Newspaper Page Text
ea Stclif 71 ar ??*> c omnieii Central Park West Apartments Bouglv By Edw. Browninj Pays Bliss Estate Its Prici for Nine Five-Story Build ings Between !03d anc 10-Ith Streets Tho nine five story apartments ot Central Tark West from 103d to 104U street wero purchased yesterday b} Edward V,'. Browning from the (Jeorprt Bliss cshtto. The houses contain 10 rooms, arranged in suites of six, sever nnd eight rooms. Thcy cover ;i sit* 501.10 feet on the avenue and 100 feet in eaeh street. The Bliaa estate ha< owncd the property for twenty years This ia Mr. Browning'a first purchas< on Central Park West. John Fink ncgotiated the deal. Two Claim Drive Apartment Tlie Imperjal, nn eleven story ele vator apartment, on a plot 79.7x126, at tlie south corner of Riverside Drive and 160th Stroet, has been sold. Two dif? ferent interests claim contracts on thr property. A syndicate, comprising the Long Beach Auto and Storage Com? pany, H. M. Susswcin and Case & Apfel, noltl a contract, and the Cornwoll Con? struction Company, Samuel Williams, president, another, Tho latter secured ? contract of purcnase from the build iTs of the property, the Beglad Realty Corporation, Robert Silverman, presi dent, throujfh Frederick Zittel & Sons, and the former bougi I 11 through Axel Olson. RKAI. F.STATK BOROUGH Ol MANHATTAN Fourth Loft (S. E. Corner) Hudson and Vandam Sts. I tREPROOFl SPRINKLKD IKII.Il IMi; r ll IV ll It A N li MK.VT. APPLY TO TRINITY CORP., IH7 I II,TON HT. TKI . < OKTI?\M?'l?:u:i. Oil YOril (IIVN itm.l,i;i;. Iimcnt'lill OV TIIK ltKONX YOUR RENT FREE AND STEADY INCOME Afi ni (TI'YINO OWNT.II income rrtiiM thi: t\vo rmiKn fam II.II.S MORE THAN I'AV.S OWS'KH'H Jtl.NT, WITH .lA.SOSO.Mi; M'lll'U S llll VHnb'lT lll.'HI'KS. 18 HOUSES FOR SALE llach house 25x100 & Brratiftrd for 3 families of d ?nd 7 room* each; all modern improvements. Located 839 to 883 Whitlock Ave. lEicludtng 673 atid 875), Bronx, at Longwood Ave. Subway Station V'ery moderate lerms Liberty Bonds taken m payment Arrr.Y M. L. & C. ERNST, 56 Liberty St., X. Y. Tel. 3466 Rector Or Agcafs Offlcs, 885 Wh l'l ork Avp. W ESTCHE8TER COCNTX Fine Summer Estate For Rent at $350 a Month Completely Furnished Pplendld house ot 12 rooms, a baths; bllltard room; garage for threo enrs; about an acro of land with lawns, gardens. beautiful tree? and ehrubbcry. On the Border of Westchester, Overlooking Botanical Gardens 2'1 mtnut?s fr^m Grand Central and convenlent to all transportation ilnea Fred'k Fox & Co., inc, 14 W. 40th St. Tplephono r,40?Vanderbilt. ?aamanaaaaaaMtUi i uui imnMiaai BRONXVILLE TUCKAHOE 7 rrv.m boti"!, Improvoments; two arrwi ? t,1??i ?r.?u,ri?m. tchool, boudinfl houa.! BacrtflS ii<iio i )\*\\. Tprnis. n:n mi.u ia rooms; (v>5t J2MO0, mi I TTftrf J. CLAREY. 52 W-,t Ut ?.. Mount Vornon. For Sale $50,000, or Rent $4,200 Beautlrul 1kw? m,<lfrn atonn maJialon; acre: lart-o itlot itnmi ' '*??? f- rn fr. tn ll ;, oflice ANDERSON REALTY COMPANY M ?. IM St.. Mt. V.rnon, N. Y. Ntw Haven R. R. LONO i?i wi. "' r roi ll IIOMK mtwi M-.I'lV iVrwInu ?"" ? '?' i 'im i. ... Will! M w imiK m \m, Commuters! ? . ii. ic. ,i?, t crountyi corn* *?? ihii ?ii<i othcrii ln tt.iH i,...,?tifui aVtlon Howard Goldimith, 63 Park Row '!??? 7 M BMkrnan NEW Jt.HHKY At Ridgcwood, N. J. J^mwi Mwrwrai dWv*M' i ?',,,, Ui llldlawnod ,?? ,,t ?'"* ToiVt fltMil (uburbaii homa i,mm '.s? ,?... BfMtUflOf; ali ht.rttm ITull partlculut, Includlng K H.;W?L8TBI M-(.OKftON * FORMAN. >M Broadwtvy, N. Y. Huctor 77l?. Btd?*WOOd, .V. .1. T.|. fcf.o, K?-nt yrnir ? ..Muk.- tl,u yi-ur ut LONG BRANCH, N. J. SJiB^^rv/Cu'aEvrM:^1]:';;^;;.,'.;;:'^^. * HAHMJM, 1(1 Mlir\< K. boautiftil ? - ' Imptn., 11/,n , s?p&yi idwiv , )>-..\HI.|-,, i' rlk- ?/? <!??!, .*;. J. SUMMER HOMES Aabury Park Allenhurst Deal Beach Interlaken ?M rWriltj, Tralra m?t >,f appr.lntmef.i. MILAN ROSS AGENCY AtiHtry I'ark. (FlMBM <0?-<07> Allti.hurat 'HY BEAL B8TATE HCsS Buttinenn Property tO iMt ?09 BUglWEaM PURPOSEfl 1 (Ready Buyers Found for [ All Classes of Dwelling: rlBachrach Estate Sells 94-tli Sj ! House. Containing Swimming Pool aud Other Feaures I'caso ei Elliman have sold for th estate of Solomon Bachrach, Irving an Julius Hachrach, executors, the fou story modern residence at 19 Eas Ninety-fourth Street, betvtcon Fiftl and Madison avenues, on a lot 20: .100.8. The purchaser is the Xew Ams terdam Mortgage Company. IForaco White Heirs Sell Pcase & Elliman also have sold foi tho heirs of Horace White the foui story and basement dwell ine; at IH Wesi Sixty-ninth Street, on lol 25x100. Thi property is assessed by the city a | I $42,000. It. was sold to a Xew Yorl .j business man for occupancy. Suites for Lexington Avenuo House Maurice Wcrthcim has %sold for all cash to Mrs. Catalina Pacz McManui tho old four story and basement dwcll j m-Lc, on a lot 20x66, al 469 Lexington Avenue. northeasl corner of Fortj fifth Street, for Mrs. Mary Ahern. The pur 1 chascr intends to reconstruct the old building into stores and studio apart menl s. Buyer to Chance 92d St. House A. A. Hageman has purchased thc two four story dwellings at 117 and 119 Wesi Ninoty-aecond Street, on lot 88.0x100.8. I'lana have been dlcd to alter tho buildings into small, non housekeoping suite i, Doctor Sclls 18th Street Dwelling 1>. A. Trotter has sold for Dr. Chria tian F, ,1. Laasc his residence al 31 I Kasl Eightoenth Street, a four storv house, (in lot 14x78, 1'hynlclan Buya 136th Sl. House Charles A. Knowlcs and All.cit K MacDowoll have sold for thc Broadway Savings Institution to Dr William E Davis the three story dwelling, on lol 17x100, at 203 Wcsl 136th Streel, Dwelling ln 74th Street Sold Tho Real Estato Management Com? pany has Bold tho three story dwell "g ?* 16 East K'.Ki Street, on lol 18x1,00, '"r ''" Sevcnty fourth* ! treel Holding Company to lho lludwill Cor poration. . Bank s*lls iT.sih Streel House Tho Amcrican Savings llank has sold ..fln ??'" ."'!---r,'!m,ly hoUBC8 at ["'H "'"i -.80 West 178th Street to Paulinc Cit nn through A. K. Foulk. East IXth Streel Dwelling Deal D. A. Trotter has Hold fo,- Nicola de Crcseonzo 2360 Lorillard ('lace, n three (amily brick dwelling, and for a ht*. Kaaac, 314 Kast Eightoenth Streel a brownatono front dwelling, Resells PlotB Taken in Trado i vTh? Sunnysido Holding Company i 1-rank .Hillmnn, president, has sold the ? two six story apartmenls, each on a Tlot 4O.r-xl0u.F,, at 329 to 335 East Forty . ninth Street, to Kerstchor & Co Thev | were given in exchango for thc 100-foot 1 six story apartment at thc northeast [corner of Northern Avenue and 179th Street, sale of which was reported on .Monday. Buyer for Amsterdam Avenue Flat Frederick Brown has resold to the Hannah A. Realty Companv the live story apartment. house at 1 TOO' Amster? dam Avenue, on a plot 27x100. Trade Claims Forty-third St. Flats Robert J. Kerns has leased the Clir* ; ton apartments, at 251 to 257 West I'orty-second Street, and 264 West Forty-third Street. abutting, from the , Jntereity Apartment Corporation con , tro.led hy George H. Earle ir of niladelphia. for twentv-one years The property will be altered for business purposes. West Itlth Slreet Apartment Deal The Blennerhnsset, a six story ele? vator apartment at 507 to 611 West 111th Street, has been sold by David Steiner. Jonas Kolb acted as broker. Professionals Buy on Seventh Ave. Charles A. Knowles and Albert E MacDowell have sold for Carrie \blo witz 2308 and 2310 Seventh Avenue, two ? five story flats, on a rlot 75x100, to the Renaw Realty Company. Tries Downtown Flat Market ; Fred Oppenheimer has sold to the Absar Kealty Ccmpany the six storv j store and basement brick apartment a't 275 and 277 Madison Street, m-ar Clin ton Street, on a plot 30x100. Resale on l,r.7(h Street N'orman Denzer has resold the two ' 5r,1HLand basement building, on a lot 2oxl00, at 502 West 157th Streel ad joimng the southwesl corner of 4m sterdam Avenue. Sale in Wesi Forticth Street Carnmann, Voorhees & Floyd have sold for the estate of Mad< line S Roe | ers the six Btory building al 311 Wcsl rortieth Street, on a lol 25 98 0 Narnrd Apnu for Building I'-asn & Elliman have been appointed agents of 32 Broadway, a sixteen iti i offlce building recently sold by thi ui ? ? Meeting of Taxpayer* To-tilufil ''?"? West Bide 'i ? ',,,?.-. ? Assoeln tion will hold a rneetinu Ihis i - n\nu at 207 Weat Thirty fourth treel ? Sf?irli?*?l Bidding by r.. ? Crowd in Aurtlon Kooni Bryan k. Kennelly hold a huccosm ful auction lala rn tha Exi hango BaloR room yesterday, when ho dUpoHod of 10 parcoli nt good price*, Thora wero about 260 peraona facing tho auctloneor when tho sale Ktarted, and the bidding was active. The propertloi sold woro: 339.341-841M- West. Forty-flrat Street, three four-story nnd basoittont brick and brownatono tenements, on pl?>t *,qx 08.9, sold to Daniel II. Jackson foi 134,200; 248-246 Kast L23d Streot, two flvo-atory brownstonc doublo apart-' ments, 27x100.11, otich sold to Keon Spanier for |82,400; 218 Eaat Seventy third Street, a five-story brownatono double tenemenl and two stores, 26x 102.2, aold to Keon Spanier for 916,100; 3K1 Second Avenue, northweat cor? ner Kast Twenty-second Street, a foui atory hnck double tenemont with store, 24.1x64 to John Renzur, for I 1 ' 300; K'i.r> Third Avonuo and 202 Ea I b"ifty firat street at the Bouthcaat corner, n four-story double feneinent, 30.2x66.6 to F. H. Johna for $20,760; 88*94 De catur Street, Brooklyn, four four story storo apartments, plot 160x120. to I Union Klton Company for 182,000; for | plot at tho northwest corner Carman ! Avenue and Broadway, Ccdarhiirt.t, K. K, n three-story framo dwelling to traateoa of St. Patrick'a Cathadral for (113,000; weat side of Central Avenue, Woodmaro, L. l? a thrao-atory and eel Inr frame dwelling, 100 160, to Frank D. W halan, for I 8,7-50; ?'? i Gold Otrcet, ranning through to Rydoi i Alley a ivc-story brick loft building with store, plot 20x60.10x21x62, to J. W. Klie for 119,300; 108 Vescy Street, a three- , story brick building with store, 22x | j ra.10 to H. A. Gaedo for $17,100; mak ng a ?n?nd total for tho day of $258,- I S2.000.000 Bronx Flat 3 Opcralioii Planned .Frank Begeriscli's (lonipam Buys Anotlier Block for Im provemenl WHIi Flats c Tho Rcalty Managers, Frank Bepe il risch, president, have purchased frorr r thc Burnside, Jerome Lots Corporatior t tho square block bounded by Burnside i Avenuo. the Concourse, Creston Ave ; nue and ISOth Street except thc 100 - foot corner of 180th Street and Con? course and thc corner of Burnsidr Avenue and the Concourse, comprisinc over twenty-one lots. Mr. Begerisch's r company recently houjrnt the two block fronts on the south side oi Burnside Avenuo from Walton to Mor? ris avenues and Morris to Creston avenues. This property will bc im t proved immediately with apartment . houses which, it i. said, will represent a $2,000,000 invostinent. B. II. Weis ker was the broker in all of tho sales. Investors Figure in Flat Deals , Stcinmcn <v Steiiinran have sold 694 East I,'l8th Street, a five-story apart 1 ment. on plot 37.6 by 100 feet. The sartic brokers have sold 982 East 165th Street, a live ??<? p ?. apartmenl on plol 40 by 1 10 feet. 1217 Washington Ave nue, nt thc southwest corner of 168th Streot, a five-story apartment. with corner stores, on h plol 42.6 by 95 feet, and looo i:a,-t 173d Street, at tho cor? ner of Longfellow Avenue, a five-story apartment <.n a plol 50 by 100 l'<-ri. The buyers aro investor,-.. Trading in Knsl Bronx Daniel H. Jackson has sold to thc fteropo Rcinlty Company lhe two five storj apartmentH nl 1220 to 1226 Bos? ton Road on a plol 100 by 200 feet. Samuel Croi iman ha i sold tho live story nnnrtment house al 9r!5 Home Street to lhe Coneord Inve turn'. Com I Bll> v' illiam ion & Rryan Bold for thc ,lu" < iompju ,' the ' wo Ihree familv ??? '?" "I 790 Caldwell Avenue and 652 Kasl l5Htli Street. Nyninn Crossniun has boughl (he ,v" Icnemonl houses, on plot 50 by 106 feet, ni 215 and 217 [Oaat 148th ??Meet, through Newman Groi man. Rlliotl Buys on South Street Th.- Charles F, Noycn Company and Uornce S. Kly K- f'o, have H0ld to Rich ?'"?'I S. lOllioit, ir.O South Street. u five story building covcring loi 23x80, ul, I' "' lo May 1 t occupancy. Ho i . t-.k :>.<??' "'" property frco of mortgage INogotiations aro pending Ihrough thc li yes i ompany for n re nilo or lease of tho building, ? Cedar Street Corner Huvrr Mr:-. Mnry K. Cottrcll hai sold ti," five orj building al 127 Cedar Streot nnd 1 'I I 15 Creenwich Street, boing ' '"? '"'!>"?'> t corner, (o Jacob Weih I he properly fronts 3-1.3 foot on Cedar ?nn 60r4 feel ?,n Creenwich Streel Recordcd Wortgagcs Down town 1 >>"'? " ! T n ,- ,. ur l.r.,. .?' ' ? 1' in; Api 1 , HlnphPti II Dn'n lo ," ' ' ?' Hobi . luon, 11 i w , m Emi BV n.stall i II |, . , ,,, mtRn joi),000 aiiv' i 7'7 ,77!' ?' T ''"? !,;,i Broadway '.< 000 h-BDRIl >(JE S'l . 141 143, H w r. I.,, , Ht, IS.l I-- [00 v .,,.::; Vpr R; St, ?.'?''??" i o t,< Marks Rosenberg, 0S0 West I'.ii'l ;,\ : elua Apr 10, 1921; 6 p , ,,, 'v";' v|"? 000; attys, Kettenstein & R 300 ,JV:::': ''?:'?-. 15,000 ? I.I.N TON ST. 109, n \v ,- Dolai.v sl 26x109. V' part; o t. Apr 8; Ston'emor Rcalty Co lo Mnrka Rosenberg, 680 West '??"l ay; due Apr 10, 1931; 6 p ,-; pr '"tea *76,.): attys, F, Itensti In '& It ' '? Broadway .$5,000 Kasl Sitlo LEX1NGTON AV, 3C7, e * 515 * 4l,t ?t 19.8x76; p m; Apr 8; Jas A Rogers to' Forrest Raynor, at Montelair VI & ano, trnstecs; due Nov "9 19"3- '-, i 1' ?? : '? - T O ,v ;? co 17c' rWaciway1! .; ? .... West Side !" r'i ST, : . ?'.. a ., 50x110 10x51 1x99 - >' >" ; Api II 9; St i i-a and Stripes Real'tv '. " ' ' '''''? ''' !''< ' I ?-? ??'- t 3d :, .- I.rir 1 '?"' I'. N .1 ; ciue April I, 1924 fi p 7 \\r nitBe attys, Sloddard & M I ;s i Bway ..'..... 1CTJ-I sT. n - 175, : w !?! , a M9 ,,. ?. - bldg loani Api il 8; Heni ken Realty '< 7 jo ' s Tll Ip Uun ram -.- i ,? . ?? . ...;,'- s( Bklyn; due May |, 1924; 6 pc. . .$85,000 lS'l M Jan Chi Istina Boj lo io Cattt 1-Ieycock, 530"'\V 1 ' '''' st i ; ' rs, Itil ;n per l,,,n,l ? i,r ? intge $3,600, und d*er mtges, - ntt'v . " ?'?' ' ' Ualy, .17 Bway ... j ,,,,,' ""'['; 7 '., ' ''? ?tli av, 25xl00.'5; p mi April ., Munson 1) Shaw to Marv <; Wulnby, r.-10 I'.,,;-, av; due and inf ,--, ?;/ "ond . atly, Title Guar A- T Co. 1 7,. n H AV, '-I'li'o i'i v. .. : 13d st', 99 7'v'i""" !' r ? March 11. Sl .l.Mir ., ApartniBrits' ' ' '? " B ' l'o. 170 Bway; jO ' [? l' I' e; att; \ K u Natanson. ' 17,. ? " , ?-' ?, :; - <J '? 'v Amstordam av, ' '?' ? I' ui. Mar, h 31; 1-;,1|..? Roaity ' " lo ' ?' ula Sh'uti, 70(1 !?; 1 .,,,t i, Hi Bronx; duo April I, 1924, with exten --'"" to Aprll 1, 1929; pr ,.,,,... $29 50(1 ?'"-7 I Itlo Uuar ,\ T Co, 1 ,7 Uroad BT^ICHcil/AH AV, s e'7,'r I d ' .: P n,; April 8; Rockv.-lle MoldinK 1 "' ?'" ? U'l .'-.! Corpn, 135 Bwin due Mareh I 192 ,, ., ,, , . ,,. . utly, - II Uoldiiic, 135 B HAMK l'l rj|. ., ,... . ', 'I*? ",7 lnstals $850 ino, 6 p , ,,, ., 1 ,'"" 1'* ' 1 1. '' :' WOHTII AV,. - ;?' ' ?? l' "!- Api ,1 1 . u ntori Hold ';,: ; '? '?'? 0 i!;"- Iny lloldliig Cortiti H Mwaj , il yrs (j ,, ,-. ,? ,,,,.,. ,, ? 'X-^'av.'^' :u,,;;,7:7,17;:';: ? :.::1,.,'"/!,7v'7':;i,,V77, ', " . ' '. '? '? !? ' . |tl niti I 1 ,on " ???"?'< ??'?? . n. . 19,500 IJront >? ? ' ? ,..?!.....,, ' I ''" ''' ' ' ( ' II I ' r, ,1 l.ntiM'. ' II l in lli (ITH , ,1 i /"/ >??'?. I? J I I'.d | - l.'IIOTONA / .? ? " ? '"'? ? ''?" ih riiiiifi .1 7 ;,' Aprll *, ...i, t ,; ,-, , | '-"'I l lo 81 in'up . V .'..,,, ,-. '' '? .luM '?. , , , , '?n 31; atty-, i,??. 7 ',7 IVOOli l '" .11.011,, , ,' ', ?>?"> ?''- atty., I-.i 77. ' Vi'.";';,.4", ",t"""" '?':'"'>- -"?':''"" ''"r.y,,,,::,,/;"!? - -1 :^-.o..:--.-...,.;..*;???.?,* b< miiu,i, I,,.,. i,, i,,.,(),,,,,, (Jo ifftte inlii ,,i/,;!-7 7rw'7o7,v';,,'.',:^:;;i ?;: ;,;?; . , .** ? ' ? ? l ? r, SAiJM1 '" '?''? '' ? Uihrbp Co'lVaVfl to rii'if.'i t! A, , ; 124' ? ? ., ,.:.V ,' 7"" , 7' "; .i i'i " . '? ' mtn ? WA8?ilNoVvA; ' ' ' i,,;'; lloldlnjc "orpn i. i"i. .'?' ."""' A""1' .v7, ,. nr?i,i6|00 w;z\r*u? ':'.;,:",,i;'r,;'7,-- ??"'' -? " -7 1 ''" t?. Koht .1 mV?.,-7 "7 7,'-,;' n ? "i,".''"rici-n^ ,' ' ', "? B, uce-Rrown Land t'o t,, W,"nriVway4"" '? U,ly:'' il">"' ? * Wm id.t^ ?S r-'n* ' I?'lrt' Wt' iai." 'rn, p vv m AUBft, 36xi00x r;i*ir t 9 ^--^-\ Ravenhall's, Coney Islanc 1 Lanclmark,Is Sole Restaurant Interests Secur? | Property Held at $500,000; Big Profit Refused Ravenhall's, one of the landmarks o i Coney Island, has been <=old bv iti ( founder, Richard Ravenhall, who wil retire from business. The properlv comprising a frontage of "00 feet o't Surf Avenue and extending bael; 90( feet to the ocean, has a commodious hotel, bath houses and bathing pavilion The property, which adjoins on the t west Tilyou's Steeplechasc Park, wa; ; purchased for a price paid to approxi ; mate $500,000 hy Joseph Sartori, whe has heen offered an advance of $100,00C for his purchase contract, which offet has heen declined. Mr. Sartori has been in the restaurant business foi many years as a partner of Joseph Balzarini in the operation of a chain of places known as "Joe'-." Raven? hall's is part of a tract of land pur? chased by .Mr. Ravenhall about thirty five years ar-o from the Town of Gravesend. Park Ave. Apartment Rentals Everett M. Seixas Company haa leased an apartment at. -171 Park Ave? nue to George Ullman; apartment tn Dr. Jagendorf, at 120 East Fortieth Street, and to Mrs. V, T. Kent a studio apartment al 1 West Sixty-fourth Streel. Sale To-day of Choicc Holdings Of iln- McLoughlin Eslate An auction sale (,f unusual Interest, and coming al n most opportune time when (lats are at a promium and rents aro soaring higher every day, will be conduetod lo day by Joseph P. Day aj 12 o'clocl* in i hc salcsrootn, 11 Vcsey Street, lo close lho estate of James G, McLoughlin. Mr. McLoughlin during hi lifetimc carried on the business eslabliKhed hy his father of munufneturing toys nnd childrcn's books, and also acquired many parcels of real catato In llrook lyn and Tho Hronx, conslsting of pri vato dwellings, tonemonts and building sitcs, and the attorneys, in order to lt(|uidato tho holdings of tho estate, have decided to sell absoltitcly with oul reserve all the real estate owned by i he estate, Buyer for Tarrytown Plot Tho Roberl R, Farloy Organization ha i sold for tho Estates or Tannnn ''?<??? n plol mi Broadway, in the Plul ipso Manor section of Tarrytown, to li. Morgan, of Vonkers, , V-toriii Lots for Florists M.'.t.v A. Einsmnn has aold to Wil liani nnd llainniii Corney ten lots on riiird and Fourth Avenues, Astoria, Thn purchnncrn aro florists and will Improvo lho property with modern gi cenhoui es. : r'AltKKn KT i 12(1 2, ? ?, liflxlOO; Amnlla i ll li '" Clarenre 11 Bnillli, 10(511 Cauld *?" I av; n Ue $(1,500; March 15: atly, 1 .*' ' McChl IhIIc, 2311 Bway ... ii n,f,Ta"i- AV- ?'. ' ?. ?"' "? . OuBtaf ", '?? i 8 lo lliiyl, r it, ?l Bstate Co io < '"in li HI , nitgfl $47,600 , Aprll 1 .-.i i y ? i '? l! uh i ,v T i 'o 1 7(1 ll? av ' i i ?^'A^AV '?-' '?? ?* i. TBHOO; l^krnVn'nidg ',';.' ";''?' sl ; mtga $77,000; Ai.rll 1 ; atty, '? ?! llartiiini . 117 IaiI;., go [>] ?i SOUrilEUN l*.I,V|v. 1208, o -. BOxlOoT'liobort J Mi ??!. i; -.i.i ln Arthur l> L'olm, 3.12 W l:*3rl sf i!'t?rc. $J3,000; April l; atty, I? Use, :;-, .v,,,' ???''l Bl. t 1 Di? SAMH 1-HOl'KRTV: Artliur D Cohn ' to ' CoVln" J >nstn L'o, :::. Nassau st; mtgo, $43,000; Aprll i : atly, same. ?, BATHOATB AV, 1940, o s. ISx83.4\i Uany'h lio \'<'\ *?' Mlaiile Ma-izlolte. '.sl Kaiion nv Apnl N; alty. Titlo Diiar & T Cr>. 170 Hwav ?*to,i SO I-11KUN BI.TD, 153-5. w S, 175 S 172rJi?100i 100. I iu- i i nstn Co to Iron llill Realty Co. 15SU w lutlilnstan av: rattre, $32,000; April ::: atty, Wm Ivorner, 261 Bway. *l,?.i M.U.\ ST, .. .:, 400 n lafith s' 25x100*'fin-ma Itleflor tn Ha.-py naderniaa, 204 B l';-.i April -t; attys Titlo Guar .'. T Co, 17.; B'way.H ii . m1, . '?* " "? ""?'1'"'; "arry Who .: u> Budwill Corpn. 7 W 45th Bt; atty, Uudn-lll 1 '"IHI, . V. I5tll Rt. ......... . ti WHITI..H K AV, (.51, w s, 129 n Bar'r'eto si,- 'ilx ' '". Ilarvio .1. Ftobortson to !*lra Rothnerg "",7 .',' ' ' APril -: atty, .1 Ilotbberg, 951 Whitlocn BHIGtiS AV, 2580,"c ? 9 b'xVn's" ArinieXr/l'lior! '"? ' "\, " ?!;*,."**,rU.',: ::'"7 l!,'i':'<-, "'??' Aprll R; .,,,'; .,; ?' tM K u l* i ?) . 100 B'way. . - ri.MiiN AV. 1000, r. ?., lfi R-ioo Doi Is .1 Ouln ? a lo Kii-1, Muller, 1517 Fullon st Bro. AI> II 1. Rlty, Titlo <! & T Co_ ji' HAMfi I'UOI-BnTY: Ruth Mlllor lo Max'ive*. -?!:;:,1',1;, !''. '.''.'J,,,h'n : March 15; attv. Bamo.. $100 MORRIS AV, 2001-11, n w c 179th st, I75x 1"". Iremont-Morrls Realties, Inc tn Denwood Roalty Co, 509 WIUI3 av inte '".000; March I; atty, 10 J Krl e \r. , 1 " N'asHau sl . Sl SAMBPROP; Denwood Realty Co toMe'rll , HoldliiR i*i..rpn, 61 l.ib.-rtv st; mli*$ri7 - 1 , April - . atty, .1 '11 Zleser* 217 Bway. ' ? j l-O'RS 13 to :::, and 40 and tl ; map Hu'iit'o l'o Int r, aity co, /. M & R Corpn, to ?Julius San unls. 122 Bth av; March 1 i vrs ?? p r cenl , attys, 11 R- H Davis' SAMK PROr samo lo Bphraim Samuels ^-- ?; ??"'* Man ll 15, 5 yrs, 6 per or>nl : VVAi;i:\cB "av! 37l2Vairoirfi-r;o*bo3!:Iz .; r;' , '" i:,","H , K,lss- I 12 Bloomneld, I'1 boUcn, N .1 . Aprll 8, rlue July 1 1922: ? 1 Per e< nl . atty, C A Furehman, Iti " v .i ii'i 1 t -*? * f 1 sl. t-r "nn SAME PROP; same to Chas Qr'e'lth |r '-1* Morris av; pr mtg $.1,200; .\pril ' ft! m,J ?),',"?*/'';',.'"'' ''*'"'? eltJ*. same.$300 ??"'.'? '-J. AV 1240, e s, 39.9x100; FranH '?? II01 IiiR to ii .i Schwarzber ?'o. 1 100 I'rool 11 . AprM ;. 3 v,*. 11 ,,-r cent ?5 .1 Ki -ii;. |r, l 50 Nassau st. J1 500 HKONN LEASES '?'?Tl.AH si ?(?? ..,n. fony Oallniia ?nd ano lo Rosario lifigatiu, 2403 i',,,,i'. V? ,','".' A|"" ''? '"!1- tttty, .1 l,;i'. . 111 , 1 npin r ut . , , 1 . C1IDTONA AV. 1809, Mt,,,.. iterinttn* i;,,,,, " ? 1 r'Uls Uratidt, 1809 Crotona n ? ' '' ' 'Ut; Hlty, Louis Hmiii-ii' >? Ai 111 ' t'ali.i Iti'llrt/l 1 BnJUCT; I 1 'IHIi ? iii-fo tnl?o ' ? (100; Apfll 1 ? 1 ' sll) V ti I'l,, i?- 1 ,., (.,' | )Vlr l?"?l'l'l.??,, ?? " ? 1 "oii. 1 10 1., mt .? Mlt?i ,, il. '"''"> m"m.iV'iook' '*'", .??.1 id nli ' ii in j 1.,,, "I llli llll li - "V, Im ,; , ,. ,,, ,,,,,. ' "? 000j Mlti 1 lll I : fl ,.',. v.' . ' I 'O - It, l&fl N((rJS/lll Kl i-.ii 11,ii, " " 1 1."? M0 110U; ,M,ir | lll yr* '? I' ' llll ', Nl. 1 ,,, i,,,,, bhvaW'i ^, ,,,,.?, H ,,.,??/,,,::," ." '?'"-'' ?''< 10 Wi Itmiinn iimb -?, , ^rTm(!(f ?" ""''? si" i; atty, 11.1. ,, bathoatw'a; :'mV, .; *.. iiiii.ViAiffi Mhs-Ioiiii ii) u?r( |nj ii?iiiing i-?,,,? ; , , 1",;"1 ' ?'.' AA"' h '! '?'?"? ?''' ? P r itt ? '' " '''?? ? A" llrniirlw.i> ?' t' Jn'ii BOUTnifl?N I.OI I.KVAlt.,. ,.,,, 5 '^ a" '" "' * ? I' '?'"- 100; ? i,,n;. ... , ,,. |, i~ ??(. ? ?.. .'.iiv.1,,1 oi j ,,, iritges, each $ , I 000 Apr .!. HiHiiiin .; p .-, mtv, v I.????? ?>; " 1 to I'nul DochUrmann,, ;.i,r *''?!? !-V ?',??;?"??" J." ' ' ""^ Tltla 1 ' M.I I tV J < O, J , (, M| (lil fl Wil V Ift AAA T1NTON AV, iooo, ,. ,, 19.8X100; Mtlx h/ow !,""' "' l"lMl Miller, 1617 Kulton at Mill,,,' ? * ?',";'? "v.^^vv "" ?'?'?? ?? '??''???'" 11.-..'?* '',' li,.1','"' - V,'"1" '" ';.r I I i'rif ', , ." ,""1 ' ? '"'" I ? I 1 ? N .1 ? Anrl A^'i ',-'"m'- " " ''' ?"V, T t 0 ?;-''''v S|. ; ?. -ioo n 11.n11, ii, 26X100 larry &1 M |a-i Raderman 1, 0 l-i'-n,-,, #4 Kolly ?, \ 11 g; 8 y?,J"S A ,'rll l- IL,2,' ,'1-h,; pr ""?'?' ?30.000| f iTiiv \ * 1 - ?*.-i - .. ????'.11 O,')00 ?'.,, ,', t ?'?"'? xV. "* 2,*ix.? Al?;,.|o :;?;,* l1"" "u?-r ??? T ci, 176 Brond: Clrui'1'ft1 ^ ?? "'" '"' Twmi pi;'fl7'ox'ioon Richd P t,TB-n 10 n y Co-oper b * -: P o= attV 12w'h "!; Ar,rU 8Hn.tala 0 P{ t, atty, \v,n Lanndon, 3 Koctor l?t%,%,?Ct0 N Y Co-oper Bk L As-^ ?tty. wn-. I*?nj-aon? A Raotor I'Finding Business Space I Grows More Diffieull 3 Tenant in Insurance Section Has to Go to Another Building for Additional Room ? An instance-of the trouble in finding | business space in the insurance section is announced by Senator John S. Fre i Iinghuysen. Inable to get any more ) room in tlie building in which he is s i now located, he found it necessary to . lease a floor space at GS John Street. ! Charles B. Van Valen was the broker. i Frederick Fox & Co. have leased to ? Max & Charles Siegel the first loft i at 45 to 61 West Fourth Street; to ) ' Benjamin Thier and Mosos Monheit, ?the basement, store and cellar at 62 i East Twelfth Street; to Solomon ? Schwartz, the sixth loft at 138 West i Seventeenth Street; in conjunction i with L. Taimenbaum, Strausa & Co., to Punsky & Sudansky, the fifth loft' at ? 26 and 28 Washington Place. and, in ; conjunction with Cross & Brown Com? pany, to William C.oldstein & Co., space at 8 and 10 West Forty-fifth Street. The Charles P. Noyes Companv has leased tlie second floor of 111 and 116 Fulton Street to the American Frame ?nnd Picture (.'ompany, and part of the fourth floor to Elliasberg, Rosenblatt & Barsky, and tho fourth floor in 118 and 120 West Forty-third Street, to the Strand Art. Service for Drake'a Aestau rant, tne. William II, Whiting & Co. have lensed for Norman S. Rieaenfeld to the R-W Rcalty Company the building at 100 Nassau Street for twenty years at. a gross rental of about $176,000. The building is to be extensively remodelled and will bo occupied by thc Rival Shoe Company. Spear <v. Co. have rented tho store nn<l basement at 111 Nassau Streot to Schall A> Thaler. -I M. English has Icaacd for tho Ideal Holding (ompany thn unpor lol"t*% at I., 11 Broadway to Max Rogers. Hrrlowit/ & Cniiic have loaaod for Horacc S, Ely r\- Co., lhe fourth loft al 13 and Ifi Woat Twcnty-oighth Street. to li. KoIiii fi- Rosenberg Dress Com? pany, Tako Bronx Factory ?i. Clarenco Davlca haa leased for the ; Dlllman Baking Company to Connoll, , Danicls and Anthony, 7:.'l and VL'.i Fast 1.30th Street, a two-atory brick factory, and, in conjunction with !?'. J, Guil foylc & in., (he Duviea company has leased ,r,u:i Fifth Avenue for H term of years to Lhe Fifty-Fifty Corporation. African Bank Takea New Premises Tho Bank of Britiah West,' Africa, Ltd., has loaacd thc ground floor in tho Beaver Building, loo Beaver Street, through George 11. Read & Co., from' the Commercial Bank of Spanish Amer? ica, The prcaent tonants will move on May I to dl) Broadway, whoro they will occupy tho second floor, recently leased by tho aamti brokers to tho Anglo-South American Bank, with whom tho Commercial Bank is affil iatod. William A. While & Sona leased to Nathan Klein tho Btoro and basement. nt 47 and 40 Greono Street; to Goorge II. Dunkle the store and basement al 178 Creenwich Street and at r>7'-> Dey Street; to Belmont & Slutt a loft at 128 Bleecker Street; to Morgenstern & Co. ? loft at 29 and ,'!1 Park Place; to Harry Schain a loft at 166 Centre Street; to Isidor Galinsky and Joseph Paigin a loft nt 163 Grcenc Street; to Brussel &. Bcebo offices at 43 Exchange Place; to Seligman & Seligman offices at 80 Maiden Lane; to Saul L. and Samuel S. " Solomon offices at 21 and 2'.', Maiden Lane, and at 100 Hudson Street addi | tional space to the Loevy Company. -.?? (lottages at Roekaway Leased The Lewis II. 'May Company has ! leased at Far Roekaway, L. I.. for Will? iam I.uce a cottage on Broadway to Mrs. Thomas E. Marshall; for Maria , .'\. O'Reilly a cottage at Neilson and ; State Streets to Eugene Black; for ? Anna A. Veit a cottage at Willow : Placo and Sea View Avenue to Mildred ; H. Goldmann; for Peter Robohm, a cottage on Central Avcnue to Jacob I Katz; for Lulu Tobias a cottage on ? Ocean Avenue to Leon Forst, and for , the Coast Realty Company a cottage : on Hollywood Avenue to Howard R. ' Stanley. Rents Home at Searsdale Misses Nash & Kennedy have leased, furnishod, for the summer, the home 0f Arthur I). Williams on Greenacres Avenue, Searsdale. Lis Pendens Manhat lan IST AV, 1117, Slmon Slbulash agt Vdolph ?' Kohn el nl (action to fon close me chantos' Men i; atty, A Ackerson *'l II AV, n w cor 1.77,1 st, 42x100; o,-phnti Asylum Society ln the Cltv ot N V agt Harry Aronson, Inc, et nl (foreclosure t.r mortgage); attys, Dp Korest Bros, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens Manhattan W VDSWORTH AV, 248: Kmnnuel I i agl 1'ifll. Avenue Hrti-I & Mortgage l r. "1 al; Map, ll 7, 19151 . } I ,,, W VDSVVOKTI1 AV, 7.v Brnanuel Kalls'ch agl same; Man h 7. 1319. , . . t- ? i, , V1ST RT, ;i| \v , s Wolf's Botis, tttc ug( Hdward Hplegel el al; S'ot, 8, lllll $203 GB ' Bronx 1 "''?".I.AIM. l'l,. '.'i;,ii. John i SchaUb gal Ustatp .,r ,lames Itaushnn nnd .lames UrtUHliall, owners; .InitK ?> Unushurl, ,,,,, " ,' ! ""? ' ' ? ' ". "I ,. ?r lanVor l llotllflS I li,,|,|?-r ,r;i l<;,,,?,,? ,|( Bti 1,'H.I ,,-.-,-,,. I ?l,,| , .,,,,,?, toi U ,,, , Httlcti H\ \(|('|i(MI ii ii. ni y Mi ni V /'ll A' U7MH71I, ? ? ,? 1HU| II f,li ,? t ll Hit' I".'. . '" fl'KllI I!, I.l. llrllK, , , | ?| ilin iv, Un ?? ,? , . ,,, r, ?,,? Hl ni" jiluiiitirr tm ko .,?? ';';'i',7' , i ,;" '. II -'. I ifi - fith Av ., I if?nx ii" k t ?toi y i. -a. ri., m.-i nh - HftllW V* I' \ VV llrl.ll,,,- l'o ,1 ?l ,1,7 ,f 0i,";VJ;:' u'k"H' "'''? ?:"-.|'i: to 'i": i-iiilinltf for . ,,, ,,,,,, .'* .i, f. -nioi v tennmnnl nnd ntor?H nnd < ? lory i.-h,- Hio,(.n, |,; A I|rii?? ,i bi ,.X1H ' ?< PhyslclnnH' HoHpitai 0f ClnttaburB ?t v. ii lidrn wo llv .!.,:? j,h P |,., nilOADWAV, 2128-2134, ? a ,- , ?m, si ? '"I M. iui.h m 104.IJX - IDI) |) ;,, \i,,?t,'.| ' 'lini Av, 308-318, x n loo.x vv ?:: to bo?lfi. i ?hio-t storo; ueeolla Blnstein ot Ll va : trunk Bradloy ol al; due, $.,.,,; I02DXOHT8l'Mft$'^0.?0;ftdJ^?rnodtOAP'-1' '',: ?00. I, 1, ?.?rv i,.M,.,?r?t, H'.7 Bido Sav Bank v,, Jottchlm Sulro el al, due | r f" .? 18,1.00 My Arthur C, Hhcrlclan eOllTHBnN m,VH, v, ,, ;J;, ? ,?,,? .? X 00; l.a tvn ih' T v r i ? 7 , ' ?"?' }l"^ "I lo "i. p|.^"for.*l.0 000 Nen Building Plans Manhattan - -ty Ki.iiiK-... 100x203.7; I-:7 i? ,,f 7 m 100.6i '1 HMcifanu.* 'co'/ w'U,% ^ owner; flommorfold & Stoekl.p ?t ? '" ">"ot?i cost.tti.OttU .,,... ,.., Alterations bank; sfngir fi?ttfVotfirBfor&OMpr*K laoo. ownrr; Q FlaKK loS u.'??P. . archltect; oost ...aKK' 10J "'"Vi "ft Miss Zinderstein And Mrs. Morse Victors on Courts PINEHURST, N. C. Apri! 9.?Miss Marion Zinderstein, of the Longwooc '? Club, and Mrs. Marion Yanderhofl Morse, of the West Side Tennis Club l , were victors here to-day in the semi j finals of the women's singles in the Xorth and South tennis tournament. The men's doubies were brought ' down to the finals, in which Vincent Richards and W. T. Tilden, 2d, the national doufeles champions, will be op posed by H. S. Voshell and I. Kumagae. -? Hinchman May Managc Toledo Baseball Club TOLEDO. Ohio, April 9. ?Assurance | that "everything is going along per ; fectly" was given by Roger Brcsnahan, ! president of the Toledo BasebaU Com? pany, this afternoon following confer ences between President T. A. Hickey : of the American association, Brcsnahan j and minority stockholders. The probable outcome of the situa I tion is that a new company, composcd i of leading Toledo business men, hcaded ! by Elmer Dyer, vice-president of the i American Bowling Congress, will take over the stock of the company to pro : tect itself, nnd guarantee the stock ' holders to pro rate any profit accruing until the stock is paid for. Bill Hinchman, now with Ptttsburgh, is expected to come here as part of I the trade whereby Catcher Ed Sweeney ; went to Pittsburgh. and Hresnahnn an? nounced be would be made manager of i the team. Hinchman managed the Co? lumbus team of the American nssocia ! tion before going to Pittsburgh. Me is well known and well liked here. llot Springs KemiltM |. ,, .1 ral .. (four-year oldn and upward ' r'riiniirir purse, $000; ?iv furlnnga). ? I.H ii,, I'rltieesH, I'"', i Brown), * ??, I. 7 t,, i ?,,,! y i,, ;, first Sol Ollsej .lln (Connnllj I, ;, to 2, ll (o ? ...rl ??? ',, ?, "-.?.,irI; A|i|il" Jack, 100 (('iillahan), H lo l. 7 to l und * to 5. third Tii.i, . i 15 ! 5 Uraoekd, New Modi I i;. .:.'?? . I.ady I'owi rs, Jano, Lo li.-lui. Oklahoina Irish, Proaperolla and Mlsa llowell nll.. rnn, ;:....nul I.-.,-,. (foul year olda and upward; elaiming; ours". $600; hIh furlongs) Vel , vet, I'M " assll',). 17, t., I, 0 to I and '. t,> 1, first, lluffiik, i, 109 ( VVllllsi, 4 iu I. 1 to 2 .ind '?v.-n. si.nd; Toui Caro, n n (John h,,m). x io I. ') lo 1 nnd 8 !?> 6, third, Tlim , l i,, ? ,, Halato, Bophla, Galawood, Almi : Loulsn. Cholrmaster. Poraevero, Al. Pierce, Kltig K" , Valerlo West nnd High Note u!nu 1 11, ii. Third rae.o (three year-olds; allowances i put'H.' $800. ono mlle i l irtiininond, l "8 (.lohtisoti), 13 lo 20, 1 t,. 7, uml oijp, first; ?I'hitn toui Maid, inI i M.-Int vr.-i. 1 :i to ... 1 to 2 and out, second . IM Htolin, 105 i' 7 Itoblnson), 0 lo I, 7 lo r, nnd oul, third Tlmo ) ti 7 :,. ?Cromwell nnd Mtnawand i.e.,, ran, ?McClelland ? ntrj. Fourth rare ((our-yeur olda and upward; nIlownnees; purse, $000; ono mlle and <. sixtountli) llarvcsf King, 112 (Barrett), I | to 70, 1 to t nnd oil'. flr-d , ?S;.ii,l". Of I'lvaaunt, 112 (Carrnll l, 0 lo :;, -v.-n und i io 3, second; ?Obolus, io* iU'UIIm), y t., ;;, ... ni und 1 to ::, third. Time, l ;4B. Orey fclagle. Kohlnoor and KuIun lllley ?l?io run. ?|.'l.|.| . Miy. 1'ifth raco (threa year olda and upward; elaiming, luiii..., $000; ?lx furlongs) Dla l'unhIoii, oii (C, Rnblnaon), i to s, t to ii no,I out, firat; >t..t> A? hm (Wtlghi), w to I, 5 io 7 and even, aacond; Ituklux, los (Johnson), fc lo 1, 5 to :: and ovon, third Time, 1 17. 1-16. (ilynipmn King, Kcarpla II. Orderly, Hondo and Kuth Strlcklund also ri. ii Hix111 rare (four year old." and upward; elaiming; purs.-, $600; ono mlle and threr. Blxteuoths). - -Wtlterproof, 108 (Schutttn Rrr), :> to 1, 6 to 6 and ;i to 5, Tirst : Thanksglvlng, ICS (Carroll), 0 to 1, 2 to t nnd even, second; Aztec, 107 (Willis), 10 t,. 1, 4 to 1 nnd 2 to 1, third. Time, 2:03 3-5. Old Ben, Will I>o, Gleipner, Littlo Strlng, Verna B. and Illckorynut also ran. Kceonled Transfcrs I>owntown 1 i;.,\'T ST, s e c Gouverneur Lane, 25 \101.7; Wm .1 Robertson to Stephen H Dorr, IS0 Satterthwaite av, Nutloy, N J; mtge $26,000; atty, 1. T & T Co, 1 t-'O Bway .$H)(i WARREN' ST, 121, h s. 25x02.0; Bmily T Forsyth lo Forsyth Wlckes. Tuxedo Park, N V: a t, u and s; all liens; ad dress. l I Wall st .SiOo ? WALKER ST, 37, 10x80 (foreclosure April I. 1019); Harold K Lipplneott, ref, to Emlgrant, ludust Sav Bank; attys, K & B J O'Gorman, 51 Chambera st .$25,000 RUTGBRS PLACC, 23, n a, 52.6 w Clinton at, 20x110 (foreclosure April 1, 1919); Abr B tveve, ref. to Mary Roxburghe, Floors Castle, Kelso, Scotland; Apri! X; atty, DeWitt 1. ?? DeW, 88 Nassau st .$.15,000 GREENWICH AV, 51, w 8, 42 s Perry st. 40.3x21x Irreg; Ek-anor Crosby to" the Fleischmann Co, 699 Wash st; eon Hrmation deed; March 15; atty, T G & T Co, I 76 Bway .$1 :ist Side IST AV, 477. ? o c 21st st, 23x69; 21sl st, 404 E, s s. 69 e lst av. 27x69; Eliz Trautman to I-lydro-Bar Waterprooflng Co, 338 K 23d st ; h and a; April 2; atty, 1 -Bdw llollaodrn. 170 Bwav .$--on MADISON AV, 790. e s, 62.5 n 67th s! 20x84; Blancho L Hennessoy to Rloh'd W ITennessey, a' West End, N J; a t al! liens; April S, atty, Jaa 1 Braflv," 77 Liberty st . Gift LEXINGTON AV, 367, 11.8x77; Forrest Raynor and ano. trustees, to .la.s (', Rogers. 40 K 22<l sl ; p to; rntge $21.0an all liens. April 7; stt}, T (1 & T Co 1 '.t; Bway .$26,000 81ST ST. 126-28 K. s a, 50x102.2; Estlfr 1' Isher to Sol Libman, 48 W ,'lSlh st and nno; o c; all llens; Sni.l 12, 1918; atty T '1 ,'7 T Co. I7G Bwav .... Si 9 7TH ST, 1104 E, s s, 2*5x100.11 ; Morlta Weil to Brldget Hickey. 143 W 62d st mtge $25,000; Aprii 0; atty, Jessle AVeil' I 0 Broad st . t, I13TH ST. di; B, s ?, 26x100.10 (for'e'c'lbs ure Mareh 771: c.h&B B Ouggenhelmet ' ! lo K Relnhelmi r, Ifi \'7 70th sl Aprll 0; attys, Rose ?.- Parkes, :?-. *( ?'S y . 5. - ,,,.,. ? IIGTJI ST, 424 (i K 8 n, I5.5xi 00.11 VI. Ta w 1',?'.','/Ai'"T l.? Antolfiette Barone, I 14 B 120th jt; mtge $27,000; attv, T u , ,7.,.,, ,','.' ' ''; ,?'v">' . . $ ion .iiiaidi to Vlneen/o im Paseale, 106 to llitli sl! mtge 16,000; Aprll ;. ?u, ! "'"?-' t'ltllds lo t 1: *. T .7,7.; tl Wvtn Hldfl "'?'? iU(y, ,/es t<; u.,-, ,.,? ,,. ,-, 11 flfl ?'!"",.? '7 ,"'. "" "?'' X .'rO,,???, ' ' ' H ? ?' *' ? II.'? J'' .'HIH 1,1 llrtOM attys, io.j.v /i |,'oi..y * i'? io;i W 142.1 tl '"'//'/V, , h. r,'j 11 ? 4.;ii, ,, ns.Vift i?',,i Oot fi 'Vn W'''l"w,<"1. N J, 18 ';A..'r, ''V';!;'0!VrV' '"'?. "' l':m<;Hn'. "?rrtfe."h Prospect av, Brons; i-? '"'''m'. I*'!'-' ," ."''?.'"? w'Vlh'ftyl'mVo'o.V; Mu 1, Qulnby lo M?OM?n fj Hhaw. 4,1 ?4! ih ,1 Aprll 2. atty, T o & t < ?? 1 to Hway ,,,,,; 71?J, ?T''f' W, n ?. 770 w (??7?v;,20x 0. . Hhcrldan 1 Norton et ai to Bdw , a, r. KirrlM'n' ,y^ 51 Klrh "'??? '"l """?: Aprll h, atly, T ti & t Co, 176 Bway ! W!'l''xl^ei> A?V> "I' " " " ?h ?*? ^?? fVo.i ?' vs"r"l",'1 ?' Goldsmlth ot al. '?hrlslUn-'Arnnr l^'^Tif^^A glUr M0.0TC! all llens; JLprtl l"Vtt% nimiiin'^rflAl ,7n Bway.|1 000.10 ' fl, 8J.1 ix34.4x Irre.g ; a of fori.Rolni/ ami undivid.d uu ln fo lowlna: 4?th ?f 22% ??- mh at, 210 W; 130th .t. J3 W Bth Mllton L W lllama to Wm U Chapple 81 Wnnhlnglnrt at, Hiijfrii, M?s:, ?;; llena: Aprll g; a.ldreHs Jonaphlne Todel loi.i Bretton iiaii. N Y 1:. i10(j ?<??: Mt, 4-1: w. h i, soxioo.i bhM a Smith to 4-8 W 03d Bt Corpn. 347 Dlh ? *v; mla- $7n.fir,0; Aprll 2; atty Edw 1 Hehulklnd. 2 Rector st... . . $i00 HTH HT. 17 W, n s, 18x100.8; N V PuWIr Library to Blleti Me.f'ullagri, 275 Blvd J4?r?y City; b & a, ,-, R g; all lelna; atty UfiTi77rT T-r*J Co' ??? H?Hy.7.$10(i lfSh.7fnd,.2v3,dW-Ana"no.20ai?2;Ui/,l; Woo'iKrv.238.^ n2th ": m\ I6TH ST, 016-20 W, s s, 76xi66.V;'North olding Co to .70 jv I16th St Corpn r;u' f' " "'? ;"'-. $133,000; all 1:,,, Mar 31; atty. N v t & M ,??/ I1^, ,' *w '?.' .,. $ 100 JMn,.ST,r."rS' ~2. " r'f,"0]t ?v. 18.(1X100.11 ' Mary B Tow 1.' to Ellaa S Jackson 478 Central Park W; all ilena; attv? T c? A T Co. 178 Bway _ y' ?, TH AV. 3328. w a, B9.4 e' i37tn"at" 37t 1001 Ouatav TriallnK to Wbaok Co 141 l ~ ?man 1 ii.riioui An Aviation Team May Be Organized By Columbia Men IRST suggestion of an avia F" ion team was made at Co? lumbia yesterday afternoon at a meeting of twenty ex-fiyers in Colonel Edwards's office. Col* onel Edwards is head of the newly instructed Columbia R. O. T. C. and is promoting the scheme for flying contests. The team, if formed, will enter the intercollegiatc aerial contest lo be he!d at Atlantic City undcr Ih- auspiees of the Aero Club of America. Of tbe twenty men who attended this first meeting thir teen had spent more than t-hree hours in the air. Some had been instructors in American or Cana* dian camps and others had done actual flying over the battlefields cf France. The chances of entcring n Biue and White team will be discusscd at a dinner lo be held at the Aero Club next Saturday. Harvard Beal* Bowdoin CAMBR1DGK, Mass.. April 9. Tho Harvard University nine defeated Bow , doin to-.lay by a score of l i,, :? i{?,'; teams played in nnd season form and the resull was in doubt until the last oul had been scored. Bowie Entries rilisr IIAL'K Claimlng; for three ytat oldf iU (|B) .la,* Isarx 1101 Mnyd i,,.,??. ,*. l? 1. Orei.ado II . 171 !?? Tlgcr lloae .,,. ? l Uialldign . io; 37. \ i^,;e,,,? ' ? 1 l.-nril I". t? r I |l Sl CONIJ Iim. Tlirci ','.,r nlrl- ??,- unward -lalmlng; n?n and n liair I Wj3 Klnglllig M II*. H (||,| mn Hnnticr ,.,, tl llltpinidii I0<l 1 ? Ki ;. . <fl Hdvllla i"' li,- iiMgian ,1 |t? l!i Kuariiiioi i<li II . 1 ?? 1 ,,; , I'lllltll ItM I, ,.111 R ;..,,,, .,,,; ? ,j " 11 r. I: flvi- i,n,| h ',, ' rui - . Murpli 1 n |'?i|,.| I 10 ?'I' Alli-ll.r lll I,,?,.,. ?, , li .'III . '? II 1, a-ri) H'.lld II l.'anl Kml II."i I <>> H'l'l HAi'i: 1 lalmlng; llirec ?, ->ld? and upward . mllv ai d h-n 111 ? , .1 Tliurs'j Nlglitei 112 19, *.'-.,, ni ro 40 Mt 1 hlk-y I" 1 ?imiii 1 ?IJ Wewnka . 90 i- > l ., i | ,nc,\ (48) Oonovlevo I! Ki; ?,.''. I'll'TII RACE. ? lalmlng; four yoar Old* and 1111 wtrd; mllo and n hlxii-mlli ?1 I'ulaald . ,1121 11.i,.|..? n m '.'?,?'v 112 1 Di 1 imrcJi 27 Ml' 1 McGlgglo . . ,'i,ii-| : 41 Hllf l.'p lll B1XTII RAi 1; foui ...-,, olda and upward mllo ?',?, 11 -tlxleeiitli . 4?" Hli. I'uro 1121 *!? drrary 107 :.- Iiioulola inl ' ? 1 r ? 41 ' Oarbogn 112 *'?? *l illili i:,,-,,.,. HK\ KNTII RACE I lalmi i.. '? ,, ,. ., ,.? | .. , upward. ml u iu I a im tig 42' Uilli-r .11. h 1'adlllaf 11 ? Hli ii. M Miller n ,1 I'ul . m .1 rall. ? 42 IliWOOd II IU ItlMi'l ' |, . ?Appronlli'O allowan, -. cliliucd Yale Opens Baseball Season With Victory OverSpringfield NE? HAVEN, Conn., April 9.-^ opened it. baseball season to-day b whitewashmg Springfield Training Col !???. 2 to 0, and by exhibitin/Zi innings of errorless ball The was begun in a dri?le, which StoJ after the second inning. BobinS, m five innings, gave the v!8?to? f"' Heiwas hit harder tb.n ^ leck, who had the visitors at his ' *n the final four innings, allovrin* but one single. l Twombley, of Springfield, Upt Yal? down to three scattercd singfc, b uncertain support presented Yale'with both its tallies. Frank Lynch. the for mer Exeter star, figured in both Yalc'j seores ln the sixth he singled, stole second, kept on to third, when rBIrj,? Atkmson's throw hit him in he & and registered when Sharpe's th? " (o the plate was heaved wildly to TL grandstand. " inc' Selleck walked in ihp eighth hut ?. forced by Uolden, 4o took mwbVS rwombley's wild pitch, and third on Lynch s single. When Lynch started for MCond drawmg the throw to that base HoldV,,' raced ?or the plate. beating tho -J turn throw. r ?%Captain Boyd's accuratc throw u> A. P-ate retircd Sims in tho rourth. Slm. man s nacnfice, nnd tried :'???? the ?"{. ;'??'.*"????*" m tbe fir I with h g catch of ,. Short 1 I hc score: ?, ' ll !.!> V >l , | VAI.K - lloldn : ' ? I ? ? (I I ( I i , ? il . |i i ?? i ? ,. '* , ? CHICAGO, April 0 | . ?? . |1BW) fof "'"'' ,';""":' ? ?' un ?? ..,;!??,, billiard ',:,; ' '? ''"' ! ?'-' '' ,-:?? ?? n ho pital I- Igin, lll., Mixtj three .-. em liere of influenza f fo Igin, lll.. ;?..-. three .- em sffo aiiii ' " '?? ' -'* ?' "n c p rl billiard pluyer competi d in matche , the m i.otablc being ? ?, .,?,,. ' "?'' "i ^ ?' lnngton, D, c |n IR7G, winning by f!00 to 647, ai therocru lin* three hall gome, R a v i ii g S u ni ni a r i e s BOWIE, APRIL 9, 1919. ?ApprenticS allowanco claimed. Weather warra; track fasl 50 EK3? 1^:,,^^^^^^ Am BlKSj i/rLTner^.ll'H. Ste.ler'' b' *" ' ''' b" ,'a!1'" 7Ave Marle* ?wner- <??? w '? -InTVT^i'-, WU ,','Sf'-.-^ '4 'v Kl". ?.loekey?.--St. PI. Sh. tt'I*au?aaMiller:::i06 4 l 5-* 4* 8-* 3?'iffiev ~ ' 4 , -'"a 38 Bronco Billy ...113 2 7 6? 6- 4- 4* Hut el! ~ " - lo-20 ? Yankee Notlons.113 5 4 3-4,3*6- 5? Xrt ~ ? The Belgian II. .113 1 6 7* 7* 6? 6? Parrineton ? 87 ?Miss F'ntleroy.lOl 3 8 s 8' 7? 7>? Snideman ~ Li Z ? Frenchy .lll r, 3 4J_6J_8 8 Corev . Z $2.S?0AfULaura ^'^Sj;;;r, E"-*-1^. $4.80. $2.90 52.30; True as Steel. J3 f,0. blinker** Vi-?ir?r. "^ki6" ^elgi*n ".. Yankee Notions, Bro-co Blllv. Frenchy wore 1 ft st got U Tr?eS' under a hard drive in the stretch. galfted steadfiy ?n4 Miller iu ,n ? n,*'M?,'^-l had.meniy. of speed. and hung ofi gamely. Laura , Miner, outrun 111 the early part, closed fast. Bronco P.iliy made up some ground*. ' 51 AX^^l^VLi^^s'^rC;? ^S^U5P:pt{tSI:oFfToe4,8^rtS j S'5^m;-- nSSSTnV *_ *- *' I,y Seth~La^ Hlldreth. Owner. ... M. Index. Horse. Wt PP. sr.J _ % _ 34 _% Firi." 'jn.-kevs.-StT"Pl._ Sh. 37 MiSOs3Steriing'--l0C 5 fi n VulV #>?^ ^&-4 :: ; :, 11 T.:o 44 General!.. B.::.115 8 4 3* "'^' II ButweT ~ "* ? 12 10 Scaramouct. ....115 T 2 *, 4- 4* 4? Corev" 2 Virginia Ve'l . ..111 f; it 52 ,-">'?' r,? Mergler Vhr-ft y.J? - l 4'* (i' er' f'* Snideman ? - - ~i ?rh?ft .Ul 5 8 8 8 8 7- Obert ? ? !_2_A?l?'^....L?5 +_7_ 7? <? 7i 8 Metcalt _ - - I Gene^al.?3Sl(,Paid~~En0S' ?lsCrV'' $41.20;~$13.70- Miss Sterling, $10.40T?c3b* ! ?nrSaa^*?0nH.C-.h-.' ?JS?' V^Kl,0?*?'1^*? Kno!' hr"^ w"*' *" mot "; -"><- ?** ' 'in; wov 'h .h , 'v he,d ^Iiss *Su'r""K "afe at tbe end The latter well up ,1' J"9 wn>.* h;,i '": <?x<-,-'se General has had plenty of racinr* V?-.- 1 ft , closo quarters in the stretch and could never get c'.oser" . F>^ T/tT^'J".-'-.',1'-' ?vJ;'''1-'r-y*ar-ol.]= :,rrl up ? eJaiming : purse SR00 FIVE ANO | (J?4i HALF FLRLONOS. rime. 1.08 1-B. Post 3.30, off at 3 31 ; won easily, place same. Winner, l. p 7 bv H mburc I r?-t t---' nxrw R Fenwlck. Trainer, W C. Kennedv. . Flight Owuer, . ^t-V^^-I'Z .7'*- >r- St % <i 4 Kin.'jock-ye. Pt. ,-:. " Sh. i.'SSSSS v::;::.iU S 1 ^;.-:z " r3-5 : ! 38' 'Kingling II....110 8 4 4- ;;? J | Erickson ?: American .111 ] ) r- 41 ,1 4, pllf,? 25 -*^orfhnK-. .1f>8 4 5 B'4 P fi* U Denvs^ Z _..=_*P'-ien_ralGlrl . 101 5 6 _ r, \ r, fl stapleton 'ling -rr's^fio'"'1'0 ?-^?-?^"Ce. $7.20, $2.90; ? 2 f,n . Ko^-*.,, J? :.o, j ... Kirz the miS'SSf ?vnfi:I%.? a,i" 0rler*n> OJrl ^""* blinkers Refugee la elos. M B-oin? awnv -'r.K, " a'/'"ri? V/K" in the s?''r'*'>' and lakin^ - 53;ESSSSK^^ Hop2ufo1f:4prS2fi tf,d?. Iloree. Wt. i'l* fit (4 % r.- Ki? ,?(,kf,v p, ,, irffiSS? : ;:,, ' .:; i; 5 ^ \ \ mi. Mm-81 Pool :ii:, :. - 1 V, ! -7, .'"'^"n 1 * 1 (f?) Wanky r-o'v. ion a 11 .- ,- ,, ;.. ?!;:,:?.. ". ,!.'? I0? 14 ?e B ,? ?. ,., K?o.Mi4',f"M ',f'"; ":'""' " '? - ?'?? - ! ? wnw, n Pflnky hii.i no ? lijiire ? m, ii? V, ,? '' ?' ' *' - ' |Urri#r%fS.L':,,, ;!l?e&c%rv f>4 ?fiE"i.riA?C 558%vKr,SiJB.fn. ^ ? ? '?"?? ' ,ulK Troln/p .??: i< iU,, ' "' ''' ly Olorlfler PurlUn uirl Ownn, .- i. Shrtft '"""'-'k'T'. , ' ""I- ,'''?'"'? * s * T* n? >?iMf? ?'- n nt ?,;' tPluvluda . 8fi | j { J < ?' J" i;;,?- - tmprove,,,enl ruIhSdtttI,olih.l,t! "."'"; 1':""' "' ^' '<! B" * ^ ran an ln.provort rare |?, ? 'i'-'L",'. ,U" "."'T1' n'"1 v. Pu "? 'l!' ,!rBp,,JI dull race. n.' ( hant ,-;in do better. P.-erlecH One ran a sttl pla'e iim *.?' L *"' 1"81, Po,( B C'6' r,ff r,"r'- Start good. Won ,irlvin?; \v\! wSikV?'. "'rr' b- K' 4* by Toddtngton-Mtai OrtelL Owner and trnim, ,1".i?n,;w,, 7P^ OT5 MK ....,l,,s St. PI. ^h : ?h.k? ?, w * * ' "^ -1 ' * *?>' ?*i?** i"' '? ' -- ?* ?Babyjtaeeh ipi : 5_7 7 7 * 7 7 ,--r,:- . ? Slee?h.,,$i,.7n. ,';'''1 """ "",lK'' ,!5> $r;S0' ><10; iMofirrr^a,. fffi. H^ 56 8/: :mS RriiSr?'!?Sae'2**r*?1^ and l'P; daimlng: purae $800. MH-* ..,,?/, ]",1P' I49' po?t 6.40. off at 6 4C. start bad: won drt?tefi r. K. Bea'h r'ner' b h' a' by Snl"?Uana ?p"* Owner, R. J. Alllson. Trainer. S4 ?"!."????, W'- P'' Sf-.,-i ?3- ? Fln. .)o,!;,vS. St. " PI."Tk: !!* V n ',' J: }3 i.4l- Ttloe r: ;o ^:o_l-4 86 ?IncIuleia,':':':Vn. 9? 6 S 2- 1> 8? B V \Um\ ~Z - - T*lffiAVniif*"ry ShaW' *710' ,= 9?; fflWTWldowB^ott^ IMW icted mean atVh; norBfttnkhe??0thn.0^ F?l,ry Prtn.0# Wfi^ t>?nk.?. Harry M|