany. BTOCKHOIJ)i:R8* MEE'*mjfTwT|ffL TAaTJ place Aprll 16th, 1918, at ll a. M-. tn th*