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Motor Roack ISearByArem Fair Condition Iaf01 mation for Automobil ists as to Hiulnvays in Tliis Territory W h i c h Are Much Travelled Xoav Open W i n t er Help* Has Prevented Freezing and Cracking,. ^hough Heavy Traftie Ha? Wbrn Surfaces Tl the A A. \ Metro: 501 Fifth Aver.uo. bas prep following burun.;.: . ditions: New York to Washington It is now tire trip thar. road I The 01 tion as regards tl in thi . from ' K ; ..... avoiding the oid road ton, which caused the pa proper roads to - the ?X( \. -?? 1 .II'' t" V. T ? there , at tl It / the .' mile the ;; I jfew ^ork to B' rou tf bet' ? nrimai snd ' er cra :? ' . . tart - ageci ? truck Jv'ew ^ ork to Bo iton nm\ i rovidence -,. . eor. h - par.- " r- Another fitvore ; Xew I ] ] md Groti ^ald : Conneo' - to hav frrat ? whic . ?pojr.t. New York to the Berkshlres At ? il far a^ cause it can be i the ? ? I'r.der Mo mta bnry ar.d Egi line bet1 Stockbri is almi Lee, sd the Bi ? the All dack C eaat ? tae :... I i ng -!and Prn" Lor.g Island, Jericv. Btead T i n "used connei ditii : isfac-.. : Bostott Post ; '.ir: :? ??;; ? \( 12.960,000 Magneto Sparkg in Oeean Flight A "fact-fiend," who is also an aeronautical enthasiast, submits the following: The twelve-cylinder Rolls-R-oyce engine used on Harry G. Hawker's Sopwith biplane.with which he hopes to fly acrosa the Atlantic Ocean Halifax to England, is fitted with. four magnetos for ignition.en nt of any batteries. Only * vo magnetos will be used, one for each six cylindera. The extra two magnetos are for emergency nly. All twelve cyli'nders - compressed gas once every second revolution of the pro peller, thus slx cylinders fire every :'. o n. normal revolutions of th-is ? are 1,800 each r.unute, or ? l 0 an hour. For u journev of ::?,, " mil< :- ; "<:< mile.a an hour ?n* *?* each turn I m< an 12,960 000 Parks from the two magnetos "" :' '" '?' 648.000 an hour. ? two twelve-cylinder enginea be used the total number of sparks I wlU then be 25,920,000. Coupe Demand Is Now Becoming More General De Bear Reports Calls For ChaL mers Model Away Bcyond Ranks of Professionals : roduction of 1 ? can I] irdly n - ? e i : on ny.professions," said tla r ? x v York brancli manager 1 halm? rs Motor Car Company, '"?'"' ?? looktng forward to the time be able to supply tne ? ' ?? ndividuals who ar . - ' ' realizi the adatftabiljty of ;pe to all motoring purposes. I-n very far off past, when some dy ? ere stru^gling on the itreet I ... ,f f),,-. ,->?riv itomobile ?:>'-? ' " ! f 'Gei a llovse,' and ; i avs, with raotbr car devi pn t to thi poii I v I en i ars I nec< ssity, there ned to bs u :eling tl i! cabr-iqlets to bi uti ized by phas of til'e aiui . tion. oubt tl ? . partly due to the ' ? and tho people wit ;ar I; ont of. weather and reeuired a car I .;:f-ni! prol ? .tion from the well mi comfort. Ir i ? ' . ? ? closed tsigna were regai led bi nany-as because of thi i ticr< ased eos! te 1 s. '?in this connection it is remarkable o t race th% tread rcha es. V ith the ever iiV creasing number of women motorist;: tho demand for bhe (.'iialrr.ei;? etnipe. ? ? ? i product ion plan our pai ?. ties' oi the woman of to*daj are foTeing up popularization of a type until now regardi i I li ctor's' car." Premier Dealers Feel An Awakened Demand "If ever you dreamed thal there hortage of motor cars ? a tr:j> up to our salesrooms >k at the Roor," esays ;- ' Kaufmann-Stow.ers. "Try to placc an order ar.d get deliv posi ible. spring days have cleaned our floor and our factories have not beeiv ;eep up with the riemands. We have shipments arriving daily, ivered a:- fasl as they reach New York. \Ve have oi I for all or more upply us this sea "The Premier Company is getting ?".to production, but the demand territory is greatex than the factory anticipated. Ma'ny new Prem ii r ci rs are now enroute to New York." All You Demand in Quality? And a Big Saving in Price Briscoe price is out of all proportion to Brjscoe quality. Go where you will among cars that even approach tjhc Irttcoe in desirability, and you'll find it in many cases % much higher price?the difference amounting in sorne cases to several hundred dollars. That'a because the Briscoe Motor Corporation?-big, tfficient and resourceful?never shared in the panic stricken idea of big prices that assailed so many makers. BrLseoe priec roprescnts tho aetual modcrate dollar talue of the* car?not \vorry or doubt over the futurc. That.'s v/hv voa are able to get this wonderful family car for at Jhe Factory Come in and look it over. Garland Automobile Co. Metropolltan Distributor 1888 Broadway at 62nd St. Telephonc Columbus 5596 P10 You BVER CET -4LL CL?AU?D UP ANl> 5HAVEQ 4 TlLL THlTr OP?N.UP" yyt-> <ieT OC5TV AHP D)?TY AMO T/'F IA//MP ANp v3TA(?T OUT 7V? A'EFT 4 rffiE/Vp AT (NvrT-f y<5u TO Rl{??" DfilVN WTtf 7KFM AHO YOV &TAQ.T Off NlCf?Lr IN A HAPPY MCOO ? AHO yourcsuaken A&CUT - TlLL TKE-V PiVAiXY PfcP >W AT 7>ir MOTFL? /(N9-? YOU jriup >VOR? W0R5E" Tf4AW MvAE"A/ YOU 3rAHT?"C?- AKJO SPBhiO AU HOVfZ. IhJ CIEANIN6 CP A6A(Ci ? Develojrihg Efii?:ieno Is Mamifaeturer'r Aiiu Frederick CdVrn, p'rifsldenj of th< ? Motor Corpoi'attoi agp on "Mod-M-ri Mfethpds I ? Motor < 'ar Indusi rj ." Ii ist seems absurd t j talk of . -. an ndusl dj I is not ; ? quarti of a i ntliv; old; but i;; that quarter of a centji ey ? ; i made advances which htcVja 1 ????' epochal, and-'^hat ;::akes the p i ? seem crude. In fac?, tho les of motor car developnteini have ??'??..ii;,- afi'ccted practicall} e'vcjij otl r motal m&nufacture,'' said hc. "T ? origrinal Briscoe plants were '. fjcatcerpd about the city of J'ackson, ? invo-lvfng long'hauls between the de tached jdepartments. Each pojrtion of : tho' ulahtK. h'fbreo'-cr. was Hfte those df pracfically every other buainoes of rapid gn - ? ?? erei ted al mc ?? ?!? ir of thi moi lent to meel a pn - ? - ? ? ? '. or : epre sented thi over <>:' an older edirii rhe first ? ? ? ? '? in one great serii buildings, and the (irs step ii thi pro :es - was the acquisition of thi i forty-three acre site. "The present Briscoe plants differ from niost of thu ?:?? automobile plants in that they were designed and in a large measure built and ready for operation beforc the demand for the car had reach | ropurtions to keej) them busy. With practically no exceptions, the great automobile plants of to-day, even those which are regerded as most efficient, have been built up unit by unit as the business g-vew. No matter how closoiy the various units of such a plant ir,ay be in opei'ation, they cannot func tion as efficiently as if they had been : gi ed as parts u-* a compi sive whole. "K;c!: of the many buildings which make up the Briscoe plant was di ? signed not only to do a certain work, '?? ' ' i do it with the highest possible degree of coopera tion v, ith evei y ot h e v branch of the factory. In other words, the basic idea waa to have as little lost motion as possible in the various steps connected with the manufacture and assembling of the car. "A natural accompaniment of this idea was the realization that greaiest efficiency c-ould only be obtained if the greatest. possible portion of the car was actually manufactured by the Briscoe Corporation itself. The fac? tory has been steadily working toward a completely H riscoe-built car. For the fewer parts that come from out side sources, tl - basis there v:as for fi ?? on, lelaj or other interfer ei ci with the smooth running of the assembly plants. There was, t;:io. a lerabh saving in costs, due to ? ?? i n i v oi of intermediary prof its. And a much greater uniformity in quality was made possible. This involved the designing er" much spe? cial machinery necessary to make cer? tain parts, with specific aiterations to fit the design of the Briscoe ciir. How They Praise They Compare the New Light Weight Car to High Powered, High Priced Automobiles Essex Performance Essex performance is now talked of so generally among motorists that you should know what they are saying. Hundreds of thousands have seen the Essex. They have admired its costly car appearance. They speak of its ? "' , ? complcteness in appointment and how it differs from other light weight, moderate priced cars. But they grow enthusiastic over Essex performance. A car at its price and of its weight was never expected to posscss such hill climb mg and accelcration capacity. The standard it scts has been known only in the large high priced field. And 'in speed and easy riding qualities it also matches the cars which sell at tw and three times its price. You hear on every side how steadily it holds the road at speeds ? difficult to maintain even with some larger cars. And as for ease of rrding there seems no standard known to motor cars that the Essex does not surpass. i Remember these are not our claims. They are the frank and voluntary praise of tens of thousands. You can find Essex friends whefever you go. \Ve advertise merelv to induce you to ask about Eseex and to arrange to take an early ride in it. You will surely become one of its friends. Perhaps you will want to own an Essex, and if that is 6o the sooner you learn to know it the better. Sales alrcady are far in excess of production. If you delay you might have to wait a long time to get your car. The price is 31395 for a five-passenger model at Detroit. HUDSON MOTOR CAR COMPANY of NEW YORK, Inc. Broadway at 61st Street, Circle Building BROOKLYN, N. Y. 1422 Bedford Ave. NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. 291 Main Street WHITE PLAINS .186-188 Martine Ave. BRONX, N. Y. 2460 Crand Concoune PLA1NFIELD, N. J. 190-192 Ea?t Front Street NEVVARK, N. J. S66 Broad St. Doii't Tinker; Doirt Neglect; Then Your Car Wili Go Right Details Must Always Be Covered, Because Only by Unremitting Attention Can Indications of Trouble Be Avoided: Sound Advice to Owners In order that you may get the maxi-1 raum of et.joymer.t and comfort'out of your car you must be as considerate and thoughtful about it as you of a rine horse that is as fine and costly as your car. Therefore: Do not race the motor unnecessarily. Be warned by every abnormal noise: if a a squeak locate it and lubricate the part. If it is some other noise locate tlie loose parts that cause it and tight en the bolts. Don't tinker. Half the abiiiiy to make an adjustment or repairs is the ability to discover its necessity. Some motorists are Baid to "luck"' with their cars. There never seems to bc any troubie, eve.y is trim ar.d neat, the motor always atarts when wanted and runs a as it is needed without any o exasperating breakdowns on tl with whicn the unfortunate one thinks himself cursed through the careless ness of the manufacturer. Wi( adjustments carefully ma reeded. every bearing ard working part well lubricated. the whole car will work very sweetly and will continue to do so with only a very small fr of the attention tiiat would be lutely necessary care of :. 1 c rs< . By neglect ing deta yourself .-ome. time ai I ng on your way; but thj reckonin to ci me. have ; a\ ed will be sp%nl in expi le repairs. N'ever drive your car a1 high spe?d over any road. much or slippery one rhe slig saved will not offset the . al an accident nor ing to which the car ; Usually the time saved is unimportant when figured in dollars and cents. rhe resulting repair bills, which sure to follow, are never lt has be< :i <;> strated t hat the motorist who dri .'es h Is car speeds of from twenty-five to : five miles per hour over all - roads paj s m ach more oi ga - I ? . ? I and t ires thi i 1 . is more conservative ai eighteen to twenty m fn addition a car which is at : gh speeds all the I repair :rhop at frequent int< ? adds ? o the cost ni.lile of o 1 is nol ' lesl ii miles are covered in a givi counts but the number of miles of use ful travel that can be obtained least cost for fuel oil, lire.- an-d n pairs. In times of emergency, when to stop is absolutejy r.eeessarv, ce c the speed at* which vou ere ng combined with the road sur face m aafety or disaster tor you. the oeeapants and your car. One ly road sur feces when travelling at high speed: of ttratcning the road far So avoid excessive speed is a rule to be observed. ? "rulea of the road." Have due respect ior ihose who are usingthe same highway, rememberlng that rourt raiion to othen will alwaya Durii [ ,.r vou receive your car drive slowly; avoid ng." and watch carefully for any al noise8. Every bearing and rtg part haa been "set up" tight before Ifeavjng the factory to inaure long jife, consequently the liability of . than it will be later when the parts have "run in." The best method of uaing the brakes iure on them rward move menl of the car and rotation of the e to a stop at the aame mo ? ; ^peetacular stops; they are not only annecessary but indicate c desire to"show off," which is so disgusting to the average motorist. There may also come a t me when. thrugh con stant " the brakes will fail. will be u bad luent uanger to ver shuts hia power off ? stopping poinr. snd p : :ar to carry him a'.ong ig it, with a gradual brakes, *.o ? exact tpot where it is de evrolet Ke -? Track Riding Bad For Truck Tire.?. Too ^o v ?? conscieptipus and of g motor truck may nt. skidding or faulty wl ? and t'ie like, the te . dov n co r ?? of the big i to whicl .. roodrich ' ? ith thr etcar track-. certain ain on a ? the track ? ??! on a ? 3&<? FRANKLIN LIMOUSINE A CAR IN WHICH FINENESS LEVIES NO TAX ON SERVICE The constant return on the investment, insured by unlimited usefulness, is a feature of the light Franklin Limousine. Neither the extremes of temperature, the limitations of heavy weight, or rough road conditions, regulate its capacity for service. Having no water to boil or freeze, the Franklin Limousine is free of troubles that even the best chaufreurs cannot prevent m watdr cooled cars. ? Its year-around adaptability, restful riding, andcasycontrol, give it a practical value which detracts nothing from its ritness to periorm every limousine function in a fine vvay. In addition to askin.- no consideration in service merely be cause it is a limousine, this Franklin enclosed car avemges in generaj use 18-20 miles to the gallon of gasoiine 10,000 miles to the set of tirts 50% slower yearly depreciation Wc will be plcascd to show you by inspection and demonstra tion the ability of the Franklin Limousine to give exceptional service. Franklin Motor Car Co. of New York GLENN A. TISDALE, President 1830 Broadway at 60th St. Teiephone Coiumbu* 7556 Brooklyn Braneh: 1416 BEDFORD AVENUE 'I>if>i)hoiif> Preapeol ISS4