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FINANCIAL BUREAU i Tribune Huilriin:: 154 "Nassau Strorl MMMHMMHMLW Wealth arkets?Investment TELEPHONES i Beekman 3000 Beekman 8243 Mauri) Rogers & Auchincloss Stocks Bonds Cotton Grain Member? N. Y. Stock Excruangr? N. Y. Cotton Exc*S?ngr? Chicago Bosn-d of Trade 25 Broad St. 1 Miller. & Go. /Aembers Nev/Ybrk ?Stock Exchange Securities Bought for In? vestment or Carried on Conservative Margin 120 BROADWAY Brdhch Offices 212 FIFTH AVENUE 5NV.COR.26 STREET LONGACRE BUILDING N E COR 42nd ST A-BROADWAY jNEWYORK Hercules Company (Par Value $10.00) Monthly Dividends of 1% parry owns a reflnory and rea of leases In tho "Rijjiffrr, Texan Oil Fields." Price to net about 12% i'md for full detail?, Circular 7f T R. ! Farson,Son&Co. Membi ra New Yorfc Stock Exchange 115 Broadway, New York, N. Y. The s MARKET REVIEW r>ur -weekly publication contains sev? eral articles on securities of current mark'-i interest, im ludjng Westinghouse Electric Pierce-Arrow American Woolen Chile Copper Willys-Overland .v,'enl cm request for K-374. HUGHES & DIER ,, . SPhlla Stock Exchange Members ,r!)i.6r? ,, ,inl ,., -,.,., J(, 50 Broad St., New York Uptown Office. t?7 W. l'<?5tb St. Philadelphia, 1435 Walnut titrent "St. Paul" We have p-rr;,arr<i an analytic ni reviev. cot ??'???? 'I - pov-?.- ?tul potential pos.iitHIiluM of thie Train-continental Rol road ?Vyatr.-n. ( opy II 12 on request ? L W. Wagner & Co. Setabluhtd 1BH7, Chicago. ( t.'-vo York .Stock Kzrknno* atemben', Heu York Cotton Kxcfcanp? I Chicai/w ?Sourd ot 1 runt 83 NEW HT. NEW YORK ?Mrui Arm d 42<i St. 106 W'-nt HZiI 8t. tmrt St.. Brooklyn ?10 Broad .St., .v. v ar '< Midland Securities J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. Phob? I0M to 4-jio Jetan ?* wan Ht. N. r LIBERTY BONDC ?or Gar roa c:ash. ?^1 8 We will pay To ?lay rp? it? SENZ-VAlXiHAN & CO., 11? BROA?WAV. Telephone. ?y>.v; Itector. Mark A. .Volile TbeodoM C, t'orwl? NOBLE & CORWIN It HronA Ht. New York Cha** Nati Tex. Pac Coal & Oil Nat'i ?k. Commerce Otis Elevator Telephon? lilt HrnwH (?"""mlutU. 1?1?. Now TofX TrV'.i.m IOC I The primary causo for strength ln yesterday's market was undoubl odly tho jilcMJwiiit surprises In tho Victory loan announcement. In ud ' (Iltlon tu that, report? of progr?s! : in tho poaco conference wore tho moil favorable for some time. Nctfrthelesa, the character of tho market was worth analysing, Tho gr?ai advances were still In spo 'cial issues, largely in those which had boon bid up ho violently last week. There were net gains rang? ing from 4 to more than 7 points in American Cotton Oil, American International Corporation, Atlantic Gulf Steamship, Chandler Motors, General Motora and Sinclair Oil. 'Several of these stocka, after sim? ilar advances last week, suffered sharp reactions. The net result of the week was to leave both indus? trial and railroad stocks at a lower averago price. Such demonstra? tions in specialties are familiar oc? currences in great rising markets. But they are also often indications of irregularity, profit-taking and "distribution" and often precede a setback. Secretary Glass's tactics are ideal: To talk only patriotism and to put the notes on a sound busi? ness basis. The first effect of the Victory loan announcement, aside from its reaction on the stock market, was to send down the quotation for the 31? per cent tax-exempt bonds and to raise the quotation for the other Liberty issues. The taxable Lib? erty loan issues had already fallen to about a 4 9* per cent yield. Their rise yesterday was due. to the unex? pectedly small amount of the new issue. On the other hand, the '? \-? _ I ; per cent bonds, insofar OS (hey were used os :i d?vier f<>r escaping laxa lion, ore somewhat superseded by Hi.- new tax-exempt note?. Those notes, hearing .'!?"?? per cent, not only exceed 1 ho ?! ' t H In Interosl. but run for only three or four years, which urc likely fully to cover the period of high taxation. if luxation iiiii'i fall unexpectedly th> :,? can bo converted ?tito i ho 4 % per cent, issue, In any case, the holder will recoivo his money in three or four years from now and will be free to invest it in taxuble issues bearing a high interest. The 3 'y per cent bonds run for fifteen to thirty year?, and the holder will have them during a period when income taxe:-! will have fallen and when the advantages of tax exemp? tion will be largely lost. Most important of all is the sur? prisingly small amount of the loan. It will not absorb nearly the amount of funds generally feared. Estimates ranged between $5,000, (100,000 and $6,000,000,000; the actual figure asked is $4,500,000, 000. This has already been more than subscribed for by the banks which have taken $5,335,000,000 and have more than the Victorj ; loan amount even when the $600, j 000,000 of certificates paid off art j taken into account. The task o: the public is merely to relieve th< banks of this burden so i?hey ma; I be free to perform their primar; function of financing industry. Tie 1 $4,500,000,000 now asked com pares with $6,993,000,000 taken o the last Liberty loan. The term of the present offer are more lib ! eral. The terms of payment ar more liberal. Its success cannot b in doubt, if everyone but do hi utmost. Call money continued through yeflter- ! day at the unchanged rate of <i per cent for loans on mixed collateral. Loans on all-industrial collateral wen; made at one-half of 1 per cent higher. Time money is ofl'errd at 6 per cent ; hy the banks, with brokers hesitating to bid more than 5% Pcl' cent for loans ? of all date?, on all-industrial collateral. Yesterday. Year ago, I Ver cent. Per cent. | Call mone.v. On mixed collateral 6 3 On indus, collateral 6'/a Time money (mixed collateral): Sixty days. 53'4 6 Ninety days . 5% 6 Four months . 534 6 Five to six months. 534 6 Rank Acceptances.?Rates were un- ; changed yesterday. Thirty Sixty Ninety ? Spot de- days. days. days. livery: Per cent.Per cent.Per cent. \ Eligible n.ember banks_4rV(a4 V/^Ah 4Ar?>4y4 Eligible non-mem? ber banks..4ri@4 4A@4'/4 4%'np41V Ineligible bann biHs.5%@4?4 ??^@4J j 5!4'@4% For delivery within thirty days: Per cent. Eligible member banks. 4rV Eligible non-member bank.;. 4'/j> Ineligible bank billa. 6 Discount RateH. -The following table gives the current rates of the twelve Federal Reserve banks on commercial paper for all periods up to ninety days: .-.-Waturltj-. 1= is ?55 : t Z '' '? ' : ? Boston . 4 4% 4% New York.4 4% 43 4 Philadelphia ... 4 4% 4% : Cleveland .4??j 434 4% Richmond . 43^ 5 5 Atlanta.4 4?4 434 Chicago .4 4% 4;,4 , St. Louis.4 434 4% Minneapolis .... 4 4ri4 5 Kansas City.... 4'/2 51 4 5'/4 Dallas .4 4% 5 San Francisco... 4 5 5 The roderai Reserve Bank of New York has put in lorce tho following schedule ot rediscount rates which apply 10 bankers' acceptances: Maturi? ties up to lo days, 4 per cent; 16 te 60 days, inclusivo, 4?4 per cent; 61 to 90 days, inclusive. 4'^ per cent. Hank Clearings.? Hank clearings yes? terday were: Exchanges. Balances. New York.$467,922,762 $64,695,596 Boston . 43,831,827 16,827,001 Chicago . 90,821,821 7,605,700 Silver.- -London, 4MSd, a decline of r?d; New York, 101%c, unchanged; Mexican dollar?, 77?/?c, unchanged. Suh-Treasury- The Sub-Treasury I gained $1,310,000 from the banks on Saturday, London Money Market. LONDON, April 14.?Closing. Par silver 48 13 I0d per ounce. Money 8V6 per cent. Discount rates short and three months' I * per cent. Cdd premiums at Lisbon, 86.00. The Dollar in Foreign Exchange ; Exchange raten moved within a nar? row range in a dull market yesterday. Sterling rate? were a ?hade firmer while francs declln?d slightly. Ital- ' ian exchange developed a weaker tone. Neutral exchanges were barely steady. Closing rates yesterday, compared with a week ago, follow: (Quoted dollars to the pound.) T?i- Week terday. ago. Hterli/ig, demand ,_$4.65% $4.65!^ Sterling, cables.4.66% 4.661/4 , Sterling, sixty days.... 4.63'/? 4.62J4 Sterling? ninety day??. 4.61% 4.61 ) (Quoted units to the dollar.) Frai c , chi cks. 6.01 4.95 Francs, cables. 5.99 5.93 Lire, checks. 7.40 7.27 I.;-.', cables. 7.3-1 7.25 Swiss, checks. 4.98 4.98 Swiss, cables. 4.94 4.95 (Quoted cents to the unit.) Guilders, checks.40' 4 40/(1 rs, - ables.40' 2 !0: ? 'Rubles, checks.12.00 12.00 Spain, checks.20.10 20.25 Spain, cables.20.25 20.35 Sweden, checks.26.60 26.95 . cables.26.80 27.15 Denmark, ein cks.24.90 25.10 Denmark, cables.25.10 25.30 Norway, ch< ck? .25.60 25.90 Norway, cables.25.80 26.10 Arg< ntina, < In cks.441 4 44? 4 Argentina, cables.44 2-5 44 2-5 [nd a, rupi . i ? el i . .35.60 35 2-3 India, rupees, cables.. .35.75 35% India, rupees, cables, Reserve Hank rute 35.73 35.73 "Nominal. Below is given the current exchange value of foreign money in dollars ami cents, together with the intrinsic gold parity, as calculated by tho United States Mint; ? urrent exchange Intrinsic value. value. rounds, sterling, .$4.58 Francs . 0.16 0.19.3 ders . 0.40!^ 0.40.2 Lire, ( heck-. 0.13.5 0.19.3 Crowns (Denmark) ... 0.25.80 0.26.8 Crowns (Sweden) _ 0.27.95 0.26.8 Gold Eagles for Acceptances $2,000,000 Deposited for In? vestment Here The Guaranty Trust Company yester? day transferred $2,000,000 in American gold eagles from it:; vaults to tin United Sub-Treasury for tho account of the Nodi rlandscho Hank of Amsterdam, Holland. The funds re? ceived in exchange for the gold will be used by the Dutch hank in the pur? chase of banker-' acceptances as .an investment in this market. The gold turner! in at the Sub-Treas ui j had le en held in the vaults of the Guaranty Trust Company for the ac of the Amsterdam Hank since early in the war Vict ory Loan Sure lo Succeed, Bankern Assni Tem?a Fixed liv Ser. <?Ihhs J Warmly Approved (il Financia] District; Believe ?lot h Issues Will Go Over Bunkern porcolverl In the terms of the Victory Liberty l,..un, as an notmced by Secretary Glass, featuros that would carry tho ili'th great popu lar llnnnclal efforl of tho war easily to success. Mori Interviewed In tho financial district yesterday Indicated that the character of the notos was a surprise to thorn. In common with other folk the bankers believed that the goal of the next loan was to be $6,000,000,000, the same as in tho fourth loan. By lim? iting the amount sought to $4,500,000, 000 the Treasury will place a much less strain on the iitvestmcnt market, it was said. Tho plan of making the 4% note convertible into a :? ,'i-.r> tax exempt note was generally compli? mented, "Excellent," Mitchell Says Charles E. Mitchell, president of the National City ' ompany, praised the decisions of the Secretary of the Treasury. "I think that Mr. Class has made excellent decisions," he said, "both in regard to tho amount and the rates. The rates on the two issues are such that they should prove par ticularly attractive to all classes of investors. It is difficult to say which of the two issues will produce the greater subscriptions, but I think both will be big " Jam.-. N Wallace, president of the Central Union Trust Company, said: "The terms of the Victory Liberty Loan, which arc very favorable indeed, should insure its success." Thorough Investigation Made J, S, Alexander, presiden! of" the National Hank of Commerce, said: ? flic Si cri ta r.1- of I he Treasury, in t lie exercise of tho discretion vested in him by the Congress, lias fixed terms of the Victory Liberty Loan which should prove satisfactory to all con? cerned, lie has, over a period of many weeks, sought the \ lew s of * hcughl C i ! and . \?"'' ienci d men in i very section ol the count ry, and has given en n ful d. ral ?on to the ?nnurm ral ? gi si ions made !.. him. "The terms as announced represent a sound judgment based on n com? plete understanding bf the many and varied conditions which required con idei :.. .un.'' Walter !?'. Frey;, president of the Corn !'-.. ange Bai !-. sai 1 : "The terms ol nre such as will appeal t.. all classes of investors, large and small. The amount, the rato and the ?ntcrchanj lability of the con? version privilege, to say nothing of the character of the security itself makes ?: - loan, ( -' in; mind, one of t he most. ideal invest ment .--. r i ff. red to Lin public. "From a purely investment stand? point, to those liable to pay the normal income tax, the \% m les are equiva? lent to the ind?vidual of a '< per cenl i nvcsl ment and t o coi pora i paying 10 per cent normal ti -?. I hej nre i [ii . alei to ? :: investment . elding 5 per cent. I he off. ring mowt :)' : ract '. \ a and I l.( I icvo t he pub! ic will so cons ?der i'." F. le ?artow, vice-president of the ! . ' ; Nat ?ona 1 Hank, said : "Til ore : ? little question bul ?^fiat tho Victory Conn will bo a success owing to tho ? : off i ring, - atl rn " i ve ral e and the shorl maturity. Tho terms of 1 h V?ctor; : sin havi . 'ady reflected Strength in prices for out tanding Lib? erty bonds. " Alexander J. Ilemphill, chairman of the board of directors of the Guaranty I" ru - :. ! lorn pany, said : "I am very agreeably surprised in the terms of the Victory Liberty 1 oan, which appear to be more favorable than we had been led to expect."' Mort imer ? . Seh i(T said : "TI " ?i-vn: - of the Victoi y loan are ' ii' :. '? complete mece ? of tho offering. No one need hesitate to ?nvi ' to the limit in tho new notes, and I look for a great popular r<> : pense.'' Why the Marine Deal Fell Through WASHINGTON, April 14.?Withdraw? al by the United States government of its offer for the purchasi of the Ameri? can-owned interest in British tonnage hold t?y the Diternational Mercantile Marine and which a British syndicate previously desired to buy was .] 14,. to conditions surrounding tho company's contracts with the British government, ii was 1. arm .1 to-day that Great Britain had tho right to requisition the fleet at any tuno, and this govern? ment did not wish to acquire property with the eon! r..] virtually resting else? where. There was also said t.. bo some doubt as to tho legality of the Ship ping Board acquiring stock, although there is no doubt of its authority to buy or build ship . Significant Relations "Ioncv and Prices? A y-nr Stock of money gold in the ?-?nntry.. $3,034,213,002 $3,041,643,270 r ,. ., , i. i r)"r ?!:' ,r,ln preced?as rear. Loan? of all national tonlis. $9,918,294,000 $9,390,836,000 Their surplus reserves. 69,406,000 105,977,000 Billa discounted and bought by Few? >, k a year era! Reserve Banks. $2,186,514,000 ? 1.031,664.000 Federal Reserve notes 'n circul?t!?? 2.548.588.000 1,499,377,000 Total goM retire ., 2,142.880,000 2.142,080,000 Average price ni fifty stock?. Veaterday. Provloua rio??. A jrar a;;o. ,"" 83.63 83.24 73 82 Average price of twenty-live bonds.. g6x1 g ? i-ood cost of living (Annalist indeK , ?,. .,?,.,, i-H In number) .311.804 305.551 288.881 General commodity price level (Dun's AfBr i i i, i iUr i m. Index number) . 217.037 220.050 227.977 Production: ?nr ,, , A w Unfilled U. S. steel orders, tons.5,430,572 6.010,787 9,056,404 Mar 31 1'.:. 2fl A year n?o Pig iron output (dally average), tona 99,685 105,006 103,648 lais ?I?M, r iimuted. The lOli crop Wheat crop, bushels. 917,449,000 636,653,000 Oat crop, bushels. 1,538,350,000 1,592,740,000 Corn crop, bushels-. 2,582.814,000 3.065.233,000 Cotton, 500 lb. bales ... 12.022,601 11,302,375 r??? Iricrea?? or dmrrrum from yr/ir befara ,-All Claai 1 road?-..., Distribution! Fourth week Month of Jan I to ? ?? , , in .Mhp-Ii rVbruary. l-i, a? Gross railroad earnings.., J2.9% 21.3? '30.2"' ImJ m I fl .? before' Y.-?r to/'la " Bank elenrings., (-21.1% | 15.7'', | 17.1% (?encrai j rebruar? January a year a ... Active colt,m spindle?. 33,282,593 33.856.472 33,592,222 Commercial lailures (Dun's) Mardi February A year ago Number . 629 602 1,142 " Liabilities .$13,595.471 $11,489,183 $17,672,331 fiuilritng permits (Hradstreet's) : faDruary. Win Pabruwj mi (128 titles) .$29.890,942 ? $25,518.111 Receiver Cuts Iiitei'.M>ro-Coii. Expense Bill Only Ihrer Oi?icrr-M on Corporation's I* a y r o I I Now; Shontf I.OH?I1K Sal? ary of $250 a Month Scaling down the running expense? of tho bankrupi Interborough Consoli? dated Corporation, tho holding com? pany of the Intorborough Rapid Tran? sit Company, Binco the appointment of a receiver has resulted in the clipping 0 If of a $250 a month salary paid to Theodore 1'. Shonts, it whs announced yesterday. Before the receivership the office ex ponses of the company, etc., were $41, 434 a month, but they have been since reduced to $3,721. Under the present control of the company there are only three paid officers, Horace H. Fisher, secretary; John IL Campbell, treas? urer, and E. F, J, Gaynor, auditor, each 01 v. hum receive,; $31.25 a month. Appraisal Impossible James R. Sheffield, receiver for the Interborough Consolidated, filed yes? terday his report in tho United States District Cofirt covering the results of his examination into the assets ana liabilities of the bankrupt corporation. lie stated in his report that the assets for the most part are unknown as to value, ni nee many of the securities listed as assets are made up of stocks and bonds which are impossible of ap? praisal at this time. Tho report, shows that the Interbor ough Consolidated has deposits amount in;: to $544,96*! in hanks, unliquidated claims of $124,029, and bills and notes and securities receivable amounting to ? i.30i 000. Total liabilities are given at $09,685,264 by the receiver, of which $67,825,600 consists of bonds issued to the Empire Trust Company, as succes? sor trustee to the Windsor Trust Com? pany, which are secured by $33.91 Li,000 stocV of the Interborough "Rapid Tran ?' H Company, fhe reporl shows in the liability statement four items that have prior? ity claims against the company total! inK $571,381, The first consists of ; : ' owed to unknown holders of In tcrborough-Metropolitan A1/? percent collateral Must bonds, the debts being ? ' claims matured up to October 1918, amounting to $432,112.50 in the aggregate. In addition there is $57,330 owing on preferred stock of the Inter borough-Metropolitan, $47,751 due in taxes to the Federal govern nient, and $40,181 due New York State in taxes. Principal Bondholders Among the principal holders of the Interborough-Metropolitan 4Va per cent, bonds are Spencer Trask & Co $264,000; Lou ? Elkins Sinkler, $100,000'' ' ?rnelius \ anderbilt,, $870,000 ' and $100,000; August Belmont, $1,928,000" dent and Fellows 0f Harvard $200,000; b\ W. Savin & the account of Mary ?100.000; It. S. Wilson account of Mrs. Grace C $00,000. and the same iny for Richard T. Wilson ? 10.000. Other holders are the First National Bank, the Equitable Life As? surance Society, Chase National Hank and J. P. Morgan & Co. In tho asset, column there is listed persona! property consisting of de "and notes of the Metropolitan Secu? rities Company in favor of the Inter i ' i Met ropolitan for nearlv $5 - 000,000. Listed as collateral are share's stated ?"? ; having no value, of the ',!' ' ' : " ?tan -'' root Raihvaj - ( lonmnny '? ib c! arios, now nan of Mu Vork Railways, and of the Third and Second Avenue lines. Also listed are '?? mand note i to the extent of $1 - 300,000 of the Rapid Tear sil Subway Construction Company. A loan at ?% P' ?'' cent made to the Interborough Rapid Transit Company evidenced by a vouchei for $500,000 falls due March !'.). 1920. 1 niversity, Co., for !?'. Jacob . & Co.. for Va nderbilt, Market Opinion Good Buying of "Loco" "There has been quiet but very good buying of American Locomotive shares m the market recently," say Marko,:. "organ & o "the accumulation in this stock being for the account of prominent banking ?ntorests, who are m clos ? touch with fairs." trie company's af C( No Danger of Tjght Money n the opimo,, of Chandler Bros & no long period of tight money can ' ;??:><' ?'! present, after such an enormous inflation of world .-redit has been Coated, as now exists. They point out hat conservative attention should be '?ll"i'1 already to the ver- important stock marke, advance in man^direc? tions, although it must be acknowledged tnerc are no serious danger signals perceptible as yet. "Soup"?Investment Machine capital stock. This is $3.17 a share in ... ,..."V"""1 'oquirements. the Southern Pacific Company is tho largest .ilg]?J..a,nd owner in the United States, >-e.;s of dividend requirements. The ic Com tier in total holdings comprising 10 978 000 acre .' Cnvolntile, but Attractive "While Westinghouse Electric does not move with tho same velocity ? s;>me of the other specialties in the stock market," T. L. Watson & Co '?'''? 'I has behind It material value' :":'! Pays good dividends on tho monev invested. !. takes care of itself even with money at G per cent." Laundry Work? 1'he O.l.l Lot Review has this bit. of i comment to offer: "There ?a no room1 [or doubt as to the character of the ?''?'?sent, market. The public is in the market hook, line and ?.inker; there is no doubt about that. Down in Wail Streot the laundry w. workVng merrily away, hut it is outside buving which is doing the business." Corporate Returns Steel Company (,r Canada Annual re. nor ror 1918 shows profil att?r wttr <J?s of $i.,..:.v i:ai. comparec? with J,; ' '?"'?" for the preceding yeftr. Surplus ' '"? ,?' ' wns equivalent, after '"' rtcduotlon of ?4M.7U in Droforr?rt i .500.000 common ato, It. Thl? compares Al"> ?32.0C i, ?luir., in mi? (Jomm,?n llvldon-l? aggregated $880 000 "!"'""" ?entrai Coal anil Coke Company?aros? uriiiiH for the year eiei?,i December -ii "ho.r'fo^Vi,6.88'!"; ?,r f"?.?B4 larg.r than linn? for til? yr>nr boforo. ICximnm?,.. |?. ereit, eto.. amounted to ?210.(184. le?vlnu eit earnliiKS of ?1,1116,568. ' ns LONDON JOINT C?TY AND MIDLAND BANK LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 5, THREADNEEDLE ST., LONDON, E.C. 2. Subscribed Capital - ? . ? ? . m ?.$172 144 000 Uncalled Capital -----... 136,281,000 Pasd-Up Capital and Reserve Fund - 71 726 000 Deposits ... - """"- - -$1,674,492,000 Cash in hand and at Bank of England - 318 780 000 Money at Call and at Short Notice -.-???. 329 045 000 Investments. 308?o03,000 Bills of Exchange *. 196,246,000 Advances on Current and other Accounts ? 496 068 000 Advances on War Loans - - - - . - . 71 091 000 Overseas Branch : 65 & 66, Old Broad Street, EX. 2. Sir EDWARD H. HOLDEN, Bart., Chairman St. Louis Transit Company 5% Twenty Year improvement Bonds A Receiver for the United Railways Company of St. Louis has been appointed. Immediate deposit of the above described Bonds is therefore of paramount importance. Cooperation upon the part of all holders will greatly contribute toward a successful settlement. Deposit may be made on or before May 10, 1919. Committee: EDWIN M. BULKLEY, Chairman. ' EDWARDS WHITAKER, Vice-Chairman F. J. L1SMAN, CHARLES S. LUDLAM, GEORGE L. EDWARDS. Counsel: MASTEN & NICHOLS, New York. SAMUEL A. MITCHELL, St. Louis. Secretary: W. LORNE SCOVIL, 25 Broad Street, New York. J.O?GC,Jr.&Co. Buy & Sel American Chicle Common American Cigar Common Auto Sales Corp. Ameriran Piano Com. & Pfd. Battery Park Nat'l Bank Stock Childs Restaurant Com. & Ptd. Continental Insurance Famous Players-Lasky Franklin Fire Insurance Farmers Loan & Trust Stock Fidelity Ph?nix Insurance Great American Insurance Home Insurance Metropolitan Trust Stock Mechanics & Metals Bank Stock Midland Securities N. Y. Life Insurance & Trust Stock N. Y. Title & Mortgage Stock Niles-Bement-Pond Porto Rican-Amer. Tobacco Remington Typewriter Stocks Royal Baking Pow. Com. & Pfd. Singer Manufacturing Sun Oil Texas Pacific Coal & Oil Title Guaranty & Trust Stock PI,..nos 1000 to 4110 John. Banks to Advance ?30,000,000 to Meet Railroads' Needs Will Provide Half of Funds for May I Requirements. Balance To Be Met by War Finance Corporation Bankers arc prepared to take care of approximately half the May I re? quirements of the railr..ails, which have been officially estimated at about $100,000,000, not including the $36, 000,000 for additions and betterments which the railroad administration will furnish. The War Finance Corpora? tion will advance funds for the re? maining $00,000,000 needed by the end of the month. In making loans to the carriers so that there will bo no default on ap? proaching maturities or interest and dividend disbursements, bankers said yesterday that they would be following! tho policy established in regard to the April 1 obligations. At that time the total was place! by Direct? r General Hines at $77,000,000, and about $34, 000,000 was handled through bankers direct, while tho War Finance Cor? poration loaned on the i. o. a.'s iss led by the railroad administrtaion. Plans of the government, the rail? roads and bankers, provide for an ex? tension of the May 1 maturities the principal of which falls due then. Those are estimated at $12,077,865. The largest maturity is an issue of $5,250,000 general mortgage 5 per cent bonds of tho South Carolina & Georgia Railroad, a subsidiary of tho .Southern Railway. The bulk of tho maturities aro equipment trust issues. -m Wilson & Co. Declare Dividend on Common Directors of Wilson & Co. yesterday declared an initial quarterly dividen,! of VA per cant on the $20,000,000 mon stock, placing it on an annual G pi r cent basis. In announcing the inauguration of dividends by the com? pany Thomas E, Wilson, pr?sident, stated that a larger distribution was warranted by the earnings, but the di? rectors deemed it advisable to adopt a conservativo policy. ,., Petroleum We have in preparation a letter discussing- the prospects and possi? bilities of this Company which we will send on request for Circular No. H-45. Hartshorne, Fates & Co. Members N. Y. Stock Exchange : l BROADWAY TEX. 7G10 BOWITNO GRETCN Salt Creek Producers' Ass'n Bought and Sold ihr above company represents a consolidation of virtually all the ading oil producers of the great Salt Creek field of Wyoming. Circular on request. Wm. G. Gallagher 15 Broad Street New York Telephone ifanoier 7707. CENTRAL UNION TRUST CO. .if >i."\v York 80 Broadway BRANCHES Sth Avenu? at 60th Str?:. Midlio* Aver - at ?2nd 8tr?*l 5th Awnue at S8th Street lapltal Surplus and I'ndirlded rriilll? $30,000,00?. Rom ick indorsed for President of Exchange Reeonimended to Sneeeed H. G. S. Noble, Who Is to Re? tire May 12 II. G. S. Noble -will retire as presi dent of the Stork Exchange at the annual meeting on May 12, after having served for the last five years. Acting on the wish of Mr. Nobie not to serve another term, the nominating commit? tee has prepared a new ticket, which recommends William II. Remick, of Remick, Hodges & Co., to succeed to tho presidency. Mr. Remick now is a governor of tho exchange and also chairman of the committee on commis? se lin full ticket of the nominating , in addition to the new can? for president, includes Warrant B. Nash for treasurer; for trustoes of the gratuity fund, Henry K. Tomroy and Charles M. Neweombe; for mem? bers of tho governing committee, to servo your years. Hamilton F. Benja J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co? Phones 40*1 to 4010 John. S* Wall PU. X. T. JEWEL TEA S-prcial lettrr on r*<n?e*t. N M. Goldtert Milton t^'-m Member? Con?. Stock Evcfcuii? of K. T T4 BROADWAY. H. Y. Phase Rector4251-7. n Liberal Interest on daily balances. Metropolitan Trust Company of the. City of New Vork Oil Wall Street. *l? Fifth Avena*?. min, S. I* Cromwell. Jerome J. Pamsif. Bayard Dominick. H. G. S. Noble, Ar? thur J. Rosenthal, Newton E. Stotrt, Arthu? Turnball, Richard Whitney ?"* Willi* XX. Wood.