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We are our own manu? facturers from start to fin ish. Work direct with the best mills for our woolens. Collaborate on the pat terns. Do all our own design ing. Avoid religiously any? thing that borders on the "freak." Have the same ideals as the most exclu? sive custom tailors. Only difference is?the price! We charge nothing for our name. A normal profit on the cost of manu? facture. That's saying a lot when you remember that our piece goods for this t Spring were con tracted for at prices con siderably under thc present market. Spring suits. Spring overcoats. A si/c for even build. Rogers Peet Company Broadway Broadway at 13th St "Four at 34th St Convenient Broadway" Fifth Ave. at Warren at 41st St. Over 100, Drug Addicts Reported Here Health Officials Say That 1.500,000 Prescriptions Werr Issued I 1 I i c i t 1 y During the Last Year Startling revelations on tho scope nf thr illicit traffic in drugs here were made yesterday by Federal and city officials active in thc crusado against this traffic, which was inaugurated here ; Tuesday night when internal revenue officers arrested six physicians and i four druggists for alleged violations of the Harrison act. Health officials said that about 1, 500,000 prescriptions for illicit use of narcotics have been issued to drug ' addicts by unscrupulous physicians in N'ew York City in thc last year. 'Ihe failure of tho Harrison and Boylan acts and tho high cost of whiskey have been responsible for the increase in thc number of addicts to between 100,000 and 200,000 in tho metropolitan district, according to Health Commissioner Copeland. Between thirty and forty unscrupu Ioiih physleiana and a iil.e number of druggists have been making nood in? come ?? hero by rn inli toring to tho cravlnga of narcotic addicts, Fcdoral agents reporti d. Commi sionoi Copeland will seek to DD ". rnl 0 IBCrioUl CI . WaVO here by opening n special drug addicl clinic daily from D a. m. to 5 p, m, iii thc Health Dcnnrl mcnl lluildlng, 139 ? 'ent ri' Stn et, bou inni ng this moi n ing, i.o provide for the paliontH of tho :.i - physicians a i rostod fur day nlghl. Thr drug habil in on the incroiiHo here, Sevenl ?. per cenl of t he vicl ims aro under i wenl v ln u \ i urfl of ago, M;.ny of i Ih'ih nre di i :hii i (,'ed i oldiei i nnd ? iiilors, The cffecl of tha I 'adcral Harrison aet, and of i he IIoj lan act, a sl ate meai u re, .rei v hiifl been to s)ii ft tho drug tn\ffic from the hands of tho "pedler" to those of lhe unscrupu? lous physician and druggist, according i ii ini ernal ro\ onuo ol ficers. Ph; icinns t rn rfieking in drugs havo written B0 to 150 prescriptions a day each, and tho pationts of the six physicians arrested Tuesday totalled -<'?'). t'.m iss ioho r i lopoland said. \ "xrghtening up" by physicians, mnn ifest in SCOl'OS of telephone calls to (he 1 Health Department from cocaine and flpiiiiiiiinm.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNi1.liiiDii.iiiSirimiiiiniiiiiiiiidiiiiniiiiiliiiFj PRESCRIPTION PRICES The price of a prescription at Liggett's represents cost of ingredicnts. plus the labor and a fair profit?nothing for mystery. Using the best ingredients, with an exact, uniform method of figuring costs, we enter into prescription price-competition with no one. 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiMiiiimimmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiio heroin addicts, deprived of their usual narcotics, was thc first reaction to the , raids conducted Tuesday night by Major Daniel L. Porter, BUpervisor of : Internal Kevenue Office agents here. Commissioner Copeland met in con? ference with police, Federal and health officials in his office, and late in the afternoon announced the opening of the drug clinic. "We simply must care for tho patients of the physicians arrested last night," said Dr. Copeland. "If we don't a serious crimc wave will develop hero. If deprived of drugs these unfortunates will simply go crazy and commit vio lence and murder. "Drug addicts suffering because of the arrests and of a 'tightening up' in the traffic here can come to this clinic and we will examine them physically, after which such drugs as may be nec? essary will be prescribed and furnished al cost. "The Health Department does not desire every narcotic victim in the city to report here for treatment. This is primarily a plan for helping those affected hy this recent raid. The purpose of the plan is to take care of the clientole of the arrested physicians and we will administer the drugs with : a view to the ultimate cure of addicts. 100.000 Prescriptions Found Startling dlscoveries were made in the offices of some of tho doctors and druggists arrested Tuesday night, ac? cording to officials. Several of the physicians had thc names of, their pa? tients carefully indexed in card files. In the collar of one drug store 100,000 narcotic prescriptions wero found: in another, 50,000, all of them filled dur? ing the last year, One hundred and fifty addicts have been examined, Many have confessed, il is said, and have.given names of the men who prescribed and sold drugs to them. Prices charged by doctors have rangod from 50 centn to $1. varying with tho nuantity of drug demanded by the addict. Competition has be come bo kecn recently that. price cut? ting has developed and some physi cians are issuing small quantlty orders for 25 cents. Druggists are' buying heroin nl about $15 an ounce and rc taillng it to addicts ai prices ranging Irom $00 lo $100, it was i aid. Tho six physicians nnd four drug gists taken Into custody bv Internal revenue agents on Tuesdav night woro arraigned beforc United State:'. Com 1111 loner Hitehcoek yesterday. The cmnplninl charged n coiiHpiracy to vio ate i hr llarri'ion act bv dii penslng habil forming drugs, Ralph 11. Oilor, of tho Narcotic Dl vision of the Internal Rovonuo Depart ment, sworc to tho complaints, Ali tho defendants entered plens of nol guilty and were hold in bail ranging from $3,000 t? $5,000 for examination on April 15. Surety was furnished for all the defendants. Uniformed Pedlers Mostly Jmpostors, Officials Say "According to my observation, two thirds of the men who are disgracing the navy uniform by 'strong arm' ped dline; and disorderly and offensive conduct were never in the service." Licutenant Commander D. I*. Wickcr sham, in charge of naval recruiting for the third district, made this statement yesterday. Maior P. L. Thomas, commandinc the Provost Guard, stationed here, also stated that a number of lhe khaki clad pedlers and panhandlers aro ille gally wearing the uniform. The im? postors are beiiifr turned over to tho local Federal authorities for prosecu tion. Lieutenant Commander Wickersham said he had been aroused bv thr hard hlows struck al recruiting by the dis graceful conduct of some men wearing navy uniforms and had determined to make an investigation. Hr confined operations to Union Square Park where thc land battleship Recruit is moored. At. various times members of the crew of the Recruit would sally out into the park and question sailors pcddling or playing the leading role in crap shooting gathcrings. On Tuesday Commander Wickersham's men -were p.^rtlcularly vigilant and six were brought into the skipper's cabin of the Recruit and questioned. A eomfortable, clean shave every day ?not once in a while only A fresh razor blade every day is out of the question for most men, but a perfectly satisfactory shave every day is not out of the qucstion for any man. You don't need a new blade to insure a keen blade if you use the AutoStrop Razor. The AutoStrop Razor Blades are made of the hard eat and toughest steel pro duced for razor blades, each with the sharpest, frnest kind ofcuttingedge. To keep these - _ ?j. blades keen-edged as when ncw, the AutoStrop Razor is made with a patented, self-contained stropping fea? ture? and with it is supplied a specially-treated strop of selected hide. ' A pressure of the thumb adjusts it for close, medium or light shaving. It is the only safety razor that sharpens, shaves and cleans without removing the blade. Ask your dealer about the 30-day free trial plan. AutcrStrop Razor-skarpms itsdf 500 clean, eomfortable shaves from every dozen blades Oil Men Accused Of Seeking to Force War With Mexico "NationV Charge of Pro moting the Diaz-BIanquet Revolution Called False by American Producers "Tlie Nation," in its issue to-day, de clares editorial ly serious efforts are being made hy American oil interests to bring about war between the United States and .Mexico. This effort, the editorial says, is being made through propaganda of thc Diaz-BIanquet revo? lution. A statement. by the Association of "il Producers in Mexico makes em phatic denial of the facts and deduc tions set forth in the editorial. Tlie oil companies, this statement declares, are doing'no more than resfsting con fiscation in tho courts of Mexico and have no connection with tho revolt. "Tl e Nation" editorial is constructed around a recent statement in Chicago signed by three Mexican archbishops, Francis Plancarte < f Linares, Leopold ''?'? of Michoacan nnd Francis Orozco y Jimenez of Guadalajara, This state? ment caUs upon thc citizens of the United States min Mexico to be patient and forboaring with each other lest tho amity between thc nations he broken hy the evil forces arrayed against ii. After commenting on the fact that thc news of Blanquet's landing in Mexico hnd received wide publicity, Whilo the statement. of Ihr a rrhbishop.i was passed over, thc editorial says ln parl : "Tho archbishops have a bltter grievance ngnin il i ho < larrnnzn gov? ernment, vel, in the faco of thc situa? tion which thoy i.rr thrcatonlng, thoy rofuso lo Icnd their moral suppor'l to any moveinenl fostoring American or foreign inlervonl ion in Mexico, "Why dni ihr Mexican archbishops foel called u]. lo tako such an o> traordinai y step'.' The archbishops mu ' have i lini i hoy and ' hi ir campaign for funds wero being usi fl bj ? mi in forces as i ho moral cloak for n nefarious propaganda as a spiritual blessing on an unholy entor i"1'' To pu tii baldly, ihe Mexican archbi hop nnve smelt oil. "'I here is reai on to believe that ef 1,111 "I serious proportions are being made to bring aboul war between thc I nited Stati s and Mexico. A drive is on, and the story of it is written plainly ui tho Blanrjuct propaganda. Presi? dent Carranza is to be labelled pro German, and his regime is apparently to fall into thc category of Bolshevism. Foreign reeognition is to be secured And then, notch by notch, public opin? ion in America is to bc whipped into favor of intervention. The Monroe Doctrine and tiie anti-Japanesc senti ment, can be used as a powerful lever age. The oil magnates and their bank? ing committee understand precisely the nature of the instrument which they are playing on." V. S, Invcstigates Attack by Mexican Bandits on Border WASHINGTON, April 9.?An in vestigation of thc attack on a pas sengcr train between Tampico and Montcrey by Mexican bandits last Fri? day has been ordered by the State De partment Assistant Secretary Phillips announced to-day. The department's advices show thal J. P. Mennot, an American citizen. was reported wounded in lhe attack. which occurred about eighty-four miles north of rampico. Thr t\,TA-fr 0f Mennet's injuric i ha i not been Icarncd. f Monterey newspaper accounts say that the train was derailed by the rebels and a number of passengers were wounded. A Federal guard is re? ported to have been killed. Part of the train wa . di stroyed when tho bandits ! sol tire to tho coaches. Mexican newspapers reachlng hero reporl a revival of bandHry in the ' State of Vera Cruz, Immediately south of Tampico, and reeord six serious at ,;''; on trains since the middlo of March. This is largely the territory where Felix Diaz, recently reinforcod bj General Aurehano Blanquot, is re? ported to bo operating. U. S. Chemists Organize AntMierman Division Special Corrcupondonee HI'i I'/M.i ?, Api il 0. ln an ell'oi't to freo Amcricn from German propaganda and Influonco, dyo chomists attonding tho eonvention of lhe American Chem tcal Society to-dny formed an organi? zation to bo known as the dyo division of tho society, Dr, J. M.' Roose, of Philadolphia, was olectod prosidont of tho division, Othor divli 10ns will bo formod to Includo phy ilcal, Inorganic, biologicul, industrial and engineoring chemii i ry. Thal mustard gas wm the most ef fectivo of tho forms used at tho front. by tho American army was brought out during an interesting symposium this afternoon, Fiftoen exports from va- I rious sections of tho country tfave evi? dence io show trlat the mustard gas wus most depcndable nnd could be used to better advantage than any other va? riety. A. E. Hill, a government expert, testified to the failure to devlse a gas proof cloth, and this failure was ex plained by A. II. Lamb, who emphasized the perfect penetrability of tho gas. Veterans Will Piek Delegates at Caucuses Major Cornelius VV. Wickersham, secretary for New Vork State of the American Lee;ion, which is being organ? ized to form ex-soldiers and sauora into an army of v:u-o to fight for American idcals, announced yesterday that the state hnd been divided into; districts for the purpose of electing I delegates to tho St. Louis eonvention to begin May H. Major Wickersham is the son of George W. Wickersham. New York City, with tho exception of Brooklyn and Queens, comprjses one Stato district. The other districts are Long Island, Western New York, Northern New Vork and Middle N'ew York. Major General John F. O'Ryan is chairman of the New Vork committee. Other members are Brigadier General Charles I. De Be voise, Colonel Henry L. Stimson, Colo? nel William ,T. Donovan, Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bacon, Colonel Charles W. Whittlesey, Lieutenant Colonel Ucslie Kincaid Lieutenant Colonel Qrenville Clark, Chaplain Francis A. Kelly, Ensign W. G. McAdoo, jr., and Major Wickersham. District caucuses will be called to eleel delegates. Eighty-six delegates and nn equal number of alternates will he chosen. H is expected that more than hnlf of those selected will be en listed men. Swanri Urges Soldiers1 Civil Service Preference District, Attorney Swnnn yesterday sent a letter to the State Civil Service Commission at Alhanv, in which he de? clared "that all red tape should be dla pensed with nnd the men who have been at the front on the firinjr line should be KlYHD. Drpfprn.npai'^n^nnointtTiwrit.ii- | Royal Cord' 'Nobby' 'Chain' 'Usco' 'Plain' There are now more than twice as many United States Tire Sales and Service Depots as were in operation at this time last year. This is a very significant fact. You can't mistake the meaning of it. It's plain as day. Obviously, it means the added convenience to you that goes with thousands more places where you can buy United States Tires and secure the perfected United States tire service. But its real significance lies deeper. Dealer demand is proof of pop ularity. The live retailer con tinually feels the public pulse. You can trust him to sense the tendency of the times. Which goes to show that United States Tires are seiling faster?and faster?and faster. That motorists recognize- -as never before?the manifold ad vantages of using good tires, ?United States Tires. States Tires are G titii Tires "^""pwp"-" United States Tire Company, Broadway at 58th St. Factory Wholesale Branch "hbw There are ??eroM Uni.ed Sta.e. Tire a-"^***** ***** them ?n provide you wilh U. S. tire. ft., wil! exactly meet your individual needs. A