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Obituary Funeral for Justice Roy Held in Brooklyn Church Funeral serviccs for Justice Robert P. Roy, of the Supreme Court, who died Thursday, were conducted yester? day afternoon In the Central Congre gational Church, Brooklyn, by the Rev. Dr. S. Parkea Cadman and the Rev. Robert H. Caraon. Only mem? bers of the family and a few friends were present. Burial was made in the cemetery at Kensico, N. Y. COLONEL PERCY WE1R ARNOLD Colonel Percy Weir Arnold, forty five, commanding officer of tho 103d Infantry, 26th Division, A. E. F,, was accidentally killed in France January 25. He entered the United States army in 1396, and was one of tho first offi cers to be sent to Plattsburg as an in structor. On August 15, 1917, he was> commissioned a lieutenant colonel and assigned to the 301st Infantry at Camp Devens, Mass. He was promoted to the rank of colonel in March, 1918, and went to France with tho 76th Division. OBITUARY NOTES MRS. A.GNES LAIDLAW VAUGHAN, forty-three. wifr of Dr. Joftn Colin Vaughan] of 156 West Se-vcnty-ninth Street, died Fri? day in Roosevelt Hospitnl, foliowing an oper? ation. For eight ycars she had charge of the educntiona! dcpurtrnont of the Museurn of Natural History, and for tho last four yrars she was at the hea-' of aducational work at tho Metropol'tin Musetim of Art. WILLIAM ?'. iJOYLAN, aeventy, former !y a justice in the New York Municipal Court. ia dend nt his horr..-' In Patchogue, l,ong laland. Hc waa the first president of the Crystal Club, of the 21st Ward, Man hattan, and lator becamo an alderman from that section. He retired from the Municipal bench in K'IS. JAMES H. CUBBERLY, seventy. former ly connected with tho American Suerar Re tining Company. ia dead m Jersey City He was n trustce of the New Jersey State Home for Girls and of the Jersey City Free Public Library. CHARLES W. M'GRATH. ' twenty-fi ve, a member of the 1th Assembly District Re l?t;hHcan Club. is dead. Jle was fatally in jured in an accident in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. where he was employed. RICHARD H. HUGHES, fifty-fivc, vico president of the Crescent Fortland Cement Company. of Wantum. Penn., died yester? day in the Pennsylvania Station. His home was in Pittsburgh. CHARLES P.UTON. ninety. who was a oommandor of Hudson River steamboats for forty years, ia dead at the Chipin Home for the Aged and Infirm. Jamaica, Long Island. JOSEPH S. CARTER, seventy-seven, a veteran of the Civil War and a retired druggist. is dead at 113 West Washington Avenue, Washington. N. J. JULIUS MARCUS, sixty-four. New York representative of several large distillers, is dead of cerebral hemorrhage at his home at Long Beach. Island. AMY MENGES, eighteen, who was pre paring to become a trained nurse, is dead of pnenmonia in the Jewish Hospital, Brooklyn. WILLIAM D. CONOVER, sixty-four, for? mer head of the bookkeeping department of the Brooklyn Union Gas Company, is dead. JAMES H. CLINE, forty-three, a former New York newspaper man, died Friday at 27 Chambers Street. Phillipsburg, N. J. HENRY A. SCHNEIDER. a former em ploye of the Department of Education, is dead at 154 Glen Street, Brooklyn. MRS. MARY L. CORNISH, seventy-four, wife of Henry Cornish, is dead at her home. in Dover. N. J. GEORGE ERNEST KOCH. fifty-three. a flag manufacturor. widely known in Ruth erford. N. J., died Thursday. HARRY SCOTT FISHEL, forty-aix, of Babylon, Long Island, died Tuesday in Den ver. WILLIAM BENNETT, a retired Coast Guardsman. died Thursday in East Hamp ton, Long Island. MARGARKT R. HAMILTON is dead at her home, 327 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn. JOSEPH ROSENSTEIL, fifty-four, of West Hoboken, N. J., is dead. IMPORTANT NOTICE Btrth. Er.gagement, Marrlage, Death and In Mcmorlam Notlcos may bo telephoned to The Trlbune any time. op to mldnlght for Insertlon in the nsxt day'a paper. Just eall Beekman 3000 and Mtifl the notice an you wlah H 1n aerted. Bill f^r aame will be malled to you later. Tho notice will rtach more than 100,000 readers dally. ENGAGEMENTS 8WAIN SHEEHAN Mfs, John C. Bheehati announces that the marrlage of her daugh ter. Mlaa Rlanehe Sheehan, to Mr. Wilmot Oake<! Swnin, which was to have taken piac<< in Easter week, has been indeflnitoly poatponad, BIRTHS ?AfERSTONE Arrll S, 1010, to Mr, nnd Mr= M ,1 <.?,,,.. (,,i,n fnrr. Mft'Vlle Mnpnr KtlOfl)- B< 808 Kivmldi DrWe, U dmiifhier. 0?rn?lla Mvr?. MARRIACES OLUCKfMAN i.kvy M, ?,,d m?. Aoolph Uvy, ,,r Klngaton, Jamaiea an noune* the murrlaga qf ih.-ir daughter winifn-ii, to Mi Emanuel aiuokaman in New Y..rk City on Thuraday BfUrnoon April 10, HOKTON ? PAItKK.R At Bt. Btephan'a Church, New York City, Friday, April 11, 1919, Charlea Iiiowmng Horton to Laura I?hina Parker. KOBN rKKXND -CapUln Martin P. Korn to B. Mlldred Freund, New York City, on Friday, April 11, 1919. DEATHS t BERN8TKLN Clia, beloved wlfe of Samuel, mother of Mn. Far.ny Nathan. Juliua rocholav Jacob and Iaadore. BLACK Suddenly, on April 10, 1919 Cor neliu* J? beloved aon of the late James Mlack and Anme Cruwe and dearly be the Uta K?thanne C. Black. Relativei and friendis of the family, also asuociate employc, of the Bureau of Buildinga' Borousfh of ManhatUn; Ca?ti!ian Council 1j4, K. of C, and Harmony Central \s ?ociation of the 12th Anwmhly Dbtricl are renpeetftilly invited tr> attend funeral from hi, lat>> r<-?idence, 341 Ea?t 30th at or, Monday, April 1?. at 9:30 a. m' thence u> Carmelito Church, 28th at., ncar 'inV' ^!'"r'"' ? wlemil rnaxt of retpiiem wll be offered f?r the happy ret"?e of his tnui. Intennrat Calvary CciiMtory. BLAKB?Mr*. Chartef F., formerly of I^f rert? 1 ark. Brooklyn, at her renidence. ?', 10 o'cIock*8flnday afternoon. J. f oyhan, beloved brother of Mr? itV^^'v'",'^ hi" "?**?"*?< 219North frienda of the family Are reapwtfully re April 4. .t 81 G*brUl'i Chnroh, Bit 37th at., where a aolemn rna?? of requlrm will fejrijbimtad for the happy mSSTSi hk CMclMi wii meet traln arriTtng at Pani ayivama Railroad 0< <?<,< ftl 10 11 ;, ?? Bmtrrwimmu o,> v,\a**, Aprii n, \%\* fohn ', Broitw&Mr, In i,u 7?th ?Hr' Bervl/e, w,ll b* h?ld on Mwlay, April la PThr*tt PUalM Crfflli 1\.,?, ?? HUTaV I,|m,i,??,i j?f]? ( fH?r kgtmiA f"i"f ***** and ?,,? )??,. /,*vid Bryan {???' ' '>"?'"' Mnh ?( and Urome nv Bronx, MnndAf, April 13, at 4 p. tn M/CKLlSr Mary A <tlt? K#id>ttwft?f] In hw 44o, n,, i..?.?,?, ,?!.??.., t'hmhet W* rm\An\*4, 2] | w<-ri nfat, t\ coorr.H thAtoittt, \n it.? ratl H*f,y ?j??W '/'"'"? '"'</ '???>< "f 0,e |?.? r;/ll,e,t B *ii>\ ??f*?i Bmm Cooper, a*-?d ij V'lMtti pH-*' r -LE6ENP cssz BROAPWAY- TTAVE. LfflE. tsas LrxiHCTOH - 4'"AVE. LlriL - SUI5WAY EHTRAMCES. ?** ?-J BROuKLYN LINES IflTERBOROUGH RAP1P TRAMS1T CO. !BR0APWAY~7?AVE.? clark st. tubes LEXINGTONM^AVE "=? BATTERY TUBES Going On To-day The vice-president of the Consoli dated Gas Company has been" sub pcenaed by the Senate Judiciary Com? mittee. Is the committee seeking light or heat or just gas? Palm Sunday'scrvices to-day. "We gained ground on the battlefield flHalHf&l a!'.th.e w?^-"-Gcrman of ncial statement. April 13, 1918 fio , ttCJ^y'S temP"aturcR ? Highest, 62, at 4:05 p m.; lowest, 51, at 3 a. m rorecast for to-day?Partly cloudy. DAY mo":j?*mna neia aay" r?'? Grou"fi?.; 4 j). ni. ? *?" rt Concert Y. M. H. This is Palm Sunday. Ac-tors' Fund flekl day, 1 >?0 p. ti, James A. Whitmnre "T tne Times," West SId 4 p. m. DrnCwl. ??? MtH?a- Yl''"l8h foik songs. nomii U<? J' ,Rand?lph. lecture, "Bco nonilr Struggle for Exlstence," Secular Societv, 151 West 125th Street ?>., ? ble Collegiato Church. rhe Morai Enemy in Our Midst," bv Pro fessor ii. a. Overstreet, Wooastock Branch, Public Library, n a moa8l00K First Church Dlvine Sclenco, Waldorf-As , '"'ia, l ] a. in. Soclety Independent Artlsts, -\Valdorf-Aa tarla, cxhlblt, 2 to in a. m. ,-',',"lv ? ,'".,'" ?MV" a.mbulances for Pollsh army, 69th Regiment Armory, aftemoon Charles Ferguson, "Beating tho Bolsheviki hv mn-vt1^68,1, ,PInan<=?. with tiuestions J-. ?; M- RPdk,n8on and Urbaln Lcdoux St. Mark's-in-the-Bouworle, -i p. m. Bible and Mlssionary Conforence, Carnegle Hall, aftemoon. Rev. John Haynes Holmes, "Church and State?A Separatlon To Do Ended, < hurrh of th.- M-sslah. 11 n. m islah, 11 a I Military Order of the Loyal Le'glon, annua servlces, Church Incarnatlon, 3:40 p. m Assemblyman Joscph V. McKeo on ,!Cath olic Educatlon." Church of Our Lady of Mercy," Marlon Avcnuo and Fordham Senator George F. Thompson on "Public DEATIIS CORSA?Harrint L., on Friday, April 11 after a short illness. Funeral from her late residence, Madison av., Queens L I N. Y., Sunday, April 13, 2 p.m. '. DAVIDSON?At his residence, 108 St. James Place, Brooklyn, April 10, Marshall Ten Broeck Davidson, son of the late Henry Davidson and Lavinia Livingston Ten Eyck. Funeral private. Internient in family plot at Hudson-on-Hudson. Kindly omit flowers. DIX -At Eiizabeth, N. J., Saturday, April 11, 1919, Sara J. Dix. in her 81st year runeral Bervices at the residence of her nephew, Warren R. Dix, 1046 East Jersey Street, Eiizabeth, N. J., Monday. April II o P. m. Please omit flowera EDWARD8-At Eiizabeth, N. J., nidav, A"rl1 II. lt'19, Matilda Btearns, wife of George B Edwards. Kuneral Bervices at rrinity Church Eiizabeth, N. J., on Mon day, April 1 I, 1019, at 3 p. m. PEL8ENMERG?Oh Friday. April 11, lpl'i Octave l-elsenherK, ftged 6G veara Infe* tnent on Sunday at. Woodlawri Cemetery, FIHIIKI, At Denver. Col.( on April S Henry Bcott, husband of Eleatiora Mun roe l ish-l and sori of the late Leouold H Flshel S-rvl,;es nl Vmm of hia bfotheri OuslBve H-hel, nt Bnhvlon. L. I. Mon? day, April 1 I, nt ;i p, rn. GEWEH1J On Friday, April 11. nt hia renh ?i.-nr... ?-,?,!,-, Bughwlck av , Brooklyn Fioc "", '- ? ln hlti 34th y9nr rtelatlves, frlends and inntpbera of Inahriu Council, No i I '? ??' ' ? ?te Invltwl to ..h.?.,.! fJolemn mait or refiulem hI th? ( hun h o( ?????> John th? Baptlft, Lewls nnd Wllleiighbv ?v? ' on Monday, Api n 11. m in o'aleek ln' '? rmi nl 81 John'ii Cemeti i ; HILDBRT On April 12, 1019, wiiiu,,, i. Kuneral ?ervl?ei ?f "TIIH )? rjNS uai CHURCH" (Campbell Bulldlni), IJroml w?y ?..d ilflih si , Monday evenlnu ftt R oclock,,1 prlvata m VVo.hIIhwh ( .iii.tny Tuesday imiMiing. Monday at ( ommonwealth I^odge, OOODMAN (J., I rirlay. April 11. Sarnh Clark, loved wife of Rev' Frederlck W Goodman and daughtfir of the latu Albert B and CaroUne Alkln Wood, Funeral her vlce at Grace Church Chantry, Broadway and 10th ?t., at 2 p. m. pa)n) Bunday. Intermeiit jirivut.-. GRAY?On Friday, April 11, 1919, Franris B. Gray, beloved husband of Kllu A. (;rny funeral Borylces at his late residence Marie Antolnetto Hotel, Broadway un, ^r^;t0rS,""l,iy'/,,ril J3' at ;) P- ?'? intcrmtnt Lrecnwood Cemetery GREENEWAII) Davld C, hushand of Lna 8. Greenewald, Bradford, Penr, !.um-ral Monday aftemoon. Syracuse; HAA8?Eather (n?; Lippman-Rinaldo), l,e loved wlfo ot Mlchae Haas. Relatlve. and frlcnda Invlted u, attend funeral .er- ' Sundav1 X'"y,"'Tv C^apel- 228 h?? *v. : sunday, Apnl 13, 2 p, m. . I nah J'-. wife of the late GeorKo F. Ilslev ' her Matwfar. funeral servircs B J.T late home ,17/', (inte? av? Brooklyn on S.mday aftemoon at 2 o'clock. . Ji;i)SON At Jarknonville, Fla., April lo" 191B. Harrmt Klmendorf, v.idow of V?\' ward Barker Judaon. of Syraeuae. N Y and daughter of the late iu-v Joaehlm l'irnend';rf'= 1'"""r"1 "l h" '"te hom". 9^ Jatne* .t. Syracuja, N. Y? Monday, Apr. 14. ?t. .! O'Clock. Poughkeepalc and Albany KIP Leanna. aged D3 yenrB, on April 11 fruneral servlces Sunday aftemoon 4 o'clock, at the home of her ftr Laanna Ewlng, 1078 Brook nv. Wnnx Interment Cyprws HIU? Cenwtary. KNAHK At hll reoldenea, R03 West End av after a ifaprt illriena, on !? rlday Anril II" RalalivM and frltndii and the v.rlotii Bo ?iatlM of whirh the d?ea?ed wni a raeni. her are reeptctfully InvlUd to ntterd Funaral ?*?}?#? at ftoly Trtnlto Luther,,' '. norrh. 100th et, naaf Atiuttrdan av., oo M'AULBT Or, Irlday. April 11. 191!), II. wUttW Of ThottlM MtAuItT, Funeral .""", '-?? h..e r,.,,d.-r,-e, r,;i? Hanrork ?t flrooMrti, Mondar, a?,ii h, .( 0^o n. m. V'"', '"?":ir W of >i.I fouriHel It. V /;'"':';? ''"?",?'". near ftalph ,,v? ur??v oit.t,/ f?r th? ..(?.- of her ?oiil. Inter MOBr-.MANN Uforg*, l, i>. H. April ll" ii?',,,'" " "rl"'r "v'A,,i'11 '<? ? MoooV o? A,.rii li,flha< rMfdafMia. U?o mwm of john a Moody ??,, g?lSvtd Service," Morrls High School, 166th Street and lioston Koad, afternoon. Muuntcd soldiera and sailors at tho Clrcus. EVENING Count Tolstoy, Grace Methodist Church, 7:4fp p. m. Captain W. G. Isaaca, chaplaln New Ymrk Navy Yard, Central Branch Y. W. C. A. Fllty-third Street and Le.xington Aveniuv, 7:30 p. m. Weather Report WASHINGTON. April 12,-Preasure is somewhat above normal in the Plains States, the Central Valleys and the South, nnd below elsewhere with a well defincd centre of dis turbance over Southern Nevada. I here were rains in New England and the a, ' Atlantic States and along the South Atlantic coast and light local rains in the lake region nnd North Dakota. There was no other precipitation of consequence It is warmer in the Mississippi Valiev and ne boulh, but elsewhere teinperature changes were ummpoitant. Fair wetther will prevail Sunday and Mon lay eas tof tho Missiasippi Rjver, with somo wtiat higher tcrnperatures t>uno\ay in the upper lake and western lowcr take rcgion. Forecast for Special Districts: Western fennsylvama?Partly cloudy and eiiRhtly warmer to-day; Immorrow fair. Western New York?Cloudy to-day; to morrow fair, slightly warmer. Eastern New York and Southern New Enc land I artly cloudy to-day; to-morrow fair. ISew Jersey. Eastern Pennsylvania and Dolaware- Generally fair to-day and to-mor? row, nttle change in temperature. Local Official Record. -The foliowing of icial record showa tcrnperatures during the ast twenty-four hours, in eomparison with Lhe corresponding date of last year: 1918. 1919.1 1918. 1919. ;} "? m. 34 Bl 3 p. m. 35 CO ? P- m. 36 52 6 p. m..... 34. 61 a- m. 34 54 9 p. m. 33 58 -' noon. ... 31 B|) Highest 62 degrees (at 4:05 p. m.); low Mi, oi (at J a. m.) ; average, 56; average DEATHS mother of William J., Charles F., Mar garet K, Jarnes and Annie L. Henning. Funeral services at St Francis de Chantal &, ' 'i'th st- and '3th av., Brooklyn. Monday. April 14, at lfl o'clock. Kingston (Untanoi papera pleaso copy ROBBIN8?On Thursday, April in, Alfred A. Robbins, aged 83, beloved husband of Anna Barnes Robbins. Funeral services at his late residence, 9,17 Kent av., near DeKalb av., Brooklyn, Mondnv, April 14 at <J:30 p. i?. Kindly omit flowers. RYDER?On Saturday, April 12, 1919 at her residence, 615 Bast Front st., Plaln r ,':> ,V, J- Mrs. Kathleen Ryder, widow oi Charles Edwin R>der and daughter of I the late Judge E. I). Culver, in her 77th year. Notice of funeral later. 3CHUYLER?At Ornnge, N. J., April 10 1J J, Harrlette Jarvis, wife of Frnnk H. bchuyler and daughter of the late William R, and hliznbeth J. Fosdlck, of Stamford, onn. 1 -uneral services will be held nt her late residence, 130 Hlllside av., Mondnv, April 11, nt I I i45 a. m. JCfJLLY?On Thursday, April 10, 1010 Will? iam S.ully, beloved hUsbftttd of tlm Into Mnrgnrel gcully Inee I'rankl. 1 uneral iioiu bis late residence, 120 Wc?t C3d st pn Mondnv, April II, at 9:30 a. m ; theiiee to the Pnullst Kntb.tV Churcb, 60th st nnd ( alUmbUS av., wlmrn a snleinn rtlaes of leitilem will be Offered for the repooe of his BOUI i.i, 10 a. m. Inteiiinuit ftj i nivary, - fIF.INI liUH.H After II short llliieas. Ile bdft'fl, Hged 77, widow of glmeti Btoinfehter and beloved mother of Mw, Hnv gehoen lierB. UenJamlii, l.?;.,. Tlllle and Or, Jaeub ,i Btelnfelder, the liih ln?t, Kela< \?}Hf, No. 10, I 0 l :', or i , und Co' Ifinlal Oflmp, No. 240, W <> W , ?... In vlted to ?,,,.,?| u?. ,,,,,,,?, (,,,?, ,,,? ,,?, I.r.-w Tftbernnele, 218 H,,i \;:mu at., Hun diiy, the 19th Insl . nl 2 p, m, /AN OHDKN Buddenly, nn April 9, m?. Vi.n Qrden, wlfe of the lnt<. Henry C, Vim Orden, uged ?n years. Funeral Her vlcea nt the residence of her dnughter, ?Mrs. Mary Fogal, 807 Eaat at Bronx, on Sunday, April 13, at 2 p. m. Relatives, frlenda and members Flornl ( hapter, No. ^8, Order of Eastern Star nnd Harlem Court, O. of A., and Sunset Uub aro Invltod U> attond. Interment Woodlnwn. fVALL--Suddenly, on Thursday, April 10. 1910, Thomas, husbnnd of Mary C. Wall. FunerajI services at his late residence, 319 West 30th st., Sunday evening at 7 o clock. Interment private. rVELLBROCK?On Thursday, April 10 W Henry Wellbrock, beloved brother of Ida Wellbrock, Knabe and Arthur Wellbrock Services at his late residence. 435 River M.le Drive, on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 fuC?ck' ?K""cral private. It is rcquested that no flowers be sent. A'HITLEY -April 11. 1919, Thoma* Whitley. beloved father of Mary T. Whitley, aged 88 yeara. Services at his late residence, 518 Riverside Drive, Sunday afternoon, 4 o clock. Interment private. rVILSON? On We.lne.sday, April 0, at Ro novo, Penn.. AUston H. Wilson. only aon or the Into AUston nnd Alrnata Wilson. Services Monday, April 14, 'J:30 p. m - "Thomas DUoTworth FUNERf\L DIRECTOR CfffjCtA. utrtPTioM ? ?... ,p'Kn,'OR?' rtooM8 16.1 WKST 7IHT BT. (off BVay) u^^ '/'.tlrn tnilldlnf) Un t v i.? *l7?t""'? and Eaulemant no r?n^i,|t,rt P,|??, ,,,???. (??,.?,.,., ... 1HSXIN( nyr, SICI1VK i: l>IH< 'KIMIVATIMi PBOf/tB Plipnt Ajtorli ii MOWARt, L. MALLETT lllfeclor of K.|fl|.f?U ? T. HALLETT, |NC. Wn. Mary Vred?nborgK?Emb.ln?r nineral farlor i? ,.,,, ?V,M BAILYu-v?l%>,n,r?!fM TIIK WOOf.l.AHA f?:vt,,t,aiv. 'ifflca, iU Keat Hftd ?t(, f,' ? snme dnte last year, 31 : average same dat? for thirty-three years, 46. Hufntdity 8 a. m-80 ! 1 p. m_ 46 | 8 p. m_45 llarometrr Rcadlngs 8 a. m.. .29.87 | 1 p. ni.. .29.91 ] 8 p. m.29.95 Locnl Forecast.- Partly cloudy to-day; to morrow fair; gentle shifting winds. ??--?-_ Shipping News Sun rtlsep. 6:22|Sun sctt.. 7:32 Moon rlses.6.17 P. M. | Moon aets.6:13. A. M. Port of New York High Water A. M. P. M. Snnd.v ITook . 7:1(5 7:39 Oovernor's Island . 8:00 S:20 Hell Gatc, ..?..10:14 10:27 AJRRIVED YESTERDAY VESSEL PORT IJBPAHTl'RB leipland.Halifax ,.Apr. 10 Austral Rnnge.London . Wlnnebago.Hull .Mar. 27 HaJfried.Bordeaurx .Mar. 23 Montserrat.Cadiz.Mar. 3f) Magdalena..Neuvitasf.Apr. 7 Britannia.Tamplco.Apr. 2 Bayway.Key Weat .Apr. 7 Apache.r.-icksonvJUe ...Apr. 9 Lucerna.liluagow .Mar. 29 Allianca.Cristobal .Apr. 6 INCOMI1SG STEAMERS Due To-day Turialba..St. Nazalra._Mar. 28 ! Fort Wayno.Genoa.Mar 17 Ganoplc.Marseilloa .Mar. 2:i United StateH.t^openhagein ...Apr. 2 K. I. I.uckenbach. . . . Hrest .Mar. 31 Auburn.Swansea ..... !Mar! no Hlsco.Brest .Mar. 29 Due Monday Plattsburg.Ilrest.Apr. K Nazalro ....Apr 3 Mexlcan.St. Nazalno_Apr .1 Kuchoinbeau.Havre .Apr. 6 OUTGOING STEAMERS To-day mail rrpsRun. _ . _ CLOSE3. RAILS. Soshone, Breat ......-12-00 M Troy, Brcst .to - 12:00 m! Monday Colon, -12:30 P.M. 3:00 P M Anr.nn, Bres* .- R:30A m' Tigcr, Brest .- g ;3o a. M. Tuesday Caronla, Idverpool . .1:00 A. M. 1200 M Caxlas, Brazll . 7':00 A. M. 10:00 A.M Abangarez. Cristobal 7{H0A.M. 10:00 A M Perslan I'r., Drazil. 12:00 M. 3:00 P.M. AMERICAN I*OKTS BALTIMORB, April 12. ? Arrived Steamers Clan Cummlrjg (Ilr.), Huelva' Nyland (Swed.1, Ant-w?erp; Calldonler rBelg), MidoVlsbnro; KUmoro, Iialmilrl Klgan Htilp I'd (Du.), Kalniouth; bark Queens of Hcot.s (Nor.), Hio do Janerio Clearedi Steamers Alamosai, Santos; Nord fj.-ld (Nor.), Glbraltar, for orders; CorsI cana, Antllla; Sloterdijk <I>utch), Rotter dam; Hhlp Svalcn (Nor.), Itlo de Janeiro Salled ? Steamers Vlka (Nlor), Snnta Mar ta; I<reoman, N.-w Orleants; Lake t'onway Iroston; Amhnn (Dutch), Amste.rdam BOSTON, April 12.?Arrived: Steamers Hast Wlnd, Messlna, vla Llparl, Glbraltar nnd New Yurk; Katahdln, .laeknonvllle and Charleston Salled: stewmers Bowden. (Nor), Santa Marta; Hau-vey K. Brown, "CAPE HENRY, Va., April 12.~Passed oi fiom Balt inorn: Stenrrtera .Johnn Lud wlg Mowlnckel (Nor.), New York; Solborg (Nor), Bcrgen. for orders; Taunton (N-.r) Antllla; .Manrhrjlor Mnrln-V (Ilr.) Mun (NPo8^L NeUwnYo(rkftl,)' ?''n?a; b"rk J*'"",>"? CII'a'RLHSTON; S. C, April ll.-Arrlverl: Steamera Mohawk, Jacksonvllle; North western, with ono barge in tow, Port Arthur; Chlppewa, lloston. Salled! Steam er Valltyrlen (Dan.), Bucnos Ayres: Mo? hawk, for Now York. DELAWAHB BREAKWATER, April 12 --Pafaod out from Phlladelphla : SteaMiers Arietto, CardenaB; Berlin (Dan.) Aar Auss; 11th: Wyncote (Nor.), Glasgow; Lako Blanchester, Baltlinore Salled sea h?Hi',1:i H'',;u,iVrs SaHsenhclm, from Phila oelPhla for Vlta; Quornatad (Nor.), from 1'hJliidelphia for Newport News JACKSONVILLE, Fla., April 12.?Ar? rlved: SteamerB Junita, Baltlmoro vla uVT'fM " ? .fa"ed,: ?,tett,?r I'^^veranza <lt.), Olbraltar vla Norfolk NEW ORLEANS, April 12.?Cleared Seamers British Marqufs (Br.), Manchcs ter vla Newport News; Cawker, Havre Comus, New York; Coose, Kavana vlo Cu ban ports Haltl and Santo Domlngo; Ellis (Nor). Havana; EI Monte, Havana; Lake oJ^rffl'r^r'Bluenoid8: Tesuci NEWPORT NEWS] Va., April 12.? Jarledro btea'"r-r M^rniora Spenccr, Rio NORFOLK, Va., April 12. ? Arrlved Steamers Bluefield (Br.), London (and cleared for New Orleans); .Tona Joy, New York (and cleared for New Orleans) Lake Crystal, New York (and cleared for Car denas); Lake Duncan, New York (and cleared for CardenaB); Loulsiana, Port Lobose; Montella (It.). New Orleans (and cleared for Genoa); Pampa (Arg.), New York. Cleared: Steamers Roy H. Beattle, ports1" ?: Ijaku Buller' for Cuban PHILADELPHIA, April 12.? Arrlved Janelro; Nicolaos (It.), Claymont, Del; Lake Larga. W Umlngton. Cleared: Steam' ers Oscar Irapp (Swed.), Antwerp; Con nersvllle, New York; Saugerties New York; Walter D. Munson, NowYoVk? PosVn-"Mr?''! ,s,wp'>;>- Sa?ua: Orecian! tiostpn; Merrlmack, Savannah an.I Jack Bonvllle; Oulfoil, I>ort Arthur, towing barfre ShcnuiiBo. PORT KADS, Lt, April 12.?Arrlved: Steamers Grovo (Nor.). Jucaro, Cuba- Sar anac (l!r.), London; Schooner G E Tur ?";, J'?b"';- Sa'le<l: Steamers Coppenamo. Port Barrlos; Cratheus (Nor.), Progrcso vla lampleo and Vera Cruz; Fred W Wel ler, New York; QuimlBtan (Hond.), Omoa Melmore Head (Br.), Belfaat. vla Norfolk! Radha dir.i, Campeche, Mexlco PORTLAND, Me., April Vi.? Arrlved ? Steamers W. I Radcllqe (Mr), Genoa War Joy (Br.). Glbraltor. Salled: Steamers Carnmona (Br.), Lelth; Trevlnce (Br) Falmouth 'for orders)'Mi..'n NjVA1"' Ap,';n >2?Arrlved : Steamer ferslan, Jacksonvllle (and salled for I'hil adelphla. Salled: Steamers PYode (Dan Korsore; City of st. Louts, New Vork SOUTHEAST PASS, I,:..". April 12.-Ar FreopoA TexP?rt 8ulphur (-'"'"P'">y No. 1, TAMPA April 12.?Salled: Sleamer Mex on, N.'w orleans; Schooner M. A. Belle vereau, Sagua La Grande PORT TAMPA. April 12.?Arrlved: Steamera Maacotto, Havana. vla Key West II. M. Flagler, Baton Rougo. FOREIGN PORTS Brl^r^r^&^-o-r^'10^ AAISTRRDAM. April 6.?Arrlved' Str-am hi"nn.A!!:::'l1)' Phlladelphl*; Ceres ,, , . April 12.?Arrlved: Steam ers Wakanna. San Franclsco; War Nobla v^r;;k,;>E;v (fcs**? ?. CALCI I l'A, March 30_Salled' qi, Knn?%r^Vo^}*orVW S?5i 5?"^ -Cffl^rgBNN^^r^''^= Steam New York V, ?,,??' Mn??"i J.ava Ma?. (Br.), LI?erpo "'s,ii;.7 l?rk; |,'ik'"'? vance, New York- wl.t iH?lcamws A'< pi?? NewS; Octorara cuhn at^0aa' %*?.* port, rara' <-Uba; Risor, Guif I'OVHR, April ll.--PaRHP,i. ... t bhspii , Hteatnr r Federal Reserve Banks .? -?^ rr lfl? ii.wii?..ftii w p.? ..?i witHn th. Lgtpw ri :"::"n '^'v'. ihowlng tho eendltlen at tho 0I01.0 0f buoinom |AI( < " "a 8IMnt premllng week, fnllowi: g ' """'"""''I with tho RESOURCES Gold coln and eartiflcntnn. ?q?'JJ1' April 4. Gold Bftttlement fund (F. R. Board). *?in'!??,29? *333.3&,0O0 . 61Q. 196,000 612,711,000 Total (fold held by bartks. "ToIZT^Z^ "-~ Gold with Federal Reserve ajrenta..... i?SS'2S2 ^6,095,000 Gold redemption fund.?.. . 'JS'^'000 1.1?O,173,OO0 . _115,078,000 104,682,000 Total gold renerves. to"iio oo/,IT~ '-~~-' Leeal tender notea. ailver, etc.. ?o??M52 $2>150.950,000 . 69.109,000 67,678,000 Total reserves . ?0 _,.. ... ~ ??-. Bills discounted: Securcd by uVs/war'ob- *2'211l989'?00 $2,218,628,000 ligationH . ? . ?_ ? All other . . $1,767,432,000 $1,674,916,000 Bills -.;ouBht In open marketV.V.'.V.. SS'HS^SSS 193,066,000 218,590,000 240,790,000 Total bills on hand. .,?.,..?? ~-?-? nited Stato. government lon* term ]??*& ^27 1*36 oS ^SKSffi United Statea governm't short term aecuriti.. iiU^TZS* $27,134,000 AU other earnlng aaseti..." 8ecur,Ue? 185'7^0?O 178,646,000 .'. 20.000 3,000 BankTpraemr?!ng ""''.?- 52,399,383,000 ^^o Uncollectcd items and other dcductiona'" " *" fi?f3? 9.713.000 Five per cent redemption fund apainVt" *Fed- 636'384'000 644.959,000 eral Reservo Bank notes. . ,.,..? ???-???....?.:?.?.???.??. aaa sssk T<""' """"C. wWn.000 $1^^ r??u i u . LlABILITnCS Capital pald In. ?. _.? Eurplui . . 81.750,000 $81,658,000 Government dcpooitV V.. ,j9,466,000 49,466.000 ". 169,972.000 85,008,000 Kr!!i5,298,00O 187,593,000 120,426,000 Du. to mcmber bank.-Rfi(,,m aeooan 1.628693000 Deferred Hviiilability Hems. 487153000 Other deponlta, includln* fort, govl eredita.' iSfcJSlloOO All other llabilltleo .'.'.'.'.[ . 1f?,**t?,!5? 149.449.000 .??? 25,971,000. 25,817,000 ,(?,!??.,. . ?5,272,634,000 $5,202,385,000 KitIO ,f toUl rwrvnn to n?t deposlt nnd Pfdlflj Hn?nrv? nnfn h.i.m !??? ?Mlb.Md 51.1 per renl, ?K?|?,t. 52.2 per cent thi week D,f?8 """ Rtttlfl of 0Ojd Nitmi to Fed.ral (t?i?m not,, m ?,.,?,,! alfoulntiofi tli** Ottljg U|d. B6 per eent ?Kni,?l ?at d.poilt llal.onfl24 e ?RMlnst 63.7 per rent the week b.fofl, ' P;iri ;md (Belg.), New York and Norfolk for n!w.'rj. 1' INDEE, April 11.?Salled: Steamer C i macquarrie (Br.), Baltimore. DUNGBNESS, April 11.?Passed: Steam ?r President bumju (Bt-ls.). for Antwerp. FOWBJY, April 10.?Sailed: Steamer Caxambu (Bra.), OBNOA, April 10.?Salled: Steamer Westcltff (Br.), Hampton Roads. OIBRALTAR. April 10.?Arrived" Steam? ers L'olomba (Ital.), Norfolk; N'-vada (fian.), Baltimore; 11th, Nordnaeg (Nor), New York; River Arazeg (Br.), New York vla Norfolk for Genoa. Sailed: 10th. steamers Orontoft (Br.) (from Genoa), Roads; Rcdbridgo (Br.) (from Trlestei Hallfax. GLASGOW, April 10.?Arrived: Steamer Lakonla (Br.), Purtland. Sailed: 11th, steamer Osterdal (Nor.). New York. HANGO, April 4 ?Arrived: Steamer Lako Velverton, Philadelphla, vla Dart tnouth. KULL, April 11.?Arrived: Steamer To ronto (Br), New York. INISHTRAHULL, April 11. ? Passed: Steamer I.ord Antrlm (Br.), St. John, N. B.. for Belfast. ISLE OK WIOHT, April 11.?Passed: Steamers Bscaut (Bclg.), Baltimore for | Antwerp; Trumg (Swed.), Norfolk for Malmo. KINSALB, April 11.?Passed: Steamer Aqultania (Br.), New York for Llverpool. LAS PALMAS, March 28.?Arrived: Steamer Tcrcsa Aecnme (Ital), Savona vla Gibraltur for Hampton Roads. I.EITH, April 10.?Salled: Steamer Bur germelster Schroder, l.ouisburg, C, B. LIVHRPOOL, April 12.?Arrived: Steam? ers Aqultania (Br), N'-w York; Haverford (Br.), Philadelphla. Salled: 11th. steam? ers Gramplan (Br.), St. John, N. B.; 1-th, Adrlatio (Br.), New York; Buelld (Br.), New York; Oxonlan (Br.), Galveston; 10th, Eteamer Barun Inchcape (Br.), Now York. LONDON, April 11.?Arrived : Steamers Hambleton Range (Br.), Norfolk and New port News; Tltan (Br,), Bosion. SmIIc.i llth. Steamer War Subadar (Br.), Sablne. NANTES, Ai>rll 7. ?Arrived: Steamer War Braa (iir.), Hallfax. t'AL'ILI.A'', April 8.?Arrived: Steamers Accomao, New York; Santa Clara, New York; Santa Rosa, New York. Police Orders Transfers and Assignments Lieutenants, 8 a. m., April 14- John Lan : pan, 7th to 93d; John P. Bendor, 1st I. D. to 7th; Thomas J. Leahy, 14th I. D.. to 1st I. D., desk duty. Bicycle Patrolmen WiUiam F. Dudley, 4, | to .".iith, with bicycle and equipment ; James : T, Blythe, 110th to 70th, with bicycle r.nd ( equipment. ! Assigmment to bicycle duty in precincts indicated. discontinued-?Edward T. Burke, Mltith; James F. Lynch, 123d; George C. Leavitt, 123d; Frank B. Psfield, 123d. Patrolmen Michael M. McDonald. 43d to llth; Georpe J. Beissel, Otith to 35th; Will , ;am P. McDonald. 103d to 30th: Henry G. HolTman. Headquarters to 14th. Boiler Squad discontinued. Assigned to hicycle duty?John S. Conway, jr., 42d; Michael J. Moore, 74th. 8 a. m., April 12?Patrick H. Jones. 74th to 77th ; John H. Miller, 92d to 70th, bicycle duty. 12:01 a. m., April ll--Emil Lucaire, Na? tional Defence to lltith. leave revoked. Temporary Assignments Inspector Alfred W. Thor, Headquartei-, ( Chief of StafT, assigned as acting chief in? spector from 8 a. m? April 12, during ab ! sence of chief inspector. Sergeant George Downey, 43d. to Head quartei-s, 15 days, 8 a. m., April 16. i Patrolmen Stcphen M. Downey. 85th, to ! Headquarters. operator of automobilo 5th j Deputy Commissioner, 19 davs, 8 a. m., , April 12; Edward Walsh. 109th, Headquar? ters, 5 days, 8 a. m., April 11. !' For 15 days, from 8 a. m., April 16?Will j iam W. Kimmey, 37th. to Headquarters; j department storehouse : Charles G. Orr, 07th, I to Headquarters, office property clerk ; : Georpe Greene Headquarters, to Division of : Repairs and Supplies. From precincts indicated to 3d I. D., al j leged disorderly hotels?William Wiist. 31st; I Jacob Saylor. 31st; John McCormack, 37th. From precincts indicated to 5th T. D., al | leged disorderly hotels?Emll Hilfiker. 4th; Toneph F. McGowan 15th; Axel ,T. Swenson. 31st: Michael J. Fitzgrerald, 30th: Charles Commoli, 39th; William M. J. I-'lynn. 4'Jd; 'ohn J. Wallace, 43d : Lawrence Hurley, 46th ; John C. Millar. 50th ; James A. Barry, 56th. From precincts indicated to fth T D.. p.l leged disorderly hotels -John S. Oherhous, 15th; Frank Shoemaker, 36th; Frederick Wottrich, 36th; Georpe P. Pcters, 'Mth ; Frank Adnms, 3~th ; ichael McGurk, 38th: Peter J. Rellly, 38th; John J. Garrigan, 42d; Thomas Madigan, 4.1d. From precincts indicated to Headquarters, clerical duty In Division of Supplies?Ed? ward A. Molloy, 40th; William A. Bra?.ier, 82d; Matthew j. McCann, ?7th. From precincts indicated to Hendquarters, clerical duty In ofTice of the chief clerk ? Louis Grey, 38?h ; James F. Daly, 80th. From precincts indicated to Headquarters Division--- Charles Kal'enmeier, f>6th ; Ed- \ Ward Walsh. 100th; Timothy Brown, 89th ; i Henry Bauer, Bur. of Tel. Leave Withnut Pay Patrolman William O'Brien, 111th, 2 days, 8 a. m., April 9, Full Pay on Sick Report Patrolmen Bernard Goldstein, 31st. 12 noon, April 6, during disability: John J. Cridland, 74th, 3 a. m., April 6, during dia- j ability. Hesignntion Accepted Bicycle patrolman, 12 p. m., April II?j Howard V. Conway, 100th. Found Guilty and Dismissed Patrolman, 11 a. m., April 11.?Thomas J. Burns. 92d; rharpe. February 11, 1919, | absent without leave 5 days. Death Patrolman Joseph A. Hall, National De? fence. formerly 92d, reported drowned in the service of the United States army by the elnklrtg of the tj. S. S Olranto iii Britlsh watcrs on October C, 1918; altached to Company 10, 348th Infantry, U, S. A, FINANflAI, I MlLLER. & GO. Members NevAbrk btockExcfrarnje Securitlen ftou/rlit for ln vestment or Carried on Conservotive Margin 120BHDADWAY Bmnch Offrces 212 FIFTH AVENUE SWCOR.26 STRFET LONGACRE BUILDING N E.COR. 42nd. ST A-PROADwAV NEWYDR1X An Opportunity Five or six high calibre Stock or Bond Salesmen ' with records dcmonstrating ability to earn at least $10,000 a Year are ofTered an opportunity to beconie associated with a New York Stock Exchange House Salary and Commission Propo Bition. Application should state '?Kperienco in detail and givo all former cotinectionn. Adtirois Confidential, P. O. Box 372, City llnil Slatlon, N. Y. ???????MMIltrillMaNMMMHMm I ole kai.p; Tlll: oiildl- Al, ((..,, i ritJ 1-nliMi i.A -,,,,. ' '.I ' relBpoiihdlni tlii Inn i n .|. i ' ' ' - ?' ? ? . n i. .>... ? "" *nr. CoU < N. V. j v ,?|illi?telrt* TWO WCILVlrjJ p..*er I-ioiiih f,,r h?|? ,, Be.ker, 104 WtltUr ave , llmoklyo. Real Estate For Sale or Rent 60 lot. on Cortelrou Road, Ea.t 2nd .?d Ea.t 3rd Street,; entlre block except Avenue C front, occupied by new .ehoo. .nd P.av,round a I improvement, and a.sessment. paid; within one block of ele JIj .tat,on connectingr with 4th Avenue .ubway; 25 minute. to the heaH of Mannattan, 15 minute. to Coney I.l.nd; e for .P.rtme" budchng.; price $125,000.00; not half the price of i.nd twice th. dutance in upper New York., Also 10 block. onAves, J & K, clo.e to Avenue J Station, Bri.hton Beach Road; .uitable for apartment.. nrigbton S. C. CARY, Manufacturer, and Jay Street., Brooklyn, N. Y. NEW JKRSKY MONTCLAIR FOR SALE -12 Room Hou.e, everv improvement; 2 H.-r^s, hlghly cultl vated; 70 frult treea; tennla court; ga j-iiK.-; 4 mlnutes' walk t.. Kne, S tn i-ackawanna stations. Advantageoua price. IIAKI.O 8PABKS, 1476 Tlroaduar. Ho.'iu 1008, Bryant U4v>. GLENRIDGE^N.J.MrVu;:-',^ r ','>1=?? lol 107x400; ono block Laekawanna st? "'"i. '?'> to trolloy., Klcgant sl.a.Ie and frult tiees; flne jarden, Must sell to close K-,tato. Want offor. i.u>y terins H. C. BEACH 189 Market St., Newark. N. J. RAMSEY N. J.?Bungalow 5 room. H aere, water, electriclty. asphalt street; 51,000. PhoiogruphB. HOVElt, 225 0th Ave., N. V. 2 AND ;; I'AMM.V HOUSES, ., ?.. Rosoville and East Orange. M. RUDDEN 5 .V. Tth St., Newark, N. J. TO LET. ? -A\? ronni bungalow at Laka Hopatcong. -i Hh.NCK, 62 Miipes Ave., Newark, N. J. LONG ISLAND HOME FOR &AI.E.?SlUCCO, 10 rooms, 2 oath?, sieain lii.,1, 0n l.ona- Island. 30 mlnutes to I'enn Station or Atlantic Ave Brooklyn. Owner moving to Californla! OOX AA 02, Tl'ibuil.j. CONNECTICUX A BREEZT, SIOHTLY POUNTRT HOME ?T^ia''r/'S-, l2-ro?m liouse, Iniprovetncnts! woodland, large Btream; $20,000 Another \.,'' K; ,''?n:"s: Sound view; $15,000! ?"". $3,2.r.O, $4,500, $5,000, $7 500 Shore '-ttage. Fairfleld Beach, $3,000: Send for hat'i Ve TJ'our- wants. C. II. CRAN c'oiin ' SPrJn?dal?. Stamford, AI'AKTMEXTS TO LET ti^y"","^ ,0">niorrow for aetalls of our Por hon?-^7Cih?8e P'anaPP'led to apartment houses, if Interested In checking -our rls Ing rent. or making a good, conservatlvc, protected Inveatment. If interested ln BtlmuUtlng building and preventlng ren extortfons, write to-day to Hon. Fred K Davenfcort, Albany, and pledge your sun. port tn all legislators who will push bill to lirilt real estate taxes to two per cent. \\ nto now?urgi nt. VVM, E. HARMON & CO , 201 Broadway, New York. MOW YORK STATE CHARMINOLY EXCT Trarvn Hlll?;lake frcr.tige Vcn' ol *A*Att> every , oncelvable ,,,, r ?, 1 n,'?f 'rn''h?i; Box M, Trlbune Offlce. ' ?0, A *-. MISCKI I..WEOC8 BungalWs shlpmenf' '"t"' ': ImmediSJ Readimade ,,oi sK roMr.ivr J000 Broa ' Wrlte to-morrow for detn(!? nt ?.,.. r. _., Purchase Plan applled '.',,4^fESS" if Interested In ch .,","i hou"??. s?S? slil . i - i? ' h Davenport. Albany ??< Broadway, New York! COMFORTABLE HOUSE SEVEK Rnftim bath. all ImprovemerTts acra^ot^ frult: hour out; convenlent c^mmmlrSr FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET 11STH, 511 WKST.?BEACTinrL APARTMENT, COMPLETELY FUR NISHED, INCLUDING SILVER AND LINENS; FIVE ROOMS SOUTHERN EXPOSURE 7TH FLQOR FRONT: APRIL 21 TO OCT. 1ST; LONGER IF DESIRt-D RENT 5130 PER MONTIL APT. 7j' RIVER8IDE DRrvE, 550 (127th St) ? AUraetlr*. .n!y??fun]l8ned s't-room apartmeut; 'good .,ign7 $95.00. Apartment 8. Broalua. ' "iU?- ^'"m1"- BA.TH: fl^' daaa; nr&r RlrerMd, ]>rhe. aun-lilne: elevator; stoani h?a! r;3 \v#,? 9|^_^_Apply Buperintcndent on pramlaca. WASHINGTON SQUARB SECTION.-Very hand. some Btudlo. with bcdroom; high rrtlinaat tracUw flreplace: all modero impr^emoi ?'? 'iMni room 22x35. PEPE. Waahlngton Bquare. ' lOjiD is WEST.- Beautifully furnUhed slx 1am, llelit rooras; electrlclty. telephone; May io \"?. brr; unouestloiiablo referenooa. 1'hlUlps ^^ LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS PURSE.-?Coln cross purse, purple llnlng. '?-nt.-..,u,!t; $15.00 In cash; gold watch mark M, c.; v.lclnity Fifth ave and 84th ?; '""'vard. 4-1 Barrow st . New York City. EAU'LOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL v.,,'-V^rl:MI'''?VM,:NT EXCHANGE, crf, I ,. , > , ROOM C00. nV?'.''K <!P Vr' legal experlence (2 years). 11 "s- 'l:-? 'o 5:30.522 to $25 HELP WANTED AlALE ?HAT F FE llt a n d w i f. (white) wifa for housework; good references 74 Ascan a8\ekForest Hlils. Telephone 0370 W. For" DIAMOND SETTER wanted on flne platl r^n^V^?neUng8' ***&*? 'Wfoar.y^I^ fj^ MMyresant InrestigaW. Empire Schoft :. j gJJ weVp'Se";s'"'' ,f"u,!''' man? i xpem m i g.i ,,, s:, n fo , , p^Vonn?''' Wlliian< '' HindKrlSg-e": _HELP WAM'EU FEiMALE M^,,?Mi^:VM AOBNcrr fai vvkst ?2D - WOMAN to take care of laundrv nf ,,?> Hepiy ,,, ,,,,,,, boVa^ VV&lbuna. ' SITUATION! WANTED MALB ?MMl'-T tfilltlf ffcifl hM ,.?.,,,?? ,?,,.,,, f,? ~ * a". ift* is, Tflfmpl'fflw,1.,"""'iqi '.M nOOXttRRPlNfl, ..M? rlai i -I ??,...?! . . " sllPni (ippoi i.? m . ., b , l,,"i:"ni?" 1f""ph?n< M?tn 841*7, rwit ??? A , li..? .!.' q i-.1,1(1,,. i iftj, , i!'?'i,M i iq i, wijrnaior ??<.,? Ueiidricfesnn, .?,? , |SI ,, Hrooklyn Suiisui tii? "Vnenti," ,;;:".r'\"l,!lul~,"'\,""-"1"" ??? <?'?>; i? r"!;.;r',i1rI,,,'v:;':1w;v^:;s:1;.trv-,, ,uh" UUTLER, VALBT-Wife, elcellent .....k l.rother, expenneced rhauffeur; three fine appear ng exceptionally fine colored trio* wls" 42dr erenCeS' MaBOn'a Aeency, 131 BL'TI.EK. VALET, COOK (Swedlsh); very neat, fine appearing, thoroughly experi enced, exceptionally deslrabll; bachelor P^ferred; $66. Mrs. llwa'i Agency m "IV^IL IZWZu ^Srv^J^ ^2t"BU1/ordear8, elPCr'e"Ce' 5?5^M%! ?'. IIA1 !!? I l ?; ,.r,P!-; ,., ,,.,. ; , ,.._i .. perlcnce drlvtng and repJrlrnr' ?c?i l*r.?, ox" clt> or country, A. I.. BtUL SlV Ct i?oS .t*' 1 t'HAtTFKiR competent meclianic, raarried wlah*. posltlon with prlrate fandly i? country? ba?t ri? erences. r.u] s ,?..,. ia82 Amat?rdain%Ve. ' rii.Ai i-KKt u. married: Pord commerciaJ? <i~ MoTSat ir!,;rir; '"^."-? J"Rrea.^ CIIAl KKICtR. uTdin ne^mTT '. .f^^refcrence; fl yeara" ,n^c,feC"U^-AI>r^;; CHAUFPEL'R c< lored- len w. ,.,-.? ... , v..v. commerciai T6*tZ^J3fl%g j? Addreaa 1) H. 2os Weit125th"t, B room Agency. 181 Weat i_^V^y^l0066tlSuoa' ??v.:;;;,!,,M:;! ^....:;?-../--rv-v ?. Box K 20, Trlbiine.' f ',f"r' EIjEVATOR M a - . . , K;.M!.M!e!;,,!:,1,l';r;'"-|''l'-''?v.-'Mon: ehln. I ,e i, . Kr ,".H- "v,?'?'<'". lee tu... -<i narru are u?u |,|#(1,| rnr. <AIim:m.ii s, I'l-IUNTr-SI.INr *??.,,, !?? ssSfr,^.?%r?rK# ;':: U "iMHod uraleltltjla ,,. rt fio^E'/: t,Srr.?u..''.^ a"" MAIlDkNI,!! Hl,d llaeful ,.,?, ,.|,|..M, ,?.,. tn.ui, Catholle. (Ja|a< ?:,,,f, ;?, 1; \,,j''t'( I SITUATIQN8 WANTED MALE '?">- . TRIItlNi; of'A, ,:H,J'IAlJU- A. A, I.* ln,a ,lav w ,rk'- Kr""1' meMe?*?. d?rrr,l? West 150th rt. ? refereI,c?'s- ?>? H?rris. 2li '"**? ?eply, M u, 157 EaTt 47th 't y"i'it;',,'i,^"\T ,Kh ?^?*.??*?ta ?ith .chou,. ??l't'! ,; V ^Mlref PwUlon a, boottkeejwr? Kast iVoth st ' MperIeuced- ??J?ml.. 1^.-' 4? 1 'Tlnee Bl . Cambrtdgf, "fLg "' YOUNO MAN, rp-.u, E?.m,s? nllQ S?)an. v,:.N'i;::i??;' ^ SITUATIONS \VANT|;i> FEMAUS ' ' ' I ?' ' i' i - i? IV111 n an h ? T# ' - ln?M p?_n, , WaUli an aiason a Agency. 131 vV'esl <2d C^oma?n- hB?mS?.W^rke,r.: neat- ni'^ 8*ttl1"1 ^ryTe?tB,c?RK,(Scotc* Protetaat); ,? , r ,,Vk ,1,;'h1'' conaclentloua m.lfl Wcat ?i aia.on-8 Agency, 131 HOUSE\vr. R k ER colored). " neat thor noHnt^r Agency' U1 ???* ?? -? Bhwr. can Bnutiyfeox 5 2, iioni - N I ^PJifB^iiv1?; '*? r,i"" ?^?^ ?? ceptjonally mpa.f conselentlon? n.rk ?j B i aeamatte.. , "*& 181 AvJift?dn* r"i ** W''1;.'l',n,">':""i'|-Rx-!.... experiencd, m, t -- "a""V"."' W1 w- UOthaUapart in. nt ..... Audul.on 1070 "? d ..1 Hathwur, oar^Btkrldw, 105 W, mtn. WATTRKSH. pftrlnr miu, ~ ??, ?,f# , , aring: thorou?h?J experlanc-d; M Kn ?.. if"18'?1 apalrtment praferradi Bryant BBI? n- **?**? *!l w"< ?"? ITRNIHIIKI) ROOMfl "tu:<;i. tuiAiM ato. tcntll.. ????. ?< ?? ??? J i.^'";*,.''"" b?iholot 'lutrtm t,.!f h?wt ?'I' 119 WK.'ST .Jl^?,i(lfii!lv firti?lh?? fronl room, aultahl* f.>r Ikh aondaniMl '!"?'"(. It), !,!,,,(, ,,,,.. || ? LWJIJ3 "T '**? rwm- ?'?nnti^>?r-?> Ih . r?il*?n> F?m|l? HI'HfNEHH OrPOKTt?NIT!E? Vlll II. I.IM: if. MKKT ??ty ?H|, rAiHI.t *?